It doth know so very much: Love, beauty, creativity, curiosity, long walks, books, art, home, furry warm petty pet(s), cozy bed, long sleep, hugs, laughter, a perfect Old Fashioned, a starched curtain, truth, shadows, peace, and beautiful MUSICA! It even knows heartbreak and healing. This is what my heart doth know.💖
I keep trying to end the list but my list does not end! The heart doth know diaries too. And wildflowers from the English Countryside.🥰 And gratitude. The heart doth bend toward beauty.
How are you all doing so far in 2023? How is your heart? Here I am again . . . catching up . . . a little of this, little of that, trying to make hay while the sun is not shining!💖
Despite everything, these days, my heart doth know organization. I mean, check it out! The downstairs bathroom drawer, for the first time, I can find things quickly!! Little box-bottoms have finally organized me! Every time I open it, I smile. I’ve been getting things done!
Yes! First off, the new 2024 calendars are finished and gone to the printer. Clearing the path for everything else on my remarkably obnoxious list! I have mother-creativity tapping on my back, making me want to be in the Studio MAKING something, but Daddy Practicality is saying, you can’t do any of it until you get your work done!
So I am . . . And the new cups are off being made in England . . .
and as of this moment, they are up for Presale!👏
There will be 3 cups, two large (16 oz): Queen Elizabeth and Santa; the Birthday cup is smaller, 11oz. Be sure to place your order so you get one. I never know how many to order . . . sometimes they last us a while and sometimes they go very quickly! All three are due to leave England by ship at the end of April…something ELSE to look forward to in the spring!🌸
I loved painting the Queen, memorializing her, and our wonderful trip last year where we celebrated her Platinum Jubilee. 70 years. It’s a different world without her. But, I’ve put my paint brushes away for now… because my house (which my heart doth know) is saying, “Susan, where are you, we neeeeeeed you!
While repainting the upstairs floors and ceilings and some of the walls, Joe built me a “closet!”💞💞💞 That perfect little indentation has always been there, used to have a hutch in it. You’ll notice it’s in our bedroom, and open to the room (no doors on the closet, you open the door to the bedroom, and voila, you find a walk-in closet with a bed in it!), once
he puts the pole up I will, for the first time since we moved here in 1989, have all my tops, skirts, pants, and jackets in one place. All this time they’ve been in five different tiny closets located throughout the house. Pure unadulterated torture! I do not know how I took it for so long.😊 PLUS, he added a very long shelf! I’m beside myself with joy! So now, we’re sleeping in a closet! I close my eyes at night, snuggled under down comforters, saying goodnight to my clothes. I can not tell you how happy I am! 2023 has been very good to me so far!
Another thing making these long winter nights so cozy is Radio Garden! Remember that? I wrote about it once before, it’s the website . . . this is a screen shot of their website. See all those little green lights over the UK and France? Each one of them is a radio station! This website shows lights from every corner of the world . . . pick any one you like and click on it . . . and you’ll find you CAN go home again! There’s a free app you can put on your phone! I turn on my SCALA radio station in London, luv-lee classical musica I fell in love with when we were over there, all of it with an English accent, and put on my phone timer for one hour so it will turn off by itself, and that is how I’ve been falling asleep! And sleeping a delicious eight hours! Unheard of for me for a very long time. I’ve had to work to make this happen. I had a bad habit of waking myself at 3 or 4 in the morning only getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep each night. I sleep much better in England where I’m further from my responsibilities. I think my sleep is deeper now because a. I’m sleeping with my clothes, and b. Otherworldly magical faraway dreamy MUSICA fit for a Princess. I can pretend I’m in the English countryside and waking up . . .
to this . . . and the mournful cries from the wood pigeons with bad toes.😍
So, back on the cleaning front, besides closet clean-out, I’ve been reading and filing my piles and piles of saved paperwork, from Christmas cards to sweetest emails from my dad, months-old letters (so behind), and saved artwork (reading all of it has actually been quite a nice thing to do, luv-lee letters and cards from many of you) ~ which leads me to send a shout out to “Sarah W.” who wrote me the most charming letter last April, signed-off with “Bread and Butter,” and her name. I got it just before we left for England. So finally, a reply: Thank you, Sarah!♥️ She is 16, goes to high school in Texas, is a perfect kindred spirit with her watercolors, milk cake, tea, her love of April with “roadside buttercups and dandelions.” I hope she sees this!💖💖💖
And in-between all of this goodness, I’m glass-washing, starching old linens, taking things to the thrift store. The kitchen table got its customary January winter oiling! Was looking a little drab and dried out . . .
Did the spoons too, the cutting board, and wooden countertop. . . everything that’s raw wood.
Here’s how it looks once the mineral oil sinks in which takes a few days . . . pretty eh? And we got this table 32 years ago! I take good care of it ~ I want it to last forever because I still love it! I don’t know why but Jack seems to know something is going on and doesn’t jump on it!
The color becomes rich and golden like honey, warm and cozy for a winter day . . .
Honey-colored table and bouquets of flowers bring life to the kitchen at a time of year where warmth is the JOB of the kitchen! Are you familiar with alstroemeria flowers? They are the white ones above, but they come in every color, and last much longer than most other flowers ~ making them one of my favorites. A big bouquet looks like Easter! And they are usually one of the least expensive flowers too! I used to grow them in California . . . they’re extremely prolific ~
perfect cut flowers for the house!
So cheery! and Mas MUSICA!
And while we’re feeding our souls and filling our hearts with all it doth know . . . I thought I would mention my Peace Lily plant. Because it’s the most wonderful houseplant, is one of the least-demanding members of our family, so well-behaved and requires so little … no direct sun … really no plant food, every few years it outgrows its pot … you can either move it to a larger pot, or divide it to make new plants ~ or both! Basically it just sits there quietly looking beautiful. This one started out as a tiny thing, but it’s lived in our dining room for over twenty years now, it TELLS us when it wants water, it visibly droops! Which is why it lives so long! A droopy plant tugs your heartstrings and gets watered and holds-on until it does. This plant is a win-win!
The leaves are shiny green, and it flowers prolifically!
Here’s another easy-growing flowering plant, a Hibiscus! They can’t stay outside here during the winter but it surprisingly does really well indoors, I never knew ~ it pretty much flowers all winter! It sits in front of our south-east facing bedroom windows ~ and we take it out to the porch each summer. Try bringing one in from the garden next winter and see what happens! It’s a joy when it flowers … “Joe! Did you see the Hibiscus??!” Topic of conversation. Morning Science. House plants are a gift, they clean the air, take in your carbon dioxide and provide you with oxygen.💖
That oxygen in the house comes in handy if you’re like me and trying to do a little more of this. My new watch reminds me I need to get up and move ~ I like to make it happy ~ it rewards me with fireworks!🥰 You can do these without weights when you first start and then add little ones . . . until you feel stronger. I do them during little cracks in the day, like when I’m waiting for the water to boil for tea, waiting for it to brew. It’s a good thing! Winter won’t last forever!
I’ve been doing my mending, hemming pants, sewing up little sweater holes for Joe, and fixing a curtain . . . while listening to excellent Dickens, A Tale Of Two Cities on TV, a movie made in 1935 starring Ronald Coleman ~ it’s my kind of multi tasking . . .0mmmmm…
Looked from my chair to the sofa, and there he is . . .
Speaking of cats . . . I received a lovely letter from my niece’s mother-in-law, Shirley, who ended it with this: “P.S. As I am typing, there is a cat napping on my lap, and, because he will slip off if I don’t hold him, I’m typing with one hand. So, if at the end of my life, anyone wonders why I didn’t produce more, I hope someone tells them, ‘She had a cat on her lap.'”😻
Happens to me all the time with Jack! It’s a world of kindred spirits! Just one more thing (like when we bend to turn the cat’s bowl to make it easier for him to eat), that knocks off a few years from our time in purgatory.♥️ Kitty Love.
