Well, I’m going for it. MUSICA 🎵👏All day yesterday I tried to get photos to come from my iPhoto to my blog, and all I managed to get were these ten, and, despite turning computer on and off and using all the computer tricks I know (swearing, begging and bribery), one hundred percent zero came up this morning! So I give up. Ten photos still sounds like a lot, but I have to say, there is so much more I wanted to share with you. Walks in the countryside, packing our Picnic. and so MANY up-close and personal photos of our wonderful Girlfriends and their families who joined us … It’s okay, we are going to a little town today that supposedly has computer help, and also, we’ll be moving along at the end of the week, and who KNOWS what we’ll get when we do. Maybe I should be celebrating getting this far! Glass half-full and all that rot! But anyway, I wanted to say Hello, give you these few photos, and say
This is Rachel, me, and Siobhan, reunited at Stourhead, and toasting the hot air balloons that appeared out of nowhere, that we were just SURE could see us from their gondolas!
And we got it! Magic above the church lawn, just across from our cottage . . . hot air balloons over the 13th century church, lovely juxtaposition of old and older. We all agreed you couldn’t get us up in one, so we toasted their crazy bravery and enjoyed every moment of their flight. Joe and I left the Queen Mary 2 last Friday (I spoke on board! It was scary! But people were so nice! And books sold out! Photos are, grrr, trapped! MIA!), and traveled the lovely country roads to our cottage in this beautiful amazing place called Stourhead . . . on Saturday morning, Siobhan came, then Paul and Rachel.
Paul brought these flowers and wine and Prosecco . . . to tell you the truth, they all brought everything. Flakey English salt, tiny little sausages, six kinds of crisps (potato chips in English), olives and cheese and pork pies . . . Siobhan made her amazing gluten-free bread and apple jelly ~ we had it for breakfast with yummy fennel tea. Rachel brought a Plum Crumble with British double-thick spooning cream . . . I wish I could show you the dinner we made . . . butterflied roast chicken with rosemary from Siobhan’s garden, crisp roasted potatoes with homegrown onions, raw veggie salad ~ while at the same time we were boiling potatoes and chopping celery for our Picnic potato salad, making tomato and mozzarella salad, slicing Ray’s meatloaf and icing down the pear cider. It was a regular Big Chill night in Stourhead. AND, believe it or not, our cottage came complete with a set of Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz dishes! How did they know? So our table looked beautiful and the next day we piled plates into our basket and took them to the Picnic. During dinner, Paul put on a cd of the most wonderful John Garth music, I hope you are listening to it right now!
Later on we toasted the full Harvest moon, sharing the moment with all of you! Same moon for all of us, the world over!
And finally the big day arrived, Sunday dawned bright, blue and sunny . . . the day we’d been planning since last February . . . our BYO Picnic Basket Party! Where the question would finally be answered, “Would anyone be there besides us?” Either way, we knew we’d have a wonderful time! A picnic is a picnic, after all, totally a win-win, but we were really hoping to meet people we’ve only known through the Blog, Facebook and Twitter ~ our faraway friends. We knew we had three important things to remember in a toast. First off, we wanted to make a little salute to Capability Brown . . . who designed this dynamic garden at Stourhead ~ it’s the 300th Anniversary of his birth! And of course, it’s our darling Beatrix Potter’s 150th Birthday Anniversary this year . . . and we also wanted to raise our glasses to missing friends, to all of you, to Deb in Wales, and especially our Twitter Girlfriend Karen💖.
I could almost taste the fragrance of fresh-mown grass as everyone began arriving to the constant refrain of wood pigeons cooing musically, “My-toe-huts-Bettee.” Families and friends, husbands, sisters, and children, expats, newlyweds, Birthday Girls, and 50th wedding-anniversary-celebrators were here ~ counting everyone we had 55! It was a sit in! You can see Siobhan way out there in the hat, and Ray is closer, in the middle, kneeling in a blue dress with her white hair. We think it was about 40% Americans. Can you believe this setting? I know! It’s amazing. I promise not one speck of Photoshop was used in the preparation of this blog! (Actually it never is, but this one is especially hard to believe! You would think, “Let’s put a grass bridge here, add a lake, pop in some ducks, frame it all with lawn and trees, add Apollo’s Temple in the way back, film Pride and Prejudice here, and voila!”)
We were lucky because just as the sun was getting a little too bright and warm for comfort, it dipped behind some English clouds and stayed there, making it perfect sweater weather for the rest of the day! We wandered from blanket to blanket visiting and sharing food (and I have photos of all of it 😜!). Some people brought books for me to sign and yes, there were gifts, like this delicious homemade muffin these little dolls were giving me . . . that’s Siobhan in the hat behind them, looks like she is telling a good story . . . and that’s Paul there on the stool, in his British picnic finery.
Our Blog Girlfriend, Nicoline, came from the Netherlands with her husband Gabriel, and brought Petey’s brother with them! We were laughing because they thought he was scary looking and we think ours is too! We don’t like to have them in the room with us while we sleep! But we both brought them with us anyway!
Here we are, class of 2016, assembled in this magical place like a fairy tale come true . . . I know some of you will recognize some of them. It’s impossible, but here we are, from Colorado, Salt Lake City, and Oregon, from Oxford, Cheshire, York and Kent, Scotland and Wales and Holland, and all over the place! It’s a fact!
See that smile on me? It never left my face, my cheeks ached (in the very best way) at the end of this day! Here I am with our Girlfriend Janette (who made the most darling little book bags for everyone) ~ this is how it was, blanket-to-blanket, sitting, eating, and gabbing for
hours . . . I have so many more photos that I can’t access right now, pictures of us toasting, of Rachel handing out the freshly baked Sugar Moon salted caramel (and some even gluten-free), homemade Brownies she made for everyone! . . . there are pictures of cute quilts, tea sets, and picnic baskets, of Ann and Alan, Carrie and Stuart, Heather, Gabi, Susan and Bob, Morwenna, Cadie, Joann and Rod,
names you recognize if you’ve hung around here long enough! Kindred spirits all, Bernie, Karen and Rosie, Katrina, Paula and Burnell, Olivia, and Joy were all there . . . to name a few . . . I’ll have to save these photos for another time.
