All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today . . .  Hello darlings! MUSICA

Sometimes, and tell me if this happens to you too, I have so much on my mind it’s overwhelming and because of it nothing really gets done! And I don’t like it when nothing is getting done! So when that happens, I do what my mom did, I settle down and make a list. I get rid all those overlapping worries that are subconsciously zapping my energy and blotting out my joy button; I get everything out of my head and onto paper. and voila! It’s like my worries go away. See my list? It’s that out-of-focus thing on the right. Stuff I want to do, like have a yard sale, paint the garden fence, write a new book (all the ideas for which books are on the list), paint for the 2018 calendars, fix the gutters, grind up the tree stump, plan a summer party, design some kitty dishes, wash my kitchen cupboards, plan another ocean liner excursion, etc. etc. Joe and I got home last Sunday from a six-week trip to California. And here we were, suddenly home, with all the choices in the world in front of us, free as birds, to seed the lawn or not to seed the lawn, to make sun tea or to not make sun tea, but for some reason, I found myself fretting. Our trip was wonderful, but I came home worried (I think 2017 in general is making me mad) ~ every little thing was weighing me down, missing my dad and worries about my mom, but smaller things, like turning 70, and about our world which now looks like a reality TV show, the media playing every detail over and over, like it’s all just a game, an addictive Xbox game, that pits the Democrat team against the Republican team, American against American, Avatars versus Aliens, no holds barred, no rules, and all that matters is winning and who cares what and who gets hurt. They treat our delicate world like old cowboy movies, as if when the cameras go away the dead guy just gets back up. It’s like our leaders are seven years old, not to disparage seven-year-olds, who are way better than our media (in fact, please put them in charge). Plus, the laundry soap my mom used, the only one I’ve ever used, is no longer being carried by our supermarket! Why? I don’t know. 😡 Everywhere I turned something was disrupting my equilibrium, plus, I had to flop over and be 70 when I really didn’t want to, because what 12-going-on-24-year-old can fathom turning 70? 😜 ~ all out of my control . . . Then I remembered one of my favorite quotes . . Ahhhh, yes. And remembered I do too have control, so when I made my new list, I called it “SEEDS.”  Because I need more flowers in my future, and I’m determined to have them. Oh yeah, you can’t keep a good girl down can you? NO. And then I took a huge deep breath, closed my eyes, and made my birthday wishes ~ I began to feed myself from the well of sweetness, and I gave myself some Red Letter Days, and you know what? I’m better. 

I turned off the TV and wrote in my diary, and took myself to England by reading this entire book! It’s always hard for me to read a book when I’m writing a book, so I don’t get to do it as often as I’d like. A whole book, what a gift. Five a.m., still dark but I got up in my quiet old house, the only sound was the creaking of my footsteps on the stairs, Jack padding down in front of me, tail stuck up in the air, the ticking clock on the mantle, my cup of tea, sometimes a popping fire, curled in my orange chair with my grandma’s knitted nap blanket and Jack next to me, and my book. Heaven. The book was a good one too. A mystery. I figured it out though. I KNEW what happened to that baby. 🤓Total satisfaction. And then I went out into the cool salty spring air and inspected the garden.🌷

It’s still very early here, no leaves on the trees yet, just a few of the earliest flowers are in bloom, a couple of daffodils and about 3″ of tulip stem are showing, but out behind the barn, we have a dewy meadow of tiny Spring Beauty (squill) … mostly volunteers because they naturalize themselves. I didn’t plant them, which means Mrs. Bowditch did. She owned our house from 1949 to 1980 and I still bless her green thumb every time I walk through our garden. Until last year these little flowers were hidden under a thicket of blackberry brambles, which we finally ripped out, and this magic meadow was waiting underneath ~ just a little sunshine, that’s all it needed.🌞

Still so early, the old cherry trees (that Mrs. Bowditch planted) are just budding now . . .

And clouds of yellow forsythia have just begun to open in our neighborhood . . . on this day we opened all the upstairs windows in our house for the first time this year, and let all the old winter air blow out, and all this forsythia-infused fresh island air come in . . . we dried our sheets on the line and slept like baby lambs. Red letter day.❤️

We brought this bunny home from California, pansies are in at the nursery, so my porch Peter got his basket filled . . . doing my part to making a prettier world . . .

And my little vases are blooming,

And the top of my stove is ready for Easter . . .

And because I’m a lucky April baby and I’ve spent this last week opening cards and thoughtful gifts, and getting phone calls from everyone I love . . . My brother Stephen (an excellent cook!) called to say Happy Birthday . . . and he gave me a recipe for his favorite new healthy veggie dip … He buys cashew butter at Trader Joe’s, then he browns two large onions slowly in a little mixture of olive oil and butter . . . he puts the caramelized onions in a blender with 3/4c. cashew butter, whirls everything smooth, and then spreads it on celery. Doesn’t it sound delicious? I can’t wait to try it! 

My big vases are filled with birthday flowers . . .

It smells like a flower store in this house!

And sweet smelling bulbs, with interested parties standing by, as always . . .

And there have been birthday toasts and cakes . . . this one is Tres Leche Cake, made by Margot, and the new winner for best Tres Leche Cake ever 👏 I’m waiting for her to send the recipe.💝 I’ll be sure to give it to you when I get it, it was heavenly!

There’s Margot, helping me make a wish! We are very serious with our wishes, they look a whole lot like prayers!

Another birthday cake, this one was made by Lowely, but seriosity of wish-making continues. 💚

And the pink moon continued to watch over us all . . .

My Red Letter Days all have one thing in common, our morning walk through the woods, out to the pond, the very best part of our day . . .

And we don’t walk just because we love it, but also because it clearly loves us back . . . All these wonderful things that walking does for us, from boosting endorphins to burning fat! (So they say!) Plus there’s the sky, the clouds, the birds, the trees, the fresh air, the way it smells and feels, the wind in your hair . . .

Elizabeth and Mike came from California to visit us . . .

So we took them along . . . you can see, it’s still cool out there . . . and the beach roses look like stick piles!

Sea shell and sea glass hunting . . . Oooooo Elizabeth found a piece of blue glass! Very exciting!

Vineyard booty!

Easy to be happy when the seagulls are swooping and crying and you’re enjoying it all with your “little sister” BFF. . .💕

And when you get back, your “big sister” makes you a cup of tea in her brand new most enchanted bone china tea cups direct from England! 👏

Yes, the final samples of the new cups were waiting for us when we got back from California! They are in production now! For all of you that bought yours already (presale), yours will go out first, the moment they come in, which we are still hoping will be before Mother’s Day! If it looks like they won’t make it in time, we’ll make a little card you can print out and give to the person you may be gifting for Mother’s Day. Watch this space!💞

And these two cuties are finally back in stock, available everywhere, and we have them signed, here in our web store!  Let’s see, what else. . . Well, there was a wonderful Blog post about falling in love with New England, so sweet ~ I put a link for it on Twitter, but not sure you saw it, just in cases I don’t give you enough to read! Also, I’m going to be speaking and signing books for a Mother’s Day Tea Party to benefit the South Shore Stars on May 11 from 2-4 pm, at the Indian Pond Country Club in Kingston, MA. There will be more information later, but if you’re nearby, pencil in the date and try to come!

I’m filling my creative cup, plotting a new book, whooshing my paintbrush in my water dish, and loving every moment, making time for the things that matter, like playing with Jack, planning our garden, cheering my days with wonderful old movies on TCM ~ and next, month, in May, I’m excited because there’s something new coming along called Filmstruck ~ it’s a partnership between TMC and Criterion Movies, their new channel is projected to be available on Roku in May, and as far as I’m concerned, along with Masterpiece Theater, it’s all I will probably ever need TV-wise! All the movies on my favorites list will be carried on this new channel, available at any time! I couldn’t ask for more!

From my diary . . .

And if you have also been having trouble with 2017 . . . read this ⬆️ because it’s a big help, our own stress relief is up to us, and really, compared to many places in this  C R A Z Y  world, we are lucky people, by the simple good fortune of being born where we are. Pray for the world, cook something wonderful, hug your neighbor, be an elf. Thank you for all of your Birthday wishes, you make my day.  💛 HAPPY EASTER! XOXO

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869 Responses to SEEDS

  1. Melissa in Mobile, Alabama says:

    Thank you so much for your post. I have been feeling a little down myself, missing my mother, feeling scared about world events, and wondering what’s coming in this next chapter of my life. Transitions are scary, because they make sense only at the end, not while they’re happening. Wouldn’t mind a little peek at the road ahead, to be honest. But I listened to James Taylor’s “First Day of May” while I read your post, and the combination really did cheer me up. Susan Branch + James Taylor = a might fine combination. Thank you! (And Filmstruck sounds so good – can’t wait for it to start.)

    Happy Easter from a grateful reader,


    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for putting me in that most excellent of company! XOXO Happy Easter Melissa!

    • Louise Stronach says:

      You’ve made me cry again and I’m nostalgic for what once was our way of life. I too am close to 70 and don’t know where the time has gone. One thing I know to be true, the one thing, is that you make my world better and more hopeful and I never ever want to lose you. Susan, you are a treasure.💞

  2. NANCY JO says:

    Hi Sue,
    ” I knew you were thinking.” I just turned 70 myself. something about that is a little strange. My kids are almost as old as me. I still feel good and wear blue jeans and plaid shirts, I dance around the house to old music, and Richard and I lay on the couch and play old Bob Dylan music. I don’t think my Grandparents did this? but maybe they did in some form. It’s OK. We can do it.
    I just finished the lake House. Like you I figured out about the baby. Time goes on. My Grandma used to say, you can’t stop the train so “NEW MIND”, live in the moment and avoid the dark side, unless you want a good nights sleep.
    Hugs Nancy Jo

    • sbranch says:

      I love figuring out mysteries, how things will end, but Kate Morton did a really good job of mixing things up! Living in the moment! xoxo

  3. Angie Brickson says:

    Happy Birthday Girl! You bring such joy to others lives. I know those of us blessed to know you are sending birthday wishes and love back to you. Many, many happy returns!
    P.S. You do not look 70 from your pictures👑😍!

