Hey girls, we’re just sitting around waiting for our hurricane to get here, hatches battened, listening to heavenly MUSICA. The storm’s been downgraded quite a bit and will likely just give the Island some high waves and a little wind. Not to worry. Our house is old and strong, we have our candles, there’s chicken stock on the stove, we can make a fire, we are 60 feet above sea level, we are the lucky ones. I’m much more worried about the folks down south and our darling friends in Mexico City. Prayers for so many these days.
I have something to share, and because it’s somewhat impure in message, I will purify between each paragraph with my collection of WHITE photos . . . you will like them, they will give you some breathing space of sweetness and light . . .  so here goes:
 Somewhere around 1990 my life was changed in a totally unimagined and unexpected 
way. Just like Julia Child put sparks in my mind about food and cooking and entertaining, and Joseph Campbell excited me to look to my childhood to find “my bliss,” and Beatrix Potter showed me it was possible to consciously choose the life you want ~ a man named Ross Perot added his voice to my repertoire and changed the way I thought about our government. During the next years, I thought I’d hear about it again . . . but I never did, not in the clear lesson-learning way I heard it that day.
While flipping through TV channels, a speech to the National Press Club given by a little guy with big ears caught my attention, and despite the fact that I’d never heard of him and had zero interest in government or politics, I listened. His down-home Texas accent and common-sense words rang true, and what he had to say was an eye-opener for me, and I have to say, a shock. Even though I was over 40, I barely voted at the time. I couldn’t have told you if I was a Republican or a Democrat because when I did vote, I voted for whoever I thought was the best person. I thought I knew how our government worked, that our President and Congress were taking care of business on our behalf and didn’t need me to help. I was so wrong.
Ross Perot talked about things I never learned in school, but things that every school child should be taught, and certainly every adult should know, and what he said has rung in my ears ever since. I never forgot it. All these years later, I can still hear him.
Jane Austen’s Cupboard
Lately, the little voice that resides in my head has been urging me to tell you what he told me. “Tell them,” it cajoles constantly. “Shut up,” I beg, “they probably already know, it’s not my business.” But the voice won’t shut up. I wake up in the morning with that voice in my head, “Don’t assume everyone knows,” it says. “After all, you didn’t.”  Once more, the voice is right. The voice says that due to age and love of cooking, I have teaching credentials. It says we’re all in this together. It says I only have one life. It says you won’t hate me. It better be right. So here I go. Doing my best to put this in a nutshell. After that, you can do whatever you like with it.
Always drink upstream from the herd. Will Rogers
You know I share every heartbeat I have with you, Girlfriends, many of us grew up together. And despite my interrupting our normal tiny vases, quilts on the clothesline, apple crisp in the oven, England, home and family-connections conversations that we love so much (just for today!), this too matters, because it’s everything for home and family. I wouldn’t be a Girlfriend if I didn’t tell you.
First off, breathe easy, I promise this has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It’s about the way our government works, because outside of the three branches we all think we know about, there’s an invisible fourth branch, and in some ways, this one has more clout than all of them. Those in charge would rather we don’t know about it, it’s gone on forever, and lurks behind every decision made in Washington, everything that affects the health and safety and pocketbook of every American family, and covers its tracks with the words Freedom of Speech.
But they really don’t like to talk about it:
“We’ll just go with no comment,” said Stephen Cohen, a Goldman Sachs spokesman.
“We are not going to comment — it’s just not something we comment on,” said Dan Whitten, vice president of strategic communications for America’s Natural Gas Alliance.
“We never comment on any of our lobbying activities or lobbying expenditures,” Joy Sims, senior communications director for the National Cable & Telecommunications Association.
Lobbyists. That’s what they don’t comment on, but what Ross Perot taught me about. You’ve heard of them, every big company in America employs them. Foreign governments and corporations hire them. The job of the lobbyist is to talk to their voting-buddies in Congress to get laws made that favor the companies they represent. There are somewhere around 10,000 registered lobbyists working in Washington DC this year. Many of them are lawyers who’ve  worked for our government. Half of retiring senators (such as Bob Dole (R), Tom Daschle (D), and Joe Leiberman (I) have become lobbyists. A third of retiring house members become lobbyists ~ not to mention their staffers ~ all insiders who cash in (lobbyist salaries are literally more than a thousand times higher than government salaries). They work for oil companies, the insurance industry, pharmaceutical companies, airline industry, gun manufacturers, food industry, the Chamber of Commerce, communications industries, the movie industry, charities, you name it. These lobbyists and the companies they work for are the real people who make our laws. All in their own favor, even if it hurts us. Lately they’ve been “taking it underground,” trying to stay out of the limelight, to obscure their activities as best they can.
Public servants: Persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft. Mark Twain
Lobbyists and their corporations contribute HUGE amounts of money to election campaigns, they organize fund raisers with high stake donors (which are needed because part of this terrible game is that the average Senator must bring in $14,000 a day in order to stay in office), and they lobby both R’s and D’s. For example, after all the haranguing and back and forth, if the votes for something the gun lobby is advocating go against them in Congress, they withdraw their support from those who voted against them, and instead, give everything to the campaign of their opponents in the next election, both money and media, positive and negative. And, by doing so, they teach the rest of the congress a big scary lesson. Vote our way, or we will use all our powers against you, you will be out of a job. And so, when little children are mowed down in a first grade schoolroom by a lunatic with an AR-15, nothing is done, and life goes on like nothing happened. 💔 And why, despite huge profits during what have been relatively lean years for the rest of us, do oil and gas industries continue to get massive multi-billion dollar taxpayer subsidies? Lobbyists. In their ear, full time, with money and influence, every day, where we cannot be, making laws that affect everything we do, handing out subsidies with our tax money. When we subsidize extremely profitable companies we are using money that could go to schools or infrastructure or healthcare. It’s our money. It should be used for us. We think since we are the ones who elect them, they should work for us. But that’s not how it works.⚡️
Nowadays, lobbyists fix it so Congress people barely have to work. Under direction of the corporations they work for, these professional arm twisters often write the talking points for new laws ~ and to make it even easier, they’ll pull together co-sponsors for the bills, and write the bill themselves, word for word. Do the congressmen even know what they are advocating for? Not if they don’t read the bill. And what difference does it make, as long as they get re-elected, which takes money, and the lobbyists are the ones providing it.

