Cold and Flu Season

Popping in to say hello and Rabbit-Rabbit! I have a brand new post all ready for you, with all kinds of excitement I can’t wait to share, but we’ve had an outbreak of the flu at the Studio and the finishing touches for the new post won’t be available until Kellee gets back on Monday! Don’t worry, she’s  already feeling better, it’s just your normal run-of-the-mill horrible flu, poor baby! 🤧 🤒

I hope you’re all getting thawed out from the last few days ⛄️ . . . and geared up for football this weekend, and feeling well yourselves! We’re healthy here, Jack’s telling me to take the weekend off (more time to shoot rubber bands!). But I’m still working on the 2020 Calendars so I’ll keep busy and give you a preview soon! XOXOXO See you! Love . . . me.💞

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571 Responses to Cold and Flu Season

  1. Colleen Kemps says:

    Susan, Your daily twitters brighten my life!

  2. Margaret says:

    what is meant by “Rabbit-Rabbit?”

  3. Karen says:

    What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day by winning his.

  4. Mary Davis says:

    Thanks for your blog update. I love all the new cups. I have already ordered 2 Birthday cups

  5. Terrie Beichley says:

    ❤️ Thank you, Susan you always brighten my day and lift my soul.

  6. Ruthie Peterson says:

    I love receiving WILLARD and now the combined BLOG with it! Can’t wait! Please put me in the drawing! Ruthie

  7. Joanna says:

    I REALLY hope the movie comes to fruition! I can’t tell you how much that book meant to me, newly divorced and starting over in my house in the woods!

  8. Lori McGrorty says:

    Susan, thank you so much for being here on the Internet! In 1991 when I got married my favorite aunt bought me Vineyard Seasons and Heart of the Home, I’ve loved them and used them constantly. Here we are 27 years later and I find out you have all these ways of keeping in touch with us! I called my daughter at college and was laugh/crying when I told her I found you on Instagram and your blog and you were just as wonderful as the books I’ve cherished and shared all these years❤️

  9. Shelley George says:

    Love you Susan Branch

  10. Bette Lorene Petersen says:

    Love getting my Willard! The new cups are beautiful!

  11. gwen graham says:

    We are snow virgins, so to wake up this morning to snow everywhere was magical. We feel like kids in Disneyland, having moved from California to the Pacific North West only 4 years ago. Sipping my tea and reading your blog on this most perfect day, fills me with so much joy. Loved your blog today, its everything I feel about home and the little things in life. As a homebody, watercolor artist, cook, gardener and girlfriend to many, we share a lot of interests. Thank you for all the years you have inspired me. 💜🌷😘

  12. Peggy Mayfield says:

    I’m trying to Marie Kondo organize too! A dear friend got me hooked. Tomorrow the Paralyzed Vets of America truck will come pick up a load of donations which no longer *spark joy* for me. I thank them, and move on. The Musica choice was a delight – just what I needed with my tea. Oh – have a recipe you might like – where should I send?

  13. MARI JO says:

    LOVE all your items !!!!!

  14. Nancy Newsom says:

    Thank you Susan, I always look forward to your blog! I wish I had half your energy, but you inspire me to do more, or want to! XxOo

  15. Terry Barber says:

    Love this, can’t imagine not hearing from you every season.

  16. Debbie says:

    I so enjoy reading your Blog and Willard. They bring a smile to my heart on days when it seems I need it most.

  17. julie says:

    you make me happy

  18. Sherrill Bruning says:

    Need to heed tidying up tips—spring is coming and I will want to be outside! Beautiful giveaway items. Would love to share with special people in my life. Thank you Susan for always being so thoughtful and kind.

  19. Sandy Olsson says:

    Susan I just love your 💖 if generosity. I can’t wait to read every single word of your Blog
    Each time!!!!

  20. Karen says:

    I love reading WILLARD (especially seeing cute little Jack – love his mustache!). You’re the best, Susan!

  21. Sharon says:

    Hi Susan I’ve been a big fan for the longest time. Went on YouTube and listen to your voice as you were walking the sandy beach. It was so good to put a voice with a face. Someday I hope to sit in on one of your talks or book signing. I’m from the Philadelphia area. The sun is shining here I hope on Martha’s Vineyard also. Have an awesome day.

  22. Lynn Hall says:

    Your creative communication of the importance and joy of everyday life is so heartening and hopeful in this crazy confusing world. Love your posts, Susan.

  23. Cheryl Harrod says:

    You inspire me with all of your great ideas and I use your recipes from my very used Susan Branch cookbooks. Reading your blog gives joy and sparkle to my thoughts and everyday life.

