Good Morning . . .MUSICA We are, right now, in the midst of a beautiful inspiring Ad for Victoriasnowstorm here on Martha’s Vineyard, delightfully cut off from the real world, not just any storm, they’re calling it a blizzard. Sometimes, I have to say, working at home has its snow treedrawbacks. You forget to get out of your jammies (until someone drops in, then you think, OMG, L👀k at me!), you lay out your newly designed calendar pages all across the living room floor (generally making a mess wherever you go), you stand staring into the fridge and then eat it all ~ so excited about something you’re painting, that you just leave the open extra-crunchy peanut butter jar and the sourdough toast crumbs on the counter and run back to the studio ~ which means your house gets a little disgusting to match your darling self in jammies and shawl, BUT, on a day like today, I take it all back, I’m grateful because it is heaven to snowy dawnbe cozy at home, listening to the crackling fire, smelling the smoke, in my jammies, warm in my plaid shawl from Scotland, laying out my calendar pages, eating everything in the fridge, drinking tea with honey and milk … and feeling pretty sure (and safe), that in the pouring snow, no one will stop by! Taking deep breaths, and wishing I could slow down time . . . I love winter, everything so much easier now, than in the summer when the windows are open and the birds are singing and all I want to do is run out and play!img_2849

Right now, it’s just counting my blessings, trying to make something out of nothing, blank piece of paper in front of me, never knowing for sure what I am doing, but trying hard to do it, snow falling outside the windows, squirrels hanging from the bird feeders, purring noises coming from my art table . . . the clock ticking on the mantle . . .saying hello to you here and on Twitter (you can go there and just look, you don’t have to join, just in cases😘), then knitting and TV and bed and then do it all over again . . .


This is the view from my studio window right now . . . snow pouring down, spirals flying off the barn, piling up at the tops of the picket fence, making snow flowers in the tree branches . . . snow

cozy fire

I walk through my sleepy house to go to my Studio in the morning, as I have for so many years, the old floors creak here and there, muffled noises of snowplow come from outside, and I am overwhelmed for the moment, so grateful that I got to grow up and meet Joe and move here, to this old house I adore so much ~ a house that’s more like a parent, protective and safe, like a mom or a dad. 💖 So cozy, it’s hard to tear myself out of bed in the morning ~ I stay a while and listen to the house and the wind.


There’s my honey, a man and his castle, the barn. He was up early, “It’s snowing” he yelled as he ran out the door! The man loves to shovel snow. Don’t ask me why, he just does. Another blessing to be added to my very long list.


I do my part . . .


We kept a few lights in the kitchen ~ along with candles and the flames in the fireplace, they make a perfect cheery contrast to darker shorter days . . .


The lights are still on our kitchen porch too, we keep them year round, they looked good on the summer night of Joe’s birthday too . . .


This place is the perfect place for dreaming . . . and I’m definitely dressed to go dreaming . . . and no, I don’t mind if you come along…🎵🎶


I thought you’d like to see the photo the Sisters sent from the Holy Nativity Convent . . .  Isn’t this just darling? This should be their Christmas card next year! Pure love. They have Hygge totally under control! Thank you all for your support of the Sisters ~ so many of you responded to that post by ordering candles and clocks and all the other wonderful things the sisters make… they are ecstatic, you’ve made their day/year, and filled those 17 little stockings with peace and good will.  I just have to say, for the upty-ninth time, I love us!sweetnessflowers


I love him too. My kitty. Now when he rubs his head on me, I rub my head on him. We are simpatico together. I get him, he gets me, and all is well in la-la-land.Do not disturbsantiago

So here I am, painting away for the next calendar, thinking to myself, as I watercolor my letters to the tune of the ticking clock, “What will they like? What can I give them . . .” meaning you, and hoping I guess right . . .  I do dream it . . .if you dream it


Oh, and I was thinking, maybe I should make my own mugs? I mean other people have done it, I ought to be able to figure it out. So, for starters, I made a paper one. Just fooling around . . . but isn’t it cute?


As you know, my boy Jack hangs out in the Studio with me, sometimes asleep, but other times he’s going after something . . . like my new Scottish plaid heart (sent to me by Elizabeth) which was hanging on my “fridge.” This is his “you caught me” face. See the pillow on top of the fridge? It didn’t used to look like Jack, but I blacked in the nose and mustache with a black marker and now it does! Life and all it’s little bits and pieces, ahhhhh.happy! flowers

 I do have to get to work though, we leave for California at the end of next month, I’ll be meeting (in person) the screenwriter who is still hard at work on the script for our (not-ThreeBooksgoing-to-happen-but-still-a-fun-thought-anyway 😜) movie or series or whatever it will be.  It was just this time last year when I first heard someone might want to make a movie from my trilogy of books, and so we’re going to meet under the HOLLYWOOD sign when Joe and I get out to California ~ her idea! A place I’ve never been! So, how fun is that?  And also, that book signing I mentioned? It is for sure going to be on March 18th. I don’t know the exact time yet, but Apple watercolorI’m assuming it’ll be in the afternoon ~ at the Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo, CA. Did I hear someone mention road trip????  I hope so! Lots of wonderful EVERYTHING in the SLO-town area in March, Spring!  Ocean, sunshine🌞, and beach restaurants, cute downtown shopping, antique stores, nearby towns filled with charm, wineries, farmstands and good restaurants . . . on and on. Put the Beach Boys Kokomo in your MUSICA, start learning the words, sing along in your car and and come on down (or over, or up)!  Until then, dear friends . . . Enjoy! Next time, on the blog, I’ll show you more of England!HeartThrobswinter word


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757 Responses to DELIGHTFULLY CUT OFF ☃️

