We’re on the road! Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor majorly obnoxious east coast nor’easter will keep us from our appointed rounds (or something like that…) We’re off!

Was very iffy for a while . . . boats quit running, branches blowing off the trees, shore beat to death by wind and pouring rain, flooded downtown, and then, the electricity went off. . . but through it all, with faith in our mission, we packed. And cuddled with Jack. MUSICA? O yes! Joe, suggested this one, isn’t it pretty?

Jack put up with most of it, but loss of electricity worried him enough to make him crawl up on my lap for kitty comforts. To my joy. Isn’t he ADORABLE? I don’t think I’ll ever get over this boy’s cuteness. Don’t worry, we have left him in perfect hands.  Trained hands, adept in ponytail-band shooting.

I understand England is experiencing their own “Beast from the East” ~ a huge snowstorm that doesn’t seem to have an end. But before that happened, Mandy, at Castle Cottage in the Lake District, sent this photo of the snowdrops in bloom in the English countryside. I’m selfishly happy about their snow,  s l o w it all down, please, put those daffodils on ice until we can get there! And baby lambs, stay inside mummy where it’s cozy, until we arrive! And BTW, for anyone going to the Picnic, Mandy has planned something special ~ we get to tour Hill Top and play in the gift shop, all open that day just for us!  Email her for times of entry at [email protected] and reserve your space!

I know, it’s all so wonderful. And again, don’t worry if you can’t make it, I’ll do my very best so you’ll think you did!

It’s okay if I miss the snowdrops (sorta). I think our boat ride might just be worth it, you can’t be everywhere (but sometimes I can’t help but wonder, why not?)!

Before the storm landed on our doorstop, the sun was beginning to touch the pillow tips in the morning. Despite the cloud cover, we trust that spring is on the way.

What to pack. Try it all on. Then give up and pack it all.  You should have seen us this morning, what a mess! Had a 9:30 am boat, still wasn’t SURE it would be running, and hauled ourselves out of the house at 9:20 after safely installing the kitchen sink in the back of this rental car. Made the boat, saw two crashed sailboats at the dock, battered by waves and storm. Eeek. Met two of our best friends on the other side, in line to go OVER on the boat. They’d been trapped off-island during the storm, so we had a small goodbye party in the parking lot! And now we’re driving to Florida, catching the Queen Victoria 🚢 on Friday and having all fun in-between. One night in Williamsburg. A visit with Joe’s brother. A wee bit o’shopping ~ need new knitting project for “knitting club” on ship and some other cute thing to wear for fancy dinner on boat. 🍷

Did pretty good with my art packing 🎨 . . . new diary (with heart), garden diary (light blue linen), mushroom pencil sharpener🍄, pencils, new paints and brushes, lots of paper and all the rest of the necessary goodies. Happy! Plus, I got my DNA done! And Ancestrydotcom has been my home away from home these last months! I have us all figured out! We’re finding HOME both in Ireland 🍀 AND in England 🇬🇧 ~ a brand new quest!  At least one of them! So many wonderful adventures to take you on, I can’t wait. Our first two weeks will be in Cornwall . . . I’ll let you know more itinerary when I’m not rattling down a highway wracked with fear that any moment this entire post may disappear!

Also, got all four of our new summer cups designed! Had to, they will come in before we get home. Summer waits for no man. Will show you more later, but here is a preview of the smaller cup (fake paper mockup, color will be way better in the real thing) . . . this one will round out the four seasons we started last year!

And I put up new photos of your Spring, England, Mother’s Day, and Jack-in-the-Books cups ~ you can now see the bottoms, backs, handles when you go look at the cups ~ I placed the order, they’re in the works in England, and should be in our studio the second week of April. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise ~ 😜 I’m doing this while Joe’s driving on the Merritt Parkway at about a hundred miles an hour ~ so forgive my shortcut writing! Hard to help him drive and write at the same time.

Two new embroidery projects in the works too . . . don’t want you to be bored while we’re away! This will look different when it gets the final layout, but this is the art we’re working from.

