An Enlightening Afternoon with the Girlfriends

Well, I can’t just let yesterday go by with no comment!  What an interesting, enlightening afternoon.  I wish you all could have been there . . . you would have loved it!  In case you missed yesterday’s post, I went to have my “colors done.”  No, not my hair 🙂 ; this was all about the colors you choose for clothes and makeup.  I loved it!  I thought you might like to hear about it!  Appropriate MUSICA, click here xoxo  No dancing.  Stay, staaay.

  You may have heard of this before; there was something very much like it, very popular back in the 1980’s, called “Color Me Beautiful.”  Lots of you mentioned it in your comments yesterday.

The theory was, in case you’re new to this, that because of the tint of the fat layer under our skin, there are certain colors that will look best on each of us. If you wear “your unique colors,” they say, you’ll “look healthy, younger, and well rested; gain a sense of excitement and self confidence; avoid wasting time and money buying the wrong clothes.”

Colors are categorized by seasons, which then categorizes YOU; depending on your skin color you might be a “Spring,” or a “Summer,” “Winter,” or an “Autumn” — you’ll look better in either cool colors or warm, depending on whether your skin has yellow undertones or blue.  And there’s a way to find the exact colors and hues that will work for you.  That’s what we signed up to do yesterday, to have our colors done.

I have to say, I was doubtful about this, I did it years ago and didn’t get very far with it, but two of my best friends were going . . . we were all going together, and so if all else failed, I knew we’d have fun!

Plus I have lived almost a whole lifetime without lipstick.  I’ve never been able to find one that didn’t turn my lips blue!  Not a good look unless I want to start painting my nails black. I figured if I came out of this with a lipstick that looked good on me, that alone would be worth the price of admission.  When I did my colors with a Color Me Beautiful representative (years ago, I’m sure they’re better now); it felt a little more like a fad.  The color counselor really didn’t know what I was . . . either a Spring or an Autumn she thought; and she didn’t give me any color swatches to take home; I was supposed to “remember” what colors to look for when I shopped. All I got out of that first try was that I should wear orange, which I always thought was a color best reserved for Halloween. What I really liked were pastels, light baby blue, pink, lime green and black and white stripes.  Looking for love in all the wrong places, because that’s what I bought and that’s what lives lived in my closet.

What I love about life is that a person never has to stop learning.  For example, I used to hate blue cheese!  When I was in my teens, I was a waitress for Bob’s Big Boy on Sherman Way, in Reseda, California.  I had to clean out bins where blue cheese had lived at room temperature for the entire day, which ended my having any interest in ever actually tasting it.  I spent my whole life dodging blue cheese — but about five years ago, something changed and I fell in love with creamy delicious blue cheese and now I could eat it every day.  I dip raw carrots in it, scooping up the lumps of soft cheese; spread it on a half of a tomato; glob it on to chicken wings; dip garlic bread in it.  I wob it.  Life just gets better all the time!  I’m happy to discover that one does not have to bore oneself silly with the constant never-changing sameness of what one “thinks” one likes!

But I forget this all the time; I get stuck in my ways.  Until something like yesterday, reminds me!  SO, anyway,  we all piled into the car and went over to Wendy’s house because she has this small, one-person, HOUSE OF COLOUR business here on Martha’s Vineyard, which has gained a kind of reputation for FUN — all through word-of-mouth; everyone is doing it!  We heard about it from Lowely who RAVED about it; she heard it from Margot who said it changed her life forever; so we had to go!

Wendy met us at the door, we did introductions, dropped our coats and hats on a bench in the hall and followed her up two stories to her top floor studio, stopping on the landing to admire the amazing beaded purse collection she had framed and hanging there.  When we opened the door to her studio filled with color, we found she’d made us deviled eggs and bowls of fresh strawberries; she had dark chocolate, herb teas, little bowls of nuts and ginger cookies which she placed around the room on side tables never far from any of us.  She understood the needs of her clients. ♥ 

There was a mirror with a chair in front of it, for the victim is what I was thinking, and two chairs on either side for the victims-to-be. We “let” Annie go first.  No lights on in the room, all natural light from the tall windows behind the mirror. We’d been told beforehand not to wear any make up.  We were very beautiful and lovely.

Here’s a little glimpse into the room.  Wendy pulled back Annie’s hair, hooked it with a scrunchy and began to try these colored scarves on her, draping them under her face like bibs.  As she did, she talked to us about how much she loved her job; she was SO full of passion and excitement, she felt like she was making people happy; it wasn’t even work to her; how could she not be passionate about that!

As Wendy worked, I saw Annie’s face literally change with the colors; her skin tone cleared, dark circles went away, her blue eyes got bluer, her face got brighter; I started seeing the possibilities, and when Wendy topped off the color with make up and the perfect wonderful lipstick color for her eyes, I was SOLD.  The same thing happened with Martha!  Then, me too!  None of us went out of there the way we’d come in.  We did look younger, slimmer, prettier, happier; we had fun; we felt better.  It was SO worth it.

Wendy sent us home with our own make up colors and fabric swatches; we all helped choose the WOW colors for each other, the ones in each of our seasons that made us look the best, and made notes about them in our swatch books (which she gave us to keep in our purses for when we’re shopping).  But best of all all all, I got three gorgeous lipsticks that don’t turn my lips blue!! Including a red one!  I’ve always wanted to wear red lipstick! 

I was so excited when I got home I stayed up until 11 oclock trying on clothes (that’s like my 3 o’clock in the morning!). Matching the color swatches Wendy gave me, I went through my closet and pulled out anything in my colors — brick red, brown, olive green, camel and purple.  And orange.  I don’t have many clothes in these colors, but what I have looks SO MUCH BETTER than most of the things I wear that I can’t really believe it!

I’m late putting up this post today because I got sidetracked this morning; I just got back from Lowely’s — where we all just met for a clothes swap.  Lowely’s getting rid of her Autumn, Spring and Summer colors, she needs Winter. Martha can have all my Summers; I’ll be happy to take her Autumns! Sheri, who had her colors done a week ago, came in with a brand new hair color, from blond to dark chestnut brown — gorgeous!  Because now she knows she’s a summer and needs a warm color!

I think this is going to save me a LOT of money on clothes!  I always feel I don’t have anything to wear even though I have a closet full of clothes!  I also realize I won’t need so many clothes, because when it’s all in your colors, it all looks good together, and you can get by with a lot less.  One chocolate brown coat for me is worth twenty black ones.  And best of all, you don’t have to worry what to wear anymore.  It all looks good on you!  It all mixes and matches!

Wendy does this for all ages, from teenagers to ninety year olds and for men too!  The underlying color of your skin never changes, and you can look more beautiful at any age.  A little slash of these bright, color-right lipsticks really make a huge difference!  Once you’ve had your colors done, that’s it, for a lifetime, you don’t change.  She told us to remember to get our jammies, underwear, and beach towels in our colors too ~ wallpaper and sofas, and sheets too; and if you’re getting married, your bridesmaids should be dressed in your colors, so you look beautiful in all of your photos surrounded in your own colors!  Doesn’t that make good sense?

This day (we went from 10 am until 3pm), including the strawberries and chocolate, but not including the lipstick and makeup, cost each of us $150 … I figure I’ll get my money back the first time I don’t buy a powder blue sweater.  Which will be soon.

I don’t know whether these consultants are available across America . . . or even if it interests you.  But I have heard some of you say you might be visiting the Vineyard next summer . . . SO, if you do, and you’d like to get your colors done you can contact Wendy Jacobs to make an appointment.  She might even be able to steer you in the right direction if you are interested in hanging out with girlfriends, spreading some sunshine, and making money doing it by becoming a consultant yourself!   More word of mouth, girlfriend-to-girlfriend.  (No, I do not own any part of this and only met Wendy yesterday! 🙂  It was just so much fun and practical too!) Update from June 2017: you can still contact Wendy, but she has now moved to South Carolina ~ maybe closer to YOU!)