More kitty in the kitchen. I love this picture, my old Country Living decorating roots are showing! Look how the rug almost matches the quilt! That Claire Murray rug was a gift and is one of Jack’s very favorite things. When he is lounging on it, I have to be careful I don’t trip over him ~ he blends right in! And sometimes, when he’s NOT on it, I THINK I am tripping over him! That’ll probably be the way I go, tripping over a non-existent kitty.🤣
I “saw” lots of you when I did my most recent Zoom with Enchanted Book Club. I promised a link to the talk for those of you who couldn’t attend so HERE it is! This photo was sent by Susan Shirley (of Moss Hollow) … a picture of her screen AND her Christmas tree right behind me! All I had to do was turn around! Talking all about Posterity, another thing my heart doth know, yours, mine, and ours.💞
I’m honored that my book, A Fine Romance is the Enchanted Book Club Book-of-the-Month for February!💖 I’ve been getting lots of mail telling me people are having a hard time finding it. And yes I know, because it is out of print once more, and is off being reprinted right now! So proud of that little book. Kellee wanted me to let you know that we have 200 of them left in our studio right now, and that will be that until more come in maybe April, maybe May. All out of Fairy Tale Girl too… and more coming. All ordered, done and dusted!
We also had a bourbon tasting party! Joe made Old-Fashioneds for eight friends, we sat in front of the fire, ate shrimp and dip and drank our delicious drinks. We tried individual tastes of bourbon, and I can say, for me? Bourbon needs to be in an Old-Fashioned, not sitting out there buck-naked with no oranges or cherries! (cough-cough) Here’s Joe’s secret recipe, just in cases:
P.S. Cherries matter . . . we’ve tasted lots of them, and if you can, choose Luxardo brand from Italy! Glorious!🍒 They make your eyes water from goodness.
We still bundle up on the days weather allows and go out to the “Wild air, the world-mothering air,” to hear the waves rolling on shore and breathe in the clean, cold, salty freshness . . . .
We walk while listening to our new book ~ we’re so excited to read our books-of-the-moment, it makes us WANT to walk even if it’s cold! We finished Dictionary of the Lost Words (wonderful!), and are now deeply madly in love with a new book called Still Life by Sarah Winman. Joe likes it as much as me. Twisty, beautiful, quirky, lovely, a little bit of England after the war, a lot of Italy (you can smell it, you can taste it), all the things we love (the heart doth know), and we’re learning about things we didn’t even know we loved. I read reviews on Amazon and learned that the author used no quotation marks in the hard-copy version of this book, which confused some readers about who was saying what. But it’s read so expertly with different voices for the characters that we don’t even know it. We’re only the first quarter of the way into it. We have 10 hours to go, and walk about 45 minutes a day. Yay! I want it to last!
I wonder how many of you are still getting your Friends of Gladys Taber Newsletter? “Dedicated to Preserving the Timeless Writings of Gladys Taber For the Benefit of Future Generations.”💙 It’s been a long time since I have written about it . . . I still get mine, and love it, but we’ve added so many Girlfriends since I last wrote about her. So if you’ve never heard of her, this is for you! This quarter’s issue has a wonderful quote on the cover from Gladys about making memories ~ her gentle old-fashioned way of writing is such a treat in this wild
world, and this 40-page newsletter that’s sent out every two months via snail mail (never online), is perfect with a cup of tea, and a kitty you can hold on your lap because you can read AND drink with only one hand! From times gone by, there are recipes for treats for birds, kitties, and dogs. And treats for people too. Stories of penpals, bounty from the Quiet Garden, the charm of the seasons, and love of pets ~ also reprints of Gladys’s column called Butternut Wisdom first published way back in last century, and much more. A place where kindness, gratitude, and memories abound . . . If you’d like to learn more or sign up to receive the newsletter, I wrote a post about her HERE … there’s a link there where you can sign up! And ideas for where you can find her delightful books. That’s Gladys’s charming Stillmeadow above, the pre-Revolutionary home that she wrote so much about. Love exudes from the imagination of Gladys Taber, appreciator of life, hygge ahead of her time.💖
“For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” Isn’t that PERFECT? And here comes Valentine’s Day, sweet day of showing Love . . . What the world needs now! We have lots of things in our webstore to help you do that, lots of cards, a darling heart-throb bookmark in Free Stuff, some fun stuff in Vintage, more Fine Romance loose tea, and lots of other little things to make the heart of a kindred spirit go pitty-pat.
And although my mom’s cereal with red candy hearts is always a sweet and simple way to show love ~ oatmeal with apples, walnuts, and pomegranate seeds is also a wonderful “Good Morning I love you” breakfast for the big day.🍒 This is sweet too, fry an egg in a cookie cutter! All free, all you!
Sweet saying I got from Twitter, “In a world full of cracks . . . be a weed . . .” The world is rough these days, the news reports of cruelty hurt …. there is no reason we can’t strive to give it back a bit of its lost heart. If you’ve got it, my darlings (which you do), flaunt it. Feed your own soul, because that’s the beginning of everything. Never ever lose hope.❤️🩹
Thanks so much for everything dear Girlfriends. I couldn’t do it without you . . . I want you to take that personally! 💘 With all my love . . .
Back to work I go. Want to get back to Mother Creativity as quickly as I can! Maybe sister travel too!👏👏👏 ♥️
I had my morning coffee with this Willard and loved every minute of it!
So excited to order the Santa Mug. Please think about either re-issuing the Halloween Mug or even designing a new one. My good friend broke hers and wants one so bad. I have even been watching ebay hoping one would appear but so far none found. Love your blog, Susan. It inspires me!
I’ll remember that! I love our Pumpkin cup, but maybe it’s time for a new Halloween Design!🎃
I would absolutely love a Halloween mug, too. And please think about a snowman mug for winter! Thank you!
I will do that Joyce!❣️
I love the radio app suggestion!
Dear Susan,
I’ve had The Book of Stillmeadow ever since I read your book years ago about buying the little house in Martha’s Vineyard. I love Gladys Tabor and her writing (almost as much as I do you and yours), and I often reread Stillmeadow according to the seasons. She is just one of the many, many jewels you’ve shared that truly enrich our lives. Thank you – and wishing you and Joe a sweet and happy Valentine’s Day☺️❤️!
That’s a very sweet compliment Wanda, thank you!!!😊 XOXOXO
Your blog is a super way to start my day. Thank you, Susan.
My husband travels north on Monday to assist his daughter in caring for her gang. Hooray for me because I have the house to myself for 2 weeks. A mini vacation alone. A quieter house. Refreshes our relationship when he returns. Also a chance for me to go through drawers and closets. What needs to go? What do we no longer wear or need or care for?
I work on line a few days a week, often with one of my small dogs on my lap. One time a paw stretched out onto the keyboard and knocked me out of my work. Upon returning to the website I notified my scoring leader that the pup on my lap did it. I was chastised for having a pet on my lap. I couldn’t believe that! Does she not understand the value of our fur baby assistants?
Happy January. Thank you for new mugs. Thank you for your creative abilities.
Crazy reaction! No getting out of purgatory for HER!(or him, whichever). Stuck there for life!🤣 Love who you are Peggy, stay that way! Enjoy your alone time!❌⭕️❌⭕️
Grateful for your voice this chilly morning. Love and petty pet cuddles to all.
Your Willard’s always seem to arrive when my spirit most needs a lift. Today it’s dreary and rainy and all around blah. Loved Joe’s recipe for an Old Fashion! Here in Kentucky bourbon flows through our veins and Makers is a top contender. The Top 20 KY Bourbons list for 2023 is out if you want to know about other bourbons. Y’all need to visit Kentucky for one of the many bourbon tours- tastings and see if another bourbon could become your favorite. Enjoy your time refreshing your home!
What’s your favorite? I’ve just found Makers Mark makes a perfect Old Fashioned, but I’m no connoisseur. My dad wasn’t a drinker, but when he did have a drink, it was always Bourbon. I thought it smelled like heaven. Would make a great perfume… except for that one little problem of it being alcohol!😆
My personal favorite is Wild Turkey Rare Breed when $$ don’t count. Blanton’s is a family favorite but it’s $$$ So on the norm I’m with you and drink Maker’s Mark. If you want a little bit of heaven check out Wild Turkey’s candles. They emit the most luscious aroma. I have one burning in my home almost daily. If you’d like to try one I’m sure you could order one online.
Wild Turkey is probably the only hard-liquor thing I can sip straight. I don’t, but I could if I needed to! I bet it makes a great Old Fashioned! What a good idea… wild turkey candles!!! xoxoxo is truly delightful! I traveled by finger-clicking and visited stations across England, Ireland, Scotland and even crossed to Norway and Belgium. The station in County Cork, Ireland was not available in my area. To hear oldies American pop songs was surprising. Inverness had a young songstress singing a traditional Scottish folk song that was hauntingly beautiful.
