Still dizzy from 2024, (really still dizzy from the time of Covid!), shaking head, clearing brain ~ for us, it’s just like starting OVER! Are we ready? YES! MUSICA!
ALREADY??? Oh my goodness! Whew. I’m not really quite over 2024 . . . what a year!🤪 Not all that sorry to see it go despite the fact that life’s too short to be hurrying things up! I’m tiptoeing into 2025 . . . on little “please don’t notice me” cat feet. Our year was filled with change… trying to make the best decisions causes, as you know, forehead wrinkles and anxiety overload . . . but we are the lucky ones. Our house didn’t burn down, we weren’t flooded out, and we’re still healthy. And as it turns out, it seems like we planned for this time of our lives without knowing it! Silly me, worried about it for years, and there it was, right in front of our noses.💖
This was the view from our train window as we pulled into Los Angeles Union Station on January 9, 2025. Christmas on Martha’s Vineyard was heaven but FREEZING, and we were sad to see the California sun almost blocked by the smoke. The meaning of it blew away any sad thought for ourselves. So many, losing everything.
Look at that … a hard thing see knowing the cause, and realizing so many were choking to breathe as our train pulled away.
We were in LA only a short time …our train from the east was 3 hours late, it got in almost the exact same time that our connection was supposed to leave to take us up the coast to San Luis Obispo . . . we thought we’d missed it! But they held the train for us (and the other passengers!🤣) ~ another reason to love the train, it’s so human and dear, it waits for people. And as we chugged away, we saw that under the smoke was the blue sky . . .
It’s such a gorgeous ride along the Pacific Ocean . . . going north along the blue Pacific, then through the miles and miles of green California growing fields . . . what richness. We can never be grateful enough.
And here we are, heading down our driveway to begin again! We still haven’t sold our house in Martha’s Vineyard. It’s been below freezing for most of January, before that was Christmas, who goes house-hunting at Christmas? We are trying to be patient, but we had to cancel our trip to England in May😔… we’d love to just DO it, but I would worry the whole time about the money situation, it’s been an expensive year, so we asked our ship person, Susan, to call anyone who’d made reservations for May and let them know we can’t go.😟 Hey. Our house didn’t burn down! There are much worse things than having to cancel a trip, even if it’s as special as this one.♥️
Change is something my mom didn’t tell me about. She never mentioned I should get ready for change. She was young when I moved away from home ~ she gave birth to me when she was 17, so probably she didn’t know yet … She was only 35 when I moved away. Ever since I found out about it, I haven’t liked it. Everything seemed normal until they invented the answering machine. The beginning of the invasion. I was the last one on my block to let it into my house. Like having something foreign, like a lizard, living with you. And since then, it hasn’t stopped. There is always something. So far, despite how easy it would be, I refuse to turn to a machine and say “Siri, play Frank Sinatra.” Anyway . . .
THIS change has turned out to be a sort of wonderful miracle! Especially since, when we finally made up our minds to move to California, we wasted no time, and, although it felt like a slog, it’s DONE, behind us, and over! By a fortunate set of circumstances, which, looking back now, feel accidental and lucky, we find ourselves living in this reality ~ with the constant healing powers of nature. It’s hard to be anxious here. See that photo? That’s my long, end-of-day shadow ⤴️ going across the dirt path where I take my walks, across to the farm fields next door. That is my green and that is my blue. Everything I see is mine. As a huge proponent of domestic bliss, I have to say, anyone can do that. Just look at the sky, say, Thank you God, and voila! It’s yours. And now you have to take good care of it! Apparently everything that happened to put us here now was all about timing. Joe wasn’t even in California when I bought this old goat farm almost 24 years ago, 8 flat acres of weeds and gopher holes in the middle of the growing fields of the Central Coast, a run-down 1970s double-wide with lots of windows, a metal garage, and an open-sided goat barn, all situated in an ancient river bed.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
I was just driving around outside San Luis Obispo, in the countryside, and saw a for-sale sign on a driveway … something about it called my name. It was the land. I slowly drove down the long driveway to the back of the property, and by the time I got back on the road, I was in love. It was something I knew my dad would love too, very Stewart-ish type of land. Joe looked at me like I was crazy. If he’d been here, I might not have bought it! But it had an orange tree, and in the way-back of the property, it had a year-round running creek.😍
OMG, is what Joe is thinking as he looks at the angel in the marble and began to carve to build us a picket fence garden.
Just like my dad, always making things from nothing . . . building his garden when I was little. (This photo was pre-bomb shelter ~ if you read Fairy Tale Girl, you remember the bomb shelter!🤣).
It cheered Joe immensely when we got the tractor. He LOVES it.
A little tractor, a little hard work, some white paint, a picket fence, and grass seed gave us a sense of purpose and made all the difference. Was just the beginning. Every time we visited from the Island, we did a little more, and Joe liked it a little better. When we came home from our 2004 garden tours of England, we were so excited to build an English Garden of our own, with the plants and designs we’d learned about on our visit. Because of the California weather, despite the fact that we didn’t live here, we decided to build it in California. Didn’t necessarily make sense at the time (Makes PERFECT sense now!), in California you can garden year-round, and it was the creating of it we were into… we had seen it and we wanted it. Our Vineyard house had a garden. It was happy . . . but this place was desperate. Practically begging us, do me, do me! We laid down the basic bones, mostly hedges, paths, and trees, and now, all these years later, just when we need it, seemingly accidentally, our English Garden is grown and is ready for us to fill in the bones. So in a nutshell, that’s where we are now! Still lots of projects ahead.👏 IMAGINE IT, LOOK INTO IT, HAVE IT.