  1. Maria Penner says:

    Hi Susan… I just adored reading about your snowstorm and seeing the fireplace with the nuns 17 stockings! That is just about the sweetest picture ever!
    I am the one in Pacific Grove who lit a big honker candle for your Dad…I will
    be calling my girlfriends in San Luis Obispo and making sure we are at Apple Farm on the 18th of March as we were in Cayucos when you visited Happy Smiles. We moved here from SLO about 20 years ago and love both places soooo much! I have a hobby house out back where I sew, and paint and have grandkids play 🙂
    I also made the Spicy Short Ribs for my hubby and he had the same blissful reaction that your Joe did!!! He devoured a big plate and loved them! I did it in my big dutch oven pot all day and it made the house so cozy and smelled just wonderful! Thanks for sharing that’s a keeper! Love to you in your jammies, YES to making mugs to sell…I have twelve SLO girlfriends and I would buy them each one for next Christmas! Sending love your way and many thanks for adding to this rainy wonderful day on the Central Coast….Our hills will be green this Spring if this keeps up! Take care of one another and cherish and make every day count! You are my model for this. Maria

  2. Amy Rubins says:

    Kindred spirits in jammies today with your delicious Spicy Beef Short Ribs in my crockpot. It’s too cold to snow here with minus 9 degrees, so I appreciate a “virtual” blizzard.

  3. Sherry Kennedy says:

    Sue, we also have snow (though not near as much) in Oklahoma, but the cold wind is chilling. Taco soup on the stove and cornbread in the oven will make our dinner on this cold day. I was thrilled to find your post today. Yes, please make the mugs. And maybe a small plate or teapot to match. I will buy for myself and friends. Love the little bird on this one. Stay warm and love Jack for me. Sherry xoxoxo

  4. Linda Jewett says:

    I live in Oregon. All of my sons are experiencing lots of snow wherever they live – Manhattan, Portland, Corvallis. Doubt that any of them are shoveling – they didn’t get the same message as your Joe did. The snow will turn to an ice storm later in the day.

    I’ve read all of your books and so enjoyed them! And my latest addition is the cook book. I savor the words, the art, the recipes, and the results! Yes, please do an assortment of mugs!

  5. Lindy Hebel says:

    Hello from snowy Holland, MI. LOVE the mug. 4 designs to start…then how about a new one each year on a special anniversary date? Take pre orders now😊. LOL. My dream would be cups and saucers. A girl can dream. Enjoying all my new calendars! Well done again.

    Lindy. Snow and tea lover

  6. Kathy Bertrand says:

    Yes to the mugs! Preferably a large size to hold my coffee so that it doesn’t spill out when my golden retriever, Max snuggles next to me on the couch every morning 🙂

  7. Mary Jane Smith says:

    Yes, mugs!! I can see them mixed in with my Emma Bridgewater collections!

  8. Delaney Ann Prins says:

    Winter and snow and wind here in Michigan too, I have spent the day working on a Christmas quilt for next year and drinking cups of hot English Breakfast tea. Just enjoying the winter!

  9. Gerry says:

    I would love buying your mugs! Hope you make some. I would love buying more of your rubber stamps and stickers too. I have lots of your stamps and have bought many stickers. I’d love seeing some if your rubber stamp images on mugs. Two favorites are the girl with a straw hat–holding onto her hat with her hand, hair blowing in the wind AND the clear glass container with chocolate chip cookies in container. Thanks for sharing your memories and life with us! And quotes. Love your newsletters. I’d love having a friend like you in my life. Well, I almost feel like I do.

  10. Nancy Szewczak says:

    Absolutely! Love a good snow day cozied up to the fireplace! And yes, mugs….could you see a little plate to go with it to hold the shortbread for tea?

  11. Warm Quilts says:

    I love the photo from the Sisters from the Holy Nativity Convent – just look at those stockings! Ordering candles because it’s so sweet knowing they made them. And, that little “the darker the storm the cozier the fire” graphic is too cute. Please sign me up for the collection of mugs, too!

  12. Eileen says:

    I love the idea of you making mugs or any kind of dishes! I was wondering if you know, is EB slowing down production or something? I think I ‘discovered’ them a little late in the game so I’m not sure if this is normal, but it seems to me like they didn’t have as much to offer the past year, not to mention the designs are getting bolder and seem to have lost some of the charm they used to have. Any thoughts on this?

  13. Ann Y. says:

    Oh, Susan – your blizzard cozy time sounds like bliss! Enjoy ! Here we have a little snow today, but not like you. I am glad – tomorrow is our 40th anniversary, and like you – I am so thankful for my husband, my home, our life. It snowed like crazy 40 years ago, and we are hoping for good weather as tomorrow family, friends, and our small wedding party will be driving from all over to celebrate with us. First a Mass in our name at our local church – to thank God for the blessings of a wonderful marriage. Then everyone back to our home for brunch…I made the overnight french toast and it’s in the refrigerator waiting. Bacon is made and ready to be warmed up. Tomorrow morning I will get up early and make crab quiche, a hash brown and ham crock pot dish…and do the finishing touches. My sweet husband brought home a dozen roses yesterday, our dear friends in KY – too far away to come – sent roses and chocolates, and I am getting the candles ready, putting our candy hugs and kisses, making the house cozy and ready to shine for a celebration. Many of the ideas for making everything special I learned from your books and your blog – so thank you for being a part of our celebration. We are SO thrilled to be each other’s best friend for 40 years – never blessed with children we feel as if we are on ONE BIG DATE….and it goes on and on. Enjoy your cozy blizzard and have a safe trip to California !

  14. Your Blog was just what I needed this late afternoon. A glorious snow storm is still drifting down here in CT. I love the peacefulness of it, the glitter and even the smell of snow. Out this AM, but no need to budge now or for a day or more. Jammies, tea, hot chocolate, something in the crock pot to savor. Would love to see a beautiful mug/cup with your designs on it. Not a clunky one, but one to wrap my hands around and loooovvve…. Happy New Year Susan and Thanks and Blessings pressed down and running over to you and Yours…

  15. Lee Wainwright says:

    I aree with Esther from Missouri – make a mug collection !!! I would especially love one with bunnies on it, please!!!

