Hello everyone! From sunny, lovely, mellow, quiet, small-town, Central Coast of California, above Santa Barbara, below Big Sur, near San Luis Obispo, where I spent my concert-going formative years, age 21 to age 32. 💞 MUSICA. Dawn rising here, kitties sleeping, tea hot, making mashed avocado (they fall from trees here in la-la land) on Trader Joe’s toast for breakfast. Life, she is good. How is everyone???? Missing you! Have had terrible computer connection until we finally landed here. So we have a lot to catch up on. 😘
Breakfast: Chewy buttered toast, peppery, salted, ripe, avocado. Yum!
This little floral item is giving my nose heart palpitations right now. I picked it from the bush just outside our Studio door and put it a vase next to my computer. Heavenly California. Very nice to be back…
Our first night, after a long drive north, listening to the Joni Mitchell Court and Spark album, we went to dinner at the Pacific Ocean . . . with the most wonderful October sunset. Wanted to share with you deep breath of salt air and gentle breeze off the water. Although, do not get me wrong, I can’t wait to get home and see what the leaves are doing on Martha’s Vineyard! But, right now, we’re blooming where we are planted . . . and it’s really not been very difficult!
We traveled across the country the long, old-fashioned, S L O W way, as always, by train. Above is the view from our table in the dining car. We crossed the Mississippi just in time for a lovely sunset sky, working our way west.
We always know when we reach New Mexico because it turns red outside our windows. We live in a beautiful country and it’s a privilege to see it up close and personal.
We make the most of it, bringing our books, tea cups and tea, the kettle, apples, cheese and crackers. (Yes, I have my Apple cup with me, and yours are on the way, more at the bottom of this post!)
See the plastic spoon? There was a rattle, but Mr. Fixit solved it instantaneously! It’s so nice to have a man around the train car. Yes, sheep socks. The only way to fly!
Totally spoiled. Stopped at train station in Albany, Joe got himself a coffee shake! I brought everything with me but the kitchen sink.
We’re there, time to load up the car and hit the road!
Heading east across LA toward the desert . . .
First to Palm Springs area to see my sister Shelly (who loaned us her ice chest) and to see her darling twins, who grew up since we last saw them, they turned 15! (You’ll see later!)
Then out to Arizona . . . to see my dad’s wife Jeanie and her sister Mary who still live in the house where my dad lived.
Again, we went the long way, up and over the mountains, through gorgeous Prescott, then to edge of the mountain, old mining town of Jerome, named for a cousin of Jennie Jerome, Winston Churchill’s mother (yes, he’s half American), who we are related to through my Dad’s mom, my grandmother Murray, because this is a nutty world, and down, along the precipice of the world where we were hailed upon, big ice-balls festively splotching onto the windshield, followed our car into the valley below.
We went that way both times, traveling in, and traveling back out. Slower but so much prettier,
. . . with lovely views, piles of billion-year-old rocks, and no trucks! (See the tree at the top of this?!)
Our first morning in Cottonwood, I was getting ready to do some laundry at the motel ~ we were going to visit my Dad’s grave after the laundry was done. I was digging in the bottom of my purse for money for the washer and dryer ~ and pulled a handful of change out of my bag and onto the motel dresser top to sort it. I saw this very old dime, and thought, let me look closer. And there it was, 1923, the year my dad was born. What are the chances? I said, “Hi Dad.” It was wonderful. I’m still not over it. I’m going to put that dime on my charm bracelet because my dad said hello the day I got to his town!
We took our darling girls, my dad’s wife Jeanie on the left (91, I know, shocking!), and Mary (86, both of them full of love), sisters who take care of each other (Jeanie is my “other mother”) out to dinner to my Dad and Jeanie’s favorite spot in Cottonwood, Nic’s. It was wonderful to see them so well and healthy. Nicest midwest girls, Jeanie and Mary White, grew up near Chicago. Aren’t they adorable?
We stayed in Cottonwood visiting for three days, then back out to LA to see my Uncle Dick, my mom’s brother, then up Pacific Coast Highway . . .
. . . and finally, down the driveway to our Studio here, near San Luis Obispo, where Kellee and Sheri come every day . . . where we’re now parked for the duration.
This is where the gardenias bloom, and where our Studio Kitties, sweet, shy, Sasha, and
handsome, beauty-marked, Sammy, run the show. We are staying here now, and get these guys to ourselves at nights and on the weekends. Shhhh, don’t tell Jack.
We came out to California to see family, and also for a book talk and signing at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo, which took place last Saturday the 13th . . . these were the name tags Kellee made . . . everyone got one!
The moment we walked in the door Kellee and Sheri put us to work, tying ribbons onto these little books they’d made. Joe and I got home from our trip to England in July, and since then, as you know, I have been working on our new book ~ E N C H A N T E D. 💞 Before we left the island, I was writing and painting at my art table, and as time came closer for us to go to the Apple Farm, I thought, How can I make this book-talk extra nice? What can I bring that will make it fun for everyone? I thought, Well, I could read the first chapter of the new book, they might like that. I asked Joe what he thought, and he said it was a good idea, except, he said, “Wouldn’t it be better if everyone could see the photos you’re putting in?” And I thought, Oh dear, right, because as Lewis Carroll said, “What is the use of a book without pictures?” So, then I thought, Why don’t we make little books of the first chapter, include the photos, and hand them out to everyone who comes to the signing? So I called Kellee and Sheri to see what they thought ~ they loved the idea, so that’s exactly what we did!
So the big day came and we were ready! Kellee and Sheri kept the secret better than me, because I told Twitter what we were doing, due to large uncontrollable mouth and secret-keeper-failure.
Look at me, I’m ecstatic. Not everyone is on Twitter, so we were able to surprise lots of our Girlfriends, look at this happy group! We had such a wonderful time, spent most of it laughing!
It was a tent full of girlfriends!
Apple farm made it so nice for everyone! Lemon water, hot apple cider, fall decorations, it was a beautiful day.
They put a box of treats on every single chair. Treats, believe it or not, all made from recipes in my Autumn Book, all my favorites, including apple crisp, pumpkin cheesecake, and my Grandma’s maple cookies! Bless that Apple Farm’s little heart. 💝 And you are probably asking “Wenches? Why does it say wenches?” My Girlfriend Elizabeth, who I met when she bought Holly Oak from me (she doesn’t own it anymore), now lives in Palo Alto. I was texting her while she was driving (she was a passenger!) down the coast with her three best girlfriends on their way to the talk, and they were calling themselves, the Wenches (for reasons unknown, probably having to do with festive road trip!). I had lots of friends and family coming, and several dear old friends you would recognize as characters in my books, so sweet and helpful Apple Farm set a group of chairs off to the side and labeled it Reserved for the Wenches. And a thing was born.
