Another short one today . . . couple of things to tell you . . . here’s some MUSICA to go with wishes for a HAPPY . . .
Every day a little deeper into fall. Out on our walk, I caught wishes galore falling from a tree. Thinking over how to spend them. Riches!
And look at this! A white rainbow ~ have you ever seen one? Us either! They’re rare! Another perfect place to make a wish! To come upon this took our breath away! I had to look it up. It’s sometimes called a ghost rainbow or a “fogbow,” they’re made from the same stuff of rainbows, but because fog droplets are smaller than raindrops, when the sun shines on it, the color goes away. Interesting eh? Morning science! I just reduce it all to one word, magic.
So here’s why I’m writing … to let you know there is a special Zoom program tomorrow, Sunday, November 8, for anyone interested, you can read about it and sign up Here. From my kitchen to yours! I will still have ONE MORE, next month, on December 6th, and will give the details for it soon. (That picture above is my “set up” light for Zoom so I don’t look like I’m in a closet! My stove looks good in it!)
So now I have to go work on putting together the slide show! I’ll be back when it’s over to talk about all our normal stuff! I have about 16 things I want to tell you! Gorgeous here on Martha’s Vineyard today, wish you were here! Blessings on you Girlfriends. With so much love . . . xoxox
Hi Susan, Thanks again for your amazing beach photos. This white rainbow is extraordinary! I learned something new. Have fun with the girls tomorrow 🙂
Look at that darling kitchen! I feel happy and optimistic just looking at it. Thank you, dearest.
Love the white rainbow ❤️ & love that Bidden & Harris have won the highest offices in our land 💃🏻! Devine intervention 💫
Thank you so much for sharing a picture of the white rainbow. I did not even know that was a possibility. That is totally amazing.
Thank you for this!! I have never heard of a white rainbow. Beautiful! I bet you are
so happy tonight!
Never heard of a white rainbow before! Had to share with my husband. Think today some of your wishes came true.
Never heard of a white rainbow. That is seriously cool.
LOVE the white rainbow! Thanks for sharing and teaching us!
What a magical life you live. A white rainbow, seriously! Wow, just wow. Love Martha’s Vineyard so much and your little town. Visited October 2019 with my sister. We were giddy with joy seeing your home and shopping in the local gift shop for MV Isle of Dreams, The Fairy Tale Girl, A Fine Romance (gifted to me by my sister) and my purchase of the gorgeous Isle of Dreams fine bone china cup and two of your pocket calendars! Please bring back Jack in the Books cup. I really need it 💕. Hoping to join the ZOOM tea tomorrow and getting a copy of Home For Christmas.
Oh wow. Would love to see a white rainbow…never heard of it! Magical is indeed the word. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your pic of the beautiful white rainbow. I’ve never heard of one of those! Science and nature are AMAZING! Always giving gifts.
Wow Susan! How magical & thanks for sharing. In all my 69 years never experienced one. I’m blessed to have seen this.
Hi Susan, the Ghost Rainbow is beautiful ! What a find ! I wish Fall would last longer. Not looking forward to Winter ! We are splitting and stacking our Winter Firewood right now. Getting ready here in the Pacific Northwest !
Hi Susan
The photo you took of the white rainbow is really quite amazing, what a sight to witness. Thank you for sharing it with us. It truly is magic. Just awesome!
For so long I’ve wanted to comment but could never discover where to do that
I’m hoping that this is the start of my success. Susan, you have inspired me for years now. We share so many of the same interests and delights in the natural world. Don’t ever change!
You found it Carolyn! That little tiny “comments” at the bottom of each post. I don’t know why they make it so hard to find!!!🤣
Susan, remember when I too had trouble figuring out how to comment? The trick is scrolling all the way to the bottom of the gf’s comments. I found it because I read them all one day, and got to the bottom, and voila, there was the entry for a comment at the very bottom. If you click in the tiny word “comment” at the bottom of your post, it takes one to all the comments gf’s have posted. Then scroll all the way down to do your own.
