Part 2, Historic Storm, Martha’s Vineyard, Smallville, USA. MUSICA



The morning after, just before dawn . . .
isn't it romantic

storm door

Yesterday, the morning after/during the historic blizzard of 2015, the first thing I did when I got out of bed was pull back a curtain to look out the window.  The wind was still blowing wild outside and I was excited to see what had happened overnight. I should say I tried to look out the window, but I could see nothing, they were plastered with snow. When I got downstairs I tried again; I started laughing when I saw the storm door in the kitchen.  I tried to push it open, and was stopped by a wall of snow.

watercolor flowers


I couldn’t see what was happening at the bird feeders either . . .



As it started to get light, the view was a little better on the other side of the house.


from the window

But the storm was still going strong . . . terrible winds, blowing snow, cold, burrr…. just like it’s supposed to be this time of year, but hasn’t been.  We wanted it and we got it.



Pefectly wonderful, heat from the furnace streaming across the kitchen floor . . .

cozy at home

We were lucky, we kept our electricity . . .homeJack loves the fire

Inside Smallville, warm and quiet, home is paradise.

oatmeal with apples

Breakfast, Irish steel-cut oatmeal, blueberries, chopped apples & walnuts with cinnamon in my favorite breakfast bowl because it holds lots of milk.

The Duchess

While the storm continued to beat across the island, I painted all morning, glancing up at the TV from time to time to see The Duchess with Keira Knightley (it’s available on Netflix).  What a great movie, all about the amazing, sad, but interesting life The Duchessof Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, who lived at Chatsworth (Go here for lots of photos of our visit to Chatsworth); it’s where Queen Victoria went to her first grown-up dinner party when she was a sixteen-year-old Princess and that’s where The Duchess was filmed ~ I recognized rooms. (P.S. SO much history here; Jane Austen visited Chatsworth and it’s believed that she used it as the model for Darcy’s estate Pemberly in Pride and Prejudice.) Amazing costumes in this movie too. 

neighborhood excitement

And while all that was going on, this is what went on outside my studio windows. The first intrepid souls were venturing out . . . getting stuck, digging themselves out. People drive around with snow shovels in the car.  They are smart, as one of our Girlfriends said, this is not their first rodeo. 🙂


The birds had kicked off the wall of snow that was stuck to their feeders, and were going at it.


Don’t you just love red in the snow?

Daddy cardinal

So decorative!

wonderful bird cup

Time for more tea in my bird cup ♥

love birds!

I’m truly a bird person from way back. (Made fabric with letters at one time, I was designing a pillow with it.)


This is the female cardinal . . . she is pretty, but mostly reddish brown, not like her bright red husband ~ Cardinals mate for life,

cardinals kissing

Snow garden

country bootsSoon it was our turn to venture forth . . . I wore the tall cozy comfy “Toggi” boots I bought in England that are impervious to weather. Snow lands on them, they don’t stand for it, they repel it right off; I came in with no snow on my feet! It was 22° outside. Brrrr. I would say, “Girlfriends, you owe me one for this,” but in reality, I probably owe you.  Maybe I wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t asked, and it was wonderful. So, thank you!  

feeding the birdsw

Look how pretty, I’m standing in front of the barn looking back at my kitchen door and windows.  See Joe’s little path on the porch?  See the red cardinal?

Joes handiwork

Joe did this, up to the barn and out to the street.

front of house

And here we are, in front of the house

fire hydrant

That’s a fire hydrant.

walk to town

The slippery walk to town  . . . It’s not an insurmountable amount of snow, but we do think it’s the most we’ve seen here.


Icicles make nice pictures, we took photos of every icicle in town.


So pretty, sparkly, drippy . . . magical forest type stuff.

downtown vineyard haven

And this is Main Street in The Haven. If you’re familiar with the island you know where we are, up at the end of the street, near the stone bank

Bunch of Grapes

And here is our bookstore, Bunch of Grapes, Smallville, USA, an island tradition since the early 1970’s.

shoveling snow

The guys are out shoveling in full force, like Joe, I think some guys love it.  Joe can’t wait to get out there after a storm — this one wasn’t wearing gloves!  While ME, my fingers are inside leather and on fire from how cold they are.

snow shoveling

I like to take pictures of snow in mid-air.


More snow, more mid-air.

snow plowing

We had to dodge these the whole way.  No one yelled at us, “Get home, get the #@!*% off the street, let us do our jobs,” but I’m sure some of them were thinking it. We ran when we saw them coming.

Main street The Haven

This is in front of Midnight Farm, the store Carly Simon started.

main street vineyard haven

Not too many people going to work!

Main street

Cheryl (Stark) owner of the jewelry store on the left, will have a bit of a struggle before she gets through her door.

drug store

They’ve dug a narrow path to the drug store entrance on the other side of this wall of snow.main street

Which is being moved away by one of our island heroes . . . 

women heroes

Or heroines.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate these intrepid souls.  Late at night, while the wind is howling and the snow is coming down in weather not fit for man nor beast, we hear the muffled sound of snowplows going by, see the beam of their headlights bouncing off the wall, and get exactly the same feeling we had as children after we went to bed and were lulled to sleep by the comforting voices of our parents talking in the living room. Safe and protected under warm blankets because we know someone is up and taking care of things.  Someone brave and strong and selfless, like a hero.

Boston Marathon finish line

Speaking of which, did you see this?  It’s the finish line for the Boston Marathon.  Some unknown person has kept it clear of snow. When I see something like this, it makes me so happy . . .

what a wonderful world

new england in the snow

Walking home through the quintessential New England streets — these houses were all built in the 1800’s. Nothing very much changes around here.

the neighborhood

I had to move here; I was afraid I might never get a house like these and I could not live my life without one.

holly oak in the snow

My first house on the island . . . Little and perfect and all mine.

home sweet home

out and about

She’s going to dig out the Day Care Center at the church.  Look how happy she is!

picket fence

This, my darling girls, is a picket fence.  Upon which gladiolus grow wildly in the summer.

I'm glad for gladiolus

a shoveled walk

Some path-diggers cut through the snow like precision jewelers. They say we got 2½ ft. of snow . . . drifts make it deeper in some places, but looking at this, it seems about right.

path to town

Yes, slippery, we huffed and puffed.  It was hard work keeping on our feet!

our house

We walked around to the backside of the house to see what it looked like from the back driveway.

deep snow

For about two seconds we contemplated trying to get to the back door from here . . . but the snow was way too deep to walk through; some drifts would come over our knees . . . we had to trudge back around to the front to get in.

SB Border

me, the threat

This block of snow was lying in the street, I tested it by first kicking it . . . when it didn’t come apart, I thought:  Ooo, perfect snowball.  But of course I didn’t throw it at him, only threatened.

SB Border

having tea

No they are not. Some are just having fun.

