Yes! This Willard has it all, from cats, to trains, making home sweet home, inspiration, and back again! California Style! 💝 Plus, MUSICA! To you from me, with love love love . . .💖

I say tea first! I’ll wait!

Well, here we are, in the mirror, happy as two clams, running away from home, tucking ourselves into our teeny-tiny room with a view, aboard Amtrak Lake Shore Limited to Chicago, just pulling out of South Station in Boston, then onward to Los Angeles!

Settled in for 3 glorious days of soft rocking which puts us to sleep, lots of naps and reading, three meals a day in the dining car (some meals better than others) and interesting dinner companions from everywhere …🚂

. . .but mostly we stared out the window at the ethereal never-ending views across this beautiful country . . . because as most of you know, it was WINTER with a capitol W the entire time across . . . looks like the moon!

But it was so beautiful . . .

Even from the window in our dining car ~🍷🍷 we drank delicious red wine, while watching a white-out blizzard blow outside the window as we rolled along, listening to the train whistle.❤️ Imagining the conversation between friends across the country:

Note outfit. The train (Southwest Chief) always stops for an hour in Albuquerque which allows me to get off and go for a brisk walk take big breaths of fresh air! Cold there too, just like everywhere else!🥶

Alfredo brought my car and met us at the train … we bought that car new in 2005, a Toyota Highlander that still has only 60,000 miles on it ❤️ … it starts with a KEY👏, and it has a CD player, and comes with all my old CDs, so we are playing Kokomo (Beach Boys) as we round the bend, almost to Santa Barbara ☀️, our first glimpse of the Pacific ocean, palm trees, and look at that sky!👏 We are beside ourselves! It’s another world.

Welcome to Hotel California . . . such a lovely place.🎵 Our “driveway” … it’s dirt! It’s the Country Life for me! My neighbors wanted to pave the main driveway, but I held out for the earth ~ a little breathing room. So it’s not paved EVERYWHERE ~ and here, it’s not paved ANYWHERE. Home sweet home, and the first thing we did is breathe in the green while taking pictures . . . Our trees have grown so big!

In this place where bees grow strong . . .

After crossing the snowy grey country . . . we couldn’t help ourselves:

We bought this place twenty-three years ago, and got that tractor. We had been to England. Had seen their amazing gardens, and said, “California is perfect, sunshine, rain, we already have orange trees, we can plant those gardens here! Hedges, garden rooms, and let’s do a long walk!”

Because what we had here was dirt. Fabulous ancient river-bed dirt that grows anything! It wasn’t the house we fell in love with although it’s nice and big and perfect for what we wanted (Joe doesn’t love it as much as I do!) . . . it was the location, the beauty around it, the long views, the hills, the creek, the moon and sunrises, and the possibilities. So on went the grass seed, in went the picket-fence garden, and on went the white paint . . . We dug down deep for the garden, lined the bottom and up the sides with hardware cloth, to protect it from gophers and other underground critters!

This gorgeous albizzia tree was already there, but in the beginning it sat in a sea of dirt . . . compare it to the picture above it, you can see what we did to cuten-up the deck and the basically metal-sided garage . . .

Mas MUSICA! A whole other kind . . . my favorite 💖

Before and . . .

. . . After. We looked at it the right way! See what white paint and picket fences can do!

After that it was hedges and hedges and more hedges. More trees, roses, and all the things that love the California sunshine. This valley is farmland, mostly what they grow here is wine grapes, avocados, artichokes, and cabbage.

The garden diary I kept while walking through English gardens! Full of inspiration we borrowed for this place!❤️  

Tiny Christmas apples grow here! And pepper trees!

And we’re back . . . still working to make it better . . . the smoke out back is coming from the piles of dry brush we’re burning. . .

One of the first things we did is buy new artichoke plants to go into the ground on the warm wall behind the garage. So delicious, fresh artichokes, hoping we get a few baby ones before we have to go!

We grew them here before ⬆️ and they were so prolific! I’ve thought we should grow them and supply our grocery store on the Island ~ they get the WORST artichokes! “But, you’re selling the house,” you say, and I say, “Yes, you’re right, but the new owner will LOVE the artichokes!” Paying it forward, remembering how wonderful the garden was in our house on the Island, and so grateful to Mrs. Bowditch (the person who lived there before us) for what she did!

We have too many friends we love who are realtors in this neck of the world, making it impossible to choose❤️ ~ can’t stand to hurt anyone’s feelings. So we are going with a perfect stranger. We’ve kept all your letters of interest in looking at this property, which we are sending to her, we hope she’ll get in touch with all of you when the time comes!💌

One of the first times we went out was for an afternoon spent wandering around our favorite antique stores looking for little cat food bowls, and some new/old little vases for flowers for the shelf over the kitchen sink. Gotta have that! The vase on the far right is my favorite, it has a little hole in the back so you can hang it on a wall too! $6. Be still my heart. 💝

Next thing I did is oil the cutting board and the wooden spoons with mineral oil ~ because mineral oil never turns rancid. I can’t live in a house with a dried out cutting board, and spoons that look like big splinters when it’s so easy to make them warm and beautiful!! We even sell mineral oil in our webstore HERE

Sun comes in early in the morning, sweeps across the floor, and look what it finds!

Yes! It’s Sammy ~ one of our studio kitties, so sweet, here to sleep with us, and provide deep-fur rubbing service!👏👏👏 Look at his freckle!!! He has a little Jack in him! And there’s my “studio,” in the back corner of the living room, with a view of the picket-fence garden…

And Simon! Two sweet boys! Simon is HUGE, all muscle, and pure mush! He smells every single one of my fingers in the morning, looks up at my face (making sure no stranger-infiltration has made it into the house). You can pick them both up and rub their bellies to your heart’s desire! We are spoiling them with love. I know they aren’t happy that things seem to be changing, but right now, I can say they are sitting extremely pretty. wob wob wob them. I should probably write this entire post in arf and arfy . . . and you know why . . .

See that eye? I feel him watching me . . . But his babysitters have promised they won’t tell him a thing! Shhhhh…. He’s doing so good! I get pictures texted all the time!😻

We’ve been cleaning like crazy, emptying closets and cupboards, and going through files and boxes. Finding old art, photos, and newspaper articles. Putting some into the trash, keeping some, giving some away, and keeping some to make the house look cute/useable until it’s sold. I have so many old books here, especially GARDENING BOOKS ~ had to have them, because this garden here didn’t come out of nowhere!

Yesterday I drove up to Atascadero to see Kellee and visit the new Studio … oh, it is wonderful! The work these girls have done is amazing! Perfectly organized for action. I couldn’t love it more! I picked up some of our candles, the Autumn book, the new Heart of the Home and other necessities of life while I was there! Need to feed people around here! ❤️

Sheri helped Kellee move ~ this is us on a ferry in England a while back, we’ve all been friends for such a long time.❤️ Lucky us to find kindred spirits in each other. Kellee was still in college when she started working for me back in 2002! 

