Waking up this first full day of spring with the full worm moon peeking through my Studio windows! Hooray! MUSICA! Note below, it’s the Early Bird!
This was our moonrise last night! How do we get so lucky?
Out behind the barn, snowdrops are coming right up through the melting ice. Daffodils too!
We’re doing a little bit of forsythia-forcing. So easy to do. Just bang stems of budding trees and bushes with hammer and put in warm water in a light spot and soon, very soon, you will have . . .
This! Forsythia is such a harbinger of spring on this island! Our first very strong color and after months of none of it, it’s like a dream we want to celebrate.
And so we do! I hung my wreath on our front door just a couple of days ago.
Yesterday, such a gorgeous sunny day, although still only 46º . . . Out in California everyone is in wildflower heaven, so much rain, the hillsides and valleys are covered in bright orange poppies and blue lupin, and probably to them, this photo above looks like it has yellow-grass, leafless, dead-tree syndrome, but I wouldn’t change our four seasons for anything, because as so many of you know, this is SO GOOD after all these months of cold, it feels like a miracle and nothing could take its place. I can barely have words for what this chilled clean salty air feels like as it is now caressing our sheets and infusing them with spring. 🌸 We are dancing out there! Each little rebirth is a celebration!
And soon it will be tulip-time! There is something whimsical about tulip colors and shapes. I decided NOT to plant bulbs last fall . . . to wait for spring. Our nurseries aren’t open yet, but when they do they BURST with spring bloom ~ pots and pots and POTS of tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus … and I get to GO and buy tulips already in bloom ~ and get triple bang for my buck. Too often I buy a bag of mixed tulips and they are ALL yellow, or I buy orange that turn out to be purple or Parrot Tulips that turn out to be not to be Parrot Tulips. This way, instead of little brown bulbous mysteries, I’ll get the color and variety I want and can mix color the way I like! I can’t wait. It will be whimsey-land out there! Have you ever seen Angelique Tulips? Oooh la la!
More oooh-la-la to look forward to, the weeping cherries will soon be coming into bloom.
And nothing will have to be “forced!” They will come to us gladly!
And soon . . . this ⬇
These last few weeks, the light has been making me crazy, it’s been coming in and landing on everything, and making the most interesting shadows! Running to get the camera before it moves!
You love glass, but when it does this, you love it more!
Pops like sparks all over the house . . .
I walk by, and there’s me on the kitchen wall. Have to stop and give you a wave!
Look at this one. I’ve never seen this before. Perfect for this old house.
Just a touch here and there . . . draws your eye…
Even Jack, look at the light on his toes!
This boy! Asleep in the middle of my art table right this moment. Put my foot into my shoe this morning, felt something. Guess what? Rubber band.
More sparks of light . . . colors from prisms on the lamp . . .
THIS is a picture through my kitchen-counter windows out toward the picket-fence garden, and INCLUDES the reflection from the windows behind me, where that bird is on the window sill …
My rusty birds make such nice shadows!
See? Doubles my pleasure!
And yes. Still doing it. Sixteen pounds lighter and happy as a clam. Here’s a normal breakfast, two scrambled eggs, with steamed spinach and green beans with mixed seeds on top. So yummy and so good. Just heard a disheartening report this morning, that of the top three “dirty” vegetables (meaning smothered in pesticides), spinach and kale are two of them. So think “organic” for these spectacular veggies that your brain is craving.🥗
My other favorite breakfast: Organic oats, sprinkled with cinnamon, with blueberries, chopped walnut, and chopped apple. Makes you feel like Superwoman. 💪
These are the new noodles I told you about, Shirataki, they come in a liquid in a package, and have barely any calories at all, plant-based (not soy), gluten-free. You use them as carriers for healthy roasted vegetables, or stir fry, or soup, or thick tomato sauce with ground grass-fed beef, onions, basil, garlic (no added sugar), a sprinkle of dry red chili pepper, and grated Parmesan.
Another breakfast . . . Organic broccoli-slaw (sold in bags in the vegetable section of our supermarket) sautéed in butter with mixed seeds and two scrambled Omega-three eggs. It doesn’t feel like a diet, it feels like joy.
So what is new. Does anyone recognize this? You’d have to be a sort of Houdini if you do. Hint: I told the story of it in my Fairytale Girl book. Ring any bells?
It’s my first painting, the one that I did in 1977 after I was given a gift certificate to an art store for my birthday where I went and bought watercolors, then came home and painted the geranium sitting on my kitchen table, and received a bit of a shock that it DID look like a geranium. Yes, the one I didn’t have the confidence to sign . . . and when I did, I signed it with my new initials (was getting married the next month, becoming an SB). I just had it reframed to go in my newly painted dining room. Look at that little thin gold frame! I’m really happy with the way it came out.
But before I had it framed, I asked myself, maybe some of the Girlfriends would like one of these? So, I had them copied and made into beautiful fine art Giclees on gorgeous thick watercolor paper . . . here they are, I’m signing and numbering them, there will only ever be 750 of them in the world.
They now look like this, after all these years, finally signed with my whole name . . . and available HERE.
We’ve actually had a few Giclees available for a long time ~ like this one of Zinnias and Baby’s Breath which I did in 1984, just before I wrote Heart of the Home . . .
Or this one, Grandma’s Bowl, the original is in our bedroom now, after the years it hung on my Grandma’s wall . . . kitchen art!
Or this one, called Lighthouse Beach, which I did just after I moved to Martha’s Vineyard . . . and was cat crazy in love (and still am!). BUT the good news is, the new news, is that we found a way to have our giclees done less expensively, because we wanted to be more affordable, and so we did, and they are. 💞
All newly signed and ready to go.
So yes, before we eat those joy-filled healthy-breakfasts, we go walking on this dirt road through the woods out to where it opens onto the sound. It’s been glorious this entire week. Only in the 40s, not exactly beach weather, but better than 20s, and cold doesn’t stop us, we bundle up and walk out into the wonderful spring sunshine every day. We need our exercise. Basking in the morning light has been heaven. We’ll be going in a few minutes, right after I press “Publish” on this post!