Quotes ALWAYS tell it all! Look at this one, Rumi, probably around the year 1265, and it’s still totally alive! So impressive! . . . you really never have to look anywhere else for advice on how to find your dreams, just reach back in time, it’s ALL there!
Before I answer that question . . . I’m happy because I was just told that this week we had over 800 newbies sign up to have this WILLARD blog delivered to their email boxes! Makes me proud. I think maybe people enrolled their girlfriends, moms, and kids over the holidays. (If that isn’t you, you can sign up at the top of the page, in the column on the right.) So, I don’t want to be repetitive, but a wee welcoming blog tour is definitely in order.
First off, if you look at the bottom of the column on the right, you’ll see archive blog posts “Willards” going all the way back to 2010. You will never run out of something to read here!💝 It’s gone on so long it’s turned out to be another diary for me! Also, click on those icons at the top of the page, because there are drop-downs filled with stories, recipes, decorating ideas, and inspirations of all sorts. To you from me with love . . .
Since my very first snail-mail Willard back in the early 1990’s, I’ve always loved including little treats with my newsletters … like maybe a page of stickers and some little cards ~ because who doesn’t love Free Stuff? Who doesn’t like a surprise, for no reason, just because, and that tradition continues … Here’s a LINK for Free Stuff I think you’ll love!
Like this lovely bookmark you can print out as gifts for friends. Or, cute little heart-shaped Valentines ⤵️, with envelopes for you to print on card stock, cut-out, and make yourself. There’s more, just click on that link.
We also have things in our webstore, simple little “thinking-of-you” gifts to tuck into your Valentine’s. Maybe a few of these Kiss Stickers!
Or, these Heart-shaped stickers, filled with gratitude . . .
We also have these blank 4 x 6 recipe cards . . . include your favorite recipe in your own handwriting . . . and it’s a keeper.♥️
And this darling little zipper bag . . . good both to celebrate Rabbit-Rabbit, AND Valentine girlfriends, AND spring!
This is the perfect Valentine card for me this year ~ it says “missing you” inside.💌 I thought a little packet of forget-me-not seeds would be a good addition ~ such a long cold winter, and seeds are all about hope.🌱 Along with these wooden trivets we just got in … they don’t weigh too much for shipping, and you know I have far-away girlfriends who will love them! They have ridges on one side, but they’re smooth on the other, perfect for trivet, and perfect as small cutting boards! A win-win!💞I have to show you something! The GOOD part about moving are the memories you are reminded of while putting away your treasures ~ like this, the reply I got from a letter I wrote to the Queen of England (“just because”) when I was 11 . . .
How I ever saved it this long is beyond me! I guess you don’t get a letter from the Queen of England every day! You should have seen my mom and me when this came in the mail!!! We were “floored!”💖 (That’s one of my mom’s Iowa words.)Of course, I got to thumb through my old diaries . . . filled to the brim with minute details of the moment . . .
Precious old letters, some from children, who, over the years, have made me feel sooooo good about my job . . .💌
Old letters from my grandma, my mom and dad, sisters, dearest friends, old boyfriends and even husbands… keepers all . . .
Valentines and other bits of “art” I made for my mom as a child, that SHE put in my baby book and saved for me . . . and SO MUCH MORE!🌷🌷🌷🌷
Including THIS old video I made in 1988! I hadn’t seen it in years. Joe just hooked up our CD player, and I took a short video of the beginning of it with my camera while it played on our TV. It’s long, maybe 45 minutes … I have to figure out how to get this whole thing on my website! I made it (with my friend Bob who ran the local TV station on the island) when I lived at Holly Oak, after I’d finished all the construction, because I knew my grandma would never be traveling to the island 😢 to see my house in person . . . so I made it for her birthday… you hear me talking to her and my mom. I also told Joe “I’m wearing my Grandma’s ring.” Because that ring was stolen 😫 in the middle 1990s. I’m working on my Christmas Book and I hold up some of the pages! See? Moving isn’t so bad, you get to relive sad/wonderful/meaningful memories! FUN! The full video shows everything I wrote about in Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams!
Right now, in rapture I say to you, happiness is making our dream of having an orchard, fragrant with apple, peach, and citrus blossoms, underplanted with a wildflower garden, mowed down the center to make a path, a reality.
Something like this♥️♥️♥️, only better… 🤣
We’ll move the picnic table and walk onto the orchard path mowed between the lollypop trees, and through the wildflowers…🌸🌸🌸
Something like this . . . but not such a straight path,
and with more flowers like these . . .👏
I love that it doesn’t actually exist yet, but we are finding the angel in the marble. We’re lucky because we have the marble! These last months, since before we went to Martha’s Vineyard for Christmas, I’ve been studying how best to make this garden a reality. Been reading everything I can about soil preparation, seeds, trees, seed collections, why it’s important to include grasses. Slowly I began to gather bags and packets of seeds from nurseries, farm supply, and from on-line. Full pound, half pound, quarter pound. I added more of my favorites, more poppies, more baby blue eyes, more forget-me-nots, and I definitely bought the package that said “Fairy Meadow” on it!