Here are some of the Wenches . . . top row is Diana (Elizabeth’s cousin), then Teri, and Kathy ~ bottom row, the “original” Diana (best friend from my books), and then Elizabeth. (Perhaps “wenches” had something to do with those Hats!)
So then it was time, and here I am shaking in my boots, because that’s what I do when I have to speak in front of people. Rachael, my sidekick from the Apple Farm, is introducing me, Joe is pointing the camera and saying, “Look at me!” And all is chaos! But only I know, to everyone else, everything looks perfectly normal. My heart was beating like a squirrel’s crossing the LA Freeway.
I started talking, thanking the Apple Farm in quavering voice, tongue totally in the way, thanking Joe, who received a huge spontaneous round of applause!!! It was so cute!!! He turned six colors of pink. (It probably had a lot to do with the teabag caper he allowed me to photograph! Plus the other things, like painting the dining room pink, stopping creaks in train compartments, putting pumpkins over the front door, and general guardian-angel duties, like driving on the wrong side of the road in quest of beauty while wearing darling beret!) Then I introduced the Wenches, which, by that time, included my sister Shelly (above) and her twins. 💞
And then it was time! I’d signed all the little books the night before and the girls began passing them out.
Everyone promised to keep them a secret so it will still be a surprise for all of you when ENCHANTED is published. But perhaps I do need to give a couple more of them away beforehand, right? So I will do that the moment I get home ~ we’ll have a Girlfriends Giveaway when I am more connected to the computer again!
I read out loud, a little test run for Enchantment, and everyone read along . . .
Joe went around taking pictures while we weren’t looking . . .
Shelly was reading and the twins put down their phones long enough to read along. (Huge honor, will likely never happen again!)
The twins brought their dog Lucy in a baby stroller which actually got her into many restaurants too!
Afterwards, there was a long question and answer period, about art, and book writing, hand writing and love stories, cooking, England, ex-husbands, and Anglophiles, Scotland, Highclere, dreams-come-true, and every other thing we could think of. Then I signed everyone’s books and calendars. First in line was Oma, 96 years young, who tried to steal Joe from me with her charm and it almost worked! I was forced to give her my evil eye👀. Oma was born in Rotterdam, Holland, but has lived here forever, and came to the event with her daughter Annelies. 💞 Lucky me. MUSICA.
Sheri brought her mom, Donna, too . . . we had lots of moms and daughters, sisters, cousins and best friends, it was definitely a family affair.
The next day it was my turn with my mom, who lives with my sister Paula. We drove up to see them ~ it was wonderful to be with her and everyone again! Mom doesn’t have much memory left, but she still has the happy gene and she is well loved and cared for. Sometimes she remembers who I am, but not always. Once she asked me “Who are you?” And I gave her the whole thing, “Susan Anne Stewart.” And her eyes lit up ~ I knew she knew, and she gave me a big hug. Counting my blessings, I’m so lucky, I still have my mom. She’s 88 now.Mom, me, and Dad . . . doesn’t seem so long ago . . .
We all went out to breakfast and then stayed together at my sister’s all day. Later, for dinner, Paula made us a beautiful lasagna, we made a giant salad, the kids made my dad’s recipe for garlic bread, and Shelly made coffee ice-cream shakes . . . here is a family photo sampling from breakfast above: my niece Karis on the left, her husband, Henry, in back ~ my niece Tricia and her girlfriend Matisse. The two little ones belong to Karis and Henry ~ they are just a few of my mom’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All as sweet as they look. My beautiful family. The beat goes on. So fun to be “home.”
The next day we said goodbye to Shelly and the boys ~ they headed home, back to work and back to school. But we’ll be here for another week. I’ll have several more visits to my mom, and lots of dinners with friends. I went to the movies with Diana yesterday, we cried through A Star is Born, and I’m going to see Colette this weekend with Elaine. It’s ALL, ALL, ALL good.
HAVE to show you this. Saturday night, after the Apple Farm, we went out to dinner with the wenches, had the BEST time talking about the concerts we saw in our youth, Jackson Browne, Jimmy Buffet, Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, the Beatles, and on and on, each better than the other, the Santa Barbara Bowl, Esalen in Big Sur, the Cow Palace, the Hollywood Bowl and the Troubadour . . . and then, THIS ⬆️ was in the bathroom of the restaurant! Note light at faucet, and then where water touches down. When you put your hand under it, your hand turns blue where the water runs on you, and yet, the water itself is not blue. It’s all just light! Had to show you, out came the phone, click! What will they think of next?
So what else is new? . . . Love that I get to spend time face to face with Kellee, concocting new things!
I was plotting our days here on the calendar, and noticed Kellee had hung the new calendar for 2019 behind the old one. Then I noticed the DARLING calendar wall hook. So cute! Called out, “Hey, do we sell these?” And the answer I love, “Yes we do,” came back. Into my bag she went. And I took a photo to put here in case you want one too!
And look what just arrived! As lots of you knew, we ran out a while back, but due to popular demand, they’re back! The little card that comes with the “I Love Autumn” dream-charm says, “Summer’s loss means little, dear, on days like these.” For those who love this wonderful season.😘🍁
And, let’s see, what else is new . . .This. There was a request from our Girlfriends on Twitter for this art to be made into a print. You need nerves of steel for Twitter these days and this is your antidote for modern times ~ a healthy reminder of how to survive and thrive is always a good thing in this crazy world . . . put it where you can see it every morning!
This new book just arrived . . . it’s a book for a mom to fill out about her daughter . . .
I call it Beyond the Baby Book, because it’s so much more.
Once you’re done with it, it will be a special keepsake book of memories, done in your own hand for someone you love, for forever.💝
Every question you can imagine from childhood to when your first grandchild shows up! Called To My Daughter with Love.
And here they come, los cups! . . . soon to a mailbox near you . . . shipped last week from England, limited editions . . .
We hope to see them here in California first of next week if all goes well in customs! I was just testing to see how the new Christmas cup looks with the old one. ❤️
We’ll ship to you immediately, first come first serve, in the way the orders came in . . . but you know Kellee and Sheri, they waste no time! A perfect celebration for the season. Hot chocolate, spiced cider, hot soup, Irish coffee and milky tea, here we come!
We’ll be heading back to the Island next week, by Twain, hoping to cheer Twitter up with Twain Talk . . . so watch for my new photos from the room with a view. I think we should be seeing lots of fall views like this one above on our way home! The train pulls out of the station about 6 pm on October 25 . . . for three luv-lee days crossing the country until . . .Soooooo looking forward to it. Hope a few leaves hold on for us. It will almost be Halloween, windy and wild, and the kids will soon be coming to our door.
And, you know.💞 There’s more than one little piece of my heart back home.
Jack’s babysitter writes me almost every day to tell me of his most recent antics. She loves him, he is in good hands, but I miss him. I’m so glad I get to stay home all winter!