Judy, on the left, met me and Kellee at the new studio too . . . she also worked with us for a while, back when we had the store . . .  we had a wonderful meeting . . . so inspiring! We went out for Mexican food and talked all about Susan Branch Studios and what new things we’d like to do!

For those who’ve never seen it, this is a picture of our store back in the day ~ around 2007. I found SO MANY fun photos of it here in the house! Great memories. How I loved shopping and making things for this shop!💝

Yup, talkin’ about getting the band back together! Sheri too. Ideas were flowing, new products to make, new projects, ways to make our website look more like that store 💝, new books for me to write, new ways for you and us to connect, shorter Willards that happen more often ~ I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, but I have to say I went away from our first meeting with a nice long to-do list, absolutely elated, and filled with inspiration! I’ve been painting every day since we got here and it’s been so much fun .. it’s always good to get away for a bit, dangle your legs off a high swivel seat, ringing the side of the water jar with your paint brush, stroking paper with color, and allowing yourself to see the bigger picture with inspiring girlfriends.💝We are ready now . . . because what we’ve been doing, actually for months now, besides physically moving the Studio, is updating the website/blog/webstore. It might not look different, but we’ve done a lot! We made it easier to sign up to get my Willard Newsletter sent to your email box, that was a biggie I’d wanted a long time ~ check out our easy new sign-up at the top-right-side of this blog! I hope you like it!😍 We are TRYING to be more dependable around here!💖

We also moved the entire site to a new server that should be strong enough to handle it without shutting down every two minutes!👏 And we FINALLY got our webstore updated, so shopping should be much more fun and not take half-a-day to do! It hasn’t been easy, we’ve had a website since around 1999, it was dusty, crickety, jerry-rigged, spider webbed and filled with daddy long legs, and every time we did something, it shut the whole thing DOWN causing shock and consternation from Martha’s Vineyard to California! Mostly it was ME, hollering, “Hey! WHAT IS GOING ON!!?” Be careful what you ask for! Our shopping site was shut down for over a MONTH from December to January 😵 … some of you have been asking about it because you haven’t been able to order anything . . . Well, it’s fixed, swept clean, sparkling new, and our new shopping page is up and it’s BEAUTIFUL. Shoutout to Joel and Kellee for all hard work, and patience with me! And thank you!💖 I’m very happy! Look below, that’s it! Everyone says my name (in red) needs to be bigger . . . and I could not agree more!😆 Right now, it looks like this: 

This is not doing it justice ~ it’s much better in person . . . Click on “Shopping” on the top of the blog page to see the real thing! Or, HERE. Welcome to the 21st century! Tell me what you think!

And after throwing around ideas for new products we have NOT forgotten what is coming. .  . and SOON! 

We’re getting a head-start on the celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the shot heard round the world (1775) and the Declaration of Independence (1776)! I was so inspired by our visit last April to charming and historical Concord and Lexington, the gorgeous old houses there, and what I saw at the Patriot’s Day re-enactment  (if you haven’t already, click there and scroll down to see the post about our visit). I could not wait to make a cup for it!❤️

250 years of an experiment in government, that, for the first time, let the people govern themselves! Not ALL the people, of course, because of who was making the rules🤓, but we’ve been working on it! A pure miracle, made possible by the likes of Benjamin Franklin and George Washington! We made this country, and we can make it better. They can’t do that in so many other countries. I know I’m old-fashioned, but we were so little with our 5-year-old fat little hands over our hearts, swearing allegiance 🇺🇸 and carrying the flag in school, at parades, learning how to fold it camping with the Girl Scouts 🇺🇸, we ⬅️PROMISED! I just can’t get over the loving-America feeling! Both Joe and I cried at the reenactment, it felt like we were there, and when the soldiers were fake-shot, it was so real, we could feel it; it made tears in our eyes! That tiny framed painting of George and Martha hangs in our kitchen.❤️ We went to the Washington family home when we were in England. There is a Yankee Doodle Dandy living in my soul.🇺🇸   

And the other cup, back by popular demand, ⬇️ the longest reigning Queen of England is on our tea cup, the perfect place for remembering a beloved British Queen,🇬🇧💂‍♀️ Lilibet.💖

A person the whole world admired for her selfless guidance of her country. And her very familiar human struggle to be better, do better. (This cup has a corgi on the bottom!❤️)

The new cups will ship from England at the end of this month . . . Estimated time for arrival at our new Studio will be a week to ten days . . . so around February 10th! Only two more weeks from now before they start flying out the door to YOU! You can still reserve yours HERE!

Perfect timing, because here comes Valentine’s Day! And a reminder that it’s all about you. Be good to yourself . . .❌⭕️Speaking of Valentines . . . look what I found . . .

Sweet letter, Kellee left in the house for me . . . Regina, if you are reading this, thank you so much! Sweetest letter! 💖💖💖

Eileen Burke, our girlfriend who won the vintage quilt we gave-away in the last Willard, wrote me ~ she was thrilled to receive it, things hadn’t been going well for her daughter and herself so this just made her day 💝💝💝. It warmed the cockles of my heart. I knew you’d all like to know! I’m finding so many wonderful old things in this house! Things I haven’t seen in years, family photos, art I never used for anything, newspaper articles, tucked into boxes, which were stacked into closets and cupboards not seeing the light of day in 20 years. I’ll show you next post. I’m thinking one or two of them would make a perfect giveaway for you next time!❤️

I could go on all day, as you very well know. I get started and there’s so much good stuff to share, I have to say stop! I say it, on average, maybe six times before I do it. But here we go, time to say goodbye . . . with the words from one of my very favorite quotes . . . It’s the best I ever heard for this nutty world we live in . . . My favorite word in it, is WIT. It goes up to the mountain top, meets the word Wit at the top, and goes gently down the other side! With all my love💖, Anna Susana Dana Branchburger the third.☺️

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324 Responses to GARDENS, CATS, TRAINS, & INSPIRATION: California Style

  1. Magdalena Mikulska says:

    Hello Susan.You can see that despite all these years you are still in good shape. I already have six of your cookbooks and two wall calendars. I love you very much

  2. Maria says:

    Hi Susan ~ You are such an inspiration to me. Your energy, your outlook, the light you bring to our world…so needed at this time. Thank you for all you do. This post was everything I look forward to from you. Your words inspire & lift me up when I find myself in a rough patch. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in beautiful California. Love to Joe & the kitties & Jack, of course! xo

    • sbranch says:

      Love hearing that Maria! Love the connection I get from everyone! xoxoxo Susan

    • Leslie Lax says:

      Susan, I was a young bride in 1987 when I received Vineyard Seasons as a gift. The pages are splattered and ripped in spots, but every time I open it to make another favorite recipe I find I am walking down memory lane. I remember the family members who are gone now, but were my first guinea pigs. Sadly my 30 year marriage ended, and it was difficult for me to revisit the past. I recently pulled out all my old cookbooks and when I found Vineyard Seasons I was immediately reminded of the hope I had thinking I was going to live my “happily-ever-after.” The bittersweet feeling only lasted a minute or two. Instead I was overcome with the joy that pleasant memories bring. Your cookbooks were a part of those memories and I thank you for them. Good luck with this next part of your journey. Good-byes aren’t easy, but the Hellos are wonderful!

