Morning Musica . . . I’ve been busy … making things!
Hello my dear patient friends!♥ I thought I’d show you what I’ve been doing this morning! I’ve been playing! Remember I mentioned I wanted to have lots of banners, swags, festooning and bunting to decorate my house this year?
Well, as you know, I went hunting for them and found lots of fun ideas, but couldn’t find the word banner I wanted for the kitchen . . . I’m sure they must be out there somewhere, but I decided I should just make one. How hard can it be, was my question.
Not hard at all as it turns out; really easy! And not even messy! So I thought I would show you what I did, in case you want to drape a mirror, a window, the footboard of your bed, the fireplace mantle, anywhere really.
I am sure there’s more than one way to do this! But here’s what I did. You need some card stock … a pair of scissors that makes curvy patterns when you cut with them, (pinking shears would work), and a hole punch that makes tiny holes. Also some narrow ribbon, yarn, or festive string. Baker’s string would look cute too. You can get all this in any craft store. Or, knowing you, you probably have most of it in your closet already!
You need to decide what you want it to say, so you can know how many little cards to cut out, one for each letter — I just wanted a simple “Merry Christmas,” but other ideas would be “Home for Christmas,” “Let it Snow,” “BELIEVE,” “Joy to the World,” “Peace and Good Cheer,” “Blessings” — I bet you can think of lots more; “The Grinch Lives Here,” might even work, for certain occasions! Or, “Welcome Home!” Or your child’s name!
I didn’t measure anything, because it doesn’t need to be perfect … I just cut out little squares to the size I thought they should be, and punched holes in the top corners of each. (Cut one square until you get it the size you like, then just eyeball that as you cut the others. Trust me, you can do this!)
If you wanted, you could put a little glue on the edges and dip each edge into glitter. I thought of this, but since I didn’t get glitter, and since it was 5 am at the time, I thought, OK, maybe next time! I threaded narrow grosgrain ribbon through the holes, keeping the ribbon flat so that, in the end, when you hang them, the cards will all lay correctly — and I spaced them a bit apart.
They had tons of letter stickers at Michael’s … I bought these puffy letters, and considered using them, but changed my mind, wished I’d bought simpler ones … I was afraid these would make it too fancy for what I wanted. I thought it would look more homemade if . . .
I just printed letters on the cards with a fat black marking pen.
So that’s what I did, and then, with watercolors, I put a little gray shadow behind each letter to make them “pop” a bit.
And so there it is! Not Picasso. But that’s OK, it does exactly what I hoped … a little something homemade in my kitchen. And you could go wild with this, you could mark the letters in glue and make them totally glitter! I’ve already hung a few little colored pom poms on this banner … if you need a little gift of the heart, this would be perfect, tucked inside a stocking, or in a holiday card.
And then, the sun came up! I love my banner/swag department! It has a bit of magic in it, don’t you think?
I also thought you might like a photo of sundown last night, on the street where I live ….
The Frost Moon was so beautiful!
Back to my decorating now! I finished my new WILLARD yesterday! (Click there, just in case you don’t know why we call my Newsletter “Willard.”) It will start going out next Tuesday — it takes a couple of days … will be all sent late Wednesday. If you want to sign up your mom, sister, aunt, grandma, sugar daddy, daughter, or best friend, you can do it anytime over the weekend and still be in time for Christmas Willard to arrive in their boxes sometime Tuesday or Wednesday.♥ Very inexpensive little gift. Cookie Jar is included! Also, I have a little surprise giveaway in honor of the giving season, from me to you with LOVE; check the blog next Tuesday for the surprise!
Peep Peep girlfriends, Have a wonderful day!! xoxo You are adorable! ♥ Thank you for everything!
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the lovely post but most of all…the beautiful picture of the cardinal! I miss seeing them and they always make my day…I wish they would figure out a way to fly to Colorado! Happy Holidays!
I never saw them until I moved back east. Love that kissing noise they make!
I miss them too:( They have them in Orlando area but not many down this far. They are so pretty against the snow. Sorry your didn’t get your snow…..I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you:)
It’s bound to come sometime … and by April, my prayers will say just the opposite, Please no more snow!
Your swag looks great! I have done bunting for a few occasions this year and I like your idea a lot so here comes next week’s project. I usually make the phrase “Joy at Christmas” with old children’s blocks so that’s what my swag will say. My little kitchen tree (also your idea) is up and today the birds will be on it. Bring on December!
It’s almost here!
What a great decorating idea! This is a wonderful idea to encourage children of all ages to create holiday banners! So easy too! You’re right – I have everything here already including some cool letters! (I don’t have your talent with lettering and shading!)
Thank you for the peek at holiday creativity!
Plus the red bird (is it a cardinal or another variety)! He’s dressed for the season!
Have an amazing week!
Yes he’s a Cardinal! Have a wonderful weekend Kerry!
PS It’s raining here – I just checked my craft stash & I have 4 sheets of Susan Branch letter stickers!! My head is filled with ideas for banners for me plus friends and my sister! So even though I should clean house and I should unpack the last of the kitchen boxes (from the remodel) I’m making banners today! Cleaning & organizing can wait until tomorrow! So happy!
I like a woman with values!
Hi Susan,
I just love your window framed with banners and bunting!! They are perfect! It’s so funny that we are both working on the same kind of project today. I’m making a special banner for my aunt’s 90th birthday celebration. We share a birthday on December 8th. Together we will be 147 years old! Hoping to make her day extra special!
Happy painting, writing, decorating, and dreaming!
I love that you take some of the burden of those years onto yourself! Your aunt must LOVE you!
I love this idea. I think it would be a nice project for my son and I, and you’re right, I do have all these things in my craft cupboard. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Anna,
Hubby and I have spent some time in your county, in the 1990s! When we are near a cathedral city we always check out times for the Evensong service, which we love to attend. After Evensong at Hereford Cathedral we met a lovely woman who was dividing her time between Auburn, AL and Hereford, and who was also at the service. We asked her for a recommendation for dinner and she walked with us down the street to the wine bar that she suggested. When we all noticed that it was closed until 7:00 (I think), she graciously asked us to her home, which was a short walk away, for a drink to wile away the intervening time. We accepted and, upon finding out that I had never had Pimm’s before, she made me a cocktail with it—Yum! We had a very pleasant time and remember our visit to Hereford and the Wye River area with much fondness. Have a lovely Christmas!
Hi Kathy,
Hereford is a lovely place. The people here are friendly; it’s a nice neighbourly place. I like to go to the Cathedral when I go into town to shop just to have a quiet moment. Did you go to view the Mappa Mundi? It’s a strangely compelling thing to look at. I’m glad you enjoyed your time here. Happy Christmas to you too!
Anna x
Hello English Girls xoxo
Hi Susan! Thanks for calling me an English Girl! xoxo
Hahaha, lol, oh well! I thought I was reading two English girls talking together — I understand! You can call me an English girl too!
Thanks for calling me an English girl too! lol I’m from Pennsylvania!
Hmmmm. This Herefordshire England next to your name, is that just to tease me?
