Cold and Flu Season

Popping in to say hello and Rabbit-Rabbit! I have a brand new post all ready for you, with all kinds of excitement I can’t wait to share, but we’ve had an outbreak of the flu at the Studio and the finishing touches for the new post won’t be available until Kellee gets back on Monday! Don’t worry, she’s  already feeling better, it’s just your normal run-of-the-mill horrible flu, poor baby! 🤧 🤒

I hope you’re all getting thawed out from the last few days ⛄️ . . . and geared up for football this weekend, and feeling well yourselves! We’re healthy here, Jack’s telling me to take the weekend off (more time to shoot rubber bands!). But I’m still working on the 2020 Calendars so I’ll keep busy and give you a preview soon! XOXOXO See you! Love . . . me.💞

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571 Responses to Cold and Flu Season

  1. Christie Levin says:

    Lots of Get Well wishes and chicken soup encouragement headed south to Kellee, and lots of Stay Well wishes to everyone else. Wise Jack knows what’s important ~ a (dozen or so) rubberbands a day can help keep the doctor away! xoxoxo

  2. Deb says:

    After the week we have had here in the Midwest, even just a few lines from you makes me feel better!! Will look forward to Monday and that new post!! We are going to enjoy the next few days…Happy Thawing Out weekend. I hope everybody feels better soon!

  3. Debby Rickett says:

    Dearest Susan~
    I actually said a little prayer before I logged on to the blog this morning… wanted so much to be inspired by you today ! Alas, something to look forward to next week 🙂 I hope our sweet Kellee is all better soon!
    Looking forward to “all kinds of excitement”!!!
    Love to Joe and Jack too!
    debby XXOO

  4. Lori Metschan says:

    Can’t wait for the previews! Got all the Valentine and Winter banners up. xoxo!!!

  5. ruth haines says:

    So glad you are improving. Get well soon 🙂

  6. jeanie says:

    Greetings from the Michigan tundra! Sending good vibes to Kellee and here’s hoping no one else at Team Susan gets the crud. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new red letter day mug and wishing that you’ll please, please, please do a second round of “Fine Romance” mugs! Keep cozy!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s in the wish basket Jeanie! xoxo

      • jeanie says:

        Oh Boy! Hope the wish comes true!

      • Jane Franks says:

        I second the Fine Romance mugs, Jeanie and Susan!! Good to hear from you Susan! We’re gearing up to watch the Patriot’s on Sunday (being the loyal New Englander I am!) Making Boston Cream Pie (my grandmother’s masterpiece!) to celebrate! Also, have all the Valentine’s hearts scattered around. This is birthday month!! Always happy when we turn the February page! Do give Kellee our Get Well wishes, too. Hi to Joe and Jack as well! Keep warm up there!! Not too bad here (the natives probably not too happy), but 20’s & 30’s is pretty nice compared to what you have been facing. Take care!

  7. Denise says:

    Sorry to hear that Kellee wasn’t well, but you are keeping us hanging for the “news”! Go Pats!

  8. Kiki Wright says:

    Good afternoon, Susan.

    We haven’t had any snow in Charlotte, NC yet this winter, only a few frosty mornings. Get well soon, Kellee. Stay safe and warm.


  9. Salve S Stamatelaky says:

    Also good is 2 teaspoons of honey melted on 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a mug and pour warm water (not too warm) in it, then sip/drink with your meals.
    Kellee, take care. And thank you Susan for your heartwarming blog as usual!!

  10. Susan Martin says:

    Feel better, Kellee! I’ve had flu, so I feel your misery. Lots of rest, fluids, chicken soup, and pet hugs.

  11. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    Get well wishes being sent your way Kellee! The flu has been especially nasty this year. Susan, I popped over to your shopping page and was delighted to see that your new cups are up for preorder! The little house and Bella Luna are in my cart, and I’m hoping the little kitty and quilt cross stitch quilt will be up soon☺️Have a wonderful weekend…hugs!❤️

  12. linda matera says:

    Oh man—-Hub & i have been sick for a week. Coughing,fevers etc….All tests normal…..Amazing how horrible”normal” feels..

    It’s always exciting to turn your calendar to the next month…It made me feel so much better

    Hope you are well

  13. Laura says:

    Rabbit! Rabbit! 🐰🐰
    May all who aren’t well be soooo much better soon!🤧🤒
    Go Patriots!🥰

  14. Angie Quantrell says:

    Awww, tis the Season! Get well soon! Stay well if you are well. And shoot plenty of rubber bands!

  15. Debbie Dority says:

    Awww, feel-better-soon-thoughts to Kellee, get lots of rest! Our kitty LOVED pony-tail holders but she’d chew them, afraid they’d hurt her so had to have PTH intervention. She’s still grumpy about it. I am planning a full-on Marie Kondo event Sunday afternoon/evening with all my clothes, with Super Bowl on just for background noise and commercials. It’s warming up here, hope milder weather heading your way, Susan!

  16. Lori Hamilton says:

    Sending a “Get Well Soon” wish and prayer for Kellee!
    I got the flu shot for the first time this year and (knock on wood) all is well so far! Stay well, you and Joe and kitties, and I will be waiting with bated breath for your post.
    Happy February!

