The Moon, Redux

Because I just did a long post about the moon for New Year’s Eve, today’s post was supposed to be all about tea time and dishes and cups and teapots, to go with my Willard newsletter that starts going out today.   But, Sunday night, we walked into town to have dinner and even though it wasn’t the “official” full moon yet, the island was SO beautiful, the harbor was SO alive — I couldn’t help but show you!  We went home and checked the exact time the first full moon of 2012 would rise.  And last night, we were ready. We were moonchasers!  Reminded once again, it’s true, the best things in life are free!

Sunday night is what got us started; here we are, just three blocks from home, on the town dock at Owen Park. The thing about living on Martha’s Vineyard, is that you don’t just get the moon, you get island ambience! Shore lapping, rippling water, flags flying, people going in and out of the golden light at the Steamship Building, the salty smell of the sea.  A feast of beauty for the senses.

This bit of horn-blowing ambience is docked in front of the building in the first photo — when we got there, the ferry was loading up, getting ready for the forty-five minute trip across the sound to the mainland. The water rippled perfectly to catch the dazzling reflection from the boat windows . . . I can’t even believe we were standing right there, catching such a beautiful sight!

Water like glass for the sailboat masts too . . . this is supposed to be winter, but so far, it’s been hovering near the 50’s on most days; clear and cold at night.

And behind us, the lights were beginning to come on in the little houses that hug the shore.  But you are saying to yourself, where’s the moon?  Didn’t she say something about the moon?

Oh yes she did!  There it is!  And there goes the ferry.  When we left the house, we really weren’t expecting this, we were just going to dinner. . . but when we saw what was happening . . .

We needed to chase the moon, the ferry, the stars!  We got the car and drove out West Chop to the Meadow for a clear view of the sound in time to see the ferry steaming toward Woods Hole.  I think that’s one of the dippers up there in the sky on the right!

A little further down, we came to the West Chop Lighthouse and there was the moon, giving us a beautiful shot. All of these photos were taken without flash — for some reason, there is a very strong light shining on the front of this house.  This photo reminded us of an Edward Hopper painting.  But we wouldn’t want to live here . . . who could sleep?  See the stars?

Thought you might like to see a daytime photo of the lighthouse (built in 1817) . . .  just as wonderful!

Finally back home, and there’s the moon, peeking through the linden trees over the roof of our house.  And this wasn’t even the full moon!  I think you can see why, first thing Monday morning, we Googled “time of moon rise on Martha’s Vineyard,”  and planned our day around 5:10 pm last night.  When the time finally came, we got our hats, gloves, scarves, big jackets and drove to East Chop.  We got there early and waited, so excited, as it got darker and darker, scanning the water line, asking each other 10,000 times, “Where do you think it will come up?” And, “Do you see a little light over there?”  Trying to pinpoint the spot it would rise.  And then, finally, “There it is!!!”

Why is this so exciting?  I don’t know.  But most of what you’re seeing is reflection on the water; it’s really just a little sliver of a moon, so far, skimming the water line.

And then we were treated to a bit of a light show. . . sparking pink on the water . . .

Then turning yellow.  Hello.

Lighting the ocean on fire for one perfect moment in time; how could it get any better than this?

Here comes a fishing boat going home to Menemsha, about to cross the path of the moon; how must it feel to be on that boat?!!!  The put-put sound of the engine, the clanging of the rigging, the smell of the sea in the cold wind, the water rushing past the bow, and then, the moon.  Lucky!

I hope they did! 

So, after taking about 200 photos of this view :-), we got back in the car and drove along the north shore taking more pictures as we went . . .

What a view — I wonder if the owners of this house are inside but turned off the lights to watch this???  I would.  And I’d be playing this music too!  Bella Luna!

This is the Edgartown Lighthouse . . . see the red light?  It blinks!  I got it!! 🙂  So wonderful that we are digital now . . . otherwise I would have gone totally broke on the film for this little outing!

And yet, I will publish an out of focus picture like this!  But how could I not?  We were “coming to” from being moon drunk, and began to notice how beautiful the Edgartown architecture looked in the moonlight, details gleaming white in the dark.

Edgartown is a very pretty little New England town.  But it’s a summer town; almost all the businesses close down in the winter, and many of the homes are occupied only during the summer.  If you are ever looking for peace and quiet, Edgartown in the winter is the place to go.  This is part of the Charlotte Inn, one of the prettiest Inns on the island.

The beautiful Federated Church . . . built in 1828; the congregation was established in 1642.  But I digress.  How can I help it.  Sublime beauty calls.

It was a wonderful drive back to our neighborhood . . . the moon shined its light on us the whole way. 

Full moons wake me up…. I think I have thin eyelids or something, because I’ve always been able to sense or “see” light even with my eyes closed!  Here’s the moon around 2 am this morning.