And you gave me another book to read – Still Life. Thank you!
We are looking forward to Valentine’s Day! We have long thought of it as a national holiday for our dear ones.
Thank you for this edition of Willard!
You are welcome, Anna … glad RadioGarden is taking you traveling!!! I think that’s exactly what they want their site to do!😘
Thank you for sharing Radio Garden. I love the station that you listen to (and everything else you write, sew, cook, draw, make and share!) . . . How can I find it? Thanks!
How can you find it? The radio station? I put a link to it on the blog post, but you can Google Radio.Garden … OR click on this HERE … then search for SCALA … xoxoxo
Im so sorry . . .that looked like I wasnt very observant. I knew to get the app for Radio.Garden from your blog, but I loved the classical station you had found, and wanted to find that exact one. I’m so sorry to have looked so lame . . .and thank you for your help!
Oh, no problem, I just wasn’t sure what you were asking. Did you find it? too
Oh what a sweet treat on a cold New England morning finding your Willard! As always, love your heart and that darling boy Jack! I’m excited for your new closet and would love to see a picture of it all loaded up! Happy day to you!
Ha ha, thought I might put up a picture, but thought that might be going to far! It’s just a closet. But for me, it’s the cat’s meow!😘😘
Good morning Sue. I just finished your lovely post while having my morning coffee. I slept until almost 8 which is crazy late for me. I too am in the middle of cleaning and trying to organize. It overwhelms me actually. The thinking about doing it is actually worse than the doing it. Once I get going it feels good and spurs me on to do more.
I have promised myself to make more time in my day to be creative. I have a room upstairs, my hubby lovingly calls the “nest”. I step into that room and feel all of the tension leave my body. It’s a cozy mess. (I am a messy creator/worker). I am currently working on some wool appliqué hearts for Valentines day. They are coming out really pretty! I have quilt books with pages marked for future projects. I get overwhelmed by all of the possibilities and can’t wait to get started. Of Course, I have a ton of UFOs that should be finished first but, I always seem to be looking toward the next new project.
I just looked up radio garden and am excited to add it to my listening play list. I have been listening to Dan Gibson “Solitudes” on Youtube. It’s lovely and quiet and has nature sounds, Birds and trickling water. So calming.
I am so excited for you and your new bedroom Closet! Isn’t it wonderful to have a handy husband? Keep up the good work Joe!
We are getting some snow here this afternoon. I love it. Makes the house feel all cozy and is the perfect excuse to snuggle in.
Sending love and hugs, Mary
P.S. We too, love a good Old Fashioned! Perhaps we’ll be making some this evening. The Luxardo Cherries are the best!!!
How could you BE more creative?🤣 Between you and your gorgeous sewing and that bread-making husband of yours, it looks to be a constant thing at your house! Love hearing your beautiful words, makes me just want to do more! Going to go ask Joe for an Old Fashioned! Cheers! 🥃🥃♥️
Thank you for brightening what will be very scary day! I will face it with hope in my heart! ❤️
All will be well…🙏🙏🙏
Every word and image doth warm my heart, dear Susan!💕 We are both on the same path in this new year. My ‘word’ for 2023 is Simplify. I’m working my way through our cozy, little home decluttering and curating my collections day-by-day. I will always be surrounded by things that I love, but “just the right amount,” leaving more time for creative hours in my little Paper Garden studio downstairs. Oh, the possibilities! ✨ Joe is doing an amazing job upstairs!
I can just feel the happiness in your words, Susan! Our gathering with the Enchanted Book Club was truly delightful. How many Girlfriends were there? I often think of our ‘behind the scenes’ visit, while talking and nibbling cookies, at Prairie Path Books. So heartwarming! Snowflakes are falling in Chicagoland this morning. Can’t wait for a quiet, snowy walk!
Heartfelt thanks for a delightful post, as always! Sending warmest hugs!
💗 Dawn
Hi Dawn!! We’re on the same track! I know we had around a thousand Girlfriends sign up, but I don’t know how many actually came. Such a fun thing to be able to do. Love/Hate continues with the internet, with way more Love from me!!! Loved seeing you at Prairie Path … another gorgeous day in 2022!♥️♥️♥️
Wonderful as always. Your blog post is a bright spot in my day!
Hugs to you and Joe AND Jack!
Linda from PA
Nice to see you here Linda!🫶
I skipped the New York times this morning to read Willard. Happier news for sure!!! Thank you.
I hope so!🤣♥️
I feel such a kinship with you, dear Susan. My winter’s days are filled with organizing and mending as well. Not as much as I would like with my full time job as receptionist. But come home time I’m right there with projects. So satisfying and freeing to clear living spaces to make room for creativity. New ideas are blooming. Our dearest petty pets are 100 percent love, always. Am thrilled to have ordered your Blessed cup and Queen Elizabeth cup! Plus have subscription for Gladys Tabor in the works. Thank you for your inspiration!💞🌈
You inspire ME right back Carolyn, so thank you!! ❌⭕️
Every month I mean to comment and let you know what a hand-clapping, jump up-and-down, and grab my cup of tea moment seeing my new Willard in my Inbox is! I forward them to friends. I love the Musica (although on my iPad, I can’t get it to play while I read my newsletter for some reason)! I love the simple peace and beauty that flows through me when I read it and look at your lovely home and pictures. Sigh. I scrolled down to see the New Years’ newsletter, which I’d somehow missed, and saw your illustration of the house where the roof says “Reasons to Keep on Living.” Those would make GREAT stationery!!! Hint. Hint. God bless you and keep you warm and safe!
Thank you so much Stacy ~ my heart doth love that!🤣🥰 Yes, can’t do that same thing, listen to musica and read blog at the same time on an iPad! My dad used to complain of that too! Gotta alert the powers that be to fix that!
Such a delicious post. I absolutely love when you write about anything home related & I love seeing your cozy, sweet, beautiful home. So looking forward to Spring…seeing the leaves come back on bare branches, seeing little crocuses pop up, grass turning green, more sunlit days, open windows & warm breezes…I can’t wait! You’ve inspired me to get back to taking care of my own home. Spring cleaning is my favourite! xo
I know, so much to look forward to! We’ll have our work done, and be able to go out and run and play!🌷🌷🌷
Susan, thank you for the bright spot of joy and beautiful things. We all need it.
Me too! ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dear Susan….how your words brighten a rather dreary January day…I do not know how you manage it all……but… extremely glad that you do. From all of us out here who look forward to your Willard (such a sweet surprise!), our hearts say thank you.
So enjoyed your latest Willard. Been needing the upbuilding I get reading it. The positivity. 💕
Been cleaning and organizing too. Winters good for that. I love those alstroemerias..first time I ever heard of them was a few years back when they were sent to us on our April anniversary. They came closed up and looked wilted. I thought..okay..?? but within a day or so they opened beautifully and lasted weeks. 🫶 They send them every year now. So enjoy them. I’m not sure I can grow them here in Oregon but I’d love to. Do you grow them there? I Also grow pathos in the house. Have one given to me in the 80 ies as a house warming gift when living in California. I cut and root shoots and plant in pots ..easy growing. Also have begonias wintering in our sunroom. Third year for them. Back to porch in summer. Simple pleasures. 💕
Too cold to grow alstroemeria here, they are a perennial, but don’t live through a freeze. Too bad. I grew them in California and they are a gift that keeps on giving. Yes, perfect … simple pleasures.♥️
Interesting that you brought up Old Fashioneds. There is currently a disagreement around the state of Wisconsin debated what belongs in one. The debate is whether they are made with Brandy or Whiskey. It’s the official state cocktail I think, so that’s appropriate. I guess it’s better than arguing about politics, which we do so well.
Ha ha! Makes me think of the Jane Austin quote, “From politics it was an easy step silence.”🤣 For us, to add to your conundrum, it’s always been Bourbon!! Probably depends on which you like best!🥃
Will you be writing a book about your trip to England during the Jubilee year?
That is the voice of mother creativity tapping at my shoulder!💖
On this gray and snowy day, your post brought light and joy to my day. The inclusion of Gladys Taber was the icing on the cake. When I was a young mom recovering from surgery, a dear librarian friend brought me several Gladys Taber books. I always felt as if I were reading a letter from a grandmother. Well, now I am the grandmother and can only hope that my letters could be as eloquent as hers. When the roads are clear again, I will drive to Battenkill Books to pick up my copy of A Fine Romance. Connie tells me that she was able to order it from you. Hooray! It will be my Valentine week reading. Thank you for the hope and compassion that you pour into the world.
