HAPPY 2018!

 Hello Lovely People! Happy 2018! I hope you aren’t worried about me! It’s been too long ~ Tick Tock! I’m sorry, but all of a sudden I have two major deadlines looming, one is this Friday. The designs for the Springtime cups are due. I’ve been working in a frenzy, but they’re done… they’re with Kellee now ~ we’ll get them in on time. (A little preview is further down.) Also, I want to design some special badges for our Picnic at Castle Cottage. And, believe it or not, the 2019 Calendars are almost due! Which I’ll get back to doing after I finally say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!  MUSICA (Girlfriend Requested😘)

We had such a wonderful snow on Christmas . . . it was perfect, thick and quiet, and like a fairytale.

A winter wonderland . . .

And just right . . . in an uncertain world, one thing mankind has always been able to trust, the one thing that never disappoints, the seasons will change. You can set your clock to it.

I love how snow blows and drifts and piles up and makes everything more interesting.

Early morning, walking through our pantry, I saw the view of our barn from the window and ran for the camera.

And of course, there’s Joe, as viewed through snow flowers… Joe, who makes it all possible. He loves shoveling snow! I don’t know why, but he does!

We’ve had fires almost every day…

On New Year’s we went to my girlfriend Lowely’s house two-doors-over for dinner ~ and afterward we played Pictionary! I bought the game about twenty years ago at a yard sale, but we’d never gotten around to playing it. It was so fun! We laughed ourselves silly! This is Joe showing off his depiction of the movie, Tarzan! I would have said HangMan, but luckily there were other people playing besides me! I drew Beauty and the Beast ~ but despite excellent “pretty-girl” drawing (including bow in hair and small crown), no one got “Beauty” ~ and despite excellent depiction of beastly beast, no one got that either! 😜 I need practice! But how would you draw “Beauty?” Inquiring minds need to know!I need all the help I can get!

This is the New Year’s “Wolf” moon, early Jan 1, just setting, from my kitchen porch ~ what a gorgeous moon we had, right? Memorable. By the 3rd, our rising moon was still huge and had turned yellow. Which reminds me, I have something for you for the New Year! Our Full Moon Bookmark with dates and Native American names for all the full moons in 2018. Just click HERE, print it out, fold in half, glue sides together (laminate if you like), and  Don’t forget to make your wish on every moon!

Most of our decorations are all packed up and back in the attic, waiting for next year. Sad to say goodbye, but they’re a big part of what makes Christmas so different and special from any other time of year!

We still have our lights. We leave them up out back, we light them in the summer too. I took this photo from the dining room window ~ you can see through the porch windows, through the windows over my kitchen sink, all the way to the barn door with the wreath on it! Three sets of windows to the barn. I don’t know why but I like this!

I like this too. 💞Jack is in love with his Christmas kitty toy! He’s ecstatic about this feathery thing!

Those eyes! That mustache! What a baby. Several of you have asked for a Jack Cup ~ I just designed one! I’ll show you soon! Yes, I can tell you true, that is the softest belly in the world.

And now, time is rushing on, soon it will be Valentine’s Day, which is fine with me, I love my heart bunting and especially love something sweet to look forward to . . .And you know me, I think Valentine’s Day was invented for women 💞, it’s as close to the tooth fairy as a grown up person can get! So, perfect timing, because a whole bunch of Valentines just arrived from England! The cups are in!

And for our UK Girlfriends, we found a retailer in England to carry them ~ no more terrible shipping costs! If the new cups aren’t HERE yet, they will be very soon. They still have a few of the older designs.I hope some of you that preordered have received yours already? Kellee, Sheri, and Alfredo been working late at the Studio to get them out ~ I hope you Love them! This will be our first dated collection ~ I’ve always liked things with dates on them ~ all the cups coming from 2018 on will have the year on the bottom. So in the year 2083, people can look at their cups, say wow, old, and wish they could talk ~ just like I do with every old thing I have!

Sunrise is coming earlier and days are getting longer, HOORAY! Each day a step toward spring, spring, SPRING, only 68 days to go! Yesterday, shockingly, we had a rare 50-degree day! We went for a walk for the first time in weeks! Just beautiful out at the water, the seagulls white against the bright blue sky, drifting on the wind off the water, wheeling away with long cries. . . they were celebrating just like us!

Before we know it snow flowers will turn to the real thing!  This might be a form of denial, but isn’t it all so lovely?  The pure magic gift of the changing seasons always gives us something wonderful to look forward to!

I have no problem getting out my Spring photos for a little pre-celebration! Daffodils, Freesia, spring rain, and cherry blossoms! That little blue bottle in the window is the one Joe found in the hole he dug when he was planting our Dogwood tree. You should have seen my face when he brought it in ~ just like Jack with his Christmas toy! It’s the little things! 🌸

I was looking for some bergamot seeds on line the other day, and found the most inspiring website that put me completely in the garden-prep mood! It’s British (and unfortunately, they don’t sell to America), but it’s such inspiring reading that it doesn’t matter! It’s a web store for Heritage Seeds, where Brits can buy the oldest varieties of flower 🌺, herb, and vegetable seeds to make their own 15th (16th, 17th, etc.) century gardens! You can go here to see it: http://www.thomasetty.co.uk/seeds/index.html  Some of the lovely old descriptions will fill you with ideas for your own garden: Such as this for MEADOWSWEET: ‘..the floures boiled in wine & drunke, do make the heart merrie. The leaves & floures far excell all other strowing herbes, for the smell thereof makes the heart merrie.’ 💞 Who doesn’t love a “Merrie Heart” ~ I want to run right out and get me some of those seeds!

Yup, soon it will be time for this! Lamb Cake! Go HERE if you’d like to see how this guy was made.

So you see? January is wonderful! The month of New Beginnings. All you need is a little imagination! (Help! Turn up the heater, get my shawl, warm my slippers, bring me tea!)

