No More Swords, Courts, and Kings!

I’m weary of swords and courts and kings. Let us go into the garden. 🌸 Mary Johnston🌸  Chair dance anyone? Oui! ☺️ MUSICA

I ask myself the same question every day when I get up, “How do I move myself forward today?” It’s a great question, it gets me moving . . . because, I have places to go and people to see, and I need to work diligently in the direction of my dreams. Or I’m not happy. Even my tiniest steps forward add up!

For several years now, I’ve been on a mission, to learn more about the writing process, to see if I could figure out how to write my memoir books, to figure out how to get them published, and then to get it done. And while I did it, many other things in my life went onto the back burner. I was busy! And, one thing I wasn’t doing was deep cleaning, no good old-fashioned organization, or home care for my darling dear house that deserves better. But it got me for a mom, and therein lies the problem. As you are about to see. I can’t believe I am going to show such terrible photos. Normally I clean up before I take the pictures. It’s probably the worst I’ve ever seen it, mainly because we were hardly home last year, and when we got back, I began to “drop off” stuff in my studio, move it out of my view “until I had time to clean it.”  I’m thinking someone else out there may experience this problem, so I thought I would do some before and after photos and talk about Spring Cleaning and how to de-clutter, lighten up, and simplify your life.💞 Shield your eyes, here we go . . .

The question is: Who’s in charge here?  It was a daunting project to begin. I almost didn’t know where to start, every cupboard and drawer in our house is stuffed to the gills. But as time goes on, I’m becoming quite cutthroat about it. I choose emptiness. I took pictures of some of the harder things to get rid of.  Now I own the memories associated with them forever!  The bookshelves are full of books, some of which have been there since we moved into the house in 1989, any new books since then have had to find another place to go ~ I keep inserting tiny bookshelves in corners of the house, packing it all in even further, and now the only place left is the floor. But the floor is already almost totally covered with projects and boxes of who knows what, it’s layered. You could do a dig here, like James Michener’s The Source.

I began to empty the shelves and take most of the books to the living room, where I’m packing them to give to the second-hand bookstore on the Island. Not all of them of course. I kept the good ones! But not too many. I want empty shelves. I want empty shelves so bad. Room for new thoughts, new ideas! Room to breathe.

Because I can no longer live like this.  I think it’s stealing my energy just having to look at it. There are three stacks of original art in plastic pages on the floor under the shelves! I don’t recognize the rest of it, it’s too much of a jumble. Stacks of books, stacks of papers, crowded Beatrix Potter people. I had to design cups on top of the mess in order to get them done in time. Doing a Willard in this mess would be impossible!

All so wrong. That door to the front hall has been blocked closed for maybe three years (It was way worse than this, I’d already moved most of the stuff!). And as I begin to move through it, I ask myself, do I need this, is it adding value to my life, and if the answer is no, then I say bye-bye! I want smooth surfaces, table tops especially. I’ve been getting happier and happier every day, and lighter and lighter, and basically, I’m downright giddy now! Waking up singing! The unbearable lightness of being!

It doesn’t look like this anymore. And as I’ve done it, shelf by shelf, going through everything piece by piece, file by file, box by box, I found interesting things I’d forgotten all about . . . and realized I was engaged in a form of treasure hunt.

I washed each shelf which had not seen the light of day since 1989. Basically the answer to how to do this, is one shelf at a time.

Yard by yard, it’s very hard, but inch by inch, it’s a cinch.

See the cupboards underneath? Same thing, one at a time. And that mess on the worktable?  That BIG pile on the left is recipes, ideas, and quotes for my Tea Book which I’ve been adding to and saving for years, with no place to put it. It’s not there anymore. Now it’s organized, and my Tea Book project has one of those clean empty shelves all for itself!

And, I think, in my most maniacal of moments, now I have room ~ I can go antiquing again! 😜

Here’s one of the treasures I found, this card was in a recipe box I did for my mom around 1979.  I forgot all about it, I don’t think I’ve seen it since then.

I’d brought home my mom’s recipe file from California, and inside were handwritten recipes and letters, from my mom, my grandma, and my great grandma. I also had recipes from my dad and my sisters . . .

And this detailed letter to my mom from my grandfather Willard’s mother, my mom’s “Gram,” and my great grandmother . . . her typing strokes are indented in the soft blue paper ~ Sioux City, Iowa is written at the top ~ and she is writing my mom in California about the only news that ever really matters to our lives. Turn off the TV, and this is what there is, the real stuff of life. 💌

This is the rest of the box I did for my mom . . . so I put all the recipes from everyone else in it . . . and a card explaining who is who, for the future people who will someday find it, maybe my brother’s and sister’s children, or who knows. Maybe some rescuing type of person in a second-hand store. But I have a picture of it now, so it’s mine forever, and the box will be saved in a special family file box.

Then I began on the file cabinet, pulled out each file, went through it, threw out tons of useless paperwork, then rearranged and put back what mattered. This de-cluttering adventure is a long-term project, but I would rather do it now when I choose to, than later, when I have to! Right now I just want to! Not all of it is memories, some of it is just stuff I don’t need. I’m recycling, donating, and throwing out. I already cleaned the kitchen and emptied the sideboard in the dining room, and got rid of half of it, and after I get this room done, I go upstairs! That’s also when I will get to start seriously painting four hours a day. As soon as the studio is clean and I feel the spaciousness of it, I’ll dip my brush in water, and hear the ringing sound as it hits the side of the dish and put my first color on the paper, early one morning, in the quiet, with my tea and my cat. I don’t think I’ll get the whole house done until sometime around August. I go as slow as I want. I go to the garden, I stare at the dogwood tree in bloom. Joe and I go to the nursery. I’m planning a tea party. I shoot hair bands for my kitty. I talk on the phone to Siobhan and Rachel in England. I design cups. I brake for John’s Fish Market chocolate shakes!  But all while I’m lightening my life, and indulging in the treasure hunt and the joy of memory.

Luv-lee letters like this get photographed, and put into a “children’s letters” file. I’ve looked up names on some of the old letters ~ and amazingly found and followed them on Instagram (@susanbranchauthor)! Sometimes I don’t like the Internet, and sometimes, I love it!