Oh that makes me happy that you can get it from an Independent Bookstore! Good for Connie getting it from us … we love helping the Independents but don’t get the chance as much as we’d like! Thank you for the kind words PJ … I’m so happy I wrote about Gladys Taber again today … love hearing the joy she brings people … just like she did with me!♥️
Thank you, dear Susan, from one of your ardent fans, who also happens to be diametrically opposed to you politically, but deeply bonded to you in all the things that count! You are and always will be a treasure to me!
Thank you Sandy! It’s good to see you here!♥️
So many soul lifting things in this blog!! I first met you virtually in 2011 when I was doing a google search for anything Gladys Taber related. I’d been a fan of hers since the ‘60’s when I read the Butternut Wisdom columns in my mom’s Family Circle magazines. I’d just become aware of the FOGT group thanks to the internet and was delighted to join. Your name popped up in my search for GT related information…sweet serendipity! In 2014 I made my second visit to her beloved Stillmeadow, and met you in person there. I remember your talk to the group…it was your first visit and you told us how you’d gotten teary when you first stepped into her home. Every soul in the room could relate to that because it was our same experience, too. Such a lovely reunion. By the way, I spied your lipstick…I really like Color the World! My current shade is Cashmere (Protect the Kittens) Love the product, the packaging, and the company’s support of good causes❤️
It was lovely wasn’t it Shannon? I was looking over my photos of that day, reliving my visit a bit. Brought it all back. Thank goodness for cameras! Yes, and great lipstick too! I got it from my girlfriend Lowely and love it!💖
What a delight to get Willard, see the pictures, recipes, and wise words. Gladys Tabor was and is a treasure. Thank for sharing her again.
I recently read “The Dictionary of Lost Words” and LOVED it! Have you read Margaret Renkl’s “Late Migrations”? It’s wonderful, too.
We’re wishing for snow but got just rain and that’s gotta be okay. Weird January, though.
Yup, weird January! I will check out that book! Thank you!💞
OH, How I adore this Willard!! I know I’m in the good company of the Long Chain of Women who tend the “Little Things”. Those are the Glue that keep a home together. Did I make that up, or did I possibly read it somewhere?
Sitting together after supper, reading, I spilt water on the side table with our favorite poetry (The Lovely sometimes reads it aloud) We both had to scurry to get the books dry. Tom then re-read his mom’s very old copy of The Rubiat. We chose a line to use in our Marriage Vows in 1987. Also one from The Profit.
And..Tom’s hibiscus is blooming. Big Whoop. It’s an outdoor one that has deep red blooms. Our place is a very small town house, the middle unit, so we don’t get enough sun inside. No complains, as it’s usually sunny here in Ballast Point, Tampa.
Mucho Grande Love and Gratitude for this Gift.
You are lucky to be surrounded in green right now! What gifts you two are to each other!💖
Dear Susan, your words are always so inspiring and uplifting! You can’t imagine how dear you are to me: your warmth, your wisdom, your love of life are a precious gift and a true blessing . Thank you
Thank you back Laura . . . nice to see you here!👏
You just made my day a lot sunnier! I love reading your posts. I too am clearing and organizing. It gives me such a good feeling to have less chaos in this crazy world. I was in a car accident 4 weeks ago and I walked away from a totaled car but I’ve been dealing with the aftermath of seeing a car plow into the door where I was sitting. Right now I’m working on giving myself some grace. I’ll get back in a car again. I’m the meantime it’s Hardy soups, embroidery gifts for this coming Christmas and reading.
How traumatic Betsy! Self care is a wonderful thing . . . sometimes hard to take that time, but I too have learned how essential it is. ♥️♥️♥️
I was in a crash in the spring. My beloved Subaru was totaled when another driver passed through a stop sign and hit our car. Fortunately we were fine, but it took months before I felt comfortable driving again. I forced myself to drive the next day, but found myself driving excessively slow. Now I finally feel confident again, though I still shudder when I pass through that intersection where the crash happened. Be patient with yourself, Betsy, please.
So sweet of you to help PJ. xoxo
PJ, I can’t thank you enough for your kind words. I was hit by a young man who ran the red light and was on his phone. He reported to the police that he was talking to his mother. My heart went out to the poor woman having to overhear the entire incident in real time.
Awful, and she probably told him a hundred times not to talk on the phone while driving!
Took a little break from the day to read this Willard. My state is trying to pass laws that will endanger trans kids (including my own) and my heart was just breaking this morning. This jolt of love and inspiration is just what I needed. We just keep pushing forward and loving our little corner of the world. Thank you Susan.
I’m sure Larkin, this is what I was talking about. Too many marginalized people not feeling like they belong, feeling unwelcome in their own country. Very hurtful for everyone, and I mean even the ones doing the harm. Despite the challenges, things ARE getting better. And as they do, haters will scream louder, and these days, meaner. Blessings, protections and hugs to you and your family. Praying love WILL overcome, live and let live . . . my mom said it every day. 💘
My mother was an avid reader of Gladys Taber. She visited both her homes when she went yearly to stay in a 200+year old captains house in Woods Hole. She loved Titcomb’s Bookshop. She ordered from her home in Chicago many, many Taber Books. That shop hooked her up with an elderly gentleman bookseller. She had many out of print, and many just really old and in good shape volumes of GT. Mom turned me on to her years ago. Mom died January 2022. When I cleaned out her house I inherited 30!!! 30 GT books! I only owned 5! I read, them then reread them all of them time. I wish more people knew her in this stressful and busy time. Reading her, and reading you, is a form of meditation for me. They take me to a place of great comfort and joy. I LOVE that you Love Gladys. Bottom line, the simple things in life are what make a wonderful, colorful, comfortable life for us all. Much love your way, Trisha
She was a wonderful teacher for everyone. Pure common sense! Lovely gift your mom gave you!!! When I first started writing about Gladys most people I met didn’t know about her . . . now I meet her readers all the time. I think the message is getting out there and definitely not just from me! 👏👏👏❌⭕️
Dear Susan,
This was wonderful to read. You made me laugh out loud several times. Thank you for that!! Happy day to you!
Martha A.
Lovely as usual! You are a kindred spirit to so many. Thank You!
Linda n West Virginia
That letter made my day! ❤️ t
It’s a red letter day for me when I see Willard waiting in the wings. Oh joy! This one had me laughing out loud throughout. Thank you for that Susan. My heart doth know I adore you so. And Jack – He has grown into a kitty man! So “stately”. I chuckled over you saying you may fall over the rug when Jack isn’t even there! So funny because I understand! I am excited to be in on the next batch of mugs. I didn’t want to miss that and will get The Queen. Oh how I miss her! Blessings and love to you, Joe, Jack and The Girlfriends. xo
Dear Susan, hope you received my holiday card and cat letter. I used that same quote from the Brown Fairy book in it and gave credit to you also. (TYSB)
I write this on a winter day in NEOhio with a cat on my lap. ❤️😻
TY for this blog today❣️
You are so welcome. I did get your card . . . I wish I had time to answer everyone, but those days are way over! Thank you for thinking of me, it truly does make my day!💞
Susan thank you for bring a bit sunshine to my gray , cold day. As I am writing this my boys are barking at the mailman as he is walking down the street. It is a highlight of their day. I am also organizing and going things. It is very much a work in progress. Have a great day.
Mine too! xoxo Lots of satisfaction!
I wanted to highly recommend a book. Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan. It took my breath away. I laughed. I cried. I kept putting it down because I did not want it to end. I fell into their life and did not want to leave. A love story of great magnitude. I took it out of the library and now want to own it for my very own, to treasure. When I finished the book, I held it against my chest and said, “I have to have this book”. The heart doth know. Yes, I am a romantic. It takes place in England. Based on two real authors, C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman.
Sounds positively wonderful Susie, thank you!💖
Because of your inspiration, Susan, my husband and I are off to England in April, taking the train to Oxford, the Cotswolds, the Lake District, up to Edinburgh, then down to York and back to London. I just got figured out our B&B and hotel reservations. We are so excited! Oh – Alstromeria flowers were in my wedding bouquet – one of my favorite flowers! And Still Life was one of my favorite books of 2022! Thank you for all the love and beauty you share with us!
