I love glass. I love it for the same reason birds love it, it’s shiny. Cleaning the glass around my house, including my windows, mirrors, and the glass on pictures is one of my chief (and some would think, strangest) decorating tips for the holidays. Glass makes the perfect palette for candlelight and twinkle lights to shimmer and shine which does a lot to make magic in any room. Like the trail Tinkerbelle leaves as she flies by. ♥
Receiving this dish in my early 20’s was probably the thing that alerted me to the possibilities with glass and started the obsession. It was a gift from my Aunt Maroline and Uncle Bob when I got married. When I first saw it, I didn’t know what it
was or what I would DO with it; there were no bananas in it when I unwrapped it, so I wasn’t sure what its purpose was. I love things with a purpose, so when my aunt told me it was to hold bananas, I jumped for joy. It had a reason to exist! I could have it! The pure charm and whimsy of the thing took hold of my heart, and this banana dish has been on every kitchen table, island, or counter in every kitchen of my life. It is a mainstay. I would be bereft without it. We are never without bananas in our house. ♥
Inspiration is funny. You never know when it will hit or what form it will take. One summer afternoon, many years ago, we were sitting at the picnic table in the backyard belonging to a French man we know here on the island. He spread a white table cloth over the wood table, brought out beautiful cheeses on a board, and served us cold white wine in short, straight-sided thin glasses like these, while French cafe music drifted out the open French doors to his house.
I thought, oo, la, oui! How continental! How adorably foreign! How Charles Trenet! I must have this!
And so it began, the glass collection that will never end. Because
it was becoming obvious that to lead an original romantic life, on the model of the early Zelda Fitzgerald, where dreamy French music and entertaining would take place, I was going to need to gather the ingredients (props); these glasses looked like a good place to start.
We’ve collected ours mostly one at a time. We’ll see one on a shelf in an antique store, it will cost a dollar, and we will jump on it like it’s a trophy. Our eyes narrow and shift around the store, to see, does anyone else notice this wonderful thing is only a dollar? And they don’t, so we grab it and run. What is a dollar these days? A candy bar is a dollar.
Because we find them one at a time, our collection of these little glasses is very mix and match. We’ve found them in pink and green depression glass, etched with fruit and flowers, swirled, and hand-painted.
We have found them etched with the Lord’s Prayer.
We have found ones that we can’t believe have survived so long!
Some of them could definitely tell a story. We found this one from the first Queen Elizabeth in the little antique store on board the QEII. It was not a dollar. But it had our name written all over it. The Finding-Nemo seagull word formed on the lips, “mine” it said, irresistibly, as in take me I’m yours.
Over time, we realized that others, with slightly different shapes, make wonderful water glasses. I know some of you understand this love of pretty glasses, because a couple of weeks ago we put three sets of these little glasses, colored and etched, in the Vintage section of our website, and they were snapped right up! Sets are really hard to find but Joe and I got them out shopping as we were crossing the country! So happy you (whoever you are) got them! I will keep looking, when I’m out and about, for more.
We have found them in all colors . . . and have broadened our definition of “what is acceptable” to include different shapes. We had to, there was no choice; do you look at these yellow jewels and say, oh dear, no, the ridges just won’t do? No, you do not. You don’t even think it.
Setting the table can be like putting together a puzzle, a little of this a little of that. But, for better or worse, however it turns out will be very unlike anyone else’s, because, as you know, you can’t walk into a store and just get this stuff any time, it takes a long time to gather this, a person has to be choosy and get just what she loves. ♥
Glass obsession knows no end. It graduates from wine glasses, and gets its wings with serving bowls, candle sticks, and cake plates. It was probably thirty years of antiquing before I found this at a price I was willing to pay for it. I’m just not paying $200 for a cake stand, but I will pay $56. Yes, I will. Here it is, home at last! Holding my mom’s famous Coconut Circus Cake with pink sugar frosting. ♥
Pitchers and ice bowls call my name too.
Early morning light comes in through the windows and falls across the dining table, and this is what we get, free of charge.
Glass star bobeche and colored-glass votives are perfect for the holidays.
Yellow makes a fresh Springtime table!
Old glass sugars and creamers make wonderful votives and leave pretty patterns on the table cloth!
I think I learned to cook mostly because I loved setting the table! But I discovered very early that no one was interested in my table settings unless there was food to go with them! Secretly still “playing house,” happy to cook in order to do it! Finding your things at flea markets and antique stores is not only inexpensive and “green” it also means your table will never look like anyone else’s — 100% Original You.
