Our Last Day … with Love, from me to you . . .

I’m supposed to be packing because tomorrow our ship sails home to America! But I could not even think about going without first mulling things over with you ~ the beauty and the wonderfulness of everything we have seen and learned . . . it is very hard to say goodbye as I know you know. I want to thank you all for coming along . . . it has been wonderful, but you made even more wonderful because we weren’t in it alone! I hope we can do it again someday . . .   🎶 MUSICA 🎵

Last night Joe and I climbed a hill near our house . . . and had a little moment of high five between us, thinking, wow, we did it. But oh, what we will miss . . . this place has has taken our hearts.

We’ve been teary-eyed for a couple of days . . . especially when we happen upon trees so old they’ve borne witness to it all ~ many of them were alive when our ancestors walked this land. Sort of makes us them, and them us.

They’ve seen it all ~ watching over village life and everything we hold dear . . .

. . . including this sweet mama sitting in the cool grass . . .

Hill and dale we have gone, on the narrowest of the narrow roads, through tunnels of old trees that open out into the widest of blue skies and views to forever . . .

We’ve traveled by ferry  . . .

. . . between hegerows . . .

across this green and pleasant land . . .

with little time-outs for keeping the windshield clean.

We’ve opened as many gates as we could find, and traveled in and around all the secret gardens . . .

Gates with a Public Footpath marker that says, “Come in, you are welcome here, don’t leave trash, and close the gate behind you” . . . and so we do!

Off we go to find out what is around the next corner . . .

Up the path and through the gate, to see what’s next . . .

And when the path narrows we are almost hushed from the thought of the secrets…

. . . because you just never know what you will find around the bend ~ a crumbling ruin, a river with a stone bridge, a field of sheep, an ancient church, or even a castle . . .

But no matter what you find, the views make you want to get up and do it again the next day …

Because, you never know when, in May, you might happen upon a bluebell wood . . . there are miles and miles of these ancient wildflower displays all over England in May.

There is never a question that at all times … from May until at least now, you will always find cow parsley (what we call Queen Anne’s Lace) blowing along the path, crowding the side of the road.

Poppies have just begun to bloom and there are fields that are completely red.

Everywhere there are dreamy romantic cottages that instantly make you look at them and wonder, who? What? Where? When? Why?  These are the questions. And mother may I?

People actually live in these works of art.

Words fail me.

We came to this cottage just as the fading light of day sent one last friendly ray through the poppies ~ “Pull over Honeyman!” I said. He was already there.

This cottage came with a car in the drive, so I knew real people, not fairies or something otherworld, actually lived here. Right up the street from us where we are now. So of course you get out the paper and say to yourself, where are the real estate pages? Excellent pastime for pub lunch.

Again, fresh out of words. My job is to grab the camera. Mas Musica? My new favorite song.

Hello. Hope you are happy over there. Behind your little gate with your perfect door and that thing, is it wisteria, growing all over your cotswold stone cottage? Because you are very beautiful, and I just say, yay and wonderful that you are there and loving it so much. Thank you.

Just like in the old books, it’s all still here. And I want to remind you, it’s here for you too. An amazing place, it’s not a museum, not a theme park, it’s real, and just sitting over here waiting for you …

This is where we a doing our packing-up right now, I’m inside that luv-lee cottage writing to you!

There are castle cake-toppers towering over every village … some with flags, some with roosters . . .

We wandered through many formal gardens too, lots of them owned, and cared for by the National Trust. Whose lovely motto is “For Ever, for Everyone.”  Doesn’t that just make you cry? There are some very good things in this crazy world of ours. Nothing done by humans is ever perfect, but there is such a thing as trying, and these people have that covered to the nth degree.  We belong to the Royal Oak Foundation which is an alliance of Americans who support the mission of the National Trust of England. 💞 Which means we get into all the gazillion wonderful National Trust places for free, just like the members of the National Trust. And we all support something amazing. 😊

And all of it to the tune of My-toe-huts-Bet-tee 🎵 . . . these luv-lee wood-pigeons provide the background music to the English Countryside . . . and although sometimes at 5 am you would like to kill any wood pigeon you can find because there is a chorus of toe-hurting Bet-tee-telling going on outside your window. But, our pigeons in America don’t sing this song, so we are going to miss it very much. If you watch The Crown, you can always hear it in the background.

In some gardens I had to be two-fisted in order to get everything that was happening … I was making a video when the doves flew over, landing so close, what’s a girl to do but keep filming and grab the other camera!

Birdsong, bees buzzing, flower fragrance, fresh air, wonderment . . . all at your beck and call …

Every house we visited had a story . . . and a garden.

We had three of the four seasons during this trip . . . it was snowing in Cornwall when we got there, there were cozy fires in the pubs in Wales . . . there was a brisk wind off the Atlantic in Ireland … The Lake District couldn’t make up its mind between dark clouds and cold, or sunshine and cool picnic weather, we got both . . . and so it went, and now, here in Wiltshire, the roses are in bloom.

There was a beautiful foxglove garden in the ancestral home of our very own George Washington.

Clematis in the Peak District was to die for . . . loved the misty countryside in the morning . . .


It’s a country that worries for its birds . . .

and bees, knowing what a benefit they are to the world. BBC Two has a program on every day called Spring Watch, where you can get up-close and personal with the woodland critters . . .

Beatrix Potter’s Bee Bole . . . with bee house. Beatrix Potter helped start the National Trust. Of course she did! Everything is connected . . . and we are too, you know, so far away.

We wandered the quiet streets of the most adorable villages, visiting churches and graveyards and taking pictures of everything that wasn’t nailed down. Or even if it was.

Including the famously historic village of Lacock . . . which was entirely owned by a woman by the name of Matilda Gilchrist-Clark (it was passed down thru the ages and landed unexpectedly on her in 1916) until 1944, when she gave  all of it, lock stock and barrel, including the gorgeous 13th century Lacock Abbey, to the National Trust. She continued to live in the Abbey until she died in 1958.  So everyone who lives in Lacock, or has a business here, now rents from the National Trust. And that’s who makes the decisions about what happens here. And they keep it like this, For Ever, for Everyone.

There are actually too many choices of where to go and what to do next. I can say right now, in a person’s lifetime they could NEVER see everything there is to see here. Can’t be done. We have tried so that’s how we know.

I’m not a person who’s wild about cars and crowds of people . . . but I was happy to see small villages thriving. (Note wires are buried, such a wonderful thing in beautiful old villages like this one.) I keep hearing that post offices are going away and pubs are closing . . . they are trying hard to keep their small communities alive, but it’s as difficult for them as it is for us in America. Large, famous stores that have been in these villages for a hundred years and more are beginning to close up shop because they can’t compete with the Internet or the big box stores. So we were HAP-HAP-HAPPY to do our part and get INTO those little stores and BUY stuff!

