LET’S GO Girls . . . xoxo

Hello again! Let’s go girls, we’re heading off for real again in just a little while, the Queen Victoria ocean liner trip across the Atlantic . . . happy trails to you and us! MUSICA! (They played this and all the wonderful songs of this era in the Commodore room last night!) Life is good.🎉 🎵 Let’s go dancing . . . 🕺💃

And so, very very comforted, our departure begins . . .

. . . Driving along, seeing this sign, knowing that’s the port we depart from, I am filled with excitement . . . my cup runneth over. 🤗

Joe takes the rented car back, the porters come and take away most of our luggage and deliver it in our room . . . I sit patiently with our carry-ons, admiring the boarding outfits of the other passengers,  until Joe returns, and then it really is time . . . we check in, get our ID cards, and run to our room where we just throw everything in. The day is too nice to hang out there, we can unpack later . . . but first . . .

We wander and explore . . . and take pictures from ship to shore on a positively glorious day . . . How do you not cry? Just to think of it!

ALL three of the people over there on those turquoise-terry-covered, round lounges are out-cold asleep!!! We were getting the gist . . . this ship departed two months ago from Southampton (most of the people on board have British accents), they’ve stopped at ports all over ~ on their way home now, up from South America, they are officially experienced “old salts,” and no beautiful port is going to be better than a cozy warm afternoon nap in the soft Florida sunshine (right at 70 degrees, with sea breeze).

And in our old salt ways, we know one thing we’ve waited for a long time, a first-thing’s-first, sit and drink a luv-lee Magner’s Pear Cider over ice before we make another move. We know there’s bon-voyage champagne in the stateroom, but this is what we really wanted to toast this trip with. Better than we remembered it. Yum yum yum!

Then we do the thing I can never get over, we take pictures of the HUGE rugs they have on the ship. Here’s one, but they are everywhere.

And comfy corners we would like to try out. This ship, the Queen Victoria, is much more like the QE2, which is our favorite of all ~ and this one is very much like it. Smaller, and really beautifully laid out. Only problem, so far it looks like it never sails into or out of New York. So more trips to Florida may be in order in the future. (We already have to come back, we barely scratched the surface of all there was to do on our path south.)

More sitting around . . .

More taking pictures. But we know it’s time . . . we have to go unpack ~ we have to go to dinner, and our bed is covered with suitcases!

In our room, on the TV screen, is our Itinerary, and the only thing missing is the date, March 23, and time of our arrival in Southampton . . .

Georgie on Twitter found the Webcams for our departures . . . and put up a screen shot of the live video of us leaving Fort Lauderdale/Port Everglades. It’s all so amazing, what we can do and see via the Internet!

I’m unpacking, going in and out the door to the deck to take pics, and here’s one of our escort boats, that brings us in and out of the harbors . . .

Back out on deck . . . we see only Majestic and Queenly.

There is couple, if you look closely, dancing in the dark . . . listening to the music wafting  from inside . . .

A deep breath of salt air before bed, smooshed into cocoon of feathers and down . . .

Next morning, Petey and I slept until 7 am (unheard of), up in time to catch the sun coming up outside our stateroom balcony door . . . you can see we are all moved in  . . . kitchen on the left (fridge around the counter there), living room on the right, bedroom in the back, bath and closet beyond that, then the door to the l o o o o n g hallway to all the ship’s delights. Hello!

Yes, wonderful things! Yawn 😵, make tea . . . so glad I wasn’t born before tea . . . I brought our cups. Little bits of home to ward off homesickness. Not feeling homesick a bit yet. Duncan, Jack’s new best friend, is texting photos of Jack every day and so I am happy. He looks good. Rolling on his back to be petted.

Out onto the balcony, birds crying, water whooshing, OMG. That’s all I could say, OMG in all directions. Go get book, bring tea, get diary . . . get in chair, do not move.

Soaking up the Vitamin D . . . almost shocking in it’s unrealness considering that home is being buried in snow even as we speak. But everyone should know, there is hope, under that white sky, lies a toasty warm sun that you will all see very soon. 🌞

 Second day, we docked in Port Canaveral . . . and off we went to Cocoa Village, driving past the Disney Dream liner (note mouseka-ears on funnels), to a shop . . .

suggested to me by our Girlfriend Diane (Byrum) 😘 . . . in the nick of time I may say, because I didn’t have time to do this before we left, and I really never feel quite right unless I have a little project to take with me. ‘Twas a wonderful store, thank you Diane, had it ALL, and more. I was completely confused by all the delicious choices.

So I got yarn and very weird needles (they convinced me this was the way to go, mainly because they didn’t carry what I am used to, the long, individual wooden needles I learned to knit on a hundred and fifty years ago ~ this is likely another baby step in joining the 21st century), and unless a miracle occurs and I suddenly know how to read patterns, this will be a gorgeous wool scarf/shawl. (What happens when the stitches go onto that skinny wire, does everything stay the same size, this is a bit scary!) Oh thee of little faith.

And right next to the yarn store . . . Oh yeah, THIS! Hello!

Which was a perfect place for Joe to hang out while I made yarn purchase . . . and then I joined him and found these! “Made in England” it says on the clip-on backs. Only $10 and they cried out, please take me home.🇬🇧 And so we are.

Walked down the block to Cafe Margaux for a delicious French lunch.

Then back to the ship where we met a kind victim who answered the call, “Please could you take our picture?” Gotta have at least one with us both in it! We’re standing on the glassed-in gangplank to the ship. Ahoy there you two very happy people.

