This SEPTEMBER SUNDAY will never come again . . .

So where were we? Oh yeah, paint. And curtains. Nesting. And, oh! It’s September! And Shirley Temple’s favorite, September Sunday . . . Who could ask for anything more? Not moi! MUSICA

 On days like these . . .

The light is changing . . . the late afternoon wall-sparkles are back, jumping and blowing all over the kitchen!

Diamond-bright light shimmering through the trees and onto my walls ~ nature gone wild in the best possible way, distributing beauty, free of charge . . .

The shimmers follow me all over the house, they sparkle across the bed, glimmer in the sink, even when I’m on the floor doing my exercises, the twinkling lights find me and I have to take advantage of the moment to wave hello to you!

It’s been going on for a while . . . the change that’s coming . . . the days are shortening …

And it’s getting more noticeable daily. I had to sweep leaves off the porch for the first time yesterday . . . they’re just beginning to flitter out of the trees . . . the air smells like fall, after a long hot wet summer, there’s a heavenly change in the air.  It is so easy to count my blessings . . . As forever and always, I am so grateful for these little things, as I am saying prayers for all our girlfriends, their families, homes, and their petty pets in the Carolinas being devastated by rising waters. The weather is so capricious, landing anywhere and everywhere, causing fires, floods, and storms, willy nilly, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be next, this little dot of an island sitting out in the Atlantic, but today, I’m especially blessed with the feeling of gratitude and appreciation for the kindness of so many rescuers and volunteers helping their neighbors. So much divides us these days, but in times of trouble, we turn to each other with no thought of religion, color, or politics, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. Just what we expect and know to be true about ourselves.

Oh yes, my heart is at home, and sunlight through the trees is not the only thing sparkling my walls . . . we have been very busy! I work on the new book early in the morning when it’s quiet, and the rest of the day, I work on the house!

I don’t know why, but I seem to do so much more cleaning in the fall than I do in the spring. I guess I’m just a born hunker-downer, is this true for you? I love everything about preparing for the cozy season. All my down comforters have gone to the big washers at the cleaners, all our pillows have been washed and dried on the line . . . I’m going through piles of linens now.

Washing tablecloths, napkins, dresser scarves, and curtains, mending, bleaching, starching, and ironing them into snowy clouds . . . this house has made it clear that it expects me to do this. It is not happy without its pretty old linens. It’s that kind of house. There are times I regret it, but we made a pact a long time ago ~ as the caretaker, I know what I have to do, there is a strong element of love involved.

And Jack, as always, helps! I am not alone.

I wrote last time that we were painting our dining room. I thought then, for a moment, I might paint the walls navy blue, which would have been gorgeous against the white trim, until I realized that during the winter the blue would turn black and I don’t want to live in a black house! And, the house, when it heard, actually, would not put up with it,  so we decided to paint the walls pink. Joe painted a little stripe and the dishes said YES!

We had to take down our old flowered wallpaper (there was a mold problem) which I knew I would miss so I started shopping for flowered curtain fabric! Old house says, give me flowers. I say, your wish is my command.

And, the cat . . .Mr. Adorable, helping Joe . . .

Jack blesses the work from the tops of ladders or draped over my clean sheers. How do kitties know which is very cleanest thing ~ the exact thing you are trying to keep clean and smooth? My art, he always tries to lay exactly on the page I’m painting!

Fabric swatch choices for the dining room were narrowed down to these three. I put this photo on Twitter and got lots of advice from our girlfriends! I went back and forth . . . believe it or not, they do sort of look alike, but it was a very difficult choice!

All of this frenzy of curtain activity is because every time we’ve gone to England, I’ve fallen more in love with the curtains …  those people understand curtains like no one does . . . they are everywhere, in every house we stay in, no matter how fancy or casual the house is ~ they are in all the hotels, and even in the pubs ~ Siobhan has a thick green velvet curtain charmingly hung over the inside of the door to her cottage to keep the chill out. I have promised myself for years, I’m going to go home and get me some of those. But I never do.

Look at them!  They’re real draperies (although they do call them curtains), heavy, thick, and lined . . . twice. With heavy flannel and then a backing to protect them from the light.

I really could give you dozens of pictures of curtains I’ve taken everywhere we stay, but I think you get the gist … well, okay, maybe one more . . .