Dancing teapots, who can resist!Time for tea

And home, for another cup of tea, more watercolors of clocks, lammies, flowers and written words of love.  All’s well in Smallville.

Home sweet Home

Nothing like coming in from the cold. Worth going out!  It’s cozy wintergorgeous this morning, the snow is so bright in the sun, people need sunglasses out there; still freezing, street still covered in snow, which seems like it may stay for awhile.  We have two more storms on the way.  It’s good.  I have work to do, and now I don’t have to suffer wishing to get into the garden.

flower-border  Oh yeah, almost forgot why I’m here:

Mr. adorable

. . . as cat-picture delivery system.  Everyone needs a purpose, their true calling. 🙂 This is my Raison d’être  (A very useful French phrase meaning “reason for existence.”)

Neatness counts

Other raison d’être. We are keeping busy. XOXO Bye for now, Girlfriends, hope you enjoyed the Blizzard of 2015! 

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435 Responses to

  1. LS Lauer says:

    I’m so jealous! I miss the snow, that sacred silence first morning of the snow. I miss that first sharp breath taken as you walk out of the warm house into the cold air. I miss the relief to trudge back to the home where you know there is China Rose tea waiting for you!

    The photo of you and the snowball ( bet you did throw it!) is my favorite photo of you ever. Truly a happy face! Now, stay warm and enjoy your beautiful snow, home and kitties.

  2. Debi says:

    Oh, this post made me feel guilty here in Northern California enjoying temperatures in the highs 60’s low 70’s! Amazing pictures! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Shanon says:

    Beautiful pictures. My husband and I were very jealous of how much snow y’all got. Not much here in IL this Winter 🙁

  4. Susan Sherrer says:

    Hi Sue, what lovely pictures you posted — thank you! I’m glad your electricity didn’t go off — that always helps when you have a big blizzard like that going on outside! Would you mind sharing the pattern of that lovely pink bowl you had your breakfast in? I’ve been looking for pink china like that but don’t know the pattern name… Thanks!

  5. Carol J., Santa Maria says:

    So enjoy looking at your winter pictures as I grew in St. Paul and know what you “deal with” in such weather. I especially enjoyed the photo of you with your snow boulder. You are such a darling girl!

  6. San says:

    Wonderful pictures. I’m sending Dolly up so she can pull you through the streets on your sled. Just say food and she’ll have you at Mr. Grocer’s for cinnamon rolls in 6 seconds flat. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gert~Iowa says:

    Oh and Joe are such troopers, to get out and about to take these amazing photos to share with us! These photos make me feel the chill that was in the air, the crunch of the snow under your feet and those freezing fingertips that I remember so well. The best part is always…always coming home to a warm home, warm kitties and a warm cuppa tea…or hot chocolate! smile… You really did get a lot of snow…so glad you all are safe (and enjoying your electricity!) Hug those kitties for me…

  8. Sharrieboberry says:

    I watched The Duchess recently and enjoyed it. The actor that plays the mistress, Hayley Atwell, is the actor that plays Peggy Carter on the new series, Agent Carter. I’m enjoying Agent Carter very much too and would recommend it! Dominic Cooper is in the Agent Carter series too and he played the love interest in The Duchess too. Hmmm.

    My favorite gloves (or until my dog chewed up one lone glove of the pair) were some soft leather gloves lined in cashmere. I had bought them at a reduced price at Marshalls! I only wish I still had them.

    Thank you so much for the snowy tour! It was 80 degrees (!!) here in north Texas (too warm!) but I worked in the garden.

  9. Sherry Winchester says:

    Absolutely wonderful blog post!…So enjoyed all of the pics…glad you included yourself this time, too…and so happy you concluded with the best part..KITTIES!..^..^ ^..^ Enjoy your Winter Wonderland!..I have, thanks to you! :^) Hello to Joe, too!

  10. Nancy says:

    Great pictures….thank you!!! Reminds me so of five years’ worth of blizzards in South Dakota!! Especially the snow covered windows…..we had drifts so high that neighbors across the street had to climb out the upstairs bathroom window, slide down and shovel out the door! Base housing…only one door. Happy nesting!

  11. Sharon at The Farm in South Carolina says:

    Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Susan (and Joe) for all the beautiful photos! Everything looks sugar coated and very cold. Jack Frost really outdid himself with this one. I had to call my aunt and read all about this post and Part 1 to her. She has Glaucoma, is legally blind, so she does not have a computer and cannot drive.

  12. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Thank you for braving the cold to show us your beautiful island covered with snow. You looked so pretty with your rosy cheeks all bundled up. Glad you all are safe and having a good time being cozy. Sometimes it is hard to believe that under all that snow, there are little bulbs just waiting to come up in the spring time. I imagine your path to the pond was way too deep to walk down. Enjoy yourselves 🙂

  13. Gail G. says:

    What a wonderful post! Martha’s Vineyard is always beautiful, no matter what the season, but the snow pictures are enchanting. Thank you, Susan and Joe, for sharing the beauty. Here in Port Jefferson, L.I., we got about 2 ft. of snow, and we also were lucky enough not to lose electricity, despite the high winds. I was thinking of you throughout the storm, especially because news reports were talking about how bad conditions were in Nantucket. Our children live near Boston and received an enormous amount like you. I am glad you were able to continue with your many fabulous art projects; you are an inspiration!

  14. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    What a wonderful winter walk, and so fun to accompany you and Joe. I hardly felt the cold at all! Gosh, I’m so torn – I miss the prettiness and the fun of snow, and the all – snugglely – insideness you feel when it’s frightful outside. I wonder if my accustomed – to SoCal bones will manage back in Ohio someday?I love the bird pictures so – something else I miss. I love the splash of red right in the center of the picture you took from in front of your barn.That one needs a frame! My favorite is the one with the little fellow in mid – air. Perfect! I think I am just a tad bit envious after all.

  15. Liza Wolfe says:

    Thank you very much for posting part two! I wondered. My sister has a cottage on Nantucket and they lost power and had three feet of water in addition to snow. That never happens! We here in Kalamazoo had a “snow day” today. Actually it was due to ice overnight but I guess there is no such thing as an ” ice day”

    • sbranch says:

      We were so worried about Nantucket, hearing such bad news. I’m glad it’s over. There should be Ice Days! 🙂 Tell you sister I said hello, praying for quick healing for island.

  16. Grier says:

    Love your snow pictures. So pretty! I have to admit that I love shoveling snow too so it’s not just a guy thing. I have a fairly short driveway so it’s rarely a huge chore but a nice workout! Thanks so much for posting so many wonderful photos and for your sparkling commentary!

