Rabbit Rabbit!!! Happy First day of October! Can it really be? What a year so far. And we’re still a work in progress! In January we took the train to California to get our house on the Central Coast ready to sell . . . but the day before we were supposed to put it on the market, we had second thoughts… wanted to wait until we got back to Martha’s Vineyard, where we’d lived for the last 35 years, to decide what to do. When we got back, we realized, doing the pros and cons, a very difficult decision to make, it would be better for us if we sold our Island house and moved to our house in California (no ice and snow, no steep stairs, no ferry boats, plus the gift of year-round gardening). A complete 180º. Four months later, we were packed, Jack was packed, the Martha’s Vineyard house was on the market, and we were on the road. Ten days later, August 1st, just two months ago, we arrived and began UNPACKING. Yes, as lots of you know, very stressful. I had us taking so many deep breaths I wondered why we didn’t float away. Always questioning, was this the right thing, but forging on as that is what you do.💖 IT’S
We turn the page, and the season changes! Fall! Everyone’s favorite.
So we’re settling in more and more . . . and now that I’m paying attention, I remembered that morning light changes in California too!
On my way out to feed the barn kitties, I noticed I wasn’t alone, my shadow was there!
Long shadows were coming from new goat (Girlfriend Carrie says we should call him “Kevin Bacon”😂)… and my new birdhouse that will take the place of the old one that was on that pole in the picket fence garden!
And look! It’s the Fall Corner of my garden! Pretty soon all the leaves will fall off that tree, they’re starting to go now, wind blows them across the garden . . . Most people think there is NO Autumn in California, but it’s here, you just have to look closer! There are still falling leaves to be caught and wishes to be made . . . . . . but I’m reminded what the wise butterfly flitting around the garden would say . . . .
Feeling the freedom every time I pull a weed or plant a flower. No one is putting on storm windows. I’m spreading compost on the garden. Joe’s riding his tractor … Loving the sunshine, cool and crisp . . . so why not have a picnic!
Doing the same thing I was doing in California all those years ago!
And with the same people . . . old friends, Diane, Terrie, and Tom. Terrie made the Margaritas this time! Delicious! But I don’t have her recipe! I DO have Diana’s recipe . . . which is also amazing! A little dangerous . . . You see what I’m saying . . .
Late September, soft afternoon sun, which we ended up following across the garden . . . dragging the table and chairs once when we found ourselves in the shade . . .
Worth every moment . . . grabbing all the sunshine we could . . .
Joe opened icy cold oysters . . .
Terrie is showing what I was feeling!!! The day was heaven. Outside with the birds, the breeze in the trees, and look at that sun!
The same sun Van Gogh was painting right here . . .
Finally, as the fog ate the sun, one bite at a time, when we’d squeezed out every ounce of enjoyment from it, we gathered everything up and went inside for dinner.
Being of a certain age I think I’ve found the secret of having your party-cake and eating it too: Invite your friends to come at 3, hang out, rock and roll all you want, include music requests to inspire dancing, clean up, and still get to bed by 9! Which is exactly what we did! It was perfect!
Yes, it’s the same Touchdown Chili recipe that’s on the October page of your calendar right NOW (if you got it from me!).
But if you don’t have the calendar (we sold out last year so it’s possible you don’t) both the Chili and the Corn Pudding recipes are from my Autumn Book! I served the Corn Pudding for dessert! Warm from the oven pudding sitting in a puddle of hot maple syrup. Interesting! Delicious! Compelling! Must eat a lot of it!
It’s also in my Autumn book along with lots of other recipes and ideas for the season!I’ve been having cups of our Cinnamon Apple Crisp Tea . . . with half and half . . .💖
My afternoon tea is now officially taking place in the garden, out with the trees and the hummingbirds!
Still reorganizing Studio, putting things away, and discovering treasures I haven’t seen in years! Lots of them were tucked into old diaries.
Look at this story about my dad I found and kept . . . I was writing my friend Elizabeth (she bought Holly Oak from me way back when, but of course she doesn’t have it anymore either!) telling her about a call I had with my dad . . . That’s says so much about what kind of guy he was. So supportive, always positive!
So many tiny bits I’ve saved over the years . . . cards that came with flowers, postcards, newspaper clippings, postage stamps, art inspiration, fortunes and astrology, special things from my family, Joe’s tooth!!!… I’m using the little sketch book a lot of you have too ~ with such nice paper, so I can write captions … and maybe watercolor a heart or two! Easy creativity!
My stickers are perfect for it! I’ll show it to you when it’s done! I love little scrapbooks, no question that they’re ART! How could something so personal NOT be!
Joe’s feeding his creative heart too! Last night, I had to go out and get him to put his toy away and come in for dinner! It was 7:30 and the sun was going down! He loves it so much!👏
He’s getting the soil ready for us to plant an orchard next year . . .
An orchard with fruits and nuts and grapes . . . we’ll plant next spring, but soon we’ll seed the whole thing with wild flowers, and next year we’ll make paths🌺🌺 🌺🌺 by mowing through the flowers!
We want Monet’s Orchard in Bloom . . . someday . . .
Inspired as always by England . . . this one is William Morris’s garden. Sissinghurst has a wonderful orchard full of wildflowers and mowed paths too!
Okay Girls, I have to go! Going to the dentist! I’ll have to finish this tomorrow morning, but I’m sending it today because it’s ALMOST done! I started it yesterday, but then somehow, lost a lot of it, several times . . . in celebration of getting this far, I’m sending it now, so I can’t lose it again! Wish me dental success, and have a WONDERFUL DAY. Come back later for the rest of the story! We’re a work in progress in more ways than one! Love you! xoxoxo
Hi!!! I’m Baaaaack!
I just wanted to show you our barn kitties . . . the big one on the left is Simon, and the little one on the right is Sammy. Adorable, wonderful, sweetest kitties. I want them to come live with us inside, but so far, King Jack is not having it, hence, the “barn kitties.” It’s only been 2 months. It takes a while for cats to adapt to a move. Remember how much Jack loved Girl Kitty when we first adopted him, and how she would have nothing to do with him? I’m hoping soon he will remember the love!
We give them old cozy sweatshirts and big old chairs to sleep on, and this is their view from the barn. They join me when I’m working in the garden ~ they roll over, rub against my legs, I pet them, and then rub Jack with the same hand, slowly but surely, bringing them together. I hope. 💞
Jack is getting so much better. He’s mostly slept for two months. Self-care for the stress of moving. But lately he’s doing more, racing around a bit, waiting at the screen door for one of the other cats to dare to show his face, climbing his cat-scratch pole, chasing a bunch of feathers on a string, and following me everywhere. Not as interested, yet, in chasing rubber bands.🤷♀️ I can see his ears over the top of the computer right now! He’s being so good, I decided to immortalize him on the cover of my 2026 mini calendar!
Kellee sent the perfect card for us the other day!💞
It’s all about Gratitude these days! Because it’s true, so lucky, we really do have “sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”☀️😎🌺
I am excited to see where your ghost will end up this year.
The only thing is, unlike our New England House where we had an upstairs window facing the street, and oncoming cars ~ the perfect spot for our ghost, this house is in a little valley, and is surrounded by trees. It can’t be seen by anyone outside the house!🤣 So he is decorating a shelf where I get to see him every day!! And when someone buys our house on the island, I hope I like them, because I would like to send the ghost back to them as a housewarming gift so he could go right back upstairs where he belongs!!!👻
Your positive perspective on life is ALWAYS refreshing ♥️🏠‼️ I knew you and Joe (and Jack) would LOVE your life back in California.
