Waking up this first full day of spring with the full worm moon peeking through my Studio windows! Hooray! MUSICA! Note below, it’s the Early Bird!

This was our moonrise last night! How do we get so lucky?

Out behind the barn, snowdrops are coming right up through the melting ice. Daffodils too!

We’re doing a little bit of forsythia-forcing. So easy to do. Just bang stems of budding trees and bushes with hammer and put in warm water in a light spot and soon, very soon, you will have . . .

This! Forsythia is such a harbinger of spring on this island! Our first very strong color and after months of none of it, it’s like a dream we want to celebrate.

And so we do! I hung my wreath on our front door just a couple of days ago.

Yesterday, such a gorgeous sunny day, although still only 46º . . . Out in California everyone is in wildflower heaven, so much rain, the hillsides and valleys are covered in bright orange poppies and blue lupin, and probably to them, this photo above looks like it has yellow-grass, leafless, dead-tree syndrome, but I wouldn’t change our four seasons for anything, because as so many of you know, this is SO GOOD after all these months of cold, it feels like a miracle and nothing could take its place. I can barely have words for what this chilled clean salty air feels like as it is now caressing our sheets and infusing them with spring. 🌸 We are dancing out there! Each little rebirth is a celebration!

And soon it will be tulip-time! There is something whimsical about tulip colors and shapes. I decided NOT to plant bulbs last fall . . . to wait for spring. Our nurseries aren’t open yet, but when they do they BURST with spring bloom ~ pots and pots and POTS of tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus … and I get to GO and buy tulips already in bloom ~ and get triple bang for my buck. Too often I buy a bag of mixed tulips and they are ALL yellow, or I buy orange that turn out to be purple or Parrot Tulips that turn out to be not to be Parrot Tulips. This way, instead of little brown bulbous mysteries, I’ll get the color and variety I want and can mix color the way I like! I can’t wait. It will be whimsey-land out there!  Have you ever seen Angelique Tulips? Oooh la la!

More oooh-la-la to look forward to, the weeping cherries will soon be coming into bloom.

And nothing will have to be “forced!” They will come to us gladly!

And soon . . . this ⬇

These last few weeks, the light has been making me crazy, it’s been coming in and landing on everything, and making the most interesting shadows! Running to get the camera before it moves!

You love glass, but when it does this, you love it more!

Pops like sparks all over the house . . .

I walk by, and there’s me on the kitchen wall. Have to stop and give you a wave!

Look at this one. I’ve never seen this before. Perfect for this old house.

Just a touch here and there . . . draws your eye…

Even Jack, look at the light on his toes!

This boy! Asleep in the middle of my art table right this moment. Put my foot into my shoe this morning, felt something. Guess what? Rubber band.


More sparks of light . . . colors from prisms on the lamp . . .

THIS is a picture through my kitchen-counter windows out toward the picket-fence garden, and INCLUDES the reflection from the windows behind me, where that bird is on the window sill …

My rusty birds make such nice shadows!

See? Doubles my pleasure!

And yes. Still doing it. Sixteen pounds lighter and happy as a clam. Here’s a normal breakfast, two scrambled eggs, with steamed spinach and green beans with mixed seeds on top. So yummy and so good. Just heard a disheartening report this morning, that of the top three “dirty” vegetables (meaning smothered in pesticides), spinach and kale are two of them. So think “organic” for these spectacular veggies that your brain is craving.🥗

My other favorite breakfast: Organic oats, sprinkled with cinnamon, with blueberries, chopped walnut, and chopped apple. Makes you feel like Superwoman. 💪

These are the new noodles I told you about, Shirataki, they come in a liquid in a package, and have barely any calories at all, plant-based (not soy), gluten-free. You use them as carriers for healthy roasted vegetables, or stir fry, or soup, or thick tomato sauce with ground grass-fed beef, onions, basil, garlic (no added sugar), a sprinkle of dry red chili pepper, and grated Parmesan.

Another breakfast . . . Organic broccoli-slaw (sold in bags in the vegetable section of our supermarket) sautéed in butter with mixed seeds and two scrambled Omega-three eggs. It doesn’t feel like a diet, it feels like joy.


So what is new. Does anyone recognize this? You’d have to be a sort of Houdini if you do. Hint: I told the story of it in my Fairytale Girl book. Ring any bells?

It’s my first painting, the one that I did in 1977 after I was given a gift certificate to an art store for my birthday where I went and bought watercolors, then came home and painted the geranium sitting on my kitchen table, and received a bit of a shock that it DID look like a geranium. Yes, the one I didn’t have the confidence to sign . . . and when I did, I signed it with my new initials (was getting married the next month, becoming an SB). I just had it reframed to go in my newly painted dining room. Look at that little thin gold frame! I’m really happy with the way it came out.

But before I had it framed, I asked myself, maybe some of the Girlfriends would like one of these? So, I had them copied and made into beautiful fine art Giclees on gorgeous thick watercolor paper . . . here they are, I’m signing and numbering them, there will only ever be 750 of them in the world.

They now look like this, after all these years, finally signed with my whole name . . . and available HERE.

We’ve actually had a few Giclees available for a long time ~ like this one of Zinnias and Baby’s Breath which I did in 1984, just before I wrote Heart of the Home . . .

Or this one, Grandma’s Bowl, the original is in our bedroom now, after the years it hung on my Grandma’s wall . . . kitchen art!

Or this one, called Lighthouse Beach, which I did just after I moved to Martha’s Vineyard . . . and was cat crazy in love (and still am!). BUT the good news is, the new news, is that we found a way to have our giclees done less expensively, because we wanted to be more affordable, and so we did, and they are. 💞

All newly signed and ready to go.

So yes, before we eat those joy-filled healthy-breakfasts, we go walking on this dirt road through the woods out to where it opens onto the sound. It’s been glorious this entire week. Only in the 40s, not exactly beach weather, but better than 20s, and cold doesn’t stop us, we bundle up and walk out into the wonderful spring sunshine every day. We need our exercise. Basking in the morning light has been heaven. We’ll be going in a few minutes, right after I press “Publish” on this post!

We find a sheltered spot out of the icy wind and sit for a few minutes soaking up the bright sun. ☀️

What else? I’ve been working hard on our new book . . . and loving every moment of it. Look at that thing, it’s STUFFED with memories.

So there’s my March 2018 calendar and my Scotland Diary for reference (I’m putting our 2016 trip to Scotland in this book too)  and my new cup and I’m on my way . . . to ENCHANTED!

