Welcome! How about some nice cool MUSICA? Oui! I imagine lots of you are just coming over from your 

It just started going out today (Wednesday), and it now takes about five days for it all to go … if you don’t already get it, sign up now and maybe you’ll be in time to find a letter in your box. It’s a fun one! It has announcements!  I thought today, in celebration of the coming change of season ~ I’d make us Zucchini Bread for tea! But before I do that, a reminder about the new Fall Giveaway I mentioned in Willard! When you get to the bottom of this post, look for the tiny word “comments” ~ click there, leave a few words so you’ll automatically be entered in our drawing . . . for this . . .

Not one, not two, but three books ~ all of them signed to the winner (or if you’ll be giving them as a gift, to whomever you like!), Autumn, Heart of the Home, and Gratitude ~ in addition, for complete celebration, I’m including one of our new Autumn cups along with a bag of Gingerbread Cake Black Tea.👏 Just leave a comment, and keep your fingers crossed! It could be YOU! It really could! Much better odds than the lottery. And we ship, so no matter where you are, if you win, you win!

Speaking of fall … this is one of my favorite things, a harbinger of the changing season, the way the light dances on my kitchen walls as the wind blows through the leaves outside ~ it’s mesmerizing!

It actually shimmers all over the house . . .  there is something very cozy about it . . .

I’ve been taking pictures of it for a long time. This was the porch of my first Island house, called Holly Oak, during my first fall on the Island (my first “real” fall, period). For those of you who don’t know ….I had moved to the Island from California and had only lived there for a few months, but I could feel the season changing, and I knew then I was falling in mad love with this place. It’s been the same every year since, watching the light and the way the colors change is magical. 🍂

Joe and I walk down this dirt road each morning, through the dappled woods, trees and thickets are still green, but we’re  starting to see tiny pops of color (you can see some at top, over the road).

I even take pictures of other people’s shadows!

The solar eclipse was only partial up here in New England, but it made the shadows even more fun … you could see the moon in them. Making me realize for the first time, that when you see a splotch of sunlight through the trees, you are seeing the entire sun in that one bit of light. Because here, the moon is blocking part of it … and so you get these little scalloped moons dappled under all the trees. Isn’t that wild?

So much moon and sun, they almost made tulips!

This little one … the moon in the sun … quite an amazing bit of sweetness.

They even made it into the house… sparkled down the kitchen counters and across the floor. I wonder how many times this has happened in this house, and what the other people we’ve shared these old rooms with must have thought about it.

There’s Joe, my hero, outside washing the specks of spaghetti sauce and bacon grease off the windows and filling the bird feeders for me . . .

We visit through the windows while I set the oven temperature for 325° and find my recipe for Zucchini Bread. Ah yes . . .

 I’ll show you how to make this delicious seasonal yumminess  . . . and don’t worry, I’ll put the recipe at the bottom so you can print it out. First we need a couple of  bowls and a loaf pan.

This recipe is as fast and easy as any packaged mix ~ I make it at least once a year. You get two big loaves from it, one for you and one to give away or freeze. In one of the bowls, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Set aside.

In the other bowl, whisk eggs, then add sugar and vegetable oil and whisk well.

whisking well.

The you grate zucchini . . .

and stir it into the egg mixture . . .

The birds keep me company while I work, always a good thing!

Stir well.

Add the dry ingredients,

along with the chopped walnuts,

and the vanilla . . .

And voila! Mix well and pour into buttered loaf pans. Bake 60 minutes until a knife in the center comes out clean.

While the cake was baking, I took Jack and we went into the wood room to put up our feet and watch a good old movie.

See? His feet are up.

Our movie starts out all nice and sweet … with Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine ~ Perfect! In this movie, she’s wealthy and shy and he’s a charming playboy without a penny to his name, but she doesn’t know that yet. She’s falling, hook, line, and sinker.

Boy meets Girl, it must be love . . . and I’m settled in, happy as a clam ….

“Have you ever been kissed in a car?” he asks her, and she says, “no” and he says, “would you like to be?”  . . . and then they go on an amazing honeymoon and waltz all over Europe to this MUSICA  … so delightful ~ they come home to their new house that I would like to own and he immediately puts on “their song” and they dance around their new living room from happiness!

And she is now Mrs. John Aysgarth … sooo happy. But, I forgot to mention, this is an Alfred Hitchcock movie, so it comes with a twist. ⚡️

 . . . Which I’ll show you in a moment (not giving anything away, even though I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this movie ~ it came out in 1941, but just in cases) ~ this film has everything I love . . . it’s set in Sussex, England, so there’s already plenty of unspoken history and gravitas, there are darling cottages, and cute cars ~ they have tea, there are quirky characters, and a wonderful scene on a train…

. . . plus it’s mostly British actors, Dames and Sirs, and there are things like riding to the hounds . . . (… just about now, that cake in the oven was starting to smell so good, all cinnamon and sugar!)