Always a good day when you get a Willard from Susan! ❤️ And if you need me I’ll be in the comfy chair re reading the Autumn cookbook. And probably napping too! 🍂🍁
That joy of yours is still coming through. Thank you for taking us through your life. How very nice! Hope all went well at the dentist. I always love your blogs. 💙
I knew you went to CA to clean out your house to sell then suddenly you were selling your Vinyard house. I must have missed some news inbetween. So fun watching you two “nest” in your new/old home. Welcome back to the left coast!
I love Claude Monet ( we have a pond with lily pads!) and the idea of walking on mowed paths of wildflowers and young trees with busy bees! 🐝 I am in NW New Jersey and the days have turned cooler, the air smells nutty, and the leaves are starting to turn. 🍂 My only sadness is that our family of hummingbirds have left us for the season. Does CA have hummingbirds year round? That would be wonderful! I content myself with the feathered friends I have. We are blessed with a bumper crop of Mourning Doves — I counted 25 the other morning.
So glad you and Joe are settling with new routines. It will keep you young! Hope all went well at the dentist! Looking forward to Part II of your blog!
Hi Susan,
Greetings from London! It’s definitely feeling like autumn here now… Cant complain compared to weather we see on the news in other places! Plus I brought a new corduroy throw for my bed.
Partying and being in bed by 9 sounds pretty good to me!!
Your Daddy was a keeper as you must know. Sweet of you to show us your keepsake. I too keep things of sentiment like that…someday you may need to see those things again I think to remind yourself you have lived a long and good life with many blessings. You two made the right and best decision to come back to California…we missed you!
Too much about fall seems to be about eating.
Too much about everything seems to be about eating!! But what would the days be without it! I had taco bell today and loved every second of it. Artichokes are boiling for tonight’s dinner right now! YUM!
Autumn is a different kind of food. Food for comfort in cooler weather.
I 😍your Autumnal cookbook. 🍎🌻🍂🍁
It is! It’s one of the things that distinctly marks the change of seasons!🍂
Hello Dearies,
Loving your new plans and moments!
Good luck with the dentist- I’m having my own fun with mine at the moment. 🙁
I wish you a brief and successful contact with yours.
Joe is such a cutie on that tractor! I don’t blame him for wanting to stay out and play on it. Your orchard will be fabulous. It’s good to have new projects even though we loved the old. Happy, Happy, Happy Autumn- it’s my fav season of all!!!!
So happy all is working out for you and Joe. My husband and I just bought a piece of property
In Florida. We are got to build a new home. We currently live in Colorado. We don’t want to
do the cold and snow anymore. Congratulations to you. Enjoy the beautiful fall and winter in
Wishing you all the best in your new home! 🏡
“California, here I come…right back where I started from!” ☀️
Such a delightful post. Lovely to see you both enjoying and planning ahead for your new chapter in California. Love and have been inspired by the mini scrapbook idea. Can you do a “how to” post on making mini scrapbooks for total beginners like me please.
Susan: I thoroughly enjoyed your Willard. Your new place is beautiful. Give Jack a big hug from me.
Dear Susan, I love the idea of your orchard! And good luck for a dental success! I’m getting used to you being in California. You make beauty wherever you are. Love, Nan
Hi, Susan! As I look at the pictures of gathering with your friends in California, talking, laughing, eating, and dancing, it all just seems so right. Like you have come full circle and are right where you are supposed to be. I love it! It’s like being young again! Please tell us all about all the fun you are having. It’s all so exciting! Thank you for letting us in on this new adventure!
Jim and I just enjoyed a trip to the central coast. We drove past your home three times ( truly I am NOT a stalker 😳😬😭). I told Jim if I bumped into you in an antique shop I would be sure to give you a hug….one from me and one from dear Oma!!!! so glad you are settling in and creating joy. Then again, I didn’t expect anything less. ❤️
Thank you Annelies! Give our love to Oma! Is she better?
Yes….but sadly now in a wheelchair. So many adjustments. We moved mom into the most wonderful assisted living. Her apt looks like a Dutch cottage. Of course she misses home, but her personality and sweet smile are in tact. I will share that you asked about her ❤️
Please do. I would like a Dutch Cottage!! xoxo
I miss MV updates so much. I know you love where you are, but I miss that old house and changes of seasons and holidays.
Hope to go there for Christmas! We will get bites of New England magic instead of the whole enchilada …. or should I say “lobster roll?”😘
My good friend is on vacation all around the New England area to see wonderful places, maybe some leaves, and she was in Martha’s Vineyard yesterday ~ and rode the ferry of course. Her story made me think of you, and also made me so jealous!
It was the right move. Sunshine and happiness. Those new england winters are too brutal. No more power outages and relying on fireplace for heat. It may seem romantic, but the reality is that it isn’t. You freeze, and then wake up miserable stiff from sleeping on the floor next morning. Frankly, I was wondering when you’d finally head back to Cali.
It did occur to me over the years when I was trying to figure out what we should do. Joe has no concept of time. He has all the time in the world. I run out of time the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning!😂 I need to see visible progress every day, he can read a newspaper, do the crossword, he leaves the crossword around, I sneak in a word or two, but that’s IT! Gotta GO! (He’s perfect for me!) Figuring out what to do about those steep narrow stairs and slippery porches got put on the back burner and neither of us could fathom trying to clean out that big house and barn so we just sat there, until, what felt like “suddenly,” it seemed to boil over and a decision needed to be made! Buying something new on MV was out of the question as prices are just not what they were back in the 80s. Staying there wasn’t going to work, so by process of elimination, we have this happy, unexpected surprise that makes so much sense! There are things we miss, but I don’t think, in a situation like this, that there is a PERFECT answer. But there are good ones, and we are blessed to have this.💖 And the fun feeling of freedom, not trapped indoors, the feeling of “anything goes.”
Seems pretty perfect from here. (I’m charmed and smitten!)
It’s pretty perfect … just a boat load of people I would love to move out here too!
I’m feeling the same – but if Joe and Susan are happy, then I’m truly happy for them. Especially missing their MV home right about now with fall in the air and the holidays coming up, and the way Susan decorated inside and out!
I do too Wendy! Can’t wait to hear about Christmas on the Island!
Your corn pudding sounds scrumptious! Rushing to my bookshelf to retrieve your Autum book!
Wait till you see how easy it is!!! xoxo
How very exciting…I’m enjoying your journey. Could be that because at our age (79 in December) we’re making lots of decisions re where we want to be when we grow up. We’re in No. Cali (Sacto area in the Sierra Foothills) now and anxious to go to some marine climate….away from obnoxious heat and fire threats. Reading of your sizing down, pitching ‘n ditching efforts were so real life for me…..you gave me courage! Onward my friend, onward! BTW, your part of our state is some of our favorite territory to visit!
Hello Susan and Joe!
A lot sure has happened!!! But it’s all good things. I have posted before on here but somehow it never seems to reach you. I am trying again!! Congrats on your new/old digs. Sounds like you’re loving it. Big change but really… home is where the heart is….
