Rabbit-Rabbit, It’s JUNE 🌸

Rabbit-Rabbit Girlfriends!  Good Morning! MUSICA It’s the glory of love!

Everything good here ~ so far it looks like it might not rain today! A minor miracle on this first day of June considering that it rained all May ~ but, so far, so good,  it’s dawning with blue skies! Time to turn over the new page on our calendars ~ It’s tea! Perfect timing (how did I know?), because today I’m having twelve best friends for a Farewell Tea Party Twine for a girlfriend who’s moving south! I’m hoping that maybe, just maybe, if the sky stays blue, we’ll be able to have it outside under the arbor!

Our party is at four, so I doubt we’ll need the twinkle lights. But every time I look at that little spot, I think of Mr. Bowditch, who I never met, the man you lived here before us, who built the arbor with his own hands back in the 1950s. He doesn’t know it, but he has given us YEARS of pleasure. He and his wife called the arbor the “Teahouse of the Vineyard Moon.” Romantic people that they were.💞

But I’m still waiting to see if the picnic table gets dried out enough! We cleaned up the dining room just in cases. Jack’s been helping me get ready, but we still have a lot to do. I know everyone is waiting for the drawing . . . So I thought I’d say hello and give us one last day to make sure everyone is signed up for our Luv-lee beautiful cup Giveaway.

Be sure to sign up your sister, your daughter and your mom! And you! Do it today ~ just leave a comment below and you’ll be entered ~ because Vanna (our very interesting “random number generator”) is on her way back to the Island so we’ll try to do the drawing tomorrow depending on what kind of shape she’s in. 😜 You know how she is. (If none of this makes sense to you, read down the next post ~ for drawing explanation.) Until then, off I go . . . Let’s see, where’s that recipe . . . Oh yeah . . .

I’ll take lots of pictures today, between setting the table, cutting chives in the garden for the tender little egg salad sandwiches and dipping the perfectly ripe strawberries into melted chocolate. Ahhh, tea parties. How I love thee.  Have a wonderful day everyone . . . It’s true, to know you is to love you!

P.S. Just saw this photo, wasn’t Jack the sweetest little kitten?  He’s under the bed in the Peter Rabbit room in this photo, on his first day home. All ears and mustache! Intelligence shines out around the eyes, don’t you think? 😘


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1,303 Responses to Rabbit-Rabbit, It’s JUNE 🌸

  1. Martha says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for taking the time to share the plans for the tea party! Hope it was fabulous! ❤

  2. SusanMcKay says:

    Hi Susan
    Would love to have tea in one of your gorgeous cups.
    Susan M

  3. Doris waggoner says:

    Hope the movie deal works out. Would love to see your books on screen, just like “Julie and Julia.”

  4. Kathy F says:

    Love the ❤️ mug

  5. Dear Susan,
    You brighten every day that has one of your posts. Id love to have one of your beautiful mugs.

  6. Jeanne Jones says:

    I would love an English mug for my tea.

  7. Candace Tufo says:

    Hope you had a great tea party today and I do hope it didn’t rain! I am so very tired of the rain! Love the new cups! Can’t wait to see them!

  8. Barbara A Case says:

    Just making sure I’m in the running for one of your gorgeous cups. Hope the tea party was smashing !!

  9. Kathy H says:

    Susan – hoping you have a wonderful tea party with your special friends. Enjoy!!

  10. Gail says:

    Love your blog and love the new cups!! I hope I win one!!

  11. Terri from Idaho who wishes she was in England says:

    I love, love, love your new mugs! So beautiful!!

  12. Barbara Harris says:

    I am never sure if I am leaving my comment in the right place for the drawing. Oh well…Jack is adorable, kitten or grown up boy. And tea is always delightful!

  13. Angie Behnken says:

    I love to have tea parties at my house! I love all things British because I was born in England and came to America on the Queen Elizabeth in 1958. I would love one of your beautiful mugs!

  14. Sandy Engel says:

    Love to hear of your parties and please share photos❤️❤️❤️

  15. Happy tea party day! Thank you for your delightful blog!

  16. Beth T. says:

    Oh, Master Jack! He looks so intent…perhaps on a bit of mischief in the future? What an adorable boy, then and now. How we do love them so.