  16. Holly Elliott says:

    My sweet husband, Randy, and I are driving to Ruidoso, New Mexico right now. There is no snow in the forecast but I bet the ground is covered. We can’t wait to unwind, put our Jammie’s on and just enjoy the scenery at 7000 feet. We were going to drive to our home in Colorado, but after 30 inches of snow we probably couldn’t even get to the cabin. So Ruidoso became our destination. Now – will it be hot chocolate or a nice glass of red wine??? Decisions, decisions! Less than an hour away. 😊😊😊

  17. Susan Blades says:

    SB…you are so incredibly talented. I feel just like I am sitting by your side. I sure miss my childhood home in Northern Michigan and this brings me such happiness and reflection on all those beautiful days in the snow. I remember sitting at the kitchen table in my jammies on any particularly snowy morning staring at the radio. I was hoping they would call out my school’s name for a glorious day to stay home and off the roads. Didn’t happen very often but, when it did what a wonderful day to spend outside in the snow…building forts, sledding or even ice fishing . We would come in with frozen ice balls on our gloves, hats and boots. I remember the smell of water soaked wool drying in front of the fireplace. It was just a tad bit better than a wet dog smell but, just a wonderful memory none the less! Thank You SB

  18. Linda Wilson says:

    Love this post! And excited to hear your date is set for San Luis Obispo! Looking forward to it – March 18th is on my calendar. Your mug idea, BTW, is fabulous. Super cute and something like that would be perfect in my kitchen, too.

    Travel safely and see you on March 18!

  19. Martha Littlejohn says:

    Please make mugs with cherries! I have a source here in Rochester NY who will make your mugs for you. He will make a decal of your artwork and has low minimums.

  20. Sherrill Riley says:

    Yes, Please! Mugs!! Everyone will Love Them!! I know your life has not always seemed Magical, but your current life comes awfully close and your artwork that you have shared with all of us is definitely Magical!! Thank you for being you!!

  21. jeanie says:

    Just came in from the bitter cold and this was the perfect thing to get me warmed up. I’m no winter fan but when you live in Michigan you — well, you never get used to it — but you accept it. And when you get snowed in — no guilt! It’s a play day, no matter what was on the agenda!

    So, thanks for the warm up, the Jack pix, and knowing I’m not the only one who leaves lights up all year long! Keep cozy!

  22. Marilyn says:

    Hi Susan,
    We in the NW are also having snow today and then we are then expecting ice later today and evening. It is very pretty right now. Not sure about tomorrow.

    I love reading your blog and yes, I would love a mug like your paper cup that you have put together. It it lovely.

    Stay bundled up and enjoy the snow.

  23. Joanna Peterson says:

    We’re having a snow day here in Tennessee, too. I’m reading “Stillmeadow and Sugarbridge”, in which Gladys Taber says, “…simpatico (a word we should add to our language)…” and there it is in your blogpost, along with a GT quote!
    I agree with everyone that you should design mugs. I always think of beautiful dishes when I think of your blog, especially that set you found in a shop and gave away and the picture of those dishes in their sudsy bath. Such a special chore, hand washing vintage dishes. They have a special glow that I imagine you would put into your mugs.

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Joanna, Once a year I hand wash all my china and crystal…which was my grandmother’s. It really is a delightful chore, isn’t it. And isn’t Gladys Tabor wonderful? I had no idea so many other women read her. Susan has given us all a real “Home”, hasn’t she?

      Debbie in Tampa….for now

  24. Patty in Redlands says:

    Happy New Year, Susan, and thanks for the immersion into your beautiful blizzardy day! After almost 50 years in southern California, I miss the winter days the most from northern Indiana. I loved the snow scenes, the nuns’ Christmas card picture, and the proto-type of that darling mug. Can’t wait to invest in your new line! Yay! Stay warm and safe.
    Much love and appreciation, Patty

  25. Doralee Thrasher says:

    We are having our 3 days of winter here in Austin, Texas, and while we have sunshine and glorious blue skies, I am still enjoying the perfect winter snow storm through your pictures and story. I’ll share that cup of tea with you anytime!

  26. Tina says:

    Yes please make those mugs!

  27. Mary Jo Mueller says:

    I love the mug idea- it is adorable ! I grew up in Denver and loved the snow . I had to move to TX a few years ago for my job but I am a Colorado girl at heart. Aren’t you lucky to have Joe to shovel the snow ? I love your blog and you are an inspiration to me to be more creative every day.

  28. Kathy Oster says:

    Looking forward to your arrival at The Apple Farm in March!!! Bringing girlfriends I’ve introduced to you through your delightful books!!! What fun for almost Spring. Stay warm by the fire your cozy home while the snow piles up 🙂 So glad it’s finally really raining on the Central Coast!

  29. Pam Nichols says:

    I, too, would love a mug–maybe a set? Sending love from snowy Michigan, xoxo

  30. Patti E says:

    Susan, Please make the paper mugs! I think it’s such a cute idea! Although, everything you make is super cute! 🙂

  31. So pretty looking from your studio window. Right now, a snow storm would be wonderful. The overnight minimum here was 28C/82F. Cool change coming later in the day.
    Love your cup design 🙂

  32. Barb Urbank(from Ohio) says:

    Boy, you are certainly getting some winter up there with the blizzard. But it’s always so enjoyable when you don’t have to try to get anywhere and can just stay snug inside and enjoy the wintry view. I’m sure you have plenty to eat and plenty of wood for your fire and plenty of painting to fill the hours. I love the lights you’ve left up because they look so pretty and cheerful, especially against the snow. Please do make some mugs, they would sell like hot cakes, as the saying goes, I know most of us would love one! Stay warm and enjoy the snow!

  33. Susan Bochman says:

    I was thinking of you this morning when I woke up to snow in Virginia. You would love to see all of the cardinals I had at my feeder this morning. At one time I had eight pairs along with my bluebirds. The contrast of color between the two is magical. We have had about eight inches of snow and the temperature will be nine tonight. I love it when the world stops for a snowstorm. Then to get a blog from you is the icing on the cake. I am in for the mugs too…go for it …the girlfriends will support you.