This one was in a hotel room.  We only stayed there one night, just passing through on the Wales/England border, saw the hotel in a book and said, okay, let’s go there … and I have about twenty pictures of the curtains in our room, in the dining room, in the sitting room!

So here is the fabric we chose for our dining room ~ it was the less “structured” art of the three, more like watercolor I thought, and I love the touch of blue . . . we’re waiting for the fabric to arrive from England . . . I think they’ll be up by the time we come home from California at the end of October.

So we put the room back together . . . All I can do about the new curtains right now is dream . . . it’s 

And here is our choice for the new curtains in our green living room! Yes, I’ve gone stark staring curtain-mad. MAS MUSICA?

Here’s the “before” photo for the living room . . . I probably bought those green curtains at Target maybe fifteen years ago … they’re old and have little rips and it’s time to say goodbye. BUT, we get to keep a bit of their essence: they had a very nice trim on them which we took off to use on the new curtains.

And there it is! This is my talented curtain-making girlfriend Jessica . . . she does this for a living ~ she’s a good friend of my neighbor Lowely which is how we met. So of course, here she is, doing the first installation of the first valance (Rachel says, in England they call this piece a “pelmet”)… I am taking pictures and saying eeeek! I love it!

Here’s a better look at the little trim we took from the other curtains . . . looks good!

She put them high above the windows, so we lose as little window-light as possible.

Jessica taught Joe how to install the rest of them . . . then she left.

Besides saving light, putting them up that high also visually raises the ceiling height (you can see when you look at the “before” photo).  Jessica’s now making the actual curtains which we should have by the end of the month. The house is rockin’ and rollin’ in flowers now!

She’s going to do the other end of the living room too . . . We’ll keep the lace curtains, but there will be matching long curtains on both sides of this alcove window.

And outside, at the same time, we’re painting the house!

All scraped and ready for paint, something about this I love, would be fun to leave for haunted-house look for Halloween! Under all the crunchy bits, Mrs. House of Creativity is smiling!

This side too. She’s an old house, built in 1849. We hadn’t been attending to things, and finally said, when we come home from England, we PROMISE to take care of you!!!  The last coat of paint is going on today, her gutters all got linseed yesterday, and when she’s done I’ll take photos and show you next time.

Jack watches the cans of paint and ladders go by… while I . . .

. . . make new stuff . . . I heard you, Girlfriends, and finally got busy and did the final designs for a few new pieces . . . Yes, the little Courage vase is done! 💞

And here is the back side . . . you can use it as a cream-for-one, too! It’s 1 5/8″ tall.

And there will be other things . . . two nightlights . . . (this is the back of one of the designs)

And two butter dishes, one plain, with just flowers and border, and the other has this quote from the movie of Little Women . . .

The Courage vase/pitcher will come in a set of three tiny vases . . . here’s vase #2 …

And this little round one is the tallest of the three, at 2 3/4 inches.

This is the back of the last one . . . there will be more too, a tea bag caddy, a kitty dish, a ring dish, a large vase, a heart ornament that hangs from a ribbon, and a pencil cup. We will get them in to the Studio right around January first!

And this? This is going to be my first stuffed doll, how appropriate that it will be Jack! I drew him in pencil, and he’s being made into this ⤵️ !

A soft little doll you can embroider and stuff, with his own little quilt, which has a bit of embroidery outline, but the letters are printed (which you can embroider or not). For a little one. They can put their baby to bed. Coming soon. Watch this space!

Before I put the dishes and glasses back in the dining room … I washed everything, wanting to do a good deep cleaning. AND while I was doing that, I finally went through the boxes of things I’ve bought over the years, as we travel, that I saved for you . . . to put up on our website in the Vintage section.

Such as these gorgeous, etched, vintage wine glasses . . .

It’s a set of six with an extra to break (always good to have an extra) … and when you toast with these very thin glasses, they ring like bells.

And this sweet little cream and covered sugar bowl. There’s lots more, including a couple of sets of dishes, I took pictures for Kellee . . . so watch our Vintage store over the holidays, Kellee will begin putting them up on Monday.

I also signed a contract to do the new 2020 calendars coming out this time next year . . . And there’s going to be a new addition! It will be mostly photography … a 12 x 12 wall calendar showing the beauty of the English Countryside. This is the cover . . .