They do have so much to celebrate. Diversity for one thing . . . we heard every language spoken as we walked the streets. Course, they’re lucky to have Europe on their back door. Did you know that Walt Disney used Europe (and probably the world) as his model when he designed Disneyland? Yes, France, Italy, England, Germany, distinct lands with interesting everything became Fantasy Land, Tomorrow Land,  Adventure Land and rides like Small World and the Matterhorn. Inspiration is a wonderful thing!

So they celebrate . . . all the time. Last night at the top of the mountain we met three luv-lee English people with a tiny barbecue and a thermos . . . they’d walked up there for no reason, just for the beauty.

This is not rare. Picnicking is everywhere. And to go one step further, into full wishing-to-come-back-in-August mode . . . look what is happening at Highclere Castle August 4. Wonderful!

It just makes you happy to see it.

You can be walking out in the middle of absolute nowhere, and suddenly, there in front of your disbelieving eyes, is a pub, and oddly (you think, because where did everyone come from?), it’s full! And if the sun is shining, they are all outside in the pub garden (because most country pubs have gardens) soaking up the light.

This one is not in the middle of nowhere, it’s just across the street from where Jane Austen wrote most of her books. In fact, this pub was her view!

Pub food is generally outstanding. This is fish stew with English peas (which pop in your mouth) and cheese and whatever else is in there and it was delicious! We’re coming home with some amazing recipes! You are going to love them!

Pubs serve all kinds of bright and sparkly ciders . . . but they do not yet understand the concept of iced tea, so you can’t find it anywhere. I think bottled iced tea ruined it for them. But they should know, we don’t drink that bottled stuff either! We make “sun tea” by putting tea bags in cold water in a pitcher, covering it with cling film, and setting it in the sun until it’s the right colour. Then we pour it over ice, yes damn the torpedoes, ice! Then fill your glass 3/4 full of tea, and top off with cloudy lemonade. Not the sparkling kind, the flat “normal” kind. You can get it at Waitrose. Some people like sugar, but it’s not necessary  because of the splash of lemonade. I have to say, pub people, with all the true love there is on this planet, there is a missing link in your drink offerings, especially the very low-calorie refreshing non-alcoholic sort. You will sell gallons of this. You are welcome. 😘 (*good w/herb tea too)

So anyway, pubs, not only cute, but also historic . . . Since 965 AD everybody who’s anybody in history, and everyone else too, has frequented pubs. That’s when good King Edgar decreed that there should be “one ale house per village.” Find the town of your ancestor, go to the pub, and know that your ancestor was there too . . . pretty much for sure.

They often have stone floors and doorways too short to get through without bending, low hand-hewn beamed ceilings and fireplaces, filled with quirky atmosphere, no two alike. Their mottos, generally speaking are, “Dogs and muddy boots welcome.” Walkers, you know.

It’s a BYOD country. We should have this in America. It makes a restaurant WONDERFUL. All that love lolling about on the floor.

This is the little village we’re staying in now, and that’s “our pub” just down the street. Going there for dinner tonight for “last meal.” 😩

English, Irish, Welsh and Scots, I must say, are good at signs. I could easily do an entire post on just signs, that’s how good they are . . .

Like this one, just in case someone doesn’t get the message with the “Private” . . . there’s more! 😳 Works for me. I hate sheer drops! First thing you’d want to know if you decided to breech privacy despite warning is, glancing down at your feet, where does the sheer drop begin??????

Very picturesque and leaves no doubts as to what might happen if you aren’t careful. ⚡They have so many signs like this, stabs of lightening to the heart, etc.

Another thing to love about pubs is the tradition of Sunday Roast which is just like Christmas dinner, but it’s every Sunday in almost every pub! Roast beef, Roast Chicken, Lamb Roast, Pork Roast, with all the trimmings ~ Salmon, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies … Bring the Sunday Times and spend as long as you like . . .

I always bring my diary . . . my journal has been written in two main places: at all the kitchen tables wherever we’ve lived these last 13 weeks, and in tea rooms, tea gardens and pubs . . . It is now my most important possession and being guarded with my life (Beware, sheer drop!). It’s stuffed full of newspaper clippings, garden ideas, souvenirs, dried flowers, and most importantly, memories.

And when I was out and about and my diary wasn’t with me and I’d learned something new, it went in the tiny book Carrie gave me so I wouldn’t forget. That book is full now, it has only two blank pages left! And at night I transfer the days booty of info into my diary. It’s been very wonderful . . . perhaps we should have tea to celebrate?

Would you like a cake? Or perhaps you would rather have a coffee? They say a cake, and a coffee ~ all cute, all delicious, all the time.

The worst part is choosing. I need a sampler!

And the view from the pub can be as nice as the few of the pub!

Another thing I will miss is how much the British people love their Queen. And for good reason too! Queen Elizabeth is always on the front page, and lately she’s looking more festive than ever, lovely in lime at the wedding, and here, the very picture of flowery spring Queen-dom for Derby Day.

Yes, history is everywhere in this lovely country . . . not just our own, but history of, and for, the world.

This is a lock of Charlotte Bronte’s hair . . . she was only 39 when she died. The color is still there. Interestingly, it wasn’t at the wonderful Bronte museum in Haworth . . . it was at Chawton House, a museum dedicated to the earliest women writers (it’s just down the street from the Jane Austen House). Visiting these wonderful places makes everything we’ve read or heard about come alive.

And believe it or not, the lovely quiet churchyards come alive too, with their wildflowers and their stories . . .

When you want to find the oldest part of any village, all you have to do is find the church.

And older than the churchyards, before recorded time, almost 3,000 years before Christ, are the stone circles at Avebury. If you ever thought history was boring, you would leave that far far behind if you were here with the stone circles, man-made ditches, earthworks, hills, roman ruins, chalk horses, holy wells . . . on and on.

Avebury is even older than Stonehenge. Some of these stones were brought from Wales, which is over 150 miles away. How? This is the question. Yes, humans have always been amazing. What shall we do with our power? Let’s think about it for a while. I think we could feed the whole world in about a minute and a half if we put our minds to it!

Avebury is a wonderful place of whispering breezes. We found this young woman trying to get through the stones (look close to see her) to the other side. . . Not sure if she made it or not, but we never saw her again!

I look like I’m leaning in, and I am, but I’m not touching. Taking no chances, I wouldn’t mind a back-in-time visit ~ I’d love to pop in on an interesting dinner party in history or have tea with Beatrix Potter some winter afternoon, but I much prefer to continue hanging out with Joe💞 (and, let’s face it, I love washing machines).

