Happy New Year, Girlfriends! 🎉Well, off we go to a really amazing House of Creativity that you’ve never seen before, the tour of the Holy Nativity Convent I’ve been promising you . . . but first, I’ll say Good Morning, then MUSICA . . . and then a few words about Christmas past!goodmorningimg_7801

Jack says hello. We had a lovely Christmas, still kind of celebrating around here . . .


Although the house is getting back together . . . I mean, boxes of wrapping paper are put away anyway!img_7829

But my kitchen cupboards are still decorated . . . I hang ornaments on the knobs, and if there’s a bit of pretty wrapping with perhaps a bell, that goes up too.


No little outcropping is safe from my passion for decorating. This tree, star and bell? We found it in England and a Christmas Fair.💛


I have to show you the gift I received from Kellee, Sheri, and Alfredo at my Studio in California. I put this photo on Twitter, but not everyone goes there and I knew you would want to see it. Personally, I’m totally WILD about it. Cutest little purse in the world.

img_7800Early morning beauty, the ribbon went on my head, the purse went to my kitchen cabinets where I marvel over it every day. Kate Spade is what the label says. I can’t wait to go on the boat again, and just quietly put it on the table during dinner. So darling!


We put our tree on the living room table this year . . . our coming home and unpacking from England ran right up against bringing everything down from the attic for Christmas! So we kept it simple and did not move the table out of the room.  from E.

My friend Elizabeth sent me the perfect kitty tree decoration, a mirror image of Jack-Jack-Bo-Back complete with mustache.martha's dining room

We were guests at Martha and Gerry’s house (across the street) for Christmas Eve ~  Didn’t Martha do a beautiful job decorating the dining room? (If you remember the dog Iris who used to come visit us, she belonged to Martha and Gerry.)

wildwood martha's cheesecake 2016

This is Martha’s black cherry cheesecake!!! I don’t think I need to say a thing. Wow.


On Christmas Day we went to our friends Bob and Peggy’s and this was their beautiful dinner table. We had a secret Santa gift exchange next to their sparkly tree after dinner that was so touching, small, thoughtful and real, the exact spirit of Christmas I was hoping for this year. I love Secret Santas! So simple, but special, and not over the top, shopping-wise.


Speaking of the spirit of Christmas, remember this lovely votive candle I showed you a few posts back? I mentioned that it was a gift from the Sisters of the Holy Nativity Convent, and that we were going to visit them, and that I would do a post about it? Well, it’s time!


And here they are . . . this was the day we met in 2014.  Let me introduce them, from the left is Mother Pelagia, Mother Xeni, Mother Seraphima, and Mother Martha. And those smiles you see? They never went away. I was there doing a book signing for my book A Fine Romance at the wonderful Best of British (imports from the UK and Ireland) in Newburyport, Massachusetts. I was signing along, when I looked up and was surprised to see there were four nuns in line. This never happened! No nuns had ever come to my book signings before. “What?” I thought, “Nuns? How interesting.” And they were! You hardly ever see nuns anymore, at least in this country, most wear regular clothes now, so they sort of blend in with the rest of us, but it wasn’t always that way. One look and I realized, I missed seeing them! img_6494-700x519

Look at that face! These girls were so sweet, so happy and filled with joy and such Anglophiles, crazy about all things England which is why they’d come to the signing. I fell in love with their loving manner immediately.  We took pictures together, recognizing that we were kindred spirits, and they said…birdandsign


And so we did! We went off-Island a couple of weeks ago, to Christmas lunch with our good friends Bruce and Gayle (they’re the ones we stop and visit at the water’s edge when we’re on our walk in the summer). In the winter, Bruce and Gayle live near Boston, so we asked if they wanted to come along, and they said, “To a convent? 👀 Okay!” Because how often do you get invited to a convent? Gotta do it!!! Could be the MOST wonderful thing in the world! So here we are, in front of the convent, just about to go in.


And there they were, waiting for us! There are 17 Sisters living at the Holy Nativity Convent. Our original four friends were there, smiles still totally intact, and as we toured the house, we were introduced to many more people. Mother Seraphima has stayed in touch with me ever since we first met. The convent has gifted us with delicious homemade bread made by Mother Effie, and it was SO good that I asked for the recipe.  Mother Effie generously sent it to me so I could share it with everyone on the Blog, because it was WONDERFUL ~ and they sent their convent-made beeswax candles, and they prayed for my dad, and Mother Seraphima tells me she prays for me all the time (she knows I need all the help I can get), which I love, because I think their prayers go straight to heaven. So here we were, not having any idea of what this would be like except I hoped to be inspired with the spirit of Christmas. I thought, for Joe and I, lunch with best friends, and a visit to Mother Seraphima and the Sisters, would be our Christmas gift to each other.memories


On the wall inside the convent, a cross-stitched truth of life.


And of course, with hearts like theirs, they are kitty people. They have three beautiful cats living with them in the house . . . I should have written more things down, including the names of their kitties!


I don’t know what I expected a convent to look like, but I learned, it looks a lot like home!img_7425

The brick house was built in Brookline in the 1930s, rooms have been added, but the original charm is still there. This is the window over the kitchen sink which can be opened in the summer to birds singing in the garden. They feed 17 people breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, so their kitchen is very seriously outfitted with blenders and food processors and a huge old restaurant stove.domesticityimg_7423

And, including, of course, a favorite cup collection . . . just like home!


There were charming knobs on the cupboard doors . . .


. . . enough knives for everyone to help, and well-worn wooden spoons.


And travel souvenirs on the wall.


We had a wonderful tour . . . here’s Joe looking at the calendar on their wall . . . we thought we recognized it from somewhere . . .img_7434

Oh yeah! I’ve seen that before! And they’ve marked off who’s in charge of cooking for each day . . .


I liked the cloak room. Each peg is marked with a name . . . for rather obvious reasons!


They had their Advent Calendar up and going! In their Home Sweet Home.


This was the front room of the house, or parlor.  In the corner on the right, is their “shop.” We went through that back door into their lovely candle-lit chapel . . . Stayimg_7376

And met another gorgeous kitty along the way. They have two like this one, a breed called Rag Doll ~ because these kitties have a tendency to go limp and relax when they are picked up. Is that not the perfect cat? I think so! Jack wouldn’t know limp from a hole in his head!TheSweetLifeimg_7386

They go limp until they get sick of you, and then, the relaxing stops, and they go!  Just like home! You can see Mother Pelagia’s prayer bracelets, which I asked about . . . they make them from wool and colored beads.


The reason this post is called The House of Creativity, is because that’s what this convent is. The Sisters support themselves through their industriousness, they make and sell their handmade things, the whole house is a hive of activity. I think that’s one reason they are so happy. It’s amazing, what goes on there. img_7396

Feed Your Creative HeartJust like my own paint blotters at home!


