Hello darlings, how’s everyone? I’ve been LOVING reading your wonderful comments, so happy you could be with us at the Picnic! Here I am again, trying to keep up, but everything seems to happen at once. Some amazing news in this post, along with the amazing views of the beautiful English Countryside . . . MUSICA
But before I start, I just want to say (gone but not forgotten), Happy Memorial Day everyone! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.
Lilacs into the sea for remembrance And prayers for never again.
We’ll be thinking of you! It’s a holiday weekend here too, celebrating spring into summer, they call it a “Bank Holiday” and we don’t quite yet have a full handle on what that means! All we know for sure is . . .
So off we go, right where we left off, a few days after our picnic . . . the story continues. When I was at Hill Top, I looked out the window and could see a stone bordered farm road going up behind Castle Cottage (Cottage is on the right behind the tree, and the dirt road is behind that) . . . it’s the way to one of Beatrix’s and William’s favorite places …
A small lake where they would go on beautiful summer evenings, and get in their little row-boat, and he would fish and she would sketch. (That’s them above, see her gorgeous hat on the chair? I believe this is either the day after or the day before their wedding day.)
Which is what they were.
So off we went one quiet afternoon, up the stony path to Moss Eccles Tarn, the wee lake (tarn = lake in Lakeland talk) Beatrix Potter owned and left to the National Trust.
Taking pictures the whole way . . .
Through gates . . .
over the rugged footpath . . .
being sure to close the gates behind us . . .
. . . loving the view on all sides . . . (and speaking for myself, the one in the middle is pretty cute too).
Nothing had changed since Beatrix and William walked here . . .
Although these were probably somebody’s great great great great, and so on, grand sheep.
After maybe two miles or so of easy walking (because it wasn’t raining!) we arrived at the small tarn.
We were all alone in this beautiful tranquil place the Heelis couple loved so much . . . I was reminded of Beatrix’s words written later in life when it became difficult for her to get around . . .
They stocked the idyllic tarn with fish and planted water lilies, if you listen close, you can detect a little slap of water against a boat, hear oars splashing in the water . . .
Maybe not the booming of the snipe, but definitely the baaing of the lamb. Only nature noises here, in this picturesque landscape, with farm critters to share it with . . .
Sweet wildflowers everywhere . . .
And this view . . .
. . . as back into the village we went . . .
past Buckle Yeat Guest House . . .
. . . to Tower Bank Arms . . .
For lunch in their little garden.
From our table we could see the pilgrims going into Hill Top . . .
I started to take photos of the village when Joe popped out the door with the menu . . .
Never want to forget this wonderful place, and I won’t!
There’s the Castle, the long gray building in the back of the photo . . . the Castle that Beatrix bought the “Cottage’ from, that’s how Castle Cottage got its name.
We noticed this door on the back of that long building as we were coming down the hill.
Because as Mandy had explained to me, when Beatrix Potter bought Castle Cottage, it was just a tiny thing ~ just the first third of the house starting from the left ~ the whole thing was only the two windows at the top, the three on the bottom, and the house ended there. Very cute I might add. I would have fallen in love with that little house with the perfect view too! In 1913 Beatrix and William added on the next third with the simple porch . . . in 1923 they added the last part on the right with the bay window. So this house was really and truly theirs.
Shall we go inside?
This is the side door into the original cottage. Of course it has all been changed, long before Mandy and Bill moved there seven years ago. The basics are the same, just modernized.
This was originally the kitchen which in those days was basically the center of the house (actually that’s still the same now!). Now I think this room is a little office for Mandy.
This fireplace would have been where they did all their cooking
I followed Mandy from room to room . . . loving every moment of it. She has kept it simple, but the rooms and spaces speak for themselves.
This is the bay window from the inside. Mandy said this is the room Beatrix died in, with that beautiful view of her most inspired place as the last thing she saw. It’s also the room that held her personal photo album . . .
. . . and her beautiful grandfather clock is still there . . .
Ticking time away. So delicately pretty . . . she had three beautiful grandfather clocks in the two properties . . .
She painted here too ~ this is one of her bits of book art . . .
And here is the staircase she painted . . . All of Near Sawrey worked as inspiration for her little books.
Mandy had this adorable towel in the bathroom. I went right out and bought a few to take home. The words are from the letter Beatrix wrote that inspired her first book . . .
Mandy chose this wallpaper and I love it, although if it were mine, I would drive myself insane by painting titles on all the books!
And across the drive from the side door of the house is this amazing relic of a barn that belongs to Castle Cottage. It’s from the 1600s and I don’t think it’s ever been changed. Wonderful little white washed stalls and stone floors…
And low doors, a fascinating step into the past, the real past . . . Once again, thanks to Mandy for her generosity in showing me around her home. Both Joe and I could not possibly have enjoyed it more.
And, I wanted to let you know, I was honored to learn a couple of days ago that the National Trust put our Picnic at Castle Cottage on their Facebook Page Very nice!
SO much has happened since we left the Lake District . . . I can barely keep up with it. Happy to be recording the moments daily, otherwise I’d miss so much.
For one thing, we had the wedding! Wasn’t it great? Loved watching everyone arrive, seeing the dresses and hats! Joe and I carried on full commentary between us. “Look at that hat with the feathers!” “Love that dress!” “Oh, look, there’s Oprah!” And the wedding itself seemed relatively low-key, and personal, despite romantic carriage and beautiful white horses and long walk to castle, etc. etc. etc. But it was all heart, and very real, and filled with traditions, old and new. Everyone loves to see Diana’s boys happy. And this one got his girl ~ just a girl, in love with a boy . . . So much national pride evident, equal opportunity for adoration . . .
We watched every bit of it from a little cottage we rented in the Peak District. Was so proud, I GOT THE KISS on my cell phone! Took the picture exactly when it happened on our TV! I didn’t know it was going to happen, so it was just a lucky click!
I also got this photo, with the little page-boy’s reaction as the music began and it was TIME to go down the isle. So darling! That smile! I feel like there’s lots of pressure on these two to “change the world.” Made me cry to hear it, everyone wishing for a hero to make everything okay. I think the world did become a better place with this marriage, BAM, right through another barrier that keeps us apart, with all the love in the world . . . Blessings on them both, for ever and ever . . .
This was our perch for the wedding watch. . . in this romantic little cottage just a hop skip and jump from Chatsworth House. This photo is from our front porch, the bluebells were everywhere when we arrived. You never know what you’re going to get, but we loved this place. Great walks from here . . . right out the door and across the loveliest countryside ~ made us grateful just to have eyes and feet!
And here’s the cottage, from the street, looking back at the porch. Called Brookside Cottage. We spent a day at Chatsworth walking the gardens, then drove over to Staffordshire to visit the factory where our cups are made . . . of course they would be in Staffordshire, where all the finest bone china has been made . . .
I wore my new English dress.
We got to see our cups being made and meet the talented potters who do it. We discovered each cup is almost totally made by hand, and got to see the process and how much time and concern is put into them before they go out to you! And that’s a lot!
It’s a small family owned business, started in Scotland in the 1950s by the father, now being run by the sons, with back up from the children. Ian took us on a tour and explained that each individual cup is handled over fifty times by actual human hands!
The molds are made right there in the factory. Each mold can be used maybe six times before they are crushed and recycled to make new ones. They make the clay for the cups in a huge mixer, and each mold is filled with wet clay. They allow them to dry slightly, in a precisely-timed drying period, then the liquid clay is poured off (and saved to use again), and what is left, a thin dry edge still in the mold, is the cup!
The handles are made separately and added, one at a time.
They are fired in the kiln three times, the first time takes out all the water which bonds the material and makes the cup and handle strong.
The cup goes in to the kiln the size of the one on the right, and comes out, fired, and all the water burned off, shrunk to the size on the left! Then they’re glazed, and fired again which is what makes them so shiny and pretty . . .