Hi Anna,
Yes, we did see the Mappa Mundi! Thanks for reminding me. We would have seen the Magna Carta too—I remember that we saw one of the copies at a cathedral. I was just on the Hereford Cathedral website and I see that there is now a New Library to house both. That was built after we were visiting. I know that we didn’t see the Chained Library, but I wish that we had. That fascinates me. Maybe next time. I’ll be thinking about you shopping and visiting the Cathedral. Have fun with your crafting projects!
The Chained Library is really interesting. Even the King/Queen aren’t allowed to remove the chains and take the books away to look at them. The Queen came to the Cathedral this summer on her Jubilee tour and we went out to see her.
Happy crafting,
OH, American in England? I’m so quick!
Good Morning Susan,
Thanks so much for a bit of holiday inspiration. I’m just beginning to transition from Autumn decorations to Holiday and I love the idea of your banner.
I recently read about a new movie that I just know you’ll enjoy. “Quartet” will be coming out December 28th. Dustin Hoffman is the director! I love the storyline–it’s about a colorful cast of retired opera singers/musicians who are reunited in a home for retired musicians that is located in the quaint English Countryside. I can’t wait to see it. Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Pauline Collins and Billy Connolly are all such captivating actors and I think you might like it, too.
Have a wonderful day!
Oh that is going to be SO good!!!!
I am so glad you mentioned that! It sounds like a wonderful movie and I hadn’t even heard of it!
Yes, Stephanie, thanks so much for mentioning this film. It sounds delightful, and what a great cast! And Dustin Hoffman directing. Years ago I was in a drugstore in Beverly Hills, and as I walked to the door to leave, there was a man bent over talking to a young boy. As I passed and heard his voice, it popped in my head, “That’s Dustin Hoffman!” But then I thought, well, so what. Right now, he’s just a man in a drugstore. I think celebrities off screen are entitled to their own lives. Later a friend at work told me it most likely was him, that he had children and lived around there and there was a park nearby. But I’ve always loved him as an actor, and glad to hear he’s directing.
Precious banner! Love the one above it, too. Did you make that one? They all look so good and cheerful and merry up there together. My friend and I are making shadow boxes today and I think a tiny little banner would be sweet in them. Have the materials so what is stopping us?
Have fun…everything is looking fabulous!
The one above is a combination of different things I found in the craft store, starting with the sort of glittery silvery swag, and then I hung a few other things on it . . . some colored bells and some pom poms.
Inspiration! The name of the game. We did our shadow boxes…almost completely and hung those tiny little banners with peace, love, joy,or hope…and little dots around the edge of each letter… that made it look like lace. I wish you could see what your have inspired in us! They are adorable and charming! And…so are you! thanks…
They sound so cute!
Again, Well Worth The Wait! ..You just make me so happy!
There will be lots of banners in kitchens now! Very Festive! Love all of the pictures. Today we are even feeling winter here in So Cal., it is raining. Love it!
Hope you have more fun wherever your creativity takes you today!
I am just getting started after Thanksgiving. …Have the elves out though! Sending a big Thank You hug!
Same to you…. going to call my mom, she’s probably loving the rain too!
Fabulous festive festooning my dear! And the musica is perfect! Now, I can get on with my day.♥
Another lovely post. Thank you! I’m making your delicious sounding Christmas Coffee Cake this weekend. My mom and I were just talking about your Christmas Story you shared with us last year. Looking forward to Willard. Cheers.
Cheers Heidi, Hi to your mom!
Good morning Susan… I just LOVE your little banner~swag department, especially as the sun starting shining in!… and the old steeple on the church you live by just takes my breath away… I think if I lived where you do, I would just sit and look over at it all day long, it looks like such a beautifully serene place to count blessings and daydream… your Cardinal is so gorgeous!…we don’t have those here in Utah and how I wish we did!… I can hardly wait for my Willard to arrive!… has Jack (hello Jack!) behaved around all of your garlands and such?… one year my kitty TC (who is now in kitty Heaven) jumped right up on my hutch where we had a little animated skating pond with skaters that danced all around to Christmas carols… I guess TC wanted to ice skate!… love our kitties!… Hello Girl Kitty too!… xoxo Julie Marie
Jack is almost a blur, he moves so fast. I hear rustling in a brown paper bag in the dining room. He’s found my bag of birds. He has one! I move toward him, his eyes dart madly, he drops the bird, and RUNS out of the room, to the next trouble spot, or it will be when he gets there!
Our two cats are having fun driving me MAD with our tree skirt
They run across the room and then slide onto the tree skirt so it goes flying across the room. Demons I tell you Demons!!!!
Demons, but such soft sweet demons!
Yes, and my Twinkie and Midnight want to climb in my tree, of course, and knock the shiny ornaments off!! My irritations goes away, however, when I see them curled up together on my fluffy patchwork tree skirt, sleeping peacefully.
Love this! Sounds like my first born.
Your banner will be perfect in miniature for my doll’s kitchen!
Maybe you could do it with thread and needle! Would be adorable!
Wow! What a great idea for a doll house!
Oh, you do know us well. I, also, have all the supplies to make the word banner. That is going to be a great project for the weekend. We were suppose to be away on vacation for Christmas but due to unexpected medical difficulties, we have had to cancel our holiday. So after spending a couple of days being very disappointed, we refocused and are now planning to have a wonderful Christmas at home. The banner project will help the celebrations along.
Have a great day! Thanks for the ideas.
I’m not wild about changed plans either, but it’s good how you are taking it!
Good morning Susan! My, you HAVE been a little elf.
Love the banners!

I made one of paper a few years ago and then made another of pom poms last year. I am using that one this year as a garland for a tiny tree. THAT one was a challenge….sticking a needle thru each pom pom. Hit my finger a couple of times. But it was worth it.
I love your ‘Merry Christmas’ banner. Think I have those materials in me toy box….so just let me go look see.
YOU have a wonderful day!!
Hi, Susan!!! Happy Friday Eve to you! You’ve clearly been demonstrating your “Be An Elf” philosophies with your fabulous creations! Love, love, love it!!! I’m going into banner/bunting mode myself. I love how you’ve decorated your window ledges too, looks like the sweetest scene!
The Frost Moon was glorious last night, especially with the wee north star, I think attached to it as it rose way up into the sky. And, even illuminated the landscape this morning. I love a full moon!
Thanks for your dose of splendidness!!! Always know YOU are LoVeD!!!
XOXO it’s a two way street Jeanette!
Wow, what a surprise, a new post! And what a wonderful post filled with such fun and creative craft and decorating ideas, thank you Susan! Loved the photos of the sundown last night with the church, clouds, and Frost Moon, so peaceful and beautiful. Frameable for sure.
I want to share a fantastic link showing Queen Elizabeth II go from a child to now. You can just copy this link and paste it in your search box. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did! Merry Christmas and happy decorating girlfriends!
I’ve seen that, isn’t it great! Love the computer (most days!)!
Love your little banner! Happy December….here it comes!
Good Thursday morning, Susan! We had a very frosty morning after the Frost Moon today! Now, the sun is shining brightly, and warmer temperatures are expected.