And remember this draft-stop in my kitchen? I had so many requests from Girlfriends wanting one, and I got tired of no one making them anymore, soooo . . . .

We made a printed cross-stitch kit. The Blueberry border is printed on really gorgeous fabric, so you can either embroider it or not, or just do the cross stitch in the middle, this photo does not do it justice! It’s as long as your door, and all you have to do is put a dark blue corduroy back on it (or anything you want), fill it with sand, and voila, you have your very own, and you can say, “I made that!” I can’t have enough celebration of home in my house . . . and in July, when we come home, this is going to be the way I feel:

But not yet. We’re in “road mode.” But here comes spring ~ it’s time to celebrate by making your neighborhood cuter ~ here’s an idea for a Spring wreath I made for myself a while back. And yes, if you drove up my street right now, you would see my forsythia wreath on the door where I put it this morning before we left. Because I may not be there, but that’s not going to stop spring, and I want Jack to be proud of his house! And that poor beaten island could use a little floral light right now!

So off we go . . . I will stay in contact to the best of my ability. If you were EVER going to join Twitter or Instagram, this would be the time to do it. I still don’t quite have full understanding of how Instagram works, but what I do know is that I can put photos on both of those accounts directly from my phone, which means I can do it from the road (I did some this morning!), I don’t have to get out the computer (which doesn’t always have connection) . . . makes it a wee bit easier, and we’re out and about so much more that we are at home, lots of photos can go flying in all directions. I’m “dearsusanbranch” on Twitter, and “susanbranchauthor” on Instagram. Because . . . and don’t we know it . . .

Petey’s in the back seat. He kissed his little lamb goodbye, and it’s just the three of us now, heading down the highway, singing to the musica! Off on the biggest adventure of our lives.  Don’t forget to print out your badges for the BYO Picnic Basket Party at Beatrix Potter’s Garden! Eeeeek! Dream-come-true time! We’re on our way! Planning to put you under my invisibility cloak for sneaking aboard ship . . . prepare yourselves. Out of Connecticut, into New York, heading for the Tappen Zee Bridge! Have fun Girls. Thank you for coming along. 💝 Talk soon! XOXOXO

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343 Responses to ON THE ROAD

  1. Pat W. says:

    Susan: Happy traveling to you & Joe & thanks for taking us with you. Looking forward to all that you will share with us. Be safe.

  2. Debby Rickett says:

    Be safe!
    I’m so excited to be on another adventure with you! Cornwall, oh… Cornwall, I think I love thee most of all! I’m beside myself. Susan, I know you and Joe will do a wonderful job taking us along…..

    As another girlfriend said so well, ” you both deserve it”!!!! Enjoy every minute!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Debby . . . our first time to Cornwall, all new discovering to be done!

      • Bobbie says:

        My Grandparents were born and grew to adults in Cornwall – would love to stow away with you to see that area! Enjoy your trip – hope you will write another book about this new adventure. Sure have loved all of your books!

  3. Tam says:

    I’m with you, Susan and Joe!! You’re my spring and summer vacation!!

  4. Merci says:

    Safe travels, have an awesome time, and please do check in with us whenever time permits. Love your wonderful stories and great pictures!
    My favorite picture ever of Jack! He’s so handsome!

  5. CarolK says:

    QV day is getting closer, I can smell the ocean breeze. Do you really have to wear gowns on the QV for dinner?

    • sbranch says:

      You just have to look festive, extra nice, and yes, some wear glittering gowns! But some women wear a beautiful suit . . . Joe wears a tuxedo! Some nights are formal, and some are not … but even not-formal is dressy. There is something that looks like a food court on the ship if you’d rather be more casual . . . it’s not a dining room, but there are tables and the food is fabulous, and every sort of thing is served.

      • CarolK says:

        Now Bermuda is added to the mix. I wonder if you are allowed to debark (is that a word?) and explore for awhile. Never been to Bermuda.