And here’s a sample of the inside, the top-page for May 2020! I’m sure you know that our 2019 calendars are up and ready to go when you are!

So, when I finally got my dining room/gym back, I was lying on the floor doing my exercises . . . looked up, and there he was, head dangling over the side watching me. So adorable, I had to get UP, and go get the camera.

He just laid there waiting for me.

Being the most adorable. Ah, kitty love…

Remember this? It’s the soap dish I’ve had on my counter for probably 30 years. I found it in a kitchen shop and it’s been just the best thing ever. I’m not a person in love with pump-bottles of soap on my kitchen counter, so this more-natural looking thing makes me happy.

So just in cases you aren’t a pump-soap person either, I finally found the wood dishes for you . . . and then they stopped making them! And then they started again! Yay, so we just got them back in our web store . . .  with the perfect hand soap for next to your sink, a giftified set of soap and wood dish with sweet label to make a special little stocking stuffer/housewarming gift. The soaps are also available separately in sets of three.






Joe and I leave for California by train on October 3rd (three days of Twitter from the Twain, Boston to LA, follow us on Twitter for cross-country fun! You don’t have to join to look at the pictures and read). Part of what I’ve been doing is getting the house ready for fall . . . we get home four days before Halloween, we want to walk into AUTUMN! So I got out my Autumn Book to inspire me . . . 🍁

So the owls are on the window sill . . .

And the wreath is on the wall . . .

Reminding myself about decorating, getting out wooden candlesticks and bowls, planning my Halloween menu, Touchdown Chili and Corn Pudding and Gingerbread Cake with Lemon Sauce . . .

We bring home a bit of the woods on every walk . . .

Dried corn is on the door, and right before we go, once the house is good and dry, we’ll line our pumpkins on the little shelf over the front door.

We’re having luv-lee sunsets lately, the pink of this one attached itself to the spire,

Jack says bye-bye . . . stretching in the sunlight

Bye Bye to the picket fence garden . . .

Bye Bye to whatever this is, just a cute photo I felt like putting up!

Your cups are in the cooker . . .  never know exact date, coming all the way from England, getting through customs, but before end of October if all goes well!

Hope to see you at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo, CA on October 13th at 2 pm for a talk, book signing, and question answering! So excited! I believe it’s sold out, but they do have a waiting list. Yes! And for you hip east-coast girls,  don’t forget when we get home we’ll be at the West Falmouth Library on Cape Cod, MA for a talk and signing on November 10th at 1:30 pm.

My son helps me paint (in his own way). And I am writing like crazy, it’s like living in a conscious dream, being “there” all day and thinking how I can tell you the story in the best way. Joy of joys. I’m in the zone.

I leave you with a quote that was printed in Yankee Magazine in 2013 . . . Here comes that time of year when you can make a little world for you and your loved ones. Has to do with the smell of cooking foods they love, with fresh sheets on the bed and cozy jammies, having a little petty pet to love, and really and truly, it has everything to do with counting our many blessings.

Oh yes, and P.S., if you stuck with this long enough to get all the way to here, you should have a reward 🎉🎊, so here you go #1, the “movie” is still being thought about💃, and #2, you’re the first to know, the name of our new book is  . . .

 E  N  C  H  A  N  T  E  D

England, Wales, Scotland, and IrelandXOXO, from your Pal, Enjoy your September Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, too!) xoxo

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732 Responses to This SEPTEMBER SUNDAY will never come again . . .

  1. Sheryl Hoopes says:

    This is a fabulous blog! The photos are wonderful…where can I get a Home Is Where The Heart Is hook (in the photo with the blue and white checked towel)? I do believe my kitchen is crying out for one!