I am in awe of anyone who creates such attractive homemade decorations! I would still be working on mine fifty years from now, still trying to get it to hang just right so the message could be seen!
I send along wishes for good, productive days for you in the future as you are readying your home for that visit from Yankee!
xo Nellie
You’d be surprised Nellie!
So good to hear from you! I’m so inspired. Going to make one of those banners today. How fun! The moon was beautiful last night here in the Black Hills of SD. Coming up right at dark behind a mountain and there was one star there to help with the grand entrance. Couldn’t watch it enough. We are so blessed to see the beautiful things. Going to be in the 50’s and 60’s today and through the weekend. Great for decorating for the holidays. Thanks for the inspiration and great day to you and all girlfriends.
South Dakota, so beautiful!
Ooooh Susan – thank you so much. I’m not very artistic, but I know I could make those swags – and I’m gonna!!! We don’t have a Michael’s here in Pueblo, but I’m sure I can find what I need at Hobby Lobby. So right after I get the guest sheets on the line I’m headed out to shop.
Have fun Peggy!
LOVE your banner, Sue! Your lettering makes it one of a kind and completely adorable. I could see it anywhere and know it was yours. I’m in the middle of a little banner project right now — having lots of fun figuring out the design and thinking of the recipients ;-). xoxo
You are my inspiration Janie!
Love the photo of the cardinal. Growing up in Toronto, they were a favourite to watch for, but here, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, we don’t see them. Blue jays, of course, but the bright red of the cardinals is so beautiful, especially when it snows. Your Merry Christmas swag is so cute, and looks so easy to make. Would be fun to do with the grandkids. Thanks for the inspiration. As always, we can count on you to “make our day.” Will be watching for Willard next week.
Thank you again sweet Susan for your inspiration…We’ve been “decking the halls” here in Minnesota too…started last Saturday putting the outside lights, garlands and wreaths out…it was cold, but not as cold as it can get in Minnesota so hubby and I thought we’d better get it done…have put a few things out inside this week…trying to finish Christmas “projects” I do every year for our children…this year the projects include Christmas ornaments made from goodies I scavenged after our cottage garage was demolished for a new garage…funfunfun…xoxo…
Good Morning, Susan! Love all your banners and thanks for the tutorial. I’m going to get busy crafting this evening – it’s going to be a “banner” night!
p.s. Did you find the tiny little Christmas light strand at the craft store as well? So sweet.
Yes, I did, it’s on a battery!
Loved the steeple church picture…so serene and beautiful. HOWEVER, the cardinal pix was my favorite! On my trip to Africa this past summer, of course, I LOVED, LOVED all the animals. However (again) – I became fascinated with the beautiful birds of Africa. Mindblowingly colorful! My project of this last week for Xmas presents – notecards with pix of African birds! Hope my friends enjoy them – I LOVE looking at them! Happy Day Everyone!
I love your festive crafting! I might try this with my daughter this weekend along with a gem tree
We have a Christmas parade in town with the girl scouts! Let the festivities begin!
Hi Susan!
Love the motivating post today. It got me to thinking that one of the reasons I love this time of year is for the wonderful excuse it gives me to play in my crafts and craftroom! That is as much a part of this holiday as the sharing of oneself and gifts too. Have a wonderful month of crafting!
Oh!! BONUS blog post!!! I was sure we would have to wait until Willard went out before receiving more posts!! THANK YOU!!! Gorgeous as always.. you are soo very crafty. Being craft-challenged, I would have to use maybe letter stamps for the bunting, but I think it would be cute and then color in the letters.. or not…I REALLY have a hard time getting into Christmas until it is December.. My Dad’s birthday is December 1… and he would have been 80 this year!!!!!! Oh my, how can that be when I am sooo young. Miss him so much and his mischievous nature and twinkle in his eye and he loved decorating for the holidays more than my mom does!!! She now decorates an outside tree in his memory… but also, my Christmas season officially starts wtih the first Sunday in Advent, which is this week…. gotta dig out that advent wreath .. I know where the candles are but will need to dig for the wreath! lol… oh, how I wish I didn’t have to work.. sure does get in the way of my playtime!! LOL>. oh well, I think I am rambling, but was so excited about the post and the beautiful Cardinal just puts the icing on the cake!! We have a lot of cardinals in our yard during the year.. they are beautiful, especially in the snow!! Love and happiness to all this season!!!
Same to you Diana!!! Hello to your mom for me!
Snazzy scissors!
The banner turned out beautifully and I love the sky shots, Susan.
Hi Susan, the cheery swags look great! I also like the puffy letters and think they’ll look good spelling out “Joy” or other Christmas messages on the hand- decorated cookie cans and boxes I give out each year, but I’ll need smaller letters. OK, so now you have me planning a trip to Michael’s which is good because I’ll need a break from some boring old office work I’ve got to tackle today, big sigh. Good day for it, though – nice and rainy here in SoCal. Here’s wishing you and all the Girlfriends a fun and crafty day!
I loved your little project! I did something very similar for halloween, with kitchen twine and little block letters that spelled “happy halloween”. I really like those tiny lights you have in the window as well…were those from Michael’s too? There is nothing more beautiful than Mr. cardinal at the feeder, they surely are a gift to behold! Can’t wait for Willard! Thanks for all your inspiration!
~ East Longmeadow, Ma.
Hi Susan,
Thank you for sharing such a creative surprise for all of us to try. This was very uplifting as I am so in need of new ideas. I am actually house-sitting for my sister for six months while she is away enjoying her new retirement home in Florida. All my keepsakes are in storage so I have to really come up with different ideas how to decorate this year. Her home is so big you can get lost in here……lol! I did put up all the birdfeeders outside and this morning had a Cardinal, a dove, chickadees, and other birds greet me this morning. I also got another surprise…my sister kept two big barrells filled with keepsakes for me that were my Moms that she wanted me to have. I have now gained more old cookbooks, old magazines, more decorations. Yes, I shed some tears but they were tears of sentiment and joy.
I have a question for you. To surprise my sister and husband for there new retirement home…….I would like to make them homemade Christmas Stockings but with a beach theme. Do you have any great ideas you could possibly come up with for me or any of the girlfriends out there? This will be the first Christmas my sister and I have been apart so I want it to be really special. Thank you Susan for any ideas and thank you for this pretty uplifting post. Hugs&Smiles:)
Do you mean the stockings themselves or the things you put IN them?
Hi Sue,
Yes……to make the (stockings themselfs). I wanted something really different like one of a kind and you are the most creative woman I know and living on MV figured you would have great ideas, anything is so appreciated. Thank you!:)Hugs&Smiles Barb
Here are a ton of ideas … for beachy Christmas stockings — you’ll want to use colors that fit, but here is everything from starfish to anchors to seashells … you could get little seashells with holes in them and sew them as a “fringe” along the edge .. so many good ideas…. here are more Homemade Christmas stockings! Have fun!
Goodmorning Susan,
Thank You So Much! I am so excited to have so many choices to choose from and thank you also for the seashell fringe idea. This really helps me out so much…..THANK YOU SUSAN!!!!
