FOR STARTERS, let’s talk MUSICA! Then, some WONDERFUL cures for doldrums of life!

First, for a change, let’s talk about music! And then some new good stuff for our calendars!💃🏼 First: Everyone knows that Baby Boomers had the best Music ever! One of our claims to fame! For just a small taste, watch the Netflix two-part series on the Eagles. Such wonderful music. But there was another shorter musical moment squeezed-in between Elvis Presley and the Beatles ~ during the Ed Sullivan, babysitting years. It started in the mid 50s (Mid-century musica) just after my cotillion dance lessons ended (where we prepared ourselves for the life again by learning how to waltz, do the fox-trot and cha-cha!), and rocked us until the early 60s. It was slow-dance, bop music, fall-asleep-with-transistor-radio-in-your ear-music, dreamy, happy, dance-with-the-refrigerator-door-handle, fall in love music. For the next few months, instead of giving you, as I usually do, my very favorite music, which is actually my parents and grandparents favorites, I’ll introduce and/or bring you back to a moment in time that went by waaaay too fast, the be-bop days of yore, some of the best music EVER … I’m going to love this! Hope you do too! MUSICA!

And speaking of Baby Boomers, I saw the most interesting thing on TV last week that I think all of you would love. It’s a four-part series called My Generation that explores the cultural and political events that shaped four generations of Americans: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and GenZ. Each 2-hour episode focuses on one generation and features archival footage and original interviews. So interesting! I can’t tell you how MUCH I didn’t know about each generation even my own, never even heard of lots of things others were MOST enthusiastic about! I fell madly in LOVE with everyone, especially GenZ! Born beginning in 1996 to 2012, they’ve gone through so much history, experiencing change on a daily basis! Proof that we’re all doing the best we can! It’s a good thing to know who you’re sharing the planet with, and the events that shaped them, who their parents were, and what made them who they are!

Time to catch up! It’s November, and Joe and I are finally back to normal. Ish. I do thank God for giving me the happy gene, it comes in so HANDY in times of stress. It’s helped me through this year of transition, all the way across the country and back to my art table, and making plans again.

I just wish my mom had talked to me more about Change. But she didn’t know either. She was busy taking me for waltz lessons! I remember around the time of the introduction of the answering machine I was saying to myself, Could we please just stop with the changes? But no. They come faster all the time. Each generation has had to handle change its own way. But when I put on my mom’s music, sing Que Sera Sera while making dinner for my beloveds, take naps on my sofa with my kitty in front of a window that looks at my picket fence garden, I don’t feel the changes so much. I remember the power to have a happy life comes from within. I think about Beatrix Potter, of course ’cause I always do, who died in 1942. I have always felt bad that she didn’t get to see the end of the war and know the world was made safe again. She was a practical woman of her times, but her own world was in nature with bunnies in blue coats, and she didn’t have a TV, so I’m sure her heart had luv-lee respite.  

I’m excited because the Monday before Thanksgiving, we’re having a pre-Thanksgiving dinner! Yay! With lots of family … Baby Boomers, GenX, Millennials, and GenZ! Early so they won’t have to deal with traffic, and this way everyone can have TWO Thanksgivings!👏 We watched Hamilton together after dinner last year on the island. It was so much fun, our kids knew all the words and sang along ~ going to do it again this year . . . maybe it will be a new tradition! I’m making my Mom and Grandma’s Thanksgiving dinner, like I’ve done all my life! Plus, Lowely’s mom’s Cranberry Sauce. Lowely’s mom went to heaven last month at almost 98, but she won’t ever be forgotten in this house. So our kids will be tasting the 1800s in their Great-Great Grandma’s Turkey Stuffing, and asking for Lowely’s mom’s cranberry sauce recipe! I can’t wait, because to me, a roasting turkey filled with buttery stuffing is the perfume of Thanksgiving and a tie that binds. Mmmmm!

But before that, I have lots to do! I’ve been making new art for the 2026 Calendars ~ moving right along, but still have lots of work to do! Here’s a preview.

I love sitting in my tall chair, perched above my art table, putting on layers of watercolor, my brush ringing against my water jar, daydreaming a bit while looking out the window at the trees, hearing the soft ringing of chimes. I always think of fairies flitting through the garden when I hear chimes. We have them outside our open bedroom window too, along with a little water fountain … we sleep the sleep of babies!

I only show you little bits of these calendar pages because I want you to be surprised in 2026! It’s a long time from now, I trust you will have forgotten all about these pics by then!👏 As usual, my calendars are all about growing up, home sweet home, counting our blessings, and the little things in life. Because that’s what makes me happy!🌺  

I should have everything done for the calendars before Thanksgiving! I’m trying because we have lots of plans for December! (I’ll tell you in a minute!)

Fall has been a delight here, sunny, chilly, and clear.

We made the house a little orange, with pumpkins, dish towels, and candlelight . . .

I light them every night. We don’t have a fireplace, but we still feel that coziness! This whole house is cozy! 

There’s  wreath on our door … and you can see the stools Joe and I recovered ourselves in that new green flowered needlepoint I found on Etsy ~ four of them. He wielded the staple gun ~ we are so proud of ourselves feeling all self-sufficient around here. Wait till you see our artichokes in the spring!!!

Friends from Martha’s Vineyard were driving through California; they came to dinner at our house on Halloween night ~ it’s not easy to find our house even with GPS, it’s invisible from the road, so Joe marked our driveway like this! That sheet looked soooo strange, flapping in the wind! But it worked! Our friends found the house!👻 Next year we’re going to do it better, and use those red reflectors for eyes that can be seen by cars for a long way on our dark road before they get close to it. Eeeek. Right? Can’t wait.🎃  

Every day I put on my walking shoes, grab my AirPods, and head outside to walk . . . I set my watch for 45 minutes . . . Round and round our property I go . . . my very own dirt country road.

Makes me so happy! I don’t have to get dressed up, I don’t have to drive anywhere. It’s all right there. I’m listening to the book The Secret Life of Sunflowers ~ have you read it? I’m not done yet, but so far, I like it. Probably because some of it is true and there is a diary in it, and Van Gogh too! You get two, even three, stories for the price of one! Back on the road with a good book is making my day! Like another world. So safe in there.🌺

Watching the bluebirds flitting around, smelling apple trees (me doing the smelling, not the bluebirds!), saying Thank-you God the whole way. Mas MUSICA de la bee-boppa? Oui!

Definitely stopping to put my nose in the roses!

