Happy New Year, Girlfriends! 🎉Well, off we go to a really amazing House of Creativity that you’ve never seen before, the tour of the Holy Nativity Convent I’ve been promising you . . . but first, I’ll say Good Morning, then MUSICA . . . and then a few words about Christmas past!goodmorningimg_7801

Jack says hello. We had a lovely Christmas, still kind of celebrating around here . . .


Although the house is getting back together . . . I mean, boxes of wrapping paper are put away anyway!img_7829

But my kitchen cupboards are still decorated . . . I hang ornaments on the knobs, and if there’s a bit of pretty wrapping with perhaps a bell, that goes up too.


No little outcropping is safe from my passion for decorating. This tree, star and bell? We found it in England and a Christmas Fair.💛


I have to show you the gift I received from Kellee, Sheri, and Alfredo at my Studio in California. I put this photo on Twitter, but not everyone goes there and I knew you would want to see it. Personally, I’m totally WILD about it. Cutest little purse in the world.

img_7800Early morning beauty, the ribbon went on my head, the purse went to my kitchen cabinets where I marvel over it every day. Kate Spade is what the label says. I can’t wait to go on the boat again, and just quietly put it on the table during dinner. So darling!


We put our tree on the living room table this year . . . our coming home and unpacking from England ran right up against bringing everything down from the attic for Christmas! So we kept it simple and did not move the table out of the room.  from E.

My friend Elizabeth sent me the perfect kitty tree decoration, a mirror image of Jack-Jack-Bo-Back complete with mustache.martha's dining room

We were guests at Martha and Gerry’s house (across the street) for Christmas Eve ~  Didn’t Martha do a beautiful job decorating the dining room? (If you remember the dog Iris who used to come visit us, she belonged to Martha and Gerry.)

wildwood martha's cheesecake 2016

This is Martha’s black cherry cheesecake!!! I don’t think I need to say a thing. Wow.


On Christmas Day we went to our friends Bob and Peggy’s and this was their beautiful dinner table. We had a secret Santa gift exchange next to their sparkly tree after dinner that was so touching, small, thoughtful and real, the exact spirit of Christmas I was hoping for this year. I love Secret Santas! So simple, but special, and not over the top, shopping-wise.


Speaking of the spirit of Christmas, remember this lovely votive candle I showed you a few posts back? I mentioned that it was a gift from the Sisters of the Holy Nativity Convent, and that we were going to visit them, and that I would do a post about it? Well, it’s time!


And here they are . . . this was the day we met in 2014.  Let me introduce them, from the left is Mother Pelagia, Mother Xeni, Mother Seraphima, and Mother Martha. And those smiles you see? They never went away. I was there doing a book signing for my book A Fine Romance at the wonderful Best of British (imports from the UK and Ireland) in Newburyport, Massachusetts. I was signing along, when I looked up and was surprised to see there were four nuns in line. This never happened! No nuns had ever come to my book signings before. “What?” I thought, “Nuns? How interesting.” And they were! You hardly ever see nuns anymore, at least in this country, most wear regular clothes now, so they sort of blend in with the rest of us, but it wasn’t always that way. One look and I realized, I missed seeing them! img_6494-700x519

Look at that face! These girls were so sweet, so happy and filled with joy and such Anglophiles, crazy about all things England which is why they’d come to the signing. I fell in love with their loving manner immediately.  We took pictures together, recognizing that we were kindred spirits, and they said…birdandsign


And so we did! We went off-Island a couple of weeks ago, to Christmas lunch with our good friends Bruce and Gayle (they’re the ones we stop and visit at the water’s edge when we’re on our walk in the summer). In the winter, Bruce and Gayle live near Boston, so we asked if they wanted to come along, and they said, “To a convent? 👀 Okay!” Because how often do you get invited to a convent? Gotta do it!!! Could be the MOST wonderful thing in the world! So here we are, in front of the convent, just about to go in.


And there they were, waiting for us! There are 17 Sisters living at the Holy Nativity Convent. Our original four friends were there, smiles still totally intact, and as we toured the house, we were introduced to many more people. Mother Seraphima has stayed in touch with me ever since we first met. The convent has gifted us with delicious homemade bread made by Mother Effie, and it was SO good that I asked for the recipe.  Mother Effie generously sent it to me so I could share it with everyone on the Blog, because it was WONDERFUL ~ and they sent their convent-made beeswax candles, and they prayed for my dad, and Mother Seraphima tells me she prays for me all the time (she knows I need all the help I can get), which I love, because I think their prayers go straight to heaven. So here we were, not having any idea of what this would be like except I hoped to be inspired with the spirit of Christmas. I thought, for Joe and I, lunch with best friends, and a visit to Mother Seraphima and the Sisters, would be our Christmas gift to each other.memories


On the wall inside the convent, a cross-stitched truth of life.


And of course, with hearts like theirs, they are kitty people. They have three beautiful cats living with them in the house . . . I should have written more things down, including the names of their kitties!


I don’t know what I expected a convent to look like, but I learned, it looks a lot like home!img_7425

The brick house was built in Brookline in the 1930s, rooms have been added, but the original charm is still there. This is the window over the kitchen sink which can be opened in the summer to birds singing in the garden. They feed 17 people breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, so their kitchen is very seriously outfitted with blenders and food processors and a huge old restaurant stove.domesticityimg_7423

And, including, of course, a favorite cup collection . . . just like home!


There were charming knobs on the cupboard doors . . .


. . . enough knives for everyone to help, and well-worn wooden spoons.


And travel souvenirs on the wall.


We had a wonderful tour . . . here’s Joe looking at the calendar on their wall . . . we thought we recognized it from somewhere . . .img_7434

Oh yeah! I’ve seen that before! And they’ve marked off who’s in charge of cooking for each day . . .


I liked the cloak room. Each peg is marked with a name . . . for rather obvious reasons!


They had their Advent Calendar up and going! In their Home Sweet Home.


