I bought 240 minutes of computer time, I have 54 minutes left and all I have are photos … I haven’t even written the words yet! Yikes, so here we go! MUSICA
Sunrise on the MOST delicious boat ride of my life. It has been beyond gorgeous. We could even lie in the sun! Trying not to fall asleep. I’ve read one entire book and started on another. I cast on the stitches of my scarf/shawl. I had a massage. Joe got wrapped! Then I got wrapped. Seaweed. Most heavenly. Warm, sunny, like the best of spring days, or early summer mornings, just beautiful. Hard to believe we pack tomorrow, and leave the ship on Friday morning! I keep getting snow photos from my English girlfriends, it will be a whole new world!
Here’s our ship, coming in to the Azores, which I had to look up to see exactly where it was! It’s part of Portugal, as I understand it, hard to believe because these islands are miles from any other sort of land, but yes, they do speak Portuguese ~ and many speak English too, thank goodness!
So pretty, and very self-sufficient as you would have to be out here. This is Terceira … a patchwork Garden of Eden of emerald greens divided by stone walls, punctuated by active volcanos, where the houses are white stucco with terracotta tiled roofs. It’s warm, subtropical, average temp about 65 degrees ~ it was sunny AND it rained while we were there.
It’s a lot like California!
Until you see the rock walls. . .
They took us to town on buses, into this charming downtown area, with lots of local shops and little restaurants . . .
And darling houses and gardens . . .
. . . and streets all tiled in designs with tiny cobblestones . . .
in every kind of art expression,
Mixed together shapes and sizes, all handmade and very interesting …
My first job in town was to find an umbrella, and I was thrilled to do it BEFORE it started to rain!
When we first arrived the sky was blue . . . we didn’t even need jackets!
But, see me over there, in the nick of time, umbrella’s up! And you can see even more of the cobblestone tile decoration in the streets and on the sidewalk.
Here too . . . and these musicians showed up with guitars and began serenading us!
See that woman with her hands together? She said with her hands EXACTLY what I was thinking! It was wonderful.
Here we are, at O Pescador, where the umbrella lady said we “must go” for lunch!
She was so right! You each get your own bottle of wine! A very congenial country! I don’t think I’ve tasted Mateus since around 1974! It was Yummy!
We had fish . . . how could we not? Joe’s was Cod, and mine was Swordfish, both with locally-grown vegetables.
We sat there, drank their delicious coffees, wrote postcards, and got stamps and even got them posted with Azores post mark!!! (Sometimes we amaze ourselves!)
Beaches the world over say the same luv-lee things to passers-by.
Across from the beach was this very old wall. See the “holes” just past the “door?”
That is home to some very curious pigeons who came out to say, “Hey, strangers, what’s up?”.
This perfect little wildflower was growing between the plastic thing and the concrete! I took this photo . . .
And Joe took this one! Our ride, way out there, waiting for us. And it was time to go find our bus and head back . . .
It was a lovely day in the Azores, we need to come back soon and stay longer!
But right now, we have a pre-planned VIP destination in mind . . .
But, until we get there, for all practical purposes we are “in Rome,” so we do what the Romans do! Which has a LOT to do with eating!
And sitting around, taking pictures of each other!
This is our assigned dining room. And that is the purse Sheri and Kellee got me for Christmas! It was the belle of the ball! Tiny but plenty of joie de vivre!
Every morning we get one our Daily Programme, about six pages of what surprises await us each day. . . you have to decide if you are going to make it to the Vegetable Carving Demonstration, or to the Ball, or if you just might stay in bed all day with your book? All things are possible.
Our dining room again. They have very few actual candles on board for good reasons I’m sure, but they have managed to figure out the softest prettiest lighting in all the rooms so you don’t really miss them!
Here’s my new umbrella, result of shopping in Terceira. SO happy to have it. What was I thinking, going to England without an umbrella??? Cur-A-zee. And Joe got himself some glue!