Well, I just had a sudden epiphany. I thought I could do a decent recap of this trip, but it’s come to my attention that I can’t. This thing is already a mile long. I can’t choose the photos, I choose one, then go back for another, see three more wonderful pictures I HAVE to include, put them all in ~ look what’s here so far and in my heart I’m not even half done . . . but you know, Girlfriends,  I gotta GO ~ and you have things to do too! Life goes on doesn’t it? Apparently so! There’s so much more, which I will save for later, this is a good start, you can read it in pieces and make it last for a while! The book I am writing about this trip is going to be wonderful. There is SO MUCH to tell you. xoxo

Nothing has changed in England and the glory part is, nothing ever will. But despite the personal loss of this ancient beauty in our everyday lives, the hardest thing of all is saying goodbye to our darling British friends ~ pulling away from St. Mary’s Square, seeing Ray and Paul in our rear view mirror, and waving forever as we slowly rolled down Siobhan’s long driveway ~ was not easy!  The ocean is too big, too wide, and we are all too far from each other.

But then there is this to come home to . . .

and this . . .

We will arrive in the nick of time to put our flag up . . .

I’ll get to play in my garden! Because my house has magic too . . . because, just like yours, and those of our British kindred spirits, it is well and truly loved . . .

I can’t wait for a summer night and dinner under the stars  . . . that’s what dreams are for!

And what else ~ perhaps you would like a little something from real life? Well, my new calendars will be in soon . . . maybe by the time I get home! This is the cover of the wall calendar, but we’ll have all the usual characters . . . watch our web store for updates.

And your luv-lee cups shipped yesterday! Hooray! They should fly right over us on their way to Kellee and Sheri at the Studio and beat us home, (with a short stop at customs, the shorter the better, but we never know). All you prepaid girls will get yours first, in order of date of order . . . We still have a few left, if you’re interested, click HERE.

What else does home hold for us besides very deep kitty fur  and some of the greatest people I know . . . Six days on the ship and then a whole lotta hugging going on! Martha’s Vineyard, here we come!

The future is looking very fun . . .  I get to write a new book for one thing ~ the writing is almost done because of the diary, but I need to do the layout, the photo arrangements,  watercolors and borders; I want to put the diary in my “good” handwriting, and do more research to make it informative, so that will take a little while, because it needs be a good little travel guide of everything we’ve loved about England . I hope it will be printed, shipped and in your hands by this time next year! I still haven’t decided what to call it! I was thinking it would be nice to have the word Enchantment in the title since that’s what it’s been, but maybe not ~ any ideas?  Now that we’re almost home, we have the Fourth of July to look forward to ~ then there’s summer and our morning walks to the beach. 👏 And for the first time in months, we are going to know where everything is! It won’t be in the car, or hiding at the bottom of a bag, or in the back of a strange refrigerator, or in the next town as is the case with the hardware store. At the end of August, the September issue of Victoria Magazine, with our Castle Cottage picnic in it, comes out! I will be haunting the post office waiting for it! Then in September Joe and I will take a train ride to California (Yup! Twitter-from-the-Twain will once again commence) to see my family and most especially my MOM ~ plus, I’ll be giving a talk and signing books at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo. Then, suddenly, before we know it, it will be fall and time for Cranberry Apple Crisp and my Grandma’s Stuffing! 🤗 And in November I’ll be signing books and speaking at Falmouth Library, in case you’ll be around Cape Cod then. No exact dates for the book signings yet, I’ll let you know when they are set, probably after we get home. Maybe by then we’ll know more about what is happening with #SBBooktoScreen! I hear good things so far, and will let you know what I know when I know it (if they let me!). Right now I seriously know nothing! And the frosting on this cake-year is that in December we have a wonderful Christmas to look forward to because Rachel and Paul are coming to the Island and bringing Ray’s mom, Diana, for her first visit. And after that, when we will be missing them again, more than ever, and it will be winter and snowing and I will be hunkered down with our new book, guess what? Life will STILL be good, because the third season of The Crown will be back on TV! Yay! (If you haven’t seen The Crown, you are in for a huge treat, it’s on Netflix, and if you don’t have Netflix, The Crown is definitely worth getting it for! Season one and two are there now.)And that is all for today sweet friends . . . As we part,, I give you a rose, my heart, and this funny to-make-you-cry luv-lee thing with Paul McCartney . . . Our next full moon will be on the 28th and we’ll be on the ship. My fingers are crossed for a bright moon and clear skies (and flat seas while I’m at it). We’ll know soon! Take care my friends, you know I’ll be in touch as soon as I can . . . not ever sure what we get for internet from the ship! But I found a couple of fun giveaways in England, things I think you will like, so I will catch you on the other side.🚢💞


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658 Responses to Our Last Day … with Love, from me to you . . .

  1. Jill says:

    Oh my goodness! I wish you had taken this trip last year and that I had the book in my hands right now. The reason? We’re planning a long trip to England for next year (not as long as yours, unfortunately) and we hope our children will join us for part of the time. We’re trying to find villages that will offer some fun for a then ten year old, six year old and three adult children. I’m sure you stayed in the perfect spot with the ideal cottage.
    This post was wonderful and made me realize that the book will be even more wonderful. I just finished a cuppa in my Green and Pleasant Land cup, thank you for loving and writing about my favorite country in the world!
    Have a safe, calm voyage!

    • sbranch says:

      They do a wonderful job for children, some of the old castle-type places, like Longleat, not only have history for adults, they have zoos and mazes and all sorts of things children love. I’m sure you’re finding lots of wonderful things by Googling. Most important thing to tell them is which way to look for oncoming traffic. It’s not like at home!

  2. Colette says:

    We spent the entire month of May in London as we have been doing for for the past seven years since we retired. I leave a small part of my heart there when we leave. Your photos and experiences are so precious. I love having something special to look forward to, and this time it is your next book. Hurry up and delight us all once again. There has to be a movie out of the trilogy and I am rooting for that as well. Safe sailing home. With love ♥️.


  3. Melissa Houston says:

    What a spectacular blog – oh my, how hard to say good-bye! Thank you for sharing your trip with us. I always look forward to your posts and I was delighted to read this one and loved the pictures! I’m glad you’re coming home and wish you the best of the rest of summer. I recently bought and received a Girlfriends mug and have used it every morning since I got it! I love it! The Summer mug is coming soon, I hope. Safe journey, Susan, and thank you so much for taking us along on your trip – armchair travelers relish special adventures and moments, too!

  4. Ann Jane Koerber says:

    This blog brought tears to my eyes and chills to my bones!! You never cease to amaze me, Susan! In the midst of packing for your voyage home, you posted this absolutely spine-tingling blog ……. and your “busy-ness” list for when you do get home makes me want to get out of my chair and do something fun! Your enthusiasm, energy, excitement, all comes into the homes and hearts of your girlfriends! Glorious “Enchantment”…….. xoxoxo!!

