Distilled Genius is taking to the road!
Susan is working on scheduling a book tour to celebrate her newest book, Distilled Genius. Please check back for dates, times, and links to sign up ~ something fun to put on your calendar!
Scroll down to see dates and times as they are confirmed:
Titcomb’s Bookshop, Cape Cod, MA
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Thursday July 28th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
An Unlikely Story, Plainville, MA
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Thursday, August 4th, 2022 @ 5:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
Bookends, Ridgewood, NJ
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Saturday, August 6th, 2022 @ 2:00pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
The Learned Owl, Hudson, OH
In-Person book-talk and signing
Monday, August 8th, 2022 @ 6pm
You can call 330-653-2252, or email [email protected] to register
Prairie Path Books, Wheaton, Il
In-Person book-talk event & signing
Wednesday, August 10th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
Register HERE to attend this event.
Rainy Day Books, Kansas City, MO
In Person book-talk event and signing
Saturday, August 13, 2022 @ 4pm
Register HERE to attend.
Tattered Cover, Littleton, CO
In person book talk and signing
Tuesday, August 16, 6pm
This is a FREE non-ticketed event, seating is limited
Details HERE
Kings English, Salt Lake City, Utah
In person booktalk and signing.
Friday, August 19, 4 pm
Register HERE to attend.
Rakestraw Books, Danville, CA
In person book talk and signing (at high school auditorium nearby)
Monday, August 22, 2022 at 4pm
For details and to Register, go HERE to attend
Vroman’s Books, Pasadena , CA.
Book talk and signing
Sunday, September 11, at 11 am
For details, Register HERE
RJ Julia, Madison, CT
In-Person book signing
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Time to be Determined
Oh yes . . . We made reservations to sail to England on the Queen Mary 2 next year, on May 1, 2022, God willing and the variants don’t rise! And wouldn’t it be fun if this time you come along with us for real? Think about it! You wouldn’t have to be crushed into suitcases and smuggled aboard and dance in the dark this time! Because yesterday I called Cunard to see what I could do to make that happen.♥️ I spoke to Susan Gannon and she said if you’d like to sail with us next year, you can call her at 800-468-7752 ext. 41663 and she will personally help make your reservations. You will have to mention that you’re part of the Susan Branch Girlfriends group, give them this group number: TNM, and voyage #M211 so they can keep track of us as a group . . . If there’s enough of us they’ll have special
group pricing and other surprises. They had to cancel their entire spring and summer itinerary this year, which means that many of the people that didn’t get to go this year, will be going next year. So think fast! You would have to make a deposit, but you can cancel with complete refund if you do it by December 31, 2021, this year. It would give you extra time to decide for sure. Susan can answer any questions you have and you can call her anytime. This isn’t a tour like the kind you read about, where you have a “tour guide.” It’s more like one of our picnics, only on the ship!🚢
Lots of events as Susan celebrated her newest book, Home for Christmas! Scroll down to see dates and times: Virtual Zoom parties from bookstores all over America, and you’re all invited! “Sunday Afternoon Tea with Susan,” through the fall and holiday season all the way to December. Please check back for dates, times, and links to sign up ~ something you can put on your calendar!
NOTE: Each bookstore has its own policy, and handles tickets the way that works best for their business. I’m just a guest! If they require you to buy a book and you already have one, you can either purchase one for a gift, OR, look for another event where they allow guests without requiring a book purchase. They’re all different!♥️
NOVEMBER 8, 2020, 4pm EST. The Women’s Exchange of Winnetka, Illinois has hosted Susan several times with lovely tea parties in a beautiful large room filled with Girlfriends and flowers, tea cakes and sandwiches, and is now holding their first virtual Zoom event, November 8, 2020 at 4 pm EST. Tickets for our Christmas Tea are $20, and tax deductible, benefiting Women’s Exchange community for women. A slide show and special door prizes will be part of the event. Bring your cup of tea, cakes, and sandwiches and join us! Sign up HERE to receive your Zoom invitation.💖
We have TWO virtual Tea Party Events in October 2020 (also one in November and one in December, details to come) ~ BYO Cuppa! I’ll meet you at my kitchen table!
The first October event will be via Zoom on Sunday, October 18, at 4 pm EST for Bookends Bookstore in Ridgewood, NJ … you can sign up HERE. Yes, there will be signed books and door prizes!
The very next Sunday, October 25th, we’ll be hosted by the wonderful King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Crowdcast event …. you can register HERE.
Please Join us on September 20, for a Virtual Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party
presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm
EST ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first book event, Zoom Webinar for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!❤️
This Mother’s Day 2020 Event (below) was canceled due to Covid … and changed to a Zoom Webinar for August 18 and 19, 2020. You can access it on YouTube … 💞
I hope you can join me for a
Mother’s Day Tea/Twine booksigning event in Duxbury, Massachussets! It’s going to be amazing. Picture a room filled with spring flowers, teapots and garden clippings, with grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters (Husbands, grandfathers, dads, and brothers are welcome too!), a room filled with friendship, community, connection, books, hats,
England, joy, kindred spirits, and a catered meal (they’re making recipes from my books!) that has both a Julia Child, AND a Prince Harry and Meghan connection ~ all in celebration of Mother’s Day!!! YES! YES! YES! We want everyone who would like to come, to join us … so we decided to do not one, but two events to make sure everyone gets a ticket.
The first event will be a catered “Light Supper with Wine” (Twine!) on Wednesday, May 6, from 4 to 7 pm. The next day, on Thursday,
May 7, from 1 to 3 pm, we’re having “An English Lunch with Tea.” For both events, I’ll be doing a presentation ~ I’m thrilled to be doing a show and tell with my favorite photos of the English Countryside, a little bit about history, maybe a dab of ancestry, and every wonderful thing I can think of about Beatrix Potter, including our Picnic at Castle Cottage. On top of that, each guest will receive
their very own copy of the first chapter of ENCHANTED, my new book-in-progress! Andrea, the person in charge of this event, has many other little surprises, but they’re a secret . . . she’s as excited as I am. So, what’s on your calendar for May??? Registration begins 8 am, March 24th … online at ~ they’ve put nothing on their website yet, it’s too early. Put “Tickets!” on your calendar for March 24th so you don’t forget! Bring your mom, your sister, your best friend, and come! New England is beautiful in May!

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA: Saturday, October 13. Meet Susan and Joe for a book talk and signing at the Apple Farm.
Get your Special Event Name Tag by clicking HERE!
WEST FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS: Saturday, November 10 at 1:30pm. Join Susan for a book talk at the West Falmouth Library. Please contact the library for more details.
Get your Special Event Name Tag by clicking HERE!
Castle Cottage BYO Picnic-Basket Party!
Remember the BYO Picnic-Basket Party we had in Stourhead in England last September? We’re going to do it again! Mark your calendars for May 11, 2018, at noon o’clock. Because, once again,
you’re all invited! We’ll be meeting as many of our Girlfriends as possible, whoever can come, from everywhere! And because of serendipity and wild stretches of the imagination, this time we will be spreading our picnic blankets on the lawn across the meadow from Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top, in the garden of Castle Cottage, in Far Sawrey, in the Lake District, where Beatrix Potter lived for 30 years with her husband Willie Heelis! I’m not kidding!
We will walk where she walked and be where she was, and sit where she drank her tea, amongst the bluebells and frolicking lambs. And we want you all to join us. Joe will be there, and all your Fairy Tale Guys are invited too. And if you can’t come in person, then you will just have to join us virtually . . . I’ll take tons of photos, and post the whole thing on my Blog, and take you all along, on the ship, to England, to Ireland, and to the picnic too, tucked into our basket, but only if you promise not to eat all the stuffed eggs.
My girlfriends from the Beatrix Potter Society, American Betsy Bray, and English Mandy Marshall (who actually lives at Castle Cottage, and will be our hostess there) will be leading a luv-lee Lake District Tour next May that will culminate at the Picnic ~ it’s limited space and will be announced next month in Pottering About (the Beatrix Potter Society e-Newsletter), but you, my darlings, are the FIRST to know … leave your name on Betsy’s site for first-come-first-serve and learn more HERE . . .
Also, we’ve had several requests on my Blog to connect Girlfriends who want to come, but would like a kindred-spirit Traveling Partner ~ such a good idea! So, that’s exactly what we’re doing: Here’s how: 1.) Go to my Facebook Page (FOSB) and leave a comment that you are looking for a Traveling Partner for the BYO Picnic-Basket Party at Castle Cottage on May 11, 2018. 2.) Suggest that interested parties private-message you to connect. (Please don’t put your personal contact info on FOSB … your privacy is important.) 3.) Check your messages for contacts ~ and be sure to check your “other” messages, which are messages from people you are not Facebook friends with (yet). 4.) Watch for posts from other FOSB who are looking for a Traveling Companion. Don’t be shy, be brave, take a chance, be ready for adventure, make contact, private message them! Then get busy and make your reservations. Manchester airport is closest to the Lake District, but there are also trains from London. Okay, you are on your own from here! Hope to see you there. Us, from all over the world, converging on Castle Cottage, it’s BeaStock 2018! Here’s your name tag: Just print it out on card stock and bring it with you! Write your name Big!