Don’t get me wrong, not every politician caves. Some do stick up for us. Some are hard at work year-round, even when not in session (Congress will be in session 133 days this year🤢).There are many good companies and organizations that, in order to keep up and get their piece of the pie, have lobbyists too, such as the American Cancer Society. But, it’s a huge difference when they give technical assistance on a cancer funding bill versus when one of the largest banks in the world writes a bill that will give it access to public deposit insurance to fund it’s exotic financial activities. Especially when that bank has just been bailed out with our money, while they foreclosed on our neighbors. Banks are happy, that’s what matters.
But watch, when there is a hero-Mr.-Smith-Goes-to-Washington kind of Senator or Congress person who speaks for us, wants common sense regulations for banks, big business, oil companies, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, etc, they are punished. Those corporations will use their considerable power, in commercials and other media (which more and more, they own), to vilify this person with false or misleading claims in places as seemingly benign as Facebook or on Twitter, to make them the evil one, so they can continue to do their dirty deeds, perhaps get them unelected, and use our tax money to do it. They know we don’t have time to check every story we hear.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
Adolf Hitler
“Too many government regulations” is the battle cry. Corporations don’t want regulations, regulations cost them money, and that’s all they care about. Regulations that help us, for health care, for safe cars, roads and bridges, for clean air and water, for food that isn’t tainted with drugs, for product safety and fairness in banking and identity protection on the web, for keeping guns out of schools; but instead, regulations are removed, and laws are written to benefit corporations. No regulations on credit bureaus means they didn’t need to protect our personal information, leaving the people (me included) to figure out what to do to keep our identities from being stolen. Now I think the government should fix this by issuing all of us new social security numbers and let Equifax pay for it. They won’t. No zoning law regulations in Houston, so the building industry had free reign to pave it over, got very rich doing it, and didn’t care that there was no place for the flood waters to go. Drug lobbyists work incessantly to reduce regulations, and now spend over 4 billion a year on TV ads ~ the average American sees 16 hours of drug ads per year (against our will) and we are now in an opioid crisis. Our prescription drugs are the most expensive in the world, while Medicare is prevented BY LAW from using its huge bargaining power to lower prices (thank you big pharma lobbyists, and chicken faced Congress who let that happen).  To hold onto their insane profits, big Pharma will fight tooth and nail against Medicare for all of us. Will our Congress let them? Probably. Who do you think will benefit if they cut healthcare? We can go bankrupt if we get very ill, lose our homes and everything we’ve saved for all our lives. Perfectly legal.
While our 22 year olds go into massive debt in order to get an education in the richest country in the world. Now they say, “tax reform,” and you get one guess to see who will benefit on that. While they shout “Freedom!” and “Clean the Swamp” and we believe them, and they go right on, swamping it up on our money.  There are thousands of examples of how they put their money making ahead of our safety. They don’t want us to vote (doing everything they can to stop us from doing so) or be educated, because if we don’t vote, if we stay ignorant about all this, they can go on whooping it up on our tax money. They’re so blatant about it these days, it’s shocking. They think they can get away with it and they do. But my darling girlfriends, knowledge is power, and we have knowledge. Tell your friends. Alert your children. Call your representatives and tell them you want money out of politics.📞
“When every man in a state has a vote, brutal laws are impossible.” 💖 Mark Twain
They tell us there’s no such thing as global warming, confuse us with argument, try to turn science, something we loved and revered as children, something that ended polio and took us to the moon, into a joke. They turned us against one another so they can go on pouring CO2 into the atmosphere, digging and fracking and tearing this beautiful gift from God, our earth, to shreds so they can add billions to the billions they already have. And the laws they write themselves says it’s all okay.
 Only one thing will stop it. It’s not term limits, that’s like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. It’s no more money in politics, period. Election campaigns that last six months, an equal playing field for all candidates. No contributions over $1,000. No contributions from corporations, no more corporate fundraisers. No lobbyists, both state and federal, (yup, we put them all out of work, too bad, so sad, your dad, get a real job). Government for the people by the people. And no, corporations are not people. People are people. And we the people can MAKE them change the laws to take the money out of politics. We really can. I am the Shirley Temple of positive thinking. I believe anything is possible.
So that’s it, I wasn’t wild about this information when I first heard it, but I’m still very glad I know. I hope you feel that way too. I don’t want it to turn you against our government, which I truly believe is the last best hope of a kookie, never-perfect world ~ it didn’t do that to me, it just made me take notice and do what I could to change it. But we need help if we’re going to do this, we need everyone to know, we the people need to be our own lobby, we need to be the ones whispering in their ears, we need to be the strongest of them all.
 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 
Edmund Burke 
If I were running for office, my motto would be “A kitty in every house!”  The voice can leave me alone now, I did my part. What a relief! And always, always, when you’re looking for the truth in this complicated big-business world we live in, all you have to do is follow the money. And there you will have your answer. Ask yourself, “Who benefits from this?” That’s the question of the day. Here’s your diploma dear Girls, you just graduated, Government 101. Thank you, Ross Perot, you did a good thing.
“No country can be well governed unless its citizens, as a body, keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law, and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more.”  💕 Mark Twain
🎶 I am a Yankee Doodle Girl. 🎵
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming which is, as always . . . . 
Direct from the woods of Martha’s Vineyard.🍂
Besides walking in the woods, saying thank you God every day, I finished the designs for two more cups! And like the first two I showed you, these will also arrive in our Studio in early January. We are going to put them up for presale soon, and thought at the same time I would give you a link for a special card you could print out, like a promissory note, so you’ll be able to give them as gifts or stocking stuffers this year. We’re working on that. This first one is called “Girlfriends Tea” and it’s a big one, the 16 oz size.
Here’s the handle . . .
 This is the back, with a quote by our darling Nancy Luce, who could have used a few Girlfriends in her time (but now she has us 💞) . . . and on the bottom it says, “If friends were flowers, I’d choose you.”🌸
And to go with the Autumn cup, here’s Winter (in the smaller, 11 oz size, perfect for hot chocolate!)
The handle . . .
Here’s the back, and on the bottom, it says, “Not fit for man nor beast.”  Hope you like them!
Off I go Girlfriends, need to go try and put a freeze on my credit! Hope all is well with you, safe and cozy, making something delicious to share with the people you love. XOXO
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  1. Mary Ritter says:

    What so many of us have learned in the last few months is that we must constantly let our voices be heard. We need to call, email, snail mail…any communication must be used to grind our voices into our legislator’s heads. We must attend town halls even if the rep doesn’t show. Our voices have made a difference, and we must vote and get others to the polls. We cannot be indifferent. If we can elect honest reps we can get rid of lobbyists… It won’t be easy, but we MUST accomplish this. Everything is on the line right now. Thank you for speaking out from your bully pulpit!

    • sbranch says:

      I think the celebrity of our President has made people sit up and take notice, in a way they haven’t for years, for better or for worse, but it’s making advocates out of all of us, making us dig deeper into this thing called government, which is a GOOD thing. We were getting a little too lazy, letting this thing go on way too long. I love Susan Turnley’s reminder, we need to ask candidates where they stand on lobbyists and what they intend to do about it if elected.

  2. Kathiellen says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for your goodness and caring, for your great love for our country and this beautiful earth. All that you said brings to mind a quote from Mother Teresa…” We feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” I loved all of your pretty white things…so much hygge to see and feel. We all need that especially now. You, Joe, Jack and your pretty home have been on my mind throughout all of these hurricanes, storms and devistation. I pray that you all will be safe and far from harms way. Your chicken broth sounds wonderful ❤️ With Love and Prayers. xo

    • sbranch says:

      We’re all good Kathiellen, thank you for your prayers. It’s still windy but we never lost electricity, and I can’t see any damage this morning, roses still on the vines, leaves mostly still on the trees. From one important drop to another. xoxoxo

  3. Erin S. says:

    Thank you for the reminder, Susan. “Lobbying” is a euphemism for “Bribery.” It ought to be outlawed. I’ve said so for years!

    • sbranch says:

      You are so right. These smoke bombs they throw out to make us blind are the next challenge. Getting people to see what is going on.

  4. Candy Abel says:

    Greed, greed, and more greed! When will greed start taking a back seat? The greed goes along with desire for power so one can be a master of another who has less money and less power. Our country is setting itself up to fail and decline. Just read history. You are so right when you write that knowledge is power. It has been proven that once someone has their basic necessities of life met (shelter, food, clothing) that having more money does not make people happier. That thought can be applied to corporations too. In fact, what usually happens is that the more money corporations have, usually it leads to waste, graft and more discontent. I still remember reading an article in Life magazine when I was in my teens about Ross Perot raking leaves on his property and being mistook for the handyman. A mistake that he never corrected. He relished being the Everyman and did not let his money success turn his head or make him lord it over “lesser” beings. I read that article and I told myself that that is how I wanted to be in my life. And so, I was and I am. And, he showed me the path! Often, over the years I have told his story to people ( I’ll be 67 next month). Some people and some corporations just don’t get it.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so lucky to have been raised by the residents of Smallville. They taught me it’s not money that brings happiness. It’s inner joy, family, spiritual grounding, safety, and good health. Those are the things that make us rich. I loved reading the life of Harry Truman after he left office, same sort of guy as my dad, and Ross Perot. Happy with life. Warren Buffet’s like that too. xoxo Candy, thank you!

  5. Caroline says:

    Thank God for you Susan. My Abuelita was born in Chile and went through the military coup and the loss of the right to vote for 17 years. She always told me that good people have to stay involved with politics or all will be lost.. And that is you : Good people. I will continue to sign petitions with credo action, call my representatives and senators, vote, make dinner and rejoice in flowers. I was so happy to see all the positive feedback you are receiving for this informative post.. Warms my heart that all us girlfriends share the same open sacred spirit

    • sbranch says:

      Kindred spirits. It’s true, when I watch immigrants taking the oath for citizenship, I always cry, imagining everything they did to get to this place that we so often take for granted. Thank you Caroline!

  6. Susan says:

    I have worried about lobbyists for years and have read and read about what might be done. I think the best plan is to vote people into office who ALSO would like to see lobbying become illegal, who would work to repeal Citizens United, who would make members of Congress use our healthcare system and do away with their own (which would make a dent in the national debt) and call a bribe a bribe, and call a traitor a traitor. All of these things are ruining our country. So the next time a candidate comes along and refuses to take big money from individuals or corporations, we need to listen to what else he/she says. Maybe that person is really the best candidate for the job, no matter what his/her political affiliation. Let’s vote for those candidates who have the best interests of our country at heart, as well as the interests of citizens, and want to take the big money, the bribes, the corporate buying of elections, out of our system.

    I agree that calling our representatives is always a good idea, and sometimes writing a letter is even better. But most of our two houses of Congress are already in the money system, and they have already learned that they have to play the game to be elected again. Instead, we need to listen more closely to candidates and vote for the ones who agree that all the greed and graft must be routed out of our political system if we are to have a prayer of saving this country. And one more thing, I am appalled at the political discourse which has become so common in Washington, DC. It’s hard to even imagine the effect that all the lies, the bad language, the innuendo and all the outrageous things said and done, actually has on our children. It is very hard for parents to fight back against this kind of behavior in their own children, when it is demonstrated on TV, radio, internet and in print that adults in high places can do exactly what their parents forbid. It is all sickening, but voting for people who feel as we do could make a big difference in the future.

    Many thanks, Susan, for risking using your blog for something so important as this!