I bring in the most fragrant … This gloriosity is on my art table.🌸

Having something fun on the calendar is so inspiring, even if it’s just a little thing like a rose garden visit with a girlfriend, which I’m doing this Saturday!! But there’s something much more exciting on our calendar right now ~ a train trip in December! That’s me up there, doing the happy dance! We’ll be crossing the country in our room with a view when everything will be lit in Christmas lights, because we’re going Back to the Island💖💖💖 . . . and we’ll stay in our old house! How fun is that!?🥮 Cake and eat it too!

Because, despite the “storybook setting in the quaint seaside village” our wonderful Vineyard house hasn’t sold yet! Good thing we left so much there, like almost all my cooking things are there, and our bed! And the dining table, and our car, and the bird bath!

We can gather greens on our woods-walk to the sea, light a fire and have TGIF, and be with all our sweet old friends we love so much💞, and maybe, 

. . . maybe it will even SNOW. I’ll take you home with us on the train via Instagram and the Blog!  We hope to do this every year. Probably won’t get to stay in our house again, survival requires we sell it soon!  But definitely worth it to see our friends, and  see that change of seasons!🥰

We’ll train back to California in January, plant our garden and the new Orchard in the spring, and then, while it’s madly growing in our fertile valley, we’ll do the other thing we just put on our calendar . . . guess what it is?

Yes, my darling girls. So HAPPY! Joe and I just made reservations on the Queen Mary 2, Transatlantic Crossing, New York to Southhampton, leaving May 5, 2025.💃🏼🕺 Just writing that gives me goosebumps!

Why? Because we miss Rachel and Paul and they just got a new house! We want to see it. And we miss England . . . so excited!

And this magical crossing o’r the sea never ever gets old . . .

Slowing life way down for 7 wonderful days, feeling our earth in a profound way … making memories . . .

And when we do this we are never happier! It reminds us of our very first meeting.🥰 So with all of this, I have to ask . . .


We reserved our stateroom yesterday and put down a deposit, which is fully refundable if we cancel and let them know no later than Jan. 2, 2025, which who knows, we might have to do. Lots of you came with us last time so you know how it works and how heaven it is ~ I hope you can join us again.🥳 And all you newbies too  . . . if you would like to join “The Susan Branch Girlfriend Group” (which includes boyfriends and husbands too), then just like last time, call Susan Gannon at 800-468-7752, extension 41663. Tell her you wish to join Group TN0 on Voyage M510A ~ she can make your reservations and answer all your questions.👏 This ship is already too full so if you think you might like to go, please book asap to secure your stateroom; then you’ll have time to think a bit and decide for sure after Christmas ~ and cancel if you can’t make it. PLUS, it will give you a couple of months of happy dreaming before you have to decide! Because of Rachel and Paul and that new house, they aren’t sure if they can come along with us or not, but they WANT to!💖 So I’ll have to let you know about that later. I’ll also tell you all the little things, like where we should meet and things like that. So far, we’re just winging it! But it was so easy and worked out so well last time, we thought we’d try it again!

Last time I worked with a tour guide not affiliated with Cunard who offered choices of small tours (not too many people) for everyone so when we got to England and got off the boat, there was a bus waiting for everyone who’d signed up. Shall I do that again? All I did was help them make special tours, and after they did that, I gave out their contact info so you could go see what they have and sign up if you want to. I haven’t contacted them yet, and Joe and I aren’t really guides on these tours … we drive off for adventures of our own when we get there  . . . but I think everyone enjoyed the tours the last time. It was especially good because we had so many first timers and they didn’t have to drive on the wrong side of the car, on the wrong side of the road, which Joe and my girlfriend Elizabeth do very well, but I am intimidated by. But then again, there are lots of trains and rental cars, and plenty to see no matter which direction you go because it’s all gorgeous, and in London there lots of taxis, the Underground, and trains to everywhere (including Paris, gateway to the rest of Europe, and Edinburgh!). And luv-lee British tour guides to show you the things you’d like to see. For example Ann Boleyn’s childhood home, Hever Castle ⬆️, and Churchill’s home, Chartwell (under the pub pic, below), are both open, inside and out, for wonderful tours without reservations and are within an hour’s drive or bus ride from London! Remember, all of England is about the size of Louisiana! And jam-packed with history, gardens, museums, tea rooms, wide open meadows and farmlands, tiny ancient villages, frolicking lambs, pubs, antique faires, so many sights you couldn’t even see everything in a lifetime.

Those of you who went with us last time and have the lay of the land may want to make your own way. Let me know what you think!

I have to tell you Jack is finally assimilating. He naps with me now! He sits with us at night and watches TV. He’s building himself a routine. His moving trauma is healing . . . he even sleeps with us! His coat is glossy and he’s not afraid of the house anymore! Makes me so happy. And the vet here says he does NOT have diabetes so the shot of insulin Joe has been giving him twice a day for the last 7 years (😳) is no longer necessary! Red letter days galore!

This big guy, Simon, is one of the two barn cats. They’ve had the run of this place since they were babies. This one is the softest, gentlest, most patient, sweet cats in the world. Never see a tooth or a claw, ever! In this picture he’s looking at Jack standing at the back screen meowing plaintively and he’s thinking, “Come on out, don’t be afraid, I’ll be nice, let’s smell each other!” But Jack is thinking it could be a trick! Every time I pet the barn kitties I come in and rub my hands on Jack. I want them to fall in love with each other!

Outside is the other barn cat, a Tuxedo named Sammy. And here is the relationship Jack has going with him! Sammy is actually the king of the mountain around here even though he is a shrimp. He has mind control over all of them. Jack just doesn’t know it yet!

This is where we keep the dwarves and hobbits on our property!

Kellee has put up lots of new goodies in our webstore! Go see my new bird! It’s on our porch and I love it. The new 2025 calendars are there, also my star wand (just like the one over my desk), plus candles, stickers, and all sorts of goodies! If you’re going on our trip with us, and you haven’t read A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside, I think you would love it. It talks all about what it’s like to drive on British roads, some of our favorite places to visit, and all things English!


Other new things, have you ever watched Bad Sisters? It’s such a well-done series on Apple+ … Season two premiers on November 13. Which means we started rewatching Season 1 last night so we can be ready.So good! You’ll love it!Another good new thing is that when we moved to California we started streaming our local NPR station every morning. I listen while I work. It’s great, so relaxing. No fear mongering, hearing both sides of everything, detailed stories from all over the world, AND the local news and weather, and science too. So good!