  17. DAWN TUTHILL says:


  18. Karen Seward says:

    Hi Susan,very cold here in New york,My Cat Timmy steals my hair rubberband and keeps them by his food bowl and then Sometimes I steal them back wash them off in hot soapy water,when I clean under the fridge or stove (which is not that often) I find a bunch of my rubber bands lol,stay warm and kiss Jack for me!

    • sbranch says:

      We have that same thing going on! I wake up, on my path down the stairs to the kitchen, there’s a ponytail band approximately every 2 feet!

  19. Patty Robinson says:

    It’s rampant in SLO – tell her to watch out for Part Two that comes just as you’re thinking you are done. I’m on the couch for the second day of Part Two now and got excited to read your blog post – it’s just what I need. … But I’ll be patient. Stay warm over there on the Right Coast!

  20. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good afternoon Susan and girlfriends. hope you all survived the polar vortex or whatever it was. we are getting ready here for SNOW!! I know you don’t want to hear any more about snow, but we are getting it this weekend through Tuesday. should be interesting to say the least. in the meantime getting preps done for the bad weather ahead, stocking up in the pantry, extra feed and water for the chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys and plenty of extra straw so they can snuggle in it and stay warm. hauling up more firewood for the woodstove and cleaning out the rain gutters and getting debris off the roof. going to be busy around here. Get well quick Kellee, plenty of juice, water and chicken soup and lots of rest. best way to beat the flu. and stay warm now, this storm is supposed to hit your area in California as well as us pretty hard. you will tons of rain, we get the rain, slush and snow. well one can always build lots of snowmen in the yard and have plenty of snowball fights… stay warm and comfy everyone, and stay well. hugs….. 😀

    • sbranch says:

      I was picturing you with all your critters indoors in front of the fire! Made a pretty picture! Stay warm Pat!

  21. Milanya says:

    It already was a wonderful day, now that we have a break from the severe cold. To know that a new blog will be coming soon is the icing on the cake. Don’t let Kellee sneeze or cough on it before you send it, though. We don’t want to catch what she had!

  22. Love Kellee’s card and the tiny blue flowers are the sweetest ever! Feel better Kellee.
    SB & JH, stay well and factor in a bit of relaxing time (Victoria) or old movies. That’s my plan for my snowy Tahoe weekend.

  23. Nellie Bragg says:

    Oh, dear! That’s a bummer! Sending get well vibes all across the USA to Kellee! Chicken soup does work wonders, Christie! Everybody – stay healthy! So good to hear that Jack continues to be in good humor! – xoxo Nellie

  24. Ginnie Judd says:

    Get well, Kellee! Flu is awful. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  25. Joyce says:

    The flu is the pits. Sending good wishes to Kellie 😊.

  26. Doris Doody says:

    Looking forward to hearing and to SPRING!!!!!!!

    Thank you

  27. Nettie says:

    Sometimes it takes the flu or very very frigid weather to force us to slow down stay in and take care of ourselves. I do hope Kellee feels better soon.
    I have taken advantage our our sub zero temperatures to have fun in my sewing room creating special valentines and birthday gifts for those I love. My waistline may suffer but my heart sings
    Happy weekend!!

  28. Laura Swanson says:

    So sorry to hear that Kellee caught that darn bug that’s going around. Glad all is well at your home & that Kellee is feeling better!!! Looking forward to Monday,

    Have a great weekend!!

  29. Barbara Irvine (CT) says:

    Feel better soon, Kellie! And I hope everyone stays well in this flu season … lots of people are sick. Wash your hands (especially after you’ve been out to the stores or anywhere), get lots of rest, and have chicken soup on hand in case you catch something. Oh, and I understand Vitamin C still works … lots of oranges and grapefruit are yummy.

    I’m hoping this Polar Vortex thing would hurry up and go away … my water pipes have frozen and I’m anticipating a real mess when they thaw.

    Go, Pats !!

    • sbranch says:

      Fingers crossed for a nice slow and painless thawing!

      • Barbara Irvine (CT) says:

        Thank you, Susan! I truly believe your crossed fingers helped. We have been blessed with warm temperatures the last couple of days, and it was 55F this afternoon. I got up enough courage to turn the water back on and … running water! In the sinks! Not in the walls or the garage! (That’s where the main water pipe is, in from the well, in the garage. Brilliant builder, a water pipe in an unheated garage in New England. That thing has been a problem for years, but usually was usually an easy fix with the hair dryer or an electric heater. Until the Polar Vortex last week. This is the first year the pipe upstairs has frozen.)

        I know I should not complain … so many have lost their homes to fires and storms. I am truly grateful to have survived this bump in the road. I was much more resilient in my younger days and I was better able to handle these things then.

        Today is a gift of sun and warmth, a touch of Spring. Of course winter will return …

  30. Carla TePaske says:

    Get Well Kellee!
    We are slowly thawing here in Wisconsin. 😉
    xx oo

  31. Christie Levin says:

    By the way, that pretty patient getting well looks so familiar, and it just occurred to me that the greeting card artist must have been the same person to design the DIY Valentines that my mom would buy for me to take to school ~ I remember my first set for kindergarten in 1955, you had to cut out every envelope, then glue each one together and let it dry before inserting the Valentine. Gave them the personal touch!

  32. Virginia says:

    The flu is serious. I hope she doesn’t rush back too soon. We can wait. Yes, staying warm and getting ready for the big game Sunday are high on my to-do list also. Plus doing family history on the computer–so much fun!