This was the front room of the house, or parlor.  In the corner on the right, is their “shop.” We went through that back door into their lovely candle-lit chapel . . . Stayimg_7376

And met another gorgeous kitty along the way. They have two like this one, a breed called Rag Doll ~ because these kitties have a tendency to go limp and relax when they are picked up. Is that not the perfect cat? I think so! Jack wouldn’t know limp from a hole in his head!TheSweetLifeimg_7386

They go limp until they get sick of you, and then, the relaxing stops, and they go!  Just like home! You can see Mother Pelagia’s prayer bracelets, which I asked about . . . they make them from wool and colored beads.


The reason this post is called The House of Creativity, is because that’s what this convent is. The Sisters support themselves through their industriousness, they make and sell their handmade things, the whole house is a hive of activity. I think that’s one reason they are so happy. It’s amazing, what goes on there. img_7396

Feed Your Creative HeartJust like my own paint blotters at home!


They paint the religious paintings you see all over the house, and also huge murals are painted in this room. The walls behind us were covered with canvas on which they were painting murals.img_7405

Joe is facing two of the wall murals in this photo, one low down on the wall and the other higher up, mostly penciled in as they were just starting them . . . they enjoy good light for their art from the tall windows.


They paint the murals in-house and then move them and install them where they are wanted.


This is an example (from a photo) of their murals on the wall of a church.

img_7502And here’s a little bit of it in their dining room . . . I love what they do with gold leaf!heartimg_7473

They have a laser machine and they make greeting cards  . . .


and bookmarks . . .


and plaques . . .


They do beautiful trim for their own windows . . .


Mother Seraphima’s uncle left them the money for their woodworking shop in his will . . . his forever gift.Simply The Best


The woodworking shop is where they make wonderful laser-cut clocks, and wooden boxes, pendants, and beautiful delicate crosses with olive wood imported from the Holy Land. Mother Seraphima gave me a small, lacy wooden cross in honor of my dad.💞


Here’s their well-organized tool shop! Every time we turned a corner we would see something new and amazing. I think I thought nuns just prayed all day. But there was real life going on in here! img_7490

Joe is holding one of the sand-carved tea lights, like the one Mother Seraphima gave us.


They etched the glass in their windows themselves and made the casings . . .


This is where jealousy began to take over, but I was in the perfect place for asking forgiveness. That is a paper cutter like nothing I’ve ever seen. Because yes, they also bind books!  And paint the edges of the pages . . . img_7448

This is another room, doesn’t every house have one of these? Because they make beeswax candles here. Because of this, the whole house is lightly scented with honey. 💟img_7450

We were shown how the candles were made. I don’t know how they learned to do all of this, but I would imagine it happened one day at a make it look so easyimg_7463

These candles, I can tell you from experience, are slow burning and smell beautiful . . .

img_7455They sell them in their webstore shockingly inexpensively . . .


In all sizes and shapes . . .


You can buy them HERE, along with prayer-bead bracelets, sand-carved tea lights, and all the other wonderful things made in this House of Creativity; pure Inspiration, Inspiritus, the breath of God.


This is the sewing room where they make things for churches . . .


. . . like cassocks and vestments and other church items . . .

There is beautiful religious art on every wall in the house . . . on a much, MUCH smaller level, it reminded me a little bit of Westminster Abbey in London, so many things, so much interesting calligraphy, and everything handmade.


Like this . . .


Which they do for their own enjoyment . . .and to honor their deep faith.


They also make things with Mother of Pearl, I’m not sure if they made this, but it was so special I had to take a picture.


And here is where they dye wool which they sell and spin themselves . . .


Some of the dye colors . . .


Coloring the wool . . .


Color-match samples on rings in the dyeing room.


And a little spinning going on . . .HomeSweetHome Susan Branch


There were drawerfuls like this one of dyed wool in all colors. . . the convent does not solicit funds, they don’t wait around expecting to be supported, they work for a living . . .


If I was a nun, I would want to be the embroiderer! Baby’s bibs, jean pockets, and pillowcases!


Their doll collection on a shelf in the yarn room . . .


And cat bed nearby, just like home!
img_7349This is their third kitty, a rag doll also, but this shy kitty does not go limp when there are strange humans around.  It goes the opposite of limp and gets out of the room as quickly as possible. Got a good photo of her little nose though.domestic bliss


They also make beautiful mosaics . . . this one is only about half done . . .


We were shown how they break up the glass to make the right sized pieces . . .


And the tools they use to do it . . . we just shook our heads in amazement.


Mother Xeni thinks I should write a book about our trip to Scotland! I told you, they are ANGLOPHILES!!! Mas Musica, for the Sisters and for us . . .💞


In their cupboard, vintage dishes and tea things, and their collection of Beatrix Potter coins from the Royal Mint in England. My kind of girls!


When they added their library onto the Holy Nativity Convent, they knew they wanted a room big enough for all of them to sit in front of a fire on snowy days and read, or make things, or drink tea or pet the kitties, so they built this!  The most comfy room imaginable, and all dressed for Christmas. So homey on that cold blustery day!headerwildwood

There is no doubt in my mind that these Sisters dreamed this all up and made it happen for themselves. The nurturing life they wanted to live ~ so special, creative, and original, it just had to happen that way. I’m standing at the fireplace looking back into the library where everyone was gathering.img_7543

Emma Bridgewater tea things, of course, what else for a house filed with Anglophiles! They presented us with an . . .afternoon tea


And beautifully done . . .


With lots of yummy things to eat, including homemade bread, and real English Lemon Curd…img_7528

Gayle was thinking, just like me, how did we get so lucky?  Because this was just the taste of Christmas spirit we’d hoped for. Almost a real-life Santa’s Village, filled with charming, indefatigable elves.img_7567Laughing, talking about books and England, and about their once-a-year trip to the Holy Land . . . having a wonderful time.homesweetnessimg_7841

Mother Seraphima gave me this thimble with the image of Beatrix Potter on it . . . I just love it.lucky


It has these words on the back . . . now it sits with my Beatrix Potter people on the kitchen shelf over my sink . . . SO lucky. ❤️


They fed us so well! Bruce finally had to give up!