One last thing you need to know about. Trader Joes has a great big 72% dark cacao chocolate bar “Pound Plus” it’s huge. Smooth, delicious, like a little valium in a chocolate bar! This, you must have.💖I can hear the chimes outside! Santa Ana winds are blowing softly outside my window! I left lots for you to ponder today! Let me know what you think. I might suggest older grandchildren are delightful people to travel with. Strong too! Mix up those generations and everyone gets lucky! Love you all! XOXOXO

Oh England, till we come again!

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133 Responses to FOR STARTERS, let’s talk MUSICA! Then, some WONDERFUL cures for doldrums of life!

  1. sbranch says:

    Block what address?

  2. Nellie+Bragg says:

    Oh, Susan! Such a cheerful blog post! Still in a bit of mourning here from the week’s developments. Would absolutely LOVE to book passage on the Queen Mary 2; just very nervous about what might be happening to our budget after January 20. Christmas on Martha’s Vineyard! What a lovely place to be! I remember when I joined Twitter, just for the purpose of following you across the country as you “Tweeted from the Twain.” Will be watching for your Instagram posts about this trip this time. Just sending you special hugs across the miles! Take care, and keep that music playing. – xoxo Nellie

    • sbranch says:

      I know. We have a house up for sale and have no idea what it means. So we’ll just have to wait and see. They lowered interest rates by a quarter point today, I think, so that’s a good start. Keeping fingers crossed Nellie . . . I know everyone would love to see you!

    • Lynnie Lawler says:

      Oh, Nellie…I completely understand! We too have been in mourning this week. Blessings and hugs coming your way right now! 🙂

  3. Debra S. says:

    Oh, it was so very good to see this today! Just what the Dr. ordered. So many good things going on that it just lifted me way high up onto cloud nine. I have two of your 2025 wall calendars in my drawer waiting to replace your 2024 ones. I put one in the kitchen and one in my craft room which is where I work. I love them so much. I finally have a kitty of my own. I have named her Princess Lucky Cat. She is a long-haired tabby with calico colorings. She found me as I was walking in my woods. She was so scared and very thin. I brought her home and took her to the vet. She is all up to date on her shots and spayed. She never leaves my side. We are best friends. Say hi to Jack. Have a safe trip back to the Island.

    • sbranch says:

      I love your Lucky Cat! xoxo

    • Ann Parsons says:

      What a wonderful, joyful blog post Susan, thank you. So pleased to know you, Joe and Jack are settling into life in California and how amazing you get to spend Christmas in your old home on MV. It was meant to be and we will look forward to following your journey. Even though the new owners have not showed up yet they will at the right time and everything is slowly falling into place.
      I’m overjoyed to know you and Joe are coming back to Blighty and I’m sure you will be blessed with plenty of Girlfriends to travel with but the big question is will there be another picnic?? In May we went with our family to Southwold for a week which I’m sure you know is not too far from Rachel and Paul’s new home. It’s a quaint seaside town you can’t help falling in love with which makes it so popular with holidaymakers
      If you time it right with the tides you could consider a beach picnic. Just saying!
      With much love to you both from Ann and Alan in Chester xxxx

  4. Karen Holly says:

    Susan, it sounds like you and Joe have been very busy with many exciting plans! I couldn’t be happier for you! England awaits, and before then you will enjoy Christmas at your Martha’s Vineyard home. Bliss!
    Karen Holly


    Oh Sue, I love this post too! I just want to ask you, about your roses…I have a Just Joey (my middle son is Joe) and love that rose….But, you must find a Sir Paul McCartney rose…I have one and it is pink , but the smell is beyond Heavenly… Find one and order it… I saw the Beatles in 64 and have been one of their biggest fans all these wonderful years…. You must have this rose in your garden and all the Beatle memories!!!! They are a little difficult to find, but go for it!!!! Hugs to you in your new home…. Susan

  6. Lillian Zemlicka says:

    This is all such Wonderful news!!!! Will write more later but have to leave for a dinner out now. Could wait to write you though. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Paulette Feld says:

    Such a good example of moving on past this weeks news. I’m trying to do the same. Good news in the long road back for Wisconsin has helped. 12 years and new maps are finally taking hold. There is hope.
    Such great news on Christmas on the island and the trip in Spring. I do hope the new year will bring a buyer, someone needs to be able to enjoy your house. And England! Oh my. I’m very happy with Jack’s news. Not needing insulin. Our Billy required insulin 2x a day for several years. It is a committment but it kept him with us for at least 5 years.
    Thanks for sharing all your happy news.

  8. Janie Foltz says:

    Susan, Susan….PLEASE do not let Jack outside. I don’t have a good feeling about this. I too have had cats indoors and outdoors all my life. Jack needs to be just a house cat. I am worried sick about this. I love your beautiful barn cat. I am excited for your plans for Christmas and a return to your beloved England. I would love to join you if my health could allow. Have a wonderful November with family. Love to you and Joe. What a blessing to have found you so many years ago.
    Janie Foltz

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t. He doesn’t even want to go out. Don’t worry. It was more about letting those other cats in! I love that you take care of Jack! xoxoxo

  9. VirginiaB says:

    You must have read my mind! Just this afternoon I was thinking how I missed your posts so I re-read the last one to keep me company–and now here you are. Doubly happy now. Everything looks beautiful and glad Jack is slowly making an adjustment. My son and family recently got two barn cats, actually garage cats, from a rescue agency. They have progressed to letting themselves be petted but one still hisses just to let them know who’s still boss.
    You said you left most of your cooking things in MV. Are you going to send them out to California after the house is sold? And your other things? Hope that’s the plan. The house is so wonderful–and all that land in the heart of MV–what a great find for some lucky someone.
    Lastly, it seems you sent California weather back east to New England. It has been sunny and in the 70s for days. The fall foliage has been spectacular this year, starting in late September. But I’m looking forward to the bracing chill which I am crazy enough to actually like!
    Thank you as always for taking the time to share so much loveliness with us.

    • sbranch says:

      Our California house is ⅓ of the size of the one we had on the island. Which means we could only stuff ⅓ of our stuff into it. Try it sometime!🤣 There are two saucepans we miss mightily, going to get them! Couple other little things, maybe the birdbath! I LOVE that birdbath!!! I have the perfect place for it. And two cats. So that is the only drawback. I always loved a long fall when I lived there! So happy you are getting it again this year. We have a good chill here, down to 40º at night, along with the sun and blue skies during the day, and I love it too! Cozy under the covers at night, windows open! You go out to a friend’s for dinner in a shirt and jeans! No jacket! Wild! xoxo

  10. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Wow Susan. So much exciting news. Do you have any idea where the girlfriends would meet up? We might be able to fly over and meet you all. So glad you are enjoying your life in CA but also getting to go visit and actually stay in your vineyard home! Jack looks so happy too. ❤️❤️❤️ Beverlee

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Beverlee ~ well, so far the only place I know for sure we will meet up will be on the ship. Not sure of a picnic this year. But we’re only starting to make plans. So anything can happen!