  5. Sharon says:

    Susan, each time I read one of your messages, I think it’s the best. And then another comes that surpasses, which this one did. And the icing on the cake, the Paul McCartney video. You were right — tears! Loved it! Thank you for all you do and for sharing…you don’t know how much it meant to me (and I’m sure to many others). I look forward to your book…can’t wait…
    Sharon in Houston
    P.S. I just bought a hare pillow from Mandy…so beautiful…

  6. Susan Coady-Butler says:

    Dear Susan, I am so thankful for your trips and how you share them with us so beautifully. I am so very sad to see this trip end but I am happy just thinking of how wonderful it will be to pick up and love Jack and to see your own beautiful enchanted home.I have been dreaming of a trip to my ancestral home in Ireland and hope to see it before travel is too difficult as we age. Our son with special needs is becoming more independent everyday and this dream may come true. Until then, your blogs and books have kept the dream alive for me. Travel safely. With my love and gratitude, Susan

  7. Ann Woleben says:

    A magical journey – so glad you included us. Looking forward to the next book! Bon voyage~

  8. Patricia Mason says:

    You get so many wonderful comments, so I don’t know if you ever will get to read them all, but we’ve enjoyed every moment with you and Joe on your travels in the most wonderful green and pleasant land…..my original home……

    Would you mind sharing with us the homes you stayed in, and how you found them ? Would love to see a post on that, and if you would recommend them…..

    Thanks so much for a lovely blog !

    • sbranch says:

      Yes well, that’s the interesting part. Some I would recommend, but others I wouldn’t. I also have better ideas of where to stay next time, so I’ll put lots of that in the book. In the meantime, if you want to look for places you can Google “Self catering cottages in the UK,” or in England, or Ireland, or wherever. Self catering means they have kitchens.

  9. monique says:

    It’s been a pleasure following you on this sweet trip!
    A very dear girl was at your picnic and sent me pink hollyhock seeds that she gave away there..so like Miss Rumphius I sowed seeds and they have sprouted..so the hollyhocks will remind me of the wonderful girl who sent them to me and your pinic!
    Fabulous trip.
    Loved it all.

  10. What a lovely post. I always feel better after I read your wonderful stories. You have a gift for making everyone feel included and good! Thank you!

  11. Margie says:

    Tears welled up as you traveled thru the gates by the old trees and stone houses as old. Even the pubs with their gardens are delightful. Thank you for taking us on your charming trip with you singing in the car. If only those trees could talk! When my Mom came back from England all she could say was, “so old, so many castles”. She loved it! Your pictures are amazing. Can’t wait for your new book. Hope the way home is smooth sailing. ♥️

  12. Beckie says:

    Susan, Thank you for sharing your journey with those of us unable to go for different reasons. It’s been a wonderful journey. Hoping to go myself someday. Safe travels home!

  13. Carolyn Rector from Ohio says:

    Been enjoying this trip with you from the beginning! Love that you and Joe enjoyed yourselves on the British Isles. Must have been hard for my ancestors to leave that wonderful place, but they all came to call America their home, and for that I am grateful. More opportunities, I pray for the new immigrants and their new opportunities.

  14. Kay Bennett says:

    Hi Susan,
    Reading your blog and all the comments from your girlfriends is so refreshing and heartwarming. I can never get enough of listening and reading your comments as you travel through England. It’s like a homecoming for those of us who have visited there too. It always stirs that longing to return again to that enchanted land. I’m addicted to its beauty. Thank you for taking the time out of your travels to include us in discovering those unforgettable parts of England. Enjoy your trip home and most of all your reunion with your kitties, especially Jack. I know how much you must have missed him. They do live in that special place in our hearts.
    Warmest regards to you both.

  15. Carla vdM says:

    Just read your blogpost with a cuppa Tea after bringing my Son and his girlfriend to the airport for their vacation in Mallorca.
    Love all the photo’s you show and the wonderfull things you see on your trips.
    Thank you for bringing a bit of England to Holland.
    Have a lovely journey back to the USA.

  16. Cyndy Rowell says:

    Hi Susan,
    Know you’re in transit, but had to tell you I love your “ancient tree” photos. Reminded me of a trip to see my sister’s family while they were stationed in England some 30 years- we visited the beautiful ancient oak tree in Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood fame. Hard to believe anything could survive the abuse our modern life has exposed it to.(oops – bad grammar!) Thank you for sharing all your wonderful trip with us. I look forward to more.

  17. Susiej says:

    Such a wonderful gift, this note from you. How absolutely glorious that you are so willing to share, to take us along to enjoy your holiday – and what a holiday it was. I cannot wait for the book! I am wanting to see and know it all now, but I know you such a lot of work to do first. Amazing that you can do that – visit this beautiful place, take us with you, then write a book to take us even further along with you. Reading your blogs has made me think about going – I went years ago with one of my classes and I loved it even for a short ten days. I want to go for a few weeks, but I’m scared, and I cannot imagine planning something like this. You keep going, keep writing, and maybe, just maybe I will believe I can do it too. Meanwhile, travel home safely and welcome back to the land of the free and home of the brave. I look forward to reading, seeing more. Thanks, thanks, and many, many thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      You can do it!! It’s just sitting over there waiting for you. And if you want, there are some really NICE small tours for your first try. Just google around and you’ll see. Feel free to plan for 2 or 3 years, nothing has to be done overnight. xoxoxo

  18. Heather Roberts says:

    Have a wonderful trip home. New England summers are just gorgeous! The day lillies and wild roses are now blooming filling the early morning air with heavenly scent!

  19. Judy Covell says:

    Hi Susan, What joy this trip has brought with all the green meadows and little towns. The rides you posted along hedge lined roads scared me to death! Where do you get over at 40 miles an hour? How if it is a big truck? Loved the pubs too. I will submit a title, if you don’t mind, for your book: Sailing to Enchantment. Just exactly what you did. After all you have done AND you get to sail for 6 days too? Enjoy!

    • sbranch says:

      There are freeways that look just like ours. Speedy maniacal things where there is room for everyone. We stay off them unless we need to get somewhere, because although the side roads are narrow and scary, there is much more adventure rounding the corner to find a tiny old village, a little crumbling church, a game of cricket you would totally miss if you were on the freeway. Love the title!

  20. Charlene from NC says:

    Wonderful post!!!

  21. Virginia says:

    A wonderful trip–photos to drool over. Safe travels home and welcome back to beautiful New England in summer!

