Gotta say Rabbit-Rabbit first, because that’s a whole October of good luck for all of us which we will need if we ever hope to get through 2020 in one piece! Then must pass out the luv-lee MUSICA because it is in charge of lifting hearts ~ but, really my very first words to you this morning are
Yes, I do, so very much And you probably know why if you read the comments in my last blog post. “I hope the angels know what they have . . .” wrote our Girlfriend Annie in Sydney, Australia about my mom.😢 Dear, kind, loving words AND thoughts (because you knew I knew) from ALL of you, meant the world to me. Teary-eyed, I read every wonderful word. Then I went to my art table and painted that ⬆️ because I was thinking it the whole time I was reading. Big, tall, skinny, and watercolory, it had to fit on the page. This connection between us was what I felt even when writing my first book, and look at this, it happened!👏👏👏 So, a little gift for you, a small token of my great affection, I give you, The Sky . .
Just like I label some of my photos by color, I have a huge number labeled “The Sky.” You can see why . . .
It’s one thing that follows us wherever we go and gifts us with works of art like no other. The orange on the water! Dark at the top, dark at the bottom, both moving toward the center and the light. And all free, a gift from God.
In this photo we’re driving across England. We pulled over and got out of the car for a deep breath of this soul-expanding open space that smelled of grass and freedom.
Delicate, soft, flittery, blue and lavender and peach … a calm sky that says Forever, adding Hope, Truth, and Beauty.
And this! Where the clouds are chasing the sun into the sea… a reminder that at some amazing moments in our lives, there is no better place ON EARTH for us to be . . .
Stormy skies at sea . . . a parting of the clouds, where the sea and the sky are like a bowl . . . and we were the toy boat floating in it… I love looking at these pictures and thinking about being here again! Lots of foreverness out in the Atlantic . . . you feel small and so so so so lucky.
This is moonrise over our harbor . . . rocking boats . . . lapping water . . . cry of gulls . . . smell of saltwater . . .
Streaks of white contrails made by water vapor from airplanes, turn to ice that slashes through this Scottish sky. (There’s a little checked-upon Morning Science for you!)
Green and pleasant land . . .
On our way to Boston, Storm and sunset made beautiful music together . . .
Sun peeks through the clouds . . . the last warm rays touching the water . . .
The Shenandoah is a wonderful addition to our harbor . . . see how the light touches on everything white and makes it glow? That’s what happens here sometimes as the sun goes down, especially wonderful against that dark sky.
Doris Day’s voice soars in my mind, 🎵 You sigh, a song begins, you speak and I hear violins, it’s magic . . .🎶
Pink halo over Stonehenge under the same sky since it was built 2500 years before the birth of Christ. And yes, we are a part of this.
This sky was right outside our kitchen door … Yes, Toto, in our very own back yard.
We pulled up to this rock wall for me to take a photo of this rainbow over Galway Bay in Ireland . . .
and snow flowers
The discussion here, driving from Colorado to Utah, was, “Look at that sky! Yikes! Is this the right way? Should we turn around?”
And just down at our own beach where we walk every day, water and sky, all pinky blue, if you were painting this scene you would also use blue when you painted the sand . . .
We get lots of gorgeous skies from our room with a view when we’re crossing the country by train . . . here at a Kansas crossroads . . . look at all those choices!
Rich colors of purple and orange, mixed with the wind and sound of the waves are beautiful together in this Menemsha sky.
Lambs tails . . . look at them all running away!
Sometimes the sunset in our rear view mirror grabs my attention . . . I never want to miss anything!
I almost missed this picture of the sun, it almost slipped away! We were just getting on the ferry to home . . . I had to take it right through the rigging, but I GOT it!👏 And now, toOh yes, and last night was the Harvest Moon, our sky, filled with moon which woke me up this morning when I caught it trying to break into our bedroom through the cracks in the curtains!
