I can’t believe it, here we are, at the end of August already and all I can say is, tick-tock, how did we get here so soon, and OH GOODIE!MUSICA! I have been suffering from this hot and sticky August that seemingly will not end . . . I’m ready to move on! Love the quote, “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Fits me to a T, especially right this moment. And then, a couple of days ago, at the top of my suffering, I accidentally did a happy thing . . . I opened up my Autumn Book, just to take a look. As I turned the pages a thrill went through my heart, and I realized, it’s almost here! My favorite time of year!

So I went and got some sunflowers . . . and cut marigolds from the garden for little vases . . . because 

It perked me right up! Changed everything! Sweaters are coming! Leaves! Crisp air! Corn Pudding! Makes me almost want to go on a diet. That’s how perky I feel! (“Almost” being the operative word, I am not done with toast and peanut butter yet!)
I know, not everyone looks forward to cold weather, but I love having a reason to heat up the oven and bake something! And in my glee, I planned the rest of the year: first a long breezy, colorful autumn (and can we have a normal Halloween? Why not? Everyone wears masks anyway!👺 That will cheer everyone up! The kids will be thrilled!), leaves blowing through the woods on our walk, crisp salt air off the water, quilts airing in the breeze, more cozy covers on the bed, church bells ringing and boat whistles blowing, and then a short, cozy, snow-white winter around the fireplace, with a new Christmas book and a new puzzle to do during the winter, which will be SO short I’ll have to hurry! And then, an early burst of the most flowery spring ever ~ in a brand new world filled with fresh beginnings! Covid gone, children going to school, everyone back to work, Easter egg hunts! Kitchen table Tea with girlfriends, with new remembrance, respect, and deep gratitude …

While all these nice thoughts were brewing in my head … My cups arrived on the kitchen porch!!! I’ve been waiting! I hope you got yours too … if not, you should soon. We had a little slow-down at the PO, so if you ordered one, and don’t have it yet, it’s definitely on the way!❤️

And then there’s this happy thing. Joe is outside building us a 12′ picnic table, in two pieces, one 8′ and one 4′ … so we can have a party of six for dinner, a couple at each end, and one in the middle for starry September evenings! Just planned our first one for this Friday Night!👏 I’m cooking! Joe’s grilling! Keeping our sunny-sides up.💖

Now what’s this you may be asking. It’s a surprise! Another unexpected book! It will be called Distilled Genius, Wisdom of the World, Words to Live By, (or something like that) and contain my forty-year collection of brilliant quotes from the ages, gathered into categories as I have them here in my Studio, such as Courage, Tea, Gratitude, Gardens, Happiness, all onto pages like these . . .. . . whole genius sections about Love, Dreams, Time, Girlfriends, Cooking, Creativity, Earth, Fairy Tales, Beauty . . . so on and so on… Look how cute it’s going to be! I have about 40 pages done so far. I’ve been asked to do this for years, and I do think it needs to be here for the future! Everything that has ever mattered has been beautifully said by someone whose attestment has teeth,from Marcus Aurelius, to Mark Twain, Black Elk, Rumi, Langston Hughes, C.S. Eliot, Churchill, and the Bible, to Louisa May Alcott, Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Dickens, Anne Frank, Lincoln, and so many more … plus, plenty from that prolific genius, Anon… and lots from people with less familiar names, whose smart, funny, wise, and touching words inspire curiosity, and open whole new worlds that lie beyond them. I’ve always read quote books like novels! I hope this book will be finished for that wonderful spring I’ve been thinking about. More hope in a time of need. May have to be two books, might even be three, still waiting to see! I know, I have next year’s calendars to do, and my wonderful book, Enchanted to work on, and lots of blog posts and Zoom events and dinners to cook, and Joe and Jack, and the House of Creativity, and all those other ideas, but here I am, Girls, 73, and there is still so very much I want to do!Some of you will remember that I did my very first Zoom Webinar last week. First I had to learn how to do a Power Point slide show. That about killed me. But at the last moment, it sunk in, and I found out just how easy it is to do. All about pushing the right buttons. Then I had to write about the photos, ⬆️ that’s me reading over old diaries to make sure I had the details right ~ it was a Calgon Zoom Party, took us far, far away, back to the English Countryside!And THEN, there was a week of daily Zoom practice with the encouragement of Andrea, the wonderful person who had extended the invitation for me to speak. We got to know each other pretty well! She was very patient!

We ended up doing the same program two days in a row, because the Zoom Room had gotten so full. I knew lots of you were there, because I got pictures! This one above is from our Girlfriend Mary Brehm! She has sweet peas!

This one came from Karen England and her Kitty . . . so fun to be in everyone’s houses!

This one is from Trahlyta! I got so many wonderful photos from you guys! Thank you! The program lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. I know some of you wanted to join in, but could not ~ so, as promised, here’s a link so you can see it yourself on Youtube. In the beginning, it’s just me staring at the screen, watching the names of attendees scrolling by really fast … such a fun thing to see, so many I recognized. I wish that part showed so you could read them too … but instead you just have to watch me staring at them and saying them out loud. Might want to skip that part!IN THE MEANTIME. Guess what? There are going to be more Zoom parties. In the column on the right of this Blog
you’ll see EVENTS. Here is the Link for it, but you can get there yourself when you need to check back for new event dates. I’m about to add more, so watch for them so you can register and receive an invitation to join. 

The next one will be a Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST on September 20 ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first virtual book event for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!One flower stands out on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s the hydrangea… they are everywhere! Drive up and down the streets and that’s what you see. We moved these from another part of the garden last year, and I’m so glad we did. Aren’t they romantic? They’re just starting to turn pale pink, something they do in the fall . . . and now we can see them from the kitchen windows from this dear old house I have loved for so long.💞

We’re still going on our walk everyday … joy of life. 