Then, to make them even shinier and prettier, the design is added, applied one-cup-at-a-time, then fired for the final time. They showed me how to add one of my own designs to a cup, then fired it while we were at lunch and gave it to me to take home! Pretty amazing. We went round the whole factory, and met everyone ~ I thanked them all, and told them how much you are loving your cups, how much we all love the thin lip, and the big handles, how light they are, how BIG they are. Hopefully adding to the pride of craftsmanship already on display everywhere in the factory. Some people had been there for thirty years, which is saying something!
And now you know why we travel like this! We approved all the new designs while at the factory and then we got to take them with us! They look beautiful, Girls, if you’d like to be reminded what they look like, go HERE, scroll to the bottom of the post and you’ll see fronts, backs, handles and bottoms. We aren’t sold out yet . . . and still have a few of the others left too. I know it’s crazy, but think Christmas if it works for you, because we’re going to let ourselves sell out of them ~ I thought I should let you know. The new ones are supposed to arrive to our Studio by the end of June, just in time for us to arrive home on July 1!
And now, our next stop . . . the magical Cotswolds . . . I walked out early on our first morning (actually that was yesterday morning) and took this picture in the mist . . .
Then I looked the other way and took this one. This village was built in the 1500 and 1600s (but the area has been inhabited for a thousand years), it’s not very commercial, it has no stores, only one museum, and a couple of hotels, basically it lives on beauty alone.
It has been the subject of artists forever, for obvious reason . . .the honey-colored Cotswold stone makes the villages almost glow . . .
Things haven’t changed very much.
There’s Joe trying to open the door . . . we had just arrived at our new cottage!
This is the kitchen, into the “lounge,” which is what British people call the living room. It takes two days to get moved in, to remember where you put everything. Where’s the paper towels, where did you put the laundry soap, is there toilet paper upstairs ~ figure out where you can plug in your adapters, empty the ice chest into a new refrigerator and then wonder where you put the cheese . . .
. . . learn how to work the washer and dryer . . . no two seem to be alike! There is only one machine where we are now ~ it washes AND dries . . . our first load is in right now!
We woke up yesterday morning in our new cottage and slowly came to the realization (starting with the bathroom light, and moving toward the kitchen) that the entire village, for reasons still unknown to us, had lost power. Which was why I was out wandering around in the fog at 7 am, looking for someone to ask if it was just us, or was it everyone. The girl across the street, Laura, saw me out her window, and leaned out to tell me what was happening…there would be no electricity until 3 pm. No lights, no heat, no stove, no hot water (so no shower), no computer, and no phone. Joe made a fire in the wood stove, and we finally decided to try making tea on it. (Note gigantic fireplace opening that at one time would have been a huge cast-iron cooking unit much like the one at Hill Top.)
It worked ~ after a while, the water did get hot! We had tea! It was fun, so we heated our cups and made more tea, then Joe made bacon . . . life was getting good again.
Then we tried a grilled cheese sandwich and it worked like a charm! And then, because we could, out we went for a walk . . .
In the beautiful English Countryside, mas MUSICA
Which, right now, is frothy with Hawthorn and Cow Parsley and needs no electricity to be its best self . . .
What they call “Cow Parsley,” we call Queen Anne’s Lace ~ in the background is a buttercup meadow buzzing with bees . . .
Cow Parsley is everywhere, along all the roadsides and across fields, every hedge is lined with it . . . hillsides look like beer, yellow flowers topped with frothy white foam flowers!
The footpath led us into a field with cows. At first they were all far away and minding their own business ~ but suddenly, they seemed to key in on Joe . . . I’m not exactly afraid of cows, but they are bigger than me. In a pack, they could rough you up.
Yup, they were coming for him ~ Joe says to me, “Stay over there.” I say, “So they kill you first? Then I die a slow death because I can’t live without you?” And so on. Excellent conversation.
“Honey, they’re still coming.”
“Honey, they’re starting to run!”
Made it alive to the pub . . .
And so it goes each day of discovery . . . we’re still trying to educate ourselves as we go along . . . we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to charming, historical, well-loved Haworth, perched on the edge of the moor, and to the Bronte Parsonage. Can’t say enough nice things about it, both the town and the house, and all the things we learned … definitely will put it in the book! We’ve been running around saying Heathcliff! Cathy! ever since! There’s been lots of reading in pubs ~ Joe reads maps and newspapers. I’m still reading my wonderful George Washington, A Life biography, in fact, we’ll be visiting his ancestral home this week . . . also love Country Life Magazine, reading about “lively American girls mixing with British royalty,” saw the whole wedding in Hello, writing in diary, all luv-lee things to do in pubs while you eat something delicious, such as this . . .
. . . amazing lunch of local soft boiled eggs with hollandaise and fresh asparagus, and red grapefruit, drizzled with basil oil . . . pub food been berry berry good to me . . .
We found the home of Governor William Bradford of Mayflower fame in Austerfield . . .
Too many stories to tell in one little blog post, can’t keep up with it because every day is something . . . but I knew you’d want a taste of it … this scene, a feast for the eyes, had to show you, and sheep and lambs decorating the landscape, adding so much charm . . .
This one was brave . . . they usually run from us as we get closer . . . one second later, he did!
The mother-child relationship is as ever it should be, mom is saying … “Come on, Edwina, get out of there, just bend …”
“That’s my girl, you can do it . . .”
“Good. Now let’s go find your brother . . .”
It’s so fun that you can walk across country and be with them . . .Makes me happy I decided to do Mary and her Little Lamb for the September page of my calendar! I think this is for the 2019, but maybe it’s this year!
We also visited Wirksworth in the Peak District again to surprise our friend Jean Hurdle who we met in 2012 when we stayed in one of her holiday cottages . . . you might remember from A Fine Romance (p.138), she has a peacock on her property by the name of Mr. Darcy ~ it was raining when we drove in ~ Jean was in her garden with her hands in the mud, hair dripping wet. We pulled up, I lowered the window, said Hi Jean, she peered up at me, stood up and walked toward us with a priceless look of surprise on her face. We had a wonderful time catching up over a cup of tea.
Filling ye olde creativity cup to last a few more years . . . and it’s working!
And now, finally . . . I have interesting news I couldn’t wait to share with you. I came home a couple of days ago to two amazing emails . . . the first one was from the luv-lee editor of Victoria magazine.
I’m thrilled to tell you, our Castle Cottage Picnic in Beatrix Potter’s Garden will be featured in their September issue! Yay! Now this picnic never has to end!September! And secondly . . . don’t get excited, because I’m trying not to get excited, but . . . I heard from the screenwriter who optioned my last three books. She emailed me and asked me to call her. We had to coordinate our time, she wouldn’t tell me anything, and I was so curious! I finally got her on the phone and yes, it was a good surprise. A beginning of sorts. Took me two days to digest it. It isn’t what you think it is, but it’s getting closer!
So here goes: The development company of an award-winning actress has asked to read Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams! I know who it is, but I can’t say. That’s all I can say. And that’s all I really know! Which is pretty much nothing! Eeeek. Not sleeping. Hopefully, I’ll have more to report by the time we return to . . .
Believe me, you will be first to know! Maybe it will come to something and maybe not. Joe shrugs and says, “Why not?” But this is wonderful and right now, so let’s take it! We are only interested in the good news! There’s nothing to lose, right? Just going along with the breeze? Eeeek.
But, that’s not all, because two days later, I heard from the screenwriter again! And this time, since my phone wasn’t working, she had to tell me what was happening in an email. Lots of positive back and forth, but the general gist was that she’d had another meeting that morning with another well-known production company who were also excited about reading all three books!
So that means two development companies are potentially interested in my story of starting over! We shall see what we shall see. I try to be calm because I still have to do the laundry and peel the carrots as if nothing has happened! It’s like me sitting here, so beautiful
, in jammie bottoms and t-shirt, stripped socks and the lamb birthday slippers from Rachel … but over there, is that other girl, and SHE has a book that’s loose in the world for a reading! I have to ignore her and go fold clothes. But I can hear her in the corner, squealing and giggling and jumping with excitement. I smile sublimely, shake my head, and get on with life. We don’t know.
It’s the future.