My wildflower seeds are now all mixed with clean sandbox sand . . . You can buy it! Eight cups of sand to one cup of seed makes it easier to spread them, so they say. I put the mixture into several buckets, so they aren’t so full that I can’t lift them, so I can broadcast handfuls of seeds and sand, walking back and forth, first one way, and then the other . . .All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today!
This is the spot for our orchard. . . We needed to weed, rake, soften and loosen the soil with water and compost, turn it all over, weed some more, rake again . . .
and make it clean of weeds, rocks, and other unwanted things; smoothing it for the seeds. Then it needed to rain. The reason it’s worth all this trouble is because, if we do it right, it will come back all by itself year after year after year, flowering under blue skies, along with the blooms of fruit trees, causing springtime squealing and joyful heart swelling, and a whole lot of busy bees!
We cleared a spot 40′ wide and 120′ long . . . won’t it be beautiful against the farm fields of vegetables growing on the
land next door? We actually got to this place last week. It’s seeded, and about to rain. All is perfection. See the footprints? They are mine. After we seeded, I went out until after dark to walk on as many seeds as possible to press them down into the soil, like I learned I
should do. But, in all my research and care, there was one thing no one mentioned, NO ONE MENTIONED ~ No one ever said,”Plan to do something so the birds won’t eat your seeds.”😳 We came in cold and muddy, I texted my girlfriend Elizabeth, gave her the joyous news, and she said, “You better watch out for birds.They’ll eat your seeds.” WHAT? EAT? My seeds? My MEADOW? Was I supposed to know that? (When I think about it, the answer is probably yes!) Why did no one tell me?😛
As predicted, the next day our Orchard-to-be was blanketed in grazing birds. Thwarted, frustrated, I retired to the picket-fence garden to plant lettuce. I continued to water whatever seeds might have survived, but I couldn’t see very many, so I started buying seeds again. Looks like rain is coming, so we’re about to reseed. I feel like Ma Kettle. We have the hay ready this time. To be spread lightly over the seeds to flummox the
miserable selfish little birds. They have this whole valley, go find another restaurant. These are MY seeds.
I put on my jacket in the early morning to set up the sprinkler, that’s my big handsome barn cat, Simon, next to me, two living scarecrows. I brought him as a warning.☠️
We went looking for trees yesterday . . . we bought two apple trees, one Bearss lime, and
this tiny orange . . . only about 1″, very juicy and tastes like a lime, and is often used as a garnish for summer drinks. I want to plant it near our garden table so we can just pick one and toss it into our iced drinks in the summer. We also got another avocado tree, and something big, with orange flowers, that didn’t have a name on it for our butterfly garden, and a white Queen Elizabeth II rose. No way to say no to that! I love roses with strong fragrance with names that match things we relate to in our life, like Just Joey, Julia Child, April Love, Mr. Lincoln, Miss Dior (sister of the designer who was in the French Resistance). That way I’ll be able to remember them! I want to be like a bee, flit from rose to rose for big deep breaths of manna from heaven.💝
It might take a little time, but worth it. My favorite thing to say is, “I made that.”
Well darling people. That catches us up . . . somewhat. But I still have lots to tell you, Jack is good … I’ll tell you lots about him next time! And I also have a new farm friend . . . the neighbor’s dog
I met while out on my walk (on the new path I asked Alfredo to make while we were away) . . . I’ll tell you about that, about the dog “Freckles,” and other new surprises, next time. Take care girlfriends, old and new, be good to yourselves. Come and find your happiness!💝
Such a beautiful spot you have there in California! Working on creating beauty is what will help us through this crazy time, hopefully! I like that quote of yours, “If you can dream it, you can make it so.” The move from Martha’s Vineyard came at the right time for you and Joe. So sorry to hear that you had to cancel your Queen Mary trip. The uncertainty of the times is what kept me from reserving a spot in the beginning. Sending you lots of love and hugs! – Nellie
You were right … it’s just the uncertainty. Need more ducks in row to feel confident. xoxoxo Have a wonderful day dear Nellie!
So good to hear from you! Is your Musica hacked? It does to the same song.
Hope you sell your beautiful house, if I win the lottery, I would buy it immediately! Love you!
Not sure Margaret, I tried it and I got Shirley! Refresh and try again!
Looks so lovely,enjoy your beautiful spot on God’s green earth.The daffodils are staring to break ground here in Gloucester,Virginia.Happy Valentine’s day.Mary Elizabeth Marshall Lawrence
Love it ALL!
Thank you, Susan, and Happy Valentines Day to you, Joe, Jack, and newfound Critter friends.
Linda and Critters: Louisa, Roly and Poly (Kitties). Jasper, Brindle and Toby (Doggies)
Happy Valentine’s Day, Susan. I bake custom cookies, so as soon as I get these Bridal Expo cookies off my table, I can start on Valentine’s – then donation for an event to raise money for children with Spina Bifida.
Always love your blogs! ♥
Susan, you and Joe are such hard workers, living your dreams! I’ll never understand how you could give up that beautiful home but I’m sure you will create another one in California. Please be careful with all the work you have planned….it looks like a LOT….your gardens will be BEAUTIFUL!