Making all kinds of new bookmarks along the way . . . so when we go on a book tour I will be bearing gifts~

I’ve been staying away from stressful news (I only allow myself a half hour a day lately), and have been on an old movie kick… I can’t say enough good about TCM … Turner Classic Movies, it can cure what ails you. 😘


But Joe and I decided we deserved a mini-break (as Bridget Jones would call it).

Yes! It’s on the calendar! FUN! So excited, we’ve moved it up a day and we leave tomorrow!!!

Road trip! We’re going to Virginia! We’re going to drive out of our baby-budding spring in to the REAL THING. We’re going south for a tour of George Washington’s House at Mount Vernon. You have no idea how excited I am. I read the Ron Chernow biography of George Washington last year and learned so much ~ before I read it, he was just a figure, something to do with cherry trees, wooden teeth and first President, now he is a man, a husband, a father, and a hero. Flawed, as we all are, except Beatrix Potter, but human and real. I’ve been wanting to immerse myself a little bit in his world. So here we go!

I have a new book to take with me . . . The Revolutionary War story of Washington’s Spies! I saw the great mini-series TURN (which is still on Netflix, I just rewatched it), now I want to read the book. Also taking the one I’m just finishing, the wonderful Africa House by Christina Lamb. A mini-break week of reading, who could ask for more!? Antique stores too . . . we brake for them! Nurseries too! I guarantee the Fine Romance Van will be coming home stuffed with springtime!After Mount Vernon, we’re going back to Colonial Williamsburg! We were there almost exactly a year ago on our way to board the Queen Victoria, but only had one day, barely time to get the lay of the land . . . we promised ourselves we’d be going back, and so we are! I was thinking about putting photos of our trip on Instagram, where I’m @susanbranchauthor ~ my imagination tells me there may be more of you on Instagram now than on Twitter?  Let me know where’s the best place for them! I could put them on both if you like . . . 💞

Look at this place! William and Mary College, started in 1693 (Second oldest in country after Harvard), is at one end of mile-long Duke of Gloucester Street (almost 100 feet wide and no cars allowed) where George Washington often came riding in on his white horse.  We didn’t get to the nearby Jamestown Settlement last time … I’m excited to see the first permanent English colony in America, founded in 1607. We’ve got tickets for everything!

Going back in time, our favorite place to be . . . I hope we can take a carriage ride!

Look how charming . . . I love the simplicity. We’ll only be gone one week, blink and we will be home, which will then look more wonderful than ever.So I want to leave you with a few small gifts.🎁 Spring has sprung which brought us all new Free Stuff , thanks to Kellee who is a mind reader in her spare time. She knows what we like. Four new springtime stationary designs you can print out on nice paper . . . this one above celebrates our full moon, matches my new cup! But you can choose from the other designs, or maybe you’d like a new screen saver . . . just click on Free Stuff and off you go!

And while I’m away, you may need the recipe for the MOST delicious Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Tis the season! Makes 30! But you can halve the recipe if you like. Take them to work and the fans will go wild! You’ll also find the recipe on page 138 in the 30th Anniversary Edition of my first book, Heart of the Home.

And this adorable thing . . . Just in cases you’re in the mood for Lamb Cake ~ Here’s the How-To ~ Sheri just brought in some new lamb molds . . . this cake is  also excellent for baby showers and Mother’s Day! Cover it in pansies! We have a Bunny Cake Mold too! 🐰

We’ll only be gone a week, you’ll blink and we’ll be home. When we get back, I’ll settling back into my chair, all refreshed, where I’ll be spending this summer windows open, flowers wafting from the garden, deep in the diary, writing Enchanted, England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, reliving everything we did at almost this very time last year. Talk about armchair travel!

And one more little gift I found on Youtube . . . an armchair walk through the English Countryside with a very knowledgeable English man. The Lake District to be exact . . . HERE you GO!  Stress reliever extraordinaire. Enjoy! ❌⭕️❌

Later gators. xoxo

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470 Responses to SPRING FLING

  1. Sherry A Winchester says:

    Hello! Very fun reading on your blog, reminding us of how anticipated and lovely the incoming Spring is! Enjoy your vacation! One last thing….please don’t leave Twitter! Hello also to your two boys…Joe and Jack! Raising a glass to your next wonderful adventures! Safe travels to you! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Diedra Lanphear says:

    Oh Susan! I am so excited for you! Williamsburg is one of my most favorite places ever! And from where I live in Durham, NC, it’s exactly a 3 hour drive door to door! Love it! Have an amazing time! I got out of the hospital a week and a half ago, and am finally feeling much better, just in time for Spring! And it has definitely sprung down here in North Carolina! Thank you for your kind well wishes to Brad and I recently, it brought us comfort and Joy. Love and Hugs, Diedra

  3. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Good morning, Susan. Your blog was just what I needed today. I love all your pictures. I am planning on going for geraniums to plant for out front tomorrow. My pansies are still popping up and smiling. We had a teeny taste of Spring last week here in coastal North Carolina. Now we are back to chilly, wet weather. I miss the sun. Hoping for spring to finally arrive soon.
    Just this morning my husband suggested a half day trip to go to the aquarium in Wilmington and to lunch. My 94 year old dad lives with us so we cannot be gone long. I envy you your week vacation. It will be fun for both of us to escape for a bit.
    Williamsburg is such fun. We were there years ago and enjoyed immersing ourselves in another age. Yes, take the carriage ride!
    Thank you for all of your cherry thoughts. Please post on Twitter as well as Instagram. Have fun, laugh, enjoy Spring.

  4. Debbie Anderson says:

    You will love Mt. Vernon. I could almost feel Washington in the house. We spent about 4 hours touring the place but wish it had been longer. Can’t wait to go back again!

  5. Becky Maxwell Central Coast says:

    Enjoy your week. I hoping to get out to Carriso Plans to see the wildflowers this weekend.

  6. Lillian Olmstead says:

    Dear Sue,
    Happy Spring and great travels to you and Joe. Mt. Vernon is just the most lovely place, especially in Spring. I hope you’ll post your pictures on twitter, so we can all travel with you.
    Wishing you a great ride,
    Lillian XOXO

  7. Thank you Susan for another lovely post. Hope your journey to Virginia is a fun and informative one. Not many of us really know about the beginnings of how our country came to be. Lots to see and remember when you get back home. Thank you for showing us that joy can be had by simply looking at the lights and shadows within our own home. Your taking the time and effort to bring such simple pleasures to all of us, shows what a giving and generous person you are.