They paint the religious paintings you see all over the house, and also huge murals are painted in this room. The walls behind us were covered with canvas on which they were painting murals.img_7405

Joe is facing two of the wall murals in this photo, one low down on the wall and the other higher up, mostly penciled in as they were just starting them . . . they enjoy good light for their art from the tall windows.


They paint the murals in-house and then move them and install them where they are wanted.


This is an example (from a photo) of their murals on the wall of a church.

img_7502And here’s a little bit of it in their dining room . . . I love what they do with gold leaf!heartimg_7473

They have a laser machine and they make greeting cards  . . .


and bookmarks . . .


and plaques . . .


They do beautiful trim for their own windows . . .


Mother Seraphima’s uncle left them the money for their woodworking shop in his will . . . his forever gift.Simply The Best


The woodworking shop is where they make wonderful laser-cut clocks, and wooden boxes, pendants, and beautiful delicate crosses with olive wood imported from the Holy Land. Mother Seraphima gave me a small, lacy wooden cross in honor of my dad.💞


Here’s their well-organized tool shop! Every time we turned a corner we would see something new and amazing. I think I thought nuns just prayed all day. But there was real life going on in here! img_7490

Joe is holding one of the sand-carved tea lights, like the one Mother Seraphima gave us.


They etched the glass in their windows themselves and made the casings . . .


This is where jealousy began to take over, but I was in the perfect place for asking forgiveness. That is a paper cutter like nothing I’ve ever seen. Because yes, they also bind books!  And paint the edges of the pages . . . img_7448

This is another room, doesn’t every house have one of these? Because they make beeswax candles here. Because of this, the whole house is lightly scented with honey. 💟img_7450

We were shown how the candles were made. I don’t know how they learned to do all of this, but I would imagine it happened one day at a make it look so easyimg_7463

These candles, I can tell you from experience, are slow burning and smell beautiful . . .

img_7455They sell them in their webstore shockingly inexpensively . . .


In all sizes and shapes . . .


You can buy them HERE, along with prayer-bead bracelets, sand-carved tea lights, and all the other wonderful things made in this House of Creativity; pure Inspiration, Inspiritus, the breath of God.


This is the sewing room where they make things for churches . . .


. . . like cassocks and vestments and other church items . . .

There is beautiful religious art on every wall in the house . . . on a much, MUCH smaller level, it reminded me a little bit of Westminster Abbey in London, so many things, so much interesting calligraphy, and everything handmade.


Like this . . .


Which they do for their own enjoyment . . .and to honor their deep faith.


They also make things with Mother of Pearl, I’m not sure if they made this, but it was so special I had to take a picture.


And here is where they dye wool which they sell and spin themselves . . .


Some of the dye colors . . .


Coloring the wool . . .


Color-match samples on rings in the dyeing room.


And a little spinning going on . . .HomeSweetHome Susan Branch


There were drawerfuls like this one of dyed wool in all colors. . . the convent does not solicit funds, they don’t wait around expecting to be supported, they work for a living . . .


If I was a nun, I would want to be the embroiderer! Baby’s bibs, jean pockets, and pillowcases!


Their doll collection on a shelf in the yarn room . . .


And cat bed nearby, just like home!
img_7349This is their third kitty, a rag doll also, but this shy kitty does not go limp when there are strange humans around.  It goes the opposite of limp and gets out of the room as quickly as possible. Got a good photo of her little nose though.domestic bliss


They also make beautiful mosaics . . . this one is only about half done . . .


We were shown how they break up the glass to make the right sized pieces . . .


And the tools they use to do it . . . we just shook our heads in amazement.


Mother Xeni thinks I should write a book about our trip to Scotland! I told you, they are ANGLOPHILES!!! Mas Musica, for the Sisters and for us . . .💞


In their cupboard, vintage dishes and tea things, and their collection of Beatrix Potter coins from the Royal Mint in England. My kind of girls!


When they added their library onto the Holy Nativity Convent, they knew they wanted a room big enough for all of them to sit in front of a fire on snowy days and read, or make things, or drink tea or pet the kitties, so they built this!  The most comfy room imaginable, and all dressed for Christmas. So homey on that cold blustery day!headerwildwood

There is no doubt in my mind that these Sisters dreamed this all up and made it happen for themselves. The nurturing life they wanted to live ~ so special, creative, and original, it just had to happen that way. I’m standing at the fireplace looking back into the library where everyone was gathering.img_7543

Emma Bridgewater tea things, of course, what else for a house filed with Anglophiles! They presented us with an . . .afternoon tea


And beautifully done . . .


With lots of yummy things to eat, including homemade bread, and real English Lemon Curd…img_7528

Gayle was thinking, just like me, how did we get so lucky?  Because this was just the taste of Christmas spirit we’d hoped for. Almost a real-life Santa’s Village, filled with charming, indefatigable elves.img_7567Laughing, talking about books and England, and about their once-a-year trip to the Holy Land . . . having a wonderful time.homesweetnessimg_7841

Mother Seraphima gave me this thimble with the image of Beatrix Potter on it . . . I just love it.lucky


It has these words on the back . . . now it sits with my Beatrix Potter people on the kitchen shelf over my sink . . . SO lucky. ❤️


They fed us so well! Bruce finally had to give up!


We had to get a picture together . . . look at darling Mother Pelagia and Mother Xeni at the bottom. Sisters! Full of light and joy.HomeForChristmas


It was getting late, there was a storm brewing, lots of wind, it was time to go, and they all came out on the front porch  to say goodbye…


It was a wonderful afternoon. It won’t be the last. We’ll go back someday.True beautyGratitudeT H A N K    Y O U   D E A R   S I S T E R S. 💖


And that wasn’t all! They sent us home with a bag filled with wonderful things to put under our tree, one of which was a music box, a wooden creche with a star on top that you can turn to hear Silent Night!  img_7630

And this candle lights us into the New Year.  We’re going two doors over to my girlfriend Lowely’s house for dinner tonight. We’re in charge of the salad which I need to get busy with now!  Hopefully later tonight, by the time the ball drops in New York, we will be tucked in our beds, visions of sugar plums still dancing in our heads with prayers for a peaceful loving 2017.💖

Happy New Year

My first project in the New Year will be to finish the 2018 calendars (they are due the end of February, and will go on sale sometime in July, believe it or not! I started painting them Heart of the Homein 2016, FOR 2018, which is more confusing than you might imagine!) We’re getting a reprint done for AUTUMN and A FINE ROMANCE . . . And then, as reward for all our hard work, Joe and I are taking the train to California for my mom’s 87th birthday at the end of February. We’ll be out there for about a month, that way we can go back and visit Mom three times, in-between other visits. I’m also planning a book signing in San Luis Obispo at the Apple Farm sometime between the 12 and the 25th of March, just in cases you are in the area, I would love to see you! I’ll let you know the date as soon as it’s set in stone. It will be the only signing … too short a time for a book tour! We need to be back home early April, for lots of spring cleanup around this place and a garden that is calling my name! Might have to write a new book too! I’ve been thinking about it. Lots of fun surprises in the New Year.grand-essentialsHope you enjoyed our trip to the convent! You never know what you will find on this blog (and interestingly, I never know either! 🤗) But I’ve heard that lots of you have the smell of Spicy Short Ribs wafting through your houses today, so life is good! 🍾 Happy New Year to you all. ❤️I’ll see you next year! ❌⭕️

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  1. Peggy says:

    Inspiring post Susan, What a beehive of activity from these women!
    Happy new year to you and Joe and Jack and all our FOSB from Peggy and Sparky in Madison!!