We can feel the summer going, but we are stretching it out as long as we can. The flaming candles in the “bug buckets” make it cozy. But time is passing, September is gone, we’re already wrapping ourselves in blankets when we sit out late … so we just did the MOST wonderful thing. I’m so excited!!! We finally broke down and ordered one of these:
Yes, we did. A fire pit! Look at it! Isn’t it cute? I can’t wait! It’s supposed to be delivered October 6th. More stars! More sky! Now that we finally did it, I don’t know what took us so long. We celebrated 31 years in our house last month ~ It deserves a little something new and hygge for good behavior.💞
It comes with a screen and a poker … all for around $200, I think it will be TOTALLY worth it. Fire pits come in all sizes, shapes, and styles; HERE’S the one we chose. See the ring around the top? I hope that’s for our feet! I think I might light a fire on December 31🎉, bundle up, and take my 2020 calendar outside. I see myself scanning the sky for stars on the last night of the year, staring into the flames of a cozy wood fire, burrowing under my blanket, saying prayers to go up in the crackling sparks and smoke, as I toss the pages of 2020 into the fire and BURN IT UP, while praying for a peaceful, healthy, boring 2021 filled with hugs.💞 So MUCH to look forward to, holidays and decorating and cold weather and blue skies for all our West Coast Girlfriends . . . I just turned in the art for the cover of 2022! This is the year we think we’ll get to go back to England!
But of course that doesn’t stop us from finding magic in the here and now . . . it’s in us, and around us, no waiting required!
Our woods are turning gold, leaves dance like fairies in the trees, magic abounds this time of year! We dawdle here every day.
Cool wind and the smell of leaf mulch, Joe and I walk to the sea, do our Morning Science, and solve all the world’s problem . . .
So exciting out there watching everything change, so much FREE stuff!🍂
Better than any florist ~ we bring it all home . . .For the ultimate in a homemade happy life, don’t forget your health darling Girlfriends . . . make sure you are MOVING. Too
many things can go wrong when we don’t! And our energy levels get so much better if we DO. This dampanic is making me fat ~ we got a little too good at lockdown around here (I mean what’s a donut in times of trouble, or two, or a bag of potato chips to soothe the spinning head? Tater-Tots and ice cream and peanut butter on toast to tranquilize the bewildered soul) ~ when the pants got uncomfortable, I decided to do something about it … will tell you in the next post!
I’m so glad you’re all getting your books! I’m receiving lots of cute photos like this one from our Girlfriend Cynthia. Looks like Santa’s traveling around the world early this year! For our UK Girlfriends, Amazon UK has the book now, and I’m hearing many nice things from our Girlfriends on Goodreads and Facebook. Thank you all so much … I love writing books for you!💞
And look at this photo I borrowed from Facebook posted by Karen K. . . she took a picture of our Titcombs virtual Tea Party! She’s in my kitchen and I’m in hers! Love Karen’s red!♥️🌹💄❗️📕🍎
Look at my homemade set up! Proving, no, I do not know what I am doing. But it all worked out, it was so much fun! I know not everyone was able to make it, so I’m going to do two more mask-free Sunday Teas this month! The first one will be via Zoom on Sunday, October 18, at 4 pm EST for Bookends Bookstore in Ridgewood, NJ … you can sign up HERE. Yes, there will be signed books and door prizes (Puzzles!)! The very next Sunday, October 25th, we’ll be hosted by the wonderful King’s English Bookshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Crowdcast event …. you can register HERE. It’s a great way to get out and about without leaving home! And where else can Girlfriends from Hawaii, England, Texas, and Australia all meet at the same time?
I know you’re probably not coming to every one of these events, but I do want to thank you for helping me support these lovely Independent Bookstores who need us all the time, but especially during these days of the Panic! These bookstores are a tradition, they’ve been serving communities 30 and 40 years! I’ve visited and fallen in love with them in real life … I can’t wait to go back someday in PERSON! Do you know that for every $100 you spend at an independently owned business, $68 will stay in the community? Keeping our small-business economy alive is part of what we need to do. I do love seeing the patriotism of dampanic as we get through this thing together, sea to shining sea.❤️
See what I have? A cricket singing in the kitchen.🎵 Yesterday, on the same day as full moon and rabbit-rabbit, making October a red-letter month already!
Is this quilt cute or is this quilt cute? Do you love it? Well, so do I! But I think I will love it even more if it somehow ends up getting a new home! Maybe yours! What do you think of that? A new giveaway as a special thank you and extra connection for all we are to each other ~ all aired-out and ready to go! I found it in an antique store many years ago. I don’t know the name of the pattern, and it’s not signed, but it was obviously made by someone with a joyful heart!💖 You know what to do, leave a little comment so you’ll be entered in the drawing.💝
Yes, we do . . . so maybe even something more? Make my life a little happier? 🎄 Why NOT?
