A Busy Few Days

GiveawaySince we’re all going to be busy these next few days, I thought I’d wait until after Thanksgiving to  draw the name of our lucky winner and Giveawaymake sure everyone has had time to sign up for our Giveaways (there are two, scroll down to next post to read about them) ~ this allows everyone to BE the actual winner for a little bit longer. Until the bitter truth is revealed by our in-house bitter-truth revealer, Vanna, when she draws the winning name. Until then, maybe a blog filled with photos of all kinds of holiday decorating? And MUSICA?


But first off, speaking of honey. Look at us, we’ve got almost 1800 comments on the last post and everyone of them is a pure jewel. If you ever feel sad about the world, which is easy to do these days, read the comments on this blog and it will cheer you up. I sit here and cry when I read your Thanksgivingwords of encouragement and kindness ~ you’ll never know ~ and when I read that you’re waiting for a tornado to pass, that you’re raising three rowdy boys and a husband, that you have Chinese friends, or you are Chinese, that you are from everywhere, Mexico, Germany, England, The Netherlands, that you have tea parties for your girlfriends and read to your moms. You are true Fairy Tale girls, getting through surgery, new knees and chemotherapy; nursing, celebrating and remembering loved ones, sharing love old moviesthe things that make you feel grateful, cuddling your pets and your children, watching old movies for strength (Little Women makes the MOST wonderful background sounds while you are rolling out pie crust btw), laughing about how your daughters race to change the calendar page each month. You stop mopping the floor to read Willard, you love Gingerbread tea, and you send blessings to each OTHER ~ yes, you do that ~ you even talk Arf and Arfy to me now. Your Christmas cookbooks have magazine articles tucked into them, you love Louisa May God bless this house susan branchAlcott, you love wearing your elf charm with the card that says: Go. Be. Love. The World Needs You. And that’s just the beginning of the beauty of YOU.♥ Thank you so so SO much. You reaffirm my forever belief that the world is filled with wonderful, good-hearted, loving people. If you need any reaffirming yourself, I encourage you to read these comments. And leave one yourself, if you haven’t already. All comments from these two posts will be entered into the drawing. Oh yes, and thank you from the bottom of my pea pickin’ heart. I wob you too.

Now, down to business Girlfriends: let’s talk about tablecloths and silverware, place cards and table settings, shall we? (Would like to Un-invent spell check, so far we have table scares and silver wipes.) 

dining room

Here is my dining room on a relatively calm day. No big projects on the table, but you can see it’s the holidays because I have paperwhites on the window sills. The calm before the storm.

place setting

This was a table setting for New Year’s Eve a few years back . . . champagne corks for place cards . . . and old books, and old glassware I’ve collected over the years.


And here I am thinking about tablecloths and bread baskets . . .(for some reason I’ve been singing this song all week, now it will be your turn!)

girl kitty gets ready to change the tablecloth

And here is Girl Kitty trying out the tablecloth . . . Oh yes, I have lots of help! Don’t think I do any of this all by myself.

table setting

And here is the table set for Thanksgiving. I use all our mix-and-match smaller chairs in order to get more people around the table . . . two at each end, so we can serve 14 here. I like it best when people are a little bit squashed together. The party is more lively that way! Secrets can be told! And little bouquets, all the way down the table, so no one has to peer through flowers.

table setting

You all know what a china and linen fiend I am, just like so many of you! It’s the never-ending quest for beauty. I love setting the table more than I love cooking! The cooking is the support system for the table setting!christmas pie

The painting is the support system for the cooking. It’s all tied together.


We have three “eating places” inside the house. This table is in the living room, for when it’s pouring snow and when we want to have a small cozy dinner in front of a crackling fire.

table cloths

Here it is, all draped and ready, pillows on the chairs for a comfy dining experience. You’ll note that I don’t really care if everything matches perfectly. The red tablecloth on the bottom, by the way, is an old bedspread.

art of home

place setting

Here we are in the kitchen for a casual dinner and no tablecloth, with napkins that don’t have to be ironed. But the candles are lit, the cute bread basket is there, the mugs I got years ago at Dansk in Carmel, the iron candle sticks I found in an antique store, and the heavy pottery pieces I bought way back when, done by Santa Margarita (CA) artist Paula Teplitz in the 1970s. You wouldn’t believe how I would haunt craft shows looking for her work. I found everything one piece at a time. Each is different and all depict animals and nature. 

Oh my! I just decided to Google her and see if she was still around. And she is! Go here and “like” Paula . . . this will be a total surprise for her! I don’t think she knows how much I loved her things and still do. 

table setting

I still set the table with Paula’s creations. Or bake pies in them.