Know what else looks like fun?  Watching the Random Number Generator (i.e. Vanna) choose the winner for our birdie salt and peppers!  Actually, to tell you the truth, I’ve been dreading it.  Up until we hear the name, it could be YOU; then if it isn’t, I feel bad.  I need more birds!  I want to send them to everyone!  Anticipation is almost always more fun than reality, and this is proof!

Except for one single lucky girl by the name of . . .

Jeannie M from SC ! ! ! 

Congratulations Jeannie — she’s one of our regular girlfriends, I recognize her name!  I just sent her an email to announce her as the winner — in the subject line I wrote, “Peep peep from Susan Branch” — do you think she’ll guess it?

We always have a consolation prize . . . and this time, it’s a virtual trip to New York City, for everyone! We get on the ferry boat Monday morning, so comeonalong!  xoxo Love you!

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265 Responses to An Enlightening Afternoon with the Girlfriends

  1. Lynn McMahon says:

    That sounds like alot of fun!
    I figured out I am a light spring~ of course most of colors I wear not right for me!
    You’re blog is the best! I am always learning something!
    Too bad I didn’t win the little birdies~ I think they are my color!

    • sbranch says:

      :-)! You must be a spring!

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      I forgot~ have a safe trip and Happy Anniversary!

    • Cindy says:

      First time to reply to any Blog and ocourse it would have to be Susan Branch. Gosh Susan we grew up in the Valley togehter, thought you were a San Luis Obisbo girl. Went to that Bob’s on Sherman Way so many times, when our family would get a new car my Dad would do the drive in at Bob’s on Van Nuys. Spent so many childhood summers at Pismo but havent been there in years, married a Texan, but are back in my beloved Cailfornia once again. Did “my colors” with a gal named Jennifer Butler, try her website and see what she says about finding your colors. I am a Dusty Rose Summer, my fabric sampler looks like my Mother!!!!!!!

  2. Karen P says:

    Hmmmm…..very interesting about your colors. I had mine done years ago (in the 1980s probably) and never really had done anything with it. Somewhere I have my swatches. They never change, you say? If that’s correct, I better dig mine out and have a second look. I’m not even sure anymore what my season was but some of my WOW! colors were navy blue, ivory, burgundy, hunter green. Fun post! Congrats to Jeannie!

    • Laura Croyle says:

      I had mine done back in the 80’s too. It sounds like you are a winter. However, I remember my consultant told us our color could change with major life changes, age, etc.

  3. Bee Stevens says:

    Congrats to the birdie winner. Sounds like you had great fun yesterday.
    I had my colors done years ago and I was a winter. Great idea to swap
    clothes too.

  4. Barbara (WA) says:

    I’m a Winter and a total believer – I have also watched colors draped on friends and seen the difference with my own eyes.

  5. Colleen says:

    Lucky Jeannie! Sounds like a great day had by all! Thanks for taking us along!

  6. Rae Ann Roche says:

    My colors were done years ago by a “color me beautiful” consultant who gave us a little purse sized notebook with color swatches in it…make up colors were not involved…so glad you had an absolutely wonderful day yesterday…the sun is shining glorious-ly here in MN today and I am really enjoying watching the birdies at the bird feeders…can’t wait for the NY travelogue…

  7. judi says:

    Oh, those birdies didn’t fly far enough south:) Congrats to the winner! Sounds like you and your chums had a grand time. What to wear in NYC??? Too cold for my everyday bare feet I spose, ha. Toodles.

  8. Judy says:

    I had my colors done years ago too and seem to be the same season as you. That’s probably why this week when I wore a pale pink top I looked washed out and felt that way too! Thanks for the advice!!!

  9. Sara says:

    Congrats to Jeannie!!!!!!!

    I wonder if anyone in Florida “does colors”??? I would love to do it!!! Sounds like a blast!!!!!! 🙂 I am glad that you had such a great time!!! AND then you all swapped clothes!!! How Perfect 🙂

    New York here we come!!!!!

  10. Judy says:

    PS….a picture (or two) is worth a thousand words. Would love to see a before and after…..

    • sbranch says:

      A. we don’t do before’s. And b. I don’t know what b is 🙂

      • Judy says:

        b? I don’t know what b is either. My post to me reads “before and after”. Seeing a picture in the right colors and then the wrong colors really says it all. 🙂

  11. Debbie '51 says:

    Oh, it sounds like such FUN yesterday! And, it makes so much sense now that I hear it from someone who’s done it! I’ve wondered just what “having your colors done” entails – now I know! Thanks for the lesson!
    Congratulations, Jeannie M from SC! I hope you enjoy your new birdies!!
    Wonderful trip to you, Missy Susan!
    Love to all,

    • Debbie '51 says:

      Oh, I almost forgot. You mentioned something about how much better we are going to look. So, does this mean we can throw out that nasty dieting idea??? 😀

  12. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Interesting hearing about your afternoon–sounds like you all had fun. Interesting theory–however, isn’t there within you a little voice that is saying, “I wonder if I had someone totally different do my colors on a different day, would they come up with the same result? Could it be at all subjective?” Also, if it turns out a person should wear colors they really don’t gravitate to, will wearing those colors always make them feel better? And another question, how would your determined colors versus the colors you have a preference for influence the colors that come from your brain, for instance, when you are mixing colors to paint with? Now, once again, why have you always wanted to wear red lipstick? (Sorry, there has to be one of those kids in every class and I guess today it is me…) LOL 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      It’s so classic, bright, my mom always wore it. I really don’t think there’s anything subjective about it . . . you just keep putting those colors up, comparing and comparing until you get it. I thought what you thought . . . I would much rather be a spring, I love those colors, but truth is truth, I look much better as an Autumn. Facing facts. 🙂

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        First – Congratulations Jeannie!
        Second – Oh yeah, you just have to go with others, to see their colors “done” and you become a believer! The skin tones fascinated me – once pointed out – oh yeah, mine’s green! Perhaps the colors right for us is why some days we just can’t put on certain colors! And, red lipstick uhhuh, I get that! Glad you & your GFs had a great day! xoxoxoxo

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Well, after seeing you in person as well as in photographs, it does not surprise me that you are an Autumn and that browns, reds, oranges, etc. WOULD look good with your hair, your eyes, and skin coloring. And just think, those same colors on a person with an extremely fair complexion, blue eyes, and blonde hair (Scandinavian? 🙂 would not look as good as some of the more spring or summer colors. So, I’m somewhat in agreement as it is a little bit of basic color theory. The older I am getting, the more attention I’ve paid to how particular clothing makes me feel when I wear it–and I’m talking about color there. So maybe it is a good idea to just get your particular season figured out and then stick with the colors as if it works, and they DO make you feel better about yourself, you won’t make a mistake in a moment of weakness and get a piece of clothing that “pulls you down” when you get it home…And just think how awful fluorescent lights, for instance in some dressing rooms, can make a person look so if you just go by your “color rules”, there would be no nasty surprises when you get home! LOL!

  13. Carol Maurer says:

    You DID have fun yesterday doing your colors with the girlfriends!! Years ago, when I had my color done, there wasn’t as much choice like make up and lipstick. Only clothes. I was told that I was winter, as I looked best in red, orange, rust, etc. I have olive skin and tan really easily in the summer. If you look good in all those colors and you’re a ‘summer’, I’m thinking I didn’t get good advice. Um….. I need to get my color done again. Well, I guess they did do makeup as I now remember they told me to wear an orangish blush, not a pink one.
    Congrats to Jeannie for winning the bird salt and pepper shakers. She will love them.
    Here’s hoping that you and Joe have the best time in NY City! Will be looking forward to the blogs from there. How long will you be in NY?
    Bye, Susan

  14. BJ says:

    Sounds like you had a fabulous day with your “colors”. After I had mine done (yes, in the 80’s… the gal was VERY GOOD) I got the idea of having a make-up and colors birthday party for our daughter who was turning 13. It was wonderful. There were 5 girls and the consultant did all of their colors (everyone got a color card to keep and take when shopping…. hmmm, wonder what happened to mine?), then showed them all how to apply make-up so they are not over done. They all loved it and I, as a mom of a teen, loved it too. The consultant could get away telling them things that they would just roll their eyes at if it came from “mom”. It was the best party for a teen girl!