I know what you mean about partying at a “ certain age”. We live in Florida in The Villages, a 55+ retirement (?) golf/pickleball community. It’s the only place I know of that you can go out for cocktails, have dinner, do a little dancing at one of four live music venues, have a nightcap or a bite of ice cream and be home in time for Monday Night Football and BED!! LOL!!! Happy Hour starts around 11:00 AM here… fits our schedule just fine!!
All the best to you both… hope this reaches you❤️
Reaching me now Cindy!!! Sorry, been a very busy year . . . but things are finally settling down a bit! Thank you! LOL, I love that! I’ve heard of The Villages! It’s famous! Now I know why! Livin’ the life! xoxo Have fun!
You may still have a lot to do settling in, but you have already made this home – full of love, laughter and inspiration. It’s wonderful to see that you and Joe are so happy and sharing that happiness with friends. Hoping the dentist visit was a success!
Life is about eating and all of the lovely things that it takes to get you to the final product. Lifestyle, farmers, friends, cooperation, respect, learning, aesthetics and love. I’m wondering if you have a plans to produce a “Winter” book and a full size “Christmas “ book to match the rest of the collection of full sized books? They are always central in my bookcase here in the livingroom. People are drawn to them. Thanks for being so creative. Deborah
Hi Sue, I finally found the comment section! It doesn’t always show up at the bottom anymore for me. But here I am and there you are, back in California, where we both started out. It is interesting to hear about that full circle for you and how you are finding things you still love about it. I especially wanted to tell you how much I loved the words you had with your Dad about your little house. I still very much miss my two wonderful, homey, atmospheric-created-by-hand homes in Canada, the way you miss your little house. It was a gift to hear how your Dad said that heaven would feel like those homes made us feel. I will always remember that. I’m so glad you are getting some fall-feeling there! Enjoy and thanks for sharing as always. Much love, your friend, Ginny (now in Texas).
Susan I love that you are back in California where I have lived all my life. I fight with the state once in awhile but couldn’t see any reason to leave, still can’t! I did relocate to the coast in my twenties because I could but have lived in the same house forever now. No downsizing here or cleaning out of things though it does cross my mind. I banish that quickly. I admire your fortitude as it all seems so daunting. I love that you love all the beauty here as well as treasuring your last home . Keep on creating and letting us share in your adventures. Carla L.
Hi Susan! I woke up and said ‘Rabbit – Rabbit’ first thing yesterday too!;)
(I’ve only tried it one other time, and it was a very lucky month, so I’m giving it another go!;)
I’m wondering if you’ll still put up your cute mini pumpkins above your new front door?! I imagine your MV home had a nice old trimmed ledge perfect for setting them on, but where there’s a will…
although new circumstances can facilitate new traditions as well!;)
Sure looks pretty and peaceful there, seems like a gentle and nurturing way of life:)
I’ve spent time in and around Santa Barbara,..as well as Carmel / Monterey bay, but never the central coast,.and it sure is peaking our curiosity!
Happy Autumn! ..I broke out your autumn book today as well,, I just love making your corn chowder recipe! ..but I need to try that corn pudding now!
Thanks for everything,
Hugs, Tanya:) (Portland, OR.)
Happy October to you and Joe!! So glad to see that you are relaxing and getting creative and enjoying your new/old space. The garden looks magnificent with falling leaves and space for an orchard next year! Wow. Sounds divine. I’ve planted a lot of flowers this Fall, mostly Snapdragons, Petunias, beautifully colored Pansies and even a Twisted Strawberry plant. Our local nursery is alive with displays of pumpkins of all sizes, mums and gourds, just so so pretty. My house has been decorated for Fall since September 5! I’m getting out my Autumn Book and re reading it. I gave your first Heart of the Home book to a close friend last weekend. She has fallen in love with you and has read the Fine Romance book. Now she’s borrowed my Fairytale Book of yours to read. Its wonderful to be able to introduce you to a friend. Looking forward to the rest of the story!
We finally made it! We are in California now. Hiked through a redwood forest today. I have been waiting for 60+ years to do it. Very tired 😴. Cousin Lisa is next, then the Central Coast.
I am so glad October is here! 🌻🍂🍁🍂🎃 My birthday is in 5 days…🍎🍁🥞
Love the orchard idea. In Door County one farmer lets the dandelions and wildflowers grow until the blossoms are done on the trees, then he mows paths. That way the bees come around to pollinate the 🍎&🍒trees.
Margot B
Ooooo, redwood forests are amazing, aren’t they? so dark and quiet, covered in pine needles.
I hugged a few trees 🌲
So, Morro Bay, SLO, any place else?
Cambria!! and a bit above that is Hearst Castle and some wonderful wild coastline . . .
Is Sherry’s farm stand open?
I think so! Honestly, I haven’t even been up there yet … not there, OR even to farmer’s market! See how much I have to look forward to?
I hope your dental appointment went well! I love Terrie’s shirt commemorating her mother. Today is the third anniversary of my mother’s passing. I have a beautiful picture of her posted near my reading corner.
We loved it too … only she and her sister’s have them. Now I want one with MY mom!!! 👏 Our moms. Words can’t even say. ❌⭕️❌
Wow! You’re doing so well with the move, settling in and dreams of an orchard! The only thing I missed hearing about was Jack; drinking tea from his Life is Good mug right now! I hope he is settling as well as you and Joe! Cheers to October, Fall and living the good life!
I just updated that post with kitty news!💖
Hi Susan & Joe! I love, love, love your home in Cali and that you’re even closer to me (Puget Sound) 🙂 I always enjoy reading your Willard. This one I especially love because your dream of creating Monet’s Orchard in Bloom is so inspiring for me! MANY years ago I asked my husband to build your white picket fenced garden (with raised beds) in my backyard garden, and my children and I loved it for so many years, then we moved away, and rented this home out. Many years later we decided to move back, and here we are again (we love this home so much) – all our kids have grown and are gone now, and the little white picket fenced garden has since become a chicken garden complete with chicken coop and new fence, and now that the chickens have all gone, it has become a secret garden room within my bigger garden where my granddaughter and I potter about, with Grapevines and Trumpet Vines and Hydrangeas. Although I don’t have the room here for an orchard like your Monet dream, I do love that painting of his and plan to do a study of it in watercolor and hang it on my wall to remind me of you and Joe & Monet. If you can’t do it one way, you can find another way! I’m sure I learned that from you too. 🙂 You are a lovely blessing to me! Thank you. P.S. Just ordered your Autumn book – and I can’t wait to get it! xoxoxoxo
Love you youngsters idea of a mid afternoon party…a good way to celebrate with friends. Can’t wait for the wildflowers and orchard!
Hello Susan, I am so happy that you are settling in and also enjoying the fall. I live in Stockbridge, Ma, in senior housing. We recently had a contest for best chili and best cornbread. I made your recipe for corn pudding, minus the cayenne (some seniors can’t take the heat) and I came in 2nd place! I got an adorable red ribbon, and a gift certificate to a wonderful wine and specialty food store in town! My friend and neighbor, Michael came in first place, but he added cheddar and bacon to his cornbread! That’s almost like cheating!!!! But he’s a good guy and a good cook, so no hard feelings. So you deserve congratulations as well. Happy October!
Warmly, Ann
So glad you are settling in comfortably and enjoying your new digs! It’s a difficult decision to leave a home you’ve lived in for decades, but I believe you made it for all the right reasons! I once told a friend that no matter where I live, I can create a good life and make a cozy home and that is just what you’re doing now, Susan! Bravo to you!
