Hello Everyone! Snowdrops ~ my favorite Valentine bouquet. 💋 Joe went out to the compost pile and came in with these on Valentine’s Day! 💝 Surprise!  And quite early ~ despite know-it-all groundhog.  MUSICA. (Try not to fall out of chair when Helen starts to sing. . . 🎵 rock and roll!)

They’re the perfect flower for one of my little vases. And really, for all of us. The folklore, superstition, and myth around Snowdrops is endless . . . They’ve had many other names: Fair Maids of February, White Ladies, Eve’s Tear, Dew Drops, and White Queen. Snow White’s name in the original Grimm’s Fairy Tales was Snow Drop! In most countries they’re protected ~ collecting bulbs from the wild is now illegal. Go HERE to read a lot more of the who, what, where, why, and when of the lovely brave snowdrop.

 It’s still very cold here ~ they show true courage and huge nature-hearts by daring to peek out this early, but they come prepared, they make their own heat and melt the snow around them. It’s not a surprise to learn they are a symbol for optimism, the emblem of hope and rebirth.

Still winter, but we have our bright blue sky days . . . and courage flowers . . .

And roses, symbols of love, honor, and faith ~ and lighting a candle for the intrinsic goodness of mankind, for grief, for children.🕯 Not so into platitudes or finger-pointing these days ~ throwing arms around ballot box, the symbol of hope. 🙏

I had to show you the Valentine card I found for my darling Joe. Isn’t it perfect?  He’s REAL! I still can’t believe my luck, coming so far away, to a tiny island, and there he was. (I decided he’s the Unicorn and I’m the Fairy . . . clearly neither wins an award for beauty! But, equally magic and he’s the big guy!)

Beloved gumball-machine gift from the unicorn to the fairy.

While a frantic mentality, minutes, hours, and days on the calendar that rule each day at our house, little piles of stuff are everywhere in the house . . . we had a luv-lee time packing up Valentines for our loved ones . . .

I did, I did, I did, love making brownie bites, tying them with heart ribbon, and sending them off in LOVE cups.

We hid all the stuff that’s been piled on the sideboard, making room for a Valentine Dinner Party . . . we cleared off the table . . . and I set it with my red Copeland Spode Tower dishes and lots of candles . . .

Plus sweetheart roses, tulips, and white hydrangea . . .

I took so many photos of this! I’m keeping it down to a dull roar for you, because to the naked eye, I’m sure these photos all look exactly the same. I love Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to pull out all the stops for gushy Queen Victoria romanticism. (Which, by the way, I had my DNA done ~ it just came back this week ~ and I’m in the same haplogroup as she was, whatever that means. Still figuring things out! Very fun. Wanted to do it before we left so we have a clearer picture of our origins. Joe too, my mom, my brother, my sister . . . all in on the action. But I digress! I’ll write more about it later!)

I made all comfort food for dinner (for eight). Spicy short ribs with buttered wide noodles, a green salad, HOT crunchy bread with salty butter, YUM. And here are the desserts, homemade pound cake with fruit, and lots of bakery delights, like strawberry shortcake and coconut cream cake. And in case you missed it the first time, here’s the short rib recipe.  SO delicious! And easy, you don’t brown the meat, just throw the sauce over it ~ it cooks for seven hours in a 250º oven, till the meat turns to buttah and falls off the bone. There’s gravy for the noodles, to sop the bread into. I rest my case.

And here’s a new little short rib tip from the learning curve: This time I took the finished beef out of the pan and set it aside … I thickened the gravy still in the pot (as the recipe suggests), but then I poured the gravy into a shallow pan and put it in the freezer. There was too much grease last time! The fat rises to the top in about a half hour, I scraped it off, and put the ribs back into the roaster, poured the de-fatted gravy over,  and back to the oven for another hour of cooking. Worth every second of it. Still enough fat for flavor, but nothing like before. Eat with abandon! 😘

So this is us, going a mile a minute! The old fashioned way.

With Time-Outs for kitty kissing.

Here’s one the piles we’ll need to take along! Talismans of luck and love. We are turtles and carry home on our backs when we travel. A few little tastes of home, to make us feel cozier in a new, exciting, filled-with-all-new-things, world. Like my pillow for instance. Of course. And maybe one tiny vase, like the one Joe dug up in the back garden. Tiny. Would look so cute with a bluebell in it. Like that.

And this is Charleston . . . the good ship Queen Victoria (starting to sense a theme!) will dock right downtown next to the cobblestone streets of colonial Charleston on March 11 … I hope those of you in the area can join us at the nearby Barnes and Noble for a book signing! Arriving by ship is a definite first for us! Read more about it HERE.

I’m lucky because I can work no matter where I am. Kellee and I are getting expert at it, we’ve been 3000 miles apart for years, producing calendars, cups, bookmarks, and books, with the help of our machines ~ cameras, phones, and computers ~ couldn’t do it without them. I can’t really take four months “off” ~ this will be a “working” trip with really nice work perks and surroundings. Like pubs, for example, and castles. And darling English friends. And the amazing, heart-stopping English Countryside. And Ireland. And Wales. And a Picnic at Beatrix Potter’s house. Somebody stop me. I get up early, so I’ll paint and write while Joe is sleeping, and then, OFF WE GO! Discoveryville!

So, I’m excited because the “Real” samples of the newest Spring cups came in! I thought I would take a pretty photo in front of the roses. I got it all set up, then suddenly, as usual, a shadow popped into the lens of my camera.

“Outta the way Jack!” But nooo . . .

I was sitting in the chair on the right, camera pointed at the cups, and this is where he chose to sit. I love him so much.

So I moved to the kitchen shelf where he would have to be able to fly to get in my way! Here they are! Tomorrow’s the day I have to give my final number for how many they should make . . . I always add a couple hundred to make sure everyone gets one, but sooner or later, we always run out . . . I hope you have yours on the way, they will arrive with the daffodils, in early April. You can read more about them HERE. 

I finished the 2019 calendars too! Yay! This will be the February page of the new Mini Calendar. “Think on these things. . .”