🎵 By the time we get to BeaStock we’ll be half-a-jillion strong . . . 🎶 We are stardust, we are golden and we’ve got to get back to the garden . . . 🎵
CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA: Sunday, March 11, at 6 pm, Meet Susan and Joe for a book talk and signing at the Barnes and Noble, Westwood Plaza. Come and wish them Bon Voyage on their last evening in America before they cross the wild Atlantic on the MS Queen Victoria.
Here’s a link for a virtual tour of the Queen Victoria. Susan and Joe board the ship on March 9, stopping in Charleston for one night, and arriving in Southampton, England on March 23.
Susan wrote, “When I paint, I test brush & watercolor strength on paper, then cut them up for bookmarks. I’ll bring some for a giveaway to the Charleston book signing on March 11.”
Susan Branch Talk & Book Signing @ The Apple Farm
Saturday, March 18th from 2pm to 4pm. Limited tickets available HERE.
Bring your sister, mom, and best friends and join Susan Branch for a Springtime Book Talk and Signing, Q & A, and Meet and Greet! Come say Hello!
The Apple Farm
2015 Monterey Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Susan Branch – Author Talk, Questions and Answers,
Book and Calendar Signings
My twenty-three-city book tour this May and June of 2016 is in celebration of, and with gratitude to, the small Independent Bookstores, their dedicated owners and hard working staffs, who’ve managed to hold on through the changing times, supporting their local economies by providing jobs, assisting their local libraries, and giving us much needed charm wherever they are, windows filled with books, books that fly from ceilings, the smell of coffee and books, tables of books and paper and all the tangible real-life things we love. Without them, I, as an author would have never existed, because it’s those individual voices from bookstore employees who’ve said to their customers (who’s taste they make it their business to know), “Here, have you read this?” that have made all the difference. ♥ Please help me in supporting them with your business. Scroll down to check out the Coming Events for a store near you. I’ll be signing all three books in this finally-finished trilogy, The Fairy Tale Girl, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams (the newest), and A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside. Hope to see you there! ♥
(I made name tags for us so we can recognize each other.
Click HERE to download your name tag!)
Zee Map: Look for us driving the Fine Romance van on a highway near you!
Plainville, MA
Saturday April 30, 2016 at 1:00 pm
An Unlikely Story
111 South St. Plainville, MA 02762 Tel: 508-699-0244
Benefit Luncheon Buffet for the Plainville Town Library.
Tickets available through the bookstore. (Please do not call the library.)
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing. TICKETS available HERE. SORRY, SOLD OUT!
Madison, CT
Sunday May 1, 2016 3:00 – 4:30 pm
R. J. Julia Booksellers
768 Boston Post Rd. Madison, CT 06443
Tel: 203-245-3959
New Hope, PA
Tuesday May 3, 2016 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
HollyHedge Estate
6987 Upper York Rd. New Hope, PA 18938
Benefit Afternoon Tea for The Free Library of New Hope & Solebury
Supported by HollyHedge and Farley’s Bookshop
44 South Main St. New Hope,PA 18938 Tel: 215-862-2452
Tickets available through the library.
Click HERE for tickets.(Sorry, Sold Out)
Info: [email protected]
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Hudson, OH
Thursday May 5, 2016 5:00 – 6:30 pm
The Learned Owl Book Shop
204 North Main St. Hudson, OH 44236
Tel: 330-653-2252
Cincinnati, OH
Saturday May 7, 2016 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
2692 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45208
Tel: 513-396-8960
Wilmette, IL
Tuesday May 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm
(Names are still being taken for a wait list, call Women’s Exchange or email Deb, at numbers below)
Westmoreland Country Club
2601 Old Glenview Rd. Wilmette, IL 60091
Benefit Tea for the Women’s Exchange
Supported by The Book Stall at Chestnut Court
811 Elm Street Winnetka, IL 60093
TICKETS available through Women’s Exchange
725 Pine St. Winnetka, IL 60093 Tel: 847-441-3406
Info: mailto:[email protected]
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Dress Code: Westmoreland Country Club has a requirement of no denim allowed.
Chicago, IL
Thursday, May 12, 2016 11 a.m.
BookExpo America at McCormick Place West Level 3
Baker & Taylor Booth # 901
This is a trade show requiring admission badges
which are only available to booksellers, publishers, librarians, and related professionals.
Cedar Rapids, IA
Friday May 13, 2016 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Barnes & Noble Bookstore
333 Collins Rd. NE Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Tel: 319-393-4800
Free Benefit for the Marion Public Library.
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
St. Charles, MO
Sunday May 15, 2016 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Main Street Books
307 South Main St. St. Charles, MO 63301
Tel: 636-949-0105
Kansas City, MO
Wednesday May 18, 2016 7:00 pm
Girls Night Out!
Unity Temple on The Plaza, Sanctuary,
707 W 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64112
Sponsored by Rainy Day Books
2706 W 53rd Street, Fairway, Kansas (KS) 66205
Tel: 913-384-3126
TICKETS available HERE through the bookstore.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Denver, CO
Saturday May 21, 2016 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The Tattered Cover Book Store
2526 East Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80202
Tel: 303-322-7727
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Salt Lake City, UT
Tuesday May 24, 2016 6:30 – 8:00 pm
The King’s English Bookstore
1511 South 1500 East Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Tel: 801-484-9100
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Danville, CA
Friday May 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Rakestraw Books
3 Railroad Ave. Danville CA 94526
Tel: 925-837-7337
Morro Bay, CA
Sunday May 29, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Benefit for The Women’s Shelter of San Luis Obispo
Morro Bay Community Center 1001 Kennedy Way Morro Bay CA 93442
Sponsored by Coalesce Bookstore
845 Main St. Morro Bay CA 93442 Tel: 805-772-2880
TICKETS available HERE through the bookstore.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Montecito, CA
Saturday June 4, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Tecolote Book Shop
1470 East Valley Rd. Montecito, CA 93108
Tel: 805-969-4977
Pasadena, CA
Wednesday June 8, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Vroman’s Bookstore
695 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: 626.449.5320
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Prescott, AZ
Saturday June 11, 2016 at 1:00 pm
Afternoon Tea at Willow Tree Manor
A benefit for the Prescott Public Library
306 South Marina St. Prescott, AZ 86303 Tel: 602.803.4461
Sponsored by Willow Tree Manor and Peregrine Book Co.
219A N. Cortez St. Prescott, AZ 86301 Tel: 928-445-9000
TICKETS and info available at Willow Tree Manor
Contact Mary Heiland: [email protected]
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Austin, TX
Saturday June 18, 2016 at 2:00 pm
603 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78703
Tel: 512-472-5050
Memphis, TN
Wednesday June 22, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Booksellers at Laurelwood
387 Perkins Extended Memphis TN 38117
Tel: 901683-9801
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Woodstock, GA
Saturday June 25, 2016 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
FoxTale Book Shoppe
Magnolia Hill Community Center-
108 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock GA 30188
Tel: 770-516-9989, ticketed event,
please visit bookstore’s website for more info.
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Asheville, NC
Monday June 27, 2016 at 7pm
Malaprop’s Bookstore
55 Haywood St. Asheville, NC 28801
Tel: 828-254-6734
Talk, Q&A, and Signing.
Ridgewood, NJ
Thursday June 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm
211 East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood NJ 07450
Tel: 201-445-0726
Book talk, Q&A, and Signing.
(The bookstore requests that each person attending, purchase one or more books.)
East Sandwich, MA
Saturday July 2, 2016 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Titcomb’s Bookshop
432 Route 6A, E. Sandwich, MA 02537
Tel: 508-888-2331
Beatrix Potter Birthday Party, Reading & Book Signing
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Beatrix Potter was born 150 years ago on July 28, and on that day at 2 p.m., there will be a Birthday Party held in her honor, with tea and birthday cake, at the Brewster Ladies Library on Cape Cod. Susan will be reading from her book, A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside, the part where she went to Hill Top, Beatrix’s farm in the Lake District for the first time (she says she hopes she won’t cry!) ~ You’re invited, and it’s Free! Make reservations beginning 8 am, May 2, 2016 on the Library Website.
In order to accommodate more people, the Beatrix Potter Birthday Party is now being held at the Brewster Baptist Church (next door to the library) at 1948 Main Street in Brewster, MA. (Time and date remain the same: 2 pm, Thursday, July 28th, 2016.) The event is now SOLD OUT, but you may add your name to a waiting list by clicking HERE.
Join the Fun!
Hampstead Village in Santa Barbara, California
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sunday, November 12, 2014
Titcombs Bookshop, East Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
Susan Branch Question & Answer
To benefit the historic 150 year-old Library in the heart of Westfield.
Hosted by Westfield’s Tuesday Morning Club
Tueseday, October 14, 2014
Susan Branch Book Signing Hosted by Best of British
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Rhode Island PBS
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Susan is co-hosting an evening of British comedies to help the fundraising and membership drive of the Providence, RI TV station which serves southeastern New England, including Cape Cod and the Islands. Copies of A Fine Romance and Autumn from the Heart of the Home will be given as premiums and thank you gifts for your contributions.
Comcast Channel 9

West Falmouth Library on Cape Cod
Monday, July 14, 2014

It’s Here!
My New Book: A FINE ROMANCE- Falling In Love With The English Countryside
(Click here to purchase yours today!)
For more A FINE ROMANCE past events, click HERE.
Art and Content for is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.
We would *L❤️VE* to see/meet you in Seattle sometime!!!!
AGREE Kelli – Susan needs to come up to Seattle…
We tried! Bookstores there and in Oregon were mostly “booked up.” So we’ll try again next time.