Hugs&Smiles :):):):):) Barb
I know they’ll be darling!
For the stockings use burlap and then since stars are Christmas symbols hot glue a starfish to them and use small shells to spell out their names on the cuff……just a thought! Good luck!
Hello Linda,
Thank you so much for this Creative, wonderful idea. I surely do appreciate this very much.
Many smiles to you and a very Merry Christmas! Barb
~ Good Morning~
Taking a break from my cleaning and having a spot of tea ~which usually means looking at your blog too~Surprise~ Surprise~ another post! Everything looks too cute of course!!
You have been a Busy girl indeed! ~Funny that I was thinking the same thing about words~ ~trying to decide which words I would use for my Scrabble tile racks during the Christmas season~
“Gingerbread” is always on the kitchen Scrabble rack ~kind of the theme in there ~as well as “Naughty & Nice”~ So that’s done~ the only other decorating I’ve done is replacing my
everyday vintage kitchen apron “valance” with my new~vintage~Christmas one and putting our Advent wreath on the dining room table~ duty is calling so ” High ho High ho ~it’s back to work I go!”
~Have a great day!~
Just to let anyone who was going to make the White Chicken Chili I made a mistake with the amount of chicken broth ~ it should be 1 carton (4 cups) of broth.
Thanks, Linda. It sounded so good, I got the ingredients and am waiting for the first snowy cold day to make it for our supper–with home-made cornbread, too!
(Have frozen leftover chicken meat from a rotissorie chicken we bought at Costco!) I’m looking forward to it!
Love it! Love it! Love it! Everything is absolutely beautiful and charming. When did you say Yankee Magazine was coming for the shoot? We are all in for quite the treat. So much to look forward to . . . the Yankee mag shoot, your highly anticpated English Travel Journal and the Christmas Willard! Gifts and treats. You are so generous and thoughtful of your girlfriends. You are loved so very much by so many. {group hug ’round the world}
On December 11-12! Thank you Diane, hugs back!
Uff da, you reminded me of something I meant to mail a few days ago:) Still recovering from Thanksgiving. Charming window . . . full of fun:) My crafts seem to be oozing out of the corners/cupboards like lava:( and I can’t blame anyone else as my husband just golf’s:)))) Have a super fun creative day dear hearts.
OH goodie, I have been meaning to ask, what does Uff da actually mean? And where does it come from? I think of it as possibly Norwegian, and I think it means, OH My! How close did I get?
You are “Right On!!!” with your definition…we actually don’t use that phrase a whole lot after the movie “Fargo” came out…Hollywood exaggerated and made so much fun of the local dialects…
But still use it at times–like “Lutefisk? Uff-da!” LOL! 
Write it phonetically for me, is it just UF DA? or is it pronounced differently?
Hi Susan, regarding Uff-da…..My Mom pronounced it this way…”oooof” as in…hoof..drop the h and add “da”.. (.oooof-da ! )
Ok, I think I’ve got it, Thank you Deborah!
It is pronounced Oof da, spelled Uff da..
Ya Hey Der!!
~Wisconsin Talk~
You two talk amongst yourselves!
Oh thanks! I’ve been wondering about that myself… :>)
Sorry, I didn’t see Deborah’s comment… Uff da!
You “guys” are sooo funny. Ya, uff da is part of my everyday language. All of my friends down here in FL have picked it up too:) It is scandinavian and I spell it UFF DA, even have a lovely metal soldered word on my wall. “Oh, my”, is a good translation … is also substituted for other “sudden” words too:) The uff sounds like hoof and the da sounds like ha:)
Oh Pat, you will chuckle as I was BORN in FARGO, a real uff da…..ha…only lived there a year and then Mpls., was my home till 10 yrs. ago.
I have to say, maybe it is wrong, but what I loved about Fargo, was the accent! So cute!
Is that because you are originally from California??? (just kidding!) Norm said to tell you that where you would use it, for instance, is in a sentence like this: “Uff-da! I just stepped in a cow pie!!!” LOL!
LOL Norm!
I will be starting on my banners/swags presently. I have the tree up and lights on and waiting for my granddaughter to decorate it. I do like it with just the little white lights though. Thank you for your very interesting and lovely blog postings. And when I write a comment, it thrills me that it looks just like your writing! ~ Renton, Washington.
You’re welcome Tana!
So cute, Sue! Just wonderful!!! And, perfect timing because today I get to play down in my studio…ALL day if I want!!!
Did you string the pompoms? On thread, fish line….what????? Inquiring minds must know!!!
The Frost Moon was quite frosty last night. We had just a few minutes of it peeking thru the clouds before it slipped behind the whispy masses! Today, it is dark, damp and cool….just perfect for doing staying inside and playing with glitter and ribbons!!! Thanks for all of the inspiration you share with all of us!
xoxoxoxo peg
I bought some pom poms already on clear fishing line! Another set of loose pom poms, I glued to string, one on each side — so it’s string, threaded through red and white striped straws, with pompoms on each side of the straw! I also scattered them on the window sill, just loose, because they’re just so colorful and cute. Have a wonderful day Peg!
Wow, Jack or Girl Kitty hasn’t eaten them yet???
Girl is disdainful of brightly colored pom poms — too smart to lower herself to get fuzz like that in her mouth. Jack, believe it or not, can’t quite reach them on that window sill half way up those windows!
Uh, oh….Jack will discover those “loose” pom poms sooner or later! I can see him now….getting Girl Kitty to hoist him up on her shoulders so he can reach them!
I would not be a bit surprised!
Susan, I’m headed upstairs right now to make a kitchen banner. Thank you for sharing this idea. Lesley from Folsom. CA
No, you are adorable! Are you sure you won’t be in SoCal during this season? I could pay you in tea and cookies to help me decorate!!!
xo, Sue in Simi
Your Christmas banner is so adorable! I’ve never made a banner myself, but I can see from your post that it is quite simple to make…fun AND heartfelt. The photos of the frost moon are beautiful. I saw it last night too. It was so high in the sky and shining brightly upon us! And my favorite has to be the picture of the cardinal – one of my most favorite birds! Happy Thursday!! xo
Ok I just added to today’s To Do List: Make Christmas swag. And of course all the materials are right here in my craft room/office. I’m clearing a path in the storage area to get to my Christmas closet; should be there by tomorrow afternoon! Love the cardinal pic at the end, too. My favorite bird. Did you know the cardinal is the state bird for the most states? Don’t ask me to name the states but I won a gift on an airplane once for knowing that bit of information.
LOL, that’s something you’ll never forget!
Ann, should be there by tomorrow afternoon… Thanks for the laugh!
Oh Ann, I agree–thanks for the laugh! Sometimes that is applicable here, too! Plus we joke that if I disappear in there and don’t come out by dinnertime, come looking for me–I might be lost!!!