  And here’s the January page for the new Wall Calendar, coming in July if you can believe that! I previewed it on Twitter the other day. Shhhhhh . . . 💞

When we get home, I’ll start thinking about making this tiny vase. I think we all need one. Hang it around our necks. Keep whiskey in it.

Love you Girls, so filled with acts of love, making peace wherever you go. Kindred spirits forever. Enjoy your day. I’m going to pack some more and design some summer cups! XOXO

“It’s believing in roses that makes them bloom . . . “

P R A Y ,   L O V E ,   R E M E M B E R . . .

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448 Responses to SNOWDROPS!

  1. Peggy says:

    Oh yes please! Make the little vase with the C.S. Lewis quote on it! I need it! These are dark and sad times. Thank you for the light and fun you always bring us. Can’t wait for your trip and to see all the pictures and such! I hope you have safe travels and a very wonderful time!

  2. Paula Clark says:

    Love you Susan Branch you are always so uplifting, but always more so I feel at times so sad as now. Love Jack too, he just needs to always be close to you <3 Sweet. Have a beautiful trip, I will be following along in my heart.

  3. Thank you once again, dear woman. You know how much we need your optimism and love of life.
    Snowdrops are my favorite flower. I once saw a photo of Vita Sackville-West’s desk, and there, in a tiny vase, were five snowdrops. I lost my heart right then and there to them both–snowdrops and tiny vases.
    We have inches of snow now, but soon, soon, we will have a yard full of snowdrops that have spread and multiplied for forty years.
    Keep well, and make all those preparations for “our” trip.
    Jeanne of Iowa

  4. I looked up Queen Victoria’s haplogroup and I see we are in the same group! No wonder I “connect” with you–we are related back 10,000 years ago. 🙂 Love your Valentine Party. Must have been extremely romantic!

    • sbranch says:

      There you go Cathy! And yes, mucho romantico! (I make these words up, pay no attention, I always imagine everyone knows what I’m trying to say ~ especially those in our same haplogroup!)

  5. Regina Carretta says:

    Good morning, Susan… inspired my “deep research” about Scotland and Ireland as we prep for our May trip….I will be in St. Andrews Scotland for a few days, as my friend will visit her niece…hmmmm I wondered….what is a village day trip from St. Andrews? Well – East Neuk, the Fife Coast, 9 miles from St. Andrews…..the interwebs research found the village of Crail….and a pottery shop….I have been communicating with one of the potter/owners – they watch “Grey’s Anatomy” which is set in Seattle! Already made a connection, arranging a visit to this fishing village, peace in the world, person to person connecting –…. thanks for teaching us “deep research” whether you knew you were doing that or not! 🙂 Love, pouring over maps of Edinburgh, Regina in Seattle


  6. DeLynn says:

    My goodness, you’re making my head spin Susan!! Do not know when you catch your zzzzz’s. Not that I am complaining, because I cannot wait to see the summer mug. Love your snow drops. What a surprise they must have been. Glad the three of you and your dinner guests had a great Valentines Day.

  7. Diedra Lanphear says:

    Dear Susan!
    Since hearing the latest tragic news, I kept checking your blog hoping for a soul-soothing, beautiful, peaceful post and just found it! Maybe I will be the first comment logged – that would be a first for me! As usual, you brought me comfort and joy in this posting, and I am so grateful! It’s been 8 weeks since my surgery, but I seem to be healing slowly and having some new, additional pain, which is worrisome. But, it’s sunny and in the upper 70’s here in Durham, NC today (totally unusual and too warm!) – but, in this case, I am thankful for it, and sat out on the back deck with Daisy and Lizzy, my two little doggie daughters, soaking up the sun! And I feel better. As you have reminded me more than once, Spring is coming! 💐 I don’t think I can get to SC in March, but I am planning on trying to make it to the picnic in May! What a happy day that will be! As always, it’s wonderful enjoying your post, and you are such a blessing to me! Love and hugs, Diedra 💞

    • sbranch says:

      That spring sunshine along with doggie girls will heal you so fast! Each day a little step forward Diedra! xoxoxo

      • Diedra Lanphear says:

        You are so right! It’s cloudy again, but my sweet girlies are filling me with healing comfort and joy! 🐶💞🐶

    • Samantha says:

      You are in my prayers Diedra for quick healing xo Take care.

      • Diedra Lanphear says:

        Thank you Samantha! That’s so very kind of you! It means a lot. This was my fourth surgery for ovarian cancer, so things have been quite challenging at times – but, I am recovering, and I am very grateful! I’m hoping and planning on trying to go to the picnic in May, which I know will be the most amazing, joyful, healing time! ❤️🙏🌷

  8. Laura says:

    Please consider a tax deductible donation to Sandy Hook Promise. An organization started and run by parents of the children murdered in their first grade classroom. They sponsor a multi level approach to stopping gun violence. We must come together as a nation of people who love our children and each other enough to say this must stop now. Thoughts and prayers are appropriate, but so are common sense policy change and justice for all.

    • sbranch says:

      I have donated to Sandy Hook, not sure if it was this same organization because it was a long time ago, I should go again! I can’t tell you how proud I am of the Florida high school kids and parents and friends telling their stories with such passion. LOVE THEM, poor babies. Lives are ruined and so unfairly. Innocence must be protected.

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR.) says:

        yes innocence must be protected, and people with mental illnesses or emotional problems must not be allowed to purchase guns or ammo. this kid had a lot red flags on him and somehow he managed to get a gun, we need to close up loopholes in the gun laws and maybe prevent that from happening again. time to address mental help issues and gun laws.

  9. Lori Metschan says:

    I love that duck vase, it is my favorite of the ones in your vase cupboard! And thinking about the spring mugs and summer is making me so happy! I love you and all you do for all of us!! xoxoxo!! Lori

  10. Lori Hamilton says:

    Love, love, LOVE the cups, the calendar pages, the blog………..EVERYTHING!! Could be I’m in a lovely mood because it’s 76 degrees here and the sun’s shining and the daffodils are blooming! (Of course, it plummets to a high in the 40s tomorrow!)
    Happy everything, dear Susan! Your trip is coming closer by the second and I’M excited for you!