. . . and little village churches. Alfred Hitchcock was English so he knew about these things.

The hair, the clothes, the architecture, are all perfection. Everything I love. Love the little bow ~ a bit of 1941 Diane Keaton.

Wonderful romantic curtains, and look, leafy shadows on her windows!

The buzzer just went off, my zucchini bread is done! YUM! Out it comes to cool . . . back I go to the movie . . .

SO, yes, Alfred Hitchcock, which means that besides the charm in every scene and especially the charm of the wonderful actors, there was another character in this “romantic psychological thriller” that got no billing at all . . . Bwaaaaaah! It’s the shadows! Look at them! They aren’t mentioned in the credits, but they are a definite presence in this movie and tell you everything you need to know. I don’t think the shadows in my house are sinister at all, but here, they definitely are! First thing I would do if I was her is get a dog. She actually has a dog but I would get another one with bigger teeth.

Because this movie is called Suspicion, and you don’t have to say it twice, it’s in every scene.  Look at those shadows . . . I feel suspicious right now.

For example, what fresh hell is HE up to, lurking around the bar .  . . we don’t know, but we know it’s something!

Oh, Alfred, you are so good! Slashed with a shadow! They don’t make ’em like they used to!

Even here, she goes into this office (in the adorable little English town that’s actually probably some place in Hollywood) and look what he’s done with the light ~ I have no doubt that he controlled every corner of this movie.

Cake’s cool, time for tea! No problem, I can watch TV while I make tea! My biggest problem? Which cup shall I use? I take turns.

My shadow’s right with me … lotta shadows in this blog! But this one is the best. Back to our chair we go . . .

Uh-oh — Cary and Joanie play Scrabble with Beaky (Nigel Bruce, naive friend), and we get another rather huge clue . . .

And as time goes by, it becomes more obvious that this lighthearted movie isn’t as lighthearted as we thought (or is it?). Here comes Cary with the poison milk! We know it’s poison milk because it’s all lit up! And we are very suspicious, because of the sinister shadows from the moonlight through the conservatory roof. We can see that milk coming up the stairs a mile away! Bang with the shadows! 💥

OMG, he’s in the bedroom, don’t drink it Joanie!!!  (Love the satin pillow on the left. And whatever is behind it. Love everything in this house.) I better stop. I’m going to give the whole thing away. You are just going to have to watch it yourself! Make a loaf of Zucchini Bread first, it’s moist and nutty, and all chewy on the edges ~ it adds  a lot to the ambience.XOXO

Joe’s feeders are emptying fast but the windows look so much better! The birds outside our kitchen windows are constant entertainment ~ they bring their babies, fight for footholds, and sing their hearts out. We keep a bird book nearby, to identify possible strangers.

In my next blog post, besides announcing the winner of the drawing, I’m going to write: “How to Travel: the Tricks of the Trade.”  We are getting to be experts. Only thing we haven’t figured out yet, how to take only one suitcase!  Getting us ready for our virtual and real trip to the other side of the pond. So excited … love all these months in front of us for planning and “looking forward!”One more shadow . . . we were downtown over the weekend, walking home after dinner, and looked up to see one of my favorite sights, a kitty in the window!Today I get to plan the menu for the winners of the Possible Dreams Auction that was held here on the Island a couple of weeks ago ~ they’re coming on Friday! You might remember, I mentioned the auction in one of my recent posts, and just in case anyone is interested, here’s the update: I’ll be making lunch and spending the afternoon with the highest bidder and three of her friends (I heard it went for $4,000, which all goes to our local Community Services so it was a wonderful thing for someone to do 💗). What shall I make, what SHALL I make . . . going to get out the books. I’m thinking we should eat outside under the arbor … I want this to be GOOD.

We went to the nursery yesterday, where everything is on sale, it’s end of season! We wanted to freshen the garden, get some fall color . . . and look how pretty, that’s our cart!

It’s a good time of year to get plants. They’re less expensive, you can see how big they are and know for sure what color the flowers will be. And then next year? Oooh, la wee!

Love you Girls, I’m still singing Dancing Queen from the Willard, 🎶 You can dance, you can jive, havin’ the time of your life … 🎵 See that girl, watch that scene, digging’ the Dancing’ Queen . . .🎶 … Have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to leave a comment to win our Giveaway! XOXO

Z U C C H I N I    B R E A D

Preheat oven to 325° Makes two 8″ x 4″ loaves

  • 2 c. flour (unsifted, lighten by stirring with fork, then measure)
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 1 c. vegetable oil
  • 2 c. grated, raw, unpeeled zucchini
  • 1 c. chopped walnuts
  • 2 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 325°. In a lg. bowl, whisk together first five ingredients and set aside.  In another lg. bowl, beat eggs, add sugar and oil and beat well. Stir in zucchini; then add the dry ingredients along with the walnuts and the vanilla and mix well. Pour into two buttered loaf pans. Bake one hour until knife in center comes out clean. Cool completely before turning onto serving dish. 💖

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3,432 Responses to THE LIGHT IS CHANGING

  1. Wendy Crittenden says:

    Susan ! Thank you so much for just being “YOU” ! Nobody does it better ! I leave in two weeks for a month in the UK………looking so forward to experiencing all the lovely places and things you’ve showed us on the blog ! I will eat fish and chips every day ! I am sad that I won’t hear BIG BEN chime though…….I’ll just have to go back….in four years !