Mad at this computer. It has now lost any good will I ever had for it ~ it won’t let me have pictures, and as of now, it has fully deleted this post twice. And yet, I have not killed it. I have outsmarted it, and saved it all . . . it’s tricking me right now, pretending to be okay, but the moment I press “save draft” it will try to delete everything. SO, if you actually do see this, it will be a miracle. Which we believe in don’t we? So let’s see what happens. Bye for now dearest ones! Thank you for traveling with us! ❌⭕️
I had to wait til my devises behaved in order to view post since one of the quotes was superimposed multiple times over entire blog. Gremlins in Pennsylvania are really onery!! Those chintz dishes could not be more PERFECT. So glad weather was on your side for your picnic!! Thanks so much for sharing what you could with us back in the States💕Take care and enjoy the next adventure waiting around the lovely corner!!
What beautiful fun! Thank you for sharing so we can experience your travel as if we were there!
Thanks for taking me on your picnic even if it is 8:30 a.m. Looks like so much fun and such beautiful countryside. I feel refreshed!!
Oh, my favorite part of Dear England, including Hampshire! Heart of the Kingdom of Wessex and many much, much older treasures. Mostly, just enchanting surprises to find. Thank you for letting us go along.
Debbie in Beautiful Maine
Love having you here! Better with you!
Hi Susan! I’m so glad that you and Joe arrived safe and sound across the pond! I wish I was with you-and I wish I could have heard your talk on the ship! The picnic looks wonderful! All of the food and small special touches sound lovely. We have a brother of Petey! Yup, my husband has had him; he got him when he was a little boy. He sits with all of our ship collectibles; we are members of the Ocean Liner Society. My dear friend Clare, from Roxby in the NE part of England, is hooked on your books! She is currently reading “Isle of Dreams”. I told her to sign up for your blog. Now you have another fan in England! Hopefully we will get over there next year – and then sail back on QM2! Have a wonderful day and I hope the weather is good. Be well & be happy! Love, Karen 🙂
Thank you Karen! Luv-lee to hear from you, hello to Clare! We are well and happy! xoxo
I’m sitting here drinking my tea and and picturing myself in those 10 pictures! So wish we could have joined you! Computers, crap job and all, allow us girlfriends to be there in spirit. I’m sure we all have enough imagination to see ourselves there, what foods we would have made and the conversations we would have had with new friends! The English truly know the art of picnicking! John and I are planning our next trip to England for June 2017! I have already pulled out my books and travel guides but yours was the 1st one I grabbed. “A Fine Romance” was such a help in planning our last trip; I’m sure I can glean a few more tidbits. Will you be in the Kent area? Do you remember meeting me in St Charles and I told you about a B & B owner who worked for the Royals for 35 years? He serves a delicious cup of tea combined with the most fascinating stories ( no gossip, just tales of living in Buckingham Palace and traveling all over the world with the Royals). He was lovely, as you are, Sweet Sue! Looking forward to more twitter, blogs and photos as often as electronica allows! Happy and safe travels!
I do remember Sharon! We went to Kent both of the last two times we were in England, and could easily go again because it’s heavenly there, but I think we are looking to see different things this time . . . And you are so right, they taught US about picnicking. Now even if we get a cup of tea at a farm store, we sit and drink it under a tree instead of hoping right into a car. Ahhhhh. The little moment!
What a stunning setting – that little dip assures the bridge will be viewed in all of the lovely photos. It’s precious to see that young girl is hugging your book. And, the Rose Chintz dishes in your cottage couldn’t be more perfect. Thank you for taking us along!
My pleasure!
Your blog makes me feel like I’m sitting beside you and enjoying it all. Thanks!
Thank you for sending your post and pictures from the picnic. Looks like it was a lovely day. I LOVE the group picture with the bridge and monument (Pride and Prejudice) in the background! Just wonderful!! Good luck with that computer Susan and keep sending your posts when you can.
I will. And me too, that picture just gets me. Joe took maybe 8 or 10 of that same scene and they are all good, everyone laughing or waving, priceless to me . . .Thank you Christine, I will try not to be beat by my computer! 😃
Ah, what fun you are having! I am happy for you and it is ssoooo nice of you to share.
As an aside, I am sure that you and Joe know all about Petey’s history. I collect these dolls and I am happy to share this info. with you. Here goes collectdolls.about.com/od/dollprofiles/p/Norah-Wellings-Dolls-1930s-To-1960s.htm
Please let us keep hearing from you and have loads of fun!
Very interesting to see all those terrible little faces! 😃 Not really, but faces perhaps one would need mother to love!
Waiting with bated breath for the next installment, checking every day! May technology cooperate!
Lorie at the beach
C.S. Lewis — ‘Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.’
Lovely picnic, precious memories, good times…it’s what life is made of.
Precious memories! Just right!
Don’t feel bad about Internet problems at Stourhead. My wife and I were there about 10 days ago and had similar problems but found out that because the area has awful internet accessibility, cell phones and computers work intermittently at bet.
If you don’t stay in one of the cottages, stay at the Spread Eagle Inn, a B&B literally at Stourhead. If you do you can enter the garden before it opens and after it closes, and have glorious meals made by the awarding winning chef at the B&B.
No, we have no connection with the B&B; were from Kansas.
We’re at one of the cottages and have heard many times we are “in a hole” — that is the only explanation we get that makes sense! But here I am, able to write to you, from the hole, at 9 pm our time, that must be saying something!
So enjoying your (our) trip!!! The music is beautiful background… listening as I type this… Thank you for sharing! Just received your cookbook… looking forward to trying some of the recipes…
I love it too, listening now . . . in fact every morning with tea and reading comments! Thank you Julia!
Thank you, thank you, both for sharing this wonderful trip with all your friends; it really is a wonderful treat. The music is peaceful, I’m saving as a favorite. Continue your journey with aching cheeks from smiling. BRILLIANT!
