♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This isn’t in England, it’s the guest bedroom above the kitchen in our house on Martha’s Vineyard that we call the Peter Rabbit room. Here it is as you come to it, at the top of the back stairs. It started as a normal guest room, but has, over the years, organically transitioned into a mini ode to Beatrix Potter.
It’s small, only 11′ x 12′, tucked up under the eves at the back of the house; everything in it is old. ♥
We think it was the “maid’s quarters” at one time (the house was built in 1849, when they had such things) but it would have made a wonderful room for the eleven-year-old I used to be. See those two tiny windows above the dresser? Note where your head would be on the bed? From your pillow you could see the sky, up through trees, leaves flitting in the sun, turning color in autumn, then snow falling in winter; smelling pancakes cooking downstairs in the kitchen, it is a perfect spot for dreaming. So here we go, on a little tour as I tell you the story how it came to be called the Peter Rabbit Room . . .
Let’s have some music to go with us! Just click and come back, the boys can serenade us as we go♥.
The old things in this room begin with my Laura Ashley hat, here on one of the bedposts, which I got back in the 1980’s. She belongs in the Peter Rabbit room don’t you think? And see the heart book shelf above the bed? It’s filled with travel books, like a shelf of dreams. Years ago, I drew a design for this shelf on a piece of paper (which I’m sure you can tell from the hearts); a carpenter friend (Carleton) built it for me; it was over my bed in my first little house on the island, and morning exercises-in-bed were taped to the underside of it.
The two larger windows (on each side of the room) are only waist-high, so when you’re in the bed, which is elevated, it feels like you’re in a tree house. The wind comes through the wisteria arbor just outside that window, flutters the curtains, blows across the four-poster bed (and you), to the huge maple tree outside the window on the other side; you can hear the leaves rubbing together, go shhhhh, and you feel the 160 years of history in this room in its DNA.
Why is it called the Peter Rabbit Room? Years ago, a girlfriend came to visit and one day she came down the stairs saying, “I love your Peter Rabbit Room.” She called it that because of the Peter Rabbit figurine perched on a stack of Beatrix Potter books on the dresser (of course, nowadays there are even more Peters, once I figured out it was the Peter Rabbit room). Now when my friends come to stay, they ask if they can have the Peter Rabbit room, even though it’s the smallest of all the bedrooms. Everyone feels like a child waking up in a tree house in this room.♥
. . . another Peter, so miniature it’s almost invisible, is on the narrow sill over the window (mixed in with beach glass we find on our morning walk). I wallpapered the room in pink with rosebuds when we first moved into the house back in 1989.
But the heart of the room is in the details . . .
Heart-shaped rocks on the window sill . . . Girl Kitty on the floor . . .
. . . old quilts in Beatrix Potter colors . . .
. . . And these linens. I love to find old embroidered pillowcases, and I have a trick when buying new sheets . . . I love the really expensive ones, but sometimes they are just too outrageously priced . . . so I just get the pillow cases! It makes all the difference in the details of a room and doesn’t cost much at all. Your face gets to touch the softest part, and you can buy nice white or colored sheets to go with them, and you don’t have to take out a loan at the bank to afford them!
I made this pillow out of an old piece of embroidery (can you see the to-die-for French knots?) I found it in an antique store for $14 and leaped upon it immediately. Life is good. ♥
And then there is just your basic fan-girl worship of Beatrix herself. I have that. What I love the most is the total simplicity, of her story, her art, her colors, and even, to a certain extent, her life.♥ She did what she loved, she gave to the world, she made happiness. I can’t think of a better example of a woman who followed her heart her whole life, that’s why she is my hero, because she was brave. (Come back and read more about her HERE.)
I have lots of old books about her. This one had black and white line drawings, so I watercolored them, and put in some dried flowers.
I started collecting Beatrix Potter figurines when I first moved away from home (see them on that shelf back there? And the dishtowel!). From the time I managed to scrape together thirty dollars that didn’t have to pay the electric bill, I was indulging. (They don’t make them anymore, so it’s very hard to find them for $30. But when I find them in antique stores, I buy them for the Vintage part of our web store, just in cases you want to start a collection of your own!). There was a little shop next to the record store where I worked that sold them. I would go there and think, “which one will I get next?” It was a huge decision. It was the first place I would take my paycheck. My value system has always been in the right place.
My husband at the time had a different value system; he didn’t really understand this fascination of mine, so I would hide Mrs. Tiggy Winkle in my purse until I could make her blend into our household. Since my first kitchen, I’ve always had these guys grouped on a shelf watching over me. Aren’t they wonderful? Do they not remind you of watercolor? I collected these long before I painted my first picture, before I even knew I could paint. I’ve always felt these colors, and the ones on old quilts must have sunk into me for inspiration.
Sitting here, right now, next to my computer, is Fancy Whiskered Gentleman, Aunt Pettitoes, and Mrs. Rabbit.♥
Sometimes in the natural course of living at our house, a bunny ear will get chipped — poor Jemima Puddleduck jumps into the sink sometimes, has tiny chips, all hard-earned nicks, out of her bill — so I just take my little paint brush, watercolor the chip, and make her whole again.
I think Beatrix Potter, forever content and walking the country roads in heaven’s edition of her beloved Lake District, looks down and likes it when I’m painting on a duck bill taking good care of her baby. ♥
Speaking of Beatrix Potter, there are many wonderful biographies you can read about her life. She is much more than her books, she made a life at a time when women weren’t supposed to do that. You will love her, she’s total inspiration!
Also, you can join the Beatrix Potter Society!
P.S. One more thing. . . would you like to see the Peter Rabbit Room decorated for Christmas?
I think bunnies prefer a woodland Christmas, especially when it’s snowing outside, so I changed the bedspread to a woodsy green and I asked Joe to make a garland out of the boxwood in our garden so I could fashion a little woodland shrine for the Peters above the dresser.
and I included 11-year-old me, to watch over the Peters (or vice versa).
‘Course we needed some carrots and birds for the hedgerow garland, and snow, in the form of white pom-poms and a white feather tree with boxwood sprigs tucked in that sits between the bunnies and snowy trees, next to the small collection of Beatrix Potter’s “little bunny books” Joe got for me in England.
And last but not least, looking for more woodland views, I exchanged the watercolor that was hanging here originally for an oil I did of our garden, thinking Peter might like to forage under the fence in the midnight hours. ♥
Later that night, I thought I heard some squeaking. I came back into the room to find the Peter’s celebrating with a bonfire, wrapped in blankets, eating carrots! They liked it! I was so proud. See the clay mushroom on top of the book on the right? I got that at the Armitt Museum in Ambleside, up in the Lake District when we went to Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top Farm ~ the card too, that’s a print of her actual painting of the mushrooms ~ they are my treasures. (You can see how lovely her woodland paintings are by clicking on the link above to the Armitt. I have included many links, i.e. “Rabbit Holes” for you to dive into in this post!)