      • sbranch says:

        I wrote about the end of my marriage and the starting over ~ and mostly my quest for healing ~ in my books Fairy Tale Girl and Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams . . . I love how you’re seeing the bright side. Blessings … and Thank you!💞💞💞

  3. Melinda Holley says:

    Happy sunny day Sue!
    What new happy memories you are creating while working hard. They will be so sweet to savor later.
    I think we’ll need more Zoom meetings, so we can hear your voice more often. Cali will miss you and all the sunshine you share.
    Hi to Joe and the three little kittens too.🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

  4. Bev Johnson says:

    Am so excited every time I get your Willard💕 Gives me so much inspiration-now I just want to start planting “things” everywhere🥰 I heard you mention on your Zoom talk with Enchanted Books that you might get a PenPal opportunity up in your newsletter-is that still a possibility? Sounds like so much fun to join! Thanks for being here – hope you plan another England trip next year, too. Would love to experience that 🛳️

    • Sheryl Mercer says:

      Ahh! Another ‘clap my hands’ moment when I see a new “Willard”!

      Thank you for bringing joy to another day.

      You are truly a “Distilled Genius”!

  5. shanna+masters says:

    Thank you, thank you. A post from you always makes my day brighter. ☀️

  6. Sue G says:

    So lovely to see a new Willard this afternoon, as always I enjoy traveling with you and Joe across country on the train. Someday I would love to do the same. I can imagine all the snow storms in the midwest/mountains must have been breath taking to see. Thanks for all you do to bring joy and light into the world.

  7. Kat Freeman says:

    Wishing you and Joe all the best ! What a fabulous home you shared for all those years and now some lucky 🍀 family will be able to start new memories there! Have fill your art, adventures, and enjoyed your books for years! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Janet Conn says:

    What a wonderful Willard. Thanks for taking us on your journey to California. I so much enjoy reading your Willards. They are heartwarming and comforting in these crazy times. Thank you so much!

  9. How I love the photo of your gift shop. We had one like that here for many years but it finally closed and I mourn it still. That kind of store is few and far between now.

  10. Ann Woleben says:

    What fabulous scenery as you traveled across the country! A train trip is the way to go. Then your destination! Someone is going to buy a wonderful home in a beautiful setting. I can only imagine the fun you had of going through the numerous boxes, cabinets and closets to rediscover the many items of interest! So happy to read the latest edition of Willard! Thank you for keeping us posted.

  11. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    Thank you, Susan, as ever. Moving things is exhausting but nice to start afresh and give away things you don’t need any more. I am sure some lucky person will enjoy your California house, it looks beautiful, and I’m glad you have kitties to love. I won’t tell Jack, he looks like a jealous fellow! But gorgeous.
    You bring delight to so many people, kindred spirits!

  12. Monique says:

    You sound so upbeat and adrenaline fueled☺️So exciting to be so gung ho.You’ve accomplished a lot..and more to come.I bet a journey by train is relaxing.wonder who will buy your home sweet home .

  13. Samantha (Nova Scotia) says:

    I don’t know what to say Susan, except your Willards always come at the right time….today was rough. A glass of red and you appear in my inbox, full of food for the soul. It was because of you we adopted a new kitty from a shelter last week. Poppy is her name. She is a very smart tabby with a little pink nose and we are already in love. I thought I wasn’t a cat person! haha….she is my new child. Hope your trip is wonderful. Be safe and happy. Samantha

  14. Peggy Willoughby says:

    As always, I love your blog. Thank you.
    I’m thrilled that you are having so much fun in beautiful California. What a difference in the weather out there.
    I am excited to see what you are planning to make for us in the coming year after brainstorming with your staff. You can never ever retire.
    The new For Sale section on your website is great! Yay!
    Wishing you all good things in the weeks ahead while you are in California.

  15. Jody Baggerly says:

    Willard arrived just in time, just like all sweet blessings, always on time! It’s been foggy/cold and your beautiful home in California has me dreaming of spring time and gardening again. We must always keep on dreaming! Oh, how I would have loved to have been along with you as you looked thru the treasures at your home. The stories you could have shared with a twinkle in your eye, can almost hear you. Best wishes on your new adventures, house selling, house buying, and just everyday adventures. Thank you for your love throughout the years. May God continue to guide you in all you do! Blessings, Jody

  16. Laura Brown says:

    Was the line in You’ve Got Mail? “You’re brave enough to imagine a new future for yourself.” Something like that. Saying goodbye to the home in CA is daring to imagine a new future and open your heart to what is next. It sounds like you have so many ‘nexts’ planned already! Such a lovely way to start us off in 2024. We’ll be here, waiting and watching and starting new adventures of our own. Thank you for the continual inspiration and for reminding us of the things we cherish most at home (people, pets, place, purpose…). Big HUG!

  17. Rosemary from Texas says:

    Loving seeing a new Willard today filled with the “goings on” out in California. Such a pleasant change of scenery from what is happening in the real far as ..hate to say the word…”politics”. Enough of that.
    I am working on a quilt made from a pattern called Rosemary…my name. A nice cold weather project which makes me think of your painting projects. Keep up the wondrous art coming from your brushes. And all of your messages of encouragement and happiness, we all need those, too. Thank you, Susan Branch ❤️

  18. Beth L. says:

    Love seeing your beautiful “Hotel California home” and I know you hate selling it, but Beware you can check out anytime you like, but you can NEVER leave! HA!
    I usually resist “change” but it continues anyway…and usually for the better…your webstore looks wonderful!! No more VINTAGE items? Always loved that section. And I’m all IN for shorter blogs if it means they come more frequently!👏

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I KNOW! Always in my heart! Building the vintage right now, when I see something, I say something!😂😘😘😘

  19. Debbie Boerger says:

    What a wonderful surprise for us, a California Willard. We all know you and Joe are “out straight” Maine folks say, so taking the time to share with us was an act of Love. We Love You right back. My wonderful neighbors in Maine were all set to fly to Seattle this week, spend a few days there, and board an Amtrack that goes across the Rockies, ending in Chicago. Change and ride the train to Boston, collect their car and drive home. Sadly, Paul came down with Covid…fully vaccinated…so dream trip is delayed. We do love that couple, and their two now grown up kids.
    Nice here in Tampa, Ballast Point, where we went over to the wonderful little park and had fish for lunch sitting outside. It’s called A Taste of Boston.
    Then The Lovely went for a bike ride. It’s not hard work for me to be glad I’ve finally decided to be grateful to have this small townhouse here. My Tommie loves it and I love him, so it works.
    By the way, you both look Mahvalous, Dahlings! As some in California say!
    Be well, be happy and
    Mucho Love,

  20. Ann Y. says:

    So happy you are having such a great trip and wonderful time in California. I loved the photo of the shop…years ago we drove up the coast and stopped in Cambria…and visited your shop! I still have some notecards…save them for special!!! Enjoy your time in California:-)

  21. Diana from Ancaster says:

    Best of luck with the sale. I’m sure whoever buys it will love it!!!