Oh how do I get the books stores to plan ahead!! I am outside of Portland….I guess I need to start a phone call campaign!
Yes, last time we couldn’t find a bookstore who had time for us in Portland! We’d love to go to!
Would you consider stopping into Boise, Idaho between Salt Lake utah on May 24 and Danville California on May 27? It is a wonderful city-a hidden gem
Susan…I just bought my ticket to the book signing at R.J.Julia bookstore. I’m so excited to get to meet you. I’ve been your BIGGEST FAN forever. Yes, FOREVER! As an art teacher and a calligrapher, I have introduced your work to so many of my students and always tell them to dream big. Working in an inner city school is often difficult to get that message across. You have been such an inspiration. I’m traveling a bit of a distance to the book signing, but I’m sure it will be worth it. Safe travels on your tour and I wish you great success on your book!!!
I have enjoyed your art work, recipes and writings for years and thank you for much enjoyable reading, cooking & entertaining. You are a treasure to me and I thank you for sharing your talents all these years.
I am surprised you will not be coming to Idaho for your book signing. We have a wonderful bookstore in Coeur D Alene called The Well Read Moose. Wishing you all the best for your new book and book signing.
Next time I hope . . . We have mapped out 8,000 miles on this one already, which is probably why Joe did not venture further north . . . or south for that matter! Thank you Barbara!
I think you should contact Nancy Warwick to have a book signing at Warwick’s Book Store on Girard Ave., LaJolla, Calif. 92037. It is a fifth generation family owned bookstore in a beautiful California beach community. If it works out, I want to know so I can go!
Hi Susan and Joe! Wishing you both safe travels on this next journey-how exciting!!! I look forward to seeing you again, this time Tea in Prescott! Excited for your success on your new book and I can’t wait to get my signed copy from you! Hugs to you both and enjoy the scenery along the way!! Till then…I’m along for the ride!
Your Arizona friend who loves traveling to see you-Lorrie 🙂
Happy to hear you’ll be there Lorrie!
Yes Would so love to see you in Oregon too Portland has In Other Words and our neighborhood independent Annie Bloom’s Bookstore tho I know Powells is iconic Best and lovely travels ahead diane
We’ll try again next time Diana . . . really WANT to go up there, Joe’s never been to your beautiful area!
We’ll see you in Prescott. For years, I’ve made my wife, Terri, read whatever SB wit she was laughing out loud over (rude? but she can’t help it), and I gradually came to know more and more about you. When she booked us for the Prescott event (our 9th anniversary) I decided I’d better bone up on all things SB. The first book had me falling in love with a “fairy tale girl,” and then at the end she pushes me off a cliff! Thanks a lot! Book 2 had my heart aching terribly, but gradually got better. One day about 3/4th’s through the book, it struck me – I married my very own “fairy tale girl!” Terri loves what you love: kitties, flowers, B. Potter, etc, except instead of a Prince, she wanted a Cowboy (me). And (no kidding) side by side pics of younger yous could be mistaken for sisters! But the similarities don’t end there, having thrills, chills, heart aches & victories through life’s ups & downs, although I had a much happier childhood in WYO than she did in St. Louis, MO (couldn’t help it – hey it’s WYO!). Both of us lived in So Cal, me in the 70’s and she in the 80’s and like you pulled the plug and left to begin new lives elsewhere. I even worked at a machine shop in Reseda for years, the foreman of which still lives in Woodland Hills and he and his family are among my very best friends. I’ll close by saying how much I love your prose (used to write like that – got straight A’s in English Comp. good job!) and stuck by how all of us are on the same journey, just different paths at different times. We’ve not met as many “famous” people, tho – you’re like a girl Forest Gump, except much smarter & better looking.
Well, I’m sure all the Girlfriends will agree, after reading THIS, that Terri is a very LUCKY woman! So happy we will have a cowboy meeting us in Prescott . . . As you probably know, I have four brothers, and they’re all cowboys too. xoxo
Had a marvelous and magical time meeting you and Joe at RJ Julia’s bookstore, Madison, CT! I came from Portsmouth, VA and my sister came from Rochester, NY just for the occasion. You are truly a kindred spirit and I felt as though I’ve known you my whole life! Safe travels to you and Joe as you journey across the USA in the Fine Romance van. I will treasure this memory always.
Thank you and your sister for coming so far . . . I had a WONDERFUL time and it’s because of Girlfriends like YOU! I will never forget coming into that room with Joe to that sea of beautiful smiling faces. Verklempt! XOXOXOX
So very happy to meet up with you and Joe at “An Unlikely Story” in Plainville, MA. It was soo nice to see you again. Have a wonderful tour and be careful, too.
Maybe I’ll see you in July at Titcomb’s….all the best Susan! ox
That would be great Lisa . . . you’d be at our very first event, and then at the very last!! xoxo
Good morning Susan,
I attende the book signing at Holly Hedge on Tues. 05-03-16., with my niece and sisters.
It was a very nice time by all.
I enjoyed listening to you read and meeting and talking to you.
I hope your tour is successful and that you have a gray trip to England and Scotland
Take care and be safe
So happy to hear from you Tina, thank you so much, Yes, a very nice time!! xoxo
My sister, Roberta (Rose Cottage) and I were just thrilled to finally get to meet you and Joe at Holly Hedge B&B yesterday. What a lovely place to hold a book signing. It was delicious and we both got to strum the harp also. With sooo many people in attendance it’s a wonder you don’t have writers cramps now. Have a safe trip crossing PA and looking forward to your posts & pictures as you cross the USA. Jersey Hugs…..
I heard people strumming the harp . . . that was wonderful wasn’t it!? My hand got to rest all day yesterday as we drove over the Allegheny Mountains (GORGEOUS), and feels totally ready to meet everyone today in Hudson Ohio! XXX’s to you and Roberta . . . Did you notice how many sisters were together at Holly Hedge . . . loved it! I looked at all those faces and just felt blessed. xoxoxo
I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather share special moments with, like meeting Susan Branch, then with my sister. I bet that’s how all the other sisters felt too. The farm country of PA is very beautiful. I think that is why Ray and I go there so often. But ~ we’re still partial to New England. From all the smiling faces I saw and am seeing, you have tons of adoring fan and the feeling is totally mutual. Jersey hugs and have a safe trip
Hi, Susan! My BFF (Paulette) and I will see you in Hudson, Ohio tomorrow-we’re making a Girlfriend Getaway out of the event, thank you very much! Of course, we feel like we know you and Joe already, and will look forward to greeting you in person! Love, Julie and Paulette
Me too, it’s today! See you soon!
Soooo excited! I talked my husband into altering our travel schedule so we will be in SLC for your book signing. We were going to be there a week later to see our daughters and grands, but I didn’t want to miss this one in a lifetime opportunity. You are the reason I began watercoloring, although I am nowhere as good as you. That doesn’t matter, because I only paint to please myself. Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting you.
The perfect attitude for enjoying your art! See you in Salt Lake Ginger!!!
Counting down the hours to meeting you in Hudson, OH. Had surgery a week ago and I am good to go – so thankful. Can’t wait.
Fantastic Sharon! And it was wonderful in Hudson!
Wow! You had quite a turn out in Hudson, OH. I have been looking forward to meeting you and now I have! I was so excited I hardly knew what to say. I am sure I sounded silly. I wanted to tell you that you most definately are doing the right thing. Joe said as he took pictures this was something you wondered. The ladies I spoke to while waiting in line felt the same. You bring us all so much happiness with your beautiful artwork, Willards, blogs and books. Like I did say, you are the bright spot in so many of our days. Like sunshine! You describe everything with so much joy even the simplest things…like wysteria seed pods! It encourages us to look at things joyfully too. Thank you.
I remember you Tara, and you definitely did NOT sound silly . . . not here either, just sweet and wonderful and supportive. Thank you so much for being there. I’m still on cloud nine about it!
Looking forward to see you in Danville. And I have now been to Martha’s Vineyard. Just last weekend! All because I was tagging along with my husband for his meetings to Washington DC and Providence and when he said “what about going somewhere else before we go home”…. Hmmm. It was exactly as you have described it! So beautiful. Truly a special part of he world. We stayed in Edgartown and loved walking around watching the town wake up and get ready for the summer. Cannot wait until May 27!
Glad to know you will be at Vroman’s in Pasadena again, I met you there last time, book signing for A Fine Romance…can I get you to sign my Fairy Tale Girl, again? Have the sticker with your signature…and maybe a couple others that I forgot to bring with me last time.
Was at Beatrice Potter house this time last year, not much blooming at all, but was raining, so the gift shop had umbrellas for us and we ran through the rain up to the front door, a fire was awaiting us, coziest room I have ever been in my life.
Ohhh you make my heart yearn to be there again! Lovely remembrance. Yes, bring your already signed book, I’ll be happy to sign it again.