  2. Linda Miller says:

    What a befitting tribute to 2016…..and a wonderful way to ring in 2017! I found your
    visit to the convent so inspiring….the true essence of Christmas spirit. Thank you for
    a lovely tour and visit with such creative and loving spirits. Blessings to you in 2017,

  3. Barb says:

    Thank you so much for the post. A delightful way for me to end the year. Definitely a high note. Happy New Year to you and Joe and the Kitties.

  4. Candy Abel says:

    Susan, your house is just beautiful. What comfort is found there…cozy, warm, inviting. Much like mine.
    The convent is very special too. Is it any wonder that the nuns are smiling all the time? They have it all and they know it! They are living life on their terms and are making a huge success of it. Just goes to prove how little one needs to live a rich life. And, the talent…I am beyond words.

    Happy, happy New Year to you and to Joe!

  5. Linda Hill says:

    No wonder those nuns had such beautiful, happy faces. After seeing the way they get to live their lives each day it would be enough to put a smile on any woman’s face! They are truly talented and I am glad to see they are able to use their talent to serve the Lord.
    I went to their website but was disappointed to see there were no rosaries for sale. But their other items were lovely.
    Happy New Year to you and yours ! Linda from Idaho were we have lots of snow and it is cold cold cold.

  6. Stacey says:

    Wow, this was such a facinating look into the modern day lives of these Nuns! It’s so incredibly cool and inspiring how creative and entrepreneurial these ladies are…who would have thought all of this was going on in the convent?!? Loved that they are Anglophiles too and seem to have quite an Emma Bridgewater collection too! Thank you for sharing your tour ❤ PS- that purse is just too cute!

  7. Nina says:

    What a blessing it was to read your blog tonight. The warmth of God’s love seem to shine right through your beautiful friends and into my computer screen. Thank you for the best Christmas gift that I received this year. Hope. Love, Nina

  8. Laurel says:

    Reading this post at the end of 2016 was a perfect ending to an at times disturbing year. There is indeed, so much beauty and goodness in this world and we just need to scoop it all up. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post!

    • sbranch says:

      Here’s to a quiet, uneventful, everyday normal kind of 2017! With cockle shells and silver bells and pretty maids all in a row. xoxo

  9. Karen Seward says:

    Happy New Year Susan, Those Nuns are Amazing, so talented!!!…Karen Seward

  10. Beth Doherty says:

    Oh Susan! This was a wonderful blog episode field trip! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I can’t wait to share it with my best friends.
    Happy, happy New Year– and all of it– to you and Joe🎉❤️

  11. Joan says:

    All I can say about this blog is “WOW! A.m.a.z.i.n.g.” the Sisters are really something!!!!

  12. Happy New Year Susan! What a bountiful post! I have enjoyed every word and photograph. What an amazing group of women. And so craftily talented. Right up my alley. I remember seeing the film “The Trouble with Angels” when I was a young teen and wanting to become a nun, but then I learned that you had to be a Catholic and swear off men. That kind of killed the deal for me. (Not the Catholic bit, but the men bit. LOL The Catholic I could have done.) What a lovely life they have woven for themselves though. Thank you so much for taking us with you on your visit! I have enjoyed the pics of your Holiday home and your friend’s holiday dinner settings/CHEESECAKE/ornaments/Jack etc. God bless you for all that you share with us! I wish you all the best in 2017, and also to all of our kindred spirit reader-friends!

    “May your heart be light and happy,
    May your smile be big and wide,
    May your pockets always have
    A coin or two inside!”

  13. Karina says:

    Dear Susan, thank you so very much for this heart-lifting post! I read it all with wide eyes and a smile, marvelling over the love and joy that poured from these ladies’ eyes and smiles. How wonderful it would be to know more about their stories, what led each lady to this life of creativity, faith and giving in this very special house … Thank you once again, and all best wishes for a joyous new year. Much love xx

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, I had so many more questions, but it’s a little difficult to delve into other people’s privacy ~ they had gotten themselves to this place to do what they do which was marvel enough. Love to you Karina!

  14. Kari says:

    This is such a loving and lovely post. Thank you for sharing the glimpse, the details, the tour through the home of the nuns and their creative world that also touched your heart. It is just perfect. Happy, wonderful New Year! Love, Kari

  15. Linda Pintarell says:

    What a special treat for the beginning of the New Year…thank you. It was made more special for me because it brought back a meaningful memory. The cross-stiched embroidery TO LOVE AND BE LOVED sign. I did the exact same one as a young girl. It was big and my beloved dad had doubts that I would finish it so he challenged me saying if I finished it he would frame it…and I did and he did! Hung in our house for so many years but was lost in a fire. BUT such a nice memory brought to the forefront of my mind. Happy New Year to all the girlfriends.

  16. Chris H says:

    What a beautiful and inspiring post. I truly believe that we are made in the image of the Creator……therefore we are to be creative. Many if not most people will say they don’t have a creative bone in their body but that creativity can of course take a multitude of forms, whether fine art, a beautifully baked cake or set table, the written word in its many forms, a mathematical formula, a perfectly ironed blouse……..etc, etc,
    Thank you for sharing the photos and experience of such a gorgeous, magical place that those beautiful nuns have created in their home. don’t their faces just shine!
    Have a wonderful New Year

  17. Cindy Roberg says:

    We just returned from 4 days at the Apple Farm. Please post the date, and i will try to drive up, about 4 -5 hour drive. It is lovely up there. Happy New Year.

  18. Amy says:

    Oh, Susan, you have brought back the peacefulness-and busyness-of visiting my beloved Great-Aunt Margaret (Sister Therese Cecile) at her “retirement convent” when I was a child. You captured the simple love that envelopes you among people who live their lives dedicated to God. This post is a permanent addition to my reading list for times when I need to remember how lovely and simple this life we’re all living really is. Thank you.

  19. Susu S. says:

    There is so much to enjoy in this post: candles, creativity, true Christmas spirit and your joy in sharing it all, just to name a few. My great uncle used to say ‘if you see someone without a smile, give them yours.’ These Sisters obviously have a ‘ministry of smiles’ in addition to all the other wonderful things they do. Sent with thanks, best wishes & prayers (and a smile) for the New Year.

  20. Deb in Wales says:

    xoxo ~~~Happy New Year Susan and Joe and Jack~~~ xoxo

    I am almost at a loss for words ~ I never expected to wake up in 2017 to such an inspirational read ~~~ may this set the tone for the rest of the year, for I think I shall bookmark it so to read it often.