    • sbranch says:

      I forgot about that. There is a movement among new candidates to promise we would have their vote against lobbyists. That’s the question we have to ask before we vote. Thank you for reminding me Susan! Your whole comment was beautifully written, thank you for your contribution. And BTW girlfriends, for those who don’t know, Susan is the person who runs the Gladys Taber Newsletter!

  7. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    This afternoon I spent a little over an hour on the phone and on line freezing our credit. I was successful, but I was frustrated and agitated when I finished. I logged on to Twitter and noticed you had posted a new blog…thank you, dear heart. So often these days I feel like I don’t quite know which way is up and which is down, it’s scary and confusing and downright heartbreaking. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone, for speaking so eloquently about the very real poison in our beloved country. If you had decided to ignore that little voice in your head urging you to “speak up” and posted instead about little vases and kitties and mugs and rain puddles we would all have been perfectly happy. I am grateful you listened to that persistent voice, instead.
    Hugs xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t been successful with the credit bureaus. They tell me I can’t do it on line, and I have to send them a portfolio of personal information through the mail, all three of them. Good grief. So Joe is going to take a turn and try again today. I struggled with this post, as you know, but suddenly, even though I know the homes we create for ourselves shield us from so much, give us strength, a haven and matter more than anything, I couldn’t do little vases, with this voice in my head. Now I can! Yay! I’m purged! (To a certain extent.😜) Thank you Shannon!

  8. Marti Lundh says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I feel inspired to get more involved in issues about which I feel passionate.
    Thank you for using your voice to educate and encourage critical thinking in hopes of making a change in the uncertain atmosphere of our country.

  9. Cheryl says:

    Well said!

  10. Sharon in Reno says:

    Dear Susan, I longer live in Fresno, we packed everything up, sold the house in Fresno and moved to Reno, NV several months ago, to get away from all the liberal politics in CA. Not interested in hearing how the government works because I already know. But nice pictures. As you have said before, it is your blog and you can say what you wish but I prefer it best when you talk about the lovely things in life because I can hear about the other stuff on TV. But nice pictures. When you discuss politics, government, the president, senators, laws, etc, it brings out negative feelings because there is nothing positive about any of them. But nice pictures anyway. Have a lovely day without thinking too much about the government.

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Move Sharon! Happy new house! I knew some folks would already know, but because it took me so long to find out, and since then I’ve heard very little on the subject all these years, I thought maybe there were others who didn’t know, and it began to bother me. I knew I would only have to say it once! Read the comments if you have time, they are anything by negative. Such positive thoughtful smart responses. All my best for your move!

  11. Well said! And political dialogue set among your beautiful art is so much easier to digest.

  12. Scottie Williams says:

    Susan Branch I love you!
    I have been a huge fan for many years and this post is exactly how I feel.
    I do believe that most people are kind and compassionate but that belief has been increasingly harder to cling too in recent times. Greed and corruption seem to be the new normal in our government and businesses. My feelings of sadness and helplessness are very difficult to overcome. Thank you for your words of wisdom and common sense.

    • sbranch says:

      We just need to stick together, and find other like minds to hook up with, get stronger with, and do something.

  13. Shawn says:

    I had a very smart high school teacher who told us to “ask who will benefit and you will see the real issue”. I have always remembered this.

  14. Connie Kaupe says:

    I have a tendency to scroll past “rants” on social media, because they get so depressing. This was educational, rather than just venting, which I greatly appreciated! Thank you for the links.

    And I LOVE the new winter mug. I’ll be preordering that one, for sure. I switch my seasonal mugs around the day the seasons change, so Autumn is on deck for Friday.

  15. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    I am so very grateful for this post and for the massive majority of comments! I have NEVER before read every comment before replying to your blog!! I am thrilled that there are so many like-minded people who, like me, thank you for your courage and for the articulate way that you’ve offered information we all need to see and take to heart.
    When I told my husband about this, he said “Good for her, great!” We both worry that this amazing country will be ruined if we don’t ALL work hard to get big money out of elections, in particular, and government in general. Lobbyists MUST go, no matter how hard that will be.
    I was told, when I moved from your favourite “other” country years ago and became a citizen, that my Vote is my Voice. I think certain people are forgetting that, and may be surprised in the future when “We the People” have nothing left BUT our votes?
    Blessings and love oxox
    Now I’m off to order “Gratitude” from your website, because I am grateful for you and all that you do to make me smile. THANK YOU!!

    • sbranch says:

      The comments are wonderful! I love reading them! Only a couple of disagreements, and I do understand where they’re coming from. But this is a sensible subject most of us can come together on, which makes me love it despite the sad message. I want us together! Thank you for being here, Sally, blessings on you and your husband.

  16. Joan of Cape Cod says:

    Dear, dear Susan, I so admire you for listening to that inner voice and acting when it would be so easy for you to plug up your ears and say, “La la la” very loudly. Thank you for acting on the urge for doing what you can to make the world a better place. I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” and you have provided a candle that will light another and another and another… You have encouraged us in your lovely, gentle way. That said, I appreciated the breathers with the beautiful images in white and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new mugs!
    My own experience is that the most satisfying things I have accomplished in life have come when I have gone outside my comfort zone. I think that’s what you were wrestling with here. As time goes by I think you will sense deep personal satisfaction at doing what didn’t come easy, for the greater good. My thanks! And LOTS of admiration!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Joan. The lovely comments from our girlfriends have shown me I made the right choice to “just say it.” The little voice in my head is having quite the little I-told-you-so party right now.😃 xoxo

  17. Judith Zobel says:

    You go, girl. Couldn’t agree more. 👏🏻

  18. Susan Coady-Butler says:

    Dear Susan, Thank you so much for your blog and newsletters….ALL OF THEM. We are referring to each other as “girlfriends” and as such, it is our responsibility to share and learn from each other. I love, love, love all the travels, beautiful home ideas, wonderful recipes, and our kindred spirit. I want to preserve all that we value and being knowledgeable and responsible in the running of our homeland is a part of that. I so appreciate your sharing of the information you have on how the government is working as much as how to make a lovely home and place of peace. After all, each of us treasure our little piece of the universe we call our homes. We must work together to preserve each of our homes, our health, our planet, our way of life, our shared humanity. Education, communication, working from a place of knowledge, and working together will move us to a better place. When we know better, we DO better. Thank you Susan for all you do and share.

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Well done!

  20. Mary mccumber says:

    Thank you a zillion times over Susan! I didn’t know~I didn’t know! And now that I do, your magnificent words pull me to action! Knowledge & understanding, has filled me with hope, & work to do~I’m so extremely grateful, to be a part of this girlfriend family!

  21. Lynn says:

    ~ Hello Susan & Girlfriends ~
    Agree with every word~ it’s a crime against man and nature what is happening not just here but globally~ I found a couple quotes that everyone (especially the powers that be) should read and seriously think about~
    When all the trees are cut down
    When all the animals are dead
    When all the waters are poisoned
    When all the air is unsafe to breathe
    Only then you discover
    You cannot eat money

    “How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say I knew about this ~and did nothing.”
    Sir David Attenborough

    We need to stop putting up and start standing up!

  22. Maria says:

    Thank you, Susan, for this post. These days most of us do feel powerless to do anything to eradicate the horrible things going on in our government by the people who are supposed to protect us as a nation. You were way too diplomatic in not mentioning the name of our “president” or the criminal administration he has put together (most of which are already out the door) by scraping the bottom of the swamp he promised to drain. I am so saddened by what’s going on in the world. Someone else is mighty angry, too, as demonstrated by the hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes & other natural disasters befalling us. While I wish I could do so much more, I offer heartfelt prayers for peace in the world & the safety of its people. Other than that, I feel I can do little more than love my family, friends, community, my pets, my home & my one wild & precious life with all that I have in me. Much love to you & yours. xo

    • sbranch says:

      I didn’t mention the President because since the 90s I’ve noticed that it almost doesn’t matter who is President (policy wise), because this thing goes on the exact same way no matter who is in office. Our government is mostly working against the common good, for the benefit of a few. I love your last sentence. That’s the real world.

  23. Rita Baker says:

    Preach it, Susan! I was shocked when the Supreme Court, sadly while Obama was President, ruled that corporations were people. BAD ruling. Seems that almost EVERYONE is “bought.” Shortly before that ruling went down, we were invited to watch a documentary on the Koch brothers that should have been shown on PBS. Guess why it wasn’t? Because even PBS is “bought.” The Koch bros. are one of their sponsors, so the truthful documentary that exposed the INCREDIBLE amount of money these two men pour out to protect themselves/corporations at the expense of harming we the people, was not shown! Enough said. All governments are corrupt, sorry to say. Exactly why we need to focus on each other. God’s Word & people’s souls/spirits are the only things that will last forever. So let’s hope more of us will remember, & put into practice, what Jesus Christ said was the greatest commandment. Love God w/all our hearts, soul, & mind, & love others! Love, love, love. What it’s all about. Love you, girlfriend. Thanks again for showing us all your heart of compassion.