We had to get a picture together . . . look at darling Mother Pelagia and Mother Xeni at the bottom. Sisters! Full of light and joy.HomeForChristmas


It was getting late, there was a storm brewing, lots of wind, it was time to go, and they all came out on the front porch  to say goodbye…


It was a wonderful afternoon. It won’t be the last. We’ll go back someday.True beautyGratitudeT H A N K    Y O U   D E A R   S I S T E R S. 💖


And that wasn’t all! They sent us home with a bag filled with wonderful things to put under our tree, one of which was a music box, a wooden creche with a star on top that you can turn to hear Silent Night!  img_7630

And this candle lights us into the New Year.  We’re going two doors over to my girlfriend Lowely’s house for dinner tonight. We’re in charge of the salad which I need to get busy with now!  Hopefully later tonight, by the time the ball drops in New York, we will be tucked in our beds, visions of sugar plums still dancing in our heads with prayers for a peaceful loving 2017.💖

Happy New Year

My first project in the New Year will be to finish the 2018 calendars (they are due the end of February, and will go on sale sometime in July, believe it or not! I started painting them Heart of the Homein 2016, FOR 2018, which is more confusing than you might imagine!) We’re getting a reprint done for AUTUMN and A FINE ROMANCE . . . And then, as reward for all our hard work, Joe and I are taking the train to California for my mom’s 87th birthday at the end of February. We’ll be out there for about a month, that way we can go back and visit Mom three times, in-between other visits. I’m also planning a book signing in San Luis Obispo at the Apple Farm sometime between the 12 and the 25th of March, just in cases you are in the area, I would love to see you! I’ll let you know the date as soon as it’s set in stone. It will be the only signing … too short a time for a book tour! We need to be back home early April, for lots of spring cleanup around this place and a garden that is calling my name! Might have to write a new book too! I’ve been thinking about it. Lots of fun surprises in the New Year.grand-essentialsHope you enjoyed our trip to the convent! You never know what you will find on this blog (and interestingly, I never know either! 🤗) But I’ve heard that lots of you have the smell of Spicy Short Ribs wafting through your houses today, so life is good! 🍾 Happy New Year to you all. ❤️I’ll see you next year! ❌⭕️

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  1. Delaney Ann Prins says:

    Oh dear me, this convent is as close to heaven as one can get here on earth especially if one is art inclined! What a treasure these nuns are to the world which is filled with hate and despair. They represent the goodness of God and those who follow God. An inspiration!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sandy Graham says:

    Thank you for sharing your visit with the nuns! They are so creative and uplifting! I immediately ordered some things from their website to give for gifts next year. And Love Love the little purse so cute. In the photo of you holding the purse I noticed a darling crochet “festoon” on your mantel with Pom poms. Did you make it? Wonder if there is a pattern for it?

    • sbranch says:

      I didn’t make it, so sorry to say! I’m sure if you Google, you’ll likely find a pattern out there somewhere! Thank you for supporting the Sisters. xoxo

      • Jamie says:

        Susan, I knitted the mantel garland and gave to you on your book tour visit to Austin this summer. So very touched you used it…it’s like having spent a little bit of Christmas with you❣️Sandy, it’s a free pattern from Hill Country Weaver’s in Austin.

        I always love your creativity, especially at Christmas. And the Sister’s home is just delightful…will definitely visit their website. Love you, Susan…come back soon!

        • sbranch says:

          AHA!! I kind of half remembered that this garland was a gift, but with all that happened this year, I wasn’t sure, and even thought I’d found it in an antique store! And Jamie, I do love it! Thank you so much! So adorable, and you are so kind to put the link for it here! Many have asked for it! 😘

  3. Enjoyed this post immensely! And yes, Spicy Short Ribs in the crockpot right now. YUM! thanks for always uplifting my day with your posts. I love them, and you, to pieces!

    Happy 2017,

  4. Kathy Clarke says:

    That was so interesting!! Those nuns know how to have a good time in my opinion. Thank you for sharing it with us. I do hope you get a chance to go back! I will hope to see you at the Apple Farm! I’d love to do more quilting with Kellee by the way. Maybe I can use my patterns this time! Have a wonderful winter!
    P.s. I was lucky to find an Emma Bridgewater cup, 60 Years a Queen at a thrift store in Morro Bay. If you haven’t seen it, I will bring it to your signing!

  5. Mary mccumber says:

    Do you know Susan, I have been to so very many wonderful, beautiful, loving, happy places in my life~ALL, thanks to YOU! And this charming convent is indeed one of my very favorite! Thank you my friend~Happy New Year!

  6. Candy in Monrovia, CA says:

    Just what I needed this rainy afternoon! Thank you so much for sharing the joy of visiting those dear sisters, Susan! Sending love and hugs to you and Joe for the New Year!!! xoxo

  7. Thank-you for the tour of the convent. Oh my! Such space for such creativity. I’m a little jealous of all they are doing. (I shall now have to repent for the jealousy. Done.) I really enjoyed the peek inside the nuns private world.

  8. Julia says:

    Beautiful blog. Makes me want to be more creative and turn the tv off more this year!! Getting back to sewing and learning to knit and read more!! Glad 2016 is over. Thank you for a wonderful year of all your talents. You’ll be hanging out quilts to dry before we know it. Life is zipping by!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR SUSAN 🙏🏼

  9. SueG says:

    Susan what a lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I enjoyed visiting vicariously through you and just went to their website to order some cards, candles and one of those cute votive holders for my mom. I made sure to bookmark it so I can shop there again. I hope you and Joe have a wonderful new years. I will be curling up on the couch in front of my tree with a good book and hearty bowl of enchilada soup.

  10. Linda says:

    Beautiful post! So interesting! I could spend hours there. How can only 17 smiling women get so much creativity accomplished?!! Ohh, I must get busy on my quilt —-so I can get it accomplished and do my neighbor’s lovely quilt. –smile– Thank your for sharing. I’m also glad to hear that there will be a reprint of “Autumn .”
    Blessed New Year 2017!