I have read “Fairy Tale Girl” and “A Fine Romance” and am waiting in anticipation for “Martha’s Vineyard-Isle of Dreams” (You left us hanging at Christmas!!! 🙂 :)) to be dropped off at my door!! I have been a fan of yours since I was in high school and wrote you in college and you wrote me back and I still have that letter! I remember the day your letter came like it was yesterday!! You are a kindred spirit and I’m just so grateful for all of the sweet books, calendars, and art that you put out in the world! I buy 2 of your calendars for my home every year and gave “Girlfriends” to my bridesmaids and all of my closest girlfriends I left in Kansas City when we moved to Kalamazoo! You see the beauty in life and it is everywhere! Love hearing you describe even a simple afternoon with a cup of tea (or pear cida! ;))! I feel like I’m right there with you! Thank you so much!! Please come to Michigan!!! I’ll drive anywhere you go!! I know you would LOVE Mackinac Island (Everywhere you look, there is a “postcard view”, much like Martha’s Vineyard) and truly any of the towns along Lake Michigan, although I would love for you to choose Kalamazoo!! 🙂 🙂 If you go to Traverse City, go during Cherry Festival! You would love the store windows!! Best of everything with your new book! Can’t wait to make Coronation Chicken for my dear British friend here, Ruth! She had high tea with me last week in honor of your book! You would’ve loved it! We watercolored the state of Michigan and put a heart on Kalamazoo afterwards… 🙂 Take care!!
How could anyone not just LOVE you Ashley! Your enthusiasm comes right out of your words. So very nice to hear from you. Tell Ruth I said Hello . . . we’ll try to make it up there someday. I’ve always wanted to go to the “Somewhere in Time Hotel” on Mackinac Island . . . XOXO
Hello Susan,
So looking forward to meeting & seeing you in person at the Brewster Baptist Church this coming July 28th..I am traveling up North from Yardley, PA (375 miles) to meet you..A long journey versus seeing you in NewHope,PA recently, which I missed..A gal friend/neighbor told/showed me her photo with you at that lovely event..We were in England for a 15 day Holiday as my husband is English and his whole family still lives all over beautiful England…An aspiring continued writer/seamstress myself, I was elated to visit Hill Top Farm/Castle in Near Sawrey and walk on the same grounds that my beloved Beatrix Potter lived/wrote and passed away from.. Then down to Devon./Dorset country to visit “Greenway” where my second author, Agatha Christie Summered for many years..Also a dream visit had by us ! We have alot in common, Ms. Susan Branch !!!! As my maiden name is “Coffin” and my roots started in Portledge, England, traveled over to Nantucket and Tristan and Jared Coffin are distant relations of mine..You also live on Nantucket and also in California where I moved to in 1980 and met & married my English Gentelman who had moved himself from England to Southern California in 1975 ! Alot of connections I so hope to share if only briefly on July 28th !!!! Happy Trails until we meet in Brewster, MA
How fun, will see you there Jane Ellen! I don’t actually live on Nantucket, although I do love it, we live on Martha’s Vineyard . . . very close by. And of course everyone in that neck of the woods is familiar with the Coffin name. Your England trips sounds just perfect! I am so happy you got a ticket to Beatrix’s birthday party . . . they’re all sold out now, and I think it’s really going to be fun! See you soon!
It was so exciting and wonderful to go to your booksigning yesterday at Main Street Books in St. Charles, MO! Such a memorable day for me. One thing that really impressed me was Joe standing outside visiting with the people in line, taking photos and being photo’d! I had figured he’d be inside with you at the table, but this was a much better plan. Ann Hazelwood, who helped you at the table, you may know had a wonderful quilt shop called Patches on Main Street and has written some fun little books, as well as appraising quilts at local shows. I am so glad you came to the St. Charles/St. Louis area! Thank you so much! My airplane/aviation fanatic husband Alan Hoffman had wanted to say hi to you; he was volunteering all day at the Spirit of St. Louis Air Show yesterday and also had a fantastic day!
Yes, I got to visit with Ann a little bit and heard about her store, and how much people are still missing it. She was really a doll. When Joe and I first did signings, he would almost hide, he would never think of sitting next to me while I did it. But after time, he’s gotten to love visiting with everyone in the line. He just oozed into it naturally. We also heard about the air show and were looking up to see if we could see any of it! Tell Alan hello, and thank you for coming Jean. It was great.
I finally found the correct blog with my message to you and your answer :)! Just to let you know that, because you have several blogs, it is hard to find a message that I’ve sent. Luckily I printed my May 16th message to you and today noticed up top that it was under Coming Soon/Events Susan Branch Blog, and I finally found your response. Also, I have to tell you, assuming that you are not familiar with Yiddush :), that what Joe was doing in line outside was schmoozing with the people!! It’s a term that goes way back. When you said “oozed” into it, it reminded me of schmoozed! Now maybe you can start using the term–it’s very descriptive. I took a really nice photo of Joe looking down from the top floor which I’d send to you, but don’t know exactly how. If you can direct me, I’ll send it to you. Great communicating with you! Thanks so much!
Yes, wasn’t it grand. Such a great event. Don’t you wish she could have stayed longer and had tea and answered questions with us all? Kansas City was just too far to drive for me. What signing group were you in Jean? I might have seen you there.
Hi Pat, Yes I agree how grand it was. I didn’t really want to leave. You and your friends really drove far to be there. I was luckily enough to live about a half hour away in St. Louis (Kirkwood), MO. The friend I went with lived closeby in St. Charles and was nice enough to come early and pick up line tickets for Group 1 for us both. They evidently had 6 groups for the signing, so we were very lucky to have a very short wait.
I just spoke with the tattered cover bookstore here in Denver and they say they have received a good deal of interest in your event! We will be bringing old jackets to save seats extra early. We can’t wait for Saturday. The weather should be good by then too.
Have a safe trip!
Thank you Gloria, we are so looking forward to it. See you soon!
Thanks so for responding to my very wordy email, ha !!! And I did know that you lived on Martha’s Vineyard so sorry about that confusion !!! I lived in San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Beach where I worked at the “Surf N’Sand Hotel & Resort” for over 5 years while my Husband lived in Laguna Niguel, CA… Do hope we will be able to “connect” up close and Personal while I am on the Cape…
Jane Pollock
See you in July!
dear Susan and Joe,
what a trek you are making! blessings to you along the way. Nan Rohan
Thanks Nan!
Thanks so much for coming to Kansas City last night. Thank you for not turning into a pumpkin at 9 and your willingness to open your heart and life to your “fans” here in the Midwest. I’m sure there are many times during your tours that you would much prefer to be curled up at home with a cup of tea, a good book, and kitties on your lap. Just know that you are appreciated. I wanted to tell you at the signing but I was a little verklept(-: – You are MY Beatrix Potter!!!
Oh Debbie, that is so sweet, thank you. I’m often a bit verklempt myself at these signings, so I know the feeling. xoxo
Susan, Just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to St. Charles, Mo. I loved that town. I had never been there before. My 2 girl friends and I drove over, from Tennessee and Arkansas especially to see you and have a girls’ weekend. I hadn’t seen my friend, Chris, in 24 years! What a great reason to reconnect! Loved meeting you and having you sign our books. I only wish each town you visited allowed you to have a meet and greet or a tea and talk like some towns do. Just shaking your hand and the brief visit will have to be enough this time. Maybe in the future your schedule will allow you to stay longer in each place. Looking at your events schedule, it does look like all the ticketed events have been sold out. Please think about it and let me know how we girl friends can help make it happen. Much love to you and Joe and Girl kitty and Jack!
Me too, but some bookstores are just too tiny to fit it in . . . some even go to other venues to do it, like churches or libraries. I try to spend extra time with each person when there’s no “book talk” first, but it’s still not quite the same as the group conversations that seem to happen when I get to answer questions from everyone. We’re on the road now for a little over two months, that’s the problem with staying longer, Kitty deprivation!!! We could do it if we went to less places, but that wouldn’t really be much better. Lucky we still have the Internet and our blog! xoxo
Thanks for answering so soon Susan. Will you be doing a signing for your new 30th edition of Hearts of the Home, A Vineyard Kitchen? Probably not as extensive, I imagine, as this 23 city tour. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope we will be able to cross paths again, perhaps in a larger bookstore with more time. God bless you Sue and your uplifting personality!
Poor Heart will have to go out on her own . . . we’ll just be getting home when she goes out to the world, and soon after we’ll be off on our England/Scotland trip. Next spring we may go out hither and yon, not sure yet. Thank you so much Pat!
Susan and Joe!!! Thesday night the 24th (SLC) was a real highlight in my life. Gosh it was wonderful to meet BOTH of you. Susan, you really are who you portray yourself to be. I have loved your books for so many years. I think my favorite (They All are my favorite!) but the one I really related to was Fairy Tale Girl. I remember seeing Pres. Kennedy speak in the Salt Lake Tabernacle downtown, and running across the street and getting there in time to see him enter the hotel and turn his head and smile at us!! Two scrawny 12 year olds who could not believe they were only 6 feet away from the President of the US and smiling at us!!! And then about 8 weeks later, he was gone. Heavy stuff for little girls. In 1966 I saw the Beatles at the Olympia Ice Hockey Stadium in Detroit, Michigan. We could not HEAR one sound from them because everyone was screaming. But how fun it was. And you got to meet them! I love all of your writings and books, as they inspire me and make me so happy!! And to find all of the SAME experiences we have in common is just wonderful. Joe was so kind to
us at the book signing. I wish Steven (my Joe!) had come. They could have talked about photography, cooking and gardening!! I hope you will do another book. I have pre-ordered your cook book and hope you write another travel journal and come on tour again soon. I am still so elated from the fun that I had at the signing. I am sure you were exhausted, but that you had fun, too. Much love to you and Joe. God bless you both!!!! xoxoxo Dorothy
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you so much for coming so close to home at “The King’s English” in SLC on Tuesday, the 24th! My husband and I were there to see you for the second time, the first being SLO in 2013. We so enjoyed seeing and talking with both you and Joe again! You are both very gracious and cute! I have 8 more of your DARLING, WONDERFUL books which I would like to ask you to sign another time so I’m certain that we’ll see you on your next tour! I’ve been a HUGE fan from the beginning when I first bought “Heart of the Home” in the mid eighties when I was a young wife. I have since collected and loved 12 more of your books and have loved them all. They embody the way I have always felt about home, family, and nature. I simply ADORE everything you do. Thank-you for enriching my life!