We will have such a good time! Light the fire, bring me that rubber band, and let the snow fall!
Always a beautiful sight to me.
We’ll be going off-island for just one day, November 10th, for our 1:30 talk and signing at the West Falmouth Library. You can get tickets HERE if you haven’t already. And I was told by a girlfriend on Twitter that the website said, “sold out,” but when you call, it isn’t! Be sure to check. I’ll be there to sign your books, calendars, and things for Christmas giving. When I get back to the island, I’ll give you the link for this bookmark/nametag (above) so you can print it out to wear to the event. See you there!
It’s good to go away, it makes coming home better than ever.
Happy fall Girlfriends. I’ll see you soon! Thank you for being here! Here’s a wonderful, healthy, light, and deliciously colorful salad for you to try ~ Until we meet again!🍁
Your blogs fill me with such happiness and longing. There are too many people spreading hate and intolerance, sometimes I need to go back to your posts several times just to keep my balance. I think many of us live vicariously through you, wishing for the peace and contentment that seems to surround you and Joe so easily. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and reminding us how to pay it forward by sharing peace and acceptance with those around us. I teared up when I read about the dime and again as I read how many people have had similar experiences. My father has sent me numerous signs since his death in 1999 and I know he is with me.
Thank you again. Looking forward to the next book!
We are blessed to have you in our lives.
These are my sentiments too. Susan, you are a blessing to many of us.
Reading from past posts- Per
~Happy Birthday Rachel Lucas~
Here’s another . . . sweet thing! xoxo
I just want to make my thanks gets to you that is all….
This should get better, I’m home, the computer has unlimited connection! xoxo
Loved this blog Susan, one of the very best! My husband Joe & I also took the train from Rochester, NY to California . . . divine way to travel 🙂 When I look back on all the memories that I treasure from years past, they seem as if they were a fairy tale. Too beautiful for words.
Peace & Joy to you my dear.
What a lovely feeling. xoxoxo
Thanks for the latest blog, always enjoy it immensely, the Musica too. I wrote a comment yesterday, but haven’t seen it so I guess I didn’t hit the “post comment” button :-)..lol.
As I sit and await my guests for our annual Soup and Pumpkin Carving, I think of how much you are appreciated…..loving your blog, but wanting you to have true R and R as you travel and visit family….we do tend to ask alot of you, as our Ambassador of Art, Color, Friendship and Peace. We have given you quite a task, representing hope and joy wherever you go…..but you sure have held up to the task….we all love you for reminding us of sticking close together, working hard, loving one another….this Soup and Pumpkin Carving gathering started around 25 years ago, when my friend’s daughter was a wee one….she is 29 now and we have only missed one year of this tradition….even when she was at the Chicago Art Institute, she came home for an October weekend, and we had her friends over for a carving…..such a wonderful tradition…so, I will save some soup and chili for you….carve a pumpkin with stars all over it, light a candle and light one in the window, too…..thanks, dear Ambassador, for walking through Autumn 2018 with us….
Apple Farm was so much fun. Your book talk, the treats, your reading from the first chapter of Enchanted, seeing your family, friends, and Joe, was all just wonderful. We drove from San Diego to San Luis Obispo that friday and missed a thunderstorm in San Diego. We really love road trips along the California coast. Have you ever been to Nepenthe in Big Sur? I quilt and one year I was steered in that direction and just fell more and more in love with my California. Hoping next year to take a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. Now to find the Autumn charm.
Oh yes, we adore Nepenthe, and the history of it too. Big Sur is out of this world! xoxo
My post of Oct 19 never was posted. I promise it’s nice, no need to bar it. Have posted before and would like to hear your response. Anne, Santa Barbara
I’ll go look for it…
I found your post of 10-18 about the Chippendale furniture … which I answered, and another just like it, this one below, on the FAQ page, and I believe I answered them both! They’re there, just scroll around … either under ON THE ROAD AGAIN, or FAQs. xoxo
Hi Susan I just returned from Ireland & England and of course was thinking of you. I saw an exhibit at the V& A on Chippendale furniture and was surprised to learn that there are many Chippendale pieces featured in Beatrice Potter’s books. They had some of the pages on display and a write up about Potter’s fascination with furniture. I took pics of the exhibition especially for you but have no idea how to attach them to this comment. So if you would like to see them please email me and let me know how to get them to you. I’m sure you will enjoy them. And maybe the next time you’re in London you could make a special request to the V&A to see the pages if they are not on view. it would be worth it for such a Potter fan as yourself. All the best. Anne Santa Barbara
great to see this. found the FAQ post, thanks. sent off photos to you. should have known you knew all about it. hope you enjoy the photos. cheers
The train trip always looks like such an interesting mode of transportation across our beautiful states. What memories you are gathering.
It’s true, many years of this. xoxo
.. OmG !!.. Susan, we’ve had a few cold nights ( last night here was 30* )… and all of the trees are bursting with brilliance !!.. this California-born girl has never seen such glorious colors !!.and, then, when the sunlight filters thru the oranges, reds, yellows, and golds, it looks like pure magic !!! ..I hope you and Joe have an incredible journey back home; gifted with all of this glory…with love, as always..
Oi? Acho muito lindo o seu blog, e , gostaria de saber quando vamos ter os seus livros traduzidos para o português(Brasil)? Ganhei um liro seu, uma amiga esteve ai pertinho de sua casa e comprou para mim num sebo…
I just love your posts – and the quotes – having lost my daughter, granddaughter and 1st husband I love the star Eskimo Legend – I am a recent follower of yours since the Beatrice Potter posts. Keep it up we love hearing from you such a joyous relief from the every day troubles.
Blessings & hugs
Thank you so much Bev, I’m so happy to hear from you. Yes, such a lovely thought to look at the stars and see our loved ones looking back. Too many loses for you dear. xoxoxoxo
Safe travels. Seems as though fall has been somewhat delayed here in Pennsylvania, so hopefully there will be some color for you to enjoy upon your arrival home.
That’s my hope too. We get home in 50 degree weather . . . may just catch it perfectly!
Hi Susan, Joe and all the Dearies,
What a lovely post! So glad you are catching up with those you love.
May your travels be safe, your welcomings warm, and your homecomings comforting!
Thank you Gabi!
My mother died 20+ years before my father. He loved everything Twain wrote and had the final line of Eve’s Diary put on her grave marker, “where so ever she was, there was Eden.” When my father died, I told him I would put these words on his marker, “Gone to Eden”. And I did. So happy your Dad sent you that dime. Precious beyond words.
O my gosh, that is so touchingly beautiful, Stacey. What a poet your dad was. xoxoxo
I love seeing what you are doing in California. My mother didn’t remember me the last 2 years of her life, but she always was so happy to see me when I visited. She knew I was someone special and that was enough to make my hearts happy. Love your new Christmas cup.