  11. Grand Pam says:

    What a delightful way to end 2016! Thank you for always sharing your life. I enjoy every word written and was certainly amazed at the creativity of those industrious ladies. May 2017 be filled with wonder, lots of love, God’s blessings, and good health for you and yours.

  12. Becky Maxwell says:

    Just what I need today. Thank you for this wonderful trip. I hope to see you in SLO this March. Have a Happy New Year!

  13. Sandi says:

    This is the Susan Branch that I love to read. This post was so beautiful and inspiring…an absolutely wonderful way to move into 2017 ! Happy New Year, Susan and Joe…please continue to give us the warm and comfy feeling.

  14. Jojo says:

    This is one of the best post I’ve read in a long time. Your visit with the sisters was an unforgettable gift and I thank you for sharing it. May the creativity, warmth joy, love, kindness, beauty of spirit, inspiration and generosity remain in all of our hearts in the coming year.

  15. Every blog post you send out into the world is something that fills me with happiness, peace, and inspiration, but this was exceptional! What a wonderful day you all had! I wish you and all whom you love a delightful, accomplishful and very satisfying 2017!

  16. Ann Davis says:

    Thank you for sharing your visit. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Susan: I made your Cranberry Tea Cake with the vanilla sauce for our Christmas brunch. Many compliments for the baker & the recipe maker!!!! Happy New Year!!!

  17. Sue says:

    Thank you!!! I didn’t want to leave😇
    Happy New Year to you and Joe.
    Enjoy your CA trip and visits with mom.

  18. nettie says:

    What a wonderful experience you were fortunate to have. Your visit to the convent would be just what all of us could use at Christmas time…..I can so clearly see how they put their hands to work and their hearts to God. Very very inspiring as this new year approaches………..I think I will just have to create new projects to get through this long winter that is approaching. You make me feel better about liking all my treasurers we have collected over the past 48 years we have lived in this very old house. I keep thinking I need to hoe out but oh dear what can I part with?
    Happy happy New Year to you and your sweet Joe………..may it be filled with continued love, creativity and new adventures.

  19. Lynn Marie says:

    I just LOVED this post! Such beauty, homeyness (word?) and creativity in every picture. I think we all want to go! I visited a monastery in Arizona once with my mother and it was equally as amazing! The artwork and self-sustaining lifestyle of it all was one of the top places I have ever visited. THey had a whole pile of clothes in the giftshop from Goodwill piled on a chair because women had to be completely covered. If your wore pants or shorts, you had to pull a skirt on over them. You also had to have long sleeves on-no arms showing! So there was long sleeve shirts and sweaters. Also–your head had to be covered so there were scarves to put on as well! The only time the monks left was for doctor or dentist appointments! It is truly an amazing place. Happy New Year Susan and Joe and Jack! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.

  20. Paula Clark says:

    Hi Susan, Well what a lovely post! Truth be told I too must have thought that the sisters just did a lot of praying all day, and was not sure if I would find it as interesting as usual. I was wrong of course (I always treasure your posts, you do have a gift for writing!) Anyway what a fun and interesting day you all had, and all the sisters seem so fun and happy and interesting. Seemed like they enjoyed having you all as much as you them. I want to go, but kinda a long drive from here in rainy (YAY!!) California. Happy Happy New Year to you and Joe. I think I too shall be tucked in my bed, unless Mr. Sandman doesn’t show up again, not sure where he has been but I miss him! lol xoxo

  21. Mary says:

    This was a wonderful post to celebrate the beginning of a new year. I truly loved the spirit found in each room of beautiful craft/art work. It also reminded me of the “hygge” post you wrote not too long ago. This home really exemplifies that feeling. It inspires me to go into my studio (art quilts) and along with tidying it up, adding some touches that make it feel cozy and warm … my own hygge. Perhaps it is not too late to become a nun? Happy New Year and many blessings to you and Joe and the 4 legged creatures around you.

  22. Rose Utterback says:

    Such fun visiting a nunnery. Delightful!
    Happy New Year to you, Joe and Jack!

  23. What an amazing post! The sisters radiate joy and are so gifted.

    My aunt introduced me to your work when she recently sent me “Isle of Dreams” as a get well present. I couldn’t put it down and read it over Christmas weekend. I am now beginning “A Fine Romance” and can’t wait to get through its pages. I have lived in SLO for about 15 years (currently work in the Railroad Square building) and really hope that I’m able to come to your book signing. Happy New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      I used to work in the Railroad Square Building … read Fairy Tale Girl for that part of the story! Nice to meet you Elizabeth! Thank you!

  24. Thank you for sharing your visit to these wonderful sisters. I can imagine your delight when entering each room! Such skill and creativity! So much love and joy. Happy New Year to you and Joe!

  25. Angela White says:

    Thank you for the inspirational photo tour. The mutual admiration and love evident between the nuns and you warm my heart. I’m happy to learn about the reprint of Autumn, a treasure that has been difficult for me to find. From photos I have seen of you and Beatrix Potter, I think there is a striking and endearing resemblance. Have you or others noticed that? I’m thankful for the beauty and fun that both of you bring to my life, our world, and our Happy 2017!

    • sbranch says:

      I sort of do! We have a certain roundness in common, and something around the eyes. If I have to go in any direction, this would be a good one. Happy 2017 Angela!

  26. Becky says:

    Well, that just made my day! Your muse had definitely appeared and assisted with assembling this post, as it was sooooo inspiring. The beauty of each photo(your home and their home) is appreciated and humbling. Thank you for this gift to end and begin a year. We are such lucky people to have each other to draw energy from. God bless the sisters and the feminine order, simplicity and yet opulence that we witnessed. I loved this travel tour, and I loved seeing them in their “uniforms” and realize that I miss the formality of the church I grew up in. Happiest of New Years. I am having tea and fruitcake (Anglophile) but I did just dip my fruitcake in green onion dip. Yikes! (You can take the girl out of the 60’s, but you can’t take the 60’s out of the girl)

  27. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Happy New Year to you and Koe! And thank you for sharing your visit to the convent. It truly looked so Christmas-y!!! I ordered their beeswax candles and a lovely candle holder from them a year or so ago and they are favorites!!!

