The Moon, Redux

Because I just did a long post about the moon for New Year’s Eve, today’s post was supposed to be all about tea time and dishes and cups and teapots, to go with my Willard newsletter that starts going out today.   But, Sunday night, we walked into town to have dinner and even though it wasn’t the “official” full moon yet, the island was SO beautiful, the harbor was SO alive — I couldn’t help but show you!  We went home and checked the exact time the first full moon of 2012 would rise.  And last night, we were ready. We were moonchasers!  Reminded once again, it’s true, the best things in life are free!

Sunday night is what got us started; here we are, just three blocks from home, on the town dock at Owen Park. The thing about living on Martha’s Vineyard, is that you don’t just get the moon, you get island ambience! Shore lapping, rippling water, flags flying, people going in and out of the golden light at the Steamship Building, the salty smell of the sea.  A feast of beauty for the senses.

This bit of horn-blowing ambience is docked in front of the building in the first photo — when we got there, the ferry was loading up, getting ready for the forty-five minute trip across the sound to the mainland. The water rippled perfectly to catch the dazzling reflection from the boat windows . . . I can’t even believe we were standing right there, catching such a beautiful sight!

Water like glass for the sailboat masts too . . . this is supposed to be winter, but so far, it’s been hovering near the 50’s on most days; clear and cold at night.

And behind us, the lights were beginning to come on in the little houses that hug the shore.  But you are saying to yourself, where’s the moon?  Didn’t she say something about the moon?

Oh yes she did!  There it is!  And there goes the ferry.  When we left the house, we really weren’t expecting this, we were just going to dinner. . . but when we saw what was happening . . .

We needed to chase the moon, the ferry, the stars!  We got the car and drove out West Chop to the Meadow for a clear view of the sound in time to see the ferry steaming toward Woods Hole.  I think that’s one of the dippers up there in the sky on the right!

A little further down, we came to the West Chop Lighthouse and there was the moon, giving us a beautiful shot. All of these photos were taken without flash — for some reason, there is a very strong light shining on the front of this house.  This photo reminded us of an Edward Hopper painting.  But we wouldn’t want to live here . . . who could sleep?  See the stars?

Thought you might like to see a daytime photo of the lighthouse (built in 1817) . . .  just as wonderful!

Finally back home, and there’s the moon, peeking through the linden trees over the roof of our house.  And this wasn’t even the full moon!  I think you can see why, first thing Monday morning, we Googled “time of moon rise on Martha’s Vineyard,”  and planned our day around 5:10 pm last night.  When the time finally came, we got our hats, gloves, scarves, big jackets and drove to East Chop.  We got there early and waited, so excited, as it got darker and darker, scanning the water line, asking each other 10,000 times, “Where do you think it will come up?” And, “Do you see a little light over there?”  Trying to pinpoint the spot it would rise.  And then, finally, “There it is!!!”

Why is this so exciting?  I don’t know.  But most of what you’re seeing is reflection on the water; it’s really just a little sliver of a moon, so far, skimming the water line.

And then we were treated to a bit of a light show. . . sparking pink on the water . . .

Then turning yellow.  Hello.

Lighting the ocean on fire for one perfect moment in time; how could it get any better than this?

Here comes a fishing boat going home to Menemsha, about to cross the path of the moon; how must it feel to be on that boat?!!!  The put-put sound of the engine, the clanging of the rigging, the smell of the sea in the cold wind, the water rushing past the bow, and then, the moon.  Lucky!

I hope they did! 

So, after taking about 200 photos of this view :-), we got back in the car and drove along the north shore taking more pictures as we went . . .

What a view — I wonder if the owners of this house are inside but turned off the lights to watch this???  I would.  And I’d be playing this music too!  Bella Luna!

This is the Edgartown Lighthouse . . . see the red light?  It blinks!  I got it!! 🙂  So wonderful that we are digital now . . . otherwise I would have gone totally broke on the film for this little outing!

And yet, I will publish an out of focus picture like this!  But how could I not?  We were “coming to” from being moon drunk, and began to notice how beautiful the Edgartown architecture looked in the moonlight, details gleaming white in the dark.

Edgartown is a very pretty little New England town.  But it’s a summer town; almost all the businesses close down in the winter, and many of the homes are occupied only during the summer.  If you are ever looking for peace and quiet, Edgartown in the winter is the place to go.  This is part of the Charlotte Inn, one of the prettiest Inns on the island.

The beautiful Federated Church . . . built in 1828; the congregation was established in 1642.  But I digress.  How can I help it.  Sublime beauty calls.

It was a wonderful drive back to our neighborhood . . . the moon shined its light on us the whole way. 

Full moons wake me up…. I think I have thin eyelids or something, because I’ve always been able to sense or “see” light even with my eyes closed!  Here’s the moon around 2 am this morning.

If you have my calendar, you already know that Native Americans called the first moon of the year the “Wolf” moon.  They had nature-inspired names for all the moons; next month it will be the “Snow” moon.  I recently gave away a Bookmark that includes the dates of the full moons for 2012 and all the Native American names for them . . . in case you just came here from Willard and missed it, here it is again.  Click on “bookmark” and you can print it out and become a moon chaser yourself.  It was really fun; next time I’m packing a picnic!  I think a soft little roast beef and lettuce sandwich, heavy on the mayo, lots of salt and pepper, would be very nice in the warm car with the moon shine.  (Notice moon shine is two words! :-))

OK girls, you probably know by now, we have a special give-away today, Valentine’s Day is coming . . . I mentioned in the Willard that I was giving away a signed copy of one of my Love Books, but I’m really giving away two!  To the same person!  One for whoever wins the random drawing, and one for the winner to give away to someone they love!  I hope one of those two books goes to YOU!!!   All you have to do is leave a comment (just click on the little gray word “comment” at the bottom of this post), and that will enter you in the drawing.  I’ll let you know who the winner is in a couple of days.  Until then, have a wonderful day girlfriends, be good to yourself! 