Because my ladybug fell off my ring! (Ladybird as the Brits say so adorably.)
It’s not a very expensive ring. I paid a dollar for it, and now, Joe fixed it, so I am ready to visit garden after garden wearing the correct jewelry.
OK, I will try to come back later, but if I can’t, at least there will be something. It’s unfinished, and even worse, no MUSICA (fixed!). But I will return. I have a 4 pm facial! Must go! Life is so terrible here. Don’t ever make me do this again. Miss you, love you, thank you for coming along! XOXO
Dear Sue,
Great surprise to hear from you what a fun trip. Loving every minute of it.
xo to you both,
Yay! It’s more fun with you along, truly is, I see things I might not see without you!
Sounds heavenly! Love being a stow-a-way on this wonderful trip! Enjoy! xo
Love having you with us!
Taking a break at work and read your current blog…I loved it….wishing I was there or somewhere.
Thank you for letting me travel with you.
Love your lady bug ring.
It was a good save on Joe’s part! Happy to have you here Sheryl!
Sheryl, thank you for knowing what I wanted to say!
Best, Sheryl
Ha, I read your “crazy” with a Portuguese accent, thinking it was a phonetically spelled word. Took me a few before I realized it. I’m having quite a lot of vicarious fun on your trip. Thanks so much for posting!
Ha ha ha! Very good!
What a treat! Keep up the good work! xo
Doing my best!
Thanks for taking me with on your fabulous trip. I will try to behave! You’re the best!
Makes me feel wonderful to look around and see all all my Girlfriends (and some of their besties) draped all over the ping pong table and the lounges by the pool!
Loved every minute. Thanks letting me go with you.
Happy to have you Pam!
Hi Susan: Oh my! What a wonderful trip so far. Having never traveled I am enjoying the opportunity to see the world is more than places on a map, but communities of people, stores, restaurants and just how everything looks, so different but really the same. Now I see why you invite your girlfriends along to see what you see and experience what you do. Thank you so so much. I know that you and Joe will have a GREAT adventure as you continue on with more yet to come.
Every day, another surprise! Happy to have you with us Bev!
Love every minute with you and Joe!
Love you back Karen! Thanks for being here!
Love the fact that Joe is always holding a tote bag!
This trip sounds amazing. Thank you for taking us with you.
He has EVERYTHING in there!
Wonderful life! I feel energized AND relaxed just reading this….thank you so much for taking us along!
Oh, this all sounds and looks wonderful. I’m so glad you are relaxing and enjoying every exquisite moment cruising.
Love, love, love!!!! Thank you!
Looks like a wonderful cruise. When we crossed the Atlantic a few years ago we stopped in the Azores, it was magical, lots of gardenias and calla lilies I remember. So wanted to join you at Hill Top, for the picnic, but couldn’t make it over in May. I am going later in the year for two months, to visit family and friends, plus we have a cruise lined up to Norway.
Will be following your travels and your joyful adventures.
This is so wonderful to read!! We are having another poopy Nor’easter sleety, rainy mess here in NJ. Reading your blog brightens my day (and makes me laugh…you are so funny)
I can’t wait to see more and more!! One day I will do this too…I’ve never been on a ship but it looks delightful (I think)! thanks for bringing us along! xoxoxox
Wow great travel log! Loving every word and image
Thanks for sharing !
Since I get very sea sick, I am happy to be along with you on this trip. Even if in spirit only..
Loved, loved seeing your pics and reading your blog. Have a fabulous trip!
Oh- a new post, what a wonderful suprise, thank you!
Love, Emma
And Happy Spring dear Susan
Oh, what a wonderful time you are having. And so, too, am I and all the other girlfriends you’ve tucked away on this glorious adventure, Susan! Love the photos and descriptions of the Azores. I have a friend who hails from there and it is awesome to see pictures and read of her homeland. Continued happy travels and thanks for sharing the adventures with us.