  28. Gayle Hall says:

    Dearest Susan, here I sit writing you with tears of Joy running down my cheeks. Of all the things that were joyous in my holiday season, I must tell you this has brought me great pure Joy! I had never heard of a kitty called a Rag Doll, but will be in the hunt for a kitten of that name. I loved the mugs as I collect teacups and mugs myself. The one with little girl on the front made me Smile from my soul. And the doll with the turquoise babooshka was soooo adorable. Being a doll collector of more than16,000 it takes a special one to excite me now. I too was thrilled to see the nuns in traditional habit. One of my best friends is a nun, but no longer wears the habit. I collect little figurines of nuns in the original habit, but they are not easy to find. I must tell you Susan this e-mail was such an unexpected gift here on this New Years Eve. It has made my day. May your dinner tonight be absolutely wonderful and may your new year be fill with all the dreams one can imagine. With love and gratitude, Gayle Hall

  29. Christine from CA says:

    What an amazing visit! I never dreamed a nunnery could be so fascinating. beautiful sweet faces and a lovely place! A very Happy New Year to you and all of our girlfriends!

  30. Ricki Teal says:

    So beautiful. This is the peace and joy you have talked about recently we need to ask God for in our lives. Pure love….accepting and joyful. Thank you for sharing this incredibly warm and loving visit. Happy New Year, Susan. Thank you for all you give to us. Ricki

  31. Jan says:

    Susan, I so very much enjoyed this post! I went to a private Catholic School growing up and I loved the wonderful nuns that were our teachers! I have the most wonderful memories along with a fabulous education! Thank you for the treasured post. Happy New Year to you and Joe!
    PS: I can’t wait to order beeswax candles from the nuns!!!

  32. Marie C in AZ says:

    They gave you a wonderful gift! Something you all will never forget. Just lovely…a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!

  33. Terry Jansen says:

    Well I loved it..and how about that cosiest of lounges!

  34. Pamela Hoops says:

    What a wonderful message to end this year and look forward to the next. This beautiful post had me smiling all the way through. Blessings to you always and thank you for all the joy you bring to so many. With warm regards.

  35. Lynn says:

    Hi Susan,

    Thank you for allowing us to see how these amazing women live! They are very talented and industrious as well as being warm and welcoming. What a treat that must have been for all of you.

    Happy New Year to you and Joe! I pray, too, for a peaceful and loving 2017.

  36. Lee says:

    Susan, you could not have written a more wonderful blog post to help us sail into the new year! How inspiring these lovely women are, and you also, no wonder that you were all drawn to one another. What they do, and how they do it, reminds me that we are all responsible for own happiness, that we can do it whenever and wherever we choose. Have a wonerful “new year of happy”! It is there waiting for us all to be part of it. Thank you for the quiet inspiration that you send out to the universe! And to us!

  37. Pam says:

    Gosh, what a lovely post. Those nuns have so many talents and the convent is not at all as I imagined a convent would be.
    We are also winding down from Christmas. I think we have put a few pounds on with all the goodies we have been eating so the new year means back to healthy eating and some exercise.
    I hope you have a very happy and healthy 2017

  38. Barb Murphy says:

    Thank you for sharing the story of these wonderful women. They have certainly stirred up my creativity. Happy New Year and God’s blessings to you and Joe.

  39. Ellen Johnson from Virginia says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful day at the convent. So special and unexpected.
    Happy, healthy New Year to you and Joe, and Jack.

  40. kat says:

    Reading about the nuns and their wonderfully creative artwork in every nook and corner brought a huge smile to my face, and tears to my eyes. How wonderful those ladies are, and how fortunate are you and your friends and Joe to be able to visit them, calling them friends! Thank you for bringing us along. What a fabulous visit! I am off to look at their website, for you had me hooked with the candles and I want to relish what else is there.

  41. Sally Roth says:

    Oh, Susan, what a lovely post! You always lift our spirits and make us smile. The happy sisters made you so welcome and must love you very much. I am going to look at your link to their shop later.
    I bought quite a lot of their candles a few years ago and I wouldn’t buy them anywhere else now. So fragrant and well-made, they Don’t Drip AND are very affordable! I gave some to my family too.
    It brought back memories because I went to a convent high school in Africa with lovely smiling sisters like these, I was SO lucky and they taught so well (no other distractions)…
    It’s on my ever-growing bucket list to meet you one day. A Happy New Year to you and Joe and the best of everything in 2017, Sally

  42. Bonnie Crawford says:

    Happy New Year dear Sue!~~
    I just loved your story about your visit with the nuns! I’m sure you absolutely made their year visiting them for the day! What a sweet, sweet story! =)
    And now that we live in Paradise, I loved the part of the saying you quoted,
    “Home is Paradise!”
    That is perfect for us this year!! (I’m going to use that!~~)
    And I’m so happy you are coming to the Apple Farm, one of my very favorite places!! We got connected forever when I worked there, and when you invited me your Grand Opening of your darling store, “Heart of the Home”! I’ll never forget that day! That’s when you looked at me and said, “I’ve met you somewhere before…. Aha! The antique store!! ” =) What a fun first meeting connection we had, didn’t we? I just might have to drive down in March to see you there….what do you think? Where will you be set up? In the Gift store??
    You’re a darling, and I will love you forever Sue! xoxo
    Happy New Year to you, and Joe!! Please come see us in Paradise one day!
    Love and Hugs to you, and I’ll see you next year! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I’m still waiting to hear from them for the details, but it looks, so far, like it will be the 18th of March at the Apple Farm, and they are seeing if they have a place for me to give a talk and answer questions…I’ll put it all on the blog once it’s set, but you’ll probably need a trip back to SLO by that time!! Happy New Year Sweetheart, and to Tom too!