  4. Diane Cassano says:

    Not having trouble with 2017 at all. Love the changes that are taking place and feel it’s about time. Grateful in 2017. The political squabbling has always been a fact of life – nothing new this year.

    • sbranch says:

      A little more nukes running loose in the world than I really like, but I’m glad you’re doing okay.

  5. Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

    Yes, recently I have had the same kind of stressful thinking (and also just turned 70!), so like you, I took myself in hand. Stopped watching so much news because I realized that every day it made me feel angry. And then I made a commitment to myself to once again seriously take up meditation practice. That means, at least for awhile till I get in the flow, carving out 45 minutes a day to do guided meditation. It has helped so much! Right now there is a chocolate cake in the oven, so that helps too, as does my sweet kitty. Tomorrow, a night at the ocean, on my own, to reflect and refresh, with a caregiver and my grown son here at home to watch over my dear husband, and kitty. Sending you love and peaceful thoughts. As you say, the world needs us to spread sweetness! No one encourages that more than you do. Can’t wait for my adorable SB mugs! Belated birthday wishes, darling Susan.❤️

    • sbranch says:

      Pretty soon, it will become rote, and easy, and because it’s cumulative, what you are feeling now will grow and grow. Blessings on you and yours Rosanne!

      • Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

        I have loved every one of Kate Morton’s books, including The Lake House. She always creates a tale you can settle in with. Also love the Maisie Dobbs series by Jaqueline Winspear. England, first book post WWI. Maisie is an investigator, and she meditates.😊

        • sbranch says:

          How interesting, will check it out Rosanne!

          • Tracy says:

            Agreed…also love Her Royal Spyness series, especially on Audio. Great reader! I also recommend Kate Morton books on audio, many read by Caroline Lee, who is a great reader. She reads Liane Moriarty (Big Little Lies) books too. Susan, you can paint and listen at the same time!

          • sbranch says:

            Believe it or not, when I paint, I think, and miss whole CHUNKS of books on tape, not knowing when the thinking began, I don’t know how to get back to what I missed! I think it’s funny, so it’s old movies for me, because I have the visual thing to get me back to the last thing I remember!

          • Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

            Have you read The House at Riverton by Kate Morton? It begins: “Last November I had a nightmare. It was 1924 and I was at Riverton again. All the doors hung open, silk billowing in the summer breeze. . . The air rang with pealing laughter and crystal . . .” So evocative! Such a good book!

          • sbranch says:

            I have it, think I might go there next! Thank you for the reminder Rosanne!

          • Debbie Boerger says:

            Oh, yes, Rosanne, Maisie Dobbs. I wrote to Susan about it, but my last 2 posts have been vaporized. I just love all of the Winspear books, and I’ve just finished the newest one, beginning of WWll. Tried to wait for the library, but I just could not…ordered it on Kindle.

            Debbie in Tampa

        • KathyG says:

          Oh yes, definitely check out Maisie Hobbs. You will love her!

    • Claudia says:

      I think we all must be going thru the same things. I too have stopped watching so much news and have once again picked up my rosary and are meditating thru prayer. Oh my does it help

  6. Kathie Ferko says:

    Happy Easter to you…thanks for the lovely blog. 2017 is a tough year for me too..esp.during this Republican fiasco of a presidency…always on edge.
    Just wanted to say ,I made the Carrot cupcakes on the calendar for April. I used your measurements for the icing, but the butter and cream cheese ratios seemed off …may use an 8 oz measurement for the cream cheese next time I make it! Decorated them with coconut and and jelly beans . Again..Happy Birthday…not looking foreword to my birthdays any longer.
    I will be 67 this year in November. This has me upset….try to keep busy with things…but both my parents passed at a young age. Try to remember …young mind..young heart!!!

    As ever…Kathie from Limerick

    • sbranch says:

      67 means you are still in your 60s! But my mom told me the other day she’d like to be turning 70, so it’s all relative! I don’t understand about the cupcakes, why do you think that? I’ve made them lots of times and they always work so I’d really be interested to hear what the problem was, Kathie, and THANK YOU!

      • Judith says:

        Kathie, if you live in Ireland your butter and dairy products are so much richer than in the US. wonder if that made a difference? I use Kerrygold butter and find it has more butterfat.

      • Kathie Ferko says:

        The carrot cake recipe had different proportions for ingredients….the cupcake icing was not as much cream cheese but the same amount of butter…still looks great though!🐣🐥🐇🕊🦋✌️

        • sbranch says:

          I’m sorry Kathie, maybe it doesn’t even matter, but in case it does, what are you saying, the proportions were different from what? Are you using British measures?

          • Kathie Ferko says:

            No..the measurements on Carrot cupcakes and the carrot cake in you book…the icings had different measurements for the cream cheese amount… using 4 oz on calendar recipe for icing in comparison to icing recipe for carrot cake in book….
            Whatever…they all went in a flash…so no real problem..thanks

          • sbranch says:

            Yes, you are right, should be 1/4 c butter! Oops, I see, but happy to hear it all worked out. 👏

  7. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! This was a difficult week for me~ I lost my Mom very unexpectedly. I have been reading your Gratitude Inspirational quotes which I have found of great comfort.

    Time is a great healer, and waiting for the pain to lessen, and the beautiful memories overshadow this sadness of loss.

    Happy Easter and Much Love and Appreciation for your beautiful spirit!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh no Barbara, that is so sad. Yes, wait for a while, it will get better in the most bittersweet of ways. Sending love. xoxo

  8. So very glad you had a wonderful trip and a magical birthday! I walked in the door from therapy sessions Monday evening and asked my phone when Gladys Tabor’s birthday was- because I knew yours was any day! On my calendar for Wednesday, I wrote that it would be a day filled with special delights because you bring so much magic to the lives of all of us girlfriends (and I do have to say, it was a good day- hopefully for all of the girlfriends).

    This week was my first time out in the yard this year, and it felt so good to be uncovering the little specks of green that were hidden underneath the debris left behind from the leaves last fall. I was in heaven riding around my yard on the mower with a little red wagon being pulled by it, taking loads of sticks to the street. But we left the clover for the bees! It’s the little things that are magic.

    This afternoon we celebrated my darling little corgi, Riley’s, 8th birthday on the back porch. We have party hats for the two little four-footed girlfriends and I always put a candle on some special treat to mark the occassion. Sadly, their grandma thought she hit the video button instead of the camera button, so we may have to have another party tonight to celebrate. And we’ve been looking over your fabric so I can make a darling blanket for my new niece who is coming this summer. I’ve never been an aunt to humans before, just to those covered in fur and feathers. 🙂 So this is exciting. (And both grandmas have been given your “Tell Me Your Story” books along with her mom, too. I’ve recently converted them into fans, so I’m starting my niece out from the beginning with your fairy dust.)

    Can’t wait for the mugs! It was so exciting to see them! I ordered my mom some of the Fine Romance Tea for Mother’s Day, and I just had to give it to her as soon as it came. I can’t stand surprises!

    Happy Belated Birthday from all of your girlfriends in my family! We <3 you bunches!

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Birthday to Riley! I’m sure he made the MOST of his special day! And thank you Tammy!

  9. Andrea Tandler says:

    Happy Easter🐰 I say 60 is the new 30, so 70 is the new 35😎 Actually my kids are older than 30 so the math doesn’t really work, but the truth is I do not feel old. Belated Happy Birthday!🎈🎂 With regards to 2017 being stressful, I have been reading a lot. If my online sources are correct, things will get better soon. We are a country of laws and some people are working very hard on our behalf. A British woman has been working especially hard for us, getting the story out.🇬🇧🇺🇸 I pray it will all work out. My husband and I walk on our treadmill for 30 minutes and then walk Miss Skeeter🐶 in the park for 20 minutes. So I liked your chart. Can’t wait to read your next book.

    • sbranch says:

      I adore your optimism and I feel it too. Like it is with Joe, I don’t worry so much about his driving, as I do about the nuts with a death wish and texting idiots who are on the road with him. Hugs to you both and Miss Skeeter too!

  10. Chris Wells. Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    I was sure you had a wonderful birthday, filled with friends…and cake. Today, the 15th is Mom’s birthday #94! She says it is just another day! Still gardening, cooking and canning, but living with me. I am with you….how did we get so old? When did that happen? But I just choose to ignore the number! 😄
    I turned off the TV long ago, ignorance IS bliss! I practice acts of kindness and stay in my little world. The world intrudes from time to time with phones that do not work, and trash that does not get picked up….have you noticed how hard it is to get something fixed? Sometimes I feel like I am living 1984…….the book, not the year! But I throw myself into my current book, and pull weeds, and cherish my time in the herb garden. Things will get better. I remember my 30th birthday and how depressed I was….30! Well since I got over turning 30! No other birthday has bothered me. I am getting older and wiser.
    I wish I had that wonderful path you have to walk to the sea! I would walk Molly everyday and she would jump in the ocean and dig in the sand, because that is what retrievers do!
    Love you Susan! Remember, you are a porch light person, and your light shines brighter than you will ever know! Just keep doing what you do….excited about the next book!
    Love you!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL depressed at 30! Those were the days! My porch light is always on!

    • Annie in IL says:

      Me, too, same thing – 30 meant I was no longer ‘young’!!! I was an ‘adult’. Friends at work gave me sympathy cards instead of b’day cards. No other b’day, even turning 40 which is supposed to be a biggie – bothered me. I’m now 71 and doing fine.