I’m so sorry you had to cancel your trip to England this May, Susan! I was so looking forward to traveling along, as I have done on your past trips. I love seeing what you are doing on your California land and I’m sure the orchard and wild flowers will be spectacular.
Oh Susan, your orchard and wildflower garden will add so much to your already beautiful garden… Was thinking.. Maybe you need a couple of scare crows?? Has to be something to keep those birds from eating your wildflower seeds. I am sorry to hear your house isn’t selling and you have to cancel your England trip.. Best laid plans.. However, it will sell when it warms up a bit I am sure, and then off to England you go. Right now it looks like you are creating a bit of England in your own backyard and that’s a wonderful thing.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Perfect day for a Willard! Thank you. We have snow, real snow piled up on our trees and walkways this year. First real snow in a very long time. Enough to make snowmen in our driveway, and more to spare. Our house is very cozy. Making lentil soup and scones for dinner. Waiting for the power to go out. Watching Campion on Brit Box. Hope everyone is well.
Happy Galentines Day dear Susan! I’m glad you’re in the middle of garden planting, wish we were there in coastal Massachusetts, but spring wil come!!!!! Can’t wait to hear about Jack in your next Willard. Happiness and love to you all!
Hi Susan,
I enjoy your posts so very much. I am particularly curious about the tine orange that you planted with oranges that are only 1 inch. We live in Danville, in the East Bay, San Francisco Bay Area. I think it would do well here and would love it if you could share the name of this citrus. Do you know the name of this Orange tree/bush?
Thank You!
Yes, it’s a semi-dwarf Calamondin!💝
What a joy to hear from you. I’m so worried most days that your garden tales certainly lift my spirits! Thank you.
My favorite thing to say is “donebyme “. That’s how I sign everything I create.
Stay safe,
Welcome back to California and Happy Saint Valentine’s Day to a dear couple!♥️
As ever, best wishes, Virginia
What a joy to find a Williard in my inbox tonight! I love reading about the adventures you and Joe are having at your “new” home and all the plans you have for your incredible gardens. This was a little oasis of calm and positivity tonight. Thank you!
I love the long lane back to your house; so private. Do you know exactly how long it is? I had to laugh at what you said about the answering machines. For me it was caller ID. I’ll never forget the day. I called a friend of mine and she answered the phone and said, “Hi, Mary Ann.” I couldn’t imagine how she knew it was me. All your pictures are making me drool. I cannot wait for spring to arrive in the Midwest. Hope you and Joe have fun playing in your wonderful 8 acres. And, as always, thank you for the wonderful Willard.
A few years ago my husband dug up a flower bed about 4 feet wide and 20 feet long by the fence in the backyard. I went to different nurseries and bought packets of seeds that made me smile. Dark purple bachelor buttons along with the mixed colors of blue, white and pinks.Shirley poppies and bright red ones too. Baby’s breath and seashell cosmos! Every summer I collect seeds to replant along with new seeds in the spring. The bees buzz and the butterflies flit among the blossoms in the warm summer sunshine. Such a wonderful view from our kitchen window. A bit of heaven on earth.
Loved it all! Your “new” place is just lovely and is only going to get more so. Thank you for the joy your blog always brings me.
So glad for you to be safe and sound in California. There’s a wonderful movie The Biggest Little Farm, if you haven’t seen it I think you will love it. Happy Valentine’s Day.
The Gertrude Jekyll rose is my all-time favorite! I love her quote. Thank you for the Free Stuff! I have printed out and cut out and laminated more of your bookmarks than I can count and have given them as gifts! All my girlfriends get them and love them! I’m sorry the birds ate your seed. Try, try again! My only pets are my ravens. I love to feed them and they leave me gifts. If I ever plant seeds I’ll have to remember your experience. I also live on a dirt road, at what we have dubbed Raven Ranch, in Acton, and watched the Lidia Fire out my front window, way too close for comfort, car packed and ready, thankful the wind was blowing south. I am planning to go to England in May because you say May is the best time to go. It will be my first time in the UK and A Fine Romance will be my guide! I was hoping to run into your group somewhere. Maybe another time. Thank you for all you do! I can only imagine how many times you’ve said, “I made that.”! It’s a wonderful feeling. xoxo
Thank you for the Willard. I woke up at 2 AM and started scrolling, huge mistake and I know better. At 4 AM I got my coffee, there is no going back to sleep. Then I checked my email and there you were. Sanity in a world gone mad. Thank you for flowers and orchards and furry pets and blue skies and green fields. Thank you for making my day better. Love you💙
Ha ha, oh boy, sanity, I know how you feel Chris!
Thank you for the dream filled blog! I am envisioning tiny vases on the kitchen windowsill with wildflower blossoms.
Thank you, Susan! I printed out two copies of your “love” bookmark for my two friends who are coming for lunch on 2/9. One’s birthday is 2/14! Love seeing all you have done to your new home in CA. So much potential there!!! While I do love our old house on the coast of MA, I keep telling my husband this is not a house for the elderly. So seeing homes on one floor with all that potential farmland is inspiring. ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for such a beautiful post. In these crazy times, you still provide a place of retreat and refuge. I ordered the Peter Rabbit zipper bag. Can’t wait to receive it. It is adorable. Enjoy planting your wildflower garden! I can’t wait to start mine, but have to wait a couple more months here in Southwest Pennsylvania.