If you have my calendar, you already know that Native Americans called the first moon of the year the “Wolf” moon.  They had nature-inspired names for all the moons; next month it will be the “Snow” moon.  I recently gave away a Bookmark that includes the dates of the full moons for 2012 and all the Native American names for them . . . in case you just came here from Willard and missed it, here it is again.  Click on “bookmark” and you can print it out and become a moon chaser yourself.  It was really fun; next time I’m packing a picnic!  I think a soft little roast beef and lettuce sandwich, heavy on the mayo, lots of salt and pepper, would be very nice in the warm car with the moon shine.  (Notice moon shine is two words! :-))

OK girls, you probably know by now, we have a special give-away today, Valentine’s Day is coming . . . I mentioned in the Willard that I was giving away a signed copy of one of my Love Books, but I’m really giving away two!  To the same person!  One for whoever wins the random drawing, and one for the winner to give away to someone they love!  I hope one of those two books goes to YOU!!!   All you have to do is leave a comment (just click on the little gray word “comment” at the bottom of this post), and that will enter you in the drawing.  I’ll let you know who the winner is in a couple of days.  Until then, have a wonderful day girlfriends, be good to yourself! 

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1,968 Responses to The Moon, Redux

  1. heidi shorts says:

    dear susan,

    thank you once again for eye candy and inspiration! i have been blessed with a few dear friends who have taken care of my spirits while i have been having health issues…and i’m thinking a valentine’s tea would be a fun way to gather them & shower them with love and thankfulness!!! my little living room has become my cozy “little nest” and would be the perfect spot to get out all my fun tea things. i have my gramma’s gorgeous wedding china from 1927 that doesn’t get enough use and my dear mother-in-law just gave me a beautiful cake pedestal for Christmas that belonged to her mother…oh…i’m getting excited just thinking about the possibilities!

    of course, i’d also love to be entered into the “pot” for your lovely book…thanks for thinking of us all and for the opportunity:)

    happy valentine’s day, a bit early!

  2. Laura Ann says:

    Wow! 1,530 comments so far. The random number generator is going to be busy!

    Maybe snow will be coming your way soon. It’s snowing heavily up here in Vermont.

  3. Arlene Klein says:

    I just adore your paintings!

  4. Kathy says:

    L O V E…… your wonderful happy blog, love your Willards, love your books, love your artwork, love your writing, love your photography (which is as beautiful as your artwork!!!!!), love reading about the adventures of Jack, Girl Kitty, Joe and You! I love all things Susan Branch!!!!! In love and appreciation to oh-so-talented lovely YOU!!!!! Love, Kathy

    • sbranch says:

      HELP, I’m drowning in happiness. Save me! Actually, no, don’t, let me drown. :-)Thank you Kathy! Love you being here . . . if there is something such as virtual internet vibes, we have very good ones here!!

  5. Terri says:

    Loved Willard! Thanks for all the goodies and recipes! Yum! Have a question about the calendar on the 27th of January where you say visit your local fabric store day? Is that a national thing? Did I miss something! LOL! Thanks! And with leaving out the “s” in reasons, well our mind fills in for us so really we know what it says! No problem! LOL!! Smiles!

    • sbranch says:

      I made it up! 🙂 I knew someone who owned a darling little fabric shop, she was saying business wasn’t good, so I did this! Oh, the power of calendar design!!

      • Terri says:

        I love fabric anyway and to see that, well, it was like giving permission! I am glad you made it up! Love it! Can’t wait to see what other snippets you put in your 2013 calendar. Time to get out and see what the few fabric shops have here in Valentine fabric. Hoping to find some like the adorable teapot and cups by Emma Bridgewater. So cute!

  6. Linda Wattier says:

    No Willard newsletter as of this morning. Been checking my e-mail. Have gotten them in the past. Any chance it is still coming? Feeling sad in South Dakota. Still have your blogs for inspiration. Thanks

  7. Barbara says:

    Susan, your moon photos are beautiful. Our moon last night in Western Massachusetts was sooo big and beautiful. My hubby and I were out and about also “chasing the moon”. Love your blog, music choices, photos and sayings

  8. Barbara says:

    You just quoted one of my favorite lines from Anne of Green Gables! What a great story. Thanks so much for your lovely (and full of great ideas) Willard and your blog. I look forward to reading and sharing them with my girlfriends.

  9. Melissa says:

    The moon pictures reminded of a song I learned at camp when I was a young girl. It went:
    Mr. Moon, Mr. Moon,
    You’re up too soon, the sun is still in the sky.
    Go back to bed and cover up your head and wait till the day is nigh

    I was humming that while looking at your beautiful pictures.
    May I also say that you have helped me a lot this last year, through your writing, helping me to have “little escapes” each day, to keep me dreaming, hoping for something good.
    Coziness, whimsy, sweetness – all good things for my soul!
    Thanks and God Bless,

  10. SUE SHEPHERD says:

    You always make me feel so good. You bring back such good memories and your pictures and recipes are all so wonderful. I look forward to more books and pictures and anecdotes. Thank you .

  11. Donna in Arkansas says:

    You were thought of fondly this morning as I traveled to work in the pre-dawn hours. Seeing a bright and beautiful moon this morning made me think of your beautiful pictures. I just read this morning that the moon is so bright this time of year because the sun is actually closer to the earth and moon. I thought that was a pretty intersting fact. But facts aside, the moon has certainly been bright and beautiful in the past few evenings and early mornings. Susan, have a blessed day as you have certainly blessed all of us!