And now, I have all my ideas for books in one place, in files, and NOT, as was before, in piles on the floor. Every day I feel better, I feel more and more inspired about what will come next . . . and think of the words I heard on some TV show, ” I tremble on the brink of life’s next great adventure.” But I can’t get there until I am out from under the weight of this stuffed house!

I’ve consolidated, whittled down, and distilled . . . honestly, so much of it just didn’t belong here anymore. I saved a few old things, like products I’ve made . . . put them into boxes, labeled them, and up the attic they go, saved for posterity. A very little bit of it. Stuff I hope that someday someone else will want. But if they don’t, at least it’s consolidated. I’m doing this thing just like I redecorate. Taking everything off the shelves out of the cupboards, washing and cleaning them, and putting back only what I can’t live without, and getting rid of the rest.

I had to keep a little bit of this! Just in cases.

And this too!

And of course the piles of original artwork . . .

All organized and stacked on those empty shelves where I can access them. Most of my original art is in an old bank safe in California. Each book I’ve written is totally intact, all the original pages are there, and each book is in its own acid-free box. 

Look at that. I’m making white space . . . ahhh, emptiness . . .

A finished person is a boring person. 💙Anna QuindlenDon’t worry, I’m not the minimalist type, for me that would be going too far. And I’m not done. Only about half way right now . . . but I can see the trees in the forest! I thought you might like to see some of the treasures I found:

First off, this. The box of everything, all the photos, all the memorabilia, the diary pages, even some souvenirs, everything from the trip we took in 2001 with our nieces Heidi and Holly, to London, Paris, and Bath (where we first discovered the English Countryside) . . . our theme music from that trip was Dusty Springfield from the British Invasion cassette we had in the car . . . we sang as we traveled hill and dale . . . we still sing it. Joe sang it too . . .🎵 I don’t know WHAT to do with my self . . .🎵

Here we are boarding the ship in New York. In this photo, Heidi, on the left, is 11, my brother Brad’s daughter, who grew up in Colorado. On the right is Holly, she’s 12, she belongs to my sister Mary and grew up in California. The cousins had met only once before we took them away across the wide ocean for six wonderful weeks. We’d been planning it since they were six. It was the very best time I ever had. They were wonderful and funny and smart! The box with everything from this trip was on a high shelf here in my studio and hadn’t seen the light of day in years. I still have to go through it, and someday, when I get the photos scanned, I’ll do a post about that magical trip.

Something else, a note from my dad.  Writing me about the correct way to drink tea.💞 Now it’s in my mom’s recipe box.

And this painting my dad did of his beloved dog, Chief.

And my mom’s jacks and balls. Which I labeled and saved.

And I found this photo of me and my brother Jim with my cute mom and dad, which I don’t remember seeing before, something else to put in her recipe box. Too bad about the over-exposure, but still . . . look how their arms lean into each other. They are in it together. And there’s a picket fence back there! I must have seen it and fell in love!

And this book was in the pile. I still remember the night I met Julia and how much it meant to me.

Deep in the files was this little notebook I used when writing my first book with all kinds of little reminders, quotes and notations, and even grocery lists. The address of Little Brown, and Random House. Lots of dreams tied up in this messy little book.

And I found the hollyhock seeds sent to me by Nicoline, one of our girlfriends from Holland, over a year ago! But I wasn’t here to plant them last spring, and we also went away in the fall, so they didn’t get planted then either ~ I decided to see if they would sprout, and look, they did!

Kind of a miracle . . .

You might remember Nicoline from our picnic in England! She and her husband came from Holland and she brought her own Petey doll to show me!

And now her hollyhocks are planted in my garden . . . I get so many plants from my girlfriends, I call my garden a friendship garden!

This was what it looked like outside this morning, the wisteria has begun to bloom, Lowely’s bluebells are blooming too, at the far corner of the picket fence!

I bring the blooming things in for the little shelf over my kitchen sink . . .

And took a photo of the inside of the little bells of Lily of the Valley . . .

And, you may ask, what has Joe been doing all this time! Oh, we are a team! He has been doing to the yard, what I have been doing to my studio. He’s been thatching, raking, mulching, top dressing, seeding and watering. Men ask, “What do women want?” But they should know . . . This is every woman’s aphrodisiac, someone to build a life with.💞 When we stand next together, our arms press together.


You can hear Jack meowing! I love it when he talks in a video, not easy to get him to do it!

I heard the ferry boat whistle just now like a long musical note. 🎵 Sometimes I forget where I am, how close the sea is, until I hear the boat whistle!

And as so many of you know, the Studio has been busy too . . . sending out your new English bone china cups . . . 💞

And these are the people who’ve been making that happen.  Alfredo, Sheri and Kellee at the Studio. Couldn’t do it without these wonderful people! Monday is Kellee’s birthday!

And I got mine!! Just as excited as everyone else!

I’m very proud of them. It’s hard finding really beautiful things, and then being able to afford to get them made, especially in foreign countries! Now we are importers! We talk palettes, air freight, and customs! TMI for sure!

It’s been a lot of fun on Twitter, so many Girlfriends have written and sent photos, saying, “Got mine!” Marcia (@msmrph) sent this darling photo of herself and her best friend Julie captioned “Tea for two Besties!” Makes my day! Our cup club is not very big, but it’s very wonderful!

We’re working to make your Christmas especially easy this year. I know it’s a long time until then, but in order to get things made in time, we have to start now… we love planning surprises. Especially for you. Like our dream charms. So many of you have asked us to bring them back, so we did. 💞 Here they are! I think they’ll be in our web store the first couple of weeks of June.

We reordered three of our most popular charms . . .  Autumn (in that first photo), A Fine Romance (see the hedgerows?👍),

and the ever-popular “Be an Elf,” all with small gift cards . . .

And in the midst of cleaning the Studio, sort of on top of the layers, I did manage to finish designing the bottoms, the handles, and the backs of the new mugs, and sent them off to England where the process of manufacturing has already begun. They are supposed to be here by August! We’re taking no chances they would be late for Christmas, and we need that Autumn cup first! And, yes, they are in the web store for Presale right now! I know it’s hard to think Christmas, but please try, because, like with the last ones, when these are gone, they are gone. You’ll be glad when December comes and you don’t have to go Christmas shopping! ❤️ Here they are:

Santa Claus is coming to town! In 16 ounces of fine bone China from “the Potteries” in Staffordshire, England! And, yes, they are all dishwasher and microwave safe!