    • Betsy Brunette says:

      That’s it!! Chris has found the perfect description of your spirit…..being the porch light that shines brighter with time. When we receive your blogs, it feels to me like I am opening a present of unexpected ideas and delight. So I say….keep doing what you are doing. We love you!!

      Betsy from Indianapolis, IN

  11. Ellen Eastman says:

    Happy birthday, Susan! Join the “never grow up” revolution! Stay 12 going on 24.

  12. Marianne in Mo. says:

    I too had been in a funk lately. Just seems as though winter lasted way too long this year! But once our weather started to warm, I came out of it. We had a lot to look forward to this spring, top of the list was visiting our daughter and her family in Texas. Since coming home, we have been busy enjoying our first spring in our new home. Seeing if our shrubs we hastily planted in September made it through the winter (so far, over half are popping out leaves!) Planting a few more shrubs and trees, seeing HOW MANY DOGWOODS are growing in the area – almost a forest of them! And surprise – we have a big patch of wild violets down by our lake shore! YIPPEE! We also have a lone goose as well as a pair who have decided that what the squirrels toss from our feeder is good eatin’, so they visit at least twice a day. The pair I’ve named Donald & Melania, because he’s very vocal but just stands around honking, and the loner is called Wingman, due to him having lost some wing feathers (he’snot been able to fly all winter, but now has enough to get a bit of air.) A lizard hangs out under our back stairs, startling me EVERY TIME – wish he/she would find a new residence.
    I’ve been itching to pot some flowers, but fear we may not be out of the woods yet weather-wise.
    So glad spring has sprung again, it gives me energy!

    • sbranch says:

      Ahhh nature, in all it’s contradictory glory! Thank goodness lizards can’t yell BOO!

    • Chris Wells. Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Marianne, your comment made me laugh out loud! What a delightful spring you are having! Enjoyed! ❤️

    • Thank you for this beautiful writing! It’s a spirit booster! Happy Happy Birthday to a wonderful person, Susan! I love this blog, but I love them all! Happy Easter! Let joy, peace, and love reign! Treasure every moment!

  13. Debbie Boerger says:

    Just in the nick of time. Thank you for a Much Needed dose of beauty, hope and peace. This is the third time I’ve tried to write this, and for some reason, hit something that closed the blog before I sent…..and poof! Gone.

    So, rather than blather (!!), I’ll just say you hit exactly the right note for all of us who are really tense right now. We So needed to remember what Spring means. And that love and beauty are things we can give and receive.
    Aaahhhhhhh, deep breath, sigh……

    Debbie in Tampa…for 4 more weeks, then Maine, here we come!!!!

  14. MJ says:

    Thank you, Susan…just thank you! xo

  15. Maria says:

    Wishing you a belated happiest of birthdays so far….🎂👑🍰💕💋🌷🍾🍷

  16. Kate McLaury says:

    Oh, thank you so much! Today I decided to get off FaceBook and select inspiring and spirit enriching pages to feed my 2017-crazy world anxiety. And there are your perfect words.
    We are all in this together and taking good care is so important. Love your books, your scrapbooking fun things, your blog, fabric….be well, create, love and Happy Birthday month!!
    Kate McLaury……in Kansas

    • sbranch says:

      I read something beautiful written by Gladys Taber today . . . I’ll have to quote it in the next blog, very soothing words.

  17. Marigold says:

    What lovely and inspiring thoughts, Susan. Thank you so much for sharing. I always appreciate how ‘real’ you are, giving voice to not only your joys but your struggles. Sometimes everything is not peachy keen, and it’s okay to recognize that. The important thing is to learn how to grow through it (like the caterpillar) and how to rise above it (like the butterfly).

    “I turned off the tv” — powerful words. I have decided to not watch any news on the weekends in order to give my spirit a rest. So much sorrow, so much hate, so much pain — it’s good to take a break from it and heal.

    Most of all, I am grateful every day that God’s eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. That brings peace and joy to my heart that no worldly force can steal. Love and hugs to you and yours.

  18. Sandy says:

    Just what I needed to read today ! Thank you for being such an upbeat person.
    Hugs, Sandy

  19. Judith says:

    Dear Susan, this fellow “12-going-on-24-year-old” brain, trapped in a 65 year old body, can totally relate to your reaction about father time marching on and marking the calendar without our permission! And ditto the feelings of anxiety over the state of politics and the world. So THANK YOU for sharing and for the many great tips for survival. Just looking at Jack with that rubber band was enough to lift my spirits 🙂 I am also loving the Dorothy Moore musica today! And one last thing, that Trader Joe’s cashew butter is DIVINE!…looking forward to trying your brother’s dip…maybe a brother/sister recipe book collaboration to add to your “list”?! You’ve got good genes and longevity on your side, go for it girrrrl!

  20. Margot says:

    Isn’t Spring so lovely? I do love the Robert Lewis Stevenson quote as always. I have to make lists to clear my brain too.
    A belated happy birthday and happy Easter too!!!

  21. Ann Woleben says:

    Welcome home! You have been missed. I, too, am an April “baby” and on the 8th I celebrated my 71st birthday. I am determined to not think about age, but to think about all of the opportunities each day to create, to find someone who needs a boost and to be grateful for life. The events in our world are frightening and coming at a fast pace. More reasons to make the most of each day. This blog inspired me to continue with my plan to make each day special in some way. We’re a few weeks ahead with the flowers blooming – today I filled pots with caladiums, impatiens, coleus and zinnias. Easter egg hunt here tomorrow for my precious nieces. Hoping for a gentle rain tonight to wash away some of the pollen. Easter blessings to you, Joe and the kitties.

  22. Laurie Walt says:

    Beautiful post! I am re reading Marthas Vineyard and it is as inspiring today as when I first read it and so are your posts! Thankyou Susan! Glad your Birthday was festive and I smiled at the seriousness of the moment to make a wish! What a great friend to wish with you! What are the blue flowers in the window vase? They look like borage. Love.

    • sbranch says:

      They are the Spring Beauty (squill) that came up when we removed the blackberry brambles! They do look like borage, but too soon around here!

  23. Sharon Calvert says:

    Happy belated birthday! I beat you to 70 by about a month, and was taken by surprise this Holy Week when I experienced ‘odd’ chest sensations that culminated in quintuple bypass surgery within the space of a few hours! Not something I’d had on my radar, so now more than ever before I’ll be looking to you for heart-healthy, yummy-tasting – preferably quick & easy – food choices. (Just in cases you need to add ideas to your list {{wink wink}}). Enjoy each and every blessed moment and loved one, and keep up your happy, positive, cheerful outlook. Just say NO to any person, place, or thing that has the slightest potential to shift your attitude in the wrong direction. <3

    Sharon in Alabama

    • sbranch says:

      Used to be the magic word was thank you, but now it’s no. 🤓 So HAPPY you had this warning, and are still with us, because we do need you Sharon!

  24. Kathleen C in Michigan says:

    Thank you Susan, these are stressful times and a gentle reminder to take care of ourselves and our loved ones is more than welcome. I’m going to check and see if the new movie channel you mentioned will be available in our area. Thanks for that piece of news also. A belated Happy Birthday and a blessed Easter.

    • sbranch says:

      Same to you Kathleen! I think (hope, believe) that Roku is the same for everyone! Fingers crossed!

  25. deb h says:

    Agreeing with you about 2017, how much more can we take? But… a lamb cake was made for tomorrow and lots of eggs were dyed in teacups with wire dippers by my kiddos and we’ll be in church in the morning singing with our best voices. God is good to give us Easter and His spring decor still takes our breath away. 🙂 Thank you for your inspiration as always, for voicing what we are all thinking regarding the state of things, and for the reminders to keep loving, giving, and thanking.
    Happy Birthday and Happy Easter!
    Deb in AZ
    p.s. I so wish I could come to your yard sale!

    • sbranch says:

      I love your Easter, you’re doing so much to make joy for everyone around you, we need us more than ever now!

  26. T Boland says:

    Happy Birthday! We just got back from Scotland, literally three hours ago. Me, my husband, and 17 year old daughter, took off to Edinburgh for a glorious week of spring break. Even though it was windy and cold and we wore winter wear, it was a lovely spring break. There flowers are in bloom, despite the wind and cold. My daughter channeled her inner billy goat on Arthur’s Seat, we loved the castle, the royal mile, Mary King’s close. We got lost and ended up at the glorious Scottish Portrait Gallery. We explored every old grave yard and all J.K. Rowling haunts. We made day trips to Loch Lomond, the Troussachs, and St. Andrews. All together we logged over seventy miles on our Fitbits (my daughter doesn’t need a Fitbit because she’s just fit). I almost left out Holyrood House which has the most beautiful back yard in the world. You told me I would love Edinburgh and you were right, enchanting city. Thank you for sharing your travels, I even stopped at Ragamuffin. You are the best, Tami

  27. Rose says:

    You had me at “write a new book”… 🙂 so exciting. I read parts of your 3 books every night… I want to be happy and full of nature thoughts when I go to sleep. The state of our nation has me really worried too… my children and grandchildren see so much meanness in our politics, makes me sad. But such blessings to have a family,,,and you!! Thank you for being you- very nice thoughts were today.

    • sbranch says:

      When Gladys Taber wrote about politicians she said this, “I would have them all come to this spot and ask them to smell the quiet air and listen to the tranquil country sounds. I would ask them to remember when they were children and believed in life. Maybe they would pick a few golden violets and see the wonder of what God makes, and say to one another “How shall we save the world for simple people? How shall we make sure that all men may have their hearths, and all children shall pick flowers in the spring?”