I think this is the part about women that most men don’t quite understand. We love to play house. Love it to the point of no end. It’s relaxing and makes us happy. I brought Joe in to see the bonfire and he looked at me with the most quizzical look on his face, and never said a word, just a slight shake of the head and a one-sided smile which I took to mean that he wished he could be me. Next life, my honeyman, next life. ♥
So that’s the Peter Rabbit Room in all its glory, “a treasure of home.” I hope you liked your tour! One more thing, this room often has something in it that makes it even better, is all any room needs . . . the perfect prop, the detail that excels above all others . . .
This comes from a higher level of decorator intuition, at least that’s what I think . . . A decorative kitty is good in any room. ♥ Perfect for all occasions especially good for napping.
Have a wonderful day girlfriends. So long from me and my little friends! xoxo ♥
P.S. Check out the wonderful movie, Miss Potter! One of my favorite parts is when her Peter Rabbit drawing “goes live.”
Absolutely beautiful blog!!! So inspirational!!!
Thank you so much for coming to visit Elsa!
Oh my! I just found you through a friend. There are so many areas I would like to respond to on your website. For now I will simply say I love quilting, carving wood ornaments, crocheting, gardening, cooking, canning, creating jewelry from broken china and vintage silverware, etc.,etc. But the one thing I would like to share here is that last year we created a Peter Rabbit House for our grandchildren. I found a chandelier with a large rabbit and knew instantly what I wanted to do. I bought the whole series of books and have been slowly telling the stories since they are “English”. Looking forward to sharing more!
You fit in perfectly here Lois, nice to see you!
It’s a dreary day in southern Indiana, no sunshine and flakes of snow blowing through the air. Glad I found your sunshine! We’re going to the lake district soon to visit my daughter’s new in laws and will visit Beatrix Potter’s home again I hope, so I couldn’t help going right to the pictures of your Peter Rabbit room. It has been my guilty pleasure to collect the figurines for years, and as I have two daughters and wanted no fights, I actually two of almost everything. They have been packed away for a good bit — and today you’ve in given me permission & inspiration to get my friends out of their boxes!
Oh yes, put them where you can see them everyday. They are so cheerful!
Hi Susan, I just received the new Pottery Barn Bed and Bath catalog(Early Fall 2011) and they have a duvet and sham that has a pattern of lavender scattered across an ivory background(Provence Organice Duvet Cover and Sham)!! Lovely. Also, on the same page they have an Atrium Glass Lamp and they have filled it with lavender! Too Gorgeous. I love everything you make, and I loved this so thought you may be interested.
I got one too…will take a look!
where can I get a pottery barn catalogue? I love the Peter Rabbit room. Grew up on Beatix Potter. just love it. Love the quilts and especially the wall paper. Wonderful room
Just go to http://www.potterybarn.com — Thanks Janice!
Have been a big fan for years. Love this room. I did my 2nd son’s nursery in Peter Rabbit so it brought back delightful memories especially since he just started high school.
I doubt you can really get him into it anymore! :-)!
I LOVE your Peter Rabbit room!!! What female wouldn’t want to stay in it??
I’ve been to the Lake District and made the pilgrimage across the lake several times to visit Beatrix Potter’s home. It always delights me…and to see all of Peter’s relatives out in the field by the house…well, it was one of those moments you don’t forget.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Love that, you’re so lucky Barbara Ann . . . someday for me too!
I am a retired Kindergarten teacher, have always been enchanted by Beatrix Potter. Wish I had a nickel for how many times the children would ask to have the stories read again. Your blog made me want to start collecting a figurine or two. Thanks for letting me visit your charming Peter Rabbit room.
Thank you for coming Vicki!
It is so charming and warm that it takes me breath away! Anyone could tell it’s been put together so lovingly. That’s the real magic. And I also think I spot some darling pillow cases from Garnet Hill (I could be wrong of course!). To get something I love when it’s expensive, I also just buy the pillow cases and sometimes just the top flat sheet to match. In the end it actually looks cuter to mix and match especially with my vintage linens. Thanks so much for sharing your room with us. Oh yes, the Smithsonian Castle had a very lovely (adorable!) and informative (I didn’t know she was a scientist!) exhibit on Beatrice Potter a few years ago. Wow, another woman of substance (like you, Susan) especially in her time.
Oh, thank you Carmel! Glad you came by!
Hello Susan, I too love Beatrix Potter!! I also collect, my husband and I were fortunate enough to be stationed in England (Upperheyford USAF- not far from London). I began collecting there. On a recent trip to Occoquan, Virginia at local coffee shop, I purchased two more figurines for my collection. My husband and I plan on making a trip to the Lake District to visit Beatrix Potter’s home and surrounding area! I have always loved your calendars and I am so excited to have found your website! I have signed up for your newsletter and can’t wait to start receiving them!
Hope you are getting Willard and liking him! So lucky to get to live in England . . . another of those times I wish cloning would start, I would love to live a parallel life and be there too!
I just discovered this part of your site……..Love it! My Nana (who was from England) used to read me Beatrix Potter stories when I was little. My favorite was The Two Bad Mice. I have the same figures all over my house. I used to have the entire guest bath done in old linnens and cute figures and books and plates……and even Beatrix Potter silverware. When my son moved back in, it had to go. He doesn’t have the same appreciation as I do! I scout thrift stores for old linnens, and pillow cases in particular……they’re not as easy to find anymore. Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!
You’re right, they aren’t as easy to find. All of us connoisseurs have snapped them up and they don’t make them like they used to!
I love anything Beatrix Potter…..I can just imagine the little room in the little house on a farm in the Lake District!…..Having a summer rain and hunkering down with a good book and a cup of cocoa……looking outside to the rainy hills and lakes….really lovely!…….Thanks for the visual………
And thank you back for that one!!
This is so pretty. I adore Beatrix Potter. I decorated my baby girl’s room with Betrix Potter pictures and mobile nearly 16 years ago . She is growing up fast. Precious memories to cherish , tho.
I love your blog .
Thank you Tamar!
We are big Beatrix Potter fans here. My 4 year-old adores her tiny books and almost always picks a few to check out when we visit our local library. She is a big fan of bunnies, so of course Potter’s books hit the spot perfectly.