  6. Isabel Bush says:

    Hi Susan,

    Saw your entries on Twitter. I don’t sign on to Facebook or Twitter so I can’t reply there, so I hope you see my comment here.

    Lucky you! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Colonial Williamsburg. I am obsessed. When you go there and there are not a ton of people, you can almost close your eyes and make believe you are back in that time. I have been there 3 times and never got tired of it. I ate in the same tavern you did. Had peanut soup. Delicious. Also, one time when I went I purchased a counted cross stitch of the Christiana Campbell tavern. I have to have it framed so I can look at it all the time. I also went to Mount Vernon several times and one or two plantations when I was there.

    Unfortunately, the last time I was there was just before 9/11. A long 17 years ago. Hope to get back there again some day.

    You will be passing me in Orlando on your way to Port Canaveral. I will wave. Know you and Joe will have a wonderful trip. Can’t wait to see all you comments and pictures.

  7. Sue says:

    Oh, oh, oh, you are going to Cornwall, this gal’s favorite place in the world! St. Ives, Fowey, St. Michael’s Mount…I could go on and on. I am so looking forward to seeing your pictures. We are hoping for a return trip ourselves but at our advanced age driving a rental car on Cornish roads is not doable. However, that is not going to stop us. Oh yes, and take some long walks on the Southwest Coastal Path…incredible.

  8. Maggie Bresz says:

    I a;ways love reading your cheerful blog. I had planned to go to the Lake district this spring but my travel partner didn’t want to go there so we are going to London and Paris. I’ll be in Charleston SC in late march but too late to see you there. I would definitely have gone to see you if our schedules matched. I love seeing your cats and sheep decorations. Have a fabulous time Susan and Joe.

  9. Jann says:

    Have a great trip. Be safe.

  10. Cindy L says:

    Susan, where can I find your cross stitch kit for the draft stopper “Home Sweet Home” on your web-site? I’d love to order it.

    • sbranch says:

      We don’t have them quite yet, but soon … you’ll just click on Let’s Shop at the top of the blog, and look at the column on the left, find something about I love sewing, it should be there very soon!

  11. Bon Voyage Susan and Joe!!! I LOVE the Queen Vic..my favourite of all the Queens! So enjoy!!

    Luckily Mandy was able to fit my N.C. friend Cathy and myself into the festivities coming up in May.We re thrilled to join you all. Thank you especially
    for making it possible. Doreen Kinsman, Kristi’s mother.

    • sbranch says:

      Doreen! I’m so happy to hear that! You’ll have to TELL me you’re Christie’s mom, because I will probably be close to crazy with excitement that day with so many new and some old faces, so be sure to say hello! I’m sure I’ll recognize you, but you won’t be in “your place” ~ very confusing! See you in heaven in May!

  12. Kathy says:

    Looking forward to sharing your journey! Happy and safe travels.

  13. Beverlee says:

    I have never embroidered or really sewed… are these kits “easy” for beginners ? Have a wonderful trip and look forward to experiencing the picnic from Cape Cod

  14. Sheri Bodi says:

    Wishing you and Joe safe and fun travels and looking forward to getting to join you with all of your pics and posts to all of us! Happy Spring:)

  15. Sheri Bodi says:

    Wishing you both safe and fun travels. Looking forward to pics and posts! Thanks for taking us all along! Happy Spring:)

  16. Freddie Ann says:

    This is so exciting. Can’t wait to hear and see all about your travels.

  17. Carol D. in Sierra Madre, CA says:

    Hi Susan,
    I just wanted to join all these other girlfriends to wish you and Joe THE BEST trip to GB ever!! I must admit that I’m very jealous (in a good way 😉), but we’re all so lucky to have you taking us with you on such a wonderful adventure. I have to admit, I printed out the Girlfriend Picnic badge so I could use it for a bookmark! It was too cute not to! Have the greatest time ever, and come home safe and sound. xoxo, Carol

    P.S. It’s a gorgeous day here today. I’m sitting at my kitchen bay window watching my birdies and squirrels feed. I keep my feeders filled as much for my enjoyment as for the birds! And I try to keep corn and sunflower seeds on the ground for my furry friends!