    • sbranch says:

      That killed me too. Was shocking really, that the Supreme Court of the United States of America would rule like that. Told me that anything can happen. Love you right back Rita . . . it’s so easy. xoxo

  24. Kate from Oregon says:

    Susan, you are setting off the best sparklers! Again shedding bright lights on the dark, ugly corners of our beloved nation!
    How about all of us peace-loving sistahs (and bruthers) meet soon for a giant rally in Lebanon, Kansas (center of the contiguous USA) to insist that election laws get changed and corporate and political lobbying are forbidden. We cannot sit idly by and just wish this deplorable mess goes away. We deserve to be heard.

  25. Elizabeth Winterbone says:

    I truly appreciate the time and care that went into this post! It is thoughtful, caring and informative (and light with white). I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the state our country is in and I know watching TV is deadly (especially if you see all the drug commercials telling you what to be sick with next), so I try to stick to Turner Classic Movies with only an occasional dip into the news.

    I send a fax to my congress people most every day and let them know my views on the issues (a new practice for me since the election when I finally woke up and realized that in a democracy one is obligated to TAKE PART) But I struggle with what to do about things like removing money from government. How do we do that? What should one person do? I am not really a front of house sort of person who would run for office but I do like to write letters and send faxes. I feel like we are just barely holding together, so am looking for leadership to guide the big ship and turn it around,

    Than you for bringing up the topic. These divided times can bring a sad sense of isolation so I am grateful for you and your efforts to bring us together!


    Elizabeth from Kansas

    • sbranch says:

      Try googling it, I know there are organizations coming together to work on this problem. It needs to be a collective, we can’t do it alone. We will need to bellow to be heard over the din of 10,000 lobbyists! Thank you Elizabeth.

  26. Karen Carpenter says:

    Thank you for saying this. I have always thought the lobbyist should go. How did this happen? It was vey educational and I am sure good information for thise who had no idea. We as a country need to use our Freedom of speech and voice our concerns. Some laws were put in place during Obama’s time but not enough. I leatned a very long time ago from my beautiful grandmother ” follow the money” and she was spot on. We have close friends who say it all the time.

    Again thank you and no reason to fet you did it very non patisan and gave good information.

    Stay safe

    Karen from MI

  27. Marie says:

    You go girl! You just said everything I have been thinking about for awhile now. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think you should run for President as well. 🙂

  28. Carol ann Britt says:

    While Ross Perot did a lot bad for Texas, he was right about getting money or of government.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’m sure he wasn’t a totally perfect cup of tea for everything, but he did have some good points. Probably like most of us. xoxo

  29. Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

    I was just thinking about you & Joe Susan & praying that all will be well if Maria comes your way. Thank you for keeping in touch w/ all of us that love & admire you 🙂
    As to your thoughts on the world today . . . nothing has ever changed. There has always been hate & division. My dear Mother used to say: “Money is the root of all evil”.
    Let’s all continue to pray & to thank God for every day & for all that we have.
    Peace dear heart.

  30. Patti Fitzgerald from Skippack, PA says:

    Thank you, Susan, for refreshing my memory about how the whole lobbyist “program” works . . . . or doesn’t, in most cases. It’s a very unfortunate fact, but if we examine every problematic situation in this world (not just in our country), we see that $$$$$ is always at the root of the problem. When will we ever learn?? I am encouraged, though, by the response of the common, average, ordinary, everyday people who have banded together to provide relief, in all of it’s many forms, to the victims of all the recent natural disasters. The answers lie within all of us, and we must never stop trying to make, at the very least, a better place in our little corner of the world. But . . . . when we band together, we can be a force to be reckoned with!!

    I’m glad that you listened to your heart, and shared what you felt was something important for all of us to know. You certainly have that right to do it on your own blog. It wasn’t pleasant news, but in typical Susan fashion, you cushioned it with those beautiful, soothing images of all things White. Luv-leee!! And I love you and your beautiful brain and your passionate spirit, and most of all, the generosity that causes you to want to share it all with us!! Lucky us – – blessed us!!

    Be safe and snug and cozy as Jose pays you a visit . . . Jack and Joe will take good care of you!! xoxoxoxo

  31. Barbara Stewart says:

    Amen. So beautifully said and just what I have been thinking and feeling. Thank you once again for everything you do. I have a very cute Westie as well.

  32. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Glad you are 🌬 battening down the hatches and having tea. Love the snowy ❄️🏠on the mug. The quote reminds me of something my boys did. Lol. One day I looked outside my sewing room and I saw a giant smiley face in the snow. How did they do it? There weren’t any boot prints leading up to it. ⛄️
    💨 Here
    Waiting for the belated ☀️Summer.

  33. “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson. Your blog is the platform that you built. Feel free to not remain silent.

  34. Barbara Peyrek says:

    I could not read the entire post. Who exactly is stopping you from voting?
    No one stopped me, ever. While you are over in England check out their medical
    system. The English system would not let little Charlie Gard(sp) come to
    American for treatment. You are right on one thing, Lobbyists should go.

    • sbranch says:

      You should read it . . . I’m not stopped at all … 😊

    • Evelyn says:

      The English system would not let Charlie Guard come to America to be used as a Guinea pig, the drug to be used was part owned by the doctor who claimed it was a miracle cure! But untried! The American company needed a vulnerable family to blind with science, but also wanted MONEY!
      In court the ‘Dr’ admitted he had never even seen the case notes of Charlie, and was talking hypothetically . Despicable to give the parents hope when there had never been any, Our medical system put the child first.

      • sbranch says:

        I am so happy you spoke up Evelyn. I didn’t feel I was qualified to talk about this, but I knew the right thing had been done, no matter how sad it was. Life sometimes just goes that way. Thank you.

  35. Maggie Bresz says:

    I agree with every word you said and it is a
    Message that others need to hear . Thank you for prettying it up with white pictures! I love reading your blog, it is a ray of sunshine

  36. Cathy Hoff says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Although this was hard for me to read, I persevered. I tend to get very anxious and sick to my stomach when I read about how screwed up our political system is. But I made myself stay with the reading. I really, really hope you are right. I hope we can change things because if we don’t, this country is in for some worse times.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for forcing yourself through it. I just think of it as high school government class, only not, because no one ever mentioned this to me! Probably they didn’t know!

    • Barbara A Case says:

      I’m afraid I’m like Cathy Hoff. Everything is such a horrible mess, it’s terrifying. It seems to me it may already be beyond help. Can you imagine the difficulty in getting enough people to work together to really change anything. When Perot was telling all of this was when we needed to start the revolution. I pray about this a lot…..but we need more than prayers. The anxiety and depression this all causes in me is often times more than I can take. We have a grand daughter who is fighting luekemia along with this….it is by far the worst of all. Sorry to be so negative……I guess I just needed to vent. I love your blog posts Susan they are a bright spot for me. I send my love and good thoughts to you and all the girlfriends.

      • sbranch says:

        Oh my goodness, your heart and hands are full to the brim. God bless you and your family, Barbara. And never give up, not for our world, and not for anything. xoxoxo

  37. Eileen says:

    The evening news is just inundated with pharmaceutical commercials—it’s maddening!!!! And if that isn’t bad enough, the news itself is unbelievable—-exhausting. Climate change denial, environment regulations being lifted, never ending attempts to repeal and replace healthcare ( again and again and again.) Nothing to benefit the people, just corporate greed rearing it’s ugly head. Thank you for posting this. ( I also voted for Ross Perot—-loved his pie charts!)

  38. Sophie T says:

    I think you post is brilliant… And you did the right thing talking about this hidden part of politics… Hopefully people find its way to have its voice heard in this forest of lobbyist. We have to care…

    Your cups are so very pretty! I love your art and creativity…

  39. Jana says:

    This is what I needed to hear today and you are the person I needed to hear it from so thank you for listening to the persistent little voice. May we become a “by the people” nation. I have a feeling that would look mighty different from anything we can yet imagine, because it’s not going back to something that once was, but creating something that has never been before. Seeds are being sown everywhere. Even on happy blog sites with kittens, dogs, and cakes.

  40. Patty Healy says:

    Susan, Thank you! Well said!! So glad you shared your thoughts with us.
    P. S. just received my Christmas mug and cinnamon apple crisp tea today. Will have to wait a few days to enjoy a cup. It’s 95 degrees and won’t be fall again until next week here in the Midwest!
    Take care!

  41. Pamela Tasker says:


  42. penny says:

    As far as I am concerned you can get as political as you want. Anyone who has a public who listens to them has a responsibility to speak out. Where this country of ours is headed I do not know. I can be hopeful and speak in a loving way–that is all I can do. These are scary times. I am grateful for the pink clouds in the Vermont sky this evening, the glass of wine I am drinking and my little Bella cat asking for more dinner.