  33. Tana says:

    Get better soon Kellee! Can’t wait to see the new blog. But this short one is adorable. I love the card. Think of us all signing the card Kellee!

  34. Susan P says:

    Kellee, sending you wishes for a fast recovery. All of the Grandchildren were sick with it and I am still okay (had the flu shot) hopefully I am protected. Love our rain here in California…now don’t laugh, Susan and others…but the weather outside is overcast, going to rain very soon…the fire place has a nice cozy fire..and I am working on a project. I told myself the first cold weekend this year I must make those Salt Dough Christmas Ornaments I have promised my family. SSSSSOOOOOOOOO to make a happy and comfy kitchen as I work on them…. I put my favorite CHRISTMAS MUSIC ON … Life is so good for me and I know I am blessed. Enjoy your weekend!!! Love, Susan P.

  35. Karen Baron says:

    Thanks for the update sweet Sue!!🌹 It is in the sixties here but at 2 am huge storm!! ☔️

  36. Sarah says:

    Rabbit, Rabbit! It’s always heart warming to see a post from you pop up in my inbox. Sorry the flu has taken hold of Kellee. Glad she is on the mend, and I hope she feels back to 100% soon. Jack is likely telling you to make up for lost time while you were traveling. Sadie usually grees me with a toy when I’ve been away. She makes it very clear that it is her time to have some one on one attention. Aren’t we fortunate that our fur babies want to spend time with us?
    Take care and stay well. No snow here in TX, but it has been chilly. We have gas logs that we can turn on at will, so a cozy fire is always an option. It’s welcome with our grey cold and damp days. Happy February, Susan!

  37. susan leary says:

    Hope the ferry is still running

  38. Karen says:

    Feel better everyone. Spring will soon be here

  39. Doris Doody says:

    Looking forward to new blog and SPRING !!

    Thank you and Happy NewYear !!

  40. Annette Baker says:

    Love and feel better blessings to all in Susanland!! Not much is more wretched than the flu🤢🤮🤧😷🤒

  41. Sue McQuade says:

    Hopefully the bug is on it’s way out! A good time to bundle up with a cup of tea and a Glays Taber book ☕️📖

  42. Janey Leniart says:

    I love that “old card”. I remember cards like that. You live in Mass, but from CA. Who do you cheer for on Sun? Go Patriots!! Hope you put lots of Jack on the 2020 calendar❤️

  43. diana from ancaster says:

    Stay warm and cozied in!

  44. jane says:

    Susan, It seems I’ve read the explanation for “Rabbit, Rabbit” at the first of a month, but I’ve forgotten. Can you enlighten me? We had a low temp of 6 night before last and the high on Sunday is supposed to be 65! Hopefully heading your way. Stay warm, stay well. Jane

    • sbranch says:

      I heard there would be a 100 degree temperature swing in some places!!! Old superstition . . . if you say Rabbit-rabbit first thing in the morning, on the first day of the month, you’ll have good luck all month long. Thank you Jane!

      • Jeanne Jorgensen says:

        Thank you, I was wondering about ‘Rabbit, Rabbit’ as well. We can all use as much good luck as is available.

  45. Paula Johnson says:

    I am sorry to hear that Kellee is sick, but thankful that you are well at your house! Thank you for the quick hello! Hugs, Paula

  46. Donna Arold says:

    Hi Susan,
    What a sweet post! Your blog never ceases to make me smile no matter what you are talking about!
    If u have time this Winter, I’de love to meet up with you for a cup of tea! My husband and I just moved to the Island in December after visiting MV for 20 years and dreaming of actually buying a home and retiring here…well as u know…dreams really can and do come true! You and I have lots in common, beginning with a love of family, home, tradition, and pretty olde things and I think we would get on really well! I hope you’ll reach out if you have the time!
    My Best, Donna

    • sbranch says:

      I remember you saying you were moving here! How do you like our winter so far? I’m working like crazy these days, too cold to go out! I’m so happy for you! xoxo

      • Donna Arold says:

        Hi Susan!
        The Winter so far on the Vineyard has been fine! It’s pretty similar to the NJ Winters we are used to and they are refreshing… especially when the sun is shining and I am not feeling motivated to do much of anything except cook, bake and nest. The sun shining through the windows and the Winter temps get the blood flowing, and in a good way …and all of that tells me to get outside! It’s the little jab I need and am happy to answer to. We feel truly blessed to live in such a beautiful place that’s just magic 365 days a year in all seasons!
        SO When you come up for air, it would be wonderful to meet up! I can put the kettle on for tea and would love to have you to our home for a break in your work, a chat and some girlfriend time! I am a lighthearted and a positive person and think we would become fast friends as we seem to have a love of and enjoy similar things. (I’ll even bake us a really special treat from my book of proven winners!)
        Thanks so much for writing back and I wish you all the best in the meantime with the busy work you are immersed in! I remember those days when I was the #1 in charge at the B&B we owned and operated for 12 years. I hope u can make some time for making a new friend!
        My Best, Donna

        • sbranch says:

          Sounds like you love winter as much as I do! It’s so perfect for all the projects you never get done any other time. I have to tell you I already have several girlfriends mad at me because I “never have time to play.” So when I can, I’m usually on make-up time! Luckily they are very forgiving! Hopefully we’ll run into each other one day!

