I don’t mean to gloat, but I have to say how grateful I am that in my very own lifetime, I had the extreme pleasure of slow-dancing to this silly young crazy yearning musicsong:  MUSICA   And I know lots of you did too! How LUCKY are we???? Timing is everything!!! Don’t be jealous of us all you loveyoung whippersnappers ~ just put it on, and go to it. But it won’t be the same unless you can think of some way to make your hands clammy and your heart race. Be sure to close your eyes and only move your feet about an inch at a time. Ohhh, Earth Angel, earth angel, will you me mine . . .



Menemsha sunset

That song still makes my heart race, and so does this!  Here we are the other night having dinner at Home Port, a delicious fish restaurant up Full-Moons-Bookmark-2014-166x5001Island in Menemsha, and that, dearest ones, is the sun setting right outside our windows. This time of year we get amazing sunsets. And it all happens to this very special one-of-a-kind MUSICA  . . . (you can play both MUSICA’S at once ~ and you can turn this off if you want, but we can’t ~ it’s a good thing we LOVE it).

Moon over Menemsha

As we left the restaurant to go to our car, voila, down drops the sun and up pops the moon! You know we have gorgeous moon rises on the Island too . . . those and sunsets are just two of the kazillion reasons I love it here . . . Here are a few Island sunsets just for you . . .


Vineyard Sunset

Hello. This is the beach at the end of the walk we take everyday. It’s the nature’s address where I find my best happiness.

island view

East Chop Lighthouse sunset

Here we are at East Chop Lighthouse built in 1869 . . . Look at that sky, one hundred percent real color, no faking anything here!
Bend in the road beach

This is the pond across from Bend-in-the-Road Beach . . . Just driving along and there is your basic sky. Pull Over!

sense of beauty; susan branch art

sunset on Martha's Vineyard

Here we are on the deck of the Aquinnah Shop . . .  overlooking Gay Head at the far end of the Island.

love nature

Sunset on Spring Street

We look out our kitchen door, see a sky like this, and jump in the car to look for the source, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

sunset on Martha's Vineyard

And here it is, glimmering gold and worth every penny!

Harbor at sunset Martha's Vineyard

So what are your favorite things about fall?  I mean besides the sound of the crickets?

Fall, dishtowels

It makes me happy to listen to them while putting  up my fall dishtowels . . .

Scalloped Potatoes and Sausages

and making the house smell good with one of my favorite fall dinners . . . Scalloped Potatoes and Sausages.  (Page 97 of Vineyard Seasons)

Getting ready to come home

And while putting a little bit of the season on the kitchen door . . .

fall breeze clothes on line

I LOVE the chilly wind, perfect for washing tablecloths and skirts and drying them on the line.

A Fine Romance Lacock England

It’s also a wonderful time for re-reading old books and putting yourself in a happy mood.  I read this one over and over again, reliving one of the best times of my life.  Diaries are a very good thing! Thank you for inspiring me to keep this one!

fall decor

I love my easy decorations like the leaf garland I drape over the sideboard in the dining room . . . 


And my owls, out they come to take their place over the fireplace in the living room.

owl family

and on the kitchen windowsill . . .

fall color

And of course, flowers! I’m really just getting started!


And the crow collection, meeter and greeter at the back kitchen door.

black bird looking back



woods walk to the sea

This morning it was pure nirvana on our walk. I had to wear a warm sweater and a scarf and keep them on the whole time.  A chilly wind was blowing, the sun was shining in the clear blue sky, and bright yellow leaves spotted the woods. It was just as wonderful as you could hope for, filled with singing birds and cawing crows. Like usual, Joe and I played Out of the woods into the open skyMorning Science the whole way out to the water. We noticed a trail of tiny broken pieces of styrofoam on the dirt road, and of course, being naturally scientific, we thought, what’s this? We hashed it over. What could it be?  How could it get there? Conclusion: Possibly bits from insulation that fell off a truck on its bumpy way to the building site for a new house out there. Then we noticed another problem, more alarming: Look at that tree! What happened? It’s hanging by a thread! path in the woodsScientific conclusion: due to little pile of styrofoam at the base of the tree, we concluded the truck with the insulation caught on corner of the tree and cracked it down the middle. The only thing keeping it from crashing to the ground was the tree next to it which the cracked tree had glommed onto on its way down. Additional conclusion: Somebody better do something about that tree before it kills us. Profound perceptions from the two Morning Scientists.  For any of you who’ve never heard of our game of Morning Science, here’s what I wrote about it in my AUTUMN Book.

morning science morningscience2


BOOK NEWS:  TODAY, Tuesday, the printers in Indiana have told us they are shipping the books! It’s so odd how if the clock ticks long enough, we really do finally get there!  How long till The Fairy Tale Girl gets to us via truck?  The scientists are just not sure.  Four days?  A week?Time heals

The fairy Tale Girl color proofs

But you can be assured, when those books come in, first thing, for those of you who ordered it sight The Fairy Tale Girlunseen (except for the occasional pages like those above), based on Faith and the Adorable Inner Girlfriend Support System Mentality, the very first thing we will do is pop your book into the mail. Makes my stomach quiver to say that.  There is something very scary about a new book.  Always has been, always will be. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see it, see how it all looks together,the paper, the ribbon, how it smells, all that book stuff!

yay!road less traveled

And then, later this month, we’ll be hitting the road, driving the highways and bi-ways of old New England, taking the back roads to Western MA, where we’re spending the night at a B & B that used to belong to my friend Lowely’s grandmother, where Lowely spent summers as a child.  Did I tell you we’re going with another couple?  Our neighbors, two doors, up, Lowely, and her equally adorable man, John. Yes, so we get to see some of Lowely’s roots. After Lowely’s Grandmother’s house, we’ll head up through Vermont almost to the top, to an island in the middle of Lake Champlain for a few days. Then we drive across Vermont to New Hampshire for our book signing at Innisfree Bookshop in Meredith, NH, at 11 a.m.  

Birdhouse at the lake

I took a picture of this bird house the last time we were in Meredith. Gorgeous spot on Lake Winnipesaukee

We get back to the Island in October and then I’m going to write you big fat WILLARD and tell you all about the trip with lots of photos of leaves ~ I’ll do my best to make you feel like you were there.  It’ll be a mini FINE ROMANCE. 

The snug

You probably remember my girlfriend Elizabeth, the one who was redoing an old house down the street from me?  Well, it’s all done and she invited Lowely and me for tea the other day. I only took a few pictures but I thought you’d like to see them.  This is her “snug” the cozy room with the TV in it … see the pillow?  She made that with my Martha’s Vineyard fabric, so I feel right at home here…

Elizabeth and Jack

Just so you can put the face with the person, this is Elizabeth and Jack in one of my favorite pictures of Jack.  The eyes!