  11. Mary Peterson says:

    Your blog came at a perfect time. It lifted mt spirits. Your trip back to Martha’s
    Vineyard sounds lovely. Be sure to bring the book, The Polar Express for the train ride.
    Blessings, Mary Peterson

  12. Maxine Hartley says:

    Hi Susan
    Welcome to The glorious Central Coast ‼️❤️
    From reading your posts I feel like your happily settling in.
    Next… your Train trip back to Martha’s Vineyard and Home Sweet Home‼️
    How wonderful to spend Christmas back home❣️🎄I’m certain it will be nothing short of delightful, I’m so excited and happy for you and Joe. Now what about Jack? Staying back in California tending the mice?

    The Queen Mary a dream up- coming trip for certain! I’ll be joining you in spirit especially with thoughts of Beatrix Potter and her beloved “Peter Rabbit” and friends.
    Sending safe travels!
    Sending wishes for a very Merry Christmas & praying for a white Christmas just for you
    Again sending welcome wishes❣️♥️

  13. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    What a wonderful, cheery post! So fun that you are going ‘home’ for Christmas! And you probably thought you already had your last Christmas there. I’m sure it will be very memorable and you will share it with us! Happy Thanksgiving with your West Coast family & Merry Christmas with your East Coast friends! Jack is going to miss you!

  14. Ann Woleben says:

    You are living the best life – Christmas in your home on the island and spring in England! I am thrilled that you and Joe can do this – a well deserved time after the stress of moving. Surely you and Joe have grateful hearts. While I can’t travel with you, I will look forward to your blog descriptions and photos.

  15. Becky from Kansas says:

    Thank you for a bright, happy post. A much needed after the events this past week. I would love to make the trip to England with you, but I’m planning on a trip back to the Central Coast next September for my 40 year class reunion and visiting my best friend. I will just have to tag alone through your posts.

  16. Kathy R. says:

    Sadly, I can’t do the QE2 this year because i have a girlfriends week in Quebec! But promise me you will do another because I so want to do my first passage with you! 2026?

  17. Kathy Prell says:

    Thank you Susan. I needed this.

  18. Maria says:

    Dear Susan –
    This post was balm for my soul. Just the thought of following along with you & Joe on that wonderful cross country train ride, knowing you’ll be with your beloved friends & waking up in your beautiful House of Creativity again, warms my heart. And if that wasn’t enough, another sail across the ocean to the magical English countryside! Oh, it’s just too much to look forward to…how are you keeping your excitement in check?? I’m so happy for you!!

  19. Beth T. says:

    Your note was just what I needed tonight. Thank you for sharing some of your sunshine, which was a balm. I’ve been a wee bit worried about you, with the Santa Anas–I’m in Oregon, but as a native Californian I keep an eye out, always. Trust you to think of them as a means to making the wind chimes do their magical thing. That’s the happy gene for you! ❤️

  20. Glad to hear you all settled in, even Jack. It is a big thing to move and to move so far away. That would be here in the Netherlands like moving to Spain or so.
    Maybe you should ask those twin sisters on hgtv to sell your house? They always sell above the former asking price. Or least that is what we get to see……😉
    Have a good trip back to the Island! We visited Nantucket last month for 5 days and we loved it.
    Groetjes, Petra

    • sbranch says:

      Ha ha, what a good idea, Petra!!!! I think they live in Washington State though, which is just too bad! I need them!

  21. Gina from NY says:

    Great post Susan! Good to know that all of you, including Jack, have settled in! So happy you’ll be back on the east coast! We’ve missed you! May I ask where you watched “My Generation”? Was it on a streaming service? I’d love to see it! Regarding music, this baby boomer (1958) loved the music of the 70s (teenager) and 80s (in my twenties) – so many great memories of great music, concerts, blasting 8 tracks and cassettes in the car! One other thing… thank you for keeping politics out of your post. It was so refreshing and delightful to read something positive, happy, and uplifting! Made my day… 🙏🏻

    • sbranch says:

      We saw it as it played on TV … but just Google “How to Stream My Generation” and I’m sure there’s a way. Might even be on Youtube! Yes, very very tired of politics. 😄 Not quite as easy as it used to be! xoxoxo

  22. Gloria Nugent says:

    Luv-lee post that I really needed💕between a health scare & current events AND the loss of 15 year old grand dog 😭your words were a breath of fresh air,,,,,,thanks for everything. So happy for you to get to go back home via train travel. Happy holidays to you &yours ✌🏻🌻

  23. Lori McGrorty says:

    I’m a day late reading this – totally worth the wait. All these good things and sunshine thoughts are needed by me and truly appreciated ❤️

  24. Lisa Drouin says:

    I so enjoy reading about all your adventures. I love seeing your cat named Simon. He looks so much like the Siamese we used to have, also named Simon. He was a big cat like yours and had so much personality. He is missed. I can’t help but wonder, with Thanksgiving coming up, if you are missing your beautiful old stove that you cooked so many dinners on?

    • sbranch says:

      It’s funny. What I miss are our friends. The house was a gift, an amazing moment in time for this California girl, oldest of 8 children, to have gotten to live in my dream, New England, in THAT HOUSE. Impossible. Yet, it happened. But I always knew the day would come. So we spend more time making this place as wonderful as possible, living our lives here, excited to be planting an orchard and doing things HERE we couldn’t do there!🍁

  25. Cynthia L says:

    Thank you for this burst of cheer on Nov 8. I needed to think on positive and lovely things to stay sane! And it reminds me I need to get your desk calendar. I tear the pages off each month and put it on the side of my refrigerator, which is visible to the main part of my house, and keeps me on track and on schedule. Your art is such a gift. Please never stop! And thank you for the inspiration of your move across the coast. I know downsizing is probably in our future in the next five years, and watching you and Joe leave that beautiful house and island, which looked like an absolute fairy tale, well if you can do that, I can too! I know you are making your California home a place of beauty, and we get to come along for the ride.

  26. Edith McAdoo says:

    Jack’s picture was an ahh moment! Thanks for the great post. Will you ever offer the Blessed mug again?? I’ve given them as gift but need a back-up in case mine breaks.