  12. We always love pondering your vintage photos and beautifully done newsletter. Thank you for sharing them! One thing our children watched on your calendar was the type of moon they could look for. “Oh tonight is Harvest Moon!” We would all gather to see…

  13. Olga Kissel says:

    I have had the opportunity to read your Willard today and it has given me a smile of epic proportions!! I too had the chance to look at the moon but I did not realize that it was a Blue Moon, although I did feel that it was a special moon that I was looking at because it was so bright and big. Thank you for sharing your stories and adventures with all of us, who can’t do some of the traveling this at this time. My Mom who is wheelchair bound and lives with me will be turning 89 this January 23rd and I would love to be able to give her your signed book if luck woud have it. She would feel so happy to think that someone else had been thinking of her too, on her special day. Please keep up the great job that you do, I just love all your books, drawings and recipes that you share. Since today is the first snowfall that we are having, I am going to try to make one of your rib sticking feel good dinners. A pot roast sounds just like the ticket and it will give us some leftovers for the next day, if we need to shovel out!!! Thank you again and please keep me posted with your happenings. It really is just like getting a letter from a friend, only better because you add all those special touches with your drawings to them.

    Even though we have never met in person, I consider you one of my very special friends. Thank you for always being here for me.


  14. Ginny says:

    I put aside everything when your email arrives and click on the music and enjoy the little piece of heaven that you create 🙂 Wow! I then forward it all to my daughter who grew up with your little drawings and sayings and books. We love cats, cookies, new england, flowers~well, everything you do 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing*

  15. Kathy R. says:

    Fabulous pictures, I really enjoyed them. It’s the little things that bring us the most happiness. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely book!

  16. JoAnn says:

    I LOVE your site and Willard; only found you two months ago. How much I must have missed up until now! Often I sit in front of the computer reading with tears rolling down my cheeks – you touch so many of those little heartstrings inside! And everytime I log out I find myself saying “What a charmed life she leads”. I thank you for sharing so much of your life with us!

  17. Bonnie Schoening says:

    I LOVE your Valentine ideas and would LOVE to have a copy of “Love” Thanks so much for all your LOVELY ideas

  18. Debi says:

    Thanks for another wonderful Willard and especially for a cheerful, warm and snuggly blog now that the winter is headed our way ! I look forward to both. Can’t wait for your new book – hints on the way?

    • sbranch says:

      It’s tentatively called Breakfast with Susan Branch (but you know, it’s more than Breakfast). — good hint?

  19. Nola Wilson says:

    Your blog and Willard keep getting better and better
    . It is such a treat to read every entry. Thank you so much! I LOVE you Susan!

  20. I love being able to visit the isalnd all the way from California- I can’t wait to go there in person! Yes! My visit will happen with a full moon to view 🙂 and the Inn looks absolutely charming!

  21. Georgie says:

    Thank you for taking us along with you on your chase! Things have been busy for me the past few days but somehow, even in the rush of good news and not so good news, looking up into the heavens and seeing a full moon puts a smile on my face and in my heart. I so enjoyed all of your pictures 🙂 and felt the excitement right along with you as I journeyed while I read! I love sinking my mind into your books, and letting every nook and cranny be filled up with the goodness you share so well! My bookshelf has a nice cozy little space just waiting 🙂

  22. Diane R. says:

    I have been an ardent fan of yours since the beginning when you published your first cookbook. Now that you have your blog, I feel like we have a little chat over tea or hot chocolate. Thank you so much for this lovely, lovely blog.

  23. Tammy Mabry says:

    This is such a pretty book. Thanks for sharing! I just love your artwork. And happy early Valentines to you!
    Tammy Mabry

  24. Patty says:

    I don’t know how to thank you enough for your blog. I have been a fan since the Willards came by Snail Mail and have read and given your books as gifts for many years. But there is something so special about opening my email and seeing a new entry in the blog. I have come to appreciate through opened eyes so many things that have been there all along. Like the full moon…the morning before I read your post on the full moon I pulled out of my garage and noticed how light it looked. I stopped in the driveway and stared at the moon over my house, then as I drove down the country road, I kept glancing at the full moon through the “moon roof” in my car. When I got to work and read your blog about the moon it made my smile and think we are kindred spirits (to quote Anne Shirley) Thank you for the chance to win 2 of your books – one for me and one for my daughter who is getting married in August and has a birthday in February. (by the way I didn’t notice that the S was missing from Reasons..)

  25. Laura C. says:

    I walk my dogs at night and LOVE looking at the moon. There is something so serene about it. It’s beyond peaceful.

  26. Marie says:

    Oh, Susan! I enjoy your Blog and Willard soooo much! I would love to have your Love book, but just in case I don’t get “randomly generated” (!) I want you to know for sure that every word you write, every painting you paint (even without the “S” in “Reasons” :-), and every lovely quote you quote, are all very welcome in my home and in my heart! Have a happy day!