Our temperatures have risen, but for a couple of days last week it didn’t get over two degrees. Brrr! But I discovered something excellent about the cold ~ cut flowers last longer! That’s Stock in that little jar (I have a thing for tiny jars 👏), Joe brought a bouquet home from the supermarket ~ I didn’t have the heart to tell him this is basically a two-day flower and not worth the money we spend on it, despite how delicious it smells. Well, we’re going on a week now and look at that flower! Fresh as new! In the window, close to the cold, they thrive!
I have much to do before it’s really spring ~ I can seriously use all the “not-spring” days I can get … . Calendars need to be finished by the first week of February. I think I may have already showed you September, but just in case you missed it . . . 

I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying painting new art for them…

This is my happy place!

Okay, I promised a preview of the new spring cups I’m working on. This is only a glued-together paper mockup, not perfect, but it gives you a fairly good idea. The colors of the pansies will be more like the colors in the paint box. They will be gorgeous on that bone china! Want to see the other side?

Here you go! And those little wildflowers above will go all the way around the bottom.

The handle will look like this except I think it might be in better focus! I adore pansies, such a happy, tender little flower. L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables) wrote: Nobody can keep on being angry if she looks into the heart of a pansy for a little while. 

The “Jack” cup isn’t quite done yet, I’ll show you the other side soon. Here he is, peeking through the books with a ponytail band in his mouth. So “him.” These new cup designs won’t arrive to our Studio until April . . . but soon there will be a new WILLARD where I’ll show the other two designs, the new “Spring” cup, and the “English Countryside” ~ by then they should be ready to go up for presale. I’ll also have a link so you can print out your badge for the Picnic ~ (and BTW, if you are wondering what a WILLARD is, it’s my free Newsletter. Click HERE to read old issues, find out why it’s called Willard, and sign up to get your own💞). WILLARD will also have a new giveaway. Lots to look forward to!

Made this last night, a double batch of Macaroni and Cheese. We have a friend who had surgery, so we brought half to him and we kept the other half. My mom’s recipe. The Best. Comfort food for the ages.

So easy. Whoever invented pre-shredded cheese deserves an award! The recipe is in Heart of the Home, and seriously takes about ten minutes to make! Twenty-five minutes later, you are in heaven.Here are the rest of Joe’s flowers, I just wish I could send you the fragrance, I close my eyes and put my face right in the middle … it smells like a flower store in the spring. The added benefit during this extreme cold when the furnace is blasting and the fire is roaring and the macaroni and cheese is bubbling in the oven … is the pitcher of water these flowers are in. It helps to put moisture in the air so that when you reach for your kitty, or kiss your dearest other, you don’t shock them! So your lips don’t chap and peel off your face. If you don’t like using a humidifier, do what we do. Besides bowls of flowers, we dampen towels (I use the spray thing in my kitchen sink) and hang them in the rooms we use most, the bedroom and the TV room. And I drink water all day, starting with a big glass every morning before my tea, cold water topped off with 100% unsweetened cranberry juice ~ and another glass just before bed. That’s it, winter tip of the day!

Have you seen The Darkest Hour? We just saw it. It’s the story of Winston Churchill’s first month as Prime Minister. SO GOOD, SO SO GOOD! You’ll love it. History, wonderful acting, gorgeous visuals, and no violence. Look how pretty “Clemmie” Churchill is. I would like the whole outfit. Maybe not the head net, maybe not the fur-body, but for sure the rest of it.

V for Victory. I won’t give anything away . . . just go see it!

I came home and Googled Churchill’s wife, Clementine, wonderfully played by Kristin Scott Thomas, because, for one thing, I was curious to see if she really wore those darling curls as shown in the movie . . .

And those scarves, and her other interesting head gear. And she did!

So off I go, off to make new Calendars. Love you Girls, I hope you are all well and fine and doing everything you can to make your dreams come true.That’s what I’m working on! All my very best for a wonderful, peaceful, creative 2018 ~ “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.” Love, from your Pal for Life. We share this planet, isn’t that amazing? Born at the right time.💞 XOXO

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819 Responses to HAPPY 2018!

  1. Linda Hull says:

    Susan, thank you for the beautiful bookmark. I look forward to printing the picnic badge…I’ll be with you in spirit and experiencing your trip vicariously. This was a lovely blog, as they all are, and so welcome this afternoon. I am sighing over the beautiful spring mugs. I’m dropping hints for Mother’s Day already! ❤️

  2. Terry says:

    Hi Susan!
    Happy New Year!
    I love the Jack cup! Jack looks so much like my Dory. I am excited to pre-order it when the time comes!

  3. Gayle Hall says:

    Dearest Susan …..it’s happy time!! A letter from my girlfriend just arrived, and it was joyous as always. I just wrote a SNAILMAIL to you, just last night. So you will be hearing from me soon. Hope my Christmas letter arrived safe and sound and I now know your holiday season was lovely. Stay warm and watch for more mail from me to arrive soon. With love and joy sent your way, Gayle Hall

  4. Marge says:

    I saw Darkest Hour this afternoon. Oh, I agree with you that it was very good. We need more movies like this one. Enjoyed the info you shared about Clementine Churchill. Did you happen to learn anything about the little silver box we saw Churchill pick up several times in the film? I think I saw “Christmas 1926” inscribed on the box.
    Happy New Year Susan. Thanks for putting a smile on my face when I receive your blog. 😁

  5. Judy Roper-Smith says:

    I am so looking forward to the new cups, I received one from friends for Christmas and it is so beautiful .

  6. Susan Scott says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for the beautiful, snowy pictures of your cozy home. There is much to be enjoyed and grateful for in the winter months…..simple pleasures for sure.
    I hope your family in California has been spared the trauma of fire, flood, and mud. Such devastation seems unbelievable. Happy New Year to you and Joe! And many thanks for your warm and inspiring blog. You are a treasure!

  7. Carole from England says:

    Hi Susan
    Just thought I would tell you that there was a wonderful program on the tv on Tuesday evening here in the UK. It was to do with the National Trust but was all about Beatrix Potter and her life. Not sure if anyone else would have mentioned it yet!
    Would have loved to be there for your picnic but unfortunately it is going to be very expensive. Will just have to look out for your photos when your here and post them!