WHAT a BEAUTIFUL trip!!! So much gorgeousness on that trip! Kindred spirit light shining all the way through your comment!❌⭕️
Hi Monica,
Melin here and I stayed at a sweet Inn in Bowness. Here is the Trip Advisor link
I stayed in a gorgeous room with a bath upstairs. It has a view of the front yard…beautifully landscaped. The bath has a big tub with a shower head and it’s trimmed in blue.
You will have an awesome trip!
Just wondering if your newsletter is the same as the Willard letter? 😍
Yes it is . . . they have finally joined together!!♥️
My grandmother always shared the quote to buy Hyacinths for the Soul!
She also reminded me to Look up so I would always enjoy the sunset! I learned to enjoy the world around me very young and have loved to share this message with my Children and now my grandchildren. You share this message which is why i love your books and your blog. Thank you, you make me smile!
Your Grandmother sounds like a very wise woman! And look what she gave you! Blessings galore! Thank you Christine.♥️♥️♥️
Dearest Susan, I’ve wanted one of your mugs ever since you started making them, and I am excited to say that I have finally pre-ordered your Queen Elizabeth mug! I had a little birthday money from my dad and I decided this would be the very best treat he could get me. I felt a deep loss when the Queen passed away and I think your mug is a wonderful tribute to who she was and all that she gave us. I look forward to being reminded of that whenever I drink my tea.
About Old-fashioneds: the last time my husband made them for us, he tried Joe’s trick with the orange and we thought it was delicious! We plan to make them this way in the future whenever there is an orange in the house. But one thing we do differently from him, instead of using simple syrup, we use a teaspoon of maple syrup and a splash of water. We call that a Vermont Old-fashioned!
Ha ha, that’s the good thing, you make it your very own!!🥃 I’m so glad you got a Queen Elizabeth mug, I can’t wait to see them!!!💖
Speaking of both cats and alstroemeria, mine absolutely will not leave it alone if I have some in a bouquet! She climbs on the table and pulls it out of the vase multiple times per day. I don’t know why, but now I try to avoid it (even though it’s so pretty) because she has been known to knock over the whole vase while she’s trying to get at the alstroemeria. Oh, well, small price to pay for my own sweet petty pet 🙂
As usual, Willard was full of sweetness and light–always a pleasure to hear from you, Susan.
Jack likes to eat flowers too… I go outside and cut him a little bowl of grass which he LOVES. Seems harmless according to Google. No price is too high to pay for that kitty love! 😽
Oh our dear Susan,
You spread the LOVE of a daughter who was well loved by her Mommy. I too am one of those girls and appreciate all that LOVE that you share with us girlfriends. My Mommy has been in heaven for nearly 37 years (way to young) and I still miss her so, as I am sure you do of your Mommy.
Absolutely. This book I’m reading is reminding me how much parents love their children, how they want to KNOW them, how they fear them growing up and going away. I feel that very love from my mom, at all times, but probably even more now. Such a gift. 💖💖💖
Dearest Susan,
This Willard brings so much joy as we are enduring another dreary day here in New England. I will remember all the quotes. Thanks for the book recommendation, Still Life by Sarah Winman. I’m going to order a copy from my library today. Be well and enjoy your new closet!
I am Beth, thank you!
Needed a dose of “Susan” today; thank you. Took notes: how to make Old Fashion (need to buy those special cheeries); books to read; thoughts to ponder; Valentines Day to plan, etc. etc. My early morning consisted of Moh’ surgery on skin cancer. California girl, bred and born, and paying for those lovely sunny days on the beach. However, what fond memories!
I had that too. That’s what I get for dousing myself in baby oil and heading to Zuma Beach!🤪 Who knew!
If you want another book recommendation: Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng is so, so good. I think you will love it.
Thanks so much Gloria, will check that out!❤️
Greetings Susan!
Your Willard is always such a joy to read! It’s so soothing to see the pictures you post of your cozy kitchen, adorable Jack, and the beautiful flowers & lovely green house plants! I’m inspired to buy some flowers today…hopefully tulips, which are always so cheery on a cold winter’s day! However,at least we have bright sunshine here in Reno!
My husband & I just returned from a driving trip up to Oregon. The journey north was a real white knuckle experience; icy/snowy roads up thru CA, then pouring buckets of rain in southern OR. Normally, we don’t choose to do road trips in the winter, however we had a special reason to do this one. We had tickets to hear Itzhak Perlman perform with the Oregon Symphony in Portland, and we were treating my 93 yr old auntie & my cousin, who live there. So, fortunately we made it, and Mr. Perlman’s performance of the Bruch violin concerto was splendid!!! During our week in OR we also visited with many dear friends, as well as family. The return trip was sunny & dry and, thankfully, the road conditions were much better. It was a thrill to see beautiful snow-covered Mt. Shasta glistening against the amazing azure blue skies!!!
I am looking forward to Valentine’s Day and will soon display a few special decorations that I have collected over the years. I also bought your pretty Go Be Love hearts that I will give to the very special people in my life!
I’m so glad to know that you are doing well, keeping busy with your creative endeavors , domestic projects, interesting books & walks to the beach.
Sending you & Joe & Jack lots of love and wishing you a Happy💕 Valentine’s💕 Day!!
Your trip sounded like it was all worth every moment of the white knuckle-ness! Beautiful. Glad you’re safely home with a beautiful memory! Thank you Barbara, Happy Valentine’s Day!♥️
Will have to order a Queen Elizabeth II mug to keep company with the teacups I recently inherited (celebrating her coronation). And I wanted to mention, speaking of cats on laps, that my daughter and I have discovered a marvelous way to “have our cake and eat it too” as it were: I hold the book and read aloud, she turns the pages as necessary, and then we both have a free hand to pet the kitties on our laps! Thank you for a marvelous Willard to brighten the dark winter days!
Ha ha ha, that is so CUTE! It takes a village!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you SO much, Susan – for recommending Scala Radio, Radio Garden! Such gentle calming music 🫶💖. I’m listening right now and love it. What a life saver; as I too have the same insomnia problem – waking up at 3 am and cannot go back to sleep.
PS … I wish you would restock the 4th of July mug. Mine broke 😞
Looking forward to Valentine’s Day, if only you had cards for it! ❣️ Thank you Susan … & Joe … for all that you do for our creative lives.
I’ve been enjoying Radio Garden all day. I found a Christian station in Stoke-on-Trent that I love. So uplifting! I like it better than my local station. Thank you for sharing this site with us!
P.S. I’m happy for you that you finally have your clothes within easy reach. Congratulations!! That’s HUGE!!
As always, loved every bit of your post…..Thank you so much.
Love the Queen Elizabeth cup, I can’t wait!
I almost hate to ask because you always seem so busy, but is a second book about England still in the works? I’ve read A Fine Romance many times and would love to see a second book.
It sits here waiting quietly, tugging on the hem of my pants when I try to pass by. We’ll see what fate has in store for me!💖
As always, I totally enjoyed your delightful blog! I always find myself laughing out loud and and sharing the humor with my husband. What a joy to read all the positivity in these crazy days. It’s like an escape from reality. Thank you for the uplifting thoughts and simple goodness that you bring to the world. I have a stack of your books in my living room that I treasure, and still dream of the day that you come to Knoxville, TN on one of your book tours. FYI the independent bookstore in town is a wonderful store called Union Avenue Books.
That would be wonderful! Remind me when I have a new book coming!! And thank you Carol! xoxo💖
Thank you so much, dear Susan, for this beautiful post. Winter projects here are similar to yours. The closet was cleaned and clothing shared with others, kitchen put in order after Christmas cooking, pots of plants cleaned up out on our new porch after a hard freeze in December, and some winter plants put in to freshen the look. Lots of reading – good books and favorite magazines. Wishing to travel, but hunkered down at home and work. No cat to cuddle with, but warm blankets and pj’s. Maybe a cat would be the answer to the insomnia I have at times. I look forward to each Willard, and appreciate the time and effort it takes to produce it. Thanks again, and hugs from across the country.
Cats are answers to many things!! But you will soon be traveling again, I’m thinking! 👏👏👏
We hope to visit some of our favorite places in New England later this year. I am already dreaming of it. And, yes, cats are very special. We lost our beloved cat just two years ago, and have not gotten another. The grief still lingers.