We had an excellent vantage point for life-boat counting. Look at these wonderful things. I always thought lifeboats were like row boats, open air, two wooden paddles, no engine, eight miserable huddling survivors looking fearfully at the sea, shark reflections in their eyes, wet hair glued to heads, begging for a piece of hardtack, a drip of water for parched lips. (Too many movies.) But no, these boats are heated and they have radio contact with the world. Plus, they make the perfect emergency hiding place for you stowaways, just in cases the captain shows up to try and find out why we order so many English Breakfasts every morning, ship’s almost out of bangers and beans. 😘

Here are some of you cutie-pie stowaways who met us at our book signing at the Barnes and Noble in Charleston last night! Was that fun or what? 🎉 Nicest most wonderful Girlfriends in the world! And the boyfriends were VERY fun too . . . asking questions and everything! Even the people who work for the store said you were wonderful. They loved you! Because they have excellent taste.

And here I am, returning to the ship, giddy with the spirit of our wonderful friends, carrying my luv-lee bon voyage gifts from darling Girlfriends. I’ve been opening packages this morning. It’s like my birthday in this room, ribbons and tissue and cards and tea and books and all sorts of wonderfulness.💞 Goes excellently with the morning clatter of room-service breakfast dishes. my darling friends, for all your good wishes. 💝 I’m so happy to have you along, you make everything better.

So, last but unfortunately not least, I have not-so-good news: I should probably have told you this first, but it’s hard enough to do it at ALL, so here I finally am. See our darling Spring cup ⤴ there? All light and airy and sweet and approved “as is” a few weeks ago? Well, the next step was for the final samples to be made (of all the cups) for my approval . . . which they did, but they didn’t make it to the island in time, so we had them sent to Joe’s brother’s house in Florida so I could approve them before we left . . . the package arrived while we were there, phew, I was so relieved and excited to open the package to see the finished cups ~ I was beginning to worry I’d miss the package and be unable to get them to you guys on time.

But, when I opened the package, the Spring cup looked like this ~ the outlines were harsh, the flowers were dark, the lambs were dark, it was too black . . . it wasn’t soft and sweet and watercolory  like the approved one above. And the others were the same. In my heart, despite the timing issue, there was no way I could say yes to this, no way I could make this the cup that you would have to receive. I tried desperately  to rationalize, but: Could. Not. Do. It.

It wasn’t just the Spring Cup. The Mother’s Day flowers were almost black, Jack had no eyes, and the English Countryside was beyond a stormy day, it was one dark day in the middle of the night . . . SO, I said to our wonderful English manufacturer, “I understand the time problem, but we are going to have to fix this.”

Because they need to look like this . . . And they were very nice about it, but it’s a setback, and now we’re being told they won’t ship until April 20. Which means, after getting through customs, we probably won’t get them to the Studio until May 1, and that’s if everything goes right from this point on.  So, if this is a nonstarter for you, if you can’t wait for them, we understand completely, please contact [email protected], and she will fix you up with a refund before we get any further . . . I’m so sorry. (If she doesn’t get right back to you, it may mean there are many refunds wanted … so don’t worry, I promise, she will reply to you asap.) Sometimes things happen, especially when you don’t want them to.  We’ve been very lucky so far, it’s gone swimmingly, and will do so again one day, I trust. But right now, there’s trouble in River City ~ we’ll do our best to make everything as right as we can. Now go read the top part of this post again, start the musica again, skip the cup part, and start here, it’s much more cheerful that way. Happy ending and all.

We leave Charleston at 1:30 today. turning to the open sea ~ as soon as we leave shore, I will likely lose contact ~ which is why I’m here this morning, to say Bon Voyage Girlfriends! If you leave a comment later, it might not go up (via moderation) until I get contact again. I promise I will do everything I can to fill you in periodically, but if you followed me last time, you know “at sea” makes connection difficult. IF you don’t hear from me, it will be because I’m cut off! We land in Bermuda in a couple of says . . . but that’s not America, so I just don’t know what service I will have. But keep the faith, I shall return! In the meantime, I’ll be taking pictures and watching you stuff yourselves with ocean liner food . . . we’ll send you for a massage, and to get your nails done, and take you for tea, and dancing in the Queen’s Room. 

Anna Susanna Dana Branchburger the third. XOXO

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305 Responses to LET’S GO Girls . . . xoxo

  1. Debbie Boerger says:

    It’s 1:13 in Tampa. I’m imagining you on the deck or balcony of Queen Vicky, feeling the vibrations of her strong engines, and looking forward to Hamilton.
    I apologize to you and all the girlfriends for my ill thought out comment about the port of Charleston’s history. None of us need one tiny bit more unpleasant thoughts.

    How on Earth do you find the time and energy to give us yet another Yummy blog?!
    Don’t worry about the cups. We all understand, totally. Your insistence on having your vision be accurately presented is one of the many reasons why we trust you so completely. I have experienced the same thing having geclee prints done of my drawings.

    You look so beautiful in your cruise duds. And that Joe! Lovely man. My lovely man is off to do some electrical stuff for our Kristin. Oh, how can one be so head-over-heels in love with a husband of 30 years?……Easy as pie if the husband is anything like Joe and Tom. Aren’t we lucky? I even have request for Tom “clones”. He just blushes and gets that Aw Shucks pure Midwest look.

    Now, it’s 1:25, so I’ll switch back to Ship Tracker, real time. Ooooo, the excitement of Dreams.

