MUSICA!❤️ Well, first off, I promised you a photo of the wool coat I bought in England ~ the one I wrote about a couple of blogs ago … And I finally managed to remember to do it. And, btw, while out and about on the Internet,  I happened upon a website in the English Lake District that sells them (just in cases you want one too! The label says, “handmade.”). It’s a wonderful store Joe and I visited when we were there called Stewardson’s of Hawkshead .

Welcome over from the new Willard if that’s where you’ve come from (he’s just starting to go out today ~ takes 3 days for him to get to every email box, so if you’re signed up, he should be there soon!), and if not, welcome anyway! As lots of you know, Joe and I are on the train right now, in our “room with a view,” actually in the beautiful Berkshires as I write, heading down the tracks for Chicago, then on to LA ~ and right now, out our window, is the most gorgeous sunset between the leafless tress and across snow fields! It’s kind of a miracle, to be on a moving train and writing you at the same time! I’ve been sending photos and videos of our views over to Twitter … hope you’ve been able to see them (you can click on the link and take a look if you like, you don’t have to join Twitter in order to see the pictures).

Yesterday, before we left (which was just this morning), I needed to do some ironing for the trip. I’m sure many of us remember our mothers starching clothes before they ironed them ~ rolling them up while damp, putting them in plastic bags and keeping them in the fridge until they were ready to iron. Seems so old-fashioned to us now! My mom did it, there were always bundles of ironing in our fridge, she ironed all my little sister’s puffed-sleeved dresses with starch, and taught me to do it too. And my dad’s shirts ~ we were all very crisp around our house. And it wasn’t spray starch, it was the real thing. Liquid starch, the kind she used, is hard to find, at least where we live . . . our supermarket doesn’t sell it anymore, I had to go to Amazon to get it. Mostly, these days,  it’s used for crafts, but I have this linen jacket I was bringing along that is no good without good old-fashioned starch, spray starch just doesn’t do it. In fact, I have a lot of things I use real starch on. There’s actually a really good reason to do it! I’ll show you! (Jack, as you can see, was there for the whole thing!  But he was more interested in . . .

. . . what was going on outside our kitchen window, than what was going on inside . . .)

So, just in case it’s been a long time, or maybe never, since you starched something, and just in cases you’d like to try it . . . here’s how.  It’s really easy.  First off, you can read on the bottle how much starch to mix with how much water to make the fabric as stiff as you’d like it to be.

I wanted  my jacket to be slightly stiffer than medium, so I mixed 4 c. water with 2 c. starch in a very large bowl. My summer potato salad bowl if you want to know.

I swirled it around with my hand to mix it . . .

Then I put my clean linen jacket into the liquid and got it soaking wet.

I took it out and rung it out as best I could … then I noticed all that left over starch and thought, what else do I have?  Then I remembered I’d just washed a dresser scarf from the bathroom and thought, perfect timing!

 I like dresser scarves to be really quite stiff, so I added a bit more starch.

And in it went.

Then they both went out to the pantry to partly dry on the clothes rack. Soaking wet is not good for ironing, you want them damp. So while that was happening . . .

I wrapped birthday presents for my mom, we’re heading to California to celebrate her 87th birthday (on the 27th)! 🎁 She loves it when I wrap her things in my own paper, so I ordered some from Spoonflower, (the people I do the fabric for … they make all the fabric patterns into wrapping paper too!) which I’d never done before, I was interested to see the quality. And was happy because it’s the thick stuff! Very nice.🎈My mom will love it!

And then, for a couple of good reasons, I made a cake ~ An Orange Marmalade Cake, because Jack’s other Mother was coming from California to stay with him while we’re away . . . and we were making dinner for her . . . and also, because every time Lowely makes something delicious, she always brings me half.

And I wanted to do the same for her before we went away.

Which I did. She only lives two doors down, so I walked it over, and got a goodbye hug. The next time I’m doing a blog and NOT on the train, I’ll give you the recipe! It was delicious!

So then it was time to iron.  And what is the first thing I have to do?  I have to get Jack’s hair off the ironing board, unless I want to iron it into my clothes. The ironing board doubles as his perch at the pantry window to watch the world go by. So I got out my packing tape, laid a big long strip down, and moved it along until all his little hairs were stuck to it!

And now, I’m ironing. And it’s coming out beautifully.

Voila! When you starch something, it stays fresh looking so much longer. You can wear it and re-wear it and it doesn’t look wilted.

And that, in a nutshell, is why I love starched things. They last forever.

Here’s my dresser scarf, back on the table in the bathroom. Note shadow under table.