Wonderful Susan! Getting all the girlfriend’s creative juices flowing. (Mother Nature did a pretty good job too.) Thanks and I am looking forward to the Willard.
hello, good morning everyone!! its pouring her, by the buckets. lil Midnight is doing much better now, he is chasing the other cats about the house and eagerly awaiting the “cat tree” so he can climb in it and create all forms of mischief and mayhem. i love the kitchen banner, now to get busy and get my kitchen decorated for the holidays, with help from the cats. i get out the cookie cutters to hang in the window and they have to steal the ribbon and the clothespins. “santa’s lil helpers”!!! i love the cardinal, wish we had them around here, all we have are mountain jays, blue bodies and black heads and they are noisy things when it comes to visiting the feeders. have a wonderful day today everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. did everyone see A Charlie Brown Christmas last night???? my favorite holiday special. hugs….
My favorite too, Pat! Just wouldn’t really be Christmas without “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” I own the CD, VHS & now DVD as well – because I’m afraid someday it may not be shown anymore. And that would not be good. Seen it every year since it began [1965]. Cannot believe it’s almost been 50 years! :>)
I saw it, Pat. My favorite too! Used to show it to my elementary school student… They all loved it – even the older students!
i have “A Charlie Brown Christmas” on tape and dvd, i have a whole collection of the specials on tape and dvd. its just not the holiday season without Charlie Brown and the Grinch starting it off, anyone catch “How the Grinch stole Christmas” special this week also. love those cartoon classics. hugs……
Oh, the “Grinch” too! Loved Boris Karloff’s narration – God bless whoever the Genius was that thought to ask him to do that… Perfect casting. :>)
Hi Pat,
I too love all the Christmas Classic Cartoons and watch them as well …and my all time favorite is Rudolph! I also wanted to mention…..I never heard of a “Mountain Jay” before and am going to have to look this one up, thank you for the description. I am an avid birder…love the birds. Where my husband and I just moved from in MA we had every bird you could imagine…..including a pair of Pileated Head Woodpeckers and we never had seen them before… was exciting. I so enjoy reading your posts! Merry Christmas to you too! Hugs & Smiles:) Barb
Love this idea Susan, and so doable!! Thanks for sharing, all I need are curvy scissors. Oh, an excuse to go to JoAnn’s, thanks!
The vineyard is looking so beautiful, I miss it, but Vermont isn’t bad either.
Just found out the screen door to our home in WT got damaged : (
So happy someone told me and it could at least get shut, even if the hinges are bent. There still are wonderful people around. I’m thankful for that.
Happy crafting to you, kitchen looks so homey and inviting.
There sure are, look at the policeman today who went and bought boots for the homeless man … and all those Manhattan people going out on weekends to help with storm damage! Glad that was the only damage to your house Robin!
5 a.m.! I feel like such a slacker as I drink my coffee on the West Coast. What a great idea to include a banner in a Christmas card for a non-crafty friend. Maybe put an extra stamp on it but it shouldn’t take up much space if the sentiment is short. Decorated by 12/1. That’s my goal. Thank you Susan for the cardinal. We have around 14 sweet yellow finches at our feeder this morning. Christmas is beautiful in California but loving the pictures of the Vineyard at this time of year.
Arline in Burbank
There seems to be something wonderful everywhere!
Arlene–some of us in the Midwest feel like slackers, too, as we drink our coffee! 5:00 a.m. can feel like the middle of the night for night owls!
Yellow finches in Burbank? I guess I wasn’t much of a birder in So Cal, We have lots of goldfinches and cardinals and lots more others here in WNC!
Merry Christmas from the east to the west! Wish I was at the Laguna Beach winter wonderland though!
Susan, I love your garlands that your created!! This is something I never thought of before, but they really do add such sweet homey charm. Your idea of one as a gift tucked in a card is also a great idea when you want something special but don’t have the funds to purchase a regular gift. Plus you can create so many combinations and greetings! You are a genius!!! Part of the fun of decorating for the holidays is creating that feeling of ” home for the holidays” in your own style. I love this !
The photos of your street are beautiful with their New England charm. Martha’s Vineyard has been on my bucket list of places to visit for decades. Your photos just reinforce that I need to make that happen so I can see for myself all of the beauty and history there.
Looking forward to the next Willard ! Oh, I know it is going to be so special and full of Christmas cheer and ideas for the holidays!! Thank-you , thank-you in advance!! And after that will be more excitement surrounding the Yankee visit. This month is so full of excitement for all of us girlfriends too. We have the most fun!! Don’t you agree??
I positively do! I love coming here to see what you are all up to!
Susan, I love, love, LOVE your blog; it is so peaceful and inspiring!! Looking to get your Christmas books out and then try the swag. I have all the materials and then some. Blessings and Hugs to you for your inspirational sharing and love!!!
My pleasure Irene!
BEST. POST. EVER. I love you Sweet Sue! Now, I’m off to my “craft room” to find my “cloud” design scissors (eek! Just like yours!) and get to work on my Merry Christmas Banner. How did I ever live without you???? xoxoxo Jacqui
And vice versa jacqui!
Cardinals – birds in general are so beautiful in the winter months – especially dancing around on the snow! I am absolutely not creative – so you help me so much! Love the letters on the string – will definitely use that idea. I’m going to the craft stores on Saturday and now I have ideas to look for to make my home like Susan’s!!! I will use my wonderful Susan Branch alphabet stickers for the letters. Have a wonderful winter wonderland weekend!
I used to think I wasn’t creative! I wanted to be, but thought it was for other people. So then I found out…. anyone who lives today is creative every moment, creating life. xoxo
P.S. I’m also making the Star Croutons from your Christmas Book. Life is good
Creative girl!
Heh–you can use miniature star cookie cutters to cut thin slices of carrots, etc. for salads. I love doing a fresh fruit salad for Christmas and cutting the carambola (sp?), also called “star fruit” as when you slice it, it makes perfect yellow stars! One Valentine’s Day a girlfriend and I both contributed to a dinner for our husbands. We made EVERYTHING heart-shaped! It was fun doing it and the guys were amazed!!!
I wrote about that in my Autumn Book too …. cutting shapes from veggies and fruit — and starfruit!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog post today. Things have been a bit tight around here so this is just perfect!! Thank you for all you ADD to our lives!! I have both a bird feeder and bird bath and saw my first bird today…WooHoo!..Hope there are many more to come….think I need to plant a few berry bearing bushes or trees to attract them. I also love your little miniature lights….will be on the hunt for them! Any SNOW yet? I am still dreaming of having a WHITE Christmas one year…..of course will have to travel much farther north to have it!! ENJOY and sooo looking forward to Willard!!
That’s what I love about homemade things, they aren’t about money, only heart! No snow for us, I’m dreaming too! xoxo
Hullo Belinda, I see we both…posted that we, LOVE LOVE LOVE ..Susan’s posting just about the same minute ! I think you’ll agree…we LOVE LOVE LOVE her…EVERYDAY as well !!
Comments that start with LOVE LOVE LOVE are always wonderful to me!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the decorations !! If only I had a fraction of your talent and imagination and creativity ! I would love to attempt those most adorable swags and buntings…except my dear cat Elsa, who is usually airborne jumping from one book case or dresser to another or hanging from the very top of the curtains or balancing on the curtain rods..would be tight rope walking or dangling from my decorations in a few seconds flat…
I wait for Jack to react to each speck I put down!