  2. One of my very favorite things is to draw the drapes against winter’s chill. I’ve moved from my Appy Mtn farm and my new to me farm has wooden blinds in the house. Not to my liking but will be used, along with drapes, when cold nips at the windows. Since I discovered double drapery rods, life has been SO much easier when hanging drapes.
    “Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.” ~ Austin O’Malley ~

  3. Rosanne Murphy says:

    Oh, Susan! The Courage vase is almost here, and with two other adorables! To me it hits right to the heart because in my caregiver life I need that reminder daily. Of course, all the other darling treats you have created for us caught my eye as well and gleefully I say, mine! Mine! Mine!😊 There really is no end to your enchantment, and thank goodness for that! Love you!❤️

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sure Rosanne, you are one of the many unsung heroes who do amazing things every day! I thank you too, you make the world a better place. xoxoxo

      • Rosanne Murphy says:

        Thank you, Susan, but the real unsung heroes are the people from Hospice who have become our friends, and the caregiver who comes in each morning for a couple of hours to help us both and is now like family. Even my shy kitty has decided to make friends with everyone. I think she feels all the warmth and caring they bring into our home. Life is good.❤️

        • sbranch says:

          Hospice is a bit of heaven, I could not agree more. I sing their praises every chance I get and love hearing you have them near. Where are you Rosanne, I forget . . .😘

          • Rosanne Murphy (Oregon) says:

            We live in Keizer, Oregon, which is the north end of Salem. My hubby has remained steady since going on Hospice in January, so under Medicare rules he may roll off in October. That is both good and bad news, as the Hospice support is great for both of us and we will then be on our own! I have learned that in our health care system there is a big gap when it comes to home/palliative care. Our government would rather pay big bucks for a facility than support home care for less money. Go figure. Anyway, just trying to be in the flow of life with whatever comes our way.

          • sbranch says:

            It’s a crazy system that hurts so many. Pray we can change it some day. Blessings on you both Rosanne. xoxo

  4. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every single thing in this post! Before and after photos make me so happy. Love the material you chose for your new curtains, it’s fabulous! And the picture of Jack waving good bye, should be framed. Thank you Susan for all you do for us girlfriends. You are one of those people who make the world a happier place. ♥ ♥ ♥

  5. Nan Fischlein says:

    Ditto to Marie’s remarks! I’m so glad to have found your blog, and that you’re alive and still creating! My sister gave me my first cookbook by Susan Branch in 1990’s. I loved your artwork as much as the recipes. Today is a very cold and dreary day in September but you have warmed my heart! Xoxo Nan

  6. Laura says:

    Have a wonderful trip!!! Everytime I see Jack it makes me want a kitty but alas I would sneeze & sneeze & sneese!!! God bless you Susan for bringing a dose of love & joy into my day!!!

  7. gili says:

    Just returned from Moonstone beach yesterday after being there for a marvelous week celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary and of course we went to San Luis Obispo(the Thursday night farmers’market is awesome) and we did stop at the Apple Farm and purchased a few goodies from your little nook area and chatted with the lady in the store about your visit in October,I wish I could be there to visit with you but alas it wasn’t meant to be this time!! As always your blog does my heart good,your art gives my joy and your love of all that is British rivals mine!!

  8. Heidi Wooters says:

    We have been GF’s since I was about 25 yrs old. (I’m 58!) and I saw a lovely page of your artwork in my Mother’s Country Living Magazine. It was Thanksgiving. I fell in love. I was a young wife and mother trying to figure out how to decorate and cook. Then I found your “Heart of the Home” book and I was hooked! I followed you through the years with books, calendars, Willard, trips, Kitties, blog, your travels, your store, and I’ve given your books as gifts to my daughters and girlfriends. My daughter gives me your calendars every year for Christmas. All of them. Lol. I love your home (especially in the autumn) and want to thank you for sharing it with us. You inspire me (and I’m sure others) in so many ways! I love your new curtains and paint! Just wanted to say Thank You for being such a good friend for so many years!! Happy Fall!

  9. Mary Ann in mid-Missouri says:

    This has nothing to do with this blog post, but…. I am reading “Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams” for the third time. There is something I’ve wanted to ask since the first time I read it, so here goes…. on page 28 there is a picture of your living room with Agnes’s furniture still in it. You said you got rid of almost everything there, but I noticed an adorable drop front desk that looks old but beautiful, and I just have to ask if you kept that. I don’t think I could have parted with it. Just curious. 🙂