Jack and Elizabeth

This one isn’t as good of Jack, but it’s much better of Elizabeth!

kitchen fireplace

Here we are in her brand new kitchen with the beautiful working fireplace! She rents this cozystarry pumpkin place out, believe it or not, so if any of you are looking for a Fall or Holiday getaway in New England, you can go HERE and get more info. (Mention FOSB (Friends of Susan Branch) if you call. Elizabeth told them to offer a special off-season price for my Girlfriends!) It’s got three downstairs fireplaces!  And it’s insulated!!!  This is an important thing if you want to come in the winter! It was written about in a local magazine, you can see more photos here.



She had the table decked out California style ~ California is where Elizabeth spends half her time . . . And, in case you can’t tell, she’s an interior designer!  Here’s her web site!

Tea party

Tea Party which cup?

This is Elizabeth contemplating the big question of any tea party, WHICH CUP????  Sooooo exciting!

my cup of tea

tea time

I love her kitchen chairs. And that little thin china cup, she reminded me, is what I brought her to celebrate when the house was finished. It couldn’t be in better hands. After this moment we were much too busy talking to take pictures!


tea spoon



And now this last photo, back in my dining room, just showing you how fading hydrangeas STILL look pretty! Trying to take my mind off the shipping of the books! SOON! XOXO Bye for now earth angels, Keep in touch!


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419 Responses to ALL in my VERY OWN LIFETIME

  1. Susan,
    I love your painting of the little mouse and since everyone here thought I was crazy yesterday, I’m writing because I think you may understand. My cat, Emma, ran out the back door as I was coming in. I kept an eye out for her every time I passed the kitchen window and soon saw her with a mouse. I picked up the little mouse, put it in a bucket and then inside the old fashioned 1950s laundry hamper. When Emma came in, I took the mouse and bucket outside, turned the bucket on its side, stepped back 10 feet to sit on the stoop and watch him/her. The mouse had the soft fur, bright shiny eyes and pounding heart.
    Before dark, I turned the bucket upside down and set it on flat stones. I crushed up some dry cat food and some nuts and put a tiny flat bowl of water beneath the bucket. I thoroughly expect the little creature to be dead this morning, but to my delight, when she was completely rested, she had run home during the night. It took her many hours to recapture her strength after the ordeal.

    • sbranch says:

      Nice save!

    • Chris Wells From Knickerbocker, W. TX says:

      I thought I was the only one that loved mice! I have the sweetest little bird house that sits on my potting bench on the porch. And several years ago, a mouse moved into the bird house. It is a perfect ” mouse house.” At Christmas I decorate the house with a little wreath and put up a tiny Christmas tree ( the kind you find with those little Christmas Villages) with little lights that was actually once a necklace! Then I leave little kernels of corn or a few nuts on Christmas Eve…always gone in the morning.
      My family thinks I am a bit daft…..but it’s a good crazy!

      • Bev Brewer says:

        How I love these sweet little stories!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        aww!! that is so sweet, how cute. a little mouse house. I keep bird feeders around the house and the cats will watch them like hawks, that their kitty TV, that and a fish tank.

  2. Nancy says:

    Hi Susan, my last two blogs from you have been in a different, rather plain font. The responses are in YOUR font. I never realized how much i enjoy the fancier one and associate it as a letter just from you. Is there a reason it is different? Thank you for the wonderful pictures, such a calming experience to look through them all 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Hmmm, I don’t know, I haven’t changed anything lately. I’ve heard that each computer has its own set of fonts, and if I wrote you in one that your computer didn’t have, it would automatically convert it into something you do have. But I’m pretty much using (I think) rather standard fonts . . . so I’m not sure why that is. Another computer mystery to ponder!

    • Charissa Stover says:

      I never noticed, but that happens to me too. My hubby is a computer genius. I will ask him tonight and get back to you.

      • charissa says:

        Ok susan. My IT expert hubby says unfortunately it is a problem on your end. Either in the input or on whoever is hosting it. He says to double check your input or see if your host is only allowing input in your font and not the post.

        • charissa says:

          I just reread that and it was not very clear. He says either what you are inputting is wrong or whoever is hosting your blog needs to change how the blog is posted that it is allowing input in the form of replies in your font, but not in the actual blog from you. I told him what you said about fonts and he said he knows what you are saying, but that is not the case here.

      • charissa says:

        Also, before we send you on a wild goose chase. I went through some of your older posts and while sometime the font does change it has never been in your handwriting font. I think we might have gotten confused because the large morning science picture was in your handwriting and we thought your other posts had been in that too. I know that is what happened to me. Sorry for the confusion, but I hope that helps.

        • sbranch says:

          Ohhhh, I get it … no, those pages were handwritten for the Autumn book, I don’t think hand writing the blog would ever work! 🙂

  3. Linda says:

    Fall is coming up so fast…..2 days ago in the high 90’s and now low 60’s! Enough to make a body go “Whoa Nelly!” Love the gorgeous sunset photos and never tire of photos of people’s homes (must be the retired Realtor in me!) Your friend’s home was redone so tastefully I can see why she is a professional designer.
    Have a wonderful trip and book signing! Linda from Idaho where it is now raining which we really needed.

  4. Vicki says:

    Thank you for the super-nice post.

    I want to get in a fall mood but I just can’t. It’s almost 80 degrees out there and it’s nearing midnight. We’re a sauna after a small amount of blessed rain here, north of L.A. However, it was the bluest sky this afternoon than I’ve seen in a long, long time; mostly, we’ve been haze, like forever, with endless heat.

    Another slow-dancing song? How about “I Only Have Eyes For You” by The Flamingos (50s era, and I listened to their version as Golden Oldies in successive years). Stops me in my tracks every time I hear it. In more ‘recent’ times, their recording (of this old, old song) has been used in movie soundtracks like ‘The Right Stuff’ (about the astronauts) and “Something’s Gotta Give” with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. (By the way, loved your little illustration of the dancers!)

    Your sunset photos are so incredibly stunning. You’ve got a good eye with the camera; thanks for sharing. I’m continually struck by the quality of your life and your locale is a big part of it…the island life, with its flora/fauna, the seasons; your walks. You’re more a New Englander now than a Californian, and I can totally see why. It’s a choice you made, as opposed to getting stuck somewhere just because it’s where your family took root. We’re supposed to ‘bloom where we’re planted’ but I think it’s really empowering when you’ve made your own decision about the ‘where.’

    So true about what you said, of re-reading a good book. When my folks got old, they enjoyed revisiting their travel albums (kinda like a diary!)…looking thru all those photos of fun places they’d trekked to throughout their life. I love the old scrapbooks where the photos are held in place with those little photo corners you lick and stick…the ‘construction paper’-like pages…

    I ordered The Fairy Tale Girl as soon as you made it available and this makes me a bit smug that I’ll be an early recipient; can’t wait!

  5. Judy in Ohio says:

    Wow, Susan! Sounds like LOTS of excitement in your life these next few weeks! Fasten your seatbelt!! 😀 (I am so excited FOR you!!)

    Thanks so much for the links to Elizabeth’s new home, too!
    Just beautiful!! And so exciting for her too!…What a great story about
    her history and then about the house itself… I hope that it
    won’t be too awfully long before she is living right there in your
    neighborhood… full time!! (As I always say: “You can’t be too thin…
    too rich…or have too many friends!”…It is so nice when your friends are
    closer , too!)