      Ahhh Gladys. From your pen to God’s ears. xoxo

  28. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    Ahhh, Susan, thank you for being our elf. Your blogs never fail to delight, to inform, to encourage, and to help bring perspective to worries and concerns that are part of all of our lives these days. Everyone I know is feeling some degree of fretfulness. It chips away at our happy gene, but we can do a lot to prevent it from becoming habitual. For four years I’ve kept a daily “blessings” journal using your “Days” book (btw, so sorry it’s not being published anymore ☹️) and have written down just that…blessings. Everyday has some, big ones and small ones, some right in front of me and some a little harder to find, but if I look they are there. Every single day. I have to admit I’ve let my journaling slide over the last several weeks. 2017 has taken a toll on me so far, health wise as well as worries and concerns about the future of our country. The blessing and joys are still there, of course, and I’m determined to focus on them, and get back to writing them down. Huge blessing for me is that health issues are much improved. Love the pic of you and Margo…I hope your wishes come true!…and also love the one of you and Elizabeth gathering shells. I think the little yellow ones are called mermaids toenails? I found a handful of them when hubby and I were on Cape Cod a few years ago. Little blessings, just laying there in the sand. Thank you, Susan, for being one of my blessings. Hugs❤️

    • sbranch says:

      I loved seeing that photo of Margot and me too, didn’t know she was behind me with her hands clasped and as into it as I was.💞 So darling and true hearted. Counting our blessings is truly the secret of life. Knowing how blessed we are, it’s amazing the power in that knowledge. Love you Shannon!

  29. Pom Pom says:

    Happy birthday month and happy Easter, Sue!

  30. Cyndi in NC says:

    Happiest of birthdays to you dear Susan!!! Many, many more. Hugs.

  31. FayE in CA! says:

    Dear Susan,

    You are human after all and share the frustrations and failings that we all do. We feel comfort in believing that you are truly magic and free from the turmoil, but when we are not basking in your magic, we know that you are a woman who is touched deeply by the sadnesses around us. We know that you have deep substance beyond your sweet, happy-gene bliss. We know that you are human.

    “I have so much on my mind it’s overwhelming and because of it nothing really gets done!” When I have too much on my plate I can get totally stalled…zombie-like…paralyzed….aimlessly doing NOTHING while stuff keeps piling up…just a slug thinking I need to snap out of it and DO…and I do not have the volumes of “stuff” that spin you around!! You are absolutely correct…writing the list keeps the derailing brain waves from bumping into each other.

    You were right to make the list and then STOP “the agenda” and read a book with Jack by your side. I do not know how you do it all. Maybe turning 70 has left you with the “celebration-is-over-blues”…a bit of a letdown. AND! Maybe 70 is a benchmark to redirect how you want your spirit to fly? Maybe your soul is telling you that you just want to be a wanderer for a while…filling more journals along the way. Maybe you and Joe need to take a long trip WITHOUT US…(gasp) (GASP, again) (GASP SUCKING-AIR-LETTING-FLIES-IN TYPE OF GASP) …maybe the extra suitcases are getting too heavy. Maybe you need a break. Your travels are NOT a total break. Your happy gene could be in need of refreshment and space.

    I giggled when you shared your frustration about your mother’s laundry detergent “disappearing”…THAT IS the straw that finally broke you. One trusty-dusty straw that you never thought about…knew it was always there…had always been there…mom’s detergent. A plain and simple straw that broke your camel’s back and stalled you for a bit. It really is the loss of the plain and simple straws that break us open. We can carry a lot, but when one of the plain and simple straws drops…the subconscious worries flood out, overwhelm us and nothing is happy.

    It must be so hard to be on the pedestal that we all put you on…so many expectations! We aspire to be standing next to you on a Girlfriends’ Together pedestal because you are the axis of a very special sphere of happiness with the happy gene beacon shining brightly. It is unrealistic to think that your happy gene is never vulnerable!

    You live/ARE the Velveteen Rabbit’s realization of what “real” and true is. (Sorry, Peter, but you are not the only famous rabbit…really, you are not…hard to hear, I know. Find, Susan…she will comfort you.)

    I will write more later. I have started reading your blogs from the beginning, Enjoying seeing the progression.. Enjoying the bundles of joy wrapped in your art, words and lifestyle.

    Your sister, Elizabeth, looked darling drinking from your new cup. The genetic stamp is sure apparent in her face…undeniably sisters.

    May Spring put joy back in your step and teach you that it is alright to let go… and breathe.


    Anyway…know that love is sent…squeezy hugs are holding tight…SEE the hearts!

    Happy Easter.


    PS: Congratulations to Flopsy. I hope that your brand new lamby-love is frolicking happily. Fun that he/she was born on Susan’s birthday! Name? Susie-Q or Joey in honor of Susan’s birthday!!!

    • sbranch says:

      The happy gene is always there, but it’s vulnerable too, just like you say, FayE.💞 Especially when they begin messing with your laundry detergent. Do they have no shame? 😜 Love you dear. xoxo

  32. Dee Fox says:

    I bought a house that came with a lawn of naturalized squill, too. When the grass is green and peppered with those little blue bonnets I know spring is here, and it’s outside time. You’re absolutely right: out in the soil, tending plants, pulling weeds is soul medicine.
    Also, when I checked out Facebook this morning I saw the news that April the giraffe was finally giving birth. I hadn’t been following the web cam, but learned that several of my friends had been anxiously awaiting the birth. So I checked out the live stream, and there was April’s little miracle, who found an adoring, albeit unseen, world happy to see him alive and well.
    With hopes of not sounding too hokey, I think of you as an April miracle, too. You embody Spring: fresh, and bright, creative and renewing — and you have the gift of sharing that, too. That’s true agelessness.
    Your blog is always a gift, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you! Happy Every Day and a Joyous Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      Love you Dee, that was so sweet. I’ve always been so happy to share my birthday with the daffodils and the bunnies!

  33. FayE in CA! says:


    (Glued my plain and simple straw back on! Life is good. 😋

  34. Cindy Z says:

    Happy 70th Birthday! I’m turning 60 this year and having similar thoughts. I totally agree about making lists to de-stress when you have too much to do – I have lots of lists – To-Do list, New Years Resolutions list, Honey-Do list, Things-to-Paint list, etc.! I hope your birthday wish comes true!

  35. Esther in the Missouri Ozarks says:

    As always, another wonderful post. Now and then we just have to give ourselves a shake and get with the program. Each year I choose a word to “live”. When I made my list of 17 extra special things to accomplish in 2017, it seemed that from a human point of view, they were all impossible. So I just decided that my word for the year would be “impossible”, because I darn sure can accomplish impossible things with my 60+ years of hard earned wisdom. So many people look at aging as the end, for me it’s a beginning and oh the list of things I plan to do ! So here’s to us Susan…tea cups clinking in a toast….may we tick all of our boxes this year.

    • sbranch says:

      “Hard earned wisdom” is definitely one of the more wonderful gifts afforded to us as we age. I love that part. I always wondered if it would really happen, and I think it has. Here’s to box ticking, and celebrating every one of them!

  36. I’m late in wishing my favorite person a happy birthday, but it comes with the warmest of wishes and prayers for better days for us all. 💕🍰🎁💐🎉

  37. Jenny Young says:

    Happy Birthday! Lots of April birthdays in my neighborhood, mine was yesterday!

    I never watch the news….it’s a total waste of time.

  38. Nancy says:

    Always a lovely post…and a very Happy 70th to you! And many more!!

  39. Amanda Davis says:

    Birthdays are bittersweet as we get older, but the joy that you spread each day is truly something to celebrate so cheers to you and a new decade! 2017 has been tough and I appreciate your honesty. We live in a place where everyone is always supposed to put on a “good face” and act like nothing is wrong but life really is difficult sometimes and it’s cathartic to express that. I’m 24 but was a late bloomer into adulthood (I blame the homeschooling and pastoral childhood). There are revelations about the world I would rather forget (ahem, corruption of corporations, government and religion), but it is lovely to know I can do my little part in various ways. We are in this together and I am so thankful for all the inspiration your blog brings!

    • sbranch says:

      You are way ahead of me, at 24 I was still only 14! I didn’t get to adulthood till around 56! 😜 Yes, children would be best at running the country. They are honest and know the difference between right and wrong without thinking twice, they know not to take the powdery stuff off the butterfly wings. Sending Love, Amanda, you are a bright light!

  40. Margaret in AG says:

    Happy late birthday!!! Your friends make beautiful cakes, and i’m sure very tasty.. I am thinking your blue funk is the “0” birthday.. (I have an “0”birthday in October, the same one as yours). I always dread “0”birthday’s months in advance. I am not sure why, I just don’t like them. is get over yourself( meaning myself) plant seeds, and pretty flowers look forward to a bright future!

    • sbranch says:

      Mine was also just coming home, and being home, and almost having an O for open slate . . . I’m always so bound up with “Have-to-dos” that without them, for the moment, I was loose in the wind! But I anchored myself to my heart magnet, home, work, love. An all is much better. Happy springtime Margaret!

  41. Jane Armour says:

    Wishing you the very happiest of birthdays! I too have been grieving someone, especially these last few weeks and your post has been like a fresh wind helping to blow away the cobwebs. I always turn to both you & our beloved Gladys Taber when I am in the need of hope and a fresh infusion of joy in everyday life. I am planning to go to the FOGT reunion in June. Will you be dropping by? Thank you so much for your blog. I am so looking forward to receiving my new mug in the next few weeks and whatever your new book is about (tea,perhaps)? I am looking forward to it already!

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t been paying close attention, where is the FOGT reunion this year, Jane? Is it, I hope, on the Cape? xoxo

  42. Sarah says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, dear friend! I’m right behind you on celebrating the big 70. It almost seems surreal, but my husband turned 70 several years ago and he’s still the same ultra dear, sharp minded man I married 42 years ago. 😉
    I’m like you when it comes to my mind and my age. I certainly don’t feel like 70, whatever that is supposed to feel like. Ha!