Susan, As always, your blog brings me smiles & joy & peace & comfort. Blessings to you & Joe & Jack. And the goat….did you officially name her Mrs. Miniver? Love that.
Your home should be called BranchHall Farm. Or Place or Garden or simply BranchHall. Maybe Estate? It will be worthy of a very distinguished name, you & Joe are creating a masterpiece.
Missing you here on the East Coast.❤️❤️🍁🍁❤️
Love the goat so much! We just spent 14 glorious days in Switzerland and my favorite part was seeing and hearing the sheep, goats, and cows with bells around their necks. It is such a wonderful sound to hear when you are up on the mountain. I took a screen pic of your goat and did a Google search because now I want one for my patio flower garden!
Blessings to you in your newish home. Tell Jack hello. Hope he is doing well.
Love from Michigan!
Susan, you look happy! Veggie platter looks good. Spinach dip? Oysters look great. How many barn kitties do you have? Thanks for sharing.
An Orchard! An English Garden! Joe has his own tractor! Good friends! A cozy home! And gardening year round!! There is no place like home, wherever you are! So happy you are settling into your new life. Life is good!
❤️ Beverlee
What a ray of Sunshine you are, just when most needed. How on Earth did you Know?
Ahem!! Here comes my Public Service Announcement… Or a Girlfriends Announcement!
I have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. But…”Don’t cry for me Argentina”. We have fabulous insurance and will be getting the best and newest treatment. As of now, it’s “mild dementia”. I have known something was very wrong for several years, but the screening test didn’t agree. I’d had a base line, several hour test done by a neuropsychologist in 2019. Some things were obvious to me, but it did not trigger more testing. We got busy living our wonderful life, and set it aside…”I’ll think about that tomorrow!”, she said.
Then tomorrow arrived.
I had the neuropsychological test, even more extensive. Yep. Big drop in the acuity of the Parietal part of my brain. That totally explained the specific areas that were giving me the most trouble.
My wonderful psychiatrist of many years, is head of the Mood and Memory Clinic and administered a DNA test to learn if I had any of the 3 protein markers that cause AD. I have the 2 most serious E3 and E4.
Debbie’s Advice:::: If you have any Alzheimer’s in your family, or you are a “Woman of a certain age”, and feel you are losing some of the faculties you depend upon. GET TESTED. Do Not wait, because folks try to gloss it over, saying, “Oh, I do the same thing, it’s just Old Age.” The sooner you can begin treatment the longer and fuller your life will be.
Ladies and Miss Susan!! There are absolutely Marvelous new, and I mean Brand New! meds available through a physician. I’m on one now. It’s a neurotransmitter. On the smallest dose, and will slowly go up.
Whoa!! While I’ve never been good with math, Now I’m doing Advanced Differential Equations, and Theoretical Physics!! 🙂
Seriously, though, my memory is much, much better, my focus has returned, and my ability to retain and process info is better now. And this is just the first few weeks.
In addition, I’ve become quite the comedian! Going to do a utube of funny things about having AD. On the drive home from Bangor and getting the news, I came up with This!!….
Remember in Star Wars when Luke had just had his hand light sabered off by Darth Vader? Luke is hanging on by his remaining arm over an abyss. Darth leans in and says in that Deep James Earl Jones voice…”Luke, I am your father.”
When my sweet doctor who has a very kind voice sat and looked at me, he said,
“Debbie, you Do have Alzheimer’s Disease”. I think my brain heard Jame Earl Jones’s Vader! Ok, I have at least a dozen of these, but I’ll spare you having to groan to yourselves. 😉
The Lovely Tom is almost 85 and is having many of the same symptoms. His father died of AD, so he is getting tested.
We have the tremendous advantage of having as a close friend a woman who retired early from Tufts teaching hospital in Boston. She was a Neurologist and retired to move here with her lovely husband. She opened a lab and was doing research. She and hubby rented our Maine place for 18 months while they were building their home. We were out on the last of our 3 very long trips camping all over N. America for part of that time. We remained friends.
Her husband died 2 years ago from Alzheimer’s with cancer complications. He was diagnosed 6 years ago, and she has gifted us with masses of new data. Being a doctor/scientist, she says you can mitigate the damage by What You Eat, and by doing exercise every day. Hey! It’s not too late. Some of the plaque can be eliminated. There is infusion therapy that can flush all or most of the plaque out, but that could have serious side effects. I’ll save that for later!! There is a new oral med that is right now finishing Phase 3 extensive study and trials and shows positive results. I’m told that a doctor who specializes in AD can request a patient be started on it before it hits the market.
Our friend has sent us masses of info, and with her help, we’re slowly working our way through it. We trust her completely, plus she’s another Southern girl, from Texas. And she loves eating and have a good cocktail as we mull the info. We are going to meet her at a new place tonight and do some Laugh Therapy.
I pray all of you that have been hurt by Hurricane Helene can recover. I actually felt as though I was watching some disaster in a 3rd World country.
All those dear places in the Appalachians that I’ve loved all my life, just gone.
Our place in Tampa very narrowly escaped having water in it. It was the worst flooding in over 100 years, and we have friends who have lost everything.
As one lady in N. Carolina said in TV, “We have got to deal with this Climate Change now!!”
So, The Lovely and I will be finding a new place to live in the Tampa area, hopefully an assisted living place in a high rise. We both need to have access to advanced medical care that isn’t available here in Maine. Tom with prostate cancer and my AD. Will be a Busy Winter. I’ll be doing what you and Joe did, divesting. Not nearly as much, as our place is very small. Hope we’ll find a place we can keep our favorite things. For now, we’ll keep this wonderful Maine property. Also, The Lovely will be getting treatment at the Cancer center.
Aren’t we the most Fortunate Folks??
Love, love, love you, Dear Sue. Can’t wait to watch your Garden Grow!!
Debbie in Maine for 9 more days.
You ARE the most fortunate folks, because you were BORN THIS WAY.👏👏👏 You amaze me Debbie! You’re just a few years ahead of me, but that information could be needed for any of us . . . it’s so detailed, so helpful, told in the MOST uplifting way! Because as you know and show all the time, life is what it is, we are so LUCKY to be able to make the very best of it for as long as we possibly can!🌺🌺🌺 The beauty is always there if you can see it! And no one sees it better than YOU!!! ❌⭕️ Choices these days are amazing. I love you dearly for telling us this, LOVE LOVE LOVE! I bless the day you started writing on my blog. I copied and pasted this so I can show it to Joe later and I encourage everyone to read it. Now I will go exercise!!! No more procrastination! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 Show us how it’s done darling Debbie and send my love to The Lovely One.💖
Thank you for this most positive & informative post. You put such a positive spin on what could be devastating news. You are so brave. I hope to see health updates here on Susan’s blog. I wish you & The Lovely (so cute) blessings in abundance. 🍁
Debbie, I have to admit that I am usually a lurker on here and rarely write much, but I sat and read your entire post because it is both so honest and useful. I wish you all the very best, if anyone’s going to thrive in those circumstances I imagine it will be you. Sending love, hugs and thanks from sunny (at least, today!) England. Seona xx
I hope you stayed in Maine longer to avoid the second hurricane heading towards Tampa.
People always wonder how we can live in earthquake country, AKA CA, but reality is that devasting earthquakes are rare, unlike annual hurricane season in FL. I would NEVER move there!! Please take care. My heart goes out to all who are victims of these devasting storms.