It’s been very warm . . . sometimes we have to cut our way through the air, it’s so thick . . . but it’s nothing like what our California Girlfriends are suffering. We pray for them every day. You too, Girlfriends in Iowa, we know about that crazy storm that shot through your state. And now, 11′ storm surges in Louisiana.😢 🙏 2020 is some kind of year!⚡️ We were spared the other night, we were told to hunker down and expect one-inch hail ~ it got very dark out there, but it never came! Thank God. Deep breath, ahhhhhh. Remembering how much we have to be grateful for. 

The woods are still green as Sherwood Forest, but every so often there are tell-tale signs that change is on the way with bright spots like this one!

And now, look, I had to show you this sweet letter I got from someone writing about our DamPanic, Go. Be. Love. postcards! Made my day!

Dear Susan, Several weeks ago I purchased a package of your “Go. Be. Love” postcards and sent them to a number of friends. Oh, my gosh! I send lots of cards and notes and have never received so many oohs and ahhs over a card I sent. My dear friends loved the postcard and just showered me with compliments and thanks. You deserve all of the credit. You created the perfect greeting to send during this pandemic and I am so grateful to be a longtime fan and follower and saw them in your online shop. Stay safe and well. Sincerely, Marge

 Just in cases YOU might need to be “showered with compliments and thanks” I thought I would share this!And the New Pumpkin Go. Be. Love. postcards came in too …


I had this pumpkin postcard printed in honor of what our Great Grandmothers did for us only a hundred years ago this August 18th!💖 Joe carved that Halloween pumpkin a few years back for our front window  ~ I thought it would be a good way to celebrate those brave and determined women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and best friends (and men too), who put themselves out there in a very big way for US! We should never take it for granted … they went through some very difficult and dangerous years, to make it happen!👏 Yes, Jack . . . And one more thing . . .In case YOU too need something sweet and homey to inspire you with my wind-in-the-trees formula for cozy, Kellee just put my Autumn book up at 25% off until midnight on Labor Day! You probably already have it, but maybe not, and maybe you need a gift for a friend!🍂 

And for you?

Time for a good Giveaway, don’t you agree? I think this is the perfect place to thank all of you for sticking with us through thick and thin and dampanic too, for me and for Kellee and Sheri, your kindness has meant the world to us over the years, going to work is a gift because of you, but especially these last months, you have no idea what a positive force you are. All you have to do is read the comments to know what lovely kindred spirits visit here. No matter where in the world you are, we have so much in common, I’m very proud of us.💖 Thank you.

So we’ll start here . . . 3 cups, 3 winners! As you know, these cups are mostly sold out now, but we saved these to surprise someone(s) ~ I hope one of them is YOU! Just leave a comment right at the bottom of this post, click on the teeny grey letters that say “comments,” leave a few words, and you will be automatically entered for the drawing . . . I’ll let you know who won in the next post, then I’ll send an email to the winners, who can write back with their mailing address, and voila, your cups will be on the way, either for you to keep, or perhaps to give away as a Christmas gift! And more . . .

Shipping from the printer is still on schedule for August 26th, which means we will probably have to wait until the day after Labor Day, September 8 to get HOME FOR CHRISTMAS delivered to the Studio! So, 3 more winners in this next drawing ~ and for each, a signed copy of my new book, hot off the press! If you’ve already ordered it, then Boom! You’ll have another one to giveaway! A little bit of “pay it forward.”💞
Leave a comment as suggested above … and now we will have six winners! Makes my day!
Okay dear ones, that’s all she wrote for today! I hope you’re giving yourself those hugs I talked about at the Zoom Party. They do help, and you do deserve them.❤️ Petty-pet hugs are good too! XOXOXO

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2,670 Responses to TICK-TOCK . . .

  1. Shann says:

    Yippee! 🎉 Another Susan Branch book for my collection! They bring me so much joy. Like old friends that warm my heart. 💓. Thanks for being you! And bring on the fall! 🍁🍂🎃

  2. Donna Marie Hovis says:

    I just ordered your Autumn book. My favorite time of the year as well !

  3. Bernadette Bielitz says:

    Thank you Susan for keeping us going during this trying year. All your work and optimism does help and each day I try to add a little Susan Branch to my life to inspire change. Loved the Zoom webinar and looking forward to more. Well don

  4. Carolyn Wilson says:

    Hello from western North Carolina. I wrote you here about a week ago but it isn’t posted yet. I was so thrilled to be part of your zoom at the Duxbury Senior Center! Tears were running down my face I was so happy. What wonderful pictures you shared and I can’t get enough of your stories. I read and re-read all your books and your recipes are simply the best. Your cookbooks are just as readable and enjoyable as your trilogy of your life’s adventures. You are such an inspiration – so positive and you really know how to make the best of any situation with humor laced reality. You tell it like it is. You give us hope with coping in difficult circumstances and hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart from a kindred sister!

  5. Julie H says:

    Reading your words, seeing your pictures, so soothing in this panicky world. Thank you ❤️.

  6. Mainely Grace says:

    August 31, 2020
    What a wonderful post welcoming Autumn. Hoping for clear skies the night of the Full Corn Moon! “Bunny Bunny -Rabbit Rabbit”!

  7. Rene Foust says:

    I am so excited about your book of quotes I have enjoyed them as you have shared them with us through the years. To have them all in one place will be perfect. I wish there was a way to share a picture with you here it’s of a quote an Instagram friend shared about 2020 and it is wonderful and inspiring. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to.

  8. Lisa Sloane says:

    I love your posts so much, that I wait to read them until I REALLY need them! However it means I am often too late to enter you contests, but no matter you and your blogs are always worth my self-imposed wait.

  9. Robin White says:

    Thank you for ushering in my favorite season!