We are homeschoolers and I just had to say how much I love the quote.
Thanks for sharing!
Sweet of you to tell me Jennifer!
Absolutely love your Peter Rabbit room!!! My Mother who was 88 passed away last winter, she too was obsessed with Peter rabbit! Had all the books, childs dishes, figurines, counted cross stitches she had done, a quilt she made me make for her. I just wonder what will become of all that when my Dad passes???
You have to rescue it.
I love your Peter Rabbit room. Several years ago I went to England with my mom who is from there. We toured Beatrix Potter’s home and office. I also got to stand in Mr. McGregor’s garden!! I read The Tale of Peter Rabbit 100’s of times to my oldest son when he was little and recently have shared this story with his son! I even had the original book that I gave to my daughter-in-law at her shower. Such nice memories – I wish Beatrix knew how many people she made smile.
Me, too!!!
Hi Susan, I’ve been a fan of yours, since the late 1990’s, when I first came upon some of your pretty stickers. Since then, I have purchased scrapbooking paper and other items. I totally love Beatrix Potter, too. Thanks for sharing the Peter Rabbit bedroom, so cute. Someday next summer, (fingers crossed) I will have a Peter Rabbit Studio out in my backyard. Hoppy, hoppy day!
Ooooo a Peter Rabbit Studio gets the imagination rolling!
Have been following you blog for some time and it brightens my day. I am not able to get out much so I am an armchair traveler.
Welcome Theresa . . . that’s perfect, the thing blogs were invented for I think!
and here I was slightly abashed by having a Beatrix Potter room of my own :))
yours is beautiful…mine is about to get a pale green colour on the walls to match my 4 newly matted & framed prints
No, you are one of the normal ones.
I visited England many years ago and regret when I was in the Lake District I didn’t visit Beatrice Potter’s home. I was on a preplanned tour which didn’t allow for changing the itinerary, lesson learned. BUT I did purchase some of her prints for what I call my storybook bedroom. Bet you can guess how it is furnished. You have given me the idea to use linens my grandmother made in the storybook bedroom. I’m not sure how yet, because the brass bed has a duvet, shams, and bed linens with the traditional Winnie the Pooh and friends on them.
Wonder how it will all come out?
Delightful room! I have two Peter Rabbits myself that I adore. That room is oh so charming that I would request it too. Thank you for your wonderful blog. So refreshing.
Thank you Susie! For being here!
j’aime beaucoup votre blog
Merci! xo
Love Peter Rabbit! Love the room!
The blog and the home are charming!
I’m so out of place in New Mexico! but, that is where I am blooming!!
Was just there by train, is so beautiful . . . Love the old Main Street (don’t know the actual name) in old town Albuquerque.
Absolutely love this room!! I love Beatrice Potter too! She is my inspiration and so are you! Can I stay in this room when I come to visit?
There is a little bit of a waiting list, but I know we can fit you in!!
I’ve been a fan for many years (I’m pushing 70 – actually I’m pushing back at 70) and I’ve so enjoyed you and your wonderful, comforting work. I love Gladys Taber, as you do, and now Peter Rabbit is a joint love. My grandaughter’s nursery was Peter Rabbit with many, many accessories of Peter. She is 16 now.
I have a new bedroom to decorate in her house and maybe Peter Rabbit will take up residence with me now. Thanks for giving me a grand idea!!!!
You’re only sixty-ten. A mere baby. Still playing.
That’s the room I have dreamed of having since I was little! I love the short, low windows, the ceiling angles, the rosebuds, the Beatrix. I found tiny Beatrix Potter books and a stuffed Jemima and Peter, and put them in my daughter’s room when she was born. I had Daisy Kingdom bunny/mousie wallpaper and accessories and I would just sit in her room and enjoy it. I was sad when she outgrew it.
She’ll probably grow back into it later!
I really like your Peter Rabbit room. So nice and cozy, would love to be a guest. I also like anything relating to Peter Rabbit. I have a set of Peter Rabbit Wedgwood dishes, service for 12 and have had such fun collecting them and using them for the past almost 30 years. I laughed when I read about you saving to buy your figurines, as I did my dishes the same way. But what fun they have been sharing with friends and family over the years.
You are so lucky! Those dishes! What tea parties you could have with those!
Susan, it’s not only pretty but it just looks so comfortable and inviting. No wonder your guest wouldn’t leave! I don’t blame her! LOL
I don’t really, either!
Thank you for the tour! It is absolutely breathtaking. My children have the complete set of the Peter Rabbit books (divided among the four of them). They received them while growing up from my favorite aunt (the oldest one is 43 now). Needless to say, their rooms were heavily characterized with Peter. I have my own favorite though–in a special 100th anniversary edition–The Tailor of Gloucester. I am a seamstress and make wedding gowns, christening gowns, French heirloom clothing and quilts and I love to knit. Have you seen the movie Mrs. Potter? It’s beautiful and Renee’ Zellwenger is perfect. Thank you again for the tour. You are a joy and an inspiration. Thank you for making the world a brighter place.
Thank You Diane! I did see Mrs. Potter … loved it!
If I give you a trillion dollars, can I come stay in this room? Love it! (and I really, really, really loved hearing Paul sing in the background) xoxoxo
I think we could work something out in that particular instance.
Dear Ms. Branch
I wondered if you had ever seen thevBeatrix Potter movie with Renee Zellweger?
If not rent it!!!!
I have, chills while watching it…loved it. Thank you Katherine!
Thanks for the B.P. info. Love her, been collecting for over 30 years. Now I have a site for new products. Thanks. Janet San diego.
Glad you stopped by!
Hi Susan,
And here I worried that he was too old for a Peter Rabbit quilt at 9 yrs old! So there’s my Peter Rabbit story ~ sorry it was soooo long. Your room is dreamy….the quilts, the wallpaper, the dormers, the windows, the old dresser, and that rug–OH MY! whaaat a treasure, eh?? I enjoy everything about you, your blog, your recipes, books, photos, etc.