Global warming IS real. Deniers need to wake up. Earth’s life is also cyclical, but man is selfishly killing our floating home.
Sorry to read about your recent diagnosis. I have always felt that your life has been well-used time with lots of adventure and enjoyment through life’s journey. Also, your comments have given me a peek into your intelligent mind full of curiosity and spunk.
My best to you and your sweet husband.
How amazingly positive you are! I do not know you but your words resonated with me, I think you will perhaps have a better chance of living better with AD than most just because of your attitude. What a detailed, honest, and “kick in the butt” post. Wishing you all the best, love and hugs coming all the way from Norway to you!
I’m in agreement with most of the “girlfriends” about the informative and positive nature of your post. God bless you and keep you and yours safe. Marge in Kansas:)
Hello Susan! Thank you for writing. So happy for you and Joe that you are settling in and that all is well! I am on the West Coast, just south of Seattle WA, so we are finally in the same time zone. LOL And, I am optimistic that I will finally be able to meet you in person all these years. Please say you will be hosting book signing parties up and down the West Coast?! Lots of love, Karen
I hope to do that very thing!❌⭕️
So fun to watch everything happening with your move back to California. That Daou rose’ is so good – they owe you for the pic…LOL! Love the candles in old pressed glass. I have so many of those same little sugar bowls – totally stealing that from you.
Would be so fun if we run into each other some time in December. My Christmas Carolers (The Jingle Belles and The Uncommonne Carolers) are booked all over the place, with several nights at the SLO Botanical Gardens in late December. Another great location is the Santa Ynez Botanic Garden – both places are lovely and fun in December.
Enjoy a beautiful fall season in AG – can’t wait for it to cool down in Paso for good – so ready for that!
Daou can pay me in wine!🤣 Here’s another thing you can steal 🤣 ~ I have an old pressed glass one-cup measuring cup… the perfect kitchen votive holder! So fun to find things to repurpose and not the same old same old! Another thing about this neck of the world, antique stores everywhere. We only had a couple on the island. I learn so much about what goes on around here from you guys! Thank you, I hope I’ll see you there, Christmas carols in a garden sounds perfect!
Hi Susan and Joe,
It sounds like you are settling into life at your new home! I have my Autumn book out on my cook-book stand and love reading it and making different recipes every year. My twin sister pasted photos (from our Autumns) into some of the pages, and that makes it even more special. I cannot wait to try the corn pudding! YAY! Sending love to you both from Pennsylvania! ❤️Sharon
Love the idea of having wild flowers in amongest the orchard with mowed down paths! Loving the looks of your California home and all the acreage that you have! Cleaning house so that I can decorate for Autumn and Halloween.
Dear Susan & Joe. Georgia here formally from The Valley, then Hawaii (yes I was one who gave you a lei way back in Pasadena ) and now Texas.
I’m so happy you got to move back to California. Yes I’d miss island life, which I sometimes do, but you’re closer to family. The best.
And The Central Coast. Soooo nice there. Downsizing is so hard & I seem to still be doing it. I so look forward to your gardens & such as you plant & watch grow.
Blessings dear friends
Dear Sue
You and Joe truly are the embodiment of “Bloom where you are planted” an inspiration to all of us.
Happy October,
Lillian O.
I have enjoyed your artwork in calendars and books ever since I can remember, but when I read “The Fairy Tale Girl” you became a kindred spirit to me. So much of your early days are mirrored in my own. I have lived in the Bay Area and San Diego my whole life and have traveled everywhere in between. I am happy for you to have come full circle, back to this beautiful place. Enjoy!
I’ve been homesick for it for years, and when I’m here, I’m homesick for New England . . . and not to forget England. I’m used to it! So many wonderfulnesses in this lifetime and only the one minute in time. xoxoxo
It’s so fun to follow along on your new journey. And I’m so jealous…how glorious it would be to have your own little orchard! So I’ll just enjoy yours and your cozy little casa. What a lovely way to “break it in” with your sweet dinner party of old friends. You are home sweet home.
Blessings to you both! 💗
I think you will be so happy to be in California as it is Autumn 🍂 and you are getting settled in and no ice and snow! You are home again!🏖️🍁🌻 🍎
It feels lovely. I need a book club!!!
You should start one with all of us!
Lovely post as always! You are making the most of your beautiful home just as you have done with the others.
I was hoping maybe your month stickers would come back. Each month had a sheet of such beautiful stickers! I used to use them for the calendars I sent home as a teacher.
We’re trying!!!
I am beyond excited to see your orchard next year! So glad you are enjoying being back in California!
Well it will be little stick trees for a long time, but the wildflowers should be wonderful!
Dear Susan,
I never am of the first to write, but I was taking this lovely Autumn California day in the 90s to write a bit and read your blog. It’s a guilty pleasure. No regular tea today, but I brewed some Butterfly Pea Tea. It’s blue, then you put some lemon in it and it turns purple. It has many benefits to drinking it, I have read. I am giving it a try. What’s good for Susan, is good for me. I am also in California, northern Cali. Always feels so good to sit down with you. Love, Sheryl from Magalia
Mmmmm, I love the name of that tea!!!
Hi there fellow California girlfriend 😎 I must admit that I, too, wondered if I would miss your House of Creativity-based blog vibes. Your wonderful, really truly wonderful, MV home provided so many lovely views/feelings and indescribable magic 💞 to your blog posts….but, guess what I just realized today? Blogs written from your California home have those exact same magical vibes!✨ I should have known cause it’s the same with your blogs from the train, from QM2, from England, from holiday trips up and down the East Coast – I know that those hearts that were always floating up from your Spring Street chimney, or following along behind you and Joe in the AFR van driving cross-country and popping out the windows of your Amtrak cocoon are now pouring out the open doors and windows of your California home, flocking around Joe and his tractor and spreading over your garden, fields and soon-to-be orchard. Speaking of orchards, did you ever read “The Story Girl” by LM Montgomery? The family farm’s orchard is the settings for many scenes in this book (and also in the sequel, “The Golden Road”). The King family emigrated from Scotland and settled on this farm a few generations before the start of the story, and one tradition they maintained was to plant a tree for every new member of the family (new babies, new spouses, even specially dear friends). The children would often gather in the orchard to feast on “Uncle Alec’s apples”, Aunt Julia’s cherries”, “Aunt Felicity’s pears”. I love one particular passage about the orchard and Grandfather King who started it. “He was in no hurry. He did not set his whole orchard out at once, for he wished it to grow with his life and history, and be bound up with all of good and joy that should come to his household.” You and Joe did that, too, when you planted your California English garden with flowers and hedges and trees way back in the early 2000s. And here you are, still planting and harvesting and sharing the journey with us. Thank you very much💖💚💙
Ohhh Christie, thank you so much. I still believe that there is something very special about New England . . . all the history, the four distinct seasons. It was SUCH a dream for me, I can’t believe I got to live it for so many years. But I’ve always said the magic is in you, in us . . . and the hope is that we can all have something like that right where we are, no matter where, since we are the ones that make it. What a wonderful quote. I felt your words “Aunt Felicity’s pears” wash over me with contentment! I think we all dream of making a world better than we found it. In the only ways we know how. I’m so glad to hear from you! xoxo
I am very near you this week. I always wanted to meet you! Today we went to the apple 🍎 farms. I didn’t know how big Folsom is until today. I had only been in old town.
Margot B.