Nancye T., Wells, Maine
WONDERFUL! Glad to hear of all the pampering going on! Made me feel ridiculously giddy and it’s not even me! My heart SOARED when I saw your post! I just went to Terceira this past summer. My father was born and raised on that tiny island and ended up in California as so many of the Portuguese did. You are right, the terrain is very similar which took the sting, somewhat, out of that feeling of missing home. I had heard of this tiny island my entire life, and sadly, my dad is gone, but I like to think he was with me as I stepped onto the soil of my people for the first time! You took me back and I’m so grateful. Unexpected delights are the best! My parents wrote a cookbook when I was a child, Cooking with a Portuguese Flavor, by August and Elizabeth Vaz. When I want to “taste” my childhood, I pull it off the shelf, kiss it, and then cook with a happy, albeit, nostalgic heart. Safe travels to you and Joe! Onward! XXO
“Nowhere to go and no where to be…” . .. ” slide from reality.. ” words from a Kenny Chesney song. Those nowhere to go, no where to be days are so wonderful. I am pleased that you are enjoying them. We all appreciate you taking the time to share your voyage with us.
Excited about more, more, more! Love you guys.. 
How wonderful everything looks…and your experiences which you make so real to us through your writing. Thank you so much..loving the daily programme..decisions? And all the wonderful pictures of the AZores..amazing
Take care and enjoy every moment especially the sun..here in Birmingham uk..it’s been snowing again and a cold wind..but it will soon be Easter and chocolate time
Sending love and thank you to you both for keeping us updated
I really do feel that I’m travelling right along with you. LOVE your blogs!
Laughed out loud when I saw that Joe fixed your ladybug ring… so cute!!! Still smiling. Glad you’re safe and having fun. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
What a lovely post! So enjoyed. Glad you got an umbrella.
Thank you for purchasing the Internet minutes. It is so wonderful to see your photos and read your blog. Just curious, do you have a preference between the Queen Mary and Queen Victoria?
Queen Victoria! MUCH cozier, very much like the old QE2!
Hello Susan, Girlfriends and fellow stowaways. one could get quite used to this ship life. well I brought along chocolates from the Oregon Chocolate Festival for my fellow stowaways to enjoy, and have smuggled aboard cheese from the Cheese Festival, some cow cheeses, some goat cheeses and mostly artisan or craft cheeses.. try the Blue Creek cheeses, you will find them yummy!! things at home well spring has arrived, but we are anticipating more rain and snow the rest of this week and into the weekend. what happened to Spring??? the hens are getting a bit ornery and calling for Jake to come do his rooster thing so we can have a busy barnyard. the peeps in the nursery are doing fine, fat and sassy, as always. the cats are learning to tolerate a new diet, no more dry food just moist food .. the refrigerated kind you buy at the pet stores or the grocery stores now… 2 of them have feline inflammatory bowel syndrome, and I figured its time to just stop the dry food completely. so far it is a success, I finally got them to eat the moist food and they like it… for that price they had better. well off to go find a lounging chair and enjoy some sunshine, I don’t think I need a seaweed wrap. besides who wants to look like green wrapped burrito. enjoy your facial. hugs…..
hello again, its Thursday here, raining and some snow already. from I keep hearing and reading about on NOAA this is going to be one nasty storm with plenty of snow accumulation here. we are ready, plenty of wood handy for the stoves and I keep plenty of warm sweaters and quilts around to keep warm. found a new use for old used C.D’s I string them on fishing line and put them in the nursery and hang them around in there for the peeps to play with …. well they attack them and peck at them for play and for exercise. it keeps them amused and out of too much mischief. for now it is hailing out there…. tiny pellets of ice and its cold out there. I keep fit running to and from the barn checking on the woodstove out there and adding wood as needed. hope everyone is enjoying the cheese from the cheese festival, try the blue creamery Brie… very good. its a local dairy from Medford and their cheese has been prizes at the local festivals. their Swiss cheese is smooth and buttery and the other cheeses are excellent. enjoy. off to find a open lounge chair for some sunning time and reading… and to enjoy some cheese snacks… LOL!!! has Joe ever tried Bombay Blue Sapphire Gin??? I was looking at the label and it is a beautiful label, and I was wondering if the gin was any good or not… may enjoy a gin and tonic with my cheese snack. have a wonderful day… enjoy the sun. hugs….