    What amazing ladies! What an amazing convent! I cannot put into words the warm fuzzy glow this has given me ~ it is very hard to read through watery eyes too!

    I miss our nuns. They were CofE and lived in a beautiful Victorian priory on top of a hill for decades, but then moved away some 20 years ago. It is now a boutique hotel where sometimes the Hollywood ‘high and mighty’ come to say {Sir Anthony Hopkins and Russel Crowe to name two} but oh! how I wish the Sisters were there instead. I remember, as a child, they placed the most beautiful Nativity scene of small antique figures on a tiny shelf in Saint Nicholas’ chapel at the cathedral, and again a scene of the Crucifixion at Easter. Never thought to take photographs of it, we didn’t have cameras back then, so it holds a special place in my memories.

    We do have a convent of three RC nuns in a huge, rambling building literally fifty yards from the coast, sitting atop a high cliff, and they have to walk a mile into the village in all weathers. They are lovely, and very welcoming to passers by, but mostly run retreats as it is an ideal location.

    The day is wild and woolly! Another ‘w’ word for my list! I cannot begin to thank you enough for this start to 2017! It will stay in my heart all year long.

    ~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~from wildly wet, windy, wuthering, wonderful, woolly west Wales~~~Deb xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      So many pictures I didn’t take … we thought nothing would ever change! It’s wild and wooly here too, still dark, but the wind is up and it’s raining, can hear it against the windows. Perfect, 5 am, cup of tea, kitty, rain, day one of rest of life. xoxo

      • Deb in Wales says:

        Oh, Susan ~ I don’t know if you have heard or not, but Her Majesty did not attend church again today! The Palace is saying it is all precautionary and nothing to worry about, but I pray it is exactly what they are saying, a heavy cold, and nothing more. The Duke of Edinburgh has fully recovered from his, thankfully.

        • sbranch says:

          No, I hadn’t heard. Oh my, not good, but if there is ANYONE who can overcome, it is the Queen. Full faith! xoxo

  21. Janet Johnson says:

    Well I loved visiting these incredibly eclectically talented, creative and industrious nuns! I wanted to curl up with a book and a mug of creamy tea in front of their beautiful fireplace. What a special day that was for you, Joe and your friends! Such pretty kitties they had, too! I kinda want to go live with them.

    And I am with them – please do a Scotland book! I am of Scottish descent mixed with Irish and I sadly will probably never get to go immerse myself in it in person, and a book by you of your trip would be so wonderful! I’m watching a TV series right now that was set and filmed there – Case Histories, based on books by Kate Atkinson. If you love a good British mystery, read her Jackson Brodie books!

    Happy New Year to you and Joe and the kitties. It really will be all right, I think.

    • sbranch says:

      I kinda wanted to go live with them too! 😃 I had my job all picked out! That fireplace was like out of a fairytale!

  22. Marilyn Gabler says:

    I am an Orthodox Christian and I am very glad to know about this convent. These ladies have many spiritual gifts as well as the gifts they make. Many Blessings to all of them.

  23. Donna Bingham says:

    The Sisters have hygge down to a fine art, and all their beautiful work is a prayer for peace and the greater good. What a perfect gift from you, Susan, to begin the New Year. Thank you so much.. I hope 2017 brings all of us some of this joyful work and comforting peace.

  24. DeLynn Midcalf says:

    Wonderful blog, so insightful, really enjoyed it. Blessed new year to you both and Jack too!

  25. Linda Metcalf says:

    What a tour! And so homey…not what I expected. I’d have the bees wax candle job. I will make that bread….after a trip to KC natural foods shop or some where similar for all the ingredients. No such things here in our small town. 🙂

  26. Ginette Wheeler says:

    First thing I thought to do when I woke to a quiet house of sleeping souls was to read your new blog, a kindred spirit who’s blessed us with immense talent to share so much love and inspiration! My stomach was full of butterflies as I read each word and studied every pictures details, everyone a gift! Before I got up I promised myself I would make this year full of inspiration, art and being true to my souls’ desire, you launched me into the path once again, thank you dear friend and Happy Happy New Year! XOXO

  27. Jan Hutchison says:

    What a wonderful, heartwarming post! The perfect start to the New Year.

  28. Ann Houng says:

    Thank you for your hearty blogging. As always, it warms my heart 🙂

  29. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~Happy New Year!~ Thank you so much for sharing! ~ what a wonderful life those Sisters have!~

  30. Denise in SC says:

    What a lovely day and how generous of the Sisters to open their home to you (and us). I really enjoyed seeing all of the pictures and hearing the details-kinda makes me want to join if I could do art with them. This could serve as recruitment for their Order ! I am off to visit their online shop right now; thanks to you and the nuns.

  31. Janet in Pittsburgh says:

    Thank you so much for such an inspiring post to start the New Year!
    Wishing you, Joe and all the “Girlfriends” a wonderful 2017.

  32. Karen Williams says:

    Happy New Year to you Susan, Joe, the Nuns and all girlfriends everywhere!
    Honey-smelling candles, laser-cut pictures, rag-doll kitties – aw…that library…the work rooms, the homemade bread, cakes….oh but most of all, the joyful and smiling faces!! What a trip and what a year you and Joe have had!
    It’s been a pleasure to meet you and Joe this past year and to join you on your various magical trips…and I’m so looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2017!!!!
    Love and hugs
    Cambridgeshire 🇬🇧

  33. Maria Touet says:

    That was a lovely bit of news and those nuns are amazing! So much talent and joy in them all. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
    Happy & Health New Year!

  34. Susan K. says:

    Amazing Ladies, thanks for sharing their journey of life. You were so meant to meet these amazing Nuns. Thanks again,Susan

  35. Anne says:

    Happy New Year Susan,

    Thank you for taking us to to this beautiful convent; it was such a delight to see how these creative women work to support themselves. It looks like they really enjoy life.

    I made Mrs. McGurgler’s waffles for breakfast and as always they were yummy.
    I am looking forward to making some of the new recipes in Heart of the Home Anniversary Edition. (I got it for Christmas.)

    Today I will be writing all the birthdays and anniversaries for our families on my new calendar. Your artwork this year is so sweet.
    Thank You Again,

  36. Becky in the central mountains of West Virginia says:

    What a heavenly post! Thank you and Happy New Year!

  37. Betsy says:

    Thank you Susan for introducing us to these inspirational nuns. I feel blessed to know about them. Happy New Year. May we be strong for the year ahead. xoxoxo

  38. Rebecca ~~ Riverside, CA says:

    Well, that was just a wonderful post, loved every word and photo.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful and creative 2017. Happy New Year 🎉🎊🍾💙

  39. Chris Wells. Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    I don’t know what I expected a convent to look like either, ( too many movie versions)…but certainly not that charming, creative home! I just could not help thinking that if those ladies lived in the country, they would probably be raising their own sheep for wool and have their own bees! I am convinced they could do it all. Loved, loved their smiling beaming faces!
    Happy New Year! Here’s to health and happiness!

