Oh yes, we have our winners! And here comes Thanksgiving! But first, let’s go for a walk along the shore! It’s the sweet and delicious antidote to modern times!

All you need is some flat sand and a sharp stick! November by the sea!

XOXOMUSICA for my Earth Angels, the ones I adore . . .💞

We followed our nose through the woods to one of the old fishing shacks out at the water’s edge that belongs to our friends where we stop to say hello ~ most of the little cottages out there are closed for the season, but our friends stay late, kindly providing us with luv-lee morning smells of coffee and woodsmoke on the wind.

Through the golden woods and drifting leaves we go, to the water and back.

In every place I’ve ever lived I’ve gone searching for “my walk” ~ I need to walk everyday for peace of mind and joy of life.  I had a special walk when I lived in California, and when I moved here in 1982, I found this wonderful dirt road that ends at the water and have walked it ever since. In 1987, it got even better, because that’s when Joe joined me. We know every rock out there.  Him: “Hey, was that rock there yesterday?” Me: “I don’t think so!” We call this kind of stimulating conversation, “Morning Science” and I wrote about it in my Autumn Book.

As we wander along the shore, we find all kinds of beach glass, edges tumbled smooth by the sea, in many colors and shapes, even heart-shaped glass, and lots of heart-shaped rocks too. We’re always thrilled ~ we show each other, “Hey, look at THIS one!” Claiming how different it is from ANY OTHER we’ve EVER found 💞 . . . but this ⬆ wins, I found it last week, it’s my very first angel’s wing.

Sometimes, when we’re out there, I think of something I want to remember, or I see something I want to tell you about ~ I have a pen, but no paper to write on, so seashells come in very handy.

Just a part of the collection! Searching for rocks, shells, and glass with the sound of waves rolling in, the cry of gulls, crunching the leaves underfoot, wind rustling through the trees, wrapped in jackets and scarves, hats and gloves, breathing cold, clean air, is a perfect way to start the day.  So is knitting with just the sound of needles clicking and furnace blowing. Laying on the floor, stretching out your body in all directions, very good too, especially if your petty pet does it with you. Also, wooden-spoon noise against bread bowl as stirring commences. All the perfect antidotes to modern times.I usually like to surprise you as you turn your calendar pages . . . but with the holidays coming, I thought you might enjoy this . . . it’s the January page for the new 2019 calendar reminding us
. . . and it’s in the peace and quiet that dreams are born.

Such a clear, clean, blue-sky day, perfect for washing the Peter Rabbit Room curtains and drying them on the line . . . the things we do to make a house a home.

Every day I do at least one little something to get us ready for the holidays.

Cleaning the votive candle holders . . . freezing them first to make it easy to remove the bits stuck at the bottom.

And sorting napkins . . . all of these were found in yard sales or antique stores, some match and some don’t but all are heavy, old-fashioned, starched linen . . .  as big as small tablecloths so when people come to my table, they smooth their napkins on their lap and feel like they’re five years old. 💞 Perfect for the holidays.

I’ve been looking at photos from other holidays to see what I’ve done before, thinking about how to decorate this time, inspiring myself! This red tablecloth is actually a vintage blanket.

This setting is a little more casual and homey . . . with plaid napkins and purple Johnson Brothers WindsorWare, a really good color for Thanksgiving ~ it goes with everything!

This one, even though it’s all mix and match dishes (two Vernon Kilns patterns, “Mayflower” and “Chintz”) is still a bit more formal and elegant, and even has bread plates (Johnson Brothers “Garden Bouquet”). Everything on this table, and in all my tablesettings, comes from yard sales or antique stores. I’m a huge recycler of other people’s stuff. Have been haunting second-hand stores since I was in my early 20s ~ this represents years of slow-speed collecting. Old stuff has a soul, and my house likes it too . . . these old things, along with wonderful old music, let me go back in time and live in a world that doesn’t exist anymore. When you’re a grown up, you’re totally in charge in your own house and can have it (or at least a certain corner of it!) just the way you like it! This all came from being addicted to old black and white movies when I was young. I thank my mother every day for introduction to movies that came out before I was even born. They taught me everything I “know.”

Love the orange flowers . . . the table cloth is a vintage bedspread. Wonderful because, like the red blanket, I don’t have to iron it! Wash and dry in machines and voila!

Flowers, mis-matched chairs, old bowls . . . lots of candles on the table . . . all ready for what really counts, what’s on the chairs!

I found this plate that teaches a child where the spoon and fork go! And remind myself too,  because I always forget, does the water glass go inside the wine glass or out? But luckily my Girl Scout Handbook taught me, so I painted this: Planning the food too . . . although we sort of keep to our traditions. Can’t wait for this wonderful cranberry sauce! And the amazing Christmas Jam you can make from the leftovers (the recipe is up there under “The next day”) ~ so good I always make extra!

To bring back memories, serve your favorite foods you had growing up at your family’s Thanksgiving dinner . . . or make new memories:  serve what you always wished you could have! Joe and I have had every kind of Thanksgiving, at our house, or at others, with lots of guests, or all by ourselves. One of my favorite memories was a time we were alone, we weren’t sad, we reveled in the peacefulness, we lit the fire and kept dinner very simple, stuffed a chicken with my Grandma’s Stuffing, and roasted it with carrots and onions, made gravy, and served it with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce while Little Women played on the TV for background noise. We had hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream in tiny casseroles for dessert and read in front of the fire until bedtime. 

Here we are last year. Love Joe’s tie.Speaking of manners, the other day I found this little blurb about manners-free Black Friday. I might not have written this quite as harshly but I couldn’t agree more with his message:
Black Friday has apparently been around for a long time, they even (irritatingly) give it the hallowed name of “tradition” as we are pounded with ads and commercials . . .  although it really didn’t start sinking into my consciousness until around fifteen years ago, and when it did, I thought, really? The day after Thanksgiving? 🎃 When we are all full of gratitude and contentment and feeling blessed by all that we have? They want us to drag all our relatives and our children, the day after Thanksgiving, to a seriously soul-less place like Best Buy or Walmart to celebrate consumerism? Way too much “modern times” for me. I hope I’m not offending anyone. Because if you have managed to find heart in this event, then, that’s what you should do! To me, it’s a whole different thing to take everyone shopping on a small-town street, outdoors, where there are bell-ringers, pine wreaths, and lights, everyone enjoying life in the slow lane ~ supporting the small businesses that give our towns character, buying wreaths from your local Girl’s and Boy’s Club, smiling at strangers, having lunch in a too-warm restaurant, piling colorful scarves and mittens on the chair next to you, eating a warm cider donut, and licking crunchy sugar off your fingers. All that gentleness seems to me to be what the holidays are about. So, if you feel that way too, let’s turn Black Friday Green! GREEN FRIDAY!

I LOVE it already!

Work off Thanksgiving calories, on Green Friday take the whole family for a walk, hug a tree. Remember the first Thanksgiving was held in the woods. It’s the organic place to be. And so green.

When you come back, make tea. Green tea.

Fix a healthy green salad . . . play MUSICA or watch an old movie (nap with kitty is perfect for this moment) . . .

If you live in snow country, see if you can find someone to take you for a sleigh ride!

Bring turkey sandwiches, a blanket, and thermos of hot cider.

No snow? Maybe everyone would like to go outside and help you plant bulbs, so you’ll have a surprise in the spring. Or do it for the lady down the street. Or, make. . . and hot chocolate, let everyone help, toast them in the fireplace. Or, none of the above, these are just ideas, for something that honors ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our world. And check HERE to see what you might do to help victims of the devastating California fires who’ve lost EVERYTHING just two weeks before Thanksgiving. Their homes and animals, so many have died, and our hero firefighters who’ve lost their own homes while trying to trying to save others. We can’t fix this nightmare, but we can help. We can let them know the nation is behind them. Be sure to do this in front of your children and grandchildren, let them help and know who you are and why you do the things you do. If you’re a teacher, have your class write letters to another school in the affected area. Pages of crayon hearts in every color would be perfect.