  17. Judy Dow says:

    Thank you for the update! Ethel and I must admit that we were a tad jealous. We have had many heavy snowstorms in northern Indiana. The anticipation, the stocking up, the window watching all night long, and the cozy days staying inside. Those things are priceless memories. Of course we were both teachers so those two words, Snow Day, were exciting, too! Enjoy your winter wonderland! Love, lucy

  18. Lisa R (Arizona) says:

    Wow, did you ever get it! So glad you are having fun, and enjoying it. Then, there’s nothing like walking into to your wonderful, warm home and making a cup of tea. Heavenly….. I can hardly wait for your book about your first little house on the island. 🙂

  19. Jane S. In PA says:

    One of the reasons I love following your website is everything seems so cozy, no matter what the season. It’s always such a warm, fuzzy feeling to visit with you. We all need that. Thank you dear.

  20. Michele M. says:

    Thanks for this update Susan! The Man and I were worried about you all on the Vineyard. We kept hearing it was the most snow that island has ever received! How exciting! I too am a lover of the snow/winter – storms and all. I was in my bliss watching it fall and waking up to see how much had fell…and more to come.
    It’s nice to hear you say you and Joe enjoy it. Too many people who live in New England complain about the snow and think we are all crazy for loving it. I hate to say it: but those people should consider living elsewhere if they don’t like it. (I am trying to be as nice as possible while saying this!) More snow for us!! Cheers!

  21. Cyndi in NC says:

    I was wondering how you all were fairing in the storm. Glad to hear the power stayed on. Makes it better to enjoy the storm with the heat on! Fireplaces are romantic but limited. *L* When we get snow here in coastal NC it’s fun and we enjoy it as we don’t have to go out for work, my husband works out of a home office. Of course he doesn’t have the Raison d’être you do that can sit on his desk but he has our grand dog Jenna, an English Bulldog to sit at his feet and keep him company. If I lived there I’d have to take a stroll with the camera too! Stay warm and enjoy the storm! Hugs to the house.

  22. Audrianne Hill says:

    Did wonder how you were faring. Last winter Holland MI got 154.2 inches of snow, missing the 1952 record of 159.6. This year we are faring much better; only 47.1 so far. Our average is 78ish, heavy on the “ish”. Your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing and braving the snows but it’s so much fun when there are two to do it!

  23. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan…oh!!….I am so happy to see and hear that things are well for you and Joe….I absolutely love the photos from VH. We visited all of those shops and I recognized them even in the drifts. We especially enjoyed Bunches of Grapes and Stark Jewelry. I bought SB notes at Grapes and a MV bead for my Pandora bracelet at Stark….it nestles nicely next to my SB bead 🙂 Jerry found a great Tilly hat at a small retail shop but I am afraid I have forgotten the name of that store. We frequented the Drug Store as our darling rental house (the Bluebird Cottage I think it was called) was not far from there. And the FINISH on Boylston…a gentle soul to shovel like that…my son is a Personal Trainer and was there filming his clients as they crossed the finish line that day…. He (we) will never forget….. a beautiful post for sure… even though is was a beast of a is peaceful…Mother Nature is incredible….thank you for the special tour of Smallville….stay snuggled!! love, cindy

  24. Mary Whiting says:

    Thank you, Susan and Joe, for the beautiful photos. I just said to my husband, “I want Susan Branch to adopt me.” Smallville Susan-style looks like pure heaven. Enjoy it all, every day, and thanks for taking us with you.


  25. Claudia says:

    Enjoying the beauty vicariously through you!

  26. Ann says:

    Love the blizzard post and all the lovely pictures!
    Your bird embroidery project reminds me of a favorite Emily Dickinson poem. When you love birds, you ARE going to heaven all along. Here’s her whole poem (it’s short!) I think you will appreciate it!

    Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –

    I keep it, staying at Home –

    With a Bobolink for a Chorister –

    And an Orchard, for a Dome –

    Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice –

    I, just wear my Wings –

    And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,

    Our little Sexton – sings.

    God preaches, a noted Clergyman –

    And the sermon is never long,

    So instead of getting to Heaven, at last –

    I’m going, all along.

  27. Denise in NY says:

    Thanks for the lovely photos! I have only been to the Vineyard in the summer so these are so magical to me!

  28. Judy Harvey says:

    Thank you for letting us know that you made it through the storm! I have been thinking of you and wondering if you were without power, like so many were. Snuggle up and keep warm!

  29. Diane Byrum says:

    So glad you all are safe, sound and cozy! Prayed for all of you as I watched the water go over the houses in Marshfield. It was an horrific storm. They’re right, it was a winter hurricane. Susan you are such a cutie patootie in the snow. Loved all of your pictures and telling the story. Now stay warm and don’t let Joe shovel too hard! Snow is heavy and hard work. Take care and waiting for your next installment, xoxo

  30. Anne Hamilton says:

    Dear Susan, thanks so much for this post. I have been thinking of you a lot here in Buckinghamshire UK, hoping that you and Jo and the kitties are OK in this terrible weather. We have only had a light sprinkling of snow here in this part of the UK but further north there has been quite a bit although not nearly as much as you have had. I hope you all keep warm and safe and enjoy the snow in safety xx

  31. Cathy Wegner says:

    We stay in Vineyard Haven when we visit. I know exactly where all the pictures were taken but it certainly looks different covered in white. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Chris aschbacher says:

    Looks like a fairy land glad all are well and safe thanks for the beautiful pictures

  33. Lynn Cunningham says:

    Your town is so charming…..I love the quaint-looking shops, the people there just going about their existence, and smiling as they do it. It’s hard to pick a favorite part of your love letter to your friends, but for me I think its the picture of your back door with all of the lacy vines draped in snow ~ and the pictures of Jack and Girl. The beauty without and the warmth & love within are a wonderful combination. Have a happy and interesting week!

  34. Karen Ullom of WV says:

    Oh Susan, We’ve had snow here in WV, but NOTHING like you’ve had!! But, as a new bride who moved from Charleston SC where I “glowed” almost year around, I’m enjoying the change in climate and the snow.
    Sure enjoyed seeing the photo of the bookstore in this blog!! I bought a beautiful signed book about Martha’s Vineyard there a few years ago; the history of Martha’s Vineyard is SO interesting.
    God has been SOOOO good by bringing me and my teenage boyfriend back together after fifty years!! We had not seen one another in all that time. Both our spouses died of cancer in 2013. You gave me and my late husband the courage to take a voyage on the Queen Mary 2, and I’m hoping to encourage my new love to do the same next year.
    LOVED your idea of cooking eggs without having to turn them over and still have them like an “easy over” type egg. Tried it and loved it. One question though. I’ve always read that olive oil should not be subjected to high temperatures because it destroys the properties in olive oil. Any other suggestions?? Thanks, M’luv, for your help!!

  35. janejane says:

    I’ve been watching the weather channel and they showed the storm on Nantucket. I kept saying “but what about where Susan lives !” The snow is pretty and your house looks so cozy. That’s my kind of snowstorm.. power and heat intact. I worked in the yard today, 57 degrees, daffodils are about 2 inches out of the ground in western Ky. While I’m thinking of it.. have you read the book “Hitty, her first hundred years” by Rachel Field ? I think it’s written for a younger reader but it’s a sweet little book. I think you’d like it. You can read some of it on Maybe your bookstore would have it. Thanks for sharing your day !