Yes, he’s tried it, and he likes it ~ but Joe seems to stick to the basics with gin, he likes Gordon’s almost always. Stay warm and cozy out there Pat!
Looks divine! So glad you invited me along.
What is the name of tha pretty cocktail with the flowers garnishing it? I always get such fabulous ideas from you…
Thanks and hugs, Joyce (ChiChi)
It was a gin bar, and Joe loved gin, so it was a special Gin with special Tonic (like Fever Tree or something like that) with all kinds of garnishes like a sprig of sage and berries and things. He loved it!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Beautiful. This “arm chair” traveler SO appreciates your blog.
wonderful stuff!!! so much fun to tag along with you all!!! cheers…
So good to get your news today! It’s RAINING here on the Calif. Central Coast!
I’m enjoying taking a nice siesta on the deck… the SUN is sooooo warm!
How exciting that you’re already on the other side!
Looking forward to more “daily reports”! Sherry
Such a lovely trip! I especially loved the stop ‘for lunch and sightseeing’ in the Azores.
Hi Susan!
Oh, how I envy that weather you’re having! Were in the middle of the 4th Nor’easter this month here in the Hudson Valley of NY! Home again from work – all schools closed… just watched a wonderful old Bette Davis movie called “Winter Meeting”, from 1948, so appropriate for a day like this. I love Bette in anything she does, don’t you? Anyway, off to make a cup of tea. Enjoy the trip and all the pampering – sounds heavenly… xoxo
Glad to hear from you, and I envy your days filled with whatever sounds good at the moment! Spring is eluding us so far, so it’s nice to hear someone speak of sunshine and warmth!
Hooray ! I have been checking each day to see if you have any new news to share. I will be going on my first ever cruise next year! I am looking to you for any helpful suggestions. I have looked back at previous years of your train rides and ship voyages. Do you think I will need an umbrella for Jamaica ?
just kidding Giggled a bit when after all… England. Love your blog , books, paintings….Thank You for all you do to bring sunshine to my day.
Love! Love! Love this sweet letter from you to us your devoted girlfriends. Enjoying it with a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate
Love your garden jewelry! It’s the little things for sure. Love your blog and happy it’s not water logged. Your umbrella is adorable as you! And your purse with the cork smokestacks is unsinkable. Thanks for making me smile and stay a while. Enjoy every morsel. From my ♥️ To yours ♥️
I love little Petey’s heart pillow! I would love one for myself.
So much fun and I couldn’t be happier for you two – and your ladybird! Did you go to Horta? My name (along with hundreds of others who’ve crossed the Atlantic in sailboats) is on the harbour sea wall.
Rest well, England is waiting for you and your new brolly !
Enjoy every minute !! xoxo
I hate to take up your computer time dollars, but what a lovely surprise to hear from you and see all of the wonderful pictures! Thank you! You and Joe dress up beautifully and should do it all of the time. Enjoy these last few days on the ship. Can’t wait for the next part of your story.
Much love
thank you so much for the photos of the azores—my grandpa silveira came from therre when he was 11-12 years old and worked hard and at one time owned all of Kings County in central san joaquin
valley—i so appreciated seeing the REAL Azores—thank you thank you thank you
I went to the Azores last fall. So lovely to be revisiting it through your eyes.
Thanks for yet another SB surprise! Can’t wait for England!
What a wonderful journey you got!
Have made many travels by boat but this was a very tiny one and good be thousand times in the Queen!
Love reading all about this traveling of both of you.
Have a save journey-till next time
Cheers,Trudy from Holland
Next time I can go with you. I will be happy to take your facials and massages so you don’t have to endure them. LOL. I was so happy to see your blog post. It’s been like being on your trip with you, but locked in a dark room for too long. Glad you are having such a wonderful time.
