Another short one today . . . couple of things to tell you . . . here’s some MUSICA to go with wishes for a HAPPY . . .
Every day a little deeper into fall. Out on our walk, I caught wishes galore falling from a tree. Thinking over how to spend them. Riches!
And look at this! A white rainbow ~ have you ever seen one? Us either! They’re rare! Another perfect place to make a wish! To come upon this took our breath away! I had to look it up. It’s sometimes called a ghost rainbow or a “fogbow,” they’re made from the same stuff of rainbows, but because fog droplets are smaller than raindrops, when the sun shines on it, the color goes away. Interesting eh? Morning science! I just reduce it all to one word, magic.
So here’s why I’m writing … to let you know there is a special Zoom program tomorrow, Sunday, November 8, for anyone interested, you can read about it and sign up Here. From my kitchen to yours! I will still have ONE MORE, next month, on December 6th, and will give the details for it soon. (That picture above is my “set up” light for Zoom so I don’t look like I’m in a closet! My stove looks good in it!)
So now I have to go work on putting together the slide show! I’ll be back when it’s over to talk about all our normal stuff! I have about 16 things I want to tell you! Gorgeous here on Martha’s Vineyard today, wish you were here! Blessings on you Girlfriends. With so much love . . . xoxox
“Fogbow” . . . love it!!! Thank you for sharing. I love your messages, have copied and/or saved so many!!! You are one talented lady . . .
Thanks Susan, love the white rainbow! I tooo learned something new today, never heard of a white rainbow before. Thanks for the info. . . stay well.
Hugs to you & Joe.
Such a gorgeous photo of a mystical rainbow- just made my day! Thanks for sharing- I’m looking forward to passing it on😊.
I just made an interesting discovery. I was looking back through some of your Christmas blogs for ideas and I found, in December 2011 you gave away the book “Once On Christmas”, exactly like the one you gave away in October of this year. Now, I’m gonna have to keep my eye out for one of my own.
Yes, and back then I found some that were affordable and could even put them in my web store. Not so easy anymore, but not impossible!
Susan, love the rainbow too…showed my sister right away as we were just looking at Aspenglow! This earth of ours is pretty spectacular. Thanks for all your 💕 Linda
LOVE the white rainbow! Thank you for sharing the magic! Yes, your stove does look great in the pic! Happy November!
How I wish your email hadn’t gone to spam! I missed seeing you by one day. I don’t think I can make it in December. BUT I’m re-reading Fairy Tale Girl. Every night my husband comes in to the bedroom and sees me smiling as I’m reading just shakes his head. I LOVE your story! It makes me reminisce because I’m not that much younger than you are. Thanks, Susan, for all you share with us.
From Sunny Southern California
The fogbow was sent by magical fairies I am sure of it! Glad they let you take a photo of it to share with all of us!!
Very kind of them!
Thank-you so much for the beautiful beach photo of the white rainbow! It made my day. Thanks, also, for all you do to lift our spirits. You are the best!!!
A white rainbow. Amazing!
Thank you for sharing…
A white rainbow! I never heard of that. Lovely! Thank you for sharing.
Hello Susan,
I wish I was more Computer savvy! I wrote to you a long message the other day but I do not know where on your web and I don’t know if it ever reached you. This would be my 3d try I believe. It was about receiving your Home for Christmas book which I LOVE and how it comforted me in my recent long hospital stays. Please tell me how I can write to you and look for your responses. My Grandchildren know more than me about computer language. I have all your books and love your work. I am a retired Reading Teacher. Discovering your books has been a treasure to me.
PS I don’t know what Willard is but I have filled out forms many times.
Well, it looks like you’re doing okay Dianne! I don’t think I got a long message from you … did you put it in the comment section of the blog like this one? I am SO happy you enjoyed my book. I hope you’re feeling better! Have you ever received my blog in your email box? Maybe we can help . . .