The night of our very first Green Friday will be extra special because we’ll be watched over by the full Frost Moon.  Make a wish for your family, and say a prayer for the world. MUSICA

So, just to remind you how small this world is . . . you remember in the last post when I wrote about finding a box full of my Grandma’s things and especially, her high school diploma from Central High in Sioux City, Iowa in 1927? WELL! I opened up my email a couple of days later and found a note from one of our Girlfriends, Linda Wilson, who was writing to tell me that her dad graduated from the same school as my grandma the year before she did, in 1926! Linda had her dad’s year book, which I had never seen . . . and she sent me a picture of my Grandma’s class . . . and there she is, second row, far right, eighteen years old, my Grandma, Florence Orr, in high school. A photo I’ve never seen before. Another piece of the puzzle. Thank you Linda, for thinking of me! So very kind of you! 

And here we are, finally, you patient people! Ready for our drawing for the first chapter of ENCHANTED? Me too . . . and Vanna has already come and gone! She, of course, has a LUNCH date at the Yacht Club, and sashayed out of here, dressed to the nines, all in pink with a pink fluffy shrug jacket and short leopard boots, completely inappropriate (I love her but she is a nut!) on this cold fall day, her silver-pink fingernails flashing, diamonds sparkling on her pinky, as she handed me five names, the five winning names! So HERE WE GO! Ooops, some aren’t showing last names, so I’ll give hints as to who everyone is! Here we go!

 Mary Lou Shipman, who recently got a new fridge 👏

Linda Freymark, who lives in Idaho 👏

Gert, from Iowa! 👏

Samantha D., who will honeymoon in the UK next year 👏

Hyacinth Sarah, from Texas 👏

C  O  N  G  R  A  T U  L  A  T  I  O  N  S !!!!!!Soon all five of you will find an email in your box . . . write me back and give me your address and your little book will go right off to you!

And for the rest of you . . . Cake! But, I’m sorry,  you have to make it yourself! Throw some flour around and count your blessings, it’s good for what ails you. And please, try not to drink the sauce. 

Hope you LOVE it. One other bit o’ biz … WordPress, who hosts this blog, seems to have changed their format. It no longer says “waiting for moderation” when you post a comment. Your comment just disappears and it looks like maybe it didn’t go. But it does go. I wish they would let you know, but I have zero power over them! I didn’t even know they’d changed it until these last couple of weeks. So sorry for mixups! But at least your comments are going through!

I have lots more to tell you ~ but it’s time for our walk! We haven’t gone yet, wanted to get this up first! Just a quick note . . . it was a luv-lee book-talk across the water in West Falmouth last Saturday ~ met so many wonderful girlfriends . . . moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, sisters, aunties, best friends, and kids too . . . loved reading to and meeting everyone. As the librarian said, “The nicest people come to your book signings.” And that’s the truth! They do!



All the money raised from the tickets went to support the Library, so thank all of you who were able to come! Another bit of interesting info: I think Mandy, at Castle Cottage, might be putting together another tour of the Lake District next fall 2019. I will be so jealous of whoever goes because I will be here finishing up the new book. But if you are interested in joining Mandy on the best tour ever, you can contact her at And, I still need to tell you about the movie! But that will have to wait for next installment!  Happy getting ready for Thanksgiving everyone! Keep in touch! XOXO

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513 Responses to MODERN TIMES

  1. Becky Maxwell, Central Coast of CA says:

    Thank you for promoting a green Friday. I have worked retail and I hated the day after Thanksgiving. Now I work at a zoo, while we are still very busy it is people coming to learn and visit with animals they would never normally see in their every day lives. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Deb in Wales says:

    Another darling episode of deliciousness served up with dollops of everything and some extra Vanilla Sauce ~~~ I love it all so much!

    I love mis matched anything; once part of a set, now still being loved for the joy it brings to the setting. Love your china, love your chairs, and love your recycling previously loved and now loved even more ethos! Eclectic is so much more fun. I think I am sweetly in love with your china tea strainer.

    I cannot begin to imagine the horror in California. I lived in northern CA for a year or so and my heart weeps for everyone, everything, it is just too awful for words.

    erm, oh, Black Friday is such a sordid thing and they are already ramming it down our unsuspecting throats in the UK ~ I saw an advert last week, yes, last week, plugging it as “avoid the Black Friday rush and buy in our pre~Black Friday event” Please, stop it all, please.

    Happier note ~ well done the winners. So happy for them all, especially Gert!

    ~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I heard it had come to you. I am so sorry. We invent some nice things over here, but that is NOT one of them! Pre-Black Friday. They will stop if we stop coming. Waving back dear Deb. Kiss Wales for me!

      • Deb in Wales says:

        Of course I will give Wales a kiss, and a cwtch, from you.

        btw, I have had to resign up to receive email notifications to your blog. Wonder if this goes hand in had with the disappearance of comment moderation?

        Sunny but cold and windy in west Wales today! Thak goodness, it makes me so happy to see some sunlight!

  3. Joy Pence in Ohio says:

    Oh Susan, thank you so much for the walk on the beach. I could listen to the waves all afternoon. I bought my cranberries for the wonderful cranberry sauce. My husband asks for it every year. I am making a double batch this year so I can make the jam! I loved this post. A wonderful reminder to us all to enjoy the simple, quiet things in life. The world moves way too fast anymore, and it makes me tired! xoxo. Happy Thanksgiving.

    • sbranch says:

      I know, you barely get over being appalled by some awful news, when new awful news arrives and all your appalling feelings must go there! The joy spots are at home, the little things mean more than ever. xoxoxo You will LOVE the jam, Joy!

  4. Kathy George says:

    Hello Susan, we had plans & tickets well in advance for the West Falmouth book signing until TWO conflicts came about that day. I saw there was a waiting list so called the library & they were able to pass on the tickets. I was disappointed but will watch for another event. Just as you wrote, I am also doing something little everyday to prepare for the holidays. It makes the season so much more enjoyable. I can’t wait for the new book! Enjoy your holidays and the best to you, & of course Joe also. 🙂

  5. Diane L. says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! to the Green Friday idea. I have always detested the Black Friday travesty, and your suggestions are right on. Thank you!

  6. Natalie says:

    I just signed up for Green Friday! What a lovely idea. I have never participated in Black Friday. Love shopping small town and Christmas markets instead. Sue, your blog is the best. It is the perfect calm to our crazy world. Your insight on having a small Thanksgiving hit home. We used to have huge Thanksgivings with 40 people at times but this year it is just my husband, our kitty, and me. I was sad about it until reading about Thanksgiving with just you and Joe. Now, I am looking forward to our tiny Thanksgiving and plan on making it extra special. Congrats to the first chapter winners. The cake is a very acceptable and yummy consolation prize 🙂 I do have a request, do you think you could give the rest of us a PDF download of the first chapter for Christmas? If not, that’s okay. Will try to wait patiently for the book. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • sbranch says:

      There are very many of you or I most certainly would!!! Poor Kellee would be trimming, stapling and tying for ever! I’m so happy, a sweet small Thanksgiving is a true blessing. xoxoxo

      • Natalie says:

        I agree! Kellee would probably quit with that task! Whew! I meant not a physical copy just a PDF or electronic copy like the lovely stationery in the free section of your shopping section would be the best gift ever. If no, I will be patient and wait. PS-Thank you for link to how to donate to help with the CA fire victims and firefighters.