I love glass very much. Your collection is gorgeous!!! Wow!!
I do agree that the light coming through the cuts of glass make everything in life more special, more brilliant, a magnificent splendor fills a room when the sun pours in. Thanks for all the photos of your glasses!
You are so welcome Jill! Fun to find kindred spirits, even for the little things!
When I read this the first time it was the day before my anniversary trip. I am lucky to have a husband who loves junk and antique shops. So,inspired by you, I purchased two sets of sundae glasses, big ones and smaller ones. Thanks for making our ice cream taste sooo much better than it ever has before!
Hard to take credit for that, but thank you!
I have to agree, a sundae in a sundae glass just does taste better!
I was searching for info on the frozen flower bowl mentioned in your 2012 calendar but couldn’t find it. What category would I find it under?
BTW, I am totally enamored by your calendar . . .I sat down and read thru every month; laughed lots and even cried, too (at quotes that brought back so many memories). It is just a rare jewel & creative masterpiece! I thank my beautiful daughter for giving me such a lovely and thought-provoking gift! God Bless you!
What a sweet thing to say! Thank you Shenna! We will have all those recipes up as we get closer to the time . . . haven’t quite gotten around to it yet, but we will!
Hello Susan, since I have caught up on the blog comments (Congrats on so many)…I am just having fun looking at some of your other sites and when I saw glass I just had to look. I wrote you once in comments when you gave away the banana dish how much I adore glass and I have my Grandmothers’ pink/green depression pieces…since we moved in our “cozy” home I just do not have the room to display anymore and that makes me sad…I do have a corner shelf display and put a few pieces here, most are at our farm house or packed away. I think it is so sad to pack away antique “keepsakes” that I looked at for decades in curio cabinets; but, the homestead is being closed (180 yrs.) and no longer safe to live in so we packed things away. I truly hope that the daughters will display them someday in their homes. I know we can’t take things with us it just makes me happy to know someone will enjoy them. You have a lovely collection and the etched glasses I remember seeing at my Grandmother’s. Do you remember your Grandma getting things from the Jewel T truck that came around or when they put glasses in laundry powders?? I barely remember that as a very young child. Glass is truly a treasure to be enjoyed and used. I love all your drawings it just brings back my childhood and all things old fashioned.
Kindred spirits Deborah!
Dorothy, I know what you mean about being sad packing things away. My mother moved to a senior apartment a couple years ago and we packed up much of the glassware that had come from my granmothers’ houses. Unfortunately my own house is small and I dont have much room to display these treasures. I even sold a few because I thought they should go so someone who loves them and can display them, but now I am wish I had not… Makes me sad …
OBSESSED—-with glass, (and pottery) Love my table done up in my wonderful finds… AND the wonderful odd pieces are a wonderful conversation started!
Need to have a room to store all my treasures!!! My cupboards are full!!!
I understand the problem!!
Hello Susan. How I love you!!! Your art has given me so much joy and inspiration. I am trying to teach myself how to draw because of you! Like you also I love fabric and make quilts. However glass is definitely my PASSION! My glass obsession began when I did our daughters’ wedding in 2007 and she said “Momma I really don’t want lots of flowers but I would rather have candle scapes of all sorts.” That started my quest of all kinds of glass to use for these candle scapes. I built all sorts of beautiful candle holders from glass and old metal candle holders that I sprayed matte silver to all match. Her wedding party tables were so beautiful! And all the “nut dishes” were old crystal berry bowls, nut and candy dishes, and small fruit bowls. It was too fun. Now I have dozens of books on old glass and I hunt for it all the time. I love old china with apple blossoms and cabbage roses and of course Depression and Elegant glass era pieces. I give them as presents – people just love them! I collect berry bowls in mostly china but some milk glass and plan to use those for a friends’ daughters wedding tables someday. I so love the hunt and get sooooo thrilled when I find that very special something! One of my most treasured pieces are the two fabulous crystal wine glasses that we got for our daughters wedding for my husband and I to use ( we forgot though with all the excitement to drink any champaign!) You are truly a blessing in my life and now I have something else to share with you besides drawing! Hopefully I will get the courage to begin to learn to watercolor with pencils soon. Blessings from me to you!
Another kindred spirit, Janie! Love apple blossoms, cabbage roses, depression glass . . . on and on, it’s all so beautiful! Good luck with your art! Practice is truly the secret! Blessings to you and yours!