With love,
Ann (from the front row!)
P.S. Please tell Joe “Hi” and thanks!
Ann (on the front row!)
Hi Ann, I know just who you are!! Thank you for coming . . . I had a ball at the King’s English . . . it was such a happy event! I’ll tell Joe hello for you, and do bring your other books next time!
Thanks! Drive safely and may God bless you.
I would Love to attend one of your book signings but you are never in my area of Long Island, New York…Im a big fan of yours, i have several books and various other delightfull things in my home Susan Branch, i always display my adorable Come Sit Stay dishtowel its always displayed and my Tin Can with Tea and I Love drinkingout of my Susan Branch Teacup, Enjoy your Trip!!!
We’ll get out there one of these days . . . we always seem to stop in the City and go no further!!! We’ll have to try harder!
Dear Susan, I have your 5 cookbooks. I am 81 years old and I love to cook and have many cookbooks but always reach for yours first. I just loved your new book,Isle of Dreams and hated for it to end. I also was divorced years ago but like you 7 years later I met a wonderful man and have been remarried for 28 years. I am hopeful to see you at a booksigning in either Ashville, NC on June 27th. I have my 7th greatgrand child arriving around June 17th or if I can’t make that then in Ridgewood, NJ, June 30th. I live in Ossining, NY and like your Mom had a large family, 4 daughters and 2 sons. My oldest daughter, Eileen bought me the cookbooks. I also love to garden. Hope to meet you. Maureen Perilli
Me too Maureen, I’m looking forward to it! Thank you!
We saw you in morro bay. I took my friend for the first time she love your book and the talk. She brought a cookbook for her daughter who is getting married. Thank You 4 ComingBack To california. I’m so inspired I went home and bake the brown sugar cookie and took them to the homeless shelter we visit each week. Safe journey.
You doll. What a nice thing to do. Thank you for coming Cathy. xoxo
My very special friends (three sisters) from California are arriving Friday to attend your Prescott book signing. All three talented chefs and artists have followed you forever. Diann, a culinary artist, prepares all the food for her sister Beth’s Annual Tea Party in Monrovia the second Sunday in May. This year the Beatrice Potter bunny was on the cover of the menu in your honor (and in anticipation of this upcoming event)! You have the knack to connect with so many people. I’d just finished reading two of your books when my husband and I took our Anniversary trip up the California Coast. Homesick for my hometown of Monterey, we headed straight for Morro Bay and moseyed up the coast for ten days. Now I’m anxious to visit Martha’s Vineyard. Like the California Coast, everything grows (saw some great cottages in Cambria with wild flower gardens). Enough! Thank you for your wonderful stories! Sue O’D
Well, happy anniversary Susan! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I’ll see you in Prescott . . . very soon!
The Prescott event has come and gone and my sisters and I have many memories to share with others. The tea party was grand, the house was historically fabulous and Ms. Branch was a hoot to meet. Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful spirit. You are truly an inspiration to all. Caring my sweet peas from my garden in California to Prescott Arizona was truly worth it. I have so many ideas for my annual tea next year.
Those sweet peas were WONDERFUL, I kept them FOREVER, until they all said goodbye. Thank you Elizabeth, for the lovely fragrance of my favorite flower. xoxo
Hi Susan,
My name is Courtney, and my mom Rhonda is a huge fan of yours! She is driving four hours from a small west Texas town to see you next Saturday in Austin. I live outside of Austin and will be attending the book signing with her…she’s nervous to drive in big cities :-). The reason for my message is to see if you could do something special for her because she is so special to me. I just got married for the first time (at 40 years old!) on June 4. My mom planned the entire thing for me as I was in the middle of moving and starting a new job. She worked in the yard for months getting it ready, ordered the flowers, chairs, made centerpieces, coordinated the catered dinner, made the cake, and hosted 30 guests at her home! The day was absolutely perfect, and it was all because of all of the work my mom put into it. I could never thank her enough. But she was so busy handling everything that day, I didn’t get the special time that we should have had that day together. So I’m looking forward to getting time to hang out with her while we wait to meet you next week. And anything, like a special note in the book, you could do for me for her would be greatly appreciated.
I’m so sorry Courtney, I only just had a chance to read this and I’m afraid we’ve gone by Austin already. I hope I was nice to your mom . . . I loved your sweet comment here about her, she is LUCKY to have such a loving daughter, and vice versa, what a Mom you have!!!
I am 😊 content to find your website. I just purchased your “Recipe Traditions” I have started a family 👪 cook book 📚 of my mother’s recipes & mine that has all of our favorite foods that we have prepared over the years. My 18 year old daughter is not ready to learn or start cooking 🍳. That is why I have started writing things down. Your book will be a great help for me to organize and to put everything in its place. I have been great admirer of your work it started in Shipshewana, Indiana in 1998 collecting your greating cards, thank you 😊 for being such a positive part of my life, I always smile thinking of you.
Nice of you to say that Cora . . . good luck with your recipe traditions book, it will be a total TREASURE to your family!
Dear Susan,
I so loved going along with you on your journey to the English countryside! I could smell the smells and delight in the sights right there with you! Thank you for taking me along!
Now, dear friend, might you consider a trip south to beautiful historic Annapolis, Maryland? You could say we are a kin to the English village in our history and heritage! Annapolis would welcome you with open arms! We have many venues and book stores to host your visit not to mention many a fine B&B and eatery to further enhance your stay here. So, won’t you consider a trip south?
Yours devotedly,
LuAnn Davis
We’re in Georgia right now, heading up to North Carolina next. I WISH we could get everywhere, but we’re trying to meet everyone as half-way as we possibly can. Maybe next time we can come to beautiful Maryland? We would love it.
Dear Susan,
My daughter and I had the best time at the Tea benefit in Prescott this past weekend. A beautiful day, and wonderful event at Mary’s historic Prescott home! We loved every moment! Your Q &A was fun, and your graciousness to sign our books and visit a bit made our day. Funny though, I always think of so many questions I wish I would have asked but couldn’t think of at the time. Guess I was a little star struck.🌟😍 You and Joe are the real deal‼️ Thank you so very much for stopping in our hometown.❤️
Lisa R (Northern AZ)! Hi! again! Was so nice to see you. What a gorgeous day it was ~ I’m so glad you were there, thank you for coming. XOXO Lovely to put faces with names!
Hi Susan!
I had so much fun at the tea and book signing in Prescott with my mom and sisters and you! It was a pleasure meeting you and Joe. Thanks for being so kind and patient with our many books and stories 🙂 So glad you decided to come to AZ! Safe travels to you both!
Oh Laurie, it was wonderful! Thank you for being there, and a big Hello to the family!
I’m so sorry Jane Ellen, hope all goes well with you and yours. Beatrix Potter’s Birthday Party is sold out, there’s just a waiting list, so I’m sure your tickets will go to a happy person. Take care, sending blessings!
Number #3 THREE on N Y Times Best Seller List!!
Woo Hoo from MJ in Goleta
I know, what a wonderful shocking surprise!! xoxo
Love learning about your book signings and hope we can host one for you when you come back home to the Northeast. Come to The Book Burrow in Kennebunk, Maine. Our lobsters here are the best, and our hospitality scores as well! Please be in touch soon.
Hi Julia, we would LOVE to come. We’re overdue for Maine! Sheri sent me your email and I responded, I hope you got it!
Dear Susan,
It was such a pleasure meeting you and Joe at the tea party and book signing in Prescott, AZ. My daughter and I are still talking about what a beautiful day it was and how sweet and gracious you and Joe are with everyone. I thank both of you for traveling across the country to meet with all of your fans. To be away from home and your kitties is an enormous sacrifice you’ve both undertaken but it is so very much appreciated by all of us and words can’t convey the wonderful memories we’ve enjoyed. The 30th anniversary edition of Heart of the Home came in the mail yesterday and it’s so beautiful. I really love all the new recipes and the gorgeous new artwork. I marvel over the detail in the china dishes, baskets, and EVERYTHING you paint, the pie page made me especially hungry! Blessings to you both!
Thank you Sarah, for coming such a long way. It WAS a gorgeous day, under the swaying weeping willow on the lawn, wasn’t it beautiful? I’m so glad you’re enjoying the new Heart of the Home…I’ve been taking my copy to lunch with me ~ almost like when it first came out 30 years ago, I love hanging around with my new “baby!” Say hello to your daughter for me! xoxo
I finished reading book two in the three parts and looking forward to book three. I see myself so much in the pages. I too when through a crisis of sorts at the same time, 1984. How I related to what you were feeling. Good read…. I was wondering when your cookbook will be available in July. I wish I could give a big hug and thank you for such a beautiful story and book.
Thank you so much Donna! I’m so glad you liked it!