  10. Rosemary from Oregon says:

    Greetings Susan,
    I’m 72 and so admire your intrepid venture into Zoom and your uplifting blog to bring us old fashioned memories and history. It keeps us connected all over the world. Thank you for your many books. Have followed you for years and love all your handwritten books and quotes.
    This blog is a “lifesaver and Life-Savor” in this world of so many uncertainties.
    Thank you
    and wishing you the anticipation of Autumn!🎃🍂🍁

  11. Christie Levin says:

    Dear Sue, Your morning walks!!! Tomorrow starts Autumn for me, no matter what the temperature is. First to come out are my Autumn tablecloth and your Autumn book. I’m getting ready by reading your archived Autumn blogs, starting with November 1, 2010 ~ and this latest one is a lovely beginning. xoxoxo

  12. Kathy says:

    Enjoyed your blog post…I’ve been collecting inspirational quotes for a long while and I’m glad that you will be putting your favorites into a book.

  13. Deb K says:

    It’s always a happy moment in my day when I read your posts Susan. I truly love all of the seasons, but always look forward eagerly to the next when it’s time comes. Thank you for spreading joy and beauty.

  14. dena says:

    I too was born in 1947…..must have been a love filled year!
    Or Perhaps 1946 was depends what month you were born.

    Happy Fall Y’all

  15. Kathleen Helmrich says:

    It was so nice to see a new post from you with all your news. Your energy is admirable. I just watched the video of your virtual talk and loved hearing about your visits to Hilltop. I got to go there in 2004 and remember the great happiness I felt walking up the lane from the ticket office to the house. Shear joy!

    Kathy H.

  16. rhea says:

    Hi Susan!
    It’s me, the Cali girl who up and bought a farm and moved to Vermont with my only neighbors being a family of bears with cubs that ALL decided that my property was theirs and rightfully so. I felt like Snow White as they would roll around my yard, eat my treats that I would leave out for them and sleep on my porch regardless of my 2 tiny dogs that went mad barking at them. After 4 years of the most brutal winters with a vertical 550 long driveway, turning 50, and realizing a farm could be just about anywhere, we sold our beautiful property to a lovely family from Boston and got the heck out of there. A Covid sell! We both benefitted. We are now back on the West Coast and we are loving it! Being a bit older and wiser, we stayed out of California even though it will always be home for me, and are hunkered down and in the process of finding our perfect farm and start a new chapter. So exciting. Ready for change and I’m hopeful that this year will bring us all together in the most positive way. It’s the year to reset, reevaluate and feel some gratitude for the little things. I love love love all of your exciting new projects and can’t wait to read them, purchase them and most importantly pass some along as I always do. I’ve missed you so much after taking a computer, phone, TV very much needed break.- so happy to have this post to welcome me back to reality. Thank you! Glad to hear that you guys are well and still creating wonderful things. Lots of love and give that kitty a pet from me.
    Ps. I love the time change!! I can watch TV as scheduled without falling asleep!

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Rhea, it’s been a while! I’m so curious, WHERE are you looking for your new place? How exciting! I so agree with you, this year of resetting, finding value, seeing the light, feeling so lucky, and sad, at the same time. You sound wonderful! Thanks for catching me up!💖

      • rhea says:

        We are really liking Boise Idaho! It snuck up and hit us by accident. Many years ago we lived in Sun Valley Idaho (for 19 yrs.) and thought that was where we were going to move back to. After staying in Boise for a week we were sold. Beautiful properties up against the foothills for gardening and animals to stay safe, tons of recreating, water and rivers that are full of wild life and seasons! Not 6 months of snow seasons but just enough for leaves in the fall, snow for Christmas and then gardening in FEBRUARY. YAY. The best part is that we have all of the amenities 20 minutes away instead of 3 hrs. away like Trader Joes, Costco, Home Depot and most importantly doctors as we are now getting older. SHHHH. It’s our little secret 😉

      • rhea says:

        Good morning Susan, I wrote back but don’t see it. I probably did it wrong. Did you recieve my reply? I’ll do it again if I messed up which wouldn’t be a surprise-I literally repel technology. Thank god for my kids:) See old fashioned smiley face.

      • rhea says:

        I wrote back but didn’t see it or a response so I probably did it wrong. Didn’t want you to think that I ignored you 🙂 We moved to Boise Idaho up against the foothills where my animals can run free and be safe, lots of gardening space with tons of water and just far away to not have to worry too much about the fires. We were planning on moving back to Sun Valley where we lived for almost 20 yrs. and accidentally fell in love with Boise very much to my surprise. We’re far enough away to avoid the city yet close enough to get to good doctors/hospitals, Trader Joes, Home Depot and all of the amenities that I’ve been used to taking the whole day just to get to them. Getting too old for that. The bestest part is that we still get seasons. yay! Leaves changing in the fall and snow for Christmas and by February, its time to plant. Perfect for a girl who lives in the garden! Shhh its our little secret and as I write that I just realized maybe that’s why I didn’t see a response! You’re so much cooler than me, DUH. Anyway, had to make sure you knew. I’ll use a code word in your next post and figure out whether you got this or not. LOVE.

        • sbranch says:

          Sounds just wonderful! Gardening in February!!! We are safest if we wait to plant anything until June 1!!!🤣

  17. Thank you for your fall enthusiasm and encouragement. You are a breath of fresh air! Yes, we are in a different season, one we’d never pick on our own but that is when light shines brightest in this darkness. Thank you for shining your bright, happy light with us!!

  18. Amy Marshall says:

    What a wonderful way to pass the day. Thank you SB!!!

  19. Mona Tanksley says:

    There is a nip in the air today in Nebraska and it definitely feels like fall is not far off. I am relaxing today after a busy weekend and have my Autumn book out ready to really get inspired for the most beautiful season of the year. Thank you for your beautiful books! I love them.

  20. Ann Solomon says:

    Susan, I wonder, in your book of collected sayings, if you’d consider adding a blank page or two at the end. This way we might be able to include sayings from our own collections. It’s wonderful to know that I’m not the only one who loves to collect great sayings. I must confess that a few of mine are great ones that you’ve sprinkled here and there.

  21. Meryl LaSala says:

    Yes, finally a taste of fall today. So much to look forward to.