Old linens are one of my passions, loves, downfalls. The beautiful cloth, the delicate embroidery and the cotton lace ~ irresistable! Smoothing an old damask tablecloth onto my dining table is one of the simple joys of life. Lighting a candle on that table, where it almost reflects in the sheen of the cloth, is another.

Here is an example of starch and what it does. I haven’t ironed these in over 6 months. No one really uses them, because a terry hand towel is right there, so they are really more decorative than anything, but they look as nice today as they did when I hung them up 5 years 6 months ago.😜

These are the bathroom curtains in that same room, made from an old lace tablecloth, the last of the ones I brought from California when I moved into my first little house on the island. Starched and perky, I won’t have to do it again for a long time. You could never do this with spray starch. Not even with the one that says, “Heavy.”

And here are a few more linen things, just so you get the picture, which I’m sure you do by now! I should be a door-to-door liquid starch salesperson!

One more tip, and that is, you may have starched something a while back, like this linen jacket. But maybe it was crushed in the closet and got kind of wrinkled again. No problem…

As long as it’s clean, you don’t have to rewash and starch, you just spray on a little water, and iron, and it all that good starchiness comes right back.

And there they are, ready to go into plastic bags and into the hanging bag … yes, they will need a touch up when we get there, but it won’t be much! So there you go, adventures in  ironing from the Heart of the Home! Pure

Okay, enough about ironing, how about some maple syrup? I LOVED your comments in the last post, like I always do, thank you so much.💞  And yes, we did stuff poor Vanna into our duffel bag, she’s  here, fluffed out, head to toe in pink cashmere with a leopard faux fur collar (she knows how to be comfy), complaining because she broke a nail and there’s “no manicurist on board.” It’s okay, we’ll fly her outta here when we get to Chicago. Her and her “little pink zipper bag”👛 which we have had to find for her about six times now. She’s a princess. Not fit for train travel.  We knew we would need her for the drawing for our Vermont Valentine Giveaway . . . and so, with no further adieu … Vanna? Come here darling…  (oh, the look on her face😱) ~ here we go . . . the WINNER of this delicious Vermont syrup (I know because we got a bottle of this too!) is . . . . PAMELA TASKER!!!!! Congratulations Pamela! You will love this! Be sure to heat it up before you pour it on everything! Look for an email from me in your box . . . I’ll need your mailing address so I can send it to you.

And now, so it doesn’t have to end . . . there’s more . . .

  Hello. Remember I showed you these cups I was designing a while back?  That’s the one I designed on the left, my glued and pasted paper cup without a bottom. And on the right, that’s the sample they sent! Pretty darn wonderful if I do say so myself! So I did more!

This one is calledand it has Ms. Lambikins on it, amongst other recognizable doodads from my flora and fauna art repertoire. Plenty to read early in the morning when the brain requires quiet time.

And this one is calledfor us, the normal ones.💞

Last but not least, we have “Little Things,” because All three are being made right now, of fine bone china, in the potteries, in England. Yes, real, bonafide English cups. ❤️ Each holds a truly magnificent 16 oz (if filled to the very top). I’m so excited. You who have hung out around this blog for a while, know how much I have wanted to do this. Finally, the time has come.  They will likely be here in May, in time for Mother’s Day, if all goes as planned. And if you leave your name in the comment section of this blog,😁 you will be entered in a drawing to win one of these. There will be 3 winners, and the moment they come in, those winners will be the very first on our mailing list! And yes, just in cases you don’t win, they are available now for preorder. Which means, if we haven’t ordered enough, we should know fairly soon, and can get more into the works right away. After a decent amount of time, each of the designs are going to be retired, and replaced by new ones (I have so many fun ideas!) And the only place on earth where they will be available, at least for the foreseeable future, will be here in our web store. I hope you like them.💖

The last time I was in California, Joe and I were driving across country … I picked these two roses, one from my Grandma’s garden, and one from my moms. They sat on the dashboard of the Fine Romance Van the entire way. And when I got home, I took this photo of them. As beautiful as they were when they were first cut. In two days I will be in my mother’s arms. 💞 The dearest person, who was in labor with me for so long (72 hours) that a tiny piece of her soul broke off, and went into me. And that is the way it has always been and will always be. I feel so lucky. Thank you all for being here. Have a wonderful day! WILLARD’S on the way! I’ll be back soon!

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2,798 Responses to SOMETIMES, STARCH is GOOD!

  1. Love your mugs! I hope I win one!!

  2. Ann says:

    Every time I read one of your blogs or one of your Willards, my heart expands. Safe travels.

  3. Leigh Nodar says:

    The cups are beautiful! I would love to win one!

  4. Debbie Lettieri says:

    Can’t wait to read the next Willard while drinking tea from one of those lovely mugs!