    • Janet says:

      Oh that’s a REALLY cute idea for a girl’s birthday party, BJ! And 13 – just the age girls are becoming interested in makeup and fashion etc. Fun fun fun for them!

  15. Holly says:

    Back in the 80s as a teenager, I was dubbed a Winter. I think it’s true because I can successfully wear black and white. The one thing I think I remember about it was that everyone looks good in royal blue, no matter what season you are. I wish I lived closer to my sisters – this seems like something that we would have a blast doing!

    I have read and read and re-read all of my Susan Branch cookbooks – as comforting as they are to me, I need a new one!!!! 🙂

    • Buzz'n Bea says:

      Holly, I used to do colors, through Amway cosmetics. Most summers cannot ware Royal Blue, the color is to intense, same goes for true Purple and certainly not Grass Green. Summers look good in colors that have been grayed. We learned everyone can wear most colors, it is the intensity and hue that make the difference. I can wear white but look much better in an off white.

      And yes, Susan’s books are wonderful.

      • Holly says:

        Thanks for clarifying that. I guess my memory is not as good as I thought 😉

      • Aggie says:

        What a fun topic! When I had this done in the late 80’s, I learned I was a Summer. I was also told there are 4 universal colors – turquoise, periwinkle, coral and off-white. Now where did I stash my swatch book….. 🙂

  16. Wendy Jacobs says:

    Susan – thanks for the kind words and for sharing the House of Colour experience with your friends!  Truth is, dear readers, that as much fun and discovery that Susan and her friends had, I think I enjoyed the day even more.  The bond and history that this group of women share is what every woman, regardless of age, wants and needs in her life.  They chatted, teased, loved, encouraged each other.  They laughed and drank tea, planned a party, and watched each other become transformed before their eyes.  It was a pretty magical day all around.  Which is usually the case with Colour Analysis and red lipstick and women and deviled eggs and tea!  

  17. Dinahsoar says:

    I would gladly plunk down my $150 to get my colors done if I could have a similar experience. It sounds like a ton of fun. I’m glad you shared your experience. I’m going to see what might be available in my area.

    Yes, you are right…it will save money in the long run..all your clothes will flatter you and coordinate. No more closet full of clothes hanging there rarely being worn–which happens to be the case with me.

    And I’m thinking–just having the perfect lipstick color is major. I keep buying the same color all the time because it is safe…but is it the best color for me? Do I really want to go to my grave and never know??…no way!

    Yay…can’t wait to head out Monday for the big apple! We’re going to have a blast.

  18. dottie says:

    Aside from the fact that you all had such a marvelous day — the part I loved was that you all met up and actually swapped out clothing! That is fantastic — enjoy your “new” autumnal you. Happy Anniversary travels and lovely adventures in NYC! And congrats to Jeannie and her little green birdies.

  19. Deb from Dixie says:

    I just have to say…color me happy…..I have been checking throughout the day for a post…to read about your adventure with having your colors done. Said to myself…..just check once more before you start dinner tonight…and ya-hoo news for the girlfriends….(and on a sidenote, since the number of girlfriends are growing, and we are starting to respond to each other, I added “from Dixie” to my Deb….I’ve been on the here on the Blog since the beginning, but there are alot of Debs now….so I’ll be the yankee who now lives in Dixie!)
    Sounds like you had a fun day….thanks for sharing what you learned with us…. color magic….a wardrobe revamp… the red lipstick just in time for your 25th Annniversary…have to love that… is so in vogue…. vampy….like you stepped out of one of your favorite movies. And the fly by peck just got better…..just think…… now you can leave a big lip smooch on the side of Joes cheek…….many benefits in that little tube of red fun!
    Have a wonderful Anniversary….filled with laughter and love!
    And Congrats to Jeannie…..I know she is going to be very excited to add those cute green birds to her kitchen!

  20. debbie says:

    What a fun day! I am so happy for you and the red lipstick!! I am always so jealous when I see women who can rock the red lipstick. And congrats to Jeannie! On to New York City…..

  21. Rita Baker says:

    Glad you had such a nice time yesterday – I did that once a long time ago – maybe it’s time for me to do it again. I’ll never forget the time my new college age stepdaughter and I swapped clothes – it was a fun time, and a bonding time for both of us. Have a great time in New York – I’ll be watching for your posts.

  22. Sheila Brazzell says:

    Congrats to Jeannie. Know she’ll enjoy her new little birdies. Susan, We’d all love to see you in your “new colors”

  23. Lisa R says:

    Thanks for sharing this Susan! I for one, am very interested. Any day now, I will be thoroughly cleaning out my closet, but this makes me think I might want to be color draped first! Will be checking into it for sure, and see if I can round up a couple of girlfriends to go with me! ….deviled eggs, strawberries, chocolate, nuts, ginger snaps! All my favorite snacks!! Happy you had so much fun.♥

  24. Marie (from Virginia) says:

    Hello Susan…I mean fellow-Autumn girlfriend. Glad you had a fun-filled day. Congrats’ Jeannie! Enjoy!

    Marie xo

  25. Holly says:

    Hello everyone! Congratulations Jeannie!! I know you’ll enjoy looking at these cute little birds. I always buy cute tiny little birds when I come across them. They sometimes find homes in my flower pots, or house plants.

    Susan, I am an autumn too! I learned this by trial & error, but you’re right, it’s much easier to get dressed when everything matches. And, it’s a good way to NOT buy something. I’ve carried these colors throughout my home too.
    It sure sounds like you all had fun!

  26. jeannine leonard says:

    Congrads to Jeannie M. Glad you had a fun day yesterday with your girlfriends.

  27. Bonnie L says:

    Ok….well this really brought back a memory! I had my ‘colors done’ back in 1981 and yes, once done a person may refer to it forever! The company was Color Profiles, Ltd. and the Denver Home Office was in Englewood, CO. I really liked the experience-even though I always thought girls should wear pink, I cannot, and that I should be able to wear what I considered my favorite color: yellow, I cannot, and the most astonishing outcome is that deep in your own mind you know and are not listening to the little voice telling you that! I don’t know if the company is still in business,haven’t checked that. The color swatches were given to me and are conveniently contained in a container that looks like a case for eye glasses. Besides color, the consultant advised on metal color…I should wear gold metal color, for instance. Also, I was told about fabric texture, pattern(theme for prints), scale(in proportion to body size), balance, accessories, over-all look and some advice on make-up, hairstyle, and even eyeglass frames! So it wasn’t a ‘season of color’ but a ‘fashion type’ and yes, I have experienced that when I wear something in my color profile I have been told that I ‘should always wear that color’!! Lucky for me red was my next choice as a favorite color and yes, I can wear RED! Yipee!! My husband had died earlier that year and this was a most wonderful thing for my friend to do for and with me and even though years and miles have separated us I will always remember her for gently urging me to come along with her. Thank you, Susan, and I hope you enjoy every minute of the new you….all of these little awakenings we experience throughout life are precious. Have fun in New York City….one of my favorite places… looking forward to your blog-journal. Happy Anniversary!
    My husband and I just celebrated ten years this past December.

  28. Susan says:

    Congratulations, Jeannie M! I’ll bet she squeals w/ joy when she sees the email.