I love the yellow glasses! I have them in pink!
I am SO happy I found your site today~~what a treat!!! I love your clear drinking glass collection!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE vintage glass, in SO many shapes and forms! It seems I quickly fall fast in love with those pieces that were used in daily life, part of the working glass — I LOVE THEM!! Glass butter dishes, jelly jars with metal lids, drinking glasses, small plates and bowls of all sizes! Vases, ribbed and quilted jars with metal lids and all the brands and variations of clear and blue quart jars–Ball, Atlas, Root, Mason, Kerr, Swayzee’s, Queen and more…LOVE em’ ALL!
Happy to have you here Mrs. Mary!
I just found this section under Home Sweet Home! What a treat! <3 I go into our local antique store weekly just in hopes that a sparkly glass of some type will catch my eye and beg to be rescued to a new home! We have the Lord's Prayer glass also, and others etched with names and dates. The search is such FUN. It's just so hard to say no to things so unique and cute. I smile in delight whenever someone comes to visit and sees one and comments "how unusual… wherever did you find it". I have some from my great grandfather's glass cutting factory in the early 1900's. Some folks say I need to pare down, but how do you, how can you let go of family history? I just can't, and realize that some folks just don't understand.
Oh it's so hard! I love your collection Susan! (And that gravy boat that looks like it's attached… one piece… less spills!) Thank you for sharing! Georgie
You come by it honestly Georgie, family business!
Just want to mention something many people may not know about – the only reason I know about is because I had a part-time job for five years as a bridal registry consultant in a department store and we were VERY well-trained about all things domestic [tabletop, housewares, appliances, linens, bedding etc]. I know more about thread-count than you’d believe possible – :>) – and this I remember very well. NEVER STORE GLASSWARE UPSIDE-DOWN – ON THE RIM. The weakest part of glassware is the rim and the best way to prevent stress and possible breakage is keep glass items right side up. Most people store glasses, stemware etc upside-down to keep it clean but this is not a good idea, regardless of whether it’s fine lead crystal like Waterford or regular machine-made drinking glasses. Hope this is helpful…
It is! How great for you to tell us! Thank you Janet!
Hi Susan,
I first discovered your calendars when I worked at a Hallmark Store in a local mall. I was roaming around your website and discovered your glass collection. I, too, enjoy collecting glass. I have a depression glass collection of “Clear Iris and Herring Bone” pieces. My Aunt and Uncle gave me a sugar bowl and creamer in that pattern that matched a pitcher that my Mother had 40 years ago as a wedding gift. I have collected pieces all through the years when I visited antique shops and consignment shops. Thanks for sharing your collection with us. Love it!!
If you LOVE all things glass , then Corning New York is THE PLace to Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of antique shops that just about give glass away, not to mention the glass museum to teach and promise to provide a wonderful day. The charming main steet is filled with many great shops for all!
I loved visiting Corning Glass Works! My husband is from Cortland and we live in Michigan so have driven many times through there. Must make a point to stop again. It’s been a long time! Angelica NY is another little town I love stopping in! I love glass ware too!
Susan, you mentioned in one of your blogs how you learned from a Frenchman years ago to drink wine out of little glasses. They look the size of juice glasses. I can’t find the blog. Do you have a link to it? I am wondering what the difference is between juice glasses and these French wine glasses?…if there IS a difference. Thanks! xoxo….kp
That is this post . . . “Glass Obsession” The wine glasses are a bit bigger than the tiny juice glasses of the 1950’s.
LOL! Somehow I scrolled right past that! I thought that there was a photo of a garden party with people drinking wine. Maybe I dreamt it! Must have! Thanks!
I’m sure there is, somewhere!
Has to be!
Oh my…..I too love to play house….so much so that my grandmother made me a “playhouse” in her yard when I was small, with real dishes from her kitchen.
She started an obsession….I have 8 sets of china….still love buying odd pieces at antique stores and flea markets….Your collections are wonderful but I wonder where you have space for all that….;-)
Same way you have . . . :-)!
Good one, Susan! I have dishes tucked here, there, everywhere! Love, love them….my husband’s 104 year-old aunt’s set is the latest….I just can’t bear to see them sold or given away….;-)
So is there something that identifies them as these French wine glasses or is it just the size….larger than a juice glass but smaller than a beverage glass? Etched? I saw some glasses recently and passed them by. They were plain glass but on the bottom (if you looked through the top of the glass) they read “Made in France.” I almost bought them. There were 6 but then I thought that if it weren’t the right thing, I don’t really need glasses! So, I passed them up….probably made a big mistake, huh?
