Fairy2Sailing away on the Queen Mary 2 . . . heading on board . . .img_3852

Up the gangplank we go! We look so normal here, but we are actually beside ourselves!


Put everything down for a photo op . . .  So excited, it’s truly a thrill.


Was a warm day, much prettier than the last time we sailed . . . bluer skies, and schooners in the harbor!


Seems they put on the show just for us!  Love this view!

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


Of course, straight to the Chart Room for old time’s sake . . . a cup of cheer, and a toast to smooth sailing! While wearing seasick bracelets and still in port. Always careful.


Off we go, at sea, and sunset from our room . . . on our way to Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is where we are right now. Which is why I have a bit of connection, but barely, just enough to do this post!!! Yay!


Zee bed in zee cocoon… is SOOOO comfy!!! Better than it looks even! Got up at 9 am this morning. This is an unheard of event. It must be the sea air, or maybe the late nights!


First thing in the morning, tea in our own cups . . .


The lovely Princess Grill . . . our round table for the crossing seats six. The other two couples are both from England, one from Kent, and the other from Yorkshire, and so fun and nice, we were the last table to leave the dining room last night!


Stanley, the head waiter, usually doesn’t prepare or flame the food . . . but in honor of the sweet potato I special ordered at lunch (to be served at dinner), which came out the size of someone’s head, he had to do it for the laugh!


Which he definitely got! Yes, that’s it in the pan. Usually when they do this, it’s quite a bit fancier!img_3927

So funny! He cut me off a couple of slices.  I hope he saved the rest!

Fri, sat 9 sept

But hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!


I’m reading a wonderful book! Getting me in the mood for the English countryside!

Well girls, I personally could go on all day, but I think that’s it and I should consider this done and not push my luck . . . it took me about 4 hours for this teeny little post, and maybe all the minutes I was allowed, but I wanted you to see the beginning … maybe when we get to sea for real, I’ll be able to do more. I’ll try!! But until then, I’m thinking of you…writing everything down and taking millions of pictures, and when I can show them, I will . . . ❤️

XOXO Your girlfriend, Susan (p.s. we arrive in England on Sept. 16.)


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603 Responses to ANCHORS AWEIGH

  1. Debbie Gage says:

    Ahoy, matey!
    Good sailing to you both. Hoping the seasick bracelets are working.
    Don’t you look adorable in that sexy black dress & boots!!
    Can’t wait to hear how our adventure is going.
    (This is all so exciting, isn’t it!?)

    Love to you both!

  2. Bonnie L says:

    I am beyond words I am so happy for you both!

  3. So exciting! I read The Shepherd’s Life earlier this year and loved it!
    I can’t wait to see more of the voyage.

  4. Barbara The Stalker says:

    Bon Voyage dear Susan!
    I LOVE your shipboard stories. Until I read them I never wanted to cross the pond in a boat however big. I’m a flying girl who’s convinced she died on the Titanic a lifetime ago. But you have me thinking maybe I should go by ship! Thanks for all of your cheerful blogs! Have a fab trip!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s so civilized, no frisking for weapons, and no weight limit for luggage. Full sized bottles of everything, and violins playing in the lounges. Tinkling of ice (in glasses) everywhere, and sunsets on balconies.

  5. Linda Hurst says:

    Thank you, thank you for taking us with you again! I wouldn’t mind doing this if I could be home for dinner every evening! Sound familiar? It should!

  6. Suzanne says:

    Oh…thank you for sharing! Looking forward to your next post. You look amazing in the black dress and boots! ♥ Suzanne

  7. DeLynn Midcalf says:

    Love your update….you look great in your outfit and cute boots. Hope it’s smooth sailing for you two.

  8. Milanya says:

    The picture of you in the doorway with adorable dress and boots is nice! I’ll look forward to all your travel posts. Be sure to use lots of British words. A Shepherd’s Life sounds simple and calming. If the book is really about caring for sheep, I’ll bet it is neither simple or calming.

  9. Gail Golden says:

    I’m soooo excited for you! And me! I feel like I’m going on a trip, too. I just told my hubbie, “When I see a new post from Susan, I feel like I just got a present.” Thanks for the gift.