  8. Juli says:

    Dear Susan,

    Happy New Year to you and Joe. Thank you for the new blog, it’s always so warm and comforting to hear from you. Sounds like you’ve been keeping busy, and have so many exciting things coming up. We all appreciate your beautiful art work, and your great attitude towards life. The picture of the snow on Christmas day at your house, is like a scene from a movie. It’s SO beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I live in Pasadena Ca, and we never see snow like that!! Never see ANY snow. Only dream of it.
    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

    P.S. Jack is the cutest kitty! He has such personality with those eyes. He makes me laugh.

  9. ann says:

    i’ve been waiting and waiting for the moons bookmarks…but when i click i just get a blank black screen…same thing happens from the shopping site when i click bookmarks. help please!

  10. Lynn Marie says:

    Goodness it was good to hear from you–I was hoping you hadn’t been waylaid by the flu! Winter—I love it for about a week and then all I do is wish it away!

  11. Margaret Harke says:

    Your newest blog just made a dreary gray afternoon bright. Thank you.

  12. Mary Lawrence says:

    Love the cups true works of art.Spring is coming,but I will enjoy the winter.It will make spring even sweeter.Stay warm.Mary

  13. Hilary Lukow says:

    Thanks again for a lovely read with a cup of tea on a chilly afternoon. Hilary

  14. Anita Ramsey ~ the cabin on the creek says:

    I was so excited to see your newest post that I do admit I did a bit of skimming through…will go back later to savor each word. But seeing Jack with his Christmas thingee reminded me of our Elliot (still alive at 18) when my late husband got a fancy bag of catnip for him at the grocery. Because he would tire of it, we would put it away for a week or two, just to see his excitement all over again when we got it back out for him. We called it his “girlfriend” because he acted so silly with it, hugging & rubbing his chin all over it. So cute!

  15. Helen says:

    Susan ~ Thank you for the “2018 Full Moon Bookmark” to print ! Take care, Helen

  16. Ginette Wheeler says:

    Susan, another wonderful post my friend! Glad to hear you’re surviving the frigid weather but what a beautiful snow for Christmas, isn’t that what we always dream of! Sounds like you’re up to your same busy self, what goals! Are you planning to go to California this winter or spring? It’s unspeakable the loss many are dealing with after the rains and mudslides! Prayers for these souls who already have dealt with so much! Love that you’re on my Twitter feed, a little ray of sunshine in what seems a damp and dreary political satire. LOVE OXOX

  17. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Another tragic loss – I had lent THE FAIRY TALE GIRL to a friend and it was lost in the fire 🙁 Boo Hoo – what a loss!

    Every time the rescue helicopters fly over taking a someone to the hospital, I’m saying to myself: “Goody another survivor!” It’s been constant all day today and yesterday……I’m bursting into tears at the smallest thing like when my Mom died. So hard for so many!

  18. Liz Lamontaylor says:

    Once again you brighten my day. Thank you for always giving me positivity and wonderful things to look forward to. The very first thing I did New Year’s Day was to put special people and events in my 2018 calendar. You are scattered all over my house and you always make me smile. Thank you!!!!


  19. Pam B says:

    What a delightful read after a dreary winter day. Lifted my spirits. Thank you.

  20. Lorraine says:

    Happy New Year! Love the photos. The cups are beautiful and so cute with Jack peeking through. I sent you a Valentine’s mug rug last year; hope you received it. Best wishes for a wonderful year!

  21. Rebecca Cook says:

    What lovely flowers to feed your soul! Love them!

  22. Christine from CA says:

    Just received my Winter mugs and am so excited! I need to make some hot chocolate and use them! I have two so my husband and I can enjoy them! Love receiving your new blog and the beauty of your artwork! I am excited to see the movie about Winston Churchill! I have read so much about him and always love to learn more.
    also, more mugs! oh my !
    Thanks again!

  23. Mary McCatherine says:

    Always a happy day when I get “mail” from you! Thank you for making my day 🙂

  24. linda matera says:

    Happiness just oozes out of you Susan!!!!!

    Going to check out The Darkest Hour.

  25. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Relaxing after a busy holiday, I started reading again (for the 3rd time) The Fairy Tale Girl, Isle of Dreams, and now into A Fine Romance. I am always so engrossed in them, I find it hard to put them down – – and every time I hate to see them end. Can’t wait to read about your next trip to England. I “went along” on your last trip and loved every day. I will be “going along” on your next trip and will have to eat my picnic lunch here, while you and Joe have yours with all your English friends over there. And guess what I found? – – the same identical Petey sailor doll just like Joe’s. Was so surprised when I came across it, and just had to have it when “we” go to England. Did Joe name the doll Petey, or was that the doll’s original name? If that’s Joe’s special name for his doll, I could always call mine something else. I am so used to you calling him Petey and think it’s so fun you take him along on your trips.
    As always, thank you so much for all your fabulous writings, (I’ve given many to my friends), your art work, and giving us all a million ideas, recipes, stories, etc., to enrich our lives. It’s so fun to use some of your ideas. I read your reaction to the very first fan letter you got. Bet you didn’t think you’d have hundreds of us! 🙂 Sending Happy New Year Hugs with love to you, Joe, and Jack – – THINK SPRING!

  26. Marilyn says:

    Happy New Year to you too! I love the pictures and your drawings, keep it up!!

  27. Jana says:

    YES! Born at the right time, indeed! Since your words, work, and spirit are one of the brightest flames in my firmament! (smile) I love the stories, the photos, the paintings, the links, the tips, recipes — every little smidgen, a delight and a blessing. Jack’s cup is going to be adorable (they all are). Peace and ease and Happy New Year, dear Susan!

  28. Mary S. says:

    Dearest Susan, thank you for all the beautiful pictures of your winter time there! It almost made me cry looking at them because it’s been so warm here in Fresno, California. But we finally did get some rain. I was so thankful for that. We saw Darkest Hour last night and I absolutely loved it! It’s just amazing how they can capture that time period so very perfectly. And I was thrilled to see Rose/Cinderella in it! She’s a wonderful actress! Your new cups look wonderful! You really captured Jack’s cute, funny little face! Love from Mary S. In Fresno, California

  29. vicki says:

    Happy New Year, dear Susan. May your joy in life and creativity soar all through this new year. Aren’t we blessed to live at this time in this great country! Life is wonderful!