      • Vicki says:

        I just reacquainted myself with the Apple Farm (online; thanx for the link; totally forgot about the place!). Haven’t been there since about 1987; wow, 30 years ago (I’m getting too darned old!). I remember eating the most delicious apple dessert. I want to go there again! Keep us posted…

  43. nancy in CA says:

    That was so impressive! And just when I was thinking that clock was amazing and would love to have it- you put the link to the store and I really can buy one!! Thank you so much, it will be a joy to support their beautiful work.

  44. Lisa G. says:

    I am practically speechless at the things these women can do – and so well, so perfectly! And their home, their smiles. This post gives much food for thought… Thank you for sharing it all so thoroughly.
    We have a fluffy cat who we think might be part Ragdoll – he does get floppy and sort of hang there when picked up. The Jack ornament is perfect, by the way. And that cheesecake, amazing. But the nuns pretty much eclipse the rest of your post! Thank you again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  45. Mary Lawrence says:

    Happy New Year dear lady filled with light and Joy.God bless you and Joe in the new year.

  46. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Susan, didn’t you just want to move in? What a beautiful blog. And the basket of gifts – could not help but notice Peter Rabbit and such pretty wrapping paper. A lot of talented women all in one place. They must have been as thrilled to see you as you were thrilled to visit. Happy New Year to everyone. Hugs, Elaine

  47. Yvonne Sullivan says:

    I have so much fun hearing from you luv the visit the convent What beautiful God given talents The kittys yur Jack so cute Happy New Year! luv Yvonne

  48. Liz Taylor says:

    I loved your visit to the convent. Nuns are absolutely fascinating people. I have a 103 year old aunt that is a nun in Florida. She is one of the most amazing and inciteful ladies I have ever encountered. Thank you for always sharing your wonderful life with us. I love following your travels near and far. Happy New Year. Here’s to a safe and healthy 2017. Big Hug!!!

  49. CarolK says:

    I spy a lovely crochet garland draped on your fireplace. I LOVE it! Did you make it? I’d love for my sister to make me one. She can crochet, I can hardly chain stitch. I think you table tree this year is perfect. I started doing table trees in my living room and dining room. No more bending over or crawling around on the floor. Hubby even found those do-hickies like you have that you step on to turn the tree lights on and off. Perfect! Thank you for the convent tour. If I had had the calling to go to a nunnery, that is exactly the kind of place I would want to be. I’d be smiling all the time too. Happy New Year to you and yours. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with (book wise) in the new year. Jersey Hugs

    • sbranch says:

      We have a do-hicky like that. Best invention! I didn’t make the garland, but I bet your sister could!

      • CarolK says:

        I have a thought. I have beautiful very wide crochet lace that my grandma Rose made for her pillow cases. The linen has frayed from age so I cut the lace off and have been saving it for years. Next year it’s going to grace our mantel. You are amazing the thoughts you put into our heads!

  50. Carol Ariens says:

    Happy New year! Loved the visit to the sisters.

  51. What a great read! It brings to an end such a dark and tumultuous year and ushers in a new one full of hope and light. I was educated by nuns throughout grade and high schools. They, too were full of talent, support, energy and enlightenment. This post reminds me that “sisterhood” is powerful and its effects sends ripples throughout the communities it serves in both small and large measure. Thanks so very much for sharing.
    Happy and Healthy New Year to all.

  52. Laurie Walt says:

    What a wonderful treat to get to come with you the convent! The sisters are so sweet and full of love and it shows all over their angelic faces! So talented too. I often have a sweet dream about working within a group of loving women and baking bread😀Makes me very peaceful. I have to ask about that beautiful garland on your mantle, the crocheted and pom pommed garland. Where did you fond that? I need it!😀Happy New Year Susan and thank you for who you are! Love.

    • sbranch says:

      I think I got it in an antique store… and it was the perfect size for my mantle! A good surprise!

  53. Carol S says:

    …so beautiful…you can just feel the joy! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a blessed new year….

  54. Kellie says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I found it so interesting. They are quite industrious ladies! Happy New Year!!

  55. Penny says:

    Love the library 📚 in the convent -so cozy & inviting ! What a very special treat to have the opportunity to peek into their lives . So vibrant with creative talent ❤️! I did want to order candles from them -couldn’t link in . Can you post a web address in the New Year ? We have a convent of Carmelites in our community-they too create lovely artistic cards , watercolor, & play the harp -flute -& organ -beautifully 💞. I attend their 4:00 Saturday mass as often as I can , they are lovely ladies !
    Thanks for sharing this ! Happy New Year to you Susan &!Joe –may all your dreams come true 🎆 And may we all live a more kind filled life on this planet 🌎 in 2017 ✨

    • sbranch says:

      Google Holy Nativity Convent, it will come up, and maybe you’ll get a more direct line to them. Hope it works!

  56. Sylvia Johnson says:

    A lovely post for the end of 2016. There are so many creative and charming people in the world. I am so happy you introduced us to these talented and giving ladies.
    Thank you, Susan, for all you share and inspire me with.
    Happy New Year-2017!
    Marietta, Georgia

  57. Terry Helbing says:

    What a heartwarming journey. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and special visit. I will carry the spirit of the sisters into 2017 .
    Peace to you in the new year.

  58. Diana from Ohio says:

    WOW! What a great blog with the nuns and their creativity. Loved every bit of the blog, Thanks for sharing.

  59. Diana Crick says:

    After reading your post I decided that I might run away and become a nun. Their home looks like Heaven on earth. Embarrassingly my dear husband when I said I was leaving ( just kidding), informed me I would have to visit the Virgin Islands first to be recycled. Gosh a visit to a tropical island and then onto a very special home. God lives in my heart and I try to share his love whenever I can. Hopefully I haven’t offended with his comment, it was too funny not to share.
    I adore you Susan Branch! I hope you and Joe have a wonderfully Blessed 2017. You are both So special to share your joyous and fascinating lives with us.
    With love, Diana and Roy

  60. Gloria Cheney says:

    Watching “Live From Lincoln Center” on PBS and reading your dear blog. A great way to end 2016 and gather creative ideas for 2017. Thanks Susan and Joe for letting us tag along on your lifes’ journeys.