    That’s the biggest sweet potato I’ve ever seen, and your outfit is the CUTEST!

    Keep us updated about shipboard cuisine and your outfits. I love reading and seeing that stuff.

    Praying for y’all to have a safe trip and smooth sailing.


  10. Barb U from Ohio says:

    So glad to find a new post here! It was a lot of fun watching you leave the harbor the other day,touching when you were passing the Statue of Liberty. She was biding you farewell and will be welcoming you back when you return. Love these pictures from the ship, feel like I’m there. You look stunning in the black dress and I bet Joe thinks so too! Don’t know when I’ve seen a sweet potato that big, surely it would feed several people! Your room and bed look so comfy, I’d sleep in too. Thanks for taking us along, and smooth sailing!

  11. Sue Harman says:

    Princess Grill is the best! I hope you will indulge in tea daily!! May you have smooth sailing.

  12. Christine Noble says:

    The views from your ship’s deck are beautiful! Especially like the one with Statue of Liberty in distance.

  13. Cindy K says:

    How exciting that you are on your way! I got the time mixed up so missed seeing you set sail! 🙁 I was so sad. But I was so delighted to see this post! The pics are great. Loved seeing the rooms, the ship, and you and Joe! I just found out I am lots more Scottish then the teensy bit I knew of (must be why I am so obsessed with the series Outlander, lol), so I’m really looking forward to hearing and seeing Scotland!!! Enjoy the voyage! I’ll be anxiously anticipating another update!!

  14. Karen Haskett says:

    After reading this post… all I can say is …I love you Susan! Thank you for taking me with you!!! 💕💕!!!!!!!!! I’m thinking of you! and, BTW you look fabulous!

  15. Ann (from Cincinnati) says:

    Oh Susan you look so lovely in that photo as you stood on the ship awaiting your departure.
    Have a wonderful and safe journey! Thanks for taking us along – I can enjoy the high seas without the seasickness bracelets.
    I read recently in the Wall Street journal that they have “discovered” a new Beatrix Potter manuscript! I am sure that you will suss out all the news on that front. xoxo-

  16. SusanA says:

    I watched you sail out of the harbor via the link you provided for the Webcam. Thank you for doing that–I didn’t know there was such a thing! Love your little black dress!

  17. Linda Daily says:

    Bon Voyage! I shall live vicariously reading your blogs from the Queen Mary 2.
    It’s hard to believe I traveled on the original Queen Mary as a wee girl with my British mum.
    Enjoy your voyage and lovely ole England!
    By the way, I agree…. that dress is adorable as are the boots!

  18. Julie Buck says:

    Ah, my heart yearns to be there with you… have a wonderful crossing, and may the weather be wonderful in jolly olde England, especially for your picnic!

  19. Gloria Nugent says:

    Schooners….sunsets….and heart teacups!! Love, love and love!! The best was the glimpse of the statue, considering the anniversary tomorrow. Thanks, Susan💕

  20. Beverly Ropp says:

    So very glad for you and your honey to be sailing … looks gorgeous!!! and … your own cups o’!!!!! just one thing … I need me some of your famous stickers … they are missing in action … the couple who are swinging under a heart-shaped flowered swing … oh, so wonderful … and some more of your very famous ones … please … can we have a come-back ??????
    blessings … and have fun!!!! (you look so fabulous!)

  21. Melissa says:

    Bon Voyage!

  22. Christina from Pennsylvania says:

    You look adorable as does Joe…enjoy every minute of the sailing!

  23. Valerie says:

    Wishing you and your sweetie God Speed!! My honey and I travel vicariously on your adventures. Every day truly is an adventure. Wow! Now that is some potato and a sweet one for some sweet travelers…..keep your eyes peeled for the rest of that potat! Happy Sails to you until you tweet again!!!

  24. Linda says:

    What a lovely adventure awaits Joe and you. THANK YOU for taking me along, someday I pray I can go in person and have great adventures like those waiting for you.

  25. Oh, what a lovely way to go to England. You’ve inspired me to add this to my must-do list. Thanks for taking us all along, Susan.

  26. Donna Hardin says:

    Safe travels…have fun! Anxiously waiting for your Posts!