  22. Beth Barnat says:

    Your newsletter was delightful! We have a wonderful country and I thank you for giving it its rightful tribute! I moved to Indiana after 30 years in California. It certainly is beautiful there (we lived in Winters – Northern California). But I moved back home to Indiana to be with my mother in the last years of her earthly life. After 11 years of enjoying her company and enjoying home, she passed away to be with Jesus, her Savior & Lord.

    My daughter and I just moved to So. Illinois to live close to my son and his family (my 2 adorable granddaughters, ages 4 and 2).

    Thanks again for sharing your creativity and joy with us all. May God bless you!
    Beth Barnat

  23. JoAnn in Thousand Oaks says:

    I too stopped in your store. Got my first Susan Branch mug for myself & my girlfriends. I still love the pansies. Everything bore the Susan touch we all love. It was always comforting knowing you had a base here in Cali. Hope you’ll need to come back to visit your new studio!! Thank you for all your inspirations.

  24. Davi Mondt Lowman says:

    Hellooooo dear Susan! It is such fun to find things from years ago and then have the opportunity to go through them again. You don’t have to travel from one house to another to do this…. as I’m finding boxes in my basement that I need to go through…. from our move here in 2012!
    Your place in California will sell so fast it will make your head spin! What a gorgeous area. And everything you’ve done to create that magical place is just perfection. The weather alone would make someone like me… in central cold snowy Iowa…. snatch it right up.
    As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been gathering your books and thoughts since you published waaaay back when with the first book. I think we’re most likely sistahs from other Mothers!
    Tomorrow is my 75th birthday and I’ve shared so any like experiences with you. We Baby Boomers had the best time to grow up in… and the best music and bands!
    I look forward to your next BOOK… surely there’s one coming! Sending love to you and Joe and all the darling kitties!

  25. Regina Carretta says:

    Susan dear Susan….luvly to hear your musings, your snowy train trip your California life….. I’ll put you in my pocket for another London trip in May….( Is it time for me to read A Fine Romance for the fifth time)? Thanks to you we went to Charleston and great Dixter and Sissinghurst…..this time London with three nights in a Cotswold cottage rental…..all with you in my pocket…your train trip inspires me….the US needs more of them….like European travel…love you dear… Regina in Seattle

  26. Melanie R says:

    Love your California house! I wish I could just pick up and move (from cold, gray, snowy Illinois).

    Who do those two studio cats belong to? The black and white one looks just like Jack!

    Please, please don’t use mineral oil for your spoons and cutting boards. Mineral oil is a petroleum product. That’s why it doesn’t go rancid! There are other much safer oils you can use. Google some other options. <3

    • sbranch says:

      You are right, low grade mineral oils are considered toxic, but I’m using highly refined food quality mineral oil for my spoons and cutting boards ~ I checked into it before I used it!💝 I probably should have said that, but thank you for reminding me and everyone reading this!🥰❌⭕️

  27. Nettie says:

    I must tell you I already ordered from the new website and it was a piece of yummy cake compared to trying which seemed like forever to get an order placed before so thank you all for making that happen. I received my order very quickly and have already used several of the note cards, note pad sheets and stickers… much fun. I know it makes my peeps happy when they see you beautiful paintings and read the quotes. Good luck with that sorting it certainly pulls at heartstrings that letting go moving forward thing we must do at some point thank you for sharing your life with all us girlfriends.

  28. Pam Sinsabaugh says:

    As always your posts bring a smile to my face and calmness to my day – thank you! Love the cat boys Sammy and Simon – I can almost hear their sweet purrs 💕 Your California property is beautiful – it will sell quickly when you are ready. Best wishes to you and Joe 😊 Oh also, the new “store” website is really great! Job well done!!

  29. Margot Birkett says:

    Good evening Susan,
    So glad you got out there safely. Isn’t a man on a tractor sexy?! Arnie was a farm boy before a sailor.
    So glad you are getting things done and cleaning out the cobwebs, even the virtual ones! Love the vase on the right also. My grandma had similar ones. Art that was never used 😳!

    Hugs 🤗 to you and Joe,

  30. Debby says:

    Dear Susan, was looking for Vintage Finds section in your store. Was hoping that the big green frog had gone on sale so I could finally buy him. Is he gone? Those who snooze loose. ❤️🐸Debby

  31. Barbara Anne says:

    Thanks so much for shining a happy light into a rainy and grumpy day.

    Your west coast home is just delightful and hope a charming family buys it, one that will love the house and keep up the garden (staff is okay) so their lives become just a wonderful bit more enchanted than they are right now.


  32. Susie Durrschmidt ~ LI, NY says:

    Oh Willard! How did you not know I needed you so? It was a balm for my soul, an elixir for not feeling up to par of late. Now I feel refreshed, feeling the warmth of California and Susan’s adventures to get me through! And the CA kitty committee was wonderful! Glad to know the online shop is in full swing. I received a lovely gift certificate for Christmas and will meander into the shop soon. Excitement abounds. Have a great time Susan and Joe. xo

  33. Andrea McVety says:

    Dearest Susan, I am happy to see these beautiful pictures of your California home. So many happy memories there. Thank you for sharing. I will never forget our beautiful trip there, my first to California. We actually stayed at a place you recommended in your Blog! It was magical and if I remember correctly, had a lovely shop out front and came with our own blue eyed kitty. We visited vineyards with incredible tasting rooms and picnic spots with the best views. The highlight was our trip to San Louis Obispo and your shop. My so very patient and loving husband was as exited as I was to be there! I still have a bird house I purchased that I keep for decorative purposes only in our Maine summer cabin “IMAGINE”. I also purchased a crocheted potholder. A dream trip for me. Enjoy your days in this special home. Bittersweet, I am sure but so much happiness awaits as your journey continues spreading Joy to many. xo

  34. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Welcome Susan to my neck of the woods! You’ve had a little California rain, but warmer weather is on the way this week! I can only imagine how hard it is to say goodbye to your place here. I’m sure you’ll come back to visit sometime – can’t take California out of the girl forever:) Happy packing and moving on.

  35. Hannah says:

    Hello Susan!

    Welcome back to California! Thank you for bringing us along for the ride. I hope to take the train cross country one day– preferably in the fall! Have you read any good books lately? I know you and Joe aren’t going on your typical walks while out of town, but I was curious if you had any recommendations? As always thank you for bringing love, creativity, wisdom, and light to us all! It truly means so much.


    • sbranch says:

      Been riding my stationary bike while we’re here! And I just started a new book this morning while on the bike … Kellee thought I’d like it, and I do … I could not agree more with every word I’m hearing from Rick Rubin in The Creative Act. I recognize it all!💝

  36. Evie Tong says:

    A-lo-ha-ha …. remember me?? How I would love to buy your Lopez Dr. home but I can’t leave my darling husband in San Diego!! We have driven around in Arroyo Grande and we found it!! Life is lighter after many losses in the past 7 years; as your loving/caring words would always come through 💗🌸💗 Sending ((HUGS)) for safe travels and your journey home to Martha’s Vineyard… Xo Evie

    • sbranch says:

      Of COURSE I remember you Evie! We’ve been saying A-lo-ha-ha since my Girlfriend’s book came out!🤣😘

  37. Linda A. Wilson says:

    So happy you had a such. great trip on the train and that California and Arroyo Grande are treating you well! Enjoy your time and still wish there could be a local girlfriends get together!