Hello Susan! Oh, this was like an early Valentine. Thank you! It is so fun and inspiring to see you and your “starting over.” We all have the choice each day to start over… to have a positive outlook, to be grateful, to make plans and have hope. <3 I look forward to the next Willard and hoping you can post the entire video.
Your letter to the Queen reminded me that when I was just 16 years old (many years ago), I watched Prince Charles being established as Prince of Wales. I was so impressed, I sent a letter to congratulate him and the family responded by sending me a letter thanking me for my kind words! I’ve since lost the letter but every once in a while, I remember it.
A little slice of heaven- so wonderful to see and read on these cold, wet, Pennsylvania days. I’m glad to hear you and Joe are doing well and that Jack is excellent. We have brought home our own tuxedo cat- his name is Oliver and he is just as playful and fun as Jack sounds!
this was the palate cleanser I needed today, thank you so much! After a phone call with my 30 year old daughter who is frightened about the future, and me not being able to totally assure her everything will be ok, I read this Willard and feel better. I have been busying myself with my various creative outlets and will continue to do that.
Just tell her to turn inward, all the joy she needs is in there, and to celebrate everything, tell her about Pollyanna and the Glad Game. I’m so sorry our kids have had such a rough time with recent history. So Not fair!
Here in Ohio, where we have had a lot of cold and snow (and maybe ice coming, tonight) your beautiful California blues and greens are making me feel excited for Spring. I love the cozy winter, hunkered down in early evening darkness, watching the snow fall, seeing the animal tracks in the snow. But SPRING will be welcomed with open arms and a face turned to sun and warming breezes. Thank you for the reminder that it is time to start thinking of garden projects and flower palettes (I think this year will be a red, pink, and white palette on my brick patio). BTW, I did not know the flower Baby Blue Eyes existed – GORGEOUS! And forget-me-nots are a favorite.
Happy planting!
I finished reading your lovely catch-up post with a deep sigh of pleasure. There IS beauty and goodness in the world, only sometimes we have to make it ourselves. I’m originally from California (now live in FL) and I miss the climate and scenery there so much, even after 30+ years. I will really enjoy watching you create your garden and orchard. My husband and I recently downsized and our family home of 28 years went on the market yesterday. There’s a little touch of sadness there for times past, but we love our new home and are excitedly making plans for future fun and adventures. Fingers crossed both of our homes sell so that we can have a little more peace of mind!
Thank you always for your inspiring work and words.
Be positive all the time or as much as is possible. Say thank you everyday all the time and as Winston Churchill said, “Never, never give up.” Plus, spread kindness around like confetti (I love that thought). Thank you for encouraging this in your writings to us.
What a delight to read of your garden, seeds, plans, and hopes!
Here just outside Richmond, VA it was 33*F last night with today’s high 42*F. Yesterday it was 69*F so we were talking wild flowers but not so much today. How nuts is that?
We heard the joyous news last night that the LA fires are under control at last. May the fires not rekindle anywhere.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone, everywhere. May love rule the stars and the earth.
Oh, I’m so glad you included Julia Child! I was just introducing my two teens to her and playing some YouTube clips of her shows. Thank you for the beautiful flower-infused Willard!
Always look forward to your blog. Question,….Is there somewhere that we can read your old snail mail Willards starting back in 1990’s? That would be such fun. I’ve loved going back and reading all the ones since 2010 as well. Thank you always spreading joy and a positive attitude. ❤️
I have published them before .. . perhaps we need to do that again!
Such a nice treat to read Willard with a cuppa on a cold, February day! Sorry you have to cancel England…had to cancel a trip last year due to my broken wrist/surgery. I like to think these things happen for a reason and everything will work out! THANK YOU for the Valentine bookmarks – we am hosting a Sweetheart Brunch for two couples and I will use these as favors. My comment from your last post is still “awaiting moderation” – but in that I told you how I always print the Full Moon bookmarks for my best friend’s grandchildren. I sent them this year and love getting a letter back to thank me. Now I can send a Valentine bookmark, too. Yes – love getting letters, saving old ones, re-reading them…especially from people who have passed. And seeing that video and hearing your mother’s voice – what a gift! I have a video from a family wedding in the 80’s and I play it every so often…to hear my mom, my sister, and my aunt’s voices. Love never dies! All the best to you and Joe as you plant, explore, and ENJOY!
With all these seeds coming up, I don’t think I’ll feel bad about missing it this year. Just wish that house would sell!
Your wonderful story about your wildflower garden evoked in me the memory of Bailey White’s story from her book Mama Makes Up Her Mind and Other Dangers of Southern Living. I hope the link to the excerpt works. Looking forward to seeing your garden come to life.,for%20it%3A%20The%20wildflower%20meadow.
All that and that and THAT!! Delicious with breakfast, this delectable repast of your doings and achievings—impressive and expected, somehow. And I have found myself echoing the Dali—over the past twenty years or so, since internet and personal blogs, I’ve sent little noted of awe, or impressed, or just downright amazement at the wonderful things people can imagine and accomplish.
I’ve sent out hundreds of tiny snippets from my heart to so many fabulous (and sometimes hesitantly uncertain) artists and writers and creators and imaginators: “You must awake every morning and hug yourself for Joy, for your gifts and talents.”