  22. Arline So. CA says:

    Hello Susan. Here we are starting September 2020 smack dab in the face. Hard to believe. Thank you for being one of the things I can count on. This has been a rough year and can’t wait to plan a non-COVID tea for my friends, maybe with one more mug. ❤️

  23. Colleen says:

    Hello Susan! I watched your Zoom a few days ago and it was just what I needed. So true about the hugs. Thank you for bringing shining your light on us girlfriends. Stay well!!

  24. Katy Ford says:

    You words are so uplifting!!!! They bring cheer in this crazy time! And while I love, love, love summer, there is something so majestic about Autumn and how our earth and seasons change! Wishing you good health and all happiness with your Joe. I have a wonderful Joe as well! 💕 Fondly,

  25. Lucia Ann France-Bryant says:

    I’m so excited for all of the new books! Thanks for your blog, it makes my day, my week, my month!

  26. Kathleen says:

    Yes, Fall is coming! Full moon on Halloween – yay!
    Little things to look forward to make all of the difference.
    Thank you Susan for always reminding us to stop and smell the roses 🙂

  27. Marilyn L Young says:

    Susan, ah its good to read your notes again. I’ve taken a break, got a new harddrive installed and learned how to zoom now! The first thing I’m going to do is use your saying, “Dampanic” or something like that! I’ll need to reread your notes to get the right word. I love what word you made up for covid-19 as it sounds so much better than what I’m hearing and reading. This is a tough time and we may be in it for a year, but I have decided to stay positive, keep the Faith and enjoy my life! I keep busy at home with quilting, playing piano, talking on the phone and using social media, which at 86 is a pretty good routine. Oh, I love cooking too and utilize your books for new comfort recipes. I put in a mini garden but it wasn’t successful, my squash and tomatoes were awful! But, what the heck, I can buy them at my local store, lol. Hope to win a cup, if I’m lucky???? See ya

    • sbranch says:

      Yes! Generally speaking, unless we are sick, or worried about loved ones, we have it pretty good ~ all about your beautiful attitude! DamPanic still needs to GO!

  28. Gale H. Greene says:

    Hi Susan,
    Greetings from Cape Cod!
    Thank you for your fun Tick Tock blog post. Such a wonderful reminder to pull out my copy of your Autumn book and peruse some of the great recipes inside. Here are just a few of my favorites: Ginger Crisps, Orange spiced Harvest Stew, Rainbow Jello, Sweet Potato casserole, and Pecan Spinach Toss. I actually have more than five favorites; it would be a very long list if I included all of them. But if I can inspire someone to try just one of the above recipes or encourage one of your fans to look for other recipes included on the pages, then I think they’ll get hooked on this book. Your Autumn book is a perfect way to get excited about Fall.
    In the meantime, I will continue to dream that someday, I too, will venture to England and visit Beatrix Potter’s home just as you did on your trip. Thanks for the link to watch the webinar. I bought my first of several Beatrix Potter little porcelain critters on my honeymoon 48 years ago when my husband and I visited Bermuda. I love the idea of walking the paths, seeing the sheep in the fields, passing through the styles and enjoying the English countryside.
    Stay safe and be well,

  29. Joanne Coviello says:

    Love reading your blog. Look forward to every new one that jauntily comes along
    As a fellow artist, all your artistry is very much appreciated. Such happy colors.
    2020 has been quite a challenging year, but we’re all here!! Can’t wait for your fall and Christmas blogs. Wishing the best to you and yours and of course kitty.

  30. Brenda Bathurst says:

    such a joy to receive your posts
    I absolutely love the fall
    Thankyou Susan for the opportunity to win a mug or book

  31. Susan Stollard says:

    This post was just what I needed today. A bright spot of cheer, a new book to celebrate, and I kept my fingers crossed I’d make it through the sign-up for your zoom-room talk–yes! I did it! Please bring autumn early this year and let it last long past the normal number of days–we deserve this after all we’ve put up with during these past few months.

  32. Sheila pepe says:

    Hi Susan. Thank you for the upbeat post. I am so excited for your quote book. I preordered the Christmas book and just signed up for the zoom party at the bookstore. Thank you for your uplifting spirit. Sheila from Colorado

  33. Robin says:

    Dear Susan – it has been so hot in the Las Vegas Valley this summer,
    with little or no rain in most areas. Although, not complaining because we are
    so grateful to be safe during these unusual times. We keep in mind our neighbors in CA still experiencing the fires. Our friends to the south needing our prayers after the hurricane. The general unrest within our country that consumes the evening news. Thank you for the JOY you send out in every post! I hope it is not too early to start sprinkling autumn around the house!

  34. Jo'l says:

    Always love the “Musica”. FALL is my very favorite season too. I consider September the beginning of my new year, think it’s because I loved going back to school.
    Having not spent much during the recent “stay at home months” I’m giving myself your Autumn book, have always wanted it, one of those “good things coming from the bad.”
    So happy about the quote books, will definitely get those when they come out. It’s always good to read things that touch a good nerve. Hope you include some of your own like, “There is more to life than increasing its speed”, a reminder for me to relax into life.

  35. Sue Green says:

    Hello Susan!
    There is a little glimmer of Autumn in the air, here in Montana too, and I’m excited with anticipation for it to arrive. Hopefully it will be soon!
    I always enjoy your blog and the nice comments your girlfriends share with you.
    I enjoy my afternoon tea with you, wether it is your blog or one of your books and inspiring recipes…mmmmm delish!!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

  36. Kathy Pnl says:

    One of the best parts of the day is opening the email to find a letter from you! Cheers my whole week.

  37. Denise says:

    Delightful post!

  38. Ruth Howard says:

    Hi Susan from sticky Coats, NC
    I, too, can hardly wait for fall. This DamPanic is getting me down 🙁
    I want to see some beautiful leaves and smell the crisp air. Thanks so much for this lovely blog…and since tomorrow is Sept. 1….Rabbit, Rabbit!!!