  34. Joan's says:

    And I too want a mug! So sweet.

  35. Tricia B says:

    Watching MV on the Weather Channel!!! ❄️🌬Yikes! Stay safe and cozy up! ☕️Here in Indiana it’s just cold! Brrr! Thank you for your lovely post!! 👏🏻 Always an inspiration for me!!! I think you should make the mugs!!!!❤ Love to you, Joe and Mr. Jack!!! 😊Tricia B😊

  36. Fran Silver says:

    Your blog is a welcome friend on a winter’s day. Yes, yes, yes! Please make the mugs! My family will buy at least 50 of them! What a great idea! Having them made in England would make them even extra special!
    Hapoy Winter!

  37. debra sewell says:

    YES make mugs!! But please thin ones. Teas tadtes better in a think bone china cup. We WILL pay more for a true tea mug you have painted. !!!!! Yes cozy in Jammie doos for a snow storm!!! I close my eyes and can see your fireplace. I dream of one yet Never had one and now where i live could not haveva wood burning one However, i have looked at some of these smallish electric ones and they give heat for a rainy night, and do give off very cozy mood. So im going to do that then next Christmas i can hang stockings at a fireplace!!! This was wonderful Willard!!!! Stay safe, bake some scones cause when your storm stops you Will get company i bet. Bye

  38. Julie Eden says:

    Lots of us in snow this weekend. Lots of us snuggling in with a cup of tea and homemade goodies, maybe even left over from the holidays, Chanukkah and Christmas..candles here too. Love sitting in my “sunroom’ and watching the snow fall as it did here north of Pittsburgh earlier in the week. Now just cold so staying in as much as possible. Stay warm and safe and nice atmosphere to work!!

  39. Angie Miller says:

    Dear Susan,
    Oh how I hope they will make your story into a movie!!! I would love to see it. I have loved reading all your books. You are an encouragement and inspiration to me. We met a couple of years ago when you came through Oklahoma City, Ok. doing a book signing for Fairy Tale Girl My husband brought me to your book signing as a birthday gift to me. Awesome birthday present for me!! I don’t know if you remember us but he shared with you he makes your recipes for me and drives many miles to buy Susan Branch items for me. He still does but now we really like just ordering off your website, Well just wanted to say Thank you for being you and inspiring others that is a gift you give to so many!!!

  40. jan says:

    Definitely make the mugs.

  41. Anne says:

    How cozy. Winter does have its own pace doesn’t it?
    The mug is just darling; I hope something will come from your idea.
    Once again you have brought a smaller to my face. Thank you for doing this Susan.

    Stay warm,

  42. Nancy M says:

    Love the snow, pictures, Jack, the stockings at the fire, the idea of mugs! Always so inspiring! Thank Susan for sharing pictures of your place! Enjoy the beautiful, peaceful snow.

  43. Chris B says:

    Hello from frozen northern Ohio – 10 degrees and dropping. Very little snow, which is OK for me at this time (driving to and fro to work, home). Yes on the mug! How about a Jack mug? I wish you could meet my Henry – part Siamese, part Maine Coon and a blue eyed charmer. Has the whole neighborhood in love with him. I used to walk my dog (now in heaven) and Henry came along with us. Quite a site. He recently took in a poor little girl feline named Chloe (abused, neglected) and they are soul mates now. She was very frightened at first, but Henry had the healing touch. These are the first 2 cats I have had since 1980. I have a slight allergy, but the wonderfulness of them and the ease of care compared with a dog, is nice. (but I love the canines, too!).
    I will be waiting for the movie – Zoe DeChanel get ready! La dee da…

  44. Mary J says:

    Oh Gosh, Susan! I tell myself that you really don’t need me to comment. Everyone has already said it all. BUT your blog really does make my day and I love the idea of a mug…a big one! We here in N. Calif are snuggled up for the rain storm that is promised for today and tomorrow. Stay warm and happy my friend. 🙂 Mary

  45. Joanne says:

    Yes, love love love the mug idea. Also want you to know I have a “fridge” like yours. Also an ironing board and wringer washer! -From when I was a girl. – My Mom saved many of my toys. My daughters played with them when they were young girls as well. I live here on the Cape close to the Canal. We’re sitting by the fire enjoying looking out at the snow.

  46. Mary Ann says:

    Please, please, please make some new mugs! I have two Christmas mugs (one with a Santa that looks like Joe) that you sold a few years back that sit in my kitchen window during the Christmas season. I always enjoy unpacking them every December.

  47. Annette says:

    Mugs???yes yes yes. Hopefully they will lead to other blessings for our homes From our beloved Susan B. 💞💕

  48. Nancy Trump says:

    Yes yes yes….design mugs!
    Thank you for another lovely post! It is snowing here on Long Island and we are wrapped in our afghans…cozy sand sipping tea…

  49. Susan from Colorado says:

    Dear Susan, Today’s post spoke to the inner me! We woke up to minus 8.1 degrees this morning and our furnace decided it was too cold to work. Not to worry – our furnace is our back up heat source and Joel had our wood stove going like no bodies business! (His favorite hobby is cutting wood in the mountains of Colorado so we have two years of chopped wood on our property)

    I adore your 2017 calendar and what fun to get a sneak peek at your creative works for 2018. * Just a note – I had a toy fridge just like the one you have posted today…had a toy sink and stove that went along with it. (I loved them when I was really little)

    Thanks for your wonderful blog and your deeeelightful art work! Makes life more happy indeed!

  50. Jody says:

    Love this. I love your cozy ways.