Isn’t that funny. I think they know our familiarity, feel it, maybe not our names, but our closeness. xoxo
Susan, your posts fill my heart with so much joy. And yes, sometimes your descriptions and quotes make me cry. What a beautiful picture of you with your handsome dad and beautiful mother! You’re a precious combination of them both. Can’t wait for Enchanted to be published! Keep us posted! Happy Halloween!
I will Kathy, thank you!
Hello Susan, Joe and Jack,
I love reading your posts, and am definitely a girlfriend! This summer I got a new kitten from our local shelter. I have had many cats in my 62 years, each unique and loved. This new little girl is amazing! She is all black with a glossy beautiful coat and an Egyptian face. She is graceful and athletic, and every day she develops a new skill; jumping high to the shelves, pushing items off the edge of any flat surface, unraveling the toilet paper, “knitting”, “making the bed” and…. wait for it… she plays fetch!!!!! It started with a little red mouse from the vet, but I remembered Jack loves pony tail bands. And my little love Felicity does, too! Her attention span is endless, so we play fetch for a good half hour ( a long time for a 5 month old kitty) or longer each session. At any rate, I HAD to share Felicity’s story, as she’s the new love of my life. Her name means happiness, as you probably knew, and it suits her perfectly. She makes me happy all day long, and her kitten antics make me laugh out loud constantly. And we both love reading about Jack. We feel if they had a cat ancestry.com, we’d find a link between Felicity and Jack, so be well cousins, and thanks for all the smiles you have given us.
Love, Ann
Ahhhhhh, deep sigh. My heart is at ease, once again, after reading this post. Did you know you are my Zen?
Susan – just checking – I sent a message a few days ago and it seems to have disappeared into cyberspace…..
I think I sent it Oct. 19 or 20th
Regina Carretta, Seattle
I found the luv-lee one you wrote on the 21st … so sorry, I’m filled with excuses, but my heart is in the right place! xoxo
This particular blog tickled my heart. I don’t usually print them, but just HAD to print this one today. I LOVE your mugs; they are such a nice mix of fine china—-lovely. I’ve spoken with Kellee on the phone and was impressed with her kindness and helping me figure out what cups I had or didn’t have and other information. Now I need to try—somehow—to obtain the two cups I don’t have as yet. I enjoy being a china freak and having my afternoon oolong or your tea. My fine china is Rutledge by Lenox; SO beautiful, but sadly discontinued. I recognize your pink china. My fall china is Evesham. Also, like the way you are doing your living room! I REALLY want to take another trip to England with my new husband. My late husband had a wonderful time there. Of course, we would have to return home via the Queen Mary 2.
It all sounds quite wonderful. Enjoy your time away and the homecoming with Jack.
Loved reading this, filling in the cracks that weren’t on Twitter. When you get back, you’ll see the maples finally turning, starting to be a blaze of orange and yellow, and of course the poison ivy is red…color is abounding…small purple and yellow flowers on the roadsides, and the dahlias and roses continue…the hydrangeas are all multicolored. Beautiful.
Enjoy the goodness that is out there…I know you do. And the train ride. Enjoy the train ride. And finally, the boat ride! And then WELCOME HOME. 🍁🍂🌻🏡😘🎃
It sounds like it’s still all there, I’m so excited to see it!!!! Yeah! Thank you Pam! xoxoxo
Susan, just was watching the nightly news (in utter despair and worry) and saw the weather report for the nation; goodness, are you train-riding right into a nor’easter? Looked like it; I saw another comment where you said weather in Boston was cold but, wow, this looked like a big one right over Nantucket, at least from the weather map! You must have had to pack for two seasons, the warm weather in SoCalif and then the return trip home in anticipated cold-snap and needing your woolens!
(At least I’ll get a smile on my face when I get my apple cup; so excited to get the msgg from your store that it’s winging my way; yay! I need my comfort in that cup. What a busy time for your staff; all those boxes coming & going [saw on your twitter; pretty darn big operation there at your west coast store!]; I think it’s cool that you were actually there in person when everything arrived from England; very exciting!)
What a touching tribute to your mom, Susan. My mom turned 89 in July, and she has dementia. I love your comment that your mom still has the happy gene. My mother does as well. While I can still talk with her on the phone, I see her just once a year. Each time I say good bye to her when I visit, I know that yet another small piece of her is gone. However, she is in a facility where she is loved and well cared for so I am very grateful. I just returned from a trip to Cottonwood and Jerome, Arizona! My best friend from college (40 plus years ago) arranged for us to take the train ride in Jerome and stay in a fun boutique hotel in Cottonwood. Your posts fill me with such joy! Thank you!!
Dear Ambassador of Art, Color, Peace and Friendship – the autumn colors and change of light are here…..traditions of pumpkin carving and soup, have lasted 24 years, with a family friend, who requests the tradition every year, since she was 5 and she is now 29….we only missed a few years, but even when she was at the Art Institute of Chicago, she managed to be home on an October weekend for carving and soup!! We need your words, your wisdom, your friendship….thank you for being such a wonderful Ambassador…..safe travels…
enjoying blustery wind, fog, and rain in Seattle, where the reds and oranges of the maples in the city are spectacular,
Your Halloween sounds positively delightful! It does seem to be a tradition-filled event! We have the same thing here, they close down the streets we get so many kids here, everyone decorates, we have a neighborhood party. Sorry I’ve been MIA! We are home now, for a good long time now!
I am able to read Twitter, and not signed up to respond – I thank you for your comments, your pointing out things I would never know about (like the note to the man on the airplane, Beto’s remarks about teachers, etc.)…..and….and….the magnificent “VOTE” jack o lantern….thank Joe for that – such an important time, and I can’t thank you quite enough for speaking truth, speaking out, speaking your heart and mind, and spreading and encouraging intelligence.
The thing is, we’ve all had to suffer in silence since the 80s not able to express our outrage for anything the government has done, not able to change much because we really had no voice. But we do now! We’re all on a huge learning curve in a way we never had a chance to be before . . . there’s so much we don’t understand about how our government works. Not conspiracy theories, because that’s just what they use to keep us engaged and in the dark. It’s dangerous out there, Facebook, for example, is a mine field of misinformation, so we have to check everything and not just BELIEVE, but still, NOW we can fight back with truth, we are not just victims sitting there taking it. Before I put something up on Twitter, I check it six times over before I put it up, first getting consensus from most trusted sources, (two w/best reputations are BBC and C-Span), but then I do, because the more truth out there, the better. I’m so happy it’s helping Regina. When this election is over, I’m going to go back to regularly scheduled programing . . . until 2020. 🤓😘
Dear Susan,
I am so intrigued with your stories , how sweet you make it telling your travels,
i feel like i am there with you and your family. Whenever your new one arrives on my computer its my time to sit and enjoy a wonderful morning.. thank you for sharing your “lifes experiences” with all of us.