        • sbranch says:

          There’s no way to make it only for us … otherwise I definitely would! I do want to keep it somewhat secret so everyone has a good surprise. It’ll be more fun in the end. Thank you right back Natalie! XOXOXO

      • Star says:

        I believe that Natalie is asking for just a PDF download of the first chapter, not trimmed, stapled, or tied.

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, but when you put something on the computer, in any way, it is available to the world. And I’m still trying to keep the story a secret so everyone will be surprised! xoxo

  7. Patty in Redlands says:

    Congratulations to the winners of CHAPTER 1! I feel like I know Gert from Iowa because she always comments and I remember her from each time, so yay for the friend I don’t know!

    I already had planned to make your cranberry cake next week when the kids all arrive, so it was nice to see that validated by your suggestion. My first line in holiday meal planning is to always pull out the appropriate Susan Branch cookbooks. And of course, they stay out for seasonal decorating and inspiration. 😊

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe, Susan, and to all of your GFs! And God bless those suffering, especially during this holiday time.
    ❤️🍂 🦃

  8. Rosemary K Sullivan says:

    another brilliant, comforting, letter from you. Thank you.

  9. Susan, Your posts lift my spirits. I loved seeing the curtains on the line. The things you found at the beach. All the lovely quotes tuck here and there. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  10. Regina Carretta says:

    Susan – on a blustery Seattle day, those leaves swirling like snow outside the window, this blog was perfection….especially “Green Friday” – oh yes….do not go strangely into that Black Friday rabbit hole! Green Friday is a loverly day to collect fallen branches with fellow strollers, and to breathe, and to pet dogs, and to greet each other on the street, if we don’t live near a green space. It is the perfect time to begin our own quiet, peace-filled Christmas/Hanukah season….and I thank you for the reminder…
    tea now. Thank you.
    Regina, Seattle

    • sbranch says:

      LOL! That was great Regina! “Do not go strangely into that Black Friday rabbit hole!” All your words! xoxoxo

      • Regina Carretta says:

        Happy happy Thanksgiving…..celebrating, enjoying the calm, the peace, cherishing people who are dear to us…and being thankful about the ability to sleep (finally) after the balanced results of election day….
        Green Friday awaits….Maggie Mae, the dog, knows quite a walk is in store for her….breathing the air, crunching one last time in the leaves…..doing watercolors with BB, a six year old friend….this is the stuff we are made of….thanks again to you, Susan, who feels like an old friend…..

  11. marsha maclean says:

    Lucky ducks! I am so happy for them. It just makes me want to be sure I’m on the pre-order list for the new book, whenever it comes out!
    Your posts are so wonderful, Susan…they make us feel happy when we are blue.
    California has certainly been hit hard, although so far, our community east of Los Angeles has been spared. My students will be writing notes to students affected by the fires, though! Third graders are wonderful at that!
    Happy Thanksgiving week, everyone!
    I get to make the pies this year, and am so looking forward to seeing the familiar faces across the table. It will be a moment of love, I know.
    Thank you for the wonderful post!

    • sbranch says:

      Wonderful Marsha. Would love they know how devastated we all are for their plight. Love to you and the kidlets! xoxoxo

  12. Patti Gill says:

    Loved all the pix… feelings of peace, coziness, home-life…
    And the tip on the votives will be so useful when I go to clean mine! Thank you!

  13. Sharon Calvert says:

    Hurrah for the winners! But the very best thing? That fabulous photo of your grandmother!! Happy Turkey Day to you and Joe …

    Sharon in Alabama

    • sbranch says:

      Sharon did you call Page and Palette Bookstore? They just wrote and asked me to come do a book signing down there! So if that was you that made it happen, thank you! We will try to get there!

  14. Amy Rubins says:

    Oh YUM!!! I can’t wait to make your Cranberry Tea Cake and Vanilla Sauce for Thanksgiving. Who says we always have to have pie?

  15. Christine Anderson says:

    Thanks again for a wonderful post. I too have the child’s plate that shows spoon and fork. I love it , also have the silverware that goes with the spots. I love children’s things. I have always refused to shop black Friday, What a mess everything gets, No Thank You! Never thought to call it Green Friday. We finish clean up from Thanksgiving and enjoy leftovers! When the turkey is down to scraps I make Turkey Croquettes, I can’t wait. Not a low fat meal but delicious!!
    Thanks again for the joy!!

  16. Susan Martin says:

    Another grand post, Susan! Your Thanksgiving tables look so festive and right. What an inviting home you and Joe have made!
    And boy, your grandma was a looker! Such cool pictures of all the boys and girls in the roaring 20s.
    I am going to make my Prize Cranberry Tea Cake and Vanilla Sauce this weekend. I do love your recipes, and I have all your cookbooks and Christmas book. I love making your recipes.
    You and Joe have a wonderful Thanksgiving in your spruced up home-sweet-home!

  17. Kathy Branch Spicer says:

    Wait – you CANNOT leave us hanging about the MOVIE! OME BACK!!!!!!!

    Oh dear, how can I possibly wait? While I’m waiting, I’ll pass the time by telling you two things. First of all, a murmuration of starlings is one of my all time favorite things! I have been known to stop my car off the road to watch. AMAZING NATURE! Secondly, I did not grow up knowing how to properly set a table (but I sure had lots of other wonderful things in my upbringing), so as an adult I had to “learn” where the spoons and the knives and forks were supposed to go. I remembered it this way: FORK on the LEFT because they both have FOUR letters and KNIFE and SPOON on the RIGHT because they all have FIVE letters. It worked for me, silly as it is that I even needed a way to remember. I’ve always devised my own silly ways to remember lots of things and when I taught anatomy and physiology, some of those little memory prompters worked for my students, too.

    Happy November . . . Happy Thanksgiving. Now, WHAT were you saying about that movie?

    • sbranch says:

      Very good little clues to silverware arrangement! I still have to turn (in my mind) to the silverware drawer in the first house I remember to decide which is my right hand and which is my left. Movie news isn’t particularly good, although they did want to do it, so it was a compliment, sort of . . . more later!

  18. Julie V. from Springfield, MO says:

    Thank you for reminding us what autumn and Thanksgiving is all about and why it is so important to keep this lovely tradition. I had to smile seeing your cranberry tea cake – I made one this morning! Great mines think alike. Enjoyed it with my morning tea while doing my Thanksgiving menu and making my grocery list. I too love to collect beautiful linens and dishes and wonder about their history. I think it is important to cherish the past and keep it alive. Looking forward to your update about the movie. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of delicious food, lovely friends and laughter. Hello to Joe and Jack.

    • Sharon Silva says:

      Hello Julie!

      I will be in Springfield for Thanksgiving! Maybe we will bump into each other! I love having lunch at The Aviary and then shopping for new /old treasures at Relics. I always see your comments and wonder if we’ve already crossed paths?!

      Happy Thanksgiving,

  19. Nancy says:

    Great post as usual! I like the idea of Green Friday!

  20. Miss Marion says:

    Congrats to the Lucky Five!! Did someone say movie? Hurry and tell all!

  21. KarenHolly says:

    Congratulations to the lucky winners!
    Susan, I love your angel wing. How special!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Joe and Jack!