    I had a similar experience as you w/ the CMB fad. (I always think of CMB and Jazzercize together for some reason.) Kinda Autumn, but maybe Spring. Total muddle. Also, since my hair changes color frequently (!), I always wondered how much influence that had, even tho it’s not supposed to. But the Wendy experience sounds wonderful–almost worth a special trip to see her. (And ride the ferry and eat strawberries.) 🙂

    Have to admit that I also didn’t do CMB totally bare-faced, so that may have influenced the “results.” But I don’t take out the garbage w/out makeup. I don’t go into surgery w/out makeup, even tho they tell you not to wear makeup or lotions. My cat’s not allowed to see me w/out makeup. I don’t wear much (a little powder and mascara) but I am scary w/out it.

  29. Susan Simon says:

    What would be wonderful to see would be you wearing your new makeup and autumn ensembles! (and I know you said no above, but it never hurts to ask… right?? ) I am definitely a winter… put orange, green, brown or mustard yellow on me and it is a terrible sight. My younger sister, on the other hand, looks fabulous in those colors; it’s interesting as we look a great deal alike in our facial features, but not in our hair or skin tones. I think maybe my sister and I should do this together someday… would be great fun!
    Congratulations to Jeanie… those little shakers are just adorable!
    Have a lovely evening, with all those “new” clothes in your closet, think what fun you’ll have coming up with new outfits.

  30. Sherry Kennedy says:

    Hi Susan (and all the girlfriends):
    I, too, am an autumn. I “had my colors done” years ago, but have kept to my formula all these years. It really made a difference, once I knew what colors look best. I would love to do it again, however, now that there’s a makeup element to the presentation. I know you girls had a great day and feel special after all that pampering. xoxoxo Sherry

  31. Martha Ellen says:

    Susan so glad you had such a pleasant experience finding out the colors that work best for you. I am a winter and sure enough it does make a difference in my complextion when I wear winter colors. Sounds like your friend Wendy was quite professional–what a fun day for you and your friends. Love learning new things–you are so right, we are never too old!
    Congrats to Jeanne! The bird salt and pepper shakers are just beautiful and I’m sure she will make them feel at home!
    Have a wonderful time with Joe in NYC! Happy Anniversary you love birds! ♥

  32. Jeanette says:

    Susan, What an amazing day. I couldn’t read the post fast enough I was so excited. I can’t really say what season I think I might be…with your personality I think you’d look beautiful in whatever you wear!!!
    Happy Anniversary!!! Have a fabulous trip! If you get a chance, stop in Paper Presentation on W18th street, near the Flatiron building. It’s awesome. Tons of paper, journals, stickers, envelopes, fun gifts, cards – always a destination for me. And, Fishes Eddie is just a couple of blocks away – all kinds of unique plates, platters, bowls, glasses – some kitschy but fun and very reasonable. You’ll be in my old stomping grounds, I grew up in Queens!
    Hugs, love and sweetness to you and Joe!

  33. zinnia patch says:

    Hi Susan! First lucky lucky jeannie! Congratulations! So happy for you..those birds are too cute! And Susan thanks so much for sharing your fun filled day with us….but hey where’s the pic. of you…tee hee thought for sure we would get a peek! oh well, maybe later… So happy for you …if you could only see my closet…. yes i could use some help…

  34. Country Gal says:

    Sounds like a wonderful fun day with the girls . I have had my colours done years ago but never really went by what I was told. I just wear what colour brings out my navy blue eyes , brunett hair and sandy beige skin and hope for the best lol . Congrats to the winner of the birdie salt and pepper ! Great post ! Have a wonderful day !

  35. Darlene says:

    Susan, sounds like lots of fun and a great way to look and feel good about the colors we choose for ourselves…I’m curious what my colors are so I just might look into this! Congratulations to Jeannie!! I hope those sweet birdies will make her very happy!! Have a great time in NYC…..I’ll be there on Sunday,(short trip for me, I’m a stones throw away in Staten Island) celebrating my son’s birthday. Happy Anniversary to you and Joe!!!xoxo

  36. CarolK says:

    Dear Miss Autumn, Red Lipstick, [hehehe]
    Bundle up for NYC. It was cold, raw and damp down our way (central Jersey) today and it’s not much better in the city with those deep canyons of concrete. Have a safe, fun filled excursion. Sincerely, Princess Autumn-Fall-Winter-Spring

  37. Becky says:

    What fun! I did that years ago with my sisters. They never did decide what my season was. One of my sisters was autumn and one spring. Maybe I am summer. I haven’t heard of anyone providing that service in my area but it would be interesting to do it again. I do know when I wear blue my eyes show more and coral seems to make my skin look nicer. My spring sister still carries her color swatches with her.

  38. Lisa G. says:

    Isn’t it nice that you and your friends all are the same size, and can swap clothes like that! Enjoy!

  39. Karen says:

    Congratulations to Jeannie!
    Susan, glad you got your colors done, and I’d love to see some of your color combinations, sometime. Enjoy your New York trip!

  40. Carol C says:

    Years ago I did CMB with a bunch of teachers from my school. We had a fantastic time. I haven’t always stuck with the colors for Vibrant Summer but have found that those are what I’m wearing when someone compliments me. Like you, we could all see the differences when she held the color swatches up. The problem is that for years at a time there is nothing on the racks in the colors you want.

  41. The timing of this is so funny. Hubby and I had our colors “done” years ago. Just today he called from the mall to tell me he finally had found the perfect shade of teal in a striped shirt.

    I do use my color chart and it does help a lot (I’m a winter). However, when you have a very OCD type person around and you give him a list… any list… he becomes obsessed.

    Such as in calling his wife because after fifteen years, he found the perfect shade for a “spring”. Sigh… you must understand. He never buys any clothes, never. Until today when he found the perfect teal.

    • sbranch says:

      Pretty cute!

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        My husband is like that too! Never shops! He thinks styles do not change over the years. If he (I) buys a pair shorts he thinks in 3 years he is going to find the same exact ones… not going to happen! So we are always on a quest for them…3 years later….I should know after 32 years this is how he is~ starting last year we buy in bulk…I finally get it!
        If this is my biggest complaint I’m lucky!

  42. Cindy West Chester PA says:

    Hey Susan when I used to waitress we were always looking for something different to nibble on. Your blue cheese story reminded me of how we used to get a hot batch of fries from the guy who worked on the grill and dip them in blue cheese dressing. Sounds strange but it is good. If you like sour cream on a baked potato you will like french fries dipped in blue cheese.
    Can’t wait for the virtual trip!!!

  43. Jane says:

    Oh, Susan…this looks like such fun! I can’t imagine what season I would be {blonde hair, brown eyes and lots of freckles!}. Is there a short little season between summer and fall, that is my favorite time of year!

    Have fun getting ready for your trip and take lots of pictures of this new wardrobe!


  44. Janet says:

    Hi Susan and Girlfriends! Adding my congrats to Jeannie M on winning the little green birds – so cute! Loved hearing so much about your “color” experience. Like many others here I did it in the 80s too – Color Me Beautiful – and if you’re lucky enough to get someone who knows what they’re doing – like you did Susan – you really will like it and follow it. I really KNEW it worked one day at my school – I’m a first grade teacher – when my principal came in at lunch to ask something & happened to mention that I looked really well that day. I think she said something like “Wow Janet, you look like you really had a good night’s rest…” When in actuality I was feeling really punk that day – like when you know you’re getting a cold or the flu. But I was wearing a turquoise shirt from the Summer palette – and when I looked in the mirror about 10 min later I had to admit “I sure look a lot better than I feel right now…” A simple fact – no one can wear all colors well – certain colors just naturally complement each other – and NOT wearing colors in your season can actually detract from your looks. ANYWHO – try it girls! It’s really fun. Shopping is easier & faster too – you can skip right over all the stuff that’s not in your season!!
    Also Susan, congratulations on your Silver Wedding and have a wonderful wonderful time in NYC. You’ve done something not many people seem able to do anymore. A real accomplishment! Be proud! Have fun! Bring the cats a present!

  45. Brenda says:

    Can’t wait for your NYC adventures. I’m going to follow them avidly as we are going for a week in April. My husband and I are theater fanatics so we already have two shows booked (“Once” and “Porgie and Bess”) but will see six or seven shows in that week. Any and all places you have fun at will be ones we consider. Happy travels!