Mine, as you can see in that post (I hope you’re in the same place “Glass Obsession, because there are lots of photos of them . . .?) are all different, some etched, and some plain.
Yep! I’m in the right place! Love all the different ones. I just thought maybe they had some markings on the bottom like the ones I saw that said “Made in France” on the bottom side. Thanks for answering my obsessed questions! xoxo
No, no markings at all!
What a wonderful post, Susan. I have a super sized fetish for glassware also, but I thought I was just weird. I would rather have one or two mismatched little glasses that I have taken the time to find and clean up, and love, than a whole set of 6 that match and are new. I’m just that way. The time and the hunting make them even more fun and valuable to me, too. I guess it’s just our thang! Thanks, Susan , for sharing.
Beautiful! Even though my cupboards are bulging, I still look at dishes & glasses & maybe buy, in antique stores – an obsession!
Hi Susan, I mentioned in a comment I wrote to you about Angela finding teapots/cups/mugs and her sudden interests in having a tea party for her girlfriends this week….you responded with her needing a tiered sandwich tray (assumed it was glass), would you possibly have a pic of yours or remember a blog where you showed it I came on here thinking maybe it was on here. It is ok if you don’t I know how busy you are just thought I might start looking for her one and wanted to see a picture of yours. Thanks for the suggestion!!
Not sure where a photo of mine is, but just look around until you find one you like. Mine is plain white, but there are so many!
Will do…..I know what you are talking about they can also hold tiny desserts and other treats, I’m not too sure that I don’t have one of my Grandmother’s at the farm! Thanks
Hi Susan, this is an old blog but I was re-reading it and looking closely at all the pictures. It looks like a Thanksgiving pic with the table set for around 12 people and the gravy boat with the scalloped plate underneath jumped out at me. So now dear friend, I will be on a hunt to find one just like it. My gravy boat is oval shaped but you can always use more than one on the table since everyone in my family loves gravy………..they put it on their meat and mashed potatoes, stuffing and some even put it on veggies. This is a funny story. My children all went to Delone Cath. H.S. and they had hot lunches as well as cold. One thing every kids in the school loved was called “slop” which sounds terrible but was delicious. It was small pieces of turkey or chicken with mashed potatoes, corn and stuffing and they mixed it all up together with gravy all over the top. Some didn’t like stuffing so they would mix everything else on top of sliced bread. It really is very tasty and I know since I would volunteer in the kitchen when I could. Well I’ll be on the hunt for a similar gravy boat. Thanks again for showing all these pics and ideas on table settings. Lots of Love, Gail from Beverly Hills, Fl XXX
What tastes bad under gravy?? Food for the Gods!
I love glass and porcelain! It was my grandparents that made me appreciate it. I am of Chinese ancestry and my grandmother has lots of crystal and procelain of which I inherited some pieces. They bring fond memories of days with my grandparents. I inherited a crystal flower basket, a fine glass vase(in which I keep my seashells), a porcelain garden stool, a set of crystal set of swan candy dishes. I love searching for more “stuff” because I love using them and leaving them out even with grandkids. Love all the other stories and memories because sometimes we forget and these help us remember and start new ones.
just love it, thanks again for share . huges matty
Hi Susan, Wanted to let you know how much I enjoy looking at you glassware.
I am another one of you ‘Girlfriends’ that collect glass, china and crystal.
I was so happy to find out the name of your banana dish. Always wondered what the purpose for the shape of the dish. I think they are lovely to look at. I get great enjoyment out of Antique Shops and Consignment Shops and finding treasures. Last week my friend and I went Consignment shopping. The
last shop we went into, the first thing I saw was a banana dish. You guessed it, I just had to have it. One of those things that makes you smile and have a happy feeling. When I went on line that night, I looked at your dish again, I couldn’t believe I bought a dish that matches yours. How lucky am I!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I wonder how old it is. My bananas look much better in my new dish.
Thank you for sharing pictures of your treasures. It is a good thing to learn
as much as possible about the things we like and buy.
And they are so hard to find too Marion, I hardly ever see them! Good for you…if you are like me, you will never be out of bananas again!