Hi Susan! I LOVE your new addition of HEART OF THE HOME!!! I cannot wait to try the new recipes!! They all sound so incredibly good!! Gosh, I hope you and Joe are having a wonderful time on your tour, and that your time in California with your family and friends was extra special!! I bet Jack and Girl Kitty are going to be Soooooooooo Glad when you get home!! Trips are great….but there’s no place like home!!! I hope that when you get back you’ll get some rest and enjoy all of the kitty-love, your flowers and trees, and your OWN BED!!!😊💤 Thank you for all of your gifts Susan. God Bless You! ❌⭕️
Everything you said! Yes! Thank you so much Kathiellen, and thank you for the sweet comment on Heart of the Home … I’m thrilled at the way it came out, almost as much as I was the first time! Happy 4th of July to you! XOXO
It was exciting and a privilege to meet you and Joe at the book signing at the Malaprop book store. Your books truly reflect who you are. They have always uplifted my spirit. Thank you and please continue.
Thank you Debbie!
It’s July 3, so you must be home by now. How good that must seem and how happy Girl and Jack must be! I just finished first/last? of the trilogy, “Martha’s Vinyard,” and once again marvel at your talent and sheer gutsiness–is that a word? What a zest for life you have. Thank you for all the joy you’ve shared.
It brought me such joy to meet you and Joe at Malaprop’s that the 660 mile trek from Michigan was worth every mile! The man who commented at the end of your talk saying that what you really are is a therapist, as he gets 3 weeks of happy from his wife when she gets something from you, is so right! You are fortunate to have been born with the happy gene. Some of us are born with an anxiety gene, which seems to run in my mother’s family. The way you openly share your outlook on life and focus on the beauty in even the small, everyday things is truly therapy for me. You signed my little box of Joy cards as well as my book and both are treasures to me. Joe was so friendly, too, and my husband and I had a nice chat with him while in line. Glad you are safely home and I hope you get some well-deserved rest! Thank you for sharing your time with us.
Susan, I have read your latest journal posting each day sent you shared with us! It is like a great movie…each time I discover some small gem I missed the first time around! You are kind, you are smart, you are important! What a legacy your Daddy left!
Dear Ms. Susan,
My name is Dale LaCognata and I met you and Joe at the BEA in Chicago with my good friend and former coworker Becky Brown (we worked at Conner Prairie together). There you gifted me your amazing book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams.
You have visited us at Conner Prairie before and now I know the backstory of how your popularity all came about. But Ms. Susan, I have to tell you, this book was written FOR me, ABOUT me, it IS me, down to every last molecule of my being! And I have barely only finished half of it!!I LOVE IT and can’t wait to go on to the other 2 in the trilogy. Thank you SO much!!!!!
You just made my day! I never thought it was only my story I was writing! And you’re my proof! Thank you Dale . . . it was nice to see you in Chicago!
Susan, I have enjoyed your work for years. I discovered your work when we were expecting our second child and looking for a baby book. Our daughter is now 20 years old and I still enjoy looking through the beautiful pages of her baby book. Since then, I have collected many cookbooks, calendars, and seasonal writings. I am happy to see that I can now look for stories you have shared.
It would be great to see you in Indiana some day.
Thank you for sharing your talents for so many to enjoy!
Susan, please visit Deland, Fl. There’s an artsy-craftsy Main Street with small bookshops, a doll store, 60’s vinyl records, and trendy cafes, one offering artisan grilled cheese sandwiches, others have ethnic foods. Also, your life story is missing between meeting Joe and your 2nd trip to England. Won’t we get the same detailed description as your Cliff years, per your courtship time with Joe, the wedding, the new house, how Diana felt, etc. Love yr memoirs. Felt I was reliving my early years and artistic yearnings. Blessings!
I absolutely adore your books and have just discovered this website! Even though I do not know you, I feel that you would make a great friend. We have so much in common. Thank you for sharing your heart and your artwork. My dream is to also have a small house in the woods by a stream. Blessings to you and yours,
I just returned from a wonderful week on the coast of Maine and had save your new book-“Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams” to read during the week away.
At this point I don’t know which was better-the vacation or the book! You were with me every day and spoke of your journeys through life with such sincerity. I have most of your books and was very encouraged with your watercolors-if you get a chance and can recommend the brand you use I would appreciate it-I hesitate to get Target’s set as I do not know if quality in watercolor paints really matters. You would appreciate the story – last year I got so excited when I discovered a set of “glitter glue” with different colors in my local grocery store and actually stayed awake at night dreaming of the different and unique projects I could do with them. Well, as of this writing I am still awaiting the right inspiration! However I have returned to sleeping on a regular basis. Perhaps a good watercolor picture will need just their right touch to make a scene or maybe some flowers “pop”.
Thank you Ellen!
Please add a “d” to top line with “save”. THANK YOU!
Oh my! reading comments from gals who traveled to Malaprops in Asheville, from so far away! I feel so fortunate to live in the Asheville area! It was so fun to finally get to one of your book signings!!! Plus!!, being able to bring two precious love bird s&p shakers to see you again! (They flew down to me from you a few years ago when Vanna drew my name!!!) It was such a delight listening to all the q’s & answers, and asking my own! What an exciting night it was meeting you and Joe, Joe was such a dear, talking to all of us waiting in line to shake your hand and talk with you as well! So glad you had a safe journey! Also fun seeing your beautiful van outside waiting for you to be whisked away to your room and a good wrist soaking after all that signing! You and Joe are such troopers! That is why we all love you!!! I know Girl cat and Jack were so excited to have you back home (at least till your next travel adventure)! Thank you Thank you Thank you, for signing my two books and saying hi to the lovebirds! I now have to go figure out how to get back on your blog, I have been blocked somehow, probably cause I haven’t been able to get on much lately! Ta Ta and Tallyho!!!
Happy Birthday Joe!!
You are such a gentleman, keeping us company in the lobby while your wife was book signing in Brewster – you should do her openings
Through no fault of your own and I am sure you have your stories, that was a tough event. I felt as if I was going to church. There were too many – and several were coming in from town with no passes. The Event Coordinator was wonderful, what could she do or say? Doors open at 1pm did not get back to Falmouth, till 7pm! You are worth the wait Ms Branch.
I just about fell asleep at dinner, LA CUCINA SUL MARA – great place for dinner. The bottle of wine made up for it –
As promised to you and your husband pictures are on the way – the signing in Martha Vineyard -“Bunch of Grapes” and “Brewster Library”
Your friends that traveled with you on the QE2 asked that I take pics and send them – that is the gentlemen with the “bag”. He said you will know –
You made my Mother, God Bless her at “82”, very happy, and that is all that matters.
I saw the pictures of you at Gladys Taber, aside from writing a Cat Book, I was shy to ask if you would consider selling cross-stich patterns of your art and writings like Ms. Taber – it was her nurse that taught me how to cross stich, and her Grand-son that had asks me in the summer to come down and tend her roses.
Just think Ms. Branch – and not too far fetch, this is you down the road. We will be standing around your fireplace and table where you write and paint.
Who would of thunk of it?
Thank you for your kindness, compassion and patience.
Thank you back D’Anne! xoxo
ooops, Tasha Tudor
now that is a place to visit, in Vermont
she just celebrated her 100th, last year and her great-granddaughter, 6yrs old wrote her first book on her
chickens – she is adorable – she would not sign until she had the money in her hand – $3
Her son Winslow, after u tour the farm, had punch, sandwichs and desserts – all from her recipes
Now that is an idea –
When I returned home, my girl friend just announced her engagement – what better than to have a Susan Branch shower!! As a gift for the wedding party – your book
“A Fine Romance” since we both were in college at Cambridge and were at least I – inspired by Beatrix Potter
and all the gardens and simplicity
After reading your book, it brought back so many memories, however, then they did not have round abouts, we had horses with vegtable carts or our bikes.
You have me looking into returning just to see old friends and vist Ireland – we even had Margaret Thatcher that spoke at some of our lectures. “The Irom Lady” herself
You touch so many – what greater legacy
Love the vision of horses with vegetable carts and bikes D’Anne! Lovely memories! Thank you!
Congratulations on Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. What a wonderful heartfelt story. I am about 3/4 of the way through it but do not want it to end. This is true about all your books I am so pleased you took a leap in 1985 and wrote your first cookbook enjoyed of them. Would love to hear you tell the “Pancake” story again one of my favorites…
Sounds like quite a party you are preparing for, have a fabulous time. Happy Birthday Joe!! Fellow Leo!!!
I was saving Pancakes for the Pancake book, hopefully I’ll get there one of these days! Thank you Kathy!
Hi Susan,
I loved all your books, it brings me right back to Martha’s Vineyard, which I have visited every summer for the last 50 years. Lovely reading, I look forward to your calendar every year! I see you are very busy for the fall and winter with your amazing trip ahead of you, would you ever consider helping my non-profit organization, South Shore Stars fund-raise in the Spring of 2017. We are in Weymouth (South Shore Ma.) we are raising money to buy children’s books for needy families south of Boston. I would love the opportunity to meet you, we have a lovely luncheon in Hingham Harbor and would be honored with your presence. I have sent Kellee all the details. I am such a fan of your art, blog, books and now Willard.