  27. Mary Ann says:

    Blue skies ahead!

  28. Joan Mangnall says:

    Bunting strung up ready and waiting for you in the UK, raining here today but have sent a message to ‘The Higher Authority’ for sunshine during your trip xx

  29. Kathy Madigan says:

    Thanks for sharing! I hope another great book comes from this!

  30. Kim Gray says:

    So much fun to follow this journey… can’t wait for more posts. May seem an odd question, but your “little black dress” is the most adorable thing ever!!! Did you make it? You look so great in it!!!

  31. Mary Z says:

    I was so excited when your post appeared in my inbox!! So happy you and Joe are having a good time. How many suitcases did you bring on this journey? I love your outfit!!!!
    Looking forward to your next post.

  32. JoAnn Logan says:

    Was worried that you even got to leave NY harbor with the hurricane… So glad to hear you are underway. Hope you are on schedule! You send such wonderful photos! Loved following you last time and looking forward to this trip even more. I really like you black dress and boots!!!

  33. Carol Britt says:

    If you haven’t read An Irish Country Doctor and the series that follows (by Patrick Taylor), you will LOVE it!!! The doctor is about our age so the series starts when we were young, too. I am on #4 listening to it (our library has a good digital site) and look forward to going through #12 and more if he writes them. Have a wonderful trip.

  34. Angela Bell says:

    Susan, you have a pair of great gams!! What an excellent fashion choice for showing them off. I love virtually traveling with you, was just snacking on some Moon Drop grapes when I began reading this post. Perfect snack for this virtual trip. I seem to recall a similar issue with internet service the last time we made this voyage. Can’t wait to see more, in the meantime I’m checking Twitter. She much fun to travel with you!

  35. diana krieg says:

    Have fun you too !!! Though I know I need not tell you 😉

  36. June Emmert says:

    What a privilege to be a guest on your trip. You are probably more interesting than if we were
    On board. Thanks for sharing and giving us the opportunity to sail with you on this unique
    voyage on Queen Mary 2! Best, June Emmert

  37. Mar Bailey in Longmont CO says:

    I am so excited you are sharing this next adventure with us. Your room is lovely, bed super comfy and mushy looking, and drinking from your own cups when traveling, is pure bliss. Thank you for a new book recommendation…going to order it from my favorite little book store.
    And…you look quite smashing in your LTD and sassy boots.
    Bon Voyage and sending love.

  38. Donna says:

    Hi Susan!
    You looked absolutely gorgeous in that black dress and boots! So glad you and Joe are already having a wonderful time!

  39. Ginette Wheeler says:

    OH my gosh, it’s finally today!! We’re off for a great advanture and I’m so looking forward to every minute. I didn’t get a chance to read your last post until now and just wanted to say how sad I am for your loss, Girl Kitty was such a calm and precious little soul, so sweet and gentle, her sweet face so lovely and assuring, what a treasure to hold in your heart, she made us all better, we’ll never forget her! But now you must go and have a wonderful time, write as often as you can and know we’re thrilled for you both!

  40. Love, love, love… and thank you for showing us your outfits. They are adorable, by the way… Especially those boots!

  41. You have inspired me to want to do this sailing someday! Whoo Hoo! Can’t wait to read the next sailing blog.

  42. Terri Brewster says:

    Bon Voyage! Thank you for sharing. All of us girlfriends are watching, following along and we feel like we are with you and Joe.
    You both look relaxed and happy!

  43. Mary Nolan-Fesmire says:

    Fabulous….can’t wait for the updates….you make me feel like I am along for the ride! <3

  44. Judith says:

    SO appreciate the time and trouble it took to get this post out…sorry you had to miss Halifax. You just couldn’t look cuter than in that black dress and boots! Happy sailing!

  45. Sandy says:

    this is SO much fun! I can see how happy you and Joe are! And I’m happy right along with you. Looking forward to the next episode–oh, and I love the black dress and little dressy boots! too cute! xox

  46. Cheryl Miller says:

    My husband Steve and I went on a cruise up the east coast and also went to Halifax Nova Scotia … Loved it. Have a wonderful and safe trip!