    So Thankful for you, Dear Girl,
    Debbie in Tampa

    • sbranch says:

      What a nice thing to say Debbie, vis a vis the cups . . . I really do try to give you something to be proud of…but I also like to keep my promises about delivery dates . . . maybe I’m learning a little lesson here.😘 I don’t remember what you wrote about the history, but whatever it was, I trust your kind heart that you meant it in a positive way. Take care of you and Tom, xoxo Talk later!

  2. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    Good Morning Susan and Girlfriends and fellow stowaways. oh boy a fridge, is it okay to stash all the chocolate samples from the Oregon Chocolate Festival in there.. I brought some along for the stowaways to munch. hey those lifeboats look comfy enough to sleep in at night, beats trying to sleep in the trunk all the time. looks like a nice ship, I love those round loungers, think they would mind if I snuck up on one for a snooze??? I promise to be quiet. well have a brand new bunch of peeps to get settled in, we got some more over the weekend and a noisy little bunch they are…… Yeeesh!!! its slightly foggy here this morning, and chilly but we are supposed to hit 70 degrees today .. we will see as it has not exactly been warm around here. we’re still cleaning up from all the snow damage here. nothing serious but plenty of downed limbs and small trees. the chocolate festival was fun, and St Paddy’s day is not too far away. off to go take care of the babies, check their food and water containers and put in a small amount of clean straw for freshness. have a good voyage ….. hug… 😀

    • sbranch says:

      You can go anywhere when no one is looking . . . nobody checks who’s who and there are no name tags . . . It’s only dangerous when the room is being cleaned. xoxo

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        enjoy the chocolate, I heartily suggest the Belgian chocolates very rich and creamy!!!

  3. Carol Maurer ~ Kennewick, Wa says:

    I’m so excited to be traveling with you and Joe! The weather looks perfect,the room is excellent and the view is fantastic!! Enjoy yourselves!!

    Until we meet again on the ocean sea!

    Carol M

  4. Janet Conn says:

    No worries about the cups. I will wait as long as needed. I admire your commitment to excellence. Have a wonderful, enjoyable and safe trip. Bon Voyage. Thanks for taking the girlfriends along.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    We are all at the beginning of a grand trip and the blogs and photographs are a joy. Have a wonderful time, thank you for sharing and don’t worry about the cups. I’m sure they will end up being as lovely as the others, even if they are delivered a little later than expected. You are making smiles and memories for us all!

  6. Jamie Aldredge says:

    Dear Susan,

    Love every picture and story…simply magical! My sister, Kathy, and I so enjoy reading of your adventure…thanks for taking us along! Do not fear the “circular” knitting needles. You’ll love your project not being all squished up on the needles and less likely to slip off when idle if you push all the stitches toward the middle of the cable. And the tension keeps perfectly fine as you ease the stitches back on the needle from the cable while working your row. Wish I was there knitting along side with you! Oh….I forgot…I am! Bon voyage and safe travels!

    Love, Jamie

  7. sylvia in seattle says:

    Bon Voyage. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. So far I’m really enjoying the trip. Thanks for explaining about the cups and for quality control! Now I hope you can just relax and TAKE IT EASY 🙂

  8. Jennifer says:

    So excited to be sharing this adventure with you! My sweet husband and daughter know how much I love you and your work so they gifted me your Martha’s Vineyard mug and I absolutely love it! It is so beautiful and I use it almost everyday❤ I have checked out Martha’s Vineyard and A Fine Romance from the library even though I have read them several times. My daughter has assured me that they will also be getting me the books of my own soon. Have a fabulous time and we will be here waiting for pictures and updates❤

  9. Simone Dextraze says:

    Dear Susan, May you and Joe have a glorious trip. Port Everglades is only a 15 minute drive from our home and we’ve been there A few times to cruise to the Caribbean.

    We absolutely love living here.
    Bon Voyage!!

  10. Lynn D says:

    Reading this in Colorado where it’s sunny but not too warm and so wishing I was joining you. Since I am, in a way, I’ll enjoy every word twice. Thanks for taking us along!

  11. Linda says:

    I loved seeing you last night at Barnes and Noble!

  12. Shirley Garwood says:

    Loved your blog. What an exciting trip is coming your way. We just returned from a 15 day cruise through the Panama Canal and other stops. Enjoy every lovely minute of the cruise!

  13. Julie says:

    I’m so excited to be sailing along with you here on the Queen Victoria, Susan! You really captured the joy and fun of these last few days in your photos and words. I’m so looking forward to seeing you around the ship and saying hello to you in person.
    Transatlantic sailing is grand!
    PS we are also former residents of Arroyo Grande 😄

  14. Sandra walton says:

    Bon voyage to you both..have a great trip over here..get as much sun as you can..not much here at present..
    Those needles will be fine,I have knitted with them although I know what you mean about long wooden ones..with those I think you can unscrew the ends and then fit another size..happy knitting
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us..enjoy the peace ,the food and everything else..

  15. Diane Byrum says:

    Thank you for your kind sweet words! Glad you “took in the village.” Hope Petey enjoyed the outing, too. Once you start using the circular needles you won’t want to go “straight” again. LOL. Happy knitting on board. Enjoy Bermuda. Internet connection should be good there too once you dock. I think all the girlfriends agree, your cups and all your products are worth the wait! . . . because you expect quality and nothing less than that from yourself. 😙 in the meantime, have a great sail and look forward to hearing from you both soon.