New places and new adventures each step of the way. I think my stowaway place will be under Petey’s cap. He, like you, has an always positive disposition. It matters not whether his hat got a little close to the fire! He and I will talk sailing and about his BFF Jack while you enjoy the Queen Victoria’s guests and amenities. Such an adorable little polka dotted umbrella to give you shelter from the rain, shade from the sun and comfort as you travel. Useful and lovely to look at. Good to hear from you always!
Ah, Madeira. We used to drink it back in the 60’s. We must get a bottle soon and relive our youth. Joe sure is handy. Does he always carry a alligator clip just in case he needs to fix something for you? lol Thanks for sharing the photos of your stop in the Azores. Looks perfectly lovely. Glad you’re enjoying your voyage to the max.
Whew, I was wondering when we would all get to come out of our “onboard hiding places” and take a look at the ocean, dining area, and the Azures (that was an unexpected treat – was glad to stretch my legs – heehee). Back in the real world . . thanks for the update, enjoying your travel pictures. Can’t wait for your next stop.
Precious Susan, thank you for your delightful surprise! I never dreamed I would be on the Qv….just beautiful…definitely the good life. So happy for you that you are enjoying all the treats aboard. How in the world you are able to focus enough to take photos, journal, think of us, etc. is amazing. May the abundant blessings continue endlessly for you!
You read a whole book? You cast on your shawl? You got Mateus wine, which I have not had since 1968 and I could almost taste the picture????? You got a massage and a wrap? Soooooo jealous. So happy for you and Joe that this trip has turned out to be even better than expected with lovely weather and ports of call! Thanks for the surprise update at sea! HAVE A BLAST!!!
Dear Susan,
Thank you for taking us along on this wonderful trip of a lifetime!
The lunch you & Joe had in the Azores looked delicious. I could have eaten a plate full of the luscious looking vegetables! I am a veggie-aholic!
Until our next post…
Darling brolly, I love the trim. Life at sea is rough, eh?
You’re almost there!
Thank you. Lovely. Your man looks great in a tux!! Safe travels. Can’t wait to see the rest
He was born for the Cary Grant life, only better, because he can fix anything!
Thank you, Susan, for letting us share your vacation. It has made this painful day, (post knee replacement), much less so. Please continue to share as you bring so much joy to those of us reading.
Thank you for the post Susan – You just made my week much brighter! I have three presentations to give for a college assignment and was feeling soo bogged down. One down, two to go. With my SB fix on what life is really about I can continue this week with a twinkle in my eye. Thank you dearly.
Such a treat to share so up close and personal in your beautiful exciting trip! Thank you! A dream trip, and no one better suited to blog about it! Loved your stuff from the very start, and keeps on getting better.
What is the Portuguese name for an English “brelly”?
My husband and family are from Madeira…(Portuguese islands close to the Azores) My father in law always called an umbrella a Chamberlain.
So called after Neville Chamberlain, Britain’s prime minister in WW2.
Ha! Cute!
Thank you so, so much for taking us with you!
Loved reading this! We are headed to the Azores in 3 weeks! Thanks for the sneak preview! I had no idea what to expect! Enjoy your amazing trip.
Hey there world travelers!
I’m glad to know the Mateus is tasty. I’ll have to try it again–I always loved the shape of the bottles. TTFN.
I royally cracked up at that pigeon in the rock wall. Good one, Sue!
Hi Susan,
I also love, love,, love, every post. I love going along with you and all the girlfriends. Have a wonderful time!
Thank you! xxoo
I was hoping you would be posting very special things from your trip today and here you are. Thanks for making my very snowy day brighter!
Blessings to you both
Good grief Susan, I am so sorry you two are having a horrible time!! Ha ha ha. Love your new umbrella. Glad you took the time to write. Now we know you folks are still afloat!
Love your new umbrella with the little ruffled edge! Perfect for England. Or anywhere.