  22. Lynn from Simi says:

    The Cranberry Tea Cake looks scrumptious! My best friend, Cathy, loves tea and tea parties. I might have to surprise her with this one. On Black Friday, we NEVER, NEVER, NEVER shop! I hate the very idea of it. I would much rather be quilting or reading a book, or playing with the dogs! We had the Woolsey Fire come very close to our neighborhood, and we gathered two horses, four dogs and some belongings in to a car and truck and trailer, as we voluntarily evacuated. We were fortunate that the fire break at the top of our hill did its job beautifully, and our neighborhood was spared. As I try to put away the things I grabbed, I am acutely aware of HOW MUCH I left behind. So many “things” while they may give us pleasure to see or use them, are not important in the grand scheme of things. Although – I am awfully grateful our house did not burn, as it would have taken the only photo of my great-grandparents. I am resolving to get all our photos digitized, so that I can preserve them. The originals and the frames may burn, but the memories will still peak out from our computer. Thank you for your stories, pictures and snippets of your life. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Boyfriend-for-Life, Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh thank goodness Lynn. We watch these horrible fires on TV in tears. You are so smart to think about digitizing those photos. That’s exactly the reason grabbing my computer would be very high on my list of things to take! With all the hurricanes and fires lately, I made a list of things I would want to remember to take, because I would be INSANE trying to run away from something and forget everything! Except Jack. The news about the pets and wild animals is so distressing. I’m SO HAPPY your neighborhood was spared. xoxoxo

  23. Lynn says:

    ~ Hi ~
    I’ve heard the day after Thanksgiving also called “ Buy Nothing Friday”~ I stopped all that craziness years ago!~ besides it seems like stores start Christmas earlier every year~ almost everything Christmas is already half off?!~

  24. Cyndi in NC says:

    Prayers for all in California that have lost everything. Also for those who are risking their lives to put out the fires, and those who are feeding and housing them. Bless you all.

    Congrats to the ladies who will get the chapter, enjoy!

    I am so happy it’s cranberry season!! I’ve already made several batches of cranberry sauce. I eat it made fresh as long as I can get cranberries. I prefer the fresh but can do the frozen berries too. I can’t wait to try the Christmas Jam as I love almost anything cranberry as well as the Cranberry Tea Cake. I also have a new recipe for Cranberry Bog Bars that I think will translate will with my gluten free flour. I will try it and if it’s good I’ll make more and take for the feast. It’s always good to add something new.

    I agree with you on Black Friday. I have never felt I needed to participate in all the mess so I usually move into high gear to get Christmas decorating finished while listening to Christmas movies. I love it, my favorite time of the year. As you said if it’s your thing then have fun!

    I am enjoying the cooler weather but would be happier if it wasn’t in the 80’s one day and the 50’s the next!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving prep and have fun everyone!

    • sbranch says:

      There are cranberries in my Apple Crisp too and they add just the perfect sharpness to go with the apples, not to mention color. You’ll love that jam. It was an accident the first time I made it, but a really good one. Have fun Cyndi!

      • Cyndi in NC says:

        I will try the Apple Crisp also as Apple Crisp has always been one of my favorites. I’m sure the cranberries will be a great addition! Thanks.

  25. Peg Parrish says:

    You have news about the movie and just happily skip out the door for a walk? 😂 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Green Friday and we will be waiting for the next installment. I have many of those white ceramic menus like yours and think of you when we have holiday meals. They were from a food shop I owned many moons ago.
    Much love and peace to you, Joe and Jack

  26. Mary Brehm says:

    Oh Susan, how I love all of your pretty dishes! I too have a “dish problem” as my hubby calls it! I just found a whole set of Johnson Brothers “Autumn delight” a couple of weeks ago. I had four dinner plates already and wanted to add to my collection. Imagine my excitement when I walked into this little antique shop and there, low and behold, was a whole set! 12 glorious place settings! I didn’t buy them right away. I went home and hemmed and hawed about them trying to decide if I should be spending money on them. My hubby talked me into buying them, bless his heart and told me he had some money squirreled away in the credit union so to go ahead and get them! Oh boy! I had so much fun unpacking them and washing them all. I have eighteen people coming for thanksgiving dinner and I will be using them! I have enough for 16 and I’ll make do with 2 add ins, I can’t wait to set my table. I will tweet you a picture! Half the joy of it is sharing with a friend who shares in my enthusiasm and excitement!
    I am so weary from all the build up to last week’s elections. I’m glad it’s over now. I have been holed up and listening to music, reading, and watching movies. and getting my house ready for the upcoming holidays. Like you said. I am in charge of my own home and how I choose to feed my soul. I Love seeing your walks through the woods and out to the sea. I can almost smell the cool ocean air and woods smells. We woke up to snow this morning an it is freezing! I had to warm up my car and scrape it off before I headed out to my cleaning job. It was so nice to come home and find your new post. I made myself a cup of cappuccino and snuggled up on the couch. Perfect! Congrats to all the winners they are lucky gals. Oh, one more thing, regarding the movie, I am so excited to hear your news. I watched the Holiday the other night and It totally reminded me of you. The story of Iris and rose hill cottage and her heartbreak and then going all the way across the ocean to L.A. a world completely different than her own and meeting Miles and the sweet elderly man, Arthur. You had that with the lovely elderly couple that lived next door to you. What did she say? Little pieces of your soul being to heal or something like that? I love love love this movie. The music, the setting. everything. Your story would be perfect in a movie! fingers crossed, it comes true! <3

    • sbranch says:

      I think I’m almost as excited as you are about setting your Thanksgiving table with your shiny clean new dishes!!! I love the Holiday too, I think any movie about a house interests me. Loved the slipping and sliding Cameron Diaz and the little English cottage!

  27. Nan from Michigan says:

    As always, thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us. You inspire me to slow down and appreciate the important instead of the hustle bustle!! You have a gift and I feel blessed to be able to share in it, even if it’s from afar. 🙂

  28. Grace says:

    There are so many things to love about this post, I hardly know where to begin. This land-locked girl thanks you for taking us along on your lovely walk on the beach! And the wonderful reminders about family traditions for the holidays.
    When it comes to Black Friday, our family pretty much has ignored it, but I love the Green Friday idea. We have a special nature park with woods we walk in. Sounds like a good day for a hike!

  29. Sandy Potter says:

    I have the exact same plate (where the spoon and the fork goes). It was mine when I was a little girl, 68 years ago. It brings back so many memories. Boy, how time flies!

  30. Stacy says:

    Susan, you are such a gem! I love the idea of Green Friday – believe it or not in Canada they have been selling us Black Friday for about ten years. It makes zero sense up here because our Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October! This year the Hudson Bay Company (“the Bay” sadly now American owned) tried to get us to believe that the Friday BEFORE our Thanksgiving was “Canadian Black Friday”. Ugh. I like how Adbusters (founded in Vancouver) started the alternative as “Buy Nothing Day” in November and I always try to make sure I do just that! xoxo (p.s. my ancestors came over on the Mayflower so I like to give myself two Thanksgivings!)

    • sbranch says:

      It doesn’t make sense anywhere. Just a way to sell us stuff. Judging their success by how much they haul in. I still remember my brothers and sisters, and their favorite Christmas thing, a huge box my mom’s refrigerator came in! Two Thanksgivings are a very good thing!

  31. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Our Social Security was deposited today so we skipped off to 3 different grocery stores to stock up for the month. There are no big grocery stores in this rural area. If I am not going to bake it, I buy desserts at Publix.I love and crave their black & white cookies. We stocked up for Thanksgiving dinner. Desserts requested are apple crisp, molten brownies ( “in those pretty little pots, Nana, please.” My ramequins! ), and Susan’s cranberry tea cake! I love Thanksgiving. Baking and cooking with the parade on in the background. The house smells wonderful.
    Congrats to the lucky winner girlfriends. They will be thrilled.
    Thank you for your serene and fun blog, Susan. Love you.

  32. Lori Metschan says:

    Ahh…thank you from the bottom of my heart on your insight for the Friday after Thanksgiving. I too remember it being a fun day of starting the holidays by going downtown with my mother (I grew up I Portland, Oregon), having lunch, doing window shopping and maybe picking up a few things to get a head start on gifts. How I wish it was just still that way.