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1,968 Responses to The Moon, Redux

  1. Susan, what a wonderful post! You surely have a way of taking us there! Wonderful moon shots and scenery of your beautiful Islands. I was just wondering about the full moon dates, and there is your sweet bookmark!
    Hope to get hold of one of your sweet Love books-Count me in.

  2. Karen D says:

    Oh boy- hope I’m not too late! I loved reading your Willard and then this beautiful blog too! What a lovely treat! Tried to respond earlier but the website does get temperamental at times. I think it crashes because we are all hanging on your every word ;0) no, really… no pressure…LOL!
    How wonderful to be so loved! YOU deserve it! I am always so inspired by the way you think.

  3. Sheila says:

    LOVE your work and especially your loving creative spirit! Just feel so great after reading your blog and look forward to receiving my ‘Willard’. Can’t wait to host a tea party for my girlfriends that live in town and send some goodies to those away. I always use Valentine’s as a way to honor them.
    Fantastic photos, felt like I was there. My favorite view of the full moon is from my bed looking out the massive window and seeing it over the top of Camelback mountain here in Az. It is glorious no matter where one sees it.

  4. Becky says:

    Ohhh yea! I got to spend time with “Willard” today! lol
    So fun…what a wonderful tradition to have. Can you imagine reading all your old ones when you’re “old and gray!??” lol …or better yet! Your great grandchildren?? I just love it!

    Springtime we might be driving down to the California coast…crossing my fingers I’ll get to stop by! Hope you’ll be back in California by then…

    Have a LoVeLy and BeaUtiFuL rest of your week!


  5. Tanya Wellburn says:

    Oh, just Love your moon pictures….so gorgeous!! And moon drunk…a wonderful phrase and so apt at this time of year when the moon seems so close and lights up the winter sky at night.
    Thanks for all the great Valentine inspiration in the latest Willard. It almost always takes me by surprise and now I can plan away. And maybe attempt a tea party for my 3 year old DD and myself 🙂

    Thank you…really enjoy reading you!! Take care.

  6. Nancy B says:

    I received Willard today. Loved it. Thank you! I’m on the hunt for some of your books and in the meantime, I’d be tickled pink to be the lucky winner of your giveaway. Your photographs of the moon are wonderful. I must share these with my husband. He will love them, too.

  7. Patti says:

    Have loved your artwork and writings since discovering them so many years ago! And I treasure all of your books; had all your cookbooks, and THEN found a set of three at an estate sale that had been personally signed by you, so those have now become very special!

  8. Terry M says:

    Susan, I feel we are such kindred spirits………. I love to cuddle up with a book & cup of tea, I love sitting out and watching the full moon rise, I love cats (jack is so handsom). I could go on & on. I have enjoyed ‘Willard’, your blog, your books and products for so long I’m sure I’d have withdrawals if ever I couldn’t have access to them! You are “one” of the highlights of my day (right along with my grandbabies) Happy Anniversary to you and Joe and enjoy your trip to New York. (who will take care of Girl & Jack?)

    love & hugs

  9. Kathy says:

    Susan – What a cheery note to come home to after a long day’s work! I had to chuckle about the missing “s” in Reasons for January….my new calendar from my BFF is sitting right in front of me and I did not notice the missing letter!! I also loved the photos of Martha’s Vineyard. My BFF and I traveled there this last July to visit her family’s summer home in West Tisbury. It was my first visit to the island and it was everything l imagined and more…. Reading Willard brings back all the fun we had! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Patti says:

    Hello again! I just left a comment for you and it seems to have gone thru successfully, but there’s a sentence under my name and I didn’t type that; don’t know how it got there, but maybe it’s something to do with your processing of comments? Just wanted to let you know that I don’t know where that sentence came from, but the few lines below that (about your signed cookbooks found at an estate sale) are indeed from me :0)

    • sbranch says:

      Hmmm, not sure–we have had gremlins on the blog the last couple of days! Let’s see if it shows up!

  11. Paula says:

    What a lovely blog this is, and so inspiring! It reminds me that I can choose to make life beautiful for my family and friends and myself in so many ways. Sometimes in the drudgery of day to day life, I forget that I can be a big part of bringing cheer and delight to those that I love, as well as enjoying creativity for my own soul’s sake. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. MoeWest says:

    What a beautiful blog post! I loved all the moon photos and your words really bring the scenes to life. Thank you for the chance to win not one but TWO copies of your lovely book.

  13. Thea says:

    Willard came at the exact time I needed some creativity and positive thoughts!
    Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  14. Ginny S. says:

    Well I just love all this about Valentines! I began having many “girlfriend” Valentines the year my friends husband passed away and I called her and asked if she would be my husband and I valentine and could we take her to dinner. There are many women in my church who are single by divorce or death, and by lifestyle choice. I love the idea getting this little book and having a tea at my home and treating them soooo special at this time and the little gift of your book would be a delight! Wonderful wonderful!