  10. Tawni says:

    Dear Sweet Susan,
    I was lucky enough to be on your island when you wrote this beautiful blog! What an amazing experience. The clouds on Martha’s Vineyard are so unique and spell binding.
    And the sticks! The sticks with the wooly sage green moss are so magical and interesting, I brought some back to house every time we went out. We don’t have anything like them in Lodi.
    We invited our neighbors for dinner on Friday night for lobster rolls from Grace Church. The wife brought the most incredible lemon pudding cake for dessert. When she served us, I thought I don’t need to eat ALL of that. As it turned out I had to will myself not to lick my plate. And everyone else’s too.
    We were so impressed with your island, and it’s people and food and homes and cliffs and lighthouses. Every time that ferry blew its horn we wanted to applaud. Magic around every corner.
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

    • sbranch says:

      They say that the moss on trees is only there in places where the air is very very clean! I’m not surprised, this being an island. I’m so happy you enjoyed it Tawni! Last night, the boat horn blew just before I was falling asleep and I had to hug myself from happiness. It’s a wonderful sound! SO happy you got to experience it. Now I want the recipe for that lemon pudding cake! xoxoxo

  11. your post are so long in a time, between each other, you should must write so fast.

  12. Vita Avanesian says:

    I love, love ,love your Green room curtain fabric!!!! Can you let me know what it is? My husband and I were in England around the time you were there and I took pictures of curtains too!!! Great minds think alike! haha!

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha! You know what? I don’t really know the name. When Jessica comes with the rest of them I’ll try to remember to ask her. They do have hydrangeas on them, if that helps!

  13. ~Del gato gordo y descarado~ says:

    I went to read your blog and wandered to the online newspaper.
    Read the Vineyard Gaz/Commentary about Trina…wow, what a life!
    And a cat lady, down to the matching bedroom furniture they had.

    Meanwhile thank you for a good helping of your Food for The Soul!

  14. Bridget B. in Tn. says:

    Susan, I am not on Twitter but I read yours daily. I agree we need the truth. Kavanaugh appears so very arrogant. More importantly, he is failing to answer many questions. Even so, the information coming out makes it appear he used alcohol frequently and makes her allegations even more believable. His attitude and behavior during questioning reflect poorly on him. I believe anyone who has done criminal investigations would find her much more credible. I will end with that. Susan, you go girl!!

    • sbranch says:

      What was that, during a Supreme Court interview, “I like beer, you like beer, I drank beer, I like beer . . . over and over? Did he really have to keep saying that. I did not understand. I almost thought he’d been drinking beer right then.

  15. Theresa Kane says:

    love love the new wall colors and curtains! While I know its hard work, how fun to have everything fresh and crisp, just like Autumn! I’ll be getting the 2019 calendars and really looking forward to the 2020 version and of course the new book! Perhaps another book tour is in the works? I’ll make sure I get to one of them, no matter where they are! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I hope so, first I have to finish the book, so maybe not for a year, but I’ll definitely blog about it when it happens! Thank you Theresa!

  16. Mary says:

    Beautiful colors in your home!!! Susan, what color (brand and name of shade) is the pink in your dining room?! thank you 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      It doesn’t have a name, only a formula which is YO3-RO2-Blk1-W3oz Pratt and Lambert Red Seal Eggshell finish, self-priming paint.

  17. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Lovely blog! Thank you for taking time out – egads you all have been busy – I always enjoy your updates so much! You inspire me each time I stop in for a visit! Now, I will go work on my granddaughter’s off to college quilt! Hugs!!!

  18. Martha Burnham says:

    Loved reading this. I, too, am fall cleaning, but certainly got more inspired by your post. Happy Fall and safe travels.

  19. Sharon in So. Calif. says:

    Hi Susan, it’s been ages since I’ve been able to comment, I’m still watching full time my little granddaughter Charlotte. I have had her since she was 4 months old and she just turned 2!! I can’t believe how fast time flies. Needless to say, I don’t have much computer time anymore, but I wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your new dining room color, and the drapery, GOREGOUS! Love the freshness on the outside too. You and Joe are the best caretakers, I’m sure that your ‘old’ house just loves you. Too many new goodies to comment on, but also love them all. Well soon you will be in my neck of the woods, where we are still in summer mode, so sick of running the a/c!! So sick of my electric bill too, lol. I celebrate my seasons through you! Will be watching your twittering from the twain, enjoy your trip and thanks for everything you do for me, and all the girlfriends, you are the BESTEST! Love and kisses to Jack too….

    • sbranch says:

      Hugs to you and Charlotte, Sharon. Yes, I can just imagine your busy days!! Thank you for the weather report, I’m just about to start packing and I was wondering! Love and kisses to you too, and thank you!!!