We find a sheltered spot out of the icy wind and sit for a few minutes soaking up the bright sun. ☀️
What else? I’ve been working hard on our new book . . . and loving every moment of it. Look at that thing, it’s STUFFED with memories.
So there’s my March 2018 calendar and my Scotland Diary for reference (I’m putting our 2016 trip to Scotland in this book too) and my new cup and I’m on my way . . . to ENCHANTED!
Making all kinds of new bookmarks along the way . . . so when we go on a book tour I will be bearing gifts~
I’ve been staying away from stressful news (I only allow myself a half hour a day lately), and have been on an old movie kick… I can’t say enough good about TCM … Turner Classic Movies, it can cure what ails you. 😘
But Joe and I decided we deserved a mini-break (as Bridget Jones would call it).
Yes! It’s on the calendar! FUN! So excited, we’ve moved it up a day and we leave tomorrow!!!
Road trip! We’re going to Virginia! We’re going to drive out of our baby-budding spring in to the REAL THING. We’re going south for a tour of George Washington’s House at Mount Vernon. You have no idea how excited I am. I read the Ron Chernow biography of George Washington last year and learned so much ~ before I read it, he was just a figure, something to do with cherry trees, wooden teeth and first President, now he is a man, a husband, a father, and a hero. Flawed, as we all are, except Beatrix Potter, but human and real. I’ve been wanting to immerse myself a little bit in his world. So here we go!
I have a new book to take with me . . . The Revolutionary War story of Washington’s Spies! I saw the great mini-series TURN (which is still on Netflix, I just rewatched it), now I want to read the book. Also taking the one I’m just finishing, the wonderful Africa House by Christina Lamb. A mini-break week of reading, who could ask for more!? Antique stores too . . . we brake for them! Nurseries too! I guarantee the Fine Romance Van will be coming home stuffed with springtime!After Mount Vernon, we’re going back to Colonial Williamsburg! We were there almost exactly a year ago on our way to board the Queen Victoria, but only had
one day, barely time to get the lay of the land . . . we promised ourselves we’d be going back, and so we are! I was thinking about putting photos of our trip on Instagram, where I’m @susanbranchauthor ~ my imagination tells me there may be more of you on Instagram now than on Twitter? Let me know where’s the best place for them! I could put them on both if you like . . . 💞
Look at this place! William and Mary College, started in 1693 (Second oldest in country after Harvard), is at one end of mile-long Duke of Gloucester Street (almost 100 feet wide and no cars allowed) where George Washington often came riding in on his white horse. We didn’t get to the nearby Jamestown Settlement last time … I’m excited to see the first permanent English colony in America, founded in 1607. We’ve got tickets for everything!
Going back in time, our favorite place to be . . . I hope we can take a carriage ride!
Look how charming . . . I love the simplicity. We’ll only be gone one week, blink and we will be home, which will then look more wonderful than ever.So I want to leave you with a few small gifts.🎁 Spring has sprung which brought us all new Free Stuff , thanks to Kellee who is a mind reader in her spare time. She knows what we like. Four new springtime stationary designs you can print out on nice paper . . . this one above celebrates our full moon, matches my new cup! But you can choose from the other designs, or maybe you’d like a new screen saver . . . just click on Free Stuff and off you go!
And while I’m away, you may need the recipe for the MOST delicious Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Tis the season! Makes 30! But you can halve the recipe if you like. Take them to work and the fans will go wild! You’ll also find the recipe on page 138 in the 30th Anniversary Edition of my first book, Heart of the Home.
And this adorable thing . . . Just in cases you’re in the mood for Lamb Cake ~ Here’s the How-To ~ Sheri just brought in some new lamb molds . . . this cake is also excellent for baby showers and Mother’s Day! Cover it in pansies! We have a Bunny Cake Mold too! 🐰
We’ll only be gone a week, you’ll blink and we’ll be home. When we get back, I’ll settling back into my chair, all refreshed, where I’ll be spending this summer windows open, flowers wafting from the garden, deep in the diary, writing Enchanted, England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, reliving everything we did at almost this very time last year. Talk about armchair travel!
And one more little gift I found on Youtube . . . an armchair walk through the English Countryside with a very knowledgeable English man. The Lake District to be exact . . . HERE you GO! Stress reliever extraordinaire. Enjoy! ❌⭕️❌
Later gators. xoxo
Thank you so very much for your delightful Spring post. My vote for photos is definitely Instagram.
Hey there, Susan! As an avid fan since Vineyard Seasons days, I share our sisterhood
Blog with gals in TN, GA, and VA.
Please contact me- I am in management at Colonial Williamsburg! I would love to give you a hug while here! I can also show you where Martha and George Washington spent their
honeymoon here in Williamsburg ( not mentioned on tours) and more!
Everyone enjoy the upcoming bliss of another Spring!
So tickled to hear you are coming to enjoy my beautiful state! Enjoy!
Hi Susan…loved your comments and pictures of Springtime on Martha’s Vineyard. I live in the Dallas area and have been experiencing spring for a couple of weeks. We have a greenbelt behind our home and the trees and plants are blooming (Bradford Pear and Crepe Myrtle trees)…so pretty. I have seen so many different types of birds flying around and perching near our back porch. God’s glory! My husband and I went to Washington DC and Virginia about 33 years ago. We went to Mount Vernon and I absolutely loved it. Just walking the grounds and just imagining George himself walking around…you could almost feel his presence there. All of the acreage across the Potomac in the front/back of his house is exactly the same view that he saw thanks to a group of ladies who wanted to preserve it for future generations. We went to Fort Washington and drove into Virginia…just loved this visit. I love history and this was such a treat for me. My favorite time in history has been about colonial America. I have ancestors from my mother’s side that were British colonists. You were talking about watching George Washington on television. Do you remember the mini-series years ago about George Washington? Barry Bostwick played Washington and Patty Duke played Martha. Loved the series so much that I purchased the VHS tapes (this tells you how long ago the series was). I hope you and Joe enjoy your trip. Can’t wait to hear about it. Happy Spring!
Ahh, Williamsburg, such a wonderful place! We went in May, beautiful gardens. I vote for Instagram, a friendly place!! Thank you for sharing in this newest post.
Instagram, definitely, instagram (please)!