I don’t know how I missed seeing this adorable Beatrix Potter room on your website before! Ohhhh, what an absolute treat to see all the details of the room. It sort of reminds me of Anne’s room in Anne of Green Gables movies, too. Do you just love that series? When my grandson Spencer was about 5 yrs. old I decided to make him a quilt with bunnies & rabbits on it, because he had a stuffed bunny that he L-O-V-E-D!! He and “Bunny” did everything together for many years. Finally, at about the age of 13 maybe, he “retired” bunny under glass — ha ha (cloche). Anyways, I had so much fun collecting bunny fabrics, that I didn’t make it until he was 9 yrs.old!! Bad grandma! Oh, btw, I backed the quilt in that same Garnet Hill star flannel sheet like your pillowcases–yummy thick, soft flannel. Anyways, sorry, I keep diversing….He lovvvved the quilt….it has many of the Beatrix Potter charachters on it….It’s a patchwork. I should send you a photo of it. About a month ago, the doorbell rang, and when I opened the door, there stood Spencer (now age 19 & 6′ tall) holding his very neatly folded quilt in one hand (picture a waiter serving a large silver tray with one hand) . “Hello Grandma, he said. I was wondering if you’d mind washing my quilt for me, as your washing machine is larger than mine….and it’s kinda dirty.” Haha…….Needless to say, it made my day! I said, “Do you still use it?” He said, “Oh yes! My friends and I all use it”
Just want to know how appreciated you are ~
Love & Hugs, Elaine
So sweet of you to write . . . love Spencer . . . you definitely got him in the heart! Thank you!
Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for your lovely guest room pictures! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted your Laura Ashley hat. All of a sudden, I started to cry!! I have the same hat and remembered wearing it for all types of picnics, outings, celebrations, etc.. It is hanging on my antique hall tree where I placed it years ago. I feel my days of spontaneity went with it – on a dusty worn hook. Time as raced by, while I have worked and worked and worked. I am raising my last child, and we seem to live to finish life’s necessary tasks, while neglecting to steal time to explore. No “Oh poor me”, as I love my work in helping others. However, I have come to a place where life needs to include picinics and outings and celebrations AGAIN!
Forgive me for gushing and “Thank You Sweet Susan” for your simple treasures and kindness of Heart!
My Hat is off to you,
Regina R
Very cute way you ended your comment, thank you Regina! Have a wonderful day!
I absolutely love your Peter Rabbit room. My mother’s house (the one I grew up in) had a tiny room at the top of the stairs led to the attic. It was never really used for much except a storage room. Oh, how many times I wish I had that room back, and the endless possibilities it could have provided! It was much too small for a bed, but what a lovely little retreat it could have been. I long for a tiny nook like that in my own house, but as it is a modern ranch home, no nooks are available. But I love coming to your blog and enjoying your beautiful home. Thank you, so much! Cathy
I can just picture your nook, like something where Louisa May Alcott would write Little Women.
I brot out my Fall clippings last week and found your recipe for Harvest Moon cocktails from a magaine years ago and once again this year they added so much fun to Fall entertaining. On a whim I logged onto your site and am addicted! So much is familiar from the love of England (2003 garden trip changed my life and I now have 280 roses done the English Cottage way) to the love of sewing, learned on my Grandmother’s knee at the treadle sewing machine I now have to getting that cute little tuxedo cat and wondering if it will do OK with the exiting one. It will – even if they just agree to leave each other alone and I’m coming from experience. Now have just one rescue cat, Muffin, but have had 2 most of the time. We’ve got 3-1/2 dogs (share custody with our daughter with her Chihuahua that is special needs and comes during the week to our place, hers on weekends) all rescues, 2 house bunnies, rescues, and 26 hens in the backyard, most rescues. I’m a quilter and gardener and genealogist and there are never enuf hours in the day but Life is good. I love your books, have many, and love your outlook on Life. I look forward to reading your blog every day and thank you so much for it! Hugs! Sue in Beaverton Oregon
Loved that Sue! We went to the gardens too, came home, planted hundreds of hedge plants, they are all about 3′ tall now, still can see over them and between them, but it won’t be long!
oh my gosh! i love beatrix potter and peter rabbit too! have since i was a child. i would check out the peter rabbit books in the library when i was in elementary school…they were the only books i would check out. i would check out one at a time until i had gone through all 23 then i would start over. finally the teacher told my mom to tell me to check something else out. why? what did it matter to her what i was reading, as long as i was reading. i was only in 1st or 2nd grade so i probably wasn’t able to read all that much yet anyways. i now have the complete set of peter rabbit books in a beautiful hard box set (they are the green hardcover ones just like i read as a child). my husband and older son gave them to me for my birthday one year when my son was a little boy. i have another set not quite as nice that i found when i was pregnant with my first son. i also have the dvd “miss potter”, and several books on her life and art. my first sons baby room was going to be peter rabbit, but my husband didn’t want to know the sex of the baby before he was born so his room was more unisex…although i guess peter rabbit could be unisex now that i think about it.
Loved Miss Potter too!
love your peter rabbit room!
Susan — every single time I read your blog/posts -visit your site — I come away amazed and I once again have to say, “I love you!” You are awesome! When we read what you have written–we’re taken back to fairyland! I absolutely loved touring this room — loved it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You’re amazing!
Blessings to you,
You are so sweet Sharon! Thank you, so happy you liked it!
Ohhhhh! I love Peter Rabbit too! The room is wonderfully warm and cosy looking -reminds me of Laura Ashley things. I have a collection of old Peter Rabbit books by Altemus from the early 1900’s that I love that are very small and would look great in that room!! I love YOUR artwork–you are so talented and makes me happy to see your art. Thanks for this blog that I found after googling you.
Thanks for Googling me!!
and welcome!
Precious! I can’t believe I grew up without knowing Beatrix Potter or reading Winnie the Pooh. I had Winnie on my list to read in December and now I will add Beatrix. (My grandmother was the town librarian so I was there daily and read a lot!)
Don’t you just love how you can google anything and get an answer? That is just amazing to me. Almost like the Magic 8 Balls! LOL
Sending you infinite love and gratitude,
Practically the exact same!
Just stoppin’ by the wonderful Peter Rabbit room to see what Jack is doin’! Oops, a pic before his time – that’s GK not Jack, no moustache! Jack is probably enjoying that cozy bed now!
Yes he is! I just made a little video of him, will put it up later, he is a maniac. I love him!
I love, love, love this room!!! I can picture a lovely, rainy day with a good book, a sweet kitteh or two and a cup of hot tea! Gosh….this is heaven on earth!
It’s pretty cozy up there, thank you Karen!
I am having too much fun reading the latest Willard and then going over to your blog and reading about your newest (and most darling) little Jack with the French mustache staying in the Peter Rabbit room, and then moving over to tour that room. Who knows where I will go next? What a fun adventure, Susan! Thank you again for sharing.
Happy to see you here Paula!
As a child growing up in Toronto with British ancestry, I love all things English! I had all the Beatrix Potter books and my baby bowl and cup had Peter Rabbit on them! Thank you for bringing back such great memories. I have added the biography of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane to my wish list for Christmas this year! Now going back to finish Willard ~ I feel inspired, peaceful, content and renewed after every reading. Thank you!