Speaking of setting the table ~ This is how my grandmother taught me to do it at Thanksgiving when I was little, except in those days it was much simpler, only one fork, not two, and one glass and the one glass was for MILK (mmmm, a big glass of ice cold milk? YUM! I can hear the eeeewes from here). And the napkin goes on the left.

table setting

Sometimes I get so excited to take the picture, I do it before I should. Here I’ve already lit the candles (on the bedspread) while I’m trying out glasses. Ignore the napkin placement, it doesn’t stay that way . . . thank you.

table setting

See? Sooner or later I do figure out where the napkin goes! I love a romantic, old-fashioned table, one that brings back memories we’ve maybe never even had.movies


You’ve probably noticed, candlelight makes everything more beautiful. BTW, be sure to take photos of your table. I’m often so busy I forget, and now I wish I had them all! (See Girl Kitty, under the table?)

table setting

Candlelight puts a twinkle on everything at the table including into the eyes of the people you love. And of course, don’t forget the MUSICA.

table setting

And of course, I’m a big one for quotes, no matter where I am!william morris quote

Books for table

I think books make the MOST interesting table decorations and use them all the time, this is a set of Shakespeare we found in an antique store (I must sound like a broken record, but the truth is we rarely buy anything new). The corks are from other memorable parties. I’ll tell you about housethose leather baby shoes in my new book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams . . . I found them in my first house, they’re part of a magical mystery. You realize that I’ve told you all about what happened before I went to Martha’s Vineyard, and lots about after I got here in my books and on my blog, but not very much about the five interesting years after I first arrived on the Island in 1982, totally unprepared for pretty much everything, and until I met Joe in 1987. We’re about to change all of that. In words and pictures.

Oops, books. As decor. Yes . . .

books for table setting

Thanksgiving is a good time to evoke memories with cookbooks and an old recipe box. Little bowls of faux fruit and wooden spoons, why not? As I always say, shop the house for table decor.Feed Your Creative Heartbooks for table scape

This romantic setting was for a Valentine’s Day party.


old booksAll books work: Christmas books, old fairy tale books, red-birdgarden books, books on tea, bird books, vintage Christmas Bookchildren’s books, books of poetry, wildflower books, books by favorite authors, even songbooks ~ all make wonderful companions at the dinner table.

books as table decor

We use this old set of Charles Dickens for Christmas (plus some of Joe’s childhood books).trees

Christmas Tea

Old Christmas books are perfect in front of the fire for a Christmas Tea. You can see them here, emitting comfort from their very presence.


little house


house candles

They also fit well with my small collection of house candles . . . because  home is where my heart is.

place cards

And now? Place cards . . . just a few little easy ideas . . . because place cards are a very nice thing to have. That way people know where to go, no bumbling around the table. Something I did once for a buffet but unfortunately did not take pictures of: I enlarged cute and funny pictures of all the guests on my copier and used them for place mats instead of place cards. When they came to the table with their filled plates, they knew just where to go.

love thee like pudding

champagne cork placecards

So easy if you are a champagne-cork saver . . . This way all your past memories join with the ones you’ll be making at the dinner table.

place cards

They almost make themselves. I just used scissors with a decorative edge (from Michaels Crafts) to cut out the cards and the wires on the corks did the rest of the work.

place cards

Leaves, from the yard. Beyond easy, almost cheating. I used a whiteout pen to write Joe’s name on this nice thick rhododendron leaf.

place cardAnd they can be small and simple . . . A watercolor brush and readable handwriting is all you need for this little card. I try to write the names big enough and dark enough so people can see them without their glasses!

cleaning silverNow of course, you need the fastest way possible to shine up the silver, right? You really don’t feel like sitting there all day polishing it piece by piece . . . so here’s what you do. (Click and be amazed.)

wooden spoons

And maybe your wooden spoons are dried out and almost splintery looking? Can’t have that. So easy to keep them dark and buttery . . . Use a pasty brush to coat the wood with mineral oil ~ let it soak in and voila! You can read more about your wooden things HERE. P.S. My dad carved the Sue spoon.


Most of the time, my house is decorated rather simply, unless it’s the holidays or we are having a party. The living room, in real life, is almost naked.

I change pillows and quilts for the season and leave room for flowers. It’s a little like a movie set.


Because flowers change everything.They are really the only decoration you need. Maybe some nice votives too.

fall flowersA little bouquet here and there cheers everything up, don’t you think?

bread basket

My bread basket cheers me up too. I found it at a flea market, zeroed in on it, mine, so mine. It is the little things! Now, don’t think you have to do ALL of this, or even any of it. Mostly, you know, it’s just about the gravy. And having fun. And hugging the people you love. Now, a couple of last things before I go, something you should all be aware of ~ There are:

santa hat santaclausAnd let’s talk about Black Friday, which is the perfect day for a stroll in nature. . .and if not a stroll, then perhaps a little sit. How they ever made the day after Thanksgiving dedicated to spending money I will never understand. So, turn your Black Friday into Earth Green . . .

go outside and play

the walk

This is the perfect place to pray for our world because even the smallest voice can be heard from here. How can people fight over television sets in discount stores when there is this? 

the walk

and this ~

on the walk

and this?

our walk in autumn

Gladys Taber

go. be. love.