  36. Linda says:

    Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you. We don’t get much snow here in Tennessee and I so long for one good snow each year. There is something so magical about snow.

  37. Nancy B says:

    YAY! Part 2. So lovely. Reminded me of my days in Chicago over fifty years ago. I loved looking out my kitchen window and seeing the very long icicles hanging from the garage eaves. And my first time to drive in snow…I spun around and landed in someone’s yard. Scary, but hilarious! Thankfully, no one was hurt and I was alone. Haven’t lived in snow country since. But I do love your pictures. I understand why you live there! Thank you for sharing.

    Happy painting and stay warm!
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  38. Betsy says:

    So envious! The blizzard missed us here in southeastern PA. Love your mention of the birds. I am a bird (and nest) lover too. Look what my daughter and I did for the birds the other week:

  39. Carol says:

    Thanks for the wonderful pictures of winter on the Island. WInter may be cold but it sure is cozy!

  40. Leigh Ulicny says:

    I absolutely love your pictures and I also adore the snow! I live in PA and we missed the storm. Here we only got about 6 inches. I visited Martha’s Vineyard when my husband and I were first married. Your house is heavenly to me! Here is what it looked like during a storm a few years ago in my neck of the woods:

  41. Leigh Ulicny says:

    Oops! Sorry, don’t know if you can attach pictures here!

  42. Ann Y in PA says:

    Oh, Susan…so glad you are safe and sound and cozy ! And you are so right…the people who salt the streets and run the snow plows are such dedicated souls. So grateful for them in here PA, too. Stay warm…thanks for sharing the magic of the snowstorm !

    • Jennie Lou says:

      Hi, Ann! When I was a little girl growing up in Drums, PA, our school bus driver, who’s name was Dutch, drove the snow plow too. No snow days for us. First Dutch would plow the route, then go home and trade the plow for the bus. My Grammy used to yell “That was the plow!” and we’d know it was time to get ready for the bus. Thanks for sparking that memory.

  43. Kathy Kennedy says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for the beautiful posts. I was worried about you when I saw the weather. Have you ever thought of putting all of you blog posts into a hardcover book? I would absolutely buy that book! Glad all is well in Smallville :).
    Kathy Kennedy in Amelia OH

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve thought of it, just don’t quite know where to begin!

      • Virginia says:

        I wish you would publish a collection of your blog posts. They are so wonderful. I have not been able to get the one about your stove out of my mind since I read it…and re-read it. They have the same effect on me as Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s ‘Gift from the Sea’.

      • When we were in southern CA. for my husbands cancer treatment for three months, I read your blog from the beginning and it got me through… I missed my home and family, but got to spend time with all my girlfriends! Love this blog…It’s my happy place.

  44. Barbara (WA) says:

    So jealous – red and birds are two of my very favorite things and we don’t have cardinals out here – poo!! Thank you for sharing the snow, it looks so cozy and fun when you are safe and sound.

  45. Mary/Indiana says:

    Loved the Pics! You did get clobbered but thankfully all is good!
    Stay safe, stay warm and tell Joe to keep his snow shovel handy! Lol

  46. Mary Lawrence aka Mi Mi Elizabeth says:

    So happy you made it with electricity! What a beautiful place to live. As I told you before I live on an island as well. It’s a small Island with seven family members. It was my husbands great great grandfathers island. When it snows its magical as well. We however can get off due to the well built road my husband built in the 1960’s. When Lew’s grandfather lived here he could only get off on low tide. I love all your words and view of the world, Today I purchased your day book from our local bookstore.I look forward to using it. I’m going back and write everything from Jan.! ,lol Enjoy your snow. Mary Elizabeth

  47. Ruth Hoffman says:

    Dear Susan, that was an awesome, beautiful post! I wish we would get that much snow here in Ohio! We got about 5 more inches on Sunday evening, and my daughter and I went out Tuesday morning for a wonderful ski at our little local ski resort…the snow was fresh, the sun was shining, (we make the best with what we have:) Loved all the pictures…thanks for letting us “go to town with you”. I feel bad for anyone who despises Winter. I totally agree, there is nothing like coming home after being out in the cold, snowy weather. All so cozy and warm and inviting. I grew up in Ct., and never made it to visit the Island, but some day…maybe I will come in the summer!

  48. Katy/Oklahoma says:

    I love your blog and I love your snow! We have not had any this year. It was 79 yesterday,but cold today. I am enjoying your book,AFine Romance. I love to travel to England. Last summer I returned to Ireland for the first time since 1972,and this June I am headed back to Scotland. Keep sending the beautiful photos. One of my favorite people is a watercolor artist. She just had her 81st birthday and is still painting much to our delight.

  49. Linda Hurst says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Love your town and the houses that live there. Thank you!

  50. Laura Croyle says:

    So glad you ventured forth and took lots of photos to share with us and had your warm boots to keep your feet warm and dry! Loved all the pics! It really looks like a winter wonderland! We got two feet of snow seven years ago and I just had to venture out to take photos, too, as that is really unusual for us in the PNW. We don’t get snow every year (and never That much) so whenever it does snow, I can’t help myself – I have to go for a walk in it! It’s just so beautiful and makes everything look so magical!
    So glad you kept your electricity! Stay warm and cozy!

  51. Donna says:

    Thank you for being our storm corespondent! I loved seeing the photos, and the beginning of the digging out. What an adventure! Loved every word and photo, thanks for sharing and adventuring out to document this event! I hope no flooding!

  52. martha says:

    So beautiful…. peaceful. quiet.. lush…The crispness is tangible… Lucky girl!

  53. carmel says:

    So beautiful and cozy! Cardinals are Virginia’s state bird and I think whether male or female, they’re so lovely. They take my breath away when I spot one (or two!). How wonderful that they pair for life. I didn’t know that. Just like Canadian geese and swans. You wrote about swans years ago, I think. The male lost his mate and came back later with another and hatched babies not too far from you. Am I correct? Thanks again for the wondrous stroll through the sparking winter wonderland.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes that’s true, and if my camera would have focused fast enough I would have had a wonderful photo of two of them flying over our house that day in the snow!

  54. Donna says:

    I love the pic of you and your rosy cheeks! So glad you both are surviving and doing well!!!

  55. Gina P. from NY says:


    Love the picture of you with the snowball. You are quite a beautiful lady. A beautiful face filled with joy and love. That is a picture definitely worth framing.

    Martha’s Vineyard is lovely in the snow. I’ve only seen the island in the summer, so really enjoy the winter photos. How long have you lived in the house you’re in now and how did you ever find such a lovely home? Were you wandering down that street one day? : )

    • sbranch says:

      That was just a lucky shot, and I was especially happy thinking I was going to get Joe with that snow block! We bought this house in 1989 . . . I used to drive by just to look at the garden in the spring because of all the weeping cherry trees that were here. Then one day, Joe said it was for sale!