Oh Susan, I forgot to tell you the comment from my husband ! He is so happy I don’t collect pianos! Also, I hope you are safe from this storm. All we have had is a little rain, wind and a lot of strong gusts. Good night my friend, Marion
i have been so excited to wake up each morning and check out “the susan branch site” as i call it….had my girlfriend, bridget check it out and she said ” that is you vangie!” finally a kindred spirit….i am a southern girl…with great love for new england.. and cottage…and ocean…and COZY…HOME…i love to think “who used this plate or china cup or ……..make up stories of how it “might have been” my dear friend, sherry, and i still play house…ha ha.. she lives 8 hrs away so we must “play” from a distance. u make me realize there are other wonderful,fantastic,authentic,romantic,creative people {women} in our world and we can share and bring joy to eachother….i am thankful for u…
Thank you Evangeline and welcome . . . you will fit right in around here!
I love glass ware,and dishes.I just found pink milk glass and have a few pieces.I also have a banana dish in milk glass,but I never knew it was for bananas,I used it for fruit.I have all of your books for many years,I also give them to special people in my life.I have been following your accomplishments over the years and I’m so happy for you.I’m 71years old now who would have though. HA HA .ILLBUY YOUR NEW BOOK!!!I want you to know I make your Christmas cake ,also your creamed onions my kids look forward to it.I’m writing a novel now,I could go on & on, it seems we like all of the same things.you have a house by the ocean mine is on a lake in PA AND I STILL SWIM in the summer.My best wishes to you eileen
Great comment Eileen — just a whole lot of joie de vivre! Thank you xoxo
Visits to your blog are a refreshing breath of delight! I have a random glassware collection that is beginning to expand at an alarming rate. All of the pieces come from family and my daughters and I have so much fun using them in ways that we know they were not made. Darling little bowls make perfect soap holders in the bathroom. They also look so much prettier holding paper clips and hair accessories than plastic containers do. There are these light green opaque bowls that look positively perfect when filled with tiny white seashells. Something about the combination of the rustic shells with the dainty glass bowl is perfect to me. Thank you for sharing your love of glassware. It is nice to know my daughters and I are not the only ones.
You are not alone! I do the same thing, use my glassware for other purposes, just so I can look at them more often.
I was so excited by the last picture, especially; I have never seen the plate set of Myott’s Bouquet (?)..I found two teacups and saucers at a thrift store last year and fell in love with the pattern, which I think is so different. How pretty to see it ‘larger’…thank you…everything looks lovely
The dishes in the last photo? Those are actually Vernon Kilns “Mayflower” — but they have the same soft colors as Myott’s Bouquet and if you had a little of each, would make a good mix and match set. Something new to search for!
Your Cookbooks have charmed me for years. I cant believe I only found your web site last night and sat up till the wee hours of the morning enjoying! I didn’t know I had so many kindred spirit sisters as well, love all the comments so just had to join in. Thank you for taking the time to post so many wonderful pictures that make us feel we are there with you. Your comments have inspired me to enjoy the things I have collected. Thank you thank you thank you ! I will be a frequent visitor.
Nice to see you Beverly! Come back soon!
I’m new to your website Susan, but I’ve enjoyed your things in the store for a while now. With I had your talent for drawing and just putting together in such a beautiful way. I too love dishes and glass, especially cobalt blue. I was wondering if you or any of your friends here could help me with a problem. I have very hard water where I live. I’ve been washing my blue glass dishes in the dishwasher, and they have a film on them that I can’t get off. I always have the blue spot rinse stuff in the dish washer. This is what I’ve tried, soaking if full strength vinegar for 8 hours, making a paste of baking soda and peroxide, smear it on and leaving it on for about 30 minutes. I have even tried wiping them down with acetone nail polish remover. Are my beautiful cobalt blue dishes ruined forever? Thanks for your advice – Dianee
So sorry, but you have done everything I would know to do. I found this on line — there’s lots of info there. But my best place for information like that is right here! Maybe someone has had this problem and can help?
I have just found this today and love it. I can’t believe there are so many wonderful people (have to be) who love glassware as I do! I’ll be reading this often and plan on getting your books and your tea when it comes out and definitely your newest. Thank you!
Thank you Anne, so nice to meet you! We are kindred spirits around here!