  17. Carol C says:

    The poem “I had a little tea party this afternoon at 3” brings back memories of my parents reading that very poem to me ~60 plus years ago. It was a favorite and I’d ask them to read it over and over. I thought it was in our A.A. Milne book — I’ll have to find it (yes, I’ve kept that book all these years) and look it up. Thanks for the special remembrance today–a very sweet and precious one.

  18. Melissa says:

    Love the mugs. They look perfect fot tea. Fir me Tea=Life

  19. Debra Thake says:

    The tea party you planned sounds so lovely. I used to have a beautiful collection of teapots but gave them all away when we downsized. Now that we are settled, I plan on finding some beauties to use and display. Thanks for your inspiration!!

  20. Theresa Lee says:

    Dear Susan , Tea party’s are a great way to celebrate the end of another school year . My grandchildren love to help me make the sandwiches, cookies , tea and fruit salad .
    We talk about all the things that happened throughout the year .
    It’s a great time to reconnect, slow down and enjoy some lazy days …….ahh , summertime . ☀️🌸🌽🍉🍅🌈🍓🌭

  21. Pat says:

    Your blog is a delight; always the best quotes, drawings and pictures. I would be honored if I won one of your cups. My sister and I always try to go for tea on our “sister trips”. Thanks for making life simpler and saner!

  22. Mary says:

    I don’t drink tea, but I promise to lovingly drink hot cocoa from my lovely English mug. That’s legal, right?

  23. Ann Prins says:

    A tea party – June is just the best time for a tea party!! Just cool enough for pots of hot tea, tiny sandwiches, fresh strawberries with whipped creme , scones of course, and a tiny dessert! All shared with friends!! I have just been thinking about having a tea party myself!! June is such a special month!!

  24. Diane Roumeliotis says:

    Hi Susan,
    I do hope Vanna picks ME !!!

  25. Darlene Westmoreland says:

    Jack is just as cute now as he was as a kitten!!

  26. Wish I was coming to your tea party. Sounds just wonderful. Post some pictures later. 🌹

  27. Amy Lee from Salem says:

    What a lovely way to start June, hope your Tea Party was just perfect.

  28. Linda Lepage says:

    I just adore tea parties! I hope your day was lovely!!!

  29. Diane says:

    Your new mugs look beautiful. Can’t wait to read about your tea party. I hope your picnic table dried in time for tea.
    Love the picture of Baby Jack!

  30. audrey B. from LaBarque Creek, MO says:

    I think I missed something? I didn’t know there was a drawing. Well sign me up before Vanna does her picking! My wonderful SB cups came in the post and are in almost constant use. Everyone needs to know how generous of size they are, but somehow that lovely China works to keep my morning brew warm until the last gulp. Gulp? Not so dainty now am I? But it is coffee time in the a.m. and a girl does the best she can. And we’ve all heard tales of Vanna’s mornings, so I think I may be in good company don’t you think?

    • aB, LaBarque Creek, MO says:

      SUSAN! Sorry if I startled you with that outburst, but as I sit here sipping from my “love” cup and considering more cups to add to my collection… I had a vision of a Halloween mug! I know the four seasons are on their way, but I need some happy jack’s smiling at me from a special October mug. A glowing orange carved pumpkin and perhaps a little black and white kitty dressed in his tuxedo? Think about it dear friend.❤️

  31. Laura says:

    Oh Susan I always love a new blog post from you!!!
    My daughter and I used to have little tea parties together when she was a little girl. We haven’t done that in years…. she’s 16 now & we take mama & daughter outings to the coffee shop together, not the same but still a joy. I would love to go to a real tea party someday.

    Take Care!!

  32. Nan says:

    I hope your tea party isn’t as wonderful as all of your parties! xo, Nan

  33. Pat W. says:

    Susan…hope weather cooperates so your tea party can be outdoors…nothing better. Enjoy 💐

  34. I just ordered and received one of these lovely mugs. But how nice to have a pair!

  35. I wish I were at your tea party 😍

  36. Patty Sorensen says:

    Hi Susan. I love the thoughtful loving touches you do for everyone and everything you encounter or create. Thanks for sharing

  37. Carol says:

    Tea parties are my favorite! Love your cups and ideas! 💖

  38. Hi Susan, would love a teacup! Thank you for sharing your delicious life with all of us.

  39. Kristi says:

    I would love to own one of your teacups! Thanks for the chance!

  40. Kathy from Indiana says:

    Susan, Appreciated your rabbit picture. I have a rabbit family running lickety
    split in the yard.