You the artist says you are not Picasso………LOL… Picasso painted like an adult in his youth and in his later years painted as a child. “Trivia”
Everything looks great. Oh! the sweet Cardinal, such a beautiful bird. Your photo could be your this years Christmas Card. “Silly girl”, not Picasso I am still smiling. You are so humble to a fault, you haven’t even told us your cookie cutter “Heart of Home” is for sale. You are the sweetest, humble person I have ever known. Have heaps of fun creating.
P.S. I think you are better then alot of so called artist. I wouldn’t pay one dollar for Picasso’s later works. His later works are what most are familiar with. Are turly gifted……….:)
xoxo I think I love you!
We all Love you Susan…….You teach with out teaching in the traditional way, you (inspire) us to want to do more with our homes, thus it effects our family & our friends. They take notice of all our extra efforts.
Love making a happy invirement for my family and (you are the one) that put the reminder to my soul that being a home maker is really important. Nothing better then a home that is filled with music, and art and wonderful food. Just a few weeks ago my son told me how he misses home cooked meals and the smell of the food when he would come home from school, coming up to the kitchen door. He is married and they are a two income family with dinners eaten out alot or take out. “Heart of The Home” is a real place created with LOVE. Thank you Susan for such a wonderful Blog. Love Ya! Betty Marie xoxo
It is a real place, a true place. We all feel that in our hearts, some may have forgotten, but we are here to remind them. xoxo
I did show it in the new Willard though, pretty cute huh? xoxo
It is really cute! I think this is something that you can have made for retail sales.
We would, but you can see, if it takes an hour or two to make, and you pay someone $20 an hour, then add the cost of goods, you would have to charge WAY too much for it. So we just have to make our own!
Your right, hyper inflation is taking a toll on this counrty.
Do we have inflation yet? I thought inflation happened when the interest rates go up … they are so low right now. What we do have is an economy forced to compete with China’s low cost workers … We could probably get that banner made in China for about 50 cents!
Unfortunately you are probably right–in China you could get it made for 50 cents. But would that be right to pay someone 50 cents for 2 hours work? That is the issue…and does a cab driver–who has your life in his hands driving in bad traffic or icy roads–deserve to make less money than, say, a politician???
The solution would have to come from someone far smarter than me!
I love your home made banner, it’s really sweet. I’ve never seen a cardinal, they look very pretty. The only colourful bird we get is the robin. Which reminds me, our daughter collected a kitty from the RSPCA this week and he is called Robin. He was quite timid and spent the whole of the afternoon in the cupboard the first day she got him but then decided to venture out and make himself completely at home!!
Love that name! I know she’ll have fun with him!
Type “O” It sould read “you are truly gifted”.
I love your lettered banner – very simple, and it shows up very well.
You really are very inspirational! I think I will have to get me a pair of those scissors! We will begin decorating this weekend – CAN’T WAIT!
Have fun!
i am hosting a small birthday party on saturday and thing a happy b-day banner is the way to go…thank you.
Will be cute!
The kitchen windows look like Angie flew by and sprinkled pixie dust! Hmmm, maybe she did. Love the banner and then Cathy said she was making a miniature for her doll house and made me think I must make one for the decorative bird house on the potting bench on the porch that a mouse moved into. Last year I gave him a little tree and everything. Inspiration….I feel it growing.
Looking forward to Willard. Happy rest of the week to all.
Oh, I love that you gave your mouse “guest” it’s own tree. tra~la~la
Chris, You are “too cute”–a little tree for the mouse! Love it!
Well…..even mice love Christmas:)
Do you hang “cheese balls” on it for ornaments?
I see your post pop up…..i clap my hands and giggle….immediately turn the volume up on my computer……say out loud “musica”…and devour all of your beautiful and magical pics…….totally makes my day. Loved the banners…..:)
Great craft ideas Susan! I love the simplicity of your banner. I” NEED” one for my kitchen window. You are right –we all have what we need to make one of these beauties. Headed down to the craft room to make my version now. Thank you and know that I am anxiously awaiting Willard! xoxo ♥
My darling niece made wonderful handmade banners for my mom’s 90th birthday last weekend. Canning jars, burlap, lace and green accents were the theme and it turned out amazing. I may just have to try my hand at your banner. Thank you so much for the tutorial! And, I’ve only seen a cardinal in the wild once, brilliant against the snow at my sister-in-laws house in Minnesota.
Hi Susan –
** Can you tell me where you got those darling little mini lights at the bottom of the banners? LOVE ’em! Your banners are adorable….your house is going to be Christmas Central for Yankee’s spread!
I think Joe got them at the Christmas Tree lot, although we found more at a garden center on the island called Eden.
Thanks! I’ll check around for them. SO cute!
What a darling little banner for Christmas. I had my neice over before Thanksgiving and we made leaf swags like you showed. They were so much fun and looked so great for fall, We have a liquid amber tree so many beautiful leaves here in So. Cal!!! I just love seeing all of your ideas. Thanks again!
Liquid Amber — beautiful!
Oh Susan….
As always, you amaze and delight and what it brings to all of us is that sense of simplicity that ALWAYS is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s beautiful….but the trouble is: I CAN’T MAKE LETTERS LIKE SUSAN BRANCH CAN!!!!!
Yes, I have LOTS of your letter stickers; I even have the stamp set….but it’s not the same, so why don’t you fly over to all of our homes (like Santa) and make us each one!!!
Almost December………………………..
Love you bunches!
If only!
Love your darling banners! Your home is as delightful as your books, Susan. I’m checking for some of those cool scissors next time I’m in Michaels.
Hi Susan, love the banners, they’re so cute. I can’t wait to see the whole house decorated.
I’m starting up my own blog next month and was wondering what type of camera you use for your blog pictures? I’m not sure if I need an expensive, fancy camera with all sorts of things I’ll probably never learn, or if I can just stick with what I have.
I really can’t tell you what you should do, because I’ve used two kinds of cameras, not counting the phone. A little one and a big one. Both Canons. I think as long as they’re digital, they’re good, but I’m really new with the camera and only know maybe three buttons on the EOS Rebel that I use the most. Hope that helps. Probably stick with what you have, and see how it works first!
Thanks so much
Hi Girlfriend! I want to tell you that your SWAGS are great!! I love the Merry Christmas one. While reading your blog, I thought of doing something like that, only larger and put the swag in the front windows for people to see. I may just do that yet. I’ve been wanting something for the front windows other than my wreaths that I haven’t used in the last couple years. I can’t seem to find anything. What I want is something large that lights up…. say a Santa, something that says ‘Joy’, ‘Merry Christmas’, etc. They used to be very popular. Of course, now that I want something like that, they aren’t to be found. Just like the ‘tree’ cake pan. I looked and looked last year for one, but not to be found.
I’m off to tea in a little bit. Decorated my tree this morning. I think I’m basically decorated. Now for the Christmas cards.
Carol M
We have the tree cake pan in our webstore!!! Tra-la, I get to help someone!
Check out some of the big box stores, they have some HUGE decorations!