  47. JudyCinNC says:

    Hi matey, now that was quite a “tater”. Can hardly contain my joy waiting for your posts. JudyC

  48. Karen says:

    Mrs. Hall! You’ve got LEGS:)! You go girl!

    LOVE the dress and boots – safe journey and HAVE A BLAST:) **thanks for taking us along . . .

  49. Beth Keser says:

    Have a wonderful trip! Love your dress and boots-so cute!! I am so excited that you are taking us on another trip with you 🙂 Have fun!!

  50. Debbie R from Valencia, CA says:

    So exciting to get a post. We have been thinking of you. You look fantastic in your black dress and boots. Girl you are Stylin! Have a blast! Until next time.

    Debbie R

  51. Sharon says:

    In honor of your sailing I started to re read A Fine Romance!! 😚😚

  52. DeLores Johnson says:

    Dear Susan,

    How nice to see the Blog about your trip. I know I will never have the opportunity to go on a trip like this so I really enjoy the pictures and comments you send in your Blog. I feel like I am right beside you. I hope the weather will be nice where you are going and you will be able to see everything you want. Good Luck and
    Happy times to you and Joe.

  53. Fran Silver says:

    Thank you for the wonderful post! You are the only people I know of that would take the precious time out of your trip, to make sure the rest if us at home can enjoy it too. It is wonderful to be able to go along, and we all appreciate it so much. You are truly one of a kind, which is why we all love you and think of you as part of our families (the good part!)
    Have a great time!

  54. Ann Woleben says:


    What a lovely view from your cabin – looking forward to many pictures and details, details, details. Bon voyage!

  55. Kelly Machnov says:

    It was such fun watching you sail out of NY Harbor! 🛳 What a beautiful liner…and you and Joe looked so happy and at peace. Very happy for both of you. 💐🇬🇧🚢

    Sending love and all best wishes for a rejuvenating and oh so memorable journey.

    With love ❤️🌻🇺🇸

  56. Eliza Waters says:

    Bon Voyage!

  57. Yay! Safe travels Susan! It all looks wonderful, a dream come true. Enjoy the pear ciders and ocean air. Btw, you look fabulous in that black dress! And I LOVE the boots. Lots of Love, Nat. xx

  58. Nicole Alvarez says:

    Dang girl! Who knew you had hot legs?! Must be all that walking paying off. That picture may just be the motivation I need to start walking again.

  59. Warm Quilts says:

    I love that we all have a front row seat on this adventure. Smooth sailing and cheers!

  60. Gaili Schoen says:

    Lovely post – thanks for bringing us with you. Hope you get to listen to some sea chanteys such as 🎶Highland Laddie🎶 and 🎶What Can You Do With A Drunken Sailor 🎶

  61. Gaylene from San Jose says:

    Have to leave a post just to tell you how stylish u look in that black skirt and boots. It’s more than cute, you look so contemporary.

  62. Patti Fitzgerald, Skippack, PA says:

    Hello Susan, my Kindred Spirit! How wonderful to hear from you, and thank you for putting in the effort and time to post a blog for us! I’ll pray for safe travels for you both, and look forward to hearing more – and seeing more! – when you’re able to post again! This definitely feels like another book is on the way . . . I can smell it in the salt air! We’ve been to Scotland and England several times, so I look forward to hearing about your adventures, as I’m sure it will trigger happy memories for me of my own travels in the British Isles.
    By the way, you look SENSATIONAL in that black dress and boots!! xoxoxo

  63. Cheryl says:

    Downloading that book as we speak. If you like it, I will, too!

  64. Deb says:

    Hi Susan,
    Love your thought “Put everything down for a photo op.” That’s what I always think! I love your beginning travel post, and I totally believe you when you say it took 4 hours to do it! People who don’t blog and upload pictures have no idea the work that goes into a post. I appreciate all you do to allow your readers to travel along with you. Have a very fun trip!! p.s. I would have LOVED that sweet potato…I load mine with Garam Masala, but the ship probably didn’t carry that! 🙂

  65. Sharon O says:

    So fun to see you on this big ship. Someday we might do a tour on a big ship, haven’t quite got the courage yet but maybe someday.