So hard to lose our little ones,😔 but I can’t say enough how much getting a new kitty helps! I know you will do what is best for you, but I encourage you, an older kitty would love a home… and if you choose a kitten, you will laugh every day. Someone is waiting for you. 😘😘😘
Thanks for another newsy Willard! I feel cheered when I read your newsletters! It was a beautiful sunshiny day in California today! Thanks for some good old fashioned quotes! Lots of inspiration now to get organized! I grew up in a household with fresh white starched curtains! The simplest organization can order your mind and put a smile on your face. The 4.2 quake at 2 am woke us but no damage and back to sleep. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Friends are just the best! Thanks for being one of them!❤️
4.2 … every Californian knows exactly what that feels like! I don’t worry too much until we get into the 5s… but keep me away from 6 or above!!😂 Never forget training my eyes like lasers on lamp shades to see if they’re moving!💖 Stay safe!
Thanks again Susan, for a wonderful cozy blog! I’m happy to say I pre-ordered the Queen mug, so I can add it to my Royal memorabilia collection. Looking forward to getting it in May, my birthday month. Cheers!!
Hooray! Good Birthday surprise. I can’t wait to see it!👏
What a perfect Willard! Perfect timing and perfect content.
First, I love your paintings of The Queen and can’t wait to order your lovely mugs. I’ve been working on a commemorative booklet honoring her and have found drawing the illustrations very therapeutic. The world IS different without her.
Regarding your Old Fashioned recipe…. There is a story I tell when I teach my classes about mid century First Ladies at retirement homes…
When the Truman’s first moved into the White House they let it be known that they liked to end the day with an Old Fashioned before dinner.
One of the butlers was known for his expert drink mixing skills and actually made a second income bartending at some of Washington’s best parties. He was delighted with the chance to impress the new president and First Lady (FDR had mixed his own drinks).
The first evening he really pulled out all the stops, decorating the glasses with tempting slices of fruit. The first couple thanked him but said nothing else.
The next night, he tried again, making the drinks even fancier. Again, no response.
After a little over a week, the Trumans finally told the chief usher (sort of like the general manager of the White House) that they didn’t care for the Old Fashioneds and that they were more like fruit punch.
The butler, having been told this by the chief usher, was crushed! He prided himself on his skill!
That evening, the butler defiantly put some ice in the glasses, followed by big splashes of bourbon and NOTHING else.
Presenting the drinks to the Trumans, he couldn’t believe their reaction.
“Now THAT’S an Old Fashioned!” exclaimed the president.
On that note, thanks so much for your blog, your Willards, your books and everything else. 2022 was a year of loss – both parents and a good friend, not to mention The Queen. Things like this bring a consistent diet of joy, fun and beauty which helps to keep the gloom at bay. Your efforts are truly appreciated.
HA HA! They meant REEEEEELY “old fashioned!” Ha ha ha! Good story! And I’m sorry to read here at the end you lost both of your parents this year, Jake… that’s very hard. I don’t have a day when I don’t think of mine. Wishing you the softest of landings in 2023! xoxoxoxo
Dear Susan,
What a delightful way to end a dull January day. Your post is full of so many lovely words and images and fills me with delight. I own only one Gladys Taber book (Stillmeadow Calendar) and it’s been read and re-read many times. I keep looking for more, but they are rare, especially out here.
Love the closet Joe’s making – you can lie in bed and plan your outfits! Thank you for this most delightful Willard!
You are so welcome Lorrie! Thank you!❤️
Mmmm, my husband and I aren’t big drinkers and completely agree that we can’t drink bourbon on its own, but love it in our version of an Old Fashioned, which most people would probably say is NOT an Old Fashioned. So our New Fashioned is super sweet…a slice of orange, muddled in the glass, 1 oz Makers Mark, 3/4 oz Amaretto Disaronno, a teaspoon of Luxardo cherry liquid, and two Luxardo cherries for me and none for my husband because he is weird and doesn’t like actual fruit (he composts his orange slice when he finishes his drink). Oh, and we top it with a bit of Squirt, because we are wimps. So delicious! Thank you for this lovely, cozy read this morning!
Sounds perfectly fine to me! Had to laugh when you said Squirt because I haven’t seen that in YEARS around here! I bet it’s delicious. I’m a two-cherry girl too… and my biggest quirk is that my old-fashioned MUST be served on tons of crushed ice. I don’t even want it if it’s not!🤣 A great drink for making your very own!🥃 (⬅️see that? No ice! No cherry. No orange. 😝)
It’s my turn to host Bookclub tonight! We read The Dictionary of Lost Words, which I’d been loaned before you mentioned it – I love congruence like that! Such a good book!
Thanks for the “hug” Susan! Your updates always make me feel so cozy. It’s actually cold in Houston this morning 35*. So I got to read this while snuggled in front of the fire. Didn’t get past the word presale before I jumped to the store to order the Queens cup. Can’t wait until it gets here. ❤️
Ha ha ha! 👏👏👏
Susan, I popped over early yesterday, but got called away before I could leave a comment. As always this is delightful. Thank you for brightening my day.
I love your description of sleeping in a walk-in closet. Our home was built in the 30s, so I know all too well the limitations of closets. I’m in the process of trying to get this house organized and have hired a friend who is a professional organizer. I need a motivator working beside me, especially one with good ideas. Grateful for some teamwork!
I loved seeing your beautiful quote, Hyacinths for the Soul. That was the name of our sailboat and is also the name of my blog. When you and Jo came to Austin on your book tour, you signed my book on on the title page, and again on page 121, Chapter 6, that begins with this beautiful quote. I lost my precious husband in late September. This was another beautiful, daily memory of my guy. Thank you!
Hugs from Sarah and Sadie in Austin.
Oh Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. I does sound like you’ve found ways to keep yourself busy . . . always a good thing. But I know it’s hard. Thank God for our memories. Brilliant of you to hire a motivator to keep you going! Going forward, very brave and strong. Sending love. . . ❌⭕️
Thank you, Susan. I know you and Joe make each moment count. It’s so important!!! Life is unpredictable!
Austin is covered in ice now, not pretty like your snowy winter days. Texas can’t deal with such weather. Everything shuts down. Trees are breaking with the weight of the ice. Many have lost power, but fortunately I have power!
Stay warm and cozy. Loved seeing your valentine table on IG.
It’s our turn now . . . supposed to be -33 below zero tomorrow including wind chill! Just for a day, but the wind is wild out there now. Staying warm, baked a milk cake today, sitting in front of the fire, with blankie! Quite cozy!
Dear Susan,
What a bright spot on this cold, dreary morn. There is snow on the ground and it’s damp and very chilly here in Indiana. No sunshine for the past 3 days until I opened Willard this morning! Thank you for your words of inspiration! Love the new tea cups. I am drinking my coffee from your bluebird cup as I write this. Would love to have your Summer tea cup and like Jean (in comments above) wish that you could reissue it. Somehow missed that cup and would love to own one. Wishing you the best and a Happy Valentines Day to You & Joe!
Will keep that in mind Connie!
Such a nice surprise with Willard in my mailbox. I have to say I can soooo relate to the Closet dilemma. We live in an old house (1796) and I have had to be creative in storage situations. My Husband helped a friend of ours build a beautiful Closet/Armoire in their old house and I am trying to convince him to do the same in one of our spare bedrooms. It had a beadboard look and I loved it. I hope you’re staying warm this Winter. We’ve been getting lots of snow here in NH the past 2 weeks (20″ so far) but it is SO beautiful. Have a beautiful week Susan!!
Yes, I would give a LOT to get a view inside one of those closets in 1889 … Interested to see what they had! xoxoxo
Happy New Year, Susan. You made my morning on this dreary snowy cold and cloudy day in Gettysburg, PA. This was so comfy, cozy, and lovely read about a lot of things I do enjoy, just like you. To be home during the winter and to find 10 things to do in one day. I love going through my closets, desk drawers, and most of all reading past letters/cards from my closet hat boxes. Love the shadows in the morning and long shadows in the late afternoon. Did you happen to see the sliver of a moon last week, I think? Also, thanks for sharing about Gladys Tabor…….I’ll put out my past letters……….love her books and dogs stories.
Thanks for all the love you put into your blogs.