  11. Lorraine says:

    Thank you for the lovely post while we’re all struggling with the latest sad news. Love and courage are what’s important. That, and the strength to keep going forward.

    Yes please – about the tiny cup with the C. S. Lewis quote… So sweet. Love the calendar pages too. And the new mugs – my spring mug has been pre-ordered. Yay! I’m already looking forward to the summer mug.

    A couple pictures didn’t show up. and when I went to type my name in, someone else’s name was already there. Maybe we should be pen pals and the Universe was giving me a nudge…

  12. Betsy says:

    Dear Susan, please do make tiny vases, something lovely and little to make us smile. We so need to smile even if our hearts are broken and we wonder where our future is going. Prayers for everyone.

  13. Alice Dennison says:

    I was hoping for a new blog with all the chaos it always makes me feel better.
    What a lovely Valentines day. Love the pictures and of course Jack !

  14. Kathy says:

    Your posts are my absolute favorite! I always want to get a cup of tea and savor every word. Thank you for doing what you do! xo

  15. Caroline says:

    You bless all our united hearts again with every blog. Sign me up for 10+ of those tiny vases! Cutest, bravest little thing! Will be helpful and uplifting to so many.

    You have so much fun packing and anticipating! I am very thankful for the technology that allows us all to come along with you:)

    Inspired by you, I had 3 best old friends over last night for a Galentine’s day dinner. Table looked so pretty and HYGEE.. candles, and chandelier lit with real candles, red memory lane plates with emma bridgewater heart dessert plates on top. Be still my heart, I love seeing the table too! but it was the love and laughter around the table that really warmed our spirits. Look at all you have inspired! I’m VERY glad I know of you, Susan Branch! Sending love, Caroline

    • Caroline says:

      Alas I am so tech inept!.. My comment never seems to reach you until I write a post script, which is fine I guess because I always have more to share with you! My wonderful husband got me a BLOG for Valentines day!!! Such a life giving gift! I have been talking about it for years… I am a PT who loves and works with seniors and I am fascinated by Aging! Want to create a beautiful space that brings together all the wonderful science on Aging and mindfulness. Any advice for a new blogger?

      • sbranch says:

        It isn’t you Caroline, it’s me. I woke up to 171 comments, so I’m reading and getting them up asap. So much fun to read, would not want to miss! I can tell you will be a wonderful blogger because you have passion for your subject. I think that’s probably the most important thing ~ so you’re 90% there!

    • sbranch says:


  16. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Oh my goodness…your dinner sounds wonderful & the buffet table looks gorgeous! I Love Valentine’s Day ! I also did a dinner for 8…chicken breasts stuffed with ricotta, wilted spinach, and parmesan cheese then wrapped in bacon. My guests were very happy. Warm day in store here(74) and heading up to Cambria for a few days. Loved all the post today❤

  17. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Oh my goodness…your dinner sounds wonderful & the buffet table looks gorgeous! I Love Valentine’s Day ! I also did a dinner for 8…chicken breasts stuffed with ricotta, wilted spinach, and parmesan cheese then wrapped in bacon. My guests were very happy. Warm day in store here(74) and heading up to Cambria for a few days. Loved all the post today❤

  18. Patricia Edde says:

    Once again you take my breath away Susan. Your valentine soiree was a visual extravaganza. Since Sam is my only honey and since his paws don’t allow him to use a credit card to buy me roses or candy ( I settled for a wiggle of his behind as he ran into the room after greeting me at the door as my valentine – he is my heart) I’m sad to say that I forgot it was valentine’s day. Usually I put out some decorations but I guess the brain cells were on holiday. I’ll have to work extra hard for Easter.
    I can’t believe that you don’t have any snow on the ground. We still have some but after a warm spell (the low 30’s), it is starting to melt. The snow that falls has been feather light all winter – it’s lovely to look at, especially at night when it sparkles like someone threw a handful of glitter on it.
    I look forward to hearing about your trip. The pictures will almost make me feel as if I was there. I had to postpone my knee surgery from December to April – too many windy roads on the way to and from hospital to risk having my friends do the driving. I hope that you will go again soon so that I can join you and all of the Susan fan club for lunch. I just saw “The Darkest Hour” and fell even deeper in love with England, its way of life and it’s architecture. It’s difficult to truly understand all of the hardships and hell that they and the rest of Europe went through. They stood tall and proud during the most horrendous of times for freedom and I can only hope that we here in America are ready to do the same thing as more and more of our freedoms are being taken away.
    I’ve been saying many prayers for the souls of those who have left us and for their family and friends. I pray also that our representatives in Washington will somehow rediscover their hearts and finally do something about gun legislation.I’m not so naive that I think that would stop all shootings, but if even a handful of lives are saved then it is worth it.
    May God bless you, Joe, Jack and all of humanity as we face these troubling times.

  19. Betty says:

    What a lovely, heartfelt post, as always. Overcast rainy day here in Virginia so nice to read, ponder and enjoy your words. Wish I could join you in England for your picnic but just back from there a few weeks ago and next trip not until autumn. Off for a cuppa and a biscuit and I hope you are doing the same this afternoon.

  20. Samantha says:

    Hi Susan. Girlfriends are feeling sad but your blog of love and pretty thing makes it better. That and tea and cake. Lots and lots of of cake….but i do appreciate the c.s Lewis mug with a little shot of whiskey while I stay clear of the tv. I adore C. S Lewis. Do you think those short ribs would be okay in the crockpot? They look yummy! Hug your families girls… and always Hope xo

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, actually I think the original recipe called for that, but we don’t have one, we just do everything in a really slow oven. Either way is perfect!

      • Samantha says:

        Perfect! Can’t wait to make them. :). I must proof read my comments better. Lol. Thank you for your beautiful recipes. My husband asks for potato pancakes but if we eat too many…well…you know. Also make your 3 layer carrot cake at Easter. Everyone gets excited when they see me grating carrots. Much love!

        • sbranch says:

          Those potato pancakes are a real treat. But at least once a year! Like St. Patrick’s Day for instance. Gives us something to look forward to all year! Mmmm, carrot cake!