  47. Catherine Kawalek says:

    Snuggle and lots of tea! Get well soon!

  48. SHERRY JOHNSON says:

    We are going to have 2nd of three storms begin tomorrow. San Diego really needs rain, so I cannot complain. Tea and Gladys Taber sounds like a dreamy way to spend the day. I have over 30 of her titles. I can dip into more than one over the weekend. So far, we are flu free. Looking forward to your blog. I also, remember valentines like the one featured. We got engaged on Valentine’s Day in 1968 and just celebrated our 50th last August. Good Health to all.

  49. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Love that cute card! 50s or 60s? Tell the gals Get Well Soon!
    🤗from Margot

  50. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Thank you for the quick blog, Sweet Sue.
    Which mug? Which mug? I love them all. Money is tight this month, but I will use my Christmas gift certificate to buy just one. I will choose the Home one because home, home sweet home, & there’s no place like home are always themes in my house. Thank you for making the choice so difficult…always.
    Stay warm. Stay healthy. Happy Valentine’s month. ❤ Love you.

  51. Hi Susan, I have a fear of the aisle at the drugstore that everyone lines up in to pick up meds. I wear my scarf over my nose and mouth there. wash my hand with sanitizer in the car and soap and water once I get home. Yikes. Too scary thinking of the flu. Wishing your friend to get well quick. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  52. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    Sending a message to Kellee – – “Please don’t get up too soon. One extra day of staying in bed is better than a relapse! Take care of you and feel better soon.” Well, the rest of the state and I managed to get through minus 60-65 below wind chills for over 4 days in a row!! But today, the temperature reached 0 degrees, so everybody and his brother was out running around like it was Spring! Being part Norwegian, I must have some Viking background, so “we don’t mind the cold!” haha – – So looking forward to your new book and anything else you turn out this year – – such day brighteners!! Will think of you painting away while I paint a little rocking chair with pictures and a name for my beautician’s first baby, due any second. Give that darling Jack a big hug for me, and that goes for darling Joe!! Stay warm and paint happy!
    Ruthie (in Minnesota)

  53. sharon kay hermens says:

    Hello, Susan. I’ll drink some hot tea and eat a homemade cranberry orange scone in your honor!! You need to visit Arlington, TX next week, mid to high 70’s all week before the next cold front comes in. So look forward to your post Monday.
    Sitting in front of a nice warm fire with a warm blankey and Jack on your lap sounds like a great remedy to me!!!
    Warm hugs to you
    Sharon Hermens

    • sbranch says:

      Enjoy those 70 degrees!!

      • Judy Young says:

        Supposed to be 79 degrees on Monday in North Texas, wouldn’t surprise me if it reaches 80! 4 days of 70’s predicted, then snow on Friday! If you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute. Get well wishes to Kellee and I’m looking forward to the blog on Monday. I’ve been busy for the last month losing weight! I’m on NutriSystem and I absolutely love it. So easy and the food is so tasty. I’ve been on it 3 weeks now and have lost 11 pounds already. I second a new Fine Romance Mug as well. My husband and I drink our morning “French Press” coffee out of your mugs Susan, they are the perfect size. Looking forward to a great year for all of us!!

  54. Isabel says:

    Hi Susan,

    Sorry to hear Kellee is not feeling well. Lots of flu going around. I was getting worried not seeing a post for 24 days.

    Can’t wait to read all your news.

    • sbranch says:

      I know, the post was ready, I kept thinking she would feel better, but she didn’t and I finally couldn’t stand it anymore! Yes, lots of new news!

  55. Maddie says:

    Had to laugh… your blog was all about the flu in your staff, yet there were 85 comments …. yes! we all are housebound!! Carry on, America!!

  56. Sharon Elliott says:

    My husband has the crud. Been a week of slow motion for him. I woke up this morning thinking I may have missed you post. Now I have something to look forward to Monday when western Wisconsin we finally get out of the deep freeze only to have freezing drizzle and icy conditions.

  57. Barbara Urbank says:

    Hope Kelly is feeling better soon and everyone else stays well! Will be looking forward to the new blog when it is up. Happy February, Rabbit, Rabbit!

  58. maryb says:

    thanks for the “cheer”! 60 miles west of Chicago, out in the country, woke up wednesday to no power!! it was out for 7 hours and there was even ice on the dog water bowls in the house!! tomorrow it could make it to the 50’s. how crazy is that? no wind chill today so it felt almost balmy and looking forward to sat and sun!

    • sbranch says:

      Totally crazy!!! I can’t even imagine being with no power for 7 hours. Do you have a gas stove? Enjoy those 50s, don’t get a sunburn!

  59. Carrie says:

    Hi SB,

    The cups are magnifico! Looks like I’m going to be in for all x4. I’m wondering, the b-day cup, is the border a darker dusty pink or is it red like in your Union Jack on the corgi mug or the berries at the bottom of the b-day cake?

    The pic of you and Judi in Cayucos, you have a one of a kind ring on your right hand, that is the biz. It looks vintage and shaped like a flower…guessing there’s a story there. Wish I had taken a longer gander at it when i was there:) Maybe some day you’ll put that up on the vintage section of your store 😉 and if I hock a kidney or two. . .

    I snagged my first cuttings of quince f/the lane, my lane, for in my mind I am Queen of the hill and mistress of the lane (the part of being on top of the hill is right anyway). Just in the nick of time because the spectacular amaryllis is now fully spent and horizontal.