Love it Dana xoxo.
Jack is adorable and looks to be hours of bouncy kitty fun! I love his room as well. Peter Rabbit…reminds me that we are doing a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party for some of my quilting guild friends in December. I am using a couple of your teapart recipes and we are each bringing our own teacup and saucer!
I look forward to more adventures of Jack and Girl Kitty! Since I am allergic, I will be enjoying your kitties each month with much envy!!
Debby S. in California
I’ll try not to make it look TOO fun!
I just love the Peter Rabbit Room. My daughter used all of the Peter Rabbit stuffed animals for her daughter, Claire’s room. I have had the privilege of visiting Beatrix Potter’s home and you must do it. When my husband and I were driving there on a little stone fenced road, we had to stop to let a herd of sheep pass, I was in heaven! Your room also reminds me of Anne Shirley’s room in Green Gables, you must visit there if you have not been. Same old world coziness and you feel transported back in time. Keep sending the pictures, they are inspiring!
Marian M. in the heart of the bayou
Your Peter Rabbit room is so sweet! I love all the old things and personal touches. A perfect room for the kitties…a “nursery” for your four-footed babies! My four-footed Little Miss Molly has recently taken to sleeping in my antique cradle. That is one of my treasures… Built by my GGG-Grandfather during the Civil War, it has cradled every one of my ancestors on my “Pop-Pop’s” side of the family, right down to me! I never had babies, but now my kitty is using it, so it’s just about the same! Thank you for sharing all of your lovely photos! I enjoy them soooo much! Has Jack ventured out of his rabbit room on his own yet? He’s such a sweetie and Girl is, too!
We are letting Jack out a bit, he roams the downstairs, we just cut off parts of the house, closing doors here and there to protect Girl Kitty’s sovereignty, but he’s very tricky, he gets through!!
Dear Sue,
Jack is so sweet and I am sure, a bundle of energy–what fun! I love his little moustache and his white sox. Kittens are so precious and energetic and always make me smile. If you have not seen “surprised kitty” on youtube, take a moment to watch it. It will make you laugh.
When my husband and I first met I had a little tuxedo kitty named Puss. He told me that he did not like cats and I told him that she was not just a cat, she was part of our family and she would have to go wherever I go. She won him over and ten years later, at the age of 19, when the end finally came for her, my husband was devestated. Needless to say he is no longer ambivalent about cats and is in love with our little Rosey (another tuxedo). I always enjoy reading about your kittys and love to know about their antics.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Bonnie H. Porro
You too Bonnie, thank you!
Oh this is so cute! I thought I was the only grown woman who loved Peter Rabbit!I love your collection I don’t have quite so many figurines but I’m always looking ! I’ve seen the Beatrix Potter movie several times and the room they show is so well done (I believe Beatrix and I would have gotten along well)
This is a great idea I usually bring my collection out in the Spring and leave it out as long as I can!I have a craft – Guest room that would be great for a Peter Rabbit room ! I love the pig in the blue and white stripe dress she is precious! thank for the great idea!
Glad you enjoyed it Christine!!
I want to live in your Peter Rabbit Room!
You’d have to share it with my new kitten Jack right now, he has taken over!
Susan Branch, you crack me up! I thought I was the only one that cleverly stowed away treasures like those that you wrote of here….”My husband at the time had a different value system, didn’t really get this fetish of mine, so I would hide Mrs. Tiggy Winkle in my purse until I could make her blend into our household.”
That made my daughter and I laugh out loud!
We LOVE your wonderful, homespun house and I can see why your friends beg to stay in that adorable guest room of yours. I want to stay in that adorable guest room of yours!!! lol Your page is a treat and all that you do is magic. I am so glad that you love Beatrix Potter. I am a huge fan also, I call myself a “Bea’liever” Remember that old Monkey’s song? “I’m a Bea’liever and I couldn’t leave her if I tried!” I think they wrote it for her! Haha I have occasionally entertained the idea of starting a social club for other Bea’lievers who like me would like to meet and have tea. We would sketch & paint outdoors and garden and do all of the sweet things that Bea liked to do. Of course we would be wearing our Laura Ashley hats and period clothing! .. That Red Hat Society would have nothing on us!
I often think of how proud Bea must be to have left so much behind for us to love her for. How blessed we are still, for you will leave a legacy like that as well!
♥ Cindy~
Oh Cindy, thank you so much! What would we do without our “inspirators?”
I love your room also…I to collect Beatrix Potter collectables but I don’t display them as I should. My mom got me started and she is the one who buys them for me. I usually have them on my grandmothers hutch during the spring time, but they have been in their boxes for a couple years. I will have to retrive them now..and maybe put them in with my Christmas themes….also my mom quilts, so I am sending her your website page..you may have another viewer..:)..enjoy this blessed time as we give “Thanks” to all things…xoxoxo
Thank you so much Aletha!
Oh that room! It’s lovely-sweet! It brought back some fond memories of my first daughter’s own bedroom, tiny flowered wallpaper and all. Thank you for the tour Susan. This music is delightful too.
hugs, Martha
Computers are wonderful, virtual tours!! Thank you Martha!
Squeal is how I feel about most of your photos and drawings. This is totally aDORable….Squeal!
I just adore you–plain and simple.
My heart soars when I read your blog.
That’s right-SOARS!! As in happy, joyful, content.
Happy, happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you and yours! Donna
Soaring is the best; it happens for me as I’m writing it, isn’t that great? Happy Thanksgiving Donna!
I justs discovered your blog though a US friend’s facebook page and am enchanted. I have lived in PA, CA, and FL and married my English sweetheart who moved us to his home in Durham, UK, four months ago (the most beautiful cathedral in the world). Since arriving here he has wisked me off to more breathtaking adventures than I could have dreamed. One of my favorites was our day trip to the Lake District. Of course we took in Hill Top Farm along with the many walks among the countryside. I highly recommend it for you. Living in Northern England is a fairy tale. It is one tiny village surrounded by fields and sheep after another. I have found peace of mind and contentment living in this slowed pace, culture filled, and charming place. Thank you for sharing YOUR charming lifestyle.
Welcome! I can just imagine what it must be like, you are saying it the way it is! So happy for you! Enjoy!
I absolutely adore Beatrix Potter! Yesterday, I was visting a new antique store in the village, and came across a Beatrix Potter Wedgwood tea cup and plate for only $15! I was so excited! It is so much fun being able to share the love of Beatrix Potter.