I’m excited with you for the upcoming week of FUN! Can’t wait to hear and see all about it! Hope yall come back refreshed!
Hello from Northern California, my daffys are in full bloom,the azealas are painting a gorgeous canvas in my back yard of hot pinks,fushia,melon,varigated pinks and white. Everything is so beautiful this time of the year. I love Spring… don’t you..
Great blog today..thanks…
You and Joe have a great fun weekend
Lovely spring post! Your pictures just lift my heart 💚 I was excited to read about the giclees, heading to check them out after I post this. Excited to hear a mention of the book – it’s going to be fabulous, I just know it!
Yes, Instagram gets my vote too.
Yes, Instagram, please. This would be a great time to transition to Instagram for all your travel and hygge photos and Twitter for political comments. This would be a win-win for you and your readers.
I agree
Ahhh…Williamsburg, where I first learned to love England and all things English. My mother always took us there in the sixties….Now I live close and we always go for our anniversary(we spent our honeymoon there), Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve….just a few suggestions, make sure to tour Bassett Hall as it will give you the vision that the Rockefellers had for the restoration, go to the Inn and ask them to show you the staircase that young Queen Elizabeth walked down when she stayed there. They have a picture of her walking down the staircase. Sometimes they have tours of the history of china in the Museum of Decorative Art and they will take you in the vault at the end of the tour….fascinating…You will have so much fun and learn so much…Enjoy our Virginia hospitality..
I too love Virginia! Williamsburg and Mt Vernon top the list. We went to a candlelight tour at Mt. Vernon a few years ago at Christmas time. It was wonderful, especially the people dressed in period outfits singing Christmas carols. Hope your trip is magical!
What a delightful post! We saw our first robin today in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Can the flowers be far behind? And my favorite Corgi loves the sunshine!
My vote is for Instagram! 🙂
Wonderful post and definitely love spring like you do. I might have to try the Forsythia force since I have a huge bush. Your comments on the tulips gave me the giggles. Years ago when we first moved to our acreage, I was on a pink/mauve binge. Planted 100 tulips that first fall in various shades of pinks. Spring was sprung that next year and was welcomed with 100 bright red and yellow tulips. Boy was I surprised!! Still was a lovely sight.
Instagram is the one I love but I am on Twitter only because of your Twitter from the Twrain. Loved this blog post…Spring has sprung here in N Texas…Forsythia has lasted so long because of the cold nights.
We LOVED Colonial Williamsburg! We rented one of the tiny old colonial homes through the CW Inn. It was very fun!
Hi Susan,
I follow you on Instagram! It’s been many years since we took the family to Colonial Williamsburg, can’t wait to see your pictures! This should be a beautiful time to go. My sister-in-law lives near Richmond Va, and has been sending me pictures of all the flowers coming up, plus it’s not hot yet. Enjoy!
Enjoy your Virginia visit and Colonial Williamsburg, Susan! I was there a very long time ago just for an eye blink, a couple hours, but I was with my aunt and uncle who wore out far too quickly. I would love to go back some day and see it proper! Safe traveling there, post pictures and updates where ever you like. I visit twitter and Instagram both as do many of us. Facebook is the one I don’t have. We are cold, flakes of wet snow and 34° today, not very spring like.Have a safe trip and hope you find sweet blooms and warm temps in Virginia!💗
OhSpring. I love thee so much- my heart sings!!
O my, O my, O my! As I am reading your blog a cardinal came up to my window and looked in! From my desk window I look out at a pine tree just like your picture of a pine tree outside a window!! This cardinal along with other cardinals and finches are hanging out at the tree. We have had a family of birds living in this tree all winter long and my two cats, Shadow and Tiger, have spent many hours watching the birds. Poor Shadow, I turned on the Birdsong Sounds and she came running in looking for the birds!!
I love spring like so many of our girlfriends, and as we enter into a season of new beginnings, this poem comes to mind. My mom said it every spring as long as I can remember! Enjoy!
The spring is sprung, the grass is riz.
I wonder where the boidie is.
They say the boidie’s on the wing.
But that’s absoid. The wing is on the bird.
Susan! Guess what? I just spent a delightful time in England’s Lake District and went on a gorgeous walk with a lovely gentleman! (Many, many thanks to you!) Seriously though, I DO thank you for that lovely interlude; such a wonderful interlude from my comfy sofa. (I’m also still listening to the Musica bird tweets from England.) Who knew I’d be in England today!
Also want to comment on your pictures of light & shadows in your home. It seems that I’ve also been aware of those light patterns since I was a very little girl. One of my first memories is being in my Grandma’s back yard in the Finger Lakes region of NY (gorgeous area) and seeing the light filtering through the leaves onto the grass and flowers — pretty little pansy faces. I can still see it in my mind’s eye to this day, almost 60 years later. Because I love seeing the patterns of light and shadow, I have lace curtains at my bedroom windows so that I can watch the sunlight playing through them when I wake up each morning. Starting the day with a glimpse of beauty is the BEST way to start each day, yes?
Oh, by the way, safe travels on your mini-break! You’ll be here in my home state, although I live on the western side of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. I did grow up further east in the state though and my mother took me and my siblings to Williamsburg and Jamestown (for fun Saturday trips) so often that I felt like I could give the tours! I love that area to this day. BUT, if you decide to travel again to this beautiful state, I have to put in a plug for this beautiful valley that lies between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Alleghany Mountains. So much to see and do here and the scenery is stunning. But again, travel safely, relax and most of all, ENJOY! xoxo
Thank you, Susan. You ARE a Professor of Happiness. And moral Activist! Is there a better combination? Cannot think of one Thanks for inspiring. Safe travels to Virginia AND Springtime. XO
Dear Sue and Joe
Have safe travels to Williamsburg . Please post on both twitter and instagram. I dont belong to instagram or facebook…weary of info theft. That way all of us can access your posts. Twitter is how many of us found you. Look forward to your posts and your new book
Love Sue
Yes, Facebook owning Instagram bothers me too. They all bother me, but I love the communication with so many truly lovely people!
I don’t like the Facebook connection either. Even more bad news of them last week!
Kind of never-ending!