  8. Judy Ann Martinez says:

    Loved this mental revival of all things good! Thank you!
    And to quote Dr. Seuss ” I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny but we can have lots of good fun that is funny! ”
    My wish for you!
    Happy Spring days!
    Judy from the plains of Colorado

  9. Mary Beth McGrath says:

    You will love Mount Vernon – it feels as though George and Martha are just around the next corner!

  10. Debbie Boerger says:

    Goodness! I can’t believe I’m the first to comment. This is icing on my cake, AKA my day. I’m leaving the Blue Whale off for a few hours. It’s this removable cast I’m to wear as much as I can stand it. Have been doing the finger exercises and following the surgeon’s orders to “Push until you cry”. Ouchy. I can actually type with both hands, and I’m ready to polish some brass.

    So happy for you and Joe going to Virginia. Tom and I are going the first week of May, mostly to visit the museums. We’ll probably be staying near Mt. Vernon on one of the military bases. A few years ago we went to the new museum there. Interesting. I liked that it is geared for young people, sort of Disneyish. I was fascinated to see Martha’s shoes. About the size of my big toe. Hated seeing Georges teeth. He was such a private man. Even though I’ve been to Mt. Vernon a number of times, I’m still eager to do it again. Then Tom and I will go back to Monticello. Lots of new tours, one being the Mulberry Row. While in the area, we’ll visit Madison’s and Monroe’s homes. That’s after spending a few days in the Museums in DC. Got to build up my strength, so I don’t poop out after a couple of hours.

    I know exactly what you feel about forsythia. I’m sure all of you Girlfriends who yearn for Spring know, too. Being from the deep South, I had no idea what they were. On my first solo drive up to Maine from Tampa, I enjoyed watching the Seasons in Reverse. Rarely is Florida anything but Summer, then came the 13 original colonies with azaleas and rhododendron gone wild. By Pennsylvania, in the mountains, Nature was back in Winter garb, even dustings of snow. (I like going up the Shenandoah Valley and into Penn.) I was just wild with joy. But by the time I drove over the Pisquatiquis Bridge into my Maine, I was ready for a little color. Being on the coast, the temps were warmer, so there was a teeny green haze on some trees. I saw the wild apple, pear, crab apple and other blooms peeking through the bare trees. Every village had forsythia. I knew I had to have one!!! I even got there early enough to learn how to force the pussy willows. I am incredibly lucky to have the 6 or 7 months in Maine, to be in the world of Nature, not so controlled by our species. Wonder it I’ll say that when we see the damage from this extremely cold winter, with little snow to keep everybody warm in the ground.

    Oh, if you have time, check out Fredricksburg. Lots of good stuff to visit, including George’s mother’s house and others.

    Thank you, thank you, Miss Sue, for all the great recommendations for food and our spirits. I am now 25 pounds lighter than this time last year. 25 more to go, but I’m in no hurry. Tom will be 79 next week, and he shot 77 on the golf course last Saturday. I’ll be 74 in July, and I’m getting back to fighting trim. We take it as it comes. Now, if I can avoid breaking any bones this year……

    Isn’t it wonderful to be so totally in love with your husband? Second time around was truly, truly the Best. As Barbara Bush said, “Oh, George, you are so devastatingly handsome.” Add total kindness, a wicked sense of humor, and you have the Lovely Tom.

    Mucho love,
    Debbie in Tampa til May

  11. Dear Susan: Thank you for a lovely post. Spring will be sooo welcome this year of horrible weather world wide. I hope your visit to Virginia will have nice warm weather so that you can enjoy your trip. Thank you for letting us see your lights and shadows, showing how just a simple trip through your home has such a interesting display of reflections. You are so very kind and generous to include us in how to enjoy our own home with simple pleasures. Bev

  12. Martha Lane says:

    Spring does seem to have sprung! What a great way to start the day. Your artwork is amazing and while I know it’s hard work, you make it look so easy. Thanks for bringing joy and sunshine into our lives.

  13. Deborah says:

    Happy Spring!
    Ohhhh, I’m so envious of your upcoming road trip; it sounds like the perfect get away to refresh, restart and rest! Good for you. Please post your travel and all other photos on Instagram. 🙂
    Peace and All Good Things.

  14. Betsy says:

    Oh Susan, you will love Mt. Vernon. It felt like a real home to me. When the gardens are in bloom it’s heaven. I’ve never been there in the spring so I’ll be anxious for your pictures and review. I’m not on any social media sites after friends had some serious security issues so your blog is my go to. Have a wonderful time!

  15. Barbara Irvine says:

    Susan and Joe, have a wonderful trip! Travel safe, and please post photos and updates of your trip. So many of us have never been to Mt Vernon or Colonial Williamsburg, and I (for one!) love to follow your travels. And please, when you return, a new blog with all the wonderful details. While you’re away, we will miss you, and so will Jack !!

    I am on Twitter and can mostly figure out how it works, but Instagram is a mystery to me. (Definitely a Technology Dumbbell !!)

  16. Mary From San Juan Island says:

    Thanks for the blog Susan. It always brightens my day. We have had sunshine and high 60’s this past week which has been fabulous after a cold ❄️ snowy February. My daffodils are staring to bloom and love the yellow. Congrats on your weight loss!! Hope you and Joe have a wonderful trip. Safe travels!🌷🌞🌳💞

  17. Mary Lawrence says:

    You are going to be in my neck of the woods.We live in Gloucester,about fourty five minutes from us.One of my favorite places to go.I worked at the Laura Ashley store on merchant square before it closed.I use to walk everyday down Duke of Gloucester street.Don’t get me started on Mount Vernon.I feel at home there.Darling adorable George Need I say more.Have fun with your mini break.There should be cherry trees blooming in D.C..We are going in April to see for ourselves.Enjoy Virginia,she is a beautiful state.Maybe I’ll run into in Williamsburg.lol

  18. FayE in CA! says:

    Loved Colonial Williamsburg and Mt. Vernon! Simplicity at its best. Thanks for the morning walk in the Lake District. The reason that the host never sees anybody on this walk is because once you step on his path to the falls you may NEVER find your way home again!! YIKES.

    Still think that a sweet book of shadows would be a beautiful addition to the SB Book Library in our homes. You could do a two book set…Gifts of Light and Views from my Windows. Your photograph library already has the material.

    Have a wonderful, safe journey to Virginia’s treasures from historic landmarks to antique stores to roads lined with spring buds. You will relish and restore enjoying the beginnings of your 2019 spring delights. Do take moments to catch yourself in windows…you will smile at the reflections of your petite self…and the new glow that shines from your inside to sparkle your outside.