    Love you to the moon and back…:) xoxo!!

    • sbranch says:

      Just have to do it for ourselves! xoxo

    • Linda says:

      Hey Lori, I grew up in the Seattle area and my family started coming to Portland each year the day after Thanksgiving. My parents were shoppers and they could not resist the brand new Lloyd Center when it first opened . Portland still holds a special place on my heart.

  33. Diane Ely says:

    Dear Susan,
    This is a wondrous time of year and you touched on all the special parts!Beautiful table settings. Preparing food that bring back and make memories, you truly have a knack, everything looks so welcoming and beautiful.
    I love the picture of your grandmother, I see you in her picture.
    It is fun to plan the table and which dishes I will use. I have three grandsons, 7,5,2, and they touch and examine everything, so my goal is to make the table, this year, full of objects for them to discover and Thanksgiving Crackers, that reveal a surprise, and the fun of telling of all that we are thankful for, they love to join in and tell their stories. I am so thankful for them,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe!

  34. Carla Herkner says:

    This is a lovely blog entry! Just as each one always is! I’m having a problem in that the blog isn’t landing in my email inbox. I have to search for the blog entry “out there.” Wondering how I can once again begin to automatically receive the blog entries? It is so life affirming to have it land in one’s inbox! Thank you! Maybe it’s because my email address is so silly. (I had no idea what I was doing when I chose it long ago.) Cheers! ~Carla Herkner

    • sbranch says:

      I asked Kellee to please help you sign up again, you should be hearing from her soon, Carla! Or, maybe she can do it for you, but I don’t think so, I think each person has to do it themselves. Hope this helps!

  35. Mary says:

    My daughter and I had such a wonderful time meeting you last Saturday. The icing on the cake was when you read the first chapter of Enchanted to us all as we read along in our own sweet booklets. Such a magical afternoon. I did have one question for you.
    I am thrilled about the new book you are working ( anticipation!!!) but wonder if you have any plans in the future for more cookbooks. I have all the books you have written thus far but we , your kindred spirits and fans , always hunger for more. Speaking of cookbooks and hunger all the treats last Saturday were delicious.
    Although my heart had already met you through your books it was wonderful to meet you in person. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

    • sbranch says:

      If I get time … I’d love to do more. I make up for it a little by putting recipes in every book, not just cookbooks! Thank you for being there Mary, I had a wonderful time! The library, making all those treats from my books, what a sweet surprise. So nice of them to do that! xoxo

  36. Donna Bingham says:

    Sense and Sensibility…..that should be your nickname, Susan Branch! Thank you for being in the world and stepping out every so often to remind us of Beauty and Simplicity.

  37. carol sferra says:

    Wow your grandmother was so beautiful!!!

  38. Katherine Larkin says:

    Wishing you and Joe a Happy Thanksgiving with lots of leftovers!

  39. Sandra Garber says:

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Do you hate the way Christmas is pushed before Thanksgiving gets here as much as I do? I believe strongly that we should express our gratitude for what we have before we get caught up in what we can get next.


    • sbranch says:


    • Lee Gordon says:

      Love your sentiment Sandra. I love contemplating the gratefulness of those Pilgrims and the community they shared with the native people during those few days. I’m sorry that our kids don’t get enough of that history these days. I won’t start celebrating Christmas until I’ve spent some time enjoying and remembering Thanksgiving!

  40. Donna Bingham says:

    And I forgot to say ….Florence Orr is beautiful!

  41. Lillian OLmstead says:

    Dear Sue,
    Your post just made me so warm and happy feeling on this first really blustery day. I always think how special Thanksgiving and this time of year are to help us stop and appreciate every day of every year.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you both,
    Lillian Olmstead xoxo


  42. Trudy says:

    Oh dear what will that be about the movy!!! Please come back soon to tell us!!!
    It’s 11 oçlock in the evening-how can I get to sleep without knowing the news about the movy!
    Like your walks in the wood and finding the heart-shape glass and stones.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!
    Greetings,Trudy from the Netherlands

  43. Patti Fitzgerald from Skippack, PA says:

    Dearest Susan, I couldn’t agree with you more about Modern Times! While I couldn’t possibly live without central air-conditioning and soft contact lenses, I am basically an old soul at heart. I read real books with covers and pages, I keep a weekly pocket calendar/planner in my purse along with a pen, I still have a landline phone, and I drive a 14-year-old vehicle that has a cassette player. Thanks for reminding me that there are still many of us out there who don’t feel the necessity of embracing every technological breakthrough that society has to offer!

    And oh . . . Black Friday . . . I have NEVER shopped on Black Friday! Ironically, I now manage a bricks-and-mortar, primitive/country home décor shop, housed in an old 1888 grist mill, owned by a husband-and-wife . . . . your quintessential small-town business shop. And yes, we are open on Black Friday, but regular business hours only. People are in a festive mood when they come in to shop for the upcoming Christmas holiday, so it’s a joy to serve them. I then go home, and my husband and I go into our town’s village to witness the lighting of the village Christmas tree and the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus on a bright red fire engine. Very “Norman Rockwell” in southeast Pennsylvania! And Susan . . . I love every minute of it, as I’m quite sure you and Joe would, too!

    Loved the blog, as always, but missed seeing pictures of Jack . . . he is too cute for words!! xoxoxoxo

  44. Robin McIntyre says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for sharing your walk by the ocean. I loved the sound.
    Loved also the picture of Florence Orr. Heartwarming, when we truly see the small world that connects us.

  45. Nicole Dube says:

    I am so sorry you will miss the 2019 picnic but …. ooooh the NEW book!!! 😍😘🥰
    Can’t wait. Plus a Movie!!!!! 🤩📕🎥📽🎞. How boring our lives would be without you!
    Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. It must be so difficult to tear yourself away from writing and painting to say “hello” but we really appreciate it when you do!
    Congratulations to the winners!
    Lots of L❤️VE to all,

  46. Judith says:

    Oh, the “blog daddy” would be so proud of you for dropping that teaser about the movie at the end 😄 You are too cute for words! And your grandma was drop down gorgeous! Aren’t you lucky to have that photo now?! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! 🙏

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, he probably would. Though I honestly didn’t mean it as a teaser … but I had about 16 things on my list to talk to you about, and it was just waaaaay too much! And yes, SO lucky to have that photo. Thank you Judith!

  47. Kathy says:

    Susan, your blog posts are such good food for the soul! They are inspiring and calming. Thank you so much for the time you put into creating and sharing them! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe! xo

  48. Ruth Butters says:

    Ahh, Fall!
    Thanks for the walk to the ocean with you and Joe 💕💕
    The only one missing was Jack and I am sure he is busy keeping an eye on you and following you around with a bait band in this mouth!
    Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🍁🍁🍁

    • sbranch says:

      Oh he’s stuffend in here next to me right now wondering when I will stop this nonsense and go to bed!!!

  49. SHERRY JOHNSON says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with your views on Black Friday. The only time I ever got up and went out early was about 25 years ago when a new Target opened nearby. I won a gift certificate for $100.00 that day. I figured I had my allotment of luck and never shopped BF again!!

  50. Joan of Cape Cod says:

    Susan, I love the idea of Green Friday. I’m with you, who would ever want to disrupt the peace of Thanksgiving with the chaos of Black Friday? I have never liked either the concept or the name. I wish I could share one of my favorite pictures with you. When my granddaughter was in preschool her class was studying one color a month. I decided to make a book of photos to go along with the color of the month. When I was working on green I was in Boston with my husband and went up to the reading room in the Boston Public Library. The rows of tables with their green reading lamps were visually stunning and soothing at the same time. I was so happy to get that photo for the “Green” book, especially since my granddaughter loves books. Green is wonderful. You’re on to something! Happy Thanksgiving!