  5. Connie says:

    Thanks for celebrating spring so beautifully and making me love it even more, if such a thing is possible.

  6. Anne in Maine says:

    LOVE the mugs, as I knew I would. Have a wonderful trip. Happy Birthday and hugs to your mom.

  7. Drucye says:

    Over 2,000 comments but I had to say “Happy Birthday!” to your sweet mom.

  8. Nicole Dube says:

    Oh no! My collecting instinct is engaged! I want them all!!!❤️☕️

  9. Debbie Snyder says:

    Hi Susan! Thanks for another opportunity to win a delightful gift, designed in love from your creative and beautiful soul! I need another mug like I need a hole in the head, but heh, I’m ALL IN!

    Enjoy your trip across our fine country, and especially enjoy your time with your Momma! My Mom will be 86 this year, and is a recent cancer survivor, so I am trying to be with her as much as possible these days. Luckily, she lives only an hour’s drive away, so I can see her frequently!

    My Mom used to iron with spray starch all of the time when I was a little girl! That was back in the day when most clothing was all cotton! I LOVE the smell of starched clothes, so I am definitely going to get my spray starch can out where I can see it, to remind me to starch something once in a while! Thanks so much for the reminder! My Momma also used to paste wax her wood furniture twice a year, too, and that smell always reminds me of HOME! I am thankful for “Momma Memories!”

  10. KATHY says:

    I have wonderful memories of starching and rolling dresser scarves, lace doilies, embroidered pillowslips and lovely tablecloths. When my mom put them in the mangle iron it scented the entire room, and I will never forget that fragrance that made our home so cozy. Thanks for reminding me of home.

  11. Judy Griffin says:

    Love the new mugs. I really like my 2017 Calendar, look forward to the 2018. Really enjoy reading your blog.

  12. Hi Susan,
    I enjoy reading your Email and your Blog and especially seeing the new mugs you have created. I hope to win one but if not, I will buy one of each anyway.
    Have a great train trip. That is my favorite type of travel, too.

  13. Love the mugs. And I remember my Mom starching clothes, then rolling them up, as you noted. But then she put them in the freezer and tended to forget about them. Loved her so much, but she wasn’t the most domestic of creatures. Envying you your train trip!

  14. Sally Lynch says:

    Love the mugs (and ALL your art)! Thought I’d try my luck with a free one, then see about preordering others. Have a great vacation.

  15. Judy Dow says:

    Hi Susan! I’m so excited to say that I joined Twitter. Just in time for the twain twip!, I’m enjoying it so much! Hi to your sweet mama!

  16. Judith says:

    I can just imagine the pleasure of sipping from one of your beautiful mugs. I hope Vanna picks me! Thank you for your writing and for honoring homemaking. Judith

  17. Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing. I look forward to the mugs! I am ordering fabric for a special project! Hoping to win a mug!

    I didn’t find “A Place to Call Home” on netflix. 🙁

  18. April Bailey says:

    Thank you for the pick-me-up. I have been reeling from the after-effects of the election and subsequent realization that racism and sexism are still so prevalent in our country. I thought we had evolved. It just shows how much work there is to be done, but your writing and the “musica” make my heart smile. There’s hope!

    • sbranch says:

      Shocking isn’t it? But we’re still better off than many countries, and we still fight for equal rights, and can still (for the moment anyway) do it without being imprisoned! Let’s never give up! Your daughter, my mother, and all women, people of all economic levels, colors, religions, and any sort of orientation at all, we need to love one another. Come along People now . . . smile on your brother…. Blessings April. xoxo (every once in a while I burst into song!)

      • Debbie Boerger says:

        This old gal, a veteran of the 60’s and 70’s protests, will use her cane and walker (if ever needed) to go where ever needed to be be counted. Writing letters, making phone calls, signing petitions, etc. Then I’ll take a warm soak, have a lovely tea with musica playing, and read my sweet SB “Medicine”. All Better to fight another day. Thank you Susan, for your encouragement. We are NOT alone, are we? That Thread of Humanity connects us.

        Debbie from Tampa…for now

  19. Christine (Miller) Noble says:

    I look forward to hearing about your rail trip across country. I’ve fantasized about taking a train trip with my husband – not across country, but at least through one or two states. He doesn’t drive and I’m tired of driving. But then, I’m not sure we’d enjoy being “captive” in a train! So, I want to hear your take on travel by rail in the U,S, !