    FayE! ❤️❤️❤️

    Kisses to Jack…and a long, furry hug, too.

  19. Kerrie Anne Foley says:

    Hi Sue!! I SO needed that post. I am a Winter lover but I have NEVER been more ready for Spring! My little village of Wickford is starting to pop with buds and sweet shop windows that help. I am also such a fan of light reflecting on everything inside my home. I’m bringing out Easter decorations today. I simply cannot wait for your new book. I’m re-reading all of your others now to keep me busy. Thanks for brightening up my day. Sending squinches to you and Joe and of course Jack. Also I would LOVE to see you on Instagram! Have a wonderful trip and can’t wait for pictures!! Love, Kerrie

  20. Alice Dennison says:

    I love your blogs !

  21. Rae Ann Roche says:

    We still have 2’ of snow here in Northern Michigan so I am living vicariously through you and Joe…melting is happening-YAY! I hope you’ll do a travelogue of your trip…have fun and travel safely😘

  22. Rae Ann Roche says:

    P.S. Thank you for the spring goodies😉

  23. Audrianne says:

    Enjoy Mount Vernon and Williamsburg. Take a moment to go to Yorktown and Jamestown too. You’re right there. Would be a shame not to include them.

  24. Kathy H says:

    Have a wonderful trip. Virginia is a visitor’s delight. And I’d love to see your photos on Instagram.

  25. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Oh my … LOVE it when I stumble on a new post 🙂 And love that you are going road-tripping … our favorite thing to do! Am hoping your road tripping will lead you back to AZ for a spot of tea (and maybe another book signing) in the future. What a dream that was … “enchanted” then and “enchanted” now with the thought of your new book! LOVE the signs of spring on this first day of spring! Our spring in Prescott is a bit delayed by the 22 inches of snow that recently fell!!! Average is 12″!!! And every time I heard about snow in Northern AZ I thought of your sweet dad and how he would have been reporting that to you in detail 🙂 Also saw the “dirtiest” fruits and vegetables list and was so disheartened to see strawberries at the very top of the list … Oh no! Thanks for always keeping us in the know, whether it’s fruits and vegetables, good books, presidential candidates, or road trips 🙂 YOU are the breath of fresh air that is springtime and beyond … Love you girlie … and can’t wait to see all your pics on Instagram which has my vote! Safe travels and may the road rise to meet you and the wind be always at your back … xoxo ♥

  26. Lisa G. says:

    Oh, my goodness, the photo with the sheep by the river – it’s so perfect it hardly looks real! Your upcoming trip sounds really nice; George Washington is an amazing figure. And I agree with you about the light – I’ve been noticing it over the past week or so.
    Many congratulations on your determination in the weight-loss department!

  27. Cheryl Walsh says:

    Love the walk to the falls! Utube is amazing! I thank you for this !!!
    Have fun on your break!

  28. Elizabeth says:

    Lucky you…going to Virginia!!! We were privileged to live there for 5 months a couple years ago!! We lived halfway between Richmond and Williamsburg…so we often traipsed off for the day to Williamsburg…so lovely a spot!! SO looking forward to that book on what you did last year too!! Have a wonderful holiday!!!

  29. Kimberly L Young says:

    Spring post,What a treat! Congratulations on your weight loss and healthy progress! So inspiring. Have a lovely mini break soaking up history and getting inspired! Spring is busting out all over in NC and now i have this sense of urgency to Hurry up and get everything tidy in garden and porch and deck!
    Birds, daffodils,forsythia..whoo hoo! Happy Spring Sweet Sue!

  30. Suzi Havey says:

    Have a wonderful trip to absorb our wonderful country’s history you are lucky to be so close. Out here in the far West, the snow is finally melting and the snowdrops peeking up. It will be a late Spring for the veggie beds but just soaking up some sunshine is blessing enough. Please keep your postings and pictures on Twitter. They get to me quicker!!🐰🐥🐣🐝🌷💐🌝

  31. Barbara Anne says:

    What a delight this post is!! Ta and thank you!

    Ah, springtime! Today we have “rain to soak us” and our crocus are on their way out but the forsythia, plum, and Bradford pear trees are in bloom and are glorious.

    Have a wonderful time in beautiful old Virgina and happy trails to you!


  32. Gail Kelly says:

    Hi Susan,

    Have a wonderful fun, filled trip, you and Joe. Yes, please do both postings. Thank you! Can’t wait for the pics! Loved the post. Congrats! on your weight loss and healthy eating.


  33. Sandra Walton says:

    Happy Springtime..lovely to see and read all your news and recipes and thoughts and……
    So much…THANK YOU.
    In the uk..we already have the daffodils and forsythia out..it’s looking so beautiful and just raises your spirits so much,..much better than hearing our rather depressing news…
    Loving all your delicious recipes..well done for all those pounds off..so good..
    Have a wonderful ..fun ..time in Virginia…enjoy..relax..recharge and then it will soon be April
    Ready for a viewing of Enchanted April…I so love that film…love Josie Lawrence and her…I can see it ….
    I can see that fantastic new book …happy painting and writing
    Much love to you both..travelling mercies
    Sandra from Birmingham,xx

  34. Donna H., Arkansas says:

    So glad you are finally getting Spring there on the Vineyard. My daffodils have been blooming since February here in Arkansas and will be gone soon, and the trees are beginning to bud and leaf out. One of my favorite times of year when everything begins anew. Safe travels to you and Joe for your trip.

  35. Jane McCarthy says:

    Dear Susan, just had a feeling that you would post today!! Glorious Spring is popping out all over and it’s grand! Though the news these days is horrible and depressing, they can’t take Spring from us!!!

  36. Hello Susan!
    To answer your question first, I love seeing your posts on Twitter as they are a relief from the politics that fill my feed. Seeing your posts filled with love, humor, beauty, and joy, fills me with all of them. On Instagram, I enjoy a reprieve from the political world, so if you had to choose between the two, Instagram may be the right choice and you may have more people following you there. Point is, do what works best for you without adding more stress.

    I’m in Aromas, California, and you’re right. The hills are a stunning green that I haven’t seen in years. The wildflower blooms make our state look even more magical than it already is.

    We just picked up our puppy (a Leonberger) on Tuesday and drove from Aromas to Clovis (near Fresno) to get her. The flowers on the way east were stunning. I can only imagine what they look like down south. Our puppy is enjoying frolicking on our property and getting properly muddy and green-stained.