So if you were at the Titcombs Tea Party event, or have had a chance to read Home for Christmas, you know my book was partly inspired by this little book called Once on Christmas, published in 1938, which I found a long time ago in a used bookstore and mostly used each year at Christmas. It looked adorable on the coffee table in front of the fire. But it gained new meaning the afternoon I read it out loud to my two young nieces.
It’s a sweet little memory of Christmas at the turn of the century…❤️
… illustrated with charming line drawings by Lois Lenski.
A book made extra special because it’s out of print, and the vintage ones have become very hard to find.
But, and you know what I’m going to say! We did it! We found one. And now, drum roll, this little book will be going off to one of you!💖 At the bottom of this post you’ll see a whole bunch of tiny words in grey letters, and at the end, the word “comment.” That’s what you click on to leave one. I love reading them, and I often comment on your comments! But something tells me this might be a busy giveaway, please forgive me if I don’t get to comment . . . I’ll be reading though!❤️
We just found out they don’t want the kids to Trick-or-Treat here on the island this year. I was hoping, masks seemed so perfect for this time of year. But no. But that doesn’t mean we can’t decorate and be festive and lift the hearts of others with some pumpkins on the porch!
Or in the garden . . .
They make so many cute ones these days!🤣
They look good on the fridge . . .
And over the front door . . .
Or on the kitchen table . . .
Because it’s that time of year, and no dampanic can tell us what to do with our pumpkins!
I’ll tell you about the new fire pit in the next post, with pictures! I have a new recipe for you too, all kinds of good things, but I’ve gone on long enough. Remember to leave a comment if you want to be entered in the drawing. No matter HOW many comments we get, you’ll still have a better chance of winning than by playing the Lottery! Plus, no numbers, and no money!💝
Love forever, your pal for life . . . 💖
I’ll leave you with THIS . . . 💝
I love the quilt. I am in process of making a Dresden plate quilt. It is a BIG project.
Love that quilt! Thank you for the chance to win!
The Joy of Susan and Joe and Jack! Ahhhhhtumn is here. On my little red loveseat is Autumn and Vineyard Seasons. Be still my heart! These books are old friends at my fingertips every.single.fall. And I made sure my daughter and two best friends each have a copy, too, so they can enjoy -for their pleasure and repose- all your refreshing thoughts and perfect drawings. Such talent and I thank you for sharing with us all. No ‘bushel’ to hide you under! So…..that lovely quilt would look just right laid over the back of my loveseat. You know, a place for my special books to lean against waiting for me to plop down and start at the beginning (while my Hot cocoa melts the homemade marshmallows). Ahhhhhhtumn is here.
Thank you for this opportunity to make these dark days brighter. I remember another bright day—when I met you in Hudson, Ohio. I was #3 in line! You signed my book which I treasure as well as the many pictures I took. I met Joe outside The Learned Owl and admired your festive car. It just goes to show that sweet memories can always be recovered. I wonder if anyone who was there that day in Hudson has posted on here. Fondly, Judy Conkle
I’ve loved your work for many years!! I have ALL of your books and have gifted many also. Your recipes, words and artwork bring me so much joy!! Thank you for all you do and for sharing it with us. I really enjoyed your sky photos too…. breathtaking!
As always reading your blog is uplifting and beautiful ❤️ I enjoy every one!
I am “laid up” with a total knee replacement surgery 4 days ago, but just had the time to review your last TWO posts. (I am secluded to my daughter’s home lower level only – with no stairs – in and out to PT sessions through the garage door.) All the beauty I see you post reminds me of how my 3 daughters have also been so totally creative in their lifestyles, and they love the same things that you love. All that you write and photograph and draw is so uplifting to me!! My recently deceased husband owned a (vintage-type) camera store and has taken so many lovely photos, which we are sorting through, along with all his antique cameras and photos (from tintypes forward). I love being inspired by mementos and the lifestyle of the past!
Hello from Jerusalem, Israel, where it is still summer and I am dreaming of the colors of my native east coast childhood (I’m a Jersey girl!). Your books, blogs, calendar fill such a sweet spot in my “Middle Eastern life”… to remind me of my other home! Thank you!! I loved attending the virtual tea and book talk with you at Titcomb’s! Lovely quilt and book!