    Have a great time on your upcoming adventures…
    We will look forward to hearing all about it when you have time…
    after your return!

    HAPPY TRAILS, dear lady!


  6. Judy in OKC says:

    Ms. Susan Branch, I just want you to know that I feel so lucky and blessed to get a peek into your beautiful life. Thank you for sharing with us moments of your amazing world. Above all the great blogs I receive, yours is and shall always be, my very favorite! So looking forward to receiving my copy of your new book!!

  7. Linda Metcalf says:

    So happy for Autumn! I’m done with the heat. I love the Fall colors and what a treat Vermont will be. I love to look for pinecones and acorns to fill bowls on the table. That music is what I grew up on….all those oldies! It’s the time of year I like to start doing more bread baking and pie making and smell all those aromas wafting thru the house. Decorating the porches and sitting in the swing enjoying the smells of the outdoors. Your photos are as always beautiful!

    • sbranch says:

      Mmmmm, a little bread baking sounds really good right now!!!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        Mmmmmmmm I agree, nothing smells so wonderful as fresh baked bread, and homemade cinnamon rolls!!! time to get out the baking bowls and get to baking now that the heat is gone. 🙂

  8. Lisa Hay says:

    Those colors are gorgeous! God is a wonderful artist! I always say if I was an alien from another planet I would want to take over earth too! lol 🙂
    Lisa Hay

  9. Linda Kidd says:

    Susan, I enjoy your blog so much. I have all my fall “stuff” out too. I love to look out for interesting things to add to my collection. We’ve had some wonderful cool nights and very pleasant daytime temps here in Georgia. Fall is on the way! Yeah!! Time to reread your Autumn Book.

  10. freda says:

    Good morning Susan Beautiful beautiful blog as usual. Earth angels bring back so many memories . Fall is my favorite time of year. I love how the sky is full of white fluffy clouds and the way shadows fall across the yard, the cool breezes and glorious sunshine ,the birds gathering in one tree and then everyone leaving at the same time to settle in another tree. I call fall sweat shirt weather. I hope you have a wonderful trip and will be looking forward to reading all about it. Be safe

  11. Jamie from Kentucky says:

    Dearest Susan, I so very much enjoyed your post. I read it this morning(9-16) and laughed when I got to the last photo, because the photos were almost of my life in Kentucky yesterday. I spent time with a dear friend and my daughter who both have lovely inviting homes. I spent some time playing with the dogs outside and then watched the sun set over the beautiful Ohio river with my sweet husband before dinner last night and just befor hopping into bed, smiled at the beauty of the last hydrangea blooms I had cut and placed by the sink( mine were lime green though). Thanks for the reminder of our BLESSED life. Have a blessed and great day.

  12. Shelia Wotring says:

    Love the sunsets and moon rises…..beyond beautiful! Looked at Elizabeth’s home for rent. Adorable and so nice that she was careful to keep it as original as possible. I never knew there was a Meredith, New Hampshire! I have a granddaughter named Meredith and she has red hair and blue eyes, like Anne of Green Gables. Enjoy your Fall. Its still 80 degrees during the day her in Northern Virginia! But nice and cool and crisp in the mornings.
    Looking for to the new book!

  13. Kathy B. says:

    You posted two pages of the inside of one of your books, what book is that. I’m not sure I have that one.

  14. Pam says:

    Gorgeous! There’s something special about September sunshine and those sunsets are unbelievable. We just got back from a week in Devon and guess what, it was sunny and hot, the best bit of summer we’ve had this year.
    I’m looking forward to following your travels through New England and I’ve bookmarked Elizabeth’s cottage for when we win the lottery!!!

  15. Cheryl says:

    I love all of your decorations so much. Your home is so, so lovely.
    And thank you for the link to the music. It was so fun to listen to. I grabbed my five year old and danced around the room with her.

  16. What a beautiful post you have shared, Susan! The photos are breathtaking. I like the way that you highlight your natural surroundings and help us all want to be there with you.
    A couple of times a year my husband, Ed, and I have dinner in Woods Hole at Landfall Restaurant. Have you been to it? It’s right between the Oceanographic Institute and the ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. There’s an interesting story on the Landfall web page about how it was constructed. Going there is such a fun adventure. I hope you have a chance to check it out.
    I am eagerly waiting for my copy of The Fairy Tale Girl! Your words and art inspire me and give me great joy!
    Janet XXOO

  17. AngieTink says:

    ☆★✰❀♫♬✰♡ Good~Afternoon “Earth~Angel” 🙂 Glorious~Beginning~of~Autumn Blog~Post Sweet Sue! Thank~You for Making Us Smile… 🙂 I Saw All Your Excitement About “The Fairy Tale Girl” on Twitter This Morning….OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My Wings~Are~All~A~Flutter 🙂 I’ve Been Twirling For Hours! 😉 ☆★✰❀♫♬✰♡ Yay! I Love Sharing All This Magic With You Sweet Sue! I Know…Just Breathe…. 🙂 Whew! Your Autumn~Trip is Gonna Be Gorgeous…You Know My Bags Are Packed…. 😉 I Adore Elizabeth’s Cozy~Enchanted~Cottage…..I Have a Feeling Lots Of Us Girlfriends Will Be Dreaming of Staying There!!! 🙂 Well Sweet Sue Kitty~Kisses To Girl~Kitty & Jack From Me…. I’m Toasting You & “Our” New Book With Pink~Champagne & Lots of Autumn~Pixie~Dust…..Now We Simply… WAIT!!!! OMG!!!! Hugzzz & Love Sweetest Sue…Our Fairy~Tale~Girl!!! xoxo Poof! ☆★✰❀♫♬✰♡

    • sbranch says:

      It was so fun to watch how that house came together . . . it’s really so cute, prefect for all fairy tale tinker belle types!

      • AngieTink says:

        Good~Morning Sweet Sue “fairy tale tinker belle types” We Fly~~~~ Then Twirl! Yay! xoxo Poof! ☆★✰❀♫♬✰♡ 🙂

  18. Such a lovely taste of Autumn, Susan! I’m decorating a bit here today, too. We are all sooooooo excited to hear that The Fairy Tale Girl is on its way to your Studio!!!! (I’m sure the delivery truck is driving past us in Chicagoland on its way to California!) Next stop… our mailboxes!!!! There will be so much Happy Dancing across the land in the days ahead! 🙂 From your sneak peeks, we can see that this very special book is just gorgeous!! I’ve already set aside plenty of reading time on my calendar! ♡
    Cherish this day!
    Dawn (in Illinois)

  19. Cathy B says:

    As always, your post was wonderful. It made me homesick for New England. I was especially excited to hear Home Port was still there in Menemsha. For some reason, I thought I heard it closed – which I found very depressing. I am so glad to see it alive and thriving

    • sbranch says:

      It did for a while, but of course no one could leave it like that for long, and it’s actually better than ever.