    • sbranch says:

      They are getting to be so expensive… from England, then shipping, and the way the world is, they are already expensive, I don’t think I can bear to raise the prices! I haven’t decided totally not to yet but it’s a huge investment for our little business, to buy a bunch of them and ship them out … I know you understand! xoxo

  27. Lauri in VA says:

    I feel like I’m settling in to your big move just like Jack! Changes are hard, fun, stressful and exciting all rolled into one. This is such a wonderful Willard with all your upcoming plans. Thanks for taking us along for the ride as usual!
    Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍽️🍁🧡

    • sbranch says:

      I love that! Isn’t that interesting. We’re all settling in together! xoxo Happy Thanksgiving!🍁🍂

  28. Tracy Nassau says:

    Happy day!!!!🥰 I was so hoping you would invite us on another England adventure bc I so regret not going the last time! I just made the reservation for my husband and I!!!! Yay!!!!!😁
    I couldn’t be more thrilled!! No I could not!!! Yes, I’m interested in anything that might be scheduled once we are in England. Can’t wait!!!

  29. Lorrie Orr says:

    It was a lovely visit with you this morning, Susan. Thank you for your newsy posts. We Boomers definitely have the best music! Even my grandchildren love it! So glad you are mostly settled into your new home, and how wonderful that you will be returning to your former home for Christmas! I’ll be following along on IG as you take the train across the continent.

  30. Sonya Hewes says:

    Oh, my goodness, I have been waiting for your blog to come out to tell you about my bestie and my amazing trip to Martha’s Vineyard!! We had the BEST time, traveled to every point, had amazing food (John’s Fish Market was closed though for the season – we were bummed about that). Did lots of walking and sightseeing and just had the best time as her and I hadn’t seen each other in over 9 years (she still lives in Alaska and I’m in DE now). Picked up right where we left off. And…..went past your house and I just had to get my picture in front of your house! ♥
    Also bought my 2025 calendar at Edgartown Books! It was just such an amazing trip, loved every bit of it! ♥ Glad that you’ll get to spend Christmas at your beautiful home.

    • sbranch says:

      John’s is so mean. I think they close September 1st now. Heart breaking!!! But those people work so hard all summer, they just want OUT when it’s over! I’m so happy you loved it so much . . . it’s such a magical place! And got to see your girlfriend after 9 years!!! What a treat you two provided for yourselves. ❌⭕️

  31. Lori+Hamilton says:

    A “Willard” popped up in my email just as I was checking them out. It’s always a wonderful thing to see!
    I’m so envious of the England trip; my hubby and I have been to Ireland and Scotland – love them both – but not England….YET. We hope to go sometime soon. I’m very excited about your trip back to the Island as well. I’m adjusting to you being a California Girl and you’ve always seemed to “fit” into the M’sV life even though I know you began your life in sunny CA.
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving and can’t wait for the next Willard. (For the first time ever we’re going to our older son’s for Thanksgiving. A new tradition!)

  32. Viffy says:

    I’m seriously considering the England cruise! I’ve looked at past blogs and had nothing but regret… so, it may be on our calendar soon!
    (Wondering if there’s any issue with accessibility on the ship? I guess I can ask when calling.)
    As usual, this recent blog post was like a ray of sunshine on a brisk but sunny November day.

  33. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to write for us. Your pure joy comes right through your words. I look forward to your upcoming travel plans. I wish i could afford to come along to the UK.
    The newer musica here brings back lots of memories. And I love “the power to have a happy life comes from within.” So very true. Hopefully, all will be well again with no unrest. I know better, but I can always get lost in my garden, books, and my little house.
    Love you tons.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes you can Girlfriend. You should check out the cost of the rooms. It’s amazing how inexpensive some of them are! xoxoxo Peggy💖

  34. Kim says:

    Life is settling and a trip “Home” in the works has me excited for you. The train travel again ❤️ Absolutely delightful time of the year to go! Live while the living is easy. Grab all the joy with friends and all the love you can. It’s a dream, really, if you ask me.

  35. Patti from Pleasanton, CA says:

    Good morning, Susan!
    I opened my emails and there was your Williard to start my day!
    So happy to hear that your life is being lived to the fullest and you are loving your California home. Change can be so difficult at our age, but you and Joe are so inspiring with your optimism and sunny dispositions… which make everything possible as you do it together!
    Enjoy your train ride back to Martha’s Vineyard and trust God to bring along the perfect people to buy your home there… all in His perfect timing.
    I’m excited to be able to travel along with you, back to England, through all the wonderful pictures you share along the journey.
    Wishing you and Joe safe travels and all the blessings of the holiday season!

  36. Susan McNally says:

    Hi Susan! At first I was traumatized seeing that you were moving from the Island, to CA. I’ve loved your posts and Heart of the Home attitude over the years. What I’m learning from watching how you’re transforming your cozy, loving home in CA, is amazing me. It’s really given me hope (and goals) for when the time comes that I can find my forever home, hopefully in a few years (have some medical stuff to attend to first). I hope to find a cozy, charming little place where I can celebrate all the little things that mean a lot to me (seasons, holidays, decorative stuff). Your sharing of your moving experience has changed the way I think about such things, given me peace about it, and lots of hope and anticipation. Thank you so much. Safe travels! xx

    • sbranch says:

      Yes! With that attitude it can be really life affirming. The hard part is the packing, moving, deciding, all that stuff. Do it asap, get comfy now, because the older we get, the harder it is. Just start thinking about it. It turns out, like everything else, it’s only one step at a time.💖

  37. Sophie T says:

    I really was wondering how Jack was adapting. Thanks for telling us the story! He is with his humans, that must mean something.

    And of course, I’m glad to read the humans are also adapting with delight!

    All the best to you and Joe!

  38. Sarah says:

    Man, I got all excited when I saw your email thinking you were going to light everything on fire like you did the last time Trump was elected. 😂 The comment section erupted on that one. This post was much more calming to read. Good move. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      People have a million places to go if eruption is what they want! 😂

      • Melissa Pimentel says:

        Please don’t feel under any obligation to post my comment. Thinking about it I really don’t want to start anything. Truly it’s your blog and you can make it whatever you want it to be. I was truly just meaning it’s nice we can all come together here regardless of what political views we have but I don’t want my comment no matter how well intended to make anyone feel uneasy in any way. We are all girlfriends here and no matter what we are each valuable and unique 🥰

        • sbranch says:

          I know how you feel, I don’t want to start anything either! We’re better off leaving that subject for some other format! As Jane Austen said, “From politics it was an easy step to silence.” We don’t want that! My favorite thing about this blog is that it’s proof positive that we have waaaay more in common than our differences!