    Thank you for continuing to blog. I look forward to a new post, and to hold me over till the next one, I’m now caught up to December 2012. It’s a time capsule, and I savor reading a few posts every weekend. You’ve given us all such a lovely reprisal from the stress in our lives.

    I hope you and Joe enjoy adventuring through all of the historical landmarks. And your girlfriends and I will enjoy seeing the adventures from our poufs and armchairs!
    P.S. Thank you for that walking tour of the Lake District! Jonathan Craig is a delight to watch and hear!

  37. mary brusky says:

    i took the armchair walk and that led into the 10 lake tour! it was beautiful and i am feeling the need for a road trip too! this time of the year is so hard-it’s really too cold to do anything outside but you want to so much! i’m settling for cleaning up around the yard and gardens. no sun today but soon…! have a great trip and bring us some pictures maryb

  38. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    hello Susan, Girlfriends. you lucky lady you… I have always wanted to go to Williamsburg and explore, along with a trip to Plymouth and see the site where the pilgrims first landed. and a visit to Salem, MA. is on the bucket list, you know how I love to explore old cemeteries and old colonial homes. the best we can do for now is a trip to Bode, CA., an old abandoned ghost town out near Yosemite. love the place, it used to be a silver mining town, and then all of a sudden the people just left it and left everything behind… furniture, clothes, dishes, glasses, canned goods, and the tools they used every day like surgical or dental instruments, kitchenware and other things commonly used every single day. no one really knows why, but it is a fantastic place to walk about and explore. be sure to keep us posted in here as well, I would love to explore Williamsburg and ride in the old colonial carriages. I loved watching the Turn on TV and the series about Vermont in colonial times. I love American history so anything with that subject fascinates me all the more. Yay!!! its finally spring here, my snowdrops are coming up and blooming, so are my daffodils and crocuses and hyacinth and the tulips are coming up, I love it. it has been nice and sunny the past few days and warm, now we are going back to rainy and cloudy for tomorrow and next week. oh well spring showers bring on May flowers. like you I only listen to the news for 30 minutes, any more than that and I get disgusted so better to limit that. and yes I have been adoring TCM and all the good movies, just finished one called “A majority of One” and soon my favorite “The Women” will be on. got to love that. we’re getting the nursery set up for peeps ( baby chicks) and little quackers (little ducks) we are finally buying our own incubator and will hatch out our own instead of buying them, but I still plan to buy some to improve the flock ( speckled Sussex, partridge rocks, Bielefelders and French black copper marans. definitely we plan to hatch some duck eggs and increase our duck flock, so its our busy time here at the chicken farm… LOL!!!! off to get a load of towels and bed sheets done in the wash and hang them out, I already pulled out and put up my clothesline, I’ve missed it so much. have a great day today everyone, Happy Spring. hugs…. 😀

  39. Kelly Reid Machnov says:

    Years ago in Danville, Ca. I had the great pleasure of meeting you at a book signing where I brought a watercolor my Mom had created, her first, of a potted geranium very similar in composition to yours. You were so sweet to sign Mom’s watercolor and inscribe it with the now oh so familiar quote ‘Because nothing happens unless first we dream.’ That watercolor now hangs sweetly in my bedroom and the memories of that meeting are there to remind me each and everyday as I gaze upon it. Side note: I had just had a knee replacement and that very day after a rough and tough two hour physical therapy, nothing could stop me from standing in a book signing line to see you! It was such a wonderful experience. Thank you Susan for making moments like these for me and all the Girlfriends. Have a wonderful journey this next week. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Best to Joe& Jack. With love,
    Kel from WC 🌷🌻🌷

  40. Kim says:

    Loved that walk (and the presenter’s sense of humor!)!
    Congratulations on your continuing thoughtful and healthy approach to weight loss ~ Is there any chance you’ll be putting together a book on that topic? I know we could all benefit from your wise and down to earth approach. xxooxx

  41. Marianne from Peoria Il says:

    Love the blog today! And love Virginia too! My husband and I were married in the Wren Chapel in 1980. A very special place for me. Try to get into the chapel and think of Thomas Jefferson sitting to you! Hope to get back on our 40th anniversary. Have a great time!

  42. Paulette Feld says:

    Trip photos on Instagram would be great. I use IG as my escape, very few political follows. For me it’s all about flowers, knitting, home, outdoors. Both would be OK.

    Virginia will be a great place in Spring….I’ve traveled there at least 4x, including our Senior trip way back in 1974. That included Mt. Vernon and Williamsburg. Since I’ve visited and hiked Shenandoah NP and several trips to Montecello. Can’t wait to follow your experience.

  43. Regina Carretta says:

    Happy Spring dear Susan….enjoy enjoy your get away to Virginia……two weeks to my London trip, and I sprained my knee….so I have cabin fever, icing and elevating, but must must heal for strolls through the streets of London….a friend said all the stress of our living at the moment, causes us to have small injuries….to the knee and the spirit….watching the news one half hour a day is an excellent idea….icing and elevating has forced me to watch “Father Brown” in its entirty of 6 seasons! Slow down and enjoy, yes?
    Did you hear about the online petition in the UK to stay in the European Union? Very interesting. So London calls, gardens, bookstores, teashops, museums, the East End, and tickets to a show called “Six”, a musical about the wives of Henry VIII! What a hoot! You will be in my pocket on this trip, especially our day trip to Sissinghurst.
    Love to you, dear one….
    Regina, Seattle

  44. Janice McEwen says:

    I live in Virginia Beach and walk the streets of Colonial Williamsburg often. You will love it. I also drive to Jamestown Island frequently. Visit the glass house when you are there. I’ve also been to Mount Vernon, Monticello, Ash Lawn (Monroe’s home), Poplar Forest (Jefferson’s home away from the capital, near Lynchburg, and also octagonal), Wilson’s home in Staunton, etc. There is a lot of history in Virginia.

  45. gail golden says:

    Wonderful walk you shared with us. I’d love to do that when I visit the Lake District one day. It reminds me of my trip last fall to the Smokey Mountains. We saw some gorgeous mountains with mist like that and some lovely waterfalls, too. So much beauty in our blessed country. You and Joe should travel through and take us with you – then write another lovely book. We love arm-chair travel.

    Enjoy your get-away and please share your pics with us.

  46. Celina Weigel says:

    Should I be studying? Yes….
    Do I want to be the first to comment? YESSS!!!!!

  47. Cathy K says:

    Your photo of Colonial Williamsburg reminds me of the first time I went there on a high school trip from Oklahoma. A sense of peace comes over you as you view this lovely place. I have a silver bonnet on my charm bracelet from my visit. Have a lovely time!