  16. Cathy Poyser says:

    What a lovely start to your trip! Thanks for sharing. I see you are reading Jamie Ford’s Hotel at the Corner of Bitter & Sweet. One of my favorite books. I also recommend his newest, Love & Other Consolation Prizes. Fabulous! Bon Voyage!

  17. Arlene says:

    Bon voyage! I know I’m going to enjoy this trip!
    Susan, thanks for making the decision on the mugs. It may be an inconvience for some, but the quality will be so appreciated in the end. Can’t wait to hear from you again!

  18. Becky says:

    So excited for you and Joe. Saw my sisters Pam and Margaret in the group photos at Barnes and Noble. You can’tmiss them. They are the gorgeous ones! We now call ourselves “the sister in Susan! “. There are four of us. You signed a photo of us each holding your book that we had taken turns reading together. My sister Beth met you in Asheville. I hope to meet you too someday. Have a wonderful trip. XOXO.

  19. Sue says:

    Oh, This is so exciting Susan ! Thanks for taking us along once again! This year I’ll be joining you at Castle Cottage !!! My daughter planned a special Mother’s Day trip to Europe for myself and her future Mother-in – Love! I’m looking so forward to meeting you there!

  20. Kathie Bee says:

    Lovely post. So excited for you. I am living vicariously through you, as we have cold weather yet in Northern Wisconsin. Spring is illusive and short here. Thanks for the breath of flowers and sun. Give England a kiss for me! All will be well with your beautiful cups…no worries. Have a grand time.

  21. Lorraine says:

    No worries about the delay in mug delivery. We’ll wait because we trust your judgment and appreciate your eye to detail. I’m using my Winter mug for now.

    Thanks for taking us along. I’m having a lovely time. Those lifeboats are spectacular!

  22. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    A belated Happy Birthday! 🎂
    Fair Winds and Following Seas~~~

  23. Susan says:

    Oh how lovely it is going to be to travel along with you. how i wish i was packed away with petey and on my way to the picnic with you! it was such a pleasure to meet you at the book signing and see mr joe again. such fun we had and you are just a doll taking such lovely time from your hectic schedule to meet and greet your “branch girlz” who came out to support you. what a crowd!! i bet there were close to 100 or even just over! nigel was thrilled to meet you and joe. i came to the harbour to watch you and joe depart on QV and was the one the waving from the waterfront park pier with the yellow umbrella!!! hope you saw me waving crazily!! hope you come back real soon, in the meantime, bon voyage and happy trails and mostly, enjoy!!!! hugs, from one susan to another!

  24. Mary Lawrence says:

    I will be on a cruise ship for nine days I will think of you often.Love the cruise life the ports the finds.Charleston is a beautiful city filled with history some good some bad.But without history how can we learn from our mistakes?We can’t blame a city for what happened from our ancestors.We have all learned to do better.I know you will be the bell of the ball on board.I love meeting new people and hearing their stories.I like you after Thursday will mostly be cut off for a few days.Have a fantastic voyage and tell Englad and Ireland I said hey.Mary Elizabeth

  25. I can’t believe I caught your post before hundreds already had (too many to scroll thru!) we leave on our first (and probably last at 81) cruise in July. We have an inside room with no window. I hope I won’t get claustrophobic! I’m going to take a few smalls from home, decorations like a Bon Voyage Banner and scarf or cup like you suggested. Have a Wonderful Trip as I know You Will!

  26. Debby Rickett says:

    First off, I LOVE THE SMILES on yours and Joe’s faces!!! I can see the excitement. You are so deserving of this fun fun fun get-a-way!!! and you make it delightful for us too.
    Secondly, I appreciate that you are true to yourself in everything you do, including your artwork. I am one that pre-ordered and honestly, I would much rather have it late and the way that you intended it than to have it on time. I have several other pieces that you have painted and they are absolutely beautiful so I trust you, my dear.
    Finally, have a wonderful time! I’ll be checking regularly to see where we are and what we are doing…. and praying for your safe and oh so fun adventure.
    kisses to you and Joe 🙂

  27. Susan says:

    ps…..musica video isn’t loading???

  28. Melinda says:

    Just put down my knitting to read your latest post. Have no fear of circular knitting needles. You will love them and you will wonder why it took you so long to pick them up. Enjoy the next part of your journey! I’m rereading A Fine Romance for maybe the tenth time and imagining myself on a wonderful trip like yours! Make the most of it -as I know you will!

  29. Oh! You are reading one of my favorite books!! Enjoy! So happy to be going along!

  30. Marie says:

    Oh, Susan, it all looks so wonderful and exciting. Lovely photo of you and Joe, too. I think that you will enjoy knitting with your new needle and don’t worry, the stitches will be just fine on that flexible part. You may want to add some stitch markers (if you happen to have some with you) to aid in keeping track of your stitches (makes them easier to count). Happy knitting!