  51. Jo'L says:

    Such a lovely way to while away the time waiting for the water to come back on!
    I’m much relaxed now and looking forward to the rest of this and then next week. Hope to try your cranberry cake and share with a dear friend soon. You and your suggestions, Green Friday in particular, are always wonder full to receive. Giving thanks for all that we value, that you remind us to insure that the future contains, and for you and Joe in our lives.

  52. Sheila C. says:

    Yes! Green Friday! And I flat refuse to drag out on Thanksgiving afternoon to any retailers requiring employees to cut their holiday short-having said that, I do think, often, people trying to stretch Holiday $, feel Black Friday is the only way to get that list checked off–crummy move on the part of far too many corporations

    • sbranch says:

      Knit them some socks is what I say. I know, that doesn’t work for kids and computers, but I say, do it anyway! It’s all gotten so carried away! xoxo

  53. Monique says:

    Happy Happy Thanksgiving! I think Jacques has Joe’s tie!:)♥
    Love the ribbon on the book:)
    The book..
    The curtains on the line..
    The woods..
    the leaves..fall.
    My bulbs are planted..tulips and garlic;)
    Spring will be beautiful♥
    Sarah..Hyacinths for the a blogger email friend snail mail friend of mine for yrs..SO HAPPY SHE IS A WINNER!

  54. Susie says:

    A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you and Joe! I absolutely LOVE the idea of Green Friday – what in inspiration! A perfect way to start the season in a spirit of giving by doing what truly gives life to our souls.
    The pictures in this post are wonderful, especially the newly-discovered photo of your Grandma. Such a treasure. Thanks for sharing.

    Much love,

  55. Linda Henry says:

    I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these blogs – I can’t wait to open each one and just sit and read! As I am reading, we have a very light snow falling (near Memphis which we rarely see snow and definitely not this early)!!!!!!!! Thanks for the cozy reading!
    Snowy smiles!!!!!

  56. Sandi (from the Cape) says:

    So good to see you and Joe at the recent library talk! I did want to see you but that line was so lonnnnnnng! Instead I hightailed it over to Joe to have him sign the Black Dog Cookbook I found recently! Just love that cookbook and your story of how you sat in that restaurant and met your Joe! He, by the way, is just as charming as you are! Such a perfect match! I love that floral tie he has on at a previous TG, will look for one for my John! I also love that you have a collection of butter pat plates shown in one of your pictures. I have a growing stack and love those tiny plates! Thank you for all the love you spread to all of us girlfriends, and have a truly splendid holiday season. Hope you enjoy the Fairie house I left for you! xoxoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Adorable Sandi! Thank you! I’m so glad you got to talk with Joe. I’m sure he loved that you brought his book! xoxo

  57. Sharron Stolle says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just finished reading your journal. 😊 I have to tell you that I was so surprised to see a picture of my baby dish, ‘I go here says the fork’ … We were born the same year so now you know how old the dish is! ❤️Sharron ps. It is carefully tucked away in my china cabinet.🍽

  58. Linda says:

    Thank you for this lovely post Susan! Did I see a candlewicke serving dish on your table? This was my mom’s pattern so these charming dishes hold a special place in my heart!

  59. Nancy says:

    The photo of your grandmother is precious! So nice of the person to send it to you!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!🦃🦃🦃

  60. Connie Ivey says:

    What a delight you are. Thank you.

  61. Sarah says:

    Oh, my, Oh, my, Oh, my! I’m singing with delight, sweet Susan! I was reading the post, not jumping ahead to the end just to see who won because then the anticipation of winning would be cut short, and I come to it. I’m in the list of winners!!!! My eyes actually did a little “bug out”. I went back to read again. Then I scrolled back and forth to read a third time. Yes, indeed, Hyacinth Sarah from Texas – that’s me! What a special gift, Susan.

    I don’t have a beach to walk along each day, though that is one of my all time favorite things to do when I’m near a beach. I do have a lovely trail that winds along a creek just beyond our home. I, too, walk every day, and bits of pieces from nature fill my pockets and my heart. An acorn or two, a pretty leaf, a pine cone, a twig of seed pods, perhaps a feather, or even an insect gall- each one a gift from Mother Nature. Been doing this since I was a child!

    I’m now retired, but I taught young children for 30+ years, and there was rarely a day that a child didn’t delight in finding such treasures on the playground or while on a nature walk, which was a weekly activity. As was the routine, the item would slip into a pocket or carried gently within tiny hands back to the classroom where the student would journal about this new found treasure.

    There is an English artist, Sarah Lugg, who has created the most amazing pieces of art doing just that. She would group an assortment of items with some common theme – color, season, etc. Then she would tag them and label each item in the most exquisite petite handwriting (not unlike your lovely script). I was totally smitten with her work, and because it reminded me of exactly what I was having my students do, I made contact. When I traveled to London, she graciously invited me to her home for tea. A busy mom, she has now set her art world aside for the present. We have remained friends over the years. She now lives here in the states so we met up again a few years ago. Life is full of wonderful folks!!!

    So, thank you, thank you “Vanna” for pulling my name. I’ve another special entry for my “Gratitude List”.
    All the best, Susan, Joe, and Jack. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    ~ Hugs from Sarah in Austin

    • sbranch says:

      You WON Sarah, isn’t that wonderful?!!! I will love sending you a little book. Will write an email tomorrow. Love hearing from you! xoxo

      • Sarah says:

        Susan, I’ve not had an email from you. There is no rush on my end, just want to make certain I haven’t missed one if you have sent it.
        I’m beyond excited to be a lucky one on this gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

        • sbranch says:

          Oh, wonderful to see you, Sarah! I was about to go hunting for you. I sent one . . . I will resend! Thank you for letting me know!

        • sbranch says:

          I just re-sent it, Sarah, was just about to go looking for you! Thank you for writing. I just now wrote to the email address that’s with your comment here (that only I can see) … if you don’t get it soon, please write my studio at feedback@ and we’ll try again. Thank you, and Congratulations again … it’s coming! xoxo

  62. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    I can see it the angel wing! Great tip for removing candle wax. I like purple with orange for Autumn decor now. I also like your instructional place setting drawing. I wish I could get a “Manners Maketh Man” sign for my frat house. Lol. I agree about Black Friday. My son in retail even has to go in late on Thursday, maybe not this year as he is also in school. 🤞🏻
    Grandma is gorgeous~~~
    Congratulations to the girlfriends and Gert! I hope all of the girlfriends are keeping warm this weekend. It is hard to believe that being directly as South as I can from home this weekend I could be almost as cold! Mobile is freezing tonight! ❤️ to California!!

  63. Rae Ann R. from northern Michigan says:

    Oh, Susan~What an absolute beauty your granny was…you look very much like her…Happy a Thanksgiving to you, your Joe and all those sharing your table…we will light a special candle for my sweet husband Dave~now our angel in heaven~so he can be with us at our Thanksgiving table…we will give thanks for all the wonderful years he was with us…I’m sure there will be tears as last year he carved the turkey, but we will smile at all we shared…

    • sbranch says:

      Awwww, Rae Ann, those bittersweet memories. Blessings on you all for this holiday season. He’s there, as I know you know, right beside you. xoxoxo

  64. Annette says:

    Another delightful missive. Thank you so much. I agree completely with your Black Friday viewpoint. There’s nothing sold in stores that would motivate me to participate-now world peace…..I’m such a dreamer😊. Your tables are lovely. I,too, appreciate the gathered approach to decor. The Baker side of my family for many year has give each grandchild or niece or nephew a place setting of the lost relative’s tableware. So each holiday across our family we share the table with memories from departed loved ones.
    Love your world Susan.