  15. Rosemarie says:

    Loved the pictures!! Although I live in PA, I had never visited the New England area until 3 years ago and have been there twice now. I have yet to get over to Martha’s Vinyard or Nantucket but they are high on my bucket list. In addition, I love tea parties. I only had sons and they were not too enthusiastic to sit and have tea from little rose decorated cups. God is good and I do have three granddaughters who love it. In fact, they get so enthused that my grandsons want to join in also. They are 4 and 6 and I do believe they are in it for the treats, primarily. I am sure as they get older even that enthusiasm will wane but the girls and I have a great old time. I believe we enjoy the preparations almost as much as the actual tea. Well have a wonderful New Year filled with all the things you love but most of all good health and joy.

  16. Dara Lane says:

    I would love to have another copy of LOVE. Somehow through two moves I can’t find it. My little Christmas one is missing too, so I hope the two of them are together somewhere in my garage patiently waiting for me to find them.
    It was so serendipity that Willard was all about tea parties. I had planned to write you soon and ask if you could make a Christmas Tea invitation or at least a Christmas card with a tea theme. My friends and I have a Christmas Tea every year. My grand daughter was three months old when we had the first one and she is seventeen now! Sometimes we buy invitations and sometimes we make them, but to have a Susan Branch invitation would be the best ever!!!!
    Thanks for your wonderful blog and your willingness to share your life with us.
    Happy New Year!

  17. Dorothy Ann says:

    Hello Susan!
    Oh yes! please do enter my name in your wonderful Valentine’s Day-“Give-A-Way of your delightful Love Books. I would “love” to be part of your random drawing for those books. You always come up with such sweet ideas to keep us close to the “heart of the home and you”. Thank you Susan!

  18. Rose Olson says:

    You are such a light full of love and warmth. You remind my sister and I of our dear mom who is now in Heaven. She introduced us to you and brought us so much love, hope and beauty into our World. It is such a wonderful gift to be able to not only have that but to do freely give it away. Thank you so much. I look forward to your newsletter and blogs like a dear friend and a little piece of my mother’s heart always shines through you. Happy 2012.

  19. Conny Leibenzeder says:

    Hi Susan,

    I am a fan of you and all your beautiful books…, since over 30 years, believe it or not!?
    I used to live in Monterey and Carmel Vally for 6 years and that was the first time I bought myfirst cookbook( x-masbook). I enjoy it , also your summer book, ever since.

    Since 1984 I’m back in Germany and we are visiting our 2girls and our grandson ,who live now in San Diego and Gainsville Ga. Both girls mouved back to USA 12years ago.
    It’s hard for me having them so far away as you can imagine.

    I am not very good at the computer but “Santa” just gave me an iPdad, and I am thrilled!!!
    Now it is even easier to read and enjoy your blogs… Thank you so much! That brings America a littlt closer!

    Well, thanks so much for all the lovely ideas and articles, the pics and your inspirations!
    Now I just hope I ” win “!

    (sorry, my english is not perfect and writing on the computer even worse)

    Love, Conny

  20. Ronda says:

    Hi Susan, I am fairly new to your website, blog & Willard. I have always loved your watercolors. I was excited to run across your site. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes and inspiration you have given me since December. I would be honored to receive two copies of, “Love from the Heart of the Home” Book. I have no idea who I would give the second copy to, but it would be fun to have the chance to figure it out. Thank you!

  21. Sue says:

    Oh, a chance to win books!!! What fun! Thanks so much.
    I have been a collector of your books for years. I even have some of them signed by none other than yourself! 🙂 When you were at QVC years ago. It was awesome seeing you there.
    I love reading about your life on the island and someday I would love to visit — if I can find the courage to get on the ferry. 🙂 Do not like boats. (sigh)
    Have a great rest of the week.

  22. Judi says:

    Just received my Willard and as usual really enjoyed reading it. Also did so love the photos of the island. It is so beautiful that I am determined to get there one day!

  23. Mary Ann O'Brien says:

    Loved the pics of your charming isle. I used to love to watch the live Nantucket webcam & would follow the ferry rounding the rocky point before coming to the dock where I would watch all the people debarking, wishing it could be me. The cam went by the wayside several years back.

    Was so surprised to see that you’re giving away 2 books. Was thinking I would have to fight my selfishness as I wanted to give the book to my BFF for her birthday. But problem solved ~ thanks so very much. Now I only need to be the lucky winner! Hope this is where I need to put my comment for the drawing.

  24. Ieva says:

    Susan Branch, you’re just like Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne Shirley from the Green Gables! Absolutely adorable 🙂

  25. Ann Handley says:

    Your photos and comments made me homesick for Martha’s Vinyard which we visited almost 7 years ago and stayed with friends……and watched the full moon rising too. It is one of my favourite parts of the world – not only for its ambience and history but also because it was there that we had a phone call from our daughter telling us we were to be grandparents. That grandchild has just celebrated her 6th birthday – in New Zealand, 10th January. Last night at 11pm, we watched the full moon rise over the distant hills, framed by trees and looking so large and golden. What a magical experience – our night, your day. Thankyou so much for all the pleasure you have given so many women all over the world.

  26. Kay says:

    Whenever I read Willard I am in dreamland again and again. Thank you!

  27. Lorna S says:

    Oh my dear Susan, we are on the opposite sides of the country, yet we both chase the moon with awe and joy. Kindred spirits watching the moon rise and fall.