  39. Stephanie C says:

    I’m so ready for fall🍁🍂
    My favorite time of year. Also looking forward to your new book, I have every one and enjoy them so much! Thank you for brightening my day.
    You are loved❤

  40. Antonia Lutz says:

    I look forward to your blog posts I am so glad to see your still curious and learning new things and are still so full of life! I just turned 53 on the 25th and it inspires me to see that dreams can still come tru!

  41. SUE from Simi says:

    Hi Sue,

    How did I miss that ZOOM? I am determined to be there on the 20th. I cannot wait for the new Christmas book. I have seen all kinds of memes about just going ahead and starting Christmas NOW. Seems like a good idea. Like you, I have collected quotes for years. Unfortunately, I am not as organized as you sound, keeping them in categories, you smart cookie! But I can’t wait to see all of yours.
    So happy you sound so good. You definitely live in a little paradise. Whatever it takes to protest ourselves from this circus of a country. I am right with you with my fingers crossed for November.

  42. Christine Underdahl says:

    Hi Susan, I have several of your books and have enjoyed each one of them. I also look forward to your blog, which brightens my day. You sure do have a lot of energy. I love that you call the virus affecting us all a dampanic. It certainly is that. Hope you and Joe stay healthy!

  43. Jennifer Muskat says:

    Susan, Thank you so much for your wonderful blog! I love, love, love seeing a new post in my inbox! Stay safe!

  44. Your photos are always so bright and cheery. I purposely save your posts for the perfect mid afternoon pick me up while I’m enjoying my tea of course! Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us all.

  45. Deborah Piascik ~ Weedsport, NY says:

    Hi, Susan ~
    I love how you’ve planned out the next year in your head. I always have a couple of days at the beginning of September when I wish Summer would just go on forever because I LOVE it so. Then I remember I LOVE Autumn so much!! The other day, one of my granddaughters said “Mimi, I can hardly wait for Winter so we can make snow angels and build a snowman. Don’t you just LOVE Winter, Mimi?” I started to say “Hold on, little one. It’s still Summer and the pool’s still open but I caught myself and said “I DO! I DO LOVE Winter so much!!!” I never want to brush aside their dreaming. And I realized I absolutely LOVE all the seasons. So blessed to live in this beautiful area of NY and experience it ALL!
    Your tiny vases on the kitchen windowsill inspired me years ago so I, too, have a sweet collection of tiny vases and upcycled glass jars on my windowsill that hold the flowers and branches from my daily rounds in the garden. Love your cheery marigolds!
    Thanks for doing your part (and more) to keep us all inspired and focused on all we HAVE and not so much on what we’re living without these days. I just KNOW we’d be girlfriends if we knew each other! Oh, WAIT. We ARE girlfriends, aren’t we?!
    Love you, Susan Branch xoxo
    PS ~ I am thankful for a chance to win one of your beautiful cups or a copy of your beautiful Christmas storybook <3

  46. Debbie Piascik ~ Weedsport, NY says:

    Hi, Susan ~
    I love how you’ve planned out the next year in your head. I always have a couple of days at the beginning of September when I wish Summer would just go on forever because I LOVE it so. Then I remember I LOVE Autumn so much!! The other day, one of my granddaughters said “Mimi, I can hardly wait for Winter so we can make snow angels and build a snowman. Don’t you just LOVE Winter, Mimi?” I started to say “Hold on, little one. It’s still Summer and the pool’s still open but I caught myself and said “I DO! I DO LOVE Winter so much!!!” I never want to brush aside their dreaming. And I realized I absolutely LOVE all the seasons. So blessed to live in this beautiful area of NY and experience it ALL!
    Your tiny vases on the kitchen windowsill inspired me years ago so I, too, have a sweet collection of tiny vases and upcycled glass jars on my windowsill that hold the flowers and branches from my daily rounds in the garden. Love your cheery marigolds!
    Thanks for doing your part (and more) to keep us all inspired and focused on all we HAVE and not so much on what we’re living without these days. I just KNOW we’d be girlfriends if we knew each other! Oh, WAIT. We ARE girlfriends, aren’t we?!
    Love you, Susan Branch xoxo
    PS ~ I am thankful for a chance to win one of your beautiful cups or a copy of your beautiful Christmas storybook <3

    • sbranch says:

      Debbie, your answer to your grandchild was so life affirming, just beautiful!!! Made her feel original. Like her thoughts MATTERED to someone who matters so much to her. Well done is what I say! We are definitely girlfriends. xoxoxo

  47. Gayle Weyman says:

    Hi, Susan! Oh, how nice it would be to cuddle up to a cup of tea…in one of your mugs! ♥

  48. Anne says:

    I’m sure I am among thousands of women who melted into your world and “tasted” every recipe as I read your books. I read them on my beautiful shaded screen porch one summer. I just recommended them to my wonderful sister-in-law this morning. Last November I gave your calendar to an elderly friend…she always tells me how much she loves to flip to a new month and delights in each new sweet illustration.
    May you have a long peaceful Autumn!

  49. Donna Galletti/Monterey says:

    Yes, Autumn. September arrives tomorrow. Need to get my copy of your book off the bookshelf. Autumn is also my favorite time of year. My, my, you are a busy gal. I am amazed at all that you are doing. Anxiously awaiting my pre-ordered copy of your Christmas book. You are so right, it is what we all need now. Thank you for taking the time to do that. The puzzle looks like so much fun. Need to zip over to your W/S to order that. And I am thrilled to hear you are working on a book of quotations as I, too, am a fellow quote lover. With all your artwork intertwined, that book will also be a treasure Loved your Zoom presentation. It is so great that those of us not in MV could enjoy your talk just as if we were there. Thanks for all you do to brighten our spirits during this trying time. Be well.

  50. Wendy Roberts says:

    I just love all your books and just received my calendars for next year. Thanks so much!

  51. Elaine Williams says:

    Oh I am so excitedly. I have my ticket for the Tea Party! And I would love to win! Nice to read your blog too!