  31. Lorraine Macholz says:

    Thank you dear Susan for sharing your wonderful and lovely trip with us!!!! So far I am not at all sea sick!! (no I don’t really)! I love all the pictures and descriptions!! You and Joe look adorable in your photo smiling so happy to be on board!!!! As for the cups, life happens…. and hopefully no one asks for a refund!! They will be delightful when they arrive! Until the next blog ENJOY!!!! xo

  32. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Oh Anna Susanna, you are the bees knees. I am so blessed to be able to make this trip with you, Joe and Petey. D-e-l-i-g-h-t-f-u-l ! You’ll never hear a peep out of me, okay, once in a while, a giggle here and there. Knitting, books, tea, sitting in the sun, the warm sun (yes, more snow coming tonight!!), sounds like heaven to me. The girlfriends at the book store gave you quite the send off. How could they not? You who bring us such joy and sunshine into our lives daily. We love you to pieces Anna Susanna! And about the cups…all good things are worth waiting for. You are the artist and you make the call. They will last the test of time and no one wants to hear “they almost look like Susan Branch did it”. No. Our Susan Branch did it to bring a smile to everyone’s faces. The colors will be just as you want them. As you drew them and painted them. Just perfect. Everyone will wait for them. No fretting over it please. Save your fretting for how many scones you can eat like a lady before being found out. Keep on having fun. xoxo

  33. Nancy says:

    And you are off on the great adventure! I’m so happy you are taking us along!

  34. I’m once again enjoying following you both on your travels and look forward to your book.
    Love Leanne NZ

  35. Anna Marie Smith says:

    Safe travels and thank you for taking all of us with you..

  36. janejane says:

    Susan… You might have thought I wasn’t on board, but I’m here and looking forward to this adventure! I enjoyed the trip to Florida and now the ship. What a sweet find those earrings are. I don’t know why, but the picture of you and Joe made my heart swell just a little. Enjoy your trip. Thanks for sharing it!

  37. Nancy says:

    I saw you and Joe dancing in the dark. Very smooth steps in time with the music.

    The Lady in the black jacket. I am already in my secret cabin. Lucky for me the frig is stocked. More later.


  38. Kelly from Walnut Creek, Ca. says:

    Susan, what’s the old saying? ‘Good things come to those who wait.’ So goes the Susan Branch mugs…they are more than worth any wait…and what does it say about you that you put quality above all else. One reason why when I order a Susan Branch mug I know, from previous orders, that the mug or mugs will arrive as promised, looking just like their photos and in pristine condition. So thank you Susan for doing what you had to do. This ‘girlfriend’ understands! Something to look forward to receiving for my 63rd birthday in May!🍰

    Al, the best to you & Joe,

    Kelly 🌷🌻🌷

  39. Cynthia says:

    Oh Susan, How wonderful to be with you on this journey! I saw you are reading Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet – a terrific novel. The book club I’m a part of read it several years before I joined, so I picked it up last Fall and was so glad I read it. Enjoy your time on the ocean!

  40. Terri Brewster says:

    I love virtually traveling with you. The ship is stunning and you and Joe look happy and relaxed. Enjoy your travels, and thank you for taking all of us along. I’m imagining the afternoon tea aboard the ship and what joy that brings to the day.
    Love your attention to detail and the courage to say it’s not right when it comes to the tea cups. No worries, we all wait patiently.
    Bon Voyage,

  41. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    I am SO happy for you Susan and Joe! This all looks delectable and you are hilarious! Your thoughts on Lifeboats, a la the movies, had me weeping with laughter, so now you know. (BTW, I always get RNLI Christmas cards to support the wonderful work they do offshore in the UK to rescue people.)
    I’m sorry your cups didn’t work out, I am surprised they even sent them like that, but I doubt that you’ll be asked for refunds due to the delay, you have such loyal Girlfriends.
    What a delightful time you are having and thanks for all the photos, S

  42. Irene Harrison says:

    I literally laughed out loud when I read your signature, ” Anna Susanna Dana Branchburger the third!” Aaaahahahaha! I also laughed when you said “Just in cases…” I love that!

  43. Debbie Sisk says:

    Safe travels. Thanks for sharing for those of us who can’t go

  44. Grace says:

    Thank you, dear Susan! I read this with a big smile on my face and in my heart . . . and then forwarded it to two much loved “Sisters” for “fun and refreshment of spirit.”
    No problem about the cups! May will be fine! Thank you for caring that they are up to your standards of loveliness.
    Also, thank you so much for taking us along on this trip of a lifetime . . . It’s a vicarious thrill, for sure! I eagerly look forward to your next installments . . . So far so good–we’ve not been discovered yet as one of your many stowaways! 🙂
    Take care and God’s blessings to you and Joe as you travel!

  45. Bernie Gardiner says:

    Hi Susan a very good enthusiastic American friend who lives in Colorado recommended I read your blog. I am looking forward to reading of your adventures. I’m so pleased to read how much you enjoy my beautiful Great Britain.

    Have fun


  46. TV reported today that Nantucket was due for a big hit by this 3rd Nor’easter. I am sure MV will get it as well, but I know your house is in good hands while you enjoy warm weather. Cold and rainy here in NC and we are due for a bit of snow…noooo! I want spring.
    No worries about my mug. I will be patient because I love the sample colors. Thank you for taking good care of us.
    Your stateroom is sublime and a balcony! Isn’t it wonderful sleeping aboard the ship! Thank you for taking the time to show us everything! Love you.
    Question- is your hair pulled back or have you cut it shorter? I love your clothes. So Susan.💖

  47. Judy Roper-Smith says:

    Thank you for taking us along on your lovely trip. Looking forward to more pictures and updates. As to the cups, will look forward to the corrected ones. Thank you for wanting to make them perfect for us. Have a wonderful trip!

  48. Becky Daugherty says:

    Sausan, do not fret about the cups. All will be fine. If we run into summer or even fall…well, we will be ready ahead of time for Spring 2019!
    Enjoy this trip of a lifetime. I am already enjoying embarking on this wonderful ship!