Happy Autumn hugs Marie
Wonderful trip! Love to see the photos and the excitement. From one coast to the other. Happy fall!
Good~Morning My Sweet~Sue… Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…….Last Night I Watched The Full~Moon Rise & It Looked Just Like A Huge~Pumpkin Very Halloweeny 🙂 & I Swear I Saw A Witch Maybe Two Fly~By! Twas Amazing! 😉 & Now As I Sip My Pumpkin~Spice~Coffee & It’s Dark & Quiet 🙂 I Finally Flew To Your Magical Page & Have Soaked In Every Word & Photo & Am Feeling Quite “Enchanted” 🙂 (Sweet~Perfection) 🙂 I LOVE The Pic Of You & Your Beautiful Mum (My~Wings~Are~All~A~Flutter) 😉 & The Twins Are Adorable! & 15 Years Old!!!!? Amazing!!! My Sister Jenny’s Triplets Are 14! & Our Taylor Is Also 14 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 The~Sweetest~Teenagers Ever! Yay! I Love That You Share Your California~Dreaming With Us Thank~You & Soon We Shall Be All~Aboard On That #TwitterTwain I’m So Ready! 🙂 😉 (Choo~Chooooooo!) Back On Your Magical Island & Your GhostyBoy In The Window Ready For The Trick~Or~Treaters Yay! & Home~Again~Home~Again Jiggity~Jig To #JACK! 🙂 xoxo #Poof! P.S. Safe~Journey Sweet~Sue & Joe! 🙂
I always enjoy your adventures!! I didn’t know that your maiden name was Stewart. That is my maternal grandmother’s maiden name and my son’s middle name. I wonder if we’re related. Wouldn’t that be fun. I’ve told you before that you are an inspiration to me. I’ve always been a writer but started pursuing it about 7 years ago. I started a new blog one year ago and got serious as I neared the end of 24 years of homeschooling. My time was just around the corner and I wanted to be ready. Well, I’m so excited to tell you that this fall I got an agent and I’ve already received a 3 book deal from a publisher for 3 of my children’s picture books. You are such a part of this, as I’ve followed you, you have inspired me the whole way. I want you to know that all that you do at 70 is a GREAT inspiration also. My career is just beginning at 56 but I don’t feel too old or too late. Thank you! I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Again, THANK YOU Dear Muse.
Wonderful. Soo worth waiting for. Those lucky ladies getting to the talk and book signing on your across America adventure. Wonderful photos made us feel we were there too. Thank you for sharing . Are you going to get a kitty for company for Jack. A snuggle bubuddy? Take care. Rest and have fun back home to the Island. Have you done an Island Calendar. Ones where you pick landmarks on the island from say 1950’s then same spots in 2018? You could embellish and say make it half money go to you and half to your pet shelter on Martha’s Vineyard? Anyway since you are magical we believe you can do anything. And inspire us too do the same
Thank you
Thanks for calling Prescott gorgeous! We like to think so! Love from the 3 bunnies and me!
It is! Charming, and so hidden away and special!
Pear salad? I will make it next weekend. My girlfriend is having a milestone bday -70-and it’s a potluck. We try to be healthy but with tons of girls we still will be eating way too much. Was a bit worried when I haven’t heard from you in so long. I cannot imagine having avocados available at my own home! what a luxury. My sister retired to Arizona and has limes and lemons, but she also has rattlesnakes and to me that is enough to stay here in Michigan. She sent me a photo of one that was on her sidewalk! I cannot even begin to imagine what that would be like. we have the occasional garter snake and I talk to them and they are not scary in the least. Full moon yesterday OH wasn’t it gorgeous!! (My stepmom is 91 and so beautiful and has a fabulous memory, so we are lucky!) have a beautiful trip home sweet Sue.
Loved reading all about your trip, your such a cute couple, safe journey back home and then it will be Halloween. Where has this year gone I swear the years are just flying by. Ax
Dear Susan,
I was wondering why I hadn’t seen a post from you recently – so glad you’re reconnected again!! Oh my gosh, the picture of Oma reminded me so much of my Mother, who was also born in Rotterdam, Holland but in the 30’s! (Her family left Holland a few years after WWII ended). Small World. I’m really curious as to what her given name is – I won’t tell you yet my Mother’s name – just thankful being the oldest I wasn’t given her name instead I was given my Dad’s Mother’s name………but I was wondering if my Mother’s name was a name that was dominant to the city – do you know what I mean? Plus her middle name was Wilhemina?? I know it was the Queen’s name but really, would you pass it on to your daughter? I wasn’t a traditionalist instead a child of the 60’s/70’s but my oldest daughter was – she named her first daughter Anneliese – popular German name on my Dad’s side of the family – his sister, who is still alive and will be 97 this December is Tante Annalies! And his other sister named her daughter Anneliese also………….and I also found out from my oldest daughter that she loved her Oma’s middle name??!! How long does it take for you to get from the East Coast to the West Coast by train? I’m your sister California transplant living in PA and traveling by train is on my bucket list. Amtrak? Stops in the Dakota’s, Idaho, Iowa, etc? Last time I saw you was in New Hope, PA – beautiful drive there and I was thinking about driving up for your November 10th book signing – do you happen to know how long it would take from Lancaster PA? What a great “hello sign” from your Dad! The last time I visited my Dad in Holland, before he passed away four years ago at 93 years 11 months old, his face still lit up when he saw me………..and then he slept…………(my Mother passed away two years before him and she was 13 years younger than him – Cancer is Bad and was totally unexpected and too late for her) Anyway, sounds like a great trip and have a safe one HOME! Margie
Think it’s today you’re heading home, Susan….Mother Nature is providing a perfect Indian Summer day – about 70, clear Periwinkle Blue Sky without a cloud!
We all enjoyed your visit in person or thru your pictures….sorry we weren’t able to get together- you have so many comm!
No, things are not better- decided not to blog all the negatstuff like I fell in street taking Grasshopper to vet & had to call 911, etc. there’s enough high drama & negativity in the world & I’m not adding to it!!!
Happy Halloween 🎃 & Happy Holidays, everyone!
Much ❤️,
Sandra & Grasshopper
You sound good Sandra, despite negatstuff, I just hope you’re okay! xoxo
Absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my trio of mugs which arrived today!! Can’t wait to batten down the hatches for tomorrow’s forecasted Nor’easter and have a cuppa in front of the fire watching the Autumn leaves swirl! Sweet kitty such a surprise nestled in the jack-o-lantern! 🎃 Have a safe trip home!
Thank you Mary!
Thanks again for your words. every time we come into a new season, it becomes my favorite! The cups are so pretty! Can’t wait for Enchanted. Will it be anything like the movie? You didn’t fall down a well and get rescued by a prince in a beret, did you???