My little house on the non-prairie. Holly Oak. OMG. Who would have ever thought as I stood there in front of that house in the snow? Ever? (Not that anything has actually happened.
) The screenwriter had a request that if you, or I, or we, talk about this, update it or whatever, on Twitter or Facebook or wherever, that from now on we use the hash tag #SBBooktoScreen. I’m not sure how, but she thinks it will help. Of course I would love if it would happen! In my heart I shiver at even saying that, because then it gets
real, but of the two choices, not happening or happening, I think I choose happening! More fun! Step into unknown! But if it doesn’t happen this time, I don’t think she will give up, and you just never know! So, Tweet me and tell me what you think! None of this would be possible all these years without YOU, your word-of-mouth to and from your moms, your sisters, your aunts, your best friends, and all our luv-lee Girlfriends! It has been amazing. John and Paul said it just right:
Until the next installment. Keep us in your prayers, and you’ll be in ours. XOXO
Your posts are simply getting better and better – such romantic places to visit – I can hear the bleating of the sheep, smell the fragrance of the flowers, feel the light breeze and mist, and imagine the aroma and taste of the food. And to stand in the rooms where Beatrix Potter once lived – the stillness, simplicity and creative pulse – too wonderful! And the prospect of a film! I’m making room on my bookshelf for the next book – lining them up side by side. Going back to read this post again – dessert in words and photos~How will you ever leave?
Thank you Ann, you said it all so well. I love the words: stillness, simplicity and creative pulse, you are wonderful!
Jeanne of Iowa
LOVED everything about this blog post !! (just like all of your other blog posts etc)! AND …… a M-O-V-I-E !!!!!! Ya HOOOOOOOOO!!!! That’s GREAT !!!! I’ll be first in line to see it !!!! You have no idea how your books (I’m on the 2nd one …Martha’s Vineyard) are an inspiration for getting one’s butt out of a deep rut where’s it’s been stuck too long !!!
Yes! Life slips by and you turn around one day and say, “Hey, where’d that go?” Gotta keep that from happening! Hugs Mary Anne, here’s to butt removal! xoxoxo
So excited for you and smiled all the way wrote your blog. Love the pictures of you walking thru the fields and gentle rolling hills. Your cottages are as adorable and charming as you. Good thing for the stove to heat water for tea and warming your cottage cups when the juice was off! You and Beatrix must be twin souls and gentle giants. Every morsel of your words makes me want to be in one of those cottages and England away from the maddenly world. Thanks Susan and I hope they do the movie
. Would be an adventure.
EXCITING!!!OH how exciting..and I am for sure picking up Sept Victoria:)♥
I wonde who the actress is?
All enchantingly lovely!!
Are you going to be near Highgrove, Prince Charles home in the Cotswold’s? I believe there are parts of the gardens which can be toured. I know they have a farm store. His amazing organic gardening and conservation efforts employ many of the people in the area and the proceeds from their stores, etc. all benefit the local economy and parts of the Prince’s Trust. I heard it was pretty amazing. Might be worth checking out, if not already on your itinerary.
We were lucky enough to see the garden in 2004, our tour guide was wonderful, explained every detail, and was deaf . . . amazing, and the garden, all organic (even the roses) for something like 35 years now, before organic was popular, was beautiful! We had a tour of the farm too, and a lecture with lunch from the garden . . . they were trying to promote the organic way of farming and eating, so there were cookbook writers like me, restaurant owners like Joe, grocery store owners, food and animal farmers from all over the world. Even hospital cafeteria chefs! Fascinating and inspiring. Its why I always loved Prince Charles who is also the head of the National Trust. He puts his money where is mouth is. Thank you for the happy memory Joyce! xoxo
OMG Susan….I love your stories and pics…..they take me right to where you are so I can enjoy everything just like I am there! So beautiful……enjoy yourselves…..can’t wait for the next session!!! Loretta/Calif.
I had tears in my eyes, a smile and some giggles too! This Blog is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your trip again!
And I am so happy to see your tiny cozy cottage again, missing the two ducks! I still remember them. Lovely!
I pray the anticipated excitement really happens! I have all three books!
Ohhhh I’m so EXCITED about your news I’ve started crying .. I know your dreams will ALL come true .. I have been such a fan of yours for so long I can’t even remember when we became girlfriends Forever .. and have given about 5 of you Girlfriend books to my girlfriends too .. you’re in my thoughts and prayers and I can’t wait to read your next blog
I’m SO EXCITED I can’t even speak 

You are so sweet Elise, I do not feel like I’m in it alone, and that makes all the difference. THANK YOU!!!
How exciting Susan! I am so happy for you!!!!!! Such a fun read today.
Oh, my goodness, Susan! I loved, loved, loved this post!! Just getting a glimpse of the Home Beatrix Potter lived in and owned!! Wowee!! The lady who owns it now has my Love because she has kept it so close to the way Beatrix had it, and even has her things in there, and her art work!! How lovely of her!! And she’s not charging people to go in there and mess it up!! Hooray for her! Then to see The Cotswolds from your eye!! Well, that’s just so yummy and cozy! It’s a beautiful place I have read about but never got to see. Love seeing it through your camera! And your poor husband….trying to get away from those cows!! I’ve been chased by cows and it can be scary( but funny, in your case). And finally- the awesome news for you! Congratulations and best wishes. I know I’m not alone in saying we can’t wait and are so very happy for you!!!
I am SO glad you two are loving the English countryside. It is very beautiful, but so is rural Vermont. I do miss England though. Cows are just curious, but you do want to avoid the bulls which can really hurt you…
You even got to enjoy the wedding, too. I watched it with my 2 year old grand daughter who was enchanted by “the dress” and she and I made scones to eat with strawberry jam (no clotted cream, alas) while loving every minute of it.
Amazing news, congratulations will be forthcoming when it is definite! Meanwhile, so exciting! You are so very special, Joe too, and you deserve the recognition. We all appreciate you so much.
How special to watch the wedding with your granddaughter! Very cute . . . thank you Sally, it’s wonderful to have you here!
Dear Susan, it seems that every time I write to you, I’m telling you that your most recent blog is the best one ever . . . . and it’s so very, very true!! How do you keep blessing us with such beautifully descriptive words, breathtaking photos and lovely Musica?? I think we need to declare Susan Branch as a National Treasure! Thank you for all of these wonderful gifts from your heart!
I subscribe to (and save!) “Victoria” magazine, and have just started a subscription to “Britain Magazine”. We have been to the UK and Ireland several times – – we have friends there, and British friends who live here in the US, so I feel doubly blessed! I’m love, love, loving your blog and pictures of places I have yet to visit, but are now so vivid and real in my mind’s eye, thanks to you, dear Susan. I will pray so hard for the realization of your dream of a movie based on your trilogy, and I’ll try very hard to wait patiently for your next book to materialize. All of these things are wonderful things to hope for . . . . and what is a life without hope, without something to look forward to and dream about?? That is what you give to all of us, Susan – – you give us hope for tomorrows filled with beauty, joy, love, purpose and happiness. I feel all of those gifts whenever I see your sweet watercolors, or read your heartfelt and truthful words. Oh yes, you are definitely a National Treasure!!! xoxoxoxo
I have the simplest love of wanting to make the people who make me so happy, happy too! It’s truly a two-way street, mutual admiration society! Thank you Patti! Your words about hope and things to look forward to, so wonderful, must have something, some littlest thing that brings joy on the calendar for future dreams come true. You make me cry Patti, for those are my biggest dreams of all, purpose, hope, beauty, joy.
Happy tears, I hope!! xoxoxoxoxo
What a blessing to walk with in fair fields and dales. To folic with the sheep and have tea with a beloved!
It’s a dream come true, you are so right Sally, I must have done something good in a previous life to deserve this. xoxo
It’s Kismet! I just ordered my mugs today and 5 minutes later, your wonderful newsy letter came! I ordered 2 of the Jack with the books, one for my sister who was a librarian who also gave me my first wonderful feline friend. I also had to preorder the cat themed mug for this summer. I will use both while I’m recovering from back surgery this summer; I can’t wait to walk again pain-free! Thanks for the posts; you are converting me into an anglophile. The Queen Victoria is “calling” to me also!