  30. Susan says:

    😍your Jack and hardback book tea cup👏🏼

  31. Cindy says:

    My husband and I saw Darkest Hour over the holidays as well and loved it. I also ordered your book, A Fine Romance and absolutely loved it. I didn’t want the book to end. Thanks for taking me on your trip. I look forward to reading it over and over again.

  32. Molly Weis says:

    I have another way to tell if the moon is waxing or waning. When the moon is a sliver or even half, draw a line behind it…… it will make a b or d, b for beginning ( waxing) d for (decreasing) waning. Hope this makes sense.

  33. Helen Farrell says:

    Last year I preordered one of the new cups, I still don’t have it yet…but I’ll be checking everyday till it arrives. I can’t hardly wait. I’m liking some of designs for your newest cups….poor me…I may have to order another. 🙂

  34. Laura from Indiana says:

    Happy New Year, Susan! Thank you for reminding us that spring is just around the corner! Until then, we’ll keep on hygge-ing!

  35. Kathy Hughes says:

    Happy New Year, Sue and Joe! The snow picture of your home is gorgeous and should be on your Christmas cards next year (or at least tucked inside). In Mt. Pleasant, SC, we just experienced the most wonderful snow “storm!” (5-7 inches) 🙂 It gave me lots of time for reading and relaxing. Just doesn’t happen here very often. Your latest cups are beautiful, and the calendars are adorable. I buy the calendars every year, of course. Even my little 8-year-old granddaughter asks for the big wall calendar every year— a new generation of Susan Branch admirers! Don’t slow down; just keep your artwork and blog comin’! 🙂

  36. Kathryn says:

    Hi Susan, I love all the cup designs! The one with Jack is my favorite.
    Having fresh flowers in the house is so energizing. Joe is wonderful for bringing them home.
    The temps in northeast New Jersey have been in the single digits, but we’re having a heat wave today, it’s 40 degrees 😉 Thanks for letting me know that Spring is creeping up.

  37. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Perfect! Just what I needed, a new post from SB to start off the new year. Happy New Year! Thank you for all your pictures and tales of how you stay warm and cozy during this wickedly cold winter. The thoughts of Spring and like you say, imagination, can definitely help us one day at a time until we see the very first crocus. Hope. A Jack cup? Be still my heart! I love all your cups. Tea tastes so good in them. Your mac and cheese looks so delish, I must try it. I made your brownies from the Autumn book for the holidays. So easy. So delish. I never met a brownie I didn’t like…thank you Susan for bringing happiness into my days.

  38. Anne says:

    Happy New Year Susan. I did think of you and pray that all was warm and cozy as the wild winter weather did its thing outside. I have my new calendars, from you, all marked with birthdays, anniversaries, and the events that I know about for the new year. Thanks for the thought and work you do to make them so special.
    Thank you for your posting it is always a treat to hear from you.

  39. Karen Schrimpf Saunders says:

    Yay!!!! A ‘Jack-cup’!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙 can hardly wait!!!

  40. Sherrill Bruning says:

    Love your blogs!! A bright spot on a gray cold day. Thank youSusan❤️

  41. Kathy Hughes says:

    One more comment —- stock is absolutely the sweetest flower ever. Such a strange name for the delicate gem that gives off the most heavenly scent. A vase of these fills the entire house with fragrance. Beautiful as a bouquet or a filler with other flowers!

  42. Marie (CA) says:

    “Born at the right time” indeed, which for me was 80 years ago this month! We’re still basking in the glow of getting to host 23 family members (some by blood, some by marriage) in our home last Saturday for a sit-down (catered) luncheon. What a thrill it was for me–and what a blessing–to have all my children and grandchildren together. I was so honored that they all attended! Thank you, sweet Susan, for enriching my life with your art and writing. Happy New Year to you and Joe!

  43. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Correction: 1/2 inch water in 5 minutes Tuesday @ 3:30 am started it all!

    They’re clearing 3 feet of mud, boulders & debris off 101!

    Health Department closed all restaurants, markets, food establishments serving unpackaged food as Montecito/Summerland water contaminated due to broken water main and all water must be boiled that’s not bottled.


    • Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

      17 dead, 17 still missing – still searching, and many hospitalized;
      100 homes destroyed and 500 damaged at this point;
      Believe Rob Lowe’s, Ellen’s, and Oprah’s homes ok; Biltmore Hotel ok;
      Montecito Inn damaged – Olive Mill 101 overpass by Inn damaged and freeway had 3 feet of mud and debris; no report on San Ysidro Ranch –
      no news is good news 🙂
      World famous Casa de Maria Retreat Center destroyed;
      Montecito water inter structure severely damaged;
      Hopefully power restored soon;
      101 from Ventura to Santa Barbara estimated opening is Monday afternoon
      Whale watching boats shuttling between Ventura & Santa Barbara.

      Please pinch me and wake me up! 🙁

      • Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

        SAN YSIDRO RANCH (#1 Hotel in America – Forbes Traveler, once owned by Ronald Coleman, favorite place for Robert Redford, and honeymoon hideaway for John and Jackie Kennedy, etc) had cottages “heavily damaged.” 🙁

        • Debbie Boerger says:

          Dear Sandra,
          I truly ache reading the horror of what has happened to you and yours. I’m familiar with that awful ache in the pit of the stomach and lump in the throat. I was in Mississippi during Camile, in fact was in Long Beach 2 day before it hit. Family lost everything, and their neighbor’s bodies were never found. They lived directly on US 90 across from the beach.
          But with hurricanes you have a chance to evacuate. What you have endured came in the night with no warning. My prayers are with all of you in the beautiful State of California.
          Debbie in Tampa

  44. charlotte m. says:

    Love all the snow pictures Susan. Doesn’t snow in San Diego, but we finally got some rain yesterday. Happiest of New Years to you and Joe and Jack kitty. I love the Jack mug. I may have to have that one. I am being very choosy with which mugs I buy, as I know I cannot afford them all. My sister went out to buy calendars last weekend and came home with your 2018 wall calendar. I am the Susan Branch fan in this household, but it must be rubbing off on her. She uses the mugs for her tea sometimes and I am trying to get her to read A Fine Romance. She has been to England a couple of times, so I know she would appreciate it. She is very into history and wants to see Darkest Hours. I may have to go with her. Have a lovely week.