No, well, kind of. Is there a movie called Enchanted, with prince in a beret??? Will have to google!
Hi Susan!
I just received the new Christmas cup, and it is so beautiful! Delicate, yet substantial – the colors are lovely, and has put me in the mood for the holidays! Can’t wait to make some hot chocolate and enjoy it in my new cup…
I also bought, and received a few weeks ago, your revised “Heart of the Home” book. Of course, I have the original from way back when it first came out. That will always be special to me, but this updated book is really wonderful.
Thank you for bringing some beauty, and comfort to our world. We can all use that these days. I am so grateful to have grown up when I did (I’m 60). Things were so much simpler and uncomplicated in those days. I feel for young people of today. Between social media and the divisive climate in the media and in politics, there doesn’t seem to be many role models for the younger generation to look up to these days. I miss the America of my youth… thank you for reminding us that it’s the simple things in life that really matter. So true…
So glad you are enjoying your sojourn out west. We miss you back here in the east! We are bracing for a good ole nor’easter tomorrow, I’m sure you’ve heard. At least it won’t be snow!
Safe travels on your return home…
Thank you Gina! xoxo
Listening to Court and Spark as I type. Thank you for lovely day full of fun in San Luis Obispo…….Apple Farm is beautiful.
So happy you could make it Terry! How in the world did you get that last name? So Southern California!!!
Dear Susan,
Sounds like you had such a wonderful time in SLO… Paul & I would have been there with you had we not been visiting the East coast, including your beloved MV. So sorry I missed out on receiving the first chapter of “Enchanted” & seeing your family & friends who came to be with you… what a once in a lifetime event! We were actually away from home the very same days you were. MV was the most favorite part of our time on the East coast and I now know why you love the island so much. We drove around and explored every nook and cranny… and now when you share your life I will be able to picture exactly what you are describing. We had our 1st (and 2nd) lobster roll at The Black Dog Tavern. Checked out all the places you mention in Isle of Dreams (except Holly Oak) & had the best ever fresh lobster bisque at the fish market in Menemsha. What an adventure… taking real time pics to match those that you took when you first arrived on the island. Everything was still very recognizable. Loved driving by your home and seeing the pumpkins over your front door. Another east coast thing we saw were pumpkins of various colors stacked on porches… large on the bottom & getting smaller towards the top. When we returned, Paul surprised me by stacking pumpkins on our porch. Sending thanks to you and Joe for making our lives richer!
I’m so happy you loved the Island and got to know it some. We are almost home, we left October 3 and I am very much looking forward to seeing it again! Fish Market in Menemsha, how perfect. Nothing has changed much, one of the reasons I love it so much. Something steady in this wild world. Pumpkin inspiration! Who could ask for more!
Hi Susan,
I didn’t think we were going to get much color here in Connecticut this Fall but this past week has brought some surprising colorful changes under the supervision of the Hunter Moon! And what perfect timing to receive the delivery of your new cups yesterday! So on this very rainy Saturday morning I enjoyed a cup of tea in the wonderful Pumpkinhead cup! I am looking forward to seeing you at the West Falmouth Library next month. Thank you for all the cheer you give to us all.
How nice to hear that, maybe we will be so lucky when we get home to the Island tomorrow night! We’re on a train right this minute, in the countryside, heading for Chicago, looking at a green barn, a smaller red one, both next to a yellow house in the middle of dried cornfield!
I am behind on reading your blog. I know you are on your way home now….actually you might be home already! Jack must be so glad to see you!!
Your California post made my heart long to see my kids, 3 of them live in northern Cal., plus my son in law and my granddaughter. I visited CA for the very first time in March of last year. It is so beautiful! Rolling green hills everywhere you look, even in the middle of a city. Love it love it. I miss it a lot.
I am sorry your dear Mom is losing her memory. I am glad her face still lights up for you at those special moments though. And the 1923 dime you found….wow….beautiful.
I just got my calendars for next year. I wasn’t going to open them but I couldn’t wait. WOW….better than ever.
Love to you and yours, Susan!
I tried hard with the new calendar, I’m glad you were pleased! xoxo Thank you Amylisa!
Do you get the world series on the train?
An idea in your spare time if you haven’t already thought of it….how bout a recipe index? You have so many incredible ones everywhere – it’s hard to remember where they are. An index tells us where, introduces us to ones we don’t know and would definitely sell more books! I have all your books from the beginning and it would be a great help….especially for ideas I hadn’t thought of.
M;any thanks and fingers crossed.
Hi to Jack – XXXGrasshopper & Sandra
No world series on the train! No anything really! Except interesting people at dinner and lunch! I think an Index for all the books would be a book all by itself! I’ve thought of doing one, but time, being what it is, never moves over for it! xoxo
An example of the index, Susan: what is the name of the steak you fixed for Joe when he came to dinner and never left? And where do I find it? Yes, I know but what if I didn’t?
I definitely want to perfect it so I’m ready if the opportunity arises!
Any dog or cat treats?
I know, we really need to do one! Someday!
I have so much catching up to do on your blog-and I’m SO looking forward to it! I’ve been caring for my best friend, who’s had a run of serious health issues, surgeries, and hospitalizations, for the past five months, and planning my wedding since last January. Last month, I married my “Unexpected Blessing”, and acquired 2 bonus daughters, 15 and 9. I’ve been home for over a year and life is better than I ever thought it could be just a few years ago. Two of my beloved kitties died earlier this year, we adopted another one, so now have 5. They are my joy. Thank you for your entries-an oasis of peace and tranquility in a world of increasing mayhem. I have my 2019 calendar all ready to hang up!
Always delightful to hear your positive voice. I hope your friend is feeling better! Happy Wedding, happy new kitty, happy everything! XOXOXOX
Hi Susan…Greetings from SoCal. My hubby was on a golf trip (he goes north to San Francisco every fall for a three day golf fest). On his way home he stopped for lunch at Apple Farm and “discovered” you had been there the day before. He said he was afraid to tell me what I had missed, but he softened the blow by bearing treasures…Susan Branch treasures. I got two mugs, some recipe cards, and the cutest pad that lists each day for “to-do list”. Each one is perfect. Someday. Someday. I will get to one of your visits up there. Love that place. I think you’re still on the train. It’s almost midnight here, so maybe tomorrow is your last day before getting back home. Travel Safe. Soon it will be Home Sweet Home. P.S. I loved the story about finding the 1923 dime. Yes, it was your dad saying…Hi, Susan. Take care. Kathy Thompson
What a wonderful husband to think of you on his way through SLO! Tell him I said so! Thank you Kathy!
HI Susan!! It has been so long since my computer would let me post a comment!!! Now with Macs latest software update, it looks like I am good to go again. I don’t understand what was the matter but my computer would not allow me to post any comments on any of my favorite friends’ blogs. It is beyond me!!