PERFECT for your sister, books AND kitty! I’m drinking from the “cat” Red Letter Day cup right this moment. Nothing more cheery in the morning than dancing singing cats! Blessings and prayers for a quick recovery for that surgery, and here’s to a pain free future!!! You’d love the Queen Victoria, and probably will deserve it after all your hard work getting well, and having new lease on life!!! xoxoxo
So fun to read this post! and SO excited about the possibility of seeing your story on screen. Can’t wait to hear the outcome! Blessings to you and Joe and enjoy the rest of your trip.
Thank you Linda!
Hi Susan! Just sat down to slowly digest your latest blog post and all the happenings. Thank you so much for taking us along on your trip…I am traveling vicariously through you. I’ve only been to England once – the Bristol/Bath/Somerset area back in 2000 when I visited friends who live there. Fell in love…and reading your blog and seeing all the gorgeous photos of the English countryside take me back and make my heart flutter. So cool to see how and where your cups are made, too.
And then your news…hmm, I honestly have no idea who the actress is! But how wonderful and exciting it will be if a movie comes to fruition! Love and blessings to you and Joe. Enjoy every moment!
Glad you enjoyed it Melanie, thank you for saying hello!
Well I will definitely be buying the June issue to see your picnic. I’m so sorry xvot d about the movie possibilities. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed your stories and how they motivated me. I admire your work and work ethic. You are such an interesting person. And yes, your Joe was looking fine in the photos. Thanks for take my time to share your adventure
Happy to do it Debbie, makes it much more fun to have you along!
I am so exited by your wonderful movie news. Loved the books and will definitely be seeing the movie when it comes out and you have my prayers that it will!
Thank you Margaret!
What lovely, exciting news, Susan and Joe! We hope all turns out the way YOU want it to…keeping fingers crossed.
We are enjoying your journey thru England and can see, feel, and hear everything you do just as though we were there beside you. Thank you!
Sherrill and John
When you have your own blog, and publish your own books, you get spoiled by getting to do things the way you like them … ribbons and photos, bookmarks, Willards, antiques, recipes, and things like that . . . this would be a leap right out of that comfy little box, into someone else’s much bigger box! Pray for kindred spirits! xoxo Love to you both!
I am so happy for you, Susan! You have sent so much happiness and beauty out into the world, and if your story can become a movie – your influence will spread even farther! Very best wishes to you!
Thank you so much Kelly, you are so kind. xoxoxoxo
Congratulations on your new adventure into the world of “show business!” As everyone before me has said, your life story is worth telling. Not sure who would be chosen to play you but they must be as sweet and charming as you are. Butterfly in the stomach times for sure.
Your photos are a work of art, suitible for hanging on the wall in the best of homes. Each one tells a story of your travels and how beautiful the English countryside is.
I’m so glad you added more photos of Buckle Yeat and Tower Arms, as that’s where Cheryl and I stayed a few years ago. Near Sawry is a magical place.
Thank you for bringing us into your world and sharing your travels and dreams. What a wonderful and exciting time is ahead for you. Warm thoughts and happy wishes to you and Joe.
Butterflies making a nest . . . sometimes they sleep, but if I let myself think, they wake right up! Love having you here Kay . . . it’s fun to hear your stories too! xoxo
Thankyou so much for sharing castle cottage with us
Eccles tarn is so beautiful
I’ve been up there a few times. Did you manage to spot
. How lucky you are to be in the Cotswolds 

i so wish your cups were on sale here in this country 
enjoy your next adventures 
It was amazing to see inside
Isn’t it
The two lilies that Beatrix and William are meant to have planted?
We are pretty sure that we saw them
We are now planning our first holiday there for next year and I am so
I would have a lovely collection if they were
We were told it was too early for the lilies, still lots of cool days in the Lakes when we were there, so we didn’t see them this time. We did find a UK person to sell our cups . . . shipping costs were just too ridiculous, and they will ship to you here in the UK for free! Just click HERE. Thank you Kathy! xoxo
Thankyou for that
and good luck with your new adventures coming up 
Ooooh….I think you are headed to my county of birth, Northamptonshire, next…are you headed to Sulgrave Manor? Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I took my American husband there a few years ago when he was meeting my parents for the first time! A quick trip up the A43 to Stoke Bruerne and the beautiful narrowboats on the Grand Union Canal is worth a visit…you might be lucky enough to see the ‘Cheese Boat’, a narrowboat that sells delicious artisan cheese! Yum!
I am so excited to see the Victoria magazine article! And a possible film too! Yay!
Have fun!
Going up today Lynda, have always wanted to see it…thank you for Cheese Boat tip! Will try to get there too!
Well bother! I checked their online diary and they are heading up the canal to Foxton Locks, just north-west of Market Harborough in Leicestershire, which is another favourite place of ours as I have family near there and we usually spend a day at the locks sketching with my Mum whenever I am in England
thecheeseboat.co.uk. Enjoy Northamptonshire…so many pretty villages!
What a nice way to run a business! I checked their website and they seem to spend time just being on the water, love it!
What a fun and exciting blog!! I get goose bumps reading about all you and Joe have been doing.
Me too!
Writing it down to not forget!
SQUEALING over the movie news!!! It was so much fun to see where the cups I drink my tea out of are made. Also–from looking at the sneak peek pictures of the Cotswolds, we are going to love it there. I also think the new blue dress is adorable!
Me too, loved seeing how the cups were made! So much respect for those people and what they do and how it doesn’t just pop out of thin air! You will love the Cotswolds, and thank you about the dress! Happy Day Lynn Marie!
Eek! What a fun read of your time in beautiful settings! And your charming books maybe on the big screen?!? Oh mylanta!!!! So excited for the possibility and it could not happen to a more delightful and creativity person. Keep us all in the loop

I will do it. You have such an old English name Georgeann — “Forester” — in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-back machine, I’m related to Foresters, but ours changed, over the zillion years, to Foster.
Loved all your posts! I cried when we had to leave the Cotswolds. I left a part of my heart there for sure. Xo
It’s quite an amazing part of the country. xoxo
How ’bout Jennifer Garner? She looks much younger than she is. Your books are some of my all-time favorites. Thank you for taking us on your journey….for free even!….except now I want another beautiful mug. I’ve loved all the photos and accompanying stories. Enjoy the rest of your adventure, and safe travels home.
Thank you Stephanie! Jennifer Garner is also adorable!
Great idea! Never thought of Jennifer Garner, but she would be perfect, too. I love the naturalness/realness about her. She is darling and I respect her low profile with her children and life in a career full of rumor and bad behavior. Too bad her husband didn’t follow her lead in living an honest and loving life. Just my perspective. BUT! To be fair there are always two sides in every relationship failure.
Speaking of actresses suggested for the role…
I have been binge-watching ER and am at a place where Sally Fields is in several episodes. I forgot what a FABulous actress she is. I have Steel Magnolias recorded to re-watch her amazing performance in it. Sally is WONDERFUL in crying scenes!! The cemetery scene in Steel Magnolias is classic. When I saw the movie in the theater the audience was sniffling, wiping snot on sleeves, holding in sobs and then Sally got “therapy-slapped” by her dear friend and the audience was SO relieved to let out our laughter and clean up our faces!
All I know is to begin the story we do need an actress who has youthful beauty, looks good in bangs, drips oceans of tears realistically, looks messy, but cute moping around for two years and can handle a paint brush with conviction. She also has to “play timid and naive” well and talk to cats. She needs to be able to project herself splitting open over the phone with CA girlfriends while alone on MV. She needs to be able drop misty, happy tears, too. Well, she just needs to be Susan…we want authenticity!
Here’s a scene I want to see in the movie/mini-series: Susan watching the hole being dug by “him” and then the cat is laid to rest in a vintage linen. Susan wistfully gazes across the beautiful property and looks sadly to the horizon. That cat burial is one of the first clues as to who our Susan is! We need to see her staging her beautiful shop, too!! We need, NEED…NEED. Call me Needy! Call us NEEDIES!