BFF Sandy gave me one of the tree cake pans for Christmas a couple of years ago. It is fun to decorate the cake. Powdered sugar or white frosting for “snow”, green glaze dribbled over with frosting used to “glue” on colored candies for ornaments and stars, etc. The first year I put tiny star candies on the green spritz cookie trees I make, my sister told me I had “too much time on my hands” but it doesn’t take that much time, is fun to do, and watching people’s faces when they see the cookies makes it worth the time!
Thats my favorite part too, putting on the snow!
Thanks, Susan, I’m going to your web site now to purchase the cake pan. Sadly, we don’t have any big box stores in Eureka, just Costco.
Thanks Again,
Carol M
Costco is the best anyway — heard this morning they are the fairest of all to their employees! Like that!
I ordered the tree cake pan. Can hardly wait to get it and make the cake!! So happy that you got more in.
Carol M
What a fun project for all of us for Christmas!!! Can I add an idea to your banner? Christmas symbols could be cut out of colored construction paper and added on the ribbon: Bells, holly leaves, stars, etc. And if anyone wants to do it and is not great at drawing, they could trace around cookie cutters!
Absolutely, the more the merrier!
Thanks for the words, “Merry Christmas” on your banner instead of “Happy Holidays”. We need to always remember the true meaning of Christmas!
We do celebrate Christmas at our house, but not everyone does, so I like to do both!
How anyone can be as creative and productive while the rest of the world sleeps, remains a mystery (you must be one of Santa’s elves). But, I appreciate the love and the beauty you sprinkle onto everything you do.
What a fun banner – thanks for the great idea. I have enough stuff in the craft room to make one for every room & more! The picture of your window as the sun is rising is just lovely. Those little twinkly lights are so fun. And, I envy you the cardinal – something we don’t have in Nevada, but we do have a sprinkling of snow on the mountain tops. Can’t wait for Willard! Hugs.
The banners are just adorable, Susan! I always wanted to make one but didn’t think I could since I can’t sew. So…thanks for showing there is hope for me after all! Have a great day you early bird!!
Jane From Chicago
I love the swags! I think each one keeps adding to make the window so pretty. I am feeling “merry” today, and have begun to decorate. I also baked a cinnamon cake so that the smell would feel holiday-ish while decorating…and of course…there has to be Christmas music in the background. Our daughter is extremely busy with school and projects and she told me this morning that she wasn’t feeling excited like she always does every year, so I told her I would create some Christmas cheer for her today. Every year we have our family traditions and one of them is to go to the Pacific Northwest Ballet for the Nutcracker. This year we really splurged and have seats in a balcony up close! We also reserved parking and made reservations for dinner right before our evening show! So excited! We actually do quite a few traditions now that I am thinking of it…but too many to tell today. I just love this time of year so much. I have never had a Christmas Willard…..I can’t wait….what a special gift! Thank you!!
Good morning Diane! My grandparents…always full of love and magic, would take their six grandchildren to the San Fransciso War Memorial Theater every year to see the Nutcracker. We would get really dressed up, so fun and exciting. The beauty of the sets and the costumes combined with the music and the dancing was heavenly. Except for my brother, the only boy. He would lean over to our papa and ask, “when is it half time?”! Those are such treasued memories for all of us. How wonderful for you to shower that same love and magic on your family. Merry Christmas!

Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca
Thank YOU for everything. I love your art, your blog, your ideas, your simplicity…so inspiring. Thank you.
Thank you back Sunny, nice to see you here!
I love your banner idea. It came out great! So simply and not costly at all, but really really cute. I may have to try this as well. Thanks for the inspiration!
Good day Susan! I love checking your website to see what’s new, sort of like seeing what Santa left under the tree for me! When I see something new I get happy already because I know it will be good. I love that you put all those pix up, gives us a sort of real-time connection. And today’s is just charming, in many ways. Mostly just you coming thru! xox
Hi Susan, your banner is so charming – love it. I was wondering about the little picture below the banner that says “In 1905”. Is it a motto? Another idea for a banner is to collect snowy white hankies with initials that spell out your message. I’m still looking for a couple of letters to spell Merry Christmas. The “y” and the “h” are still out there waiting to be found. Looking forward to Willard, as always.
It’s an old cut out from a newspaper. Love the hankie idea!
See you ARE clever!!! I love the garland. I was talking to you this morning….did you hear me? I said; “I see the moon and the moon sees you!”
Question: the tiny fruit garland on top; is the fruit real? I really like that one.
Sure looks like you are having fun. I am really getting inspired being with you this Christmas!! xoxo
No, it isn’t real, I got that one in an antique store, it was one of a kind, so cute!
Hi there, Susan,
Thanks for the inspiration today…it will be a “banner” Christmas this year! I’m thinking mine will say “Bah Humbug”–just for fun. Maybe one that reads “Mittens” for my friend’s cat.
I wanted to tell you that I finally bought a Gladys Taber book on Amazon after learning about her from your blog and books. It is such a charming read and perfect for a rainy day in along with my darn cold. She writes about “NWH”…which stands for “nothing wrong here”. This was written on letters so the addressee wouldn’t worry that there was bad news inside, which was often the case back then. I love that and will try to use it in my emails. Oh, forgot to mention that I was thrilled that Gladys raised cocker spaniels. I love my cocker, Hobo, too! Thanks!!!
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Lots of good discovery in Gladys books! Happy you are enjoying her!
The sunrises at your kitchen window . . .
Since you’re up:) – check out the Space Station going by! I signed up for ‘Spot the Station’ – they email to you when the Space Station will be flying over your neighborhood. I sat out on my porch last week at 5:45 am and within minutes – a bright light approaches out of the NW sky . . . . can I tell you HOW thrilling it was? I tracked it about 3-4 minutes until it disappeared . . . my dogs were wondering what the heck was going on – why was I out there on the porch if not to take them walkies!!
OK, I just signed up! I think I may have seen it before, but it will be a lot more fun when I KNOW I’m seeing it! In case anyone else wants to do this, just click HERE!
Susan, you are just sooo creative. You always have great simple ideas up your sleeve. LOVE the banner idea. Such a great idea for any season or occasion. My “banner wheels” are now turning (faster than I can work actually). The Frost Moon was so beautiful last night. Walked to my neighbor’s in the dark, and the moon lighted up my path (I live outside the city). So enchanting. Love the church steeple in the pictures you take. I do believe you live in the most perfect place. Looking forward to Christmas Willard. All these gifts you send our way are some of life’s most precious treasures. Happy Us!!
xoxo Rhonda!
What cute banners! And wonderful cardinal photo. Someday I hope to see in one in person. Since they don’t fly out to California on migration vacation, I guess I’ll have to visit back east, someday. Looking forward to the Christmas Willard – the most wonderful Willard of all!
Great idea! I’m not very artistic, but you made it seem so simple and fun that I’m going to give it shot. I adore the picture of sundown! Thanks for bringing sunshine into my world! I’m looking forward to the new Willard… XO,
Making a little something, even the littlest thing, makes you braver for the next thing!
Susan you do keep us full of crafting and decorating ideas! Your home looks great with the start of your decorating! So cozy! Isn’t your cardinal such a handsome boy!