Just enjoying the Peter Rabbit room and remembering our son when he was about 1 and a half after having watched a Peter Rabbit video, ran out to the little rug in front of the door and rolled himself up in it and started mewing wildly. He was the naughty kitty going into a pie!
Thank you for the lovely room and bringing back that wonderful memory. He’s 20 now, and graduating college this year. I will have to remind him of this funny story.
So cute! Yes, remind him! LOL!
I have collected the Beatrix Potter figurines for years and was pleased to see you have some of my favorites! Way back when, I visited London and happened into a little shop on a side street where I found so many of the figurines! The shopkeeper and I chatted for quite a while about the different ones, and she disappeared into the back and came out with Hunca Munca as the old woman in the shoe, which was so charming!! She said she would sell it only to a “real collector”! Don’t know about that, but I treasure it! Love your sweet Peter Rabbit room!
The story makes it even more wonderful Joyce, thank you!
TOTALLY enjoying this mini-vacation on your site, Susan! My mother and I always treasured Beatrix Potter, though we didn’t collect as many delightful objects as these ladies have. I’m thrilled to report that my 2 1/2 year old grandson LOVES Peter Rabbit and has suddenly begun gobbling blackberries, just like Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail. The classics speak to children in any age!
They sure do! The simple thing in life!
I recently found a darling Beatrix Potter baby bowl, at a thrift shop, and it loves holding my quilting pins! I just had to revisit your room for a bit, so charming. I hope to one day go back to England, & visit the charming villages & sites we missed the first time! Cheerio, love!
Dear Susan , I really enjoyed your Peter Rabbit room, and i really enjoy your sight. It delights my old heart, that in this day of technology one can still find such a wonderful quiet place to visit. After I finish doing things on the computer that I have to do [like paying bills] but don’t enjoy, I find you on my favorites bar and just visit and allow the sights and scenes to refresh me.
As a little girl back in Newfoundland I remember rooms just like yours with lilacs and forget- me- nots dancing on the walls and quilts. God only knows the good you do in this cold world with your warm and lovely site.
Bless you
Sweet thing to say . . . thank you Bernice and Happy 2012!
In searching for tea party recipe books, I happened upon your site. It has made my day. My 28-year-old daughter’s first room was decorated with pictures I cross-stitched of Beatrix Potter characters, bedding, etc. These little guys just make me happy, and I’m so thrilled to see your Beatrix Potter room. Will add you to my very favorites! I became acquainted with your wonderful work many years ago when you would have a page in the Country Living magazines monthly. Have missed those.
Nice to meet you Teri!
I’m ready to curl up and take a nap with jack in the beatrix potter room! Soooo adorable! The older girls’ love beatrix books and used to pretend they were flopys, mopsy and cottontail, lol. We read togther until they were in their late teens. All flopped in bed, snuggled up w/ momma reading…priceless memories. Now the girls’ read beatrix to their babies so yet she lives on through her beautiful words and the love of you and others’ who love her! I love that you put the wallpaper on the eave too! Makes the room all the more cozy!
You know what lives on? The love you gave your girls!
Susan, I have just recently found your Blog, and have discovered it to be such a charming retreat from my work-weary day. You put into words, all of the little magical things that happen every day, that I just don’t always have the time to reflect on …. until I sit down at my computer, pull your blog out of my favorites, and just breathe……..
And, OH, the Peter Rabbit room ….. just charming!!! My now 15 year old son and 9 year old daughter each had a Peter Rabbit nursery as a baby. I have tried to encorporate Peter and friends into her Big Girl room as long as possible. For my sake more than hers, I’m certain, as she would rather slumber with a theme more fitting to her generation. None-the-less, Beatrix Potter plates commemorating her birth, baptism, etc… still adorn her walls along with the books and prints I have collected hoping that some day she will become as enchanted as I am.
Keep doing what you are doing …. I believe you have indeed found your purpose!
You are so kind! I’m sure your daughter will grow up loving those things forever!
Dear Susan,
I’ve just found your *lovely* blog a day or so ago, and I cannot stop looking at it. I grew up in the 70’s with a lot of Peter Rabbit, Mr. Jeremy Fisher, Jemima Puddle Duck and Mrs Tiggywinkle. ( Mrs. T. was always my favorite.) My mum bought a puzzle of her for me and then when I finished it, she shellacked it and hung it on the wall of my playroom. I look forward to collecting the Beatrix Potter books for my 3 year-old godson, Hunter. I hope he loves them as much as I always have.
I’m having a great time reading your recipes and looking at your pretty watercolors ( I wish I could do that. ), and ooohing and ahhhing over the beautiful Peter Rabbit Room. It looks just like the guest room I have in my mind, for when I finally move out of a tiny Montreal apartment and into a house.
Thank you so much for everything you’ve created and allowed the rest of us to enjoy. It makes my life that much more beautiful.
Blessings and laughter,
P.S. Isn’t ‘Miss Potter’ *wonderful?*
I just loved it — when peter came alive — wasn’t that darling? So happy you’re here Kari! I hope you get that house you want very soon!
It was adorable when Peter came alive. I was watching it with my mum at the time, and we both cried. Lovely lovely. I haven’t watched it in a long while, though. My beautiful Mummy died two years ago of cancer, and I haven’t been brave enough to watch it again, yet. I haven’t forgotten it, though.
Oh I am so sorry Kari. What a beautiful memory!
Oh, Kari! I am just like you. I lost my beautiful mom almost two years ago and I, too, can’t watch the movies that she and I shared and loved. I can’t even look at my wedding photos anymore. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that one day we’ll be able to remember without so much pain. Hugs!!
Now you gave me another idea!!! just buy pillow cases!!! I never thought of that!! but you can bet I am onto it now!!!! bye ……… I’m going shopping!!
Pink Hugs,
Your room is so lovely, Susan. I can see why your girlfriends don’t want to go home. Thank you for sharing all the lovely details
Whew! I made it out of the Peter Rabbit blog in record time. I thought that I might get lost in there! I, too, love the part of Miss Potter where her imaginative friends come alive! I found myself wishing that there was more of that in the movie. Looks as though Girl Kitty has found a comfortable spot to hybernate away from the new kid.
Love your Peter Rabbit room!!!
I also love Miss Potter and watch it almost monthly but always cry my eyes out
Thanks again for the smiles!!
My favorite room! xo
xo back to you Judy!
I must see Miss Potter! I did not know it existed.
You are going to love it!