  45. Joleen Standley says:

    Love the last of your Christmas pictures and the start of your spring pictures.
    And the new cup designs – exciting.

  46. judi says:

    Just looked up your Mac & cheese. I found it on page 96 in the Vineyard Seasons book. It finally cooled off down here so making all kind of fun oven dishes😊. Love your adorable cups! Give Jack a nose kiss from me❣️. judi

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe it’s just in the new version of Heart… I should have looked, but I’m glad you found it! Nose kisses on the way, my pleasure!

  47. DeLynn says:

    Happy New Year to you folks also! Boy, have you been busy…..just love the new mugs. Thanks for listening to us girlfriends and including Jack. Spring will be like Christmas all over again!

  48. Kristin says:

    I just love it when I see I have a post from you! I just want each one to go on and on…

  49. Jackie P. says:

    Happy New Year to you!

  50. Penny Carpenter says:

    What an uplift to see the spring photos! However, in north Idaho, we too enjoy the changing seasons!! Have a blessed new year. 🙂

  51. VickeyB says:

    Happy New Year dear Susan!

    I have not seen “Darkest Hour” yet, but am looking forward to it. When I saw the first trailers for it, I could NOT believe it was Gary Oldman playing Churchill!

    If you enjoyed the movie, you MUST read Lynn Olson’s book “Troublesome Young Men.” It is about the “young” men who led the struggle in Parliament to oust Chamberlain as Prime Minister, and put Winston Churchill in place. They absolutely saved Britain, and Western Europe! Even though we all know what happens/happened, the book is absolutely riveting.

    My favorite Churchill “vignette” from a different time:

    Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would put poison in your tea!”

    Winston Churchill: “Madam, if I was your husband, I would drink it!”

    It makes me laugh every time I think about it.

    Happy New Year!


    • sbranch says:

      I just ordered that book! Thank you for the recommendation. And yes, Nancy Astor! Ha ha ha! Mostly, when it comes to the war, I’ve heard the big picture, but the details are what makes the story so real and wonderful and amazing, the thing that makes me cry!

    • Jennifer Mead says:

      Susan could make this quote into quite the work of art. You made me laugh!

  52. Diane says:

    Happy New Year, Susan! Funny you started out with concern that your readers might be worrying about you. Actually, I was a little bit. Glad you are back, and thank you for your usual cheery, bright artwork, photos, and text. So appreciated, especially when one is having a dreary day. Thank you for sending out positive energy and light. From a southern California fan.

    • sbranch says:

      If I stay away too long, people write and tell me, so I know some do worry! xoxo

      • Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

        You’re part of our family interacting with us daily….
        when you don’t share, comment or respond we do worry. You are a positive part of our lives, Susan. You know everything and you make everything alright! We need and love you!
        XOXO Sandra & Grasshopper

      • Barbara A Case IN says:

        afraid we do……the way things are…you never know.xoxo

  53. Char says:

    Happy New Year, Susan and family 😸. I was just wondering if I missed a newsletter, went online and there you are! Love your winter photos and your hopeful ones for spring coming soon…and those stocks are worth every minute on a shelf in winter. Can’t wait for the new cups, especially the “Jack” one. I am still enamored with my butterfly Tea plate. It is a beauty.
    Do you handpaint all the letters in your work? An act of love 💕

    • sbranch says:

      So happy you like that plate, Char! Any lettering in color is hand painted, all the black stuff is hand written in pen and ink. xoxo

  54. Linda says:

    Happy new year! 🎊

  55. Naomi says:

    Thanks for sharing your life. Helps me enjoy the little things.

  56. Nita Nell Hurse says:

    Another wonderful treat from the faraway Northland….I love to read all about it here from the faraway South…..HOWEVER we have had a very large measure of cold weather, and are ready for our typical warmer winter. Please keep writing, and painting, and conjuring up all your beautiful ideas! Nell

  57. Sandra Mailey says:

    I can hardly wait to order a cup or two – I thought it would be only one until I saw Jack. I know I’ll have to have his cup too. What a cutie!!

    I bought a copy of “Woman’s World” at the check-out counter yesterday – yummy looking soup on the cover. And low and behold, on page six, in an article entitled “Take a trip to England” were recommendations for books about our favorite place. AND among those recommendations was/is “A Fine Romance”!! How exciting to see one of my very favorite books pictured there!! A real bonus! I was just expecting a good soup recipe, but was greeted by a treasured friend!! I think I must take their advice and “take a trip to England” again; along with you and Joe. I can’t think a anything better to do during these chilly January days. XOXO!!

  58. Claudette Simms says:

    Thank you Susan!
    You’re the bestest artist & creatively cute friend to all us girlfriends 💐

  59. Deb says:

    I was out shoveling snow (again) today and I was thinking I really need to hear from Susan and here you are! Happy New Year! I love my 2018 calendar! Thanks again for all you do…you bring so much joy to all of us!!!

  60. Linda says:

    So glad you are back!
    Thank you for the updates! I hope to get one of those new mugs! Winter is great! I love a roaring fire in the stove and the brisk snowy air! But, SPRING! Ahhh Spring! I am just so glad to live in a climate with 4 seasons!
    Enjoy! Can’t wait to hear all about your next trip across the pond! So EXCITING!!!!
    Linda 🙂

  61. Susan says:

    Dear Susan, yes I was worried with that monster storm! I love your blog and how down to earth you are. Joe and Jack are lucky fellas! My home is in Blue Springs Missouri, just east of Kansas City. We enjoyed a beautiful white Christmas, now that it’s over I’m ready for spring. I just joking a gardening site on FB it’s called Over the rainbow. I love her gardening skills! You are certainly busy so I won’t keep you. I live alone and you brighten my day and give me inspiration. Susan

  62. Pam Denton says:

    Please, more Santa Christmas cups for next year.