    I actually live in California’s Sonoma Valley, know as the Valley of the Moon. The area is blessed with hills and valleys where the moon plays peek-a-boo with the vineyards. There are times when the moon seems so full that it is weighted down with the joy of skimming the earth and hopping from hill to hill. The last few nights I have layed awake in the middle of the night to watch the moon arch over our neighbor’s home and shine like daylight into my bedroom window. Even though temp is in the low 30’s, I cracked open the window to listen as the owls hooted about the moon’s wonder and wisdom for all who hear.

    I can’t thank you enough for capturing the night’s glow as you witnessed this wonder along the east coast. You made me feel as though I was in the car with you and stopping to pop out and photograph the progress. You gifted me with the experience of watching the moon dance across the water and pirouet over the lighthouse. What a glorious adventure! Now, take a bow!

    • sbranch says:

      How such a little thing can be such a fun adventure — anything that gets you into nature! Thank you Lorna!

  28. Jacqui says:

    Susan, I’m new to your blog (found you last November) but I just had to write and say what an inspiration you are. I used to create/craft a lot but over the past couple of years have really ‘lost’ my creativeness. Just reading, looking at your pictures, your doodles and wonderful creations has inspired me again. My house has not felt like a home at all as we have relocated from London back to Australia and this time round is really feeling like an alien world. Reading your work has really give me the ‘kick up the bottom’ I needed to think about making my house a home again! My BFF is back in London but I’m planning on inviting her to a skype morning tea – well morning for her, afternoon for me – perfect to celebrate valentines day and have started to put more things on display and bit and pieces around the house that make me smile when I see them! Sorry this is a bit long winded but THANK YOU! I’m looking forward to many many more hours reading your wonderful blog …… I might even start my own!

    • sbranch says:

      I know how hard it is to move like that . . . you’ll get it homey and it will all make sense again! ♥ Love the Skype tea party!!!

  29. Jamie V. says:

    Dear Susan,
    You are inspiring! I will definately plan on having a girlfriends Valentine tea party and thank you for the head start with your adorable invites and yummy recipes. Your tea party idea has also brought up memories of my mother who was always making things so extra special. Tea parties with girlfriends has always been dear to my heart and they started for me when I was little.
    During my childhood my girlfriends and I would have tea parties using a childs size blue and white willow set which my mother would have filled with coco and marshmallows served along with cookies. No one else I knew had a cool mom that did that! And to this day my friends remind me of how much they loved those tea parties. So now I am super inspired and will dig out the little willow set which will be my center piece along with retro 50’s valentines and those heart shaped candies with the printed messages on them. It will be fun to see if someone recognizes it.
    On the subject of moons… I love all the Indian names for the moon months and they fit so well to their season. So now that I have that bit of information, I can say that I was born with “the moon of the howling wolf.” My January birthday does not seem so dull anymore with that pictured into it! And, I have been loving all your moon pictures. I am a moon watcher too, and also happen to love the song “I see the moon the moon sees me” that your English friends sang at Thanksgiving. My mother sang that to me and in turn Ive sung it to my children and grandchildren. See, love and traditions are being shared and passed along….tea parties with girlfriends, valentines, memories, wonderful recipes, song of moons and watchers of moons. It is a wonderful and very interesting world we live in!
    My best to you and to yours…..Jamie and her new kitty Luna Belle.

  30. Sherri Fabbri _ says:

    You’re pictures are so wonderful! I know I would love that area! I really want to take a trip there some day! Please enter me in your giveaway – I love, love, love your books!!

  31. Karen J. says:

    Hi! Susan,
    Thanks for clearing up which day was full moon. Each night this week as we walked our dogs, my husband and I, we speculated about which day the moon was full. I have your 2012 Calendar but I can’t find it. I bought it months ago and set it somewhere where I could put my finger on it when the time came to hang it. Not I am hunting for it. Ask your Grandmother Guardian Angel to help me find it please. I will ask Jake, my Guardian Angel also. Jake finds most things for me. Anyway those photos of the moon rising are inspirational as I never saw the moon rise over the ocean. We live in Santa Monica, CA and only see it setting over our ocean. Happy New Year to you on the other side of the country and by that other ocean. Thank you for sharing your photos. And thank you for the chicken stock recipe. I just made some my way but I will be trying your way soon. I love Willard. Cheers! Karen

  32. Sandy Artman says:

    Happy New Year, Susan!
    Just received my Willard newsletter today. Such a delightful treat! I’m inspired to plan a Valentine’s Tea Party for my girlfriends and you provided some really great recipes to chose from. (Loved your joke about talking to the wine…I’m such a lousy joke-teller, I might even be able to tell that one! ;->)

    A couple of months ago you shared a recipe for Blueberry Corn Cakes that is one of my favorites. Since I live alone, I’ve discovered that they refrigerate and freeze well. I store them in individual servings and just heat them up in the toaster oven and serve with maple syrup…so yummy!

    Thank you for sharing so much. I love your artwork, words of wisdom, recipes, stories, and especially your loving and generous heart.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  33. TeriGrace says:

    Hi Susan…. The moon here in Idaho has been amazing as well! Surely it must be a sign of good things to come in the New Year! Please enter me in you giveaway. Valentine’s Day is one of my favorites. Best Wishes, TeriGrace

  34. Hi Susan,
    Some of my favorite Bible verses come from The Book of Genesis 1: 14-18:
    “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
    And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
    And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. ” All that “goodness” just for us!