  48. Myra says:

    Susan:safe travels! While in Williamsburg don’t miss the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum. It’s a gem!

  49. Monica Wilson says:

    I want to “like” all of your beautiful photos, but then I remember I am not on Facebook! So fun to see spring making its way into your home and garden! Enjoy your trip to Virginia! So much history! Thank you for the book recommendations on Washington!

  50. Jan Lane says:

    It all looks lovely, Susan. Spring is such a time of beauty and promise. We are still getting some snow on the mountains north of LA. Reminds me of the changing seasons I used to enjoy back in my childhood. I love the forsythias and the colourful bulbs which we can grow here on the mountain. Lilac season is soon to appear, and I love the scent of those blooms. We also get flowering cherry and wild roses. The leaves are still missing on the poplars but the pine trees are so much happier after all of the moisture we have had.
    Your trip to the central eastern coast sounds exciting. I am once again looking forward to another short visit to San Diego and to see my son and his family. My two grandsons are no longer little guys, but at 5 and nearly 7 (3 days), they are all about after school sports, cub scouts, birthday parties at school mates houses. So much fun.
    I hope you enjoy your week away. Always exciting to get on the roads and explore other things. I hope to see the poppies and lupins soon. It is supposed to be spectacular right now. This is the only time that our Golden State has green hills. One could imagine that they are in Scotland or England or Wales.
    Take care and safe journey!

  51. Peggy says:

    I’ve been to Mt Vernon and it is wonderful! I’m excited you get to see it! I’ve never been to Williamsburg but it’s on my list. Have a wonderful, happy trip!

  52. Rosey Koivisto says:

    Please post on Instagram; best place to see your photos.

  53. Lisa says:

    I’m reading Chernow’s bio of Washington, also. He’s a great writer! And I agree about TURN … it was very well done.
    Enjoy your road trip down here to the Mid-Atlantic states! How about a side trip over to Annapolis? There’s so much history here!

  54. Mary Gough says:

    Welcome to Virginia, Susan. Make yourself at home and enjoy our lovely state! If I lived where you will be, I would throw you a big ol’ party!

  55. Treah Pichette says:

    How in the world do you get time to read books with all that you do?? 😉

  56. Lynn says:

    Getting excited as Spring has almost sprung!~ starting all my seeds soon~ I took a trip to half price books the other day and found “Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life” book by Marta McDowell~ I’m loving it! ~ Also, watched the 2018 “Peter Rabbit” movie~
    Mr. Mac Gregor’s house & garden were absolutely beautiful! ~ so was his Land Rover truck! 😊

  57. marilyn says:

    I have been looking for those noodle now I have a better idea where to find them. Thanks! Have a great week adventure.

  58. Barb Murphy says:

    What a fun trip you’ll have. I visited Mount Vernon with my parents and youngest sister when I was in high school-o so many years ago. I loved it and would enjoy going back one day. Now that my husband and I are retired, perhaps a road trip is in our future.
    So happy that spring has arrived! I have the window open over my kitchen sink and the fresh air coming in is wonderful. Temp’s in the mid 50’s feel like heaven when compared to the -20 below we endured this winter in eastern Iowa.
    Enjoy your trip and welcome, welcome, welcome spring.

  59. Judith says:

    Wonderful post as usual! You inspire me! Gotta get out my watercolors and learn to play a bit. Enjoy Virginia. It’s so beautiful!

  60. Love your blog and you! I am really liking Instagram these days. I love to see what gals are collecting and are interested in.
    Have a fun trip!

  61. Kay Bennett says:

    Hello Susan,
    After reading your blog this morning I am so ready for Spring. We are having a Spring rain today and my new flowers are holding their heads up high and really enjoying it. I like your idea about how you will be growing your tulips. I have several flower beds but haven’t added any Tulips yet. I will now after reading your suggestion. I love your photos of filtered sunlight. It makes a house more warm and “homey.” I understand your love of changing seasons because living in SO CA we just have 2. Spring and Winter. My daughter and I are looking forward to spending a couple of days in Haven Vineyard this June, soaking up all its beauty and peacefulness. Although, maybe it will be very busy with the summer crowds. We’ve rented a cute little cottage. So excited, can’t wait. Have a wonderful trip down south. Happy Spring and safe travels!

  62. Susan Martin says:

    Great blog as usual, Sue. I’m going bulk shopping tomorrow for seeds and such, and going to buy pastured eggs and fresh veggies. Your breakfasts and your post from February have inspired me to take hold of my health.
    Have a wonderful mini-break, and see you when you get back!

    Susan PA

  63. Ann Woleben says:


    So glad you are coming to Virginia! I know you will love being steeped in the history of our state. Daffodils and hyacinths are in bloom, as are the pear trees. Still a bit cool, but you will enjoy walking at your places of interest. We moved from Williamsburg to Suffolk, VA – just 45 minutes away. So whenever we become “homesick” we take Route 10 to the ferry and cruise over to Jamestown and Williamsburg. Speaking of traveling, I have some exciting news to share: our son is giving us a trip to Martha’s Vineyard for our 50th wedding anniversary in June! I am ecstatic! I promise not to knock on your door, but I will be peeping at your home and lovely yard. Sea coast, lobster, shopping, sightseeing – woohoo!

  64. Darylene from South Dakota says:

    Hi, Susan,

    Today is my birthday, so I am extra-happy to get your blog today. It topped off a beautiful, spring birthday perfectly. So, thank you!

  65. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hi Susan,
    Happy Spring! We did Colonial Williamsburg last year. Stayed in a wonderful place called The Williamsburg Inn right there. There is just so much Americans history there and it all comes alive. When you go to Jamestown, make sure to take bug spray. I bought some non toxic spray at the gift shop because I get eaten alive by mosquitos so was prepared. I kept sharing it with the visitors when we were listening to the docent. The bugs were relentless but I was fine. Don’t miss Monticello. We saw two other presidents homes too. Have a wonderful time. Loved the blog. That Angelique tulip looks like a David Austin Rose. ❤️❤️

  66. Joanne Vyce says:

    Have a wonderful trip and make some great memories. Another book you may want on your list is “My Dear Hamilton “ by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie. A wonderful read. I learned a great deal about Alexander Hamilton and how much he did for this country. Now I will look for the Washington book.