  51. Mary in Colorado says:

    I live in the San Luis Valley in Colorado and yesterday we woke up to a foot of new snow! Quite exciting…doors opened in homes up and down the street..people big and little poured out, everybody wanting to be part of it!! This morning it was 36 below and in it’ s own way exciting too! All the birds,squirrels and deer too are busy eating at my feeders outside my window and I am greatly enjoying has motivated me to bake banana bread and make some soup for my grandchildren who I am raising. To think you are in your home surrounded by a similar world outside doubles the fun. I’d order a zillion coffee mugs and give them to my friends and family!, Thankyou for sharing your world and feelings with us…I know so many,many of us appreciate you! Mary in Colorado

  52. Jackie Mc. says:

    Mugs? Yes, please, Susan!!! That would be so much fun!!! We had a bit of snow north of Atlanta last night so your post came at the right time! 🙂 We are snug as bugs in rugs here with hot chocolate and soup on the stove. I kept my Christmas lights up around my kitchen window, too! It just makes everything that much happier in here! Stay warm and cozy!

  53. MarySue Knight says:

    I’m curled up in Arizona, looking out my window at blooming roses, marigolds, petunias and geraniums while being delighted by your wonderful blizzard and photos. What a contrast. I’m a huge believer in BLOOM WHERE YOU’RE PLANTED and you certainly make your New England blizzard sound fabulous. Thanks for always delighting me.

  54. Suzanne says:

    Just finished watching one of my favourite movies and thought of you…”French Kiss” with Meg Ryan & Kevin Kline. So many similarities, from her fear of flying, her wonderful optimism about life & love, her train travels, her love of food & finding true love. Very fun movie for a snowy day. Thank you for your wonderful blog!

  55. Carolyn Fitzgerald Rodgers says:

    A wondrous snowfall came overnight, glazing windshields, roadways, and footpaths. Today, temperatures are in the teens; yet, a brave, brilliant sunshine is doing its best to disperse a night and a day of accumulated snow, hurrying to clear the surfaces before late afternoon shadows return and re-freeze them. My thoughts led me to my Memoirs for an entry I wrote of such a time:

    “Is your house painted white? And does it take on an ever-so-slight hint of yellow in comparison to the snow on the ground? And when a surprise snowfall comes in the night, do you first become aware of it when its white glow pierces the closed curtains and wakes you to its wonder?
    “It was Miss Bertha’s white house across the road, the only painted one in the triangle of houses that made up our miniature neighborhood, that took on that yellowish hue when snow covered the ground. When the snow had fallen in the night, we looked first in the direction of our neighbor’s house and noted the comparison between its ashen whiteness and the white-as-snow blanket that had pulled its covers up over us as we slept.
    –And we dreamed of snow-cream in the morning.”

  56. Sharon says:

    I love the mug, beautiful! We were in Cambria (lovely) for New Years so don’t know if I can make it bake to SLO for the book signing. I’m super excited about the idea of a series for your books, more so than a movie, then we can be in Susan Branch land longer! Hope, hope, hope it works out! Who would you want to play you and Joe?

    • sbranch says:

      Well, the way it’s going, speed-wise, the people who would play the young us haven’t been born yet!

  57. Kathy Cronberg says:

    Oh how I love snowstorms! We had a smallish one here in east TN last night, only 3 inches, but of course for us, it’s time to panic! (Not me though, I’m from Minnesota.) So pretty to look at this morning, and then get bundled up and go out and shovel some of it. It was 18 degrees here this morning! The kitties came out with me and had fun playing in it.

  58. Ginette Wheeler says:

    I AM SO JEALOUS, everyone is having snow, I want some PLEASEEEE!! My parents dragged me to south Florida when I was just a child, I vaguely remember promises of living next to Mickey Mouse, three hours makes me confident he won’t just pop by when I’m jammie-ing around. Alas it hasn’t snowed in Fort Myers Florida but the one time in 1977 and only very tiny little flurries that never made it to the ground but never-the-less SNOW!

    Today we’ve been given the gift of a cold front and it’s currently 59 degrees with the sun going down, very shortly we’ll be heading out to our firepit in the back yard, first time this year, bundled in layers of clothes to sit and stare at the blaze, I was beginning to think we’d never use that thing for anything other then burning evidence! We’re going to try some Bacon Chocolate Cocoa, a Christmas gift from a friend, could really use one of your precious mugs but I’m willing to wait until you put a bottom on it.

    Just wanted to mention that you’re right about the beautiful candles from the sisters, they do smell like honey and we’re loving them so much, we’ll be customers for life!! Thanks for sharing their story. Well gotta go,it’s 56 degrees and that fire is waiting!! XOXO

  59. Rita says:

    Oh, winter, how I miss the cozyness of being inside or the fun of romping in the snow. I grew up in northern Ohio and lived in Oregon in the 80’s, so I love a bit of rain and snow. When we lived in Oregon, rain meant that I could stay in and sew or knit. Snow (hopefully enough so that I had to stay home from work) was the time for more of the same plus a puzzle on the kitchen table. During that time we had 2 small terriers and a kitty to cuddle with and I really, really miss them. I love your paper cup, but what about a cute kitty on a cup–maybe there’s one around somewhere? I think your fans would love to see Jack or Miss Kitty or maybe a beautiful cardinal on their mug!! Thank you for the lovely calendar you put out for this year. I wonder what will be there when I change to February, hmmmm. Rita in not-so-sunny right now California.

  60. Laurie Walt says:

    Blizard schmizard😀Enjoy that crackeling fireplace. I’m a little jealous! I used to have a dvd of a crackeling fie, I need to look for it! Please make mugs! Such useful and beautiful things. Love.

  61. Donna Watkinson says:

    Dear Susan,
    We also had the perfect day for staying cozy in the house ~ snow coming down outside, a log on the fire, and the aroma of spicy short ribs cooking in the oven. What a wonderful meal we just had we! Everyone loved it. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. Will definitely be making that again! And yes! Mugs and a possible movie on your trilogy ~ that just made my day even more perfect!

  62. Susan P. says:

    Susan, SNOW How exciting… out here in California we are getting rain!!! How exciting for us. I have been been pretending it is snow…I have been house bound because of that cold that everyone has…SSSSOOOOOOOOO I put on Christmas music and lite the tree up and enjoy the aroma of the tree and my candles and a good cup of Tea. Next week the tree will come down, but for now I can be transported to a Winter Wonderland….Wow… my world is fun hahaha
    Your meeting in March is under the Hollywood Sign….that should be fun…I used to hike around that area allot when I was younger….some wonderful sights and allot of wild life.
    The MUG looks like a winner. I am sure that you will make it happen. Thanks for the Sisters Picture of their cozy room with their tree all lite up. What a wonderful home. Enjoy your snow storm and Thank You for another great Blog. Love, Susan P.