  39. Charlene H. says:

    Hello from smoky Ventura, down the coast from you, Susan. The Warning Alert for evacuation was removed from our area last night as the Santa Ana winds died down. SO THANKFUL!!! Yet sorrowful for all those impacted by this fast-moving fire.
    I am very interested in the Cruise to England! However, I am a widow and wondering if other single women attend this marvelous opportunity? Or are there “single rooms” available? I will call the phone number you provided.
    Thank you so much!
    Charlene H, formerly from the San Fernando Valley…now in Ventura.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, we had some singletons last time too … ask Susan, she can talk to you about a single room, or maybe even put you with another SB Sister, and you’ll make a new friend! Hope you come along!

    • Dianne in Upstate New York says:

      Hi Charlene,
      When I did my maiden voyage on the QM2 (with Susan), I was on my own. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I met some wonderful people- many of whom were with the girlfriends’ group. Susan had organized some activities aboard ship that provided us with an opportunity to mingle with each other. At dinner I was at a table with some other members of the group. I was the only singleton, but I did not feel alone. In fact, I have some wonderful new friends.
      I have traveled on the QM2 twice as a singleton (once “connected” with a group and once on my own). On the second voyage there weren’t any girlfriends aboard, but I had many opportunities to meet people. At dinner I was at a table with other persons traveling on their own- the perfect opportunity to make new friends.
      I will probably join Susan on this voyage as well, since traveling on the QM2 is a dream come true. Hoping to meet you aboard the ship

  40. Karen M says:

    Very happy to see you are going ‘home’ for the holidays and other fun plans!
    And guess what, my Joe and I will be on the Queen Mary 2 the week just before you and your Joe! We will be sailing back from France and disembark in NY the same day you board, would be so fun if we might manage a wave hello as we pass!
    We have sailed Cunard before (the only way to go! 🚢 😊) but this will be our first transatlantic trip, the excitement is building already!

  41. Margot Birkett says:

    This is a cheerful and beautiful time of the year!! You haven’t read my comment left on the last Willard. Working my way through life’s dream vacations. I was thinking about an English Christmas or a German Christmas 🎄??
    All the beautiful greenery. Advent wine 🍷. Puddings and roasted chestnuts 🌰
    But first Thanksgiving 🙏 🦃, hurrah for the pumpkin pie 🥧!
    Your 45 walk has again inspired me! 🏃‍♀️
    Margot B.

    • sbranch says:

      Love your thoughts of dream vacations!

      • Margot Birkett says:

        Did you get the new home card that I mailed the beginning of Summer? BTW the cruise is so tempting! I will have my sailor check it out.

        • sbranch says:

          Good Idea! Yes Margot, I got your card! Sweetest thought. I loved it! Needed it at the time! So thank you!

      • Margot Birkett says:

        Did you get the new home card that I mailed the beginning of Summer? BTW the cruise is so tempting! I will have my sailor check it out.

        P.S. I had trouble getting through to Kellee again just as in October.

        OXOX oxoxox(the small ones are for the kittys)

        • sbranch says:

          What do you need Kellee to do for you? She is in the office mostly alone now, so sometimes she gets a haircut or goes to the dentist!🤣

  42. Dee+Ann says:

    Thank you for posting a new Willard…reading it helps my hurting heart and mind after this weeks events. I also started watching The Bad Sisters…thanks for the suggestion. Wish a transatlantic crossing was in my future for 2025 with the girlfriends but I have a conflict in other plans. We had so much fun together on the May 2022 crossing, so I encourage anyone that can go…GO!

  43. dezi says:

    Susan, My four kids climbed into a 90’s playpen and it broke! Not like they used to make! Good to see you’re both happy and settling in! Great relief to see November and Autumn here, it was a long summer!! Life is good. 🤪👏🏻

  44. Jane Schlosser says:

    Thanks for your uplifting post. When you take the train cross country are yon on Amtrak?

  45. Nicoline Bostens says:

    Hello Susan,
    I opened my emails and there was your Williard to start my day!
    So glad you are mostly settled into your new home, and how wonderful that you will be returning to your former home for Christmas! Lets hope you’ll have some SNOW!!
    The barn cats look lovely, is Simon ( part) Siamese? Gorgeous coloring, and a sweet nature as well, 2x lucky! Our girls are now 5 1/2 and still act like kittens sometimes…Just the other day Kitty (ginger and slightly thinner than Katy…) was running aroung the living room, like crazy, over the sofa etc and she jumped into the NET CURTAINS….She just swung there like Tarzan for a few moments till I started yelling at her…grrrrr But we just “grin”and deal with the holes in the curtains haha…..
    Oh what fun to be able to look forward to travelling across the pond again…Looking forward to hearing where you are thinking of going this time! Any thoughts on glorious Cornwall, haha…?? Keeping fingers crossed you will think of having another picnic….
    Talking of travel, in May, Tim ( oldest son, and it was his 27th birthday yesterday, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE) and I went back to Beijing for 10 days! It was so nice, spending time together, being back, after 5 years ( lots of changes in the city) lovely food, and just having enough time to do the “touristy”things again, but also being able to spend time in the parks, watching people sing and dance etc….great memories!
    Well, I think today will be for some chores, and Gabri has said he will get the tall ladder out, and clean the gutter….I’m sure that is something Joe doesn;t miss, now in the smaller house….
    Happy weekend, and sending you both lots of love!

  46. Julie says:

    My, what a heart-warming post after a chaotic few days. Loving the idea of setting up trips to look forward to, they sound wonderful. Thank you once again for the “Calgon, take me away!” post; comforting, hopeful, and reassuring as always.

  47. Chirs says:

    Thank you for this lovely Willard. It lifted my spirits. Yes to the small group trips before the picnic. We so enjoyed them last time. Happy Thanksgiving in your new home:)

  48. Robin says:

    Yes, please do arrange some tours! I was going to copy your travels from A Fine Romance, but if you set up some tours that get us a lot of those places, that would be wonderful!

    I agree with everyone else: We needed your cheerfulness this week. Thank you.

  49. Carol Johnson says:

    Love getting your Willard’s so beautiful to look at and cozy too! I just wanted to let you know that when I click on the musica it comes up with a Chinese girl playing a guitar, looks like in her bedroom. I have tried several times because I always love to see the music you choose, BUT there she is again!
    Don’t know if anyone else has had that problem or if you were hacked or what. (Whatever being hacked means)
    Thanks for the new Willard.
    Love, Carol

  50. Lisa Minton says:

    Oh Susan! Thank you for this breath of fresh air blog post. I think we all needed it. I’ve been trying to see all the beauty in the world since Tuesday. I am grateful for the beauty you share with us! I think that is how we will survive the next 4 years. Take care of yourself!!!