Love traveling along with you, Susan. Thanks so much! Enjoy every minute.
That music! so perfect!
thanks for photos. Just great. So nice of you to take the time. The person in a previous blog who thought you looked depressed I hope the person saw these photos. You look great!!happy and joyful. AND I happen to like the way you are wearing your hair!!❤️Joan
Like everyone, I do get tired sometimes, but not depressed! 😜
You remind me Kate Hepburn with your new do! I love it & aspire to that someday myself!
Thank you again for the lovely picnic. I can’t believe that I had never been to Stourhead before when it is only 40 minutes drive away! It was beautiful. It was so nice to meet you after years of reading your books and following your blog. I knew I had to come. I know I just wittered on about baking measurements but I was overcome and being very English! The picnic was a brilliant idea! Have you been to Prior Park in Bath? It’s like Stourhead but a bit cosier (smaller).
Wishing you a great time for the rest of your trip especially Scotland where the rest of my family live. My mum lives on the Isle of Eigg, near Rum and Muck (pronounced egg – population about 75). She was the head teacher until she retired at Christmas.
All best wishes – Hala nr.Bath xx
You were wonderful Hala, and I loved meeting you… measurements are a problem for all of us! I haven’t been to Prior Park, but we’re going to Bath, we’ll have to go there. Thank you for coming to the picnic and helping to make it the wonderful day that it was! xoxo
You wanted MAGIC and you have it….and you are sending it right on to us!!!!
How lucky we are to have such a GREAT FRIEND. Thank you for making my day so enjoyable…it is my happy place to come to…. your blog…..and forget about the worries on the outside …for awhile. Loved the ALL the pictures…the picnic..the happiness on everyone’s face…wow what a special day. I have been reading A Fine Romance again….so I can see pictures from your last trip and now….so I am getting a pretty good view of the whole trip… some places will be the same… but with a different view!!! LOVE IT AND YOU AND JOE…..THANKS FOR TAKING US ON THE TRIP WITH YOU. Love, Susan P.
Some places just call us back and we have to go! But we love the new things too. Yesterday, driving to the town that had the “cinema,” we saw that wonderful White Horse on the side of a mountain here … xoxo
What a delightful, glorious place to have your picnic! Perfect, I would say! I find it absolutely wonderful that “we”(you, I and everyone) can go around the world and meet so many people and have warm conversations and sharing of moments and kindness and love. What a wonderful world!!!
Safe travels!! xxoo
On the BBC this morning was a report from Syria, from a young man, a student, who was keeping an illustrated diary about life there ~ how frustrated he was with the uncertainty and limitations of his life, how he wished only to have “a normal life, to go to school, and have a family” and how trapped he feels in the way things are now. It was heart breaking, and to think people in other parts of the world might fear him, for just the way he looks. It’s a mixed up world, with 99 percent of the people just good, regular, children and picnic-loving people. Travel opens eyes to all things and all people.
wow. cannot tell you how simply PERFECTLY said….and, your “travel opens eyes to all things and people” should be shouted around the world….most clearly, here in U.S. once again, Susan…..thank you for being YOU!!!!! all love & great good wishes!! xoxo
Thank you darling Chris, sometimes I wish my heart (and yours and all our good girlfriends) had a bullhorn! 💛xoxo
Thanks again, Susan, for sharing your trip across the pond…
mostly especially because this is the only way
my dear 85 year British friend can see her Country
since she is not able to make it back!
I can’t wait to show her these photos…
God bless your stay with joy!
Makes me happy that some came through! Hugs to your friend!
So happy to hear you arrived safely! While you wanted more pictures I am just so happy to see the ones you posted, it is absolutely gorgeous and there is nothing better than a gathering with a group of girlfriends. I could have sat on my blanket in that setting all day, what fun!!
Me too. I’m still thinking about how wonderful it all was!
What a wonderful day you had for your picnic. So glad we could all join you from afar. Just a note… you may already know this, but the Queen is not currently in residence at Buckingham Palace which means that until October 2nd you can reserve tours of the Palace . This is only done once a year. Just wanted you to know in case you were interested. Can’t wait to see where else we go on our journey together. Love, Sue
I think the royal family goes to Balmoral in the fall . . . which is very near where we’re going in Scotland! Not sure we’ll get to London, but I will definitely keep this in mind! Thank you, Sue. xoxo
We were in London for a few days in August and I compelled my husband to go to Buckingham Palace. The current exhibit is called “Fashioning A Reign” and features clothing from all stages of the Queen’s life, including both her wedding gown and coronation gown. Just gorgeous beyond description! Hubby tolerated the trip well as he had never been through a tour there. At the end they have a lovely little tea room outside with appropriate British goodies to eat. Lastly, you have a long walk, 10+ minutes just to exit the palace grounds but you are walking through a beautiful garden with ponds, wildlife etc. Worth the effort of going to London if you can squeeze it into your itinerary.
I am so thrilled with this post. One is that you were able to finally get it up and two, the photos (almost) made me think we had a quilt laid out and were taking tea with you and the rest. Please continue to share your trip with us, it is a blessing and I am happy to be a part of your adventure.
Wonderful post, fabulous pictures, beautiful setting, music, and dear people. I’m right there with you in spirit!
Loving all your post and praying for safe travels.
Hi Susan,
What a wonderful post. The music, your words and pictures made me happy and wishing I was there. And thank you for staying the course with that darn computer!! I so appreciate that you share these times so we can all get a taste of England.
Drives me crazy to only be able to tell part of the story! But it’s better than nothing, so I’m happy for that!
Would u consider creating a coloring book? I just bought a Mary Englebreit. They are so much more fun than those crazy ones that are so small. Then we could pretend we were u!😜
I have thought of it, just haven’t had time! xoxo
Ohhhh what a lovely day🎶 ! So happy it was a huge success and the happiness is so contagious ! I was smiling through your whole post. My dream some day to go is in the early stage of making it come true. We’re talking about it!!! 😃 Keep trying to push those post through, I know you will find a way. So looking forward to more of your sensational trip! Sending love and great wishes, Wendy-Louise oxox Hello to Joe 😊 !