  2. Jill Goodhart says:

    Every end of summer I too can see the light change in my kitchen and I know it won’t be long till Autumn! I feel that crispy cool “feel “approaching and my heart does a hopscotch dance!
    For me it means colorful leaves, a good book, decorating for the season and putting my favorite sweater on.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s cold and rainy here today, you would love it Jill, so cozy. May have to go make another loaf of bread … actually we’re having company, so I think it’s time for Corn Pudding….

  3. Holly says:

    Susan, Such a wonderful post. I think you just about hit all of my favorite topics today! At least some of them….. Zucchini bread must be made first thing tomorrow. It’s one of those late Summer musts!

  4. Linda Wattier says:

    Love autumn and love your blogs. Sad the wooden boxes are sold out. Oh well, maybe there will be more.

    • sbranch says:

      So sorry Linda, watch for them in your local second hand stores or in yard sales, you can make your own!

  5. Debra Stevenson says:

    Very interesting observation about the crescent shaped sun dapples.

    Here is another zucchini recipe that you might like – great for dinner.

  6. Nancy Ross says:

    Love my new Isle of Dreams cup and I hope to make the zucchini bread soon. I visit our local farmer’s market every week and there’s plenty of zucchini right now. We will look for Suspicion to watch…looks interesting!

  7. Heidi Wooters says:

    Thanks for bringing us joy and good vibes with each post. Letting us forget for awhile our problems and enjoy your travels and recipes, movies, musica, etc. Your the best! ❤️ Really loved the shadows!

  8. Judy in Ohio says:

    Ohhhhh, Susan, Susan, Susan…I have been away from here much too long!

    I have had a busy summer with family visiting…some for days…and chores about…and then the (never-ending) “projects”…Just always something…but I am not complaining. I look forward to summer BECAUSE of these things! But these last few days with all of the events happening in Texas, I knew that here I would find a ray of sunshine…and so here I am. Hello, dear lady!

    It is so funny too to be reminded of this movie…It truly is one of my favorites!
    For all of the reasons that you love it too…along with just the STORY. So very well done!!…I will not mention any more about it except to say it is a real “white-knuckler”…Just a great story! …(I am going to see if I can locate it someplace! 🙂 And watch it again…It has been quite a few years!)

    I just wanted to say “Hi!” because it has been too long since I have been here…and also that I have been thinking of you and your family …being reminded by the very special birthdays of this month particularly.

    Thank you so much for being here for all of us…and bringing us so much joy…and reminders of all that we have to be happy about. I will never be able to thank you enough. Words are so lame…but I hope that you can read my heart.

    We will all pray for the folks in Texas and Louisiana and all affected by their devastating weather and do all that we can to help them…and remember how blessed we are to have a warm, dry place to lay our heads.

    Take care, dear friend…

    And thank you so much for your “Zucchini Bread” Recipe here too.
    I already have the zucchini on my grocery list for this week!! 🙂

  9. Judy in Ohio says:

    P.S. Almost forgot!…I have been watching a little program on Netflix called,
    “Escape to the Country” and thought of you! I really think that you (and the Girlfriends) will love love LOVE this if you have Netflix…It is the English country where the escaping is to!! Just beautiful…and the houses!!! 😀

    Just wanted to let you know!!


  10. Terri says:

    “Filtered light” has always brought me joy and comfort! Leave it to you to share a post about it-you’re the greatest ❤️ Thank you💡🕯

  11. Pamela says:

    Am I the last one to enter?
    You bring light in the very best ways to my life.
    Your books stacked on my shelves bring a comfort to my soul – seeing the titles and the ribbon bookmarks hanging out, paging through them, remembering when I first read them, it just makes me feel content.
    I’m so glad you wrote every single one of them and I can’t wait to add more to the collection.

  12. Geri Goggin says:

    OhSusan love this post! Love the shadows!!

  13. Elizabeth G. says:

    Thank you for more ideas! Every year we watch Arsenic and Old Lace as one of our regular Halloween features. I told my husband we have to try Suspicion, also, this year. It looks like it has just right amount of creepy.

    I used to have zucchini bread all the time, but now I can’t say the last time that I had it. I’ve eaten plenty of banana bread lately, but not zucchini. Sounds good! It also has me thinking about a chocolate zucchini cake and fudge frosting. Yum!

    • sbranch says:

      You can put chocolate chips in your zucchini bread, or lemon zest . . . there are lots of ways to play with it!