      • Gina P. from NY says:

        It was meant to be yours! I have done the same thing – driven by houses I love – especially at night. I love seeing in the windows and imagining how cozy it must be! There is something so romantic about houses lit up at night… Still dreaming of my perfect house… hopefully someday!

  56. Kathy Jaynes says:

    Thank you, thank you! What a wonderful expedition. I could almost feel the crisp, cold air as we toured your “haven”. Life lived as it should be. Kudos to you dear one!

  57. Patty in Michigan says:

    Enjoyed the tour of your town with all the snow. So beautiful and so fun! Glad you didn’t lose your power. Although you and Joe would have made the best of it. Okay, aren’t you just so cute and stylish even going for a walk in the snow! Loved that picture of you!

  58. Jackie P says:

    OOOOOH! Loved seeing all the shots of Vineyard Haven. I’ve never seen that much snow on Main Street! What a nor’easter! I love a good storm. Heading to the Cape on Friday for our “girlfriends winter weekend” which almost didn’t happen ’cause of 24 inches of snow there! The street just got plowed out today at 12:30 pm! Whew! Would have been too sad to miss out on all the fun! Thanks for all the great shots. Imagine your snow was wetter and heavier than what we got in southern NH. Very fluffy and really quite fun to shovel. Good thing — took me 5 hours to clear it out of our driveway! ❤☃

  59. Danella on the Canadian West Coast says:

    Another wonderful post with beautiful pictures. Winter is certainly happening for you folks! We get very little snow here on the west coast but remember it well from our childhoods in Northern Ontario. Glad you are safe and warm. Always look forward to and enjoy your updates. Thanks so much!

  60. Jeannie says:

    Oh Susan your pictures are sooo beautiful! I peeked down below and read your first blizzard post I didn’t get a chance to read earlier, and reading them together was so much fun! I have got to try your krispy fried eggs! Never thought to put a lid on, duh! I have got to get a cast iron pan again. Confession, in my early 20’s I bought one and made the mistake of washing it and ruined it! How cozy you look with all the candle light, don’t you just love candles? Thanks for your beautiful and fun blog, don’t have much time to come and read but I do when I can.
    My black Sammy cat is sitting here on my desk, loves to lay his head on the computer! He is my shadow ever since we adopted him 2 1/2 yrs ago. He finally lets my grandson Eli I(4) pet him now, and lays on my husbands legs at night!
    Nothing like having a cat around to make a home cozy!
    Love Ya,
    Tweet Tweet!
    Happy snow walking!
    Oh, by the way, what kind of camera do you use?

  61. Cindy Stierhoff says:

    So glad you and Joe and babies are safe…kept seeing the Nantucket version of Dr Zhivago, what an icy mess they have. Love the cardinals, use to have them in Texas but now back in California and all we have is the Pacific Ocean, lol..stay warm and keep painting.

  62. Jill Cristao says:

    Love the snow on your windows and doors! It was the photo opp of a lifetime! Thank you for the pictures – I used to live in Edgartown ’89-’91. After we moved back to IL, I asked my dear mother-in-law for a book of yours for Christmas but back then the only place I knew where they were was The Bunch of Grapes! She called and lo and behold, YOU, dear soul – signed several different books for us just days before Christmas and I about cried when I opened them and saw all the effort she and you had gone through! What joy you spread! Thank you. 🙂

  63. Vicki S says:

    The weather outside might be frightful, but you’ve found the way to make it all delightful. Thanks for the charm and the cheer, Susan! Stay warm!

  64. salve says:

    Hello Susan, beautiful snowstorm pictures and we do love birds – yes, red cardinals are pretty on snow! I believe there is a couple trying to nest at the back of our building in our complex. Gee, I would like to see that ‘first’ house of yours again with the two ducks around them! LOL! I can’t remember what month and year when you showed that in your blog. Would you give me a clue? thanksalve

  65. Rhonda d. says:

    Magical! A good snowstorm is like nature’s winter quilt…and the musica is all of nature singing (along with the snowplows). Thank you for the wee tour of the greater smallville area. Such a lovely town. Just as I imagined it. I can tell you are in your happy place now that winter has arrived. You would be so proud of how I handled this storm. Roast beef was in the oven by early morning. Spent the morning preparing veggies to add to the pot while I watched the snow swirl (trying to beat electricity at her game…just in case). Washed and dried fabric to do some sewing for myself and watched some favorite programs. Perfect snowstorm activities…and all done intentionally, just as you have taught us. More on the way for the weekend. Hope you stay cozy by the fire.

    Ps I have always lived in the snowbelt and I think I enjoy the snow more now than ever. Can’t wait for the first snowfall to snuggle in by the fire.

  66. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Incidentally, I love your hat! 🙂

  67. Daralyn says:

    Thank you, just thank you <3

  68. Tay Cutchin Satterfield says:

    Dearest Susan — THANK YOU for the tour of the town after the Great Blizzard !!! I, too, like to get out early after a big storm (it’s been awhile !!) and always hated it when I’d open the curtains and see that someone had walked through our front yard !! The nerve !!! So glad that you and Joe got thru it uneventfully. The first thing I noticed was your lamp in the kitchen glowing in the early a.m. You didn’t lose power which was truly a blessing !!! And the kitties don’t even know just how good they have it !!! I do, however, feel for the people in the town about 30 miles south of Boston where the seawall gave way. Most of the houses are coated with salt water ice and there was much damage in addition to severe flooding. Who would’ve thought ?!?! I didn’t hear of any loss of life so that’s a good sign. The last two days have been beautiful here in SE Texas with temps approaching 80 degrees. But it’s suppose to get “cold” tonite and then rain moves in for the weekend !! So happy that you, Joe, and the kitties are okay !! Love, Tay

  69. Alice Hilbert says:

    We just love you Susan. We follow the HGTV Dream Home and it just happens to be on Martha’s Vineyard. And that is how we found you! How lucky are we! Soney is my rescue Black Lab and we live in Seattle. We have ferries too! Thought you might like this song since you are talking about memories. Thanks Susan!

  70. Kari says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you so much for the photo tour of your home looking out the frosty covered windows. I can just imagine the wall of snow at your kitchen door! Thank you also for venturing out and taking a cold walk into the enchanting town you live in! It really does look magical and your words and photos are priceless. Thank you for letting all of us know you are thriving in the wake of the storm. As Ma Ingalls would say, “All’s well that ends well”! Enjoy the winter day by day! ~ Kari

  71. Judy in Ohio says:

    Sooooo glad to hear you all weathered the storm…and so very nicely! I know I would have had to be right out in it the next morning, too. Thank you for all of the pictures …Your little town is just beautiful!! It reminds me of the little town (just a few miles from where I now live) where I grew up! You are very blessed indeed!!