Hopefully when we move to a new location, it will get easier!
Tranquil, peaceful, place of repose…
Hi Susan….what a wonderful picnic spot…truly gorgeous and so restful! I’m so lad you had a good crowd to visit with. How lovely for everyone to enjoy the “world coming together”…. even though I (we) were hiding in the basket, I can tell it was a great picnic! So yes, we see the post and await more…. I know that feeling of getting a little testy with the computer…. sometimes it’s best to walk away in my case! LOL…. Love to you all and enjoy~~~can’t wait for more updates!
It took about 1 ½ hours for each photo, and all I COULD do was walk away and wait . . . but I would have to come back, sooner or later, and therein lies the problem! 😜 It’s okay, we are leaving here tomorrow, and we shall see what our next computer challenge will be as we travel along north to Scotland. I’ll do my best!
It looks like all of you had a marvelous time! Thank you so very much for taking us along. And the music-lovely.
I have decided to live vicariously through you because here in Texas it’s hot, as in 100 degrees yesterday. All my beautiful flowers that were just reblooming for a second growing season are drooping, while you have a lovely green countryside to enjoy. I am also bemoaning the fact that I have misplaced my Autumn book that I bought many years ago, and I miss your drawings of pumpkins on shelves and layered jello. I am looking forward to the Scotland segment of your trip- one of my favorite parts of the world. Maybe you will fall in love with Charles Rennie MacIntosh and a few curly haired coos along the way.
It was 100 degrees when we were in Texas too, and that is HOT. I’m sending lots of wet English mornings your way . . . soft balmy air and cooing pigeons. xoxo
Judy, I forget where you are. Dallas area? It’s hot here also and I just got back from Ohio and beautiful weather so it makes it twice as hard! So ready for rain and fall weather.
I just looked up British Wood Pigeons on you tube. They do have a lovely call. “My-toe-huts-bettee”.
Yes, they do and I was so happy to hear them do it this time . . . we’ve only come in the spring before, and I was afraid maybe it was a sound of spring, but no, it’s the sound of fall too!
My, oh my, what a wonderful picnic! So glad these photos came through. Can’t wait to see where “we” are off to next!
We start packing today, tomorrow we’re off, driving north, a slow week-long meander up to Scotland through the Cotswolds first . . . I’ll do my best to keep in touch . . . best place for daily contacts is Twitter … Click HERE to see that . . . xoxo
Such delight! Be still my heart … as I gaze on this happy gathering in the most beautiful of places with the dearest Kindred Spirit of all … YOU! Even these few photos capture the spirit of the day – yeay! Thanks for all the effort to get this post through the ethers.
I am so happy for you that you are ‘living the dream’ that YOU have created with your dear Joe, the girlfriends and heart friends beside you.
I’m halfway through Isle of Dreams and so appreciate the deep dive into your unfolding that you have shared through this book. The organic evolution of it all will surely give hearts the hope they are longing for that dreams can come true and that, yes, we do have to put our best self into the process.
Blessings galore and many more to come in the days ahead!
Thank you Jana . . . I’m so happy you’re enjoying the book! xoxoxo
Susan! Love all of your happy, fun, uplifting posts!! Continue having a wonderful time! Love, Deb
Thank you for taking us along on the picnic! We were getting a bit restless in your suitcase!😊
Yes, well, you were delightful on the ship, but I’m happy you are out, and we’re doing our best to keep you that way!
Hi Susan! I’m so grateful that you are having a wonderful time! Nothing regenerates the soul like true friends and a good party. I want to go back to England just to get some of Siobhan’s brownies. I’m sorry your computer has launched a revolt. Maybe it’s just the price of all of that verdant beauty. But, when my apple goes kaflewie (sp?), I always imagine Letterman dropping my computer onto the streets of New York and watching it smash into little bits and pieces. No one gets hurt and it’s quite therapeutic:) Otherwise, I hope your trip remains full of grass bridges, blue skies and English charm.
Luckily, that’s 99% of the day, so anything else is gravy! xoxo
Despite technological difficulties it looks like you’ve had such a delightful time in merry olde England! What a wonderful experience to participate in the picnic with your girlfriends and assorted other friends!! I’m just a wee bit envious, but so happy to share in the experience via your blog. Carry on…can’t wait to see the next installment!
Amazing to think how it all came to be, this little picnic in the park! And then being able to share it with you . . . actually impossible, and yet! Thank you Jeannette! Happy first day of Autumn!
I’ve been waiting anxiously and no disappointment here! I just adore the UK…so much history and the air even smells different. Most of the time I just pinch myself and can’t believe I’m actually there. The picnic looks wonderful!
Oh my! This setting couldn’t be more idyllic! Thank you for bringing us along, and for the lovely musica! My heart sings when you share the little details, simple things, that make life sweeter. As these are the things that I appreciate in life, and make me so much happier each day too! The sounds of the birds chirping, the smell of the grass, the cute quilts, all special touches! That china tops it off though….enjoy every minute! You and Joe deserve the best!
So glad you arrrived and are already having such old fashioned fun!! What a beautiful site for a picnic!! You are dressed like a character out of Beatrix Potter or Laura Ashley days! How cute you look!!! Love your friends outfit as well with the big hat!!
Weather does look fallish so hope it stays nice for your trip Have fun!!! Linda from Idaho where it is coolish (high 60’s) and sprinkly. The stray cat was pronounced very healthy by the vet but need you to tell me how you cook with Jack traversing your tables and countertops!!! (another day for that one!)
It all looks so magical!!! I do believe a Martha’s Vineyard picnic would be in order for this side of the pond. A trip to England is now on my list of lifetime wishes.
Wonderful. Beautiful pictures of beautiful things. I love the music. Looks like you are having the bestest of times. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the next round of delight. Deborah
Everything looks just perfect, even the weather ! Keep calm, and picnic on !
Dear Susan,
Looks heerlijk( wonderful) the picnic in the park.