  20. Trudi Varton says:

    First of all, dear Susan, “Earth Angel” still makes my heart go pitty pat! We are from the same era & I too was a “valley girl” from Granada Hills. Secondly, your blogs just brighten my day! You are indeed blessed to live in such a beautiful area & it is so wonderful that you share it with others in such lovely detail! California is getting some much needed rain so it feels like fall is on the way! Also decorating with my “fall stuff” to hurry it along & make it stay! Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Fairy Tale Girl to enjoy with a steaming cup of tea & freshly made banana bread. Enjoy your autumnal trip & take lots of pictures for us! Truli yours!

  21. Charissa Stover says:

    Well all these posts have made me feel like I have my friend(s) back. You know the kind that you might not talk to for a while, but then you just pick up right where you left off. And then you get the added bonus of all her GIRLFRIENDS:) too. Your post was stunning. I loved the links you put in and reading about Elizabeth’s house especially. What a labor of love. You inspired me to do all my Fall decorating, even though I have a hurt back that is causing me all sorts of problems. And I am so glad I did. THANK YOU!!! I put everything up Sept 1st in spite of the over 90 degree days and have been pretending we have chilly breezes. We probably won’t get an actual one until the end of October, but boy does my house look cozy. I noticed that right after I put my outdoor decorations up a few of my neighbors did too. I guess I just needed to be the first one who wasn’t afraid of looking crazy:) Thankfully that fear left me a long time ago;) We need to move or buy a small cottage somewhere with 4 seasons. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you until one of those happens.

    PS just wondering if it might be of interest to anyone to send in pics of girlfriends’ Fall decor where everyone can see it. I love seeing everyone’s ideas and styles. Is this even possible? maybe on Facebook? There is probably a reason that this wouldn’t work… just a thought.

  22. Marilyn says:

    I too noticed the different font but just thought it was Susan taking us back to the days of PICA typeset from the 60’s and 70’s . When I learned to type in high school this is how my typing assignments looked . I was enjoying the flashback. So you see Susan, you do things to us you don’t even intend to and it all seems so “Susan”!! Thanks! We love reading your blog no matter the font.

  23. Debbie P says:

    Hi, there, Susan~
    I don’t have much time tonight but after reading and drinking in all the pretty photos and the excitement about the book, I just had to say hi and tell you I am in love with that white skirt dancing on the clothesline. I bet you looked beautiful wearing it this summer!

  24. Your blog always makes me smile….looking forward to the book….very exciting…

  25. Tina Mandeville says:

    Hi, Susan!
    The Cape and the Islands are its own paradise! Thanks always for sharing such beautiful photos! Your Morning Science is hysterical! But what a lovely thing it is that you do. Children are indeed a wonderful blessing but I absolutely love it when Hubby and I have our alone time. You and Joe are blessed with enjoying such bliss often and that in and of itself is such a wonderful and blessed life! Always fun to see what Sue and Joe are up to! And on that note, happy trails once again to you both! Western Ma will soon be ablaze with color and I think you will love Lake Champlain! Safe travels and enjoy! I am anxiously awaiting your precious package and cannot wait to start turning those pages! xo

  26. Genie in NC says:

    Susan wrote:
    > So what are your favorite things about fall?

    Caramel apples (rolled in nuts); warm apple crisp; a mug of hot cider; colorful leaves (I still — age 68 — pick up the prettiest ones when we go for a walk); pumpkins and gourds; bunches of indian corn; frisky Fall mornings; and sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers!

  27. Mary, St Louis says:

    Love your sunset photos….so beautiful, every one ! Elizabeth’s painted kitchen chairs are darling. I’m decorating for fall tomorrow. I went to Bath and Body Works today, and got some pumpkin scented foaming hand soaps for the bathrooms and kitchen, and some candles. I’ve been hanging on to summer as long as I can…”it ain’t over till it’s over !” ( Yogi Berra)
    But I am also going swimming tomorrow, as it’s going up to 90, and there won’t be many of those kinds of days left !
    P.S. Can’t wait until my book arrives ! 🙂

  28. I just love your Morning Science page. So fun and charming!! I just spent a week in Florida celebrating our 38th anniversary with Steve; he was definitely a keeper! We watched a snowy egret with delight just like the painting on your science page. You’ve got to love the yellow feet 🙂

    As for your eagerly awaited book, I call my friend and fellow bird artist in Concord, MA to say this might be the month for a joyous read! Hurray!

  29. Deborah in Odessa, Tx says:

    Lovely post. The pictures are stunning. I love your friends kitchen table all set for a cozy visit. I am so eager for my book to arrive. I pre-ordered so long ago that I am afraid I may not have. I ordered as soon as it was posted. So now I am waiting so eagerly. I know we will not be disappointed. Oh, Thanks for the morning science lesson. I love those kind. The road looks like my favorite kind. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Good evening.

  30. Chris Wells From Knickerbocker, W. TX says:

    What beautiful sunsets! We have beautiful sunsets in West Texas, but I have to say yours are better. That was breathtakingly wonderful!

    And THE BOOK! My friend Susan, an Ohio gal in SoCal, and I are anxiously waiting to see who gets their book first. She thinks I ordered mine before she did, but I am thinking she lives in California and it will get to her faster than it will get to the tiny post office in Knickerbocker, TX. Does any one remember the little Golden Book from the ’50’s, maybe late 40’s, the Seven Little Postman by Margaret Wise Brown? That’s how I visualize my book coming!!
    I also want to thank all the Girlfriends for their prayers for Jim after emergency surgery. Prayer does work. He has improved daily since we got back home from Dallas. I even think his daughter and I are going to have to give him the car keys back! She is going to give him a driving test this week! Lol! She is a brave soul!
    Enjoy your much deserved vacation Susan! XOXOXO

  31. Deb B says:

    I just finished reading a fine romance for the fourth time! Pages to 241 to 254 always give me an adrenaline rush – making me feel like I’m high in the sky, looking down at all of the homemakers who are going about their everyday lives, making the world a more beautiful, charming, personal place. This book makes me happy and I cherish it. Thank you, Susan, for the gift of your writing, which you share with us constantly through your cookbooks, your books, and your wonderful blog.

    My bookmark fell out once again because I was reading in bed. It’s the ticket stub to the
    Rainy Day Books signing event in Kansas exactly two years ago today – September 16th, 2013. I couldn’t make it because of my job, but my friend Brian was able to attend on my behalf and he lit up the room that night with his charm and his effervescent personality!

    Everyone can help make this world a better place, if they will just try. Thank you, Susan, for inspiring us!

    • sbranch says:

      I remember Brian, and he sure did! Lit up the room! And you just lit up my morning with your sweet words. xoxo

  32. Joan K says:

    Hi Worried that tree has been cut down so it won’t fall on you and joe.
    Interesting to observe the pages of your book. Do you rule each page if so that’s a lot of work. But I guess necessary to stay within the size of the book. Do you use watercolor paper?
    Don’t know how the diary will be delivered ups or reg mail. Leaving for myrtle beach vacation and hoping it will arrive before I leave so I can take it with me.
    Have a wonderful trip should be fun. My joe and I often think of antiquing northeast in fall but for some reason we started going to the beach. Hardly anyone on the beach and enjoy antiquing down there. We explore nearby small towns. I keep a diary of restaurants, shops and sales we go to so next year is easier to plan our days. Naturally have to cart all my cups, books, supplies with me. Anxious to read your new book!