  41. Lorri Hernandez says:

    Hi Susan! Please enter me in your cup giveaway! I love reading your books, calendars and your blog! Your sunshine filled heart is a treasure!

  42. Margaret Matlock says:

    Love your posts. Would love to receive one of your beautiful cups.

  43. Suzanne Klein says:

    Love a tea party. I’m a Earl Grey girl.
    Love to be able to drink from one of your beautiful cups.
    The perfect vessel!!!

  44. Miss Virginia says:

    Lovely post and photos! Know the party was delightful and a joy for all. Thanks for sharing and Happy June to all!

  45. Joan A. says:

    Hi Susan,
    Can you tell me who made that beautiful pink flowered teapot you are using for your going away tea party? I love it!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s very old, I found it in an antique store, and, I’m sorry to say, it doesn’t have anything on the bottom to identify it.

  46. Carolyn Fitzgerald Rodgers says:

    Susan, I would like for my name to be among those entered for the drawing. Thank you.

  47. deborah thomas norling says:

    Just trying to catch up on your blogs…I ADORE the Baby Jack photo!! Thank you for showing us you are human by sharing your decluttering the studio project. Simply can not wait for the tea book!!

  48. Darcy K. Los Alamitos says:

    Thiught of you and Joe tonight as I was eating at Boathouse on the Bay and watching the sailboats go by. The cups are all beautiful, thanks for the opportunity!

  49. phyllis davidson says:

    just returned from england and wales after a lovely holiday on a narrow boat on the canals…such fun….after following your trips it was wonderful to also meet the lovely people and enjoy the countryside with wildflowers all along the canals…pubs…..walks…villages with sweet shops….even found a beatrix potter small plate in a charity shop….woo-hoo!….please enter me in your drawing….thank you susan for leading me to england!…❤️😘❤️

  50. Gill Smith says:

    Oh how I love Everything about afternoon tea! My favourite time of day 4pm, teatime. Yesterday my husband and I had tea under our pergola with the delightful perfume of Pauls Himalayan Musk Rose, filling the air….magical. A real bit of Hygge going on! The sun was out too, perfect! Hope your tea party was magical too xx Gill UK

  51. Cerene Larson says:

    I love a good tea party!! Have an extra cup of tea with cream and 2 lumps for me please 🙂

  52. Lisa Smith says:

    I was so excited when my mug arrived! I sat & looked at it soooo many times! Then, I wrapped it back up & sent it to my best friend for her 62nd birthday. It was hard to do, but I really wanted her to have one, & since they’ve sold out, I knew this was it. I’ll get more pleasure out of her receiving it than I would keeping it & knowing she couldn’t get one too. Warm Regards, Lisa

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve given all mine away too, Lisa, hate to see them go, but they are kind of like the perfect “little” gift for someone you love! Gotta do it!

  53. Ruth B. says:

    Drink lots of tea to warm your hearts. Love my new mug and I christened it with my first hot tea before shoving off for Alaska!

  54. Judi Weinkauf says:

    Ohhhhhh, I’d love a cup please. ❤️

  55. Heather W. says:

    You bring such joy to all of us, Susan Branch Buddies (fans!). I’m in California so you tea party has already happened but I hope it was a beautiful day and you soaked up all the girlfriend goodness at your table! We ladies need each other! What a lovely gift you gave to your friend today. God bless you, Susan.

  56. Barbara Seibert says:

    My mother was a war bride from Wales. We used to have tea parties often.

  57. Sheila says:

    A tea party here in Scotland on June 1st, alas, would have been very soggy and today it is still raining……..

  58. Kindred Kate says:

    Oh my gosh, Susan, I thought I’d missed being able to enter your cup give-away so thank you for giving us one last chance. I’ve been busy gardening( really just weeding)& hadn’t taken the time to respond to your last blog. We too have had so much rain here in Oregon these past few months that I feel like I’m living in a jungle right now- at least my weeds have been loving the weather. I am so glad the sun has decided to visit us again.Let’s just hope it stays for awhile. I always love your comments about Jack. We had the most loving male orange tabby named Eddie for 19 years who is no longer with us; we are now ready to adopt 2 kittens ( hopefully male tabbies) as soon as they are available. As soon as my garden is ” ready” I too will be having girlfriends over for a Summer Tea Party!

    • sbranch says:

      You are so smart to get two at the same time!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        I got 3 at one time, what a lot of fun they had….. they discovered the yarn basket and then discovered the clothespin basket…. YIPES!!!!