  20. Sylvia says:

    I LOVE your dining room redo! Thanks for sharing

  21. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! All of the everything’s in your recent post are so beautiful! My goodness, the new china pieces, the new sewing kitty, the new calendar for 2020, are precious!!!!! Your beautiful pink walls, and delicate floral window treatments……… so you! If your antique house could talk, it would surely thank you for making it the jewel it is! Praying for safe travels as you and Joe head west to California. Take care. God Bless. (I will be rereading this one over and over again……it makes me smile on a very gloomy day.)

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you dear. Joe just loading up car now, on our way to next stop! Beautiful out here, wonderful to hug our loved ones! xoxoxo

  22. Terri Brewster says:


    Safe travels to California. As you leave for California, we will have arrived from California to spend a few days on the Cape. I need some fall weather and beautiful fall colors. Just want to say, I love, love, love the pink dining room, so bright and cheerful. The house looks so fresh and bright, enjoy it!

  23. Sharrie says:

    I’m excited to see the *pink* curtains and the *pink* walls! In my mind’s eye, I can see them in a imaginary view from the outside and a lamp is on and the pink is that magic, gold pink of a beautiful sunset. I hope they are a lovely and warm glow for you through the winter and other times of the year.

    A year ago, we attended a conference for the Heritage Rose Foundation, held in Fredericksburg, VA, and we toured the home and gardens of Gari and Corinne Melchers. In the home was an all-pick room that my daughters and I just thought was lovely. They are both in their 20s and in college. One daughter would totally agree with the decision to change her room to a pink room and let me do anything to “her” room and the other would prefer I not touch her room or her things. 🙂

    I hope in all of your “spare time” you might get a chance to look at Gari Melchers paintings–they are lovely.

  24. Rachel B says:

    I’m loving all the redecorating that you are doing! That pink on the walls in the dining room is gorgeous and exactly the shade that I want to paint my sun room. Could you please tell the name of it? – Also, all the girls that I work with love your work and your blog. We say that we are “in love with you”, but you know that means we just love you lots! We have been brainstorming this morning on who will play you and Joe in your upcoming movie/miniseries/TV show. We have chosen Maggie Gyllenhaal for you and Armie Hammer for Joe, and we would also like for it to be a miniseries. Let us know what you need us to do to get that ball rolling faster!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m on the road, Rachel, but I did tell the name of it here in the comments, I think maybe twice. I don’t have that with me now, it’s not a name, it’s actually a paint formula. Otherwise, ask me again when I’m home and I’ll let you know! Love your stars!!!! xoxoxoxo

      • Rachel B. says:

        I scrolled up and saw the paint color number in a previous response just seconds after I sent that comment and was like, “Dang! I should have just looked first!” But it was too late to take it back. Thank you!!! You have such awesome taste!!!

  25. Eileen Ammendolea says:

    What a great blog! It left me yearning to see the glorious colors of autumn in New England. A road trip is in order! I love your new paint choices! My dining room is navy blue but it’s lightened by lace curtains and blue toile valances. My living room is light pink and my porch is light green. Great minds……!

  26. Kathryn Oliberos says:

    Warm and beautiful post! Looking forward to more “fall”! Any chance we will b able to get more of your sold out cups? There r so many more I want to purchase!

    • sbranch says:

      Likely not. I put them up for presale because we try to figure out how many to order ahead of time… we’re a very small business and don’t have a lot of room for inventory, so we do our best to make sure everyone gets one, we add on a 2 or 3 hundred for people who forget to order. So that’s how we figured out to do it. The manufacturer has a minimum order of quite a LOT, which makes it hard for us to re-order a second time, after most of our folks have already bought them. It’s a conundrum! But if we get lots of requests for a certain cup, perhaps it can happen!

  27. Jan says:

    I hung in to the end! Enchanted is such a wonderful word. The drapes are beautiful. Just the thought that they’re lined with flannel is wonderful! Someone once said they always line their (would be thinner) curtains with solid yellow fabric. Makes it look like the sun is always out if there is any light coming through! Wishing you a wonderful trip…it should be so pretty this time of year. I’m considering train travel, not wanting to fly anymore. How do you sleep through all the stops??! Thank you for the beautiful blog as always! Love the little new vases.🍁🌻🏡🎀🚂❤️❤️❤️

    • sbranch says:

      You get used to it! Sometimes it’s easier than others, but all the way across the country is only 3 days. You kind of nap all day too, the movement of the train is very rock-a-bye-baby. Thank you Jan!