Thank you Dezi … I don’t think I “see” it, here from inside this box, as everyone else does, from the OTHER side! LOL, if that makes sense!
Yes, as Gary would say, “The Far Side”.🤔😃😄
My husband and I watched THE SPEECHES with our 25 and 21 year old daughters . We all cried. So relieved and happy to have Joe and Kamala guiding our ship. Finally we can all have some peace.💙🌎💙. One world.
Thanks Susan for the interesting ‘White’ bow, not something I will see here in Western PA. we do however, have lovely crispy mornings ( happily not yet) when the fog seems almost frozen. We have been enjoying the ‘Zoom’ meetings…they have allowed me to ‘see’ you and your kitchen and Joe and Jack and the Book Store, places and lovely People I would never have gotten to see. Some very Good Things indeed! Happy Lovely Fall!
Oh! This white rainbow is so pretty! How unusual, but etheral and magical!
Enjoy the cooler air on the island and the crisp autumn skies… I know they will inspire your beautiful art.
I’m enjoying your Autumn cookbook that just arrived this week (along with pretty cards, thank you!), and I’m saving the Christmas book for December, to help me get into the spirit of the Holidays! 🙂
So very beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing something so wonderful.
I just love your stove!
How beautiful! Never knew they existed. Thanks for sharing🙂
Magical~Wow! I’ve never heard of such a rainbow. Enchantment.
Love the white rainbow.
Oh Susan that rare ghost rainbow could also be a sign of new beginnings. Tonight as I watched Joe run up on the stage … brought tears to my eyes. The stress just seemed to melt away and hope filled my heart. Have fun on Zoom tomorrow. Love your new light!
Love that rainbow! Thanks for letting us experience it too .
I have never seen anything like that! Very cool. A great reflection for a great day today. Hope to make the Zoom meeting tomorrow!
Oh my! That white rainbow was incredible! Aren’t you glad you are a walker (and at just the right time! ) I am! Thanks!😊
What an incredible sight on a day such as THIS!!! I will see you tomorrow on Zoom and I’m super excited to “meet” you! 🙂
Wonderful! Never heard of a white rainbow! Isn’t it great to discover new ideas for art?! We are having a great autumn in southern Indiana. The leaves on your lawn are so colorful! Awesome Autumn to you and Joe🍁🧡🍂💛🦃❤️
I love seeing the white rainbow. I never heard of one before now. thanks for sharing.
Hi Susan,
Looking forward to zoom call tomorrow. Have never heard or seen a white rainbow. Thanks, I needed to learn something new today and there it was. We’ve just had our first rain storm since Spring. Love the cool weather because I love to burn the fireplace and smell the fresh crisp air. Imagine you are enjoying yours too. Cheryl and I will be watching❣️
So interesting never knew there could be anything like that in the world. Never heard of it before. Very special to see. You’re truly are blessed.
Short or long…but always sweet! Autumn is my favourite time of year….if it isn’t raining here on the Canadian west coast. Love ALL your posts.
Awesome white rainbow!! Never saw one and so glad you shared!!! Thank you,Susan
I love the ghost rainbow. Something I’ve never seen. Thank you for sharing this rare beauty!
Always a joy to hear from you Susan, however brief your post. Thank you for sharing the white rainbow, never knew there was such a thing. Always something new and amazing to learn about nature every day. We are in our second lockdown here in the UK and we hope, like us, you and Joe are staying safe.
Loads of love to you both from Ann in Chester xx
Oh Susan, I LOVE the fogbow!!!
Have you ever seen a CIRCULAR rainbow?!?!
“Sometimes I need only to stand where I am to be blessed” ~ Mary Oliver
Love that quote!
My favorite poet-her poems speak from her heart.