  65. Connie says:

    Susan, I totally agree with you about the day after Thanksgiving! I love staying home the day after Thanksgiving. I put some Christmas music on, put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. Then watch a favorite Christmas movie!

  66. Judith Hogan (Heartsdesire) says:

    Susan you can’t know how much your writings mean to us. Everything you say is so inspiring. I love Green Friday and I feel sorry for the next generation that there is so much commercialism around every corner. We must teach them about the softer, quieter things in life and hope they come to appreciate them. A walk on the beach is such a relaxing thing, and collecting sea glass to put in a lovely glass jar for your window sill is the best. I hope my grandchildren grow up to appreciate the fact that you do not have to shop on Black Friday, you can stay home with your cup of green tea and knit, sew, embroider or read a book. All these things are so good for the soul.

    • sbranch says:

      I’d love a culture where money didn’t figure so highly, where people turned to art, and found contentment in the little things that make life sweet.

  67. Karen says:

    Susan Anne,

    You are a sweetheart/earth angel! Happy Thanksgiving to you and BFFL (Joe, of course).

  68. Beth Doherty says:

    Thank you,Susan, for always covering the holidays and reminding some of us that they are coming. Living in Florida, sometimes I forget they are coming until I receive your blog!
    So now I must go to my boxes of decorations and get the Thanksgiving stuff out. I am thankful for you and your always wonderful blogs. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe .

  69. Dotty Reehling says:

    As always, a delight. I save all your blogs and re-read. Going to try your way of making cranberries. I have been doing it all wrong for 60 years……lol.

  70. Maureen says:

    Beautiful post, Susan. Your dining table is so pretty! Love your thoughts about Green Friday!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  71. Deborah Hatt says:

    I really needed your wonderful blog/email today. I always enjoy them, Sue. Thank you for making every effort to keep your posts positive, kind, and full of homespun, loveliness. God never meant for us to fill our hearts with the never-ending newscasts that bombard our lives with endless angst, negativity, bleakness, and tragedy from every direction on the planet. Instead, He instructs us to fill our thoughts and attentions on everything that is beautiful, true, virtuous, and praiseworthy – All the countless wonderfulness He created for us (Philippians 4:8). Thank you, Thank you for doing exactly this in all your posts. Because of you, the world is a sweeter, more beautiful place. May your tribe increase, my dear.

  72. Cheryl Wickline says:

    Susan, your blogs are so refreshing. I am immediately in a good place after reading them. As for “Black Friday”, I have never been a part of that. We have a local store in the Northwest, REI (Recreational Equipment Co.), who closes on the Friday after Thanksgiving, encouraging people to get outdoors. I love it. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and day after.

  73. Marge says:

    It’s always a blessing to get your newsletter. Thank you!

  74. Susan Hebert says:

    I just finished reading The Fairy Tale Girl (gobbled it down in one sitting) and ordered the next 2 books. Now I want to visit Martha’s Vineyard. As a California coast girl, I have never gotten to experience fall leaf colors or a snowy Christmas. Except through wonderful books and blogs like yours.

    Hope you and Joe and Jack have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    • sbranch says:

      You’d love New England in the fall! It’s tiny compared to California, you COULD get through 5 states in one day, but you wouldn’t want to. When you come, stay off the freeways, go the back roads, and stop at graveyards. You’ll love it!

  75. Rebecca Britt says:

    Cake it is! What a lovely recipe you provided for us! Your Cranberry Tea Cake will be made for brunch tomorrow. I’m looking forward to making (and savoring) it! I’ve followed your suggestion of finding older “well loved” tablecloths and napkins to bring home and use at gatherings with family and friends. Your idea of completing one task a day to get ready for the holidays is a great one! Today will be ironing all the linen napkins 🙂 . Wishing you and Joe a blessed Thanksgiving! Rebecca (Washington State)

  76. Mary Ann Hasbrouck says:

    Thank you for sharing your walk with us. I love the fall, my favorite season. Just this morning when I went out with our dog, I noticed the wonderful fall smell. You made me remember it in your description.
    Your grandmother was a beautiful young woman.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  77. My friend Mary and I were so happy to see you
    in person and to listen to you reading the first
    Chapter of your new book! It was a special day
    for us!

  78. Jana says:

    You are the highlight of the week-before-Thanksgiving! I am so inspired to get busy ironing my favorite napkins (antiques shop), polish silver (well, silver-plate … didn’t inherit so bought a set at an antiques shop), and plan out dishes and serving pieces from my paternal grandmother’s ironstone – beautiful old pattern with many colors. Oh, how I love and appreciate this blog and you and Joe and Jack and ALL the girlfriends, too! Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      I have lots of silver plate too, anything we think is beautiful, that’s all that counts. Love ironstone, especially from family! Have a wonderful time Jana!

  79. Mary M Simmons says:

    Dear Susan. Your latest blog came at just the right time. I needed to read something calming! Too much going on in my life at this time. Reading through your blog let me sit back and get a new perspective . Wish I could walk in your woods. I am sure it would give this 90 year old a hope for the future of our wonderful country.

    • sbranch says:

      You are so lucky Mary. You’re at a great age, and you are writing to me. Not everyone is blessed in this way. I’m so happy you’re here! There are pockets of good everywhere, watch what is happening and find the part that gives you hope. It’s out there. Sending love. xoxoxo

  80. Susan Webb from the Virginia Highlands says:

    Susan, Thank you so much for your basic table setting! somehow, I always seem to forget !? Happy TG and much love~~

  81. Barbara Weaver says:

    The movie? Holy cow! Please write a new blog soon! Enjoyed this one so much.

  82. Kris Teachman says:

    After surviving the Malibu fire with our house still intact, it was such a blessing today to read your blog to get my mind in the season of ‘thankfulness’…Thank you, Susan! Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday with Joe!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Kris, I’m so happy to hear some good news. It sounds awful out there. Sending our love and hopes you have a wonderful holiday season. xoxo

  83. Karen Saunders says:

    I feel the same way you do about that awful day. How dreadful can it be….
    Was just wondering while reading through your content does Joe love all the same things you do?? Old movies, antique dishes etc??? Or does he just love you so much he goes along with it?? If he actually DOES love that stuff can I just say ‘you lucky, lucky, lucky bum!’ How extremely wonderful and fortunate you are.
    I wonder if we love those things to transport us back to a more lovely time because this world is becoming so tainted it breaks my heart.

    • sbranch says:

      Dreadful. It doesn’t compute, but sounds like, after reading so many wonderful comments, we are not alone! Yes, he does, Joe loves antique stores, will slam on the brakes to go to one, has his own collections going, loves to read, loves old books, he was born old and from another time, loves lots of Masterpiece Theater, can barely handle cell phones, his eighteenth century one is always out of battery, but he loves pubs and old houses. Yes, I am a lucky bum! It’s funny because when we girlfriends talk to each other here on the blog, that tainted thing does not seem to seep through. I worry for the kids. They deserve better! The song, Teach, your children well . . . yes, indeed.

      • Karen Saunders says:

        I guess that’s why so many girlfriends like you and sweet Joe and yes that extraordinary cat of yours. We escape to a better place…..kindred spirits one and all!!!🌷🌷🌷

  84. Sherry Coleman says:

    Nice to see your post, as usual. Loved what you said about Black Friday. I have never been able to understand why it appeals to anyone. It seems to be a big fat fiasco to me. To each their own, as you said. As for me this Christmas, more than ever, I just want joy, peace and simplicity. We had our first snow the other day and I really welcomed it. Just want to cozy down and read ALL winter!

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving and am SO looking forward to your new book.