What a beautiful quilt! The fall colors in your woods are so nice. I live in the Ozarks of Arkansas and we are starting to get some really pretty colors down here also. Happy Fall!!
Love you Susan. I just finished reading your Christmas book and loved every page. As the oldest of eight myself, I can relate to much of it. I’m looking forward to seeing you today on my very first webinar/zoom meeting. Hopefully, I’ll figure it out…I’m so excited…can’t wait!
Oldest of eight! What a club!
I am one of 9. 3 boyz, 6 girls. I am number 7 in line. What a childhood, the best!!!
I love the quilt! Can’t wait to get your new book! It looks awesome, just like the rest of your books. They are always one of a kind! Very special. Your books are some of my all time favorite, and I have a lot.🙂 And I see you have 2 wall calendars this year. Can’t decide which I want more, so I’ll just order one of each. Thank you . Love your blogs and keep checking for any new ones. I just love fall and the colors and I smells and foods!
Andrea Moore in Falmouth, MA
Just read your whole book Autumn from Falmouth Library which is finally open. I looked up Gladys Taber and your blog post about her. I also loved the quote from Edna Ferber. We (my book group) not so long ago read “So Big” by Edna Ferber. Is that quote from there? I do know about Mirabel Osler! Bravo for keeping all our spirits up! Have fun with your zoom presentations.
That book looks so sweet- I miss the simplicity of things gone by.
Red letter day for me when your newsletter arrives in my inbox.
Have loved your books, cards, all things Susan Branch for years and years!
Thank you for making me smile. xo
You remind us to look up and around ourselves for the beauty of this world in a time we need to so badly. Thank you Susan! May you and Joe have a wonderful Autumn!
Happy autumn to you! Thank you for the pumpkin photos and the beautiful images of the sky. Perhaps a new appreciation for the outdoors is a gift we are giving ourselves this year. 🙂
Your blog post always lift my spirits!
Truly needed the autumn cheer this year. Thank you.
Thank you for your posts and the giveaway. I love seeing a bit of your world!
Dear Susan, Just love your posts so much. We are the same age and it feels like I have found a long distance friend. I am from Flanders in Belgium and speak Dutch. So I praise myself lucky I learned the English language when I was young, for it gives me acces to your blog and awesome books and recipes. I bought a couple in the States but now I am able to buy some over here in the Netherlands and I cherish them. Your Christmas book will be next. Hoping to read a lot more of your work in the future. Sending a big hug <3
Love it Annie, long distance friend! So happy you’re here!
Thank you Susan for helping us all get thru this dampanic!❤️ It is hard at times but I know we all will be much better humans at the end of it. Learning to slow down and enjoy the little things is something I have worked very hard at to teach our 6 children by example and you have always been my inspiration!
Much love to you, Joe and of course Jack
Sweet, sweet post! So full of fun. SOME day I will make it to your island. From Sunny Southern California… Patti
Love your photos of skies and clouds and sunsets.
Thanks Susan for always sharing visual, mental, audio fun and happiness … you are very appreciated! Happy Fall🍁🧡🍁
Hi Susan, I couldn’t find my post and really would like to be included in the draw. So here I am hoping to win. Thanks, Sharon
So glad I discovered the world of Susan Branch! Well, actually my friend, Mary Mahony told me about you. From the first page of the first book I read of yours I felt like we were old friends! I cannot believe all of the common interests and favorites we have such as old movies, Pims Cup, Enchanted April, just to name a few. I made of list to send you but thought it foolish and tossed it. Anyway, you are a breath of fresh air and a bit of happiness to savor in this weary world and I just wanted to thank you for sharing your happy disposition with us all. Happy October!
Kindred spirits! Welcome to the neighborhood!
I’m so excited to find out what the title of the book in your Christmas book is. I was dying to know. Also wondering if you still have your Terri Lee doll? Loved your sweet new book. Just exactly what I needed in this time of craziness.