Bottom line…for me this trilogy needs to be a mini-series in order to slowly play out the life of Susan’s progressing growth into a complete woman in full-blossomed love, talent and a naturalness spreading beauty and love. I’m not sure a big screen movie will satiate the Girlfriends’ need to visually journey through Susan’s life. Maybe the movie could be formatted by projecting back through her diary entries with blog-like scenes? I love Meryl Streep’s voice narrative in Out of Africa…perhaps Susan does a similar though-the-movie narration. Her soft voice would lend to the tenor of the movie.
I bet the Girlfriends could all write their “wishful scenes”…then Susan could edit the project and WA-LA…
the credit crawl would have to be SO long with all of our names!!
OH, should the book-signing scene (S) in the project use real Girlfriends as the audience??? Don’t run to the closets to choose your outfits just yet, but a fun idea, right???
Jeeze, Louise! I can sense the hundreds of goosebumpy thoughts spinning in Girlfriends’ heads. Fun to be in-the-loop, Susan!!!!!
Love it all but especially the book-signing scene! Brilliant! xoxo Love having you here FayE!
Susan Branch! Dreams do come true girl! You are living it now. Can’t wait to see your story on the big screen. Love ya. Ox. Asha
We’ll see, but with all these good wishes and prayers, even if it doesn’t happen, I’m living in the glow of the maybe!
This is the new award winner for the best post ever!!!!! Loveliest pictures, best news! Thanks so much for bringing us along
LOVE having you Annie! (Makes me think of the quote: The love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay, love isn’t love till it’s given away.)
You have had so many good wishes which you deserve.

You are loved by so many! I had more!!!
June Emmert
It’s a two-way street June! xoxoxo
Would love to know what villages you stay in the Cotswolds and elsewhere so we could follow in your footsteps. Your pictures make them all look so charming! Best
I am writing a travel book about this trip, hoping to give good advice about the different places we visit. Thank you Bridget!
How exciting all this is – such beautiful photos of old homes, green countryside, sweet lambies, and classic pubs – brilliant sunshine or smoggy fog – it is all lovely! And what fun to see your cups being made and to meet those who make them – such a treat for us all. And lastly the news of possible films – it would be just too, too much! Oh, I do hope, I do hope, I do! What a feast for the eyes that would be! So continue on – enjoy the days, be well and happy – and thanks so much for the wonderful sharing! I feel like I am there!!!
I would be so filled with chills to see that car pull up in front of Holly Oak for the first time. Or see the scared fingers digging into the arm rests of the airplane seat as the jet screams down the runway. xoxo Thank you Susie!
OMG, I am in heaven just looking at your beautiful pictures. I think my favorite is the gorgeous view from the bay windows in Castle Cottage. I think I could also die happy there. Thanks you so much for taking us all on this journey. It is absolutely breathtaking.
I stood there, looking at that, and there were no words. Still aren’t. Mandy said she believed that Beatrix’s bed was in the middle of this large room. xoxoxo Thank you Mary Ann.
My goodness I love these quaint villages you & Joe are visiting! Thank you for sharing and so happy all will be in your book, for maybe one day or some day I will be able to return to England , I can not believe it has been 11 years ago I took my daughter!
Giggle giggle your handsome Joe in the field with the cows, I thought for sure they were going to race over to meet him! You looked charming in your new English dress which is very cute indeed. It must be cooler there, for is high 80s , low 90s here in northern Indiana , tooo warm for May !!
I enjoyed the tour thru the factory where they are making your teacups, I must get one or two ordered.
What exciting news you have received , my gut (and its not a little one) said you’ve got it !!! if you need a gf to go to the showing with you ,just ring me up dahling, hehe!! What a blessing , for our Lord knows the path he has for YOU!
Well, safe travels ! I know we have never meet , but I miss you here in the states hurry home dear friend!!
Yes, throughout my life, I’ve always felt like everything was already there … my job was to put one foot in front of the other and try as hard as I could. Doesn’t 11 years pass quickly? Amazing. That’s why there’s no time to waste! I have a terrible relationship to time, am always out of it … Joe has all the time in the world! He slows me down in a good way. From your gut to God’s ears, Paula, stay cool! xoxo
The pictures are amazing Susan and Joe!! The solo pic of the little lamb has stolen my heart…..
Susan please don’t let them ‘Hollywoodize’ you!!!!
Your whole story is so magical and interesting and REAL…..I feel protective somehow.
BUT, with that said, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!! I wonder who’ll play Joe?????
Yes, there’s a fine line between You Go Girl, and OMG, too late to do anything about it! Just have to trust, and be happy, or say no. I am leaning toward, if given the opportunity, and depending on WHO it is, and what they want to do, trusting. xoxo
Yes, protective is a feeling I have, too.

Yeah, it can be kind of dangerous!
Another wonderful blog! Thank you so much for sharing!
PS … my mama’s favorite flower is the Queen Anne’s Lace! I so loved the pictures
Happy, Karen! Thank you!
Oh, Susan, how exciting for you and us! Thanks for sharing the dream with us.
Happy you can be here!
Such exciting news about the movie! I always knew we were kindred spirits many many years ago when I started reading your books, but now I know it’s true. My most favorite book is an historical biography. I would read one every day if I could, especially if it’s about Abraham Lincoln but George Washington is a favorite too!
I love historical biography too. I love true stories, amazing ones where someone steps out of his comfort zone and changes the world. They do it all the time!
“where someone steps out of his comfort zone and changes the world.” YOU stepped out of your comfort zone and YOU change the Girlfriends’ worlds daily. I hope that you see yourself in your answer to Jenny L.
I need to get stop reading and taking up so much space on this blog…OMG…I need to get out of this chair now!!! So sorry.
xoxo Come back soon!
Loved seeing your new post today. My face hurts from all the smiling I did reading all about your stay over the pond and good news back here awaiting you. Wowza. I think the actors from The Good Witch would be a good fit for you. (shown on Hallmark) Oooh I am sooooooooooooo excited! Keep up the good work keeping us informed. Wasn’t the wedding perfect? I overdosed on it for as long as I could. I am in love with love, after all. Toodles!
It was heaven! I’ll stay in touch Susie, thank you!
The only thing I can say Susan is . . .AMAZING!!!!!!!!
There’s good and there’s bad, but today I say, it’s a wonderful world!
The English country lanes – I’m squealing inwardly! It all looks so storybook, I’m sure it feels that way. At the Tower something Arms (I forget the name already and I just looked at the picture) the flowers look like yellow poppies – are they?
I like your English dress, and very exciting about your books becoming movies. But I hope you can retain some control over the content: Under the Tuscan Sun, one of my favorite books, was an awful movie because they altered it so much.
Yes, yellow poppies, and don’t worry I could never remember the name of it either! Tower Bank Arms. I finally engraved in my brain from having to ask Joe so many times! From what I understand, you get NO control. I think I can either say, yes you can make the movie (and let go), or no, you can’t. And that’s about it. I’d have to trust that they won’t make my story into one of an idiot (could so easily happen), because they do what they think they have to to make money ~ it costs a lot to make a movie and the movie has to pay for it ~ everyone’s careers are on the line if it doesn’t do well! So, reality is something to come to grips with! For me, blessings and prayers is what I live for, jumping into unknown is something you either do or not do. Eeeek.
Oh Sue….

What a delightful blog! ♥️ I’m loving your journey, and enjoying it with you and Joe. You’ve captured some amazing pictures, and they should all be framed! I loved your field trip to the mug factory, and how fun you got to make your own… Everything you’re doing and experiencing is a dream come true! And how exciting to possibly having a movie made after your wonderful books…. so we’ll deserved!