Mateus! Haven’t thought about it for years!
Loved the phtotos.
I can’t believe it…MATEUS on that tiny island. I remember it well from the 70’s but haven’t seen it in a LONG time. I’m envious of your time on that beautiful ship…so thanks for taking us along.
Oh, what a thrill!! Love the Azores!! Love the really cute purse!! Love the umbrella!! Love your lunch choices!! What fun!! Almost ready to dock in England, and there will be more and more fun! We are so lucky that you are able to take us along!
I love your pictures and commentary. I also love that your posts are the easiest ever to scroll through which makes them even more enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip/story! You always seem to know just what to capture to make me feel I am practically there to enjoy it, too.
I love the update of your trip so far. So beautiful! I can’t wait for pics of the thatched cottage in Ireland. We visited last July. Truly beautiful!! Thanks for taking all of us along.

Truly enjoyed your post as the fourth Nor’Easter this month has just rolled in. We were never on a ship as large as the Queen Victoria but seeing your pictures brings back happy memories of the cruises we have taken. Enjoy…
Great pictures! Did you get to have lunch in the Courtyard yet????
Courtyard? Where?
On the ship!
Oh yes, where we ate under the umbrellas! Is that right?
Thanks for taking us along on the ship!! Can’t wait to hear about your visit to England- we will be flying to London in 6 weeks- so excited to be back in my favorite place in the world
I know just how you feel!!!!!!
What an experience! Thank you for bringing me along! And Joe in that tuxedo???? Get out of here!! Wow! It looks like you are both having a dreamy time. Enjoy every minute! <3
What fun you two are having!!! Love reading all about it, and all the little details. Your new umbrella is adorable!!! I’m so interested in where you are I got out my atlas so I could find the Azores on the map. Do you go to Madeira, too? So glad you are having a bon voyage! Happy Sails!!!
Love everything ! Darling umbrella ! Best Wishes !
Thank you so much! I am looking 6″ of snow so far, and your blog has brought me to another world!
Thank you for taking me along to the Azores. My friend from church and I compare our family histories. Hers are from the Azores and mine are from Cape Verde which is south of the Azores and once owned by Portugal. I love seeing the quaint villages, the cobblestone streets,the fertile land. All so beautiful.! Someday you and Joe should visit the Cape Verde islands. There are ten of them. I’ve been to only 3- Santiago where we landed, Fogo and Brava where my grandparents came from. It was a great trip. I can’t wait to see where you take us next. Bon Voyage!
I am enjoying your adventure very much!
Thanks for letting us join you and Joe!
Thank you taking us on this very special Queen ship and tour. You and Joe are an escape into a Magic World for some of us. Great seeing you in SC before the ocean voyage. Stay safe and enjoy, we love you both and your fabulous journals with photos, drawings and quotes.

I broke my shoulder slipping on Michigan ice,, not nice,
So happy you are enjoying life.
Hoping for spring , a new beginning
And mended wing
To take flight and sing,sing, sing.
Enjoy every lovely moment everyday, in every way!
So sorry June, hope it’s better soon, xoxo
Thank you so much for taking the time to post all those lovely pictures. Totally enjoying “our” cruise! My dinners are probably not as delicious as yours, but vicarious cruises are so reasonable! Who knew?
How utterly glamorous and fun! Please give us a tour of the ship when you have a moment between spa treatments. Isn’t cruising delicious?
This trip is, for sure, just a dream come true!
Oh Susan, you have me laughing so hard that my sides ache! I didn’t know anyone else in the world wore delightfully appropriate “junk jewelry” for visiting gardens. I have a tiny Lady Bug pin and wear it every time I take visitors to the Lurther Burbank Gardens. They know me by my pin. And by the way, I took the bus ride to town with you and was just around the corner from the musicians. I hummed all night on my life boat hidy hole. It’s ending too soon. Wallow in the delicious sea life, and fluff up the woolies for landing. Thanks for sharing so much more than I could see while being invisible. Ta-ta, until you write again.