  22. Kay Bennett says:

    Susan do you know the date of your book signing at Apple Farms? I just called them to make a reservation for my daughter and I and was told they don’t have a date yet. I’m sure the rooms will fill up early so would like to get in line to reserve a room. Looking forward to seeing you and Joe there. Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      Not yet Kay, we haven’t made a solid date, and now I’m at sea . . . I’m thinking Sept. 29, they liked that too, but it’s not firm, just 99%.

  23. Pam McKenzie says:

    What a WONDERFUL trip this has been! Thank you for sharing e v e r y t h i n g !!

  24. Now you’ve made me feel thoroughly homesick!!

    Thanks for sharing – you’re visiting all my favourite places from times past. Many years ago, you signed one of your books for me and inscribed “Never Go Home”. Bet you don’t mean that now! 😉

  25. Sherrill says:

    It has been such a lovely trip…thank you, Susan and Joe!
    Safe travels.

  26. Doreen Higgins says:

    Such a lovely story!! I love you Susan and Joe! Thank you for taking us all along☺💖✌🙋

  27. Susan Coady-Butler says:

    I love that you share your adventures with us, and I too am looking forward to this book. I will be getting on a plane (first time in 50 yrs, last time was when I was 11, lol) with my three sons 23yrs, 25yrs (he is the one planning our trip), and my eldest 31yrs old. We will be flying from LAX to London end of October for 2 weeks of fun together. We are all very excited, and myself and my youngest and eldest are getting our papers together to send off for passports (the 25yr old has a current one). I have never traveled and never really thought I would, but I have been bitten by the travel bug, and we are already talking of a trip to Paris spring of 2020 (plenty of time for everyone to save up). Have a safe fun voyage home, and perhaps I will see you at The Apple Farm! toodles 😉 paula

    • sbranch says:

      Look at you, not only traveling in this wonderful adventure, but traveling in the lap of family care . . . who could ask for more!

  28. Bonnie says:

    Enjoyed sitting here in my air conditioning and reading this post. To hot and humid here in the middle of TX. Safe travels.

  29. Colleen says:

    So ready to watch your books on the BIG SCREEN!!

  30. Nancy says:

    Beautiful!!! Sigh……….

  31. Patti Fitzgerald from Skippack, PA says:

    Oh dear Susan, I am literally crying happy tears over this blog . . . . and as I say each time: Best Blog Ever!! How do you do it?? You continually amaze me, touching each and every one of my heartstrings with your words and photos and watercolors. I’ve been to Ireland and England several times, so I can truly relate to your experiences and enjoy such fond memories. I learned last year that I am 10% British, but it feels more like 100% !

    “Enchanting England: A Memoir of Days, Delights and Dreams” (what do you think??! 😉 ) . . . . I am over the moon with the anticipation of your next book!! You have been blessed to have had these experiences, and in turn, you are blessing us with them, too! Your Beatrix Potter Picnic, the Royal Wedding . . . . how wonderful that you could be there in person for these events! And yet . . . . there’s no place like Home, and we want our Dear Susan back with us, safe and sound, so I will send up a little prayer for your safe travels and happy return to the Island that you call Home. xoxoxoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      10% British, but 100% human, because that’s what this is all about. Our common humanity, what we have in common. Love of beauty, love of history, of what came before, of what we’re made of. xoxo Love the title! Loving them all, such creative Girlfriends I have! Coming home Patti . . .

  32. Brenda says:

    Loved the trip and all it’s beautifulness (new word!) And those yellow and blue lupines in that one garden took my breath! Have a safe trip back home…

  33. Mary Valli says:

    No words, indeed. Except THANK YOU!

  34. deezie says:

    Oh Susan* you make me want to move to England. What a dreamy place and all the pictures you have shown us, well it sort of feels like we are there with you. I am sure you will be so happy to be Home* but I sure do see why you are sad to leave. Enjoy the boat ride home Susan
    loved this blog post so much*

  35. carol sferra says:

    Susan…..thank you so much for the tour. M great great grandfather was a circut rider preacher in the 1800’s..in Cornwall. Oh how I would love to go there.

  36. Kathy jones says:

    It’s been wonderful following your stay here in England 😃 thankyou so much for sharing 😊 safe journey home 💞

  37. Georgeann says:

    I’m thrilled and charmed you are adding to your book collection. I am so excited to read and see what your new one will look like and hear more info regarding the possibility of a movie. Hugs❤️

  38. Carol on the farm in Iowa says:

    Dear Susan,
    Your trips to England have encouraged me to go. My daughter and I will travel there next spring or early summer! I want to walk through those gates, visit the pubs and shops.
    It will be wonderful to see it first hand. Your posts are so inviting, thank you!
    God speed!

  39. Karen says:

    I am so happy for you being able and willing to share your wonderful trip with all of us. I do, however wish, with all of my heart, that you would honor our wonderful country America by taking a road trip and searching for the things, scenery and people that make our America great. We need a boost of pride in our country and you have a God given talent to bring it to life again. Please use it to strengthen our country and show us the good things.

  40. Karen R says:

    June 24, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    I am so happy for you being able and willing to share your wonderful trip with all of us. I do, however wish, with all of my heart, that you would honor our wonderful country America by taking a road trip and searching for the things, scenery and people that make our America great. We need a boost of pride in our country and you have a God given talent to bring it to life again. Please use it to strengthen our country and show us the good things

    • sbranch says:

      I can do that. I would have to do it in chunks, America is so big… England is only the size of Louisiana! But I would love to try. To talk about our commonalities, our history our wonderfulness as a people. I am sick to death of watching politicians and corporations lie and pull us apart, even break up our communities, for their own bank accounts. As long as we believe our fellow citizens are the bad guys, we separate, we become disillusioned by the ugliness, we don’t vote, and they win. Yup. I’ll do it. God keeps me alive and thinking then I will do it. 😘

  41. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    I can’t believe it’s over (almost), what a wonderful time you’ve had. You’ve managed to see and do so much, see friends and relax at times too! I am so happy for you and Thank You for all the lovely photos, illustrations, stories and quotes that Make. Me. Smile…
    Blessings and wishes for a smooth voyage home to Jack.

  42. Elaine Erhart says:

    Oh, what a post this was. Loved every line, every picture. Can’t wait for the book. For me, the title could be – “So This Is Heaven”.

