Escapism R Us

Hello Everyone! Look at us! Over 4,600 comments to the last post!!! Impressive, wouldn’t you agree? 💌 So much to celebrate today . . . First off, it’s time for our drawing!🎊 Vanna is shuffling around the kitchen, putting Hershey’s chocolate syrup in her coffee (coffee-coffee-buzz-buzz-buzz), I hear the whip cream can fizzing. That girl knows how to start the day! So here we go! Enjoy these last moments of everyone being a winner. My favorite time! MUSICA🎧  So first let’s do my Pumpkinhead china cup and the Inspiration Notecards! ‘Tis the season! Eeeek. I’m probably more excited than you! Quiver stomach! Heart-throb! Wishing everyone GOOD LUCK!🍀Vanna is UP, perched on side of my art table, bedroom slippers kicked off, pink-painted toes curled over the edge, lime-green rubber body-suit gleaming like snake skin, yellow, daisy-covered swim-cap keeping her red hair in check, she does a high dive into the thousands of names, scissor-kicks to the bottom, round and round, vortex forming, little papers with names spinning up and out, floating and swirling around the room like confetti (and btw, you still have a much better chance of winning than if you played the lottery! Plus no ticket investment. Already a win-win!)👏

So here we go . . . I just pulled a name out of the air, floating right toward me, saying, “Choose Me!” And the lucky winner of this Pumpkinhead cup (and notecards too) is, 

PAM LANE❗❗ (the one with the red hair!)

Congratulations Pam! 🎉 I’ll email you so you can send me your address ~ but, as you’ll see later in this blog, we’re going away for a week, (we put FUN on the calendar a few months ago, and here it comes!) ~ I’ll send your cup and notecards first thing when we return.💖

So who will be next? Here we go, this time it’s for the four seasons of cups . . . four English mugs for one lucky winner!

Reaching, reading, and here we go! It’s

KAREN HORRIGAN, a second grade teacher, 

Our next winner! Congratulations Karen❗️🍎 I hope you enjoy your cups! I’ll send them in about a week! Say hi to the kids!💓And next, it’s time to meet the lucky winner of the Martha’s Vineyard cup!

Her name? Another flittering wisp of paper that says:

MARNIE‼️ The Marnie that lives in the Canadian Rockies❗️🇨🇦 (Did you notice how many people commented from foreign countries? Another reason to love the Internet.🌍 We get to connect!)

Congratulations Marnie, I hope you and your girls love it! ❓❓❓❓❓
How about this for planned spontaneity? We celebrated National Read a Book Day on Twitter last week, inspiring me to add just one more giveaway . . .

A book of your choice, signed to either you, or to the person of your choice . . . one of these, or . . .

Or, any of these that I still have! You can choose! I have some hidden away, but not all, so I promise to do my best. You can tell me which one when I email you! And decide who gets it!

PAMELA WELTER❗️❗️ . . . carrot and onion chopper extraordinaire❗️ (I like to clarify WHICH Pamela Welter, just in cases!).

So let’s run away! More escapism! Easiest time of year to do it! We are starting to see colorful leaves in the trees on our morning walk!

Well, we did it, we put fun on our calendar months ago, made plans, got tickets, set dates . . . we’ve been anticipating and TOMORROW is the day!Tomorrow we leave on the 7 am ferry to go to Boston where we’ll pick up our English friends Rachel and Paul, and off we’ll go for a meandering week falling in love with the NEW England countryside! To undisclosed locations none of us have ever been to! A rented house in a small town we’ve never seen. An Adventure! In the fall!

Old houses, drive-by photography, roadside stands, and perhaps leaves just beginning to turn and drift into the roads . . . crisp air, windows open, music up . . . morning tea around the kitchen table with the newspaper . . . 

Staying off the main roads . . .

Finding roots . . .And filling in the blanks of American history . . . stopping everywhere we want, lunches out, art galleries, a night at the movies with popcorn and Downty! None of us have seen it yet! Seeing this movie with actual English People! You go see it too . . . then we can talk about it next time! Fingers-crossed we love it!

With our dear, long-time, too-far-away friends (in this photo, years back, we’re in Maine), a miracle, when you think of this big earth, that we found each other, thanks to a letter Rachel wrote me when she stumbled on one of my books in England! And yes, I’ll bring home lots of pictures to show you! Running away from normal! This is when I try to slow down time!

If I HAD to break my wrist, I could not have done it at a more perfect time. Monday was exactly eight weeks, the optimum healing time, completed in the nick of time for travel freedom. Although, yes, as you can see, I will be bringing the instrument of torture (brace) with me on this trip. I don’t have to wear it, but just in case we decide to climb a mountain, the doctor suggested I bring it along. I’ve been doing my physical therapy and my wrist, and everything connected to it, is SO much better. Every day I can do something I couldn’t before. Like cut an apple in half! I’ve typed all of this so far, and so far, my hand isn’t hurting! Your best-of-luck and prayers did the trick!

On the way home from the doctor, this luv-lee scene was waiting for us at the harbor. Yes, island fairies running ahead, preparing little scenes of beauty! Before I met Joe he was the cook on that schooner. Made forty delicious meals, three times a day, on a wood stove!

Last Friday we had a dinner party for my girlfriend Jaimie . . . it was also the 30th Anniversary of the very day we began moving into our beloved house in 1989.

Here’s the kitchen as it was that first quiet winter, before computers, before blogs . . . with the old fridge that required defrosting! Which I loved and held onto until death us did part. And the old blue linoleum floor (you can barely see, for good reason), which we changed to wood. Other than getting a new stove, and changing the hinges, handles, and drawer pulls on cupboards and drawers, it’s all exactly the way we found it! We already had the bird feeders hanging outside those windows, and you can see one of my Beatrix Potter people on the little shelf, Jemima Puddleduck. Making tea in my old heart cup.