  24. Linda Tytko says:

    Just loved to read this I’m ordering a birthday cup for me best friend Kathyhugs

  25. Linda Tytko says:

    Loved the blog buying a birthday cup

  26. Denise says:

    Hi Susan! Can’t wait for the new nook to come out – or new “anything”, for that matter. Your works have touched so many lives, and we are all thankful 🙂

  27. PJ Miller says:

    I just love reading your blog and letting us see into your beautiful home.

  28. Beth says:

    Ms. Branch,

    Thank you for sharing positivity and beauty.. and some great laughs!
    The world is in need indeed.

  29. JoAnn says:

    Oh so much fun to think about winning one of your delights!

  30. Diane Ruby says:

    Love your blog and everything you do! I have been with you since the very beginning. Had the ecstatic pleasure of meeting you in person a few years ago at Strawberry Patches in Bakersfield. Keep up your good work of inspiring us to new creative goals!

  31. Barb Walsh says:

    What wonderful Valentine’s Day gifts any of your contest prizes would be.

    I need to order a new mug I had 4 but 2 of them are gone to mug heaven. Need to get new ones to drink my coffee in.

    Also thank you for nudging me into cleaning my studio. I realized my calendar is still in January!

  32. Louise says:

    I look forward to reading your posts. You do inspire me with all your ideas.
    I need to start collecting your beautiful China mugs. I will be dropping hints to my family. Stay warm. So looking forward to spring!

  33. Risa Taylor says:

    Loved reading this Blog! Thank you 😘

  34. Becky Harvey says:

    I love that you took a picture of Joe’s drawer of tee shirts. I had a drawer of jeans filled to the top. Now that I folded them the Konmari method, half of my drawer is empty! I feel so organized!

    The sweetness of your soul comes through your delightful Willard. Thank you, Susan for the beauty of your art, your lovely home, and encouraging words. They truly nourish me and make me happy. Lots of love to you!

  35. Marjorie Estey says:

    I have been a fan of yours for so many years and you always make me smile. I love to see the pictures that you post because they look so warm and cozy. Thank you for sharing your life and your talents with the world.

  36. Charlene Carroll says:

    Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul

  37. Helena says:

    Thank you for brightening my day!

  38. Jere Newton says:

    Life is good. A gift from you would be a cherry on top. I have my fingers crossed – Jere

  39. Susan, I visit Martha’s vineyard for one week every summer and have very warm and fuzzy feelings for it and your Willard always bring back those feelings and I really love that!! Thanks for taking me away for a few minutes!

  40. Barbara Thares says:

    Just reread A Fine Romance! Ready for my fourth trip to England. I want to walk some of those paths thru the countryside!

  41. Sandi Terreri says:

    Your drawings and sweet words always bring sunshine to my days. Thank you so much! I look forward to and treasure your creativity!

  42. Dena E. says:

    your new mug designs are very nice…especially like Bella Luna.

    enjoy your postings.

    thank you

  43. Ellen Elliott says:

    Love love all that you offer Susan Branch. ❤️ Sincerely, Ellen Elliott

  44. Kim Eighmy says:

    Reading this blog, with all of its delights, amidst an ice storm in Wisconsin warms my heart! I’m traveling to the Cotswolds this June and will surely see echoes of you everywhere!

  45. Nancee Hudson says:

    There is definitely something totally unique about your art and draws me to it!
    Thankyou for being such a talent!

  46. Dianne Mann says:

    You are a joy! Thank you for all the happiness and smiles and yummy stuff!!

  47. Madeleine says:

    We are all the beneficiaries of the happiness that flows from your paintbrush!

  48. Deena Salvatore says:

    Susan, thank you so much for all the loveliness, and in my case, memories, you have brought to my life. Before my mother passed away (she was also an artist) we used to exchange your books and we always wrote notes to each other in the front. Each time I open one of mine I remember all the fun we had making your recipes and reading your narratives and quotes. It does bring tears to my eyes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for being a part of my life that until now you would have no way of knowing. Thanks for memories!

  49. Nancy K. says:

    Susan, do you have ANY idea how much joy you bring to us?!! All your beautiful creations warm the “cockles” of my heart and inspire me!! Thank you – and thank God for you!