  14. Joanne Condlin Lawson (a/k/a Jody) says:

    Dear Susan, Love your blogs, etc. Feel right at home here. Such a cozy place.
    I particularly love the eclipse quarter moon shadows. I was too busy trying to keep a huge ‘welding mask’ on, looking up at the eclipse……when better show was down, as I now see.
    The season certainly is changing here in New England, but I do love it.
    Look forward to your next trip too… all the posts. Feel like I am with you.
    Thanks for doing what you do and love. It certainly shows! j

    • sbranch says:

      It’s cold and rainy here today … are you getting some of that? I’m going to get the things to make corn pudding!

  15. Marley Kennedy says:

    I just baked your zucchini breads this morning and my little place smells like FALL. OMG…I’m busting out! Next I know, I can’t wait another second, then there it is, my first touch of the new season. A small orange bowl placed carefully in my little china cabinet next to my Autumn SB mug, with a few very small ceramic pumpkins scattered about. Thanks for your inspiration over and over again. Life is good.

  16. Heidi says:

    Thank you for sharing life with us! I just love your blogs – you are so creative and inspiring. Happy Fall!

  17. jackie bienemann says:

    Hi Susan,
    I loved your blog as usual, you never fail. The shadows are great, love the little moons, love how Jack has his feet up watching the movie, so cute. I can almost smell that zucchini bread, looks so good. Thank you for offering your giveaway and for sending your Willards!

  18. After a week of pretty much chaining myself to the work table, I finally set everything aside this morning to read Willard – an absolute treat, as always! Your upcoming English/Irish adventure sounds heavenly, and I’m beyond envious of those who can attend the picnic, *sigh*…

    Love the blog post too, and am now resolved to check out “Suspicion” (wondering if it’s on Netflix?)… And also to make that zucchini bread.

    Thanks for the chance at the generous giveaway, and as always, for the cheer your words and art bring to my day whenever I drop in. 🙂

    ♥ Carolee

  19. Robin in New Jersey says:

    Hi Susan, just wanted you to know that someone is using your picture on Instagram with the name, Susanbranchauthor1. I thought I was already following you, when that popped up this morning and when I went to follow, I realized it wasn’t you.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I’m so glad you caught it. I went to Instagram and tried to have them blocked. Not sure how long it will take, but I don’t like it when I see my 13 year old niece following this person…! So thank you!

      • Robin in New Jersey says:

        You are welcome! I started following, and immediately realized it couldn’t be you. There were no pictures posted and I remembered I had already started following you recently. So I blocked the person. Hope it can be resolved quickly. Have a lovely day!

  20. Joan says:

    Loved every bit of your blog. I am looking forward to the next one. Thank you.

  21. Kimberly Plasse says:

    Autumn is just around the corner!

  22. Bonnie says:

    I love your blog Susan. It’s always so cheerful and charming. I just returned from a holiday in the Lake District of England — Beatrix Potter country. What a beautiful place. I thought of you while I was there.

  23. Beth Mohr says:

    Have read & loved your blog for years but never commented before. You bring so much fun, beauty & joy into the lives of people. Thank you for the lovely giveaways you always do. I hope they make their way to the person who really needs them at this time in their life. Am off to use up some of the zucchini from my garden with your recipe.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you so much Beth, it’s very nice to meet you! xoxo I have an amazing zucchini salad recipe in my Summer Book, if you have it, it’s pg. 66.

  24. Jean W says:

    The pictures of dappled light are so pretty, reminds me of my childhood home in the mountains of Virginia. I have most of your books and love them all. My husband bought me you first book Heart of the Home when it was new and I’ve loved all thing Susan since. Have a beautiful day

  25. Bev Brewer says:

    Hi Susan (day brightener extraordinaire)—another great B&W movie with lots of creepy shadows is ” Gaslight” with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. Also, I never knew that Alfred Hitchcock directed “Rebecca”. Hitchcock had artistic differences with David O. Selznick on a movie (forget which) and slyly named a corpse in a subsequent movie “David.” Speaking of shadows, loved your crescent dappled designs so much—nature has just the right touch! Love from Bev and way belated Happy Birthday wishes to Joe

  26. pigeon's mom says:

    i can use all the changing seasons photos and recipes you’ve got. so done with august in phoenix. though, i’ve noticed the light changing too, even when it’s still grazing 110 by the late afternoon… dappled shadows on the drive in the mornings when my little leaves for school. hope…! but, i will always miss new england in autumn.

  27. Jill says:

    Say it isn’t so!!! I wanted one of your Autumn mugs so badly but they’re sold out! For that reason alone, I hope I win. I love all your books, but I especially loved Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. What fun for you to be experiencing the seasons for the first time! And I loved the descriptions of your little cottage. Will you be getting any more of the Autumn mugs in? I hope so!

  28. Patty says:

    Please send Joe my way to wash my windows, plant my flowers, etc! Better yet, how about if I just visit you in your magical paradise so I can see it all firsthand? Blessings to you both!