  33. Stephanie C. says:


    I was so excited to see the pictures of the Island! I just got back from MV last weekend!!! It’s been 18 years (too long). It was fun looking at the places I just visited. One disappointment, Homeport was NOT open!!! We waited to go there the last day of our trip to eat lobster and enjoy the Menemsha sunset. We celebrated our anniversary here 18 years ago. Plus, there was a wedding on the beach so no where to park! We just said, “next time”. We still enjoyed every minute of everything the Island had to offer. Love this place so much! Anyway, thank you for posting these pictures, it made me smile.

    I got all my Fall stuff out as soon as we got home. This is my favorite season and I love everything about it; sights, smells, food. All so comforting.

    I am soooooo excited about the book!!! Thank you for making it for all of us.

    I may look up Elizabeth’s house to rent next time we come out to MV.

    I love the old music and always have, but Nat will always be my favorite!

    Happy Fall,

    • sbranch says:

      It sounds like you had a wonderful time! So sorry about Homeport, but now you have the perfect reason to come back again. Homeport should stay open until the end of September — it’s the best time!

  34. Debbie In Goshen says:

    Ooooooo…so excited that you will be meandering through Western Massachusetts…which is where I live in Goshen. Any plans to be in, say, Northampton?? Any book signings/appearances in bookstores in Western MA? Then on to Lake Champlain, which is where I used to live!! And, my copy of your Autumn book was signed by you when you were in Burlington. Ahhh, New England in the fall…the BEST!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      The Best! I haven’t set anything up since the books are just arriving, except for the one in October in New Hampshire . . . but we will soon, for sure when the second part comes out, we’ll do another BIG one!

  35. Pat Johnson says:

    Oh my but I love love love this entry!! Why? Because it takes me back to the earlier days when you took us all on walks and journeys that made us fee special and warm – we were walking right along with you. This is particularly good with RAIN in the background (my choice since we don’t have rain). I am reminded of how important it is for me to have choices and gaze at “pretties” around my house. Often my daughter thinks it is “clutter” but I am quick to remind her the importance of each and every one of my collections. I think I got this from my mother. You have brought “order” back into my life. My daughter (the one mentioned above) had a small stroke while I was at the cabin in Washington. Of course, I rushed home to be by her side and help her get through this frightening time. She is home now and actually back to normal (my words not hers). She has to work through the fear of this happening again. Mom is not allowed to go anywhere until she is past this part of her illness. I understand…… We are getting back to normal as she is going around my house (right now) dusting and moving things….. she is staying with me. Needless to say, I am thankful we are moving on together. Life has a way of bringing back what is important and what is not. You, Susan, always help me see the beauty of each day and bring a smile to my face. Thank you for being YOU!! Sending hugs………Pat (working on the return of my title: Queen of Everything)

    • sbranch says:

      I hope your daughter is getting better, probably the fright is worse than the event! I can only imagine. Time, little things like dusting and watching old movies, and LOVING LIFE, as you are such a wizard at doing, will make it all better. xoxo

  36. Linda Groff says:

    Good afternoon…since I have been been an admirerer of your works for years and have enjoyed your calendars, etc., I asked my husband to decal a van for you. You can check out our business website to see that he is a master builder and layout animator and is an artist in his own right. We are located in Strasburg, PA…the heart of Amish Country.
    I searched for a P O Box or some address so we could mail you the Fine Romance van….no luck. May we send it to your post office box?
    It is just a little thank you keepsake for all the joy you have given.
    Thank you and stay well…Linda & Tom Groff

    • sbranch says:

      That’s funny Linda, we did have our van decorated and we also call it The Fine Romance Van! There are pictures of it on my blog under EVENTS . . . just scroll down from HERE.

      • Yes, he got the pic from that site & decaled a miniature of your large van…to send to you. He actually couldn’t get the back very well since he was using a picture from a picture…said if he had the flat art, he could do a much better job.

        • sbranch says:

          Ohhhhh, a miniature!!! How adorable! I didn’t get that part! Does he want to send a picture or the actual miniature? Because he can send the pic to [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ and I will see it! Thank you Linda!

  37. Hi Susan! What a wonderful post. Loved seeing the different gorgeous skies, hearing about your scientific walks and enjoyed Elizabeth’s home. Jack even snuck in there! I am so excited to hear about the book en route. USA and abroad will be so excited!!

  38. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good morning Susan, and a big good morning girlfriends, its a nice gray day with showers here now and then, we need the rain, a good soaking rain would do wonders around here, but this is a good start. got all the Fall decorations up, and noticed my neighbors across the road did the same thing so I’m not the only one around here who decorates for Fall. still have to do the windows, I do a big design on the front window, a swirl of Autumn leaves, some pumpkins tucked in the corner and its done. I do a quilt design on the front door glass window, changes a bit every year I do it, but people just love it especially when the afternoon sun hits it just right. rolled up the hoses, hung up the sprinklers and hung the hoses to prevent them from freezing, the season is about over so no more watering the lawns and gardens, Fall will be here soon enough. we hear the geese every morning flying overhead, and we watch the birds do their flocking thing, we see some color already so we know its time to put things away for the year, just have to take down the clothesline and I’m done putting things away until next spring, and cover the BBQ grills. good bye summer and hello fall. 🙂

  39. Victoria Miller says:

    Another joyous blog filled with wonderful things! Checking in and seeing a new blog brings forth a feeling which reminds me of the memory of seeing my stocking on Christmas morning when I was a child. “Oh, YIPPY! It’s gonna be filled with GOOD THINGS!” And it always is. The sunscapes are wonderful! Here in the SoCal coast, Venus makes a stunning appearance around 4 or 5 am and for some reason, each year I manage to wake up to see it. (Of the view from the big window by my bed, about three forths is sky.) One very early morning, strewn across the sky was a blanket of Altocumulus clouds (the ones that look like fluffy cotton balls), which appeared powder blue against a dark sky, and from in between some tiny stars peeked out, and a pale yellow crescent moon, and then Venus, huge and bright as a great diamond in the sky, and it was so magnificent! It is a good thing, to awaken in the wee small hours and be amazed, and then drift back to sleep. And it is so wonderful back East. I was born and grew up in Ohio (right by Lake Erie); however, my parents were from Massachusetts (Amesbury mostly) and we had a lot of family there and in New Hampshire. We used to visit in the summers, and returning, my father would drive through the mountains and we would visit various places. The journey you are planning on brings back some fine memories of those childhood visits and new discoveries. I seem to remember Lake Champlain. And I first discovered a Horseshoe Crab at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire. Ah, you have me wandering my own path in my mind, down memory lane. So, thank you for the memories! And I’m really looking forward to ‘Fairy Tale Girl’. I can only imagine how excited you must feel, like the feeling you get when you are in line for the roller coaster ride! It’s all going to be wonderful! Anticipation — it’s making us wait. I know the girlfriends are all excited, too. I think I am going to make a shelfie just for your books. (Someone in a Facebook blog took a picture of her ‘shelfie’, and now everyone is saying ‘shelfie’, at least on that page.) But what a fun project, to create and decorate a shelf just for your books, in the ‘Susan Branch’ spirit! You certainly are an inspiration!

