Happy Valentine’s Day Girlfriends!  ♥   Time to click teacups teacup flowersfor Romance! MUSICA  It’s a day for flowers and breakfast in bed, putting hearts in the windows of your house and calling all your Valentine’s to wish them a happy day . . . and being your own Valentine by providing yourself with some romance that’s just your style, a bubble bath and a good book and some sweet memories, and maybe a potato pancake or two. 

butterflies in love


Here are some roses to start your day off right . . .

hearts and roses

Vintage Magazine

isn't it romantic

hearts and roses

all snow all the time

It’s still ridiculous around here and I’m beginning to think it might stay that way!



But you have to admit, 10º looks gorgeous! Look at the pale pink sunrise . . . I’m glad I like it because we have another blizzard with “hurricane force winds” coming tonight.


But let’s get to the exciting (for me) news: I have almost finished the calendars for 2016!  I have two more months to butterflies in lovedo on the Blotter and that is ALL . . . I’m SO excited because I’ve been longing to get back to writing, and now painting, the new book!  Two MORE PAGES ~ HOORAY!  I’ve been working at breakneck speed to get them done in time . . . many hours each day.  So I’ll take a couple of days off to clean my house, shoot a few rubber bands for Jack, really do nothing, just piddle around, cook something wonderful, and decorate for spring (rising above reality); then, I’ll cuddle on down and finish the new book . . .


In the meantime, this morning, Joe is still asleep, house is quiet, not a creature is stirring, the cats are curled into fuzzy piles . . . I’m surprising Joe with breakfast in bed . . . this always confuses him ~ I’m not even 100% sure he likes it ~ but he definitely deserves it!

way to a man's heart

fried eggs

His little heart-shaped egg (it’s easy to make, just put an oiled cookie cutter in the bottom of the frying pan and break the egg into it, cover it with a lid so you don’t have to turn it over) and heart-shaped toast on his favorite crabapple plate.  Yes, I know, we are definitely still crazy after all these years.

hearts and flowers

And for you?  A love bookmark . . . click below, print it on card stock and you have something to give to the one you love, or to the one I love, which would be YOU.




But you already knew that didn’t you?  

Well, I guess that’s all for now Girlfriends, back to that calendar (I want it done so much!) ~ soon I will sing out to the wind and the sky the immortal words Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, Free at Last! Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin, especially the thin! Byeee! XOXO

hearts and roses

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Good Morning Girlfriends . . . MUSICA


Just a short one today ~ I don’t want you to think I’ve disappeared!  I’ve finished two of our 2016 calendars and turned them in; I have just the blotter to go, and a deadline.  Working at my art table like a fiend right now. 

left over from summer

It’s still a winter wonderland here on the island . . . Every so often I look up from my work and there are beautiful flakes floating down in the wind . . . I call out to Joe (who’s starting to take apart the dining room ceiling to find out where the leak is in the upstairs bathroom) “It’s snowing!”

little things

our bedroom window

Snow climbs up our bedroom window and drips off the bay window…

Up with Jack

The kitties are waiting for me when I come down the stairs to make my tea in the morning; we turn on something black and white: Betty Davis, Joan Crawford, or Susan Hayward, and get down to business. 

little things

Some people’s paths are strewn with flowers, mine is strewn with pony tail bands and I wouldn’t change a thing.

pink flowers



And I do this most of the day. I take time out for exercise, riding my stationary bike ~ I figure winter will end one of these days, and I love old movieswant to be ready.  We are eating healthy, exploring Netflix at night, getting up early, and making the winter count so we can be ready to GO when spring finally gets here; a fixed-up ceiling in the dining room and new calendars.  I can’t tell you how it feels to turn in a calendar, all finished to the best of my ability, and think, oh boy, it’s DONE. I’m so excited to get back working on our new book . . . So off I go dear ones!  Thank you for being here, I hope I do you proud. XOXO


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