  59. Linda Hill says:

    Oh, what a beautiful rabbit in your yard!!! Maybe a long lost relation of Peter? Have a marvelous time at your tea party—I will be there in spirit. Linda from Idaho where we had a cool rainy day today.

    • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

      that is one beautiful rabbit, and so content to sit there and have it’s picture taken, if it were in my front yard, Furby would be after it ( our barn cat, she is a sweetheart but full of mischief). got to love her and all the critters. 🙂

  60. Rosie from Illinois says:

    ooooh, I’d love a new cup – especially one of yours! ♥

  61. Rosario says:

    I love your cups. They are the perfect present for my daughter who just graduated from college. Love to you always.

  62. I hope you are able to have your tea party outside. I love having tea parties. Just had one recently for a friend who was visiting us from California. Here in the UK, you always need a plan B because you never know when the rain will hit, and it usually does when you have an outdoor event planned! I just adore your cups. You are so very talented. Wasn’t Jack just the sweetest kittie! Charming. Happy June! xoxo

  63. Brooxie says:

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Recently a stray kitty who resembles Jack found us. We named him Wilbur and he is a love bug. Susan, thank you for all you do to inspire us, especially the constant eye candy in living a life of wonder.

  64. Amy W. says:

    Entering my daughter ! If she wins I will surprise her with a tea party too! ☕️🍰

  65. Erin Middlebrooks says:

    I would absolutely adore having one of your beautiful mugs. Thank you for having a draw !!

  66. Dorene says:

    Your tea party sounds wonderful….the guest of honor will surely have second thoughts about leaving such a fabulous group of friends and the all quaint beauty that Martha’s Vineyard offers behind after this girlfriend gathering. You are giving her the gift of amazing memories to take with her as she begins the new chapter in her life story. Thanks for letting all of us share in the festivities from afar via your beautiful photos.

  67. Laura B says:

    Is the useful (but oh so cute!) teapot shaped cookie-sandwich plate, pictured in the Anniversary blog, in the making and on the way with the beautiful new cups?

    • sbranch says:

      It’s not being made by the same people . . . I’m working on it, just getting costs and delivery times and things like that. Finding out if they can make the colors pretty!

      • Debby Rickett says:

        I have been so curious about this little plate too! I pray it all works out 🙂

  68. Janine 'Rose' Schweickert says:

    I love tea parties and have been doing them all my life! I bet yours will be amazing just as everything you do is! 💗
    My girlfriend Jean Kennedy love to go visit and have tea at my dear friend, Jan’s tea shoppe.
    Jan is from England and her treats are a delight! 🍰☕️

  69. Trudy says:

    Love your teaparty and do hope you had it outside in lovely sunny weather.
    Just send the rain to me only a few millimeter last month so the soil is very dry.
    Have a great weekend
    Greetings from Holland

  70. Hillaire Gallagher says:

    Love the Tea….Rabbit Rabbit….enjoy….and thanks to consider me for one of your cups xxxooo

  71. Ginny says:

    I wish I could be a fly on the wall! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

  72. Joann says:

    I live for your posts. Your house and everything you do is beautiful.thank you for the many bright spots in my day. Timeless perfection! Rain is the new four-letter word of the season.

  73. Deborah says:

    I am new to your blog and would love to be included in the tea cup drawing.

  74. Deb Pazdziorny says:

    Can’t wait to see pictures posted of your tea party! Never thought to put chives in egg salad before! Ive got some hard boiled eggs and I’m going out in the garden to snip some today! LOVE the new mugs!

  75. Kathryn Mattus says:

    I am looking forward to seeing all the pictures from your tea party today. Sounds like it will be a lovely time. Hoping it doesn’t rain!
    Count me in on the giveaway, such lovely cups. I especially love the new bird cup! Blessings!

  76. Grand Pam says:

    Oh to be a tea party guest. I always enjoy the anticipation and the preparation of a tea party.
    Hoping yours is as lovely as you hope.

  77. Rita says:

    Would love a mug! We have a Boston Terrier named Jack!

  78. Lisa says:

    Just love the mugs…everything about you!! Excited to see pictures of your tea and you’ve inspired me to have aTea for my friends!!! Enjoy!