To all “KINDRED SPIRITS” yes love love love….glass glass glass….sea glass to flea market drinking glass (especially in red). Thanks Susan for sharing all of your wonderful talents and thoughts…sometimes I think you are in my head reading my thoughts and know my passions for life… But to all the wonderful ladies that I read about you having to pack your treasures away…Go back and take one treasure out and put in your cupboard and use it…it is there (just one) but it is there for you to see and enjoy and use. I have one from my mom, one from grandma and even some from my Aunt Agathe who is 101 and still living her dreams. If it breaks..”oh no”….but you have more and you get to enjoy another one. One at a time… there is always room for one more. and the happiness it will bring to you everyday that you see that glass when the sun shines on it, or you take a drink of cool water or wine or even put your fresh cut flowers in it…imagine the pleasure it will bring you! ooppps got on my soap box again, thanks for letting me voice my thoughts…ENJOY LIFE AND ALL OF IT’S TREASURES. Susan P
Very nice thoughts and the best possible use of a soap box!
I just saw this about glass. I have been collecting pink depression glass since I was 15. That was a looooong time ago yet when I happen to see a piece of it at a fair or in an antique store my heart skips a beat and I have to get to it before someone else snatches it up. Because of my love of the glass, last year I decided to keep my favorite pieces and give some to friends who also love it and then sell the rest of it as we just do not have the space to display it and it was maddening to me to have all this glass just packed away. My grandmother had 3 daughters and she gave each one this glass, pink (to my Godmother who then gave it to me), green to my Aunt Lill and the beautiful colbolt blue to my mom. What I have now of my pink glass will go to my niece who loves it as much as I do or maybe she loves it because I do and it will always remind her of me just as what I have know reminds me of my own grandmother. I am also a huge fan of bag pipes LOL I am sure my husband is glad I just collect the glass and not those pipes LOL Happy Fall….
LOL Andrea, the glass is much quieter!
You have the loveliest collections. I love the photographs of your homes in MV and in CA. They both look like such happy places. Do your homes afford a good measure of storage? I love to collect but I find myself in a bother when trying to find a proper place for each treasure that I find…? Are all of your finds displayed? Or are some of them put away for seasonal use etc? Just curious.
I love to change the house for the season. So, yes, I put the Halloween things away and bring out the Thanksgiving decor! Hutches are a big help for hiding things away. And we do have an attic in the Martha’s Vineyard house, which is where all the Christmas things go. I don’t like having more than I can use … so there are no dishes in boxes hidden away!
The California house has no basement, no attic, so it’s hutches alone, a much smaller house, but I have all the little bits I need to change it for the season. It doesn’t take much. I never try to decorate like they do in stores. Just the corners I most frequent. Like the kitchen.
It’s so great to see your beautiful glass! I am a retired History teacher and I believed in “show and tell,” so when I began teaching American History, I wanted some Depression glass to show my students. I went to Canton, one of the country’s largest flea markets (1st Monday Sales, Canton, Texas) and bought, bought glass! I have boxes up in the attic, plus some, still downstairs. I quit passing things around the classroom, though, when one of my kids asked, “Is this sharp?” and then proceeded to run his finger down the blade of my glass knife! I probably couldn’t take it to school now, anyway, but my kids loved seeing things from the past. I love Hall teapots and use them all the time.
Great collection I am from Australia & have been collecting for over 10 years with a collection of over 1,0000 pieces. Water sets, shot glasses, beer glasses, frosted glass, pall mall etched glass, ruby glass.
Great to see I am not alone.
Hi Susan!
I was reading this again (10,000th time!) because I share your adoration of glass and just about everything else you love! I wanted to tell you how happy I was to learn from this post last year that the beautiful curved pedestal dish is for bananas! I had seen one at a garage sale and my friend and I stared at each other questioning it’s use. The owner had no clue but surely wanted it gone. Well, Wilbur, for two dollars don’t you think I’d have taken it? Ummmm, no. I was in one of those “I don’t need any more glass” moods and I walked away. I never forgot it though. Now I’m on a quest to find one so I can have my bananas looking pretty on display instead of an ugly wood stand. I so appreciate everything you paint and write! Thank you !
Whenever I find one on my travels, I send it to Kellee so she can put it in our vintage section of the webstore — they’re not easy to find, but I have gotten lucky sometimes so keep an eye out over there. My aunt gave me mine and my first thought, because like you, I had no idea what it was for, was maybe for a giant banana split!
Oh Susan, You have lifted my guilt. Finally someone that gets me. I also love glass, just found a great glass etched with delicate flowers, I feel guilty if I leave them behind. Thank you for bringing sparkles into my day.MiMi
Kindred spirit! Glass, it’s shiny!