  29. Mary Kaeli says:

    Oh, Susan! As soon as I got in the door this afternoon, the mail carrier delivered a package from you containing my vintage recipe box!! I was so excited looking through the treasures, that my husband, Jim’s ice cream cake surprise almost turned back to soft serve!! You certainly did pick out the box and recipes that fit me to a “T”! It all started as soon as I untied the ribbon and saw the lovely photo of 3 beautiful women and a handsome gentleman from another day smiling back at me like long lost friends! THEN, there were the words to A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes from Cinderella!! I can close my eyes and see the movie now, and sing with tears running down my face! The perfect treasure, on the perfect day. Think I’ll make a cup of tea, sit out on the patio and savor each recipe and dream! May even make a birthday dinner for Jim, maybe Tarragon Chicken Trieste handwritten from Helen’s kitchen! Keep you posted!! Many thanks for sharing your heart with me!!xo

  30. Mary Kaeli says:

    One last thing, the next card after the photo before the recipes was the “Joan Diet-lose 4 lbs. In 3 days”- don’t make me laugh!!! Better ditch the ice cream cake! xo

  31. Debbi says:

    Thank you for always reminding us to see the wonder in ordinary, everyday things.

  32. Marla says:

    Our trees are just beginning to turn, here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s been unusually hot most of the summer, but the nights are cooling down. Fall is coming. I often wonder if Heaven’s streets, paved with gold, are just Autumn trees in all their golden glory! Prayers for all those in Houston, and the entire area….their trees are under water!!

  33. Karen from NY says:

    Love reading your post today as well as your other posts! I check your blog regularly so I won’t miss anything. PS…my husband and I are coming to the Cape on Thursday. We love riding our bikes on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. We’ll also ride the Shining Seaway Trail. I’ll wave to you when Martha Vineyard comes in view!

  34. Julia says:

    I have not seen that movie! But I will watch it and bake a loaf of zucchini bread! Thank you for always brightening my day with your blog!

  35. Laurie M says:

    Finally made time to read your latest Willard and it made me more excited for Autumn than I already am! I watch for the changes every day in my “Knucklehead” pumpkins as they get more and more orange. Plus, I loved reading about old recipe boxes. I’m lucky enough to have my Mother’s old decoupaged one full of her Mother’s recipes (Elegant Chicken Breasts) and my Camp Fire Girls’ box (Sugar Plum Spice Cake). Thanks for the nice break in my morning!

  36. Gail says:

    Love the moon shadows

  37. Dotty Wellman says:

    I would so LOVE to win your fall giveaway! I can’t afford most of your items but I dearly love all of them.
    Thank you for your lovely blogs.

  38. Debbie Boerger says:

    Just read the Willard! So glad you are going to Ireland. It is truly beautiful. Lovely people. Aren’t the rhododendron in bloom in May? I remember a pony trap ride through an avenue of huge ones down in the South West, Killarny I think. Can’t wait to see all the places you will see!. Just see if you can count the many shades of green!!!

    Happy End of Summer,
    Debbie in Maine….where we had a fire in the woodstove today!

  39. Naomi says:

    Along with the shadows you can smell the coming of Fall. My favorite September which happens to be when we got married a long time ago…

  40. Julie Huff says:

    I loved the pictures of the moon shadows! I wished I would have looked for those. We were all gathered outside of the office, sharing 2 approved pair of viewing glasses and welding helmet between 50 people. A few science minded folk had papers with pin holes and were watching the partial eclipse on paper, (we’re in MI). All we needed was grill and some burgers and it would have been a party!

  41. Jennifer Baron says:


  42. Jodi Jackson says:

    I would love a friend just like you next door so I could pop over for tea and wonderful baked things while watching a great old movie. Thanks for all you do for us strangers

  43. Sandi says:

    Dear, dear Susan,
    Love, love, love hearing from you! Such an interesting thing those eclipse shadows! I watched from the Cape with my solar glasses and didn’t even think about looking at shadows! So glad you shared, you’re the best! Love from the Cape, Sandi

  44. jeanie m says:

    Just loved this blog, Susan. That Jack is so precious. Took “Suspicion” out from the library and enjoyed it once again. Did you know that that was Alfred Hitchcock’s dog in the movie? I love the way he always appears in his movies, (mailing a letter in this one).

  45. Denise Crandall says:

    Thank you Susan! xoxo

  46. Cecelia says:

    I love zucchinni bread and I love suspense movies. .So this is going to happen very soon in my house!

  47. Kristen Thorson says:

    Fall is the perfect time to cuddle up with someone you love and watch an old movie with zucchini bread!! Can’t wait to try your recipe! I have not seen that Alfred Hitchcock. I am going to look for it! I am positive I was born in the wrong era when I watch an old movie like that!! How fun! Thanks for all the info and great pics of shadow and light!! Love it!