This was the dining room as found. My friend Carlton took one look at the house, looked right through that crazy turquoise paint and said, “Good bones.” My thoughts exactly. Girl Kitty (the first, from Holly Oak!) was helping me set the table for our first dinner party. Despite the wallpaper. Which clearly (to me) had to go. Thank goodness for candlelight, everything is bearable in candlelight. Anyway . . . one day at a time. . . this was the BEFORE picture . . .

And now, the AFTER. The next people to have this house will probably come in and paint the cupboards turquoise again!

Hello handsome.

Dinner party after dinner party . . . If this dining table could talk! Because this old table was also here when we moved in, and it will stay when we go. Now you know why I love all this old MUSICA I play. This house was made for it. It speaks its language.🎵 This house was built in 1849, only 23 years after John Adams died. It was here before the Civil War. Before Teddy Roosevelt, before cars, before two world wars. Before phones. During the time of letters and the clip clop of horse hooves.

And in between our dinner parties, thirty years of care-taking, we did our job, brought her through the years, all the holidays, filling her with LOVE DNA so she will be wonderful for the next lucky family. Our House of Creativity has become a person.

Only thirty Autumns, seems too few! And look at all the wonderful ways we’ve celebrated it:

Lighting candles on the fireplace mantle for our dinner party . . . flowers from the garden . . .

S L O W   D O W N

Don’t forget to put some escapism on YOUR calendar.🍂 The littlest thing keeps us looking forward!🍁 Hope you all have a wonderful day!💞 

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461 Responses to Escapism R Us

  1. Kathy George says:

    So happy you wrist is coming along. Enjoy your week touring New England. We spent our anniversary recently at Woodstock Inn VT & it was lovely. I hope you get there and if you do try The Prince and The Pauper Restaurant. It was so quaint and food was fabulous. Happy Leaf Peeping.

  2. Congrats to all the incredibly lucky winners! So glad you are healing, Susan! And what treat to be off and traveling in the Gorgeous New England Autumn! Am I missing something? Sounds like you plan on selling your home? Moving? AUGH!

  3. Kathi S. says:

    Will you have a chance to see the Downton Abbey movie on your journey? You are leaving before it opens 🙁 I saw it last week in an Advance Preview and it is fabulous! Going back next week to see it again. Have a great trip – New England is so nice in the fall.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s playing where we’re going! So yes, I think we will get to see it together! Happy to hear it’s so good, worth seeing twice!!! The first “review” I’ve read!

  4. Danielle says:

    Hope your coming to Vermont! The leaves are starting to turn here. A few years back you came to Vermont with Lowley and took pictures on the covered bridge with a window in it at the Grafton Village Cheese factory. My husband works there, and is only a few miles from our home in Chester…small world. Wherever your going I hope you have a great trip, good food and lots of laughs. Thank you for the beautiful blog, Danielle p.s. your meditation tips helped a lot. Dare I say, I have a practice now ❤️

  5. Mary Hobart says:

    Your “fun” time will be wonderful–New England in Autumn. Perfect. My daughter and I will travel to Italy in 2 weeks. More fun.

  6. Carrie says:

    Have a brilliant time together on your autumn wanderings. 🍁🧡🍁 😘x4

  7. Beth Wilson says:

    A trip, so much fun to follow with you all! New England in the Fall, have never seen it but will in the next couple of years, I hope! Can’t wait to see all your adventures!

  8. Oh Susan…a new that warms my happy for your “new, getting better” wrist. This was a Feel Good Blog for me, so happy for your trip with Rachel and Paul and to my favorite place, “Anywhere in New England in Autumn please”. Have a wonderful time. Love the old pictures of your wonderful home. Wish I was a “winner”…but you know we Girlfriends are all Winners..Love you xoxo


    Hi Sue,
    Trip sounds wonderful Have fun and be careful. I just finished all three NELLA LAST’S BOOKS. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. Great post. Love looking into other peoples lives. Old house are the best.
    Nancy Jo

  10. Jeanne Jorgensen says:

    Thanks Susan for the new blog. Although my name wasn’t picked I was a winner anyway thanks to you sharing your unique and abundant love of your place in the world. Have a great visit with your friends and I will imagine your holiday adventure as you go. So glad your wrist is better. Jeanne

  11. Enjoy every minute…good friends, good food, good memories! And oh, the house, I love all things old, if only they could talk…good bones indeed! Ahhh that kitchen stove; sigh.

  12. Faith says:

    Have fun!
    Susan, I have to ask if you are moving. You’ve been talking a lot lately about future owners of your home.

    Congrats to all the winners! Enjoy your SB loot!

  13. Kristina says:

    How lovely!! Enjoy your New England adventure!! I just told my husband that someday I want to rent a house on the coast of Maine for a week. Bucket list!

  14. Peggy Willoughby says:

    🍎CONGRATULATIONS to all the lucky winners of Susan goodies. I admit I am a bit envious.😢
    My days are made wonderful by your cheerful blog posts, Susan. Thank you.
    Now I have adventure envy. 🍎🍁🍂 An Autumn adventure with good friends. You are all so fortunate. Have a blast. I know you will. Laughter will heal up that wrist luckily split. 🍎🍂🍁
    I love your home inside and out.