  67. Dr. Donna Hoffman says:

    Hi Susan,

    I am so excited that you are going back to Colonial Williamsburg ( my favorite place in the US) and also Jamestown. My great grandfather in the 1600’s arrived here from England and was one of the original settlers at Jamestown in 1607. Also his descendent, another great grandfather of mine, served in the House of Burgesses in Colonial Williamsburg during the Revolutionary wartime. I am very proud of the role my grandfathers served in the founding of this nation.

    I can’t wait for your new book. When will it be published? I read your previous book on the English Countryside eight times and it ignited a yearning inside of immense proportions to visit. That’s all I talk about. My ancestors lived in Devon and Dorset. Unfortunately, I can no longer travel, so I am living my dream out through you. Your book is my favorite book of all time. This is why I am so excited for your upcoming one.

    Much love,

    Dr. Donna Hoffman

  68. Alice-in-Wisconsin Land says:

    I imagine there are several species of forsythia, but here in east central Wisconsin – just south of Green Bay (we’re approaching Mud Season after the melting of a LOT of snow) – the forsythia I’ve noticed here smells SO GOOD – a very light clean smell, kind of like a bar of soap – I wish it could be “bottled” for cologne. So far I haven’t found any for sale.

    On a forum I regularly read, was a picture of a YELLOW cardinal –
    (audubon.org/news/why-northern-cardinal-yellow ) to me, it wasn’t even pretty. Just what we’re used to I guess – for me, the beautiful red ones.

  69. Yolie says:

    I hope you have a new cookbook in the back of your head with all new healthy recipes. 🙂

  70. Mary S. says:

    Oh, Susan! I was so excited to learn that you’re going to go to Mount Vernon! When we visited the East coast about two-and-a-half years ago for the very first time, that was one of my favorite places we visited. Be sure and go in the museum there! They have wax figures of George Washington and little videos for you to watch of how they made them – extremely interesting! I would stand and look at them and pretend like I was actually looking at George Washington which, of course, made me cry! I love George Washington so this was extra special for me! I know it will be for you, too! I’m very excited to see your comments and pictures on Instagram of your trip there!
    Love from Mary S. In Fresno, California

  71. Jean says:

    Your picture of the moon in the trees looked like a dragon’s eye. Could it be to much Lord of the Ring?

  72. Tina Trotter says:

    I will have to get that book for my hubby. He loves the series “TURN” as well. 😊 Great blog as usual! Thank you, Susan.

  73. Kathleen Williams says:

    You two love birds enjoy your “Spring Break”. We have been there and love traveling the history trail, especially where you’re going. Mt. Vernon is breath taking and has been taken care of by an extraordinary wonderful group of WOMAN. As a matter of fact they “saved” it …. for all us to enjoy. Safe travels Girlfriend.
    P.S. I love that you notify us now of any new blog postings. You’re so sweet!

  74. Marge says:

    Your Zinnias and baby’s breath is so much more visible in the post above. I had never seen it shown to such a beautiful advantage before that I recall. When you and Joe are at Williamsburg, there’s a Spanish food and kitchenware shop in the very near area called La Tienda you might enjoy seeing.

  75. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    You always do the best blog posts. Love what you are eating. I will have to look for that broccoli slaw, it looks so good
    have a great time away and yes take pictures and put them on instagram*
    love all your photos*


  76. Vicki says:

    Spring is here in Seattle! The birds are pairing up and almost too busy to stop by the bird feeders, but they do! The primroses, crocus and mini daffodils are bright with blooms. I hope you will be taking us along on your road trip. And a thank you to Kellee, I’ll be writing letters to friends who LOVE the stationary!.Thank you too, Susan, for giving out so many smiles, we sure need them!

  77. Susan Hebert says:

    Have a great trip, Susan & Joe. Hope you both enjoy it as much as I enjoy these blog visits with you.

  78. Bonnie says:

    Hi Sue,
    As I was reading that you will soon travel to Virginia, I
    thought that you might possibly be interested in some of the
    Presidential retreats. I am Charter docent at the George W. Bush
    Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas and we have a
    temporary exhibit entitled, “Presidential Retreats.” I know
    that you sometimes get to our area and the exhibit runs until
    October 6th. If you see your way clear to be in the area
    I would be happy to provide you with complimentary tickets
    To this very interesting, educational and well done exhibit.
    I always enjoy your blog and have loved your books for
    many years.


  79. Jill says:

    Thank you for the link to the walk with Jonathan Craig, I just ordered eight of his guides! It couldn’t have come at a better time. In celebration of fifty years of wedded bliss, we’re taking our children and grandchildren to visit Ambleside and Rye in June. It will be our third visit to the Lake district and our first visit to Rye. The rest of the group have never been to England so we’re hoping they love it as much as we do. We all love to hike so I’m sure Mr. Craig’s guides will come in handy (I wish we’d had them on our first visit!).
    Happy Spring to you, Joe, and Jack!

  80. Susan Leary says:

    Thank you for the walk in the fells. I can’t believe it’s almost a year since our tea and shortbread at Castle Cottage. Thank you Mandy and Susan for being there.

  81. Martha Scales says:

    Oh what a wonderful time to visit Mt. Vernon and colonial Williamsburg! The cottage gardens are so beautiful. Every time I visit I find more to love. One of my ancestors was one of the original Jamestown settlers, so I find that piece of history so fascinating. I’m sure you are totally booked but if you find yourself with a free afternoon, Berkeley Plantation is well worth the drive. Settled on the James River, it is the site of the first “Thanksgiving” and also where Taps was composed and first performed. The home and gardens are so beautiful. Have fun!!

  82. Joanne says:

    Thanks for the uplifting walk through spring! To celebrate the first day of spring yesterday, it snowed all day long here in Michigan. SO, I took a minute to welcome my little patch of snow drops nestled by my front steps. When you are at Mount Vernon, notice all the amazing wall colors – I think chosen by George Washington. I was so surprised. My visit was quite awhile ago, but as I remember it, they said the colors were ordered from France, and some left overs are still in storage. [See if I am remembering correctly] A beautiful place.

  83. Nancye Tuttle says:

    Hi Susan,

    You’ll love Mount Vernon and being able to spend more time in Williamsburg, too. Way back when my sisters and I were young girls in the ’50s, our Dad loved taking family “road trip” vacations from our N.J. home. Williamsburg and Mount Vernon and the gorgeous Skyline Drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains were on the itinerary of the first trip that also went to Washington, D.C. and North Carolina. Wonderful memories of a fun time — and you’re going at the perfect time of year, too. We went in August and it was blazing hot and sticky with humidity and no car air conditioning way back then. Have fun and say “hi” to George and Martha for me.
    Happy Trails!
    Nancye T., Wells, Maine

  84. Barb says:

    Love the Lake District…thanks for sharing! Have a safe, well deserved trip.