  51. Karen Hefler says:

    Oh my gosh, somehow I haven’t been getting your blogs and I was just thinking I better subscribe again! I’m catching up just now with the October post. So happy for you and Joe, as your home and yard are wonderful. I can tell that you are a happy girl! And the barn kitties! Love them. You have stimulated a desire to try out Amtrack and book a trip. Sending love and hugs ❤️❤️

  52. Dianne Ferreira says:

    I absolutely love reading your journal posts and all your books. I have my 2025 calendar already !…Everything you write about and show photos of really makes me smile and feel like everything will be ok.

    Thank you ever so much ,

  53. Nan Rohan says:

    Dear Susan,
    Enjoyed your blog. It sounds like there are many plans going. When I clicked on Musica, a bunch of additional snippets came up. One was Rana you know it? One song especially, Bella Ciao, I adore. The choir is, I believe, based in Israel. The women sing in Farsi, Hebrew and Arabic. I hope you will check it out.

  54. Tam says:

    I don’t know if you have space for one anywhere, but I have an electric fireplace. (And my house is over 700 sq ft smaller than yours!) No chimney cleaning or ashes! No hauling wood! I love having the mantel to decorate for Christmas and hang stockings from! I just love, love, love a real fire but if I can’t have that then the electric fireplace will do. 🙂

  55. Thank you for your post, Susan.
    It’s always a hug during difficult times.
    I was down in your area last weekend for the Central Coast Weavers sale at the Strawbale Barn in Arroyo Grande, and we stopped in SLO for lunch.
    Sadly, the reverie we felt was interrupted by a loud, raucous, honking “parade” of people from a different political persuasion than you and I are.
    It was jarring to say the least.
    I refuse to let that side tear me down.
    As Stacy Abrams has said this time around, we must INSIST we be heard and stand up for marginalized people, the planet, and each other.
    Thank you for being a beacon of compassion and joy.
    I so wish I could join you and Joe on the crossing.
    I have yet to visit England and read your book often when I want to travel but can’t due to the whole teaching thing.
    Someday, I can retire and take the long and winding road (or ocean).
    I look forward to seeing your Tweets from the Twain!

  56. Roberta j Brown says:

    Thank you for a cozy Sunday post happy travels 🙂

  57. Melissa S. says:

    I notice a white Westie figurine (iron? ceramic?) on the bottom shelf of a table in one of your hallways (Vineyard Haven pictures). Is it for sale? I must know!! I am coveting the England trip….just returned from the Cotswolds so I understand your addiction!

  58. Mary Barany says:

    Susan, thank you for the most wonderful gift of your blog coming on my birthday!
    I always enjoy and look forward to the Willards and so appreciate the time and love you put into all of them. Such a special “escape” to get a glance into your world with a delightful read. You are a great blessing in my life. I love your style, your positive vibe and the beauty you create in the simplest things. We do so many things alike such as placing special blossoms in tiny bottles and vases.

    I feel like I have known you forever because we love so many of the same things [Beatrix Potter – my late Father carved her creatures in wood as a loving gift to my Mother] and we are very close in age so I love that you understand the times [and musica] we came from and are living in now. My husband and “bestie” friend Patti fell in love with England in 1995 on our first trip and have been blessed with two additional trips in 2017 and 2018 and if health issues permit we want to return and enjoy the trip we had planned but had to abandon in 2020. Each time we visit new parts of England, Scotland, Wales and also re-visit parts we especially love like the Cornwall coast and the Isles of Scilly. It is all wonderful, the people, the history, traditions, the quaint towns, etc. Can’t get enough of it.

    I’ve always wanted to share these thoughts with you and thank you. Wishing you and Joe all the best as your continue to share your love of life so generously with all of us.

    Devoted fan and friend,

  59. Sally Geisel says:

    Is that the right musica link?

  60. kathleen pendlebury says:

    Hi, Susan! This post is so lovely, positive and horizon-expanding. I always enjoy your viewpoints and your adaptation to your new location is amazing – as one of your commenters pointed out, change is not always pleasant or easy as we get older. I am wondering (not knowing your financial situation) if you might wish to seek professional information regarding a reverse mortgage. If you have enough equity, your house could pay it’s own expenses and then some. Then YOU COULD KEEP IT! (My sister was having a hard time financially and a reverse mortgage worked out great for her.) Just a thought that I wanted to pass along to you. God bless you & Joe and all of your critters.

  61. Linda says:

    You definitely were blessed with the happy gene. I have a more challenging brain. I do the best I can 🙂 Thanksgiving and Christmas sound lovely. I wanted to go on the passing last time you went everything appeals to me about being on the ship…except actually being on the Ocean for that long. I have a weak vestibular system and the possibility of prolonged sea sickness is a no. I am thinking of doing an extended United Kingdom trip for my 60th next year though! Continued blessings to you!

  62. Sharon Crane says:

    Thank you, Susan, for this lovely post! We can all use some happy and uplifting news these days and your travel plans sound wonderful! I have decorated my home for Thanksgiving and am planning our menu for the big day…focusing on the positive only!!!

  63. kim says:

    “Remember, all of England is about the size of Louisiana!”

    This made me laugh! I really should enjoy more of England – seems rude not to when its so small! I’m a londoner and I think we get spoilt! Waiting more than 5 minutes for a train? no way!!

    • sbranch says:

      The first 3 times I went to England, I didn’t know that about Louisiana … I kept putting off going to Beatrix Potter’s house, because it was “so far away!”🤣 There is just so much to see, it feels a million times bigger! My dear English friends have a flat in London, but real home is in Beccles ~ they book historical houses from Landmark Trust and take holidays in the most charming places!!!

  64. Terri Brewster says:

    I needed this blog post more than you know. You are so right it is about what you set your mind to, and I am choosing kindness, love, joy and only positive things. From the pictures, you, Joe and Jack have settled into your new home and it looks cozy, inviting and perfect.
    I am so glad to hear you are taking the train back to the East Coast to be with loved ones, and your Thanksgiving plans sound wonderful. Having something on the calendar is good for the soul. We are already going to be in England or I would jump on the chance to cross the pond via ship with you and Joe.
    Take good care of yourselves and until the next time you bring joy to our inboxes, I keep my hopes up.
    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas,

    • sbranch says:

      Love and xxxx’s to you Terri! New thing on my calendar today, Christmas dinner at our old house! So excited! Things worth living for, that’s the ticket!🤣

  65. Melissa Pimentel says:

    G’day from Australia….you have at least one Girlfriend all the way down here. I’ve secured a big and small calendar for my wall for next year and am tickled pink my house will feel like home with those hanging up in the new year!