BUT……. My apple mug arrived two days ago and it couldn’t be prettier or cuter!! OH my it is just beautiful. I also love how BIG this one is compared to the Autumn mug I got last year. Thank-you, thank-you for offering these lovely pieces!!
Your book signing event sounded and looked like just the best day! There is nothing more fun and energizing than to be with lots of people who love the same things and gather for some old fashioned fun. It is always rewarding and special.
It is wonderful that you can spend some time with your Mom and enjoy her moments of clarity and happiness. Snippets of golden moments for sure!!
Happens to me too. Apple wants to upgrade my computer, and I don’t want it to, because we are FINE the way we are. So I ignore it as long as I can, but sooner or later, things stop working. I always imagine it’s because I haven’t upgraded. And when I do, it all works again. Yay! Your cup came! Yes, I made the four seasons cups a smaller size (because some people prefer that size), but all the rest are large ~ there is just one slightly smaller and a different shape than the big one, that’s the new Christmas cup. Love hearing from you Winnie! xoxoxo
Hi, Winnie and Sue ~
This is just a funny little note to you both. Every time I see a comment from you, Winnie, I can’t help but remember a cute reply to you once from Blog Daddy, himself. He made a silly comparison between your name and Willie Nelson 🙂
And then I think about your dear Dad, Sue; how much you treasure him and all the wonderful stories you’ve shared of growing up his daughter.
And THEN….I can’t help but think of my own dear Dad, who died at the end of February the same year you lost your father <3 And I have such a lovely walk down Memory Lane before I can get back to your blog 🙂
It's been this way ever since that cute response from your Dad and I had to finally share.
btw… I just received my new Christmas mug and it's beyond beautiful!
love to you both,
Thank you for that, Debbie. Our daddios. Miss them soooo much, not being able to talk like in old times, on the phone, we would talk while I would paint. Beloved memories. xoxoxoxo
Yes, the soothing sound of their voices. Our ears can’t hear it but just the thought of them makes their voices vibrate in our hearts.
Autumn blessing….Thank you Susan for sharing your adventure to California! I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your wonderful artwork teacups (I have three now)… so much so that we purchased one as an October birthday gift as well… take care…
Happy to hear it Kathleen! I love doing them! xoxoxo
My dear Susan Branch…..you are NOT just another pretty face !
I have so much respect for you using your platform to help steer your beautiful America back to democracy. We must all speak out for what is right !
Thank you for all the positive energy you generate …..
As negativity, and even evil ,can be contagious so can goodness and kindness and decency. If we keep passing the “good stuff” around it will soon flourish again !
I am a Canadian girl wishing only the best for your country.
I woke up feeling like my own version of watch dog! The atmosphere is like the brake is on, but someone has his foot on the GAS, revving as high as it can go. Scary! It doesn’t have to be this way … some (in power) are saying the immigrants, who are now 1000 miles away, are carrying SMALL POX (which was eradicated from earth in 1980) and have LEPROSY! It’s the craziest ever, and sad, since every person in this country has immigrant blood in them. At the same time they simply ignore real things like health care. No wonder everyone is so scared! Thank you for your sweet concern. But I agree with you, pass out the good stuff, there is so much beauty in the world. Thank you! XOXOXOXO
Just wanted to say that while browsing through my Autumn book, which I do every year, I remembered I had two pounds of butternut squash needing to be used. Made Butternut soup shots and it was delicious, we had it as we watched the Seahawks beat the Lions and it made the day with dipped in homemade crusty bread. Thank you for the recipe, Happy Autumn.
Great! Glad you liked it! xoxo
I made a post but it seems to have vanished. I’m looking forward to catching up with all the posts I’ve missed. I had a very busy summer, looking after a friend who’s had multiple surgeries and health issues after a car wreck 6 years ago…and I was planning my wedding! I married my Unexpected Blessing last month. He is just wonderful and I’m totally surprised to be married again. 🙂 , and I gained 2 girls ages 15 and 9 in the deal. We lost 2 kitties this year and adopted another, so I have 5 furry sons to keep me occupied (and 4 of them are long-haired, so lots of hair to deal with too!) I’m happier than I ever thought was possible a few years ago and I’m so glad to be home, it’s been 16 months now. Thank you Susan for your posts of tranquility and harmony in an increasingly insane world. 🙂
Ooops, Just so you know, both posts did make it . . . xoxoxox Good news needs to be repeated!
Looking forward to catching up with all the posts I’ve missed. I married my Unexpected Blessing last month in a vintage ceremony with lots of personal touches-books, teacups, photos, family silver-and I gained 2 bonus daughters ages 15 and 9. We lost 2 kitties this year and adopted another, so I have 5 furry sons (and their hair, 4 are longhairs) to keep me occupied. I’ve been home for 16 months and I’m amazed at how different my life is from just a few short years ago. Thank you Susan for your writings of tranquility and coziness, they’re a balm to me in an increasingly insane world. Hugs to you.
How lovely, what wonderful news Elizabeth, I LOVE hearing from you. xoxo 😘
Hello Susan…I was so happy to have an excuse to buy your new “To My Daughter” book which I intend to give as a baby shower gift in a few weeks from now. It is beautiful! When I received the package in the mail, I opened it carefully (without a knife because I have learned my lesson in the past). I looked at it quickly then put it away for when I had more time to enjoy looking through it. Two days later I noticed there was a slit up the back cover with little pieces of cardboard stuck in it. It wasn’t horribly noticeable but I felt funny about giving it as a present. I called your office and mentioned to Kelley that I had received a damaged book. No questions asked…she is sending another one right out to me. How wonderful 🙂 I will donate the other book to a mom in need if the opportunity presents itself (or perhaps keep it for myself just to admire). All my best xoxoxo
Perfect MaryLou! xoxo
Oh, Dear, dear lady…and Girlfriends,
Without email on the trip down from Maine. Couldn’t avoid the horror of the bombs, real, not fake, and then to wake up in the motel Sat. morning. I literally ran for the bathroom and threw up. Tried to stop crying, so Mr. Tom could focus on the driving. Which was just awful, all that rain and wind, traffic increased yet again, car breaking down in the cold rain. The Earth was crying with me. We will not do this again. Car will go up on a car carrier and will be packed with out “stuff”. We’ll fly. Tom agrees. Even after 32 years of side trips and hitting most of the historic and scenic places on coast and in mountains, we still have places to see, but that will be by air and rental car from now on.
On a much happier note, you were here this morning to calm us all with happy seasonal things. I’ll read every word after making a dent in all the bags lining the downstairs hallway. Have a great Halloween.
My bed was heaven last night after 4 nights in motels. I’m not trusting in bedbug free beds after the bedbug incident last year at an extremely nice place over on Anna Maria Island, Holmes Beach to be exact. I rip up the beds every night just to make sure!!!