    My husband and I were married just over 35 years ago here in Ohio (where I had lived all my life) and he whisked me off to Florida for about 27 years…So I missed the snow VERY much for all of that time. Now we are back in Ohio these last 8 years and when it snows, there is just something magical that comes over me…I LOVE that feeling AND the snow so much! And I especially love that I can see the deer in our yard MUCH better against the whiteness of the snow. I get excited about that,too! (So when we have snow AND deer…forget about it!! You’d think I was seeing the Beatles or something!! 😀 ) My husband says that as excited as I get, you’d think I was getting $100 for each one I see!…He doesn’t quite get it, but somehow I think you and the girlfriends DO!

    Enjoy your snow! We are supposed to get our “biggest storm yet” on Sunday into Monday…so I am looking forward to it!! (Maybe I will finally have some time…and be able to watch my DVD of “Miss Potter” that I have been saving for just this sort of occasion!) I am just so relieved that you are all fine…and that things are going pretty well there in Smallville, in spite of Mother Nature’s shenanigans!

    Take care, dear girl, and thanks again for the Update! 🙂


    • sbranch says:

      I definitely get it, seeing these lovely creatures, even a bunny (but not a gopher, which I’m sorry to say, I do not have reverence for) It’s like a blessing.

      • Judy in Ohio says:

        (LOL) I am with you about the gophers! They are so cute…but can really mess up a yard in no time. Amazing! They are busy little things. We have one residing in (under?) our yard right now…and I wish that he would just kinda move along to somewhere else. I see his little paw prints and piles of dirt all over the yard…Just another great reason for the snow to arrive…and cover them up!

        I am sure you know by now that you will be getting more of the white stuff this weekend also. Have FUN!! 😀


  72. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Wow! You two really WERE troopers to get out in so much snow and share such lovely pics with us! Looks lovely but brrr, I think I feel a chill! Your burdybirds were so pretty. I had a flicker at my feeder today! Big but pretty, hanging precariously on a too small perch. Well, it’s 12:19 a.m. January 30th so it’s my birthday, now! Fun times with my girlfriends are ahead so time for some shuteye first! Stay warm and cozy!

  73. Pat Bates says:


    Thought for the day:

    “Clutter is stale energy”.

    Pat Bates

  74. Carolyn (SoCal) says:

    You can’t imagine how thrilling it is to see cardinals in the snow (or anyplace for that matter)! They just seem like a pretend bird to me because we don’t have them in California. Every time you post a picture of them, it feels like a pretty little gift card just for me. thank you

  75. Linda says:

    Happy all is well in Smallville! I tried in vain via the tv & internet to see what was happening there but all anyone ever talked about or showed pics of was Boston…..and I have not figured out yet where you are in relation to other places.
    After living 10 years in Alaska , snow does not exactly thrill me anymore and we have had more than enough here in Idaho this winter (at least my North facing home has) but so glad you had fun with it all!! Your men there must be hardy as their jackets did not look very warm!
    People who plow snow call snow “pennies from heaven”.
    Linda from Idaho where it is low 40’s and cloudy.

    • sbranch says:

      We’re an hour and a half car ride south of Boston, just off the coast of Cape Cod, a 45 min. boat ride. Nantucket is beyond us, to get there it takes 2 hours by boat from the mainland. I agree with you about the jackets ~ the mother in me wants to fix them, but they don’t care for my care. I did ask the guy about the gloves, he said his hands were warm. What’s a mother to do!

      • Laura Ann in Vermont says:

        My husband also runs around in a very light jacket all winter long. My children also like to go off to school dressed likewise, so I finally issued a ruling that if it’s under 10 degrees, they MUST have a coat, a hat, and gloves! (The rule is just for the kids. My husband is a big boy!) Being a mother is hard!

  76. Linda C. says:

    You two are so cute out playing in the snow . . .
    Thank you for sharing ! : )

  77. Margaret Riddle says:

    Susan, I added a similar comment on a different, older, blog page, but thought I had better say it on this current one. I am a newbie, so not sure how it all works. I read one blog in which you spoke of PBS’s Downton Abbey. Wanted to let you know that there will be a display of about 45 of the clothes actually worn in Downton here in Asheville NC, at the Biltmore Estate, beginning on Feb 5th and ending near the end of May. You might like to come visit Asheville, see the amazing estate (the largest private home in the US), see the display there, and do a book signing of A Fine Romance at one of our local bookstores. For more information, you may email me or google Biltmore Estate Asheville and, no, I do not work there; just love it, as will you! Margaret

    • sbranch says:

      I would LOVE to come down there . . . Will have to see if I get my work done! Thank you . . . maybe some of our girlfriends who are closer will read this because I know lots of us would love to be there.

  78. Cindy Tuning says:

    I haven’t checked in on the blog in so long and I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would stop wasting time and get up to start this day we’ve been dreading. We will be burying my Dad today after taking care of him at home with very aggressive lung cancer. From diagnosis (on Christmas Eve day) until the 26th which was 2 days after his birthday, we tried to keep him as comfortable as we could at home until he passed. He never made it passed High School but we thought he was the smartest man in the world as kids. He knew everything about the science of gardening , bird species, building , the constellations and how to survive in the woods which he greatly enjoyed walking in. He didn’t hunt,but he enjoyed watching the deer eat the corn he put out for them in the winter. They will also miss him. The silver lining in this is my daughter Molly who is stationed at Pearl Harbor,was able to come home and spend time with him while he was still aware. He had the biggest smile on his face when he saw her and my granddaughter Maddie. That was his last good day. Molly is still here to be pallbearer in her dress blues. I wrote an emotional poem to him in a frame as a Christmas gift in 1978 and my mother wants me to read it at the service today. Pretty sure I can’t manage that. Not audibly anyway. He knew everything about the night sky and the next time we see that first bright starlight in the evening,it’ll probably be Venus, but we’ll think of him.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m in tears, Cindy. That was so beautiful. You’re going to have a day of so much love. Blessings on you all. Read your poem for him. It will matter for a very long time. xoxo Love, love love.

      • Pat Johnson says:

        Cindy, I send you my arms to wrap around you and tell you to always think about the wonderful memories your Dad provided for you. We all know that everything Dad did for us is cherished, but the little memories that we thought we would forget are so important in our lives. I will look to the night sky and send up a hug from a California friend and ask that he turn to his right and tell my husband I love him too. Thank God for Dads! OOOO Pat

    • Margot ~~~ Virginia Beach says:

      Read that poem Cindy! Your dad would love to hear it again from you. Tell your daughter that we thank her for her service. Fair winds, and following seas.
      Our parents had a classic education and could make wonderful things by hand!

    • Chris Wells In Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Sending prayers and a hug for you and your family. May your precious memories bring you peace. Your dad leaves a wonderful legacy………you. May God’s love give you strength to get you through the next days.