This is the back . . . (only a mockup, made from paper in these photos, will look a lot better in real life!)

I did a construction-paper chain for the handle. Oh by gosh by golly!

And we have a 16-ounce Bluebird of Happiness. Which is going to look really good in my new blue kitchen! 💙

Here’s the back. It’s trying to be whimsical!

And the handle. I think it’s adorable. But still, only paper!

And my Autumn cup is a little bit smaller, 11 ounces, because you asked! I’ll do one for every season, all this same size. The only difference between this design and the real life one to come, the handle is actually going to be on the other side . . . This quote will actually be on the “front” of the cup. . .

And this will be the back ~ the handle will be on the other side from what you see here, and the squirrel will be on the left facing the other way . . . I decided I liked it better like that. Decisions, decisions.

The handle. 🍂 Signifies abundance.🍁

And now, my Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams 16-ounce cup.  You drink from it, and I hear, could be a rumor, but I think not,  your dreams will come true. ⚡️

It’s a short trip to the Island, via cup. 🛳

And here’s the handle. 💙

Be sure to read the small print on the ordering page, it explains lots of things, like what we are doing, and why, when we retire each of the cups . . . too long for the blog, but extra reading while ordering and good clarification! Hope you like them!

Now, last but definitely not least, Jack. He has taught me a couple of new tricks. You know how cats jump up to rub on your leg? Well, he gets on the table and rubs (sort of butts) my forehead, and now I softly butt him back, and we have a meeting of the minds. He puts his head near mine and wants me to do it. We are blood cat brothers. He also LOVES the running water in the bathroom . . . we go there to play . . . he is rather calm in this video, because I have the camera and he knows it, but usually he makes me turn the water on and off really fast, he bites it and grabs it and sometimes he comes out of there wet! It’s his secret life. Joe doesn’t even know about this. How do I explain that I’m being trained by the cat?!

💙💙And one more thing, I have a surprise for you . . . I thought we’d give away one of these new cups! If you already have yours, it’s okay, you’ll have a best-friend gift all ready to go!

And whoever our lucky winner is will get their choice of which one! In Love with Nature on the left, Little Things in the middle, or Love on the right. All you have to do is leave a comment! And in a week or so, we’ll get Vanna back from Bali (I think that’s where she is ~ she’s hard to keep up with!) to pull the winning name.  And I hope it’s YOU! 🌸

Bye for now Girlfriends, have a wonderful day! Love and ❌’s, Me.

Oops! P.S. Almost forgot to say, in case anyone will be around, I’ll be signing books and visiting at Titcomb’s Book Shop on Wednesday, June 7, from 1 to 3pm … joining this wonderful, independent, family-owned bookstore in celebration of their 50th Anniversary! Please come by and say hello if you can! It’s on Cape Cod in East Sandwich, click above for details. There will be cupcakes, and you don’t need a ticket to come! 😘

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2,073 Responses to No More Swords, Courts, and Kings!

  1. antonia lutz says:

    Thank you for this lovely walk down memory lane with you almost makes me want to pull out my closets and dressers and make room for new and revisit the old!

  2. Joy says:

    I love the new cups! As well as the already-existing ones, and would love to win one. Good for you on all the cleaning and organizing. I’m slowly working on that at my house, too. It does feel so nice when it’s done. 🙂

  3. MaryEllen Tang says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just ordered the autumn mug as autumn is my favorite season. However,
    when I saw the squirrel on the back, I knew I simply had to have one! Your
    work brings me such joy and your blog is a favorite. Thank you for sharing.

    This my first comment ever to any blog! Merci encore!

  4. Barbara says:

    Thank you. I need a bigger word. A word that says how much I appreciate you and the inspiration and hope you bring me. Thank you for making art and life, one.

  5. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    My you have been a busy bee making your beautiful home more hygge, if that’s possible! I love getting rid of stuff, it just makes you feel better. When I moved about 5 yrs ago I did a major clean up (I mean out, lol). Just wanted to say a few things, 1st I think I need to find a “Joe”. He is such a hard worker too. And I just loved that you got your Mom’s recipe box with all those treasures!! I loved the picture of your Mom & Dad holding you & your brother, priceless. And your Dad’s picture of Chief is really quite wonderful. Last but not least ALL of your new mugs are drool worthy. Just beautiful. Makes it so hard to decide. Thank you once again for being you!! Love from So. Cali. xoxoxo P.S. Jack has such a good secret life…♥♥

  6. Joyce says:

    Must be a time of life thing, we’ve been simplifyiny for two years now!!!! Feels great.

  7. erica e. says:

    Hi Susan!

    Hope this finds you coming out from underneath the debris of the storms of your creativity! It’s all so very understandable.

    Benjamin Franklin says: “A place for everything, everything in it’s place.” Sometimes everything all over the place IS in fact, in it’s place! Even if for the time being. Years maybe. Some of your “everything” is finding it’s way to a new place. Books are making their way to the thrift store. Recycling. I like that! Even papers tossed will eventually return to earth, hopefully regenerating into the soil. And, so it goes….

    Recently, my Mom downsized in a very serious way. Oh my, oh my. When I arrived back home I wondered what the heck I was going to do with all my stuff!? I don’t have kids to sort through it all after I am gone, so I better get myself in 1st gear and start the process of what I no longer need or use. I’m fairly well organized, but I have a lot of STUFF. Aren’t I lucky to complain about having too much? Oy. Many of us do. Thrift stores are big for profit business now-a-days.

    Hey, I love the new mug designs! Hard to pick a favorite, but the Bluebird has won by a feather!! I’d love to see that gorgeous flower branch which is on the front, also be on the reverse with the little birdy sitting underneath of it – along with your quote. Your name is important, so maybe it could be just a bit smaller? Just a thought because the other two also have lovely images on the reverse. That way, the person sitting across from you watching you drink can admire something pretty. It’s such a lovely flowering branch. They’ll think….what a lovely Branch. 🙂

    On one of the photos you’ve shown I can see the bottom of the mug. Do you have your logo for your publishing company on there? If not, maybe design it with the logo and your name around the circumference of the logo along with the dot com address. I recall the publishing logo being quite cute.