    Much love from Paso Robles, Linda

  38. anne Miller says:

    Susan, my husband and I will be boarding the Texas Eagle at Union Station in Chicago this weekend and traveling to Arizona, disembarking in Tucson …destination Sedona! Of course the inspiration is from YOU. I have already claimed the top bunk!!! So grateful for all of these efforts you put into your delightful work. You do make this world a more JOYFUL place. MERCI’

  39. Linda Correll says:

    Fun to follow your travels Susan & Joe ! 🙂
    Be kind to yourselves and don’t overdo even tho there are many jobs to tackle .

    I love the picture you posted of your old store in Arroyo !

    I found a set of service for 12 Rose Chintz Dishes at an Estate Sale a couple years ago and just love them !

    With Love – Linda of So Cal

  40. Barbara Vlcek-Vinikow says:

    Hi Susan!

    I’m very glad that you & Joe arrived safely in sunny California! I was concerned that you had such harsh winter weather to travel through. It has been fairly mild here in Reno, only just a couple of snowfalls that were all melted within a few days. Nothing at all like last year’s January.

    Your train compartment looked very cozy! We’ve thought of doing a train trip across the country one of these days. The Zephyr runs right through Reno and it would be so easy to just hop on and ride to Chicago, and then board the Lakeshore Limited to Boston. I love hearing the train whistles late at night when I’m lying in bed, almost asleep, wondering where they’ve been & where they are going.

    It sounds like you are very busy sorting through things and getting everything organized, but still enjoying the process. It is a lot of work to get a house ready for sale. I’ve done it twice myself. So, just remember to pace yourself, and take breaks for a change of scenery & a bit of fun! Hope you are close enough to get over to the beach for walks in the sand & dipping your toes in the waves!

    The quote you chose to end your Willard is also a favorite of mine. I first found it when I was in college, oh so many years ago! Such a clever solution of just drawing a bigger circle of love to take someone in!!! I’ve put it to good use over the years.

    Well, tis getting late, even for this night owlio,🦉 and my mug of mint tea is all gone. So, dear friend, I will say nighty-nite💤 & sweet dreams! 😴And thank you for a cheer-filled Willard, it’s always so wonderful to hear from you! Love 💕& hugs,🤗 Barbara VV

  41. Hannah Frankowski says:

    Greetings from Indiana! Loved hearing about your train ride. My husband and I would like to travel by train sometime as well, hopefully to New England. I am excited to see what you and your lady friends have schemed up for new things. Have a blessed day and good luck with getting your California house sold!

  42. Trudy says:

    I have enjoyed your Willard post and what a beautiful place and home you will be selling soon. I wish I good move to that place and living there!
    But living in the Netherlands and just moved 2 years ago to another place in the county, there will be no change to move to California.
    Take care and have a lovely weekend.

  43. Debby says:

    What a joy it was to find “Willard” in my morning. It warms my heart to see sunshine and gardens! It has been a cold January here in Michigan. We are counting down the days until Spring! Will look forward to checking out the new website!

  44. jeanie says:

    I’m hearing such joy and energy in your words! That looks to be a major project on your hands but a good one. I love how you’ve immediately settled in your Cali house, making it a home again with all those wonderful touches. I’m sure it won’t be on the market for long. And three cheers on all the website and studio work. (Do you have a shop on the Vineyard, too?) Have a glorious and productive time!

  45. Sandi, now in Plymouth says:

    Hello dear Susan, thank you for posting pictures on the train! I can’t wait until Hubby and I can travel by train! Since we moved in June and are still unpacking, travel will be something we can look forward to. Also can’t wait to receive my ordered Revolution cup! Have a wonderful vacation and good luck with your sale!

  46. Karen Longo says:

    I love hearing about your train travels! I’ve always thought it would be so romantic to travel like that (although I suspect the reality isn’t always like it is in the movies… much like life!). I’m swooning over the photos of your house and garden! I’ve been ordering seeds and looking at garden & seed catalogs, and wishing for Spring. Thanks as always for sharing the beauties around you (and the kitties, too! – Kat

  47. Rene Marie Foust says:

    I love cars that still use a key. Thank you for sharing, everything is so beautiful and inspiring.

    I can wait for my Liberty mug to arrive I have them all but I think I will love this one the most.

  48. Lori Hibbard says:

    Thanks for sharing! Always a happy time when a new Willard alert pops up. Can’t wait to see what new inspiration and creativity are brewing … <3

  49. Tara Gades says:

    Thank you for the Willard!❤️ It always sends a blast of sunshine into my day! ☀️ So wonderful that you are doing them more often now! I remember waiting for mine in snail mail many years ago. I feel a rich history in following all your work, writings, etc… since the 1980’s! I tell my children that you are “my best friend that I’ve never met!” and they laugh at me and think I’m crazy 😜 In truth we did meet once at QVC, many moons ago, and I have a picture to prove it.💗 Thank you for making so many of us feel like your best friend, sharing, creating, entertaining, and teaching us. You are a true gift. 🎁

    • sbranch says:

      It’s a two way street Tara, I love all the girlfriend connections I’ve been able to make over the years! What a good time it’s been! ❌⭕️ Let’s do more!💖

  50. Jody says:

    Beautiful Willard! I love reading them and then I get inspired. Thank you, Susan. Your patriotic tea mugs look just lovely. Enjoy your sunny Californ-i-a!

  51. Therese says:

    Brava Susan!
    All my best love to you as always!
    Thanks to Tara for the perfect description of your relationship!!
    You really are the best friend I’ve never met.

  52. Julie says:

    The SLO area of CA is gorgeous with its darling downtown, nearby beaches, just feel so lucky to live in this state. Our country has so many landscape treasures in every state-what a gift to watch the scenery go by from your little nest. Adding it my bucket list! Thank you once again Susan, good luck with your home sale.

  53. Cyndi in NC says:

    My mom, sister and I went across country on train. I think it was Super Chief for one way can’t remember the train name the other way. We went from Oceanside, CA to Toledo OH for Christmas 1965. My dad was in Viet Nam and we went to our grandparents. I loved it. We didn’t have a room with a view but I was 11 so it didn’t matter that we had seats the whole way. I remember snow across the desert and I thought that was so funny. Deserts are hot right? *L* I loved eating in the dining car but mostly I just loved looking out the window. I just turned 70 on the 24th and I’ll never forget that trip. My parent are not with us anymore except in our memories.