  43. Julie Buck says:

    Thank you, Susan, for having the bravery to say this. I know the last time anything close to this came up, you were disheartened by some of the responses. And I KNOW we’d all rather be worried about how the stew tastes, than what’s going on in Washington. But your little voice is right. It’s too important to ignore. We need lobbyists for the people – as in “we the people”. There are so many things wrong in Washington (on both sides – plenty of blame to go around) that it can seem overwhelming to find out where to start. But this is how it starts. First we see the problem clearly. THEN we work on doing something about it. We desperately need to get money out of politics, and out of government. Thank you for saying so.

  44. Patti says:

    Well said!!

  45. Lisa Fields says:

    Susan,thank you so much for listening to “the little voice”& sharing this with everyone. I’m very afraid for our counltry. Many small voices uniting can make alot of noise.
    So people, get involved by writing or calling your senators & congressmen.
    We’re the ones who put them in office. Let them know what you’re concerned about. Tell them if they’re doing a good job & if they’re not.
    Staffers are there to take your calls & they have the politician’s ear.
    So let’s not be complacent. We owe it to our children & grandchildren.

    • sbranch says:

      When you think of all the noise in politics these days, all the arguments that go no where, when you learn something like this, suddenly all the smoke clears away. At least for me. It made me see everything through a non political, only who’s got the money, way. If we could just concentrate on this and forget the rest of it, change would come. Thank you Lisa.

  46. Ghodgson says:

    Your blog has offered such a welcome change from some of the angry aspects
    of daily media attacks. It’s been wonderful to find such feminine inspirations
    and ideas! I met Ross Perot in a job interview and was inspired by his commitment
    to helping others. I even later followed a career in philanthropy after working
    for him. However, I think it’s too general to place the state of our political environment on lobbyists. Certainly part of the pie to explore. However, voters and their misunderstandings about politics and their choice of political leaders
    should take responsibility for results I realize blaming others is the current trend.
    I hope you will continue to share your many creative talents and save politics of the world for a blog on politics. You are amazingly motivated and so clever in those areas you have shared in the past. So hope your political frustrations don’t overshadow your wonderful blogs in the future. Jose doesn’t appear to be like Irma that just missed us. We were spared at the last minute, but pray that everyone is helping with donations to help those who experienced the worst. All about caring and sharing to make life better each day. Thanks for all you do to make the world a warmer, happier place!

    • sbranch says:

      They won’t ~ they’re only a part of me. I wonder if I had a political blog and suddenly started talking about Zucchini Bread, what people would think! Makes me laugh to think about it! Our trees are rocking and rolling right now, but we too are being spared anything horrible. I think our leaves will still be on the trees when we wake up tomorrow. Just heard the boat whistle . . . means the boats are still running. That’s saying something!

      • Jean says:

        I am reading your post and listening to Rachel Maddow at the same time and I just laughed out loud at the thought of Rachel excitedly sharing her zucchini bread recipe. Keep lighting your single candle. You never know where it might shine.

      • Carol on the farm in Iowa says:

        This made me laugh out loud! You having a political blog and suddenly talking about zucchini bread 😂😂🤣🤣just struck me as hilarious!

        • sbranch says:

          Me too! 🤣 It’s just such a funny thought! I wonder if some people would get mad at me? Hey you, stay on topic! I come here to be miserable, I don’t want to hear about no stinkin’ zucchini bread! LOL, we will never know!

  47. Troy Louise says:

    Thank you for telling it like it is!

  48. Karen Schrimpf Saunders says:

    I AGREE with you!!!! For years I have said do away with lobbyists. No government official should EVER get money while in office or working for it. Before or after. They should have an anonymous fund for elections and everyone is required to run with the same amounts. Money leads to graft. I can’t believe anyone agreed it was ok!!! It cannot be a fair government when run by big money. I am sick of our government and politicians…..both democrats and republicans. They suck!!!

    Whoa!!!! Got kinda carried away!!! But excellent speech Susan. GLAD YOU SAID IT!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  49. Gina from NY says:

    Hi Susan:

    You hit the nail right on the head! I know I’m not the only one who is disgusted with our Congress, who have more time off, better benefits, and perks than any citizens in this country. Something is WRONG with this picture. I find them completely out of touch with their constituents and with reality. During the times when they actually are in session nothing gets done because of partisan bickering. I can’t even bear to watch the news anymore.

    But then I do watch and I see stories of how neighbors came together after Hurricane Harvey to help each other, just regular everyday folks like us who pitched in during Hurricane Irma – stores that opened their doors to evacuees, even a nun who commandeered a chain saw to help cut up trees that blocked roads! This is what we need to remember when we feel discouraged and disgusted. The best of human nature truly shone when it mattered most. Dear Susan, we cherish you all the more for having the courage and audacity to speak your mind and enlighten us all.

    Love you ❤️❤️❤️

  50. Carla Herkner says:

    Leave it to you, dear Susan, to couch the truth in pure cottony softness. The Supreme Court decision, “Citizens United” opened the gates for bottomless dark money funding of candidates. The day they announced it, I said well, if Nascar drivers have to wear embroidered patches of their sponsors all over their racing suits, then now members of Congress should have to do that too! It would be bumper to bumper embroidery for sure! We have a voice. I’m pleased and elated that you blogged about this! Be gone, dark money!

  51. Victoria Wells says:

    Dear Susan,
    You’ve just lost me but you probably don’t care because I’m just one little woman in your giant sea of followers. Why did you have to discuss govt? I have been coming to your blogs to escape from the cold, real world out there. Like when I go to lunch with girlfriends and we chat about fun things to forget about what we are inevitably going to have to watch on the news that night. You’ve taken the warm, cozy, fun and beautiful atmosphere of your blogs and turned them into rooms with politicians walking though them. You’ve ruined what you created for me. Goodbye

    • sbranch says:

      My goodness. One post on a different subject from the sea of others.

    • LimnerC says:

      Dear Victoria.
      Here’s a hug. {{{Victoria}}} I hope today’s better. What politicians do affect our everyday lives. How might you feel if you and your girlfriends cannot do lunch ever again after this week because those elected officials listened to what lobbyists whispered in theirs about ladies who lunch and cannot be bothered with politics? I try to imagine how the news might sound in communist countries. Then I try to imagine living in a country where there’s simply no “news” at all.

      Life isn’t all warm and cozy, fun and beautiful, and our atmosphere is becoming less breathable . . . But you were being sarcastic, right? You really didn’t leave Susan. Right? Girl, you gone stop playin’! LOL. You almost had me going for a hot minute. ‘Cause we all know politicians know how to work a room, and you know you can’t name a single one that could bear walking through a room without leaving a pile of manure in their wake? *wink* Back at ‘cha!

      Come on out from the shadows and let us eat cake and drink tea. Lunch’ll be on me!

      Sincerely sincere.
      a friend

      P. S. Does your remote have an off button too? And what about reading the news instead. Help right the wrongs and lunch on! 🙂

      • sbranch says:

        LOL, I hope you continue your wildly talented *wink *wink writing!!! You are too cute! Laughing so hard. Back at ‘cha! Thank you for being the funny person you are.

  52. Pam Shaeffer says:

    Dear Susan,
    It took courage to express all that you. You did an excellent job es-plaining, as my dear Latino friends would say (not racist-intended!), and I thank you for doing so. I think many are exhausted in all ways from all that is happening to this dear country of ours and around the world. Myself, I have been so depressed for the last several weeks filled with hopelessness thinking that there’s so little one person can do in light of all the money and corruption running the show. I call, I write, I sign petitions and again called my senators in Washington today to protest efforts once again to kill the ACA. Now with the series of tragic natural disasters one after another, I think we see people doing what people do best, forgetting their selfishness to help their neighbors in times of need. Susan, you are such an amazing and inspirational voice in the wilderness. Stay strong, stay safe, and keep doing what you do best! All good blessings to you, Joe, Jack and your friends there on the island.

    • sbranch says:

      You too Pam, we voices in the wilderness are gathering strength. We have to keep on. Love to you and yours. xoxo

  53. jeanette sclar says:

    I am heartened that someone besides me is paying attention! I rarely post a comment but feel honor-bound to do so this time just to support your heart-felt, common sense facts!

  54. Fran Patten says:

    Wow! You said a mouthful, Susan, and did it so well. I fear for my children, grandchildren and so on. What will they ever do with a stupid, failing government?
    Thanks for the eye openers and for ALL your lovely other blogs.
    Fran in N.J.

  55. Penny says:

    You go girl 💫 It’s the sad truth how this government got so corrupt. I think kittens are a good start ! 🐾
    The sadness of horrific natural events in our country & world makes me weep & pray .

  56. Chris K in Wisconsin says:

    Of late we have been bombarded by dreadful news and natural disasters in a daily deluge. A year or two ago, I don’t think we could have fathomed what we now endure as just “another day”. I am not capable of embracing what seems to be the new normal. Thank you so very much for this post. And I am happy that you are NOT one-dimensional. Politics and zucchini bread have a place together!! We should have opinions on both!