  21. Pat Johnson says:

    Well……..sunny California is just that……..COLD at night and warm during the day. I don’t think the grass or the flowers know what to do….. confusion! I don’t know what happened to winter as we knew it. Thanks again for your great posts as it brings comfort and happiness to all of us. During this time of sadness it is good to look toward beauty and possibilities in our lives. Celebrate life and the people we love. Sending you a huge hug and saying “keep up the fab work and keeping smiles on our faces and dreams in our heart.!

  22. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    Hi Susan…… you are so blessed and I feel blessed to have met you. Looking forward to your trip!!

  23. Margaret Matlock says:

    Love your blog. You bring something so lovely and positive into the world, which we need so badly now. Thank you.

  24. Becky Maxwell from Atascadero, CA. says:

    Lovely post. I also had my DNA done through both and National Geographic Geno 2.0 project. I am 75% Western European with only about 3% English, 7% Iris, 10% Mediterranean and the rest less than 1%. I also did my Dad’s D.N.A. which He is basically the same make up. I wish I could have done my mom’s D.N.A.

  25. Linda June says:

    Another wonderful, much anticipated blog posting! Those short ribs sound delicious, and I’m going to try them soon for a company dinner. As always, thanks for bringing cheer into a rather dark, dreary Northwest afternoon.

  26. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Jack is adorable on his mug, the table, in the drawer, in front of fire……anywhere and everywhere! I can smell Spring via your blog….great job as always.

    Yea to Valentines Day & your dinner. Took down heart decorations yesterday along with Fat Tuesday’s and up with Chinese New Year today – year of the Dog.
    So many great excuses to eat. President’s Day is Monday….busy week.

    We have a great thrift store in Ventura, “SPAN” – all the proceeds go to neutering and spaying….easier to prevent their conception than find homes for them. Also amazing how much we can easily donate when its for the animals and perfect excuse to buy cause it supports animals.

    Took Catnip Banana into resident store cat and he went crazy…made both our days.

    Happy Spring, Ladies and Jack.

  27. Deb says:

    What a joy to read about your Valentine’s Day celebration! We had a snow storm here in Michigan last week, but it has been warmer the last few days.
    It just feels like Spring is in the air. Am anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Snowdrops!
    My heart breaks for all those affected by the events this week in Florida. I agree with your sentiment about the ballot box.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your “4 month vacation!”

  28. Wendy in South FL says:

    Enjoyed the Valentine’s photos – very pretty. I was just thinking of you after receiving a Williams Sonoma email and then – there was your email. I think you should go to their website and SEARCH Peter Rabbit (unless of course you’ve already been there). 🙂

  29. Lorraine Macholz says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you again for your lovely posts!! I enjoy them and read them over and over! I love the expression “If you have been blessed, be a blessing”, You are truly a blessing to all of us!

  30. margie armour says:

    Dear Susan,

    I love that you used my favorite verses from Philippians.
    Thank you

  31. Carla Herkner says:

    Your new blog entry is always such a treat! I’m definitely ready to hug the ballot box! Have a wonderful voyage across the pond after a delightful Charleston visit. I appreciate everything you do! 🙂 ~ Carla

  32. Mrs, Mary Elizabeth Lawrence aka MiMi says:

    How lovely your post. Just when we need a positive thought , there you are darling girl. Valentines day, the day of love was turned into a tragic horrible day.But, I do believe that love will see us to the good in man/woman.Only if we let it will the bad prosper. I believe there is more good in the world than bad. We will be in Charleston on the 18th. sorry to miss you, but have a wonderful trip. Mary


  33. Margie says:

    You blog came at the right time, needed some beauty and niceness. I always love your Willards, especially the unicorn and fairy Valentine’s card. Excited for your new trip. Can’t wait to see all the beauty you gather along the way. We also did 23 and me too, but didn’t get the relative part but in am mostly English! My grandfather immigrated, if you hear of any Mulleys I am related to them probably! Seems my husband goes further back with his Haplogroup. Bon Voyage

  34. Ann Woleben says:

    Yes to flowers, sweet mugs, delicious recipes, kitties (and pups), scripture verses, love and kindness! Wishing our world could be like one of your posts. Your photos and words came at just the right time – I am always hanging onto hope for the future. Looking forward to your journey across the pond~safe travels~

  35. Vicki says:

    It’s time in the Pacific NW to cut back our rose bushes and I was so happy to find a few rosebuds that made it through to now! I brought them in and put them in little bud vases. It’s life affirming to go out into our backyards and to witness nature. And thank you Susan for sharing your daily life and travels with us, you truly help to lift our spirits!

  36. Patricia Ayala says:

    Dear Susan
    Inspiring,beautiful, uplifting and romantic post!
    I’m probably going to get lost in all the wonderful comments that so many “girlfriends” send, but I just had to Thank you for all that you are!…and not letting us forget that there is so many beautiful hearts out there, one of them my dahling friend Susan P. whom I met in one of your book signings, we became e-mail pals, but despite family losses,being busy with kids,grandkids and lots more, her thoughtfulness is beyond measure, just now she is getting ready to host for her church a tea party of 100!! Every bit that we do how ever small counts. Thank you again Susan!! BTW, so excited about “our” trip to England, can’t wait!
    With love from So.Cal.

  37. Karen Lamoureux says:

    Susan, you are so right. It is the little things that make life so sweet. Jack trying to steal the show, Snow Drops in perfect vases, comfort food, dinners with friends. Your post always brings such joy and sunshine to my heart, especially on this gray, dreary day. Thank you for lifting my spirits. Love, Karen

  38. Judy Young says:

    So looking forward to so much this year! Even though my husband and I won’t be taking a vacation anywhere (well maybe a small staycation), I am truly looking forward to being on your tour of Britain this Spring, from the trip on the Queen Victoria to all the fun you have planned along the way. You make us feel as if we are right there with you. I am lucky that I am English and grew up there, so your descriptions bring me right back to the sweetest of countries. I have my order in for the three newest mugs. The English Countryside Mug will be my favorite of all your mugs for obvious reasons, and I plan to gift my daughter in law with the Mother’s Day Mug and my granddaughter with the Jack in the Books mug. When they were here at our house before Christmas they made numerous cups of tea and of course drank them in my Susan Branch cups! I know they will be surprised to receive them and will love them as much as I do. Thank you Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      You are a good mom, grandma! Because we’re going away I had to write Mother’s Day cards and get gifts together and ready to be shipped! Can’t miss that very important day!