  52. Amy Swanson Haan says:

    For my birthday my mom told me I could vmake a list with things from your store. I had a hard time narrowing it down! I can’t wait to see what she chose for me!

  53. Mary Cognata says:

    I just discovered you and read A Fine Romance this summer. I didn’t want it to end! What a beautiful escape and solace during this time. I just ordered your Martha’s Vineyard book and love your blog and all the quotes in everything you write! I am the head of a small school – virtual in the spring and back in person now and coming home to a cup of tea and your beautiful books and blogs is a respite. Thank you for all the beauty you

  54. Carol Daniel says:

    Dear Sue,
    Your book (or books) of quotations will be amazing !!! I can’t wait !
    Happy Fall!

  55. Christine Coli says:

    Ah, thank you for your inspirational email – always a joy to read. . .in all seasons. Loving the design on your new cups!!

  56. Amy says:

    I LOVE Autumn, so this was like coming home!

  57. What a wonderful post. I started the day feeling full of anxiety but your words and pictures always soothe my soul. You’re the Gilmore girls of the blogging world. Thank you for this gift! I am going to purchase the autumn book right away. Love from Emily, England xxxx

  58. Margaret Downs says:

    I will get out my Autumn book tomorrow and read it once again. And, I look forward to your Christmas book and your book (or books) of “Tidbits” and getting my calendar for next year. But, most of all I enjoy reading your newsletter! Thank you for being you and sharing your talents with us!

  59. Faye F says:

    Dear Susan how thrilling the sound of your new Quote Book is to my ears as I also save quotes and scripture but with your beautiful art work that I also love so very much… Praying to be able to add it to my other Sunsan Branch Collection.

    The joy you always bring in each if your posts and books are one of life’s graces.

    Love your Bluebird cup and I am sure all your zoom times will also bring much joy. I was blessed to meet you and you are as sweet and kind as my soul told me you would be.

    Blessings and much joy and graces,
    Faye F

  60. Chris from across the pond says:

    Oh how I would love to live in your neighbourhood and able to enjoy all those lovely walks every day. I live in the middle of a housing estate in the middle of the UK and have been isolating for 5 months now! I really need a hug but one of your mugs would be wonderful. In the meantime I’ll look forward to baking ng a pumpkin cheesecake from your Fall book 😋

  61. Jackie Koirtyohann says:

    Thank you for all your joyful post, they always lift my spirits. This fall season is sure to be one we will remember. I hope to join a zoom talk soon. JK

  62. My husband and I visited your beautiful island last October, as an extension of our Canadian Thanksgiving. It was such a special time, particularly for me, as I’ve dreamed of going for many years. We li not fa from Toronto, Ontario. The weather is cooling up here also, perhaps even quicker than on MV. I’ve begun to make stews and soups, breads and pies of the cold weather sort. Your books and blog are such a delight to me when time permits. I look forward to another visit to New England when our world regains some piece of normality. For now, tea and a long walk with my dog on the TransCanada trail. Blessings to you and yours.

  63. Maureen Graham says:

    On Susan, I love my Santa mug! My husband and I started camping this year. We have a tiny camper that is basically a bed on wheels, but we are up off the ground and stay dry if it storms! So cozy! My husband does all the cooking outside and it is lovely. It has been our way to cope with the pandemic. We just got home from a little town called Pentwater, they call the Cape Cod of Lake Michigan!

    Thank you for your work, Maureen in Michigan

  64. Lori Minch says:

    Your blog posts are a civilized breath of fresh air in a world that is becoming less civilized by the day. I re-read your books whenever I need a lift. Your words and images lift my spirits and have me yearning for a simpler place and time. Thank you.

  65. Suzanne says:

    Yeah! it’s almost Fall…truly one of the best seasons:) I can’t wait to hit the link to your Zoom presentation, but saving it as a special treat. Thank you Susan!

  66. Jane Alexander says:

    Susan, plain and simple, you are one of the best things in our lives. I have been spending months going through old photos…..from early 1900’s, from my families, and a few friends. Add to that old letters from my grandmother, etc. etc. from the 50’s. and old diaries of mine, from the 50’s, etc. A whole life of my mom’s and mine, and my children, now around 50 years of age. It has been exhausting, and so, so interesting. I am 79, and see I have had a long and wonderful life already. I am looking forward to the next 10 or more years. Wish I could have a photo of the lady with the sweetpeas!!!!!! oh my heart, that photo blessed me.

  67. Jessi Willets says:

    Your post made me forget about the 95+ degrees and humidity outside today. Now my head is filled with crisp, cool Autumnal memories. Thank you for the rescue and inspiration! I could not go on without my SB!!!

  68. Sharrie says:

    Happy belated birthday to Joe! I remember his birth day because, well, we August babies need to stick together!

    Thank you for hosting another lovely giveaway and tour of your home and walks. It’s always fun to see both. I live in suburbs and among mostly-the-same houses with mostly-the-same landscaping (except for my mixed-up yard with lots of plants) so it’s fun to see a different setting!

    I enjoy my “walks” these days on YouTube! ha! A young man recently started a channel called, “Doing It Ourselves” and he took a trip to Hill Top and visited the Beatrix Potter’s gardens. He is redoing a gardener’s cottage where he lives on property owned by his brother and his brother’s fiancé in France. Well, this young man, Michael, is redoing the gardener’s cottage and is inspired by Hill Top. It was lovely to see the Hill Top garden and then Michael and his friends hiked in areas of the Lake District and showed all other areas of interest to Beatrix Potter fans. So many lovely paths and stone walls! I would recommend it to any Beatrix Potter fan. A very nice respite.Here’s a link youtube.com/watch?v=VUXh5QUfX1w (if that’s okay to post) 🙂

  69. Susan Robinson says:

    Just pulled out my copy of your Autumn book a few days ago as well. Can’t wait for September here in Colorado. It is our most beautiful month. Looking forward to more of your Zoom gatherings. As far as I am concerned, access to and familiarity with Zoom is the only positive thing to come out of the Covid “dampanic,” as you have called it.
    Can’t wait for your book of quotes. My mother also collected quotes and put them in notebooks and journals. I have them all, along with 3 stories she wrote for the local Lancaster, PA newspaper under the column of “I Know a Story.” My sister and I also have 40 plus typed pages of family history and memoirs, including the day of Dec. 7, 1941, when she learned of the attack on Pearl Harbor while coming off duty as an RN at the Lancaster General Hospital.