    I know you and Joe had a wonderful trip to CA, but home is always the best place to be. So, Welcome Home! I love the idea of your list. I have to do that too, except I make mine on “Notes” on my iPhone. That way it is always with me if I think of something to add, and I delight when I can delete a line or two or three!

    We are way ahead of you here in central Texas. I’ve been digging in the garden for over a month. Everything is fresh and green. Tulips and other bulbs are now just a memory. Our spring flowering trees long ago bloomed out, but the magnolia trees are just beginning to bloom. I love the fragrance on my daily walks. We don’t have the ocean to walk along, but fortunately I live on a creek with a hike and bike trail. I’m walking with nature smack in the middle of a large city. Believe me, I feel grateful! Speaking of gratitude, I ordered four copies of your charming GRATITUDE book, one for me and three for Easter gifts. I love the quotes and your beautiful watercolor details. Yes, feeling lots of gratitude for Susan Branch! ‘-)

    As you make your way down your list, will you let me know when you plan your yard sale? I might have to book a flight. ‘-)

    Again, Happy Birthday ~ Happy Easter ~ Happy Spring ~ Happy Homecoming ~ Happy Life! Love you! Hugs from Austin ~ Sarah

  43. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    Happy Birthday Susan!!
    I agree with you about the age anxiety even though I’m a little younger. I do remember when I turned 40 and thought I was so old and my life was over. (I would give anything to be 40 now!!) It was after turning 40 that I met my wonderful husband and the happiest time of my life followed. We are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary on April 18th. It’s never too late to have your dreams come true. You know that better than anyone!!
    Thank you for all the stress relief tips which are much needed in these troubling times. They say petting a cat is excellent for relieving stress and preventing heart problems.
    Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers!!

    • sbranch says:

      No wonder I feel so good today, me and Jack watched an old movie, with LOTS of cat petting! It’s the little things in life!

  44. Happy Birthday, Susan.

    So sorry you’ve been feeling down. I felt that way right after I retired 2 years ago, but I rediscovered the creative and domestic groove I had way back when I was a young stay at home mom. I was so much like you! But then, I surprisingly ended up divorced and had to enter the workforce doing everything but what I had dreamed I would be doing for the next 30 years. I’m good with it now. I don’t even mind standing in lines.

    And those stinkin’ politicians deserve each other. Just keep the TV off and let them worry about it! We are lucky to get to have the fun job–loving nature, friends, family, being creative! YOU and The Girlfriends have sure helped me figure it all out by reading your books and this great blog. Thanks for that! Let’s all keep making it a nicer world.

    I found a good quote on Pinterest about YOUTH from Sophia Loren. (I love quotes too)

    “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age.” –Sophia Loren.

    You’ve certainly done that. (And you have such a good heart.) One thing that is SO GREAT about getting older–you can get away with losing your “filter” and say just whatever you think needs being said, and people see the gray hair and forgive you. LOL!

    Shelley S. (You know, the one with the extra E in her name) 😊

    PS “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s Party!’.” –Robin Williams

    Blessed Easter to you all.

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha, I’ve always thought that too, about getting older and losing filters! I watched Katharine Hepburn grow older, and say some pretty outrageous things, and looked around to see people sort of saying, oh isn’t that cute. So I’ve been waiting! I still think it’s a bit early, but by 80, oh my, I scare myself at the thought! Something to look forward to! xoxo Yay for Robin Williams. Life, ain’t it sweet!

      • Love your forsythias! (Wish we had some) This reminds me that I saw a recipe for a forsythia JELLY on Pinterest (junkie). I have no idea how it would taste, (it had lemon juice in it) but it had the most gorgeous color. It could be a way of preserving springtime. I’m all for it!

        Enjoy your day.

        • sbranch says:

          Hmmm. Forsythia jelly. Love the sound of that. Lemon anything works for me! Happy spring, Shelley!

  45. Becky says:

    Best post ever. You are an amazing woman. At a time when you, like so many of us, feel overwhelmed and a little sad and lost, you reach out and spread healing energy and reminders of simple joys. Here’s hoping that your 70s turn out to be a total delight. Even decades from now, I see you being as energetic and fun as Betty White. : )

  46. AngieTink says:

    Rise & Shine Sweet~Sue & A Glorious Easter~Sunday For You & Joe & Jack! 🙂 Thank~You For This Wonderful~Blog~Post #KindredSpirits & #GreatMinds #SEEDS….. 🙂 #BirthdayCard Will Be Back~In~The~Mail This Week 😉 Yikes! Lol 🙂 Always~Something 😉 & You My Dear Are #70YearsYOUNG!!! 🙂 For Our Easter~Dinner… Herbster Is Roasting a #PrimeRib On Our~Back~Porch On #TheRotisserie & I Shall Be Making All #TheFixins #MashedYukonGoldPotatoes #SteamedAsparagus & #YourCornPudding (Yum!) 🙂 & For #Dessert Apple~Pie With Vanilla~Ice~Cream… A Yummy Easter~Sunday! Yay! 🙂 Sending You More~Birthday~Hugzzz & Always Lots Of #LOVE & #JOY A Blessed~Easter xoxo #Amen! & A #Poof! 🙂 😉 🙂 P.S. I Love All Your Photos…Especially These Birthday~Ones 🙂

  47. Janette J. says:

    The birthday cakes and stack of rings are just beautiful! When I despair about age, I think about Tina Turner…(77 yrs old now) and however old she is, doesnt seem old and It makes me feel better. Thanks for posting all the cute pictures, the walking chart and stress remedies. I knew most of them but you’ve given me permission to do a few things. Had to stop in the middle of Target shopping today and pull up your blog and pictures for a moment, .then all was well. Thank you for staying hopeful. Its such a beautiful world.

  48. Judy in Ohio says:

    Thank you, dear Susan for the “pep talk”…As you and I discussed at length earlier in the year, I too am having quite some difficulty with 2017…and I so appreciate your positivity! I will try to try much harder to have a better attitude…even though it does seem to be rather i m p o s s i b l e. 🙁

    > ‘t’ < Wishing you & Joe and Jack a very HAPPY EASTER!!


    • sbranch says:

      As they say, never let them see you sweat. And, you go Girl. And all the rest! Love you Judy!

      • Judy in Ohio says:

        I WILL KEEP trying! 🙂

        Susan…as I have been reading all of your ever so poignant
        replies here this evening, I cannot believe that we girlfriends have been so blessed as to have such a gem of a friend as you. You are such a light in an otherwise (all too common, recently) darkness.

        In thinking about this and you, I was reminded of a poem (that I think you will love) that I have not thought about in probably 40 years:

        In Tune

        “I don’t remember when I first began To call you “friend.” One day, I only know, The vague companionship that I’d seen grow So imperceptibly, turned gold, and ran In tune with all I’d thought, or dared to plan. Since then, you’ve been to me like music, low, Yet clear; a fire that throws its warm, bright glow On me as on each woman, child, and man, And common thing that lies within its rays; You’ve been the wholesome food that stays the cry Of hungry, groping minds; and like a star – A self-sufficient star – you make me raise My utmost being to a higher sky, In tune, like you, with earth, yet wide, and far.”
        ~ Florence Steigerwalt
        (From Leaves of Gold)

        Thank you again, dear friend…You’re the BEST!


  49. Olwyn Millar says:

    I have only recently found you and your wonderful blog. This post could have have been written just for me. I have already written my huge to do list and another list of lovely things to see and do. I feel better already!

    Happy birthday, a milestone to continue to celebrate🎂🎉🍸

    Thank you for your lovely words.Olwyn

  50. Gill Smith says:

    So glad you enjoyed your birthday celebrations Susan, just remember 70 isn’t old, unless you’re a tree! Happy Easter to you and Joe, and wallow in the peace you have found now. There’s no place like home, enjoy it, although it sounds like you had a fabulous trip.
    Take care love Gill from North Devon xx

  51. Dawn hill says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for this blog.

  52. Deborah Winter says:

    Happy Birthday and Happy Spring Susan! Age is relative and as a wise woman once said–as soon as 10 years from now you are going to wish you had the body you did when you were younger so be grateful for your blessings today. Now that people live to be 100, 70 sounds mature and wise not old! Look at Gloria Steinem; she said life after 70 was the best she had ever experienced which was echoed by Jane Fonda too. You are sunshine so thank you so much for being who you are and doing what you do!

    • sbranch says:

      Love you Deborah, I’m feeling WAY better . . . it was just a blip that went with parents and things like that. But life is for the living, and if there is one thing I am, it’s alive! Thank you. 💞

  53. Lori says:

    Love this mentioned your dad and I wonder if you ever got a card in the mail I sent with a crocheted snowflake in it saying ” Life is like a snowflake…this was sent in loving memory of your Dad……xo

    • sbranch says:

      I think I did Lori, it does sound familiar, I think I put it on my Christmas tree. Thank you for such a lovely thought.

  54. Hala nr. Bath says:

    Lovely blog post, Susan. I know those periods of feeling unsettled. I’ve stopped myself getting so involved in the news and just look forward to a better time. I have started meditating using the Calm app which I love. Always re-read your books if I am feeling down! Thank you for writing them! Enjoying Bath in the Spring time at the moment. Had a lovely walk with my family yesterday around the Botanical Gardens, The Royal Crescent and The Circus.
    Belated happy birthday to you. Love from Hala xx

  55. Linda Metcalf says:

    Happy Easter to you….it’s a day of promises in this crazy world. A very happy birthday to you …my 70th is next year and I’m already worrying about it. I don’t know why as many don’t make it. Thru it all it’s still a wonderful world!