  66. It makes me happy to see you and Joe happy! A TransAtlantic crossing is so much fun and your dinner companions sound delightful. There you go again…pillowing the address book with Brits…smile. Being woefully behind in blog reading…summer on the farm doncha know…it was in Willard I read of your dear Dad passing. Please accept my sincere condolences, I am so very sorry.
    I am loving that bed, that view, those tea cups and will wave Helllloooo as I fly over the QM2 on my way to Ireland this week.
    One question…did it give you the willies to be so near where the Titanic went down? Dave and I paused in a long moment of respectful silence and I’ll do it again when I visit the Titanic Museum…and have Tea…next weekend.
    Safe travels and God speed!

  67. Martha says:

    So exciting! Love the pictures. The two of you look so adorable!

  68. Darlene says:

    Bon Voyage!!

  69. Marge Dabakian says:

    You are looking quite amazing in that dress and boots. You go girl!!! Wish I were there for this trip but tagging along thru your eyes will have to do for now. I’m looking forward to every blog and I was surprised also by having the pleasure of hearing from you so soon. One more thing, I was so lucky to buy MV Isle of Dreams at Bookends in Ridgewood, NJ a short while ago, since I missed the book signing. But am having a hard time putting it down, it is so interesting and heart warming!!! God bless and stay safe on your journey!!!

  70. Kit says:

    OMG!! I am so excited for you and me! I am so looking forward to “our” trip. Have a wonderful time, stay well and safe and post often. Kit

  71. Lu Ann Hungerford says:

    Thank you Susan for taking me along on your adventure!! Wishing you both a safe trip. Can’t wait for your next blog.

  72. Wow, how lovely!! Sailing to England. This is your third time, correct? I love all of the pictures from your 2nd ?? journey in A Fine Romance. I recently spoke to my husband about sailing to England. Wondering if he could make it since he gets seasick. If we don’t get to do it, we can at least live it through your experience. Have a wonderful time!!

  73. Di Word says:

    I am packed and ready to go! I’m bringing my corgi along. Think anyone will mind? Bon voyage!!

  74. Wanda in Louisiana says:

    Ahhhhhhhh!!!! The joy of being on that beautiful ship!!!! So fabulous!!! We are all anxiously waiting every word and photo!!! SO Happy for You!!!

  75. Tricia B says:

    Oh Susan! How grand it all looks! 😊🛳I am so excited for you and Joe!!! Love your outfit!!! Enjoy each minute and thank you again for taking us along!! Happy Sailing!!! 🛳Much Love and Oodles of Hugs!! ❤️❤️❤️ Tricia B. XOXO

    • Tricia B says:

      Susan, you remind of Diane Keaton, the actress. I truly hope that doesn’t offend you. I think she is awesome. I think it is because of your clothes! 😍

  76. Christine Anderson says:

    So excited for you two and us!!!😀🎉🎉🎉😀

  77. Sharon from Fresno says:

    Susan, I am so excited for you both sailing away to England on the QM2. What a thrill of a lifetime.

  78. Joanna From Tennessee says:

    Love that you’re already making friends! Second the comment on the dress and boots!

  79. Mp says:

    Susan you look marvelous in that black dress! Oh thanks so much for bringing us along. It is such fun!!! Xox

  80. Kathy Hinson says:

    So happy for you!! And jealous!! ❤️ my in laws are giving us a cruise for our 25th in December, wonder if we could swing this one!! Have a great time!!

  81. Sandra Mailey says:

    This is so-o-o exciting!! Thanks for sharing. It’s the next best thing to actually being there. Have a wonderful crossing!! XOXO!

  82. Dionne Street says:

    Susan, thanks for the post! I’ve been checking everyday! I even have it written down on my calendar when you and Joe left. That’s how excited I am! I love your little black dress and those dreamy booties! Can’t wait to see more!