Your blog posts never fail to uplift my spirits! Thank you, thank you & thank you! May your days continue to be filled with love & positivity 🩷
Hello Susan,
And thank you so much for delightful, uplifting, encouraging words! Each one conveys a measure of love and care, “sense and sensibility” too! I especially appreciate the generous sharing of thoughts & feelings, and that you save special treasures of the heart. I needed that permission today, as I sort. Have a sweet Valentine’s week ahead!!
Oh Sue, I have been looking for a new post from you. Just what my soul needed today. I have greatly missed you & all the girlfriends from twitter. Just can’t bring myself to support big tech. Was thinking about Bluesky but still not sure. Your little slice of heaven is coming along nicely💚💙💚 I love your vision for the place & can’t wait to see pictures of the progress. We wanted to build an addition to increase our small kitchen & family room but with all the uncertainty, we have decided to not go ahead & are limiting expenditures. Have you thought about making your MV home an air b&b? Don’t even know what rules or restrictions they may have on those or even if it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Just a thought. Take care of yourselves everyone!
Your pure joy comes through your words. I am so happy for you.
The quote, “It’s impossible…” is one of my favorites. I have a copy in your handwriting takes above my desk. I live my life mulling over decisions, full of anxiety, but go with my gut and my heart. I am always up for the next adventure.
Thank you for another flower and fun filled blog. I cannot wait to start gardening when the weather warms. Thank you for always being a ray of sunshine these angst ridden days. I love you, Susan.
Love you right back Peggy … ♥️♥️♥️♥️. Seems like all my girlfriends are here this morning … I have to stop, gotta go meet Diane for lunch, would be nice if I take a shower first. That’s how much I love her! xoxoxo😂
You are my inspiration. My husband and I visited Highclere Castle (aka Downton Abbey) last August, and I bought seeds from its garden. I can wait to sow them in my Milwaukee garden this spring. I’m sorry your trip has to be postponed,
Did you hear that high pitched, Eeeeee!!? That was moi all the way from Tampa.
Oh, so happy to see this absolutely mahvalous, dahlin, mavalous Willard.
Actually, I have been reading old blogs, just so I won’t be tempted to read so much of the New York Times, cancelled my Wash Post, as well as Amazon, won’t do Facebook or Instagram. Do not miss any of them.
You have so many Newbies, maybe because we all need an antidote to He Who Shall Not be Named. Just Exhausting. I’ve been able to refrain from all TV and now am just doing the puzzles and recipes in the NYT. I am Much happier for all that. A young relative of my oldest and dearest who died two years ago, David Hogg, has just been elected as assistant chairman of the DNC. He graduated from Harvard, and has spent his time campaigning for gun control, as he was in Parkland High when that shooting happened. Go Young People, you can do this!!
Will definitely order your wildflower seeds, as Tom and I decided to do those over the drain field. It gets way more shade than when it did that in 2000, those huge Maine trees. We’ll see what comes up. Yes, the hay is just the ticket. For our first big veggie garden in Maine, we “made” our own soil, Tom going out to a farm and shoveling manure into the back of our Outback. We added what the locals advised, borrowed a tiller, and I planted my seeds. And then…came the birds. Replanted, used netting until they took hold. What tons of fun canning and freezing all that good stuff over the 25 years we’ve been in Maine for the Summer.
We hit the ground running in October, and have managed to clear tons of paper, even thousands of photos. The most important are in albums up in Maine. I’ve sent childhood pics of The Lovely to the kids. The Minnesota bunch were here in December, and Logan, the youngest grandson, now 19, was over the moon to have his grandpa’s jackets. We just got a picture of him and his girlfriend at the “Snow Ball”, and he’s wearing the spiffy suit Tom bought for when we were married!! (Oh, my, I have Logorrhea, and I just can’t stop. Look it up!!)
We have made a plan for storing some of the furniture here in order for us or just Tom to place in the very nice Senior Living place a couple of blocks away. My treasures, a lifetime of collecting art and crafts mostly by women from all over the place will be with me in Maine. Our intuitions, especially those of women, are very wise. I’m so glad The Lovely went along with mine and now we have a paradise to be very busy and happy doing things we love with those we love. Lots of golf with his buds, fun with chain saws, building new shelves in his basement shop…And pot luck and cookouts with our wonderful neighbors. 🙂
I didn’t know it at the time, but my Intuition is allowing me to have a Glorious Coda for my wonderful life. All I really Need is Tom but having him in a place we both feel happy and can be busy is just the Bee’s Knees!! Sunrises with just the sounds of the birds, or maybe the local lobster boat cranking up, sunsets over water and trees, not buildings!! Being able to plot the Earth’s movement through the year by seeing where our Star ends the day. June 21 directly opposite my stair window, December 21, way South over the big White Pine across the little bay, where there is usually a bald eagle.
I do feel your joy, Dear Sue, as I’m feeling the same. All those philosophers and poets knew that Nature is a great healer. Aaaahhhh!!
Mucho Love,
Love you so much dear Debbie, your positive voice is so beautiful, I wonder if you know. xoxo♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Dear Susan, our Fairy Tale Girl. Your working so hard raking, planting, clipping..welcome back to Ca. I love your energy. I have just a normal yard and that takes so much work. Living here since 1966 and in our home since 1971. I tell myself..this is winter lol although I do putter outside. Soon our trees will bless us with new leaves, color and shade. Spring is special here too.’ll take that trip to England again, just put that on your to-do list.