  15. Christie Levin says:

    Wow, this blog is super packed with love, to the brim! Some houses were just made for some people, and when they find each other, any good thing is possible. When those people are you and Joe, many good things did come to be, not the least of them this blog and this community of kindred spirits you have invited inside. When I think of the blessings that have come from your House of Creativity!!! The many good and true friends I’ve met here and on Twitter, and in person!!! The hours of home-sweet-home enjoyment and encouragement while you share the sweet little things of your life in this beautiful old home!!! I know you and Joe will have the best time leaf peeping and adventuring with Paul and Rachel (please give her my love tomorrow!). If you hear funny little noises coming from one of the bags in the back of the van, don’t pay any attention~I will be as good as gold, and not get brownie crumbs in the luggage…tho I can’t make any promises for the other girlfriends… xoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      We’ll leave the lights on Christie! xoxoxo

    • Suzanne Kelley says:

      Christie Levin, I love your comment that you’ll be “as good as gold”. I also use that phrase and when I heard you say it here, I smiled and wanted to hug you. I’ve had a terrible day. This watching my mother grow old, is growing me old. But your sweet comments are endearing and uplighting and it felt like you squeezed my hand through this page of words. It’s good come here and feel such closeness of community. To be distracted and foreced to smile at life’s sweetness. I always say, when referring to my momma, that she is “as good as gold”. How timely to hear you say those words today, when I was tired, and biting back tears. This is, just the way God reminded me that my mom is still “as good as gold” even if she doesn’t remember the story of us anymore. Oh. Life. is hard. but God, is good. Thanks Christine.

      • sbranch says:

        Blessings to you and your mom Suzanne . . . sending love xoxoxoxo

      • Laurie Nico’s mom says:

        I’m dealing with an elderly mom as well. The role reversal is so hard. To see her forget all that she taught me is heart wrenching. I feel your pain.
        I, too, feel a hand squeeze write through this blog. Thank you. ❤️


  16. Emma says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful post! 🍂I think I love Autumn even more because of you🍂
    Have a lovely trip, and enjoy the Dowton movie. We got to go to the galla opening last week in Norway, I won’t say a word but 💝💝💝 Love from Emma

  17. Sandra says:

    I love your hand-written piece on ‘Traditions’. I love them too and autumn seems to be a perfect time of the year to remember them!

  18. Bonnie Brown says:

    Thank you again, Susan, for your joy of life! We have also been in our older house 30 years and say we live in the “50’s”. Same old stove. Love it!
    This weekend will be my high school 50 yr reunion, and after all the fun of helping to plan, I can’t wait! So true about something to look forward to!
    Have a wonderful fall escape with your dear British friends

  19. Linda Michael in PA says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! I’m glad you wrist has healed so well. How nice to be able to cut an apple in half! Enjoy the week traveling through New England with your good friends from England. What a perfect way to welcome Autumn. 🍁🍁

  20. Marigold says:

    So happy for all the winners of your beautiful treasures! And what a treat it will be for you, Joe, Rachel, and Paul to galavant at will across the New England countryside. No prettier time to hit the road! Take good care of each other and of your (probably still healing) wrist — no tripping on tree roots or stumbling over stones! Looking forward to an occasional photo either during or after, and thanks for taking us along in spirit. God bless.

  21. Sheri says:

    I hope you have a wonderful trip – refreshing for all four of your souls!

  22. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    greetings Susan and Girlfriends, we are having a sample of the lovely Fall weather to come. we are having lots of good soaking rain here, which is marvelous…. lowered the fire risk to low or green and has actually helped put out some fires burning in the Klamath forest. I don’t know why but I can see the firefighters doing a happy dance when it started raining on Monday. congrats to the winners and oh boy a trip. I have always wanted to go to New England and see the Fall colors, we are seeing a bit of color here now and it is almost Fall….. I can hardly wait I love this time of year. all the lovely colors, the wonderful scents, the crisp air like a crisp apple when you bite into it, time to get in the harvest and get settled in for winter. if you do go to Vermont stop by the Vermont country store, I love that place so and its my favorite to shop for birthdays, and such occasions. well with the rain we have a few unhappy wet hens, not much I can do about that except keep the henhouse clean and dry and the nest boxes full of clean and soft hay for nesting, resting and sleeping. the ducks love the wet weather, they go out and play and splash in the pool and chase each other round and round the chicken yard. its apple season and time for harvesting the grapes in the local vineyards, hopefully it will be a good vintage this year. the quilting shows are sure popping up and the craft fairs, good places to shopping for gifts for presents for all occasions. not too many antique stores our way here, but plenty in town down in Grants Pass. oh yeah before I forget, we got our roof repaired, well actually a whole new roof and just in time before the rains. no more bucket brigade for me. I got a little tired and disgusted with running around to catch the leaks with buckets, tubs, pans and bowls all over the place to catch the water and mopping endlessly to clean it all up…. for once I get to sit back and enjoy the storms, especially today…. thunderstorms.. 🙂 !!!! wheeee!!! well off to go out and fetch in the mail and finish with the Autumn touches around the house. you all have a wonderful day, Happy Harvest and Happy Fall everyone. Autumn blessings….. hugs… 😀

  23. Sarah F. says:

    Dear Susan, your house looks so beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us through your art and blogs! Congratulations to you and Joe for 30 years in The House of Creativity! I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip and I’m excited to see your next post with all things New England and fall-ish! Congratulations to all the winners 🙂

  24. Linda Bee says:

    Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful trip, so glad the brace is now only a “take along” vs having to wear consistently. Great pictures and musica. Suggest stopping @ Rose 32 if you get to Gilbertville, delicious menu!