    • Debbie P. ~ Weedsport, NY says:

      Oh, Cindy ~
      The love and respect that you feel for your Dad radiates from your words. I can only imagine how beautiful that poem is! Although my heart aches for you today, I pray it will be a day that you, Molly and Maddie will know what a blessing you were in your father’s life.

    • Jennie Lou says:

      Dear Cindy, read the poem, your Dad will hear. Love to you and yours.

      • Tawni urrutia says:

        Dear Cindy,
        I saw that beautiful bright Venus in the sky last evening, and thought about you and your dad. I so appreciate your loving words, it is so clear the lasting impact of kindness and generousity your father made upon you and your family. I’m sending you a big hug and a prayer for solace.
        Tawni Urrutia

        • Cindy Tuning says:

          That is so sweet of you Tawni. I don”t think I’ll ever be alone looking at Venus again. Thank you.

    • Jamie from Virginia says:

      Oh Cindy, bless your heart. What a blessing you were able to care for your dad during his last days, that is the most wonderful final gift we can give our parents. I’m sure he knew he was well loved. Sounds like you have wonderful memories to last you a lifetime.
      ~ Jamie

      • Cindy Tuning says:

        Thank you all so much for your kind words since the passing of my Dad. You have no idea how much it touched my heart which is overflowing with the warmth of your friendship. I did read the poem at the funeral and it went very well. My tears were not the only ones flowing and I felt the strength and support of many to get through it. His favorite song,”Mama” by Connie Francis,played right after the reading. We were torn between that song and Dean Martin “Return To Me” which just happens to be playing at this moment as part of your musica for this post. I feel he is with me listening! Thank you so much friends. You are amazing!

        • sbranch says:

          Good for you Cindy! It will be something you’ll never forget — the mingling of tears is part of the connecting and sharing, such an important moment in time. xoxo We’ve all been thinking of you.

      • Janet in Rochester says:

        Cindy, thinking of you and your family at this very tough time. I hope your poem was read, even if it wasn’t you. I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through it either. But no matter what, your Dad knows. And he’s with you. And he’s smiling…

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      Dear Cindy~I hope you read your poem~ I wrote the eulogies for my grandma~ mother and father~ in law as well as my parents ~ it was so hard but it brought back so many wonderful memories~ but if you did not I can understand that too~ I’m sorry for your loss~

    • Karen P. - Wisconsin says:

      I just now read this, Cindy. I am so sorry for your loss. Continuing to pray for you during this sad time.

  79. Margot ~~~ Virginia Beach says:

    Good Morning Susan!
    You look so cute all bundled up! Those winds were fearce up there. 22 degrees! Brr…I never get tired of the cardinals. They really stand out in the bushes. We have a couple living in our yard, which I didn’t have before I got married.
    I wish I could have found the pattern for the running teapot. I don’t know what happened to my grandmother’s patterns. I was looking for one to make mini stuffed animals (they were flat too).

    • sbranch says:

      Three sweaters under there! The walking was difficult enough to keep everything warm but the tips of my fingers!

      • Margot ~~~ Virginia Beach says:

        Yes…I was sad to hear that your fingers were cold even though you had gloves on.
        Mittens work better for me.

        • Margot ~~~ Virginia Beach says:

          I forgot to ask….when there is too much snow piling up, do they dump it into the ocean?
          I see the towel design is a sugar bowl, not a teapot. I need to find an old towel so I can make a pattern. I have my grandmother’s silver drying towel; which has a spoon, a fork and a knife and the word silver on a muslin cloth.

          • sbranch says:

            Yes they do! Dump it right into the ocean . . . unless it’s frozen at the shore. I started working on making that dishtowel into a pattern, maybe I’ll get it done soon. It’s funny, because there is embroidered steam coming out of the lid of that “sugar bowl-teapot!”

        • Linda says:

          Yes, mittens as the fingers work together to keep each other warm)………spoken as a former Alaskan!! …and skiier! Linda from Idaho

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      Hi Margot~,
      I’ve seen many patterns on eBay~ I’ve been really lucky finding tea towels at estate sales that are already embroidered! ~ and very inexpensive!

  80. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Morning~
    Thank you for being such a brave heart and venturing out into the aftermath of your blizzard!~ we have not had one here in several years~
    The best part of a snowstorm ~ if you are lucky enough~ is to wake up and get to see how beautiful everything looks before the plows come thru~ It will be interesting this Spring to see what the storm brought up along your shoreline ~ Lake Michigan always brings us special things after a big storm!~ we had slim pickings for beach glass this past year but I found a new spot late last year that may prove interesting…….Happy ” almost” Rabbit Rabbit!!! ~Lynn~

    • sbranch says:

      Haven’t been able to get out to see the little beach shacks where we walk. Hope they are OK. They are so close to the water, feet really. Have a good one Lynn!

      • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

        I’m thinking about the dune shacks in Provincetown, too. So wild out there, I’m hoping they came through the storm ok!

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      ~ Good Morning~Guess who went from winter storm watch to blizzard warning starting at noon today? ~ I had to pick up a couple things at the grocery store yesterday and it was like Black Friday!!~ I better watch what I say!!!~

      • sbranch says:

        I forget where you are Lynn . . . I wonder if it’s coming here? Stay warm!

        • Lynn McMahon says:

          SE Wisconsin ~ My son and husband walked to the lake ~(about 6 blocks) in the blizzard! ~ they took some video of the waves ~ it was SO loud! ~

  81. Marie (Williamsburg, Virginia) says:


    Thanks for sharing your delightful marshmallow world with us.

    Beyond charming! xo

  82. Chris Wells In Knickerbocker, W TX says:

    When I saw the window panes, all these wonderful memories came flooding back of winter as a child. My bedroom windows were always frosted, you had to scrape them to see out. The frost was on the “inside”! The only heat upstairs was one big furnace grate in the hallway. I used to stand on it to get dressed. And our snows always looked that deep! Maybe I was shorter then! 🙂

    Thanks for the wonderful pictures! My favorite is the picket fence! That’s a lot of snow!
    Chris sending warm XOXO

    • Cindy Tuning says:

      Chris,that is so funny that you say that! I used to stand on the furnace grates in the morning to get dressed for school also. All of my slippers had grate marks burned into the soles but it never bothered me. My mother would yell to me from the kitchen..”Cynthia Marie I smell something burning,get off that furnace”. We also had no heat source upstairs other than the register grate. I really appreciate my cast iron radiators in every room now!

  83. Robyn Brown says:

    Stay warm and have fun. And if you get a chance send some south 🙂

  84. Sharon in North Carolina says:

    LOVE the snow photos! This is our first winter here and no snow. We do have the most wonderful display of cardinals and all their friends. Did not know what I was missing until we made the move east. You are looking great!