  50. Paula Campbell says:

    It doesn’t feel like winter here in Tennessee. A balmy 65 degrees. Not to be a grumphead but I want winter to be winter. All the flowers that are popping up and the bushes that are blooming will be nipped hard by the next cold snap. Paula

  51. lorraine says:

    reading your blog is like a warm hug! thankyou

  52. Carolyn Kelly says:

    I was so happy to get my Willard today. I am lucky enough to say I’ve gotten them all.
    I’m also happy to see that they will continue but in the new technology way.
    I’m hoping to get to the Vineyard this summer at some point. If I do, I’ll make sure to pass by the house and blow kisses to you my kindred spirit- girlfriend. Keep up the beautiful dreams.
    Best regards
    Carolyn Kelly

  53. Kate says:

    When my best friend’s daughter was little, I telephoned one day, and she answered and called out, “Mom, it’s your favorite friend!” We’ve been favorite friends ever since 🙂 Your Girlfriends book would be a perfect gift for her upcoming Valentine’s birthday! Also, especially love the stars 🌟and 🌙 moon cup. Inspired today to “tidy up” at least one room. Thank you! ❤

  54. Marisa says:

    Can’t wait to order your lovely new mugs!

  55. Lyn says:

    thanks,Susan, especially love the wooden spoons…

  56. Marion Cook says:

    A Chilly Morning Hello From Idaho !
    I So enjoy your posts and shares !
    ❤️Happy February to you ❤️

  57. LindaSonia says:

    Another lovely visit to your blog completed! 🙂

  58. Robin says:

    Always LOVE receiving my Willard! Everything stops here as I am transported to Martha’s Vineyard to be enchanted by all that you have to SHARE! Now that you have connected us to your blog, this little robin is all a tweeter to be hearing from you more often! Valentine Hugs to all you Girlfriends!

  59. Elizabeth Leonard says:

    Susan, I’ve been following you for years and years. Thank you for always being a breath of fresh air.💌

  60. Janice Tate says:

    Its a cold & rainy day here in Oklahoma, thanks you for the Willard update! Thank you for the blog that makes it a bit cozy here at work! Hugs

  61. Marianne says:

    I have been a fan for many years and love all your books!

  62. Alice says:

    I love, love, love your blog, especially at this time when it is only 12 degrees with a windchill below zero. You never fail to inspire me.

  63. Debi says:

    Happy Anniversary Susan and Joe! Best wishes to you both and thanks for another wonderful year of inspiration and “sparking your own joy”.

  64. Shelby says:

    Great blog post…again! Thank you! 🙂

  65. Dixie says:

    Looking forward to receiving Willard. Thank you for all you do!
    And what a lovely post, too!

  66. Doreen says:

    You brighten my day😉 whenever I receive your email or blog. Such JOY💕
    Thank you for your comfy & lovely writing style, the Musica and your Jack updates & pix!
    A Happy ❤️ Day to you & Joe.

  67. Margo Read says:

    Thanks for a wonderful Willard. Your posts are so uplifting on a dreary winter day.

  68. Wanda says:

    I only recently discovered your blog and website and love everything about it. How nice to see you are also a Gladys Taber fan! Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork.

  69. Lindy says:

    Your blog always makes me so happy. I’m smiling the whole time I’m reading it. When a picture of Jack shows up, I’m laughing out loud at his unique face. Thank you for your positive words, Susan.

  70. Judy Snook says:

    So happy to be now getting your blog. Willard has been so delightful to read and now I’ll hear from you even more often!

  71. Judy Maulding says:

    Susan, you are such a special friend & I lost my best friend of 50 years that introduced you to me. she past Dec. 29. The first book she bought for me was your Christmas book., now I have them all. She was 86 years old, she died of advanced ALS & I miss her so much. God Bless You for all of your creative talent & making so many people “feel good”. I am a dog person, but I enjoy Jack, & my babies are Boston Terriers, so they are black & white like Jack. Hugs to you, Joe & Jack

  72. Kris says:

    Kitty Jack and mini quilt??!! Moon and stars tea cup??!!! Recipe for yummy biscuits??!! Sigh…’s all so wonderful! Yay!!

  73. Sally B. Snow says:

    What do you oil your wooden spoons with?

  74. Susan, I’ll share with you one of my very favorite quotes written by Michelangelo, shortly before he died: ” Ancora Imparo ” (I am still learning) I love your art and I have all of your books! So charming! Thanks!

  75. iris shubert says:

    I can’t find my comment so I thought I’d try again 🙂
    I so enjoy peeking into your lovely little part of the world. You are an artist with words as well as with paint. Thank you Susan for making sure we remember the good things 🙂 Jack is beautiful.

  76. KJ Collins says:

    Love these. Have been a fan forever!

  77. Mary Kahl says:

    Happy Valentines Day! Think you’re wonderful.💗❤️

  78. Bev Manning says:

    I so enjoy all you do, Susan! Especially since I loooooove England as you do. My husband, the Lovely Jim, was an Air Force officer and we were assigned to RAF Upper Heyford for 3 years! It is just north of Oxford. Heavenly to live in the Cotswolds for 3 years. We visited Martha’s Vineyard last September and The Lovely Jim took my picture on the street outside your house. It was being painted at the time. We are settled in Colorado now. Thanks again for your art and recipes and happiness.