  63. Mary/Indiana says:

    Ha Ha Ha! I’m having a PJ day, too! Freezing here in Bloomington! Got a pot of homemade chicken veggie soup on the stove, cookies in the oven, tea in the mug and Downton on DVR! It’s a little slice of heaven on earth! I want to buy that pretty (paper) mug, too! And do tell
    all after you meet with the Hollywood people! Soooooo exciting! Who would you want to
    play you and Joe???

  64. Stephanie C. says:

    Susan, the snow looks beautiful and magical! I love winter too. I love it when you can stay cozy inside nesting while the snow and wind swirls around outside. I hope the Hollywood gig works out! Definitely do the mugs! Stay warm and enjoy!
    Love and hugs from Indiana

  65. tami says:

    Hi Susan, feeling jealous here. It’s just cold and windy. Enjoying the blizzard via your blog (stay cozy and safe!) and updates from our daughter on Cape Cod. She has given up shoveling with the wind so fierce. Today was the day I put away Christmas …and I kept thinking it was snowing here. Snow men and snow ladies are being put out now…maybe they will bring some white stuff our way. Love the cup/mug…!!

  66. Linda says:

    We had a nice snow here in western North Carolina, too. My husband grew up in California and he LOVES to shovel snow – go figure! Yes, yes, yes to the mugs.
    Happy New Year from Asheville/Hendersonville, NC.

  67. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    Snow storm here in Carolina too. 7 inches is a bunch of snow here with no snow removal. But it reminds me of home ( Pittsburgh ) Just loved being home all day. Popped on the fire place, tortellini for dinner. Fresh chocolate cookies and cocoa later as we work on a puzzle. There will be sewing tomorrow.
    Your mug idea sounds super. I love the model already. And sweet Jack should have been names Hecule Poirot. His mustache reminds me of him.
    Missed out on your calendar this year, I will really miss having one. But I will be sure to get one early next year as they always delight me.

  68. Cathy Britvich says:

    I live at 1800′ elevation in the Sierra foothills of Northern California. We got our first 1″ of snow in 4 years on Monday. I was so excited. I see on the weather channel that Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and Cape Cod are in line to get up to 18″ in this storm. Boy do I wish I was there now. Meanwhile, the Pineapple Express is getting ready to bomb us here in Placerville with up to 25″ of rain this coming week. It will melt much of the snowpack below 8000′ – boohoo.

    Please, please do make your own cups. I would be drinking out of one of them right now. Perhaps you would consider making them half pint-ish so a cup of coffee or tea will stay nice and hot while you drink it. So many cups made today are better suited to be soup bowls.

    Hope to drive down to see you in March.

  69. Yvonne Sullivan says:

    Its coooold here in munroe falls oh made lg pot minestrone beginning of weekwatching our lovely red birds and woodpeckers gave all food and suet and fresh water in heated bird bath.Putting a puzzle together luv no make up Pjs all day Glad yu and Joe and yur kitty doing good luv mug idea make one with Jak

  70. Yvonne Sullivan says:

    Its coooold here in munroe falls oh made lg pot minestrone beginning of weekwatching our lovely red birds and woodpeckers gave all food and suet and fresh water in heated bird bath.Putting a puzzle together luv no make up Pjs all day Glad yu and Joe and yur kitty doing good luv mug idea make one with Jack and a red robin my c tree still up luv yvonne

  71. Jana says:

    Light dusting of snow here in Chattanooga. Jammie day for sure! Made a big pot of chicken stock using the recipe from the 30th Anniversary edition of Heart of the Home given to me by my darling Kindred Spirit girlfriend for Christmas. Tiny tree still up (probably down tomorrow) covered in tea-theme ornaments. Love the lights in winter; such cheer. Thank you for peek into your snow-pajama day, Sue. You’re the best!

  72. Elaine Anne says:

    Have been living in my jammies since November when it first snowed here in Upstate NY, isn’t it great. I will buy many mugs if you make them. Just love the fireplace at the Holy Nativity Convent and am enjoying their cute little molded candles which I just had to have. They are so reasonably priced and were delivered so quickly, excellent service. Love Jack’s face, your pictures are so fun and happy. Thank you Susan, continue to enjoy the snow and stay cozy. Happy Winter.

  73. Margaret B. says:

    I, too, love the mug you’re working on! I would definitely buy it. I was thinking of all the mug collections you could do. Birds, kitties, seashore finds, little houses, desserts…. a different theme every so often!

  74. Helen Rusert says:

    Go for the mugs, Susan!!!! They would be super! ❤ I love the mug you bring out that has the simple word ~LOVE~ imprinted into it. I forgot the name of who makes them. So simple, yet so elegant. Stay warm! Stay safe!

  75. jacquie says:

    I was scrolling down and thinking to myself, “well, this is a rather hygge set of photos”…and then I read your reference to my new favorite term 🙂 When you first posted about hygge a while back, I was thrilled to learn that there is a word for what I’ve always had a penchant for. My mother sent me an article about hygge in the New Yorker the other day, with the line, “Jacquie, do you know about this? It’s so you”, I felt like an insider, so thank you!. I must admit, as I write, there’s some serious hygge going on: candle, fire, sheepskin, wine, dog at feet. I love the hygge way – always have, always will! It’s practically a spiritual practice for me!

  76. Kathy Madigan says:

    Oh, for sure, make the cup! I love It!!

  77. Nanc says:

    Yes, mugs. Would be wonderful to read and have tea to sip out of a cup by you!!!

  78. Susann Shinkle says:

    Please update my email address to: I don’t want to miss Susan’s Blog. I love it!