You’re a shot in arm for all of us just “hanging in there”. Thanks for the wonderful blogs..messages. You know we all love you so much. Hugs all around xo
So lovely to hear from you today, Susan!! 💕 It’s always wonderful to travel, but especially wonderful be back ‘Home Sweet Home’ again. I’m so excited to watch your new orchard and wildflower garden grow and flourish in the California sunshine! Here in Illinois, we are expecting snow and ice tonight. So, we can only dream about our gardens. Last summer, my husband added many native plants to our backyard. So, now we are enjoying our days in our very own ‘little house on the prairie!’ 🥰
Sending warmest Valentine hugs, Susan and Joe! 🩷🩷
♥️ Dawn
Living vicariously through all your adventures and hard work!💕 We are looking at a cold, dreary, rainy day here in Kansas…so you bring sunshine to me and I love you for it! Don’t know if you would possibly remember a fan who brought you Honeycrisp apples at Rainy Day Books..that was me! Always, always love your blog and adventures. Good for you and your fearlessness. Til next time…Jeni
I DO! Such a thoughtful gift Jeni!!! Thank you! xoxoxo
You need two different varieties of apple tree for pollination. Ex., you cannot have 2 McIntosh, it would be like a McIntosh and a Gala. You will probably buy more apple trees anyway, so start strong!
Glad you are back in California again! I’m down in Orange County. Thanks for your update! Stay well.
Thank you for sharing your video to Grandma and I’m looking forward to meeting Freckles
Your post always makes me smile whilst reading it. Much needed right now💕. Dreary weather in MN but looking forward to some snow, finally, this weekend. Happy planting☺️. judi
Thank you for your valentine-of-a-blog today. 🙂
Your growing dreams for your California “acreage” are
beautiful in reality and in my mind.
You should NAME your place! (I cannot give italics, color
the font or underline this sentence but would do so if I could.)
In our family we celebrate Valentine’s month. I told our children (beginning 42 years ago) and now grandchildren that it is their holiday – a special celebration of our love for you.
Happy Valentine’s Day month!
I will, definitely, it MUST be named!😂
Thank you for providing light in this darkest of times in our country. We need positive things to remind us of who we are and what we are fighting for. It’s still very much winter here in East Tennessee. I can’t wait to be able to get out and work in my yard. I’m concerned about what I will find that was killed/damaged by the single digit temps we had in January. But life does go on and I do have hope for the future.
Serendipity is a wonderful thing! I love watching how your property in CA is evolving as I watch the snow gently falling outside of my house in cold SE Massachusetts. I hope you treated yourself to several bubble baths after all of that hard work! Thank you for sharing your garden journey and wisdom with all of us.
Thank you, Susan for such a wonderful blog and all that energy to make the orchard. I love that you are planting trees and wildflowers for the next generation to enjoy. I just love that but I hope you get to enjoy it too. Happy Valentine’s Day, lots and lots of love You are God‘s gift.
Thank you, Susan, and Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Joe!
I enjoyed reading your newest blog..but would like to see the pictures too “)
Don’t know why but can’t see them.
Thank you for doint your blog..I enjoy it everytime you post.
Try refreshing your page! They should be there!
Dearest Susan,
It’s been ages since I’ve responded to any of your blogs, although I’ve read them all! What an amazing adventure you and Joe have experienced, wow!!! I am truly happy for you both! A major change in your lives, and as you said – perfect timing. Who would have guessed.
Amazing how things work out. Without going into details, I also have been on the same path! Yes, sorry to go but looking forward with a positive attitude. Reading your blogs proves I’m on the right track, and I thank you! You, with your amazing positive outlook on life has encouraged me many times over the years to continue to stay positive. Again, thank you! As you, I’m right back home where it all began.
Continue to enjoy your much deserved beautiful and blessed journey❤
You are more than welcome Merci, lovely to see you here again! Good luck with it all. I have to say I appreciate our decision more each day… again, we lucked out!
Love, love, love! Thank you for bringing us such joy!
It’s so interesting to see how earlier decisions a person makes reveal down the road their true purpose. We have had a very similar situation and are so grateful to have a single story house bought years ago for our kids to live in when they went to college. Due to health issues I am having it would have been impossible to have stayed in our house with stairs.
Regarding your seed sowing, have you heard of Erin at Floret. She has an amazing story that starts with growing flowers in her yard to now owning a huge flower growing business. Right now she is offering a free mini course on growing flowers from seeds in any zone. It seems that you have done your research but you might be able to get some ideas from her course.
It’s so fun to look back and realize how you got where you are!!! Much better than looking forward and not know what to do!!! I’ll check out Erin! Thank you Judy… and yay for you and me for flat floors on one level!!!💝 It’s the little things that matter! Easy gratitude at all times!
Happy coming of Spring! Although, in California, it could be anytime – not just a date on the calendar. I’m so happy you made it home from L.A. before they shut down train travel on the coast. I was concerned that you would land in L.A. and get stuck there for awhile. A niece & nephew recently sent me flowers for my birthday and I love them. They are Pink Peonies with purple centers (kinda magenta purple). Have you ever seen them? They all arrived as buds via FedEx and are slowly opening. Just so beautiful. I don’t know if they grow in CA, but they would be gorgeous in your landscape:) Happy Gardening & Welcome Home!