I wish I could be there to, but I am having the flu, and kids too. Reading this blog is just the vitamin I need! Have a wonderful time in England.
Lots of love from Willemien
I’ve been trying to come up with words of appreciation for this armchair journey I’m on…..WOW & WONDERFUL…..and THANK YOU DEAR SUE & JOE!!! And ditto to all the fabulous comments GFs have made! Packed & ready for Scotland! Happy trails..on the wrong-right side of the road! Prayers! xoxo
Your telling of the days events and people is absolutely wonderful and I wish I were there. What a fabulous picnic and feeling of joy and happiness. I visited Scotland last year for 3 weeks and would go back to the UK without hesitation.
What a delightful journey you are taking us one once again,thank you! And a picnic all together what could be better? Miracles, oh yes I believe!!! May there many more miracles… sweet sunrises, splendid new and dear friends, and sensational sunsets amongst your traveling and teas!!
I’m going to have to add this lovely location to my list of places to visit on my next trip. Thanks every so much for sharing. Can’t wait until your computer behaves and we can see more.
Oh and I truly, really hope you write another book about this trip. I used your last one on my trip this past August. So helpful!
This is WONDERFUL!! Glad you are having such a wonderful time!! Can’t wait to see more pictures!!
Watch Twitter in the meantime . . . xoxo
I could have read on & on & on! Your trip is a fairytale. Stay happy, healthy, & I look forward so much to your next blog (& pictures!).
Thank you Ann!
Thank you so much for sharing your trip and taking us along with you! It’s almost as good as being there!
So happy you are enjoying it!
Hi, Susan – I thought I’d posted a letter to you but had tech problems so it might not have gone – sorry if it actually reached you safe and sound and I’m repeating myself.
A huge thank you for organizing our picnic – what a fun day it was! It was wonderful to finally meet you and Joe as well as so many of your lovely fans. What a day!!
How is Scotland? I hope you’re having a great time?
I’m sending you this message from Majorca where we’ve been living the life for four wonderful days – sadly, it comes to an end tomorrow night and we head back home, but England in the autumn is something special so it’s not toooo terrible to have to return.
Thank you again for such a fab day – I’m going to treasure it forever and remember you and Joe with the greatest fondness.
Have a superb time and enjoy every minute – Bernie x
We stayed at Stourhead all last week, and now we’re in the Cotswolds for a couple of days, on our way up to Scotland, where we should arrive October 1. Our weather has held good for this entire time, and today is pure wonderful fall! I’m sure you had a fabulous time in Majorca, welcome home! SO happy to have finally met you and can put a cute face to your name dear Bernie!
Love that you’re in the Cotswolds! We stayed in lovely Stow On The Wold during a trip taken by best friend Mary & our husbands with $99 tix from LAX to London! The purpose of our trip (unbeknownst to our husbands) was to find the best Devonshire cream in England 🙂 True Devonshire cream is simply clotted cream produced in Devon (interesting trivia fact). Stopped in the town of Tiverton and had scones + tea @ Four & Twenty Blackbirds because they had a reputation for great traditional English fare AND because they had 4 + 20 darling ceramic pie birds in their window 🙂 The cream was thick and buttery deliciousness and definitely different that anything we had ever tasted before! Loving your trip and pics so far. Your gathering of girlfriends in Stourhead brought back memories of the front lawn in Prescott 🙂 Still basking in the memory of that lovely day. Safe travels to Scotland. “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” ♥ xoxo
Home – as of 3.30 am and, thank you, we had a fab time. I’m really pleased you’re having a good time and our weather is behaving itself for you! I did have a quiet word with it for you before I left!! And now Scotland is on the horizon – well, be prepared to lose your heart all over again. It’s magical and the people are, too. Have bags of fun.
I just wanted to say that if you get some time for telly-watching (as if!!) Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year 2015 – Series 1 episode 8 is based on our picnic spot in Stourhead and very worth watching (I knew is seen that view before!!!) – it might take a little searching but I think you’ll love it. And Victoria (poss BBC?) is an absolute certainty. Do you know, I could make you such a list of things you and Joe would enjoy reading, seeing, viewing – I think you should buy a house here – I’ll see what’s available in my village and you can come be my new neighbours.
Looking forward to following your hols north of the border now home again and tech services more reliable – you’d have loved our home in Majorca, by the way, it was 450 years old and built by the Moors!! Thankfully, however, tastefully and sensitively renovated by present owner who was the perfect host (and from Yorkshire!)
Well, sorry – this ‘hi’ is turning into War and Peace – better let you go. Have a great time – love to you both. Bernie x
Please, please tell me Susan that you and Joe took a jaunt over to Apollo’s Temple just to declare your undying love for one another? Oh my goodness, I love Pride and Prejudice and love all the beautiful locations that they used, but to be under that temple dome in the pouring rain or cloudy sky would be just divine! Wishing you safe travels and more fabulous adventures and encounters!
I know, it was my very favorite scene, and we were THERE!!!
Dear Susan and girlfriends,
It was so amazing to be there with you. Thanks for planning this and I still can’t believe that we were so lucky to be able to go. Great food, friends and laughter- and Rachel’s brownies- all the best life has to offer.
We’re home now, but these memories will last the rest of our lives. Have a lovely rest of your trip- wish we could still be there with you.
Love to you all!
Love it that you made it Gabi! Seems to me like a minor miracle that it happened at all and that so many familiar names, and some faces, were able to come!
What DELIGHTS all around!!! Enjoy and relish!
Will you be bringing more Emma Bridgewater home with you for your Store???
Never can tell what we might run into!!
Is it crazy that I was not only deciding what my contribution to the picnic food and finery would be, but I was debating about what I would have worn? That’s what you are doing for us~we have so much fun traveling vicariously! Thank you….
Love it!
Oh look at all of you lovelies! What a great gathering and yes such a perfect spot. I hope your computer whoas end and you continue to have such a marvelous time! Take care, Kit
It’s a good computer day today!