    There are daffs blooming in the gardens but none in the store for me to buy and get my fix since I have none in my new garden yet. I think there are snow drops on the south side of the house to look forward to. I do have camellias, lilacs and are you ready . . . ever blooming gardenias on a massive bush.

    Going to watch a feel good movie to hunker down with tonight, with Tuppence at my side. She says to greet you and Jack.

    • sbranch says:

      The border is a clear pink, but the balloons are red, like the berries and the Union Jack. I know how you like red! Yes, an old ring, I always call it a snowflake, but it looks like a flower too! From Joe. Maneeee years ago! What I don’t understand is why I’m wearing that shawl. That day was warm, we even had someone go faint on us while waiting in line. Kisses to you and to Tuppence . . . I see spring is right around your corner . . . will take a couple of months to get here! xoxo

  60. Bernadette M Gibson says:

    Susan, please tell me what happened to your other kitty. I haven’t seen her in many months.

    • sbranch says:

      Years really, Girl Kitty went to heaven in late summer 2016. Someday I’ll put her picture on the blog again, she was such a sweetie!

      • Bernadette M Gibson says:

        Thank you for your reply. I do miss Girl Kitty. I am sorry I miss the post about her passing. I usually never miss a post from you. A bit late, but I am sorry for Girl Kitty’s passing. Our pets are members of out family. They never argue with us and they love us unconditionally. I am sorry.

  61. Debbie R from Valencia says:

    Sending get well wishes to dear Ms Kellee . Feel better soon! Chicken soup and hot toddies, as my grandma would always say “Good for what ails you”. Looking foreword to the new blog and all the news!

    Debbie R from Valencia, CA

  62. jan lane says:

    Oh dear, I hope that everyone manages to escape the dreaded flu bug this season, and if by some chance they catch it, may they be blessed with a speedy recovery.
    We have had snow and rain, and blustery days alternating with a hint of spring and sunshine. Mountain weather in California is unpredictable at best, so it is actually rather exciting.
    Our Mountain View Chalet in Pine Mountain Club is celebrating one year of business. We are blessed, as I suffered a very serious illness the past year.
    Thanks for sending updates and happy newsletters. It is always a treat to be met with cheerful hellos and interesting tidbits.
    Happy Superbowl Weekend and looking forward to the beauty of Spring.

    • sbranch says:

      Hope you are feeling much better Jan! Thank you for saying hello! xoxo

      • Jan Lane says:

        Thank you. I now appreciate feeling good and do not take good health for granted. Coming through storms of any kind teach us to stop and smell the roses, or the coffee brewing in the morning. It teaches us what is really important in life. I watch the children play, enjoying the free spirited and happy state of mind, and that brings a smile to my heart on days when I feel down and out, or lonesome and blue. At the moment I am looking forward to a trip to San Diego and seeing my grandsons and my own grown son very soon. Fortunate to be able to once again chase after the kids. They missed the “Hugging Monster” and so did I!

  63. Sally A Mettler says:

    Susan, I am a first time poster, even though I have been following for over a year. I have a kitty who looks much like your sweet, Girl Kitty. His name is Hunter. He is a shy, gentle creature. I love him dearly.
    Is girl kitty the one on your cup with the books? I have the large cup and often enjoy my morning tea in it.
    It has been frigid here in Michigan along the Lake Michigan coast. I havent been able to get out of the house for two weeks. But that does save one from exposure to flu and colds doest it?
    I’m looking forward to your next post. It will be a treat no matter when it comes

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Sally, nice to hear from you! Hopefully you’re in the area of the warm up… and get a moment of bright, but still cold, sun on your face! I answered another comment like this, I’m pretty sure it was yours because of Hunter, but just in case, it’s Jack, my kitty with a mustache, that’s on the cup.

  64. Kel from Walnut Creek, CA says:

    Get well wishes to Kellee! She has been so kind with the orders I have placed and I am appreciative. I hope she feels better soon!

    Love to you, Susan, Joe and Jack.

    Sending lots of love,

    Kel from Walnut Creek, CA

  65. Ann Woleben says:

    I have been thinking about you, Joe and Jack. Every morning I am up by 5:30 to cross the hall to my little quiet space – time for devotionals, prayer and meditation. It is the most peaceful time of day, and I think about you in your studio – pen or paintbrush moving across paper. A time for hot tea and a time to watch the dawning of a new day. You have taught me to observe shadows and reflections and to look at the most ordinary things in the most marvelous way. Thank you for sharing your life thoughts and talents. I trust Kellee will soon feel better and that you, Joe and Jack will remain well.

  66. Patti G says:

    Good health to all!

  67. Regina says:

    It was so nice to see your post today. I have been checking frequently hoping to get an update from you soon. So sorry Kellee has been sick. Glad to see she is on the upside of it. Here in Kansas we have been in the deep freeze but tomorrow we should be in the 50’s and Sunday near 60! Everybody coming out of hibernation. Due for more cold and snow next week but we will enjoy this weekend. Yesterday afternoon it was 35 and we thought that was warm! Can’t wait to see to your post next week.

  68. Becky says:

    Susan, how do you do what you do so well! You cook, you decorate, you paint, you write books, you iron, you keep us all in new china and gifts, and…you help ME keep this world on its axis!