  61. Susan says:

    Wow! Who knew what went on inside a convent! I am in awe of how creative they are and in how many media they work with! What a delight! Smiles all around! Happy New Year Sweet Susan & Family!

  62. Cheryl wilk says:

    What an amazing day! Would love to spend an afternoon in front of that fireplace! Thank you for sharing

  63. Stephanie C says:

    Oh Susan, I so enjoyed reading about the Sisters. I would love for you to share their bread recipe. So glad you and Joe enjoyed the Christmas season. I think a new book on Scotland would be a very good idea. I hope you have a great visit with your Mom. I am sitting at home cozy in my jammies, (watching Downton Abbey marathon on PBS), reflecting on the past year counting my blessings and you are one of them! Have a very happy and blessed New Year!

    • sbranch says:

      Where I was talking about the bread in this post, you’ll find a link that will take you to the recipe. Thank you Stephanie! xoxo

  64. Sharon Werner says:

    This is just for you, no need to post—but when making the wonderful short ribs, did you de-fat the sauce before making it into gravy with the cornstarch and water? I de-fatted mine, and got about a cup of grease—about 1600 calories—YIKES!!! The gravy turned out delicious without all those calories. The ribs were great, and my husband agreed. Thank you for the recipe.
    Happy New Year (—loved the nuns!)

    • Beth L says:

      Sharon, how did you de-fat the ribs while the gravy was still warm?
      Or did you do it the next day?
      And what kind of ribs do you buy?

  65. Shell says:

    The Nuns are totally beaming with joy. Their convent is so homey and their art is amazing. Thank you for sharing your day with them. I’m off to go their website and see what goodies they have.
    I wish for you, Susan, and your Joe a wonderful 2017.

  66. Leslie Naugle says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us. I wish I could’ve been a tag a long! Lovely. Happy New Year, Susan!

  67. Debbie P., Weedsport, NY says:

    Just a few hours left in this year and what a beautiful thing to find! We had planned to go out to dinner and listen to a band tonight but the other couple fell ill early in the day so we’re staying home, warm and cozy, by the Christmas tree, snacking on popcorn and listening to our favorite songs. Your story-sharing on this blog just touches my heart so! Love to hear about your dinner parties with dear friends. Love to hear about the people you meet and how they touch your life. Listening to your stories helps me realize my own stories and just how many, many dear people there are in the world! Thank you, Sue, for this most joyful, meaningful, Christmas spirit-ful post tonight!
    Inspiration…inspiritus…the breath of God…sending us off with grateful hearts into the exciting New Year! May God bless us all.

  68. Pam Gardner says:

    I went right straight to your darling nuns’ website and ordered some beeswax candles and 3 tiny camels pulled by a donkey. Very happy to support these ladies!

  69. Andrea Tandler says:

    My husband is a professional sports blogger. I told him his blog will never be as cute as yours🙂 Happy New Year! 🥂🍾

  70. Elaine Woodford says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the dear Sister’s home and talents. Beautiful and amazing! Loved the kitties too. ^^ In NE Ohio, many of us celebrate the New Year with pork roast and sauerkraut! Getting ready to put it into the crock pot for tomorrow. Wishing you & hubby a blessed new year!!

  71. JoAnn says:

    Oh Susan I can’t tell you enough how very special this post was to read during this just warmed my heart. My home smells absolutely wonderful right now as the spicy ribs are about done. Thank you for sharing the recipe and so much more. It is raining here in So. cal so this comfort food is perfect for a cold New Years Eve! Blessings to you and yours for 2017. We hope to see you in Feb. at the Apple Farm…

  72. Elaine Woodford says:

    Thank you for sharing your visit to the convent. It is so warm and homey! What great decorators your dear friends are. Their talents are amazing! Loved the kitties too. Books, kitties, tea, food and beautiful home. What’s not to love? And speaking of homes, I love seeing pictures of your home; especially the kitchen. Actually, I’ve never seen anything I didn’t like! 🙂 Wishing you and Joe a blessed new year!!!

  73. Barbara Faith says:

    Wonderful post, wonderful sisters all doing Gods work as well as supporting it all with their creativity, makes me long to fit more in to my busy whorl, will try harder this Year.
    I must tell you about the Community of the Scared Name Sisters here in Christchurch, who lived up until the earthquake of 5 years ago in a Convent centre city, tall trees for shade,huge vege garden beehives fruit trees and peaceful space generally ,
    where they hosted respite for people requiring space to find themselves ,the Sisters made beautiful cards and the wafers for Communion for all the Anglican Churches NZ wide.
    The Sisters have relocated to a rural property now,where they continue to do the things above aswell as run a small farmlet.
    Hope you may be inspired to visit us down under, you would love our green spaces and beautiful mountains and bluebird skies.
    Longing for another of your divine books.
    Best wishes and thoughts for the New Year

  74. Sara S. says:

    Happy New Year, sweet Sue to you and Joe and Jack!

  75. Debby says:

    Happy New Year Susan, loved your new friends. Was hoping you could include some lessons in Arf and Arfy in upcoming blogs?i have forgotten every thing. Can’t learn a language without using it.😜 We are getting snow in the PNW for the new year. Debby

  76. Amy Lee from Salem says:

    Happy New Year Susan! I loved reading about your visit to the convent, what a truly unique Christmas visit. The Nuns sound delightful and very talented. Thank you for sharing this experience with us and for letting us know where to get some great beeswax candles. The most serene person I have ever had the pleasure to know was a Nun and the aunt of my husband. The family always called her Aunt Sister. Charming. Crossing my fingers for that new book about your trip to Scotland. Hugs💟

  77. Lynn D says:

    Oh what fun. You meet the most interesting people! Happy New Year, Susan and Joe.

  78. Gail says:

    Love this post, Susan. Who knew nuns had so much fun??? Like you, I pictured them praying all the time. This is amazing, wonderful, joyful, and thrilling. Thank you for sharing all of it with us.
    Happy New Year to you and Joe.