Beautiful…I feel happy and peaceful and full of hope today. There are bright leaves on green grass in Mums garden, and still some roses left on bushes. Dewdrops on the grass and autumnal mist. Alfie, the handsome tabby cat who visits Mum every day, but lives down the road, is already waiting patiently outside to be let in, where he will curl up in his cosy blanket on Mums sofa and nap the day away…Oh, to be a cat! Today is Remembrance Sunday in the UK and we shall stand in our driveways for 2 minutes silence at 11am. We have prepared the dining table ready for art and painting and will eat on trays in our laps instead ❤️. Thank you Susan for being such a voice of calm and hope over the past few months and years. It helped many of us, much more than you perhaps realise!
That rainbow is too cool! Science is amazing. Looking forward to the Zoom talk today. Be well!
WOW! That is amazing looking, that rainbow. How special and good timing on your walk to see it. Inspiring. We are cleaning up all of our leaves this weekend, though the great oaks are holding on to most of theirs still. Come winter and they will grudgingly give them up. Something to look forward to in the spring. Have a great Zoom meeting!
What an amazing photo opportunity! Love the fogbow!😮😍💦
Beautiful photos. Yesterday was the Happiest Day in a very long time!
Thanks for sharing a rare gift of God given through Mother Nature for all to enjoy.
Short, sweet and to the point! What’s not to love?
Adore the ghost rainbow! Never heard of one or ever, ever seen one over here! What an amazing sight to behold! Thank you so much for sharing.
For fear of treading on anyone’s toes, may I just say I’m relieved your election is over – for you all and the rest of us watching on the sidelines. ☺️ Phew!
Hoping things settle down and the important stuff can be got on with.
We are in day four of our second national lockdown and I’m trying to enjoy the good things in life that we still have: a roof over our head, water from the tap, warmth when we need it, loved ones who aren’t ill, friends, neighbours to care for, food on our table and lovely doggits 🐶🐶 to walk with every day….and blessings via you Susan. Have a wonderful Zoom later today with the girlfriends!
Karen Williams ☺️☺️
Cambridgeshire, U.K.
Your stove and sink remind me of mine, wanted to send a pic but I guess I can’t.
Martha’s Vineyard not only a white rainbow but covered with a rainbow of beautiful colors especially when the sunshine hits it. Thanks for sharing from your eyes to mine.
Wow. I have never seen a white rainbow. I have seen Sun-Dogs – where it’s a circular rainbow around the sun. Doesn’t have anything to do with rain. Not sure what causes it. anyway – I’m signed up for the 4PM Zoom Tea! how fun. Thanks for the reminder. See you soon 🙂 oh, the squirrels ate into all my pretty gourds decorating the front porch so I gave up, and rolled them down the hill for the deer. Thought they would last until Thanksgiving but nope, someone was hungry. As I always say, everyone has to eat. (whether it’s coyotes, racoons, deer, birds – everyone has to eat) Beautiful Indian Summer in Michigan . sunny and 70’s 🙂
Thank you Susan for sharing these beautiful nature photos especially the scientific magic of the White Rainbow!! Uplifting!! Helps to remember the wonder of our world!
🌺🌸You truly are a blessing and an inspiration! A million thank yous!🌺🌸
I had never heard of a White Rainbow! What a wonderful sight! I got goosebumps just looking at it. Wishing you a happy fall!
There something about white porches … they make me smile and think of cheery afternoons seeing friends, tea and a sweet baked nibble, catching-up with one another’s lives, seeing how much children have grown … then quiet evenings spring through fall … and hopefully quiet conversations with a loved one or dear friend.
Looking at your kitchen and through the window I see a nearby bird feeder. Some day could you please explain how to feed birds/squirrels without attracting chipmunks? Our large chipmunks burrow around our house foundation so I had to stop feeding late summer.
We’re enjoying the late autumn warm weather here. Raking fluffy leaves is fun and the grandchildren have enjoyed the too rare delight of running to plop in leaf piles.
Take care and thank you so much for your delightful newsletters!
Thanks for this little update. The ghost rainbow was amazing. I’ve never heard of that but it’s so pretty. Enjoy your upcoming week.
Nature has a way of giving us a smile and the unusual when we all need it most!