  25. kathiellen says:

    Dear Susan,
    I am very happy to hear that you are doing so good with your healing!!! And….Rachel and Paul are coming to visit!!! Yaaay! I feel like they will be visiting me too!!…. through all of your tales and descriptions of their visit and your journeys together! Have the most WONDERFUL time with your dear friends!!! I send my best wishes to them, and a kiss for Alice when they get back home! Susan, you hear this often but yet you cannot hear it enough… Your Home is So Beautiful!….before and after! I believe that you were lead to that house because you needed each other! You, Joe, Girl Kitty and Jack are part of that Beloved Home’s History! Your story there will someday be part of someone else’s story! “ Love echoes through the walls of a happy home!”…..“Houses have their own spirit..not just the spirits of those who have once lived there”….kathie burkhart. I LOVE Old House Stories…I hope that you will someday write a book about Your Home on Spring Street ❤️ Like the story of Holly Oak from FAIRY TALE GIRL ❤️. Tell us your Home’s Story from your first “walk through” until now….adding some history….maybe as if the house would be telling it’s story from it’s beginning? That would be a DREAM BOOK for sure!!! ( but then….ALL of your books are DREAM BOOKS!!! ) Congratulations to all of the winners !!! I know that you all are thrilled and I am happy for you!!! Susan, Joe, Rachel and Paul….Have a Wonderful Time Together and safe traveling!!!!

  26. Bethany Fagundes says:

    In the craziness that is my life these days, I missed the last post so I had the joy of reading two today! I am sorry I missed the drawing, but very happy for those who won! I hope you have a lovely journey and come home ready to dive head first into fall!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us.

  27. Kathy R says:

    Have a wonderful trip!

  28. Emily says:

    I finally went to Concord this summer afters years of wishing and hoping and saying “next summer, next summer…” I wanted to see Orchard House and it was everything I imagined it would be. My husband even loved it. We have such treasures here in the Northeast!

  29. Michele Blumberg says:

    These blogs are a wonderful kind of “escapism”. Today at my house in San Diego the temperature is perfect, the ocean is 6 shades of blue, the hummingbirds are in and out of the orange blossoms in the garden. I feel blessed and full of gratitude and hope to heck there is some mysterious way that all this good energy can be sent all around this old world! Best wishes to all the girlfriends hearts and on and on!

  30. Sue G says:

    Autumn in New England, how wonderful – can’t wait to see all your photos. I so appreciate you journaling and sharing your adventures with us. We are enjoying a late summer right now here in Southern Wisconsin with a hint of fall in the air. Have a great trip and so happy to hear that you’re healing and the splint is gone.

  31. Janelle Lande says:

    May the leaves be turning colors for you, the mountains lift up your hearts, and the valleys sing for joy. Autumn in New England is the beauty time.

  32. Emily says:

    Oh, darling Holly Oak! I think Isle of Dreams is my favvvvvorite book of yours!
    I need to order the autumn book post-haste–I’ve already started shopping for Christmas, though! I need to remind myself not to forget about lovely autumn! The leaves are starting to fall here on some of the birches and it’s just delicious.

  33. Judy D says:

    Love the pictures from your home and the improvements you’ve made. In my opinion, the dining room must have breathed a sign of relief when the turquoise paint was gone! LOL

    Glad the arm is healing and you’ll be free of restraints to enjoy your mini-vacation with your friends. Enjoy your trip!

  34. Katie Malik says:

    You’re home is so beautiful! I love the inspirational notecards. Got a couple of sets to give at Christmas with your cute Joy book. Have a wonderful trip!

  35. Jo says:

    I was to MV last Friday. It was a last minute trip to Rhode Island and Mass. We had a day not scheduled and got a Ferry to your island. I was in the shop where your things are sold. I bought a few items. I wanted a cup but thought I will just order it and have it mailed instead. Need to do that yet. We arrived at 9am and left on the 6:55 pm ferry. We took in Oak Bluffs, than did the bus day pass. We made it to the Gay Head Lighthouse, but kept us moving to take that all in. We ate one huge meal at Oak Bluffs. I want to come back, really! We got an overview at least. Now your blog will even more exciting to see what pictures you post. Have a good trip! I wish we were retired just to travel. Oh well, we try to get away a lot when we can. Safe travels!

  36. Mary E H says:

    A sweet surprise in my inbox. It’s a cool rainy day here in northern California and it smells divine. I love that we have seasons too (just not as pronounced as yours). Hope to see pics of the leefs!! We’re also on a road trip starting next Sunday and just hoping not to hit snow in the passes. I agree that anticipation is almost as fun as the actual trip. Just an aside, I’m loving my tea every morning in my beautiful heart mug!! Glad your wrist is almost back to normal.

  37. Mary Rice says:

    So much fun waiting to see who wins. Congratulations to all the winners. Autumn is a beautiful season to go exploring and with friends, it the best. I hope the trip is filled with fun, laughter and lots of found treasures. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Love, love, love… Your friend from Missouri

  38. Debbie says:

    Enjoy your sojourn to New England. It is always special to share fun times with friends. Loved revisiting your charming home. That made me relive the changes we have made in our home the past 31 years. So many memories imbedded in the walls! Many blessings and safe travels!

  39. Your blog really hit home (pardon the pun) as my parent’s home was recently sold as they both have passed on. The stories and memories that childhood house holds~ the holidays, the celebrations, the joys and sorrows. A home really is the heart of a person. And yours is obviously no exception!


  40. Congratulations to ALL the winners! How fun! And the pumpkin mug is adorable 💛 What a lovely time of year to escape. I’m hoping we can do the same in a month or so. Enjoy your trip and catching up with your friends. And congratulations on 30 years in your beautiful home! You’ve found a true heaven on earth xo – Jen

  41. Diane says:

    Glad you’re healing 😉 Happy travels ;-] Love you dearly =-}

  42. Carol says:

    How luv-lee that you’ll be seeing Downton with real English folks!
    We’re longing for Fall down here in the South. When I see a leaf blow off a tree I think “It won’t be long,” although in reality it might be another 3 weeks (ugh)!
    Love Joe’s artwork on the heart cup. Who knew he had such hidden talent! Have fun on your luv-lee trip and come back with much to show and tell.