  79. Michele Bottorff says:

    So happy to see your blog & to be on the mailing list. You brighten my day with your lovely drawings, recipes and outlook on life! Thank you!

  80. Pam Erselius says:

    Thank you for your quaint coziness. And for sharing with us. You warm my winter like a cup of tea, a good book, and a quilt by the fire- in the rain.
    As you work on your calendars and mugs, might you pretty please consider us cool color / ocean lovers and possibly hopefully make pages and cups filled with blues and lavenders and sea glass aquas with fish and coral and sailboats and water? Thank you for thinking about it. ☺️
    Your lemon pepper hearts sound yummy and unique. I’m wondering about the pepper. But I bought a ball of lemon pepper soap at an herb faire once. It smelled heavenly and people couldn’t figure out what it was! Take care. 💚💙💜

  81. Naomi Huddleston says:

    Dear Susan,

    Your posts bring us all into a haven of peace in a very noisy world. Thank you for taking time out of your life to fill our lives with such joy!

    Oh! And your new cups? They are darling! My heart is drawn to the “Little House” cup. So sweet. I can’t help myself … I must purchase three, one for myself and a couple more for my two daughters as a loving “just because” to brighten their day. I do have the “Spring” and “Garden” cups and look forward, each brand new morning, to a hot cup or two of Folgers, Maxwell House, or Yuban (whichever is on sale!) in one of these cheery cups.

    Also, with much excitement and anticipation, I look forward to that extra-special day in the future when I open my mailbox and, lo and behold, there’s a package from Susan Branch filled with precious little vases and a butter dish.

    Blessings to you Susan!

    Naomi :o)

  82. barbara klein says:

    Love the blog and all your books-I’ve been a fan for years!

  83. Christie Dougal says:

    You are such a joy!!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️

  84. Becky Hebert says:

    I hope that I am commenting in the right place for a chance to win your beautiful “Girlfriends” book. I am new to your work, but I am quickly getting acquainted after reading the first two books, “The Fairytail Girl”, and “Isle of Dreams”. I am halfway through the third book.

    I loved your artwork, your zest for life, and we have the same love for antiques, quilts, well-loved, treasures, cooking, hospitality, and you are the first person, I have ever heard of that has shared my fear of flying!

  85. Janeen Breyman says:

    Willard and a blog post all in one day. How wonderful. Love your enthusiasm for tackling the new year. Would love to win any of the mentioned gifts. They are all beautiful.

  86. Nancy Ryan says:

    I just finished reading your book, “Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams.” It was the best book I have read in years and years!! I absolutely loved it! I feel I am a kindred spirit. Thanks for all you do!

  87. Jodie L. Anderson says:

    Your blog is like dessert! I save it until the end of the day when I can savor it.
    Your thoughts and ideas warm my heart & soul! Thanks for being you!

  88. Laura Domsic says:

    Thank you for brightening my day!

  89. Susan Anderson says:

    Susan, I always look forward to your new blogs and read them over and over. They get my creative juices flowing. I am thankful for you and thank you for sharing your creative gifts with us.

  90. Edith (Penny) Weldon says:

    Always over JOYed with receiving your Willard but even more with your lovely blog!! Simplifying is best always!!

    Your books are always in a state of honor in our home!!

    My hubby will either be on a jury for a trial or singing Valentine’s with his barbershop quartet!! So much fun to be had!!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all!!

  91. Lynn Hammond says:

    Susan, your blog is like receiving a letter from a dear friend! Such joy! Thank you so much

  92. Jeannette Hirschberg says:

    Happy winter Susan and Joe! Hope you all are staying nice and cozy. We’ve got rain here in California. Love and blessings from here in Santa Barbara. Love, Jeannette Hirschberg

  93. cheryl perkins says:

    Reading this blog makes me so very happy!

  94. Gena says:

    You’re blog lightens my day. I would love to give my best friend your book!

  95. Linda L. Gordon says:

    Oh the joy of winter! Thanks for inspiring us with these great blog postings! Let the snow fall and the coziness of winter embrace us all!

  96. Rachel Ramos says:

    Hello Susan,
    Thank you for sharing with all of us your beautiful creativity and blessings! Looking forward to your future movie. I will plan a girls night, cook up some Susan Branch recipes, and toast the night together!

  97. Linda a. says:

    A sweet, heartwarming blog for SURE !
    Happy HEART Day. ❤️

  98. Julie Deppe says:

    Dear Susan,
    It is always such a pleasure and joy to hear from you . You are a true inspiration 💕🌸

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