What a LOVELY Peter Rabbit room! I decorated our daughter’s nursery in yellow & lavender with many Peter Rabbit & friends. In her first year I even hooked a round Peter Rabbit rug for her room. When her brother came along years later, started (but never completed) a Tom Kitten rug for him. Will now have to finish that rug! My sister just reminded me that I have several Potter figurines (boxed away) ~ and I will now find them again and put them out in my quilting room. You are such an inspiration!!
First found you in Country Living magazine YEARS ago ~ then bought your first hard-bound book, Heart of the Home and have never quit purchasing your books. You just bring out all the good in life ~ the way we all want to live.
I have a tuxedo kitty as well ~ his name is July Johnson (after the sheriff in Lonesome Dove). He truly is the ‘sheriff’ in our house ~ even though our version of G.K. (our Anna) is the “Queen” of the house! What a pair they are ~ much like your household.
Have spent the past 6 weeks reading everything on your newly found blog, as I recuperate from a severly broken leg (4 places). Thank you for giving me something to read with much delight ~ and cheering me up when I have some down days. Being confined to a wheelchair or anyother chair/sofa/bed is NOT fun! You are a bright spot in my day ~ spending hours reading your blog; other folks comments; and … your books again!
And, YES, Miss Potter is AWESOME!! A neighbor brought it over for me to watch while I recuperate. It is now on my movie list as a “keeper”.
Gosh ~ didn’t mean to write so much! Just feel like we are old friends … and I can just chat away, as if you are sitting here with me.
Get well soon Kathleen! So nice to hear from you!
The room is precious, the cat adorable, the photos magnificent, but the rug! I have been looking for a long time for a rug such as this with the delicate flowers, not the overwhelming contemporary patterns or Asian/Persian styling. What a joy to have an entire room to enshrine your beloved figures! The embroidery is exquisite. What a steal! Love it and will visit the other pages too. (Just came across your blog).
Hi Susan,
I have just enjoyed touring the Peter Rabbit bedroom and reading all the comments. Do you know about the Beatrix Potter Society? It’s a wonderful
orginization based in the UK but about half the members are in the US. We have
a conference every 2 years in the UK and several meetings in between in both
places (US and the UK). I would suggest you check out the website for the
society. Thank you so much for all you do!
Lynne in CA.
dear, dear Susan, you are such a kindred spirit! I, too, have a Peter Rabbit guest bedroom, filled with momemtos from trips to Near Sawrey, England! Beatrix is another wonderful woman! Also, I am an autumn and orange is my best color. I recently bought a beautiful orange sweater jacket-when I held it up to my face in the store, everyone there said I must get it! Loved your blog on the colors! Annie
It’s true, if you’re an Autumn, orange is your color!
Thank you for sharing the Beatrix Potter website! I teach pre-kindergarten, where we focus on a letter per week. This week is “Bb” week, and I just printed out a Benjamin Bunny coloring page from the website for the children to color. I will have to read the book to them!
We had a Beatrix Potter nursery for our three children, and just recently our ten-year-old daughter (the baby) was ready for some of the figurines, etc. to disappear! I was sad but carefully packed it all away. Your sweet guest room is a wonderful inspiration for what I can do someday with all of my little pieces. So lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Long Live Peter Rabbit!
She’ll want them again someday! xoxo
To everyone who loves Peter Rabbit or wants a Peter Rabbit of their own:
Please look at the new Pottery Barn Kids catalog online. They have an entire section of nothing but Peter Rabbit. Some really cute and darling items that will give you a good start on Peter Rabbit items……..
So cute, Peter Rabbit at Pottery Barn
Lovely room! Why don’t you design wallpaper? I’d love some with rosebuds.
Maybe someday!
How absolutely beautiful who wouldnt want to spend a night.
thankyou so much Susan
I have been a fan of your books for many years. I recently discovered your website & blog. I am glad to find a kindred spirit who loves Beatrix Potter as much as I do. I have the collection of Enesco figurines which are a bit smaller than yours. Of course I have her books. I also am a quilter and have a collection of her fabric which is waiting to be made into a special quilt.
A couple of years ago when a new kitten found her way into my life I wanted to name her “Miss Potter”. My husband said there was no way he was calling a kitten “Miss Potter” so I named her Beatrix Potter, Trixie for short. He was fine with that. Trixie is a sassy calico who made her way to us when things were at a pretty low point in our lives. She shares our house with an older kittie brother, Ernest Hemmingway, Ernie for short. She is quite the instigator whacking poor Ernie on the head then running away so he chases her. When he catches her & pins her down she cries for help. They are quite a pair.
You are so lucky to be going to England. It is my dream to be able to go there some day too. I can’t wait to see the Lake District through your eyes. Have you read the biography about Beatrix Potter by Linda Lear? It is quite lengthy but very interesting. She definitely was a woman ahead of her time.
I look forward to reading about your adventure. One last question, who will be caring for Jack?
We have a wonderful Kitty Babysitter, a young man we know. He’ll stay here in our house so the kitties won’t be disturbed any more than they already are! Love Beatrix Potter and Ernest Hemingway. Now there’s a pair!!
would love to know more about the Beatrix Potter book on the bed in your Peter Rabbit room, Im sure its by Margaret Lane “The Tale of Beatrix Potter” but do you know the pub yr… Im looking for that copy but there are so many reprints Im having trouble.. Thanks Susan
That one, I don’t have it with me, but you’re right, it’s Margaret Lane, and I think this one was published in the 60’s. I found it in an old bookstore in England.
Oh my aching heart! I just found your blog and can’t quit pouring over each and every post. Your books are wonderful and you blog is just as delightful. I am a huge fan of all things Beatrix Potter—especially dearest Peter. Your beautiful room truly does the charm of that story justice. I just finished doing a Peter Rabbit nursery for my baby. After seeing your lovely room, I’m thinking that Peter Rabbit will be the PERFECT theme for this baby for many years to come (as in, until he moves out . . .
Have a lovely day!
Perfect for a baby, and really, perfect for anyone! Congratulations on your baby!
Susan: I am a huge PR fan. Have a collection that I can’t even display. I used to buy all of my Peter Rabbit stuff from the Enesco Back Door Store (company has closed), then I moved onto Ebay and any place else I see my favorite bunny. My son’s nursery was a Peter Rabbit theme and I have a permenant Peter Rabbit on my tush. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bunny!!!! Your pinterest for removing foil caught my eye when I saw Mama Bunny and Flopsey, Mopsey and Cottontail on your window sill. You have exquisite taste in collections and decorating.
Same as yours!
What a joy it is to go to your web site.We have so many things in common.I have just loved your adventures in Jolly Ole England right down to the old bricks and the small little lanes.My husband and I never miss Doc Martin.HA!HA!