Dear Susan,
was a pleasure meeting you in Brewster, July 28th, singing “Happy Birthday” to Beatrix Potter! 🙂 [We were the ones with the two girls. :-)] I was star-struck, meeting you (and usually I’m fairly bubbly!), but once I had some cake and we were on our way out, we were lucky enough to run into Joe. In case my email never got to you, please tell Joe thank you for the Net Result recommendation! We loved their food! Learned what quahogs are! Yummy! (we also ate some good Wendy’s salads on our way back! ;-)). Tell Joe, we went to search for Jeff Kinney’s book store on our way home (the kids love his books). Well, Jeff Kinney wasn’t there, but down the street from his book store was a free drum set by the side of the road…and our Maggie has been playing percussion. So, my husband did a quick game of tetris with all the luggage in our covered truck bed … and now the drum set is being loved and beaten on in Illinois! So, thanks to Joe telling the kids about “an unlikely story”, we now have an unlikely story to tell ourselves, that Joe (without knowing he would) navigated us towards a free drum set in Jeff Kinney’s town! 🙂 Thanks, Joe! We’ll play a tune on it for you! 😉 Have safe travels to England! Will be thinking of you while drinking some lavender tea and eating some scones with lavender-lemon jam from Cape Cod (best jam EVER!) and Greek yoghurt on them!
I happened upon your book at the Morro Bay, CA library on our stay for a month in this charming community. I love your book, A Fine Romance because I love England! What a charming, fun, and light hearted book. Your blog is just as charming. I’m your newest fan so sign me up for newsletter blog. Happy travels!
Happy to meet you Diana!
Susan, this is probably the wrong place to post this…..but…first, I second the request for a visit to Coeur d’Alene, ID..with a stop at Auntie’s Books in Spokane as well. I find that my hoarded supply of Christmas Joy has dwindled to just two (!) and I’m in need of at least four more! Help! Could you possibly have some stashed that you might be willing to part with?
Sending you love and Christmas joy from Diamond Lake, Washington.
Hi Cathy! I sent your question to Kellee, she should be getting in touch with you. Not sure if we have any, but she’ll know. Would LOVE to come to Idaho AND Washington! xoxo
Dear Susan, I even love the fact that this very writing is in “your style”
I have made the Christmas season every year the tradition of reading one of your books, even re-reading, I love them, love the inspiration for my art and inspiration on living a life filled with love and love of art. THANK YOU.
Thank you back Donna, that was so nice!
I just started reading “A Fine Romance” and looking on your website. You have inspired me to check out Beatrix Potter’s books, and the movie about her. I never heard of her when I was a child. I’ve also started looking at our Goodwill and second hand stores for vintage glass. So glad a friend told me about your book and website. I love the coziness you bring.
I didn’t know Beatrix Potter as a child either, and really haven’t ever read her books, although I do have several of them here in my house. It was herself I fell in love with, and I’ve read almost every biography there is about her. Such an admirable person. AND, glass! Yes! So many beautiful old glasses. I hope you find the prettiest ones! Thank you Jamie, very nice to meet you!
We love quilts, gardens, kitties, and Susan Branch in Virginia too. Please plan an “event” here someday.
Thank you for your story about Pepperidge Farm. That story needed to be told!
I always liked their products, but their way of doing business is appalling and
disappointing….I wonder if there are other stories like that that haven’t been shared.
If it would help I would like to write them my thoughts, but I fear it would just get
thrown in the trash. Well, I say shame on them. I really feel sorry for such behaviors
that show such lack of kindness and caring whether they hurt good people. My money
will not be given to them anymore for their products.
I didn’t do a very good job of placing “blame” — it was really the ad agency that caused the problems, I never really knew how much Pepperidge Farm knew about what happened. I mean they had to know something, but probably the agency, wanting to keep their business, tried not to “bother” them with it. I’m only guessing. Thank you for your dear loyalty to me, June, it just touches my heart. xoxo
Am I truly writing to Susan Branch? What an overwhelming delight the last day has been, as I put aside everything,including sleep, to immerse myself in The Isle of Dreams! I was so sad to finish the book just now, at 5:00 am, just as the morning greeting of birdsong begins. In all my years of reading I’ve never felt this compelled to write a thank-you to the author. Well, except to the dear ones who have passed on. I’m thrilled to know and excited to read another of your books. I keep asking myself, how have I never read her books before this? I discovered you through a Victoria magazine ad just a few days ago. My husband is from New England so I thoroughly enjoyed the memories your memoir stirred of that lovely part of the country. I would love to meet you in person some day, but until then I will be sipping tea with you as I read the next of your books. All the best to you!
Thank you Teresa, so nice to meet you! Thank you for the kind words ❤️ xoxo
Just having moved from Tennessee to Central California (Susan Branch “Romance” stuffed in the car somewhere) I was excited to realize after I got to SLO that you, Susan Branch, are also from SLO! Oh, my. I’ve come to help care for a grandson for one year. Is there any possibility that you might be in the vicinity of San Luis Obispo in 2017 or early 2018? Hope so! A new fan…
Hi Carol .. so nice to hear from you. Hope you enjoy SLO, it’s a wonderful place to live! We might be out in the fall, not sure, and if we do an event, I’ll be sure to announce it here on my blog. The Apple Farm carries lots of my things, and I often do talks and booksignings with them. Say hello to SLO Town for me!
Hi Susan
I read your book, “A Fine Romance…” and absolutely loved it! It will be the discussion of our first book club with 2 other friends this Monday evening, 31 July! I finished reading it just before leaving for a 2 week trip to England with my youngest daughter. We lived in England for a total of over 8 years, 3 separate times, and are huge anglophiles. We have friends scattered all over that, “green and pleasant land” and was able to visit our dearest friends on this trip. We visited Beatrix Potter country years ago and fell in love with everything about her! I have a question… what is the “class” that you talk about in the blog! I would love to join you on the picnic near Hilltop Farm but after a trip to England this year, that may prove difficult! I know it will be an exciting adventure. I’m reading your books backwards as I just ordered your two other books!! I’m sure I’ll love them just as much as, ‘A Fine Romance!!” Keep writing… I enjoy your writing and especially your humor so much!!
Class? Just a funny thing … like, in school, the Class of 2016, and now another, Class of 2018! Say hello to your book club for me! How wonderful that you were able to live in England for so long! That would make anyone an Anglophile, I’m sure, that green and pleasant land . . . xoxo
P.S. to my earlier post… please come to Georgia… Atlanta area!! Thanks!
Reading your Blog, Willard and website is such an “Escape”. I could
disappear reading here all day. But you have given me so much
inspiration to do something worthwhile for my soul and my family.
I have some of your books, etc. but would love to attend one
of your events. Whee- – – –
Your little racoon is adorable. We had one in our tree, too. The next thing we knew, she had removed the mesh from the chimney, climbed inside and gave birth to several little fluffs. Yikes.
We’ve not seen ours since the day Joe took that photo. Yikes would be my thought too!
When oh when will you be coming to Maryland? I spent a week in Chilmark, Marthas Vineyard this summer and hoped and prayed to run into you somewhere on the island but it did not happen. Will you ever be coming to Marylsnd? I have been a big fan of yours and Gladys Taber for as long as I can remember. I have all your books and all Gladys’ books too.
Isle if Dreams is my most fav book ever!!!
Are you working on a new book now? I hope so!!!
Love to you, Diane Griggs
Thank you Diane, I’ll be in Charleston in the early spring . . . maybe meet you there?
Good Evening Susan,
My mother and I are looking to take a trip to Marthas Vineyard this year and are wondering if you will be having any book signing / meet and greet events. We would like to plan the trip around your availability. Thank you!!!!
Nothing is planned yet . . . we’re leaving for England in the spring and won’t be home until early July. Might do something later in the summer/fall. Hope you love the island!
Dear Susan, I am so thrilled that your coming to Charleston is a reality now!! Can’t wait to finally meet you!! Was so sad I missed meeting you on Martha’s Vineyard last year, but now, March is almost here!! Will you have some of your cups available as well or just your books??
Much love from the Charleston Southern Belle!!
I certainly enjoyed your book. I am not an avid reader, but with the cold here in Maryland, and my sister in law sent me your book for my birthday, and having a cold, afforded me time to veg out and read. I have so enjoyed it, hate to stop, so may go on to others. HA! She said they were reading it in her book club, and it has urged me to think about starting one. Love you style, food, and natural way of communicating. Thanks, and can’t wait to see more!
Well, thank you so much Ellen, that was a very nice compliment!
I just wanted to tell you I adored your book (the Martha’s Vineyard one) and felt like I was having a visit with a best friend even though we have never met. (We are close in age.) Some friends told me about your books and couldn’t believe I hadn’t read any because they knew I would love them. Of course, they were right! I work in a library and so I checked the book out and read it in a few big gulps. I gave it to my husband to read and he loves it, too! I seldom buy books because I have so many already, but this one I knew I had to have for my own. It came today. I hate to even say this, but it really needed to be packed in a box and not just in the padded plastic envelope. The corner of the book got smashed a little in the post office handling of it and the jacket is torn a bit. I taped it, and I will probably put tacky glue on the corner, but I did want to tell you that a sturdier mailing arrangement would help to keep this from happening, because it made me sad even while I was so excited to get it. (It came from 2416 Lopez Dr, Arroyo Grande.)
Do you ever come to the Pacific Northwest? I live in Spokane, WA but I would drive to see you if you came to Seattle or Portland, OR.