  56. DonnaRay from the Southern Shore of Lake Ontario says:

    Well, that did it for me…. your lovely blog (how DO you always know how we are feeling?!) It was the elixir I needed this early Easter morning. After an extra busy week everything was looking smudged up this morning, but now I’m seeing the sun streaming in, not the dirty windows or dusty places where it lands. And, I, also started a long list….even before I read your blog, so clearly you get to me even without the wizardry of computers! The list is so long I had to go back and categorize it. It’s that longing feeling of wanting so much to do/see/eat/create but not sure just what! You know? I’ve reread your post a couple times and have soaked it in, but I must admit to the “slug” part of the experience….every time I see the photo of you and Margot wishing so ardently this thought pops into my head…”how hard it must be to love this woman so very much who has such a tiny waist and not even a little ripple of fat along her midriff!” She must truly be adorable for you to allow her to even stand near you! I just turned 70 also and despite the broken tooth and the Baker’s Cyst behind my knee it’s all going pretty well! Thank you ever so much for helping me live my life more joyfully! As my Daddy would say, “You’re a keeper!” As always, DonnaRay

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, Margot, not only beautiful, but funny, and smart too! SO irritating. I love her with every bone in my body! Happiness, the perfect elixir for Easter, a time of new beginnings!

  57. susan desimone says:

    What a wonderful Easter morning treat to find your latest blog piece!
    When the world gets crazy.. I head for your blog and all is good in that moment..
    Now I have to frost the carrot cupcakes that I made from your April calendar…I think I shall make the frosting the palest shade of pink 🙂

  58. Jane says:

    Oh, Susan – I read your long-awaited post yesterday and then my husband and I went for a little boat ride in the sunshine but I couldn’t get you out of my mind — mostly because I relate so much to the sadness and craziness of the world right now and as hard as I try, I find myself reading long articles online, mostly trying to grasp onto some encouragement and meaning for all of this madness. I sit in the pew at church Sunday after Sunday, and fervently pray for resolution on just a teeny little scale to the anger and hate and boasting about these boys and their power and might and rearing their ugly heads. And this simply is NOT where my mind needs or wants to be. I’m planting SEEDS here too, waiting for sunshine and flowers. I make lists nearly daily and in a couple of years, will be 70 myself. But through your sorrow and frustrations, you lift us up and give us hope. Thank you for your honesty and sharing how you are dealing with this; I know you will take that walk to the shore and pet your kitty and drink that tea and we all will find those snippets of happiness in our days. But those who feel that this is normal and good and all this change is wonderful — WHAT??? Just keep on keepin’ on, grasp that joy, PRAY without ceasing, hold your breath, and hopefully, someday, soon, we will find a sense of peace here — God willing. Happy Easter to you and your dear Joe. Choose joy.

    • sbranch says:

      Choose joy! My sentiment exactly. Pray to God but continue to row toward shore means we keep doing whatever we can to make a positive difference in this wonderful world we call home. xoxo Thank you Jane!

  59. Sosae says:

    Dear Susan, I needed to read this. Thank you, as always, for taking the time to create such beautiful blogs for us. I love the ‘seeds of today’ quote. We can choose to concentrate on what we do each day to make this world a better place. And by “world”, I mean the world immediately around us. That’s plenty big, impacting everyone and everything we touch.

    Like almost everyone else who’s commented here, I’ve been disheartened by the news of the day. But then I remember that quote by Marilla Cuthbert: “To despair is to turn your back on God.” I love that. I’m not religious, but to me, that means so much. God is all things beautiful and filled with love, so to allow ourselves to be defeated by sadness is like denying the existence of beauty and love. No way. Not going to happen while there’s breath in this body.

    I’m rereading ‘Isle of Dreams’. I just needed to. (I’ve already read ‘Fairytale Girl’ twice.) I’m 37 and your story gives me hope and strength (and lots of happiness.) You are my hero, Ms. Branch. I love journeying with you. I will happily go wherever you decide to take us. Lots of love to you and Joe and Jack. xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      It’s true. We should never give up or let despair overwhelm. After all, the bad people are depending on making it so bad, that the good folks hide their eyes, turn their backs and give up. But we’ll never do that. Onward we go! And thank you for your lovely words Sosae! XOXO It’s a wonderful world!

  60. Rebecca ~~ Riverside, CA says:

    A belated happy birthday to you! It looks like you had a marvelous time.
    Yes, life seems to be overwhelming with current world situations as well as closer to home. I turned off the tv news years ago, I try to keep up to date by reading online sources, seems less anxiety producing for me. I take a mile walk with my 75 year old neighbor every night and on the weekends add an additional 2 mile walk with my energetic terrier. My dogs are instrumental in keeping me happy. Adopt a pet! The weather in my area is perfection right now, it’s great to be outdoors. I’ve been off Facebook since November, but look at Pinterest and Instagram for pretty things as a distraction. By the way if you’re a follower, on Instagram the_reluctant_townie is all into Emma Bridgewater. I also love Pete Souza who was President Obama’s photographer.
    Best wishes to all!

  61. Gina from NY says:

    Happy Birthday and Happy Easter Susan! I’m actually an almost April baby – was born on March 30th, and was 2 weeks early! My parents had even considered naming me April, but I guess I threw a monkey wrench into that idea! I kind of know how you feel about turning 70. This year, I turned 59, but I’m already dreading turning 60! I think it’s a major milestone, and all that comes with the 60’s is a bit scary – like retirement – will I be bored, will I have enough $ to live the lifestyle that I’ve been accustomed to living, will I be alone as I grow older? Never minded being single before, but these days I think wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to lean on and share my life with? I guess it’s never too late – like you, I need to do a mental reboot and start giving myself more of those red letter days!

    You are in good company with the list making! It’s my thing – keeps me sane and organized, and nothing makes me feel better than when I’m crossing things off my list! I have lists for work, and lists for home. Your list seems much longer than mine, but I am sure you will get them all done!

    I’m with you on your worries about missing your dad and worrying about your mom. Both my parents are gone now (mom just passed in November) but she was sick for a long time, and I had a lot on my plate, and it was very stressful. However, I would give anything to have her back here, my dad too. What I did for her and all the tears I shed all those years – were worth it. I would have had it no other way.

    You are right about worrying about all the craziness going on with the media and our government! You put it perfectly, that it’s become a reality show. I can’t bear to look at the news anymore. I wish the parties could, for a minute, put aside their partisan bickering, and just do what’s right and good for its citizens. It is not about who wins or loses (Democrat or Republican) it’s about the good of our country as a whole! We may not have voted for our President; we may not agree with everything he does; but the fact is that he is our President, and his success benefits all of us! With all of the turmoil going on in the world today, we can only pray for that. And this Easter Sunday seems like a very good day to do that…

    • sbranch says:

      Sixty is kind of fun I have to say. But really it’s in the eye of the beholder. I like turning 70 better than I liked turning 27. I just had something against that number! The good of our country is exactly it, well said, Gina! Happy Easter dearheart. xo

      • Gina from NY says:

        xoxo back to you! Let me tell you, you could pass for a much younger girl! Yes, girl! There is no way you look your number. Your pictures always show that you are in great shape, and you have a beautiful face that is always shining with love and happiness. Your energy seems limitless, and your enthusiasm is contagious. You make turning 70 something very lovely… 😘

        • sbranch says:

          You’re a doll Gina! I feel quite fabulous this morning, took a tour of the blooming things in the garden, cool morning, grabbed sweater and reveled in bird song. As my dad would say, all is well in Smallville. xoxoxo

  62. Betsy says:

    You arrived via your blog just in the nick of time! You have been missed. I too have been quite disturbed over Washington. I ask myself every day why they can’t try to work together, how about a 50-50 compromise. We are in a mess because of their constant bickering…..bring on the 7 year olds!!!! As far as the media is concerned they do make us aware of things that are going on that would be just swept under the rug. I take the time to fact check and never listen to just one network. Most of all these times make me so grateful for all the good things in my life. My wonderful husband, children, friends, the birds and flowers, a good book, Earl Grey tea. I am so blessed. Have a wonderful Easter and thanks again for your blog, I love it.

    • sbranch says:

      We go to our small town meetings, which are run a lot like the government, only they are answerable to their very own neighbors and they get TONS of stuff done through compromise. If it could only be like that again! I’ve discovered the miracle of PolitiFact! Such a big help. Have you seen it? Still have to use your common sense, but I’m SO happy to at least have this place to go for a clearer picture. I hate not knowing the truth ~ I would rather have the truth than be happy!

  63. Gerri Daniels says:

    Happy Birthday to you!! On being 70…it’s better than the alternative (no more birthdays!) so bless every day you can add! I don’t feel that old either, and I wonder what happened to those wonderful matrons who held teas, played bridge, etc. all properly dressed with nylons and heels, and were my mother’s friends when I was growing up. Certainly not what we’re doing. But whose to say which is better. I enjoy being me, shorts and flip flops and all.

    So happy when I saw there was a new blog post…I hope you had a wonderful time in CA (my old home state). I miss it but not sadly what it’s become. As you said so eloquently about the state of our politicians, it applies to CA too.
    But moving on, I can’t wait to see my mug when it ships and what new, wonderful creations you will be coming up with. I look at and your calendar every day, it hangs on the wall next to my desk, and I send lovely thoughts to everyone because it makes me happy!

    So have a love-ley Easter Day and and good luck with that list.

    • sbranch says:

      Only visiting California as we were, I didn’t notice anything but the rolling green hills covered with wildflowers, all the political details were blown away with the breeze off the Pacific! Was as beautiful as ever on the Central Coast. You can see pics on the post just below this one…it will make you homesick! Have a wonderful Easter and spring! xoxo

      • Gerri Daniels says:

        Thanks for letting me know the Central Coast is just as beautiful as it has always been. Very familiar with SLO/Arroyo Grande…my mother-in-law lived in Arroyo Grande for 15 years so we visited and enjoyed the small town feel AND profusion of wildflowers!