  40. Tana says:

    I was watching a Christmas/romance movie this morning when I opened your blog. I was entranced. Just entranced. The nuns were so wonderful. I missed the end of the movie, but I am sure the girl stayed in the Christmas town and will marry the widower with the sweet daughter. I couldn’t tear my eyes off of this post. Thank you for sharing this visit with us. Their convent is lovely and homey. I would never have guessed. I am heading for their website. I love the beeswax candles. The tea light ones that would fit my emergency backpacks just perfectly. Long burning. Happy New Year to you, Joe and all your family. My life has been much improved by having your calendars, books, tea things, and blog in my home and life. Love you, Tana

  41. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for the post. It was so inspirational. I never thougth about not seeing nuns in their full garments, but you are correct. Too bad. They give you a sense of peace, and caring.
    Thank you. Happy New Year!

  42. Elizabeth says:

    What an amazing group of women! I can understand them doing one or two even three creative things and selling them but sooooo many and so different! How lucky you are to meet and visit such people. Will you (can you) share the bread recipe?
    I have made my first new year resolution, ever. I promise myself from now on to photograph and record the details of each dinner party I give. Looking at the photos of your friends’ tables made me realize that our Christmas Eve table was lovely and just the day before we were wondering what we had served last year. There is a way to aid my faulty memory and you taught me how, thank you!
    Happy New Year to you and Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      I wrote a bit about a dinner party diary that I keep … just for ideas … mine doesn’t have photos in it, but I thought you might like to see it anyway … click HERE.

  43. jenni farnes says:

    i can’t even imagine how glorious this must have been. truly the spirit of christmas in every corner. how loving and generous those sweet nuns are. please don’t forget to give us the bread recipe. my mouth is already watering in anticipation. happy happy new year!

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Jenni, thank you! I put a link to the bread recipe in the post under the photo of the Sisters waiting for us on the porch, where I mentioned Mother Effie, and click on the words written in blue, the recipe is there.

  44. Rene Painter says:

    I so love the library/sitting/reading room with the gorgeous fireplace. Decorated for Christmas, it is the epitomy of what a Christmas room should look like and be IMO 🙂

  45. Kim Wissman says:

    What a wonderful way to begin the New Year! I loved reading this inspirational post! You and the sisters of the Holy Nativity Convent are sending us into 2017 with a truly JOYFUL spirit!

  46. Gale Harris says:

    What a nice note on which to end a year too full of un-nice-ness!
    Thanks so much.

  47. grandma glenda! says:

    Susan, Happy New Year!! This was one of the best blogs. So enjoyed seeing and reading about these wonderful Sisters.. may peace and happiness be with them. Thanks again for sharing!

  48. Terri Major says:

    Wowza!! What a great post. I enjoyed every word. What a place. Talk about heaven on earth. And the photos had such great warm almost sepia toned lighting that just added a depth of cozy happiness that I can’t even describe. I have a confession to make. I bought myself your lastest trilogy of books as a Christmas gift to myself. I know, you are thinking, how self centered is she! But I have loved them all and now this post, it just frosts the cake. You, my friend, are the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you from the bottom of my heart out here in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Terri, and I do NOT think you are self-centered! 😘 Sometimes Santa needs a little help getting just the right gift and who are we to deny him this opportunity! xoxoxo

  49. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    OMG, Susan, this was the best post ever!! As a young girl, I was practically “raised” by the Sisters of Mercy after my mother passed away. They embraced me and included me in whatever they could. I had sewing lessons at the Convent; however, it was not like this one! It was very sacred, empty and hollow, but I loved the Nuns! As a matter of fact, through the years I’ve often wondered if I should have been a Nun (lol). Thank you so much for sharing this tour! It’s believable and I have to go back and peruse!

  50. Laurel in VA says:

    What a perfect post for the end of 2016 & the beginning of 2017. Thank you for “bringing” us along on your adventure. Those nuns just exude joy! Wishing you blessings of peace and happiness in the new year Susan.

  51. Mary McCatherine says:

    Happy New Year to you and Joe! I love the blog and the visit to the convent…thank you! Wishing you the best in 2017!

  52. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for the lovely tour. Their home is true inspiration. And I cannot thank you enough for doing a reprint of Autumn. I’m adding it to my collection as soon as it’s out. Wishing you all the best in 2017.

  53. AngieTink says:

    Happy New Year Sweet~Sue & Joe & Jack!!! A Truly Glorious New Blog~Post!!! Oh How I Love 🙂 The~Nuns & Their Convent & All The Magic That These Sisters Create!!! Heavenly~Gifts! 🙂 Herbster & Me… Our New~Years~Eve Was Filled With Dancing~Love~&~Lots~Of~Laughter & Our~Christmas Was Beyond~Magical Yay! & Ho~Ho~Ho Guess What? My Birthday Is Tuesday…January 3rd…. 58 Years~Young I Shall Be… OMG!!! 🙂 & I Feel 21 😉 xoxo #2017 Pixie~Dust For You Sweetest Sue & To All Us~Girlfriends Blessings & Love & Joy For All! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I feel 21 too Angie, the good news is, that never goes away! Happy Birthday to you sweetheart, I hope it’s a FABULOUS, magical, pixie-dust-filled day! 💫💃✨👑💫🦄✨🌀✨💝 XOXO

      • Carilyn Wolski says:

        Hello Angie Tink! Happy Birthday fellow Capricorn!!!!!! (Me too….I just turned 58 yesterday!!! ) Whenever I read your magical comments to Susan, it makes me smile with joy! We all receive big doses of “HAPPY” in everything SUSAN BRANCH !!!!!!

        • AngieTink says:

          #Happy~Birthday #Carilyn #Joy & #Love #ToUs #Capricorn~Birthday~Girls! Close~Your~Eyes & Make~A~Wish! Yay! xoxo Poof!

      • AngieTink says:

        Huge~Smile On Me Pumpkin~Face 🙂 So Far Tis a “Magical~Day” I Adore Your Pixie~Dust!!! #Forever21 Yay! 😉 & Thank~You My Sweetest~Sue #Birthday~Wishes Have Begun! 🙂 xoxo Poof!

  54. Melissa in Mobile, Alabama says:

    What a wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. These nuns really DO seem like Santa’s elves! Industrious and creative and happy and warm – it was just a magical post, it really was. Thank you, and Happy New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      Sitting in front of that cozy fireplace all decorated for Christmas, after seeing all those rooms dedicated to making things, I couldn’t help but think about Santa’s workshop!

  55. Fan in California says:

    Thanks for another WONDERFUL blog!!! Such a lovely beginning for a new year!!! Thanks for all your wonderful posts, Willards, and books this past year. Looking forward to another year sweetened by your lovely writings. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  56. Sharon says:

    This beautiful tour was a gift for the New Year. I understand the sister’s love for you
    Susan and I am grateful you shared your love for them with us. Happy New Year!