I blogged today about my trip to Vineyard Haven: ppandorasbox.blogspot.com/2016/09/stalking-susan-branch.html
Maybe stalking only counts if the stalkee is home! Dog-bark recording seems to have done its job! 😜 xoxo
Haha…good comeback! You have a lovely home in such a beautiful place. I enjoyed my day on the Vineyard! Enjoy your vacation, lucky gal!!
Looks as if you have been having a great time and it’s near the beginning of your trip. What fun, and so much to look forward to. I do hope your computer does not have any more glitches so all of us can share in the fun with the pictures that you take along the way. I just love the beautiful countryside and hearing the news of your trip. Have a wonderful time……this is your next book in the making!
Oh, what a perfect post to read today! I’ve just read through your book about your trip there on the QM2, and am excited to follow through your return journey now! My next door neighbor is married to a man originally from Scotland. I’ve never had an urge to travel to the UK until reading your book. She and I are now starting to make plans to visit there. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing through your wonderful gifts of art and prose. 🙂
So glad to see you finally prevailed over your naughty computer, Susan! Thanks for taking us with you on the trip with photos or without. Looking forward to more posts…
Thank you so much for sharing, Susan. It makes me want to go back to England and explore! (Only been there once with a 3-day stay in London as an adjunct to my husband’s business trip.)
Please share more whenever you can; your info will be saved in my “Want to visit” folders!
Susan in Carlsbad, CA
I so wish I could have been there with you! One day we will meet. It’s on my bucket list! In capitols!
Hello Susan!
Thanks so much for taking us along on your latest adventure! I just know we are going to have a wonderful time!
If the computer will not co-operate, just keep snapping pictures, journal-ing, having fun, and loving life. We can all catch up when you are home!! ( I am sure the photos in the new book will be heavenly, too! No pressure. lol)
Oh Susan! How wonderful it all looks! Hot air balloons, toasting, having a picnic and just talking all day! Very quaint and a whole lot of fun I imagine. Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us!
Sorry for your troubles with the computer. I hate it when that happens, so frustrating. The pics you got on are really lovely. What a marvelous time it must have been at the picnic. If you do get the chance to go up in a hot air balloon, you really must. My folks did it on their 50th wedding anniversary and loved it. I, too, have been up and you feel like a bird floating along and everything below looks so different and small. Can’t wait to hear more of your adventures. Safe travels!
Oh Susan, what a wonderful picnic! I snuck out of the basket and skipped around on that beautiful grass, ran down to the bridge and back, and enjoyed meeting all who was there! Such sheer happiness! What a special time you are having! And the hot air balloon must have been planned, it couldn’t have been any more perfect! Enjoy your meander up to Scotland! Oh, and I was at a doll show today with my granddaughter and a Petey doll was there! I didn’t pull up the web sight someone mentioned earlier, but he was pricey! It was fun to see him there! Safe travels, and don’t let that computer get you down!!!
Hi Susan, will you be going to York this trip? I have heard the moor is close by and beautiful!! If you do, take some pics! My grandmother was born in Kirkbymoorside, near by to the moor and the house is still there!! Someday I will see it!
Pure bliss….I am loving “our” trip!
Looks truly wonderful. Wish we could have joined you but Yorkshire is a long drive away! Hope you have another get together, maybe as we say ‘oop north’!! Enjoy your stay Susan. It’s a lovely time of year.
Dear Susan and Joe,
What a lovely way to start the day, to the sound of bells in a story book village. I can only imagine the charm of hearing the the english accent every time you hear people talking to each other and to you. Please tell us what you had to eat today. Did you start the day with scones with jam and clotted cream, followed later with the traditional Sunday roast with yorkshire pudding…be still my heart. Are you adjusting to there meal times? If I remember correctly many places stop serving between 3 and 6, so if you want to eat in the middle of the day you are out of luck.Thank you so much for taking the time to let us follow your journey with you daily, we appreciate that you are doing so when you could be out having another wonderful adventure. Can’t wait to see where you’ll take us next….. Love, Sue
“POLDARK TONIGHT!” Those were the first words out of my mouth this morning. (Hubby is afraid his eardrum is broken.) And then I find you and Merry Old England in my email box. What a GREAT morning this is turning out to be! Oh to be in England again – sigh. Have some Sticky Toffee Pudding for me please and enjoy every second. You’ve worked sooooo hard this year.
Thank you for showing everything, it’s a busy schedule and every moment counts, yet you always take time to share – wish I had been there; despite my being in the UK, it is a very long way to the picnic – like hundreds of miles, yet I almost feel I have joined you, on the day I toasted you with a cider whilst sitting in my own back garden… (if you have the chance to get to the county of Devon, you must try Rattler cider and if you are only able to get to a supermarket like tesco near the airport even – Henry Westons is worth putting in your bag for emergencies. Have a safe journey on your travels.
I have discovered your Twitter feed and I’m LOVING looking at it even though I don’t twitter myself. Thank you for putting stuff on there for us to enjoy.
I was at Anne Hathaway’s cottage so long ago, just a very-naive age 21; so awfully shy and late-late-LATE bloomer. Met an American boy there (he’d ultimately be the one who gave me my first kiss; should I even admit that?)…he just walked up to me and determinedly struck up a conversation amid the blooming flowers around that charming, quintessential English cottage in Shakespeare country. I eventually traveled over much of Central & Southern Europe with him in the ensuing weeks (all quite chaste…for the most part…!!!…). Being in that sunny garden with him one early May is a precious memory you brought back today for the MUCH-older me! (Now you’ve got me to thinking…hmmm…I wonder whatever happened to him?)
I’ve loved seeing your mini videos of all the GREEN countryside. We’re so darn hot and dry here in SoCalif today; Santa Anas and brutal sun, 106 degrees(F) at 2:00pm. The beach is 20 minutes away but it’s even hotter at the water, so I’m told. I need a magic carpet to get me to Susan and the cool mist of England!
Precious memory! Google him! If you can! How fun!
Quick question…. Girl Cat that just died, was she the second Girl Cat? The original one being in the Isle of Dreams book? And was she related at all to the first one? Or did she just look like her?