  27. Aggie says:

    So thrilled with Willard ~ a bright spot in my day! Glad to hear Jack is still all full of cuteness. I have a perpetual kitty calendar – today’s saying:
    Cats, like men, are flatterers. Walter Savage Landor 🙂

  28. Sandy says:

    I love reading your blog and Willard. I look forward to each one. I’m sitting here looking out the window on a very snowy day and reading the Valentine Willard. It made me feel very cozy. You have me looking forward to Valentine’s Day and ways to celebrate and decorate. I’ve been hooked on your books and calendars for a while now. While not having much for funds this past Christmas, the only thing I put on my “wish list” was your 2012 calendar – and that’s what I got! I was so happy! It just brightens up each day. (And I did get a chuckle over “reaons”.) I very much appreciate the chance to win the “Love” book. Hope you’re having a blessed day!

  29. Jean D. says:

    My husband is a minister as well as an avid sailor – your pictures of the moon over the harbor and of the church are both so beautiful and full of meaning for us.

  30. Vicki Panzarino says:

    You and your wonderful ideas just get better and better with age. I so admire your creativity and zest for life! I would jump up and down and “EEEEEK” if I won your wonderful give-a-way….love, love and more love to you!!!!!!

  31. Mie Potter says:

    Years ago, I discovered your webpage/e-Willard. I had intended to order this book for one of my BFF from middle school days. She thinks your work is wonderful and her birthday is in February. I intend to buy the Love book from the store for her. If I win the book in the drawing, one of our other middle school BFFs will benefit. Your Willard brightens my day when it arrives in my inbox.

  32. Carol B Yannone says:

    Thank you for the fabulous pictures of the “Wolf” Moon. I , too am always drawn to a full moon, especially one that is coming up over the water. I think growing up in Gloucester, MA instilled a love of both in me. I love the beauty of the moon’s pathway on the water and the way its brilliant light makes night appear as day. I always go out in the middle of the night to look at the moon from my deck. Like you, I am a moon chaser and love to see what moonlight does to the landmarks around me. My cats (Oreo-my tuxedo), Sheena-my calico and Scully-my tiger) are always very playful and awake during a full moon. Are your adorable ones affected by the full moon too? I talk to them about the full moon and how beautiful it is and know that if they were not indoor cats, they would be out hunting all night long under the light of the moon.
    Thank you for all your pictures and for all the wonderful ideas you give us for decorating our homes (and businesses.) I absolutely love receiving Willard and
    am glad that an FOGT friend told me about it. Like my FOGT newsletter, I stop whatever I am doing and sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy every bit of it and go back to reread it several times—always gathering more information when I do. Through the years I have enjoyed many of your books, calendars and notecards and their boxes(so handy for reclaiming for another use). Hope that some day we get to meet in person!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m trying to go to the Cape this June for the FOGT meeting, depending on where we are at the time…maybe I will see you there!

  33. Amanda says:

    I have been a big fan of all things Susan Branch for a long time. I really miss your store that you had in Arroyo Grande. Sad day for me when it closed. But reading about your life in Martha’s Vineyard is so fun and the pictures are beautiful!! Just signed up for Willard and looking forward to receiving it. Take care and stay warm!!

  34. Sheila Brazzell says:

    I just love Jack. I check your blog every morning for new pictures of him. He is such a sweety.

  35. Kathy Thompson says:

    Hi Susan……..Read your Willard today and had a good laugh about your new word “reaonable.” I gave it some “reaonable” thought. It is totally “unreaonable” that you would even worry about it. It is totally “reaonable” that you would be distracted by the beauty of your surroundings. And, there are several “reaons” to have a good day today. Too funny. You gave me a good “reaon” to go home for lunch and take a peek at my calendar. Love it. Have a great day. Love today’s blog too. Such pretty places. Hoping for a trip there this summer for my first time ever.

  36. Sandy K says:

    I would love to win this little gem….how kind and “loving” of you to offer us these 2 books. Thank you for sharing.

  37. What a fantastic night we had with you ~my virtual trips to Marthas Vineyard~♥ My sister-in-law and I were talking about this post and sharing our stories about the things we love about you as a storyteller and photographer~thanks for your beautiful post! ♥E

  38. Tonya Vaughan says:

    I was so excited to receive your Willard today. Your paintings, stories, and quotes bring sunshine to my heart and a big smile to my face. Thank you for sharing your life and your amazing talent with the world, for the world would be less bright without you! I too, am a romantic. I love nature, Beatrix Potter, a roaring fire on a cold winter’s night, tea parties, old blue eyes (Sinatra), chocolate, breakfast in bed, and so much more. I write children’s stories and poems. My dream is to one day be published and to visit the Lake District. Your talents and accomplishments continue to inspire me to keep going and never give up. Thank you! I hope to one day visit Martha’s Vineyard. It looks like such a beautiful place. “Vineyard Seasons” was my first book of yours, which I have truly cherished! Currently, I live in Brooksville, Florida, which is lacking in “seasons”. Today, the weather is in the mid 70s, so I can’t complain. I love your ideas for a tea party. I have to tell you that I am having a Mad Hatter tea party in March for my Merry 37th Unbirthday! I am turning my home into a “Wonderland” filled with trees, flowers, mushrooms and butterflies. It is sure to be an exciting tea! Each guest will wear a party hat to represent one of the characters from Alice in Wonderland. I can’t wait to see who will end up as the Mad Hatter! The tables will be decorated in lace and topped with serving tiers of cupcakes, tarts, and finger sandwiches. I am making all the party hats, decorations, party favors, and food. By the time I am finished, I just might end up mad as a hatter! I hope it all turns out lovely. Wish me luck!