    • sbranch says:

      Shelfie! How cute! (AND, my *smart* autocorrect just changed it to “selfie” but I will outsmart it and change it back!)

  40. Mary Ann Csech says:

    I think we could be kindred spirits for I love music, animals, tea, cookies , (especially cookies), have always loved Gladys Tabor and have kept journals all my life and wanted to be a writer (alas not to be) and I’m an old fashioned New England ( Connecticut) girl with Mass. (Chicopee Falls and Springfield) and Vermont roots. I can’t draw but my late brother was a fantastic artist and taught me to appreciate it and music from rock n’roll to jazz to rhythm and blues. The reason I’m writing is to say a big thank you. You see I’ve turned to your blog for comfort. To know that ordinary life with its simple pleasures goes on. On August 14th, I lost a very dear friend of almost 50 years who was like a sister to me. Although she had been ill, her death at age 54, very quick and unexpectedly, came as a shock and has left me numb. She was also my landlady and her death will lead to changes in my life as I move on to newer pastures so to speak. But I wanted you to know that when she was ill, I would read to her from your blog. She was a devoted fan of Jack and Girl Kitty though I think it was Jack that stole her heart. It was that silly little mustache you know. I’m watching her three kitties now – Kalena Adara, (white and black and fragile looking, like a china ornament with a dainty pink nose), Miss Ellie Mae (a shadowy gray Maine Coone with mysterious golden-gray eyes, think silent movie star Theda Bara) and Jethro (a reddish-blonde Maine Coone with a total of 26, (yes 26!) toes, a huge front paw like a catcher’s mitt, golden-green eyes and a smile that will melt your heart). I’m caring for them until their Auntie takes them. (And I, known as their “Nanny Numnutz” will be bawling away.) They all send their kitty regards to Jack and Girl Kitty. “May their toys be many, their treat bowl never empty and their catnip mice multiply.” So thank you for being a bright spot, a ray of sunny hope during gray sky days and for reminding us all that Life goes on gently and friendship does not fade just because two friends are now on opposite sides of a bridge. Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      Making me cry. Life goes on and death and loss and change is all a part of it, but beautiful in its own God-like way. That’s right, love never fades. xoxo Thank you, your writing makes me cry!

  41. salve says:

    Beautiful Everything – moon, sunset and sky! Hey, that bird house looks so cool! Good timing for your books – Fall and Christmas! Can’t help it – giggle, giggle, giggle, gggiiiggggggllleeesss! Many thanks!

  42. Helen says:

    My favorite part of fall is the changing leaves. I still like to bring then home and toy with putting them between two sheets of wa x pepper like we did in elementary school 🙂 I also love when piles of them are on the ground and I can walk through. What a wonderful smell. Of course the re is nothing like fall in New England. I am looking forward to seeing pictures from your trip.

  43. Mary Whiting says:

    You make Autumn everything I look forward to…..this hot weather in Michigan isn’t welcome, to say the least. Thank you for the information on Elizabeth’s home for rent. I have inquired for a date “down the road”. My husband and I celebrate our October anniversary every other year in New England and this would be a lovely retreat before our usual “home base”, Concord and the Colonial Inn. It never gets old. My heart feels alive when we are there. Thank you, Susan, and I can’t wait to receive my copy of your book!
    XO Mary

  44. Esther, Gettysburg, PA says:

    Hi Nature Lover,
    I, too, love the beautiful nature that is all around us. I go out every morning between seven and eight and the cool mornings have been great. Those sunsets are absolutely gorgeous! May I ask you what kind of camera you use? I’m sure that helps. Thank you for all the old music too. I enjoy listening to all the “oldies” we used to dance to. Your friend’s home is lovely, but yours is the best. Just yesterday, I got out some of my fall stuff and placed the “wreaths” on the doors. Just a lovely time of year. The best time for tea out on the porch with my cat, Bugsy! Thanks, Susan.

  45. Madeleine says:

    Ah, yes, Earth Angel and slow dancing! That takes me back 50+ years. Of course, our generation can sing along and not miss one word. Thanks for the memories.

  46. Kathleen from Philly says:

    I just love fall, too! I love seeing snippets of it in different parts of the country.
    My dogwood has just a blush of color, edging toward red, so exciting. I guess it doesn’t hurt that I was born in October, right? I am going to ask a favor of you and the Girlfriends. I lost my 2015/16 pocket calendar. It got wet and I laid it to dry on the newspapers and out it went with the recycles. (Don’t ask who did that!) I’ve already called your store and they are long gone! All online websites have your new one of course, not even ebay has one. 🙁 I’d love to replace it if someone out there has an extra one. I’d gladly pay for it, I just am lost because it has become my diary and it’s been a rough year: my Mom passed in January. I would be able to copy some notes from my large wall calendar but I’ve kept these little datebooks back to college. So if someone out there can help, please connect us, ok? Many thanks.

  47. Georgie Bonsanto says:


    Fall is coming! The birth of your latest child is here! What FUN times are ahead 🙂

    Your West Coast Girls will be VERY BUSY soon! Everyone else will be watching their mailboxes!

    Georgie fron NJ

  48. Mary Ann Csech says:

    I love your gentle and inspiring blog and have been a fan for years. I enjoy seeing your photos and reading about your gracious views of life. Your blog has helped me during a time when I’m grieving a loss of an old friend. Thank you. (By the way, please don’t laugh at my e-mail address, it has to do with coconut pie crust. Never let an old high school friend help choose one.! ) Thank you for bringing a smile to my day.

    • sbranch says:

      A piecrust email address sounds wonderful to me! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I’m glad to have you here xoxo

  49. Deborah Simmerman says:

    Dear Susan,

    Along with all the other wonderful things in your post, I loved the kitchen tea party at your friend’s house. My tea parties are more formal and served in the living room, but the photos of the kitchen tea reminded me how delightful a simple kitchen tea can be. I think women used to gather in each other’s kitchens in the 1930’s, 40’s, and 50’s maybe. This has inspired me to have a kitchen tea sometime.

    Thank you for writing about your life and sharing it. I am looking forward to your book.


    • sbranch says:

      Kitchen table tea is what I’ve called it, and that’s what it is, girlfriends around the kitchen table, simple and plain and just as perfect as a thing could be! xoxo

  50. Terri G. says:

    Thank you so much, Susan, for that beautiful reminder of one
    of my favorite 50s song. It makes me happy to hear it.
    I was one of the lucky girls to dance to it as well.
    Enjoy the beautiful New England fall and can’t wait to read
    your new book!

  51. Margaret Guffey says:

    Love, love your beautiful sunset photos and the exquisite drawings!! Master Peter Rabbit was here, visited for a short while during the summer, trying hard to avoid the mockingbirds and blue jays….he hid under the peony leaves, but I did not want him to nibble on my purple asters! Now he’s gone, so now I am watching the latest family of toads hopping under the coleus and hostas. Have a wonderful, relaxing tea this weekend!