  54. Kathleen says:

    Hello Susan,
    Thank you for taking us on your cross country journey and showing us your beautiful California home. What a great lift from these cold, snowy, grey days of winter.
    I am wondering, would you buy another smaller home in a warm climate to wait out the winters on the Vineyard? I am trying to figure that out for myself. Winters are getting harder in the Midwest.
    Also, will you ever re-release the Autumn mug? Unfortunately, mine broke and I like to use the mugs in the appropriate season. LOL!
    Enjoy your days in sunny California!

    • sbranch says:

      Me too, I like to celebrate the seasons even with my cups! They deserve it! I’ve always found it hard to have more than one house. This one was okay because people lived in it … but an empty house, unless you’re a multi millionaire, is just asking for trouble!🤣I had to choose. Joe chose MV, and I chose Joe!

  55. Mary Kopecky says:

    These are always such fun and inspirational each month. They always give me the warm fuzzies! 🥰 🩷🧸

  56. Gail Yard says:

    It was a wonderful surprise to receive your “California” blog today…as I had not received the first one in January…so 2 in 1 was a great treat. Your photographs of California certainly brightened up this very gray January day. Many years ago flying home for the holidays, while in school on the East Coast, to Saratoga, CA., which is around San Jose I was always struck by the bright sun and the greenness of the grass and trees. You captured that feeling in your pictures.
    Enjoy your stay and best of luck with the sale of your home. It is a beautiful property, well loved…and appears to be relatively secluded. Will the cats move to the new location? They are both very appealing…especially the Siamese. I was fortunate to have a Siamese-Himalayan many years ago. Gizmo was the best companion ever…like Jack.
    Thank you for blogs…Like getting a letter from a friend you don’t often see, but when you do, it is as if no time has passed.

    • sbranch says:

      The Siamese is the youngest of the two . . . he is SO friendly! I’ve never seen a cat like him. He’s really big, he stretches out full length, turns over and lets you rub his belly from end to end… he’s so good! 🥰

  57. Lori+Hamilton says:

    Thank you for a new Willard, so quickly, too! I love hearing about all your adventures and now I want to take a train trip. I recently bought Paul McCartney’s book Lyrics and am enjoying reading it in bits. I thought of you and your friend meeting the Beatles and you can’t know how GREEN with envy I am about it!! You’ve really lived an extraordinary life. Thanks for sharing it with us. Now I’m going to be watching the mail for my “Lilibet” cup. She was a great lady, wasn’t she? God bless you, Susan!

  58. ❤️Karen Saunders❤️ says:

    My sweet Sue❤️ I know you probably not on your ‘to do list’ but thought I would give it the old college try….any chance you could do another cook book?? I’ll even settle for a small one….not too small however!! I so love your illustrations. Anyway….had to get my request in so hope for success in selling your darling piece of property. When I built my house outside of Bend, OR in Redmond I copied the footprint of a house in a Ginger Rogers movie. It turned out wonderful. I also copied the Waltons front steps that were very wide. It was a tall house. Three feet off the ground and nine foot ceilings on first and second floors. I didn’t know this but my husband tied a rope around my younger sons waist and hung him over the roof to put up Christmas lights.😳 I think that borders on child abuse!!!!!🤣🤣🤣 I wrote an illustrated book on all the clever ideas on building while it was fresh in my mind! Have a wonderful year!! ❤️Karen

    • sbranch says:

      Doesn’t matter how old they get, Men!

    • sbranch says:

      Nothing changes, young or old, MEN! 😂 Makes funny stories, especially when they survive!! Which Ginger Rogers movie? Do you remember? My entire decorating came from old movies! (This is where men say, WOMEN!🤣) I loved the Walton’s porch!

      • ❤️Karen Saunders❤️ says:

        It was a house up at a lake and I have searched for it but can’t seem to find it. I even had a swinging door I put a small stained glass window in going from the kitchen to the dining room. It turned out so well…

  59. Jennifer Farnes says:

    Susan! You should have an online garage sale with all the things that you are thinking of giving away or selling! Maybe a headache in the shipping department, but just the little things. People living within a hundred miles can drive to get the bigger things. What fun for all of us who love you to have an honest-to-goodness piece of your heart and life as our very own.


    California sounds dreamy! So much fun to find all of the “stuff” of your life that you haven’t seen in so long. Thanks for all of your love. You truly send love whenever you write or paint or cook. Thank you.

  61. Tammy Marquardt says:

    Ahhh…a cross country train ride in winter, pure bliss I bet. Trains remind me of my childhood but much shorter trips. Still…

  62. Sally Cornell says:

    Hello Susan – thanks for the nice long informative Willard. I am so jealous of your beautiful yard in sunny Cali. Hope you find lots of treasures as you clean out your old house. I’m sure you will. I liked seeing your Cali Kitties. Enjoy your time in the warmth and sun – although it’s 78 here in Maryland today…. Again, thanks for always helping brighten my day with Willards.

  63. Helen says:

    Hi Susan, Loved the Willard! I can never get enough of your writing 🙂

    I’m just curious if you and Joe have seen the series on John Adams…It is on several of the streaming venues. We just watched it for a second time with our son. I think you would really enjoy it.

    I am currently reading the biography, John Adams, by David McCullough…excellent!

    Thank you for all that you do!

  64. Pat says:

    Susan, your cozy train cabin made me want to travel cross-country by train! My husband and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this year and are considering taking the Rocky Mountaineer Train across the Canadian Rockies. We’ve rode on all the scenic trains in Colorado, where we live, but they are only hours long and I usually stand up the entire time in the open car, so taking an overnight ride would be extra fun!
    Enjoy all your reminiscing as you sort through your CA home to prepare it for sale, and best of luck getting a good offer quickly!

  65. Liz says:

    I’m going to hold onto this thought: you’re planting artichokes for the new owners to enjoy. I need to do more in my life that makes someone else’s life a bit better. Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      Every once in a while we get a package of seeds and throw them out on the walk we take every day! I don’t know who is happy, but we definitely are! xoxo

  66. Brenda King says:

    Wishing you happiness as you pack up and reminisce. We did it two years ago after living in the same house for 35 years. It should have felt sad but instead happy memories jumped into our packing boxes and came with us to our new home in a new place.

  67. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hi Susan,
    Wonderful Williard! You make a cozy home where ever you go. Even if it’s on the train for 3 or 4 days! Love that. Would have loved to shopped at your store.It looked like it had such wonderful happy things. Browsing would have been so much fun. For now.. we can all still browse on line. Enjoy your Californian dreaming….

  68. Nancy Brown says:

    Hello Susan,
    I am so happy that I can shop again. I just pre ordered the Tea Party and Queen Elizabeth II tea cups, and the heart tea strainer spoon. While reading Willard I clicked to read about the Sisters at Holy Nativity in Brookline. While scrolling through to that portion of the 2016 Willard I saw your neighbor Martha’s Black Cherry Cheesecake. I could have licked the screen. It just oozes decadence, flavor and is just plain gorgeous!! My question, which you can probably already guess, is, ” Would Martha be willing to share the recipe with girlfriends, like ME! ” ? I showed my husband and he literally drooled.😄
    On another note I want to share a wonderful read that is also available on Audible. A new friend, Heidi Chiavaroli is a wonderful award winning , local (Swansea , MA) author who wrote The Tea Chest.. She blends historical women with a contemporary counterpart. Her research is based on the Boston Tea Party 1773 and the US Navy Seals present day. It is an expertly written timeslip novel. I highly recommend it to you since the anniversary is still so fresh in your mind, and the fact that you have chosen to memorialize the event on a tea cup, this book just begs to be read.
    Another favorite which you will love is Orchard House, using Louisa May Alcott;s home as the setting . I’ll let you Google her. Have fun.
    I do hope that Martha will share her recipe!! It would be a lovely Valentine’s Day dessert.❤️ Be still MY heart.
    Have a blessed week. Good luck with your house sale too!