  79. Barbara from Wolverine Lake MI says:

    Sue, we attended an outdoor wedding last Saturday evening on the shore of Lake Michigan. it didn’t rain! it was the most glorious day. perhaps, because it seemed as if it had rained for 25 days in a row, everyone savored it all the more! pick me, pick me for your drawing. love your photos 🙂 and love your happy blog postings

  80. Lisa Nicholson says:

    I look forward to your blog posts. Saved this post to read this AM in peace with no interruptions. One of the pros of getting up before anyone else in our house. I preordered the gorgeous bluebird mug. Can’t wait to receive it this fall.

  81. Colleen says:

    Because of you Susan, I had my first tea party last Thursday with my friend Hannah who is four and her Momma Jill!!!! I’m 56….never too old to begin! I hope your tea party is as precious as your friend.

  82. Stephanie says:

    Can’t remember if I signed up or not. Soooo, once more just in case. Hope the party was great.

  83. Nana Pamela says:

    I love tea and love your cups. I couldn’t even choose a favorite but would love to rotate them based on whim or wind. 🙂

  84. Joanne Conte says:

    I love tea parties, especially with stuffed animals in attendance! Enjoy your party!

  85. Candice says:

    Dear Susan, I hope that you were able to have a lovely tea party under the arbor! We have had so much rain in May too, our county experienced a flash flood and left a lot of damage to homes and businesses in its wake. 🙁 The world around us has dried up some but the farmers are also suffering from not getting the fields planted for a good growing season! Some had already re-planted but then we had the flash flood so back to square one! The last few days of May gave us some warmer temps and sunshine finally. Rabbit Rabbit!! L-O-V-E the mugs! I would be thrilled to bits to win!! xoxo

  86. Lori Ann says:

    Susan, I wish you could feel the joy you have brought me through your books, blog and lovely artwork. I’ve been following you for years and you make my heart so happy!

    • sbranch says:

      I think I do feel it, because truly, it’s mutual. Love our little on line community here. Thank you (ALL) for being a part of it. xoxo

  87. Jan says:

    Love tea!

  88. Kay says:

    Hope you tea party is wonderful in every way. Iowa has not escaped the frequent rains either; we are ready for sunny days and warm breezes. Love the new mugs. As always your designs are amazing!

  89. Joanne says:

    Hi Susan, Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful mugs.

  90. Nancy Gardner says:

    There is nothing so sweet as the company of girlfriends. I hope your tea party is filled with joy and laughter, birds singing, a sweet scent blowing in the breeze, and of course a kitty rubbing around everyone’s ankles. What pattern are the pink dishes ? I remember my grandma having them. Thank you for sharing the beauty of New England in your blog. It warms my heart. Nancy

  91. Beth L. says:

    Ohh PLEASE DO tell us what Vanna wore to The Tea Party???
    Hope she didn’t steal the Limelight from your friend who is moving…I’m sure it’s difficult for Her Highness to restrain her Glory-ness!

    • sbranch says:

      She makes us all happy with her charmingness . . . we can’t WAIT to see what she’s wearing, and she never disappoints us! She never stays long, so we get to talk about her the minute she leaves.

  92. Kim Nagle says:

    Love the outline of your home at night, such character! And perhaps your next project will be teapots with designs like those above. It is hard to find quality bone china, not made in China, i.e., with no lead. Would love to have one designed by you…especially shaped like those above.
    Enjoy your tea and what brand will you serve? Your fave is?

  93. Barbara (from Virginia) says:

    Oh Happy Day! Love to win a cup for my Best Friend Betty Lou.

  94. Mary says:

    There’s no time like tea time ! Hope you enjoy the party and a wonderful time will be had by all!

  95. Grace from Barnstable says:

    The cups are wonderful! I would love some more 😉

  96. Jack is and was adorable! A tea party sounds perfect with little sandwiches and who wouldn’t love to have dipped strawberries? Have a wonderful day!

  97. JoAnn Petersen says:

    Tea sounds wonderful!!Just home from granddaughter graduation in San Francisco so cold, Texas sonhot tea sounds so pleasant. Wish you were here to enjoy with

  98. Rosinda says:

    Rabbit-rabbit! I hope the weather behaved and you were able to enjoy your tea party outdoors, under the arbor! Happy month of June! xx

  99. Mary from PA. says:

    Good morning, Oh how I would love to drink my morning, afternoon, evening, and anytime tea from your beautiful mugs.

  100. Tracey Gaudette says:

    A tea party! How lovely, enjoy!! XOXO

Comments are closed.