I watched Turn when it was on AMC and was hooked. I have also done research on Benjamin Tallmadge, George Washington’s right hand man. Very interesting. I do not have Twitter, but I do love reading your blog and seeing your pics there. I am on my way to Scotland in 46 more days. Can’t wait!
46 more days, but who’s counting!!! Have a WONDERFUL time!!!!
Yes, Spring has sprung with a giant leap here in now sunny California! Colorful blooms are everywhere and the air is fresh from all our rains and the smell of orange blossoms is so strong it almost makes me dizzy! You’ve inspired me, Susan, to eat a healthier diet and I wanted to share this delicious, easy breakfast, based on your prior blog post, with you and the Girlfriends — I hope you all enjoy it:
One slice good artisan crusty bread, toasted
One small avocado, mashed with juice of half a lemon
Spread avocado over toast. Sprinkle on your favorite seeds (I use Flax) and chopped nuts (I use walnuts, pecans and/or almonds). Spoon over some mango salsa (or any kind you like, but the mango gives a very fresh, bright note). Crumble on some Cotija cheese – if you can’t get this in your area, Feta cheese works well. I like to serve it with a hard-boiled egg and an apple or pear and fresh-squeezed orange juice from my orange trees. Very delicious and satisfying!
Enjoy your road trip to Williamsburg — I hope to go there some day. Meantime, I’ll look forward to seeing it through your eyes via your pictures!
Thank you for the recipe Marianne! xoxo
So much uplifting here as I read your latest post. Why, I feel like I have breathed in the scent of the freshly dried laundry and taken a brisk morning walk with you and Joe. I was a history teacher so I can share your anticipation at heading to Mount Vernon and Colonial Williamsburg. I have visited there in the spring and just drank in the lovely weather – such a delightful break from what we have here in New England. Speaking of which, today went from rain to hail to snow – ah, March! I loved the quotes you included in this post, they just seemed to poetically summarize your own experiences. And, I love the geranium print, maybe I can get myself a birthday present. To spring!
To spring!
Instagram for sure!!! Facebook has become too depressing so I got off…happier now. Love Colonial Williamsburg…lived in DC in my twenties and took a day trip, and bought my first big purchase (brown floral dishware that I loved!)…
Love hearing how everyone is handling social media these days!!! I have a sort of business account on Facebook, but I’m not personally on it. We don’t see the unhappy things, but I’ve heard that 30% of us get our news from Facebook. Downright scary! I keep thinking we will cancel our account, but then we do talk to lots of nice Girlfriends there, I hate to just leave them alone with it!
So excited to see your Instagram post, I went right over to read the blog! As a florist I love each new season and the lovely flowers it brings. Blooming branches an bulb flowers are such a treat. Can’t wait to make carrot cake. Can’t wait for the new book! Please stop and see us and our scenery in Salt Lake City- we have beautiful hikes you would love! Have a wonderful trip and hello to all the girlfriends!!
LOVE Salt Lake City . . . went there last book and had a signing and just loved it.
Susan, I like the unique pictures you took of your warm house, even the one on top of the oven, the background looks like a Vintage Car! Amazing! Many thanks! Salve
I hope you enjoy both Mount Vernon and Colonial Williamsburg. Take note of the clothes Martha and George Washington are wearing at the Mount Vernon Exhibit. My son made the clothes which are all hand sewn. Neal spent 7 years as one of the “Taylor’s” in Colonial Williamsburg. During that time he was commissioned to make the clothes. Neal lived in the Georg Pitt house in Colonial Williamsburg for several years which is next to the Post Office. He has since moved on and become a Curator at the Museum of Clothing and Textile for Colonial Williamsburg.
How fabulous Barbara . . . what a wonderful thing! So interesting!!!
I love that area in Virginia. Enjoy every minute. I am loving Instragram too. Please post there. I hope it’s warmish for your trip..
Another site that is good for beautiful photos is this one: lakelandcam.co.uk/
Thank you, Susan, for another beautiful post to read. I love Williamsburg, Virginia, and Mt Vernon. We took a trip in 2016 and toured Williamsburg, Mt Veron, Washington D.C. and Monticello. It was a fabulous historical trip. I know you will enjoy every moment.
Loved this post. Was recently to Colonial Williamsburg and William and Mary College. Found lovely places to walk in that area in the countryside. Have a lovely trip!
Dear Friend,
Imagine my delight when I read that you are on your way to my “backyard!” Living on the Maryland side of Washington DC means that we can claim anything in Maryland, Virginia and the District as ours. Welcome!!
You will LOVE Mount Vernon! The Visitor Center is amazing and you will love the view off of the back porch. Spend some time in the rocking chairs just taking in the river. Currently we are only offering chilly Spring weather but you should also try to include a quick drive around the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms. They are slowly coming to life and are predicted to start bursting later next week. They are a breathtaking wonder and not to be missed! If you are in DC in late March or early April they are magical!
I must refrain from expounding on ALL of the glories of Williamsburg (one of the most wonderful places on earth you will find!) because that could take hours but I know you will be smiling for your entire visit. The Foundation takes beautiful care to preserve and share our history is such a personal way. You can almost imagine yourself living there as you walk those cobbled streets. And, thrilled as I am (and personally encouraged to follow your example,) about your renewed efforts to eat more healthily, you simply MUST stop by the Raleigh Tavern Bakery for some Apple Cider and a Ginger Cookie! Not only are they delicious but they are quintessentially Williamsburg. Dinner at Christina Campbell’s Tavern with the strolling mistral and warm candlelight is also a special treat.
Finally, you may wish to visit the Scotland House on Duke of Gloucester Street near the College of William and Mary. It sells beautiful things that come directly from Scotland. Lucky us! Actually, all of the shops in this part of town are loaded with treasures that are looking for a good home. I know you will return to Jack with at least a basket of photos and a heart filled with sweet memories. Fingers crossed for perfect “daffidilly” weather!
Love to both, Deborah
Thank you dear!!
I am going crazy with all these comments. I want to do this trip SO BADLY! Mt Vernon, CW, Monticello; s’wonderful!