  18. Patti from Pleasanton, CA says:

    Susan & Joe,
    Sounds like you’ve remembered to pack everything imaginable and more!!
    So excited to be a stowaway on this trip of a lifetime!!
    Safe travels & God’s speed as you travel the ocean blue and beyond…
    Will be anticipating your next post… xoxo

  19. Ruby Tobey says:

    So amazing that you are getting all that water and here in the plains we can’t even get any moisture!
    seeing the pictures of England and hearing about the trip will be great.

  20. Happy and safe travels. I will live vicariously through you until I can make the same trip myself.

  21. Marsha Smith says:

    Admiring your Blueberry Draft Stop. I know the artist who did the original one you have. There are several different designs still available.

  22. Kindred Kate says:

    So happy for you, Susan… SO wish I could make it to the picnic. Maybe someday my wish to go to England will come true. I signed up to win the Masterpiece Theater Viking Riverboat Cruise- maybe I’ll be lucky! My ancestors were from England & Ireland too!( my great-grandfather’s name was O’Dwyer) Maybe that’s why when I first saw Riverdance in person I could barely sit still in my seat! I can’t wait to read all about your adventures. I don’t have an Instagram account but is that what you will be updating us on the most? Maybe at the end of the week, would it be possible to just copy those onto a short newsletter? As if you won’t be busy enough- haha-you can probably tell that I’m begging because I don’t want to get an Instagram account! I have 2 orange marmalade ( so much nicer than just saying orange, don’t you think?) kitties(1yr old) & I exclaim on a daily basis how utterly CUTE they both are so I understand about Jack, Mr Cutiepie, himself. I’m nervous about leaving them with a kitty-sitter for 2 weeks but my husband & I are leaving soon to go on the same trip as we did last Spring when I got to see YOU speak in SLO! I loved meeting you & giving you the tiny ceramic Irish cottage,tree, & stonewall set. Will you take some pictures of the REAL cottages for us to savor? Have fun, P.S. I just got done buying a journal for my trip too, then spent a half hour trying to figure out which art supplies to pack for it!

    • sbranch says:

      I sure will take just the pictures you’re asking for! Can’t wait … hope you feel as if you were there by the time we get done!

  23. Anne of NH says:

    Have the most WONDERFUL safe journey! We have driven that long ride down the East coast from Portsmouth nh to Miami…our cruise went to the Bahamas. I have been to Ireland…land of my forebears. My paternal family has been traced back to 647 AD in Cornwall. ..hope to visit there some day. I will be overjoyed to read your “dailies” whilst tucked safely in a pocket of your suitcase. Enjoy every minute! Oh…and say “hi” to Joe…happy journey to him as well!🚢

  24. Ginny Evans says:

    I feel like I am right there–so fun! Thanks for bringing us all along.
    Happy trails…

  25. Jeanette says:

    I’m so excited! Thank you both for taking us along.

  26. Nor Azlina Lop says:

    Dear Susan, can’t wait to tag along on your trip to England and Wales. I’m hoping that this latest trip of yours would end up in a book too. Have a great trip, enjoy yourself and stay safe. Can never get enough of your blog….just simply wonderful and it always make me happy reading it.
    Much love from Nor.

  27. rhea says:

    Finally! The countdown to departure was killing me. So glad you were able to get off the island. I was keeping my fingers crossed. You made it between storms. Perfect. We have another big one coming this afternoon. Ive been checking my weather app almost hourly to make sure I’m up on my hill all prepared with all the things one needs when one can’t leave and is homebound!!! I try and make it as exciting as possible if you couldn’t tell while everyone else is grumpy and sick of snow. Secretly, I’m a little sick of it myself and so ready to get my hands into some dirt but you can’t fight mother nature. We might get as much as 24 inches which means Ill get double that on my not so little knoll. I can’t wait for updates. Have the bestest time ever 🙂 Its a dream come true!! xoxo

  28. Linda says:

    I just ❤️ your books! I can’t wait to read this one!