  52. Sue says:

    For the first time I can remember, I was GLAD to get my credit card statement because I saw it included billing for your new book, which obviously means, “It won’t be long, now!” Hip, hip hooray!

    Loved your photos and all those glorious sunsets. Your blog is always a feast that sates and sooths my soul. I thought of you Thursday morning as I drove over an overpass and looked down on one of the rare open fields still existing in suburban Houston…there was ground fog swirling about four feet high that had turned that whole huge field into an absolutely gorgeous field of white cotton candy. It was spectacular and such a wonderful boost to early morning. Unfortunately, it’s still well into the 80s here, but by Houston standards, I guess we have a nip of fall in the air! LOL.

    Can’t WAIT for the book!

  53. Virginia says:

    I was just reading the latest issue of Yankee magazine and what did I see but an absolutely wonderful full-page ad for ‘The Fairy Tale Girl’. What a great treat in a magazine I just love. The ad gave some intriguing bits about the book–makes it even harder to wait.

    Now I have a dilemma. I want to cut out the page as a keepsake but I always donate my magazines to the library in the swap basket–give one, take one. If I cut out the ad, others won’t see it. I think I have to do the right thing and make a color copy for myself.

  54. Asha says:

    Hi Susan! Love, love, love this blog. Would be difficult to choose a favorite! I need help, please. I can’t remember if I pre-ordered “Fairy Tale Girl”! I am so concerned that I won’t get one of the first, signed copies, I am beside myself with worry!!!! Is there any way to look up whether or not I did pre-order it? Thanks so much! Love ya!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe Sheri can . . . I gave her your email address and asked her if she could tell from that? Not sure, but we’ll try!

      • Asha says:

        Hi Susan! Dear, dear Sheri!!! Got an e-mail from her today with the information that I certainly did pre-order my copy of “The Fairy Tale Girl”. Thank goodness!!!!! Will be checking the mail each day ever so anxiously. Thank you so much for the excellent customer service. Then again, we wouldn’t expect anything less!!! 🙂 Love you! oxoxox

  55. Jean says:

    While the temperatures here are still warm (unusual for The UP of Michigan), the leaves are slowly but surely changing. I love our treks into the woods during fall, crunchy leaves, busy squirrels and chipmunks, partridge shooting up from the forest floor catching us by surprise, an occasional deer or bear sighting! I LOVE fall🍁 Going to pick apples in the woods tomorrow for our first apple crisp of the year😀 Anxiously awaiting our book!

  56. Sandra says:

    Susan, just to add a little link here for you:
    where I have spoken about your “Autumn” book!
    Sandra from Switzerland

  57. Fall Autumn I love the most.. I ready but havent made one attempt to change decor around the house.. But my minds thinking of setting the dinning room different this year more White with brown. I sure wish I could go to England.. Cant wait to see the willard of your vacation. Well off to bed church in the morning, Blessings Susan have a wonderful trip. With love Janice

  58. Carol from PA says:

    I can not wait for my book to arrive! It will be like Christmas and my birthday all wrapped into one!
    I, too, made scalloped potatoes this week…mine with ham. How I’ve missed the cooler weather meals. Next is meatloaf followed by stuffed peppers!
    Have a wonderful trip deep into New England! I’ll look forward to hearing all about it. I just can’t seem to muster up the energy to take down the shell wreath and begin replacing it with all things Fall. So hard for me to give up summer though the pool has officially closed for another year! Perhaps your blog will give me motivation and the desire. Yep, just add motivator to the list of your many talents Sue!

  59. Patsy in Nixa, MO says:

    Dearest Susan,

    You know I admire and adore your talent for watercolors, your educational, inspirational and entertaining way with words, and your heart full of love which shines through in everything you do; however, I’d like to say a few words about Joe.

    I just re-read “A Fine Romance”, and there was Joe helping with the mountain of luggage required to carry all the equipment and supplies, ordering room-service breakfast on the QM2, driving the car, taking photos, carrying his “Magic Bag” with everything you might need, analyzing food ingredients, finding a woodpecker feather, picking a poppy, laying a fire, returning the rental car, and taking up the slack anytime you needed him. We should all raise our Pimm’s Cups to Joe, the man behind the woman with the paintbrush, who helped to make the book possible.

    Can’t wait for “The Fairy-Tale Girl” (who found a Prince).

    • sbranch says:

      I was told I would someday find someone to love and that he would be my “guardian angel” and it all came true. xoxo Thank you Patsy! I’m printing this to show to Joe. So he’ll know I’m not the only one appreciating him! 🙂

      • Deb says:

        I agree with Patsy! Joe is a gem! 🙂
        And Patsy and I are neighbors. Nixa 30 miles to my south!! Glad to know their is a fellow Susan Branch groupie in southwest Missouri!
        Fairy Tale Girl, you may have had loss of love early on, but you found TRUE LOVE and you landed in the stars with your Joe!
        God Blessed you

        • Deb says:

          I agree with Patsy! Joe is a gem! 🙂
          And Patsy and I are neighbors. Nixa is only 30 miles to my South!! Glad to know there is a fellow Susan Branch groupie in Southwest Missouri.
          Fairy Tale Girl, you may have had loss of love early on, but you found TRUE LOVE and you landed in the stars with your Joe!
          God Blessed you

        • sbranch says:

          All things at the good and right time!

  60. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    I wanted to tell you about my “morning science” experience this weekend. My sweet hubby and I were taking a walk in our back yard and I saw the oddest looking web up against our barn, I asked him ” what is that and what do you suppose made it? Of course, being the brilliant man that he is, said “its a funnel spider web”. He said when he was young he would catch bugs and put them down in their web to watch the spider come out and eat them. Once he put a pinching bug in there and the spider wrapped her web around the pinchers first (how smart is that?) before she ate it.

  61. Loretta says:

    HI, Susan…..oh, I loved your email and blog this morning!! I love fall and can’t wait for it to hurry and get here!!! It’s so warm here in Calif…….triple digits today! Supposed to cool down this week. Love your stories, and pics. Oh, how excited you must have been to get your book!!!! Can’t wait to get mine too! Take care……have a wonderful week…………… Loretta/Santa Nella, Ca.

  62. Leslie Pederson says:

    Loved reading this post, I went back and read your old fall posts as well! This is my favorite time of year and I can’t wait for the leaves to start turning. Time to go camping, make chili, and get out the sweaters.

    Excited for my copy of the new book. Will be making a big pot of tea and reading it all night!