Susan …I share your love of glass. As an adult, when I started collecting I realized that as a child I had the obsession but didn’t know it. I remembered being in my Mother’s pantry where there were drawers I could open, and use them as stairs so I could climb up to the high shelves where she kept the pretty glassware. I remembered the pink depression glass of course not knowing what it was. I just knew I loved it. Then there were the little brandy glasses that were different colors. I was so in love with that glass. On Saturday nights, often we went to the home of my French Canadian Grandmother. I could barely understand what she was saying to me but I knew where her glass was! Built in cupboards in an old Springfield,Ma apartment. I always dreamed maybe someday it would be mine…Now at 65 yrs old I still do not know where it is. Some lucky relative must have it!
Such a memory!
As so many others have confessed, I too have a glass obsession!! I love this blog and look at it whenever I need a special lift. It amazes me how others have felt this way even in childhood. I loved the few pieces of depression glass of my mother’s which were never used in our Danish Modern life. To me they were gemstones in the cupboard. I also have had a banana dish for many years but it was put away during ‘destructive childhood’ years but it is back out now! I have a request which I realize is an undertaking with your book writing schedule, but here goes. I would love to see all of your glass candlesticks which peek out tantalizingly in various pictures. Also more place settings in the dining room. This would probably be a more fall/winter subject. I’m fairly sure I am not alone in this desire for MORE. But I am patient!
Thanks for all your wonderful work Susan!
I will remember that Denise . . . sometimes I feel like maybe I’ve already done something, but there’s lots I probably haven’t shown you.
Tonight I m getting ready to take possession of a little bungalow. I decided to use all the glass I have to decorate with and went looking for others who might like the same thing. Susan I found the right place. I’ve loved clear glass forever and the use of mirrors puts it over the top for me.
I have had to downsize from a large farmhouse but I would not part with my pretties. I use everything. Odds and sods old sugar bowls hold buttons, items in the bathroom, spoons but rarely hold sugar. Christmas glass ornaments are pretty in open comports. I have even changed the hardware on doors and dressers to sparkly knobs. Perhaps I am a crow!
You are an appreciator of loveliness!
My obsession with glass borders on OCD. I have five color themes for Christmas, and 45 storage containers full of decorations. Of course, I have glassware to match each color. Last summer I bought Hocking blue Savannah goblets for my blue Christmas (to replace the Miss America clear goblets). Next year’s Christmas will be red and gold, and I will use amber Patrician plates and cups and saucers and Fostoria Jamestown ruby goblets and assorted serving pieces. I have had so much fun collecting glassware over the years. My husband belongs to a golf club, so I feel justified in spending money on vintage glassware.
Only fair!
Love your site. I, too, can’t believe I found someone as passionate about glassware as I am. Mine started as a child when I loved my grandmother’s different types of vintage glass and china. My grandfather when he was 12 years old hand painted fine bone china with gold trim and his last name initial “P”. Maybe that is where I developed the passion and I now hand paint all types of glassware from wine glasses to cake plates and so much in between; clearlysusan.com
Thanks for sharing.
Susan Rehm
Clearly Susan
I can stare at a clean piece of glass for hours!
I’m trying to identify glasses with a red deer leaping over a white fence. Have you seen these? Is there a way I could send you a photo? Thank you !
They do sound familiar. But I probably won’t know the name — I usually chose my things based on how much I love them — for better or for worse, I never really pay too much attention to the names. Sorry, I wish I could be more help.
Oh, My Gosh, I never knew there were so many of us who love glass and china! I have 100+ teacups with their saucers, and china for everyday and china for ‘best’ and china that is ‘spare’…..My husband cannot understand it, and says all anyone needs in life is one piece of Melmac! LOL< I found one old pink Melmac tray when clearing out my mama's kitchen, and I brought it home, 'special" , just for him , and presented it to him! I have parted with some glass… all my clear glass candlestick holders went to a local charity shop. I had to bring home what was left of my mom's glass and china shoe collection, after I shared with family and friends… Now I have some vignettes of sweet shoes, and each time I see one, I smile, thinking of Mama! Suzette
Love your glasses… when we lived in Chatt Tn (where I grew up) We moved into a 100yr old house.. and in there was an old buffet with the mirror at the top and side doors… in there was 6 beautiful Depression glass dessert bowls.. how cool is that? I think they could be worth something… but 38 yrs later I am still enjoying them! so enjoy your site–just found it recently and just enjoy your writings and collections and your home is just beautiful… I feel a trip coming on to the Northeast! I live in Plano Tx… hmm…
What a wonderful find, and you still love them! Nice to meet you Sunday!