  43. Dr. Donna Hoffman says:

    Susan, since I am living my dream of visiting The English Countryside through you, I am sad that “we” will be leaving England tomorrow. Due to chronic illness, I haven’t been able to travel the last several years. Since I learned of my ancestry in the very same countryside that you so vividly have captured in your writings, I have yearned to walk the land that my great-great grandparents have. My 10th great grandmother Lady Christie Chantmarle married my great-grandfather Sir Robert Jordan and they lived in the beautiful Chantmarle estate, which is now Chantmarle Manor in Dorset. Not sure if you have visited it. My family lived there in 1212. A very long time ago. My grandfather, Samuel Jordan, was among the first settlers of Jamestown. I have a lot of ancestry emanating from England. My desire to see the lovely English Countryside began when I first read “ A Fine Romance”. I fell in love with it – so much so that I read your book 8 times from cover-to-cover. I never grow tired of it. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to your next book. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing the English Countryside home to me. I hope I can experience it first-hand one day.

    Much love,

    Dr. Donna Hoffman

    • sbranch says:

      My honor Donna, thank you for being here. xoxoxo Knowing there are so many of us loving the same kinds of things is heart warming all by itself.

  44. Jill says:

    Dear Susan,
    I very rarely write here ( not actually sure why I don’t) but felt VERY compelled to thank you for such a beautiful post. Like some others, tears are streaming down my face. There is such goodness and beauty in this world it’s very hard to keep it in the forefront of our minds and I just wanted to thank you so much for capturing it and ALWAYS reminding us😍

  45. Kay says:

    Gorgeous pictures – love the flower garden pix particularly. I haven’t been to rural England since the year William was born! Spent a month there and particularly loved the Cotswold’s, Stratford-on-Avon and the Royal Shakespeare Co. plays. Now I travel overseas when my husband does on business, so mostly we’re in the cities. Next time you are over there this long, please do yourself a huge favor and take a long weekend in Paris. I’ve been there many times and it is the most beautiful city on earth! Day or night, there is always something magical to do and see there.

  46. Debra Sewell says:

    I have been crazy anxious for the new Willard. I always race thru it fast first time to see photos, then go back listen to music, then go back and read first time. THEN I read it all like 4 more times to soak it all in. Fabulous, beautiful photos. I love the shadow photo in building of you two. Thank you Soo much. Have a safe journey home, and please post a few bits while on ship boyage home.



  47. Loretta says:

    Omg, Susan.what a wonderful trip!! Thanks for taking us along for the ride. Somany beautiful things to see. Can’t wait for ur nxt book. Safe travels home…someone special is waiting for you. Thank u both for everything!!

  48. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Breathtaking are your photos!!! One right after another of breathtaking views! Thank you Susan for taking all of us along with you. It has been like a dream seeing what your eyes saw sooooooooooooo far away! You are my favorite author artist! You bring such heartfelt joy to me by creating books I can read and see all of the beauty of your travels! Can’t wait for your new book!!!!!!!! (Oooooooooooh, with book signings I hope????) Safe sailing to you and Joe and be safe. Precious Jack is waiting for you! God Bless. Take Care.
    Sunny blue skies, puffy white clouds and 72 degrees here in Dearborn, Michigan……perfect for an after dinner walk around the neighborhood and Levagood Park! Bye bye!

  49. Ginnie F. says:

    Thank you Susan and Joe for allowing us to follow along with you during your travels through England, Ireland and Wales. I loved all of the beautiful pictures and tales of your adventures. This post is fabulous with lots of new pictures and a surprise at the end. Yesterday my brother emailed me the McCartney/Corden link but I was saving it for when I had some uninterrupted time to watch. So watching it at the end of your fantastic post was a wonderful surprise.
    Have a safe journey home. Along with everyone else I am anxiously awaiting your next book.

  50. I will be looking forward to another beautiful book! Exciting! 😊

  51. TAC says:

    Wonderful post, you make vicarious travel beautiful.
    “Drawn by Enchantment”

  52. Margaret Harke says:

    It does make me cry to read your wonderful blogs about your travels in England. It really is such a beautiful, old and charming counrty. Thank you for taking all of us along with you.

  53. Randi Bault says:

    I think you both should buy a little cottage in England. You both love the English countryside. Lots of people own 2 homes! Then you can decorate a new home and just bounce across the ocean whenever you feel like it!
    Just an idea…oh heck, just do it!
    Love, Randi ❤️🏡🌊🏠

  54. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Love the bluebells and the poppies! I really love that gingham bunting too. Such a nice trip, but we missed you here. Now it is Summertime! You can have a picnic, walk to or on the beaches, and hang out the wash for sheets that smell of fresh air! Ahh~~~
    Born into the beauty of Autumn, an endless Summer girl lives in my soul~~~🌷🌸🌹🌼🌻🍓🍒🍉🥒🍅🥗🌽🌭🍔🌊🏊🏻‍♀️🏄‍♀️🚲⛵️.
    Have a great 4th girlfriends! 🇺🇸

  55. Susie says:

    Thank you, Susan, for the lovely pictures of the green and pleasant land. You never fail to delight and to bring joy to my inbox! I can’t wait for your book.

  56. sylvia in seattle says:

    Thank you for sharing all things English. It has been such a treat to see: The green and pleasant vistas, the chocolate box cottages, all the villages, the gardens, glimpses of Wales and Ireland, the pubs and food. LOVED seeing the whole ride with Paul McC and James Cordon What a treat. So fun to see the local’s reaction to Sir Paul visiting the old neighborhood. James definitely has the happy gene thing going on. The music had me weeping. I saw part of it on the Late Late Show, so glad to have a chance to see it all. Bon Voyage. Hope the moon is “out” for your crossing.

  57. Sherry B says:

    So enjoyed your trip as only you can tell it! Waiting for the next book. Thank youSusan❤️

  58. Stephanie Davis says:

    Susan, Not sure if you can hear the worldwide collective sigh of the ‘girlfriends’ who came along, right from the start on your amazing trip? I loved every step of the way! I commented on Twitter that you were the only one I ‘know’ on Twitter (having just started it for your trip!) but though we don’t really ‘know’ you….the magic of this blog-o-sphere and our kindred spirits brings us all together in such a wonderful and real way. I’ve loved that! Very grateful for the ‘goodness’ you’ve shared through the years….God bless!

  59. Kristin says:

    Thanks so much for the lovely eye candy! We leave for Ireland on Saturday!

  60. Linda says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful place with us! My sister and I, she east coast me west now. We’re thinking of possibly meeting up at your book signing in slo! In sept !
    We shall see – however – brainstorming for a book 📚 title – you said enchanting ? How about “ Enchanted 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England, Forever, For Everyone” . Thank u again! U r an inspiration ! 🧚‍♂️😊
    ❤️ As always!

  61. Wendy from Alberta says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your trip through England Susan, I enjoyed every minute of it! A trip to Britain has been on the top of my list for a few years now and I am determined to make it happen! As a devoted reader of Victoria magazine I can’t wait to see the Sept. issue and absolutely can not wait for your newest book!! Your books are works of art and I have shared them with a lot of my friends! Have a safe and enjoyable voyage home !! 🛳⚓️ Many people believe that the best part of a trip are the memories and you will always have those!