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been doing it since 1984, and I roped Joe into it around 1987, and we just love it. There are drawbacks, mostly about the small size of the accommodations ~ but the views of the countryside are fascinating, the people are wonderful, the food is pretty good, and trains are mostly on time these days. We bring an electric teapot, so we have tea in our room (coffee is ready in each sleeper at 6am every day). At least once a day, there is an hour stop to pick up and drop off passengers, perfect for walking and fresh air…and many other shorter stops too. I could not recommend it more. But only if you are not expecting the Ritz. If you are, you will be wildly disappointed! Bring your comforts from home. Books and magazines, knitting, computer stuff, your own pillow, etc.

      • Amy Rubins says:

        Christine and Susan,
        I took a train trip from Minneapolis to Seattle in April 2016 when I had to limit my exposure to germs due to undergoing chemotherapy. I had my own bedroom with bathroom for 2 1/2 glorious days and even though I brought books and movies, the continuous movie I watched right out my window was “Americana” – it was fascinating to see all the little towns and cities populated with people just like us. I reversed the trip two weeks later and simply loved every minute. I ate most of my meals in my own room but did adventure out into the dining car where I met some very nice people. I have a similar trip this September and think train travel will replace air-travel forever! This from a Diamond Medallion frequent flier on Delta. So yes, there is something romantic, wonderful, educational and thrilling about train travel and don’t forget it’s so 40’s and 50’s to take a train. Happy trails you two! XO Amy

        • sbranch says:

          I have always hoped that Disney would buy Amtrak ~ the bedrooms could each be decorated by a different designer, and there would be guest chefs on board, and there could be a massage car, a meditation car, a tea car . . . etc. But not a bullet train, a nice slow, lumbering, clickity-clack train like we have now. Everything you said about it is true, Amy.

  20. Shirley says:

    The mugs are darling! 💕

  21. Jeanne says:

    Over 2000 responses….Susan, I hope you realize how much we all love you! I’m not sure starching is in my future ( but you never know!). However, I would certainly enjoy my tea in one of your mugs. I will be ordering a set of them because they are so HYGGE!!

    Have a wonderful trip to California. Wish I could come see you in SLO, but I will be in Panama then. Safe travels!

  22. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi Susan !!! Good to see you are comfy cozy at your moms…. the train ride out to CA was especially fun😊🚂💨….enjoy each and every moment…. and you know how I feel about the mugs….they are perfect!!! Most importantly for me, was the starch lesson… I have used the spray starch but never the liquid type, up until now! My grandmother’s crocheted table scarves turned out magnificent…. and they were in dire need of some freshening. They are no longer crinkled up but lay flat and beautiful. Thanks for the wonderful info!!! Good luck with all you two have to tend to out in CA…a beautiful part of our country…happy birthday to your mom and blessings to all!!
    love, cindy

  23. Ann says:

    I love the mugs! Going to order one for me, my sister, and my mom – one of each! yea! Would love to win one!

  24. Shann says:

    The mugs are lovely! I would love to have one in my little cottage. Please give your mama happy birthday wishes!

  25. Chris Stratton says:

    Love the new mugs, LOVE to have one!

  26. Ruth Bollman says:

    Hi, Susan.
    Hope your trip west is beautiful! We took Amtrak from Cleveland, Ohio to Portland, OR and it was absolutely relaxing. Enjoyed every minute of it including the sleeper car. (Just didn’t like the early morning boarding time to Chicago)!
    So excited to see your new creativity on bone china. They look amazing!
    Love from the Inklings,
    Ruth B.

  27. Janet says:

    love your plaid wool coat Susan!!! Have a wonderful time celebrating your dear mothers Birthday!! By the way….just started watching a place to call home and I love it!!! Totally addicted now!! Thankyou for sharing that it was such a great show!!!

  28. Jenni Schilz says:

    I can almost smell the starch and feel the crispness, nice!………. Your cups are so adorable, which one to choose? Enjoy your time with your Mother 🙂

  29. Karen from CT says:

    I just finished savoring your lovely newsletter and I can see from the comments here that you have already arrived in California. Hope you’re having a wonderful time! The cups are very charming- I had been thinking they were hygge when I saw someone else post that too. Isn’t it great we all love that! ❤ I have to admit I’m quite taken with that whole hygge thing, have been for years – I have often described my decorating style as “cozy”.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s always nice when someone lassos a thought, a feeling, a behavior, and puts a name to it. But home lovers are Hygge, before there was a hygge. xoxo

  30. Donna says:

    Hope your trip is wonderful! Thank you for the tutorial on starching, the jacket and linens turned out beautiful. It would be so fun to win a mug, I can imagine a hot herbal tea or made from scratch hot chocolate. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Donna H

  31. Angela Schramm says:

    Gosh, I hope I am not too late to put my hat into Vanna’s hat for the drawing. I love those cups – L.O.V.E! ~Angela Schramm

  32. Dawn Grisham says:

    The mugs are delightful! I just love Ms Lambikins!
    Thank you for the lesson in starch. I thought it only came in a spray can. I’m not sure what it says about me, but I found your little pictorial very interesting and informative.
    Happy Birthday to your mother! I take care of my 88 year old mother now, and you remind me to appreciate her more.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed to win!