Excited about the Christmas Willard, can’t wait!!!!
Hugs and blessings,
What fun a new posting and I love the banner idea. I may steal the Grinch idea for my work cubicle. Loved the picture of the cardinal. What an eye feast since we do not see cardinals here in the West.
I know, I was so amazed the first time I saw one here, no one had told me, and all of a sudden this beautiful red bird showed up!
Rebecca, to see a cardinal on an evergreen covered with snow literally takes my breath away. It is so beautiful…
For you, Susan, and other fans of Beatrix Potter…at the Morgan Library and Museum in NYC through January 27th–Beatrix Potter:The Picture Letters. I receive the Morgan’s newsletter via email and it appears that you can view the Beatrix Potter letters online even if you can not visit in person.
Thank you! I saw that in the paper, I saw some of those in England too. Wonderful!
Cold, foggy, rainy winter day here in SoCal! Susan, I was so delighted to see the cardinal! Certainly miss those from Ohio! I love and was inspired by your windows, with the little trees and pictures lined up, and your delightful banners. I have two ‘banners’ I made, from a Martha Stewart Living years ago featuring the 12 Days of Christmas. I made the nine ladies dancing. They are like elegant paper dolls on a string, and I put them above the doorway to the kitchen. Ten lords a-leaping is a work in progress, and has been for a number of years: I think because I’m not sure where to put it. I greatly admire people who excell at crafts, but I’m a very occasional crafter/sewer/crochet-er (and let us not mention knitting or embroidery please!) I cannot imagine having the patience to make all those lovely little cards and letters and create shadows with water colors, and string them all on your lovely chord. Little things, do, indeed, mean a lot! Thanks for the posts, and the Willards — more just keeps coming! You are great Rainy Day People, Susan and Girlfriends!
I am so in love with the middle banner – but for the life of me can’t figure out how it was made. I became obsessed with pom-pom banners last Christmas when I was in this magical store and in their display window they had the most colorful strands of little pom-poms hanging down from the ceiling. I must have made 200 pom-poms last year trying to replicate it, but I never seemed to end up with anything I really liked. But I *love* that one – so magical and sparkly and bursting with festiveness! How did you do it?
I didn’t it! I bought it! It was like a sparkly “spray” — so I draped it across the windows, then hung it with a couple of other little things, some pom poms on fishing line, and a string of tiny colored bells (it was a necklace that I took apart) —
Beautiful idea!
I adore the swags at your window. How charming. I’ve hesitated starting my Christmas decorating because of two guys named Snow and Tiger. They are my 6 month old brother kitty cats who love to bat anything that’s dangling. They also tear around the house chasing each other. I have plans to wire the tree to the wall, but not sure I can trust hanging anything on the branches. How do you keep Jack and Girl from tearing down everything? Is there a secret? I love everything you post. Thank you so much.
Girl is twelve and not interested. Jack is one. He is interested in everything. He didn’t climb the tree last year, but I’m a little nervous this year . . . soon we will see! I just say NO, strongly! That’s all I can offer! Sorry! I think you should be brave and do it, and teach them, they are 6 months this year, it will be harder next year!
This reminds me of a family story my mother told me. She was very pregnant and very sick one Christmas. It was a long, hard go for her to get the tree up that year, but she was determined. She finally got it finished, only to have our young kitten climb it within five minutes and knock the whole thing over. It was quite a mess and back in the day when she used her fingers to smooth out and hang all those icicles on every branch. I think I feel sick just thinking about that. I can only imagine her shock and horror.
Our tree fell over one year, it was SUCH a shock, and I wasn’t pregnant or sick!!!
ooohhhh, love the banners…totally cute! think I’ll make a couple to stick in an envelope and send to friends. instead of bff – best friends forever – one of mine will say bbf – beloved best friend – because we’re peas in a pod…the two S’s (as Dave used to say…S1 and S2…good memories).
the frost moon lived up to his name…hard frost this morning and I had to chop ice in the water trough so the horses, sheep and alpacas could drink. then, I put in a de-icer so the water will keep from freezing and be a, tiny, bit warmer…good stuff!
Merry Christmas to you and yours and, Susan…thank you for the happy.
xoxo Sandra!
Love the swag…It reminds me of an old-fashioned Christmas! Christmas will be melancholy for me this year, because of the sickness of a beloved family member. But I will decorate in honor of her and as a sign of faith in her recovery.
Thank you for sharing your lovely home and inspiration with us…
A sign and faith, the best a human being can do, and lovely. xoxo sending love.
Oh Susan….you are just TOOOOOOOO Adorable for words. I have Oma’s house decorated, and mine will begin next week. Thanks always for the inspiration and Oma wants me to wish you a joyous St. Nicholas too ( Being that we are Dutch Girls)!!!! I am off to make a banner (G)!!!! XXXX
Annelies – in my kindergarten classroom St Nicholas/Sinter Klaus comes and leaves treats in our gym sneakers [in our cubbies] on December 6 and we talk about Christmas customs in other countries! :>)
I LOVE banners!!! Yours are just adorable. I love how you have several different styles strung across your window. Very cute! You’re so clever!
What a nice project. It’s refreshing to see something so nice and creative that you did with a scissors and hole punch and some markers. So many projects now involve complicated cutting machines and computer programs.
I also love the cardinal, they are such a beauty to see.
I think it’s always been like that … somebody out there wants everything to seem hard … when it really doesn’t have to be at all!
Hi Susan, Thanks for sharing your beautiful, cheerful blog with us. It makes me smile.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Susan,
What a festive post! Thank you for all of the great ideas. I was trying to think of a banner and your ideas are motivating. I like the scissors too. It is such fun to decorate and prepare for Christmas day.
The Cardinal is so pretty. The only time I ever saw one was when we visited Virginia. We don’t get them out here but I do have a friend in Arizona that says they show up there in the winter. Lucky girl.
xoxo Pam
I love homemade Christmas decorations! The garland could also be made of little cardstock gingerbreadmen or trees. tiny clothes pins could be glued on the back to hold christmas cards….
Your house is going to look SO cute and festive for the folks at Yankee! I am subscribing to it now so I’ll be sure to get next December’s issue
I think the straw and pom pom garland is going to be a project for my four year old grandson and I when he comes to visit this weekend. How sweet and clever!
The Frost Moon was just beautiful at 5am this morning, and the pink sunrise at 7 was just as lovely. I love the “moon” bookmark you made for us for 2012–any chance you’ll have time to make another for next year?
I made gingerbread cake with lemon sauce (from your Autumn book) for supper tonight. Hubby says to tell you thank you!!
xoxo Tell him I said, He has a wonderful wife to make that for him! Also, tell him I said, hi.
Such a fun, inspirational post! It makes me smile to think of girlfriends’ homes, scattered across the country (and world), with cute swags/banners/buntings decorating their rooms.
As to the beautiful cardinal, we are quite blessed to see them regularly. They are so striking against the snow covered background here in MN. Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas, Susan! (Are you sure you don’t ride along with Santa, sprinkling joy and sparklies on each girlfriend’s home?)
Only in my imagination xoxo