  43. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    Hello again, just dropped in to chat some more. it is cold out there with the rain and wind but I love it, no more watering the lawns and gardens as I finally rolled up and hung up the hoses for the season. our veggie gardens are done for the year, and the deer got most of the veggies again this year. told hubby to put the fences higher so what did he do… he raised them up an inch… oh well I hope the deer loved his tomatoes, they sure liked my green bell peppers but I got even… I also had some habanero peppers in there growing and the deer tried to eat those. we are talking hot lips for those deer…. hehehe!!! well I hope the deer enjoyed their midnight raids and snacks. we had a good harvest of tomatoes, eggplants and squash and cucumbers and garlic. next year higher fences and more hot peppers!!! off to enjoy the storm. Happy Fall everyone, have a wonderful day and have a wonderful trip Susan. hugs…. 😀

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Hi, Pat. I feel a bit silly giving tips to a Real farm gal. We found that ground cayenne pepper deters critters with fur but not chickens or other birds….such as the 30 or so turkeys who came through yesterday. I sprinkle it liberally around the tomatoes and peppers and make a liquid to actually spray on them. Just be sure to wash it off before you take a chomp…hot lips indeed. I loved having chickens, and used to care for the neighbors’ when they were away. They would come over to our place and peck and scratch around. I didn’t take that into consideration when I planted asparagus. It’s a chore getting them planted in a way they will produce. The third year, when you can actually harvest a few, came. The fencing and row covers came loose, and The Girls (hens) scratched up all the roots!! I liked the hens better than the asparagus, so we just let them be.
      There are a gazillion apples on the ground now, so the deer have better things to eat. Most of the trees on our place are wild and not really good to cooking or eating. I keep meaning to take them to the guy who has a press to make cider. We do have some we’ve nurtured through the years, and a couple heirlooms we planted.
      Once again, I do love reading your posts to Susan and the Girlfriends.

      Debbie in glorious Maine

  44. Lori Metschan says:

    Love this post and you, as always! I bought one of your nightlights to put in my pantry and I think of you when I see it! I am so glad you are not selling your house, I am not anywhere near ready for that! xoxoxo!! Lori Metschan

  45. Karen Saunders says:

    Unfortunately, my kind friend your house will not sell because it will be like Beatrix Potter and all the other famous people whose houses were immortalized because they were beloved and famous adoring fans from all over the world will be beating a footpath to your doorstep to see it. (I told you that before😉). And if I’m not too old and God willing I’m still alive I’ll be one of them!!! We adore you guys Susan.❤️❤️❤️

  46. Nancy says:

    Happy your wrist and hand are healed just in time for your fun trip. I am escaping with a friend from high school (MANY years have past!) to Fall Pilgrimage in Natchez MS…….antebellum homes, carriage rides, slow life on the Mississippi River.😊🍁🌻🍂

  47. Margie says:

    So homesick for New England, especially today with the crisp leaves and wind parting the leaves in a spray on the lawn. Love your before and afters. I can taste the Macintosh apples and the cool nip of air. Hope you have fun with your friends discovering Fall with them. Cant wait to see your gorgeous pictures. Hope you are healed and don’t have to use your brace much, the climbs are worth it. There are some beautiful views on Mt Kearsarge in NH.

  48. Nancye Tuttle says:

    Enjoy your journey with Joe and dear friends, Susan! Read an interview with Michelle Dockery (Mary in Downton) and she raved about being back with her castmates to make the movie. Hope it’s the first of several big-screen reunions for our favorite series.
    All the best and relax and enjoy!
    Nancye T., Wells, Maine

  49. Barbara says:

    Your blog really hit home (pardon the pun) as my family home was recently sold as both my parents have passed on. When I think of all those cherished memories that Cape Cod holds~the holidays, the celebrations, the joys and sorrows, it makes me wish I could just keep it frozen in time forever. Home really is the heart of all who live there. And yours is certainly no exception!

  50. Karen Holly says:

    Enjoy your glorious trip through New England with Rachel and Paul! Our beautiful autumnal leaves in New Hampshire are looking forward to meeting you!

  51. Wanda McCay says:

    Hi, Susan. So thankful for your healing! Have a wonderful time on your New England fall adventure:). Your blog today was perfect timing for me because I spent the day changing from summer to fall decor. BUT I’d forgotten I have your Autumn cookbook until I caught a glimpse of it in the stack of your books. So I just switched from Heart of the Home to Autumn on my kitchen counter display. Now my house is ready☺️!

  52. Hope you have a wonderful trip with Rachel and Paul. I have loved getting to know her a bit through Instagram. I <3 their adorable Alice too.
    I'm so glad your wrist is feeling better! Have a warm, crisp and cozy Autumn. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  53. Cristan Lamb says:

    Your blog is so refreshing and fun <3 I feel warmth and love while reading through. What a gentle and beautiful reminder of what the finer things in life truly are.