    Poor Kellee, there is nothing worse than the flu! Although, this cold weather and snow and ice we’re having in Maryland is beginning to get on my last nerve! How can I complain about minus 0 temps when the people in the midwestern part of out country are actually living in a frozen tundra! Those wonderful folks deserve a medal of some kind!

    Thank you for this post. I’ll see you on the flip side!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, I look at 20º and feel grateful! Although they’re supposed to go up to like 60 degrees, which is insane! Thank you for your sweet words Becky, see you on the flip side! xoxo

  69. Lynette Strohbach says:

    I’ve escaped the crud so far this winter, knock on wood! Hope she feels better soon. I’m thinking the exciting news could be about a certain movie deal! Hope so! One month closer to spring! Regards!

    • sbranch says:

      They don’t like me to talk too much about the “movie deal” which of course almost kills me, but it is still in the works although not very far along and nothing to go screaming into the dark night about, yet. Stay healthy Lynette!

  70. Sharon F. Corey says:

    Rabbit-Rabbit! Hope this finds Kellee feeling much better.

  71. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    Thanks for keeping in touch, sorry Kellee has the flu. Starve a fever, feed a cold! And it has been verree cold, but not here in Arizona. I look at the temps back at home in Vermont and I’m shocked!!! but my phone tells me the temp I set in the house when I left is holding there. Phew, modern technology can give peace of mind sometimes.
    I was just starting to miss a post, when your note came in. Glad to hear from you, stay well and warm…
    Blessings on your house and all inside it!

  72. Jody Wallem says:

    I’m always finding new points of connection with you! Today it is “Rabbit, Rabbit,” although in our home growing up, we would say 3 Rabbits! I still do it first thing on the first of every month, and text little bunny emojis to my daughter, future daughter-in-law and another Rabbit, Rabbit friend.

  73. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Greetings from the coast! Right now the wind is howling up a storm of rain that is to hit us in a couple hours. I have my Valentine tree decorated, as well as other areas. Valentine’s Day requires more than one day of decor! I’ll look forward to the next blog post. Stay warm & well!

  74. Kim Rose says:

    Hello and thank you for lovely blog – so uplifting. Really looking forward to the new book and Kellee get well now…❤️

  75. Sally A. Mettler says:

    My first time to post, even though I have been a follower for over a year..
    Susan, I have a kitty that looks a lot like your Girl Kitty.His name is Hunter. He is very shy but also gentle with a wonderful sense of humor.
    Is the kitty on your cup with books Girl Kitty? I have my morning tea in it each day.
    Stay well.

    • sbranch says:

      Girl was a tuxedo too, but the kitty on the cup is Jack. He’s the one with the mustache. Nice to meet you Sally!

  76. Karen Milano says:

    Sending Chicken Soup healing thoughts to Kellee, and glad all is well in your home. GO PATS!

    May I mention how much I love my Marthas Vineyard Isle of Dreams Mug – and how amazed I am by it’s sturdiness despite what feels like delicate china – because It’s a year old now, and not even a tiny chip. Tis a beautiful thing.

    Just booked our annual trip the Vineyard for the week of the Ag Fair – I plan to walk the VH side streets this time just to walk past your beautiful home so that when I read your posts I can connect it with actually having been there. I discovered Gladys Taber through you – and since I live in Connecticut I made the pilgrimage to Stillmeadow and oh, what magic – to see it in person. It was as if Gladys and “Jill” would come out into the yard or walk down by the pond house with Honey or Tiki or Holly at any moment.

    • sbranch says:

      “Tis a beautiful thing,” could not agree more! Stillmeadow, so small, so old fashioned and wonderful. Memories that aren’t even mine, yet they are!

  77. Karen Lotito says:

    Hi Susan! Rabbit Rabbit one day late, but Happy Groundhog Day! We’re getting through the polar vortex and looking forward to the warmup coming within the next few days. We hope everyone feels better! xoxo

  78. Shirley Burt says:

    Susan, So sorry about Kellee, please tell her to rest. We can be patient. I have just reread the Christmas/New Year post. It is my favorite yet. All the photo’s and descriptions are so amazing. I found Joe’s necklaces and have them put away for next year when my Folk Art Ladies come for our Christmas Party. I wanted to host so that I have a deadline to complete two Christmas projects. Clever of me don’t you think?. Oh and the cup, please an English Springer Spaniel would be so fabulous. Liver and white color like my Elizabeth Anne. I have a little shelf above my sink, where my other cups live. I would have room for one more.
    So you and Joe, enjoy Jack and the cold. And we will look forward to the next post and reread the old. OOps, almost forgot. I ordered the heart banner and quickly hung it in the bay window and think perhaps I need some more. They are lovely. Thank you for finding such delights.
    Love and bunny hugs to all,

  79. Karen Williams says:

    Hi Susan,
    Wishing Kellee and all girlfriends who are poorly, the ve ve bestest wishes for speedy recoveries…and blow the coblobs away!
    Looking forward to seeing more from you soon!
    Love from
    Karen Williams

  80. Penny says:

    Thanks for your cheery hello ! Always wonderful to see your post 👍. I pre ordered your precious trio of mini vases and wondered when will they be shipping ? Hopefully for our sweet Spring flowers 💐🌸🌸🌸. We are getting four days of snow ⛄️ in the Nortthwest ❄️❄️❄️!