  29. Sharon Kadel says:

    Dear Susan,

    I love your blog. Makes me think I am traveling with you. Enjoy every place. Can’t wait to hear and see when you get back.

  30. Gayle Casias says:

    Have a happy and safe trip. Love your blog.

  31. Mamey Brown says:

    Safe Travels!! I can’t wait to see all the fun you have!

  32. Noelle says:

    Hello Sue: Oh joy, an invisibility cloak.. can’t wait to put that on! Jack is the cutest kitty, and I’m sure you will miss him and that picture of Petey is to die for. I think that’s the funniest thing ever. Can’t wait to see everything with you. Thanks for being you Sue- you make everything so lovely and exciting! Noelle

  33. Tamara Otterstein says:

    I would love to know what kind of clothes you packed for this trip. I have a visit to London coming up and would love any advice you have to offer. Thanks and enjoy the adventure that will keep us wanting more.

  34. Marilyn L Young says:

    I’m mentally on the boat and will be all over the roads, hills and valleys with you. I love England! Have fun, learn something about your relatives and background from your DNA and record same! I got you on Instagram now!

  35. Wendy Louise says:

    Have a Blessed trip my friend and Thanks so much for sharing!!! Love, Wendy Louise ox

  36. Rosalind Murray says:

    Looking forward to following your adventures—-and am finally joining Instagram to view your pictures!

  37. Connie T. says:

    Oh, Susan, I DO SO HOPE you will be also staying for the royal wedding! I would love to see your pics of that and hear your stories. I will be looking up my Twitter password in my spiral notebook (old folk here) and will be following your trip. SO EXCITED! You really do make us feel as if we are right there with you. Have a great trip! Hello to Petey and Joe!

  38. charissa says:

    Dear Susan, Even though I have not been around. You still delight and cheer me to no end. Wishing you and Joe many safe travels on your Grand Tour and I am so thrilled and thankful to be a part of it, even if I am quiet as a mouse . Love you so much and so grateful for all that you have done for me over the years xoxo


    PATTY at WISHFUL THINKING in Texas has 2 as of today and she will ship. (469) 714-4303

  39. Rachel from Orange Beach, Alabama says:

    I’m so excited that y’all are going to Cornwall, home of Daphne du Maurier and Poldark! My coworkers and I have just discovered you, and we are enthralled with your work and your life!!! Every few minutes one of us is saying, “Susan Branch said this” and “Susan Branch did that.” We love the little details you add to all that you do! I especially love how you show and tell, so thorough! You are a delight! – I’ll be praying that you and Joe have safe travels!!!

  40. Katherine says:

    Thanks for including All of us in your voyage…I look forward to all the adventures you will share! I just started reading The Natural World of Winnie the Pooh, I think you might like it. I love the art supply picture, what a hopeful image.

  41. MarySue says:

    From Arizona I’m hearing about horrific storms in NY and New England. Praying for your safety and all in storms path🌵

  42. Karen Watt says:

    Dear Susan,
    On our PBS station the other day they had Beatrix Potter’s life story .
    It was celebrating her 150 Birthday. It was originally show in 2016 as
    she was born in 1866. I am glad they aired it again at the time you and
    Joe and Petery are on your way to be going on such a Fantastic ship as
    the Queen Victoria to go visit her house again.
    Thank-you for taking all of Us on such fabulous journey!!!
    Thanks for everything!!!
    Your Friend Karen Watt

  43. Joan Hutchins says:

    Happy trails to you both ! Happily will be following along ! 🙂

  44. Judy from Maine says:

    This is so exciting. I first started following your blog as you (we) we’re passing the Statue of Liberty back in May of ?, what an exciting trip that was, and what a wonderful and special book was birthed on that trip. That’s why I’m so excited, another adventure awaits over the next few weeks. Have safe travels and gobs of fun.