  46. Karen C says:

    What a wonderful consolation prize! Ready for a virtual trip to NYC! Hope you and Joe have a grand time. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  47. Sara says:

    Hmmmm…well your post has definitely intrigued me. Might have to look into having my colors done once and for all. Love that you and your friends got together and traded clothes today! Have a wonderful trip to New york. We’ll all be thinking of you!

  48. Priscilla says:

    What a wonderful time you had getting your colors done. I never went to a consultant but bought the “Color Me Beautiful” book and figured out I am a Summer. Then the CMB had make-up counters in JC Penney and I was able to get a book of swatches which I still have and use today. It has made choosing clothes so easy and everything in my closet goes together.
    I was always at the Bob’s Big Boy on Sherman Way or the one on Riverside Drive during the late 60’s and early 70’s until they built one in Thousand Oaks. Maybe you served me my Big Boy combo and chocolate shake???

  49. michelle allen says:

    It sounds like you had a really fun girlfriends afternoon. Plus you got good information and new (to you) clothes too. What a great day!
    Congratulations Jeannie, I know you are one happy girlfriend.

  50. Kate says:

    Vibrant blues and greens seem to look good on me because when I wear them, I get compliments. Unfortunately, I love earthy colors and wear them alot so maybe I need to get my colors done and get a new wardrobe. Sounds like so much fun and enlightening to boot.

  51. Sue says:

    my 88 year old “girlfriend” who always looks like a glamour girl says “a little powder, a little paint makes a girl what she ain’t” Lipstick makes a big difference!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      That reminds me of a card I got one time . . . how do you fight Father Time? With Mother Makeup. 🙂

  52. TJ says:

    Susan, I’m a long time “Color Me Beautiful” believer. The best part for me is that shopping is so much easier…I only look at things that are in my color palette. It’s also wonderful to get compliments about how great “you” look…because it’s not the dress or whatever else you are wearing, it’s about your total appearance. Enjoy! TJ

  53. D. Spencer says:

    I’ve had my “colors done” twice, as gifts. Winter. People respond more respectfully when I’m in my “colors.” Perhaps because they bring out the best in our looks, without us trying. Without pretentiousness. And, perhaps when we’re in colors that don’t necessarily look good on us, it looks like we are a bit dowdy, tired, and that we might look as though we don’t respect ourselves enough to take care of ourselves. This is just surmising and on my part. But, when I’m in my “colors” people respond in a much more positive manner to me. I’m happy for you that this time, you went away with more help, swatches, and LIPSTICK!

  54. Chris Wells says:

    Congratulations Jeannie…I know you will enjoy those S&P birds! And Susan I can’t wait to visit NYC. Haven’t been there for over40 years! Yikes, that sounds old. Anyway, I am looking forward to the virtual trip, and seeing you in your new colors! Thanks for taking us along.

  55. Juliana says:

    Well Congrats Jeannie M!!! And oh my gosh, how much fun did that day sound like? I wish there was one closer to me, I looked but the closest IS MV! Anyway, I know you and Joe will have a fantastic time in NYC, my favorite city!! (can’t help it, I am a native New Yorker) There’s so much to do – can’t wait to see it through your eyes! My husband & I are planning an overnight there later this year, we have, ahem, a ‘special’ birthday this year. I’ve been looking at some of the smaller, older hotels like the Algonquin. We’d love to find an old fashion supper club, I know they’re out there! Then we can be Fred and Ginger! LOL Happy Anniversary!!!

    • sbranch says:

      The Algonquin is so charming . . . I’ve never been upstairs though — but love that they have cats!

  56. I won! I won! I know Susan said Jeannie M from SC, but it is me from NC! I got the peep peep e-mail! I did almost fall out of my chair! I looked at the screen and thought, wait a minute! Susan is e-mailing me, personally!!!!
    Thank you one and all for all the sweet congrats, and to Susan for having the drawing! I love birds! Have feeders galore and hummer feeders when they fly back. I can’t wait to hug them and introduce them to their new home!
    Susan, so glad you had such a wonderful time with gf’s yesterday, it would be great to have my colors done again and with make up, did mine in 1994 when I worked at JC Penny’s, I am an autumn too Susan! I didn’t purchase the color palate tho, wish I had.
    Happy 25th Anniversary to you Susan and Joe, Have a most wonderful time in NYC! Gosh we will all be in NY Monday, because our sweet Susan will be there!

  57. Snap says:

    I had no idea *they* were still doing colors. I had mine done way back when and I’m an Autumn, too. Have to admit that Autumn is my favorite time of year. If nothing else, it is fun! Loved the beautiful woman with a vacant mind proverb! Congratulations to Jeannie M. The salt and pepper shakers are adorable.

  58. Dawn Hay says:

    Wow, this is wonderful, I so wish she lived closer to me in Aus…I’d love to visit the vineyard for sure…one day maybe..he he, I think I am a Winter and have terrible trouble finding the right colors that suit me even hair colors, I have all sorts of trouble with….
    Hugs Dawn x x

  59. Wendy says:

    How totally fun – your day sounded amazing! So girly and special. Would love to know what my colors are.
    Soooooo excited for your NYC trip and look SO forward to sharing it with you via the stories and photos in your blog! Have never been to NYC so will surely be living vicariously through you. 🙂
    How are you doing with your healthified living? I hope you’re exercising, eating nourishing whole foods, and feeling fantastic! I find that awesome music with a great beat makes me want to move faster and makes me feel unstoppable. Already getting pumped for tomorrow morning’s sweat session. Can’t wait til spring so I can pound the pavement outdoors again!
    Blessings to you!

  60. Jane Martin says:

    I had my colors done more than 20 years ago by Color Me Beautiful. It does save you from buying the wrong thing that will just hang in the closet and collect dust. I love my colors – Autumn, but I do have one problem. I never want to part with any of my clothes. I also have my home decorated in my colors, so I feel super cozy in my surroundings.

  61. Katie says:

    What fun! My friend sold Avon and she had a card, hot pink on one side and bright orange on the other. We held it up under our chins and it was amazing how our faces changed. I found out I look like death in earth tones but “lovely” in pinks, purples and blues. And crisp black and white. No ecru or brown in my closet. 🙂

  62. Nellie says:

    Oh, what fun you have had! I can just feel your excitement in this post!
    Sending along good wishes for that New York trip! Happy Anniversary, too! xoxo

  63. CindyK says:

    Oh…….I want to have my colors done!!!!!!!! 🙂
    Congrats to our lucky girlfriend Jeannie! I’m sure she will give our pretty birdies a good home! I will miss them tho, I have enjoyed looking at them! Susan, if you didn’t paint them, you MUST before you send them off to their new home!! And if you do paint them, and they get printed, I would want to put them in a frame in my kitchen!! That way I can have them too, we all can!! 🙂

  64. Darlene H. (way out west) says:

    Susan, my closet has exploded out to the next room (no kidding) I should send you pictures) and I have every color in it known to man. I will forward anything you want and won’t even know it is missing! PS. I hung out at Bob’s Big Boy on Van Nuys Boulevard and worked at Burger King right down the street. Did you ever go cruising on Van Nuys Blvd????? I once wore my Burger King lemon yellow hat cruising the Boulevard…… wonder I didn’t have any dates!!!! If yellow is your color now I probably still have it….it’s yours!!!!!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      My best friend worked at Bob’s in Van Nuys, where the real action was! Our Bob’s didn’t have a drive in!

    • Charlene Hisayasu says:

      I was trying to hang on until the end of all the comments…but when I read about Bob’s Big Boy on Sherman Way and, then, Van Nuys Boulevard, I could NOT contain myself!!! Oh my, the high school memories that popped up! Cruising on the Boulevard on Tuesday (Club) nights, fries with a side of Bob’s Bleu cheese dressing, cherry cokes! Toluca Lake Bob’s is still hoppin’ today! After disappearing for a while, two new Bob’s have appeared in Northridge and Sun Valley. Every once in a while, hubby and I like to go and have a Combination plate, “add avocado, extra relish, please” to that delicious hamburger! ♪ ♫ Thanks for the memories! ♪ ♫

    • We used to cruise Colorado blvd in Pasadena and stop at Bob’s drive thru up there!