Love Peonies … I had them out east, must see if I can get some here!!
Hi Susan
Just loving all your garden updates! I live in the Monterey-Carmel area and just have to get that miniature orange tree. Would you please tell me its exact botanical name, really appreciate that. Continued blessings to you!
It’s a Semi Dwarf Calamondin … 💝
A Willard was just what I needed to distract me in these challenging times! My garden is my therapy, and I cannot wait until I can start working in it again.
The local kids had their first snow day of this school year today. It will be a while before I can plant and dig, but your words and pictures provided some needed inspiration. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours!
What a treat to see Willard! Glad to know you are safe in your new CA world. What a beautiful property to dream on fixing up. I love the new dog friend’s name…”Freckles”. So cute! Happy Valentine’s Day sweet Susan, Joe, Jack and Girlfriends. Love. I can’t wait to hear more about “our Jack” and his adventures living out West. Hugs!
Oh my, how I loved your blog today … so refreshing! I’m somewhat a quoteaholic (is there such a thing? :), and the quotes combined with your art and the wonderful things you do every day that make life so sweet speaks to me and inspires me to so some of my own. Thank you for being such a bright light in this bleak period in our country. The world needs more Susans!
And more You’s Betty! Reading the lovely comments here reminds me, as always and forever, how many good people there are in this old world! xoxo
Good morning from Smiling Dog Farm, Susan! Your lovely positive words help me rise above all the current negativity!
I am doing my best to ignore reality but its going to be a very long four years.
I shall start new stained glass window projects and continue to listen to wonderful music and to read good books.
I am currently reading lots of Gladys Taber’s books – how I wish we could return to her golden beautiful days!
Make beauty. It’s our best way to get through it. And we all have the power to dump a package of seeds along the side of the road somewhere. xoxoxo
Happy February and Valentine’s Day,
This blog post came at the perfect time, with the perfect quotes. Have been feeling unsettled. I was foolish in my earlier years thinking that by the time our son was raised, married and on his own our retirement years would be settled. HaHa, joke is on me. Life is anything but settled, we take it a day at a time, look for the joy and gratitude everyday, and keep moving.
So happy you are settling into California and creating a new life and fulfilling your dreams. Now to get the Martha’s Vineyard house sold.
I am so sorry you had to cancel your May trip, I think many of us are re-thinking plans for this year due to the uncertainty. But I think there is joy even around the smallest corner to surprise us.
Take care and as always we all look forward to our next “Willard”.
I agree Terri, happiness is out there for us all . . .because despite the uncertainty, the seasons WILL change, and the sun will shine again! Let’s hope we can keep it that way! xoxo🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
February is here and we are in full blown winter mode. Snow yesterday, more snow on Sunday and two more storms predicted for the end of next week!. It looks like you are making the most out of the move. Your wildflower meadow will be so pretty I just know it! I am planning on planting more roses this year! Im trying to find ones that are easier to grow and care for. I spread tons of fox glove seeds last year so I can’t wait to see what happens. I gave up on sweat peas. The last two years the didn’t do well. I think it’s all of the heat and humidity. Maybe you can plant some in your new garden. I hope all is well. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.
Love, Mary
P.S. Happy first date anniversary!
Never could grow sweet peas on the island. Drove me crazy. In all those years I got ONE flower, and that was about two years ago. They grow great there and are already in the ground, I will send lots of pictures! Thank you for the Happy Anniversary. Joe made it very romantic this year! Got me a slinky! (not nightgown, just a slinky!) 😂 I canceled winter on BlueSky today, FYI. Told my people to make sure the Weather Channel gets the message. Used my Sharpie to cross it out, put an arrow that will move it north. All will be well.♥️
The ground is covered in snow up here north of Seattle, though I found some snowdrops in bloom today amidst the the snow. Did anyone mention to you that you need to press your wildflower seeds into the soil with a roller? That helps keep the seeds moist while you wait for them to germinate. The straw will help keep the birds away. Perhaps Freckles would like to chase the marauding birds away for you?
We have walked all over those seeds, I hope that will do it. A little pounding rain probably helped too! We need to get a roller! What kind of farm is this??🤣 The cats do a fairly good job with the birds, and that straw is a huge help! Freckles is a mad man!
Susan, you have been my biggest artistic and creative inspiration. Because of you, I keep diaries with photos and drawings. Because of your wonderful England book, my husband and I toured the Cotswolds last fall. You have an amazing gift to make even the smallest thing magical. As I write in my diary, I find myself wondering… how would Susan capture this moment on paper and make it special? Thank you for sharing your life with me and for giving me so much happiness through your beautiful books. Much love from a friend in IL!
PS…I just bought your “Enchanted” chapter…any plans to finish the book?? I can only imagine how magical that book would be!
Bree, what sweet words, music to my ears. I’m so glad you have those lovely books and memories you made for yourself. My favorite thing is to be inspired, so it’s the very best gift I could ever hope to give away! I’d love to finish Enchanted! I am writing and painting right now . . . doing 16 new pages for my Summer Book! It’s so fun! 30th Anniversary, deserves to be reprinted!