  57. Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

    Well said, Susan, well said!

  58. Louverna Tomer says:

    There will always be lobbyists as long as there is a US Government. There were lobbyists since the 1700’s. Do you actually think anyone in Washington would vote against them and cut off their nose to spite their face?
    There will not be a cure for cancer for a looong time. Think of all the money doctors, nurses, hospitals, drug companies, medical equipment, etc. would lose. There will be some inroads for certain cancers, but not all of them.
    Who runs the big corporations? The Finance Dept. It’s all about the bottom line. No regard for employees. The CEO reaps millions and walks away and employees lose their jobs, insurance, retirement, etc.
    And it goes on and on. All we can do is live our lives the best we can for ourselves and each other, and keep out faith in our Heavenly Father. He is forever!

    • sbranch says:

      I personally would not enjoy the lobby experience if I was in government, and I wonder if they really do. I would actually really want to make the world a better place for the people. I think many of them go into politics with that in mind and are sickened and thwarted by what they find, and many quit because of it, and many stay and fight the good fight. Perhaps I’m naive, but that thought gives me hope.

    • Margot in Sister Bay says:

      Believe me, if all cancers were cured we nurses would still have plenty of work to do to keep us employed. Medical care got more expensive with the beginning of health insurance. In the the prairie days doctors were paid with cash or chickens and vegetables, etc.
      Before WWII my grandmother lost her uncle and her mother to TB, her brother had brain damage from swine flu, and her daughter from scarlet fever and her son from pneumonia. Both of my grandparents were nurses and they couldn’t save two of their three children.
      There will always be new diseases and drug research costs money. No health insurance is free. I saw my Swiss cousin’s tax bill. Health insurance was included.

      • sbranch says:

        Right now, when the uninsured go to an emergency room, our taxpayer dollars pay for it. And there are no breaks because any negotiations that take place within an insurance plan, do not work for the uninsured. The reason most people remain uninsured is because they can’t afford insurance. No one is expecting to get it for free, but the prices have become astronomical. Even insured people who have worked all their lives, own homes, have savings, ca go bankrupt because of a sudden expensive disease. It could happen to any of us. We expect our tax dollars will negotiate a good deal and lower costs for us, but what we don’t expect is for our tax dollars to help pharmaceuticals and Insurance companies overcharge and underserve us, and even deny us care, deny us a needed test or prescription. That’s the part our legislators will have to fight for on our behalf, against the lobbyists. I know it’s way more complicated, many more facets than this, but that’s what our congress should be doing, getting the advice of the genius’s, working something out for the common good.

        • Margot in Sister Bay says:

          I was one of the uninsured for almost ten years. I worked two jobs for some of those years. I am just saying it is not the nurses fault, they aren’t overpaid.
          All along in my other comments I have been saying look toward the insurance companies. I see that the individual companies are becoming monopolies in their respective states as the are awarded a contract with the “affordable care act”. Other insurance companies leave those states so we have no options. The insurance companies were really growing in the recession of the late 70s/ early 80s while other businesses were failing. I saw new buildings going up along the highways here in WI, and I am seeing it happen again. We need to ask, Who lobby’s for those insurance companies ?
          I agree with you, but the government is not negotiating lower costs. Premiums and copays have gone up over the last few years.
          I think of insurance companies as bookies. Someone told me when I went to back to study Math, that I should be an actuary and work for an insurance company. I said no way. Actuaries help insurance companies (and casinos) make their profits. That would hurt my elderly patients and others in the way you stated.
          So I again I agree with you. 😘

  59. BArbara brugman says:

    The only solution to our problems is to Matthew 6:33 ! We are reliving biblical times. Careful study shows all the answers. Just now reading Jonathan Cahns latest book The Paradigm. Eye opening can’t put it down. Love will reign again! Pray, Hope and Don’t worry. Let’s keep praying for all of our friends who are suffering from the hurricanes and earthquakes and also put your love in action! Peace, Barbara

    • sbranch says:

      This thought always inspires me, Pray to God, but continue to row toward shore. I think He gave us heart and soul to keep things on the up and up. Thank you so much Barbara ~ I’ll check out that book!

  60. Gail Reid says:

    Amen sister. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind! It’s government of the people, by the people, for the people!

  61. Judy in Oregon says:

    This was wonderfully brave of you Susan – all of it needs to be said, over and over. “Follow The Money” should be our mantra. I was like you, not really into politics, but now I’m angry enough to put more focus on it. We’re lucky in my state, because we have a couple of dyn-o-mite Senators who “get it” are are making big waves. Grass roots are powerful too !! No more complacency. Spread love, make your voice heard, and stay informed – but not necessarily just by main stream TV stations 🙂 BTW, I buy your books for girlfriends, and they (like me) adore them. You are a gift yourself Dear Girl !

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Judy, love your upbeat positive comment! Do you watch C-Span? I’ve always thought it was the perfect place to get information.

  62. Phyllis says:

    Thank you Susan for caring enough about us to take the risk of telling the Truth even though it is hard to see how entrenched lobbyists have become. If thousands of women could come together around the world to march for what they believed in because one person spoke out – then You, Susan, may have started somethng that will begin to make this change. I hope so. I am going to share this piece with my friends and family.
    p.s. We could never hate you, ever

    • sbranch says:

      You’re a doll Phyllis. I was a little scared, but the comments from everyone have made me feel so much better. Thank you for spreading the word. This one is easier to talk about, it’s not really politics, it’s just the way things work.

  63. Ann Prins says:

    So true sadly !! Lobbying is big business and so is politics! Not for the common good.

    • sbranch says:

      Not for the people. We have to do something about it. xoxo Something good, quiet, legal and effective. Maybe we could sue them.

  64. Cindy Henkelmann says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear and I couldn’t agree with you more about the control the lobbyists have on our government. I was a very young voter when Ross Perot was on the ticket, but I remember him well. He was simply a no-nonsense sort of fellow. I am certainly going to share your blog with my three girls, all of whom vote. We, the American people, must take back our government. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for telling your girls, Cindy, we can’t do much about it until the great army of the young know what is really going on.

  65. Dionne Street says:

    I have to say that I absolutely HATE politics. My parents are democrats and my in-laws are republicans. No one in my family can talk about politics without getting angry even though they insist they are not. That is why I can’t stand it. No one can agree to disagree, be civil, or have any manners these days when it comes to politics. But, I must admit that I agree with you 100%. We need to get money out of politics and we need to get rid of career politicians. I have to remind myself that we live in a fallen world that is full of sin. Therefore, we will never have a perfect government, country, or world. I truly love your blog and books because it is such a wonderful escape from all the garbage on TV. I have even stopped watching the news and I am a news addict! But, I do not give up hope. My hope is not in man or in this world. My hope is in God and Jesus and I look forward to my REAL home one day! Thank you for the beautiful pictures in your blog! You make the world a better place! LOVE makes the world go round! Love you, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s become toxic. But everything they argue about? Every single thing is just a smoke screen they throw out to blind us to what is really going on. They want us to argue. I totally understand how you feel. My favorite word is TRY. We just have to try. Thank you for your thoughtful words Dionne.

  66. Colleen W. says:

    I have had these same thoughts for years, and especially during the last long, long campaign season which we are forced to endure. I think we should cut the campaign season down to 6 weeks, with each candidate getting a set amount of commercial air time. 30 minutes sounds about right! Money rules. Sad but true. All the stuff we learned in school about How Democracy Works is now a big fat crock. As I typed that, I felt like crying. I’m usually a positive person but not since the last election.

    • sbranch says:

      Six weeks is plenty. That last thing was a travesty. TMI is what I thought most of the time! Our country was founded on a set of values I choose to believe in, I can’t let these people, mostly old white rich entitled men, take that dream away.

      • LimnerC says:

        Oh. Wow. After this, I’ll still respect you in the morning. I promised myself I wouldn’t get caught up in all this for obvious reasons, but you’ve finally said something that’s inclusive and speaks to people like me. Women birth the babies that grow up to become men and women who become politicians. So, more women should have a voice in how our government is run. We are “the people” too. We don’t have a clue as to just how much power we really have. It’s time for the rest of us to wake up.

        We evolve and re-evolve. That’s revolution. We bring about change because it won’t happen by itself. A new generation is waking. I see more young women marching and working for change, and it gives me hope. Are they better informed than the generation that’s currently in charge though?

        Thanks for this. I live in TX. I remember Perot. The 500 year flood we’re supposedly recovering from? There’s a storm keeping me company as I write this in a home that sets in a community that was farm land not so long ago. Rice paddies! The new roads run red with soil when it rains. Developers destroy the land, build communities in flood plains, near dams and reservoirs for the millions that migrate here annually, lured by the companies allowed to start businesses when other states won’t have them. Why? Because Texas politicians practice deregulation like it’s nobody’s business. Sad pun, please forgive. Accidents occur and people must shelter in place, seal off windows and doors because of toxic fumes. All because a flood started a chain reaction.