  63. linny says:

    all of it, just deliscous! Happy new year!

  64. Susan says:

    Susan, thank you for sharing your life. My name is Susan and I turned 71 in October! Your fellas Joe and Jack are lucky guys! You brighten my day! Susan

  65. pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

    good evening Susan and Girlfriends. BRRRR it has been cold, wet and rainy all day today and more tomorrow. which is fine by me as rain brings on spring flowers and cleans off the bushes and trees, gets the road dust off of them and then they smell oh so sweet. been busy prepping the barn, especially the nursery for when our chicks arrive, should be in about 2-3 weeks, will definitely have the stove going in the barn ( we have a woodstove out there to keep the barnyard crowd warm and happy), and the sunlamps in place to keep the chicks real warm comfy. located a supply of Linatone for the cats, its a treatment to help relieve dry skin and excess shedding, and is essential to their diet for healthy skin and shiny fur. and trust me they love the taste, they get very impatient while I pour on their daily spoonful into their food. talk about spoiled. they meow and carry on as if I was neglecting to feed them, then when I get their dishes down, they pig out!!! we had noticed that 2 cats were showing dry fur and skin so we figured we had better do something and I remembered Linatone, my dad used to feed it to our dogs and they had healthy skin and beautiful coats. and the shedding was way down. so I am hoping with this that the cats will stop shedding so much and cut down on the hairballs… YUK!! spring will b here soon enough but for now I am enjoying winter, its my peaceful time of year, I can tackle that pile of books I want to read, and browse through some magazines. and enjoy a good hot cup of tea. off to prep dinner, simple dinner tonight, sausage, scalloped potatoes and salad. and for me more tea. have a great night everyone, stay snug and warm. Happy New Year and lets hope its a peaceful one. hugs….. 😀

  66. Judy Dow says:

    Happy New Year! Freezing and lots of snow here in Granger, Indiana. Your new blog was just the thing to warm up my day. I actually try to appreciate these at home days. It’s time to rearrange and clean out and be totally organized by spring and outside time. I just can’t figure out how I end up needing to do this every year. I’m loving the 2018 calendar. I’m afraid I couldn’t wait. I read through all the months when I opened it. So when you are rushing this week with 2019 please know that we love and appreciate your efforts!! Love, Lucy

  67. Marsha says:

    Hi Susan, I have the same platter that your lamb cake is on. I make a lamb cake too. This year I think I will put it on the platter.

  68. Lynn Akers says:

    Happy New Year to you dear Susan,
    It will be another special one for you with your trip to England. Can’t wait for all the pictures you will be posting for us poor friends of yours who can’t make the trip.
    But pictures say a thousand words so will be looking forward to every last one.
    Also looking forward to the new mugs, especially the pansy one as it was my dear mother’s favorite flower. I will be certainly ordering one for myself asap.
    Unfortunately winter still has a grip on us all for a little while longer but we know spring is on it’s way.
    Love and blessings to you and Joe.
    Lynn from Illinois.

  69. Mary/Indiana says:

    Yummy! Lemon Lamb cake and mac & cheese!
    Saw the wonderfully made Darkest Hour last
    Friday and walked away Thanking God for all
    the brave men and women who fought Germany.
    So glad Roosevelt stepped up to help England!
    This would be a very different world had Hitler
    not been stopped

  70. FayE in CA! says:

    Happy New Year to you, too! Thanks for the charming photos of winter. I always LOVE your photography! Your photos make us drool for food…smell flowers…feel the winter cold…pet Jack’s gorgeous coat…get toasty by the fire and feel your zest for love and home!

    I am not counting the days to spring because I want some wintery days here on the south coast of CA! Sadly we just had a deadly rainstorm and it caused horrific and devasting damage in Montecito due to the Thomas Fire burn areas. Search and rescue is ongoing. We’re in this ongoing and annoying drought so why in the world did the rain have to come before the hillsides could be prepped properly to help avoid the catastrophic results of rain. A few more months without rain would have been a blessing. Community just can’t get a break. Condolences to all of the families and businesses affected.

    Jack’s cup is just purrrrrfect. Love that you put him behind books with his ponytail “trophy”…really cute. The pansies on your cup are lovely! LOVE the Mary Had a Little Lamb artwork. SO dang cute!!

    You continue to be a light in our hearts. Continued health and blessings to you, Joe and Jack in 2018. Happy New Year to your mom.

  71. Liz hand says:

    Hi Susan Happy New Year! It has been very cold here in Illinois but today ot was in tge 40s but very foggy. Think .spring!!
    Liz in Illinois

  72. jeanie says:

    When a post from Susan shows up, life is good indeed. Yes, here in Michigan we’ve had the same icy weather — perfect for de-decorating Christmas and reading wonderful books and painting and writing. It’s cozy and lovely in your world with your pretty lights and beautiful stock (good buy, Joe!). And anytime you share a bookmark, recipe or Jack pix with us is a fine day indeed!

  73. Debbie Boerger says:

    We arrived on Holmes Beach (Anna Maria Island) at 4 PM. Fog had moved off shore, dolphins, pelicans, terns, skimmers, gulls and osprey. What a wonderful welcome for us. Got unpacked, snacks put away….No cooking this time, as there are boucoup quirky places on the beach and on the channel. Our favorite breakfast place a block away. My sweet Tom Terrific is treating.
    We took our beverages out on sand and watched the sun melt into the Gulf, stunning every single time I get to watch the rising and setting of our Star! What a beautiful planet. We must all gird ourselves for battle. This administration ‘s attacks on “her” can not succeed when we the children, mothers, grand mothers, sisters and girlfriends are finding just how powerful we are.

    This new blog is beyond beautiful….you have outdone yourself!!
    Love, Debbie from Tampa

  74. Liz hand says:

    Hi Susan Happy New Year! It has been very cold here in Illinois but today ot was in the 40s but very foggy. Think .spring!!
    Liz in Illinois

  75. JoAnn Logan says:

    Thank you for such a pretty, cheerful, inspiring, happy, thoughtful post! Love the spring design cup!!