  63. Joan Lesmeister says:

    I’m running behind (kinda slow these days), trying to catch up….& what delightful blogs I’m finding! Gorgeous sunsets, beautiful pictures, & Elizabeth’s charming home…feel like I’ve hit the jackpot!!! Elizabeth, I absolutely would love to vacation in your home, maybe some day?!! And, a Fairy Tale Girl tease, it’s all magic! xoxoxo

  64. Joan Parker says:

    Susan, I so enjoy you and your commentary on life as spoken in your books, blog, and Willard. I am late in reading as I have been working on my house. I have neglected it for so long. It is so nice to get back to it. I so enjoy your house and your enjoyable furnishings. So many people want to be up to date in their redoing of their house. Well I like the things that mean something to me. I still have doilies and momentos from my travels. They remind me of the trip. I have a few of the Beatrix Potter figurines and have visited her house. I have been criticized as being old fashioned but my home is full of good memories. These modern people have attractive do dads selected by a decorator but they are meaningless.

  65. Patricia Parker says:

    Our book club used “A Fine Romance” for our monthly reading & so LOVED it!!
    My husband & I went to London the same year you went & I have to say The Cotwolds
    was our favourite part of the trip!! I could live in one of those beautiful little villages!! My wonderful husband, of 52 years, passed away this past June, so your books take me back to happier times!!

    Just ordered your newest book & also your “Autume” book, can hardly wait to receive them and then your newest one that will be out in ‘2016!! Please don’t ever stop writing & giving all of us a wonderful place to escape too!! ❤️❤️

  66. Joan says:

    Oh happy day !! 🎆 got notice that my book is on its way. Can’t wait. Hope I get it before I leave for Myrtle beach. Hope you have great vacation.

  67. Sandra R says:

    September 25, 2015 1253pm Lexington Ky. Thought you would want to know. The Book arrived! I will save it for this weekend, but it is here. How many people received their happy surprise today, I wonder. You have a super power. It is a Smallville super power of making people happy. Cannot wait to read mine!

  68. Kathleen Trepp says:

    Dear Susan……

    I too am thrilled with your autumn stimulus……..and am happily getting it together…… And Sunday night will be the big moon event.

    But I am writing to thank you for using the Brian Andreas quote….his work is also wonderful…I have several of his pantings framed in my bathroom and stop every once n a while to read them and think about what he has written. One can also go to his web site and send his messages to friends…nice for condolences.

    And like everyone here, I cannot wait for the book…Thank you for all you and Joe do to bring joy to so many girlfriends!!! Kathleen

  69. Joan says:

    Your girls did an excellent job working hard getting the books out. SO LUCKY received mine today. My Joe handcarried the mail grinning / it’s here!!
    So worried I wouldn’t get it before lv for Myrtle Beach Mon. So thanks ladies for your hard work. Not opening it til Mon. Too much to do. Not easy looking at that package. Then tea time.

  70. Diane from Poulsbo says:

    Dearest Susan……IT IS HERE!!! 😆 i was actually dozing, and my darling husband woke me up to hand me the most wonderful package in the world! (He knows how excited I have been )….. I grabbed my scissors and cut it wide open…..and I have been holding, hugging, and flipping through it! I just had to take a moment to write you and tell you that I know already that I love it!! Xoxoxox Diane

    • sbranch says:

      Oh good Diane! It’s there!

      • Diane from Poulsbo says:

        My beautiful ribbon is on page 95 since I have been reading non-stop for hours until I was forced away! Now I am about to dig back in! Oh Susan, it is absolutely wonderful beyond mere words! I feel like I am there with you, and the way you write makes it possible to visualize it in my mind! I also am from that era, of not having been taught that women should not depend on men to always provide…so we should perhaps learn a skill..find a way to be independent financially, if possible! (My daughter has been taught this life lesson, thankfully) i am laughing at how similar everyone seemed to be in the 70’s! Anyhoo….thank you so much! I adore this book! I wont post anymore….I would break your server!….but just know this IS another winner! Xoxoxo Diane

        • sbranch says:

          Ohhh, Diane, thank you for taking the time to tell me. I have been so nervous, but so far, so good, everyone seems to be happy!

  71. Priscilla from SoCa living in SD says:

    Received your new book Fairy Tale Girl and finished reading it last night. Couldn’t put it down! Love it❤️❤️
    I met you at your Girlfriend signing at Edna Winery where I bought copies for all my girlfriends! I felt such a closeness to you! And my niece Leza who owned the Box Express in AG sat next you at a women in business meeting. Anyway I too, am a Mayflower descendant (my name is a clue to my relative) and have always had a yearning to go to Cape Cod, Nantucket and MV! I think this is why I felt connected to you!
    Love the book, going to read it again tonight! I noticed you didn’t mention your auto accident. Is this in the next book?
    Love you,

    • sbranch says:

      Not sure what auto accident you’re thinking of. Can’t think of one really. So happy you liked the new book! Hello to Leza!

  72. Gail G. says:

    I wanted you to know how much I am enjoying your new book. I received your book this afternoon and could not wait to begin it! I am already up to page 200, and finally had to force myself to put it down so that we would have dinner tonight. LOL I am going to save it until tomorrow when I know I will finish it. It is such a heartfelt, well-written book–totally engaging and special. As a woman who grew up in the 60s (born in the 50s), I am so enjoying the song lyrics and descriptions of the time period.

    You are truly a talented writer and artist. I have all of your books in my collection and look forward to Part 2!

    • sbranch says:

      I am noticing you girls are choosing eating over reading! 🙂 Girls after my own heart! First thing’s first!

  73. Melody says:

    Hi Susan! I just wanted to say that reading your blog just makes me happy! This post did for sure! I chuckled over ‘morning science’. I’ve had conversations similar with my hubby. I’m so looking forward to getting your new book in my eager hands!! Can’t wait. Your friend’s house is so charming. Thank you for sharing all this lovely stuff with us!! We are so lucky.

  74. Gwen Ferguson says:

    Hi Susan,
    This is the first time I have sent a comment, but I just had to! I received “The Fairy Tale Girl” on Friday and finished it on Saturday. It was wonderful. I grew up the same time you did and identified with a lot of the thoughts and experiences you had. When you put in song lyrics, I was hearing the music as I read along. It was great! I thoroughly enjoyed it and was sorry to see it end. I can’t wait for the next book. I have anticipated and enjoyed your work for many years. I have several books and calendars and am always looking forward to the next ones. You are a truly gifted and talented person.
    Thanks for all the quotes and lovely artwork.

  75. Gloria L. Nugent says:

    I got to read the wonderful book over the weekend! So fun and interesting-plus revealing. The funniest part to me was your (older?) brother chewing on his t-shirt (don’t know why this tickled me). The one word that transported me back decades was : popbeads. So gtlad that I, too, am a member of the “doily mentality” society. It’s a great way to live, and collect & display, etc. THANKS for the book… excited for the next one!!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, yes, those boys, as little guys, chewed on their t-shirts in times of great stress! Thank you Gloria!

  76. Suzette Shoulders says:

    Lovely musica and sunsets and walks , what happy things you share with us, Susan! And to Mary Ann, whose friend died suddenly, but enjoyed listening to your blog and seeing Jack, premiere cat of the world…. I wrote down a quotation years ago from Thornton Wilder’s “Bridge of San Luis Rey” that says it perfectly: “there is a land of the living and a land of the dead, and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.” I think of that often when remembering special times with those who are no longer on Planet Earth. My condolences on the loss of your friend. Suzette

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