        If you could see what we see post-Harvey, you’d feel sorry for us, and think we’re all ignorant cowgirls that never saw the inside of a classroom. Stay woke, my sisters. Stay woke.

        • sbranch says:

          I do feel sorry. We’ve never gone through what you have, hardly anyone has, but we’ve had some bad hurricanes … I knew what happened with your developers, what they got away with, and your words “Stay woke, my sisters. Stay woke.” Resonate. It’s too bad it has to get so personal before we’re able to feel it. I think Texas is in for a few changes next election. You go girl. Blessings to you. Let us know if we can help. xoxo

  67. Eileen Patrick says:

    Until both genders have equal input into our political system, compassion and common sense will be lacking. Makes me sick to see all the white, wealthy, older men lineup at the podium and tell Americans how they will love losing their healthcare coverage.

  68. Melissa Williamson says:


  69. Susie C says:

    As always, you speak from your heart. Your use of white offsets the blackness of the subject matter and reminds us of the good in all of us, what we see and what we do. Thank you for being you!

  70. Terri Morse says:

    Thank you, Susan. It’s about time someone started talking about this – the whole greedy, dishonest, self-serving mess!

  71. Donna Binghame says:

    I really admire the way you take the time to respond to all these posts, and the calm rational tone you take with those who totally miss your point. I know that being able to maintain that tone is necessary for civil discourse, so thank you for setting such a good example. If anyone’s interested, there’s a very good book on this subject called “Dark Money.”
    Thanks again for thinking about our country and encouraging everyone to do so. We the people are the only chance we have to preserve the republic.

    • sbranch says:

      Funny, in one of the earlier comments I was suggesting the same book! It’s stark reality, so good, Joe and I did that instead of morning science for several of our walks!

  72. Susie says:

    Thank you for speaking up, and for using your voice for the greater good.

  73. Ginnie says:

    Brava, Susan, Brava! You are so right – lobbyists and money in politics/campaigning is a HUGE problem. Thank you for expressing it all so beautifully.

    I highly recommend a documentary called “Merchants of Doubt” – it is excellent. It explains how the tobacco industry, which was under attack from consumers and the medical community beginning in the 1950’s, used doubt (“there’s not enough evidence to say nicotine is addicting”; “there is conflicting research on the health effects of tobacco – more research is needed”) to keep the public and the politicians disarmed while they continued to make huge profits. And all the while their own scientists KNEW that there was a causal link between smoking and cancer and heart disease. And later, because the tobacco industry was so successful with that tactic that let it get away with murder for 50 years, Big Petroleum started using the same tactic. Making up stuff, saying climate change isn’t real, etc., etc. Get the “Merchants of Doubt” DVD – if your library doesn’t have it, ask them to get it for you. It is stunning how calculating and greedy some parts of corporate America can be. And it’s heart-breaking. Wait until you see why flame retardant chemicals on kids clothing was put into law.

    Thank you for standing up for what is right, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Yeah, the old “conflicting research.” Works every time. I’ll look for that video, it looks like something I would want to know about. Thank you Ginnie.

  74. AlmostJane says:

    If I could send this post to one of those companies that bronzes baby shoes, I would. It’s THAT splendid! There were tears in my eyes by the time you got to the end of your quiet rant. Susan, you were just enshrined in my own personal little hall of heroines – up there with Hillary and Katharine Hepburn and Eleanor Roosevelt and Margaret Sanger and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Jane Fonda. No kidding. May the Force be with you! ❤️

    PS – hope all the Girlfriends listen to you and rise up along with you to contact their elected representatives soon, especially about this latest attempt to repeal the ACA. There are lives that literally hang in the balance, ladies!

  75. Pat Stansel says:

    If anyone doesn’t believe what’s going on in government, they might ask why is it they go into it with average incomes & come out multi millionaires !!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Or why we work hard every day and come out with not very much? I don’t mind those that become famous, write books, or whatever, but I don’t like the sneaky money, like where’d that come from!

  76. Joly says:

    I’m sure I’m not the only one who didn’t appreciate this post. But I’ve noticed that you never, ever post any comments from anyone who disagrees with you, which is censorship and makes it look like everyone agrees with you. I bet many of your fans are conservatives politically, even Republicans, so you risk losing them with comments like these. If you really look into global warming you will find not a shred of scientific evidence supports it. I come here because I love the domesticity of your posts and I have your books, which I love, but I don’t plan to financially support you in the future. I won’t waste my time looking for this comment because I know you won’t publish it. I actually doubt that you have read this far. I do appreciate your domestic heart but I will leave your politics outside my door.

    • sbranch says:

      I post every single comment that comes in. But most of us seem to recognize the difference between “politics,” and what I wrote about, which is a simple straight-forward explanation of how our government actually works. Not an opinion, but actual reality, something that people from all political stripes should be able to agree on and be mad about.🤑 So even if I “risk” something, as a human person, I have to chance-it to say, hey, we the people do matter. As for global warming, follow the money, who benefits from this “not a shred of scientific evidence” despite the overwhelming scientific proof? Read it and weep.

    • Rachel Lucas says:

      Hi Joly, I don’t often post comments here although I read them all because they are usually so inspiring and fascinating and even if I don’t always agree with them they invariably teach me something new. However I really wanted to reply to your comment because I feel that it’s totally unfair and I KNOW that it’s completely unjustified. Susan reads every single comment that’s posted. Thousands of them. She takes the time to comment on as many as she can. She works so hard to make sure that they are all moderated and that everyone has a voice here – whether she agrees with the views personally or not. I know this because I’m proud to call her a dear personal friend, probably my very best. And I’ve witnessed the hours she spends going through them, sometimes to the detriment of her own personal leisure time. Of course she writes this beautiful blog because she enjoys it, and she sincerely loves ‘the girlfriends’ too and is so thrilled that they take the time and trouble to comment. But I needed to let you know that you are absolutely wrong on this point. And she was also very keen to make this post NON partisan (which I think she’s done admirably) This isn’t an attack on the current administration, but on the SYSTEM of lobbying which has existed for a very long time through many administrations of both parties. It’s that which she is drawing our attention to and I for one learnt a huge amount (I’m British and this is a – smaller but no less important- problem for us too!)

  77. Beth says:

    Our environment must be protected. Neither party gives a damn and if we want our children and this world to survive, it has to come first. I voted for Jill Stein. We need more parties, no lobbiest and campaign finance reform. Even a high school election has more choices for president than we have and the Dems and Reps might as well be the same party when it comes to war, as they both voted for funding it!

  78. Mary Lines says:

    So what do we do? There are lots of women in this country who feel the same way. How can we organize against this? What can we do?

    • sbranch says:

      I’m thinking. You be thinking too. I know everyone is worn out with calling their representatives, and wishes for more, but that’s government 101 personified, must do it. And tell your friends. Because we need to get to a tipping point. I think we’re getting close.

  79. Kelly Paquet says:

    Well said, Susan! Thank you!

  80. Teresa says:


  81. susan mcmillan says:

    Very well said, Susan! I think most of us all feel this same way, but we live in such a strange environment now that people are afraid to band together and speak out.
    Thank you for leaving the blog with lovely thoughts of love, tea, and cats. We need to add a few dogs in there too. Pets reduce stress and these crazy Politicians cause alot of this.
    Please don’t change your blog though. We need the wonderful, beautiful and lovely things in life to shine through. We hear too much of the other stuff on the news.

    XOXO Susan

  82. Karen says:

    Susan for President!

  83. Sue Clites says:

    Hi Susan,
    I was very taken with your stories and artwork. Ready to buy books and maybe start collecting. But this latest post has changed all that. You say you are not political but you have strong opinions, and by sharing them, you find support and a crowd of friends who think the same way. I also vote the right person, and our country is fast going in the wrong direction with the mass media trying to control so much of what we think. I cannot agree with many of your opinions. Climate control is man made (Al Gore and his millions). The earth has always been changing from day one (Genesis) and will continue until the Lord returns. Fracking has not been know to cause all the chaos that is reported on and on, so I say farewell in a sad way, but cannot support a person who views are so different. I did enjoy your books. Sincerely, Sue

    • sbranch says:

      What I related was not an opinion, it’s a fact. Sorry to lose you Sue. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

    • Barbara A Case says:

      Have you seen the info about how many earthquakes there have been in Oklahoma since they began all the fracking. The truth is the truth !

      • sbranch says:

        It is, scary as it is to hear it. How ’bout those people who turn on their water in the kitchen sink and it bursts into flames? That is just going too far!

  84. Flo says:

    Thank you for this post and for briefly “interrupting “ our conversations of quilts, cookies, kitties and travel in order to remind us of, or in some cases enlighten us about how Washington really works and how it affects all of our lives, and our pocketbooks. You’ve done your good deed, now it’s time for us to speak up when and where we can and as you said, “be our own lobby”.