    Bless you for your luscious luna photos and for reminding us that the best things in life are not only free…they’re priceless! We love you to the moon and back!

    Happy Moonbeams!
    Bunny ;>)

  35. Sandy Thornton says:

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures!!! I so enjoyed looking at them all!!! And thank you, also, for a chance to win your book! If I am blessed enough to win then the other copy will go to my younger daughter, Kelly. Who knew when she was growing up that she would become my dearest friend!!! Now that she is married and has two sons we have the most wonderful friendship. She calls me every day and we see each other several times a week. We do our grocery shopping together and plan parties together!!! It is wonderful. And, Susan, I have introduced her to you!!! For Christmas I bought her your kitchen recipe scrapbook!!! It is filled with beautiful scrapbook papers and stickers and tags and envelopes and pictures and….oh it is just perfect!!! She absolutely loves it!!! We sat at her kitchen table, the other day, and looked through every page. She has already used one of the recipe cards and envelopes to send a requested recipe to one of her friends. And her friend called to tell her how surprised she was to get the recipe in the mail!!! She just loved it, too!!! See how you are spreading joy all over the world. Bless you for that!!! I didn’t mean for this to become a letter but that is what happens when you talk to a friend!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day,

    • sbranch says:

      You are so blessed to have the relationship with your daughter that you do!! I feel that way about my darling mom too! Lucky us! Thank you so much Sandy . . . spreading light!

  36. Diann says:

    Beautiful photos of the moon! We had our first bonfire on the weekend and I had taken a photo of the moon as well. Last evening coming home from church we noticed how big and bright the moon was coming up just behind our home in north Florida. It looked like it could swallow up our whole house it was so large! I have been following your blog for about a year now and enjoy all the artwork and recipes and especially your new kitty Jack.

  37. Birdie says:

    oh I would love to win your little book or two! What joy.

  38. charlotte says:

    Has little Jack gone in for his “procedure” yet? He is sooooo adorable – just anxious to hear that everything went okay and that he is back home busily entertaining you.

    • sbranch says:

      It seems to have gone great . . . he doesn’t seem to know it even happened! He’s busily chasing his fuzzy red ball this morning, bringing it and dropping it on the artwork I’m working on! Luckily I’m only drawing now, so far he hasn’t dropped it in the paint, but I have no doubt that he will! Thanks for asking!

  39. Julie says:

    I would love to win your book. I love your art. It gives such a homey feeling. Please enter me in your drawing. Happy New Year!!

  40. Kay says:

    Susan, your Willard newsletter and blog are always so much fun to read! I love your art! You were the inspiration for my cross country train trip a little over a year ago. I had so much fun meeting people and seeing the country. Fell right into the lap of a very surprised Amish gentleman when the train zigged and I zagged! Thanks for all that you do to make the world a fun, enjoyable place.

  41. Ilaria says:

    Oh!!! I’m so in love with anything Susan Branch related but it’s hard for me to get books here in Italy…I’d love to get this one….!!!!! Amazing…

  42. Nettie says:

    oh you know I love you and your work…..pick me pick me pick me please……..xoxo

  43. Kelli says:

    I just got my first Willard newsletter and I love it!
    I’ve always been a fan of your art, and am excited to have discovered your blog.
    Have a great day!

  44. Roz says:

    I love your moon shine pictures. On our full moon I invited the teenagers out on the balcony to some see how bright the forest floor was with moon shine on the snow. I thought it would be wonderful to go snow shoeing in the moon shine.
    Thanks for the inspiration to paint more!
    Looking forward to more from you!

  45. Joan Ramseyer says:

    Everything about your site warms my heart. I just discovered it a few months ago and I have been hooked ever since. Your charming pictures put me a tiny bit into the world that you see around you. I had to laugh about your “spelling” mistake as I am a retired high school English teacher but yours wasn’t really a mistake, but an “in the moment” concentration on what you were painting. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. It is a delight.

  46. Barb says:

    Hello Susan,

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful moon pictures. The ones over the water are just spectacular. It reminds me of my younger years when my husband, myself, and are best friends all went camping, up to Lake George NY. We had the opportunity to stay right on the beach camping and the Moon just lit up the sky over the lake and it is forever etched in our memories. We also got to enjoy a “Moonlight Cruise” on the “Minnie-Ha Ha and The Lac Du Sacrement”, again this is Lake George, NY. If you ever get the chance, please go to Lake George its beautiful.

    I also enjoyed reading your Willard. Your artwork is just so beautiful all the time and so colorful. I have a tea set that I was given as a child from my Mom and I treasure that with all my heart, as my dear Mom has passed on. She was creative, loved to cook and just loved life. Thats why your site is so meaningful because you share the love of your work and your life with all of us. Thank you.
    Please count me for the Heart book giveaway……would be such a delight!


  47. Dorinda Turner says:


    I was so sad to hear about how some of your books are going out of print. I am going to have to really work at getting them before they’re gone. 🙁 I really hope I win this book becuase it would so perfect with the rest of your books that sit on a shelf in my living room. I display them for all to see and also it makes them handy to get at when I need a recipe or just want to sit and read a good book 🙂


  48. Deborah Mooney says:

    Chasing the moon… How romantic! I agree… thank goodness for digital cameraography!