  54. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Oh, my, Susan, a lovely week planned with Rachel and Paul seeing the sights of New England. Hope the trees put on a splendid show of colour for you. Have fun. Lucky are the ladies who won your generous give-aways. And who will be looking after wee Jack while you are away? It was fun to see the before and after pictures of your dining room. Take gentle care out there on your travels. Hugs, Elaine

  55. Debby says:

    Loved your trip back in time. Seeing Downton Monday, for my birthday, large buttered popcorn AND Junior Mints. No bites! Can’t even wait!!! Thanks for the afternoon treat Susan Debby

  56. Samantha C. Brakefield says:

    Dear Susan,

    I have to admit, I’m pretty good at putting “escapism” on my calendar. As a first grade reading interventionist teacher, it keeps my sanity in check if I have things to look forward to, especially weekends away to cheer on my college football team or simply enjoy a relaxing weekend in the mountains with the hubby! Also (big news!), we have major “FUN” officially on the calendar: WE’RE GOING TO ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND IN JUNE!!!!!! Both of my daughters are graduating in May (one from high school, the other from college with her Bachelor of Fine Arts in illustration!). We are using “A Fine Romance” as our blueprint for visiting the Lake District and Hill Top. Yay! We have a British friend who’s been most helpful with narrowing down our places to visit and creating a “loop” of stops…so we end up where we started. Stonehenge and Stratford-Upon-Avon are at the start of the loop. We’ll meander north, visiting York, the Lake District and Edinburgh, Scotland. I cannot wait. “A Fine Romance” made the journey to Mt. Borah’s 12,667′ summit (among other side trips) and will next join me across the pond to where it all started. Thank you for giving me (us) the inspiration to (finally) make this trip happen. Enjoy your upcoming trip as well, wherever it may be 🙂

    Samantha (aka, Mt. Borah Lady)

  57. Diana from Ancaster says:

    Love DNA. Perfect sentiment for a beloved space.
    Feel the same about my home.
    Congratulations to the winners. My fingers are crossed for the next time.
    Take your Calcium… heal up.

  58. Lillian Hetherington says:

    Hi Susan,

    How wonderfully you’ve kept your house filled with memories!
    Now that I have reached the age of 90, I wonder how many
    more years of memories I will have to put in mine, before we
    separate. But how I enjoy looking at your photos and reading
    your comments, always cheering us on. Thanks for that.

    Lillian Hetherington

  59. Patti Condon says:

    Hi Susan

    We’re heading to York Maine next weekend . .Maine in the fall . .delicious!

  60. Nancy Hauge says:

    Ah, finally found out how to leave comment! Are you moving? Sounds like you are saying good bye to your house??? So glad to get a new posting…missed you! Have fun on your trip!

  61. Ann Woleben says:

    Autumn is slow coming to Virginia – being near the coast, everything is still green.
    Waiting for the first real cool day to put out the pumpkins and gourds – love fall colors! I’m thinking about making your Cranberry Apple Crisp (from Autumn) for our bridge club. Yum! Enjoy your friends and “leaf peeping” (also from Autumn)!

  62. Debby says:

    What a joy it always is to read one of your blogs. Your excitement about the changing season is contagious! Fall is arriving very slowly in lower Michigan, it is almost 80 degrees today! Your Fall adventure sounds wonderful! We will look forward to hearing all about it and seeing lots of pictures! Have a great time with your friends!

  63. Ann Smith says:

    I adore your Blog. I would love to have the book “Autumn” from your giveaway. I already ordered my calendar for next year. i enjoy them so much!

  64. Mary Helen Z. says:

    Susan, so glad to hear you are on the mend! Your planned trip is your reward for working so hard on your therapy. Have a lovely time in New England. Just where did the summer go?

  65. Bonnie says:

    We aren’t having fall weather yet. My live oak will make a mess and not with pretty leaves. I can only hope the red oak does some pretty colors. Hopefully I will be able to rake leaves this year.

    Have a good trip.

  66. Joan V says:

    Enjoy your trip through out New England. The best place to enjoy the beginning of fall. 🍁🍂🐿
    Downton Abbey the movie is fabulous. I agree with Kathi S. it is one to be seen again. The Advance Preview was quite exciting. Enjoy seeing it with good friends….the best way to see it.
    Look forward to hearing about your trip upon your return. 😊

  67. Karen Holly says:

    You and Joe will enjoy touring New England with Rachel and Paul. Our beautiful autumnal leaves in New Hampshire hope to meet you. Enjoy!

  68. Debby Suovanen says:

    Wonderful blog. I’m in the middle of moving and your reminder to schedule some fun is just what I need! My muscles are calling out for a soak in the tub and I’ve been ignoring them. So glad your wrist is healing in time for you to enjoy your outing. Your blog has inspired me to indulge in that soak and then go see Downtown on Friday. Thank you for your lovely reminders!

  69. Sandy Schmidt says:

    Glad your wrist is better, Susan! Fall is around the corner…. I love sweater weather! Thanks for the blog.

  70. Laura from Indiana says:

    It feels like summer here, but I have beef bourguignon simmering away in the oven. Today is my son’s 17th birthday, and that is what he requested! I am indeed ready for fall!

    You may have addressed this in an earlier post, but what is the shade on your dining room walls? I want to paint my living room blush colored, because everyone needs a pink room, right?

    Hubby and I are heading out tomorrow night to see Downton on a double date! Can’t wait!

    Have lovely fall travels, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Your son has very good taste! Happy birthday to him! The dining room is this: Pratt and Lambert Red Seal eggshell finish self priming paint … formula: Y03-R02-Blk1-W3oz. Thank you Laura!

  71. Judy says:

    Please enter me for the book give a way.
    Thank you so much.

  72. Carol Kindt says:

    What wonderful improvements you made to your home. It fills me with inspiration. We’re also making a get away to New England in another week and two day. Been looking forward to it all year. Ashland in the Fall, the mountains, the lakes, the shopping ~~ perfect! Have a safe, fun trip with your best buds.