  79. Jan says:

    Hope I can come to your book signing on March. Apple is one of my favorite places to stay on our way to LA to visit our son. Love dishes and cups and setting tables with these things. The cup you designed is wonderful and I love it. Happy winter wonderland!!!❄️❄️❄️

  80. Betty Townsend says:

    Love your snow pictures. We moved to Northwestern Nevada the end of January 2016 from Sacramento, CA. It started snowing Wednesday night and has continued off and on. Except now a huge rainstorm is suppose to be coming through with flooding. Our little town is under a flood warning. Am loving this weather, forces me to stay inside and get something done. We have close friends that live in SLO and have visited several times…especially love the Thursday Market downtown and ribs from McClintock’s. Also, love the cup pattern…would surely purchase one if you decided to do them…:)

  81. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good afternoon/evening girlfriends and Susan. it has been snowy here for the past week, we are talking 4 feet of snow or better for here and going about 3-4 days with no electricity, water or TV or internet…. eeks!!! but we have survived and everything is up and running, the barnyard brats have been surviving very well, in fact the ducks are loving this weather. the cats are all okay, warm and snug now in fact that little woodstove kept us warm and cozy all through this storm. we now have a cute, adorable tea house between Grants Pass and Medford called the teapot on wheels, here is their addy, take a look at this cute adorable place and the menu they offer… delish, I’d go there just for the tea. go to they are the cutest place to stop in for tea. got to get busy, have to haul a bucket or 2 of water into the henhouse for the birds, the hoses are frozen solid so no water unless I haul it in for them. and then need to have their food checked and replenished. you enjoy your storm, I sure enjoyed this one…. have a great weekend everyone….. hugs…… 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

      hello again Susan, and girlfriends. it has been almost a week since I last wrote and we are now thawing out a bit, although this past Monday we had more snow. lost a part of our front fence to a branch that fell on the phone lines, lost another one out front and that fell into the road, we were up at 10:15 p.m. cutting away branches and hauling them out of road so no one was hitting them. now we get to begin digging out and clearing up the mess, also lost a part of the chicken pen, well an enclosed chicken pen we use for the peeps to keep them safe from hawks is totally destroyed and needs to be torn down and redone, but other than that we came through pretty good, the cats are over the scare and doing well, they love the woodstove, kept them warm and cozy all the while, the chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys are all fine, we didn’t lose anyone and the ducks are loving the snow in the chicken pen…. they adore it, can’t wait to get out each day and play in it… quack, quack!!! the chickens are slowly exploring the pen, they do not like snow, but the ducks sure do… crazy ducks. we also had several branches from the rotten neighbor’s place land on our side and in the pen, he got them back, we threw them back over him to deal with. so we have survived, and enjoyed the snow… nice and peaceful and with nowhere to go we enjoyed some down time for ourselves. off to do the laundry ( sheets and towels) and go check on the brats and see if they need more feed or water.. you all have a great day today. stay warm and comfy… hugs….. 🙂

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        oops forgot to mention we got a grand total of 4.6 feet of snow here… we are talking major snowman and snow fort building along with some good snowball fights…. I hold title in our neighborhood for being the snowball fighter….. 😀

        • sbranch says:

          Joe attacked me (snowball-wise) on our walk the other day. He was gentle with me. Of course I loved it. I got a photo with a snowball in mid air!

      • sbranch says:

        WOW, that storm got you! But it sounds like all the living breathing things did fine! xoxo

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          I guess you could say that storm got us, it was a lot of snow to come down on us, the most snow in over 100 years. but we managed to come through okay, I still hold title as the champion snowball fighter in the neighborhood. the cats and the barnyard crowd came through fine, and the damage can be repaired so we are just waiting for it to thaw out so we can clean up the mess.

  82. Kathleen from Philly says:

    Happy New Year to you & Joe,
    Here in Philly we may get about 3-4 inches of snow, just enough to be pretty. I’m glad it’s not a blizzard. I popped outside for a few minutes just to sweep the porch stairs & the snow is that light powder that would blow & drift if we had any wind. I so love the quiet that comes with snow & luckily I don’t have to work today so I’m staying put. I do feel compelled to cook though & have a Guinness Beef Stew brewing. Smells luscious. Knitting is about all I plan to do after dinner. Work on that prototype mug idea, as if I don’t have enough mugs! You got me started on my Emma Bridgewater obsession! Keep warm and send more posts about your trip. xoxo A fellow Anglophile

  83. Margaret Harke says:

    Made my reservation. So looking forward to seeing you at the Apple Farm.
    I do hope the movie-TV idea is a go!

  84. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    What a perfect blog – – fits right in today with snowy, icy Minnesota and wind chills way below zero – – brrrr!! Spent a perfect day starting to re-read your wonderful books and eating chili by the fire. The first time I read them, I didn’t want them to end! So many smiles and tears, and fun, not to mention a perfect fairy tale ending for you and Joe! Can’t wait for the movie!!

    Also, this is when I start thinking about “next Christmas gifts” for my large family – – and what better than your darling mugs, which made me go “oooohhhh” out loud as soon as I saw your sketch. I hope you follow through on this. I will need quite a few!! No pressure on you. Just fit it in with your amazing schedule!! haha! I am always amazed at your millions of ideas of things you want to accomplish – – so inspiring to all of us.

    Enjoy this stay-in-the-house weather and relish in the comforts of your cozy home. Lots of warm hugs from Minnesota, Ruthie

  85. Cathy Kawalek says:

    Dear Susan, absolutely yes on the mugs (and the great idea above on the matching teapot and cup.) This would allow us to live with your designs and beautiful artwork everyday.

  86. Your Words, your quotes, your thoughts, your pictures and your paintings are all “warm fuzzies” to me which I anxiously await for in each post! Blessings on You and Yours!

  87. Nancy says:

    No snow but bitterly cold and sunny in Edina, Minnesota. Love the cup design and will need four to bring me joy every time I look at them. Love reading about you and your loved ones.