  28. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    Oh Boy, Twitter from the Twain. I may have to finally join Twitter. 🙂
    So much fun traveling with you both.


    The English in my bones become stronger with each and every one of your blogs! They are treasures!! You REALLY did a WOW with this special edition. I see you have some new goodies in your shop and I intend to purchase. Your staff is the best. Susan, if you had to narrow down your time in England to three weeks, what would you choose. I’ve been to the Lake District and to Beatrix’s Home. WHAT A TREAT. Couldn’t do nearly as much as we intended due to illness, so I’d like some suggestions from “my professional tour guide”. By the say, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my mugs!! Also, LOVE your new décoré. You’re a genius.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, LOL, thank you Lady Heartwell! Three weeks is a good long time! I would go to Kent, there are so many wonderful things to see there, including Sissinghurst and Chartwell (Churchill’s home) and many gardens, homes, castles, it’s driving distance to so much. Read about all of that in A Fine Romance. Also, everyone loves the Cotswolds. The Yorkshire Dales and York are also amazing. Love just talking about it!

  30. Sharon Crane says:

    Dear Susan,
    I’m reading this in October, but love the September Sunday installment! I totally agree with you; I do my “Spring-cleaning” in the Fall! It just feels so much more satisfying. Also, I love the picture of your kitty standing up in front of the door, watching the paint and ladders go by–too adorable!!!
    Thank you!

  31. sharon taylor says:

    Hi Susan,

    I can’t find the blog where you gave instructions to “click” here and then you will be notified on your email when a new blog is ready to read. Would you please refresh the instructions, cause I thought I did it correctly, but I didn’t get a notice that a new blog was up. Thanks a bunch. Have a wonderful trip out west.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m running out the door soon this morning, but I forwarded your comment to [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ … she’ll get that for you. It does make it a lot easier! Thank you Sharon!

  32. Nonni says:

    Hey, out there in the Vineyard! We’re pinging your Blog with an Emergency Alert…you hear it? 🙋 We’re all 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦showing a warning light on our Blog meters! Our tanks are getting seriously close to empty! We’ve got tag-teams all over the world sitting around the clock watching for a new letter (Willard) or new Blog entry, just ready to make a pot of tea, eat some seriously decadent cakes, cookies; ready to click on “THE” Bookmark – Susan Branch Blog! Incidently, and seriously, this has got to be a record decent into paints, pens, pictures and puddy cat. Well, we all just wanted to say we’ve missed hearing from you…it’s sooo unlike you…hope all is well with you and yours.

    • sbranch says:

      I know, I know, I know, I’m so sorry. We’re traveling, and this is the first morning I’ve had access to the computer since we left last Saturday, and we have to leave HERE at 7 am!!! It’s all driving right now, hopefully when we get settled in San Luis Obispo I can do an update!!! I’m so ready! I’ll be baaaack!

  33. Linda says:

    Can’t wait to see you this Saturday at Apply Farm in San Luis Obispo! I have an extra ticket if anyone is in need of one!

    • sbranch says:

      Bring it if you don’t find anyone. I have lots of friends and family coming, and as usual, none of them thought to get tickets!!! But don’t hold it for me because I feel sure they will let them in even if they have to stand! See you soon!!!

  34. Lin says:

    Dear Susan, I sent a message awhile back but didn’t have the correct email address! Wanted to say just how wonderful these are, each and every time. Really appreciate your sharing and hard work. Can’t wait to get the book and hope all goes well with the movie!!!!!! Oh please!!!!!!
    Regards to Joe and the great kitty. He’s adorable. Well they both are. Linda

  35. Linda says:

    Lovely blog, wonderful stories & photos, beautiful Autumnon the island. Love hearing about it all! Keep the stories going … Love all of what you share!🍁🍂

    • sbranch says:

      I won’t stop, just get interrupted with road trips now and then, I shall return, and thank YOU for your kind words!

  36. I CAN’T WAIT for Enchanted!!!! Everything touched by our Susan is Enchanted, but I am REALLY excited to read about something “extra” enchanted!!