    Thank you for the blog Susan. I’m now going to get rid of my Jack La lane juicer which I never use. Two knick-knacks. Who doesn’t love knick-knacks? My 3 extra woks. Really, 3!! And 4 books. Only 4, but it’s a start. Last year I took away 3 boxes of books. Unread. I wonder what it means when one buys or keeps books that are unread? I like them….but have not read all of them. And, eek! I bought 5 more last week at the thrift store for 50 cents each! I think it means I’m weird. Hi my name is Erica, and I’m weird. I’m up to 5 so I can get rid of 5 pieces of useless-to-me kitchen gadget. Okay, so out the door will be 1 juicer, 2 knick-knacks, 3 woks, 4 books, 5 kitchen gadgets and I’ll add to it a partridge in a pear tree! ha. ha. I’ll do a re-write on that song.

    Bye for now! xo


  8. Glenda says:

    Love this blog! I can so totally relate to it all, except for the mugs (not just yet) Also, at least you have something coming out of your room, that is productive. I don’t create much but sure do enjoy having my “happy place” which i am sure you would find a lot of things of yours that you would recognize. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Love the new mugs too! 🙂

  9. Audrey.(by the sea) says:

    You’ve worked hard and have inspired myself and others once again Susan. I must carry on with my sorting etc. It’s the way to feel freedom that ‘things’ are in order.

    I love your new mugs. They are the best!

  10. Glenda says:

    Also, what a treasure the photo is of your parents with you! Beautiful people! 🙂

  11. Eileen says:

    Your post has energized me to de-clutter!!! Not this weekend, though—-going to the Cape to visit my brother in Dennis Port! Excited! But I do plan on getting to it soon, one room at a time. Also, I think you just might have inherited your “artist” gene from your Dad—that’s a great painting he did of “man’s best friend”…… Have a wonderful, safe long weekend 🙂

  12. Kathryn says:

    It’s always a great surprise when I check your site and find a new post. They’re always a lot of fun to read.
    I’ve caught the spring cleaning bug, too! Just finished painting and redecorating my enclosed porch and now to tackle the basement!

  13. Cathy R says:

    WOW! Thanks for sharing the before and after pictures! Now I am enthused to do the same with my book closet in the loft, it has doors to hide the mess and hasn’t been but cleaned since we moved in March 2006. Opening the doors right now so I won’t put it off any longer. Emptiness is wonderful and I did that to my kitchen and pantry in April before guests arrived in May. Just love how you share your life with us and especially all the pictures of your little heaven on earth! AND thanks for the giveaway, you are very generous and sweet! Blessings to you, Joe and Jack from my little heavenly hill in northern Idaho!

  14. Patricia in Philly says:

    Thank you Susan, for encouraging more “purging” than you can imagine!

  15. JR says:

    Oh my, I so loved this post – I’ve been working on my nest as well, and it absolutely is a lightening experience! Reading your thoughts and seeing your progress is a shot in the arm to keep at it, and enjoy the results. Please keep us posted on your progress?

  16. Karen Gaudiosi says:

    Would absolutely love to win a mug!! It would make my summer and every day would be a vacation day! Your blog is so enjoyable I make sure I have uninterrupted time and a cup of tea before I read it! It takes me away!

  17. Jeanne Farmer says:

    Oh what a cherish your cup would be in my kitchen, waiting the tea kettle to boil and ready to dip my tea bag…. to the right color and taking a sip and thinking of how many times I had tea with my mom…. good memories….thank you for all your posts — your like a dear friend…

  18. Leslie Woods says:

    Too bad I don’t live closer to get some of your donations! Your new mugs are fantastic even in their paper form. I hope you do a tea book next. I also pre ordered the 2018 calendar – mini and blotted. I love them so much. Enjoy your time at home. Love.

  19. Sue says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,

    I love how good you are at multitasking, it never ceases to amaze me how much you get done in a day. I would love to win one of your mugs. It may seem odd, but I only like to drink my tea out of pretty mugs. I know you plan on retiring some of your mugs, but from a business point of view, I wouldn’t place a mug in that category unless I was sure I would never want to make it again. Case in point if you eventually have a retailer in England who will sell your mugs etc. The Martha’s Vineyard mug could be sold at stores on the Island indefinitely as a souvenir of Martha’s Vineyard. People who find your website after you have retired the Santa Christmas mug, but are now selling a Mrs. Santa, and would like to have the pair. You may create some that would sell well in Great Britain as a souvenir that would be big sellers for years to come.Those are as yet to come… hint, hint. I for one would love to have one that is pastoral and with lots of sheep on it. I looked high and low for anything that was like that when I was over there to no avail. Anything with sheep was gimmicky and unappealing.I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that would have loved a beautifully made mug like that to take home as a souvenir….or to purchase here to remember my trip with. It would still be made in Great Britain.
    Best to you both Love Sue

    • sbranch says:

      I wish we could do that . . . read what I wrote under one of the cups (it’s the same thing under all of them), it’s the numbers. We are pretty small. Whatever I do, I pretty much just do for the people who come to this blog. Otherwise I would have to get booths at gift shows, and begin to sell wholesale, and hire new people, and all kinds of things, that take all a person’s time and energy, leaving nothing for long walks and dinner under the arbor! See what I mean?

  20. Mary in St. Louis says:

    Oh this post is just lovely ! I enjoyed it so much, as I am going thru decluttering too……glad to see that I’m not the only one. I hope to be done by August, but hmmmmm… not sure ! Love the family pic from when you were little ~ your shoes ! So cute. The mugs are all amazing 💕🥐☕️🍩Would love to win one

  21. Ellen Eastman says:

    Memories – what is the name of that song! Love the mugs – bone china and dishwasher and microwave proof. Life is good.

  22. Etta Loporchio says:

    I have so much fun reading your blog and sometimes it reminds me of when I grew up . I grew up on a farm and we had numerous fruit trees,flowers of every kind and a huge garden. I loved our fox terriers and our cat. Reading was our pastime .Please continue to bring us joy!