  81. Dixie Reimold says:

    Turned the Page to February on the Calendar…Positively Love Love Love the Warm Happiness that spread thru me ! It hangs in a prominent spot in my room and cheers all who come by for Gramma Time.

  82. Jana says:

    So many well-wishes (isn’t that a lovely term?) winging their way to Kellee, she’ll be restored very soon, Dr. Rest and Dr. Laughter attending!

  83. Margie says:

    Hooe the flu polar vortex spins itslef out and Kellee feels better. Take good care of yourselves the elves! ♥️ U all

  84. Laurie Nico’s mom says:

    Get well wishes to Kellee. I hope she feels better soon but don’t rush it. You don’t want a relapse. Be good to yourself and rest.

  85. Rosemary Hambrick says:


    • sbranch says:

      Oh thank you Rosemary. Most of what I was writing about had been going on forever, and wasn’t going to be changed by who won the presidency. I’m still yakking about it on Twitter, but try to let the Blog be what it always was, love of home, shared by kindred spirits. xoxo

  86. Maria M. says:

    Hi, Susan…
    I just realized I haven’t seen pictures of or heard much about beautiful Girl Kitty. Is she okay?

    • sbranch says:

      Girl went to kitty heaven in the summer of 2016 the same year I lost my dad. I wrote about it, but perhaps you were away. Thank you for asking!

  87. Rhonda D. says:

    Hi Susan, glad to hear that you are all well at your house. Sincerely hoping that Kellee is feeling back to herself again very soon. I was speaking with Sheri and she mentioned that Kellee was out with a “bug.” Hoping and praying that Sheri doesn’t come down with it. My mother, who is also dealing with cancer…diagnosed at the same time I was (if you can believe that), got sick, got much better, and now is sick again. Patty Robinson mentioned that there was a round two, so that is what must have happened to my Mom and other friends of mine. I’m pulling a Susan Branch and staying home as much as I can. So far so good. I hope the movie deal is still a go some day in the future. You know, I think you and Joe would be perfect to play the parts of Susan and Joe. You wouldn’t even have to audition or rehearse, it would just come natural. You also mentioned that you were looking for ideas for your next “dishes projects.” It would be lovely to see a set of mugs for England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales to go along with your new book Enchanted which has all these places included in it, or even a mug about girlfriends to celebrate your beautiful relationship with Rachel which is also in your new book would be a perfect fit. (Just throwing a few thoughts into the ring). I’m surprised to hear that you haven’t had any snow. Here in New Brunswick, Canada, not that far away from you, we have had snow pretty much constantly since November. It has warmed up and rained pretty hard at times, but it still didn’t remove a lot of the snow. It probably turned to an icy mixture, which we have had our share of. Hope you, Joe, and all the girlfriend and their families stay well and healthy during this flu season.❤️

    • sbranch says:

      I think because we’re an island in the water, it keeps us slightly warmer. We seem to be just out of reach of the fronts that go by. Your idea for the four cups is wonderful! Prayers for your mom, sending love to you Rhonda, xoxoxoxo

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Honestly, I love the idea of the mugs for the 4 different countries in the British Isles. I think they would sell like hot cakes for many reasons. I would tell my relatives in the “old country” (as my grandfather called it) so they could purchase some. Thank you for the prayers for my Mom. I just called her a few minutes ago and she hasn’t been feeling all that great. She was very appreciative of your prayers. I think you made her day. I will keep you in my prayers and add some for a bit of snow for Martha’s Vineyard this winter. I watched an interview with SQuire Rushnell and his wife, Louise Duart, back in December. They live on the island. They produced a new Hallmark Christmas movie called A Godwink Christmas that aired this past Christmas season. Some of the filming was done on Martha’s Vineyard, as the setting for the movie was that area. Most of the filming was done in BC, Canada. Louise said that they needed snow for this filming and asked her husband to help her pray for snow. He thought she had lost her mind, but agreed to do it anyway. As the Big Guy (the director maybe) was getting off the ferry, it started to snow. It snowed for 4 days, just the right amount of time they needed. When this guy left the island, the snow stopped and it started to rain and washed all the snow away. That is the coolest snow prayer I have ever heard.

  88. Megan says:

    Oh poor Kellee, flu is very dangerous and still kills a great many people each year, lets hope it isn’t influenza and that it is just a bad cold and that she will be feeling normal soon. Most importantly if it is the flu don’t over do anything it is still a very dangerous thing to contract even in the twenty first century.

    • sbranch says:

      Her fever was gone on Friday . . . she was already on the way back. Hopefully she’ll be good to go today!

  89. Margaret Harke says:

    Was so busy yesterday when your blog came I didn’t read it. Promised myself no matter what I was going to read it today. So after getting a piece of chocolate and a glass of wine and getting comfy at my computer, I clicked on the blog. I am sad for Kellee (get well soon) and for all who love your blogs. Guess we’ll just have to wait. Of course I’ll have to eat this chocolate and drink this wine and start over again on Monday!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s ready to go, but I’m still waiting to hear from Kellee! It’s still early in California . . . and no news is good news! More chocolate more wine in your future! xoxo

  90. Another Susan says:

    Hi, Susan!! I love the new cups… I only have one bit of feedback and you can totally ignore me on this as they are your cups and you didn’t ask for my opinion ;-)I think the Bella Luna cup would look so much better without the jagged edge borderline. I love love LOVE the design.. but the border I’m not so crazy about at all.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh dear, well, it’s too late now. I’m sorry, Bella Luna is already in production in England. I’m required to ALWAYS leave about 1/4″ white space at the top and bottom of the cups … I hid it on the winter cup by including it in the snow, and was hoping to do something like that with Bella Luna ~ hated to just have the starry sky end in a hard line at the white space. Joe thought the pinking shear effect looked like the points of stars! I DO appreciate your feedback! That’s how we got our moon in the first place! Sorry!