    P.S. You have reintroduced me to having a dream. I kept thinking I was too old for the dreams I once had to ever come true, but I believe dreams really can come true, thanks to you.💕🌸💕🌸

  85. Karen says:

    Your posts are just balm to my soul – thank you so much for all of your effort and love behind each one . . .

    We too have a walk – every day we take our four dogs (down from one time of 9:) – all rescues and older dogs to the creek. We live on a large creek (Jim Creek – would love to know where it got it’s name!) – that has returning salmon every Fall to spawn. We’ve lived her 21 years and those salmon returning bring tears to our eyes every single time – their struggle to return is wonderful and sad at the same time. *You remind me so much of Gladys Taber – I have all of her books and re-read them all the time (the same with your books!) I always get a lift every time I read both of your books – thank you doesn’t seem big enough!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh you are so sweet Karen! Once I was in Washington state, standing on a bridge watching the salmon leaping and jumping their way upstream. I’ll never forget it! Thank you for the Gladys compliment, you know how much I love her!

  86. Sandy says:

    What a charming photo of your grandma ! She is so pretty and stylish ! I have photos of my grandma with her hair waved too. I treasure them.
    Love your blog, you make me forget the horrible news of the day as I read it. Bless your mom and dad for raising a daughter with the ” Happy” gene.
    Thank you, Susan.

  87. Donna Hardin says:

    Just what I needed this afternoon…and since I didn’t win…cake sounds like a fabulous alternative! I just happen to have fresh cranberries in the fridge! I think your grandmother was a ‘looker!’ by the way! Oh, so gorgeous and oh, so classy! Why I am from Iowa…somehow this makes me proud! Lol. Have a great Thanksgiving…I cannot wait for the movie news…I think of it often and just know people will love it.

  88. Cheryle Perry says:

    Hi Susan,
    Excellent as always; so uplifting. You have either been brought up by thoughtful, consistent parents or you come by proper sweetness naturally.
    I recommend your blog to others when I can. You must spend a lot of time and energy for ones such as I and I do appreciate you.

    • sbranch says:

      My mom was only 17 when she had me and still believed in fairy tales. She was the perfect mother. We were children together. She gave me the happy gene, and I’m blessed to share it with so many wonderful girlfriends. XOXOXO Thank you Cheryle.

  89. Mary McCatherine says:

    Always love your posts! Thank you.

  90. diana from ancaster says:

    LOVE this post.
    I made a conscious decision to forego ‘Mall shopping’….. especially stay away during the so called ‘high seasons’……Green Friday? Yes!

    For quite some time now, gifts for those in my heart have been ‘hand made’ or ‘hand cooked/baked’…. gift of Time is the best gift after all. Yes?

  91. Cathy A Aquilina says:

    Love the idea of Green Friday! I have never gone shopping on Black Friday and shopping on Thanksgiving is just a major no no in my book! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Cathy

  92. pat addison ( cave junction, OR.) says:

    Hello Susan, Good Afternoon Girlfriends. Susan I am with you 100% at Black Friday…. I refuse to shop or wander into any store on that day, I usually go out to the local antique stores and leisurely browse. now those same shopping crazy people want to Thanksgiving into a day of shopping, perfectly barbaric to my way of thinking. I always felt Thanksgiving was a day set aside to give thanks for all we have received through the year and to be with family and friends to celebrate, not go out and go shopping for these idiotic bargains, isn’t Black Friday bad enough??? I prefer a leisurely and much more quiet approach to the Christmas holidays, and I refuse to shop in any store that goes with this shopping on Thanksgiving for my holiday needs, I shop locally in the mom and pop stores instead and find gifts that are exactly what I want to give, and the local merchants benefit instead of the retail stores. before I forget I want to wish everyone here a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, may you and your families have a wonderful time. and my congrats to the lucky 5 winners… sorry this is so hurried, have to get the chickens in for the night and bring up some firewood for the night. going to be cold tonight, good reason to snuggle up in a quilt and enjoy some old movies. have a wonderful evening everyone. Autumn blessings and hugs to all….. 😀

  93. Kelli Learned says:

    Green Friday is a great idea! We usually put up the Christmas tree and get everything ready for the holidays and my birthday!🎂🎁 cranberry tea cake and cranberry sauce are on the Thanksgiving menu.
    I can’t wait to hear about the 🎥🍿

  94. Tana says:

    Green Friday is just up my street. I am going to do it and tell others also. I never go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. I hope to have all my shopping done by then. Gifts are kept small and inexpensive in my family. Just more for the simple joy and less screaming memies for getting all the big stuff your life can hold. More movies and music and board games. Happy Thanksgiving Susan and Joe!

  95. Becky says:

    I vote for Green Friday! How wonderful you have a school photo of your grandmother when she was 18. BTW, she was gorgeous. Happy Thanksgiving.

  96. Jaclyn says:

    How about a free turkey ir thanksgiving bookmark and a new Christmas one; I love these so much but looking fir something new. Thx

  97. Penny says:

    Thank you for your encouragement always ! Remembering all those in California affected by the wildfires. I just dropped off 2 bags of sweat shirts , sweaters, Underwear & sweat pants our community is gathering to deliver to the Paradise fire victims . Truly tragic for so many that barely got out with their lives .
    Love the recipes shared -all so yummy!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 gobble gobble!
    🍁🍂 Penny

    • sbranch says:

      I mean, right now that gift will mean everything to those who escaped with just the clothes they were wearing. Oh my, how good new jammies will feel! Beautiful, Penny!

      • Penny says:

        💕 thank you for your keeping in touch with all of us that adore your blogs , your books , your goodness 💫 ! Blessings Penny from Mt . Rose 🌹

  98. Jeannine Pooley says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading Modern Times. Your posts make me feel like I am reading letters from a dear friend. You remind me to slow down and enjoy the holidays, take time to smell the aromas of autumn, and the coziness of home. My late in-laws had a home in North Georgia and we would gather there on Thanksgiving. We all helped with cooking and clean up and later we would enjoy playing cards or whatever the game of the night happened to be. Since their passing we have scattered across the US but your writing makes me smile and remember what good times we had and for that I am thankful.

  99. Georgeann says:

    Sweet way to remember how to set the table that I share with my three year olds every year in my preschool class….Once upon a time, there was a princess (fork …crown on her head…the tines…hee-hee) who lived in a tower (napkin). The prince (spoon) wanted to marry the princess, but was separated from her with a lake (plate) full of crocodiles! So he sent a knight (the knife, which is nearest the plate) to rescue the princess, so they could be married and live happily ever after in his castle (the cup above the spoon). Happy Thanksgiving Miss Susan!

  100. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    What a delight, I love all of it! First the walk by the sea, I could even smell the salt air and I think it’s the first time I’ve heard your voice? I live inland in Vermont and often crave a walk by the sea.
    I never knew, until now, that you can freeze the votives to make the wax bits easier to get out, thank you! I love “slow speed collecting” too, and Thanksgiving is the perfect time to put the treasures to good use. I love the preparations for Thanksgiving, especially feeling Thank-Full for all my blessings. I’m all in favour of Green Friday, would never dream of shopping in stores the day after such a non-materialistic enjoyable day!
    This is the time of year that I beg my loved ones to Pleeeease not give me gifts for Christmas, I have enough and so many have nothing. Please just make a donation to somewhere, anywhere that you like. Every year I ask this, and every year I am ignored. They just love to give gifts, so I make the donations anyway!
    I wish you and Joe a lovely and delicious Thanksgiving Day with friends.
    Thank you so much for reminding us that modern times have their place, but the olden days have what really matters. Blessings always…

    • sbranch says:

      We were lucky to see a softer gentler way of life, and to have the connections through our grandmother’s to have had a taste of theirs too! xoxo

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