Hi Margot, Folsom has grown quite a bit since I moved here 20 years ago. I work full time, but can always find time to meet up with kindred spirits for coffee or tea or a pumpkin spice latte☺️. Send me a DM the next time you plan to be in the area. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Apple Hill. Autumn is my favorite time to visit the farms and vineyards up there – the apple cider and apple donuts available in the fall at some of the farms are soooo yummy! 🧡🍁🍂
October = Joe’s vote pumpkin?
We live in the country, in a tiny valley surrounded with trees and hedges ~ no more 2nd floor at the end of a main street …. can’t even see the road, no one would see it but us!!! But I AM taking a non-voter friend (she doesn’t feel like it matters!) to vote!
Well. I didnt realize Autumn in Calif. I have friends in Carmel Highlands, in Big Sure and I know certain times of year they can actually run their fireplace. They collect fallen branches and such to burn. I am very happy you two moved to California. Plus .yes no stairs as yes constant stairs is brutal on knees.
Now will you plant an apple orchard or cherries or something that grows mostly in Calif? This is exciting.. Yes no more shoveling mountains of snow. for months . have fun with friends .THEY WAITED A LONG TIME WITH LOVE FOR YOU TO COME BACK. Enjoy every minute and sunset. Bless you for taking care of your beautiful barn kitties 😻
Oh it’s easy taking care of those kitties, they are precious. I promised them they’ll be in the house by Christmas. I hope it’s a promise I can keep. Depends on Jack. He’s getting better about accepting them in the garden!!! One step at a time!
Thank you so much for sharing your stories. I am especially excited about your wildflowers and orchard.
Me too, and as usual, Joe would like to prepare carefully for the next two or three years, and I want it tomorrow!!!🌺🌺🌺
Thank you for sharing your California dreamin’ home sweet home. Joe looks so happy astride his tractor moving the soil and mentally planning the spring plantings. In another era he’d be riding a horse?! (In another era I’d be riding a horse!)
Your outdoor parties can continue through the “winter”? Guess we all will find out what the climate is in your area. Will you “unpack” boxes as you go through the calendar of seasons and holidays? That may make the process easier – rewarding yourself by finding forgotten treasures. I liked the idea of using a pumpkin as an ice bucket. I am enamored of orange pumpkins as they seem so happy and use them for decorating wherever I can do so.
The anecdote of your phone call with your Dad was so very touching. He seems like a dear man.
Stay well and give Jack a cuddle!
Ha ha, in another era we’d ALL be riding a horse! xoxo
Susan, Thanks for the barn kitties photo! Love your mini calendar 2026 cover too.
Dear Susan,
So happy to hear you are settling in. Can’t imagine how hard it has been. Your new home and surroundings look wonderful. You have much to look forward to. So enjoy your posts! I’m processing eggplant from my garden today for the freezer. Enjoying our Fall weather here in Michigan. Hope you have a great day and weekend to come.
WoW! Deb Boerger’s comment really struck home. I was the caregiver for my mom who had dementia in her later years and it’s scarey just thinking how the ending was. So grateful to Debbie for being so open and informative.
I couldn’t agree more, Carol! xoxo
All things in good time–looks like you all are settling in quite well!!
And thanks, Debbie, for the information!!
Hugs and Kisses!!!!!
Here in Australia we are basking in the gradually warming days of Spring, and the beautiful clothing of the trees with grevillia flowers and cotoneaster red new growth, plus all the flowering bushes.
I wanted to comment because we live on Australia’s Central Coast! And like you, we refer to it as ‘The’ Central Coast. It is a bit disconcerting to read your use of the term on the other side of the world. It gives me a little start, and I have to re-read the sentence to check the meaning.
Thanks for keeping up with the Willards all through the move. Our life has been difficult this year, and I have needed your optimism even more.
That’s funny! Because I grew up near Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley . . . but we just called it the Valley! Never occurred to me there was more than one. Then I moved up to the Central Coast, and people here speak of the Valley People . . . but they are talking about San Juaquin Valley! VERY confusing!🤣 Happy Spring Fiona! I hope your Central Coast is as heavenly as ours!! xoxo
Thank you, Susan for the delightful blog. Made my evening! Now I have to make that corn pudding. I do have your Autumn book.
Get ready to fall in love with that easy pudding. . . and everyone loves it at a party too!
Welcome Home! and thanks for the inspiring post. It is very foggy lately here near the beach in SoCal, so Fall definitely seems to have arrived. My husband, playing off May Gray and June Gloom, now calls this Fogtober. Time for jigsaw puzzles and more books by the fire. The front half of our old house also has no central heating, so we installed a gas insert to keep us cozy in the winter. Looking forward to seeing your garden and orchard grow. May God bless you in your new home!
I have a new email address.
It’s exciting to see your progress! We have plans of downsizing and you are a big encouragement to us. Hope Jack is adjusting to the move. My husband looked at your blog and said “What’s Joe doing on that tractor?” It will be fun to see pictures of the orchard with the wildflowers! It’s as if you both are friends, we just haven’t met you yet. Sincerely, Pauline from Wisconsin
I didn’t want you to leave Martha’s Vineyard, but I am happy that after three decades of love, laughter and growth, you’ve found your way back to where you began. I have read and enjoyed your three books, but I must admit that Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams is my favorite. I’ve reread it three times and know I’ll return to it again. Maybe it was the way your life unfolded in this faraway isle where you truly discovered yourself that helped me in knowing myself. I wish you nothing but the best. You’re that faraway friend that I have much in common with starting with Gladys Taber to Beatrix Potter.
Do take care. Be safe💕
Rosemarie Mendes
Thank you for a lovely post, Susan. I love your friend’s shirt with the picture of her mom! So sweet. Your corn pudding is a brunch staple here in southern Alberta, Canada. We serve it with farmer sausage from the same butcher in Saskatchewan that I’ve eaten my entire life. We add a dash of cholula to our warm maple syrup. Delish! I made your ginger bread cake the other day. We like it with homemade apple sauce & whipped cream. Yum! Autumn food is so comfy. Each season is my favourite as it rolls around although winter can be very long here.
Not sure if I mentioned this before but we recently adopted two adorable lop bunnies. So nice to be back being a bunny caregiver after a two year break. They are so precious. Which I could share a picture of their cuteness.
Give Jack’s grumpy little face a kiss for me. Joe too, only he never looks grumpy! All the best in the new digs.
Nico’s mom
Dear Sue, It is wonderful to sit down with my coffee on this chilly fall morning in Minnesota and read about your life in California complete with lovely photos. This is my happy time to relax before I start my day. Thanks for the inspiration and joy you share. So lovely to hear about your plans and hear about how you are all doing. I agree, pieces of paper with special words and memories are very walkable to me too. It will be nice to hear about California as I have only visited there for short periods of time. Take care and only best wishes to you, your family and friends.
Crystal from Minnesota
Dear Sue,
I do not like auto correct. I said valuable but it came out as walkable. Go figure.
Take care
Dear, dear Sue, in my next life I will live in SLO. My late husband and I decided that it would be the perfect place for us (independent theater, Costco nearby, ocean not far, etc). I look forward to reading what you’re up to and savor it, usually after pouring a glass or cup of tea and setting aside a quiet time to dig in.
I love the Van Gogh sun painting you included in this posting. It’s new to me and I have tried finding it with online matching and google and have come up empty. Do you know the name of it, where the original is, or any other information about it? I love it! The sun, the girlfriends, the colors, it takes me back to Provence.