  49. Judy Roper-Smith says:

    Have a wonderful trip!

  50. kathiellen says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for another Luv-lee blog! I really hope that you can put the problem with the mugs completely out of your mind and don’t let it spoil any part of your voyage!!! I will wait for those mugs ’till the cows come home, and I am sure that many of us girlfriends feel the same way!! Enjoy every second, every morsel of food, and every sip of the Pear Cider!! When you get to England give Rachel a hug for me! I’ll be looking forward to reading your tweets!! You are just way too special…God Bless you Both and safe traveling!!

  51. Julie says:

    Two things before I forget them: 1. THANK YOU for not accepting less-than-perfect cups for us! I buy them, knowing that they are beautiful and they’re my very favorites, so making sure they’re just what you envisioned is a great comfort to us! 2. Are you reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet? You’ll LOVE it – so beautiful, so poignant. If you ever get to Seattle, you must let me take you to the hotel for tea (still there, still serve tea, still have a lot of “stuff” in the basement).

    Bon Voyage – so jealous, but so happy you are taking us in those luxurious lifeboats as stowaways! We shall want for nothing, I’m sure. Can hardly wait to see more pictures, and hear more adventures!

  52. Luann says:

    Dear Susan, You can not imagine how I love you sharing your beautiful life with others! I have been a admirer of yours since I bought your first book in the 80s. And your artwork is all over my home and I gift it to others. I have followed your blog, but have never written to you until now.That fact that you share your life and this trip with us, whom you have never met, is amazing and joyful to me. Thank you! OX
    My husband and I are leaving for Ireland for a 4 week trip the end of April and I will be thinking of you close by there in the UK.! Oh how I wish our paths could meet! It is our second trip to Ireland and we loved it so much we are going back! We’ve been to England, Scotland and Wales too and love it all! How wonderful you get to explore and savor that area for so many months!!
    We love cruising and have crossed the Atlantic both ways and adore it! So much time to do my watercolor painting too! If you ever get a chance to share, I would love to know what type and brand of watercolor paints you find best to travel with. I do it just for a joyful hobby and have not found a more compact way to travel with my paint supplies!
    I hope it brings you much joy to know that you give joy and beauty to those of us out there in the big world who you have never met! I send a big hug to you!

  53. Judith Kaufman says:

    Susan & Joe! Have a simply wonderful trip! I’m excited for you and look forward to our chats! You’ll love the circular needle. It’s fun to use and you’ll get used to it quickly, I’m sure!
    Loooking forward to reading all about your voyage and trip!
    Have a wonderful time!
    Sending hugs🎨

  54. Gail Brock says:

    You have such a wonderful way of describing every moment. I had goose bumps as I began to read this blog…I really felt like I was right along with you. Thanks for taking the time to keep all of us up to date on this adventure.

  55. Karen Holly says:

    I am reading this from my beloved New Hampshire, waiting for 16 inches of snow to start falling later this evening. How wonderful it is to see the pictures from Florida and South Carolina! Have a wonderful and safe trek across the Atlantic Ocean- I can’t wait until your feet touch English soil!!!

  56. Cease Hamblen says:

    Thank you so much for taking us along, Susan. Joanne and I are traveling with you in spirit and she printed out tickets for the picnic. Happy Trails to you. See you tomorrow.

  57. Claire from Atlanta says:

    You will Love the circular needles !
    The Victoria looks awesome, have a wonderful time!
    So very glad you’re taking us all along.

  58. Susan Webb says:

    I LOVE how you see every cruise
    as if it’s the first one….all the fine
    details that many without your heart
    and way of viewing the world would
    miss entirely. Just soak it all in and
    have the very best time, ever!!!

    xo Suzanne

  59. Sunny says:

    Thank you for “taking” me along on your trip! It is marvelous, fun, sweet and wonderful. I look forward to your updates.

  60. Pam M says:

    Everything looks and sounds wonderful!!! The bit that had me most excited, though, was the photo of the earrings. I have a brooch that has to be a match for those – it is a bunch of flowers but identical in appearance, colouring and the appearance of the hardware. It was my mother’s and I wore it pinned to my wedding dress. The blue cardboard box (which is just like that for your earrings) sadly is very nearly in pieces, which it was when I received the brooch over 47 years ago. Me and my boyfriend are still married.

    Bon voyage!

  61. What a great start to a fabulous trip…and wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing it all with us!

  62. GrannyMcK says:

    I ordered the Spring mug only, but if the revised timetable is correct it should arrive Mother’s Day “ish.” I believe that’s a win-win! Bon voyage.

  63. Cease Hamblen says:

    Enjoy your trip dear friend. Thank you again for stowing us away.

  64. Sherrill says:

    Susan and Joe…
    Have a wonderful, safe journey. We look forward to sharing your lovely adventure once again! With eyes of artists, you and Joe won’t miss a thing and we won’t either! Thank you for sharing and taking us along with you. Hugs!

  65. Nancy says:

    Love, love it!!! Thank you for ship tour pictures…..they are wonderful!!! Good call on the cups….harsh….not SB quality at all. Happy Trails & Sails!!!🛳🌊

  66. Joan of Cape Cod says:

    Good thing I have this trip to enjoy as we prepare for nor’easter #3 here on Cape Cod. We will curl up with hot chocolate in our Susan Branch mugs and ride out the storm. Thank you for having the good sense to veto less than perfect mugs. I will love my new spring mug whenever it arrives. Have fun!
    PS My husband says he’s looking forward to hearing the further adventures of Susan and Joe.