    I’ve been rereading your blog (it’s like rereading a good book….never boring when it’s so full of delightful tales) and I’m up to December 12 2011 where you’re baking Christmas cookies with your nieces Eliza (7 at the time) and Maggie (4 at the time) and realise these sweet little girls would now be grown up 13 years later! Don’t feel you have to update if you’re not comfortable but I’d love to know what they’re doing now? What jobs are they doing? Are they wonderful homemakers like you in their own neck of the woods? Again don’t feel you have to update just if you want to it just made me think about how many years had passed between then and now.

    Thank you for this wonderful Willard and I am especially happy for you you get to enjoy heading back to MV and your lovely home one more time and also are getting to have another trip to England! So many great posts to come and I can’t wait!

    Love and hugs to you and all the girlfriends from Melissa from Queensland, Australia xoxoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      What’s fun is you and I have more in common with our weather than I do with the east coast! Not hot here in CA, but it’s sunny, things are green and growing, and planting is possible!!! Those “little” girls are in college! Brilliant, studying things I don’t understand, like brain surgery and physics. Had Thanksgiving with them on the island last year. It was really fun, you’ll probably come to that story and see the pictures as you read further on the blog! Love hearing from you Melissa! xoxoxo

  66. CAROL TURNER says:

    My friend and I are signed up for the crossing!! ? We are interested in touring options like last time. Looking forward to any updates. Cheers!

  67. Debbie F in Indiana says:

    Thank you for another lovely post, Susan. My daughter and I signed up for the crossing today! We’re so excited!! We would also be interested to know about touring options.

  68. Arline in So CA says:

    Had so much fun with you on the last crossing! Tell any singles to look at the “sheltered balcony”. It was very reasonable, although my friend had an interior single that still had a window to look down into the lobby area! I would love a trip that took us to the pottery area and Emma Bridgewater this time. Many of us have done the Cotswolds and Highclere so it would be amazing to visit Stoke-On- Trent.

  69. Sue says:

    Hello, Susan (and Joe)!

    Such a positive post and exciting news! We loved the tour aspect last time and may have dear friends (and longtime fans) considering coming along!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you both and enjoy that cross-country train ride for your Christmas festivities!


  70. Marigold says:

    Ricky Nelson — such a heartthrob. His tragic death came too soon. We are blessed to still have his music to listen to and to dream by.

    The views outside your windows is breathtaking. I hope you are situated safely away from all the fires. Praying your beautiful M’s I house sells soon so you no longer have that expense hanging over you. Glad you get to enoy it one more time!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving (two, no less!) and a peaceful, joyful Christmas.

  71. Debbie Boerger says:

    OH, Happy, Happy!!! I finally felt up to looking at email, and there you are!! Your “Secret” gardens are just impossibly lovely. Walking must be a huge pleasure.
    I’m not an expert on cat behavior, but I did learn that even the most reluctant kitties can sometimes make themselves sociable with other felines. And that the untamable ones are lured to be “tame” by taking it very slowly…so they think it’s all their idea!
    Wow! What great adventures you have on your Calander. I can’t wait to tag along by way of this Blog.
    I was hospitalized for four days, Nov. 8, 11. I’m doing fine now, but it was a bit scary. A small bowel obstruction. Almost waited too late to go to Emergency.
    All in all, it was a great experience. Wonderful doctors and nurses. Tampa General is a teaching hospital, so I saw lots of fresh, newly minted interns and residents. Went 4 days hooked up to all sorts of tubes and pumps, no food or water. Had to give my “vowels” a rest. Whatever was in that drip bag seemed to make me a Comedian. I’d just say whatever popped into my head, and all the young docs would laugh. One told me I was a favorite patient to visit. Wonderful hospital, and the reason we must maintain a home here in Tampa, hopefully at the nearby Senior Living high rise. Hope to keep Maine for a few more years.
    Adore the picture of you and your siblings in the “play pen”. Oh, I remember those times well. Such great music.
    Sending Mucho Big Love,
    Debbie in Tampa

  72. T. Wimmer says:

    Would love tour options in England

  73. Holly DiMauro says:

    Hello from Rhode Island! So glad you are settling in. What a beautiful cottage with magnificent grounds and views! We also downsized to a small parish house that we bought from the church in the neighborhood and my husband totally rehabed it. Perfect for the two of us, our kitty and collie pup. I don’t really know how I took care of the other house which was much larger. I must confess…we did build a guest cottage on the property but still very manageable.
    I really get a lift of cheer everytime I read your blogpost. Thanks you so much!
    Holly H

  74. Cindy Roberg says:

    Hi Susan,
    My daughter and I signed up for the May 5th crossing. First time doing anything like this. We need all the help you can provide. We are very interested in a bus meeting us at the dock, and planned days for the first week and safe, ( mouse free) lodging. Also, someone there that can educate us about trains, whatever they use for transportation. We would like to buy a month pass that works for everything. Thank you. I look forward to updates, and directions.

    • sbranch says:

      Got it Cindy. Don’t worry about a thing, it’s all so much easier than expected. And you will love it!!

  75. Cindy Roberg says:

    Susan, will you be planning a picnic lunch or tea party somewhere within the first week of arrival? I will watch for info on that also. Thank you.

  76. Dianne in Upstate NY says:

    Just made my reservation for the May 5 crossing! ( Charlene- if you read this, I will be traveling solo. I responded to your post, but I don’t see my response). This time I’ll be sailing Britannia class, so I’ll hopefully be able to dine with the girlfriends. It will as a lot of fun the last time- both on the crossing and at the picnic. Hopefully there will be a picnic again. I’m not sure if I’ll do an organized trip after the crossing. I traveled about on my own the last time. England really is easy to navigate, as the train system is quite extensive. As is the Tube system in London. There’s so much to see. I’m hoping to visit Bateman’s this trip. Susan’s book A Fine Romance really is a helpful guide. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for Enchanted.

  77. Dee Van Ingen says:

    I have absolutely no idea how I missed your latest blog but THANK YOU for this uplifting latest……just when we all needed a boost! My husband just had heart surgery so travel is out of the question….I at least can “travel” through your posts! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you, Joe and your family and friends!

  78. Marria Rubber says:

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  79. Jane Flannery Hall says:

    Why haven’t you included the election results Susan?

  80. Cathy says:

    I love your blog so much. We are kindred spirits in the love of all things home. I can SMELL Thanksgiving dinner cooking while you talk about it.

Comments are closed.