  37. Anne Miller says:

    Hello, Susan! My good husband and I are just back from a blissful trip to theUK.It was a life-long wish fulfilled and a 40th wedding anniversary celebration AND was heavily inspired by you and your work that keeps so many of us believing that goodness tips the scales in these troublesome times. We spent five days in London! ” When you travel to London, you find what you were looking for.” H Hanff. The eight days in the Lake District (rented Honeysuckle Cottage on Sykes) making Bowness on Windermere our home base and we made day trips from there, following lightly and with great happiness in your footsteps. Our last five days we were in Edinburgh, Scotland. That experience exceeded our dreams.Thank you, Miss Beautiful Light, continue to inspire!

    • sbranch says:

      Ohh Anne, how wonderful for you. I can hear the dream-come-true in your words. What a perfect way to celebrate your 40th! Congratulations, and welcome home. Here’s to the luv-lee memories!

  38. Pam bonina says:

    I purchased your autumn cup and was billed in August. Have never received the cup. Just put an inquiry in at PayPal. Are they back ordered, or was shipping to me missed. Thanks

  39. sue says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,
    Have been following your twitter page and am thank you for writing something everyday even though you are so busy. Thank you for today’s posting on fall. I’ve been thinking about pumpkin cheesecake, now I think I may make one. Also that recipe for marmalade cake you posted a year or so ago if I can find it. One quick question…. when you make your leaf buntings, do you do anything to the leaves to make them stay flat, and not curl up? Something to preserve them. Have a safe journey, and enjoy every minute with your mother. You are so lucky to still have her in your life, and to be born when you ( and I ) were, when life was so much simpler.
    Love you both, Sue

    • sbranch says:

      I hope you made the cheesecake. It’s shockingly easy for such a gorgeous thing! I don’t preserve the leaves, they curl, but the curling is pretty too, and it’s only a short season. Sometimes I just tape them to the window. I just want something fast and pretty, and they work. I know, my mom. It was wonderful to see her, our hug was everything. Going again a few more times before we leave. Thank you Sue!

  40. Holly Fister says:

    Hi Susan, I love your curtains! I just moved into a new house, and my bare windows need some love and character like yours. Next project!
    What I really wanted to tell you is that your book Isle of Dreams has been a huge blessing and inspiration to me these past two months. My post partum depression got out of control, and I grabbed your book on the way out the door to the hospital. I loved, loved, loved it! I connected with it because I was (and am) going through an identity crisis. I used to be an artist, and now I don’t know what exactly I am anymore. I finally took a first step towards a dream, like you with your cookbook, and I started a blog. Now I’m chugging along and having a blast. I’m so glad you followed your dreams and found happily ever after too. This was probably TMI for you, but I know you loved connecting with your first letter of fan mail, and I wanted you to know I felt like I had a friend in you while reading your book. I flip back through it all the time. Take care!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s wonderful Holly! One of the best things about getting older is looking back and realizing how “who you are” comes along in little flashes, at first you’re a clean blackboard with maybe reading, and a few movies and some music and maybe you love ice cream. But as time goes on, you gather, you get tea, or coffee, and maybe motherhood, become Christmas obsessed, or long-walk taking, or yoga-loving, or pie-baking and blog writing, best-friend having, valentine-making, diary-keeping, garden-planting, quilt-loving … the list never ends, and someday, these things are who you are and you know! Sort of like counting your blessings, there is more there to answer the question “who am I” than any of us realize. But we don’t pop out knowing, or even having, we gather. Which is why it’s so hard to be 20 and so much easier to be 50!

  41. Kathleen Williams says:

    Thank you for sharing the simple things life. Reading your Blog makes me slow down and look at the world around me in a different light. It makes my soul happy. I’m enjoying your home improvements too. God Bless Joe!! Your time and thoughtfulness to share your story and photos is appreciated. Hugs
    P.S. Can’t wait for your new book to come out.

    • sbranch says:

      We had a book talk here in California, and I introduced Joe, and he got a HUGE spontaneous applause from the our girlfriends in the audience, with lots of YAY’s … he was so surprised, but he deserves it! All our guardian-angel boyfriends and husbands, brothers and dads, decent, honest and true, deserve the same.

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