Well I hope you guys have a safe trip back to the colonies.
I am a lover of cross stitch and I have stitched so many Union Jacks you would think that I was kin to the Queen Mother herself.
Well Susan its been a real pleasure.
A ture fan,
Thank you for introducing me to the real Beatrix Potter. I saw your trip to Hill Farm and then watched the movie Miss Potter, came back here to see the Peter Rabbit Room…now she’s more than just a children’s author to me, she’s a brilliant woman who endowed us with her own treasure of creativity and the beauty of the Lake District that she rescued from development. Why isn’t she trumped up more when we talk about women’s achievements? It must be that being a children’s book author is not savvy enough.
You’re right, she was so much more than that, although she’s made many people happy with her art!
I love anything on Peter Rabbit. Thank you for the pictures of the room with all its beautiful things. Twenty-eight years ago I make a Peter Rabbit room for my son. I had a Peter Rabbit lamp that I bought from Ireland and many crewel pictures I had done for him. His quilt was always his favorite, and I send it to him to keep several years ago. One day when he has children I will send him all the other things I have saved.
I think I just fell in love.
What a beautiful room! I’m in love with that rug. I have got to find one as beautiful as that for my bedroom.
Cute Kitty, by the way!
Oh yes, he is a cutie PIE!
Oh, my goodness. Now I have another reason for loving my last name! I used to tell people that I married a Potter because the name didn’t have to be spelled out; my maiden name was Dutch and a little odd for some folks here. (giggle) This room is amazing and wonderful! Under the eaves – like a tree house – perfection! By the way, I am a miniaturist, and on my blog is a page called “My World in Miniature.” I’d be honored to have you look at some of my creations. This guest room in your home is inspiring me for my next project. A room box, perhaps, that gives the illusion of a cozy spot under the eaves…
It’s beginning to look like fall here in Southeast Missouri, the coolness is in the air and it’s the time of year that I wake early in the morning to pull out my Susan Branch books to find just the right “delight” to make for my family. They have come to anticipate it as much as I love cooking your wonderful recipies. Thank you for the years of enjoyment and thanks for enriching our home with your stories, tips and talents!
After reading about your Peter Rabbit room, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to thank you and to share something with you. My daughter (who is now 15) still has wonderful memories of her Peter Rabbit nursery/room when she was small. Sure, we’ve moved from the city to the country, leaving those “Beatrix Potter Blue” walls behind, but we have all her original Beatrix Potter items (numerous) in storage and we still continue to collect. Taylor, says that she wants to have a Peter Rabbit room for her children someday. I hope this becomes a family tradition!!! Also, I love your comment about your cat—we have “Fluffy” who is almost 15 now, too! Gotta love ’em, we still tell him he’s the “cutest kitty ever!” =) Thanks again and God’s blessings to you!
Susan, did you ever show pics of your Living Room? I’d love to see.
P.S. I’m in LOVE with your Jack.
I did at Christmas last year, and I’ve done little videos of it on YOUTUBE, but I will again. You guys are making me keep my house clean!
THANKS for these virtual picture of peter rabbit room, just love it how you decorate with this english style, just can feel the warm, cozy,feel. I see the movie and i cry, really how tragic her loved die, and i could imagine her sufer. thanks for this magic moment. huges matty
Tragic is right Matty! So sad, I just love that movie! Thank you! xo
Hello! I’m not sure if this is the right place to mention it, or if you’ll even see this comment, but I hope so because I wanted to be sure you knew about this exhibit – “Beatrix Potter: The Picture Letters,” on view through Jan. 27, 2013, at the Morgan Library & Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, at 36th Street; themorgan.org.
Here is a NY Times article which you’ll also enjoy, discussing the nytimes.com/2012/11/02/arts/design/beatrix-potter-the-picture-letters-at-the-morgan.html?src=dayp&_r=0
and a few photos of the exhibit pieces: nytimes.com/slideshow/2012/11/02/books/20121102-BEATRIX.html
Thank you Kathleen, this is the perfect place to mention it!
The Peter Rabbit room makes me feel peaceful. It is beautiful and I just wish I could pick it up whole and transfer it to my home. (smiling)
Hi Susan, I just read a book you recommended. The Distant Hours by Kate Morton. I LOVED it. Can you please recommend more. I love to read and I am always looking for suggestions.
Have you seen my Book List? So glad you liked the Distant Hours … I’ve read one other by the same author, The Forgotten Garden, loved that too!
Love to visit your site! It makes me smile and is like a vacation.
Hi Susan, I just cant wait to see your redecorate this beautiful bedroom for the photo shots, from Yankees magazine. thanks for your Willards Letter, and have a wonderful time. huges matty.
What a sweet room! I too, am in love with Beatrix Potter! My older daughter’s (who is WAY grown up and in her own house) room here in the ol’ homestead–still contains all the Peter Rabbit books and bunnies from when she was a child, as well as her bunny dishes. All lovingly displayed on a shelf. In fact we call it her “shrine”. She forbids me from removing any of it! BTW, the pink and white quilt at the foot of the bed looks just like one I have…I’ll have to bring it out in the next rotation. I love to put some lovelies out and then change it all over again as my whim takes me!
Love “the next rotation!” I understand completely!
Just checking Bea’s room for Christmas with the Yankees, I’ll wait patiently. xoxo
It is worth waiting for in my opinion. It’s another world! Ill come soon, but must do art for book today!
I’m thinkin’ it’s worth waiting for! Good girl, I’m waiting patiently for that wonderful book too! xo
Love your Peter Rabbit room, oh to be young again….so inspiring and smile making. Jack is darling, and honestly Susan could be my boy Dominic’s brother. I need to send you a photo!!!!! Can’t wait for the magazine to come out! So excited here in Southern New Jersey : ) Lots of love at this magical time of year
Same to you Janis!
Hi Susan, I too love Beatrix Potter. Thankyou for the wonderful tour of your Peter Rabbit Room. A couple of years ago my dear husband surprised me with the Miss Potter DVD and a set of Beatrix Potter books….I love these books and MDH! Hmm, I wonder if I can convince him to convert our guestroom into a Peter Rabbit Room….I’ll have to work on this. Thank you
Does he ever go in there? Because Joe never goes in the guest rooms!
I love your Peter Rabbit room! I was sent to your blog through a comment suggestion on my blog. I’m doing a bunny sort of Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit theme in my nursery and I was told your room was just lovely, and it is! I love your work and I’m so excited to see your blog. I’m your newest follower! Have a wonderful day. ~ Jamie
Hi Jamie! Nice to see you here! Good luck with your room!