Hoping the white rainbow is symbolic of the peace our nation desperately needs. Sending you much love from SoCal where we received our first fall rain yesterday under a crisp 59 degrees! Finally fall…. for the moment. Could be 85 again soon as you very well know. xoxo
Every time a get a blog post notification from you in my email my heart fills with joy. So thankful.
I have always wanted to go to Martha’s Vinyard. It looks gorgeous. Lucky you to live there.
Sue Davis
PS I am a Susan too.
Thanks for this note. A gentle reminder to stop, breathe, look around – beauty is everywhere. You just have to learn to see it. Again, thanks and enjoy your day.
Thank you for the picture of the white rainbow! Magic….I learn something new everyday!!!
WOW!! Never saw one and SO glad you captured it.. Thank you!!
I have indeed seen a white rainbow, we call it a Fogbow. My husband took a photo
From our house on the Puget Sound years ago. We live on an Island, like you Susan, called Whidbey Island, in Washington state. We enjoy looking out to the Sound, Olympic Mountains, and another Island across the water from us Marrowstone Island.
Thank you for your happy, uplifting blogs. I have been a fan of yours for many, many years.
SUSAN K. from Whidbey island
Love ❤️ the white rainbow 🌈 peace ☮️!
Thank you for sharing your special moment with us , WOW that rainbow is amazing !!
Lovely here in northern Indiana, but Martha’s Vineyard would be a lovely place to be !! Glad you are having pretty weather still !!
Sunday blessings xoxo
We just had our real first snowfall over night here in the mountains. It’s always such a beautiful sight — until about April!! But the fogbow takes the prize!
Alex Trebec died. We knew it was coming, but it still hurts. Watched him on Jeopardy since it began. Tom and I always watch if we are home. We also watch Wheel of Fortune…..Geezers, we are proud to be!!! Fair winds, and following seas, Alex. We, too, love Quebec.
Debbie in Maine, which is cold and grey today. Kielbasa, homemade sauerkraut from famous Waldo, Maine, roasted broccoli on tap for tonight.
Forgot to Thank You, Sue, for your calm voice during this week. I finally watched some TV last night when Joe and Kamala spoke. I’ll take a break from politics, then go back to writing letters.
Who knew there were different kinds of rainbows!?! My Mom saw a round rainbow in Hawaii!
No Jack? Hey, he is my usual cute kitty fix. Never ever do a Blog without my fix!!! PLEASE. XOXOXO
LOL, never again!🙀
Who knew there were different kinds of rainbows!?! My Mom saw a round rainbow in Hawaii
Thank you for sharing the White Rainbow – WOW – I may never see one in person, then again never say never! This is magical!
Always look forward to your blogs because I love the I pictures – always worth a thousand words!
That is very cool! LOVE the fall leaves!
I got this at 3 p.m. on November 8. My emails piled up while I worked at the polls during the election. I can’t make the tea party today so I’ll watch carefully for the next reminder about the Dec. tea party. I definitely want to attend.
I have always admired your photos of the Remembrance Day red poppies. I would love to purchase a pin to wear for this day. Do you know a source?
So sorry, I don’t. We gathered them when we were over there and saved them. I bet you can Google it!
“Take a quiet walk with mother nature. It will nurture your mind, body, and soul.” – A. D. Williams
Wow, a white rainbow! I never knew they even existed. A very fascinating bit of morning science. I’m so happy you and Joe take your morning walks! ♥
I just watched your ZOOM presentation! How wonderful to see so many other “girlfriends”! Thank you for inspiring us all! Stay safe!
Susan this was the BEST Zoom yet!!! This is the third I have attended and it was fun seeing everyone’s faces!!!! I loved all of the stories you told and seeing precious Jack at the end was the best. Stay safe & healthy. Much loves and socially distanced hugs and kisses!!!! XOXOXO
Yes! Seeing faces is so much more fun! I wanted to forget the slide show and just talk with everyone! Thank you for being there Laura!
OH HAPPY DAY…. OH HAPPY DAY!…. I can breathe again! That beautiful white rainbow was not an accident of nature… It was sent by the Universe, who has become happy again!