  62. Valerie says:

    Hi Susan!
    Thank you so much for taking us along on your travels! I devour every post and picture! I’ve been across the pond twice but never to the places you’ve taken us to. I want to go back!! I want to see Beatrice Potter’s home and see what she saw! The Lakeland District calls to me and being able to go vicariously with you is a real blessing! I love your books and can’t wait for this one to come out!! Safe travels home!
    Love, hugs and blessings!

  63. Sandra Mailey says:

    Such a wonderful post!! Thank you for taking ll of us along on this fabulous trip! I’ve read each and every tweet and post – I haven’t commented much, but have held each picture and message close to my heart. It must be with very mixed emotions that you board the ship and heard for home – good things to look forward to and equally good things left behind.

    And Now – – – Paul McCartney!! Oh my!! What a joy!! Fun!! Exciting!! And oh, so tearful!! Sob!! Sob!! I think I’m under control now, but it took awhile. All those people outside in the street, and those streaming into the pub must have had such a fabulous day! I can’t even imagine!!

    Looking forward to the new calendar, and, of course, the new book! Have a wonderful trip home! XOXO!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, me too! It was so easy to imagine how I would feel to be in that crowd, either on the sidewalk or in the pub or just in a car driving by. Love isn’t love till it’s given away, and that man has done it in spades, and musica!

      • Sandra Mailey says:

        You are so very right about that!! Not only a talented artist, but a good and wonderful human being! XOXO!

  64. Karen says:

    What an amazing, magical trip, thank you for sharing it with all of us! My sister Linda and I are trying to help with your book title, here’s my (looong) contribution- Enchanted Isles, A dream come true journey through England and Ireland. Safe travels home!

  65. Carol K says:

    WoW! You have to be a tad worn out from all the traveling, sightseeing, pubbing, visiting and walking the grassy paths. Love seeing all the buildings with such character and hominess and the flowers, Oh the flowers! Now it’s time to come home so ~ Bon Voyage!

  66. Patti Lyon says:

    Sigh……….thank you for the best post ever. I definitely felt like I was traveling with you. Can’t wait for the next book. Love from Beavercreek, Ohio!

  67. Oh, my, where to begin! Yes, the English countryside pulls at my heartstrings too, so it is truly lovely of you to take us all along and share, share, share. I will be visiting and revisiting each of these amazing photos again and again. I am eagerly awaiting the new book!!! It will be marvelous! I find myself picking your other books up and reading snippets again and again. Oh, how I adore the way you tell a story!!! I hope you saw my IG message about the Paul McCarntney Carpool Karoke. I’m certain you’ve seen it by now. It is the hit of social media! Adore the fun of it all, and I had to go straight to Girlfriends and revisit the story of when you met the Beatles! I love that story. Takes me back to the good ole days! Thanks again, Susan, for sharing your journey. I may never get back to the UK for a real life visit, so your posts are extra special to me. 😘 from Austin ~ Sarah & Sadie send hugs.

  68. Valorie Veld says:

    Thank you for all of that! It made me smile and cry all at once. Such a wonderful trip!

  69. Sue M. says:

    Lovely Post! Thanks.
    Jack will be SO happy to see you! I would love to see his reactions when he sees you after so long an absence. 🙂
    Book title ideas:
    “Beyond Enchantment”
    Sub-title: “O’er Hill And Dale”

    “Enchantment At It’s Finest”
    Sub-title: “Beauty At It’s Best And The Thrill Of Finding It”

    “Exploring The Lands Of Enchantment”
    Sub-title: “Finding The Beauty Just Around The Next Bend In The Pathway”

    Have a safe trip back home.

    • sbranch says:

      Was thinking I like Hill and Dale. I say it often enough!

      • In Beatrix’s “TheTale of Pigling Bland” Pigling sings a song with the words, “over the hills and far away”. He meets the love of his life, Pig-wig, along the way. The story ends, “They came to the river, they came to the bridge–they crossed it hand in hand–then over the hills and far away she danced with Pigling Bland!”

  70. Monica Wilson says:

    What an absolute treasure to have this recap of your amazing trip! It makes me so want to visit the small towns of England, just as A Fine Romance did. Some day! I will be anticipating your new book next year; I can’t wait until I can hold what I know will be a lovely treasure in my hand! Have a wonderful ship trip back home!

  71. Cathy Aquilina says:

    Your trip was so amazing and you and Joe are truly blessed. Can’t wait for the new book. But in the meantime, I follow a blog, bunnymummy-jacquie.blogspot.com, and you will enjoy her walks through the English countryside. She belongs to a walking group and the walks they take are amazing, hopefully you will give this blog a look.

  72. Jana says:

    I’m guessing that many of the girlfriends will find this one of your most heartfelt, heart-full posts … you put so much love and joy into every word. The scenes of the villages, houses, gardens, and lanes … so evocative. I did not know there was an organization for Americans to support the National Trust. Blessings for a peaceful voyage all the way home to your very threshold and that first cup of tea at home with Jack and all the dear and familiar things about you.

  73. Janie Foltz says:

    Susan….words are simply inadequate. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! I felt drenched in hope, love and beauty and I savored every word, picture, illustration, quote and for a while I believed I was there with you and Joe. That my friend is an excellent writer…one who can draw one in emotionally, spiritually and even physically. I am in awe of you. Ever since I started following you….many…,many years ago I felt as if I had finally truly met my soul sister. Nothing has changed except that I now am more enlightened and believe fully and creating a beautiful and meaningful life. It is my hope that I may find the opportunity to meet you, my friend. I pray that you and Joe have safe travels home and I shall eagerly await a new post. Sail on…sail home and know what a difference you make in my life and others. Thank you…much love XOXO Janie Foltz

    • sbranch says:

      You’re all making me cry. You have to cut this out. I’m remembering a quote . . . “There is too much charm around here, something must be done to stop it!” 😭 Beautiful lovely heartwarming soul-touching words Janie, thank you.

  74. Jan Henkel says:

    I love, love your blogs & England (been many times)! Can hardly wait for your next book (I have them all). Anxiously awaiting your calendar. Re a title using “enchantment”, how about “England’s Ongoing Enchantment”?

  75. Barb Bussell says:

    Your posts always leave me breathless, wistful, and ever so grateful, Susan. It’s like I’m filled with seeing the wonder, and experiencing this with all my senses, due to your constant appreciation of all that’s around you, and being able to conjure up the perfect words to just go straight to our hearts. I’m just one of the thousands of girlfriends that you have in your sweet posse, but we all feel the specialness of just being in that circle. Just thank you, Susan, for your dear, generous, inquisitive, passionate, pure heart. Safe voyage, dear girlfriend, as such contentment and joy await you on the other side of the pond. Barbzie

    • sbranch says:

      Sweet Posse such a nice way to say it, and I’m so proud to be a part of it. Kindred spirits, loving life and all the possibilities there are. You make me cry Barb. xoxo

  76. Kelly Paquet says:

    thank you, Susan, for sharing your beautiful visions of England with us! Praying for your safe voyage home!