  67. Lovely post! I can’t wait to read more about your amazing journey 😊 About the cups…I want the ones that meet YOUR artistic approval, so no worries I’ll wait ❤️ Bon Voyage!

  68. Ann says:

    I noticed you are reading “At the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.” You will LOVE it! You can actually visit this place in Seattle which is now a lovely coffee/luncheon place. I have and found it most moving.
    Bon Voyage on your wonderful trip to such a beautiful and calming place in this crazy world.

  69. Karen says:

    So excited for you…and we all get to enjoy the trip too!!! Safe travels!

  70. Monique says:

    Wow..a whole stateroom..I have only been on one mini cruise..but I am not a hotel gal and need my home away from home..this could work..lol a kitchen!Plus I love the water.
    We have taken to Provence..and little country homes far from the madding crowd..
    However this seems amazing Susan! And I love coming along with you..
    I would love Castle Cottage and I would love to visit the Cotswolds..

    Yay on the yarn..:) And I have vintage earrings just like those♥
    Or quite similar..
    Read the book..how good of you to have brought books! I depend on my online libraries now when I travel and a plane is involved.
    Admirable to say no to the cups that do not match your expectations..and art.

  71. Marigold says:

    Today is National Napping Day, so that’s where I was when you posted this beautiful entry to your blog. That means my comment will stay afloat on Limbo Lake until you are able to connect to civilization again (though I wouldn’t blame you one little bit if you stayed unconnected for as long as you can!). You and Joe look dashing, as usual, just as if you were created to be riding the waves from shore to shore — it suits you well. Afraid I’d be snuggled up next to Master Petey, though; all that fresh air and sunshine and lapping of waves would lull me into a deep sleep. He probably won’t wake up until he reaches the other side, but you two enjoy yourselves (as if you could help it!). See you soon…

  72. DeLores E Johnson (Minnesota) says:

    Hi Sandra,
    I am writing from Minnesota where we have had snow last week (6″) and then we had a mist and froze on the roads so they were not too good this weekend. today the sun is out but it is cold..the guys that clear the streets have scraped off the ice. We can’t complain, we live in a lovely home, have food, water & everthing we need, BUT I still wish I was on the ship with you and everyone else. I envy all the other people who could join you. Have a great trip & now I am going to order your new cups. DeLores Johnson

  73. Marilyn says:

    Bon voyage- have an outstanding experience! Wishing you smooth seas, sea-salted breezes and a soft landing in lovely England. Don’t worry about the circular needles, I too learned on straight needles but have been using circulars for at least 10 years. At this point, I actually prefer the circular needles- much more compact and no, the stitches don’t change size when they are on the cable part. Have fun!

  74. Lynne says:

    Bon voyage Susan! Can’t wait to hear all about this exciting trip…I am living vicariously thru your travels. And looking so forward to receiving my new English Countryside cup..no worries on delay😎

  75. Cheryl Craven says:

    We arrived in Charleston last night and saw the “Queen” docked. Wow! Have a marvelous journey!! We are missing our third nor’easter in such a short period of time!! You too!

  76. Marlyn says:

    You are doing the right thing! Your illustrations are perfect, and need to be reproduced as you designed. What a great businessperson!

  77. Charlene Brummitt says:

    Have a great trip. I love all your good work.

  78. Oh, Susan! It’s so lovely to see you and Joe, dreamy-eyed and having fun as this grand adventure continues. Just seeing your Pear Cider transports me back to the tea party at Westmoreland when Joe surprised us all with Pear Cider for a toast to Girlfriends and all things luv-lee! Let your cares float away as you cross the big blue pond, dear one. We feel so honored that you are taking us along!
    Bon Voyage and safe travels!
    Much love,
    Dawn (in IL)

  79. Snap says:

    How exciting! I get to sit at home and watch your trip, while I knit on circular needles!!!!! I love them. I do use point protectors (I think that’s what they are called) … rubber cone looking things that go over the point of the needles. That way, heaven forbid, the yarn doesn’t slip off the needles — either side. Have a wonderful trip. Drink a lot of tea.

  80. Susie C says:

    What wonderful smiles you and Joe have. Do not worry about those circular knitting needles, they are the greatest and you may never return to “old school” needles. Have a wonderful “crossing the pond” and we all are looking forward to your next blog. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

    Peace & Blessings to you both.

  81. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    The trip is fantastic so far, and I’m having a wonderful time! You will love Bermuda, and they didn’t give you enough time there! A lovely taste of Britain before you are actually there … and shops! I love the rose earrings you bought at the antique store. I have two lovely brooches very similar from my Mother’s things, also made in England. I wear them all Spring and Summer.

    Yes, we’re getting more $#@%& snow tonight and tomorrow — third nor’easter in two weeks! This morning I was able to find someone to clear the tree that had fallen in my driveway, one of several that came down. They told me it will be probably two months before they have all the trees cleaned up across town. Fingers crossed no more come down in this storm!

    Travel safe, Sue and Joe, and check back in with us when you can. We all love traveling with you!

  82. Debbie from White Bear Lake says:

    So excited to travel with you and Joe! Don’t worry about the circular needles, I’ve been knitting on them for years. Very simple and so much better for your hands and wrists!