Esther Hayes
Thank you for being here Esther! I didn’t see the moon, our skies weren’t clear . . . still aren’t.🌙
I save my Willard for a moment I know I can savor it. It’s very difficult, I hear you whispering so it doesn’t take long to give in, sometimes only an hour, other times I make myself wait until I get home from work – a reward. It’s always well worth it, like opening a gift. And filled with treasures! I am so happy Agnes left a Stillmeadow book for you. My grandmother loved her as well. Gladys Tabor, like you and I, held on to the simple things, soothing the heart during fast and disturbing times. Thank you as always for your beautiful words that make us smile ❤️
And thank you for yours Cindy! 💖💖💖
Susan – waking to a gray, misty, cold Seattle day, just like the others who have written comments this morning to you, I thank you for the blog, filled with ideas, encouragement to work on the ToDo lists, color, creativity, love, music, wildflower ideas, critters, how to bring love and acceptance into the world, and to work against hatred, nature, kitchen light, plans for bouquets, peach colored cosmos and alstromeria, seeing loved ones, England trips (more please) – you are on my ToDo list (how about that) – I may need to read A Fine Romance for the 5th time! Because of you I went to Charleston Farm, Great Dixter, Monk’s House Garden in June. Ready to plan trip to England number 4 in September – Lake District, Cotswolds or Cornwall? Hmmm…..history, bakeries, kind people, gardens. ….. so I am rambling – your blog touched so many parts of the good life, the simple life that makes me joyful. Oh – and I thought of you – I recently went to my 12 year old niece’s birthday party and we celebrated at the Cat’s Meow Cafe – a party room, and then the kids get to mingle with up for adoption sweet cats in a separate room…..teaching compassion while celebrating!!! Luvly….peace to you dear friend, peace and love and warmth and keeping art, and color and history alive …..
love you , from Seattle,
I could NEVER go to that cafe! I would have to scoop them all up! I can’t even go safely to a pet store anymore.🤣 But that sounds wonderful!!! And look at us, discovering a whole new country together . . . this group of inspiring kindred spirits is good for each other!!! You can ramble as long as you like Regina! ❌⭕️
Still Life is one of my all time favorite books! I read it over a year ago and still think about the characters and how much I would love to sit down and share a meal with them! Another book by Sarah Winman that I loved is A Year of Marvellous Ways.
I have several books by Gladys Taber that belonged to my grandmother. Reading them brings me such comfort and I’ve read them over and over.
My best wishes to you & Joe!
Will check into A Year of Marvelous Ways! xoxoxo
Hello Dearie,
Thank you for the lovely Willard! I SO enjoyed my time with you this morning. My heart doth know that you are a kindred spirit and a people-ing of my heart.
Thanks for the cheer in the wintertime when all is white and blue.
Rick and I spent the other day planning our garden and then collaborating with my sister who has a larger gardening space. We made a huge list of seeds -flowers, herbs and veggies- and ordered them right away.
Aren’t seeds the essence of magic? They contain the ability to recreate the plant that grew them and all the generations to come- to infinity and beyond!
Wishing you warmth, joy, and happiness -all sprinkled with the magic of spring yet to come!
Absolutely! Look at what an acorn can do! All amazing! God is definitely in the garden!❌⭕️❌⭕️
Great Willard as always. And a special thank you for the trip down memory lane. I read all of the Gladys Tabor books our library had. in the 60’s. Loved reading about your connection. She inspired my love of country living. Thank you again.
A left-behind book of hers was a gift I found in the old house I bought when I moved here to Martha’s Vineyard! How lucky!
So wonderful to leave a comment. I’ve been saving your “Willard” emails since I received my first one many years ago. I get such delight reading them, and if I remember correctly the first one I received had cookie recipes, which were so fun to make.
Your creative, whimsical drawings are beautiful, as well as the quotes from others. Quotes are one of my favorites too. I always seem to find the right one to send to another who needs it for the moment. Thank you for sharing your spirit and gift. Rosemarie aka. Rory
Love hearing from you! Thank you Rory, aka Rosemarie!💖
Kindred Spirits! Due to an extraordinary set of circumstances, I have just started reading Anne of Green Gables for the umpteenth time. Kindred Spirits are very important to the life and well-being of Anne, with an E! And me. You, my dear friend, are most definitely a kindred spirit!
I definitely am! And so are you, and so are us! It’s a lovely club to belong to!💖
Just what my winter weary soul needed, thank you very much
When I think of America the beautiful, I think of you.Always kind,inspirational, and hopeful.May 2023 be a year of America finding herself in a better place,we have a ways to go.Love the blog,Happy Valentines day to you and Joe.Fondly,Mary Lawrence
What an endearing thing for you to say Mary! Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!💖
Thank you for the radio garden recommendation. I love traveling around the world remotely, and found it hilarious how popular American rock is. Wonderful Willard, made my day. I too have been decluttering and clearing up the house. I set out some bulbs a few weeks ago that had been sleeping through the fall and winter. The first of my daffodils just started to bloom. My heart sang at the joy of it all. Greetings to all my fellow girlfriends out there.
I’m so looking forward to bulb time here … Joe and I planted about 100 new bulbs last fall!!! Very exciting to see what happens! We have a ways to go until then! thank you Anna!🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
Good afternoon Susan and Hello Girlfriends. love the new mugs, but i would love to see a new Autumn mug, and i would love to see a snowman for a winter mug. been busy trying to clean up the hen house and get some of the muck and mud out of there to help keep the chickens and ducks dry and warm, especially this weekend as we are expecting some more snow, the snow levels are dropping to 1,000 feet and we are at 1,900 – 2,000 feet so we are going to get smacked with snow. plus i have to get a heat lamp in there to keep them warm, the temperature will drop to 14 degrees at night. want to keep the hens happy, and warm so they lay lots of eggs. and yes what i don’t eat or use i sell to my neighbors at a fair price of $2.00 a dozen. sorry i refuse to price gauge folks and cheat them when the prices are too high for them to get eggs at the local stores and we are talking $6 to $9 dollars a dozen and yes i saw that price at Wal_Marts’. when folks got to decide what they are willing to pay or not pay for a simple item like that than i get mad and i try to help folks out if i can. plus i have scramble and get the firewood in and up on the porch for the nights ahead, going to be cold around here…. BRRR!!!! got a nice warm fire going now to keep the house warm, and the cats are sure happy. they curl up in their basket by the fire and snooze. such spoiled babies … LOL!!! this has been one cold month, wonder what summer is going to be like??? mild or hot??? the deer sure are coming around a lot lately, and yes i have been leaving some feed out for them. just some grain and cracked corn. been filling the bird feeders and suet feeders, there is a new feed out for birds called butter bark. i think it is a mix of peanut butter and some other thing the birds like and you can spread it on the bark of the trees and the birds will eat it up. they sure like it and you can get it in a small ball or pellet form too and put it in a special feeder for them. i have the spreadable one and the birds go nuts for it. they really eat it up and i have never seen so many birds come around, they must spread the word or something. whatever makes them happy and i enjoy watching them, so do the cats. LOL!!! i bet Jack would enjoy the fun with my cats and their new “kitty t.v.”. well got to get back to work, so i am out of here. have to get the laundry into the dryer and feed the birds, both kinds wild and domestic, and finish up in the hen house and get the firewood on the porch. also have to get dinner out and organized. busy around here. you all have a great day, stay safe and healthy and stay happy. hugs ….. 😀
Love hearing about your little farm Pat… thank you!💝 I showed Jack kitty TV the other night on my phone … he was on my lap. He seemed riveted by it!🤣 xoxoxo
Hello Susan, hello girlfriends. you should see the cats watching the birds and squirrels. they chatter at them and their tails swish back and forth, they are so funny. how has the weather been there??? it has been cold here, with lows at night reaching 14 degrees… BRRRR!!!!!!! the cats enjoy the wood stove and that is the nap location, in their basket by the warm stove enjoying the fire and snoozing. i looked up the spring weather for here in the Farmers’ almanac and it say mild and normal rainfall, wonder what summer will be like???? wonder what the groundhog is going to say this year, more winter or an early spring??? got to get busy, got to get some more firewood up on the porch, check the water and feed containers for the birds and plan dinner. i think maybe this summer i may get a birdbath for the little birdies, at least they can cool down, get clean and drink. have a great day, stay well and safe. hugs ,,,,, 🙂
Been very warm here! Hardly any snow, although it did snow today … while it was 38º … it’s already melted! Must have been very cold up there, but not so much down here! We have a birdbath here, I can see it from the kitchen windows … just as fun as you think it would be!!💖
Helo Susan, Girlfriends!!! Happy Groundhog Day!! Phil says 6 more weeks of winter, figures as it was 17 degrees earlier this morning. now it is 27 degrees, BRRRR!!!! more firewood and lots of hot tea and soup!!! hugs …. 😀
Stay warm Pat, we’re getting a serious cold snap tonight! But it’s just fine here in front of the fire!❌⭕️
Susan, how do you keep Jack out of the plants? Our Lucy (who could be his sister looks wise) decimates every plant she can get to. I have one spider plant that’s hung in my sewing room behind closed doors and two Thanksgiving cactuses up high where she can’t get them. All flowers must abide on the fireplace mantle or she will tear them apart. I wish I could keep her out of them. You’re sweet e-mails are health to my home loving soul. Thank you for all the sweetness you share with us every month. It’s good to know that there are still people in the world who aren’t cynical and find beauty in the everyday pursuits of homemaking and living.