  39. HveHope says:

    Isn’t that a lovely metaphor that Joe found the gorgeous flowers when he went out to the compost pile? Therein is an illustration of hope! 🙂 How encouraging and wonderful.

  40. Diane M. Ely says:

    Loved your blog today, and I’m sure the reason Jack sat in front of your beautiful cups was he noticed a cat, very similar to himself and had to take a gander! How cute was that? Plus, he was giving his approval, I’m sure!
    Blessings to you as you pack and please carry a little of us who travel with you in our hearts and imaginations!
    XO, Diane

  41. debbie says:

    Your blog and spirit are a breath of Spring! Snowdrops are so lovely and hold such promises. It is hard sometimes to face the cruelties of the world but bits of joy, like your blog and books, help to heal and soothe. Keep the crusade of spreading happiness. Many blessings, debbie

  42. Heartsdesire (Judith Hogan) says:

    The Florida school shooting has been on my mind quite a lot. So far, here in Canada, we’ve been lucky. It makes me wonder if children will now be fearful of going to school in case they get shot. I’m guessing a lot of counselling will be needed.
    On a happier note, your Valentine festivities look fabulous. I have the same red-hearted teapot with matching mug, and I love it. Here on the south coast of Vancouver Island, the snowdrops are everywhere. I have a tiny clump in my front garden that I hope will keep doubling each year. And a large clump of daffodils blooming at the side of the house. Would love a tiny mug for the snowdrops, so sweet. And I would definitely be keeping a wee dram of whisky in it for those cool garden days. I’m so excited about your trip, can’t wait to see the photos. There will be much to look forward to this spring.

  43. Lynn Slosson says:

    Cannot wait to read about your “working vacation” in Ireland. We only got to one castle (for two nights!) – Dromoland – and it was magical. So hungry for more.
    Thank you for taking us along, and hopefully, writing another exquisite book about it all, which I will finish too quickly, and have to re-read again and again!
    Now I have to go review my DNA and haplogroup!
    Bon Voyage!

  44. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    I have to remind myself to get some snow drops. I just adore them and really really want them in my garden. Your dinner looks amazing. How fun you are some how connected to the queen. I actually just did my test and its ready to be mailed out. I am excited to see what it says
    have the very best day/weekend. Love all the beautiful pictures

  45. Vickie Getty says:

    I’ve started my genealogy search as well! Fascinating and exhausting all at the same time! You can certainly get caught up in it. With names like Harrison, Lancaster, and Shields, I kind of knew I’d be going into England, Ireland, etc., and yes that is where my journey is carrying me. I’ve found a long-ago relative with twins who’s names were Comfort and Delight! How funny. Finding a needle in a haystack is so exhilarating. Dead ends, not so much. Have a lovely, safe journey to the motherland, and back home again. Thank you for taking along on your trip!

  46. Deb says:

    Susan, best thing on your post is seeing your beautiful writing Think on These Things. Love that verse and so glad it’s a part of your calendar.

  47. Fran Patten says:

    Susan, you are such a FUN lady! Snowdrops: how I miss them in our previous Vermont home. They greeted me every February and poked their dear little heads up so they could peek at whatever the snow was hiding. Thanks for your wonderful blogs, Susan. Love ya!

  48. Judy N. says:

    Another beautiful blog, Susan. I especially got a kick out of the Valentine portion with your comments about the unicorn and the fairy. I am wondering though, is it supposed to be a fairy, or Cupid?

  49. AngieTink says:

    #Pray #Love #Remember Perfect~Words~Of~Wisdom Thank~You Sweetest~Sue Sending #WarmHugzzz For You & Joe & Jack & All #TheGirlfriends…..xoxo #Poof & An #AMEN

  50. Susie says:

    Thank you for brightening this gray day!

  51. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: Thank you for the digression for my so-far-from-all-this life right now. You are so lucky to have Joe. He helps you so much. I love my Gene, but we are just in a different universe right now. It’s okay! Our book is DONE (our part), and once I shovel out from under the last 6 weeks of “buried”, I’ll begin the next phase which will be exciting. Taxes are done; insurance sorted, after they dumped me for 2 accidents I didn’t cause! 🙁 But I have a better company now; and my computer is back and better after 2 weeks of crash!! AHH! Life happens!! I wanted so the England cup. I hope there will be some left, but can’t do it now! Anyway, another better subject: Haven’t you just fallen in LOVE with Victoria — the BBC drama! I have. How magical was Scotland!! I have watched it over again online!! It is my escape from insanity!! I am so looking forward to your trip … and on the Queen VICTORIA! What could be more perfect! I know you will share lots of photos with us. I am looking forward to seeing Ireland and Wales through your eyes!! And of course Beatrix Potter’s Picnic!! Thank you for sharing all this! We are not giving up!! Gene is doing well. He is idling his illustration brain while I catch up on all the “stuff”! But MARCH is our NEW YEAR!!! Things will improve! Take care and enjoy all your trip prep!! I know you are!!! Jane xoxo

  52. Nanci says:

    Thank you for the joy your blog posts spread. I love love love reading and dreaming with them. By the way where did you have your DNA done? Ive not heard of a haplogroup. My DNA test didn’t reveal that. I swear I’m from England when the nordics arrived. I love that tiny jug with the C.S. Lewis quote!! Please make!

    • sbranch says:

      I did mine with … I took two tests … Family Finder and mtDNA … I think that second one is where I got the haplogroup info. Also, it’s good to have a male relative so you can get info from his Y chromosome. I’m just learning, but I will know more later… We should all get on Family Tree, because then they hook everyone together and we’d see if we were related!

  53. Monique says:

    We are a loooong way from snowdrops..FEET of SNOW still of course..

    Lovely post w/ your buffet looking “extraordinaire” as we say in French♥
    Your cups..your home..all of it.

    “Courage Dear Heart”~ One of my favoritest quotes ever.