Thank you, Susan, for all you do for the world,
Debbie….back in Tampa
I like your new travel plans. Make it as easy as possible. Pack your car, let someone else drive it, you two go footloose and fancy free. xoxo
I just love reading about your adventures!!! The photos are as good as the stories too!!!!!
Im a Chicago area girl myself so loved seeing the photo of the sisters. We midwest girls do our best to age gracefully!!!
So glad you’re home safe & sound now. Much love!!!
PS…. Oh boy would I love one of the little booklets! What a fantastic suprise for those lucky folks. Take Care
Happy Halloween!!!!
Working on a new blog right now, and some luv-lee little giveaways for all my patient and forgiving girlfriends!
Your daughter book looks beautiful! Having just given birth to my first daughter I’m definitely looking forward to passing down books like this to her. Do you think there will ever be a son book? I got 2 boys that I want to include in the mess of heirlooms I plan on leaving behind, even though they probably won’t appreciate them until much later. 😉
I have asked, (begged) the company I do those books for to do one for sons … but they just don’t seem to think a son book would sell. If you can imagine that. So 1825! Maybe later they’ll catch up with the times! The books you do will be treasured Ashley!
I have sent 3 posts since October 19 and none have been posted….just an FYI
I’m so sorry Regina, I have posts showing here for you from 10-23 and 10-21, and this one … I’ve been on the road, packing, unpacking, running like crazy ~ manage to read a few here and there but never get through them all … Our first day home was Monday, and doing it all again and then Halloween! But today is the first day of the rest of my life! And here I am, please forgive me! xoxo
of course, understood!!!
just feedback in case it was a techno glitch….
be well….
Thank you, and we do get those!! xoxo
Just a short howdy~do Sweet Sue. Sitting here in pink pjs and fuzzy socks.
Have missed being a part of it all and love catching up.
Dear Christie Levin has been keeping me in the loop, such a Sweetheart Gal.
It’s been an emotional few months out here and having now put October to bed
will peep in on everyone once again.
You are a Sunbeam, a soft right kind of rain cloud, a night sky filled with twinkling stars, a handful of pink glitter tossed all around, a hug and pitty~pat across the etherwaves, a favorite blanket to wrap myself in. Please give yourself a long hug from me.
As Ever with Lots of Love,
Kat on Rose Creek Farm
MIA Kat, and without Twitter, I can’t DM you and be nosy as to why and what, and who and when!!! Love hearing from you. Love knowing October is in bed, and that means I get to hear from you! Happy November pink polka-dot girl! I caught that hug in mid air! Thank you! Stay sane! Love you dear! xoxo
You have the most AMAZING beautiful life.. and I burst with anticipation every single time I finish reading your blog for the NEXT blog. Thank you for taking us along with you. YOU are a HUGE blessing in my life and I’ve never even met you! ❤️
Makes me happy to hear that Nele! Thank you!
Will we hear from you again??? Miss ya! Edie
Been a busy month, but here I am, for better or for worse!
I love hearing about your travels. I can just get lost and caught up while reading and feel like I’m on the adventure too. Thank you.
Love your Halloween posts Susan. Sorry I could not make the Apple farm book signing but I have had the pleasure of meeting you twice before. Once in Santa Barbara and your last Apple Farm visit..
I’ll be back I’m sure. Thank you Nina!
Hello! please……..chose me.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan, I love your words of wisdom, wit and enCOURAGEment. Do you ever travel to the great state of Texas? I’d love to meet you someday…
Can’t wait to read your new book AND someday I’d love to visit Martha’s Vineyard, it’s on my bucket list. Ahhhh, I can dream…
heartfelt xx’s and oo’s
Jack is one lucky kitty! Loving caregivers, beautiful and toasty places to nap and a gorgeous island to call home. Lucky everyone! Ellen
Susan, Not a day goes by without looking at your comments on twitter, IG or reading or rereading one of your blogs. You are a true inspiration and a source of knowledge. Your sincerity , kindness and understanding for everything gives me hope in my life and provides warmth and kindness to my being.
I would love to receive the first chapter of your new creation so please put me on your lucky list.
take care, Beth
How dear your words are to me, thank you so much Beth. It’s a two way street, never forget.😘 Girlfriends forever! xoxo
Why are my comments not being posted? The last few months I have written &
their is no reply. I look forward to hearing from you, especially since my husband was very ill at this time & I was taking him to clinics, Doctors, sitting with him in hospitals, etc. He has since passed away. My name & everything has been taken off. Can you check on this for me?
I am wondering why my e-mails for the last few months have not been posted?? & why has my Name, email & Website
I hope you’re finding my comments DeLores. I’m so sorry for everything you’ve gone through! Most sorry for the loss of your dear husband. I can only imagine. Wishing you peace as you work through your grief. It’s a process and time is the only softener. Blessings on you and yours. Leave the house, go for a walk. Crunch your foot on a leaf. Get away from the past for a little time each day. But never your memories. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Why are my comments not being posted? The last few months I have written
their is no reply. I look forward to hearing from you, especially since my husband was very ill at this time & I was taking him to clinics, Doctors, sitting with him in hospitals, etc. He has since passed away. My name & everything has been taken off. Can you check on this for me?
I am wondering why my e-mails for the last few months have not been posted?? & why has my Name, email & Website
I’m so sorry DeLores, I can’t imagine what might be going on with my blog because I do remember you . . . I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. One of your comments said you’d been married for over 60 years. How rough these days must be for you, I feel your tears.😥 Sending my love and prayers. xoxoxoxoxoxo
I dream of taking a train cross country! One day…n the Fall would be perfect!
As usual I am always so excited to see a blog post. I could read about what you do daily/weekly/monthly every single day. Thank you for taking the time to post, I know it is time consuming and you are trying to write a book. As for the book- I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait!!!
Sending love Diana! xoxo
Your posts are so uplifting (especially the ones with Jack – he’s adorable!). I took a train in Scotland this spring and it was wonderful!
Susa n, you are the best!
Always a joy to read your post and see the pictures you have taken of your travels, everyday life and new and old friends. I love the picture of you with your mom and the younger picture of you with both your mom and dad. I will forever miss my mom and dad. My left her earthly life a little over a year ago and my dad soon followed just one short year later. There will always be an empty spot where they once were, but I do hold on to the memories we shared. Thank you for the gift of joy. Sending love and hugs, Mary McCatherine.
That’s exactly it. The empty spot. 😥 xoxo
Susan, your new curtains looks perfect now that you’ve tweeked them. This whole blog on the train to California and make home was just what I needed. A bit of Susan sanity! Thank you, love!
Big smile! xoxo
I LOVE, LOVE this column. I’ve copied all the recipes and ideas I thought I’d love to use. Your house is exactly the type house I’ve always longed to live it, but at 75 I guess I’ll just enjoy your photos. God bless you,, Susan, for blessing so many with your happiness.