  88. SusanA says:

    I love the “stockings were hung by the chimney with care” photo. Those Sisters of the Holy Nativity Convent really know how to do Christmas—and life, too, if your House of Creativity post is anything to go by. My impression of nuns was formed early by a gazillion viewings of “The Nun’s Story” with Audrey Hepburn. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies, but those nuns were a rather cheerless lot. Not so your Sisters! To experience, through your eyes, such an outpouring of joy and beauty and creativity and generosity and love is truly heartwarming! Makes me feel Hygge all over!

  89. Judy Jennings says:

    Mugs! Mugs! I painted at a cottage on Whidbey Island one weekend and drank my coffee from a SQUARE mug with a SQUARE handle. It looked home made, and I loved it and wanted to pack it into my luggage for home (I didn’t!). Wonder if those are harder to make? Yours would be beautiful any way you painted them. 💕

  90. Lois Burgess says:

    Thanks for your lovely blog post Susan. The snow has been falling here in my corner of Nova Scotia for the past few hours and we will be waking up to a winter wonderland as the forecasters are predicting 30-40 cm!

    My 90 year old mum and I are snug as bugs in a rug…bathtub filled with water, cold water in the fridge, water in pots on the sideboard 🙂

    Love your paper mug!! I add my voice to the chorus for Susan Branch mugs. Am waiting for your 2017 pocket calendar to arrive in the mail!

    I would love to visit Martha’s Vineyard some day. Your blog is a cozy blessing. Happy dreaming and drawing.


  91. Nancy says:

    Yes, definitely, mugs for sure! How about a coloring book? I think you could put together a darling coloring book!!

  92. Sally Roth says:

    “A snow day”! Fabulous, as long as you don’t have to go somewhere, especially not to work or school. How very lovely for you and Joe (and Jack).
    We lived on a hill nick-named Siberia, and I’d hear the plow go by in the wee hours. The radio would be on before daylight to hear the school closings and the children would peek in and ask “Is it…? Yes!!!” Jammies and dressing gowns all morning, a big breakfast and back to bed for me with library books.
    In the afternoon, when the children got older and occupied themselves, I’d strap on my cross-country skis in the garage and off I’d go into the woods with the dogs, singing Amazing Grace. Cocoa all round on my return. Such happy memories.
    I loved your photos and everything about your post, and I concur with your other people, mugs are a great idea. As ever, thank you for sharing your world, Susan.

  93. Jen Rohnstock says:

    Hi Susan! I am off island and sharing the same blizzard! Still have power but the wind is howling! While the snow flies I am planning my summer vacation to MV! So nice to see pics of your house with snow….. I’ve only seen it in person in warmer months! Maybe I will bump into you in VH in July?!!

  94. Anne says:

    You should do several with birds and cats. I’ll buy one or two or three.

  95. Sally says:

    Lovely winter day in the Mitten with snow swirling and homemade soup simmering. Have
    Been knitting and smiling…it is winter! Dog walks are fun-we check footprints in the snow to see who visited during the night. Finishing our day with hot chocolate which would taste extra good in the lovely mug you designed! Can it be microwave safe and made in America? Love reading your blog!

    • sbranch says:

      Working on all of that! Made in America is the biggest problem. Finding someone who will make and sell them so I could afford them for a price that you will be willing to pay! Manufacturers have rules about what they will and will not make for independent designers, and if they WILL make what you want, then there are “minimums” ~ a low minimum is rare, and means we would have to pay more for them, a high minimum is sometimes astronomical (thousands of pieces) and is often the only choice. We have to charge crazy prices for the Emma cups, because of what they charge us, plus the shipping ~ course that’s from England. But we have to figure all that in. I’ll do my best!

  96. Cynthia J Avalos says:

    Love the mug!

  97. Suzette Shoulders says:

    Yes to the mug idea! But how about a JACK the CAT mug?? I adore seeing him, and to see him each day when I drink my tea would make me an honorary cat-owner, since I can’t have a kitty anymore! I love so many of your designs, though. I remember a teacup design from when I bought your stationery in the 1990’s! Teacups on a mug would be very , very nice! Our snowfall today is over 10″ says my David, who cleverly bought a snowblower this winter… We have had a total snowfall of about 48″ since December 6th, so we don’t venture out much, and I am so grateful for the gas and electricity folks that make sure we are all snug in spite of it being ten degrees outside! Whew! Biggest winter since we moved here 15 years ago from Portland, Oregon! Suzette in Bend

  98. Diane says:

    Love the mug idea! The paper one is so cute, and I love the pretty bird. Please don’t make it too big because it can get rather heavy in your hand! Pray that the power doesn’t go out at your house. Stay warm!

  99. Nancy says:

    Oh, my goodness your place looks so winter lovely. If your books are going to be turned into something for the big screen or small screen, I definitely look forward to that! I’m stoking the home fires here. I feel like I’m nesting lately. Getting the house all clean and cozy to be our refuge, our safe place to watch the world play out around us. If the world is going to be a hostile and angry place, we can watch from our safe place surrounded by candles and photos of those we love, eating good food to nurture our spirits and minds amid chaos. I bet I’m not the only one doing this, or feeling this way. I passed along A Fine Romance to my 80-year-old mom, and she loved it! She wants to borrow the rest of the trilogy, and she’s now sharing AFR with her best friend since first grade! I just discovered you and your books this past summer. They came just in time to keep my heart and mind in a happy, positively entertained place where I can forget about what’s wrong in the world for a bit. Happy New Year!!

  100. Sue says:

    Hello Susan,
    This holiday season I was down with a two week bug and read your trilogy and LOVED every minute and every page. I couldn’t put them down – they got me through some very long days. Today I made your blueberry corn cakes and carrot cupcakes for my husband’s 63rd birthday. He loved them both. Amazingly delicious!!! We are having a peaceful, beautiful snow day here in PA and such a lovely birthday with your goodies.
    The books were so inspiring- I got them from the library but am going to buy them to have forever. What a life you’ve had. Thank you for sharing it with us. I especially loved hearing about your first winter, all alone on the island. How brave you were! So very happy it turned out so beautifully for you!

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