  48. Judy Brumfield says:

    Hi Susan I am absolutely obsessed with anything of yours. I have zucchini bread in the oven as we speak. I have ALL of your books ,made quilts of all your fabric and even the table topper that was in the magazine. Loved the book about England The Fairy Tale Girl etc. I wonder if the ceramic loaf pan that you made your zucchini bread in is available in your store. or where? I also order 4 of your calendars each fall for my sisters and me of course. I do have one of your mugs so I would love to win this giveaway. You bring so much happiness and sunshine to so many people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  49. Marian Karp says:

    Hello, Susan!!

    I love Autumn, your blog, books, scrapbooking supplies, kitties, and YOU! Take care and also say “Hi!” to Joe as well. Great pic of him smiling through the window, by the way.


  50. Charlotte says:

    Fall…I believe it is one of the most beautiful of the seasons (and I love them all). So glad it is time for another. Your pictures and words are a good prelude to the season…thanks for sharing.

  51. Karen Knabe says:

    Thank you for your wonderful post, Susan! I’m a teacher and have been back at school since mid August, but your tweets and blog posts take me back to the warmth and delights of summer whenever I want to go there! I am sitting on our screened porch enjoying our own birds at the feeders. Best musica ever!

  52. Ruth Howard says:

    Autumn is my favorite time of year! Thanks for the recipe…I’m gonna grab a cuppa and make some!

  53. Mary Vona says:

    I too love the fall! Thanks for the zucchini bread recipe! A good reminder that I need to make some tomorrow.

  54. Gale Puffenberger says:

    We were camping in the Virginia mountains a couple of weeks ago. I saw a red maple leaf on the path and it reminded me of that quote at the end of -The Summer Book- ” a tree reconsiders its leaves.” Those quotes are one of my favorite parts of your books. Thank you for all the joy you bring!

  55. Mary Lou Unangst says:

    Thank you, Susan for filling my expectations for the changing seasons.

  56. Mrs.Clark says:

    Lovely post and your delicious looking zucchini bread pictures, has convinced me to finally make it! I’ve been a baker for many years and you know have never made zucchini bread!

    I’ve got your tea (coffee for me) cups on my wish list, as they are not only beautiful, but the perfect size for a big but beautiful mug lover like myself!

    Suspicion, while I’ve never heard of it, I’m curious to know what happens after the glowing poison milk….. Those shadows are spooky, but boy is their wardrobe and decor exquisite!

    With an hello and hug from the South, Mrs.Clark

  57. Jeanine says:

    Yay! A zucchini bread recipe! My neighbor just gave me a big one! Thank you!

  58. Kathy Thompson says:

    Such a timely post for me, Susan, about Alfred Hitchcock’s SUSPICION. I’m a big Hitchcock fan, but for whatever reason I have never seen this movie…BUT…my husband and I actually have tickets to see it on THE BIG SILVER SCREEN in a theater here in California that plays old classic movies once a week. I cannot wait. What a great way to usher in Fall, with a classic black and white mystery movie, spooky shadows, intrigue, Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine.

  59. Treese says:

    I LOVE fall. I am so HAPPY I am a Halloween Baby!
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl.

  60. Linda Hanson says:

    Hi Susan,

    First of all, I loved the last Willard, so many lovely, thoughtful sentiments. Summer turning to fall, the quote by Rumi, your memory of singing with your mother, and that you now remember for her. I can relate to that. And then your trademark happiness found in daily life–baking, Cary Grant movies (love him too!), playing with your kitty and walking in nature. I’ve been following you for years, back when we received the paper Willards, but these things bring constant delight, they never get old. Thanks for your optimism! And I love fall too, so would love to be entered in your newest giveaway! Its always thrilling to look forward to future adventures too, wish I could go to England for the Beatrix Potter picnic! I know you’ll fill us in just like we were there!



  61. Jane P S says:

    Hi Susan,

    Willard was wonderful as always, Greatly enjoyed the light and shadow theme of this post!




  62. Carolyn cunningham says:

    I hope I’m not too late for the contest!! I still say I’m one if your original fans! Love you and hope to meet you someday!!

  63. Ellen H. says:

    I just said a prayer for the state of our world, as you recommended, Susan. Wish our world could be just like your blog – full of sweetness and love and grace and goodness. I❤️SusanBranch.

  64. Candace Stevens Job says:

    So many things in this post I love! Autumn, squirrels, old movies, Cary Grant, zucinni bread, and cookbooks!

  65. Jenny Lynn says:

    I just found your blog! Love your books! Have a lovely autumn!

  66. Deborah Cox says:

    Thanks so much for the zucchini bread recipe. I must give it try. I always love reading my Willard letter and your blog; feels like I’m sitting having a cup of tea with you listening to your days. Hugs to you

  67. Nina says:

    Thank you for always providing us with “a multitude of small delights”

  68. Sharon Adams says:

    Love reading your blog, in oz we are heading into spring gearing up for our hot weather.would love to read your books this summer …

  69. Doreen says:

    What a lovely post! I am also a lover of those dancing shadows and appreciate the beauty of sun dappled surfaces. In fact, this interest lead me to complete a project replicating the interplay of light and shadows for a weaving class I took in college years ago. It is fun to revisit this theme again through your blog post. Thanks so much.