Love you, and continue to have a wonderful trip! Sending love and hugs to you and Joe, from Tom and me!! xoxo
Hi Bon-Bon! When I get home, this trip will swirl around our house like a dream. Thank goodness I’m writing it down, I don’t want to forget a second of it. Thank you sweetie, Love to Tom! xoxo
Dear Susan,
As I read this post I am now so aware of the attraction I have for your travels through England…what you are posting reminds me of my grandmother’s home… no running water, a cook stove, electricity only in the kitchen and that only to light the room, a pot belly stove in the living room for heat, and the woodshed. I so want to visit the English countrysides you are describing. I can understand what Beatrix meant because I can see, smell, taste, and feel what I have in my memory! I truly can! Thank You!
It’s a step back in time, and often, like in the country church we happened into on our walk yesterday, it’s a step into history. All sitting here, waiting for you! xoxo
#SBBooktoScreen!!!! Sooooo excited! I think Amy Adams would be perfect to play you–she’s adorable. Whoever it is, I can’t wait to bring my mom and sisters to see it. We all gift your books to each other and love to go to the movies together. It’s already fun to anticipate it. I also subscribe to Victoria and look forward to the article in September. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Thanks for the updates!
Girlfriends! How I love them. Thank you Dianne! Hello to your mom and sisters from me!
Squeegee! Your books being optioned for a movie is soooo exciting! I just watched Under the Tuscan Sun – may your story be translated to film as sweetly was that book. T
That works for me!!!
Oh. My. Goodness! So much wonderful news
P.s. I love your English dress. You look just lovely.
Ohhh thank you Joy!
Holy Smokes, I was reading slowly , taking it all in
… Castle Cottage, Cotswolds, Edwina etc etc THEN
wait! What?! Yahooooeeeeee!!! #SBBooktoScreen!!!
#SBBooktoScreen!!!! #SBBooktoScreen!!!!
You deserve all that and more! Congratulations!!!
What a great post, Susan! So much news, gorgeous pictures, and you and Joe looking so happy and “at home” in the U.K… Will be the first in line to see the movie based on your books! With all the craziness in the world today, and with the decline (in my opinion) of movie making these days (too much violence, computer generated special effects, lack of good storylines) it will be refreshing to have a story with romance, hardships, happiness, positivity, and hope to look forward to. Can’t wait! I was up very early on Royal Wedding Day too… that dress, that church, the music, and the way Harry and Meghan looked at each other at the altar, all brought tears to my eyes! No one does pomp and circumstance like the UK! Watching those two that day gave me hope that they will devote their lives to making the world a better place…
I believe they will … I imagine Meghan, being such a down-to-earth girl as she is, will get real tired, real fast, of all the pomp and constant talk of what she wears (“Please no more shawl collars or belted coats,” says the newspapers!!!!) and how beautiful her skin is . . . she has too much depth for that. Him too, I have to say, but he was born into this and must be somewhat used to it. We shall see how it all turns out . . . as one of our Girlfriends wrote, it’s written in the stars! Thank you Gina!
I cannot wait to see what they do together. She has always worked tirelessly for the rights of girls and women, since she was a girl. He was raised with a philanthropic Mama who showed him how. I expect great things from them together. But will admit, the press will still comment on what she wore, or how they walked side by side or hand in hand. But with her already established media chops and his experience with all of this. They will rise above. I am holding them both in light and love.
At the end of Diana’s life, the people did rise up and make her their princess, because she was held in light and love during her life, and I know all of that is still there for her boys. The wonderful thing about Twitter, there’s a good light of protection there for Meghan, and for them as a couple. When the press goes too far, they get yelled it by Twitter people. This is a wonderful thing! Life is short, but some people are lucky and have every imaginable opportunity to make a difference with theirs. All we might be able to do is yell at the press through Twitter, but that is something on the side of good!
My daughter and I both think that instead of a movie – they should make a mini series! You have so much to say and so many details we don’t want glossed over in only 120 minutes! But instead, we want to tune in weekly (or binge watch ) to get inspired by all your creativity and domesticity!
LOVE that idea, Carol ~ would be so much fun! But actually we don’t know WHAT it would be. Could be a mini-series, could be a youtube video (probably not), could be TV, could be movie, could be nothing at all . . . just have to wait and hear what they want to do and hope we like it! Eeeek. That’s my word of the week! xoxo thank you!
Susan, thanks so very much for the great pictures, stories, and great news! It’s so heartwarming and inspiring to read and to listen to
Best of luck with the readings

xoxo Thank you Lin!
Dear Susan, Once again, many thanks for a wonderful post. Love the cows, the brave little lamb, so cute, and brave Joe, too. Fingers are crossed and good thoughts of success. It would be just wonderful to see your story come alive on the screen. Good luck.
Thank you Barb, I’ll be sure to write if anything happens, I don’t want to do this all by myself!
Wow wow wow wow what an exciting post. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that all goes as hoped. #SBBooktoScreen
Your trip is so amazing..thanks for sharing all the fun discoveries. So glad you are enjoying all the moments!
Glad you’re enjoying it Bev. I’m just trying to keep track of it all!
I have had thoughts about what a wonderful movie your stories would make. Hoping it happens
Would be fun! We’ll see!
Dear Susan, Why not play you in the story of your life? Or at least when you meet Joe at the restaurant and from then on? Of course your Joe will play Joe. And Jack will play Jack. We all would just love that. You are so real to us and having someone else play the part will probably not do you justice. Anyhow, I am happy for you and cannot wait to read your next book. Love everything you have filmed for us and all the wonderful days of wonder on your vacation. Thank you for including us. Be safe.
Probably be a better story if it was played by a 32 year old, my age when I moved to the Island and bought Holly Oak … but maybe they would let me use my voice in part of the story-telling, that would be fun! Thank you Ruth!
So very lovely and exciting and wondrous, all at once! Fabulous news and such happy tales of your travels! Thanks so much for keeping us close, nearly in your suitcase. Can’t wait to hear more news!
Love to have you here Angie!
I could look at your pictures all day and never tire of the beauty! We are taking our first ever trip to England (am SO excited) in ten days and are starting our time in a rented cottage in the Cotswold village of Upper Oddington (don’t you love that name?!), then on to London and beyond. I wish we could make it to the Lake District, but I’ll have to be content for now living vicariously through your amazing trip. Thank you for sharing it so lovingly. Best wishes for the Wonderful Maybe! How exciting!!
The best Maybes, and there are a lot of them, are the Wonderful ones! Thank you Susie! I’m so excited to hear you’ll be in the Cotswolds, it is beyond gorgeous here! You will not be sorry for one moment that you chose Upper Oddington, just a gorgeous area, especially for your first trip, prepare to fall in love!
Susan, you do resemble Beatrix. Especially in the eyes. My favorite cup is the ocean one. Safe travels.
Thank you Melissa!
Why not?
P.S. It's already written in the stars!
We’re going to find out about that! Thing about those star books, you can never quite make out the words until they’ve been read-out on earth!
Hi Susan,I too am in England enjoying the beautiful country side,
staying with friends in Charing which is very near Tenterden. The place you mentioned in A Fine Romance.
See if you can walk over to Ellen Terry’s cottage (we walked to it from Tenderden) . . . lovely place to visit, National Trust property, have tea in the garden, see the church next door, the nuttery, the apple trees, you’ll love it …. have fun Laura!
What fun you are having! Nature can thrill one to the bone. I think the timing of your book to movie is perfect. Having gone to see “The Book Club” last week with my girlfriends (we are all in our 60’s and 70’s) it was so refreshing. We laughed and laughed. This show has been SOLD OUT most days! We need entertainment that is not full of violence! A big pat on the back to you and … it WILL be

. Hugs, judi
Praying it all works out for the very best!
Great post. So excited by the possibility of your book on the big screen! Praying for you!
Dear Susan….here I sit in Dublin, listening to my toes huht betty Susan Branch birdies…..home to Seattle tomorrow after two glorious weeks in Scotland and Ireland……thanks for your inspiration….my next trip will have be the Lake District…..such warm, friendly people….reminding us of all the good in the world…..thanks for the blog…love to you, out in the world
Isn’t travel a wonderful eye opener? Easy to understand “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do, nothing to kill or die for . . .” We are so alike in our desire to live in contentment and realize our life dreams. Travel safely Regina! Love to you, out to the world! xoxo
wowzers! What a chockfull letter. so many lovey pictures and tales. I am in awe. Not because of the movie potential, although that is certainly something, but because you are you Susan Branch and you share your life story and art with us on a daily basis. We are the lucky ones.