I’m so sorry Trudy, I saw and absconded with that painting from Twitter . . . it might not be Van Gogh because I didn’t try to check on the source. Isn’t it pretty! Quite the inspiration! So sorry I’m not more help! Yes, you are so right about SLO. It’s that ocean air, and feeling of openness here I think. xoxoxo
I ran into the same issue trying to look up that gorgeous Van Gogh-ish piece too. It’s just so beautiful. I did find one that’s very very close on a site called Hippy Turtle.
Here I am again. Tampa is in the bull’s eye of the coming storm, Milton. While we dodged the bullet in Helene, just by a few inches, we won’t this time.
Still have airline tickets for Oct. 12, but I doubt small Clearwater/St. Pete airport will be open, or possibly even still standing.
My most wonderful stepdaughter, Kristin, and her guy came over to Tampa yesterday, Sunday. I have a short list of “treasures” I don’t want to lose. They walked around our house gathering them. They put them in our car, and she and Stephan took our car back to Kris’s garage. She has lived with sweet Stephan for over a year, so her house is free.
And we may need to live there…..
This storm very well could be much like Camile in 1969 or Katrina. But as my friend Anne used to say about things that you had no control over….Oh, well…
She is right now under my peonies out front here in Maine. All things willing, I’ll be joining her one of these days.
When I saw the storm on TV 2 days ago, I was stunned. But then I thought, if all those people could Keep Calm and Carry on during the Blitz, I certainly can. While we’ll probably lose “stuff”, we have good insurance. It may take many months to see any of it, but we’ll be riding bikes out in the “suburbs” and putting our feet in front of the other feet!!
I’ve had phone calls and emails worrying about us, but we are the lucky ones.
A nice place to sleep and cook and beyond that, I cannot go. And, there is this fabulous place to return to next Spring.
Praying that all the Girlfriends in Florida make it to the “other side” of this storm. And I know of several of you in our Tampa area. If they tell you to evacuate, Do It.
Thank you, Sue, for your Sweet, Sweet comments about my having Big Al, as my English friend calls it. I’ll keep you posted on new drugs and treatments.
Eat your Dark Leafy Greens, colorful fruit and veggies, and exercise. Even if you have the Markers, you can keep the disease at Bay.
And Thank you Mucho Grande for making our hearts almost burst with the beauty of Central Coast Cali. I always loved that state. Well, maybe not so much the LA of Today!!
Debbie still in Maine and having a Ball with Women’s basketball playoffs!!
So we are into October my favorite month!
And as much as I thought I’d miss following you on MV I am so enjoying following you in California! It’s a new beginning and so interesting to see how you build a new chapter in your life. Looking forward to what’s next!
Well……….”They” say what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. OMG, Florida Folks should be Amazing Hulks by now! I’m hoping all of you that took Milton on the chin have good insurance. My heart hurts for everyone.
When we first saw what was coming our way, my first instinct was just plain old Rage. Why, oh why, didn’t we sell our place 2 blocks from Tampa Bay, Ballast Point, last year. Didn’t take long to calm down and make a Plan. Because the water had come higher than it had in over 100 years with Helene, just 2 weeks before, I decided to proceed with Acceptance that it would be gone. Worst case, all destroyed by tidal surge or tornado. Best case, water just in first floor.
Tom and I kept Willing the eye of the storm to move just a few miles South, which would spare millions in Tampa, St. Pete and Clearwater the hardest impact.
Then I just put it out of my mind, and did not watch much of the news. We have a place to stay out in the suburbs, at our daughter’s house. She escaped serious damage. So many others did not. We are the lucky ones.
When Tom came up to bed the night it hit, he woke me to show video of the water sucked out of the Bay!! That meant the well over a foot of rain could drain out!! We’ve seen that phenomenon before, and it’s kind of like when you see Niagra Falls with the water turned off. We did not get any water inside!! However, streets just a mile inland certainly did.
By yesterday we hadn’t heard anything from anyone. Then the call from a neighbor saying everything was OK. 100 mph wind gusts did not take a single shingle (;)) off the roof of our 3-unit building. All windows and sliders held.
I am beyond grateful that I spent that money on a new, hurricane resistant roof about 4 years ago. 2 years ago, I dug deep into my savings and got double paned, hurricane resistant windows throughout.
Lots of trees down, but no major damage. Probably take a good while to get the power back on.
Thank you, Thank you, TECO workers. This is going to be Hard on you!!
Our place will hopefully sell quickly. People have very short memories re Hurricanes.
Sending Huge Love to all of you that have been impacted. I know “it’s just stuff”, but it’s Your Stuff, and you treasure it. Cry and grieve, then move on.
Life is so short, and my 80 years seems to have gone So Fast.
UPDATE Tom is in with Moffatt Cancer Center in Tampa. I’m in with the Alzheimer’s Center there as well.
I’m taking 5 mg of Aricept (donepezil) and it’s made me a genius!! Seriously, it’s Wonderful. Not a cure, but it could give you more Excellent Days. I am having none of the side effects, so far. Will go up to 10 mg next week.
Then I’ll be doing Theoretical Math and solving major World Problems!!
Thank you, Dear Sue, for this beautiful tour of your Garden Rooms. Hope those beautiful kitties can come inside. Is one of them a Siamese?
I know Joe loves his tractor, as Tom used to love using the one our neighbor would drive down the gravel road to us. Oh, the huge boulders he could move!!
Mucho Grande Love,
Debbie in Maine…with the Gawjus Fall leaves, white caps on the little bay.
You were already the smartest girl in the room … you’re starting to scare me! I gotta think of some deep questions for you, get some answers! Thank you for all the Tampa detail. Your “Ounce of Prevention” paid off! You should do the news. You answer the questions we really want to know. You are the first to mention any water sucked out of the Bay! You should get an emmy. When do you head South again? Love you dear. Thank you! Take care of you both. . . . 💞
SUSAN, I pulled out your autumn for the heart book as I do every fall…..I made your Chicken in Cream sauce and happy rice…..I think this is the best thing “I’ve” ever made……I am pretending to everyone I want to impress that I can cook with this recipe……you and your place in Cali are such an inspiration…..those gardens……..grateful for your inspirations al attitude
Oh I’m so glad! Perfect time of year for that little bit of deliciousness! One of our girlfriends told me about something her mom used to say: “If you can read you can cook!” So you just proved it! You HAVE to try the Pumpkin Cheesecake this Thanksgiving. It’s so good! But so easy. Your friends and family will go wild. You will then know that you are a gourmet cook! xoxo
oh, I so want you to have Holly Oak once more. It’s never too late…. maybe fate will bring her back to you. Looking forward to your orchard – which reminds me again of Gladys and Eleanor’s old apple orchard and the applewood fires they cherished
You just never know!!! I remember Gladys always talking about apple wood. We have some now, might have to pack it up and take it back east with us at Christmas! I’ve never had an applewood fire! She does make it sound so wonderful doesn’t she?
I was just reading your October 1, 2011 blog entry, and talk about seeing the seeds being planted for the flowers of today! It was wonderful, reading about how you were building a garden even though you didn’t live there, in California, because you really wanted to, and who knows “maybe someday” you would move there – knowing as I was reading that someday is today, and you are there! Things always do seem to work out just right. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful garden plans and California adventures. I lived in California for 16 years, and although I’m very happy in Maine now, I love seeing the beautiful state that still lives in my heart. Once you fall in love with California, she never really leaves you!