  49. Diane says:

    I loved your pictures of the full moon and because of you and your bookmark I was outside January 9 to watch the moon rise and appreciate the free entertainment. Thank you for alerting us to the wonders of nature which we tend to forget.

  50. jenny says:

    I love the days when thereis a willard in my mailbox! Always makes my daya little brighter! Thank you for everything do!

  51. Dawn M says:


  52. Susan, my dear Susan…you have taken me back, once again to my memories of Martha’s Vineyard…and now with the moon, water scenes, streets…oh, how I love to reflect on these memories…times spent at West Dennis, Ma. with dear friends, the Goodhall’s; then boat trips to Nantucket and the Vineyard…thank you for taking me back, once again. Best wishes in this New Year and all your endeavors..Dottie

  53. Just Tami says:

    Thanks for the beautiful moon pictures. Now I am off to read my Willard.
    As for the Love books oh random drawing machine…pick me, pick me pick me!

  54. Bonnie L says:

    Happy New Year, Susan!
    I have been having a ball making ‘Christmas Jam’ and giving it away….didn’t even make the cranberry sauce for Christmas dinner….have only been making it for the jam! Have told everyone I gift about you along with the jam…and also telling them how they, too, may become one of your girl friends by going to your site…it is automatic, you know, once you are there soaking up your inspiration and love you just can’t help yourself! Wish I could spend more time with you but I have to go for now…..I’ll be back soon…oh, I, too, am looking for your books everywhere. Thank you for coming into my life….you seem to have come along at just the right time so I won’t be sorry anymore that I did not know about you before this past fall……….Thank You so much for all you are and do.

    • sbranch says:

      Love it Bonnie, so happy for all those lucky jam receivers!! Thanks for saying hi, have a wonderful day!

  55. Meryl says:

    Susan, I so appreciate your thoughts on a Valentine for friends. It is perfect for me this year.

  56. Pat says:

    I just finished reading Willard and am now in the mood to did out tea cups and plan for Valentine’s Day. Loved your newsletter. Thank you for the time you put into this, it is so appreciated. Pat

  57. Lynn McMahon says:

    Good Morning~
    I just finished reading Willard ~~ What a nice thing to read while drinking mt tea ~ ~
    It made me think of all the tea parties I had with my Grandma~
    My ~ Grandma Rose ~~ was my first tea party friend~ she always had the best tea~
    ~Lipton of course~ she would let me sweeten it as much as I wanted & put cream in it too!~ and we always had warm buttered toast ~ ~ with it ~ made with real butter! And if we wanted~ orange marmalade ~~ ! And now ~ with my friends ~ we sometimes have “tea parties ” like your picture with the tea ~ ~ ( we love Sangria! )
    Thank you for ” stirring up ” those  Happy Memories ~

  58. Donna says:

    Wow Susan, I do not have this book, although I have many…..I love them like everyone else, but by the look of so so many comments chances of winning are slim. Love your Willard and the blog.
    Happy Valentines Day,

  59. Annie says:

    Thank you for your blog. I too saw the moon. I am the owner of a black and white kitty and a brown and white dog. My daughter and I saw the moon as we came home from the vet with sad news about our family’s well loved dog, AJ. He is recovering from surgery. It is times like these that I love your blog even more— it takes me to a happy place when some days are not quite so. I have been collecting your books since my girls were tiny–now 16 and 13. I have already been asked who will get them someday! 🙂

  60. Teresa says:

    I just read through Willard and now your blog. Looking at your artwork along with quotes always make me smile. You have such a gift and I am blessed that you share it with me. I don’t own any of your books, so if I win this, it would be my first. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  61. Debbie S. says:

    Thanks, Susan, for such a beautiful Willard and for reminding us that Valentine’s Day is for remembering all the special people in our lives who we love! I would be thrilled to win a copy of your “Love From the Heart of the Home” book – I think I have just about every one of your books, except that one! I look forward to your all your posts, they really help brighten my day. I feel like one of your girlfriends, too! 🙂

  62. marylou says:

    Susan, you paint such a beautiful picture with your words…I’m there, with you and Joe and the full moon.
    When I bought your 1st book & slipped between the pages, I came to in my bliss station. I wrote a letter to you and … you sent me a reply which I cherish & show off to my SB friends & keep it safe in that same yellowed book!
    Thank you for reminding me of life’s simple pleasures.
    love, mary lou

  63. Tricia Staley says:

    About that missing “S” — it’s for Susan, correct?– so it had to remain in the studio to help you work more of your magic… the secret is safe with us!!!

  64. Carol Divis says:

    Loved the journey you took me on with the moon and where it shone. Thanks for sharing.

  65. Lisa Robason says:

    Susan, you not only paint beautiful pictures with your brushes, but what amazing writing and photographic talents you have as well! What a blessing!

  66. annie says:


    Happy New Year and Wolf Moon! Thank you for the sunset tour of the moonlit Vineyard. At first light the morning of the moon, I did my daily gratitude journal and was inspired to consider the many forms of light I am grateful for. I will now add for the light that you isnspire me with!
    By the way, didn’t notice the “S” in seaons was my sister always said, “the Amish puposefully place a flaw in a only God is perfect.”
    Your calendar is perfect in my eyes! Taking a snow day in my nest today, thanks for joining me!

  67. Patricia Cash says:

    What a glorious Wolf Moon you posted for us.
    The moon from my yard was sooooo very beautiful. I always enjoy seeing the wonders that God places in the night sky.
    Thanks for your writtings and lovely pictures.
    I am always anxious for the next blog.
    And I love your little teapot.