  85. Christine Perica says:

    Thank you sweet Susan for every snowflake photo gathered in piles of pure whiteness. Love the bits of red from the “cardinal bird” as we always called them when we first met those darling birds in New Jersey. (None in Reseda, CA) Now in New Mexico we woke to snow this morning. Always know the magic has happened when lying in bed as I wake, the quiet is unmistakable. Can’t wait for a walk. Happy coziness today!

  86. Gail connelly says:

    We only got 6 inches in my town in western Ma.,enjoyed seeing the Vineyard ,everything is more beautiful with snow.

  87. Dear Sweet Susan thank you for allowing me into your life. I have followed you for several years, well ever since your Christmas Book came out. I love following you today just as much now as I did when I began those years ago. Thank you for allowing me to follow your life and feeling like you are my close friend. Thank you for giving me a smile on many days when I really need it.

  88. Carol says:

    Happy genes all over this part 2 historic storm update. Where I live in Shrewsbury, Mass., we have almost 31 inches of is snowing now⛄️I loved all the pictures but I particularly enjoy Jack and Girl Kitty❤️A great picture of you Susan!!

  89. Kedra says:

    Thank you for the pictures! Can’t believe you didn’t lose power. It’s amazing to me , that as a child growing up in Buffalo, New York, we lived for months like this – and really never thought a thing of it – we were stronger then, I guess! 🙂

  90. Tammie C. says:

    I absolutely loved your blog, especially the part about the snowplows lulling you to sleep like the voices of your parents when you were a child…that is so true! I have felt that same way too. I love how you can always find a way to put words to feelings!

  91. Liz says:

    I’m ridiculously happy with all the bird photos. We had to relocate our feeders far from the house as they were attracting nasty rats. (I am positive I did not invite them to the buffet.)

    Being an East Coast/West Coast gal, do you root for New England or Seattle in the Superbowl? Or is it more like “Go chickadees! Go sparrows!”

  92. Sunny W says:

    So glad your house of 166 years survived another big blast from Mother Nature. The storm missed us but another blew in yesterday; not nearly as much snow but we had our share last winter. We will accumulate another 3-6″ today on top of the 12″ or so we have now. Our icicles are growing but are slow right now. Too cold. Make any snow angels yet? LOL

  93. Irene says:

    Hello Susan

    An absolutely wonderful post. It’s incredible to see so much snow, our snow has come and gone in a day.

    Stay warm and cosy.


  94. Such beauty, Susan, and what a marked contrast between the media hysteria and reality for y’all! I know the storm was bad for lots of folks. New Englanders are far heartier than some folks realize, though, and I really enjoyed the snow day photos and commentary.

    We had an ice storm in our part of NC last winter. It took out a treasured cedar tree, the one where the chickens used to roost, and we lost power. But I was able to cook on our soapstone wood stove, and it kept us right toasty.

    Enjoy the rest of your winter. Sending blessings to y’all there.

  95. Yes, home is paradise – smallville – I call it life in the slow lane, and how wonderful it is… Love all your snowy pix from around town, and of each other too. We had maybe a foot and a half here but it was hard to tell with the wild winds. Some drifts were four feet high, and in other places the ground was scoured bare by the wind. It was good to come inside after shoveling, to the cat, woodstove, and pumpkin pie. My parents called to check on us, and we all wished each other a merry Christmas too, since it really felt like Christmas all over again. More snow falling today – here we go! Thanks for your good cheer. Best wishes from Maine.

  96. Barbara Weaver in Hampton says:

    You did know that the pictures in your blog look JUST like the ones in your musica selection, didn’t you> ;-D Your Memories are Made of This title, of course, reminded me of more Dean Martin music when I reread your blog this AM.

  97. Connie T. says:

    Thanks, Susan! We are moving back to Minnesota in the spring from Las Vegas. Your joie de vivre makes me think getting back to the snow and freezing cold will be OK. All of our family are back there so that will be lovely to be around them again. I will exult in the snow and watch for the birds as you do. Thank you again for bringing beauty and loveliness into the world. You truly have a marvelous gift!

  98. Andi M says:

    It is now Friday and because of our most recent storm I was able to be home(school had a 2hr delay turn to a closure) to view your post. Again, your posts and photos came at the right time. I was getting a bit of the winter doldrums. I was thinking maybe I don’t like snow anymore. Thank you for perfect positive spin on things. Shoveling the decks, the walk at the back and front steps and walk proved to be very enjoyable. Always loving your posts.

  99. Sara says:

    You are a trooper, Susan, to get out and trudge around in all that snow just for us! I’ve decided that if I win the HGTV house, I will live on Martha’s in the winter and rent it to all my friends in the summer. After all, it was the snow that brought me back to Indiana after almost 10 years at the Gulf. There’s just something about hardy people that’s attractive, don’t you think? I probably feel that way because of all the hardy farmers in our family. By the way, you’re looking pretty smart in your walking duds, and so young too! Rosy cheeks will do that for a lady.

    It was nice to discover that I’m ‘one of the good’ among Adam’s descendents, because home has always been a little slice of paradise no matter where I lived, and I’ve lived a lot of places, 17 to be exact, which makes me something of a vagabond, I guess. But, you know, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, because of all the wonderful people I’ve met, many of whom are still close friends.

    I had to laugh when I went to the Chatsworth link and saw a very similar-looking breakfast bowl with chopped apples, blueberries, and oats! My dad always said there’s a lot to be said for predictability, and it does make life easier when we know what we want and just go for it, don’t you think? Indecision can be so exhausting!

    I absolutely love your character teacups! I have the fox one, gave the kitten ones to my daughter and husband, the bird one to a very dear friend, and am giving the one without an animal on top to my other daughter for her birthday. She has boys, and I wouldn’t want one of them to get in trouble for knocking Mama’s animal off! It’s so neat to have the basket for loose leaf tea, since we dry our own herbal teas. I can hardly wait to see the personal teapot and cup I ordered today for another very dear friend. Do you think maybe I should buy stock in your company? Haha!

    I’ve decided that I will visit London after all in Sept. I hadn’t planned to, because it just seemed overwhelming since I’m traveling alone. But then I discovered London Black Cab Tours with Graham Greenglass. Do you know of his business? I am so excited! I’ll go on up to Shrewsbury to visit a friend after 2 days in London and then on to Yorkshire. And to think, Susan, visiting the UK was just a dream before I read your book!

    I’m off to make brownies for our Kiwanis Soup Supper tonight, and I get to lick the bowl! 🙂 Sara 🙂

  100. Debbie P. ~ Weedsport, NY says:

    Thank you, Sue! I love your snowy pictures…over the last couple of years you have helped me change my love/hate relationship with Winter to a love/it’s not so bad relationship. Love the coziness of my home and the beautiful views from my windows of the diamond-sparkling snow. I was secretly hoping we’d get more of the blizzard here. I couldn’t say anything out loud…my husband thinks I’m losing my mind when I say things like that 😉 .

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