  54. Christine from CA says:

    Love the excitement for “our”trip to England! looking forward to pictures! we were there in 2016 in the south but did get to Ireland and toured for 10 days. Delightful! Love the mugs, they are so lovely to drink from, lovely thin edges like fine china tea cups!! Lovely Valentine sideboard! Lovely sounding dinner!
    I love getting a new post from you!

  55. Jane Franks says:

    I don’t mean that Gene and I are in a different universe from each other!! No, no, no!! I mean in a different universe from everyone else!! 🙂

  56. Christie Levin says:

    “Courage dear heart” ~ beautiful and timely. So glad you are going to make your CS Lewis quote vase. The gorgeous desserts and the romantic, beautiful setting on the sideboard are such a Valentine treat for my eyes! I think that the love you put into your preparations combined with the candlelight that night, somehow bringing out the candlelight and love from other special candle-lit evenings that were captured in your dishes and crystal and silver and linens. That’s the feeling I get looking at this photo. Its a good thing you put fresh flowers on the sideboard to anchor you to the present, or you and Joe and your guests might have found yourselves at dinner in 1849…. xoxoxo

  57. Donna Hardin says:

    What a beautiful post…thank you for sharing.

  58. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    Hubby and I had our DNA done recently…my haplogroup connects to Marie Antoinette and Prince Philip! I’m 60.8% British and Irish, 21.6% French and German, a wee bit Scandinavian and the rest “broadly European”. Hubby shares a paternal-line ancestor with Niall of the Nine Hostages, a king who ruled northwestern Ireland in the late 4th century. Ths stuff is so interesting!

    Thank you for taking the time to post before you leave for your grand adventure.I imagine it feels like you have “miles to go before you sleep”…at least that’s the way it seems to me when I have a long to-do list and a short time to get it done…but just think of being cocooned on that lovely ship for two whole weeks. Heaven. All of us who stow away with you for our trip will be quiet as mice…we promise! Seriously, thank you for being a little beam of light for so many of us in these sad and troubled times. It means the world to us.

    Philippeans 4:8 is a favorite bible verse of mine. I’m so happy you included it in next years calendar❤️.As for the tiny little vase…yes, yes please! I’ll fill mine with Makers Mark before I hang it around my neck so the main ingredient for a mini Old Fashioned will always be at hand🙃Hugs!!

  59. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    It always makes my heart happy to read your posts. Have a lovely weekend! Looking forward to “traveling with you” again to England!

  60. Laura from Portland, OR says:

    Snowdrops bloomed out here for Brighid’s Day!! They say snowdrops are Brighid’s footprints! Also just finished “The Bookshop on the Corner” by Jenny Colgan. She lives in London and Scotland and writes books that I can imagine you loving…this one a librarian who took a chance and went to Scotland, bought a van and made it into a traveling bookshop…sort of like your van!! Enjoy getting ready for this next BIG adventure. I so look forward to the pics.

  61. sylvia in seattle says:

    Such a welcome relief from grief on finding your lovely blog post today. I too love that darling duck vase with snow drops in it AND the tiny cup with C.S. Lewis quote! I would order one or more of those for sure . . . In time for Christmas hopefully. And the Jack cup – oh boy – mine is ordered and can’t wait to get my mitts on it.
    I have new excitement thinking about your trip since just recently learning of my Welsh ancestor! I’m excited to read all about your travels with pictures. So much to look forward to. It is REALLY wonderful that so many can share it all 🙂 Thank you Susan for being you and doing all this planning! I am in awe.

  62. Laurie A says:

    It’s always a delight to come here and find beauty and uplifting thoughts, not to mention good food. Thank you for that!

  63. Lynette Strohbach says:

    Thanks for your wonderful and heartlifting blogs while those of us in the Midwest try to get through another awful winter! Not only are they a feast for the eyes (art and flowers), but informative as well! Never heard of a haplogroup, but I will check into it! I too have relatives that go back to the 1600’s in Coventry England. I hope to get there someday! Thanks and love all you do!

  64. Kathy Hughes says:

    Susan, I am so looking forward to your talk and book signing even though it is a really quick visit. Charleston is a lovely, welcoming city. Can’t wait to meet you and have you sign st least one of my books. Hope all of your dream trip is perfect! XO

  65. Patti Lyon says:

    Thank you for today’s post. It was a healing balm for the girlfriends.

    Anxiously awaiting the summer cup…………..

  66. Terri Brewster says:

    Oh, what beautiful snowdrops! I always look forward to the blog post coming in. I grab a cup of tea, curl up in my beautiful home office and savor every moment of peacefulness. I sure hope you will be doing the desk blotter for next year, my desk just wouldn’t be the same. Would love it if you did the monthly notepads too. They work perfectly next to my desk blotter.
    So excited to follow your travels, we are jumping the pond to England next year to follow my husband’s genealogy trail.
    The cups are beautiful, and must haves. They make the tea taste better.
    Thank you for sharing your art, words and talents with us all.

  67. Carolyn says:

    Like the tiny vase idea and contents idea- cheers Wishing you and joe the most glorious of times on your upcoming adventures –

  68. Karen Bowerman says:

    Lovely blog and I do hope you will make that little vase with the C.S. Lewis quote on it. It would be handy to keep right on my desk where I could be reminded to remain courageous.

  69. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Beautiful post Susan and much needed…..Your valentines sideboard was beautiful! My husband and I wanted so badly to make your picnic at Castle Cottage, but alas, it won’t be happening.. Until then we will just have to take turns sipping tea from our Castle Cottage cup or one of our other lovely Susan Branch cups we cherish. Then, we will wait to receive the blog posts of all your English and Irish adventures… By the way.. just have to say… We love your cups, the weight, the feel, the quality, the handle, the designs perfection…Great job Susan. We are looking forward to our next two as well!!! Only a few more weeks until you board the ship!! Beverlee

  70. dewena says:

    Susan, I ordered Jack’s cup. Can’t wait to get it. This will make 5 cups I have to choose from to drink your tea !!!! Love them all. They are so beautiful and well made. Everyone should get at least one. They make great gifts. I also have a couple of the small heart shape dishes. And one of the teapot dish. Just wanted to tell you I also had my DNA done last year. I was so excited when I found out that I was 39% Great Britain and 9% Irish,I felt very honored.The rest being Western European. Which is nice but I was really looking forward to having some Great Britain and Irish heritage. Love all things English. Looking forward to your vacation blogs and new book. I have another scathingly brilliant idea. Wouldn’t it be so neat if all of us girlfriends found out we were all related to each other by way of England. We could all be distant cousins and have a giant reunion in the Lake District. We could all picnic and tour Beatrix Potters house. Lol hey, why not dream big. Can hardly wait to see the new voyage pics. Have fun and enjoy your new adventure!!!!!