  83. Evelyn H. says:

    It sure was a treat to see you up close and in person in Charleston, SC! Thanks so much for visiting with us and spreading happiness the way you do. My friend drove from Augusta, Georgia (3 hours) to see you (well, and to see me, too) and we met another wonderful lady who drove from the Charlotte area and was so fun to chat with while waiting.
    If you would like digital copies of the pictures of The Queen Victoria arriving in Charleston, please let me know where to email them. Wishing you safe and pleasant travels across the pond!

  84. Ann Woleben says:

    What a wonderful start to your voyage – so many “pre-adventures” to the journey! I love Bermuda and would be thrilled just to cruise there again. Rain, sleet and snow in Virginia on March 12 – oh, yeah! NOT! My poor jonquils are looking sad. I’m looking forward to every wonderful post once you are reconnected! Have fun, stay safe and I know you must be giving thanks for every precious minute night and day.

  85. Loved the book you are reading in your picture. Good choice!

  86. Georgia Larson says:

    Hi Susan ,
    Well it’s not the Colorado or Florida but our weather isn’t too bad. As all others, it’s such a pleasure to stow away on the beautiful ship. We live in a location where I see cruises ships come in here in Kona, & I always visualize how much larger the QE II is or the Q.V. must be. As everyone said, don’t worry about the delay on the cups, & yes, we appreciate your excellence in detail & noticing the flaws.
    I knit also but I always thought those kinds of needles were for round areas, ie: sleeves on a sweater. I too use straight needles. Anxious to hear how they work for you. Susan, it’s been a blast traveling with you so far & look forward to more adventures.
    Hugs & Aloha from the Big Island 🌴

  87. Deb in Wales says:

    You know, I had the same misgivings about those circular pins, but you know what? They are brilliant! Wait until you got 180 stitches of nose itching mohair on the round! It just sort of sits there, in a circle of weirdness until you get used to it, and your stitches do not pull out of shape. Love that it looks like you have bamboo points, mine are metal.

    ~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

  88. Susan Edwards says:

    ❤we are enjoying the beginning of your new adventure … smooth sailing… “see” you on the other side of the Atlantic 🤗

  89. Diane T says:

    Wouldn’t even think of complaining about the delay in the cups! Things happen! I will enjoy it that much more when it gets here. Meanwhile, I am enjoying this wonderful journey with you, Joe, Petey, and all the girlfriends! Thank you for taking us along.

  90. Margie says:

    Loved your latest blog, you always make me feel happy inside. I get the jitters for you on your balcony and love our room. Loved you carrying bags of presents to you! Perfect for the gatherer. Next stop will be England, neat to hug the coast before you take off not in a plane! Did you know Little Women is coming in May on PBS? Looks so charming from what I can tell. Enjoy every minute. From my ♥️ To yours ♥️

  91. DeLynn Midcalf says:

    Those cups need to be made as you requested…do not worry your sweet Sue self! I can wait forever for my cups. Focus on your wonderful trip. Thanks for all the updates.

  92. Ruth says:

    I am jealous! I want to be on that ship! I do not want to be here in snow-covered NJ. Have a wonderful trip!

  93. Marcia Latimer says:

    The knit shop in Cocoa Village is my favorite 😀. I go there when we are in Florida for the winter. I just got done reading the book you are reading – very good! Have a fantastic trip!! I am praying for your safe travel 🙏

  94. Meg Buster says:

    I love looking at your travel pictures. The Port Everglades sign is just a few miles from my home. And I see the book, At the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I read it a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I hope you do, too. Thank you for all your wonderful blog posts. Hope you guys have a wonderful time

  95. Barbara R. says:

    Oh Susan, your trip sounds amazing. Actually, it is already and you are just starting. This is the first time in ten years that we will not be traveling abroad (health issues—not serious but enough to keep us close to home) and already I miss it so it will be fun to stow away with you. As for circular needles—they are my favorite. I use them for just about everything!! Wishing you sunny skies, crystal clear seas, and a wonderful voyage.

  96. Carlie says:

    Dear Susan,
    I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog, and how excited I am to be following you around on your latest voyage!
    I’ve only recently started reading your books. After a good friend recommended A Fine Romance, I couldn’t stop! I think I’ve read everything in the last two weeks!
    I wanted you to know that you’ve inspired me. After reading a few of your books, and seeing your sweet videos, I started to really delight in the care I take of the home I share with my grandfather. He was so pleased with the work I did, that he’s ordered a new couch for our more “nicely appointed” living area! Ha!
    Your work, and your ability to tell your story have changed my life in a real and beautiful way.
    Thank you so much, and enjoy your trip!

  97. Dotty Reehling says:

    So love living your adventure. Thanks for caring enough to share with us.

    Dotty Reehling

  98. Hi Susan,
    So happy to be a stowaway on this marvelous trip vicariously because I know I won’t be taking it anytime soon in person. Have a fear of open sea for that loooong. Darn. But then your virtual trip comes along and I get to go after all! Hooray.
    Be safe
    Sent with love

  99. Hi Susan,
    So happy to be a stowaway on this marvelous trip vicariously because I know I won’t be taking it anytime soon in person. Have a fear of open sea for that loooong. Darn. But then your virtual trip comes along and I get to go after all! Hooray.
    Be safe
    Sent with love

  100. Mary Alice Peterson says:

    Have a wonderful trip Susan. These are cups that will last a lifetime. It is worth it to get them right. I fully understand your concern. I love Bermuda and wish I could be there with you but I will do so by looking at your pictures. Take care, Bon Voyage to you and Joe.

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