  91. Regina says:

    My daughter and I saw “Mary Poppins Returns” this weekend. It was more than wonderful. All our girlfriends need to see it. And to see Dick VanDyke and Angela Lansbury in it was the icing on the cake. Such a feel good movie. A MUST see for everyone!

  92. Candice from Ohio says:

    Get Well Wishes to Kellee and all the girlfriends that have been under the weather. After the Polar Vortex last week, which we survived unscathed. No frozen pipes, falls on the snow/ice covered ground, vehicles not starting. We stayed cozy, warm and seemed to eat a lot! I made a big pot of vegetable soup and a large meatloaf.
    The last two days have been gorgeous and very Spring-like, temps in the 50’s and sunny! Great not to have to worry about covering every area of exposed skin to avoid frostbite and able to enjoy the sun and get some much needed vitamin D!
    Onward with Winter!

    • sbranch says:

      I want some of that Vitamin D . . . we’re just about to go out for a walk, we have 44 degrees and bright sunshine! Happy all is well in your neck of the woods Candice!

  93. Gert says:

    I feel so sorry for Kelee and pray tomorrow goes well for her. My, my you are always so busy. We did really have a big temperature change here in Iowa. Wind chills of -50 below and yesterday 50 above. It was close to a hundred degree swing. This today was really foggy. But we loved every minute of it!! Looking forward to your new post!!!

    Love and prayers….

    • sbranch says:

      Her fever was gone last Friday, so I think she probably had a much better weekend! Haven’t heard from her yet this morning. I heard your weather was going to be crazy! That plus 50 must have felt wonderful! xoxo

  94. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    Take care of yourself Kellee and get well soon.
    Big news from Seattle. We have SNOW on the ground! Hardly ever happens and its so pretty. Love to just sit and stare at it as it falls. 🙂

  95. Judy says:

    Groundhog, Groundhog… a little late… Saturday was my birthday! *giggle*
    So good to read this after our deep-freeze here in N.E.Ohio.
    It’s like a (whit) of Spring to hear from you!
    More ‘healing vibes’ Kellee!
    (…and now I HAVE to go see Mary Popping Returns)*giggle*

  96. Carol Nicolucci says:

    Dear Sue,
    I love all of the intricate details you feature surrounding the holidays especially placing rings over lighted candles. Speaking of candles, I thought you might enjoy a blog entry sent out from Highclere Castle by Lady Carnavon on the celebration of Candlemas celebrated 40 days after Christmas on February 2. All the churches bless their candles for the coming year. What a wonderful thought that is to bless our own candlelight for the coming year. “Snowdrops were once called Candlemas Bells and, as a symbol of purity and light, they were brought into churches on this day. (L.C.)”
    What a wonderful day/night to invite friends into a home filled with Candlemas candlelight! By the way, I need to make a stop at the Holy Nativity Convent (Brookline, MA) for more of their incredible beeswax candles. Gotta have those on Candlemas! As you know, the nuns are some of the happiest people I have ever met (kinda like you)…and the 20+ pound Maine coon cat is always great to hug!
    Love, Carol from CT … Tra la!

    • sbranch says:

      In the days before electricity, I’m sure candles must have been something you’d be very grateful for! Can you imagine when they all had to give up their candles and oil lamps? The lighting! I’m sure people my age were very bitter at the change. I know Beatrix Potter never accepted it in her house and she didn’t pass until 1942! I’d probably be like that! Hugs to the nuns for me, I love them so much!

  97. charissa says:

    Hugs and well wishes to Kellee. Oh the flu is so terrible! Sending empathy and sympathy and warm healing fuzzies. ❤️
    Luv to you, Susan, for always being a bright spot in the road of my life. Pre-Ordered 2 of your new mugs from Patty at Wishful Thinking am in Love with them. Made a lovely display in my cabinet with the ones I already have and all my tea things. Thank you for the joy:) xoxo ❤️❤️❤️

  98. Caroline Woodard says:

    Tell Kellee to feel better soon and in the meantime, I hope she is snuggled up with a softest dog or kitty. Your potato chip crusted chicken nuggets (autumn book) really are a football fan favorite! My people love them. I bought hyacinths today to celebrate these 2 spring days, although I love Winter to be Winter. Be well!

    • sbranch says:

      She’s better! Yay, new post went up, Willard is on his way! I’m so happy you liked the nuggets! They’re sooooo good! Hyacinths, good for the soul! xoxo

  99. Dear Susan,
    Dear Susan,

    Thanks for checking in – I miss your posts! Cheers me up, makes my day a little brighter and my cares a little lighter. Happy Valentines Day! Hope lots and lots of love comes your way.

    February is a strange month here in southern California – it’s not really winter but it’s too cold for spring. One minute it’s raining and the next it’s 80 degrees in the sunshine! xoxo DIXIE Belle

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