  57. Candice says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It brought tears to my eyes. So inspirational in every way. It’s my favorite blog you’ve done so far, second to the one about your friend, Margot Datz. I’d love to see more pictures of inside her house sometime, by the way. Happy New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      You took me off on a trip down memory lane, had to go back and reread the blogs about Margot. Yup, pretty fun!

  58. Karen Armenta says:

    Hi Susan,
    Would love Martha’s black cherry cheesecake recipe.
    Looks heavenly.
    Valentines day spectacular.
    Thank you,

  59. debra sewell says:

    I went to the Convents wonderful website . I suggested a book signing road trip new book, now sitting at my busstop rereading your post i have to more book ideas. Well a sweet book about tea with friends on both sides if the Atlantic and a book about the kitties. An adventure when their mummy and daddy are in England.

    • sbranch says:

      I have little piles of ideas for “books-to-be” and both of those are in them. The Tea book is quite a large pile now!

  60. Tricia Ater says:

    Hi Susan, Thanks for your wonderful Christmas blog and Happy New Year. I’m reading your Christmas from the Heart of the Home for the twentieth time. Thanks for your beautiful books and artwork. You are a real treasure for all of us.

  61. Anne Weadon says:

    This was a perfect post for the first day of 2017. What lovely lives those sisters lead. Inspirational in so many ways. Happy New Year to you and Joe, and thank you for this wonderful start.

  62. Keri Brown says:

    I just can’t thank you enough for sharing your convent visit with us! I’m sitting here simply in awe, inspired and feeling all warm-and-fuzzy just knowing that there’s a place where people whose lives are dedicated to God create all manners of beautiful things — wow! It heartens me to know that this place and these sisters exist. I’m sighing a very happy sigh right now.

  63. Jane Franks says:

    Dear Susan: Thank you so much for this amazing blog post. I grew up just a few miles from Holy Nativity Convent and never knew it was there! Definitely a destination for my next visit back home to New England/Boston area!! So blessed and inspired by all that they do! I’ll have to say, though, that my favorite photo is of you holding that adorable “ship” purse with the gold ribbon in your hair!! You look like the kid in the candy store!! True Susan Branch!! LOL Will be watching for all your wonderful plans for 2017. Love, Jane xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha Jane, I WAS the kid in the candy store. Such a good surprise! Happy New Year, all my very best to you and Gene!

  64. Jackie P. says:

    Happy New Year! Enjoyed visiting the convent and was blown away by all the creative things they do! Really quite amazing. I found it interesting that they are all named “mother” so-and-so. When I was in Catholic school, the nuns were addressed as “sister” and only the mother superior was called “mother.” I wonder if it is different with this order of nuns. Just curious. It was delightful to be able to peak into their world. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, I wondered but I didn’t ask. They are all called Mother, but then they are also called Sisters. But Mother Seraphima was the Mother Superior.

  65. Mary Stevens says:

    Thank you for the wonderful post & beautiful pictures! Happy New Year!

  66. Val says:

    This is one of the sweetest things ever, this post–start to finish. A house of LOVE. ♥

  67. Bonnie in Ohio says:

    Today I received the best birthday and New Year’s presents with your blog! A wonderful visit with the Sisters. I, like you, kinda wish the nuns still all dressed as they used to and am glad to see that there are still a few who do. I feel it’s a matter of respect in a way. My husband who taught for 30 years always dressed in a shirt and tie, saying that he believed he should be recognized as a teacher not a student. And that should command respect, which I believe is so lacking in today’s society.
    Their smiles and joy in the life they have chosen is so apparent. I just loved touring their home. As you said, they surely do not expect to sit back and be supported. So talented and such an example. Thank you, dear Susan for sharing your visit.
    I wish you, Joe and sweet Jack a wonderful year ahead.

  68. Kimberly says:

    I spent some time going to an Eastern Orthodox church and I loved it! I almost joined! Such a lovely bunch of people and such a beautiful faith expression. So this post warmed my heart in more ways than one. A beautiful bunch of ladies and a life well-lived. Can’t ask for more. I’m envious of their industriousness and all the ways they create! Happy new year, dear Susan! Thanks for the tour!

  69. Claudia says:

    New Year off to a good start w installation 2017 calendar on inside kitchen cupboard door. Would suggest that you have ’18 calendar printed on heavier paper, (i.e. 2016 calendar) as I likely will need to reinforce punched hanging holes. Wishing you, Joe and all FOSB a hopeful, curiosity seeking, discovery finding, fulfilling New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I was quite upset about the paper weight, mainly because they didn’t tell me until after they were shipping them, and my only choice was to make them call them all back and not have a calendar this year, and probably never work with this company again, or let it go with the caveat “Note” I put on Amazon and on my blog, which is what I did. But of course that disclosure note did not get to everyone, so I am very sorry. I’ve had many say it really doesn’t matter, but it definitely mattered to me and they have already sent paper samples for my approval for next year’s calendars, back to the old paper! Thank you Claudia, and a toast, along with you, to CURIOSITY. Luv-lee thing. xoxo

  70. Charlene Scholey says:

    Each blog I read I think has to be my favorite! But the one about the sisters and the convent REALLY is. What loving, charming ,caring ladies they are.And to live in such a fairy tale
    house. They must work from dawn to dark, with all their beautiful projects. Thank you, thank you for a truly unexpected NewYear’s gift that will keep on giving.
    My book group is having Isle of Dreams on the12th of January as our book Can’t wait . Some of them who don’t know you will find out what they have been missing.
    Thanks again for the beautiful blog.

  71. Merci says:

    Wishing you and Joe a peaceful, wonderful and adventurous New Year! May it bring you everything you wish for and then some! Thank you for sharing your visit to the Holy Nativity Convent, so very inspirational. As you so often note, if you can dream it, you can do it! Hoping I can catch up with you in March at the Apple Farm, my old stomping grounds (one of many)!

  72. Terrie Trebilcock says:

    What a wonderful visit! I used to say, before I met my husband, that I’d be happy as a nun, and seeing all of their beautiful handiwork, I am sure of it! I will be sure to visit their shop. What a joyous place.
    And yes, I’m one of the many cooking the short ribs today. They should be ready soon!
    Happy New Year to one and all!