As a Canadian, I toured Mount Vernon some years ago. You’ll love it. Although I may not love your modern politics, I do love your history and I almost always love the Americans we meet in our travels. Have a great trip.
Nobody loves our modern politics. Thank you Brenda, we love you right back!
I. It’s for Instagram
Susan at 78 i have been diagnosed with leukemia, it is quite a shock, i so enjoy your blog and i loved the videos of the Lake District, i agree Beatrix Potter is un flawed.
I’m so sorry Kathy. I hope they are able to control it. Yes, Beatrix, pretty much perfect, heart-wise, generosity-wise, far-seeing-wise . . . etc etc etc. xoxo
Please post your Williamsburg trip on Instagram! I don’t subscribe to Twitter myself. Have a wonderful time! Wish I could go too 🙂
Be safe & have a lovely trip! I vote for instagram, too. 🙂
Hi Susan!
Instagram please! I cannot get the hang of twitter. 🙁
Have a wonderful trip!
I still don’t have the hang of Instagram, but I keep trying!
Either do I. Don’t feel bad…
Have you read MountVernon a Love-Story-The story of Martha and George Washington by Mary Higgins Clark? Wonderful!!! Enjoy your trip and I look forward to hearing about it.
No, sounds wonderful!
Instagram … pllllease☺️💕. Hugs, judi
Instagram is the place to be! Think Green Acres theme song! When you find spring please send it to northern IN,
Instagram please! Thanks for all the spring-i-ness!
Have a great time in Williamsburg!! We went last year and it was a fun learning vacation and I can’t wait to go back. Enjoy the preview to Spring weather.
I always enjoy your posts! Seems we’ve all been waiting and waiting for the ‘signs of spring’ in our own yards. Today I cut some daffodils along with Forsythia for my dining table. They bring the sunshine inside!
Seems not so long ago you shared your 10 lb weight loss and now it’s 16 lbs!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Would be very interested to know if you’re following a particular diet. I keep trying but certainly not the success you’re having! Please share.
Enjoy your trip to Mt Vernon and elsewhere. If you ever decide to lead a trip to England, Scotland or Ireland…..I’m in!! 🙂
I think it helps to wake up and think about what you’re going to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Gives you something to look forward to, and keeps your mind on the matter! I’ve lost, since I started, an average of 2 lbs a week, which is not too fast, but not too slow (FEELS too slow sometimes, but it’s not!).
Oh Susan, I’m sitting here reading your post – Spring Fling – drinking a cup of coffee with Irish Crème in it and eating Reese Pieces and then I see your March 3rd post about stress! Oh my gosh, so many events have happened over the past 10 years – loss of jobs in CA resulting in our move from CA to TN to PA; my parents passing away (within two years of each other) and dealing with their nightmarish estate in the Netherlands and U.S.; our two beloved dogs passing away; some health issues and the twenty pounds I’ve gained!! Since our beloved Penelope’s passing two months ago, I’ve been holed up in my sewing room making quilt tops and I haven’t been on the computer or watching TV and I haven’t had any problems getting to sleep but I have been sleeping for 10 hours……….now I know I have to organize my life, exercise, lose weight and get another dog soon………..thank you! As far as twitter or Instagram – I don’t have either and won’t ever – I only access the computer maybe once a month………thank goodness Spring is Here!! Daffodils and tulips are poking out and soon the blooms will be out!!! Have a wonderful trip to VA – we spent a day in Williamsburg and loved it back in 2016 when we did our three week road trip from PA to VA to NC to SC to GA to AL to TN to KY to MO to OH to PA!! It was Wonderful!!
So wonderful! Real life does sneak up on you. We forget to notice!!! xoxoxo
Enjoy your visit to Mt. Vernon! We went there on July 4th. The grounds were filled with fife and drum musicians – marching and playing all day – I loved it!! Pick up a CD if they have one there. It is so cheerful to hear each time I hear it!! It’s a great way to brighten my day!
There is an historical house in Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY, called Raynham Hall which was the home of the Townsend family during the Revolutionary War. Definitely worth a visit if you happen to be in the area. It was the site that the British chose for their headquarters and the story goes that the daughter of the house fell in love with the British officer, even while her father was carrying messages from New York City to Washington’s army during the Battle of Long Island. Some of “Turn” is loosely based on this. As it “turns” out, the British officer left to go back to England and the daughter vowed never to marry, so in love with him she was. Her ghost is supposed to haunt the house to this day!
Thank you, Susan, for a lovely post. Thank you especially for the pictures of Jack with the light on his toes. Meow! Thank you to Joe, who does wonderful things. Have a great trip. Barb
Well, Dang! I wrote a post and it disappeared. If it shows up, please ignore. Thank you, Susan for the lovely post and especially for the picture of Jack with the light on his toes. Meow! Thank you to Joe for all he does for you and for us. Thank you for the free things. Delightful.
If you want to come down south a little further to Lynchburg, our family would love to entertain you. My husband and I and our seven children live in a pre-Civil War house in the historic district in downtown. Lots of historic things to see and do here too! Just email me if you feel tempted!
Would love to see more more more. We are in darling Doylestown right now, visiting friends. What a CUTE town, and beautiful area, but off we go . . . our tour of Mount Vernon is today . . . Another place we need to come back to!
Susan, Congratulations on your healthy weight loss!! What milk do you use on your oats? This trip will test your will power especially the tavern food in Williamsburg. I’m from Va. and my father, 2 sisters & a niece went to Wm&Mary. I took my daughter there for a college visit, and she pushed me down Duke of Gloucester St. on my 4-wheeled walker! Have a wonderful time and safe travels. You’ve inspired me once again! Julia
I use whole milk. Yes, LOL, being tested already!
I am reading Ron Chernow’s book about Ulysses S Grant right now. It’s so good! Apparently he spent part of his early Army career in Northern CA and wanted to move back but couldn’t swing it. I will have to read about Washington next.
Oh, Instagram, please. Can never get enough Susan Branch!
Congratulations on your wonderful meal plans and weight loss. It is not easy. Gone are the days when I could eat what I wanted, but I still like to pretend those days have not vanished in a puff of smoke. You inspire me to do better. When the wind is blowing and the sun is taking a rest behind a pile of clouds, I think it is too cold for my walk. Is there a special plan for your meals or is it basically fresh foods and limiting sugar?