  70. Nancy In the Ozarks says:

    I am just finishing your book Isle of Dreams. I’m smitten & have The Fairytale Girl waiting in the wings. Your writing style, pictures and paintings in the book are stellar. I feel blessed I happened upon your book in the bookstore. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Reading your story has been a highlight of my days.

  71. CO Carol says:

    Hi Susan,
    After being away from home for 5 weeks this summer, Willard and your new post were just the thing to welcome me home. My mind was in mid-July, but you caught me up in real time. With unpacking and so much to do, I can’t watch an old movie yet, but hopefully soon?! With the garden overflowing now, we have zucchini to share!

  72. MaryBeth C says:

    Hello, Susan! I am new to your Willards newsletter and your blog but not new to you! A dear friend gave me your baby book when I had my youngest son over 25 yrs. ago and I fell in love with your artwork. Over the years I have enjoyed your calendars but this year I was introduced to your writing when a friend gave me A Fine Romance because I had recently moved to England when my husband’s job transferred us here. Needless to say, you have added to my falling in love with all things English (except perhaps learning to drive!) and I can’t wait to visit some of the places you describe. Thank you for your love of the simple things in life and for pointing us all to the beauty that surrounds us. You have made me smile and giggle out loud. Cheers!

  73. Lida says:

    Going to have to try that recipe. Sounds yummy!

  74. Kim Garner says:

    I just tried your zucchini bread recipe, it is wonderful. It has been cool here for August. I am ready for Fall but sad to say goodbye to Summer. I am so excited to hear about your next trip to England. The cottage you rented looks adorable. I hope you know what joy your blog post and the Willard brings to so many. It reminds me to slow down and savor life. Thank you for that! Kim

  75. Chris Muir says:

    Fall is showing up here in the Great Lakes too. I am looking forward to it. Thank you for the lovely post

  76. Elle says:

    Fall is my absolute favorite season, but as you know we don’t really experience it here in California. Not properly anyway. Still, I’m dreaming of crisp evenings and crackling fires and piping hot mugs of tea.

  77. Tina Parks says:

    Autumn is definitely on its way. I, too, have noticed the light changing and a peacefulness in the air.

  78. Melissa says:

    I love fall do much i named my daughter Autumn 🙂 Autumn Hope to be exact. Love your blog and would love to win :))

  79. Michelle Rackley says:

    I love how just your simple forms of expression helps me forget for a few moments about my sorrows and pain. I want to share with otbers that desperately need to learn it’s ok to have “tea time” for themselves. It’s ok to be alone and there is a way to enjoy that time – if we will simply allow it. Thank you for being a part of my new “tea time”.

  80. Dawn Phelps says:

    Susan, I just love reading your blog, books. It helps me to slow down and remember the time when I was younger, we value the simple things in life, gardens, birds and time for a cup of tea! Thank you so much!


    PS…I have started to dabble in watercolors again..!

  81. MJ says:

    Shadows are lovely, they dance across my sewing room window everyday !
    Thank you for sharing beauty with us all

  82. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good morning Susan, Girlfriends. well its another smoky and hot day here, looks like triple digits for the weekend but the smoke has been so thick that it covers the sun and lowers the temps for here so I am crossing my fingers on that for the weekend, I dread triple digits. we also got word from the Illinois Fire dept. to go to level 1 evacuation, the winds switched and the Chetco Fire has turned direction and is coming our way now. it is about 13 miles from us and while the fire dept. tells us not to worry and such that they won’t let it get close to us, they want us to be ready to leave if needed so they are asking people to go to level 1 evacuation which means get prepared, think about what you need to take and get it ready to go. all that simply means is I have the emergency cat carriers out and open, ready to house the cats if needed. I have their emergency food and water dishes and food supplies. also have their emergency kitty litter bag with a kitty box, fresh litter, scoop and plastic bags for disposal. also have our emergency clothes bags packed and ready, and our bag with all our papers for the house, insurance, medical and I.D. ready to go. hope I don’t have to use them but it is nice to be prepared. just letting you all know in case I am gone from here for a few days. have a great holiday weekend, stay cool and stay safe. hugs….. 🙂

  83. Karen Fetter says:

    Thank you for sharing such a delightful post! I just finished a huge writing project and your chapters from Isle of Dreams about writing your first book really helped me with inspiration AND determination. Thank you for showing me that if you put your mind to something that you can do it!