Love all the autumn decorations! All make my ❤ 😃
I received your Christmas book and 2021 calendar! Yay! I’m saving it for a rainy day. Literally. It deserves a cozy afternoon by the fire with tea. What a beautiful, happy quilt. It reminds me to keep positive and look forward to next Spring. I hope you’re enjoying your new fire pit. 🙂
I received your Christmas book and 2021 calendar! Yay! I’m saving the book for a rainy day. Literally. It deserves a cozy afternoon by the fire with tea. The quilt is beautiful and reminds me to keep a happy outlook, and look forward to next spring. I hope you are enjoying your new fire pit!:)
Susan, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED your Titcomb’s Tea! It was so wonderful to see and hear you right from your adorable kitchen. Home for Christmas is so lovely and brings special memories of family and childhood. Thank you for all the gifts you share! And I love that little Once on Christmas book! Lois Lenski’s illustrations will always hold a special place in my heart ~ how I loved the Betsy-Tacy books with Maud Hart Lovelace’s precious stories and Lois Lenski’s adorable line drawings! Your quilt is so lovely and how kind of you to share it! And how completely adorable is Jack looking out over your Picket Fence Garden Pumpkin Patch!! 🙂 Happy Autumn!!
Oh the quilt is gorgeous. I just started quilting and love it. Your new book will be amazing and can’t wait to see it
Oh I keep trying to put a comment about the beautiful quilt and your Christmas book. I hope this works.
My heart soars with your nature photographs. It lifts my spirit to feel connection with my dear friend who likes the same things that I like! I am bummed that I wont be able to see your latest 2 talks. Tom has had his pay slashed because of covid since March and things are not as they used to be here. Will they be posting a video link afterwards? I totally understand why they do it that way. It makes sense, but i already got the book plus one for a gift. I don’t want to seem like i am complaining. I am not. I will live, but just wanted u to know u will be missed🤗 You have been so darling on the zoom talks and it has been a fun tea party at my house every time. I feel so lucky I got to see you and to attend 2 which is 2 more than normal😍 Your pumpkins are just lovely and Jack is too. Sending you a big hug! Xoxo
I totally understand too Charissa … Kellee and I are working on a plan to do our OWN zoom talk this winter! xoxo
Yay That is great. I will look forward to that one:))))))))) Hip hip hooray
Susan, your so wonderful. I’m so glad you still bring such joy to the world. I used to see you at the antique fair in San Luis Obispo… and buy your gifts in Carmel back in the 80’s or was that 90’s? I of course have everything I can get my hands on and love the little santa book. Please keep creating.❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Andrea!!!
I know that I am probably too late for the drawing, but I would like to thank you for the sunshine that your blog always brings me. We are living in a very strange time and need all the boosts that we can get.
Carole Mazurek
You aren’t too late, we’re going to be pulling the winning names this morning!
Love your October post and beautiful pictures😘
I just reread “a Fine Romance” how I love that book… My mind and heart made a Wonderful journey to Jolly Beautiful England. Now to get the Christmas book. I love Christmas and I love your Mind and writings
Thank you Phyllis! xoxo
Oh my! What a treasure that little book would be! The quilt is so pretty, too but the BOOK!?!? Such sweetness. I hope I’m not too late. But even if I am, your book arrived the other week and I sat and read the whole thing front to back. Precious Christmas memories. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with all of us.
I’m so happy you liked it Staci!!
Am i too late for the drawings? Hope not. Sign me up, Susan. Thanks!
Not too late Susan, hope you win!
Susan, I feel like I am going crazy with the insanity of not just the Pandemic but the Election, you think it cant get worse then you see Rallies where people are crammed together, very few with masks and see the numbers going up and Science being discredited!!
It was nice to get my Christmas books and go back to a simpler time, very like my upbringing, not much money, but memories of winter picnics with a flask of thick white onion soup….I can still taste it{!}, and simple pleasures. One positive of this time is that people are rediscovering cooking with the family at home, and that food is so important to our bodily health. Most days I make a healthy vegetable soup, carrots with coriander, or minestrone, so easy and so good with homemade bread. Going to roast an acorn squash for dinner or make butternut squash risotto. Thankyou for helping to bring back simple times, simple living and a diversion to todays insanity. Keep well in your cosy house and give Jack extra hugs as you sit by your fire.
Consider it done! Jack is a huge part of our good mental health! xoxoxo
Susan, thank you for a chance to win either of these treasures of yours and for all your beautiful books, art and posts to keep us busy during these difficult times.
Your delightfully sunny and charming blog posts never fail to make my heart skip a beat! 💛I saw the sweet Christmas book, and immediately ( before the end of the paragraph even) went to find it. Rats out of print! So imagine my delight when I keep reading to find you are giving one away! Put my name in the hat Please! Oh by-the-way … I just LOVE the cute little witch hat trio! because I’m a Salem Girl… born and raised. Halloween 2020 will be a bit smaller this year. Maybe just some oven smores and🍎 apple slices with caramel for dipping with nuts and chocolate bits ( for my girls) instead of the usual commercial candy🍭🍬🍡 extravaganza.