  69. Linda Pintarell says:

    Welcome to California. Can’t help but wishing it was for another reason. Such a beautiful piece of property. I kinda drool every time I think of it. I’ve driven by it over the years. Even though I live in San Diego, I have spent time in that area. My hope is one of the girlfriends is able to buy it and love on it. The thought of a developer doing whatever to that beautiful site is not a good thought. Totally understanding…but I can hope for the best. Can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for you. But life moves on and your journey brings joy to many.

  70. Karen says:

    Hello Susan!
    I love reading your Willards – they are definitely the sunshine in my emails. I am one of the lucky ones that visited your adorable store in Arroyo Grande. What a treat🥰. It was filled with so many treasures that it felt like I was visiting your home. Enjoy your ☀️Cali days and best of luck with your home there. Take care. 🩷

  71. Lorrie Orr says:

    It’s always a happy moment when I see an email saying there’s a new Willard waiting for me. I don’t click over here right away because I want to have time to anticipate and to be settled into a comfy spot to fully enjoy every bit of the post. Love what you did to your California garden!
    Have fun reminiscing and I hope your lovely home goes to the perfect person!

  72. Karen Mac says:

    Susan, That was such a wonderful Willard! You and Joe are the real deal and sprinkle happiness with glitter wherever you go! You show us all how the simple things in life matter so much as you shared all your memories. Enjoy all the love that is surrounding you. ❤️✍🏻

  73. Nancy M says:

    Oh I know that must be so hard to pack up this beloved CA home. You are inspiring even in the hard to do tasks. I know there will be someone very blessed to purchase this home. Enjoy your time there with your friends. 😊☕️🌷

  74. Judy Schmehl says:

    Hello Susan. I live in Santa Maria and just loved your store. I still have a felt Santa Clause ornament that I hang on the tree every year. I have always felt a connection to you as I lived in the San Fernando valley in junior high and then my dad was transferred to VAFB. My mother was from New Bedford so there is the New England thing too. Sorry to see you are leaving California.

  75. Priscilla says:

    Love the CA property! We were just up in Avila Beach for 3 days & loved every minute of it, as always! The mineral springs are just what my body & soul needed! Your life in CA looked so much like what we’ve aspired to for so many years, & I think have made it so. Warm, beautiful, lots of gardening love, etc. Good luck selling the old place. I suspect it’ll sell very quickly. Love your newest mugs!

  76. Christine Anderson says:

    I love living in California all my 77 years. I visit many places but nothing beats our beautiful climate and natural beauty. Welcome back if only briefly!

  77. Lisa Berger says:

    Any body that uses the word ‘cuten’ up’ is my kind of people. Love u, Susan Branch.

  78. Holly P. says:

    Having two properties is complicated/expensive; simplifying is satisfying, so soon you and Joe will be returning to your Vineyard home and greeted happily by Jack or, as I’ve nicknamed him, Monsieur Mustache! Once again you’ll hear the ferry engines reversing, pinkletinks will have emerged and snowdrops may be blooming. So many sounds/sights to enjoy. You were so fortunate to have a new beginning there! Happy travels as you both continue to explore even more of New England. Ever been to RI’s Blithewold, the topiary in Portsmouth, Newport’s Point section, etc.?

  79. Holly P. says:

    P.S. I know everyone is looking forward to your new ideas that you brainstormed while in CA.

  80. dezi haasch says:

    Oh my dear Susan, once again my heart fell to hear you are trusting the corrupt medical industry and are taking a pill to help your anxiety. Stop eating sugar, just stop, and no more processed foods. People listen to doctors, but most doctors are being bribed by the drug companies. A book on Amazon, Good Energy, written by a ex-doctor and an ex-big Pharma employee, the book is pre order, just came out, but listening to him talk with Tucker Carlson, he’s talking about the truth of why the media has gaslighted the American public, along with the FDA. PLEASE WATCH THIS ON YOU TUBE. I believe your issues. is food related. Stop eating at restaurants, when I got married, I weighed 122, and we ate out three times a week, in eighteen months I was weighing 164. I didn’t weigh that much except when I was pregnant, nine months. Dear girl, doctors and drug companies make money when we are sick, not well, and telling people we need to take a drug for life, really should raise a red flag. I love you so much, more than your doctor, obviously. Our food IS killing us. Get a clue girl, because our culture needs more people like you. Please.❤️🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻❤️ The middle class dropped exponentially during the Obama administration. Why is that? I hope you look into that because I am so so very worried where America has been heading since the 60’s, sorry for the rant, but I care and wish you would finally open you eyes, because most Americans are sheep going over the proverbial cliff in thousands.

    • sbranch says:

      I know you care Dezi … I’ve known you a long time.💖 There are also people making lots of money on false information. It’s so hard. But we all have to find our way. I LOVE my doctor, she’s a 55 year old woman, she is WONDERFUL, caring, giving, I’m so grateful to have her ~ she is also my dear friend Lowely’s doctor, and literally saved her life. I trust in her, she is not taking bribes. I hear you on every level… I don’t eat sugar (except if I HAVE to! Like I’m definitely having birthday cake!), I hate pills (but they keep some people I love alive and I would never say DON’T), I meditate, exercise, get my check ups, and feel pretty darn good. Drives me crazy that lobbyists for money-grubbing billionaires fight so hard (bribes) to keep our elected officials from regulating our food, protecting our children at school, giving us clean water … but that’s why we vote! I love that you care! XOXOXO

    • Anonymous says:

      Hello Dezi,

      Susan seems to know you and trust your intentions. But I am concerned with how you speak authoritatively about pharmacology
      and cast aspersions on health care providers.

      Please do not offer unsolicited advice to people who you have no idea what they are going through psychologically. It is dangerous and irresponsible.

      I have a Masters Degree in Nursing and have been a nurse nearly 40 years. I am on Lexapro just like Susan. I would never tell someone not to take a medically prescribed drug, that is not within the scope of my nursing practice. Medications are to be addressed by medical professionals.

      I hope this discourages you from offering unsolicited advice about someone’s medical treatment. You do not know if the next person you say this to may be at the end of their ropes and having suicidal ideation. If they came across your comment are you prepared for the possible outcome if they stopped taking their prescribed medication?

      Please stop.