  79. Suzanne says:

    Thank you for sharing a beautiful home of love and creativity. What inspiration for the new year!
    Happy 2017 to you and Joe! ♥

  80. Kathryn Brooks says:

    I had to read through this post twice to get the full magical, inspirational impact! The energy and creativity of these nuns is truely devotional in so many ways.

  81. Susan Edwards says:

    Susan … what a wonderful place with wonderfully creative nuns. I’m in awe. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year to you, Joe, and the kitties.

  82. Jane Alexander says:

    This blog was pretty much breath taking. Wow.. Such love and joy in every photo. I’m so glad you take photos, and share your life with us. You have so enriched our own lives. I’m thinking God wondered just how He could really bless you after dealing with the passing of your dad. And the nuns came. And the nuns invited you and friends to their home. What could have meant more to you than that afternoon? Priceless. And giving you a thimble honoring Beatrix Potter. Then seeing all those rooms of creativity….and the smiles….and the kitties, and on and on. Perfect for you. I’m so blessed just thinking about this.

  83. Martha says:

    Creativity is right!! What an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, and wishing you love, happiness, good health in the New Year. Always enjoy your adventures.

  84. Joanie Woodard says:

    What a wonderful visit! Thank you for sharing it with us, so uplifting and inspirational. I have I have a request, though; I’d love you to write a new book about you and Joe. I know he came came to dinner at Holly Oak and fell in love with you instantly. And that the house was just too small for you both so you sold it and bought the gorgeous home you still have. But how did it all happen?? Can you tell us the details about your courtship and marriage? I would love to hear the whole romantic story and I know everyone else would too. Won’t you please consider it??? Thank you, Susan, and a very happy New Year to you and Joe!

  85. Lynda says:

    I just read “A Fine Romance” and “Isle of Dreams” – such wonderful books! I’m wondering, how do you keep your kitties from knocking down your beautiful figurines and other decorations? I would like to display more of mine, but our cats make it most difficult!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s the thing about cats, they’re all so different! Jack loves string. I have to watch never to leave anything string-like around. I’m thinking of making him a plate of spaghetti and see how he likes it! But he’s good with the figurines, just as long as they aren’t felted!

  86. Kathie says:

    Thank you so much. A lovely time was had by all visiting the nuns. What a community! Happy New Year!

  87. Suzy Petersen says:

    Lovely post, enjoyed it so much! Thank you for bringing joy and happiness to my day throughout the year! I wish you and your family & friends a very Happy New Year. XO Suzy

  88. Jan Lane says:

    Happy New Year to you and to Joe. I love to read your Blog. It is my birthday today, it was also my parents anniversary. My Mom in heaven and her identical twin sister are celebrating together up there tomorrow as they have another birthday. It is a time for many birthdays in the months of Dec. and Jan. in our extended family. I spent the last few days visiting San Diego and saw my son and his family……… two sweet grandsons…… was nice. I am thankful we got home safely, as snow was coming down quickly on the mountain. It is all lovely and white. I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything except to stay warm as the last few hours of 2016 come to a close and I start another year of life on earth. Stay warm and cosy, and super happy and healthy this year!

  89. Patti Stone says:

    Almost makes me want to be a nun!! What a beautiful place they have to live and work!

  90. Reading of your visit with the nuns at the Holy Navitity Convent has got to be your most beautiful post ever. And to be so lucky as you, Joe, and your friends Bruce and Gayle were to actually be in their presence……..awesome! The joy and happiness in their faces and the life they have created in their home is truly inspiring and quite remarkable. A lesson for us all. A house full of love, peace and contentment. Hands to work…..and their hearts to God.
    Wishing you and Joe all good things in the New Year.

  91. Jana says:

    Beautiful spirits sharing the joy of friendship! What a lovely home and amazing workshops (plural)! Thank you for a deeeeeeeelightful visit to this convent and the women who call it home. It was almost like being there with you. What a lovely experience on this final day of the year. Blessings!

  92. Evie Tong says:

    Thank you sooooo much for sharing, Susan!
    Truly blessedness (is there such a word?) … you shared this love with us!
    I am going to order those 1/8 diameter candles that are so difficult to find now and in beeswax!! You shared: you passed on the warmth, love, and hugs …
    you’re the messenger!!
    Xoxox (and Aloha-ha) Evie in San Diego

  93. Tracy K in Colorado says:

    Quadruple the joy you shared with us in four beautiful homes! I was so fascinated as you took us through the convent. It just grew amazingly more inviting as we went through each room with you, and their smiles, the pure light of inner joy. Happy New Year Sue and Joe!

  94. Cyndi in NC says:

    What a great trip to visit the sisters. What sweet and special ladies they are. There are still great people in this world and you shared some of them with us. Thank you, I enjoyed your visit so very much. It has been a hard year for me and my family. To read this has cheered my as it always does. Happy New Years to you all, it’s getting close now!! Hugs to all

  95. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    hello Susan and dear girlfriends, just a quick note to say howdy and to wish you all a very Happy New Year. it is cold here and tonight in addition to the new year, we are expecting snow, lots of snow for next 4 days…. so goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017. A very Happy New Year to you all, may it be a Happy, healthy, peaceful and productive New Year for all. Happy New Year everyone…. hugs….. 🙂

  96. Valorie Veld says:

    I was just so fascinated! What a wonderful experience. Just lovely!! Happy New Year 🙂

  97. Jocelyn says:

    Dearest Sue, Happy New Year to you and Joe and Jack! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful adventures this year. It is always a pleasure to read and savor every scrumptious bite. Many blessings to you and yours for 2017!

  98. Julia says:

    Amazing and beautiful. Loved this post.

  99. Donna (Southern California) says:

    Loving this entry, especially the tour of the convent. What a lovely and lively house they have! And the Apple Farm Inn is one of my favorite places to stay. I’ll be looking for those dates!
    Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

  100. Judy Murrah says:

    Loved your blog post, Susan. The nuns, their home, and projects were delightful. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy New Year to you and Joe.

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