Yes, it’s just your basic fresh healthy whole vegetables, fruits and proteins, lots of water, watching out for sugar and white flour . . .
One of my favorite things about the east coast is all the history. The last time we were there we took a trip to Philadelphia and went to Independence hall and also saw the liberty bell. Then we went to Valley Forge where we were able to tour the house that George Washington had his headquarters in while the army was there. I am always so amazed, when I see places like that, to think of the people and their courage and fortitude and willingness to give their all to what they thought to be right. Enjoy your trip to Mt. Vernon it sounds amazing!
So enjoyed your latest blog. Your trip to Virginia sounds like fun. I love history and museums! Hope you have a wonderful time. Your breakfasts look like the ones I’ve been eating. My favorite right now is to cut up a gala apple in small pieces, top with a half cup of my favorite Greek yogurt and top with chopped pecans or walnuts! Yummy!
I want to strap on my rucksack and walk with Eric through the Landales to see the two s’s……sheep and splendor. That was brilliant!
As always, your posts are a treat and all the beautiful spring pictures are a balm. Enjoy your trip and moosh on Jack for me!
The mINUTE I get home, I will give him your mooshes!
I’ve lost track; how old is Jack?
He’ll be 8 in September! Middle aged boy now!
I’d like to see the free stuff but can’t find where to click🤔
Go to the top of the Blog and click on Let’s Shop. On that page, see the list on the left? Go to the very bottom and there you will see Free Stuff, click there!!
So happy you are coming to Virginia. I have been in SC for the winter but heading home the end of March. I love Williamsburg. I have stayed overnight in historic sites twice—once in what used to be a tavern ( It was so much fun to go out the front door onto Duke of Gloucester Street.) and once in a little house with our own sheep outside the windows. That was so much fun. I love your blogs and keep ordering your cups.
We’re at an Inn in town, but next time I think we should try one of your ideas!!!
Instagram, please!
Just beautiful 🌷☀️
Enjoy your trip!!!
Great blog! Watched the video of the fellow on his walk. Hilarious! I walked in the Lake District two years ago, an unforgettable experience. I walked up to the small lake where Beatrix & William spent many evenings, she rowing while he fished. I was by myself with no one around…heaven!
Those British boys do have charm don’t they!? xoxo
Morning Susan, just re-read this post and watched the video you suggested at the end. I truly love England and am looking forward to “Enchanted” . Have a delightful trip to Virginia and I will be joining you and all the other girlfriends in your next post. As always, you brighten my day. Cheers😘
Thank you Amy! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Ah Spring! Sunshine so appreciated, uplifting and so welcome! Love your post.
Have a wonderful journey.
My vote: Instagram.
That lamb cake is the best, and I am definitely making the carrot cupcakes. I am Spring-cleaning today- it will be a Susan Branch kind of day! Love from the bunnies and me!
We loved Mount Vernon! The view in back of the river is spectacular. I am following your trip on Instragram. My cousin was the registrar at Williamsburg for years and years. She retired a few years back, but no before giving my brother, an architectural preservationist, got a “behind the scenes” tour from her. So sad I missed that one.
I thought you would enjoy my “radio” station. It’s an online station. I ask my google home to listen to “the 1920s radio network on TuneIn.” I ask for it exactly like that. I believe you can listen to it here the1920snetwork.com/ It’s not just music from the 20s, but up through the 50s. Sometimes they have radio shows too and on Saturday there is a show that picks a year and plays music from that year along with facts and newspaper headlines. Its the best “feel good” radio I know.
Thank you for the time you take to do these posts. They are a true gift and blessing. My best buddy, an 8 year old German Shepherd, died of cancer about 3 weeks ago. I miss him terribly, but your posts are a real pick me up. Thank you.
Oh I’m so sorry. MUCH to young to go. Sending love xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Susan, I just popped a little Susan Branch ceramic sign into a freshly planted pot of violas. Please bring back these sometime! I’d send you a photo if I could figure out where and how. I’ve had the little sign for years and use it yearly!
So nice to hear. That company was so good. They went out of business in the early 2000s, like so many did, but I loved the things they made!
Welcome to the beautiful rolling hills of Virginia Susan and Joe. There is so much history to discover in the state. Lived here all my life and continue learning the history that’s all around me. And all the places GW slept during his travels which is proudly claimed by many. Have a wonderful and safe trip.
Yes, we can see that already. Probably need to move here to see everything!
So happy to read your post and to see the light brightening up your world on Martha’s Vineyard. I have been amazed by the light change this year. Still very chilly but the light lets me know that Spring is truly on the way. I wanted to tell you about our new favorite tv show ( you probably already know about it ) called Larkrise to Candleford. It has helped me to get through these winter months and we parse it out because we don’t want it to end. It celebrates the English countryside and the goodness of people. If you haven’t already watched I think you will love it and I’m sure the girlfriends will as well. It’s an old series available on Prime. Make a cup of tea and settle in to be charmed.
I loved that too, so charming. Have you seen Cranford? It was filmed Bath England, one of the MOST adorable little series I’ve ever seen.
Hi Susan,
Yes please post to Instagram!!! I don’t understand how Twitter works so I have stayed away. Your shadow pictures are so pretty but that one in the mirror is AMAZING! I have never seen anything like that before!
Thank you!
Me either, I saw that and RAN for the camera! I like ghosts, and I felt like I had a real one!
Thanks so much for the heads up on Lake District walks on Youtube. I found that “walking” along with that nice, English gentleman was very relaxing. I had no idea something like this was on Youtube. Not as good as being there but fun to see just the same. Also, my vote is for Instagram rather than Twitter.
Enjoy your quick trip! Looking forward to hearing allllll about it!
You can fly over Rome or Paris or Venice on Youtube. Just search around . . . probably you can ski the Alps . . . you can walk through wildflowers, you can learn to play the guitar and make a pie crust. It’s the world!
Susan, could you compile all your healthy recipes and putt them in a gorgeous book? I’d love to try making these dishes myself. Your healthy eating is inspiring.