  81. Barbara Stewart says:

    Dear Susan: just finished reading again A Fine Romance and found the photo of the cross stitch piece I made for you of the two sheep with your and Joe’s monogram I can’t believe that I bought your first cookbook in 1988 we have definitely been on a long trip together over all these many years. I look forward to your many new books and ideas. You have so many great ideas to work on.

    I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings all your girlfriends.
    Sincerely Barbara Stewart (I am sending you my new email address since my old email for some reason died).

    • sbranch says:

      I see it every day when we are home, I can’t tell you how much I love it Barbara ~ that little lamb! And the dates. A very special memory maker for us! Thank you again!!!💝

  82. Vita T Avanesian says:

    Dear Susan,
    I was so happy to see the photo of your shop in Arroyo Grande! For a Mother’s Day treat years ago, my husband and little girls at the time, brought me there to meet you and stay at the Apple Farm! What a sweet memory! You have always been an inspiration to me! I’m so happy to read that you are inspired to create and continue you beautiful work!

  83. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    I so hope and pray that the relentless rain is not ruining your property and sanity! Thinking of you and fingers crossed 🤞
    ,🩷❤️🩷❤️ Happy Early 💘 Day ❣️

  84. Sigh. What memories you bring to me! The train…my Mom, a true Massachusetts girl…took my sister and I, when we were 11 and 9 all the way to Boston from Pomona, California on the train for our annual summer trip to Onset, Massachusetts. At 11, I still can remember looking out the window as the land passed by. I remember the Albuquerque sign thinking what a peculiar name…the 8 hour stop in Chicago when my Mom would just let us peek out the door to see the city…trying to walk when the swaying train made us giggle! At 60 now, I wonder how my Mom had the courage to make that trip with two little girls! But now, I know why she did it. Because I too am a true Massachusetts girl, born in Wareham and I make sure that I get to my heart’s home at least once a year now because of her. I feel both her and my Dad EVERYWHERE when I am in Onset. He was stationed there, she lived there, they married and came to California. But Massachusetts. Oh my heart. I love how you share all of this sweet beauty. The memories are filling up my eyes now, but my smile is so happy! Thank you Susan.

  85. Su Hall says:

    From one Susan to another, you inspire me and bring such joy to my life! Thank you for being true to who you are and sharing it with us. You encourage me and give me hope🥰
    Blessings, dear one.
    Love and hugs ❤️🤗
    Su Hall

  86. I love all of this about you!

  87. Shannon says:

    Going through your warehouse must have been amazing. I can picture all the wonderful things you saw after so long and the memories it evoked. Wonderful!!

  88. Coty says:

    Roses are red, violets are blue, I hope to receive that painting from you.
    🎵 a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way. 🎵

    Susan💟 continue to be well and happy productive and loving Joe and your work in life. You are blessing to many many many of us.

    Coty in Santa Barbara

  89. Liz Palmer Morrison says:

    Such fun to get a new Willard! Loved the train ride photos. My mother and I always took the train to DC in the 60’s. I loved it!
    I’m sure it’s hard to let the house go, but I’m betting you’ll really miss the garden. Gardens speak of possibilities and keep us young. Artichokes sound AMAZING. Thank you for the pix of the kitty babies. I miss mine. Must become a cat mom again soon. Wish I could buy your Highlander 🙂 miss mine!
    Keep the Willards coming! XOXO Liz Palmer Morrison

  90. Tempe Javitz says:

    Dear Susan, I just love your “Willards”, so colorful, delightful, full of inspiration, and lovely thoughts. You lifted my day. Your adventures of cleaning out your old home reminded me of cleaning out my parents home in 2017. Oh the treasures we found, the old childhood books, 1950s cook books, childhood toys hidden in the basement, etc. I have to order that 250 Celebration cup –so excited to live to celebrate such an anniversary. I love genealogy and belong to the Colonial Dames, DAR, and the Mayflower Society, just like my grandmother! Hugs, Tempe Javitz in rainy Menlo Park, CA

  91. I love your newsletter and books. I don’t get out much. But seeing the world through your eyes, your experiences, is a wonderful “escape” for me. Thanks for sharing.

  92. Margie Orr says:

    Art brings out the best in you. Keep your-you faithful to your you. Thank you for all the years of Willards paper and blinking cursor ones! Please bring back your heart stickers and whatever your fancy needs.

  93. anupatel says:

    As much as your thinking is praised, it is very important to have a beautiful thinking to write a beautiful post and indeed such a beautiful post is rarely seen as much as the beautiful post you have written, it is a very beautiful of my life The post is what I saw today.

  94. Janet Eckman says:

    The nostalgia of your drawings are the kind of young memories we so want to re-create now that we are old enough to appreciate them even more. Your cookbooks stand proudly on my kitchen shelf with page after page dated when first tried the recipe and who might be sharing the dish, the weather, perhaps a comment about my life on that day (ex: Rembrandt and Brigitta ( dogs) spending the week as Cindi is out of town). I treasure these books and re-visit with a spot of tea every now an then as the sun shines in on a quite Sunday morn.
    Thank you. Janet Marie

  95. Carol Amaral says:

    I enjoyed seeing your place in California as I always imagine you on Martha’s Vineyard. My husband’s family is from “the island” and we live in America on Cape Cod. I hope you have an enjoyable train trip back.

  96. Linda Tytko says:

    I loved meeting you Susan at the Learned Owl bookstore in Hudson.
    I have all your books and some cups . So enjoy reading your Willard

  97. Marilee Burgeson says:

    What a wonderful inspiration you are. I have loved your books, which have saved me a number of times! Your joy in life is so appreciated! I so love my bluebird of happiness cup! You printing and painting skills are a wonder to behold! Thank you for enriching my life in so many ways!

  98. Carla Bowlin says:

    Loved reading about your house in SLO county. Sad to hear you are selling. I shopped in your store in Arroyo Grande many years ago. It was so cute! Good luck in your travels back to Martha’s Vineyard.

  99. Carol says:

    I love getting the Willards and this is a fan letter. Of all your books (I own several,) my faves are AUTUMN and A FINE ROMANCE. I’ve read the latter twice (so far) and friends have read mine and then purchased their own. I don’t keep a lot of books, mostly using our wonderful library, but some you just have to have and that’s one. I’m saving these “special” ones for the time when I’m too old to do anything but read. I hope that isn’t too soon (I’m 79 now.) I gave your bookmarks to my book club members for Christmas. Each got to pick her own and that took a while. I think the choosing was as much fun as getting a little gift.

    Now for the painting–you’ve depicted my 7th cat, Larry, quite well. I got him when he was almost four. He spent his first two weeks in the attic. Only disappearing food and litter needing cleaned out let me know he was there. The second two weeks he lived under a guest room bed. Same scenario. Now he greets his “fans” at the door. He’s become accustomed to his peeps. By the way, cherries are my favorite fruit and if you could ship me that table, I would be forever grateful (just kidding.)

    Thank you for taking what I know is a lot of time to write Willard. I will look forward to the next one before too long.

  100. Stephanie Pendleton says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day!! So enjoyed reading your newsletter and hearing about your busy trip to California – perfect way to spend this rainy day. Love to you and Joe ❤️

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