  83. Ellen Johnson from Virginia says:

    Dear Susan,
    thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Loved all the pictures, and can’t wait to see more.
    I know you will love Scotland. My husband, our wee daughter and I were able to visit way back in 1987 when we lived in England. Such a beautiful place and wonderful people too.
    Wishing you and Joe a smooth sailing and a wonderful holiday in England and Scotland. Enjoy some scones and tea, but no haggis!!!! xo

  84. Leslie Freeman says:

    You made our day! Loved seeing you on the ship. We have had three crossings, two on the QEII and one on the Queen Mary. So hope we can do it again. Love the sweet potato story. It just shows how amazing the crew is. Love that you were the last ones out of the dining room. Our second crossing we had a table for 8 and it was straight out of Agatha Christie!! You sould have fit right in,
    Enjoy every minute. You are right, the beds are unbelievable! Cocoon is the word.
    Leslie from Maine xx

  85. Marcia says:

    There are several sites to follow QM2, and when I saw you were docked in Halifax this morning, I was afraid there had been a problem. Then I saw that this was a planned stop for your crossing, so I was relieved. I also saw the ship was completely refurbished earlier this year. Do you see a lot of difference since your last crossing? You are so generous to tske all of us with you; I’m enjoying every single moment!

  86. Barbara B. says:

    I LOVE traveling with you.

  87. Belinda from Tampa says:

    Bon Voyage! What a wonderful journey you two have begun! Such beautiful weather…..Yay!! Susan, you are looking too cute in that gorgeous black dress. Can I borrow it? Hee hee….like it would fit. Love it!!

  88. Belinda from Tampa says:

    Had to restart because I couldn’t see my print on my phone….sorry. I just got that book last week. I also bought his 2nd book which is filled with photos. …love, love, love sheep! Can’t wait to see your pictures of sheep. Have fun!!

  89. Jeanne says:

    Love it all! Thx for sharing.

  90. Jana says:

    Sweet surprise to find a post today and heavenly to get to see the departure and first toast and darling black dress with boots outfit. You and Joe make
    such a happy team that it is no surprise your jolly table was the last to clear the dining room! Bon voyage!

  91. Betty Nelson says:

    How exciting for you both. It would be such fun to travel by ship. My grandma and daughters (my mom) travelled that way many, many years ago. Have a fabulous time.

  92. Chrissi Chrovian says:

    Oh you cutie in that adorable skirt. Can’t wait for more!!!

  93. Judy in Ohio says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I am so excited for you both (and US!!!)
    I have never been abroad…Glad to have such great traveling
    companions! (And I am very excited about our dining buddies…
    I bet they will give us LOTS of good ideas!!) 😉

    Have a wonderful time you two…and try to not think of us so much…
    Relax…at least some!! (BUT THANKS for thinking of us!!)


  94. Hi Susan
    I pray you and Joe have a smooth voyage. The smell of the ocean air must be so wonderful to help you drift off to sleep. Here in Niagara Falls, I smell the fall air coming into my kitchen on a breeze. It’s wonderful after a hot, humid day. Just wanted to say hello and send good wishes. Sincerely, Barb. ❤️⛵️

  95. Beth Barnat says:

    We just watched “Far From The Madding Crowd” — a great English Shepherd and countryside movie.

    Have a wonderful time in England!

    I enjoy the photos of the cruise, and especially the sweet potato, being a sweet potato lover myself.

    Beth Barnat

  96. Holly Jo says:

    Hip hip hooray- we are on our way! So happy to be going with you, but I wish I was really there so I could hear your book reading on the ship. Is that during this voyage? The black dress and boots is a fantabulious look on you! Smooth ocean ahead Mate🎉

  97. Debbie Boerger says:

    Love being able to see the ship through your eyes. Wonder if anyone has sailed on QM2 based on your writing. I love, love, love that adorable black dress, in which you posed in bathroom door! Looks great with those elegant little boots and a little bling. I know you both will enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Let us know if the bracelets continue to work.

    Debbie in Maine

  98. Deb says:

    Thanks for sharing! Looks like you two are having a fantastic trip! Can’t wait to hear more.

  99. Nancy Dungan says:

    The sunset from your cabin was breathtaking I can’t imagine being there in person how romantic for you and Joe. Enjoying the virtual sailing voyage! I think I’ve got seasickness , no I just ate too you too have a wonderful time you deserve it. Nancy from Kansas (landlocked)🚢

  100. Cindy Bellamy says:

    Bon voyage!
    Happy to be reading along on your adventure. I had to go check on passage on the ship. Facinating. May have to put this on my bucket list. Can’t wait to read your next

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