    • pat addison ( cave junction, OR) says:

      hello Susan, Girlfriends, good afternoon and Happy Labor day. we are still here, still at level one but the fire is now reported to be 7-10 miles from us, the air is thick and smoky and we have ashes falling so no sense using the clothesline today, besides what the turkeys and geese do to the laundry, I don’t need ashes to add to it. so the dryer is being used. it was a fun weekend despite the smoke, tuff trucks competition by the Lions club and of course satisfying my cravings for Lion burgers, best burgers here in the valley. I am content now, I have had my Lion burgers and can wait until Labor day weekend, I may drool a bit towards next Labor day but I can now patiently wait for my Lion burgers for next summer. looks like summer is over here and school begins tomorrow. the kids won’t be outside in all that smoke, P.E classes will be restricted to indoors as will all other outdoor activities but its back to school as usual. hope you all had a fun and relaxing holiday weekend, stay cool and comfy. hugs….. 🙂

  84. Lori March says:

    So enjoyed your zucchini bread recipe….and so did my neighbors. Thank you for your uplifting Willard and blog posts. So desperately needed now.

  85. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Yea, we had rain last night – much needed after 5 year drought! It’s Indian Summer in Santa Barbara. Moon shining thru buttermilk clouds..I just sat outside and watched the sky last night – then watched The Secret Life of Bees – perfect since it was 84 @ 9:00 am downtown today. Grasshopper (Siamese cat) is stretched out full length on the bed beside me in bra & panties with fan directly on us!

    You’re right, Susan, it’s the light and your Blog as a reminder to enjoy every moment and every facet even when your world seems to be falling apart.

    Thanks, Sweetie

  86. Linda says:

    Thank you for more “Gloriosity” and FUN Inspiration !

  87. kim jackson says:

    love this post!

  88. Lynne Barlow says:

    Our leaves are changing too, clear down her in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I love autumn. It’s my favorite season…..right along with the other three. Who can choose? Savor every day and have a cupcake tea or Joe, especially in that lovely cup, which I would LOVE TO WIN.

  89. Dana says:

    I love everything about your blogs and all your work, I found your book at the library about 5 years ago and from the moment I turned back in I started buying everything I could find of yours, you make everything feel like home and I thank you for that, I love reading your blogs and clicking on the Musica and listen to the music while I read your blogs, the last blog you talked about Beatrix potter and I ran straight to my library and found every book I could on her and been learning about her also, thanks for all the delicious recipe’s adorable decorating tips and just the feeling of home!

  90. Sandy Garvey says:

    We tried to see eclipse shadows, but the clouds got in the way. When the clouds broke, we could see it with our glasses. I love your shadows much better. Happy Autumn!

  91. Barb says:

    Wonderful Willard. Wonderful post. (Wonderful=full of wonder) Thank you for all the nice things and for the reminder of Hitchcock and the old movie. I watched so long ago that I forget how it ends. Love to you and Joe and Jack too. Barb

  92. Debra Hatton says:

    Susan, your blog is so refreshing…what’s not to love??? Between the music… the movie reviews…the recipes…the seasonal (and scientific…eclipse) pictures…and your beautiful artwork a girl could not possibly pick her favorite part. You are an inspiration and kindred spirit. You make your own sunshine everyday and we love you for it.

  93. Diana Wade says:

    Susan – thanks so much for the prelude to fall – I absolutely love, love, love this season. Being in Florida, we don’t see much of the changing of the season, but I can imagine it in my mind!:) Love the zucchini bread recipe.

  94. Your Zuchinni bread was perfect companion to my homemade blueberry or strawberry jam. My daughter supplied the cute new 8 oz, Mason jars! Makes such a nice little gift to a frail neighbor, favorite friend, or even me as I read the new issue of beloved “Victoria”. Keep it up Susan – your friends need you!!!

  95. Carolyn says:

    I can’t believe it’s almost the end of summer already and I’ve only dipped my feet in ocean water once. Sometimes in California the best beach weather is September and October, so I’ll keep my Susan Branch Summer Book out until then. P.S. Joe looks slightly like a hippie in the flower picture, instead of an New England gentleman!

  96. Sarah says:

    Love your blog! Thanks so much for the movie recommendation. I’ve never seen this one.

  97. Pat says:

    I love reading your Willard – thanks for sharing your fun life with us!!

  98. Becki Barker says:

    I love that your oven dial has a “low” setting, so cute and so handy, I bet! Wasn’t the eclipse glorious!? We are very fortunate to be in Oregon so we were able to see it in totality here. Everyone cheered and clapped on our street, everyone in their driveways and lawn chairs. We went all out and had breakfast set up in our garage. Biscuits and gravy, yum! i also loved those moon shaped shadows and still think of them. It will always be a great memory. On my way to see if I can find that movie on Netflix!

  99. L Lott says:

    Oh, I am so excited to welcome fall, my favourite time of the year….love your blog….always such fun to read and remember yummy foods like zucchini bread…..
    Warm thoughts to YOU

  100. Janine Tuttle-Gassere says:

    Such lovely pictures. Makes me miss the ocean even more, but we do have wonderful autumns and winters in my home state of Indiana.
    Thank you for your fun website!

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