  23. Kathy from california says:

    Are you sure you didn’t stage that “mess” just to make me feel better about all my stacks and piles and overflowing bookcases, closets, drawers, etc.?? I long for “white space” too, but I know myself too well and I fear the space would fill up again before long. Well, I could certainly downsize my collections I suppose. Oh God, give me courage!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! I do not stage messes. Ever. I might hide a mess, just out of camera view, but I do not stage them! LOL !

  24. mindy says:

    I have the “love” cup and drink my coffee out of it every morning. It brings a smile to my face and I am so glad you created it! We need joy in our lives and it truly is the little things. Like a small bouquet of Lily of the Valley or a dear friend that brings you a surprise like a small bouquet of her peonies. Thank you Susan for making me laugh and bringing joy to our lives.

  25. Diane R says:

    Hi Susan,
    another wonderful blog! Love your organized studio, the lovely mugs, and of course live video of Jack being adorable!

  26. Karen says:

    *You can have the over exp. parent pic “fixed” by Photoshop software I have seen it done MANY times by my professor in computer graphics.

  27. Joan Bendann says:

    It’s hard to part with things we once treasured. Your family box is a great gift for keeping those special memories. I keep adding things to your Recipe book for my daughters and can imagine them rolling their eyes as they read my notes. You always inspire me. Jack’s purring on the recording is so sweet and I always thought cats didn’t like water?

  28. Terri says:

    I so need to do this to my stitching retreat, right this minute! Organization is something I always aspire to, but rarely achieve. My sweet Rob thinks organization is sexy, so you’d think I’d try harder!

  29. Shelly R. says:

    Love the mugs!!
    Thanks for sharing your spring cleaning….you have definitely inspired me to pursue, “white space”. ; )

  30. Peggy says:

    Hi Susan, There must be something in the air! I’ve been mending and cleaning-and then unto exciting spring bird migration for the Merry ol month of May.
    Twenty white pelicans on the flood waters of the Wi. river, magnolia warbler feeding in a small spruce tree just at sunset, and the amazing indigo bunting.
    Oh, and about a hundred frogs and toads partying down in my favorite pond.
    Did you know they actually do leap frog!!! They do and they play and four took a ride on the back of a painted turtle. Gorgeous, happy spring everyone. Enjoy!!
    Peggy -in love with nature.

  31. Emily Margaret says:

    I loved the quote “a finished person is a boring person”
    And I would love to win a mug for my best girlfriend, my Mom.

  32. Diane says:

    Aah yes! Clearing out and organizing. It’s something I like to do, now that the main job has been done and I’m on more of a periodic maintenance schedule. My adult son refers to it as “giving the house an enema”.

  33. Carolyn says:

    Love all the mugs – especially the new bird one! Had fun organizing my recipes, including finding my grandma’s (Maw Maw) recipe for pecan pie. Any word on the movie?

    • sbranch says:

      No, she’s not going to be able to progress until beginning in June, other projects in the way!

  34. Deb Muccio says:

    I love reading your blog. I found it after reading one of your books. Now I check everyday to see if there is anything new. I suppose I should sign up to get notices. Thanks for sharing all you do.

    • sbranch says:

      If you get bored, look at the column on the right . . . all the older posts are there, lots more to read!

  35. Pam in Michigan says:

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful life stories! I enjoy listening to the videos and showing us your kitty playing in the water, and your complete honesty of how even you struggle with clutter as an artist! LOVE the mugs!

  36. Lindsey S. says:

    I’m glad your studio looked like that Susan, that makes me feel better. And the “after” pictures are glorious, are they not?! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  37. Anne D.S. says:

    After reading this blog post, I immediately begin to clear some clutter out of the catch-all drawer, and made a “To Do” list for some bigger projects. Should Vanna select me, the mug will arrive just in time to celebrate finishing some major spring cleaning (More like “Years of Accumulated Clutter Cleaning!) projects in my home!
    Two boxes done, too many to count to go!

  38. Deb K says:

    Love reading your posts. You are always so uplifting and inspiring. I have read your books and love them all. Your art is a treasure and I would be thrilled to own one of those beautiful cups. It would surely bring a smile to my face to drink my tea from it each day!

  39. Theresa Lee says:

    Dear Susan , you have given me the push that I needed to get my studio organized .
    Thank you so much !

  40. Sherry Adams says:

    How i would LOVE to win one of your beautiful cups! Have loved your work for…i have no idea how many years it’s been-15-20? 🙂

  41. Karen from CT says:

    We decided to finally take on the big project of painting our downstairs and our stairs. You know how some rooms just have ceilings and walls that flow one to the next? Our stairs have 59 balustrades- a new term I learned – they needed 3 coats of paint. 😕 each. I will be very happy when we are done. I saved your blog for my treat for finishing the balustrades. I would love to have one of your lovely cups to celebrate being done with the whole project!

    • sbranch says:

      We want to paint the floors of three upstairs rooms that flow together. Means everything has to come off the floors completely. When we talk about it, we become comatose, just stare into each other’s faces, and then stop talking about it!

  42. Linda H says:

    I love that you are comfortable enough to show us your “before” pictures! I feel like we are really good friends! Love your new mug designs!

    • sbranch says:

      Well, I just said to myself, what do I have to lose? No one can hate you just because you’re a slob! Plus I was cleaning it up! 😃

  43. Mercedes says:

    I heart everything here, I adore what you said about what a woman wants…..unequivocally says my heart.

    Lots of love,


  44. dewena says:

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that’s having the clearing out bug. I started month’s ago. I should of kept it to one room at a time. It is a little overwhelming but it sure fills good when you see an area done. I just got my Little Things cup the other day. I am going to preorder the Martha’s Vineyard cup now. They are beautiful and go great with all your tea’s I’ve ordered. Thank you, looking forward to all your new ideas. Would be honored to win one.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m finding that as I clean one room, a pile might begin to grow in the room next to it. Moving the stuff that belongs there, over there, and now I’ll be going there, and get rid of that stuff!!!

  45. Gayle H says:

    All your mugs are charming but, I have fallen in love with the little squirrel on the Autumn one.