! You got my last message and responded. I must have finally done something right. This time I did get a message on my email from you and saw your response to me. I guess the other messages I wrote were lost. Well, yes I am home and getting better every day and reading your books over again. We are about the same age so I have related to your memories with such enjoyment as I am sure others have. One thing I also love is that you have a home full of wonderful artistic clutter just like mine. I have thousands of books that I also believe vibrate into the atmosphere and affect my being even though I have not read many of them yet. I have a kitchen full of Beatrix Porttter creatures as well but keep them in a large china cabinet. Since my daughter and daughter in law are PURISTS (that means they don’t believe in clutter) they do not understand why I have so much stuff filling up every corner of the house. But I am sure you understand so I am so glad to have discovered you and see your photos. We also went to the beach here …West Meadow…and enjoyed 72 degrees walking along the water edge here on Long Island. BUT our beach was packed!
You did it perfectly! Yes, I agree about the vibration. Like osmosis, those books, that artistic clutter get right in and make us smarter! Lord knows we need all the help we can get! I’m so glad you are better!👏💖
Thank you Susan. You made my day hearing from you. We are going to make some of your recipes for Thanksgiving this year. We are just the two of us hunkered down away from all family members for safety and will probably watch an old Shirley Temple movie ( I inherited dozens of them from my mom) and one of Fred’s gangster specials. We will do what we must do and count our blessings!
I miss the Nov 8 event, however, thank you much for that White Rainbow – first time to have heard about it too! God’s mysterious ways! prayers to all, salve.
What a wonderful way to start my day! I have never seen or even heard about a white rainbow, but I will take rainbows in any form! Thank you for sharing!
National Trust Beatrix Potter’s Gallery and Hilltop on F/B are posting that the gift shop is open for orders online.
Shopping small this season! Thank you for telling me Sandra! 💞
Maybe the white rainbow was there in honor of women’s suffrage. I’m trying to keep that celebration alive. It happened on August 18, 1920. I would love to see it remembered on your calendar each year. I looked on mine, but didn’t see it. Please consider adding it to your calendar each year to remind people how important it was (is). Women fought for the vote for over 70 years, and I’m not sure people realize that. Love your blog, as always 🙂
I actually thought it was there!!! Ha ha, well it will be in the future! Only a hundred years, and tho’ still struggling, look how far we’ve come! Thank you for this timely reminder Laurie!🇺🇸
The comment I wrote on the 7th does not show. Probably operator – me- error. So I am writing again.
I never saw a white rainbow like that. Unusually pretty. Maybe an omen for more good things and more red letter days.
Loved seeing you on Zoom Sunday. I adore you being so chatty. it was fun to see so many girlfriends faces, even Christi, and Carrie. When I saw our faces could be seen I ran and put some lipstick on so I didn’t look so Thank you for doing these webinars. I feel like I am sitting at your kitchen table with you. So fun.
Thanksgiving is just the 2 of us this year. Usually I host, but my kids teach, nurse, or travel for business and the grands all go to school. We will be Covid careful this year so we can have Thanksgiving here all together next year. I will make apple crisp for my daughter’s gang and drive the 10 minutes to their driveway, hand it over, and blow kisses.
Love you tons. Hugs to Joe & Jack.
So fun to hear or should I say see that amazing rainbow! I’ve never heard of that and what a gift for you to see it actually! Thanks for sharing your special gift! Loved those leaves, if it had been me that would’ve been a instant watercolor as I so love to paint fall leaves! I’m so bummed I missed the last zoom! I have tried three times to set up for your newsletter and sadly it has not worked so I am try once again! Look forward to hearing more creative tidbits and wish you a wonderful November!
This fall has been wonderful. Beautiful fogbow Susan, thanks for sharing!!
Hi Susan!
Loved your “white rainbow”. I learned something new along with you as I have never heard of this type of rainbow either- so spectacular! There is so much beauty to discover in this world. Thank you for sharing its wonder.