  73. Tiah Ann Foster says:

    Where would I find your tips on meditation? Please respond to my email as I seem to have trouble finding your replies here. My email is as follows:

    Thanks, and so glad you have healed well and fall. You bring joy!

  74. Trudy says:

    Gongratulations to the lucky winners! !!!
    Susan have a lot of fun with your friends when they come to you.
    Love the dining room!
    Hope that I can have such lovely room in my new house too.
    Have a wonderful time with your friends and I cannot wait till we will read again a lovely blog of you!
    Your arm is healed?
    Greetings Trudy from Holland

  75. Trudy says:

    Gongratulations to the lucky winners! ! !
    Is your arm healed and is it ok by now?
    Love your dining room and do hope I will have a room like yours in my new home.
    Enjoy the time with your friends from England.
    Looking forward to your new blog.
    Greetings Trudy from Holland

  76. Janice Rivenburg says:

    Hi Susan!
    I so love reading your books and your blogs! Thank you so very much!
    I would love it if you would bring back the four seasons mugs! I have quite a few of your beautiful mugs, but not these unfortunately. I bet there are a lot people who would love them, too! What do you think?!?
    Best regards,
    P.S. Have a wonderful vacation with your good friends!!!

  77. Miss Merry says:

    Your lovely home. I am so happy you discovered blogging – I was one of your first readers, so we can keep up with all the love your show to your lovely home. It really is the heart of it all.

    Enjoy your lovely fall trip with your sweet friends. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  78. Eileen says:

    I am a misplaced New Englander from Lexington Massachusetts. I’ve been in Mi. for 39 yrs. My heart still aches. At least I’ll be buried back there! Miss the old architecture, stonewalls, the green (centers of towns),the Cape and yes, your Vineyard. Fresh,good fish, Autumn,Winter,Spring,Summer,the Atlantic,Berkshires,White Mtns.the parades,L.M.Alcott house,Everything,everything, everything! Have been interested in you for many,many yrs. Glad you’re feeling better!

  79. I love your blog and I’m happy that your wrist has healed! I used to live in Massachusetts and loved every season there, especially fall. Your enthusiasm and beautiful word pictures of New England in the fall definitely pulled at my heart strings and I am longing to return and savor all the beautiful places and eat crisp apples as we drive thru small towns with such rich history. Time to make get away plans! Have a wonderful relaxing, memorable trip with your loved ones!

  80. Audrey Anderson - from the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia says:

    Dear Susan, with over 4000 replies to your last post I hesitate to add mine to the throng of fans. But you have moved me, and I know as a writer that is what we hope to do and so I am writing to tell you just how much I enjoy your work. You are a light during what is becoming a rather dark time for many. You make us smile, make us believe in magic again and remind us to celebrate all the little everyday things that make life sweet. I discovered you when I found A Fine Romance, which brought back all my happy memories of living in England so many years ago. Since then I have become quite determined to find your other books although having them sent to Canada is proving a challenge. I will not give up though as they belong on my book shelves along with Elizabeth Von Arnim and Gladys Taber who have kept me company for many years.

  81. Linda Lepage says:

    Susan!! So glad 🙂 your wrist is MUCHO better!!! What a great time to be in NEW England! I love it up there. Here in PA we have to wait a little longer for our fall colors, but it’s always worth it! Congratulations to all the winners! (wish I was one of them) But I shall try again when you have another give-away!
    Thanks for the updates!
    Linda in PA

  82. Dani Hollingsworth says:

    What a beautiful post! It made my heart sing! Do you have any tips for a girl who’s heart wants to host a gorgeous Susan Branch style dinner party but has no dining room to speak of? I need life mentoring from you because I want to be just like you when I grow up! 😁 I hope you have a wonderful trip! I can’t wait to see the pictures!! Sending love from Utah!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I can help with that. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. In my little house on Lambert’s Cove there was no dining room, so I moved the living room furniture into the bedroom and made a big table in the living room and had Thanksgiving for 10! Thank you Dani! xoxoxo

  83. Gill says:

    Just home from seeing Downton, you will love it 🥰 ! We had a wonderful autumn trip away to the western fjords last weekend. Love a little fun time together in the autumn. Enjoy yours.xx

  84. Lillian Olmstead says:

    Dear Sue,
    I’m so glad your wrist is better and even more glad that you all are going on this wonderful sounding trip. Wishing you all a wonderful week together.
    Lillian O. XOXOXO

  85. Kathy Branch Spicer says:

    How exciting it is to have scheduled fun to look forward to! I envy you these days of exploration and excitement. I hope it is a FABULOUS trip!

    Congratulations to all of the lucky winners. If it couldn’t be me, I just get happy thinking of the delight of the actual winners!

    Here in the southeast part of Ohio, our temperatures remain in the 80s and even 90 range. I fear it will be some time before fall feels like FALL. My favorite season – I was born a week after the beginning of fall and I just believe that I was born to be my best under a cloudless blue sky, breezy breezes, and crisp temperatures. I cannot WAIT!

    Happy Fall, ya’ll . . .

  86. Shirley says:

    What a visual delight. Celebrating your house/home.
    And Congratulations to the lovely winners. And Congratulations to you, cast removal just in time. We will be here waiting to hear about the new get away. Have the loveliest time and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

    My darling husband smoked me some ribs. The first time in two years after feeling poorly and finally heart surgery. We are waiting for all the signs of fall. Still too Hot in Texas.
    Bunny hugs to all.