  71. June Emmert says:

    I slipped on the ice and broke my right shoulder.. I hear it will take several months for
    Healing. Your blog and your responses from your readers and your cheerfulness has been
    Very helpful.
    Thank you!


  72. Nancy says:

    Wonderful post as always. Today our sad world needs soothing flowers, animals and healing words.

  73. julia walker says:

    Susan, You are so wonderful….I’ll wear one of your “thingamajggers” around my neck & sniff bourbon all day if you’ll make it! Thank you for sharing your fairy tale life again. Your friend, Julia

  74. Ruth Thomas says:

    I am related to Queen Victoria! Did my family history on Found out that my husband and I are related way back. One of his many great grandfathers and one of my way back cousins actually lost their heads during the reign of He ray the VIII. Gebealogy is fascinating, Am going to see if I can squeeze my last dime out to order the Cat/Book cup as it looks like my cat Zoe. Also hit the Jackpot at our local thrift store with the purchase of two Susan Albert Wittig Beatrix Potter story books today. Your decorations are so beautiful. How does someone get seeds for the snowdrops?

  75. Penny Carpenter says:

    North Idaho is buried in 12+ inches of snow. Winter is beautiful! However, could never let our cat on the dining room table. 🙁 Enjoy your journey!

  76. Diane from Poulsbo says:

    Dearest Susan, I havent written for awhile, but I am always here …with you and the Girlfriends. I am so excited about our trip….please keep a space in one of your bags available for me! 😊. I cant remember how long we will be gone, but the longer the better is my opinion. Your Valentines party desserts looked scrumptious…especially the coconut cake. It is addictive and I could eat the entire thing within 2 days ! Its a good thing I wasnt there because my manners and self control would have flown out the window.
    I saw all of the new mugs, and they are going to be gorgeous…so I ordered the one to celebrate England, and the one with Jack. I couldnt help myself really. If I cant HAVE Jack, then I must have his mug! Xoxoxo

  77. Rose Wood says:

    You are delightful and help us deal with the horrible things that seem to happen daily with your kind and upbeat nature. Have a wonderful time in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. I have been many times but each new time is like the first. Lovely. Rose

  78. Kathy from Holland, MI says:

    I would buy one of those tiny “Courage, Dear Heart” or several immediately if you would design them! So cute!
    The snowdrops are a good sign.
    And I understand taking some of “home” with you when you travel. It’s a comfort.

  79. Liz says:

    Jack just wanted us to compare his ‘mug’ with HIS mug! 😉

  80. Oh yay! Can’t wait to get my Jack in the Books Mug. I placed my order! You can also mail Jack out along with my mug…he can come stay with me while your away 🙂 He would love it here…just ask Harmony the calico kitty I fostered for 4 months while her dad was away training to be a secret agent…shhh (no kidding)! My house was “Harmy’s summer camp” last May – August. Oh, the fun! So happy to see your lovely Valentine’s day with Joe and friends! The ribs sound delish! Oh I almost forgot…I tried to order your Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams book from your website, however, I was not able to get the “place in cart” option. Are you currently out of them? I would love to have that book someday 🙂 Thanks Susan and have a splendid day!

  81. Jane says:

    What are those tracks in your yard? An old roadway?

    • sbranch says:

      It’s a stone driveway.

      • Cynthia says:

        I’m so old, I remember when stone driveways were the only ones in most homes. Many of these homes were tiny little cottages; A Living room with a large radio a large comfy chair, a Dining Room mostly furnished with Duncan Phyfe furniture, Kitchen with an ice box, Two Bedrooms with a large bathroom in-between, with a claw foot tub. What a wonderful memory.

        • sbranch says:

          I saw them first when I visited my great grandmother in Sioux City, Iowa when I was about five. That little strip of green up the center, the mysterious path, I loved it right away.

      • Diane from Poulsbo says:

        I am in love with your stone driveway! It is beautiful.

      • Carol on the farm in Iowa says:

        Hi Girlie,
        I was wondering if the stone driveway is original to your home? I have noticed it in other photos. Love it!
        Also love your cheery post. God speed you and Joe on the big trip!

        • sbranch says:

          We put that in maybe 6 years after we moved here . . . it took us to the prettiest view of the house, and we needed some extra off street parking!

  82. Virginia says:

    There are NEVER too many photos, Susan. The more, the better. I just love all of them and see something new each time I scroll thru. And isn’t it funny how we so carefully tend our gardens but the best plants show up in the compost pile. There is probably some deep meaning in that I haven’t figured out yet but it happens in my garden too.

    Can’t wait for your DNA post. I just did mine thru Ancestry but I don’t see any haplogroup mentioned. Perhaps a different company.

  83. Debbie Ness says:

    MUST get one of your precious Winter mugs!! Cutest thing EVER!!! No luck placing the order through Nursery Thyme either!! Any ideas?? Any chance you’ll be getting more??
    Love Debbie

    • sbranch says:

      Nursery Thyme still has them, I just checked. But they only ship to the UK, if you’re there, you’re set. Otherwise, find my last Willard, there’s a list at the bottom of retailers who carry our things and can ship to you, if they still have them. Our studio is all out! Im sorry!

  84. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Thank you, Susan, for the lovely post … love the snowdrops and the photos of sweet Jack (even though he got himself in front of the new cups … that’s what kitties do!). I’m looking forward to Spring and warm weather, although it really hasn’t been that bad of a winter here (despite the 6 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow night). And I’m very much looking forward to your trip on the Queen Victoria and visits to Ireland, Wales and England and, please, a new book about your travels! And I’d love a tiny vase that says, “Courage, dear heart”.