  68. Karen P. says:

    This is so GREAT!!!!! Almost 1,500 comments. Can’t you just FEEL the love?? Hugs to you today. Hope Jack’s recovering well. xoxo…kp

    • sbranch says:

      I can — I have to say, I’m in a very good mood! 🙂 Jack’s doing great! Like nothing happened!

    • Karen P. says:

      Oh, and thanks for the wonderful Willard!!!! I ordered the towel quick before they’re all gone. Can’t wait to get it….it’s so cute. Glad to hear Jack’s doing so well….he’s a feisty little one so I’m sure nothing could hold him down!!! Snow here today, 6 inches or so they say…..finally…it’s been more like Spring!

  69. Sharon D. says:

    Hello Susan,

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful photos! Everytime I see a full moon I think of Gordon MacRae singing “On Moonlight Bay” 🙂 Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway! I just love your books and know exactly who I would gift the second book too.

    Have a Blessed day Susan!

  70. sheila says:

    I absolutely love your work ,I remember when you had lovely pages in Country Living magazine, I always looked forward to those . Great post and great photos . I would love to win one of the books ,I would treasure it .
    hugs Sheila

  71. Robin says:

    Wonderful trip you took me on …. priceless… thank you so much.

  72. Chris says:

    Thank you for the lovely blog………you’re making me homesick for New England! I would love to win your giveaway. My best friend (who is in NH) is going thru some very serious health issues and I’m sending her as much love as I can gather up. Pats for Girl Kitty and Jack 🙂

  73. Kathy says:

    Your LOVEly post reminds me of a song from Vacation Bible School:

    “Love, love, love. That’s what it’s all about. God loves us, we love each other- mother, father, sister, brother. Everybody sing and shout; ’cause that’s what it’s all about. It’s about love, love, love; it’s about love, love, love!”

  74. Sue says:

    I love your blog, you have so many wonderful ideas, I’ll be making the valentine string.

    I love your town, would be so wonderful to live there, the pictures are more than wonderful.


  75. Idelsy Rebozo says:

    Thank you so much for taking us along the ride with you as you chased the moon!Absolutely beautiful pics!

  76. kathy gibbs says:

    I enjoy your blog so much; it brightens my day, especially Martha’s Vineyard sites as my husband and I have been there and pictures you share are places we’ve seen. I’d love to have a copy of your Love From the Heart of the Home. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  77. Nancy says:

    I absolutely love your website, blogs, newsletters, books, recipes… I could go on & on. I have been a fan for so long – I can’t even remember when I first discovered you! It all started with your Christmas cookbook that I found in a store many years ago and now I have all of your books and many other items. Since then, I have given my family & friends your books as gifts for every Mother’s Day, birthday, bridal shower, wedding (or any chance I get) so they can share in the joy! I was in a bookstore the other day and found some of your recipe binders & bought them all – I can spot your artwork a mile away! Thank you for being such an inspiration and a blessing to everyone who knows you 🙂

  78. julie says:

    what beautiful pictures of the moon! and thank you for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous prizes.

  79. Nancy Szewczak says:

    Susan, what a lovely way to cheer up a gray winter post-holiday blah day than with your Valentine Willard! You really made my day!

  80. Debbie Lynd says:

    I love your posts and all of your “goodies” that you offer…..Would love to have one of your books even if I have to purchase it!!!! Loved all of your holiday pictures and the BLUE MOON !!!! Your town is adorable..wish I was there!!!!

  81. patty scott says:

    lovely! Looking forward to V-day!

  82. Pegeen A says:

    Your pictures and narration brought me back to my childhood. My parents were both born and bred New Englanders,living their lives in New Bedford, Mass until they moved to New York City and eventually New Jersey. My summers as a child were spent with great aunts and other relatives in New Bedford, seeing the wondrous sights and sites, including Martha’s Vineyard, Woods Hole, and so many I can’t enumerate! I always felt so special to have the opportunity to enjoy it all and feel somehow totally connected to it all through my family. I was born in New York City but still still feel that my “roots” and heart are in Massachusetts Thank you for bringing me a beautiful “re-connection” to my heart’s home through your beautiful pictures and commentary…the best things in life truly ARE free!! Thank You!

    • sbranch says:

      So glad you’re enjoying it . . . nice to be able to “travel” like we can through the internet today! Thanks for letting me know!

  83. Pegeen Alexander says:

    I have never posted a comment before(anywhere) and here I am doing it again several seconds after the first. Since I never do this, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to provide my full name, so I’m doing so this time. Thank you again for re-connecting me to my heart’s home.

    • sbranch says:

      Look at you, computer expert, blogger! It seems that everyone does it differently — I never know what the “rules” are either! Thanks for being here and taking the time to comment!

  84. Angie Sybrant says:

    Hi Susan! I just received my first Willard yesterday, it was wonderful! 🙂 I have enjoyed your work for awhile now, we have two of your cookbooks at my local library that I check out on a regular basis! The Christmas one is my favorite! ( I am a Christmas junkie!) It makes me so happy to find others that enjoy every aspect of their home and homekeeping! I love being at home, whether I am in my perennial flower garden or baking cookies in the kitchen, and a lot of people just don’t get/understand that, but you do! There is peace and serenity that comes from enjoying your home and family. Some may say that being a homemaker is outdated, but I think that it is just what every family needs! I love it when my girls come home from school and inhale deeply , as they open the door, and say “Mmmm Mom what’s for dinner?” Anyway thank you so much for brightening my day, whether it’s the calender (on my third one!), the Willard, or the blog! xoxo Angie

    • sbranch says:

      You’re so lucky, it’s the most creative job there is! I’m so happy you enjoyed Willard! Thank you Angie!