  87. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    Yay to all the winners! Love that Karen in a second grade teacher…those lovely cups couldn’t go to a more deserving girlfriend! Have a lovely week in New England. We took a little trip to Vermont and New Hampshire a couple weeks ago, trees in the Stowe area in VT were already starting to show a bit of color. If you’re near Waterbury VT a stop at Cold Hollow Cider Mill would be worth it…best apple cider donuts ever! They were even mentioned in this months Yankee magazine. Safe travels to you all❤️

  88. Delaney says:

    Yes Fall is coming early here in Michigan!! Love the colors, migrating SandHill Cranes and crows and the Fall sunsets!! And the purple Fall asters!! Lovely!!

  89. Margaret Harke says:

    I will be in your neck of the woods Oct. 8-15, hoping the leaves will still be brilliantly colored. Am so looking forward to this trip, my first to the east coast.One of my stops will be Providence, RI where my ancestors came in 1634, just a day or two ago. From RI to CA we spread out from coast to coast!
    I definitely added fun to October!

  90. Alice says:

    Here in Greece, NY (near Rochester) we’re having wonderful very-late summer weather with just a hint of the autumn that is to come! Thanks for reminding us of all we have to appreciate.

  91. Amy K says:

    I know just how you feel about your special home! We’ve been in our home for 30 years and I always love coming home and being in a place I love! So many special memories! You and Joe were made for that house and it was made for you! Enjoy your trip with your special friends and I hope you get to see Downton soon. Glad to hear from Kathi S. that it is great! I can’t wait to see it!

  92. susan says:

    Your trip sounds like so much fun! Sometime you should come to Nova Scotia-
    I think you would love travelling in and out of villages along the ocean, lots of old architecture, antique shops, artists, and lots of history !

  93. Karen Lamoureux says:

    I was so hoping to hear from you today and there you were, waiting for me to read your wonderful blog. I love your home. It’s so warm and inviting with all of your cute touches. So happy that you’re on the mend and doing so much better. Take it from one who hurt herself many years ago. Go Slow and don’t over do. I hope you come to Western MA. Our leaves are starting to turn also. The harvest is plentiful with tons of apples, pumpkins, gourds, potatoes, onions, cornstalks all waiting to be picked. I come alive in the fall. Hope you have a wonderful get-away. Can’t wait to see all of your pictures next time.

  94. Ruth says:

    If you’re up in Maine, go to the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens! So beautiful! We were there a week ago, and I’m still sighing.

  95. Patti Gill says:

    What a lovely fall blog and peaks at the before and after once again. A good house with good bones sets the scene for coziness and memory-making.
    I’ll be seeing Downton this Friday and I am so excited to read Kathi’s positive review! Anticipation rises! Have a wonderful drive through New England. It’s a good time of year (usually, anyway). Pleasant visits with your friends, too.
    Patti G

  96. Chris consentino says:

    Oh, Susan! How wonderful, your boo-boo is betterer & you are traveling to places we’ve just been & you have your very own, “personal” Brits & the leaves are truly gorgeous the further north you go & what marvelous adventures you all will have! We stayed @ Rye Beach, NH…to BarHarbor, Me to St. Andrews, Nova Scotia to Bay of Fundy to Attleboro, Ma. All the while, grasping & gasping @ the OCEAN…leaves turning red, orange gold…all the lobstah I could eat…Saturday…home to shen valley in VA…where, sadly…leaves turning fr green to brown is what folks there call “beauuutiful color”! We’re from NH originally, so we’re just in heaven right now! Enjoy ALL the sights, scents, sounds (train in the night last night…& a LOUD, freight train 1 nite in Canada!)….1 thing I could not come upon…a “cider-donut”!…sooo, please have 1…or, 3…for me! Safe travels. Take care. Keep well. Have FUN! Oh…& have popcorn, tissues & hugs @ Downty-movie! All love & thanks to you…for being you!! Hugs to all of you!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes Chris, on the lookout for cider donuts! Oooo, tissues at Downty. Loving it more all the time! Your trip sounds PERFECT! xoxo

      • mary spring says:

        ….’had to stop and “comment”…we drove to the cider mill in Old Mystic, Connecticut yesterday for hot cider and cider donuts !!! yummm !!..Autumn colors are beginning to show !!…love this post !! congrats to those fortunate winners !! and happy leaf peeping with your beloved friends !!!…with love, as always…

  97. Kathy Thurman says:

    Such a beautiful dining room! Even better because the sunshine flows in. The morning light would be my favorite and I would love to drink my coffee there in the mornings and look out the window, daydreaming.

  98. Martha Rainville says:

    Hi Susan,
    Can you tell me anything about the small clock on your mantle? I have one just like it, but know nothing of its provenance except that it has been in my family. I would really love to know where it might have come from (my family came from Ireland), and how old it might be. It ticks VERY loudly!
    Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I love the sound of a ticking clock (long as it’s not in the bedroom!). I’ve had this forever, got it in an antique store so long ago I don’t remember exactly when … and I’m sorry but there are no marks on it at all. I really don’t know its provenance. I hope you find out some day. I would love to think it came from Ireland!

  99. Joan says:

    I love when there is a Susan Branch blog …it is like visiting with a friend who brings calmness and happiness into your day! I literally smile as I am reading. I love how you appreciate the beauty in everyday things; a shadow on the wall in the early morning, your cat Jack(in my house my cat Dickens) stretching out after finding that ray of sunshine shining through the window, the chilly fall air, the smell of autumn, the crunch of a crisp apple as you take a bite, you make it all seem so magical-and that is such a special gift that you share with us all. Thank You… P.S. I am escaping next week to a place you have been, Scotland. Creating memories with my husband and some friends:)

  100. Joanna in TN says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! I hope you have beautiful fall weather and colors on your trip! Enjoy a bit of it in honor of Gladys Taber! 🥰

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