  76. Gmapat says:

    Dear Susan, are you following the series Victoria? I love it, love it! Season 2 starts Sunday. I’ve loved your work for years. The first of your books I bought years ago was Christmas Joy. It still enchants me. The Christmas snow you had was wonderful. We haven’t had a snow yet, but we are to get one Saturday. I’m enjoying this year’s calendars. It is always exciting to see what is next in your work. ❤️❤️❤️

  77. Shirley Burt says:

    Your posts are always a delight. A feast for the eyes and the mind. I waited until Christmas was over, and our virus left the house before stitching my little redwork ornaments. I love them, Thank you. Hope you will design more. I want to hang them from holly garland next year. Need more, pretty please.

    So happy you all are well, and Joe is happy with his snow shoveling.
    Much love and lots of bunny hugs for the New Year. Oops. I almost forgot, your calendar is Perfection.

  78. Kathy Pinkerton says:

    Loved the picture of the white hearts on a string hanging in front of your window! Happy 2018 to you too! 😊

  79. bev says:

    Beautiful post. It reminded me that spring will come. Unusually cold in Michigan…..seems I am more tired of winter earlier. I usually make it until March before I am tired of it. Thank you for your cheerful, colorful and flowerie pictures….perfect for a gray winter day.

  80. Linda in PA says:

    Happy New Year, Susan! I love the snowy picture of your home – reminds me of the home in Christmas in Connecticut movie! Over the weekend (because the temperature outside was -4 degrees!!) I decided to make a big pot of soup. Started out making your chicken stock, (I never before thought to put the picked off bones back in stock pot – really makes a difference), refrigerated overnight,and the next day made your chicken/mushroom soup. Wow – the flavor is so rich and delicious! I’m even eating it for breakfast! I received your winter mug a few days ago and absolutely love it. Then you for all the beauty and delight you bring into our lives. xoxo

  81. Cyndi in NC says:

    We could easily have been your neighbor this last week. We got snow on Wednesday night, all night, and ended up with about 4 1/2 inches. I was staying at my daughter house with her dog Friday to Tuesday. I had to come to my house everyday but could not drive down my driveway! I had to park at the top, about 300 feet from the house. On Saturday we went to see The Darkest Hour. We loved it! If it’s about England I’m there. I just rewatched The Crown. Can’t wait for Victoria to start again. Anyway, the snow is mostly gone and I must admit I wish it wasn’t. But for us in Coastal North Carolina it was a big thing. Loved reading the blog and all the things you have in store for us. I will be buying the Jack cup for sure!! Hugs to all and Happy New Year!

  82. Carol Grant says:

    Love your blog! I spent the 12 days after Christmas reading all three of your books. My sister gave me A Fine Romance for Christmas. I read it in just at a few days. I loved it so much I immediately ordered the other two and read them during the snowstorm and deep freeze here in NJ. Fairytale Girl was my favorite!! We have so much in common…. tragic divorce, ran home to NJ, collection of quote books, undying love for New England. ( I used to live in North Hampton, NH and always felt like I truly belonged there.) I love to cook and have all your cookbooks and use them all the time. I love making things for my home.. I used to paint, but now my passion is quilting. I feel we are kindred spirits, right down to the Volvo that I drove for 15 years. Thank you so much for all you do. You are such an inspiration!

  83. Christie Levin says:

    Hi Sue, I think you must have gotten A+ on almost every assignment you turned in at school ~ every item in every blog post is practically perfect in every way. The stock stem in the tiny bottle looks sweet and just right. Each of your window view photos (inside & out) told such a good story ~ that sunrise view is a strong encouragement to get out of bed every morning in time to see what the next one looks like. The shot from your dining room through both kitchen windows and out to the wreath on the barn just tickled me! Don’t you love a house that keeps showing you new special things about itself through the years? Your focus on the Churchills has me interested in seeing Darkest Hour. In the second photo of them together, I was struck by the look Clementine was giving WC (steadfast love & support was the first phrase that came to mind). They’d been together for many years when it was taken, and had been through probably just a bit more drama than many couples, and there they were, obviously very much strongly together. I haven’t seen the movie or read any biographies of the Churchills yet, so I hope I find out that this photo reflects a true facet of their relationship. Along that line, I remember the first time I met your Joe ~ two years ago my friend Linda and I arrived in Danville, CA, a few hours before your signing event was to start at Rakestraw Books. We were browsing through the store when Joe walked in with a large canvas bag over one shoulder filled with shopping items (I supposed) and a big bunch of pretty flowers poking out the top. I thought, “What a guy to go do the errands always necessary when on a long road trip so that (I presume) Susan can rest up for tonight’s event. And he’s bringing her flowers, too, just because.” Can you tell I LOVE seeing happy marriages? The new cups are lovely and irresistible, Sue. So glad you take your own advice and follow your creative heart. Love your creative heart, dear Pal For Life. xoxoxo Christie

  84. Charlene Scholey says:

    .I thought you all might be frozen stiff from all the bad weather. Wonderful to know you’re still perking! Can’t wait to see Darkest Hour. Have you read Clementine about his wife It is so,so good. Also Hero for the Nation about Churchill in the Boar War when he was so young. excellent read. I love Jacks cup. Am saving up!!Stay warm and be thankful you weren’t born before tea was invented😍

  85. I save your blogs to read in bed, they cheer me up after a hard day at my day job. Like a cozy cup of tea and a good book. We saw Darkest Hour recently and thought it was amazing; we were glad Gary Oldham won best actor for the role. Loved reading this edition, so newsy and I always love to look at all your wonderfully charming artwork, stay warm!