    Yes, I do ask for a lot !!

    I love everything you do, and can’t thank you enough for all you do for us …

  85. Janie Foltz says:

    You amaze and inspire me dear friend. You are sunshine on a cloudy day.I so hope I can come from NC to SC in March. Much Love! Janie

  86. Larkin Myers says:

    I do need that little CS Lewis vase! One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books! Thank you for the sunshine in this dreary day with dreary news still on. I needed this. XOXO

  87. Margaret Harke says:

    Just as was readding this blog, my husband came in and told me their was an eagle in our backyard. I got the binoculars and quietly walked as close as I dared and watched him or her sittting so still looking out over the facant field behind our house. I am sure that some little animal out there was about to be lunch. we have had hawks before , but never an eagle. As you said being in nature and quiet is soothing to the soul.
    thank you for your wondeful blogs. I am so looking forward to THE TRIP!

  88. Jane Leniart says:

    When do you leave Mass? You’ll have a wonderful trip. I love my cups and am waiting for the summer one. I’m going to Sweden in June. When I was in high school in Wakefield, Mass. we had an exchange student, from Sweden, live with us. She visits often. My turn to visit her again. Looking forward to following you on your trip.

  89. Jane Franks says:

    Oh, one more thing! Susan, I loved all your Valentine preparations and celebration. The flowers, the food, the hearts, the gifts and candles! All of it just lovely!!

  90. Bonnie says:

    Side board is beautiful! My heart is always sad when I look at the cups. They are beautiful but just not in my budget I’m afraid.

  91. Debby Suovanen says:

    Thank you for your “snow drop” post. So interesting that they make their own heat and melt the snow. Isn’t nature amazing! Like kitties, wanting to be right in the middle of everything we do – pictures included. Can’t wait to hear more about your DNA results. I’ve been tracing my genealogy for about the past 20 years or so. I’ll warn you now, it’s addicting, but it is fascinating, too. I’ve got my mom’s side back to the year 1370 in Hitcham, England. On my dad’s side I’m stuck during the potato famine in Ireland. It’s like solving a huge mystery that never ends! I’m looking forward to hearing more about your family.

  92. Annette says:

    Thanks for the haven you create. It blesses my heart and soothes my soul. Annette

  93. Jana says:

    Today I spotted a clump of daffodils around the corner from my home, growing in odd spot by the side of the road, some rogue bulbs no doubt! I rolled down the car window and snapped a picture and then … just as I was about to drive on to my own home … that sound! I looked up and spotted a swiftly moving “V” of geese winging their way north! What blessings! And then to come inside and find a Susan post, well, that was just the icing on the cake! Thank you from the bottom of this heart!

  94. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Delicious cake 🍰 and snowdrops!!!

  95. Beckie Page says:

    Thank you, Susan, for showing us a picture of your yard with no snow on it. Living here in Maine, with still, about 6 feet in places, it makes me remember that spring is on the way, despite what Mr. Groundhog says!!!! As always your message is cheery and bright and just so needed in this season of sadness in our country. I agree with the others, it MUST stop! What ever happened to the USA we grew up in? Anyway, love the snowdrops, the cups, all your valentines, Jack, and you! Can’t wait for your trip to the EU so I can go along with you via technology.
    God bless and keep you,

  96. Deb717 says:

    Such a pretty post! I am looking forward to my kitty/books cup and beautiful spring flowers. I have crocus coming up to show me hope and spring is on the way. I love their determination and have no doubt there will be snow on their blossoms but they are always beautiful!

  97. Laura Brown says:

    Love the storey but never knew Snow Drop was Snow White’s original name. We had our first daffodil yesterday. Her bright sunny face to the sun was saying, ‘Good morning!’ as our puppy took me for a walk. This morning, the daffodil had a twin sister standing tall by her side.

  98. Marianne in Mo. says:

    Love all the flowers in your house. I’m sure that dinner was delish, it made my mouth water! Blue skies and sunshine have been so elusive around these parts, and so nice to see your gorgeous sky. We had a record high of 80 yesterday, but today only 40. The sun is peeking out a tad now as the sun is setting, too late, sunshine! Come back tomorrow! I am envious of your upcoming trip, but long travel and I do not get along. I’m a homebody for sure! Wonder if Victoria’s relations know you are a relative – ish??? Do you think they are googling you? LOL! (BTW, when I was typing my comment, the boxes had Paula listed as my name, already filled in,and her e mail address. But I didn’t pay attention to her address, just deleted all.) Just may be a glitch somewhere!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I guess it looks like this glitch is back. We were forced to upgrade by the blog host recently, this must be part of the result! We’ll see what we can do, but be sure to refresh, and try to write via another device and see if that changes anything. Let me know! Thank you Marianne!

  99. Toni Moriarty says:

    Dearest Susan…I just HAVE to make this comment before I stop
    SWAYING!! Just looked at the video of the storms at sea….BOY THOSE WERE SOOOME STORMS!! I’m still weaving a little. Loved the tour of YOUR ship:-) ‘We’ can hardly wait for ‘our’ boarding….will be such FUN!! I’m going now to try to get my barrings!!!! Thanks for the new post you’re the BEST Toni xoxo

  100. Bobetta Douglas says:

    Can’t wait to follow along on your lovely trip! Oh course I wish I could go in person but it just cannot be right now. I surely do hope that when you return you will make that cute little vase with the C.S. Lewis quote on it. He is my absolute favorite! What a way with words that man had and in possession of so much wisdom! Will you go to Oxford to see his old stomping grounds? My one trip to England I was fortunate enough to make a trip to Oxford and walk around where he taught and see the window of his room at the college and have a cider in the Eagle and Child where he and the other Inklings met. It brought tears to my eyes and my sweet sister, who had arranged the trip, thought I was crazy!~ She had no idea since we had only met as adult women and the sharing of who we are has just leaked out slowly over the last years as we have gotten to spend time together. Wow, that was way more then I had intended to say. Any way, hope you have a wonderful, dreamy, eye leaking time in the UK again this time and my heart and thoughts will be with you! Thanks for spreading sunshine and friendship wherever you go and letting us in on it!

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