Sorry for all the questions! Just curious. I know it is too early to consider, but I hope you get Jack a sister. He’s probably lonely, even if they weren’t the best of friends.
Yes, she was the second Girl Kitty … for a while there I named all my cats the same thing, but finally got over it.
Such a lovely and special event. I have mentioned it before, that you create the most wonderful magic.
Hi Susan,
Of course you won’t remember me, another gal who grew up in southern California in the 50’s and 60’s and felt right at home when reading your books. Having recently moved again for hubby’s new job, this time to Texas, you will never know how much joy your blog brings me. How much connection to all the things I/we all love! Thank you for taking the time to share so much with all of us. The English country side is truly glorious isn’t it? Be sure to walk on some footpaths and see where they take you! The one to Upper and Lower Slaughters from Stow-in-the-Wold is marvelous! Look forward to the next installment!
Blessings, Ginny
Hi Susan,
So enjoying traveling along with you on this latest adventure. Your shipboard photos are great and the picnic pics truly divine…what a great day that must have been for you. I do appreciate your computer frustrations. I’ve been known to swear at mine a few times, too…LOL. Not sure if you’re familiar with the Between Naps on the Porch blog, written by a gal in Atlanta, GA. She devotes her post this morning to writing about making your biscuit recipe from the Heart of the Home cookbook. She’s included nice photos of the book, also step by step pics of her biscuit-making adventure. They turned out less than perfect, but she said they were delicious nonetheless. I plugged your blog to her and her readers in the comment section and told her how gracious you are in replying to your girlfriends, etc. She’s also been promoting your Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams book. I’m finally reading it now myself and loving it. You’re such a talented, kind, thoughtful gal….can’t wait for your next post and thanks so much for sharing your trip with all the girlfriends back in the States.
Nancye T., Wells, Maine
So nice to read the story of the picnic for those of us who can’t be there and I am very much enjoying the music! You have such a great way of making me feel like I’m there right along side you and I’m so happy for all the lucky, lovely people who are!
Oh you poor thing — how maddening. I have threatened many times to throw my computer out the window, the second story window, that is! But my “in-house “computer guy” (the hubs!) comes to the rescue and saves the day. Beautiful pictures. Looks like everyone is having a wonderful time. Can’t wait to see more.
Dear Susan, What a wonderful time you are having! And I am enjoying everything from my den! Have a happy talk with your computer because I don’t want to miss a thing! It must feel very humbling to know, see, and feel all the love that folks from all over the world have for you! Just seeing the friends in the photo with you on this post is so special. You are an amazing wonder. A very special girl. Have fun traveling and I look forward to our next visit 🙂 All the best to you and Joe.
Dear Susan and Girlfriends
This is a desperate plea for your help and a message for Nicoline (who owns Petey’s brother) I received an email from Nicoline today and somewhere between my ipad and computer the message she sent me has disappeared off into the ether never to be found. If any of you Girlfriends who were at the picnic has her email address I would be most grateful if you would ask her to contact me again. I really want to reply to her and I would hate her to think I was being bad mannered by not responding to her email (very unBritish!) Nicoline, if you read this please get in touch again. Thank you Susan and Girlfriends and here’s hoping. Love to you all from Ann in Chester.
Here you go Ann, Hopefully Nicoline will see this!
Ann, Nicoline and I are pen pals. I’ve sent her an email, explaining what happened. She should get in touch with you once she reads my email…sometime today, Sept. 28. Isn’t the internet wonderful! (and frustrating…ha!) Rachel in Texas
Thank you so much Rachel, you are a Star and thank you Susan for posting my message. Your Girlfriends are the best! With love from Ann in Chester xx
Tom and I were in Yorkshire about this time last fall, and I’ve been many times. However, I’d never explored Bolton Castle. We spent an entire day and both thought it was one of the very best. Great history teachers, mostly, in totally authentic costumes doing just about everything (well, within modesty!) folks would have been doing. The views are great from the tower. We were staying in Otley, just SE of Skipton. Picked an old restored Victorian and went out to Haworth and many other places over the 5 nights we spent in that place on this trip. Weather was lovely, even in the rain, of which there was little. I love your hotel!!! We were in Scotland for about 2 weeks this trip, in October. Gather some heather. Again, thank you so much for taking all this time to post to us.
Forgot, if you have time to visit Bolton Castle, see if enactors will be there. Without those great people, it is not nearly as fabulous. It is open until Oct. 30th. Often has weddings on weekends, so you should check.
Oh I just have to tell you thank you, thank you so much for taking us with you! Ilove to imagine that I am there with you. I dream of going to England one day, it is so gorgeous! Right now I am reading your lovely book Martha’s Vineyard Isle Of Dreams. And Susan it is so lovely. I feel like I have been sitting down with you while you tell me your story. Thank you for the honesty with which you write. I want you to know that I appreciate it. You have blessed me so much with your words of inspiration. May the Lord bless you for He is surely using you to bless me! Thank you!😊 Faith
As frustrating as they are at times, computers help us to see so much of the world. Thank yo so much for sharing the beauty and joy of this day with us. It looks loverly.
Having more frustration these days as photos now won’t load at all…. hope is in Edinburgh where we will find Apple genius to help us figure out how to get around this! xoxo
Dear Susan,
I’m so sorry, not being able to comment sooner, but internet was so bad way down in Cornwall…..
Anyway, I’m here now, to say a HUGE GREAT thank you to you and Joe for giving us such a lovely, memorable afternoon!
Weren’t we lucky, to see so many friendly faces, enjoy such pleasant company, such a gorgeous view, and have some wonderful weather!!
I feel as though it was all meant to be, coming all together, having a relaxed picnic, sharing stories with new friends, and the icing on the cake was chatting to you and Joe. Thank you so very much, and I will remember our talk forever, it has a firm place in my heart.
Our son was so happy that you took the time to hold his special monkey friend, and says thank you, as well!
And hey, what about Petey’s long lost brother….They could be twins, with those same faces, haha! Ours is back in the drawer again, going into hibernation.