  33. Nancy B. from Ct says:

    Hi Susan,
    Have a great time celebrating your Mom’s birthday and enjoying this wonderful visit with her. I noticed that I did receive Willard, can’t wait to read it! I love the mugs, going to get one for my sister and of course myself. Thanks so much for your wonderful give always.

  34. Marie Phen says:

    Love the “Love” mug !

  35. Marie Phen says:

    Love the “Love” mug!

  36. Tamara Scire says:

    Thank you for the starch tutorial! I learned so much. It is information that will be lost if we don’t share it so thank you! I love your new mugs! So exciting!!

  37. Denise from Wpg Canada says:

    Thank you so much for a lovely post !
    The new mugs (or beakers in UK ) are perfect
    I have been watching a programme on TV that is just a gem
    Penelope Keith”s Hidden Villages
    I think you and fellow kindred spirits would enjoy!

  38. Cora says:

    Happy Birthday to your dear mom🎂.

  39. Michele Stuart says:

    The mugs are adorable!❤❤❤

  40. Priscilla says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your life and your lovely gift of art and words. The mugs are too cute – can’t wait to take one to work and place on my desk to make it look pretty (and to use for my tea!). And I’m a huge fan of ironing, which my family & friends don’t do at all. I remember learning the correct way to iron in junior high in Home Economics. And I do use starch on my pretty Battenberg linens. I also have two pretty lace table linens I purchased while in England years ago and just cherish them! Love the look of a pretty linen on a table, or trunk with books stacked on top and a vase with flowers…and one of your new mugs! Have a blessed trip while here in CA!

  41. Kathryn Oliberos says:

    Pick me…pick me …pick me!!!! Love your mugs so much. 💃Thanks for giving each of us a chance to win!

  42. Alice says:

    I’m feeling lucky today after reading your email…thank you for the chance to win a mug.
    Your letters and blogs are always an inspiration and I’m am forever blown away by your talent and control with the watercolor medium…and such a wonderful way with lettering…makes me smile every time I see the words.
    Thanks for sharing your talents with the world. Love the recipes too.
    My aunt in Seattle was the one I remember rolling up things to be ironed. It was a different method than we did in S. Calif. in the 50s…nice reminder of childhood learning.

  43. Jenny says:

    You are so inspiring Susan!

  44. Becky in Burbank says:

    As a lifelong Californian, may I just say, welcome home! (Have to also say that I often envy your New England history and beauty, too, though!) Happy Birthday to your mama, and how lucky you are to still have her in your life! What a blessing. Hope you have a wonderful visit. I’m anxious to go check out the train pics on Twitter. I love trains so much. Love your new mugs, too! Getting one of those mugs would be like getting a hug in a mug. : )

  45. Rosie from Illinois says:

    Tossing my flowered spring hat into the ring for a chance at a mug, I do so love my mugs. Just bought a huge one – cheap but pretty colors – that says “Dream until your dreams come true!” (of course that’s from a song called “Dream On” – we kids of the ’70s know the one I mean, but lately I’m quite taken with a version by Postmodern Jukebox – well worth checking out.)

    But I digress! Hugs to your dear Mom – mine’s turning 87 this year, amazing!

    And – Never enough mugs! 😀

  46. Lauri Hyde says:

    Hi Susan,

    I just looked over the past four days of comments to see if you had any thoughts on my very windy comment I posted a couple of days ago but I don’t see it? You probably had to delete it because it was so danged long. Oh, when I get the privilege of reading your blogs I just get so excited, well, I just DO go on! Sorry about that! Your blogs are the bright spot in my life and it gives me something positively wonderful to look forward to. Love it all, especially your new mugs and the upcoming movie deal! Best of luck to you and give dear little Vanna my best, *hint, hint*, my favorite mug has your sweet little lambie pie on it. You are channeling more and more of Ms. Potter every time I turn around! Congrats!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sure it’s here somewhere Lauri, in fact I believe I responded to it. Sending Love xoxoxo

      • Lauri Hyde says:

        Oh, thank you, Susan! I must have missed it, there were so many. I frankly don’t know how you manage it? You got a red cape under that shawl? I knew it all along. 🙂

        Best wishes,


  47. Another wonderful blog post, Susan! I think your mugs are a wonderful idea. These would be a hit Down Under! I hope you have a wonderful train journey and send my love to your mother for her birthday. xxx

  48. Bonnie Shaiken says:

    These are such lovely and fun mugs…just right for hot cuppa’ !!