XOXO With love forever from me to you . . .from this House of Creativity to yours . . . now about to celebrate its 166th Thanksgiving.

books 002ferry

P.S. For anyone who might have missed WILLARD (with all the newest news), click there. And if you’d like to have Willard emailed to you in the future, click here to sign up.

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Welcome Willard People!

I knew you were coming so I got ready!  First off, click here for my new theme MUSICA (which you will understand if you’ve read the Willard ~ eeeek!). 🙂

And now, HELLO WILLARD PEOPLE! Welcome to the Blog! MusicaSince I wrote the Newsletter, guess what!? So excited and happy to tell you, that the Giveaway I mentioned has just been doubled ~ because look what showed up 

A Fine Romance by Susan Branch, Chinese version

Do you know what this is?  It’s

A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

in Chinese!

A Fine Romance

Here are my two children meeting for the first time.

Beatrix Potter Hilltop Farm in Chinese

Yes! It’s the just published (but only in China) Chinese version of our book A Fine Romance, Falling in Love with the English OneWorldCountryside. Now I have the extreme privilege, among other things, of taking the Chinese people up to Hilltop to see Beatrix Potter’s legacy! 



Who would have ever thought it possible!? I’ve been pouring over the book, looking at all the details. They did such a nice job. They even kept the watercolored first letters on every page because they thought they “looked pretty!” Even when I mentioned that it might not make sense in Chinese because those first letters have nothing to do with the text ~ they still wanted them which is one reason I really like this publisher!


It’s almost, page for page, exactly like the English version…and it’s a real book you can hold in your hands, because did you know, studies are showing that reading “real” books is healthier and increases intelligence? They are! 


See the little writing around the poppy? And the captions? They made sure all the movies were there and the music too! And where there are English words,they used a cute little handwriting font.miracles

Chinese version of A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

I’m trying to see it through their eyes. I wonder if they say the same stuff to each other in China? I bet they do.get-attachment.aspx


Now they know more about us than I ever imagined. They know that there are idiots all OVER the world. Isn’t that funny? I am happy to be an idiot in the quest for world peace. Chinese version Susan Branch A Fine Romance

Like this, now they know this! I signed the contract for this book over a year ago, but I didn’t realize how I girlartwould feel when it actually arrived. I’m honored, but not used to it yet. None of my other books have ever been in any language except English . . . But as the song goes, you are my lucky star . . .⭐️

Chinese version of A Fine Romance by Susan Branch

Here’s the recipe for Rachel’s Lemon Butter cookies! There Yikeswill be people in China eating Rachel’s cookies! I wonder if they changed the part about how Joe and I met and all of that ~ the one hotel room, the robe like armor, etc. Maybe one of you reads Chinese and can tell us!

IMG_4018I get to take them to Siobhan’s house too! I wonder if they have fairy lights and pink sofas in their kitchens the way Siobhan does? Probably they do! I hope some of them write me!Christmas lights


Notice the little bits and pieces, some of the English writing is still there, all the hearts, the captions, the watercolored underlines, the little arrows, are all still there. They took such good care! What a small world it is.

Chinese version A FINE ROMANCE by Susan Branch

Here we are about to discover King Richard’s childhood castle, remember?  And the arrows pointing to the castle ruins are still there! That Chinese lettering is so cute! If I would have been born in China I would have LOVED that handwriting. It’s like little pictures. They must all be artists over there!IMG_4001

Here’s the part in the book where I saw the Irish seagulls as the Queen Mary 2 passed under Ireland . . . in Chinese! I immediately sent a copy to the Thomas Crane Public Library because I was told they have a very large Chinese population in the Quincy (near Boston) area . . . it will be a surprise, I hope they like it!

And the rest of the books I kept. So far. I mean it’s only been a couple of days.

Fairy Tales do come true

Oops, there’s one right now!


Look at that watercolored title! So my thought is that we might have a little east meets west as our second my cup of teaGiveaway, and include, with a signed copy of our rare Chinese Romance book, a canister of that delicious Gingerbread Tea I mentioned in the Willard, perfect for the season! So even if you can’t read Chinese, you can have a cup of tea and look at the pictures! So now when you leave a comment, you’ll be entered for Two Giveaways, not just one . . . there will be Two Lucky Winners. We just doubled the odds!