And also, my darling penpal Rachel, from Texas, pointed out that Ann from Chester was looking for me, so I sent her another email, and hopefully she will get it.
Dearest Sue and Joe, thank you so so much for all that you do!
Enjoy the time in Scotland, oh and if its too cold or damp, do think of going to Cornwall someday, its so gorgeous there…..
With love from Holland
Dear Susan,
Here I am again, just a short messages….If you have run out of ideas of what to see and do, haha, as if….Have you thought of visiting the home of James Herriot? His house is now a museum, open to visitors in the town of Thirsk. We enjoyed it alot, when we went there in april. Nice village, nice pub too!
When your post appeared, I was in Scotland myself–the gorgeous western isles and Highlands. Before that, we were in the spectacular glens and coast of County Antrim in Ireland. I’m sure, Susan, that you could convey their beauty but for me they were all beyond words. The most special part was visiting the Antrim farm my ancestors left over 150 years ago and drinking tea and nibbling cookies with cousins I found thru genealogy. What lovely, wonderful people!
I could not post from there but am doing so now to say that your picnic photos and description were so delightful and we can’t wait to see more when your computer learns to behave.
I hope you have had a lovely Michaelmas Day today! I am really looking forwards to seeing where you are going in Scotland😘
Susan, I’m packing for our East Coast trip and I’m telling myself, You can’t take all your clothes! And then I said to myself, But Susan Branch does! LOL LOL! oxox Love from Mary S. in Fresno, California
Yup. And we pay for it too. HOWEVER. We even have a candle with us. Which I lit last night, and instant happiness!
Dear Susan,
I’m so sorry, not being able to comment sooner, but internet was so bad way down in Cornwall…..
Anyway, I’m here now, to say a HUGE GREAT thank you to you and Joe for giving us such a lovely, memorable afternoon!
Weren’t we lucky, to see so many friendly faces, enjoy such pleasant company, such a gorgeous view, and have some wonderful weather!!
I feel as though it was all meant to be, coming all together, having a relaxed picnic, sharing stories with new friends, and the icing on the cake was chatting to you and Joe. Thank you so very much, and I will remember our talk forever, it has a firm place in my heart.
Our son was so happy that you took the time to hold his special monkey friend, and says thank you, as well!
And hey, what about Petey’s long lost brother….They could be twins, with those same faces, haha! Ours is back in the drawer again, going into hibernation.
And also, my darling penpal Rachel, from Texas, pointed out that Ann from Chester was looking for me, so I sent her another email, and hopefully she will get it.
Dearest Sue and Joe, thank you so so much for all that you do!
Enjoy the time in Scotland, oh and if its too cold or damp, do think of going to Cornwall someday, its so gorgeous there…..
With love from Holland
I understand internet problems!!! I’ve had them pretty much every day since we left you! I so enjoyed meeting you, it was a true treat, the whole thing. Sunny here today, our first day in Scotland! Hope it’s gorgeous where you are now . . . thank you again for coming all the way to Stourhead, I hope we get to do it again someday!
Dear Susan,
Here I am again, just a short message….If you are still in Yorkshire, and you have run out of ideas of what to see and do, haha, as if….Have you thought of visiting the home of James Herriot? His house is now a museum, open to visitors in the town of Thirsk. We enjoyed it alot, when we went there in april. Nice village, nice pub too!
We went to his Vet Clinic last trip, it’s a museum in Thirsk … but the location of his house was kept under wraps … loved the church where he was married right at the end of the street . . . just beautiful! We’re in Scotland, Nicoline! Can’t believe how quickly time is passing!
Dear Susan,
Sharing your trips with us truly feels like we are going on another adventure too! From leaving on the ship to when you arrive at your destination and all that is in between ….so exciting! Thank you for this gift! Enjoy the wonderful country and cities!
I am sure you are beautifully journaling as only you can do!
I journal every day, I have to, there are so many wonderful details I never want to forget! But I’m having terrible trouble getting photos to go from iPhoto into back end of WordPress, which is where they must go in order to get them onto the blog! Thank you Karen, nice to hear from you!
Dear Susan and Joe
You’re probably approaching the highlands as I write this. I wish I could be there to see your faces as you take in their beauty for the first time. They are like nothing you have ever seen before. I only got to spend one day there, and I long to return. How lucky you are to spend two weeks there. Try to get up to the parts of Scotland where they still speak Gaelic in there everyday life. I imagine it will be like going back in time. ( even more so than traveling everywhere else you are going on your vacation of a lifetime ) There is a cooking utensil in Scotland you may be interested in buying called a spurtle. They use it for mixing oatmeal and other batters. As you are spending so much time in Scotland you may come across some.. Google it. I never found one.
Love Sue
We’ll look for a spurtle! Wouldn’t have known what it was without you! xoxo
Susan, good morning from Texas. What a wonderful picnic….with all the FOSB. I am so excited that you and Nicoline were able to visit TWICE! Lucky girls. I’m really enjoying traveling along with you and Joe. Every time you move to a different town, or visit a new one, I check out all the things to do and places to eat…..just pretending I’m there with you. New Lanark is amazing!!! I googled Laggan to see where you are and found The Strathspey Railway which is about 1 1/2 hours northeast. You can see part of the Cairngorms National Park and have afternoon tea or lunch….even dinner in the evening. BUT, they close down at the end of October, until Christmas. I have a feeling that your “map man” has already scouted this out, but just wanted to give you a heads-up. It sounds like a lovely day out. Have you rented a place to say in Laggan? We need pictures! Love, Rachel in Texas
Love that you and Nicoline are pen pals, Rachel . . . you are a perfect match! Finally got a post up today … but we just got to Laggan last night, in the dark, so pictures are forthcoming toot sweet darling girl!
Belated rabbit, rabbit to you. Sorry you are having trouble with posting to your blog. We will wait 😊😎🌴
DID IT!!!!! This morning! Thrilled to report, I finally got the photos to load. Scotland must love us! xoxoxo Sorry it took so long!