  46. Suzanne says:

    Love your blog 💙 Received your new mug “Little Things” today from a good friend !
    ❤️❤️ It !!!

  47. Diane C says:

    What a lovely post. I too have been feeling the need to sort and purge. It must feel amazing to have your studio all clean. Lucky nieces indeed! I bet they had the best time with you and Joe.
    Love the new designs for the cups. You do make it difficult to choose.

    • sbranch says:

      It was us that had the most wonderful time. I just love 11-12 year olds, they are so sweet! These two could not have been more fun.

  48. Ellen MacDonald says:

    One of your lovely mugs to drink my tea from would be just lovely indeed. I so look forward to your new posts and will see you at Titcomb’s!

  49. Good Morning Susan! I am up every morning at 5:00 AM no matter what, even though I am a retired person now!!! I loved reading your post – my craft room looks just like your studio did, and I have been working on getting things pared down. Your post has inspired me to get moving today – it’s a rainy day here, so what could me more perfect? And thanks so much for the give-away! And for your entire post. Have a great day!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Pouring rain here too! Grass is growing wildly! Screaming New England Green out there! Happy day Sharon!

  50. Monika Petras says:

    Very inspiring! I’m an elementary art teacher and summer is my time to recharge. My studio looks much like yours. Looking forward to a summer of organizing and donating. Your blog is just the fuel I needed to get me started! Thank you!

  51. Ellen Clark says:

    You are spice to my life! What a treat every one of your books has been for me.

  52. Beth from Iowa says:

    Houses across the world are thanking you for this post!! I’m sure many of us have been inspired to PURGE. I myself am a magazine hoarder – fortunately I have discovered others with this problem and now happily pass off some of them to other hoarders!

    We also have a kitty who drinks directly from the kitchen faucet (I keep this a secret – some people are so squeamish!) Thanks so much for the beautiful mugs – definitely ordering the Bluebird.

    • sbranch says:

      What a perfect idea, find a hoarder (preferably not your husband), and all your problems are solved! 😂 LOL! I know, I’ve had people write me when they see Jack on the kitchen counter. But I’m not in charge of Jack, I’m only in charge of wiping off the countertops!

      • Beth from Iowa says:

        Yep a kitties gotta do what a kitties gotta do!! We are headed to Sioux City today – will give Wilbur your regards.

        • sbranch says:

          Willard! 😂 Ha ha ha, unless there is a Wilbur I’m supposed to know? Anyway, give Sioux City a big hello from me!

          • Beth from Iowa says:

            Oh my gosh! – At least I got it right when I got to Sioux City – it was as beautiful as ever! And they send a big hello right back at you!

          • sbranch says:

            Was just going through some old family papers, and if you get near Clinton, Iowa, say Hi there for me too! xoxoxo Have fun Beth!

  53. Jane says:

    Hi Susan! Happy Friday from Whidbey Island, WA. My friend, Sue, and I boarded the Amtrak a year ago today to come see you in SLO for our wonderful, unforgettable weekend. And you did not FAIL to embrace us and make us feel so very special! Happy Anniversary for that, and for all of the love that you share with us each and every day. Happy cleaning, happy purging, and a happy heart as you sort and straighten. It’s so good for the soul! It’s not always a fun or easy job but the end result is so very satisfying. Clean on!!!!

  54. Jennifer Lauri says:

    My Mom Ruth Winkler (from Vermont) recently did just the same thing with her overstuffed books. I inherited some lovely ones…books on fairies and such. From your photos it is such a magical season–Spring! Enjoy all of it before the summer heat descends upon us! Being a nursery school teacher I find it fun to give out stickers and I just realized that it was YOUR “month” stickers that got me started in my sticker love affair!

  55. Sylvia in Maine says:

    Thanks as always for sharing your world with us!

  56. Mary Jane says:

    I don’t know how you do it, but you always seem to post things that I am thinking about myself! I have been looking at everything in my house. Trying to decide where to start! I just have so much “stuff”. The best idea you had for me anyway, was you do not have to do it all in one day! It is ok to start and keep working on it. I always push myself to the edge of exhaustion trying to get it all done. No wonder I don’t like to start. Thanks for the encouragement. Your ideas were so helpful to me. It is my den I have decided. So many books, my downfall. I love them so…

    Have a great day, Mary Jane

  57. Abbi says:

    Your progress is inspirational! I, too, love a good decluttering project. My trunk is currently bursting with things I need to donate. We tore apart the kitchen to paint the cabinets last week and I found oodles of things to give away!

    Your mugs are lovely, by the way!

  58. viv says:

    How encouraging to see your before pictures. Truly we “read to find out we are not alone”. I’m in the midst of the same types of activities, but my progress is much slower. Even the small steps make me happy. So love the cups and am on my way now to pre-order my favorites.

  59. Sandra Thompson says:

    Decluttering on my mind all the time!! A little at a time at my home!! Love your before and after photos. Will be strongly hinting to family for a mug for Christmas!!

  60. Brenda says:

    Decluttering must we “sweeping” North America as it is happening in my house in SK. Going through files here is not as interesting as you going through yours! Our goal is to sell our home next year … it’s the right size house and yard for a family full of running children; it’s too large for the two of us and our dog.

  61. Barb McD. in AZ says:

    Love the picture of you, Holly and Heidi and the beautiful NY Twin Towers in the background. Today I tackle my ‘spring cleaning’. Your pictures are such an inspiration as are you. 😉 🙂

  62. Gill Smith says:

    When we “escaped to the country” I had the same daunting task, of clearing 30 years of “stuff” . we downsized, so it just had to go!
    There’s something about having just what you need around you. Mind you that was 14 years ago, and guess what…..I’ve just as much again…..hey ho!!!!
    Lovely blog as usual Susan, you do brighten my day!
    Gill from sunny, hot Devon UK

    • sbranch says:

      I’m afraid that will happen to me, but I feel that only 14 years of clutter and dirt is better than the almost 30 years of it I’m getting rid of now! The bright side!

  63. Christine Norris says:

    I have been attempting for years to de-clutter, but I never quite get it finished. I start and then get easily distracted. Seeing your pictures, I know there is hope for me. I hope to win one of your cups, it will be hard to choose. Thanks for sharing!