  49. Bonnie Shaiken says:

    These are such lovely and fun mugs…just ready for a hot cuppa’ !!

  50. Caroline says:

    You may have inspired me to starch something! ☺️ Love the mugs! I am glad you are finally getting this opportunity. They are adorable!! Mother’s Day gift…check!

  51. Pam Baker says:

    I commenting again because I don’t see my comment from 2/27/17 at around 11 am (give or take 30 mins)
    I would dearly love all three and may purchase one for myself as a gift to me….but it is hard to justify it, because I would likely not use it in case of breaking it!
    I believe I’ve shared that I use my aunt’s silverware everyday which is fine. But my mum gave me her chip and dip dish; something she made in ceramics as a young military wife, 45 years ago, which is in the shape of a sombrero. I LOVED that dish. ALOT. And…it fell off my counter during a party and broke. Now we cannot find a DIY poured ceramic shop to do another one (while my mum is still with it and with us!) I mean, I liked the dish, but I treasured the fact that my mother made it with her own hands. AH well.
    Anyway, I just got a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer for Christmas so I feel very blessed and hesitate to spend on your beautiful creation. Not that your creation isn’t worth it because it IS! But….anyway, my conundrum for sure.
    So, here’s hoping to win one!
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You would be flabbergasted at how much you mean to some of us. I feel silly sometimes when I want to say that you make me smile…my heart smile, my soul smile….but it’s true.
    Pam from Vermont

    • sbranch says:

      It’s okay, Pam, you can comment as many times as you want, Vanna has a system where she chooses from each email submitted only once! Lovely story, the things that get away haunt us forever!

  52. Sherry W says:

    The mugs are beautiful and I would love to win one of them. The blog is wonderful and I always enjoy reading it.

  53. Linda Metcalf says:

    The cups are wonderful! and I love your linen jackets. Your new coat is lovely.I remember these colors in the woolen shops in Scotland. I brought home many scarves and wraps to give as Gifts.

  54. Carolyn says:

    Loved the starch and ironing tips! I love ironing linens and learned from a dear friend how to boil them on the stove to get them really white–but I never used the starch before. I’ll have to try it! Thanks for another sweet post and the chance to win, Susan. Wishing you safe and fun travels.

  55. Debbie R. says:

    Love the new mugs, just right for a cuppa tea or a hot broth on a chilly day!

  56. Pamela says:

    Hope I’m not too late! I love your tea cups/mugs! I’m getting ready for a tea party I’m hosting for my book club tomorrow. Everyone is to bring their favorite tea cup and saucer and the story behind it. Enjoy California!!!! You’re fortunate to still have her to dote on!

    • sbranch says:

      You aren’t too late, right on time! Love your tea party idea, encouraging stories is such a fun thing to do!

  57. Diana @gardenthymewithdiana says:

    Susan, love your blog and books, I have them all. Have you ever considered offering color pages, or pages to watercolor. An entire coloring book would be so much fun. You have so many wonderful pictures, I know others would enjoy this too.
    Thanks ,

  58. Rebecca says:

    Hope you and Joe have a “luvlee” time on this trip — the train ride there and back, visiting loved ones and friends, exploring, spreading cheer and celebrating your mother. Happy Birthday Susan’s Mom! Thank you, Susan, for the wonderfully delightful posts you share! I’m excited about the starch! (And I’m laughing that I just typed that!) And I didn’t know Spoonflower did gift wrap. I hope your mother has a fantastic birthday, but I’d want to save the gift wrap paper! It’s so charming! Congratulations on your latest craft adventure of designing cups! And they will be made in England! Sort of carrying on the theme of a Fine Romance you might say! Before I forget, and let the record show that you were the one to introduce me to the word Hygge, but suddenly Hygge is everywhere! I’ve seen a little blurb about it in a magazine, books about it (How to Hygge by Signe Johansen and The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking for example) and even a talk show (I didn’t catch the name of the host, but was just turning on the tv to watch a DVD so wasn’t paying that much attention to the actual programming). It’s funny how when something “new” comes across the “screen” of your life, suddenly it seems to pop up with rather more frequency. When it comes to hygge though, I’m delighted to believe that I can join the ranks of happy people like you and those sisters you were able to visit who seem to have already discovered hygge and made it a part of everyday life. Thank you for the latest Willard that brightened my e-mail in-box! You are such a blessing!

    • sbranch says:

      Everything old is new again! Spreading the message of Hygge can only we a good thing for all of us who take it to heart! xoxo Thank you Rebecca!