  73. Kathiellen says:

    Dear Susan,
    Happy New Year to You, Joe and Jack! May it be filled with all things good and happy!!
    I just KNEW that your upcoming post about your visit with Mother Serephima and the other Sisters would be wonderful…and it WAS!! I saw it last night before I went to bed and read and re-read it several times…. until I fell asleep on my I-pad! I began writing a comment last night and when I woke up at around 3 a.m. The screen was black and whatever I wrote was gone! Your story ( and theirs ) is amazing! What treasures those Dear Sisters are! Like you, they are inspiring and full of hygge from head to toe!…. and their sweet SMILE could just steal your heart away!! I wish that I could share St. Mary of the Woods and St. Mother Theodore Guerin with you the way that you shared your sweet, smiling Nuns with me! The grounds at SMOTW, the Church of the Immaculate Conception, and St. Mother Theodore’s final resting place and Shrine are the most beautiful places that I have ever seen. When I go there I feel surrounded with great love and peace. If you have extra time someday, please look Mother Theodore’s remarkable story up on line. It is a very spiritual experience to actually walk where she walked, and sit across the room from her resting place. You can feel her presence everywhere along with a great feeling of peace and comfort. St. Mother Theodore belonged to The Sisters of Providence, and she founded St. Mary of the Woods College. Luckily for me it is only about 9 miles from our home and I can go there often.
    Again, your BEAUTIFUL Story, in pictures and in words about the PRECIOUS Nuns touched my heart very much. Thank you!
    And… MARTHA’S BLACK CHERRY CHEESECAKE!!!!!……. I WANT IT!!! 😋😛 !! Is it a recipe that she would be willing to share??!!🤞🏻 It looked Heavenly and I bet it tasted even better that it looked!!
    I am looking forward to your new book!! Whatever that you decide to write about…I KNOW that it will be wonderful!! I hope that you have a wonderful visit with your Birthday-Girl mom in February!! Have a Very Happy New Year Dear Susan! You give so much of yourself to so many people…I hope that you will find extra time to pamper yourself, soak in that beautiful old bathtub of yours and do more of what brings you peace and happiness. All HYGGE!!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you dear Kathiellen! Happy New Year to you. It’s 6 am here, and Martha is still sound asleep, so I can’t get that recipe right now. I will email her and ask for it . . . I think she will probably let me have it, so remind me later please!

  74. Mary says:

    Wow, Susan! What an amazing visit to see the Nuns! Thank you so much for sharing all this! Could you please remind me of the fabric company you mentioned awhile back…a really creative company…I just can’t remember the name of it and would love to look at their website! Thanks so much!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s Spoonflower, where anyone can design fabric for themselves, plus they have tons of other people’s designs for sale. And every design is also wallpaper and wrapping paper. It’s pretty fantastic.

  75. sylvia in seattle says:

    Enchanting to be able to visit the convent with you Susan. Such lovely things the sisters make and that Library! The fireplace is what I would dream of having if I were younger. I shared this blog with a friend who tells me there is a small contingent of this order near Stanwood which is about 50 miles north of Seattle and they also make bees wax candles. Interesting. Thanks for the wonderfully detailed tour. The glass candle holder they gave to you with the wise man on a camel is just beautiful – also the wooden clocks and plaques. Thanks for sharing all this.

    • sbranch says:

      My pleasure. Mother Seraphima told me she’d dreamed of having a fireplace in their library . . . what a beautiful dream come true!

  76. Pom Pom says:

    Oh I love this so much! I ordered candles and a wooden clock from the sisters’ site. I’ll do more ordering because then I saw the yarn and I want some more prayer beads! Thank you, Susan! How wonderful!
    My mom just turned 87 two days after Christmas. I am off to spend some time with her next week. Yee haw! So fun!
    Rag doll cats are so cute, aren’t they?
    I love the sisters’ library so much. It’s all just too wonderful. Thank you for taking such nice photos!
    Sad to say the spicy short ribs were kind of a bust here. I didn’t get the right kind of short ribs – they were kind of fatty. I cut all the good meat off and Bill ate it, but it wasn’t enough for dinner so we had tomato soup. Ha! The sauce was indeed scrumptious.
    Happy New Year, good Sue!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, one thing I forgot to mention, eeeek, Was the fat. In fact, I hadn’t made them in so long, I forgot about the fat. Until the next day with the leftovers, where the fat had risen to the top. Quite shocking how much of it there was. So of course I scraped it all off before reheating. I think next time I will do what one of our other Girlfriends did, and that’s add the extra step of pulling the meat out of the pan, defatting the sauce before adding the cornstarch/water mixture. In fact, I think I would make these the day before and let the fat rise to the top in the fridge, and do that last step just before serving. Getting rid of the fat doesn’t change the taste ~ a little fat is good for us, but that was more than I remembered. There should have still been plenty of meat … we had lots of leftovers. Happy New Year good Pom Pom and thank you for your report! XOXO

  77. Valerie says:

    Loved your post, Susan! A perfect way to start the new year… full of inspiration, heartwarming stories and the goodness of people. Cheers to 2017: Envision, Embody, Enjoy!! Doing my best to see you in San Luis Obispo in March.

  78. Anne says:

    Wow! I’m so impressed by these adorable nuns…bread-baking, mosaics, candle-making, dying wool, cooking! I bet they don’t watch TV LOL! Thanks for this wonderful Christmasy post! I can’t get over their sincere, smiling faces….so sweet 😊 and that fireplace!
    Happy New Year to you Susan😘

  79. Sheila says:

    Thank you, dear Susan, for this lovely post. Such a delightful visit with these lovely, creative nuns. I grew up going to school with nuns, so I especially enjoyed this visit. I could definitely fit in there, I think. I would be the quilter, lol.
    A very Happy New Year to you and Joe, no matter what it brings. We’ll do our part in keeping peace and joy in our hearts.

    • sbranch says:

      See? It’s very hard to walk though that house of joy and not a. wish to move in, and b. begin to think about what you might contribute. You would be the quilter! I would be the embroiderer. I think there could be more of both of us!

  80. WOW! I am in *total* awe of the work the nuns accomplish…the variety and sheer enormity of it all! They do pray all day…work is prayer to a good steward. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  81. Ginny Evans says:

    What a wonderful New Year’s Day visit you gave us, complete with inspiration to start the new year creatively! The Sister’s were amazing and I felt the “Inspiritus!” Thank you, dear girl.
    I hope you enjoy the Rose Parade tomorrow!
    With love from your California to Canada to Texas friend, Ginny 🙂

  82. Sonya Hewes says:

    My goodness, their talent is unending. What a beautiful trip to the convent and thank you for sharing. Looking at the woodworking reminds me of how talented my dad was in that department, he had all his machines in the basement. He would have loved to see this. Thank you for sharing, Susan! Happy New Year!

  83. Melissa Williamson says:

    God bless those lovely nuns and you for sharing the love and inspiration of these fine people.

  84. Gina Derksen says:

    We did a tabletop tree too, for the 1st time practically ever, and for the same reason (overwhelmed with a trip), and I loved it! We added a vintage buttery yellow quilt, with scrappy string stars the colors of Charlie Brown Christmas lights, as the tree skirt. I agree with many Girlfriends that your visit with the Sisters was the perfect real Christmas inspiration we needed! Just lovely, so thank you for sharing.

    • sbranch says:

      I saw one photo of the tiniest tree in a house in another country, surrounded and almost overwhelmed by the gifts, because it was so tiny. But I thought, how sweet, because it’s what’s in the heart that counts, not the size of the tree. That’s me however, Joe would bring in an entire forest if it was left to him alone, because that’s what’s in his heart. 😃

  85. Ellette says:

    This post made my heart soar! What wonderful, loving women. You can see the “joy of the Lord” all over their faces. Thank you for all the photos, it felt like I was right there with you. Abundant blessings to you and Joe in this New Year!