  85. Bonnie L says:

    Thank you! I have been admiring the geranium print for a long time and as I was reading your blog and came to HERE, thank you very much, placed my order!! My grandmother always had geraniums in coffee cans covered with foil sitting in her kitchen windows. So I have such fond memories and, again, Thank You! Also, I found the picture of the mirror images fascinating, too. Happy Spring! And, Happy Travels! Enjoy!

  86. Trudy says:

    Susan have a great time and enjoy your break!
    I’ll wink with my eye and you are back again! lol
    Thank you for the recepi’s and the freebee gifts-love it!
    Did enjoy the video of the Lake District visiting this many years ago but still
    love the sweet memories.
    Greetings,Trudy from Holland

  87. Martha Franks says:

    Springtime is here! Loved the Worm Moon last night! Last supermoon of the year. It was clear here in N.GA. and so beautiful!

    Loved the old gent who did the video! Great scenery! He was adorable! Laughed out loud several times! Wonder why more people don’t go there? It’s lovely, Susan! So glad you shared it.

    Will make the cupcakes. I have (and love) the book.

    Thank you, dear friend!

  88. Tami says:

    Susan, George Mason’s house, Gunston Hall is literally right next to Mount Vernon (ten minutes) and doesn’t take long to visit but is really worth it. Also, Woodlawn is right there, in between Mount Vernon and Gunston. Woodlawn has it’s annual needlework show on through next week. George Washington gave Woodlawn to Nellie Custis. They are both worth a visit and you can fit all three in together in one day. Don’t forget about Mermaid Books and the cheeseshop in Williamsburg. I’m an alumn of W&M, the seniors get to ring the bell in Wren Chapel when they graduate and call Duke of Gloucester street DOG street. Have fun and I will look forward to ant photos you post.

    • sbranch says:

      THANK YOU ! ! !

      • Vicki South of Arroyo says:

        I have spent a long time reading ALL the reader comments tonight about Mt Vernon/Colonial Willamsburg. Great notes for when I can ever get there. Everybody has such great tips. Love all this sharing you prompt, Susan!! I appreciate everyone’s stories, getting to ‘listen in’ here. Really informative.

  89. Alana says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed the Langdales Forgotten Walk! Plan to make the forsythia wreath and carrot cupcakes this weekend. Thank you for the inspiration.

  90. Linda says:

    Yes please. Post your trip on twitter and instagram!

  91. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    Yay! Have a wonderful time visiting Mount Vernon and Williamsburg! We will be heading south next week too, to West Virginia to spend a week with my mom. I’ve finished embroidering my little Jack doll, and I’m taking him down with me so I can use her sewing machine to stitch him up…I think I’m going to use black and white check fabric for his backing, and the same fabric for backing and edging for his quilt. This is such a fun project!

    I just read this today from Gladys Taber and it made me think of you…”One thing I have decided about happiness is that it is not something external which you have or have not. To me it is a quality of the spirit, of being able to realize completely whatever joy you may have and to do this at the moment. Happiness is a thing of now.” That’s you! Safe travels, and hugs❤️
    PS I bought the giclee of Zinnias and Baby’s Breath a few years ago. It’s framed and hanging in my guest room, and I love love love it!

  92. Chris Myers says:

    Whenever I read your words my heart warms, and my mind travels along wherever you are describing ..in your home…while painting…braking for antique stores…beautiful. I sit back when my journey with you is finished and I feel content and energised at the same time. Thank you dear Susan for the joy you give. Wish you were coming back to the UK again this year…❤️ Love Chris xo

  93. Marlyn says:

    Thank you for the diet inspiration!

  94. Marsha Sega says:

    I’m envious of your trip. I LOVE Williamsburg. Last time I was there was for the wedding of a friend’s son. He and his wife met at William and Mary. The wedding was held in the chapel there. How Romantic! Enjoy your trip. Hope the weather will be lovely for you. Pictures on Facebook or Twitter for those of us who don’t do Instagram, pretty please.

  95. Linda B. says:

    I will simply say “Thank you, Susan”, for doing this. 🙂

  96. Becky Ross says:

    I escorted a group to England, Scotland & Wales last year and it was so yummy. We must be cut out of the same cloth as I took my 9 best girlfriends to England for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and was three days behind everywhere you went. When I read your book I was shocked… Did you get to attend the Military Tattoo and sit in front of the Edinburgh Castle while traveling to Scotland? I loved Scotland & the Highlands; would love to go back to Scotland again. Your blog is so wonderful. Still waiting for you to come to K.C. And stay in my Beatrix Potter guest room. Oh glorious Spring we have been waiting so long…. can’t wait for your new book. I bet we covered many of the same fabulous places. I looked for Jamie Frasier everywhere we went but could not find him. I had heard he was taken with 73 year olds but am not sure about that! Many blessings to you now & always, Becky

    • sbranch says:

      I thought of Jamie and Scotland in 1745 or whatever it was and determined NOT to touch any stones!! Love Jamie, but 1745 looked rough! All so wonderful! Thank you Becky!

  97. Julie Borg says:

    Thank you! What a nice treat on this beautiful spring day. Can’t wait for the next book.

  98. Rhonda in Wyoming says:

    My dear Susan, the world is most definitely a better, brighter place because cheery, beautiful YOU are in it! Thank you so much for the gifts you bring to all who are privileged to enjoy your work. And, of course, by gifts, I’m speaking not simply of your wonderful writing and art, but of the joy you bring to the hearts of others. No life (including yours) is without suffering and trauma, but you nevertheless bring so much sunshine into the world that you lift the hearts of others. What a positive, loving woman you are! I smile and say to myself, “surely the angels are missing one of their own!” You are an inspiration to us all.
    Love to you and yours, Rhonda 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      !!! What a nice thing to say Rhonda! You know it’s a two-way street, I meet the NICEST people here! xoxoxoxoxo

  99. Jane says:

    Have a wonderful trip! Thank you so much 😊 for the gift of pretty paper 📝!

  100. Kitty DeMento says:

    Dear Susan:
    Another wonderful blog post – thank you! Happy Spring!!!🌷🐣🌱

    Thank you for offering your Geranium – I snapped one up before you sell out! I have always wanted one! I will treasure it always—-

    Have a wonderful time on your mini-break! “…..a mini break means TRUE love!” (Bridget Jones Diary)💗💗💗

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