  85. Cackie says:

    Thank you! God bless.

  86. Sarah L. says:

    Can you say “GREED” ? That is the word it all boils down to. What happens to most people when they become so powerful? Greed, graft, and a big ego. Their sense of helping their country goes out the window. So happy you shared with us and how we the people can try to make a difference. You go, girl!

  87. Beth T. says:

    You were very brave to say what you were prompted to say. It is what the world needed to hear from you.

    On Saturday I was in Astoria, Oregon, standing on a corner with other kindred spirits who were gathered in support of DACA recipients. My sign said “I Stand with Dreamers”. Astoria is a port at which cruise ships stops, so we spent some time explaining to visitors from other England what DACA is and why we were speaking up. A man from Liverpool engaged me in conversation and he was astounded by the amount of money that is riven through American politics. I agreed with him.

    Immediately after the Newtown shootings, I thought things would change. How could we see small children gunned down in their classroom and do nothing? The money from the NRA, that’s how. It’s sickening. We must stand up to it. We are better than that.

    • sbranch says:

      Me too. Of all the things that have happened, Newtown was the most blatantly shocking to me. I still cry for those parents. Thank you Beth, for what you do because it does matter.

  88. Rosemary Monk--Near Boston says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Yes, it was hard reading, frustrating reading, but your words really needed to be said. The most effective, enduring lessons are often hard to hear at first. And yes, I also am very grateful that you spaced out the hard stuff with beautiful “breathing room;” I could rest for a second and catch my breath before reading more painful facts. So I read on. I’m glad to know that, by taking the first tentative steps toward making a change, signing petitions for causes I believe in, I’ve started to do the right thing. I’ll try to go a step further, and register my opinions vocally–harder for me as I’m sort of terminally, painfully shy. But, hey, I can always put the reward of a nice cupcake on a pretty plate, with a cup of tea in one of my lovely Susan Branch cups, in front of me, as added inducement to Just Do It. Thank you and bless you for putting yourself out there. I remember the very difficult period following the first time you expressed your concerns and worries–ON YOUR BLOG, for heaven’s sake–and some of the extremely unpleasant fallout. I hope responses to this lesson will remain largely (pretty much totally, actually) supportive. I for one plan to continue enjoying your blog. I always learn something (“Ya somethin’ new Every Day”–Bless Gilda Radner’s warm heart), I get to enjoy lovely pictures and drawings, laugh at kitty antics and your funny life observations, read wonderful quotes, beautifully written thoughts, and encouraging words. And yes, the cups! My Goodness, the new cups!! I’m going to start putting my coffee/tea shop money in a jar so I’ll have more of your lovely cups in my cabinet when I want to halt the lunacy of modern life for a bit, sit back and relax. Oh dear, I ran off at the mouth again, sorry! Just had to tell you how much your blog means to me, how much you and blog friends helped me keep me sane when my son was deployed to Afghanistan, knowing he was in your thoughts as well as mine. Keep writing, I’ll keep reading. I hope someday I’ll get to meet you. Give hugs to Joe, kitty, and of course yourself. Sending love and blessings, Rosemary

    • sbranch says:

      I love having you here Rosemary, love the stories you tell, and the life you share. You make me believe we are in it together. Thank you. And I have to say again, thank you for your sacrifice for our country. xoxo forever.

  89. Margie Terry says:

    Dear Susan, Thank you for the lesson – very informative. Term limits is not the “only answer” but it is one of many problems along with the lobbyists and let’s say nepotism – how is it the politicians exit their positions richer than when they first went in?? Why don’t they have to live by the “rules” like us taxpayers do. That has always amazed me how they can get away with the illegal things they do but let one of us try the same thing and we end up in jail?! I worked in HR/Payroll and it always pisses me off when the politicians have the nerve to say our Social Security is an entitlement!? WTH!! A paycheck deduction every payday which means we have paid in to it and there should be an account with our names on it (which by the way should be collecting interest) to pay out to us when we retire but Noooooooo someone like you said makes the decision to borrow our money for WHAT?? Don’t get me started – I cannot stand what they have done and continue doing…………..so how do we the people STOP them!? In the meantime, we escape to another world through your blog posts, Williards and books…………….Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Ooooooo, that gets me too, an entitlement. I know what entitlements are, it’s what they get with our money. xoxo We’re working on it Margie, at least in talking about it, and that’s a start.

  90. Angie says:

    Well done, Susan! Thank you for being brave and sharing.

  91. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    I never understood how these lobbyists got started in the first place, but I agree they should go back to where they came from and stay there! If our girlfriends can band together on this issue, I believe we can be heard. But we each need to do our part in our little corner of the United States. Every great thing starts small somewhere! Thank you for bringing this up for discussion. This is truly a non-partisan subject that we can all agree upon. Happy Autumn Susan, you may have just stated a new movement across our land!!

  92. Rachel says:

    Hi Susan, I am somewhat of a conservative and I completely agree with you! Lobbyists are terrible, and destroying the earth with fracking and anything else that destroys nature is terrible, and I will never understand why other conservatives think you need to destroy the earth to promote business and capitalism. But I digress….I love you, keep doing what you are doing and say what you have to say! You’ve got my business forever 😘

  93. Trece Wyman says:

    Well said, Susan! My hubby has been saying “follow the money” for decades! Every year when I put in my DVD 1776, I think of the founders rolling in their graves! Ban more than $1,000 per candidate for campaigning, and ban lobbying!!

    • sbranch says:

      Right on. It took me a while to get that “follow the money” mantra to be a habit . . . but now it really is. Such a quick clarification of almost everything political. Tell your husband I said Hello!

  94. Barbara A Case says:

    Wonderful post…..great pictures……..love the new mug designs…….I wore gardenias when I got married…….. they smell heavenly !! love to you !!

    • sbranch says:

      Gardenias, pure heaven. Gardenias grow in the garden at our Studio in California, but here, only in a green house. I hover over the plants when I see them, drinking that fragrance. Heavenly. I used to wear those flowers every chance I got. To have that fragrance wafting up, is the height of happiness! If I was a movie star, I would have a perfect gardenia corsage, nothing fancy, just a single flower with two leaves, no ribbons and bows, delivered once a week! I would wear it right now. With my pajamas. And be so spoiled! Thank you for reminding me!

  95. Karen B. says:

    Thank you for this! You’re the best. I am an optimist, therefore I have to believe in magic and pray that the pendulum will swing toward awareness and good at some point.

  96. Linda Chudej says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Susan. Being a Texan, I’m familiar with Ross Perot and I’ve always admired his honesty and his straight-forward way to speaking on important issues. I’m glad his speech that day struck a cord with you. Education is the key to making the changes we want in our country. You’ve given me hope that more people will get on board with the move to take money out of politics.

    • sbranch says:

      I truly believe it’s our only hope. The way it’s going, pretty soon they will just take all our tax money directly into their pockets and forget about us, our cities, and towns, completely. I WISH we could have a federal tax holiday every three or four years, where we are allowed to give what we owe to the IRS to our local governments, and even specify, “This money should be put toward a fund to take down all the telephone poles and wires on Main Street and put them underground.” Or whatever. It would make us closer to the things that matter. Thank you for being part of the conversation Linda!

  97. Cathy Demma says:

    I just love you ….. you make the world a better place. You have my complete
    support and agreement! I go to your blog every day to see if there are any new
    posts, you make me feel better in this crazy, scary world. Thank you for all you
    do. 🙂

  98. Gayle Hall says:

    Well HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Are you not just the voice of the people. Well the GIRLFRIENDS ANYWAY. Once again your words are spot on. And I like so many are right there with you. My lawn held signs for Ross, and in fact I still retain them. So once again Susan we have something else in common. Just must tell you this very night I have just completed round three of your Trilogy. I am an avid reader as I am sure you realize. Considering I have been building this Childrens library/museum. And of all the books I have read in my life I have never been compelled to read a series of three books three times. But they bring me such Joy. They reduce me to tears in many ways. The upscale type, and the ones that find those spots in ones heart we forgot we even had. Maybe even wish we didn’t. My I-pad was out of sink for a week, still do not know what cyber bug infected it. But I was glad when it was fixed, and just in time for your latest words. Forever stay true to who you are and what you stand for. With love and Joy, Gayle Hall

    • sbranch says:

      So sweet Gayle, as always, thank you so much. Isn’t it funny what a bunch of Independents we are . . . I thought I needed to explain who Ross Perot was, but so many of us already know. He got almost 20% of the vote, which was a huge thing, and still is. I know you’re a reader, your words mean more to me than you can know. xoxoxo

  99. Carol C says:

    Excellent speech Susan and thank you for saying it all!! We all need to wake up and do something for the wonderful country of ours! So glad you took the time to say something to us. You are right on the money!

    Carol C


  100. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Sending love and prayers to all in these trying times – holding a place in my heart all people, animals, birds and living creatures be safe and warm!

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