  39. Kallie says:

    The moon is so beautiful coming up out of the water. Know what else is amazing? The moon coming over the Rocky Mountains. We are all blessed wherever we live, eh?

  40. soy2please says:

    LOVE is in the air! I read my bonus-daughter’s blog and then I read yours!
    It makes me think happy thoughts, smile, so many blessings!
    Along with your soup and a walk everyday – should help the middle dwindle!

  41. Mary Johanningsmeier says:

    My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Edgartown forty-seven years ago so it was a delight to see your pictures. Thanks for the momories.


  42. theresa says:

    Hello , it’s snowing to beat the band here ! It is just beautiful ! I’m so glad to be in my toasty warm house reading and looking at the lovely moon photos ! 🙂 I have a roast in my crock pot and a new chocolate chip cookie recipe to try ! Yum ( it’s new because u add a small box of instant vanilla pudding to the mix) My mother made them and they were goooooood ! Thanks Mom 🙂 I would love to have the book and one for my mom 🙂 ! Have a great day everyone !!!!!

  43. Rebecca Walsh says:

    I ordered the Love book yesterday, so hope it comes before Valentine’s Day.

    • sbranch says:

      It will! Although the girls got a little bit inundated with orders the last couple of days, but I’m sure it will be there by then!

  44. Kathleen Willliams says:

    Thank you for my January Willard…love it and the moon lit trip. To share such an evening with friends is a special gift…..thank you sooooooooooooooooo much!

  45. Vicki says:

    I’ve come late to the party, but boy I wish I could draw like you Susan. The drawings are so lovely, romantical and heart felt. Would love to have and keep and treasure your book.

  46. Niki says:

    I so enjoy your books, I have one, which I was so fortunate to find at a used book store and I love it.

    Wonderful blog 🙂

  47. jaime lynn says:

    I L-O-V-E Valentine’s Day & I simply love getting your emails. They’re my little Valentines the whole year through! When I was a child I couldn’t wait for our Valentine’s Day Party! We would make little “mailboxes” out of an old milk jug we would bring from home the week before. Then, we got to decorate it with all sorts of neat little pictures, cut-out hearts & glitter! I loved getting Valentines so much that when I got home I would “deliver” them throughout the house! Sticking them in doors & the handy little spaces between mouldings & the wall. I guess I’ve always loved spreading the love! Ha <3 <3 <3

  48. Reenie says:

    Happy New Year! Kitties are sooo much fun! I’m loving the blog and the new Willard. I live on Long Island…and I want SNOW. I don’t care if I don’t even get a snow day (teacher) out of it. I just want to see those beautiful flakes coming down outside my windows. I know you had a dusting up there, but don’t you want some too or am I the only one? hee hee 🙂
    Enjoy the winter…

    • sbranch says:

      I want snow too, I want SNOW! It’s been wonderful, but I’m tired of it! 🙂

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Same thing here–nice is nice but we’ve had enough of it! This is the strangest winter we’ve ever had here! 🙂 Susan, aren’t you glad for this vehicle of communication? You’d go broke on the cost of stamps and stationery otherwise! (not to mention TIME! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          Makes such a difference . . . I used to answer all my mail for my first three books, then it got crazy and I couldn’t do it anymore. Loving being able to say hello to everyone. Someday, this will probably get to be the same as the snail mail did, but so far, it’s been wonderful!

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        We got snow here yesterday in SE Wisconsin! It is so pretty~ now people have to remember how it drive in it!

  49. jan shafer says:

    Love it, love it, love it!!!!!

  50. Barb says:

    It isn’t right to be jealous of someone, but a little part of me is sooo jealous of you that you get to live part of the year on Martha’s Vineyard. I have never been there, but everytime I see pictures of it, I just yearn to visit it someday. And someday, I will. In the meantime, thank you a million times over for sharing the beauty of this lovely spot on earth (and in the sky!) with us. I am forever grateful for your generosity!

    I love reading your blog – and I have loved your books and art since I found your first book “Heart of the Home” way back when…..

  51. Bev spencer says:

    Hi Susan, have loved reading your moon blog and just adored your reaction to the misspelling on the 2012 calendar. I’ve introduced my husband to your blog and he often asks if there are any more Jack stories or videos! We have a black and white furry person too, Forrest! Having lived in massachusetts in our red house I miss it very much, the smells, the seasons. Australia is home, where our love is, but the heart often takes us back to our time in new england. I’ve given your books to all the family and our annual tradition of giving your calendars to each other continues….keep up the inspirational offerings and thank you for giving me a piece of ‘home’ thru your blog!

    • sbranch says:

      I understand, it’s dangerous to live in two places you love; then you are always just a little bit homesick no matter where you are!

  52. Lauren Andersen says:

    You inspire me to eat up every second of life and enjoy it all! There is so much beauty in this world: out in nature, in art, in the home. It is such a pleasure to visit your blog and read your posts . I get so many fun ideas from this blog especially for recipes and decorating. You are amazing! Thanks for everything!