  59. Paula Knight says:

    I too remember the joy of a starched clothing item. I haven’t starched a shirt in years! Spray starch is all I can manage.

    I too love the mugs. Your blogs are must reads…… Thanks and have a wonderful time in California.

  60. Barb Scholten says:

    Thank you Susan, for reminding all of us of the lovely things of life, of starching pretty items, and celebrating our precious moms. Bless you for all of the joy you bring via your blog… blessings to you, and enjoy every memory with mom!
    Barb in Ohio

  61. Patti Williams says:

    Love your newsletter and blog. It has so much info. I can’t wait to order
    your new mugs!

  62. Debra Barrow says:

    Love the mugs!!! Soooo pretty!!!

  63. Jane Ware says:

    Beautiful mugs would be so proud to own one. Gorgeous. Have a fab trip xx

  64. Sherry says:

    Hi susan I love the new cups you designed they are so cheerful and colorful and I love your blog it always makes my day! xoxo sherry in washington

  65. Treese says:

    In Love with Nature cup so beautiful!
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl

  66. Natalie says:

    Oh my goodness, I am having the hardest time picking which mug to reserve! Love them all. Finally decided on the In Love With Nature mug. Fantastic job on all of them and I am especially glad they are Staffordshire china. The train ride was so much fun. My grandfather was an train engineer so I have lots of fond memories of taking the train. Enjoy your California visit!

  67. Diana from Ohio says:

    Love the mugs! Can’t wait to try the Blueberry Angel Dream Cake when blueberry season is here as I think that would be verrrrrry good!

  68. Pauline says:

    Dear Susan

    You always inspire me to dream and try new things.
    Enjoy your time in California with your family and friends.
    I’m excited to hear about the movie!
    It would be great if they film — on location.
    Your new mugs are adorable. It would be hard to choose a favorite..
    XOXO Pauline

  69. Kathy Pink says:

    Hi Susan!

    Know you’re having fun with family and friends, which you deserve after working so hard on all your new projects. Love the mugs!! I’m gifting one to a dear friend (who is a huge fan of yours since I lent her your three books) for her 50th birthday at the end of May. Hope you and Joe have a wonderful trip home, too.

  70. Marisa Upshaw says:

    Happy Spring! Your mugs are ADORABLE! I can’t wait to get one!

  71. Dana says:

    Sign me up. What a great way to start the day.

  72. Brenda Hayden says:

    This is Marisa Upshaw… I’m entering my sweet Mom here for the mug drawing as well. Lol! Enjoy your trip Susan!

  73. Jan Cain says:

    Love, love, love your blog and your books. Your new mugs are adorable.

  74. Lee Rose says:

    You always have such nice photos in your blog.

  75. Lori says:

    I guess I must live under the BIGGEST rock here in the USA.
    I just found you…as in…ever. Lol’s.
    I was able to get ALL of your cookbooks, over the last three weeks, of course…I do most things backwards, and now that I’ve found your website, I’ll order there going forward!!

    “The Fairy Tale Girl” arrived yesterday while I was at work, and I was able to start that last night about 9 p.m., but I read to 1976…pg. 99. 😀
    I had to force myself to put it down and go to bed.

    Thank you for ALL you do!!! I feel like I’m following a (much needed/most welcome) GREAT, new, exciting adventure!

    When I sent my (across the miles) BFF links, SHE also ordered all your cookbooks as well…so she and I can share the experience.
    We’ve anxiously awaited their arrivals, and have had great fun chatting back and forth regarding the contents.

    I guess what I’m saying is….two more lives FOREVER changed for the better!!

  76. Barbara Bushnell says:

    Sharing your life makes my life better! 😍

  77. Jenn Parent says:

    I love your blog and so look forward to it. It’s like a special treat. First time ever posting a comment. Have a great trip.

  78. Ginda Woodruff says:

    I always feel like I have just spent time with my dear best friend when I read your blog! I met you in St. Charles,MO I know we are “friends” ‼. Have a wonderful time with your mom and all of your California friends!

  79. Mary Robinson says:

    Would love to start the morning with tea in one of your mugs!

  80. kim j says:

    Mugs are BEAUTIFUL!

  81. Laura says:

    Would you please put my name into the drawing? Who wouldn’t want such delightful mugs?

    Thank you very much.

  82. Olivia says:

    Hello, Susan! You have a new reader here! I just wanted to say how glad I am that I discovered your calendars back in 2014 and have since discovered your other beautiful works! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you through your blogs and your art; you inspire me to keep writing my own book. Thank you for working so hard on your dreams! I know I am only one of many enjoying your journey. Cheers! ☕️

  83. Jennifer Bontrager says:

    I have always wondered how liquid starch works. I only use the spray stuff. Thanks for sharing. Love your new little cups. You always make the cutest things! Right now I am rereading “Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams.” It is so inspiring!!