The joy that you give to others, is the joy that comes back to you. Thank you right back Janice! xoxoxo
Thank you so much for your lovely pictures and words, for taking us with you on your trip to places we might never get to go! You and Joe are making the world a lovelier, kinder place just by the way you move through it. So many lambs, so little time! and eek! a movie! How wonderful for you
LOL, so many lambs so little time! You are so right… a lamb a day keeps the Dr. away! xoxo
This is such a beautiful blog entry to read and look and listen to. I’ve only finished part of it so far, but always love to read slowing and relish every word and photo.
Just curious – are you going to have more of your seasons tea cups available in the future? Thank you.
Thanks so much, Lisa. Summer is in the works right now . . . then we will have had the four seasons. I hadn’t planned on it, what are you thinking?
OMG – just read the last 1/2 of your blog. A movie? OMG OMG OMG – that would be incredible. I hope it happens.
I just ordered a few of your cups but asked about the four seasons because I thought it would be nice to be able to buy all four in a set.
Happy Days!!!!!
They require us to order a rather large amount of each cup and they are a little bit expensive and we’re pretty small … I worry that everyone has them and might not want the set . . . xoxo Thank you Lisa!
Yeah!!! A movie! I’m thinking Julia Roberts maybe? I was just telling my fellow teachers about you while sipping Skip-n-go-nakeds this past Friday on my front porch overlooking Hingham and Boston Harbor! (they loved the pink and refreshing drinks!) I had all of my cookbooks spread and out was telling them your story!
So excited for you!!!! And I love all of your posts of the English Countryside.
Have a safe voyage. xoxo
You are a doll, yay for Skip-n-go-nakeds, this is the time of year for them! I can picture your view, how wonderful (and how much history!) … Hingham, the most beautiful Main Street in America, didn’t Eleanor Roosevelt say that? Thank you Tara, and tell your teacher friends hello and keep doing what they do, and thank them for it. xoxo
Yes! Eleanor did say that! They are the English teachers and I am the high school librarian! Spreading the good cheer you bring to all!
Thank you dear . . . xoxo
Thanks for my fireside vacation! You make me feel like I am roaming with you and Joe! Congratulations on your movie?, mini-series?, or TV show. You may become the new must watch. I know your sweet story would top anything that is presently airing. Have a wonderful final leg of your journey and safe passage home. Many blessings!
Thank you Debbie . . . it will feel funny to be on the ship going in the opposite direction!
Loved your post!! Gorgeous countryside and your cottage too!!
The screenwriters news is very exciting! Fingers crossed.
Seeing where the splendid mugs are made was wonderful. I know it’ll be a lifelong memory for you.
The precious lamb photo- oh that made my day!!
Good wishes sent to you and Joe.
Thank you Starr. xoxo
Oh my…another dream about to come true? I can picture you sitting in a director’s chair being a consultant on your movie (or whatever is made). You share your life and aventures with us and then life keeps on giving back. Enjoy the ride
Hollywood, eh?
I grew up in the Valley just outside of Hollywood. Used to drive to Sunset Blvd with my best friend to go dancing when I was 18, so it’s a very odd thought! You just never know!
I was a Valley girl too…Van Nuys, No. Hollywood, Burbank. My best friend and I would hit Hollywood Blvd. in the early 1960’s – a fun place to hang out. Whisky-A-Go-Go? It can happen -full circle you know:)
Do you remember Ciros? We didn’t get there until about 66 or 67 …
Yes! but the details are buried somewhere in the recesses of my brain. Probably was a fun memory too:)
The Byrds played there … was just a dance club (old, famous dinner club from the 40s, but not so posh by the time we got there) … We danced to Bells of Rhymney …
…what about a Netflix series?!
I guess right now, it could be anything!
We’ll see … I’m guessing there are Viewing Parties being planned already!
Ha ha, well, wouldn’t that be fun!
THRILLED FOR YOU AND FOR US! oops Caps lock on by accident…but I won’t correct it because it matches my enthusiasm! Meryl Streep is my guess and she will be perfect for the role!
Crossing fingers & toes,
Beaverton, OR
I could easily have written that entire post in all caps!
Thank you, Susan
I did send you two notes yesterday only because I received an error msg after I tried to send the first one so I sent you another!
Thank you so much for answering both of my notes. You are so sweet!
I can’t always answer every comment, but everyone is so good to me, I need to try and tell you all how much it means! Joe’s asleep, otherwise he would be pacing! xoxo
Susan…First, many eeekkks…if they make it, WE will come! A must-happen
Second, wish I could send you a pic from years ago when my late husband and I were walking in Cotswolds…and came across a “cowherd” (if that’s a term) with about 20 cows. He whistled them into a perfect semi circle…and I have the pic to prove it…they are looking attentively at him…and one in back is even kind of standing on his tip toes so he can see better…such a serandipity…and sooo funny!!
Adorable, what a wonderful memory! He was a cow-whisperer! xoxoxo
Hi Susan, can’t tell you how hard I’m praying for your wonderful news to become reality. Feeling all collywobbly at the thought!!!! So excited. Must try and calm down for both our sakes Eeeek!!!!!!! Let’s talk about the amazing hawthorn and cow parsley blossom which a lot of people are saying is the best it’s ever been. Seems like our beautiful English countryside dressed up just for the Royal Wedding, isn’t nature just breathtaking. Enjoy the rest of your visit and thank you for sharing it with us Susan, all my love to you and Joe XX
Breathtaking. When we’re driving, I have to be careful with my Ooohing and Ahhhing about what I’m seeing, not to make Joe take his eyes off the road! It’s stunning. Frothy! Nature is amazing, and this spring has had a beautiful unfolding. And it’s not over yet! I can’t believe it’s the end of May. I just looked at the date and went WHAT? Thank you Paula . . . xoxoxo
Love seeing England through your eyes and words. Can’t wait for the Book to come out, do you have title yet? Keeping my fingers crossed for the movie possibility.
I lean towards Two for the Road . . . but just a leaning so far!
The smile hasn’t let my face Susan! Such joy and happiness! My heart swells knowing so much good can happen to you! You are blessed and you are an inspiration, showing us all what can happen when you believe in the goodness and beauty of life!
Fabulous pic of you in your new dress!
Can’t wait for your new book to come to fruition so I can read it!!! And a possible movie…of your life….The bells are ringing…..
Oh, thank you Chris, it’s all a bit of a dream these days!
Oh my stars, that is such exciting news! My heart is racing as if it were happening to me! We are all pulling for you and I just have a feeling about it this time. We are on our way to the Vineyard next week to meet up with my son and his family for vacation. I will walk by your place, (I do it every year) and say a quick prayer for #SBBooktoScreen. Such fantastic news!! I am enjoying your trip and love walking every step with you and Joe. Have a wonderful month of June!
Thank you Peg. Blessings to you and yours . . . have fun on the island!
I love your English dress! You look adorable in it!
I laughed my head off over your “pack” of cows incident! That brightened my day! Thank you so much for the reminder to order the newest mugs! I almost missed them!!! Exciting news your story on the big screen! Fingers crossed and hoping it all works out! I generally do not go to movies and wait for them to come out on DVD but I will for sure make an exception for your movie! EEEK!
When we were in the middle of the cow incident, it wasn’t as funny as it is now! I mean what do two people such as us do? Run? In the tall grass? Where? To the barbed wire fence, or to the gate that’s about a mile away? There were very few good options if that pack of cows had decided it was over for us! Thank goodness they stayed true to their reputation for sweet and passive natures. And, I know, EEEK is just right! Says it all! xoxo
Wow! What wonderful news! I’ll be praying that it comes true. I did so enjoy my walk through the delightful towns with you and Joe. I could smell the fresh green grass and beautiful wildflowers. I loved the window seat at Beatrix Potter’s Cottage. I’d never leave that seat. Oh, to curl up with a good book, a cup of tea, and the glorious view from the window! That’s heavenly. Can’t wait to see where we travel to next time. That you for bringing us along with you. Keep on smiling.