  86. Pat Potash says:

    Seems like I’ve been following you “forever”. Your posts and Willard always make me happy. But I have to say that I think this is my most favorite post of all. My eyes feasted on the descriptions of beautiful table settings and decorations and of course your home with all your precious decorations.
    The visit with the Sisters was the best. Looking at their accomplishments and attitudes that never shy away from service and goodness was so inspirational to me. Their smiles were beautiful and their sincere eyes were heartwarming. They are so gracious with faith and spirits that never tire, including loving 3 cats. I read it twice and I felt a sense of calmness and faith to know that there is a peace of heaven where angels live right here on earth. Sleeping will be easier tonight. Goodness does prevail. Thank you Susan.

    • sbranch says:

      Lots of people in lots of houses doing very many amazing things, and it was my pleasure to be able to take everyone with me on this wonderful adventure and share the sister’s generous and creative spirits! It IS good to know! Faith is alive and well. xoxo

  87. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Happy New Year to you and Joe and Jack!!! I wish you good health and happy days all year long in 2017!!!! Thank you for sharing the photos of your visit with these amazing creative nuns! How lucky you are to have seen first hand their beautiful home and artwork! After blowing out my birthday cake candles this evening, I quickly opened up your “cutest ever” wall calendar, and proudly hung it on the kitchen wall with a big pink gingham ribbon! I just love it!!!! (It’s sooooooooooo hard not to peek at the other months…….keeping those pages as new surprise treats one month at a time!) You are the BEST and I am always praising your artwork, books, an d recipes to family and friends! Take car. God Bless!

  88. Cheryl says:

    We have three wonderful rag dolls: CJ, Magpie and Bear. They are wonderful cats and provide us such joy. Thank you Susan, for your wonderful postings!!


  89. Arline in So. CA says:

    Happiest of New Years, Susan. Thank you for introducing us to the sisters. After a year of loss, reading about their lives, their faith, their industry…. and their kitties … was wonderful. Such talent and such spirit. And Desert Rose too!

  90. Kelly Reid Machnov says:

    Thank you for your latest POTUS tweets…America needs to remember how far we have come in the last 8 years and all the hard work this President did to make our lives that much better. I will miss the Obamas & Bidens.

    I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank your staff who diligently and more than competently packaged and shipped out all my orders this past year. They (Kellee, Sherri & Alfredo) made gift giving easy and the quality and expediency of each shipment was the best. I am grateful. I look forward to using your shopping section for gifts again in this new year.

    All the best to you & Joe this New Year and always,


    • sbranch says:

      Part of the “true” news we can celebrate. Things are so much better than they were ~ our media doesn’t report much about the good things these days, I don’t know WHY, they should! We would all feel so much better. AND, thank you so much for the compliments for my wonderful darling staff! I will pass on your message, you’re a sweetheart for sending it! Happy New Year, Kelly!

  91. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    Happy New Year to you Susan, Joe and Jack.
    Loved the creative nuns, how amazing they are!! They all look so happy.
    I have a 13 year old Ragdoll cat who looks very similar to theirs. Unfortunately, she was not given the memo that says she’s supposed to go limp when you pick her up. They are huge cats, mine weighs in at 16 pounds, but beautiful. What lucky cats to live there.
    Looking forward to all the creative things you do this year, and hoping I will make time to be a little creative myself!!

  92. Elizabeth in Montana says:

    I haven’t been to your blog in so long…so much has happened in the past couple of years. My mom passed away in January 2015, my husband divorced me the next month and stole most of my and mom’s possessions, including many family heirlooms and all the cards you all sent her for her 90th birthday…and I was very sick for a while. But last February, a new man came into my life (actually one from the past!) and we’re planning a future together. I’m working as a tutor at an elementary school and love it, and this summer I’m moving back to my hometown of Rochester, NY. One of my goals for this year is to make time for the things I love…and so I’ll be a regular visitor here again. Thank you for the “beauty space” you create, Susan…it’s much needed and appreciated.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh what a terrible time you went through Elizabeth! I’m so happy to hear that things are looking up! After the dark, comes the dawn. Have fun with every bit of it, happy new year!

  93. Louise says:

    What a wonderful post! Thank you for inviting us along to the convent! Wishing you the best in 2017!

  94. Jacquie says:

    Wonderful post! I was educated by the Sisters of Mercy, and have a fond memory of being in the covent side of the school once, and found it all rather intriguing – to be in their inner sanctum. (It was simple, but cozier that I had always imagined)!

    Also, wanted to mention: I made the short ribs last night and they were delicious!! Loved everything: super tender beef, the perfect balance of sweet, salty with the just right amount of heat. I think what makes the dish complete are the sliced scallions…oh, it was a perfect addition to add a bright, fresh, crunch! Thank you for sharing! We ate every last morsel so sadly, I can’t have a bowl for breakfast.

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! I know just how you feel. Yeah, I wouldn’t do it without the scallions! Just the right amount of perk! Happy New Year Jacquie!

  95. Bonnie B says:

    Those looked like crock pots that they were dying the wool in.

    Thanks for the tour.

  96. Catherine Wegner says:

    Oh my goodness! They are so talented and not at all what I would expect in a convent. It is such a cozy, homey place and so much creativity! What a wonderful visit. Happy New Year!!

  97. Kelley S. says:

    Happy New Year! As I read this post, I kept thinking, “who knew”? There is so much creativity, warmth and love in this inspiring home. Never dreamed I would want to visit nuns, but there is so much going on in their home. Please tell me that they sing like angels, too. Surely God smiles on them every day, delighting in the use of His gifts. Makes me want to redouble my own domestic efforts in 2017. Last year was really difficult for me, so I’m paring back on commitments in 2017 and focusing on home, hearth, family and dear friends. Thank you for such an inspiring post. Wishing you. Joe and Jack peace, joy and all good things for the New Year.

    • sbranch says:

      OH! I forgot to say, they SANG, and they rang the bells for us!!! And they do sing like angels! Yes, nothing like “coming home” for healing and finding the real things about life. Happy New Year Kelley. xoxo

  98. Ann says:

    Such a beautiful home and such an inspiring blog post this morning. I had no idea that a convent could be so lovely. May your 2017 be filled with peace and love.

  99. Amy from Wisconsin says:

    Love, love, love EVERYTHING about this post! Happy New Year Susan and Joe!(and of course Jack) 🙂

  100. Marie Knight (Long Beach, CA) says:

    What a glorious post… it filled my heart with joy! I’ve bookmarked the Sisters web store so I can check in regularly. What a talented group of beautiful souls. Thank you for sharing this incredible visit, I enjoyed every single bit of it. Wishing you, Joe, and Jack a very happy and healthy 2017! ♥

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