  70. Vicki South of Arroyo says:

    Hi, Susan (full disclosure, this is my second comment).

    Just HAD to say, “Rabbit, rabbit” because it’s now Sept 1 (yay, FALL) and there was something on Newsweek that I just read that’s SO interesting about your fave saying, which I’d never heard of before you and this blog:

    “…has been practiced for many years in order to invoke good fortune at the start of each month … some believe that this practice dates back for 2,000 years … the word must be spoken aloud, and be the first word said in the month … it brings luck for that month … rabbits have been associated with good luck for centuries … according to NPR, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said ‘Rabbit, rabbit’ on the first day of each month … actress Sarah Jessica Parker is also a strong believer in the ‘Rabbit, rabbit’ superstition and has used the lucky phrase for at least 25 years (saying) there are two ways of maintaining the tradition … you can either stay awake until after midnight on the first of the month and say ‘Rabbit, rabbit’ at 12:01 am or you can make sure you say it first thing in the morning after you wake up on the first … (so) if you didn’t get to say ‘Rabbit, rabbit’ this morning and you could really use the good luck, it’s not too late … you can still lock in some good fortune by saying ‘Tibbar, tibbar’ which is rabbit spelled backwards.”

    I edited a longer article, but isn’t that fun?!!!

  71. Nicole says:

    Thank you Susan! I can’t wait to savor your new post. My daughter (15) will finish her “distance learning” classes and we will drink tea and read your post together this afternoon. I get an excited burst of happiness when I see a new post from you! So excited, I just ordered your Christmas Book and I can’t wait!

  72. Susan Hutchison says:

    So looking forward to your Christmas book. I tell everyone about you and your beautiful books. I truly love my recipe books and how they are packed with so much more than recipes. Thank you for your wonderful blogs as they have helped in a difficult time. God bless…

  73. FIONA HART says:

    Welcoming autumn as ever, but forthcoming events with trepidation- your world of home comforts, creativity and courageous thinking will be more important than ever. Wi.th a big thank you for yet another inspiring post

  74. Marsha Robins says:

    I cannot believe it is September 1 already! My favorite time of year is on the way — Autumn! However, here in Alabama, it will be awhile before we feel those fall temperatures. Enjoyed so much reading your blog post during my lunch break at work today — saved it to read on a day when I really needed it. If I knew there would be a drawing involved, I would have read it before now. And it is multiple drawings! Keeping my fingers crossed for a win!

    Happy to hear you are doing a book(s) of quotations — and, of course, the artwork is beautiful. I will definitely order several of those when they are offered in the store.

    Thank you for always brightening my day with your posts!

  75. Wendi Unrein says:

    I am Soooo excited about your Christmas book!! O didn’t realize that this was what you Were working on! Somehow o got it into my mind it was going to be another book on England? Well needless to say I want tge book the mug and that fun puzzle!! I was Soooo excited the other day as we have moved 5 times in the past 4 years (of which your best seller was my God therapy when we did a quick stint in upstate NY) and I could not locate your books and tgey are now found!! Now I must be honest I love all of your books and have many along with prints but have a special affinity for your novels!! due to all the moving from late in life career losses, we are now forced with bankruptcy. Im ok tho as God has it and we will get thru it but your books are God’s way of caring for me! Just watching your Instagram post of the tablecloths dancing passionately with the breezes blew me away! God is so using you in such beautiful ways Susan! Isn’t that wonderful? Thank you as always💖💖💖

  76. Wendy Stewart McMillan says:

    Can’t wait for the new book to ship! How lovely to anticipate Fall and cooler weather and hopefully a well world🌏. Thank you ,dear Susan, for a warm countenance always❤️

  77. Lonnie - South of Seattle says:

    I am so glad you are doing a book on quotes. You see, I have been writing down various quotes on fancy note paper and giving them to our soon to be 24 year old grand-daughter. If I happen to miss an occasion to give her one, she asks where a new one is! Ha…I am really pleased she appreciates them and ponders them.

  78. suzette shoulders says:

    Susan, Thank you SO much for your happy, heartfelt words in such uncertain times. Love to you, hope I win the new book! Suzette in Oregon

  79. Amylisa says:

    I had forgotten about your book, Enchanted!! When do you think it might be released??
    Can’t wait. I just got myself one of your British Corgi mugs. It would be so nice to win some others!! They are so lovely.
    I’m with you, Susan, autumn is my favorite time of year! I have 3 children who are living in northern CA now and they do miss our autumn season, though where they are they do get some color in the leaves at least. Wonderful blog post, thank you!!!

  80. Emma says:

    The Autumn book is on display … already read it again!!!

  81. Christine Ditzler says:

    Loved the last zoom party – waiting for the next. Happy Fall! Chris

  82. Teresa Menendez says:

    Thank you for showing us your beautiful hydrangeas. I’m glad they “took” in their new spot so you can see them when you look out your window. Just lovely!

  83. Christine Beutner says:

    OOOOH, yes, this Iowa Girl living in hotter-n-Hxll Texas cannot wait for Fall! Just checked my Susan library, and I have a first edition Autumn book. 🙂 Ordered your new Christmas book and virtual tea ticket on Eventbrite, and put the date on my calendar. 🙂 I’m an Elementary school Music Teacher, with waaaaay too many students in my supposedly-“online until after Labor Day” school… definately need something to look forward to mid-month and I cannot wait! What a lovely way to usher in FALL, too ! Love your work Susan, we are indeed kindred souls. (as I gaze at my Corgi cup, trying to remember if Princess Diana tolerated HM The Queen’s corgis, or did they tolerate her? Do we know? Think I’ll ask Paul Burrell in Instagram…). Bless you ! Hope I win another cup for my collection! , or might give it to a Brit friend who has had far, far too much loss in the last 18 calendar months. XOXO

  84. Laurie Rodberg says:

    I love autumn too! It’s my favorite season. I always look forward to your posts. Keep up the wonderful work.