  45. Valerie Jones says:

    I just finished reading “A Fine Romance” and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed being an armchair traveler on your adventure. I look forward to hearing all about this trip as well. Safe travels!
    Warm Wishes,

  46. Mary Brehm says:

    Dear Susan, I hope I’m not too late to wish you Bon Voyage! I didn’t get a chance to write you earlier because I was driving my daughter back to College in Michigan. 10 hours out, 10 hours back in 3 days….Phew! I see on twitter that you are already in Florida. You are having such a wonderful adventure. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Your joy and enthusiasm is so infectious. I’m very excited for you. I can’t wait to see what you will discover on this trip. Although, nothing could top your first trip to Hill Top. I have read and re-read that chapter from a Fine Romance over and over. It makes me choke up overtime I read it.
    We got another big snow last night (I sent you a video on Twitter)and they are predicting more for next Monday and Tuesday! I was supposed to clean today, but the dear lady I clean for gave me a snowday! I feel like a little kid that has a day off from school! So…..I’m making a big pot of skinny soup, listening to some Musica and watching the pretty snow outside.
    Have fun on your adventure and stay safe <3

  47. Debbie Boerger says:

    Oh, Oh, Oh!! So exciting to spend at least an hour catching up with all your doin’s.
    Been out of sync for a couple of weeks..Having my hot chocolate in Isle of Dreams cup. Tampa in the 50’s. “Ahhhhhhh! I’m satisfied” Just a few comments….

    Williamsburg, December, 1970: Out strolling around one evening. Nobody out and about. Door of one of the cottages opened, and out popped a gal in her mid-1700’s attire, carrying a lantern. I and my ex were just stunned. Truly a Wrinkle in Time.

    And Happy 88th to your gorgeous, wonderful mother, Happy Gene Carrier!

    Hope you enjoy. Charleston. Best time to go. Summer is brutally hot. Hope you get to walk just a bit and peek into the walled gardens.

    I’ve explored the Queen “Toria” online, and I’m ready for the Voyage over and the extended stay in England and Ireland.

    Big Fat MMMM..Wah! to you and Joe,
    Debbie in Tampa

  48. Northwoods Catie says:

    Oh, Susan…wish I could be there for the picnic! Like you, I am English and Irish. (My Father was ALL British and my maternal Grandmother was ALL Irish.) I hope to, one day, take a walking tour of the Cotswolds. I love the pics of the English countryside. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Can’t wait for your next book!!! Hugs to both you and Joe!

  49. Denise Anderson says:

    Have a very safe trip, filled will lots of memories. I’m looking forward to going with you three via this computer and blog. No Twitter or Instagram for me. Have fun, I’ll be near by. . . . . .

  50. Brenda White says:

    Have the most wonderful time possible and know that all your friends and readers in the
    good ole USA send their best wishes and dreams with you. We look forward to all you
    will have to tell us while you are gone and when you return. Bon voyage and happy trails!

  51. LINDA LORENZ says:

    Hope that you have a wonderful trip! Had a amazing week, An Uncle whom the family had thought was childless, secretly had a child in the 1950’s and for many years had been trying to find her fathers family, and thru contact with my sister
    and Ancestry.com she found us! So cool to have a new cousin, she sent a photo of her father and its my uncle for sure!! Luv LSL

  52. Jill Creson says:

    Found a lovely movie yesterday (2004) filmed in a Cornish seaside village with amazing scenery (including the interiors) and a lovely story. “Ladies in Lavender” stars both Judi Dench and Maggie Smith. It is a must see for those of us who can only travel vicariously.

  53. Debbie Noyola says:

    Hello Susan, Debbie from Washington here. I just had thyroid surgery on the 5th & I’m home now recuperating. Hubby & oldest son are taking good care of me. To pass the time I am crocheting neck chokers to hide my scar. I am also very much enjoying reading my new Mary Janes Farm magazine. Such a lovely magazine. Have you heard of it? So when I reached page 88 I smiled & immediately thought of you. The article is titled: the Snowdrop. It is excerpted from “The Snowdrop” by Hans Christian Anderson, 1863. I found out that a “galanthophile” is a lover of snowdrops! So we are “galanthophiles” you & I! So get the magazine if you can. It is the April /May 2018 issue. Lovely article also on hosting a birdie shower. Which is really funny too as I had just shown my son my yarn scraps & told him I was saving them for the birds. He thought I was a little kooky & I almost believed him, then I read this article. Anyway, hope you read this comment. I’d love to hear back. Enjoy everyday of your delightful vacation.