        • sbranch says:

          It’s always been a very special place to me … lucky girls, us, who were able to spend time there.

  64. Kat Fry on Rose Creek Farm says:

    Lovely Letter for us all! Happy Y’all are back Home. Travels & our Home away from Homes are wonderful, but nothing beats our Home sweet Home.
    List Makers Unite! They are Life Savers for sure! My mom still has the list I made before I could write! For Reals! and the ones from where it was time to feed the baby dolls, their nap times, read a story. For a lover of clutter & such I sure do love to make lists!
    You are such a soother of feathers & fears Dear Heart. Even though All Will Be Right in the End, these are fretful heavy on the heart, make me mad as a wet hen & y’all that s pretty mad let me tell ya’. But, deep breaths, limit on media, good books, good friends, family & baby goats bring the stress level down. We have 11 baby goats & still 3 more mommas to go! Traci (our grown daughter) got in the nursery & did some baby goat ‘yoga’ yesterday! Adorable! We laughed so hard! Its a lot of work but so worth it!
    Welp, going to keep planting those ‘seeds’ for tomorrow!
    Just in cases you was wondering…we’re getting ready to head off to our Sunday Meeting. Special Talk today being given Worldwide…even in Russia where we’re under ban! “How to Cultivate Peace in an Angry World”. Wowzer!
    so…I’m in a black A-line dress with pink polka dots, little pink 3/4 sleeve sweater with matching trim. Pink rose hose. pink stilettos with polka dot bows. black summery hat with big pink roses & peonies for trim & lots of pearls!
    Off for a Red Letter Day…love the musica… XOXOXO

    • sbranch says:

      Baby goats, that’s a Red Letter Day all by itself! And you, the Belle of the Ball. Happy day darling girl!

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Kat, you have made my Easter!!! Love the attire and the vision of baby goat yoga. The babies are being born all over Maine, as well, and there is a cute video somewhere in the “ether”. If Baby Goats can’t cultivate a peaceful attitude, what can?

      Debbie in Tampa and dreaming of Maine!!!!!

  65. Carrie says:

    Sending hugs & love, and love & hugs, and some more love, and some more hugs. And a kiss on your cheek–mwah. Come home soon. xxxooo

    • sbranch says:

      Sending love and hugs and hugs and love, and more of the same, then add on a few more kisses, mwah mwah mwah, and we’ll be home soon. xoxoxo

  66. Sherry Winchester says:

    A most joyous Easter to you, Joe, and Mr. Charmer, Jack! ^..^ A lovely blog post, Susan…and I’m making my list right now….and then going for a walk on the pier. Problems solved, right? Thank you! :^) (Oh, I’m going to eat some chocolate, too…How about you?)

    • sbranch says:

      We are taking the newspaper, and friends across the street, and driving into Edgartown to a really fun Easter-decorated nursery for a walk among the flowers in the cold sun, then to a restaurant to share the paper, and eat . . . chocolate? That is a distinct possibility! Happy Easter Sherry!

  67. Joan Hagy says:

    Ooooh, kitty dishes you say? Yes! Yes! Yes!

    Happy belated birthday!

  68. Carol D. says:

    Happy Easter, dear friend! You don’t know it but we have been friends for 20 years! Best wishes, Carol

    • sbranch says:

      Old friends are the best! Unless, as the saying goes, you can catch a new one that’s fit to make an old one out of! xoxo

  69. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest 12 going on 24 gals I know, and I say “I know” even though we’ve never met, because you have shown me so many beautiful ways to live life for so many years – – for which I am very grateful! A few birthday thoughts – – I believe it was Raquel Welch who, when turning 40, was told she really looked good for 40, and she replied, “No, this is what 40 looks like!!” When my son turned 30, I said, “How can you be 30? I’M 30!!!! And the old adage –You’re over the hill when turning 40!! Hogwash! I say, “You’re over the hill AND PICKING UP SPEED!” haha It’s all about “attitude”. Being 87, I speak from experience, and on my birthday my brain also went. “What kind of a number is 87? when I, too, am still running around in slacks, tee shirt, and my Minnetonka moccasins – – 12 going on 24! Age is just a number! So, count your blessings and enjoy being 70! Sending you lots of Birthday Hugs, Much Love, and Wishing You A Very Fun Year, Ruthie (in Minnesota)

  70. Paige says:

    Dearest Birthday Girl,
    As A L W A Y S, your timing is impeccable – as an observer of myself, I’ve been concerned of late by a pervasive and unusually heavy and deeply embedded, difficult to shake, sense of foreboding and fear and stress. You gave voice to it, and provided comfort in the sense of shared-ness, dissolving the sense of isolation regarding it, and providing antidotes to shake it off and offset it. Miraculous Gift, YOU ARE. Thank You!

    Also, Banjo O’Feral perked up when she read in your post that you are contemplating creating KITTY DISHES. She sends Emphatic Paw’s Up!

    OverJoyed to see you reveled in a spirited milestone Birthday Celebration – so well-deserved. Sending Love to You + Joe + Jack + The Vineyard from California, from Banjo + Paige xoxox

    • sbranch says:

      We are in it together Paige! I find great solace in our “girlfriendness.” How I love Banjo O’Feral, kit-tay extraordinaire,
      and you 💝

  71. Lee says:

    Wonderful post, thank you! I know the feeling you described, of being a little anxious, a little fretful and I agree, it does rob the day of joy if it continues. I do the same thing you did which is to write a list. Once something is committed to paper it doesn’t look quite so overwhelming, small parts are easier to deal with (and in some case, be crossed off with no action taken at all!). Being still helps too; I can always hear what’s in my heart a little easier if I’m not actually talking and/or listening to others.
    Take your time with the next book if that feels right. Your blog posts are like small books in themselves. You’ve shared some of your beautiful life with us and I’m always grateful to read about it no matter the form.
    Being seventy is a milestone but with your memories, your joyful heart, and the beautiful face you show us it is a celebration of YOU.

  72. Traci S says:

    Wishing you a very happy 70th birthday Susan. And, didn’t I hear that 70 is the new 50! 😉 May the coming year be filled with blessings great and small; love, laughter and many “flowers.” Love the photo of Jack with his ponytail holder ready to play.

  73. Charl says:

    “Happy Easter, Susan!” It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who is feeling the blue funk of 2017! Your blog always puts a positive spin on life and makes me smile! I’ll think of you when I’m gardening today! I’ll wave from the Cape…
    Have a wonderful weekend. Warm hugs.💁🏼Charl

  74. Lorraine says:

    Happy birthday and happy spring! So happy that you had lots of celebrations and cake for your birthday – even if you were a little down by the number. I’m a little younger than you, but I understand. Lately, whenever a health issue presents itself and I ask the doctor what caused that, the response is “aging and genetics.” Heavy sigh… However, I am still healthy, even if a bit creaky, and can get out and about. Life is good.

    Life is good, in spite of the fact that it seems like we’re all in a episode of the Twilight Zone with the current administration. I’ve limited the amount of news I watch and read because I caught myself mutter expletives under my breath when I would read about the latest debacle… It’s all very worrisome, but we must appreciate each day and enjoy the beauty and love around us. Thank you for the lovely post and reminders.

    Last night we watched Harvey on TMC. One of my all time favorite movies. There is some deep wisdom in that movie – and every time I watch it, I pick up something new. When the nurse was asking Elwood (Jimmy Stewart) questions when they were in the bar, and she was truly interested and concerned about him, he told her that he liked listening to her and the warm tone she had in her voice (I’m paraphrasing). It was a lovely reminder about sharing love and interest in others. I think there’s a lot of wisdom in many of the older movies. One of life’s little gifts.

    Enjoy your spring and the walks and your friends and family and your kitty and your cups of tea in the early mornings and Joe and cooking and all the good in the world. I am convinced if we focus on and appreciate the good in our lives, all that positive energy can tip the balance and overcome all the negativity. We just have to keep at it. Thank you for sharing your joy and happiness. It matters and helps more than you’ll ever now. Peace be with you and yours.

    • sbranch says:

      I have always loved Harvey! Adorable movie. Jimmy at his kookie, befuddled best! Life is good, Lorraine!

  75. Lorraine says:

    PS – I’m looking forward to receiving my mug (yes – I preordered). But it’s for me, so if it doesn’t make it for Mother’s Day, that’s fine with me. I’m sure it will arrive on the perfect day. Drinking tea from fine bone china mugs is the BEST.

  76. Lorie Hartsig says:

    I am almost 2 years into my seventies decade….not so bad at all……enjoy!
    Sending love for all you do and say to all of us,
    Lorie Hartsig

  77. Linda C, says:

    Calling all Anglophiles! I just finished the most delightful book set in England during WWII, “The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir.” When the men go off to war, the ladies learn what they’re made of as they keep their choir and village going. It’s so good that the people behind DOWNTON ABBEY have already bought the rights to film it. If you liked Guernsey Literary Society, you’ll like Chilbury too. And speaking of books, your “Gratitude” book, Susan, is lovely and makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day or for anyone in your life who makes you feel grateful. Chin up everyone – aren’t we all blessed to feast our eyes on another glorious Spring!

  78. Becky Maxwell from Atascadero, CA says:

    Happy Easter to you and yours. Lovely post and it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. My dad celebrated his 86th birthday on the 10th. We celebrated by going to our favorite cafe in Paso Robles, so dad could have his liver and onions with bread pudding for desert.
    I am looking forward to the mugs arriving and the possibility of Jack inspired dishes.

    Enjoy the day.

  79. Susan I says:

    It’s comforting to know that many other people feel the stress of 2017, which, for me, is finally abating after these first few crazy, reality TV months. Thanks so much for your lovely blog posts & the tasty recipe from your brother Stephen. Can’t wait to try it! Happy Easter :).