  65. Brenda says:

    Congrats to the winner of the birds! yeah for you! And yeah for Susan who knows what color to wear and has lipstick that she loves. Now I am going to tell my girlfriends that we need to get our colors done. I try on so many colors and just go back to my browns and reds, a closet full. Not sure why I do not think any other color looks good on me. Glad you had so much fun!

  66. Gert says:

    Congratulations to Jeannie…sorry it wasn’t Can’t wait to hear all about your trip to NY…Happy Anniversary!! smile

    My colors are soft colors..such as pinks and cool greens…they compliment my skin and gray hair …lol

    So glad you had a wonderful day with your girlfriends..


  67. Mary S. says:

    How fun, reading about your day!!! I love it!
    I want to have my colors done, now! I never paid any attention to it before – now it sounds awesome!!

  68. mel cunningham says:

    Susan you make me smile!! “we need more birds” hahhaha!! love it!
    Congrats to Jeannie M!!!

  69. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Glad to hear you had fun discovering your “colors ” for wearing your clothes and makeup!! I would love to have mine done….do you think there is a book written about this subject? Congratulations to Jeannie!!! Lucky lady she is!!! This evening I played the Bunny Berigan song, “I Can’t Get Started” to my father over the telephone. He loved it, and said he danced with my mother to this song back in the 1940’s. (The Fox Trot he said.) Thank you Susan, it was a special little treat I was able to give him to brighten his day!!! Have a safe trip!

  70. DebbieHallock says:

    Yay! Jeannie…enjoy those beautiful birds. Looking forward to seeing you in your “new” clothes in New York Susan.

  71. Rosemary says:

    That is a fun little day with your girls. Yes, “Color Me Beautiful”…hosted that party in my living room in the late ’80’s and I was an Autumn then and even had the little folder with my colors in it…and truth be known it may still be in there somewhere. I didn’t pay enough attention but I do know purple was one of my colors. Oh well. How nice that you can swap clothes! That would be fun to see how that transpired~
    The little birdies will have a nice home in South Carolina and congratulations to Jeanne. It is fun that you find things you are willing to share with us…which the fact that it is from you makes it all the more delightful.
    NYC…here she comes. Cannot wait to see what you have to say from the Big Apple. Have fun!

  72. Kerry S. says:

    Susan – what fun! I noticed that you look terrific in the your picture wearing a brown sweater on the cover of the Where Woman Cook cookbook! And. . .you’re going to NYC where you can certainly find one or two pieces of clothing in your “new” colors! Remember – don’t buy anything unless you have at least two other items it will work with! Have fun with your new look! So excited for you! You have to include a photo of you wearing the red lipstick – please.

  73. Christine says:

    I did my colors many years ago and am a true summer and have loved living in my pallet.

    It is fun and helpful!

  74. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan!!! sounds like this was a GREAT experience…and sooooo much fun…i remember when a small group of us headed to a local department store in st. louis to get our colors done and we all just had a ball….i got the book, the color swatches, the advice…”winter” she said…and i was glad cuz they are all my favorite colors….and you are so right about the mix and match part…how fortunate that you are headed to the fashion capital of the United States next week!!!!! very convenient…. : ) i would like to have them done again…20-some years later…just to compare results….glad you found the lipstick…i am still going with a dab of vaseline!!!…..maybe someday i”ll branch out….oh wait!!!!! already did!!!! have a blast in the big RED apple and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! love, cindy

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Cindy, my husband once–out of the blue while we were driving somewhere–said to me, “I am so thankful that you do not wear lipstick!” (This was then accompanied by him putting his lips in a kissing motion and him making funny sounds which put me in hysterics of laughter!) So, for each their own…I did ask him whatever had brought that up and he said he saw someone in his office that always wears bright lipstick and he had that thought that he was glad I didn’t, and wanted to tell me that and it had just popped into his head while he was driving…So for those who DO love to wear lipstick, you can be happy that some of us do NOT, as it makes for more for you to buy! 🙂 And it is reminder that we don’t all have to be the same… 🙂 Though I will say that my BFF, Sandy-in-Boston, had a “glamour” makeup session done before her son’s wedding and she did really look beautiful and glamourous and she got teased that no one recognized her! Guess it whatever makes one the most comfortable with themselves…and it is in the eye of the beholder, too…

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        When you said “glamour” makeup session it made me think of “glamour shots” studios they used to have in shopping malls. Does anyone remember those? You would go there and they would do your make up and hair and you would wear a a “glamorous outfit” and they would take your picture. I never had one done but some of my friends did.

  75. Connie B says:

    Congrats to Jeannie for winning those precious birdies. I’m sure they will have a good home. It sounds like you had a wonderful ” color ” time and more fun with the girlfriends. I had my colors done years ago and am a winter. The reds have always been my favorite colors and they do seem to put more life in my face. Makeup was not included but it would have been welcomed as I’m terrible when it comes to that. I’m sure Joe loved your new look and you can look fabulous in New York ( not that you didn’t already .) Have a wonderful trip and we will be waiting to hear about your adventures.

  76. Kirsten Wichert says:

    Wow! The colors “process” has really come up to date! I had mine done almost 30 years ago at Nordstrom’s. They gave us printed (not fabric) color swatches, but no make up charts. I’m sure it would be fun to have it done again! Sounds like you got the royal treatment. Hmmmmmmm, my closet needs cleaning and sorting…….

    This is really a coinsidence, my daughter worked at the very same (I’m almost certain) Rubies as a waitress when she was in college! I thought she looked really cute in the uniform. I’d love to see a photo of you in yours! I’ll bet you rocked that cute vintage look!

    • sbranch says:

      I lived in an apartment with my best friend at the time and we used to climb out our apt. window in order to avoid the cute boys who lived in the apt. across from us — didn’t want them to see us in our uniforms! Ah, nineteen.

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        So funny! xo

      • Kirsten Wichert says:

        Sooooooo funny. My daughter says that men really chased her in that uniform! Of course, she was young and pretty… eyes and blonde hair(natural, now her hair is red by choice!)so the uniform would clash now. Now I remember why I loved the girlfriends book so much……..I need to get it out again! Oh, by the way……….Autumns wear gold as do springs. Summmers and Winters are supposed to wear silver (jewelry). I’m sure glad because silver is what I can afford……….LOL Maybe you can do another girlfriends book, and include your colors story?

  77. Jackie says:

    What a great day you girlfriends had…CMB was such a standard and I still have my book and colors somewhere! House of Colour appears to have started in the UK and they only have five or six US consultants scattered around the country! You can still do CMB online but I think a personal consultant is much more fun and your experience just sounded and looked terrific! Maybe all the “girlfriends” will have to travel to MV for consultations! Thanks for “brightening” the day!

  78. Dorothy Ann says:

    Hi Susan! Hi Everyone! Well, color you Happy…and color us girlfriends Happy too!
    Because…you brought us all along with you to Wendy’s Color Studio…where it seems to me that amazing color possibilities and a sense of fun and adventure awaited you and your girlfriends. Oh and yes…tasty snacks of deviled eggs, strawberries, chocolate and cookies… awaited you too! Oh My!

    Now I am happy to meet the “new” Susan…in all of your “autumn” forever colors. You will look so glam in your new red lipstick, chocolate brown coat with a bright magnificent red scarf flipped over your shoulders as you walk arm in arm with Joe exploring NYC.

    Happy Anniversary to you both!
    Congrats…Jeanne…enjoy your new arrivals from Susan!
    Love to all from Dorothy Ann in Washington.