I’d love to do that. Sometimes I think these recipes are too simple. For example, Spinach for One: Take a big handful of fresh organic spinach, and wash it, you want it to be wet. Put it into a small pan and cover with a lid, over med high heat. In about 4 min, check it, give it a stir, when it’s wilted to how you like it, it’s done! While in the pan, you can put butter on it, or a TBSP of cider vinegar, or a drizzle of reduced balsamic (for more sweetness), sprinkle with seeds, s & p, stir and serve.
Thank you, Susan, for brightening my day!
So far, our only sign of spring here in Central Oregon is busy birds and snow that is gradually melting away! What has amazed me, since we moved up here from Southern California, 16 years ago, is the way the perennials look as if they are dead as can be and then these tiny, green shoots begin to push up the dirt and before long they are full grown peonies, lupines, coneflowers, etc. I rejoice in the seasons with you, Susan!
Thank you for another lovely post! I loved the crocus poem by Lilya Rogers. I think my favorite photo in this blog is of your linens fluttering in the breeze on a lovely spring day! The light pictures were charming, as well as those of Jack. And your food~looks scrumptious.
We went to Williamsburg with our children years ago and were renewed in our patriotism for this great United States of America. I like it when folks dress in period clothes and talk and act in conjunction with the era they are representing. I know you will have a refreshing, inspiring, and fun time together. Many blessings upon your vacation.
Oh, I vote for Instagram and I look forward to following you on this trip.
It’s a total miracle! Seems impossible, but it’s the MOST dependable thing we have in life. Hope it’s ALWAYS that way. Worried about the folks along the rivers in the Midwest this year! We were at Mount Vernon yesterday . . . standing on his porch, looking at the sweeping view of the Potomac, his view. Amazing.
Have a great time u both deserve a mini break.We dont have turner gonna get love the Golden Era love the old movies too.love to you both xxx God bless n keep u both love Cheyenne xo
You too Cheyenne!
Oh Susan what a great post. I read them all but rarely comment. I live in Texas so the weather has been warm and cold in the same week. Daffodils and paper white have bloomed and are now waiting for the hyacinths. I also avoid the news and watch TCM as well as Starz Westerns. Have a great trip to Virginia.
We arrived in actual Virginia yesterday and I already saw daffodils! Trees are budding . . . it’s true spring, still chilly. Today we get to Williamsburg! Nice to hear from you Brenda!
safe travels Sue could u please share where u got ur blk diary i love the one u have.Thank you Cheyenne in Arizona We moved from Las Vegas Nv to Az xxx
The one with the gold heart on it?
I probably prefer IG for pics. Such a pleasant experience.
I do Twitter also. Not super active there unless it is reading your tweets and retweeting them.
I am sure you know this, but you can make one post and publish it on multiple platforms. One click and everyone is covered.
I would read your blogs and buy your books even if you were not active on any platform. It is a treat, always.
I’ve thought of that, but just like I don’t make my mini calendar just a mini version of my wall calendar, I hate to start boring everyone with the same tweet, pic, everywhere. BUT you’re right, it would be a LOT easier! You are so sweet to say that Angie! I love our connection!
Good Morning Susan, from Wales!
Ah, Spring has well and truly sprung and bounced away here, and while you search for daffodils, ours are over. I thought my garden was at that no man’s land stage between the early flowers of late Winter and the first blooms of late Spring, but yesterday I found no fewer than nineteen plants in bloom in my garden, with several more in bud!
I just love the purity of colour and freshness of your geraniums and zinnia water colours. So special.
Looking forward to the trip into Virginia, a place I called home for two years!
~~~Waving~~~From Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo
Saw my first daffodils yesterday in the parking lot of Mount Vernon. Took pictures of course!!! We are so far behind you, it always amazes me! Nineteen plants in bloom, wow. In Martha’s Vineyard we have ZERO. SO much to look forward to!
Hello Susan,
So happy to read your new blog post and to hear that you are on the road again for some fun!
My husband and I are preparing for a trip to Redlands, CA to attend my stepdaughter’s graduation at the end of April. We will extend our stay and turn it into a 10-day vacation with sightseeing trips planned in Burbank (Griffith Observatory, Huntington Library Gardens, Petersen & Getty Museums) and then off to SLO in our rented convertible. We’ll be staying at Apple Farm and taking in Hearst Castle, Morro Bay and a vineyard. Knowing these are your old stomping grounds, I tried to search some of your past blog posts in an effort to find some of your suggested “must sees” in that area. Is there an easy way to do a search for this info, or could you provide it here?
On another note, I had the pleasure of speaking to Joe at your Falmouth book signing last November where we talked about the book signing tour you are planning after you finish writing Enchanted. I wanted to know what it would take to include Vermont on your tour, and he suggested that I find a bookstore and/or library that would be willing to host you and to get back in touch. I visited a local treasure yesterday, the Bixby Memorial Library in Vergennes, to talk to the librarians about your book tour and the possibility of hosting you for a talk/signing. They had questions that I couldn’t answer. Is there an email address to which I can send those questions or do you prefer that I ask them here?
I look forward to hearing from you, but in the interim, Happy Trails and Safe Travels to you and Joe!
Not far above Morro Bay, on Highway One (Pacific Coast Highway) is Cayucos, darling town. Then 45 min north is Hearst Castle, heaven. Shortly after is beginning of Big Sur. You are seeing beautiful things! How nice of you . . . yes, write me at [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ and the girls will make sure I get it. Happy Trails Franny, have a WONDERFUL time on your California Dreaming sojourn!
Be safe and thank you for this beautiful Spring post!!!
Have a lovely trip! I’m almost strictly on Instagram now! @marybeth5588
I follow you!
Have a wonderful trip – safe travel.
Your “dirt” food looks yummy.
Are you following a particular weight loss plan?
Happy trails!
No, just eating healthy, simple, whole food.