  80. Yvonne says:

    Happy belated birthday 🎂!! I too had a april birthday turned 60 😊

  81. Barbara from Northern California says:

    First, happy belated birthday. I’m @ one year behind you but catching up fast!
    But next, oh my, I didn’t think it was possible, but you may have outdone yourself with this blog post. In particular, reading “All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” is something I (and I see many other readers and fans) welcomed seeing here and now.
    Thank you again for all you do, and for how supportive you are of Goodness (with a capital “G”).

    • sbranch says:

      That quote says everything in the smallest number of words! You are a good friend, Barbara, with a capital “F!”

  82. shanna says:

    Excited to hear more about the new book! Thanks for another lovely blog post. It’s always a pleasure to read.

  83. Isabel says:

    Hi Susan,

    Was wondering why we had not had a post in a while. We all probably go through a time when we have so much going on, it is hard to focus on certain things. Glad you have broken through. A belated happy birthday.

    I read the book “The Lake House.” I LOVED it. Mainly because I have read all of Kate Morton’s other books. Just as unbelievable. I never get over my amazement at how someone can come up with these amazing stories. But, you as a writer, may have a better understanding of the process.

    Glad you had a great time in California. You are so lucky to have someone like Joe, who loves the things you do and someone to share them with.

    • sbranch says:

      We spent so much time traveling last year, got home at Thanksgiving, then Christmas happened, then I had to design five calendars for 2018 before we RAN out the door to California, and now, first time since this time last year, stoppage. Hallelujah!!!! Happy to be home, reading, dreaming, thinking, walking around looking at little green shoots coming up. I’m amazed at all creations and Kate Morton is no exemption! Wonderful! Love to you and yours Isabel!

  84. Kathleen Williams says:

    When I start to worry about things, like 2017, I remember the words of St Julian a long long time ago. “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” Thanks for your words, Susan. Happy birthday to you!

  85. Candice Black says:

    Dear Susan,
    Time did slip away and I inadvertently missed wishing you a wonderful birthday! I love how you celebrated your special day. We should all celebrate like you do!
    I am also enjoying the musica you have with this blog….love it!!
    We are enjoying a lovely warm sunny Easter day, it is also my Mother-in-laws, heavenly birthday. Miss her and will forever have her in our hearts!
    Hubby and I just finished digging up a garden space for two rhubarb roots. Hoping they will take off and in a couple of years we can enjoy home grown rhubarb again!
    I made a 7 layer salad, crispy Romaine lettuce, thinly sliced red onion and radishes, bacon bits, peas, grated carrots, sliced hard boiled eggs, topped with our special family dressing and sprinkled with grated cheddar cheese to take to my bro & sis-in-law’s for Easter supper at 5:00.
    This blog entry is so very uplifting and it has inspired me to look ahead to the coming months with a positive outlook. I have this following verse on a English Staffordshire plate, thought you might enjoy it:
    Dr. Franklins Maxims
    Plough deep while Sluggards sleep & you shall have corn to sell & keep.
    Work today for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
    Have a Blessed Easter!

    • sbranch says:

      Plough deep while sluggards sleep! What masterful use of the language! Thank you Candice! And also, love the description of your salad. Yum! xoxo

  86. Emma Cook says:

    I turned 70 in January and still cannot wrap my head around it…and the mirror…ug! Just have to count my blessings everyday.

  87. Sonya says:

    I’m happy as a clam with our new leader not worried a bit as i know who is really in control. as for putting the fake media in charge in charge of fake news puhleez!

  88. Sue Michels says:

    Happy Easter and belated happy birthday. Your words today expressed how I have been feeling since the beginning of the new year. The politics, the weather, how society has become so self-centered and the biggy for me , as well, turning 70 years old in May. To lift my spirits I have been reading your books for the second time around and I’m currently reading A Fine Romance and your new Gratitude Book. I am looking forward to receiving my mug that I ordered for myself as a birthday gift to me. I look forward to your blogs and love your positive look on life. Thank you so much.

  89. Conno in Huntington Beach says:

    Susan, I wish you a very happy belated birthday. I turned 80 on March 31st, and I want to tell you that I was as excited as on the day I turned ten. Remember that to some of us, you are still a youngster! I do consider it a privilege to be 80, as many don’t reach that exalted age. I like to park far out in parking lots because I CAN walk and consider myself fortunate to be able to do so. See, it really isn’t so bad. People are sweet and even hold open doors for us oldsters. I won’t comment on our political situation because so much has already been said. Know that soon you will be excited about your birthdays again, just like a little kid, maybe even by next year, because you have just begun your eighth decade, and in the blink of an eye, you too, will be 80!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh you are so darling Conno. I have to say, I was very excited about my birthday, I do love them so much! xoxo

  90. Margie says:

    May all your flowers 🌺 grow and fill your days with beauty and sweet scents. What a great birthday cake, would love the recipe. Haven’t had a birthday cake in years! 🎂 Happy Easter 🐰. In Maryland the forsithia are all green with leaves 🍃 , and the tulips are blooming. From the ❤ of my home to you.

  91. Valerie says:

    So glad you had a wonderful birthday. Happy Easter. All of Lent without any Allelulias…..time to let them flow out from our inner most being. Hug the ones you love and snuggle with your pet……mine’s a lively Bichon. Enjoy the Spring! And oh how I love a list. Blessings to you and Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Valerie. Right now, I’m laughing because Jack is running up and down the stairs! I have no idea why, have to get up and go see! LOL! It’s the little things!

  92. evelyn silvas says:

    Thank you for your timely post. It has enlightened and encouraged me, that in spite of the darker days occuring in our world, we are a blessed people, here living in the states. Happy belated birthday and again, thank you for being a LIGHT.

  93. Paula Dee says:

    Dearest SuSan ~
    Happy belated Birthday, Im sure it was as wonderful as you ! They say”You are as old as you feel “.My auntie turning 90 in May said “Keep moving and coloring your hair”! plus she still works one day a week !! I turned 57 this March, and you seems to have more going on keeping busy then me!! I find everyday for me is the same ole thing, boring !!! and I too make a list , the same one over and over again, hehe. But, I truly know every new day is a blessing,and I just need to learn to use it wisely !!
    Thank you, for all yours gifts you share with us, enjoying life is the best gift and truly priceless!
    p.s. I wish I was your girlfriend next door, I would definitely enjoy visiting with you !!

    • sbranch says:

      Put something fun on your calendar. For 2 or 3 months from now. Even a tea party or a yard sale (with pancakes) …something to look forward to: the spice of life! Hugs to you sweet Paula!

      • Paula Dee says:

        Awwww, Thank You Susan , YOU truly made my day !!!

        Planning ahead to something delightful !!

        Hugs !!

  94. Gayle says:

    Birthday blessings, Susan! Wishing you a whole year full of them. I think 70 is the new 50. I swear, my 70 year old husband isn’t a day older than when we got married.
    I just read Martha’s Vinyard, and it touched me profoundly. I don’t think you realize the positive influence you are on the world.
    Happy Easter!

  95. Mary says:

    Hi Susan…
    I so agree with everything you wrote about, but especially love your list making. You are not alone. I do that too, and sometimes have to get up in the middle of the night to make my list just so I can go back to sleep. Another solution to dark times that I find helpful ~ plan something good that will happen a bit out in the future… then you can look forward to that and skip over some of the daily grind. Right now, my daughter and I are planning a trip to Italy in October and one to NYC over Thanksgiving. It helps to have something ahead that isn’t gloomy!!!

    Always love your blogs! When you have time, please check my blog sometime o see the art quilts I make … theme of travel right now.

    • sbranch says:

      I get up to do it too. You do that, then its OVER, mind clears, back to bed! 😴 I did check your blog, your quilts are beyond beautiful and I see you’ve won many awards. Gorgeous expression of wild creativity! Thank you for the beauty you add to the world!

  96. Julie Buck says:

    Such a beautiful post! Happy belated birthday – it sounds (and looks) as if you really celebrated right, with several parties, several cakes, and many friends! I look forward to your posts as an oasis of sane in this crazy world. You put into words so much of what I am feeling these days. I find I cannot do NOTHING about it, but despair of the little things I CAN do making much difference. But you are right – if we do some small thing to make our world a prettier, nicer place, it will reap rewards! Thank you for all you do to lift my heart.

    • sbranch says:

      Every little bit helps. Every wreath on a front door, every bouquet of flowers, every planted daffodil . . . it’s who we are. xoxo

  97. Joyce Howe says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have had many of the same feelings lately and felt really “stuck” on what to do next. Writing it down in a list was helpful. I took some ‘me’ time and just let it all drift away. Appreciate your willingness to be so real and share much of what we are feeling, too. Happy belated birthday.

  98. Linda B Freeman says:

    The sweet birds were singing so loudly this morning that I could hear their songs through our patio doors. It’s hard for me not to be happy with those feathered creatures fluttering around the trees in our yard and in the woods behind our home. Such a lovely way to begin this Easter Sunday with a smile in my heart and on my face.

  99. Sally Edmonds says:

    I’m going to have to see some of the movies you’ve suggested. MANY of my all-time favorite on the list, but there a few I haven’t seen in a long, long time.. Since I was pretty little, I always imagined my ideal man to be a combination of Cary Grant (sigh), Gregory Peck (double sigh), David Niven and Danny Kaye. Guess it’s a bit much to wish for as I’m still waiting for him. I’ve had so many frogs…but am really ready for This guy. Maybe I should add Jimmy Stewart and Humphrey Bogart. If you’re gonna dream, dream BIG!!!
    So glad you’re home safe and sound,
    Pixie C. in California on a wonderfully rainy Easter afternoon

  100. Sally Edmonds says:

    Oh Sonya, Sonya, Sonya…I am speechless. Are you suggesting Politifact is fake news? Puhleez indeed…

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