  77. Angie says:

    Exceptional job! So inspirational, I want to go. Thanks for doing this incredible story and including so much detail. You’re the best.

  78. Debby Suovanen says:

    Thank you once again Susan for your wonderful blog. I always look forward to your photographs and you certainly outdid yourself this time! It looks so inviting, I want to board the next ship to England! Just like Holly, I have traced my genealogy and most of it is from England and Ireland, so I very much want to travel to those places to see where my ancestors walked and lived. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty of the UK and your experiences with us, and I anxiously look forward to your new book!

  79. Judith Jackson says:

    Have a wonderful voyage home!

  80. Memarge says:

    Jerusalem is one of my favorites, too! This was a great letter and thanks for taking us along on the trip.

  81. Susan D says:

    I love this for a title, because it’s familar to those of us who read your books, and will make those who don’t very curious: “My toe huts bet-tee”. And thank you so much for all the tales of your travels. I love sitting down with my tea and bisquits and reading your adventures. Very inspiring.

  82. Jodi Sanders says:

    I am living vicariously through you as we prepare to go to England in Sept. The Cotswolds, Canterbury and Dover Castle are just some of the spots we plan to hit. I have so enjoyed being on this journey with you. Safe travels!

  83. Sylvia Johnson says:

    Thank you for an endearing letter. Something I needed in my life at this time. It was calm, quiet with lovely words to help me carry on. I am sure I will be reading it again.
    Have fun on your trip home.

    • sbranch says:

      Stay strong Sylvia, see the lighter side whenever you can, it will give you strength. Smell those flowers and feel the joy moments when they come, almost always in the little things. Blessings . . . hugs and bestest of everything to you.

  84. Marilyn L Young says:

    Oh how I want to go to England and every time I read your account(s), it makes me want to go even more!!!!!! Maybe before I’m 90?

  85. Sue Miller says:

    Thank you so much. What a smashing trip you have taken us on 😊. Wishing you a smooth sail back home

  86. Gayle says:

    I am looking forward to your new book.
    I just returned from a four week holiday in Charing which is very near to Tenterden Kent where you stayed when you write A Fine Romance. Thank you!

  87. Nancy says:

    What a wonderful post this is. Safe sailing on smooth seas to you and Joe.

    Smiles too,

  88. Barb Cowles says:

    Thank you, Susan and Joe, for sharing your wonderful (full of wonders) trip. Here’s to smooth sailing, a full moon and a happy homecoming. Pets for Jack, too.

  89. Linda in Colorado says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventure. Can’t wait for the new book!

  90. Becky Pingrey says:

    Thank you so much Susan for being so selfless and including all of your girlfriends along for the ride! This has been a trip of a lifetime! I know Jack will be so excited to see youSafe sailing!

  91. Linda Miller says:

    Susan and Joe, O how you both must be sad to be leaving England and all its quaintness! At least, you have that lovely trip home on the Queen Mary 2…not too shabby of a consolation prize! What memories you are bringing with you! What adventures of a lifetime you have had! I know you both will relive all the little nooks and crannies of your trip for some time. So happy that it was a wonderful adventure for you…Godspeed!

  92. Terri Brewster says:

    Wow, that time flew by, feels like you just left, sailing for England. I have loved following every minute. I can’t wait for the book, have loved every single book you have written and I’m sure this one will be just as fabulous. Wishing you and Joe a safe crossing.
    We are headed to Merry ol’ England next year to finish up my husband’s genealogy and I can hardly wait, it is a beautiful country.
    Thank you for sharing and taking us a long with you.

  93. Jan Jobes says:

    Thank you, Susan. As always, your words warm my heart.

  94. Tammy in Colorado says:

    Luv-lee. How about English Enchantment. Or The Land of Enchantment

  95. Sammi Janey says:

    I love the Brian Andreas quote; so very true. All good things must come to an end, but oh the memories and all your lovely photos you have will keep your trip fresh in your mind. I have enjoyed being able to travel with you via the posts. Thanks for the trip and safe travels home.

  96. Carol Ybarrondo says:

    Hi Susan & Joe, Safe travels home! It is sad that it is coming to an end, I have been so addicted to Twitter, and had the best time sharing it with my husband, granddaughters and just recently my 90 year old neighbor. They all loved your pictures and videos. Sad to leave, but so much to look forward to, can’t wait to hear more about #SBBooktoScreen! And of course the new book! Thanks again for the best trip/adventure, of a lifetime! Have never traveled anywhere for three months! Wonderfulness!!

    • sbranch says:

      Me either! And it’s been amazing. A lot of work I have to say, and discombooberation, never knowing where anything is, from toothpaste to did you pack the lemons, to which way to the next town, I will enjoy a vacation from the vacation! My own house, where I KNOW where the lemons and the toothpaste are, and no problem getting to the next town! But what we learned, what we saw, will be a memory for a lifetime, indelibly printed on our hearts, and I would not have missed an instant of it. And now, it will all be doubly worthwhile because we can share this magical place with everyone all over again in a book, something permanent, I will love working on this thing . . . xoxo

  97. Diane Scharf says:

    Perfect escape! I really needed this post. Been spending time in the hospital with my partner and getting out into the British countryside was a breath of fresh air! Thank you. Diane

  98. Patty says:

    Dear Susan, What fun you had and I so enjoyed following you and Joe throughout England. I am late to the party….a friend gave me your Fine Romance book a few months ago mainly for the recipes then I couldn’t put it down. I had to go get the first two books to know the whole story. I was about to go get Cliff’s book when I said to myself, I’ll just re-read A Fine Romance cuz there are so many things I want to remember about your discoveries in England. This led me to your Blog, first timer right at the same time you were leaving from Florida for Ole England once again! I was with you every day and although sorry to have missed the picnic at Hill Top I will plan on the next one. I will definitely be at the Apple Farm in September so will be watching for the date. I am a transplant from Minnesota and am reliving your joy of the seasons! Thank you, Thank you, looking forward to September.

    • sbranch says:

      Hiiii Patty, so nice to meet you! Thrilled you came in at just the right moment and were along to share this amazing adventure with us … see you in September! (Sounds like a song . . .!)

  99. Patty says:

    P.S. Thank you for sharing the James Cordon and Paul in Liverpool, LOVED IT!!

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