Love the “Study of Shadows” photography- especially the prism! Reminds me of Pollyanna and the beauty of appreciating the little gifts that are all free for us! So excited to see your geranium in print- that was truly an epic beginning for what was to come! Wow- you are doing great on healthy eating and weight loss! I have started buying all organic if I can. It is definitely worth the few extra dollars per grocery trip and I think the government should mandate farmers use no pesticides or antibiotic pumped animals but that’s another story! I mostly use Instagram over Twitter but I’m on Facebook the most! I like Twitter but always forget about it for some reason! Love the simplicity of Instagram and how the sole focus is on photos (especially because I’m a realtor and often upload photos of houses)! I’ve heard that people use Twitter for news and Instagram for photo sharing (especially popular with my millennial generation). The study of social media is fascinating! Hope y’all have a lovely trip!
Pollyanna, me too. Didn’t you love the magic in that part of the book? Of course the government SHOULD regulate food industry to protect us. But right now, big business rules the world ~ it’s all and only about the money. Pendulum will swing someday as we educate ourselves to how things really work. Thank you Amanda, hope you sell a house today!
Thank you so much, Susan! 🙂 I seriously could not agree more!
twitter and instagram? Don’t care as I don’t have either. I go to Facebook as I have a lot of friends there. Whatever works for you is fine.
Lovely travels in Virginia! We enjoyed a wonderful Valentine’s Day meal together, my honey and I, on a freezing rain day at the restaurant at Mt. Vernon! It was fantastic! The tour was fascinating but icy. We also visited Colonial Williamsburg and the Jamestown Settlement on the same trip. Worth every minute! Have fun!
Yes, very unheated around that neck of the woods! Thank you Angie!
Those noodles look wonderful, I will be on the lookout! Can’t wait for the new book on your travels to the UK. I often go back and view all the photos from all our trips and want to go back again and again!
You’ll be surprised at how good they are. A little different when you first try them, but after a while you say, Where have you BEEN all my life! xoxo Joe and I were just looking at videos of our last trip to England and making little whining noises! Ahhh, the memories!
I never noticed until today that Jack’s nose is black. So cute! I have a kitty with a pink nose.
I hope you enjoyed your short vacation. And I hope your time back home is a refreshing vacation from vacation.
Also, just wanted to say that I cannot wait for your next book. I have enjoyed every single one of your books. They are filled with wisdom and beauty. Cheers!
I know, it’s black! Girl Kitty had a pink eraser bubble gum nose, but Jack’s is apparently part of the mustache thing! Was working on the book this morning, even while on vacation, a little bit of writing every day is a good thing!
Thank you, you constantly lift my spirits!
You are so sweet to say that. xoxoxo Makes my day!
Can you pretty please fix the background on this post to make it more readable? Thank you!!!
I don’t think others are experiencing a problem, please try refreshing the page, it should be okay then, and let me know!
It is Monday already and you may or may not still be in Williamsburg. Hoping the temperatures stay comfortable for you and the rains hold off for the rest of your visit. I follow you on both Twitter and Instagram, but l find Twitter easier to navigate. Especially if I want to check an older tweet. Instagram posts seem to disappear after a bit, and the platform isn’t as user-friendly. That is my two-cents’ worth; now please do what works best for you and we will adjust. You are the one working to share with us your own personal bits of beauty and lovely life experiences, and it can be lots of work I think. Thank you! xoxoxo
Oh yes, we’re here for the week! It’s Tuesday! Rained last night, but blue sky this morning! Lucky! So agree, Twitter is easier to connect with people on (I keep thinking I’m doing Instagram wrong, maybe I am!). My two cents too, but I understand why some shy away from Twitter. It’s like the real world, you need to cushion yourself against some of the cold winds that blow through there. Thank you Christie! See you later! xoxo
Thanks for the lovely downloadable goodies! The stationary is breathtaking!
I loved the glimpse of the Fostoria American cream and sugar – that was my mother’s pattern.
I don’t do either Instagram or Twitter. 🙁
Thanks for the breath of Spring – and enjoy Williamsburg! I fell in love with it when I read the Elswyth Thane novels as a girl, and even more when I visited it.
Well, that’s why I have a blog! So you don’t have to! And you don’t need to either, so don’t feel a bit bad! xoxo
Oh, Gayle! I, too, was mad for the Elswyth Thane books. Read and re-read them. I’ve found most of them in used book stores. Good to ‘meet’ another fan. Debbie in Tampa….for now.
You will love Williamsburg and Jamestown. But I can never get enough of Mt. Vernon. We go every time we go east. Have a great time!
Instagram please. Enjoy your trip
Thanks for the Blog and the Forgotten Walk video it was fun to watch. Have a nice road trip.
Hi Susan! So excited for your trip to Virginia. Williamsburg has always been on my bucket list so I will be anticipating your photo travel blog!
I was so sad to hear of the kale and spinach pesticide poisoning . We eats lots of it so I will definitely be driving to Whole Foods more often . Thanks for the heads up.
Congrats on the weight loss, I love your healthy tips so encouraging.
Take care and keep blogging! So look forward to it.
I know, you feel like great, you’re doing the right thing, and then wham. What bothers me most is food for rich people and food for poor. When we were young it felt like we all ate from same places. xoxo At least we know, out there somewhere, people are trying to look after us!!
Another fun thing to do in Williamsburg. Go in one of the gates inviting you to visit the garden then walk along the back of the houses all the way down Duke of Glouster Street. Enjoy your stay. Ellen Botts
Yes we love to do that too, gardens just beginning to pop, tulips and daffodils!
Hi Susan
Just finished reading your ‘Fine Romance’. I live 6 miles from Thirsk and the Herriot Centre, by the way its on ‘Kirkgate’ (not street!!)
Sorry you missed seeing the museum it is so lovely, and feels like they nipped out to the shop whilst you look round the house and garden.
His son and daughter are still in the area and we often see them in the newspaper.
So glad you loved York and the Dales, we are very lucky to live ‘twixt’ dales and the coast.
You would have loved Studley Royal and Rievaulx Abbey and of course Whitby on the coast, so many places in the area……………..
Never fear, we shall return! Your beautiful country is never-ending source of discovery and beauty for us. You live in an amazing part of the world. So nice to hear from you!
I tried to comment on the last newsletter and now this one but they dont show??? If this is showing, please look up Wainwright whose book on the walks in the Lakes your husband bought in England. You will love his story
I just answered your last one, it should be showing! And thank you again, we love the Wainwright books!