I am absolutely giddy…. of course, celebratory wine adds to my giddiness level!
Looking forward to all your news….
Susan, Did you, Joe or Jack feel the quake? The last time we had a big tremor, it woke me. I thought at first it was a big noisy truck going by…..then I realized what was happening.
Thanks for this little surprise post. Stay safe.
Thank you so much for sharing that marvelous white rainbow. Loved it! Hope you have a great Zoom.
Thank you for sharing the white rainbow. I never knew they existed. Magic is everywhere.
Blessings to you, Joe and Jack
Love morning science! So amazing😍
Missed today’s Zoom meeting but looking forward to the next. Happy Fall Susan!❤
I LOVE New England and Martha’s Vineyard. I live in Kansas and have never seen a white rainbow… gorgeous. Can I come live in your White House with all your Beatrix Potter figurines? You always see the beauty all around you. Life is amazing…
Oh, my….thank you for the Patti Page song, “Old Cape Cod” one of my old time favorites. I am originally from Arlington, MA, now planted in New Bethlehem, PA
Wow, a white rainbow! I’ve never heard of such a thing. It is so gorgeous! Thank you for teaching me something new! You are so lucky and blessed to have seen one with your own eyes in your lifetime! Thank you for sharing!
Oh wow, Susan! I taught science and have never heard of the fog rainbow! Had plenty of fog on the Texas coast as a kid…I guess too much fog to see it! HA! Love the musica this time…made me cry, reminded me of my mom…she loved Patti Page! Doris Day too! Thanks for the laughs and the tears!
Very special rainbow!!! Beautiful thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing that amazing picture of the white rainbow! I’ve never heard of a fogbow before – obviously neither has spellcheck! Maybe it’s a sign of the good news we had today that more peaceful, hope-filled days are ahead! 🙂
Enjoy these beautiful autumn days !
Sorry I missed you podcast but I am looking forward to reading my copy of the Christmas book during my sheltering at home Thanksgiving without my family. It will give me something to look forward to and pass the time.
Thank you for sharing that amazing picture of the white rainbow! I’ve never heard of a fogbow before – obviously neither has spellcheck! Maybe it’s a sign of the good news we had today that more peaceful, hope-filled days are ahead! 🙂
Enjoy these beautiful autumn days !
Sorry I missed you podcast but I am looking forward to reading my copy of the Christmas book during my sheltering at home Thanksgiving without my family. It will give me something to look forward to and pass the time.
Loved Patty Page. My parents saw her perform on their honeymoon in Chicago in 1951. Who doesn’t remember How Much is That Doggie in the Window if you were a child of the 50’s.
Always, when I need a “sign” that something will be ok…will turn out alright…I ask for & receive a 🌈! And…I needed your extra-magical, seldom seen rainbow right here! Thank you!
Thank you for being with you through the blog. I’ve never seen a white rainbow.
The white rainbow is amazing. Gives me goosebumps to see the picture so I can’t imagine the personal experience! Thanks for sharing! Happy fall!
Lots to be thankful for this year!
And this was a lovely preview for the November blog. Thanks!
Barbara Weaver
Lovely music and blog today! I’ve never seen a ‘ghost rainbow’. Very cool!!
I just want to take a minute to thank you for helping me to keep my sanity this year. Your posts have been a little island of civility and beauty in these crazy times!
We sometimes enjoy the miracle of a “Moon bow” over our Cumberland Falls here in Kentucky! Miracles are wonder-fulls!
I found that info on the white rainbow fascinating! Thanks for posting the photo and some details. Mind blown.
I have never heard of a white rainbow. I had to read more about it and it’s fascinating. Also called a moonbow, it is produced by moonlight rather than direct sunlight. Who knew ? You did ! ! ! I hope to see one in my lifetime.
Oh wow, a foggy rainbow! I am wondering if they are only found over the water. Fascinating! Thanks so much for sharing it. What a blessing!!
What a unique rainbow! So glad you shared it with us.