  64. Gay Hughes says:

    Oh hope to win so I can give your beautiful mug to a special friend! Everything Susan Branch makes me smile!!

  65. Shanna says:

    Hello Susan,

    Once again you are an inspiration. My office area looks much like your “before” photo. It becomes the dumping ground when I don’t have time to deal with things. And then, it becomes overwhelming by its magnitude 🙂 I have been trying the one small area at a time approach, and it does work, bit by bit to do it that way. Thanks for the encouraging post. And for the offer of the lovely cup.

  66. Kelley S. says:

    Bravo for tackling such a huge cleaning out project. Just went through the same process last year when I moved a whole mile and half. I’d been in the same house for 24 years. My goodness the things we think we have to keep! When I finished cleaning out a closet or the pantry or even the fridge, I love to keep going back to open the doors to admire my handiwork. Do you do that? The water play must be a tuxedo cat thing. My Jasper loves his morning calisthenics in the bathroom sink. When he was a kitten, he twice took a swan dive into my bubblebath. He is a joy!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh YES! I go into the room and stare. Then I get Joe and make him come look. He isn’t quite as impressed, but I can’t get over this good feeling! I’ve always been afraid Jack will fall into my bath and turn into a kitty-scissorhands trying to get back out, making ribbons out of me!!! So far, fingers crossed, he’s maintained his balance!

  67. Jennifer says:

    Horray for spring cleaning. You’re the perfect motivator. I love the photo of your mom & dad. You look just like her!

  68. Tammy in Colorado says:

    Once again you’ve inspired me along with thousands. I’m off to create some white space of my own. And some room to “be”. I LOVE the new cups and will be requesting the Christmas and bluebird of happiness as gift ideas from my wonderful sister who usually posts as “Deb in southwest Missouri”. She goes on crazy gift shopping sprees on your website. And everyone is thrilled when they receive their Susan Branch goodies. Can’t wait to see what you are inspired to create next. 😘💕❤️

  69. Debbie Boerger says:

    I’ll enjoy my Susan Branch on Tom’s computer from now on. Maybe change my name to Tom? I’m sending it on mine, but will read on his.
    I’m still working my way through all the comments, loving it.

    From Maine, it’s very cool, rainy and blustery, so I decided we needed a fire this morning. Glad Tom opened the wood stove first, as there was a poor dead squirrel, completely petrified in there. This has happened before, they fall in sometime in the winter. How they manage to climb up the sides of the brick chimney, I haven’t a clue. And why do it? Our local Memorial Day parade will be Sunday. Supposed to be a nice day.

    I love the things you saved during your simplifying frenzy. Especially the old recipes. And your mom’s ball and jacks. All your father’s notes, too. I must go back and reread about your childhood and your wonderful parents.
    Tom Brokaw is doing another special about The Greatest Generation this weekend. I’ll watch and sniffle through it all, my parents, beloved aunts and uncles and next door neighbors growing up being part of that generation.

    Lots of love,
    Debbie…in Maine Hello to all the many other Debbies, Debbys, Debs,
    Deborahs, Debras, Never knew there were so
    many of us!!!

  70. Patricia Darby says:

    Thank you for sharing the info and photos. It affirms you are a “real” person! I look at the photos you share and think/wish my house could look like yours and now I know some spaces do! (that is meant in the kindest of ways) Cleaning out and de-cluttering can be huge tasks; it’s good to know others do it too!
    Received my set of 3 mugs and adore them! Thank you!
    Can’t wait for a tea book!

  71. Cindy Storrar says:

    yes, yes, i got my “Nature” mug, my hefty morning coffee mug, sorry, coffee here, rare tea. the pacific northwest ya know:) would love to get the love mug for my love, best friend, hubby. alot like your Joe it seems, one of the really good guys. thankyou susan, you’re a gift to me.
    cindy storrar

  72. Mary/Indiana says:

    Ok, you’ve now inspired me to Clean and Purge! WOW, I’ve spent a long
    time avoiding it but no mas! Thanks for sharing…everything! You are a
    True girlfriend😍

  73. LindaB says:

    I have my three new mugs, but I’m having a very hard time giving any of them away !! They’re all mine !! If I win a new one, maybe I can part with it for a special girlfriend…….maybe….. Haha!! Thanks Susan !!

  74. Cheryl Davis says:

    I think all the cup designs are beautiful but the Little Things and Martha’s Vineyard are the best!

  75. Pam Baker says:

    As always, a lovely breath of fresh clean air in my mundane life.
    Thank you so much.

    I too am surrounded by clutter and find it is draining me NOT to deal with it. I must attend to it and you are right, one shelf, one drawer, one box at a time. It will get done and I will feel better. Besides, company’s coming next month. I must get it done!!

    A creation of yours would be a fine present from the universe.
    Pam from Vermont

  76. heidi shorts says:

    oh, how i would love to win a mug! thank you for so SO much inspiration…and who would have thought it, but today, you’ve inspired me to organize! AND OH HOW I NEEDED THAT! xo

  77. Debbie Johnson says:

    Hi Susan,
    I too am facing the mountain of stuff in my craft room. I babysit one of my Grandbabies and his momma is a school teacher so I’m going to tackle my room over the summer. So excited to do this. To be organized!!
    I love the Santa cup! Darling!!
    Debbie from Southern Cali

  78. Shelley from Home says:

    Love the post! Keep going, you can do it!

  79. Cheryl in Virginia says:

    Hi Susan, I have your first three cups and love them all. My sweet husband ordered them for me. They are very pretty sitting out on the kitchen counter. Too pretty and happy to put in the cabinet. And I love the super size for morning coffee and evening tea. Sure would be great to win one to give as a gift and share the joy they bring.

  80. Barbara kirk says:

    Susan what an inspiration you are to us!! You’ve inspired me to start weeding out books in my family room. I have quite a collection over the years..I am a retired kindergarten teacher and have many children’s books to donate. Thank you so much for your wonderful blogs, books and paintings….and I love all your beautiful mugs!!