It’s a little hard not to! Thank you, Karen . . .xoxo
The pure definition of bucolic, dear Susan! I’m so blessed that not only are you and your sweetheart sharing the wonderful photos with us, but especially that you are enjoying it!
I just read “A Fine Romance”. Oh my goodness! So dear!!!!!!
Thank you! It’s been amazing!
You bring it all to life for us vicarious travelers. You have my heartfelt thanks.
You are so welcome, Brenda!
Less than 4 weeks until I leave for Ireland, then SW part of England. I can’t wait and am enjoying your posts as I count the hours. My fingers are SO crossed in hopes that your possible movie news comes to fruition.
Bon Voyage Laurie, hope you have a fabulous trip.
Susan, I loved the picture of the sheep by the river with the winding road! It reminded me of “He makes me lay down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23 Such a lovely place to have one’s soul restored! Your pictures have been wonderful and there are so many exciting things happening to you and Joe each day! I can see your story being done somewhat like “A Year in Provence” because your story stretches over quite a long period of time and many locations! How fun it would be to see on film or television! Safe travels to you both!
We could we the Walton’s with my brothers and sisters if they decided to start at the very beginning! Good night John-Boy! Yes, it IS soul restoring, it’s imagination-encouraging, and inspiration-providing. Thank you Lee!
Can barely keep up with you Susan, don’t know how you do it! Visiting, eating and drinking, shopping, eating and camera clicking…oh, and beau dress by the way!!
And all the pictures you and Joe take of the most loveliest things, places, people and animals! Just lurve the sheep! Can’t eat lamb at the moment, after seeing all those gorgeous little lambies in The Lakes!
Chatsworth is on my list….love, love The Cotswolds…you are seeing everything!
How great for the ladies who have been making your cups to meet you and for you to meet them and get a tour and see them being produced! Superb!
Thank you so much for including us girlfriends along in the ride…and hope this chilly weather brightens and warms up again soon…it’s a bit brr cold here at the mo! Bet you’re missing weather from across the Pond!
And I really bet you’re both missing Jack….
^ ^
> * <
Fabulous news for you, here on your blog. Looking forward to seeing the magazine if we can get it; chuffed that the National Trust gave you a mention and included your blog reference and then to cap it all, you’ve got two, not one, but two lots of peeps interested in your books for films!!! Wowed zowee! So much excitement! I’m going for a lie down and I think you and Joe should too…rest, ready for more excitement and enchantment tomorrow!!
Big hugs to you
I know, I’m chuffed too!
(My first use of that word! It’s all rubbing off on me. Yesterday I said out loud to Joe, are you going to have a coffee. . . we don’t say A coffee, we just say, Are you going to have coffee! Not sure what it means, but here we are! When I start saying You lot, instead of everybody, you’ll know the transition is complete!) I know, the National Trust, that was something! I hope my feet touch down in a soft and gentle way! Hugs right back to you Karen! xoxo
Love the glimpses of ordinary details on this extraordinary sojourn — the laundry room, the view outside your window, the foot path sign, and the journal page with wildflowers, to name a few. Love the nods to she-roes Beatrix Potter and Laura Ashley in two particular photos — the one of you in the cottage doorway from the last post; and the one of you in the blue dress (great shoes too!). Love the factory tour and my new Spring mug. And love the uplift of positivity that emanates from your blogs — Thank you! The movie news is very, very exciting, but you’re already a star in girlfriends’ eyes!
Awww, it’s true, I’m so blessed and just the TALK of it, that’s a blessing too. We shall see! Love reading your favorite parts Dawn, thank you!
Thank you Susan, for one brief (well twenty) minutes I was transported away from everything the NEEDS to be done here. Along a footpath, through meadows with sheep and without, flowers blooming or not, and through villages with cottages and stone walls. And I could see the images and feel the silence as if stepping back into time. And like all good things it had to come to an end…I’ve so enjoyed tagging along behind you and Joe, I look forward to what tomorrow brings in the next village…
We all can use a wee bit of escape from reality! Thank you Nancy!
How fun and exciting!
Squeals of excitement for your news! If they are smart, the answer will be yes. I’m waiting expectantly with you.
Ever since that first sweet letter after Heart of the Home was published, I have felt I’m not in this alone! It makes such a difference, thank you Debbie!
Your posts are simply getting better and better – such romantic places to visit – I can hear the bleating of the sheep, smell the fragrance of the flowers, feel the light breeze and mist, and imagine the aroma and taste of the food. And to stand in the rooms where Beatrix Potter once lived – the stillness, simplicity and creative pulse – too wonderful! And the prospect of a film! I’m making room on my bookshelf for the next book – lining them up side by side. Going back to read this post again – dessert in words and photos~How will you ever leave?
Well, home has very huge allure for me. So it won’t be as difficult as you might think, and I will have this trip, almost word for word, to read back on and BE there, forever. The best spot at Beatrix’s house, for me, was her porch, right there, in the quiet with the smell of grass, looking over everything, and feeling her presence ~ there, and in that tiny village, on the paths around the house, this was her spot, she was everywhere there, and it was easy for me to feel it. Glad you are enjoying it Ann. xoxo
Dear Susan, this trip has been AMAZING and I’m armchairing it all the way! And to top it off with a Royal Wedding while you’re there, AND, #SBBooktoScreen!

It was tears-in-the-eyes wonderful wasn’t it Karen? xoxo
Oh Susan how exciting!!! I will be there at the premiere showing! Maybe Sandra Bullock could play you!!!!
Whoever it is has to be somewhere around 30-ish, if they’re to run away to Martha’s Vineyard and find a little house and start over. I know, waiting is like waiting for Christmas when you are eight, except in this case, we’re not sure if it will really be Christmas!
It’s Sandra Bullock, right? That’s who I’d pick!
Loving all your news from the Mother Country.
Love the sheep. Seriously considering raising some of my own.
Just to be able to look outside and see them contentedly mowing the lawn, heaven!
If your story aids the healing of one heart by going to the screen, the angels will see it done. It’s time for all of our girlfriend goodness to flood the land.
Well, that was my intention when I wrote them. Love “Girlfriend Goodness” ~ perfect words . . . flooding the land. Yes!
SUSAN-I have always loved Beatrix Potter. I have her 23 small book collection which I adore along with many of her figurines that I have on my window sill in my kitchen. They are so special. You are so lucky to be on such a special trip. I just love everything you have done. THANK YOU> Can’t wait for the September issue of Victoria magazine.
Thank you Florence!
So very exciting! I DO love your blog posts! Very entertaining. I feel as tho’ I’m in England again!
That was exactly my plan, so it’s working! Yay! Thank you Judith!
Catching up on several of your posts – but this one blew me away. I ADORE your books and if they make it to the big screen…I think I’ll pass out from sheer happiness!!!
Thanking you for sharing your life. Thank you for writing all of your wonderful books. Thank you for the talents of your art. Just thank you.
I’m so excited for you and so happy you’re having a wonderful trip again this time around!
Blessings to you both. xoox
Oh Carrie, you are so sweet, thank you right back! XOXOXO
Susan, you are amazing. Knew big things were going to happen to you and would continue to happen as I had my first cup of tea at your little house. You deserve blessing bestowed upon you and of course, Joe. I have especially loved you sharing your time and taking us on your journey at the Potters. Love Ann N.
I can’t tell for sure if this is my old friend Ann Nelson from Bunch of Grapes, if so, Hi Annie! But if it’s another Ann Nelson, then Hello to you too! It’s been my pleasure as I’m sure you can see, and much more fun for us to have everyone along! xoxo
Love your English outfit and the one you wore to the picnic. The cows chasing Joe mad me laugh. Glad no one got hurt! Will be looking forward to seeing picnic in Victoria! Hope you hear good news about book going to screen!!! Reading your blog is a real comfort to me. Thanks so much!!!

I’m happy to hear that Jan! Thank you right back!