We have Antie’s Book store here in Spokane, which is downtown in an old, original building to Spokane. It is quaint and lovely. We have 2 Barnes & Nobles – one between Spokane and Coeur d’Alene, ID. You and Joe would love Coeur d’Alene – on a beautiful lake. I’m always watching and wishing. Been your fan for years…won’t say how many! 🙂
I would love to see you visit Nashville, Tennessee on your next book tour. I have been a fan of yours for a VERY long time. Meeting you in person would be a dream come true for me and I would love to bring my mom and two daughters along. Please consider it! Fingers Crossed!
I was in Memphis for my last book, I’ll try to get closer next time. It all depends on which bookstores invite me!
Susan, you would be very welcomed in the adorable town of McKinney, Texas! Please consider:)
We drove through a couple of years ago, and you’re right, it’s adorable. But it was also about a 150 degrees that day and we couldn’t bring ourselves to stop, I just mourned having to go through without stopping at all those darling shops from my air-conditioned window! Must come back!
Dear Susan, I am so thrilled to have discovered your books! I am looking to find the Tea book. Any suggestions?
Thank You, Anne from Maryland
There’s a section on Tea in Vineyard Seasons . . . I haven’t done a strictly Tea book, except for a tiny 2″ x 3″ gift-card/book, which isn’t really a book. It’s tied together with ribbon and is only about 8 pages. Lots about tea in A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English Countryside. Hope this helps, nice to meet you Anne!
I emailed a few days ago but haven’t heard anything back. I was wondering if you, Susan, were going to do any appearances in California, mainly Southern CA.
Sorry, I didn’t see your email Judy. Not planning any tours right now. . . staying home to write! But when I do, I’ll announce it here on the blog!
I read your three books in the series, loved them. I was wondering of your books what would be the next to read.
Thank you Judy, so nice to hear that! You would probably like both my new 30 year anniversary edition of Heart of the Home, and my Autumn book, both available in our webstore. They are actually cookbooks, but they’re also filled with writing, stories, ideas, and love of home. I’m writing another diary-type book right now called Enchanted. Should come out around this time next year. Thank you for asking!
Susan, A little background information – I have for many years bought your pocketbook calendar – always so cute. Then, at work a girl was reading “The Fairy Tale Girl”. I loved the cover even though my Mom always told me not to judge a book by it’s cover, but I always do. Anyway, I bought the book and from the beginning I felt a connection and excited to see you were born in Long Beach CA. As I was too, but at Long Beach Community and my Mom like yours is from Iowa. The books are fun to read because of your artwork and photography. I felt like I was reading your diary/scrapbook, an adventure into someones life. Thank you for the suggestions of two of your books and I look forward to your new book “Enchanted”.
Isn’t that funny? There must have been an Iowa/Long Beach connection, perhaps something to do with the war. Where was your Mom in Iowa?
My Mom and Dad are originally from Mason City IA. Home of Meredith Wilson (Music Man). He and my grandpa were childhood friends. My Mom always said Long Beach was a small Iowa. Every year there was an Iowan Picnic at Recreation Park in Long Beach. Not sure if they still have it. Probably the war did bring a lot of people to Long Beach. I remember when I was younger seeing a lot of military people at the Pike in Long Beach even though the war was well over. You probably moved to the Valley before you knew about the Pike – no longer there. Good hearing back from you. Take care, Judy
We had all our family picnics in Recreation Park, including the day after my Grandmother’s funeral (she was born in Sioux City like my mom). I have pictures of us, all spread on blankets under trees. The Pike! Oh yes, my mom said she loved that roller coaster, though I only have the vaguest shadowy memory of ever going there, and maybe that only happened in my imagination. Amazing. 2 degrees of separation.
My daughters 40th birthday is coming soon. I’m looking for some great gift ideas you may have in your area. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Meeting you? B&B’s…. ect.
she is a big fan of yours.
Are there tickets still available for the October 13th talk at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo, CA?
That was last year! Sorry. No plans right now, but I’ll put it on the blog if that changes!
I have neglected you for a long while now. Getting back into what you’re doing. After viewing one of your pictures of your new dining room, I decided to put curtains up in my own dining room. I think curtains will soften up the area. Thanks for the idea. I downsized from a large home & lots of land, to a small cottage style home. Love my new house, but miss my old house which was full of family memories. I’ll just have to fill my new house up with new, wonderful memories. To start off with, I”m going to have all guests sign a friendship book. I think that will be fun to look back on.
Cheers! Sandy Fox
Wonderful idea . . . nothing like handwriting of old and dear friends! xoxoxo Happy New House!
Just bought 2 Christmas books at Titcomb’s for our granddaughters on the west coast. I’m intending to write about my Christmas events in the 1950’s too. Think I’ll write on the computer and copy into a book with pictures Thanks for the information. By the way our younger daughter who grew up with your books is now a well known children’s author and illustrator in Portland, OR. Thanks for inspiring her too!!
Isn’t that great!? Be sure to tell her I said, “Hooray and Congratulations!”
I was able to see you at a live event from a little bookstore in Georgia, called Fox Tales. A friend and I had driven over two hours to see you and had tea scheduled for later that afternoon. Even though we had our books ready for you to sign, we had to make it to our tea and could not wait for you to sign them. Fortunately, after a delightful tea, we went by the bookstore and you and Joe came by so that you could finish signing books! We were so glad to see you again and speak with you. We were both actually glad we could not stay for the signing at the event as it was so much cozier in the book store!
I remember that Jane! xoxo Nice to hear from you!
Your inspiring words and wonderful photos and drawings are always a breath of fresh air to this CA (San Diego) native, fascinated by actual seasons! I even planted a couple of deciduous trees over 30 years ago so that my then young boys would understand the true meaning of “fall” and have leaves to rake…like your seasonal illustrations!
Thank you for your always cheery outlook and your blogs and books that I continually reference. And your calendar…year after year, it keeps a special place in my kitchen, read and enjoyed by my entire family! You are appreciated!
I am amazed that you will be in my old stomping grounds of New Hope, Pa in May. Wish I could be there too! You will love the little riverside village if you have never been there….take time for touring…..and spending some money.
Thank You for sharing the Wonderful Whimsical life you’re living❣️
Ahhh, you are so welcome Pamela, thank you for the sweet words! xoxo
we have a much cherished box of your ALL OCCASIONS GREETING CARDS, which is going to get empty in the near future.
We bougt that on AMAZON in 2019, but it isn’t currently available at neither nor
Can you supply directly to Germany or advise on a regional (European) stockist ?
Thanks & regards
Klaus Reineck
Dear Klaus, thank you so much for your kind question … I have been waiting for an answer from the manufacturers of those all occasion boxes of cards. I sent them your comment in hopes it would spur them on to make more. Hopefully that will happen, but not yet apparently! Keep a watch on things, they change all the time! Happy release from Covid, I hope you’re coming back to life over there! (PS you can often find my things on Amazon, other than that, I have no European stockists.)
I’m visiting the Vineyard now and am looking for your books. Where can I find them?
I have been a fan fir so long and have most of everything you do:) love it all!
Thank you! Hopefully you should find them at Bunch of Grapes in Vineyard Haven or at the Edgartown Bookstore! Have fun!
An unexpected Willard! Thank you, Susan for the happy surprise. I smiled all the way through it, Lenora Kirby
What great news, that means that there is less and less Covid and thus be able to return to the old normality. Enjoy that beautiful country.
This reply is not directly to this field. However, I purchased your book, To My Daughter. I filled out a few of my favorite family recipes which my daughter and I have made together. I do have to say, I have instilled the love of cooking for family and friends with love in both my 18 yrs old girl/boy twins. They love to cook and bake for friends and family. Upon giving your To My Daughter recipe book, my daughter Isabel said, awe… I hope Jack is in this book! I then said, of course he is! I bet you $1,000 that you can find him. Well, sadly we did not find Jack in this book. Now I must live up to my promise and give Isabel $1,000 toward her school credit! All is good! I am just so grateful for you beautiful and awe inspiring, To My Daughter recipe book. My daughter is worth far more then the $1,000 credit. I just thought you would enjoy the fact the my 18 yr old was hoping to see Jack in your recipe book. We have a tuxedo cat named Prince which is short for My Prince Charming, as my daughter was in need of a comfort kitten! He is now 3 and has a personally like no other (and no mustache)! Oh Well. We do love your work and I will have to take my family to Martha’s Vineyard as I have not been there for 40 yrs!
He would have been there, but I designed that book back before I had Jack! 🤣 Thank you Jeanine… such a sweet story! “Comfort kitten!” Aren’t they all? ❌⭕️
Hi Susan, I have heard rumors that you are coming to Wheaton Illinois in August. Is this true? If so I would love information about where I could purchase tickets. I love your books!
Hi, Susan. I have loved your warm and happy creations for so many years now. Would you come to Cape May, N.J., for a book signing? It is so beautiful there, too. We would love to have you! Take care.
I’d love to… I don’t know of a bookstore there . . . which is your favorite?
I love getting all the latest things happening in your life. I have a few of your books which I share with a friend. Haven been looking for your 2022 book mark and can’t find it. Can you tell me how and where to find it. Thank you
Edna Burgess
Go to “Shopping” on my website, look in column on left and scroll to bottom to “Free Stuff.” Voila!💝
I received my book yesterday and spent the afternoon under an umbrella reading and enjoying every word. I love it so much! I bought 3 so I could share with my girls. XO
I’m so happy!! Thank you Sheryl!
Hi, trying to sign up for your blog but am taken to “feed.” Help please.