  86. Wendy Louise says:

    Oh Dear Susan,
    Just got your winter mug today and I love it, perfect timing to enjoy our winter even more. Love collecting your seasonal mugs, love the Autumn mug, and such a sweet Spring mug, you certainly aim to please! Keeping it cozy all winter long with Spring at the next corner certainly is exciting to me! Thanks for all your coziness and Love shared with all of us!
    Happy New year ! Love, Wendy Louise xoxo

  87. Angie Quantrell says:

    Happy 2018! Lovely cups and flowers and photos…I adore Christmas and snow. But now I’m adoring spring. 🙂

  88. Ginny Evans says:

    Loved this celebrate-snow-but-dream-about-spring issue!
    Just got back from seeing The Darkest Hour tonight. Loved it. It’s a good thing someone had the guts to stand up to evil. A timely message indeed! And good thing Clemmie did her part in supporting that someone–amazing role she played in history, too.
    Best wishes as you finish all those projects that make our lives so full of joy.
    Let’s all lift our mugs and toast being pals for life!
    –Ginny 🙂

  89. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Love the post as always! I can’t wait to see the final product of Jack the cat on a mug. I know it will be a keeper. I am partial to kitties and books – what a great combo. Happiest New Years Wishes for your household!!

  90. susan mcmillan says:

    YOU MAKE ME SMILE ALWAYS!!! Please enter me in the lamb mold and book drawing! I have always loved lambs and even do a lamb tree for Christmas.
    thank you for such a beautiful blog with such interesting and lovely things in it.
    You are very special!!!!
    We are of like minds 🙂

  91. Vita Avanesian says:

    i love the new cups! I can’t wait to order one! We are planning a trip to England around the time of the picnic!! I will try to make it!!

  92. Nancy Deda says:

    Happy 2018 Susan ( and Joe)! Love the new cups…Jack’s look adorable!

  93. Sally says:

    I really like the deeper colors you used for the flowers on the mock-up cup. Better than the pastel colors. Very rich colors. Gorgeous. Personally, I’d go with the mock-up’s shades.

  94. Yvonne Bumanglag says:

    Happy New Year! Susan,Joe, Jack. Yes I was having severe Susan Branch withdrawals. Kept checking a new blog but nothing. Then today bam
    Your there yeah yipee. Thank you!!

  95. Darla Unger says:

    Thanks for the tip on putting damp towels around, I’m going to try that. Plus you always send such comforting pictures, fireplace, view from the barn etc….

  96. Mary Parsons says:

    Happy New Year Susan ! I love that you share your life with us. Your beautiful pictures warm my heart. Oh how I admire (and envy) your energy. How do you do it? Your world seems so peaceful and kind. Maybe that’s the secret. Best and Blessed wishes to you.

  97. audrey from LaBarque Creek, MO says:

    Somehow I missed the Winter mug! I’m so sad! Will they ever be available again?

  98. Priscilla from Brooklyn NY says:

    Hi Susan, Happy New Year to you and Joe. Always love reading your blog and have your 2018 calendar up. I just love it. I have to agree with you also, the New Year’s “Wolf” moon was just beautiful. My daughter and I took a walk to see it just as the moon was rising. Thank you for the bookmark. Can’t wait to print it out. Wishing you a wonderful 2018.

  99. Mary Anne S says:

    Hello Susan,
    Lovely post today, thank you. I did think about how much snow and cold you were getting but I knew you would be cozy, safe and warm at home. I really enjoyed the link to the English Heritage seed company. There is an American Heritage seed company in Greene New York. harvestinghistory.com. I signed up for their enewsletter and they send lovely posts, I think you will like it.

    • sbranch says:

      I went to that website, but I didn’t find a seed company for some reason. I looked around and found THIS interesting site with 10 of the best Heritage Seed Companies in the US … just in case someone would like it!

      • Holly says:


        Just a quick recommendation…. I’ve purchased seeds from Seed Savers Exchange for years & love them. The old flower seeds are great, especially the Zinnias. One variety grew to 6′ and was covered with dark pink blooms until frost.

  100. Patricia Edde says:

    Hooray for each day giving us a little more beautiful light. As I get older, and now living in the midwest, it seems that I just about wish winter away and it seems to respond to my bidding. The past few years have brought less snow but colder temps to our snug crater of Decorah. I haven’t even minded the cold because so many of the days have been filled with sunshine. The climate change has turned around the weather patterns in most of the states. I used to go to the South for winter and now they’re the ones getting the freaky snow and for the worse, they’re not used to driving or living in it. The Eastern seaboard seems to be getting pummeled every single year – how is the Vineyard holding up? And (I know you’re not supposed to start a sentence with “and” but I just had to) my prayers go out once again for California and the terrible mudslides that are taking place. May God bless all of the souls that have passed and watch over the rest who must deal with the aftermath.
    Your home looks beautiful in the snow and so to does the barn, which I didn’t know you had. Bless Joe for keeping your sidewalks shoveled. He will receive his just reward when the time comes but in the meantime keep him warm and toasty with your macaroni and cheese.
    I can’t wait to get my ordered cups AND to see the new ones for Spring. The 1st two are, of course, wonderful. We just had a kitten adopted at our Humane Society that was white and black and had HALF a moustache (maybe he was a HALF brother to Jack – pretty bad hunh). I took my 17 year old Sam to the vet today and got a miracle. His liver numbers went from bad to normal and his kidney numbers dropped by half and on top of that he gained a little weight (on him it looks good, on me not so much). I had been constantly praying for him to get better when I finally decided to let go of my own needs and asked that he should go on his own terms, when his little body just got to tired to go on. Maybe by releasing my hold on him, I left space for him to get stronger on his own. There are still plenty of miracles left in this old world of ours I think.
    As always, thanks so much for allowing us a glimpse of your world and the beauty in it. SWAK for you, Joe and Jack.

    • sbranch says:

      SO happy to hear Sam is better. Seventeen years! He knows all your secrets and loves you anyway. Probably “adores” is a better word. The Vineyard is a little winter worn … but the trees are still standing, and there’s still sand on the beach, so we consider ourselves lucky ~ heading out for a walk as soon as Joe finishes what he’s doing. Love to Iowa, my “home state” even though I never lived there!

    • Barbara A Case IN says:

      with love from Indiana, Rockille to the birth place of my sweet, sweet dad Oskaloosa,Iowa. It is good to hear about whats going on there. I still have an aunt and some cousins there however they are younger ,still working etc. Hope all continues well for your “puppy” Thanks for listening, Barbara in IN.

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