  81. Cindy Johnson says:

    My mom is staying with us for a time. She has Alzheimer’s but I encouraged her to read your blog today. She got 1/2 way through and I’m happy about that. I have been drinking my morning coffee from my SB mug and I so enjoy the coffee in a pretty mug! Today I took a load of stuff to a donation place. So funny to see we are of the same mind and it DOES feel good… you are so correct! Still lots to do here too.

  82. Jan Ash says:

    I so needed to see that I am not the only one who makes “Stacks” of stuff to deal with “later”, (which doesn’t seem to come very often.) I have just recently started going through things and doing what you have done. Once again you have inspired me to keep going “inch by inch”! Thank you so so much Susan, you are such a joy to me!

  83. Susan says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blogs, books, new Instagram and all your videos! And your smile, Susan!

  84. Linda Thomson says:

    “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.”
    by Eleanor Roosevelt

    Dear Susan I love your cups and can’t wait to share them with girlfriends! We have all learned so much about being strong by reading and learning from you. Thank you! Linda T.

  85. Fabienne Logan says:

    I try to toss or donate twice a year. But there is always more. I appreciate your hard work in the house. Your home seems so warm and welcoming even with stacks of memories. I would love one of the new mugs. I’d make a special place for it on a decluttered kitchen shelf.

  86. Marilyn Rogers says:

    Love your blog Susan! I always feel so uplifted after reading what is going on in your life. The new cups are luv lee my dear!
    Marilyn from Whidbey Island Washington

  87. Jayne says:

    You’re making me motivated to tackle my back store room. I guess it will have to keep until I get my knee replaced next week.

    • sbranch says:

      Blessings to you Jayne! xoxo Soon you’ll be on the other side of it and climbing up the next hill!

  88. Kim Edwards says:

    I have also spent this week sorting and remembering the childhood days of our youngest two children. My heart is full as the last of our six children prepare for new college adventures, and yet my mind is in a whirl over all the possibilities that are awaiting me in this next stage of life. Your posts always inspire me and fill me with new possibilities!

    • sbranch says:

      The continuing adventure of life filled with change! Here’s to new possibilities! xoxo

  89. Theresa Lee says:

    Hello Susan , Im so pleased that I found you . I love your books and your web site as well as your blog .
    You have been an inspiration to me in every way . Thank you my friend . 💞🌸🌷🌷🌷

  90. Holly Jo Martin says:

    I am not some crazy fan – I just like your books, your blog, your cups, your videos of Jack, calendars, and more. I thought that letter from Emily was priceless. I too like all things good & cozy & classic. You are all those things Susan girl.

  91. Sue Hasson says:

    Love, love, love your new mugs!

  92. Alisa says:

    So I just bought the blue bird mug for my big Sis because whenever she sees a blue bird she says it’s our grandma Bea. And she is moving to Virginia from California so her hubby can live by his family for the first time in thirty years. He has been in the Airforce for ever and over seas twice. His Mommy is so happy. I should have been faster ordering the first set of mugs. They are all so adorable. My sis and I love cute.

  93. Barbara miller📓📕📗📘📙📚 says:

    The tea cups are lovely and to win one would delight me. I would use it as I clean up the piles I have cherished too long. The books are the hardest to weed out. Some are like best friends. I always borrowed books from the library but lately they have cleaning their shelves! Where do they go,my old comfy friends. So some I had to buy. Some are lost…I can’t remember titles and authors (that series written pre WW2 about Scotland. 😢) the papers of ideas and design are in boxes on my side of the closet floor….no room for shoes. Thank you for the inspiration.
    I hate to think how quickly all my treasures will be thrown out after I die . Must heave some out myself!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s true, and now, you’re in charge of the heaving. And perhaps heaving to places other than the trash!

  94. Biz G says:

    Hi Susan, count me in for the next giveaway. Another great post. Hello from MD.

  95. Julie V from Springfield, MO says:

    Love reading your blog – I always feel happy and inspired afterwards! Love the cups and have already done a pre-order for the new ones – so excited about your new designs and can’t wait to see what you will come up with in the future. I have been doing the deep cleaning and getting rid of “things” too. It feels so good to look at everything all orderly and clean. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  96. Vicki says:

    Love your organization and spring cleaning!!!! Always makes us feel so wonderful, doesn’t it….love that you came across so many treasures…part of the fun!

  97. Mary says:

    Dear Susan – So happy I am not the only person with a house packed to the brim! So many things with memories are very hard to get rid of but like you, my last year was a crazy one and no cleaning whatsoever! Clutter everywhere!!! Aside from the fact I have a mess maker borderline hoarder husband – papers and cords he can never part with! College professor so that is all I need to say! I hope one day to be able to do what you are doing! In the meantime, keep going and enjoy all the treasures found along the path. Loved the mugs – so cute – but never got to order one – I am a procrastinator and now a very regretful one. Life gets overwhelming at times but I definitely will not wait on your latest ones – all adorable and beautiful! Your talent, energy and imagination are amazing and what a life! Lucky You! Mary

  98. Claudia says:

    Hi Susan,
    One of your mugs would be the first treasure to grace kitchen counter in my ‘new’ old house. Also find much inspiration in your latest blog, to carefully consider that which I will furnish and decorate;-must sift through 30yrs. of living in home we will be leaving.

  99. Carmel says:

    I’m in the same place. I’ve been trying and determined to clean out and reorganize everything. It’s a tough time to start due because I’m extremely busy with the end of the school year (elementary special ed teacher) but I’ve been making a bit of progress. I’m determined to get this all done by the end of summer (return to school end of August). You’re certainly inspiring me to keep going. It can be tiring work but very much a treasure hunt as well. I just want to be at peace with my home. It’s clean, but really need to declutter, etc. I keep reciting the Little Engine that could; “I think I can, I think I can” and Dory’s encourging words: “Keep on swimming, keep on swimming!” I’ve already cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and will look forward to placing your new mugs in there!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s my time frame too, by the end of summer, the whole house. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s SO rewarding!

  100. Lillian Olmstead says:

    Hi Susan,
    I love this post, being a collector, too, I know how hard it is to even get started. You are always an inspiration, hope it works again this time. I’ll let you know. in the meantime I could always make room for another mug. Happy cleaning .

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