Love Salem. Love the graveyard there. . . I left flowers for one of my ancestors, Elizabeth Howe… had a bad ending due to fake news! What a beautiful memorial though! Sweet town, nobody does Halloween better than Salem! Those apple slices sound wonderful!
Looking forward to reading my copy of your new book this Christmas to my seven children! Love the pictures of the sky. I have a deep love of the sky and have never seen one I didn’t like! Thanks for the cozy post to enjoy. May God bless you.
I hope they like it! I wrote it for them! xoxo
Christmas books are my one weakness! 😉
Your photography is breathtaking! Thank you for sharing so many images of magical Martha’s Vineyard…my son and his family come every Summer, and I love photos they send me, most of which chronicle my two first-born grand kiddos’ yearly romps in the ocean and on Menemsha Beach; however, your photos share so much of the entire MV MAGIC. I have had the joy of visiting only once, the Summer after my dear husband passed away… We rented a five bedroom house in Vineyard Haven for two weeks and my three children, their spouses and kiddos gathered for precious days of Vineyard joy and togetherness. My daughter and I were thrilled to hear the widow of famed writer William Styron speak at an intimate afternoon gathering at Midnight Farm…(for this former high school English teacher it was a dream!);
one evening my daughter-in-law’s mother surprised us with tickets to hear Kate Taylor perform at the historic church you featured in one of your posts. It was to raise funds to continue the restoration of the intricate painted interior and the artist doing the work was introduced to the audience, and, surprise of surprises, Kate Taylor had another big surprise for us… Nephew Ben Taylor came onstage and sang along with his aunt! WOW!! My daughter
and I were in musica heaven🎶🎼‼️ Enough of me!!😻
I am saving your little Christmas book for Christmas… haven’t read it! It’ll be MY own Christmas treat. Was fortunate to get two of your Isle of Dreams cups and a Bluebird cup—one for me and two for gifts. The H o H Cookbook and 2021 calendar completed my most recent purchase. Lucky Me‼️‼️
Looking forward to your next post! Stay safe and have great zooms… hope the books go flying out the door! Love seeing those two handsome boys who live at your house…Joe and Jack: how divine!
So nice to hear from you Jennie … I loved all your descriptions of the MAGIC that just turns up here, whether it’s in nature, or in pure serendipity or both, something always seems to happen. The artist you spoke of that did the work at the Whaling Church is one of my dearest friends, Margot Datz … and Kate too, a wonderful person who does so much for the Island. Rose Styron is a year-round island favorite. What a wonderful time you had in your days of “Vineyard joy and togetherness!” Thank you! xoxo
Susan, you are such a joy to read! I just love the inspiration. Thanks for all you do!!!
Susan – I tried to post last month when you shared the information about your Mom but somehow I don’t think my comment went through. I wanted to let you know how my heart hurts for you on your loss and how your story was so timely for me. I, too, lost my mom this year (8/27/20) after an extended battle with breast cancer. She was a HUGE lover of you and your work and introduced me to your wonderful blog. One of the most memorable things I want to share is that she introduced my book club here in Michigan to your special work “A Fine Romance”. This actually prompted us to take our book club on the road and three of us, including my sister, traveled to the Cotswold’s, London and Leicester for nine days to visit a friend from Michigan who was living in Melton Mowbray UK with her husband and family due to a job transfer. It is one of my best memories and your book made it possible. When we returned home, we had so many wonderful conversations and shared memories of our time across the pond with my Mom. She was also so excited to receive your new holiday book and I had pre-ordered it for. Sadly, she passed just days before it arrived and though I shed tears when it arrived, I will treasure it this season and all those going forward. Thank you for spreading joy.
Ohhh Missy.😢 I’m so sorry. Your mom sounds wonderful. And look at you, and your whole book club, making dreams come true, and sharing everything with your mom. The little things that happen after they go, like your book arriving, like me finding an old letter I thought I’d lost . . . just mean the world don’t they? Sending hugs and gratitude, that you shared this beautiful story. 💔😘
Wish I could win the quilt…it sooo cute!