  85. Susan, Thank You for sharing your many talents. I always enjoy the Willard and your blog. My favorite is the travel train trips. I am a Californian who also loves the east coast. We like the same things, our tuxedo cats, two story white houses,cooking, flowers, clotheslines, art, books, and the list goes on. When you and my children were growing up we lived in the same neighborhood and schools.
    So a big Hello from Stephanie and Suz Ann Sellers. Thanks Again,
    Blessings, Brook

  86. Melissa Kilgore says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed and loved everything from you for years! You are so talented and creative. I get so excited everytime I see your name in my inbox. Thank you for the happiness you bring to my life!

  87. Brenda Scinto says:

    OH how I love getting my Willard. I delayed reading it until I had time to make some tea and sit and really enjoy every word, so I hope I am not too late for the random number generator!! My sister and I have been faithful Susan followers forever, and she and I both have a mild distaste for Valentine’s Day (not the most romantic hubby’s for either of us) and WOW could I turn that around with a wonderful gift of love from Susan herself <3

  88. susie says:

    Good Morning just finished reading your Willard and I loved it…Now evertime that I get frustrated with the time in between your posts on this blog (since I love to read them) I will know it is because you are making something really “special” for all of us you girlfriends…Willard was just spectacular!!!! so much to do and so much to look at I have only read it once but I will be back to read it again and again…you Susan are to go to be true…Thanks and Love

  89. Val in Cal says:

    Love your bookmark. I printed it and laminated it then rounded the corners so they’re not too “pokey”. Thanks for the moon schedule for 2012. I’ll be watching them all rise too!

  90. Kathy Stephens says:

    I can’t wait to “gift” a dear friend with your wonderful “love-ly” ideas. She needs the extra love today. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with us. Just “love” you and your work. It makes me smile.

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to hear that Kathy . . . I can’t tell you how happy I am that I started a blog! All these wonderful people coming together just makes my day!

  91. Pegeen Alexander says:

    Last comment today…I promise. Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful WILLARD that I just read. It is my first and I look forward to many more. I am so happy to have the opportunity to read all the great ideas and to have the chance to be included in your giveaway. I found one of your books recently and that started me on a mad hunt to obtain as many more as I could find…my Christmas gift to me!!! Thanks for everything. I feel as if I have joined a secret society of people enjoying the simple happy things in life!

  92. Charlotte Stripland says:

    Love your photos. Thankful for digital too. Your world is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing girlfriend!!! 🙂

  93. Andrea B says:

    Thank You Susan!! Willards are always fun…but this one was so sweet and full of great ideas and fun stories…I adored it….I would so love to be the winner of the giveaway….I know just which one of my bff’s who would adore their own copy of your sweet book….I need to go on a moon hunt some night soon, maybe I will walk and take a little cocoa and peppermint schnapps….:)

  94. Sue says:

    We are spending the winter in Encinitas, CA. The moon over Moonlight Beach has been breath takingly beautiful…thank you for your pictures…
    And I can’t wait to celebrate Valentine Day with you and all the girlfriends.

  95. Julie Cavrich says:

    When I came home Monday night, Bella Luna hit me bang in the face! Made me think of you and your wonderful blog. Loved the new Willard. So glad Jack is doing well. Happy Thursday to all!

  96. Jandina Konop says:

    Living in Washington state one does not get to see the moon too much. We always seem to have those darn clouds up above. But do you know what? We have had clear sky’s the part few days, and the most beautiful full moon. My husband and I have just marvelled at the beauty of it. Such a rare and wonderful treat.

    • sbranch says:

      So happy you’re seeing it! I feel like I get it first, then it slowly works it’s way over to you, my DNA of moon love is already all over it.

  97. kare Banks says:

    Thank You for my first, Susan Branch ‘Willard’, i’m happy to be starting the new year with you. We used to get ‘Willards’ when i was young… from my Godfather whose name is Willard. He and my mother were cousins and best friends her whole life ..we still have some of her’Willards’…from the 40’s to 80’s…til he Graduated this world. One of my Sisters who shares half a box of these treasures also sent me Your keepsake, ‘Christmas Joy’ book for Christmas this year! i am blissed out!! Love your blog too !
    Happiest New Year to You! Again, Thanks and God Bless.
    *kare aka: iznaabugg

  98. Donna Wheeler says:

    Love that you love the moon. I do too! The winter full moons fill my kitchen around 3 AM and I’m drawn out of bed each month by the moon light. Also caught your funny about “moonshine” vs “moon shine”. Happy moons! (some folks wish happy new year).

  99. Anne Branco says:

    I love, love to read your blogs. On this cold, dreary day here in Maine your blog adds sunshine. I have given some of your books as gifts. Just recently gave one to my brother and his fiancee to celebrate their engagement. I would love to own a copy of your book (which are all treasures!!) and have one to save to give to someone on a special occasion. Have a wonderful day. Stay warm. Anne

  100. Gerri Daniels says:

    How lovely the moon is through your eyes…who knew it could be such a creative medium. Thank you so much for sharing your vision with all of us.

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