  84. EsSuzy from South Carolina says:

    Hi Sue, My mom also used liquid starch, but I never have, but I do collect vintage linens from time to time, so maybe liquid starch is in my future. It’s funny how memory works, this post reminded me of how, in Florida, my mom would put the ironing board out in the carport and “let” me iron the pillowcases and handkerchiefs.
    Also wanted to share to anyone who may be able to come to your latest book signing what a Girlfriend we met at Fox Tale book signing in Woodstock, Georgia had to say. If you recall, they had to move the event to a community hall because the bookstore wouldn’t hold the crowd who had signed up. This Girlfriend, my daughter and I met her at the event, had driven up from Florida and told the “foxes” When your team has won the baseball pennant or is about to play in the Super Bowl, you show up. Susan has made the NY Times best seller list and she’s our World Series and Super Bowl! So of course a huge crowd showed up.
    Sorry for the length of this post, but I’ve been wanting to share that with you for a while. 🙂
    Susan L

  85. Kris from Maine says:

    Just received my first WILLARD….
    Loved it! ❤️

  86. Elizabeth A. Kirkland says:

    We must both be products of our time… Born just a month apart from each other… Same year too…. I love china tea cups…. and Liquid starch….
    And I take nothing for granted …. Ever….

  87. Kris from Maine says:

    Just received my first WILLARD….
    Loved it! ❤️ Can’t get over all the beautiful
    Drawings! It’s so much fun !! Thank you 😊

  88. Barb Urbank from Ohio says:

    Wow, over 2000 comments, guess I’m late to leaving one but I read this new entry a couple days ago. I remember mom using starch and clothes in the fridge, but I’ve never used anything but spray starch on clothes. I remember a lot of cotton things,shorts and blouses in all cotton and ironing everything! The mugs are beautiful and I would love one. They would make lovely gifts too. Give your mom lots of hugs and kisses, you are so blessed to have her. Enjoy California and meeting with TV people so best of luck there! Have wonderful week.xoxox

  89. Sandy P. says:

    Susan, I absolutely love all of the mugs and I’ve preordered one. I also love the coat from England with its great colors. I hope you enjoy your trip and the visit with your mother to the max. I remember traveling by train as a little girl and later going by train to NY City with my college girl friends. What an adventure, and so much fun to look out and see so many wonderful views. I often go to the Berkshires so I’m familiar with that gorgeous area. It was also such a treat to read about your trip to Vermont and the sleigh ride together with your lovely illustrations and photos. Thanks for the treat.

  90. Kate Hoffman says:

    Love the mugs – so precious and well made!

  91. Michele says:

    Wonderful quotes on the “In Love with Nature” cup.

  92. Karen Knowles says:

    Need the mug. Fabulous!

  93. Jan Pollett says:

    These mugs are beautiful! Would love to win one.

  94. Cathy Furia says:

    I love the design of your generous sized mugs! They’re my favorite shape and China! Tea always tastes better served that way. Kudos!

  95. Nancy says:

    Your mugs are adorable! I enjoyed your tweets from the twain!

  96. Mary in Colorado says:

    I love your mug and am going to preorder all that I can but will try for the giveaway one as well. I enjoyed following your trip out west on the train. It made me want to take a train ride of my own. For many years I rode Amtrak back and forth between Chicago and Colorado where I live. It was a first class experience whether I was in my own room or in coach. I can still feel the swaying back and forth while walking through the cars and the pleasure of the dining car…the white linen tablecloths, the clinking china, the heavy silverware and looking out the windows as the countryside rolled by. Very special memories! Mary in Colorado

  97. Rebecca says:

    Wow a movie. You are so talented. So happy for you. Love your mugs, everyone will be thinking of you each morning with their hot yummy in them!! The

  98. Barbara says:

    I absolutely love your mugs! There is nothing better than your morning cuppa from your favourite mug. I know one of these will soon become my favourite and I can’t wait.

  99. Tina says:

    This is making want to go right out and starch….everything. I can even smell the hot iron on the linen. And the mugs are sweet. I should be so lucky as to win one.

  100. Sharon says:


    Your Blog, Willard, and all of your cookbooks and collectible books never fail to bring joy and a smile to my face. I already pre-ordered a mug as a surprise for my wonderful friend Mary Ann who I “introduced” to you. (hope she’s not reading this!) Needless to say she was very pleased to make your acquaintance!! So, if I win the drawing that would be just fabulous and if not, I will be ordering a mug for myself. maybe two 🙂


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