Have been enjoying your site for a while. I also love old China and glass, It seems to find me! I was looking at your table setting and noticed the white gravy boat, my grandmother had that pattern and I believe it was made by Franciscan ware a pattern called Cornado. I have the same gravy boat in yellow, we use it most holidays or whenever I make gravy. Love your blog. Thank you for bringing joy to many!
Kindred spirits! Dish lovers unite!
i have a glass like the one on here that has Baby 1891 on it except mine has 1900 Merry Christmas on it. I want to fine out a price on it & were i can sale it.
I bought most of mine for less than 5 dollars . . . I’m not sure they are worth very much, but the thin glass is lovely to drink from. You might take it down to your local antique store and see what they will give you for it. It would also make a wonderful Christmas gift for someone you love.
Stunning collection. Excited to find others like me. I recently purchased a mcm hutch to house my expanding collections. Thanks for being so inspiring.
Kindred spirits, Linda!
I have some of my mom’s glassware packed away. After the holidays I am going to bring them out of storage and enjoy them. You have inspired me! You have a way of making simple things like glassware very special!
Yay, Deb, you’ll love it! It sparkles! I shine all my mirrors too, and wash windows, for all the glitter sparkle I can get!
Ooo, la la, I LOVE it all! I also have an obsession with all things glass. I love the swanky swigs to match my red and white (and blue) kitchen. I buy them for my girls, if they aren’t a match for me. I love the ones with kid’s decor.
Over time, I add a new color ‘gotta have’. Lately it’s turquoise and yellow too, for my yellow lovin’ girl.
I am a huge thrifter/antiquer too. Love the dollar make us holler deals!
Wishing you and Joe a blessed Christmas,
PS~ You made it on our family card. Needed a pic of myself and used the one of us at the sheep farm in England. What a special time!
Makes your house so original when you shop at thrift/antique stores! Love those one-of-a-kind things! Ahhh, the sheep farm in England. Can’t tell you how many times I look at those photos and what an astounding day that was … like when all the little black lambs came in together at the end? How was that even possible!? XOXOXO
Have you ever heard of Sun Purple glass? It had manganese in it and they used to make glass with it but with the World Wars, that become valuable so they quit using it. If it sits in the sun long enough it turns purple . We have a whole collection of it, my daughters and I. Love it.
Ohh, yes I’ve seen that, but I didn’t know the story behind it! Thank you Brenda!
Dear Susan, I just love you! You made me laugh out loud with that depiction of yourself spying that beloved $1 glass find. I too have eyes darting this way and that wondering is it possible that a wayward hand could come over my shoulder and declare the find first if I ponder its wonderfulness too long. Which of course never happens because my brain has quickly registered the nemo/mine,mine,mine, chorus too! Thank You for validating my glass obsession too! I buy all your calendars and stuff and can’t wait to meet you one day! You are simply THE BESTEST!!! Oh And swoon over your moms Pink Circus Cake!!
My heart ticks an extra beat every time I enter an exciting antique store!!! The idea of discovery! So fun! You are not alone! Thank you for your sweet words, Karen! xoxoxo
Susan, I have a unique vintage glass vase with no visible markings. If I send you a picture, could you give me an idea of where to start finding a value for it? It’s large, stemmed, balloonish with ruffled edge. I bought it in the late 80’s at a yard sale, a family was moving back to Holland. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Hi Kathy. Without markings it can be difficult. What I would do is Google it . . . hopefully you can connect with a vintage glass dealer and send a photo for identification. Good Luck!
Hello from Western/Central New Jersey, Susan!
I’m a little late to the parade, but just came across your delightful webpage and think I’m home!
Sewing, embroidering and crafting at a young age gave me a chance to create what I loved but could not afford. I was so glad to see your webpage section, “Glass Obsession”, because that describes me to a tee! I’ve been collecting glassware (especially ruby or pink depression glass) for over 35 years now and just love using interesting glassware and dishes to make my guests (and family) feel special. I also use not-so-fabulous pieces to make glass totems and bird baths. Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing your world of ideas with us all!
This post is truly inspiring! I especially appreciate your point which you found valuable. It’s clear you put a lot of effort into this, and I’m glad I found it.