XO Linda
Thinking of all the Veterans today, the ones I knew so well from WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam, and all the years of war in the Middle East. My wonderful next door neighbors, Jack E. on one side, Norman T. on the other, both spent years fighting Nazi forces in Europe. A couple of cousins as well. They, like most of those men and women, did not recount the horrors to us, but they told funny or exciting stories. Korea, my cousin brought me a lovely hand made doll in traditional dress, she lived on a special display with my lovely Indian lady in her sari. Viet Nam is still a raw wound in my spirit, losing kids I’d known since birth. First visit to the “Wall” memorial to touch those names. I was teaching during the 1st Gulf War, and observed the fear and worry of the 3rd grade kids in my class. Sat with home room mothers while they worried for their husbands.
My own dear husband, 1958-1988. US Coast Guard, Captain Thomas W. Boerger, Ret.
I suppose the parades will be subdued affairs this year, as our Covid cases are exploding upward. Let’s protect these men and women by simply wearing a mask. We can do this, Yes, we Can. We are the Daughters of men who knew what Real Patriotism was and what was required to keep us all safe from dictators.
Mucho Love from Debbie in foggy Maine.
Let’s never forget what they did,🇺🇸 dear Debbie.💖
I needed this today ❤️ Thank you 🙏
your stove looks good, period! lol
I’ve been waiting for that second book about your travels to the UK and Ireland for years!! I sure hope you finish it. I loved the first one.
Me too. It’s a big job. But there is SO much there there. I WANT TO DO IT.
I love how you painted you and Joe into a real picture! Always so creative…
Strangest thing-I just received a new blog but the title is “This is Not Normal” . Followed by a blank?? Is this a hack or a glitch?? Sad not to be reading a new Susan blog, Gail Risden
Refresh the page and I think it will come right up.💞
How lovely to see that rainbow. God speaking to you letting you know whatever comes next, you will be in his peace ✨
I feel that every day Val. Thank you!xoxo
I just loved reading about your trip to the beach with your picnic lunch and yummy pear CI-DAH in tow!
Lots of lockdown here in Michigan, too… I decided on one of those wonderfully sunny days to just get in my car and drive a bit just to look at falling leaves and a birds gathered in my local park.
Thanks for the wonderful photos and prose in your Blog. It gives a bit of the ‘normal’ needed now for all of us. Keep up the great work, Susan.
Be well.
Rides in the car are so “normal” feeling!🍁🍂🍁
November is the No month. It’s okay to say No.
No dieting allowed…need that extra layer for cold weather
No bare feet…it’s time for fuzzy socks
No complaining … give thanks and count your blessings
No ice cream unless it’s sliding downhill on homemade apple pie
No excuses…. get that rear in gear
No outdoor picnics… a basket and blanket by a cozy fireplace will do
No internet….. read a book or two or three
No time to journal ….doddle a pic of your day in that little square on the calendar
Dearest Susan,
Please consider restocking your Little Things mug … 🙏🤞
Pretty please with sugar on it!☺️
Here’s hoping!
I can’t believe we are OUT again! 😳 So sorry, I thought I got enough to last a lifetime! ❌⭕️
Love the fog rainbow, never seen anything like it! thanks for posting that. I also loved the virtual tour of Maud Hart Lovelaces childhood home, sadly I could not watch all of it, as she did to much panning and it actually made me sick to my stomach. ( I suffer from Virtigo and can’t take to much panning and going around in circles with the camera) would love to see some still pictures of the home. So many beautiful antiques! I love touring older vintage homes.
Here in Michigan we are closed up again for three weeks because of this “dampenic” I won’t be able to spend Thanksgiving with my children and grandchildren this year. Maybe I will order take out from our local restaurant to try and keep them in business…So sad. so lonely. Hope all of you stay safe and healthy.
I’m sorry Fran. There’s a vaccine coming soon, it won’t be long now, if we can all just hold on and STAY ALIVE until it comes! Then the hugs will take over the whole world! Think of that wonderful day! Until then, virtual hugs to you . . . be good to yourself. xoxo