  79. Pam says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun Susan, I know what you mean about having a wardrobe full of clothes but always feeling like you’ve got nothing to wear!! I’m all ready for our trip to New York on Monday, and I don’t even have to worry about what clothes to take. lol. Talking about colours, we went on a snowdrop walk yesterday at Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge, it was lovely and I never realised that you could get yellow snowdrops!

  80. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Of course now I want to have my colors done. I am going to check around and see if I can find someone in my area. How fun that was for you and your friends. The whole day sounds magical. I love it.
    Congrats to the birdie winner!
    Happy day Susan

  81. Charlene Hisayasu says:

    Congratulations, Jeannie M from NC! You sound like the perfect owner for those cute birdies!
    Susan…this blog was grrreat! I can just hear the girlfriend laughter all the way to Southern California! Then… …what brilliance…a clothes swap!!! That would be just as fun as the original Color Session! A WHOLE NEW wardrobe for the cost of girlfriend time and laughter! 😀 Thank you for sharing!
    Do have a marvelous time celebrating your 25th in NY…with your new wardrobe and that RED lipstick! (Watch out, Joe!) 🙂 Have a most memorable time!
    ♥ Happy Anniversary to you and Joe! ♥

  82. Kelly J. says:

    Thanks for sharing your color story. I just love looking at the photo with all of the scarves hanging down (my favorite book as a very little kid was the Golden book called The Color Kittens 🙂 Enjoy your time in NYC! It’s one of my all-time favorite places to visit, and I’m sure that you & Joe will have an “excellent anniversary adventure!”

  83. Patricia says:

    Sounds like a fun and intriguing afternoon….perhaps I should do it since I seem to have too much grey and black!
    Enjoy your trip to NYC….And Happy Anniversary! xx

  84. Marie (from Virginia) says:

    Hi everyone~just my 2 cents on “Autumn.” This is what I was told: CLOTHES: Chocolate, espresso, caramel, toffee, cinnamon, nutmeg, khaki, apricot, orange, gold, yellow, copper, red brick, RED, purple, olive, green (s), creams, but never white, never black. Confession: I wear black trousers/skirt, but “Autumn” on top. Same with jeans. I just heard that Aqua works for all seasons. Would love to have that confirmed. JEWELRY: Gold. MAKE-UP: yellow beige, or golden beige foundation, depending on skin tone. EYES: Brown/Copper, Green (olive) Teal, Plum. Soft Turquoise is on the list, but I never tried it. HIGHLIGHTER: Beige or Apricot. LIPSTICK & NAIL POLISH: Brick Red, Red, Orange (not for me) Cinnamon, Chocolate, light off-white/cream (if you want a neutral nail). With all that being said, I must admit, I’d rather shop for my home, family/friends, than go clothes shopping. Whoa! This was way too long for a “post.” Forgive me girlfriends.

    Marie xo

  85. Kimi says:

    Hi Susan

    Happy for you, its good to have a little outside time with friends and do what I call the girl thing. I think the lady who won the birdies will be very happy they are a cute set for sure. Enjoy New York coming along for the ride XO PS (Susan even if you did not give out give always, I still come over and visit you.

  86. Wendy Jacobs says:

    So many of you have commented on Susan’s lovely blog about having had your colours done back in the day, or of wanting to get them analyzed (or re-done) now.

    I know its not possible for many of you to make it to our lovely island of Martha’s Vineyard, so I often take my House of Colour studio on the road! I do “pop up studios” for those who are interested (and within a reasonable travel distance from MV). I’ve done these as close as Boston and as far away as Washington, DC. Depending on how far I need to travel, I have to set a minimum number of clients. My pop up studios maintain the same level of analysis, love and care that Susan and her friends received.

    If you are interested in hosting a House of Colour “pop up studio” for your friends, just email me at [email protected]

    FYI: There is a second part of the House of Colour journey. It’s called Personal Style. Its about looking at your body’s lines, your lifestyle and your personality to determine your “clothing personality”. We use Carl Jung’s archetypes to describe the looks. Are you a princess or a pirate? A romantic or the queen? It shows you how to build a “capsule wardrobe” where everything goes together, you have a third fewer clothes and three times more to wear (oh, and you look fabulous all the time!). Intrigued? Email me.

  87. Laura says:

    Sounds like you girls had a fun day..making memories. Autumn..your favorite season..yay!! Happy Anniversay to you and Joe! Maybe you could have Joe take your picture next to the Eloise painting at the Plaza before or after having tea at the Palm Court!! Have a wonderful, lovely time:). Xoxoxoxoxo

  88. Ann Y. says:

    Congratulations to the winner of the cute little birds ! And what a wonderful day you had….sounds like SO much fun – and RED lipstick, too. Would love to have my colors done – I think we all “know” what things in our closet make us look the best, but to have those swatches when you shop and be sure about stuff would be so cool. Meeting my 5 girlfreinds from college tomorrow for lunch and shopping – we find a place to meet a couple time a year. I am going to suggest we look into getting our colors done…all together – like you did with your friends. We are all in the 50-something stage of life, and this will hlep keep us fabulous. Have a WONDERFUL trip to NYC….enjoy the ride, the restaurants, the excitement, being with the one you love in a big city is SO romantic…have fun and safe travels!

  89. Deborah says:

    Good Morning Susan and everyone! I can really ‘hear’ the excitement you have over the colors! Very interesting! I love how you wrote a lot about it, I went on the web to read about it after you mentioned you were going the other day…I do believe it is all true! I wish there was a site where one can do this themselves! Anyway, so glad you found a lipstick you love. I can’t live without my lipsticks! I have an ages old joke with my gf about what to do when we are down or sad: go out and by a gorgeous expensive lipstick, red of course, and even if you use it once and throw it is such a mood brightener! You are so sweet to let go of the birdies, and I am sure the winner will enjoy them immensely! Best wishes on your upcoming trip! it should be warm also! enjoy!

  90. Tracy says:

    Oh Susan, that sounds like such a fun day laughing and learning with your girlfriends! My BFF’s name is Susan, too, by the way 🙂 I had that book “Color Me Beautiful” years ago (wish I still had it) and determined I was a Summer. (I think.) All I know is I look awful in any shade of yellow (which is a shame, such a happy color) and lime green. Congrats to Jeannie the birdie winner, too. Susan, you send out so much happiness to all of us, I hope it comes back to you threefold. <3

    • sbranch says:

      It does in lots of ways — and provided very much by all of you!

    • Margot says:

      Hey Tracy,
      I am a Summer too. We can wear a very pale yellow. A clear one. Some people get typed Summer when they are actually a Winter. My mother is a Winter and she NEVER wears lime green, kelly green or yellow.

      • Tracy says:

        Hey Margot thanks for the info! I have yet to find that perfect shade of yellow. I don’t think I’m a Winter because I’m a blue-eyed blonde, but heck, who knows. My middle sister can wear Yellow – her coloring is darker and warmer than mine and she looks great in sunny Yellow. But my oldest sister and I cannot – we have cool tones to our skin. (We think our sister is the milkman’s daughter ) Enjoy your weekend, Summer Margot! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          My girlfriend Lowely is a blue eyed blond! But she has ash-blond highlights in her hair, not golden ones, which was one of the hints that she’s a winter.

        • Margot says:

          Poor sister! LOL I have a hairdresser who has my coloring and his brothers all have dark hair and dark eyes. They used to tease him as the mailman was driving by, “There goes Ron’s dad.”
          Anyway…as Susan said, the ash tone is the key with the hair thing, but medium ash brown is a winter and the ash blondes are almost always summers. So I know with that and your blue eyes you are definitely a Summer like me. I am on the dark drab end of the scale. I can get away with royal blue from the winter palate.
          My son is a summer (very blonde ashy hair), and his paternal grandmother loves his hair. (Hers is golden blonde.) I thought he must have got the ashy from my side.
          Enjoy your weekend too Tracy, and I love the smiley. It made my day!