  85. jaci raider says:

    to you and yours….happy autumn!

  86. Michele Perkins says:

    Hello Susan,
    It’s been wonderful to catch up on your latest blog posts! They are always such a treat and I think we all feel like a family and we all need each other. You are such a bright and inspiring person and your creativity knows no limits and I know all your girlfriends and myself feel very lucky to have you in our lives, especially in these challenging times.
    Just received your spring tea and can’t wait for your puzzle – what a fabulous idea!
    First signs of Fall are popping up around here in Woodstock, Vermont and I am looking forward to a wonderful foliage season. I hope yours is grand as well!
    Thanks for always being here for us. 🙂

  87. SusanB says:

    Hello Susan, so good to sit and read your lovely post. I am back to teaching, with a mask. Kindergartener friends are being role model citizens in their little masks! They make me so proud! It’s an honor to be their teacher. I am so excited for the Christmas book, have a couple pre-ordered. One for me and one for my sweet daughter. Enjoy fall this year, and prayers for a cure for covid soon! Be safe Sweet Sue and Joe! Purrs to Jack, from my Molly lovin pie kitty cat!💚🐈🐾🐾

  88. Deborah says:

    Thank you , thank you , for beautiful books and uplifting posts.

  89. Meg Buster says:

    I am always happy to see your email waiting for me to read your newsletter. No matter what is happening at the time, your words and pictures always cheer me up and make me long to explore the simple things and do some rearranging and sifting through my belongings and cleaning and setting out beautiful pieces.

    Thank you for your always upbeat, inspiring words

  90. Kristin Gjertsen says:

    Always cheering to see a new post from you! I am looking forward to Fall after a humid, hot North Carolina Summer. I already put out the Fall decorations inside our home and can’t wait for changing leaves, crisp Fall days, and the beauty of Fall. Thanks for the giveaway. Adds a little suspense to the Ground Hog day of life right now.

  91. Joan Bendann says:

    I can’t wait for the Quote books. You always place them in the right spot. I always feel so uplifted when I read your blog. Thank you for sharing your creativity.

  92. Laura L. says:

    Susan, I love your Distilled Wisdom book idea…I’ve kept snippets of papers with favorite sayings for years…starting with Desiderata 50+ years ago back in junior high. One saying the makes me smile is from a Hallmark movie whose title skips my memory, but the saying is, “It’s not baggage if you don’t carry it.” Thank you for all of your positivity, your art and spirit.

  93. Kelly B in Oregon says:

    Hi Susan, I waited until the first of September to read your blog. Thank you for the beautiful fall. You are a ray of sunshine in a stressful world.

  94. Lakisha Vargas says:

    So thankful for you Susan!! You are always a welcome bright spot to some pretty dreary days!!!

  95. Kelly B. in Pittsburgh says:

    Dear Susan,

    Here’s to the cool, crispy, sparkling NON-humid days of Fall! Will be getting my Autumn book out soon and looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!

  96. Franny Ramsey says:

    Good Morning Susan,

    Your blog is a breath of fresh air this morning! I am so pleased to hear about your quote book! I have been a collector of quotes for many years and have compiled my own book of quotes using a pretty journal and attaching little, colored, stick-on tabs to separate the different topics and labeling them love, friendship, nature, gardening, holidays, winter, spring, summer, fall, etc. Whenever I read a quote that strikes a chord with me, I write it in that journal. It’s without pretty watercolors like yours, but it has served me well over the years especially when I am scrap-booking. I have also copied it twice now and gifted it to two of my girlfriends on their birthdays, always leaving blank pages for them to add their own favorite quotes. I very much look forward to reading yours!

    Although I had signed up for your ZOOM meeting in Duxbury last month, I wasn’t able to attend because of a computer malfunction! I had even taken half a day off from work to attend, but unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Thankfully, I will have a second chance though as I have successfully registered for your event at Titcomb’s later this month . . . doing a happy dance with happy feet over here!

    Thank you for entering me in the drawing for one of your give-aways.


    Franny R

  97. Cathy says:

    Please please may I have the Santa cup? If not that’s OK. I’m looking forward to the quotes book. What a great idea. I’m always looking up quotes to send along with a note.

  98. Rose says:

    I have been a fan of yours since the 80’s while navigating the ups and downs of life. Your beautiful cookbooks brought so much joy to our families celebrations and have brought me comfort at times I needed it. Your books, artwork, sayings, mugs & just all of your offerings have single handedly gotten me through the last 5 months. Whenever I feel down I open one of your cookbooks and read your recipe and description and it instantly changes the mood.
    I just want to thank you for what you do and want to tell you to please keep doing it. You are the bright light when the world needs it!

  99. Tick Tok was so appropriate!! We all needed some positive thinking and your always kind and gracious words or phrases. And love the fact that you are putting all your wonderful Quotes from over the many years into a book or two or three!! We can look up a quote when we need an uplift , need something to share with a friend, congratulations or condolences all have special quotes that are meaningful to those who receive them, and when we ourselves sometimes just to need to sit quietly and enjoy the serenity of reading quotes for a particular topic you have addressed. Thank you for all you do for us as your faithful followers! Will look forward to some of the Zoom programs.

  100. Roxanne Klump says:

    Thank you for your beautiful, uplifting blog. The one person in the world that I would like to meet is you. I love Fall so much but we have a way to go here in Texas. I grew up in Western New York so have fond memories of raking and burning leaves, crisp cool days and crisp delicious apples along with apple cider. So looking forward to the chat with you on September 20th and your book of quotes.

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