    P.S. Jack is adorable! I love his little mustache :-<D

  53. Mama Bear says:

    Please enter me in the give away.

  54. Jan says:

    Have said this before but it certainly bears repeating . Love your artwork ,books and blog. You are so talented! I have a few of your books and just love them. Love the recipes too! Can’t wait for your next book!

  55. Well, I think I have finally “scanned” read most of the postings?? phew….Jim just asked me if I was about to get through them…bless his heart. My neighbor Donna 78 yrs. young was the first person (her dog Daphne was the 1st dog) I introduced myself to when we moved here last June. Donna and her dogs have become very close to me it is like we were meant to find each other….she gave me an inspirational “friend” calendar with a saying for the day and I want to share this idea with all of you….in your neighborhoods or with your cluster of girlfriends do this every month. Have a Dinner Club and each month someone has the party at their home and they serve the entree, and everyone else is assigned a different course to bring. Pick a different culinary style each month and expand your horizons! I couldn’t help but think of all of the girlfriends out there and knowing them they are probably already doing this across America!! We have had blowing snow here in IN and temps. in the teens are coming once again. Susan, I think you might be in store for a big snow….unfortunately it isn’t a lovely serene snow!! Luck.

  56. Heather says:

    Love you, Susan!

  57. Barbara Stillman says:

    Thank you for such beautiful pictures! Just LOVE your blog–I check it everyday without fail!! Hugs from Barbara in Georgia

  58. Kelley S. says:

    Susan, what a gorgeous post! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Michael Buble was following you and Joe and singing, “It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance…” Looking up at the moon has always had special meaning for my husband and me. When he was on active duty with the military and sent far from home, we’d both make sure to take a moment and admire the full moon because, even though we were many miles apart, we knew that that wonderful full moon was shining down on both of us, and that made us feel a little bit closer. (Can you tell that we’re two hopeless romantics?) Your post makes me want to visit Martha’s Vineyard Even More! Thank you!

  59. Natalie says:

    I love everything about your blogs and Willards. They are so refreshing. It has become something that my mom receives and sends to me so we can kind of enjoy together. It is a special time that makes me feel warm and happy.

    Thank you!

  60. Marilyn Holeman says:

    I’d love to win a copy–or two–of your lovely book! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  61. Darla Brink says:

    Dear Susan, I love everything “Susan Branch”! I read your BLOG, and Willard newsletter faithfully, I feel like I know you! I too love and collect “red” china dishes. I’m a native Californian and enjoyed visiting your store in Arroyo Grande every time my husband and I were traveling in Central California. I was so sad to hear it closed. I was first turned on to you about 10 years ago when I received for Christmas one of your books, “Christmas Joy”, I read it from cover to cover, and I was hooked. Over the years I have purchased several of your other books and calendars, “Heart of the Home”, “The Summer Book”, “The Autumn Book”, and “Days”. About a 18 months ago I was in the hunt to find your “Autumn Book” to purchase as a gift for my girlfriend (unbeknownst to me it’s not in print anymore) I looked everywhere. Several weeks went by and I had no luck, so I gave my girlfriend my copy, thinking I would just buy myself another one. Pass forward to November 2011, I now want my own copy of this book, I go to your webpage thinking I will just ordered one for myself, it’s not available! I again search my local bookstores to no avail!!! I finally go on to “” and quickly see this book must be in high demand as the price has “sky rocketed”!!! I finally figure out “it’s out of print” OH NO!!!! This only deepens my quest to have my own copy! I can happily tell you, I did purchase online my own used copy (at a somewhat reasonable price LOL) from a little used bookstore in South Carolina. It’s perfect and my little mission to obtain my own copy makes me more endeared to this book than before.
    By the way last week I ordered from your webpage, “Girlfriends”, I’m not waiting until that “goes out of print”!!!!! LOL Please enter me into your drawing to win the “Love” book, how fun!!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed! : )

    • sbranch says:

      You were so smart, because it’s almost gone!!! I think we only have something like 6 copies left! So happy you found Autumn!

  62. Janie O says:

    The Willard is Wonderful!! I especially Love how you put yummy recipes in the tea pot picture!! You are SO Creative! Looking forward to having a Valentine Party!! I never even notices the “s” missing on my calendar! I love that design with the words and the parts of the house! BEAUTIFUL just like YOU! XOXO

  63. Carol says:

    I am overwhelmed with joy. You have been given such a gift Susan and I am so happy that you opened it and shared it with us, your girlfriends. Yesterday a coworker called me “the giver”. If she only knew the joy I receive when I share…I can’t even explain how I feel when I give to others. I think you know what I mean 🙂 thank you.

  64. Pigeon's Mom says:

    as a native new englander i love these reminiscences on NE life… can’ wait to bring Pigeon east this summer for his first trip to the shore! both of his cousins adored the moon by age 2 and got just about as excited to see it as you do “) . hope my little guy loves it too!