  91. Joy Pence says:

    Hi Susan. Oh my, sounds like you girls had a wonderful day. Glad you found your “colours”. Funny thing, I think my colors are green, brown, red, orange. But today I am wearing a lilac v-neck sweatshirt with a white turtle neck. Everyone has commented on how it make me look…..I guess I don’t know what my colors are. Oh dear, I have very little pastel colored clothes. I think I need to have my colors done.
    On a different note: I watched Miss Potter last night. Oh my that was a beautiful movie. I would loved to have been her friend. thank you for posting that movie. I used to have a VHS tape of Peter Rabbit that my girls and I watched at least 6 times a week. My daughter asked me last night as we were watching the movie “whatever happened to our Peter Rabbit movie”. thank you so much for sharing the “free wonderful things in life”.

    • Laura says:

      Hi Joy! I love your name! I am also on a Beatrix Potter kick these days…I am not sure why?? There is the most wonderful book called Beatrix Potter..A Journal…I don’t see an author, but it is published by Penguin Books. I bought it for my daughter, but I have stolen it back for myself! It is a large (coffee table sized) book filled with ephemera, fold out old fashioned pamphlets from art exhibitions, Beatrix’s journal, photographs…it is wonderful!!! Also, I have been reading a series by Susan Wittig Albert….fictionalized books (mysteries!) about what happened to Beatrix after she bought Hill Top Farm…taking over where the film, Miss Potter, left off…such fun, good stories! I can’t wait to visit the Lake District and see Hill Top Farm some day…future adventures!!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Laura, I just finished reading that series and really enjoyed the books, too! I happened upon them in the library accidentally but was really glad to find them. I loved the movie Miss Potter and while reading the books by Susan Albert, I imagined the characters as the ones from the movie. While reading the books in the series, I kept thinking what wonderful books to read out loud to kids, or even have kids read out loud (say, around 4th grade?). They were good mysteries but pleasant reading and educational about the Lakes District…

        • Laura says:

          Hi Pat:). Always excited to find a new, fun series of books at the library! Have you read any of the Elm Creek Quilters books by Jennifer Chiaverini? Or, the Miss Read books? Or, the ultimate wonderful series….the Mitford books by Jan Karon? Oooh, just looked out the window and it is snowing! Time for more coffee and the next Beatrix book!!! Xoxo

          • Pat Mofjeld says:

            Jan Karon’s books are my favorites! But have also read The Elm Creek Quilter’s series. Tried the Miss Reed and couldn’t get into them but someday will try them again. Try the Anne B. Ross “Miss Julia” series but read them definitely in order–they are out-loud laughter funny! 🙂

          • Joy Pence says:

            Well Laura and Pat, I have just requested the following from the library. The first Mitford book and Miss Read book. I cannot wait to start these! Thank you so much for responding to my post.

        • Joy Pence says:

          Thank you Pat. I will try to find these books as well from the library. I am always looking for enchanting books to read. I look forward to finding these books!

      • Joy Pence says:

        Thank you Laura. I have been looking on line for “vintage” Beatrix Potter books, but I think I will just make plans to hunt for them this summer at antique shops. I want some to put on a dresser just like Susan’s “Peter Rabbit” room. Thank you for your reply. I am totally new to this web site and addicted!!!

  92. Elizabeth says:

    So fun to hear about your day! I had “colors” done once and that experience was similar to your first. DO have a FAB time in NY and, althou I may be the only voice saying this, enjoy/love/smooch/cuddle/etc. your Joe. Your trip should be the two of you and the BIG NY, not us and the blog. Travel blessings!

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Yup, you might be the only voice telling Susan that but, afterall, they are going to be there 5 whole days and that is plenty of time for doing everything as well as sharing the trip with Joe AND us! (and who else do I know who will “take me along” on a trip to NYC and show me the sights and share a trip like this???) Heh, Elizabeth, some of us don’t do a lot of traveling so we really enjoy these virtual trips that Susan brings us on–so we can’t be too discouraging to Susan as far as her taking us along…and just remember, too much of ANYTHING can be too much of a good thing! LOL 🙂 Susan, are you laughing…? What about Joe?… 🙂

  93. Bonnie Crawford says:

    That sounded like so much fun to have a day with your Girlfriends, helping each other look more beautiful than ever! I love the clothing swap idea….that would make a fun party all on its own!! Susan, you always look beautiful in pastels, and I can’t wait to see the RED lipstick! YOU GO GIRL!! =)
    I wanted to recommend an amazing restaurant in NYC. You and Joe would love it, and may already know about it….It is Carmine’s, near the Broadway district. Tom took me there on my Birthday a year ago, and it is amazing! Have a wonderful Anniversary celebration, and Tom and I are sending our love to you both, all the way from California…. (Sue, you would LOVE the weather we’re having! It has been near 80 all week!~~)
    Happy Anniversary you two!! We Love you!! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Bon-bon — but I think you would LOVE wild rain storm we’re having — wind is howling out there, but it’s warm!

  94. What a great bargain! That $150 brought you a happy day and information to change your life. I was never sure what my season was either until I found Missus Smarty Pants ( I emailed her pictures and she did a color analysis via internet for $10. I’m a Summer, but always thought I was a Winter. Now I look back at my older pictures and can only see the clothes because the colors I wore were too bright for my coloring.

    I love reading your blog. It makes me feel like I’ve just had a visit with my girlfriends.

  95. Deb says:

    Congratulations to Jeanne! I loved her comment about riding her bike with her green parakeet on her shoulder 🙂
    Your colour me beautiful girlfriends day sounds fabulous!

  96. Sandy Schaefer says:


    I heart your blog, from top to bottom.
    Thank you.


  97. Happy Friday Susan and Girlfriends…..I think that I may be an Autumn and have always just naturally stayed away from pastels because they (esp. yellow) made me look like a corpse!!! Not a flattering look, I have always loved red and jewel toned greens and I have been told that turquoise is lovely on me?? I have a Birthday coming up on Feb. 1st and since it is in the middle of the week I wasn’t looking forward to anything special this year. My lovely daughter has already called and said she is coming on Saturday the 4th so that gives me something to look forward to if the weather cooperates!!! I do want to thank you for going to NYC and taking “me” along and please do something extra special on the 1st so I can live vicariously through you. Wishing you and Joe a Safe Trip…..HAVE FUN!!! Happy Birthday to all the “Winter Babies”.

  98. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good Morning Miss Autumn… 🙂 (Fabulous!)…wow My Dear Sweet Sue…Thank~You! what a Day You & Your Friends Had! Bravo to Wendy….I would Love to Learn How to do This…so Cool about The Red Lipstick…All The Hollywood Movie~Stars wear Red…whenever I put Red lipstick on I drop to My Knees Laughing cause I Always Look Like a Clown…Seriously 🙂 (I am The Daughter of a Clown) 🙂 but now…. I’ve learned that I just seem to Choose the wrong Shade…so I Need to Learn My Colors & Then I too can wear Red Lipstick the Right way…I Love this….I am gonna do a little research in My Area to see if anyone does this…”House of Color”…Concept….if Not I guess I’ll just have to Come To Your Island & Have Wendy Transform Me….Yay! 🙂 Then I will Be Ready for My Close Up! :-)…”Strike a Pose”…VOGUE! sending “Autumn” Colored Pixie~Dust Your Way Darling Sue! Hugzzzzzzz & L♥ve….xoxo Poof! ♫♥

  99. Pat says:

    Congratulations to Jeannie! I;m sure she will give your bird S&P an good home 🙂

    Susan I’d LOVE to get my “colors” done someday –it sounds like a fun day out, especially if it is done with a few good friends. I have a hunch what clothes colors look good on me as I always get compliments when I wear dark bright colors over pastels and black over white. I think the makeup portion of the class would be really helpful as I am approaching the end of my 50’s and my skin and hair are changing colors so I a probably not wearing the right makeup shades and longer.

    It’s pouring rain here today in NYC! Hope your weather is nicer.



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