    • Debbie Noyola says:

      Oh, oh, oh there’s also an article about the art of the any-weather picnic & one about a picnic basket. You have to get this magazine Susan. It has your name written all over it!

    • sbranch says:

      Hope you’re feeling better Debbie . . . can’t answer now, must go, but I’m glad you’re on the mend!

  54. Beth Keser says:

    Safe travels! I am so excited to go on this trip with you 🙂 Have fun!!

  55. Ann says:

    Hey Susan, howza about a book on your genealogy journey? With your watercolors and family lore it would make for great reading. All the best on your travel journey!

  56. Sandy says:

    I am so very glad you visited Williamsburg – one of my favorite places and one visited many, many times. When you first mentioned trying the peanut soup I wanted to start shouting ‘must go back and get the syllabub’! So glad to read later in your story that you enjoyed one. I was charmed to see you and Joe explored behind the white fences and gates and to see pictures that I have in my mind from when my husband I and celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary at Williamsburg this past September. Bon voyage and may God continue to bless you.
    Sandy Kellogg, NJ

  57. Joellen Waldenmaier says:

    Hi Susan,

    I am so excited to be going on this trip with you and Joe (and Petey). Thanks for taking me along with everyone else.

    Have a wonderful time. I know you will.

    Bon Voyage!

  58. Kelly from Walnut Creek, Ca. says:

    Attn all Girlfriends of Susan Branch,

    You can follow the Queen Victoria cruise ship 🚢🇬🇧on this voyage on cruisemapper.com. Fun to see what Ports O’ Call are on the horizon.

    Bon Voyage Susan & Joe. Smooth Seas before you!


    Kelly 🌷🌻🌷

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Kelly!

      • Kelly from Walnut Creek, Ca. says:

        Noticed that celery & hummus haven’t made the menu choices just yet!😀…and who could blame you? The photo of the three slices of cake looked scrumptious.

        Glad you are having such a wonderful time aboard ship!

        Be good to yourself!🌷🌻🌷



  59. suzy says:

    Raining today on the other coast of FL..hope it misses you. Also hope you have good cruising weather with ample time to relax and read before you hit the shores of “olde” England..Stay safe on all your travels..Jack is waiting.

  60. Jeanett Bennett says:

    Susan, this is my first post. My friend, Liz, introduced me to you about a year ago. Have read and enjoyed a couple of your books. Love your art work. It all inspires me. Will look forward to getting a post from you. Enjoy England again. We have visited England a couple of times. Beautiful, Historic–love traveling. Jeanett

  61. Debbie Boerger says:

    Hope your visit to Charleston is a good one. Try to get some “Low Country” food. Tom and I have stayed in the area many times, our favorite place being Beaufort, between Charleston and Savannah. Pronounced “Bu-fort”.

    I’ve got the ship tracker on and am watching Queen Vic approaching the dock. Maybe just a moment for all of us to remember the hundreds of thousands of Africans who came ashore in that place.

    After your recent busy weeks, you have the everyone’s permission to Just Be.
    Breath…deep breaths before your book signing.

    Thank you, Miss Susan, for letting us come along.
    Debbie in Tampa

  62. Jan Martin says:

    What a dream adventure!!! Wishing you & Joe magical memories. I can’t wait to see all the tweets/grams/Facebook/blog posts. Almost like being right there with you! Happy sailing🛳

  63. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    I headed out of WI on the 3rd straight through to VA, to dodge the storms between North and South. Made it to Wmsburg!
    Saw old friends and wandered around some history. Stuck between two different countries.
    I always dress like Joan aboard or not. Corny, I know.

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