No and the same thing can be said of the northeast. So beautiful, historical… I will never get over it! xoxoxo
I know you are busy getting settled, but don’t forget to drive up to Gopher Glen for apples if you haven’t already!
For some reason, I am no longer receiving notice of new Willards in my email. I have been on the list for years, and haven’t changed addresses, so assumed that with the move from East to West Coast, you simply weren’t in touch. I just realized that I have missed the past few months! Catching up will be great fun, but I truly do want to be on your email list. I just tried to sign up AGAIN but it doesn’t seem to want me to do that either. Can someone on your staff please check to be sure I will receive your emails as they are sent? My address is [email protected] Thanks so much!
Okay, we think we fixed it. Miserable thing! I don’t know why it doesn’t just work like a normal thing, but every so often it goes flying off the tracks! I sent your comment to Kellee, she will check. But I think it’s fixed if you want to try again! xoxo
Just curious…
Why does my comment above say “awaiting moderation“?
Because I am reading MUCH too slowly and I haven’t gotten to all the wonderful comments yet. But Ima coming! xoxoxo
I was so busy with Lambtown and then my mom and dad’s 60th wedding anniversary, and taking 90+ 6th graders to Maker Faire on Mare Island in Vallejo that I totally missed this post. What a lovely surprise to find! I normally jump on as soon as you post on Twitter (I shall never call it anything else).
Im so glad you’ve had so many guests. I can only imagine how happy your West Coast family has been since you made the move.
Yes, I will most certainly tell you about next year. It’s always the first weekend in October.
Before I forget, the Central Coast Weavers have a sale at the Strawbale Barn in Arroyo Grande I think the first weekend in November. It’s a lovely holiday sale of all things handmade and fiber related that your local guild puts on. I had the privilege of taking a dyeing workshop through CNCH in the summer of 2023 when it was located at Cal Poly SLO. The Strawbale Barn is AWESOME! You must check out the sale. Lots of handwoven items made with love by local artists.
It’s my goal, once you get settled, to get you into our fiber community in CA.
Our Monterey Bay guilds are hosting CNCH (Conference for Northern California Handweavers Association) at Asilomar this upcoming April in 2025. I would LOVE to have you join us! My plan is to take the mushroom dyeing class.
As in dying fibers with mushrooms. Not that we *take* mushrooms and dye fibers. That might be a disaster.
Lambtown was so wonderful. I was interviewed by Backyard Green Films and you can find the 15 minute interview on YouTube. I was so honored to have been asked to give an interview about my odd fiber art.
I’ve been watching their YouTube livestream of New York Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, and they kept giving me shout-outs. Which did a number on my imposter syndrome.
But, enough about me.
I LOVE that joe loves the tractor.
When we bought our hobby farm in Aromas in 2014, we negotiated the ride on top mower AND the Kuboto tractor. It’s so helpful!
I’m so impressed with you and Joe continuing to build a beautiful life and planning your new gardens inspired by your English garden adventures.
Someday, I will go to Sissinghurst and thank you in the White Garden for inspiring my Purple Garden here at Mosshollow Hill.
Thank you so much for continuing to inspire this overly busy, highly imaginative public school teacher and fiber artist.
I have to go on a search to figure out all the wonderful exciting things you’re talking about. LOVE IT!!! Wrote it all down! Love the passion! xoxoxo
Your new home looks wonderful! So glad to hear that Jack is back to playing a bit after the move. I feel a little sad to say goodbye to your home on the island and I can just imagine how you must feel, but it looks like you have some wonderful plans for the gardens and orchard to keep you busy. Looking forward to following along. Wrote down the margarita recipe – sounds delicious. Happy New Home-making! x
We made it home safe to Florida late on Monday night. The vacation I dreamed of since age 20. Minus dust storms on Interstate 10.
There are such nice folks at your TJs. I met a nice older lady parked next to us. I told her that I could help her so she could get in her car, because I had a chauffeur. She said I was lucky, because she lost hers. 😔 I am lucky.
We found a Swiss (Italian) winery 🍷 just South of your area. When they first came over they were dairy 🐮🥛 farmers.
I just love your needlepoint seat covers! In your favorite green too. We did not have time for antique shopping.
What a trip!
🌽, cowboys 🤠 , glaciers 🏔, 🫐huckleberries, giant 🌳 🌳, family, 🍷, 🇩🇰, beaches 🏖, friends 🏄♀️ , Mexican/American history and food 🌮🍮🌺!!
Fantastic Margot! It sounds wonderful!🌺🌺🌺
Your new house is beautiful. Although we will miss you in Martha’s Vinyard, we are very happy for you. Here’s to your next chapter in California!
So nice to read about your autumn change…please be well…
Love from Seattle,
Hello, Susan I have a question. I’ve been re-reading a few pages from the Autumn 2011 “Where Women Create” article that you did and it said you were “writing a new book called “Pancakes”. Did that materialize?
Thank you for your time.
No, sorry, it was interrupted by A Fine Romance, and so far, I haven’t gotten back to it!!!
Hi Susan and Joe,
I’m hoping for your sake that you don’t have Cedar trees near your orchard. Unknowingly, after we planted our orchard and when the fruit came on it was soon covered in Cedar Apple Rust. Now, the trees are mostly there for the flowers and the wildlife. Sprayed a few times but have had to take the apples out. The only thing unaffected has been the Fig Tree.
Sincerest Regards,
No cedar trees, thank goodness! Terrible news! Thank you, I will check around the orchard, but really I don’t think there’s anything at all right there! I’m so sorry! But spring must be glorious at your house!
As long as you, Joe, and your pet family are happy is all that counts! Blessings to you all. Hugs, Memarge:)
Dear Susan B. Have followed you for many years and have used your cookbooks and share your love of England, Great Britain, etc. My maiden name was Cole, and my maternal grandfather was from the east end of London. Have traveled there but mostly to Scotland since two of my hubs had roots from there. I’ve written before, but don’t know if you rec’d. messages. Anyway, since I had to downsize from a 3K foot house to half that just 5 years ago, (why, oh why, when it has taken me my 82 and a half years to finally get the things I love, am told to get rid of them?), but the good news is the move was from a small mountain community in the foothills of the Sierra’s to the Central Coast! No more ice and snow! Yay! No more serious outages and the fireplace (gas) has a remote and the closest beach is one mile away and I have to re-learn gardening in this climate which is wonderful and reminds me of Orange County where I grew up. But the best advice I can give about leaving previous, well-loved places (I was in the mountains for 40, gasp! years) is: Don’t be sad it is over! Be so very glad it happened!! It is called soul enrichment. You have so much to look forward to! So do I! And the crossing to Merry Old is so tempting! Who knows? A girl can dream, can’t she? Oh, and do not neglect to go to SLO farmers market, I think they were on a Thursday nite, and eat at McCormick’s for the unforgettable barbecued artichokes!!! Hugs to all! Cathy Mc
We are proof it can be done and might just be the best thing ever! Never ever forget what we had, so lucky to spend our lives in places we loved, and have a new place to love when it’s time! xoxoxoxo
So happy for you going home to the island and by train!
And Jack is well and relaxed again.
Sailing on the Queen Mary …
Planting more …
Life is good! I wish you happy Thanksgiving!