  65. Rosinda says:

    I just loved reading the latestWillard and seeing the beautiful moon photos on this post. You are such an inspiration! Thank you for being YOU and sharing so much of yourself with US! LOVE YOU!! xoxo

  66. Jeanne Prendergast says:

    Dear Susan,
    Your Willard about Valentine’s Day brought a tear to my eye today. When I was in my twenties and oh so pretty, and oh so without a boyfriend, I received a single red rose at work from a SECRET ADMIRER! The entire office was abuzz, and I was so flattered! I was still living at home and as usual, my mother had a special dinner for all of us (I’m the oldest of five). It might have been the best Valentine’s day of my life. Dreaming of which of the handsome men might of sent that rose, looking at the train conductor, the men in my building, the guys I still ran into from High School– suddenly everything was exciting and I felt like the most alluring (still dateless) woman in the world! I found out weeks later that my mother had sent the rose. It was the first time, as an adult, that realized how much my mother loved me. Valentine’s Day is about LOVE. All kinds!

  67. Scouty says:

    I love your work to the moon and back!

  68. Oh Susan what a beautiful blog! The wolf moon is wonderful! Went to dinner with friends last night and on our way home the wolf moon was leading is! but, no camera! By the time I got home it was behind trees and clouds. Was going to try tonight, but windy, cloudy, and calling for a snow dusting. Took 2 pics before the cloud got in front but I don’t think they came out. But! I can enjoy yours on Martha’s Vineyard! What a beautiful fun night you had. Did you ever get to your dinner? I think the Sandwichs and moon watch sounds much more romantic!
    Thanks for the look see!
    Oh! I am also reading my willard now and love the teapot!

  69. Sheryl from Foresthill says:

    What a pleasure knowing I have your blog to look forward to. I can’t give you enough thank yous on a daily basis. The photos were fun to follow. Long ago in my “other lifetime” I traveled to Cape Cod and ever since have loved everything about the ocean there. Now I am a Californian and you know how that is. Hard to give up. Thanks again and I would love to be entered in the latest contest.

  70. Ashley says:

    LOVE your site! My first Susan Branch item was your 2010 calendar~ loved all of the inspirational quotes and ideas! Ever since, I look forward to getting your new calendar every year for Christmas. I take time to read each thing you have written in them. Then, I visited your website and found a whole new world of inspiration! Thank you Thank you Thank you for being you and sharing your thoughts, dreams, and ideas!

  71. downthelanegirl says:

    I, too, am a full moon lover. There is just something so magical about a full moon!
    Would love to have your book!

  72. Wen says:

    Susan, you and your husband truely are kindred souls! I love your blog!! Thanks!

  73. Becky Farnsworth says:


    Thank you so much for sharing your moon chasing! I have always loved full moons and try to make sure that I enjoy each one, even if only for a few moments. But I don’t always have such a perfect setting for moon gazing as the pictures you shared. I also want you to know that I never noticed the missing “s”! I’ve been enjoying all the inspiration without seeing any flaws. So now I look at it and remember that I don’t have to be perfect to enjoy all of the many wonderful things waiting around every corner. So thank you! The moon is waning now but it will wax again!


  74. Rita says:

    Just had time to open up and read “Willard”. It could not have been more fun! Treasures galore from recipes to bookmarks to sweet thoughts and one confession. Honestly, when I read about the missing “S” I had to do a double take at my calendar to confirm. I hadn’t even noticed. Well to sum it up someone just told me yesterday not to strive for perfection but excellence. Excellence allows room for perfection and learning from things that are not. Susan, you are not perfect but you are certainly excellent!

  75. diane witthauer says:

    I love your idea for a Valentine’s tea! I have several single girl friends that I think would love to have a reason to celebrate the day. Thanks as always, for such wonderful ideas.

  76. Nina says:

    I would love, love, LOVE to win!!!

  77. Susan in SC says:

    Love your blog. Love your pictures. Love your books. Love your calendars. LOVE YOUR CONTESTS!!!

  78. Margaret Wheeler says:

    Hello there!!!
    Just came home from a two day girlfirend trip to Monterey to hear a lecture by Kaffe Fassett. It was great fun and most inspiring.
    Girlfriends are the best, especially quilt friends!

  79. Julie H from Michigan says:

    Hi Susan, if I won the book I would share the other with my best friend. We have been fans of yours for years. We have given each other your books for each other’s birthdays and Christmas. We have have been best friends since she moved into my neighborhood the year we started 3rd grade. That makes us friends for over 40 years now! My favorite book is the Girlfriends book. I can relate to alot in that book with my oldest and best girlfriend.

    Take care Susan. Love the stories about Jack. Sorry to say that my two cats never got along. Barbie was the one and only cat for years. She was my princess kitty. Ha! Spike was a feral kitten we took in. He was always pestering her. She is gone now, passed away, and Spike has mellowed out now. Good luck with your 2 kitties.

    Julie H.

  80. Linda Moharsky says:

    Love your desk calendars. Have one for myself and gave another as a gift.

  81. Leigh Ulicny says:

    I just came across your blog – have been a fan of your inspirational artwork for years. Right now I am patiently waiting for your 2012 to arrive from Amazon. Couldn’t get my hands on it before it sold out this year so now I am missing part of your January blessings on my wall. Love being able to read your blog now!