All the books in both of these Giveaways can be  personalized just the way you’d like, including the out-of-print Christmas from the Heart of the Home. Which means you might have some pretty good little gifts here ~ a mug and some fairy tales are always appreciated at the holidays!


And you might be asking, will we be selling the Chinese book in our web store?  And the answer is, yes, kinda. We got a few of them, not very many, they are in our web store My favorite fairyright now . . . but they are expensive which probably has something to do with our dollar and their (what is it? Yen?). Plus, they cost a LOT to ship them over . . . so we don’t figure we’ll run out of what we have too soon. But IF we do run out, and IF you don’t get one and IF you still want one, the new plan is that we will then take preorders so we Fairy1know how many to get, and do a one-time purchase just for our Blog Girls. We’re not going to carry this book because of the cost, which is something around $40 each, but check it out if you think it’s something you might want to have. I don’t think there will be too many of them here in America, and they can always be an interesting conversation piece!

So now, let’s change the subject and do a littlehome cookingShall we? With Mas Musica? Oui! I’ve always just naturally gathered healthful winter fat to protect myself against wolves and starvation in the freezing cold, but already On a planethis year, from all the sitting, I’m afraid I could feed an entire wolf pack all by myself. So I’m looking to get a little healthier so that when I finish Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams (BTW, that’s a new little piece of art I did for the book yesterday ~ of me, on the plane, landing in Boston, singing my fear song ~ it’s dawn outside that window, on a very stormy day ~ but I digress big time), I can go out on the road and you will still recognize me!  So in the quest for that, I thought I’d give you Joe’s recipe for the most delicious, crunchy tender salmon steaks in the world!fat friendAnd just in case you’d like to make this, but good salmon is hard to come by in your neck of the woods, call Louie at the Net Result here on the Island (1-800-394-6071 and tell him Joey sent you) and he will overnight you the most delicious fresh fish imaginable, in a box also filled with Martha’s Vineyard sea air for which, believe it or not, he charges NOTHING ~ and they have everything, including oysters, clams, and Lobsters, fresh cod, and this delicious salmon.


The magic in well cooked salmon is in the crust! And no one does it better than Joe.cookingIMG_3636

If I was the one making this, I would ask Louie to cut off the skin for me. But Joe knows just what he’s doing . . . gets his sharp little knife under there and wastes not a shred. You definitely want the skin off so you can make it crusty on both sides.


Then he rinses it in cold water and pats it very dry with paper towels.Creativity is MagicIMG_3646

And cuts it into steaks


which he liberally peppers and sprinkles sea salt over . . 


He put the tiniest bit of olive oil in the pan — 2 tsp. — and heated it over high heat until, as he put it, the pan was “shimmering.” This is what a shimmering pan looks like.littlemagicIMG_3667

He added the fish to the shimmering pan, with the skin-side up, he then salted and peppered that side. The salmon cooked, uncovered, over medium high heat for about eight minutes until they were toasty brown. For good browning, none of the pieces should be touching each other. And if you have a thinner piece, like we did, make sure it cooks for a shorter amount of time.IMG_3669

When he turned them over, they looked like this. Already I want to pick off a piece of the crunchy crust, that little piece hanging off the left end of the piece in the front would be perfect thank you.cooking

salmon recipe

But I didn’t have long to wait. Another four minutes on that other side, and voila! Once again, Joe B. Hall shows dish towel art susan branchhis cooking genius, totally up to the magic. Tender in the middle, crisp on the outside, healthy all over! Serve it with a squeeze of lemon and a crisp green salad and you will go to bed laughing at how healthy you are.

Alrighty then! I’ve now managed to swallow up a large chunk of your busy day! I hope I’m satisfied. I COULD actually go on! I have tablescapes to show you, light and shadows, quilts! Oh yes, there will be more.Jane AustenOK, I hear you, but one more thing, please don’t worry if you haven’t gotten your Willard yet, they take four days letterto all go out, if you’ve signed up, but haven’t gotten yours by Saturday, let us know ~ be sure to check your spam folder first.) ~ And be SURE to leave a comment at the bottom of this post (click on those tiniest letters that say comment) so you’ll be entered in the drawing for the GiveAways! 

Oops, one more thing ~ I found this wonderful photograph I thought you might like to use as a screen saver for the season. Just click there. We’ll put it up in the web store under “Free Stuff” soon along with lots more festive things for the season ~ it’s that time of year!Susan Branch WinterOrchardHouseWinter Isn’t it gorgeous? We were just there a few months back ~ it’s Louisa May Alcott’s House, Orchard House, in the snow. So, romantic. Can’t you just see her and her sisters throwing snowballs in their long skirts? I’ll leave you (finally, whew!) with that lovely thought. Enjoy your day Girlfriends! God Bless our world, and especially beautiful Paris.  XOXOTime ...

And don’t think I did this all by myself . . .


it takes a village

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