How lovely! Glad I was able to come along. Getting to have meals with you and Joe is great and all without calories! The fish and veggies looked wonderful! So glad that all is going well on your trip. Looking forward to more updates and of course wonderful pictures.
Hi Sue!!!

The fun has just begun!!
Your cruise sounds amazing so far, and we’re all happy to be along!
Rest up, and enjoy every minute!
Love you both!! xoxo.
Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us! It all looks so delightful! Would never have known what the Azores were like without your lovely photos!
Another fantastic stop on your voyage out. Loving every minute and picture of it. Going to love the next book even more. Hint, hint. Been snowing like crazy here in central NJ. Will Tweet some pictures. Can hardly wait until we land in England.
Such a cute umbrella!
Continue to enjoy our lovely trip! it has been so fun so far!
Yes, the Azores look like California, and do you remember when you lived in San Luis Obispo, CA how many Portuguese dairy farms there were all around the county? Well, most of those families immigrated from the Azores….of course they loved California!
The bag! It’s absolutely fabulous. What great friends you have, and they really know you. The Azores look to be a lovely place to take a vacation. Do you stop there on the way home? Can’t wait for the photos of England. Hope it’s not snowing when you arrive.
Lovely trip you have brought us on. Thank you so much! So cool to see parts of the world we’ve only read about! Looking forward to all we have yet to see….
I am so happy for you!
Thank you so much for sharing your time in the Azores! My son Patrick was there while living in Spain, but I never saw at all what it was like from him! He did say that he really liked it there though.
Looks like you and Joe are having the time of your life on your way to the “time of your life”!! I’m so jealous, but so happy for you both!
I just love your posts. Like the other Girlfriends, I thank you for including us on your journey. So generous of you!
Love, Carol
Oh, and I forgot to tell you, Happy Happy Spring!
Love you Carol and Happy Spring to you too! xoxo
Oh, love the “decorated” cobblestone roadways! Thank you for packing us all alone on this voyage with you
I am having such a lovely time!
Ahoy there matey
What a beautiful lovely ocean cruise. Love all your photos. The ship photo showing us Queen Victoria was so perfect. Are these taken on your IPhone? You are really taking some wonderful shots. Sail on and soak in every minute. Thanks for sharing.
Not all on the iPhone, some on my other camera too, and some on Joe’s!
Oh Susan I just know you must get tired of me telling you how breathless you always leave me. But this was just one goosebump after another. I of course had no idea you would be doing anything but traveling all day across water non stop for days and days. Joining in with you on all these other exciting surprises are beyond wonderful. And girlfriend we sure do share the same world of picture taking. I got so excited over the pigeon peeking from his vantage point. I would have taken that picture too. I could make a comment on every picture you take. Know I smile from ear to ear. And I will be waiting for my post card you were writing me to arrive.
. How terrific of you to take the time
Loveya Gayle Hall
I never get tired of it, because I feel the same way. I was head over heels this morning when I saw my first seagull, grabbed the camera and did a video of it!! Thank you Gayle!
So glad to be sharing in your magical world Susan. This was my first peek at the Azores and it is such a wonderful place. I appreciate tagging along behind you through all your beautiful journeys in life. (I chuckled as I read about you taking the video of the seagull (in the warmth) as I had just finished taking a video of my little white dog frolicking in the midst of raging snowstorm (#4 in two weeks) here in the Maritimes). The SB way of life is spreading around here. It’s rubbing off on the people around me. I’ve made such an impact on them that they are all being called “Rhonda” after my lifestyle, which is modelled after your lifestyle. Too funny. Keep up the good work Susan. You’re doing good! So excited to see new places with you and Joe.
Hi Susan
You found the cutest umbrella. It was meant to be.
Crazy love your purse!
Thanks for taking your girlfriends on such spectacular voyage. We love you.
I love you all back, as I’m sure you know, and LOVE having you along!