  82. Linda Williams says:

    Read the newsletter again and you inspired me to get together with a couple of really good friends for a valentine tea. Thanks for all the helpful info. And I love the heart tea kettle.

  83. L Williams says:

    I’m new to your blog, but I’ve been enjoying the newsletter for months.

    Read the newsletter again and you inspired me to get together with a couple of really good friends for a valentine tea. Thanks for all the helpful info. And I love the heart tea kettle.

  84. Donna Miller says:

    thank you so much for the wonderful photos and descriptions, I felt like I was right there with you 🙂

  85. Vicki M says:

    Love the post! I love seeing all the pictures of Martha’s Vineyard….I’ve never made it there, but would love to go someday. I have been to the Cape but for only very brief stays. Love the Williard and all the awesome recipes! My friend and I have talked about doing a tea in April to celebrate our birthdays…if we do, those recipes will come in handy. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I’m an April baby too, I love that wonderful month of hope (hope here, because we are usually still waiting for the warm days, but we have daffodils!)

  86. Della Bone says:

    Oh how excited to see “Willard” in my inbox! When opening my email, I immediately begin the “scan” for the important emails and much to my delight to see the “Willard”! Your email is ALWAYS opened first! Almost like at Christmas when you are so excited to open that one, special, highly anticipated gift!
    I adore you Susan, your fabulous artwork, your beautiful photos and mostly your inspirational words. You are truly an angel and we are blessed for you sharing your talents & life with us! muuuuuuuuuah! much love and thanks.

  87. Sue Miller says:

    Loved your Moon coverage. Thanks for the sweet Willard! Love is all we need.

  88. Robin in SC says:

    I just have to say I love everything Susan Branch! Thank you for sharing the beautiful moon pictures. You bring such happiness to others through your blog and books and art. You are a blessing! I would like to be added for a chance to win your book. I know just the girlfriend to share it with. Thanks Susan for brightening my days, Robin

  89. Marissa says:

    Wolf moon? I have never heard of that until I read Willard! You did a wonderful job capturing the beauty of the town on a (almost) full moon! 🙂

  90. Joeanna says:

    Dear Susan,

    I’ve been reading your site for a few months now and absolutely love everything you do. I am so glad I found you. It brings joy and happiness to my heart. You lift my spirits and I go to a place in my heart when I was a young girl and remember all the wonderful memories of my dear Mom. She would have loved you and all your beautiful things. It’s like going home to her again. Thank you so much for being you.

  91. Helen Fite says:

    Your blog brings such joy to my soul! Thank you for taking the time to create a wonderful reminder of the simple pleasures of life. I read your blog, feel happier than I already was and then spread it to others. Joy is contagious you know:)


  92. Linda Schweizer says:

    Hi Susan,

    I love the Moon and photograph it often. I work outdoors at all hours and have been fortunate to randomly see it often year round.

    I also love Martha’s Vineyard and now we will go in the winter!

    Thanks for all you do!

  93. Sandi Skeels says:

    How I “love” to sit and read and re~read all your Blogs…You have a way that “sucks” me in with your first word !! And I read and read ..and …enjoy going back to read “older blogs” …All of a sudden ~~gosh I’ve been sitting here with a “friend” doing the chat thing (yeah I do comment back !!) for a very long D-LIGHT-FULL time!!
    It’s nice to know that so many of “your friends” were all looking at that full moon at the same time…it was “awe~some”!!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sandi! I always wonder if everyone knows about those other pages, glad to know you’ve found them!

  94. Tara says:

    I love your blog posts. LOVE THEM. I feel like I’m actually hanging out and going for walks with you when you write. You really capture a feeling of place in your posts. Thanks for posting so often, too!

  95. Chris Boggus says:

    Sure hope the best things in life are free. Would love to win your “LOVE” book!

  96. PatsyAnne says:

    I would love to win the books – and know the perfect person to give the second book. Love your blog, love your books and love the moon – la bella luna!!!

  97. Yaya Judi says:

    Your pictures are absolutely lovely Susan!!! I live on the West Coast in Oregon, so I love looking at all of the pictures of the opposite side of the country……so very special. It is beautiful where you live. Aren’t we blessed to be able to share our worlds with each other via the internet. Thank you for sharing with us.

  98. Joanie Brosnan says:

    Thanks for spreading and sharing your joy of life! I love the moon gazing idea. You forgot to mention a kiss under the silvery moon. There is an old song, I think sung by Doris Day and Gordon McCrae, possibly entitled “By the Light of the Silvery Moon.” It mentions “spooning under the moon.” So next full moon make sure that you and your honey get some “spooning” time… I did!

  99. Margaret Lee says:

    Oh Susan, we miss you in California but know you are loving being there in the snow! Remember, we are looking at the same moon here on the beautiful central coast and thinking of you. Sooo nice of you to think of us and give us a chance to win your book. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Maybe this time I will get lucky!

  100. Enikö says:

    Will you marry me? Rats! You already have that handsome Joe. I hope he knows how lucky he is to be partnered with your beautiful spirit. You have some really glorious images here, Sue, and as I took this lovely “moonwalk” with you, I began to see our little Island just a little bit more appreciatively. You are a gift!
    Giant hugs, Enikö

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