I’ve learned from my catalog of kitties that they are all different. You never know what you’re going to get! We are so blessed with those lovely everyday pursuits you spoke of . . . makes life joyful!💖
Thank you for brightening up a winter day!
Still Life is one of my favorite books! I read it, and don’t remember getting confused by which character was speaking, but now I want to listen to it!
Happy almost Spring…less than 2 months away! ♥
Was just a thing people mentioned on Amazon… I’m sure it doesn’t happen to everyone. I sort of get used to a way an author writes after a time. Happy Spring Judith!
You may want to cover the shoulders of items you don t wear often, esp things like jackets. Left out in the light they may fade, even in diffused indoor light and also get dusty. There’s a reason closets have doors. Use pretty fabric, washed; tea towels, muslin.
Good idea!
Is anyone else having trouble printing the chicken & tea bookmarks?
You had me with the Old Fashioneds, Susan! Our favorite cocktail for 30+ years. The only difference between Joe’s recipe and ours is that we use MacNaughton’s Canadian whiskey. Loved today’s Willard. Looking forward to this evenings cocktail hour. The best to you and Joe
Hi, Mrs. Branch,
You should try your Old-Fashioned with Gentleman Jack- it is smooth Tennessee whiskey. Hands down the best Old-fashioned! And you can sip it all alone.. not technically a bourbon, but it’s what we like down here in Nashville for our cocktail hour.
Have to try that sometime! Gentleman Jack, good name!👏
I have about 10 books by Gladys now, some of them I’ve read twice over. When this world drags me down I pick up one of her books and her words soothe – it’s truly amazing how one can still apply her sound logic to the troubles of today’s world.. not so very different from the 1940’s, 50’s, and so on! I live in an old farm house too, I can relate to the chosen and cherished life of Gladys, Eleanor and their children and grands… and I live close enough to be able to drive by Stillmeadow, such a treat to see it in person (without disturbing her granddaughter, whom I believe still lives there on occasion). Someday I hope to see Still Cove too, although it has been modified. I honestly feel you are our modern day Gladys – a respite, a ray of light, as Gladys was.
Well, that’s a beautiful compliment Karen . . . Thank you!🥰😘😘😘😘
Hi Susan,
Thanks you so much for these lovely blogs, also calendars, books, artwork and fun ideas. I am always delighted to order your new calendar each year. It is a great start to my day.
I must issue a heads up, however, regarding your Peace Lily plant.
From what I have read, they are one of the most toxic plants for cats.
My daughter, who owns a cat, alerted me to this and brought her Peace Lily plants to live at our house.
There is a good bit of info. on this topic on the internet and I hope it will be of use to you.
Thanks again for all your inspiring blog posts and artwork!
Yes, I do know that about the Peace Lily, but Jack has lived with this one all his live and shown no interest. He likes little bouquets of flowers I put on the table … and what he REALLY wants is for me to go outside and cut him some grass from the lawn and put it in a bowl for him! I think he might be a vegetarian! Thank you for your TLC, always appreciated!😘😘😘
Glad to hear he is not interested, Susan! Have a lovely rest of Winter!
What a delightful and cozy visit into the world of Susan! I clicked on to Scala and I’m hooked. I even am enjoying the ads, believe it or not. I’ll listen while I read my British Country Living magazine and my next mystery — maybe Ann Cleeves or another Cecil Waye 30s whodunit!
Your world is simply beautiful right now. I’m inspired by your cleaning and sorting! It’s a good time for such things. And hats off to Joe and the closet!
I know! The ads confirm, yes you ARE in England!🤣❌⭕️
Hellooooo Susan,
Always a delightful surprise to receive “Willard”. Always chocked full of “we-must-be-related” information. The book “Still Life” sounds wonderful…because I have been traveling to Tuscany (and taking small groups of travelers with me) for the past 20+ years. So, good books with Italian settings appeal to me and I shall find this one to read. And then there’s my love of everything-Gladys-Taber! Her books resonate with me. I hang on her words. When I first read of “Stillmeadow”, I wanted to live there. I still do. And THANK YOU to your fella for the Old Fashion recipe. Me and my darlin’ husband, Galen, love Makers Mark, too. And good Italian cherries. I’m tellin’ ya, Susan, we must be sistahs from other Mothers. It’s cold and blustery today in central Iowa… the day after my birthday… so I’m still in my jammies. I’m definitely in a William Morris mood: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” I have alerted my girlfriends that I welcome them to join me here at Smiling Dog Farm, when Mother Nature returns with warm, sunny weather, in a big old wonderful yard sale! Out with the old! I do not want my “stuff” left to my children to deal with! Let’s hope that 2023 is a cleansing year for our country and in our own lives – thank you for all your brilliant, positive energy, Susan – ONWARD!
Probably ARE related, I have some deep roots in Iowa … my mom, grandma, grandpa, great grandparents and so on, were born all over that state! Love your hopeful heart!💖
Hello – thank you for sharing the RadioGarden link. What a fabulous find! I’m having fun exploring different cities and their radio stations. It’s always a joy to read your newsletter – warms my heart and gives me hope. 💟
Makes me happy to hear that Jojo, thank you!
Always the brightest spot in my email, your Willard! Thank you fro bringing so much lovely joy to my day! I just thought of a book that came out last year that you might enjoy, “Love & Saffron” by Kim Fay. It’s a story of 2 women who are pen pals and has lots of interesting bits about recipes and events that were happening in the 1960’s. It’s a lovely little book. Thank you so much for the joy you spread!
Thank you Christine!
Thank you, Susan. You always inspire!
Just finished “The Dictionary of Lost Words”. Loved it! Did not realize until I read the Afterward that the history of the Dictionary was not fiction; nor were some of the people. Loved this book. Thank you for mentioning it in your Willard
I learned so much from that afterword . . . just added to the whole thing! There are some very wonderful writers in the world these days!💖
Miss Susan,
It’s a treat every time you send out your girlfriend letter. Immediately (or first chance I get) I get ready for “quite time” to just sit/read and enjoy. It’s the closest thing to receiving a handwritten letter in the mail. Thank you for the kindness and energy you put in to each one. Happy Valentines’ Day. You always inspire me and give me hope to see the GOOD in this world … I know it’s there, we just have to look,
Kathy Williams, San Diego, CA
Oh it is. Phones, TV news, watches, everything assaulting us these days takes our eyes off the beauty, but it’s definitely there! Homey, plain, constant, and joyful … all there. Looked out my window just now. It’s snowing huge flakes. It’s been a very warm year here, hardly any snow, and there it is, just exactly at the time they’re playing Somewhere Beyond the Sea… strings version, no words . . . just beautiful! Little, small, homey, quiet, not on the news!💖💖💖💖💖💖 Sending love!
Thank you so much for always including book recommendations! I read your blog with a note pad and pen nearby so I can record your suggestions and ideas. I also recently read Still Life–but a different Still Life. I read the one by Louise Penny. Have you read any by her? She writes a very Hygge mystery series and the first (of 18! so far) is called Still Life. I’m on book #3. The best part for me isn’t the mystery–but the characters in the small Canadian village where it takes place. I think you would enjoy! I’ll check out the Still Life you recommended. Also, excited to look into radio garden. Happy Days to you!
My book list grows daily!!!🤣 Thank you Julie!❤️
Thanks for “spreading the word” about Gladys Taber. My mom introduced me to her writings and we went to several of the reunions in the 90’s. So much of her writing is so reflective of current things even though she wrote it 60 or more years ago. I know that anyone who enjoys your newsletters will enjoy Gladys’ writing. Loved the Gibran quote so much. I sent it in a group text to 3 or my dearest friends. As always, your newsletter is a bright spot in my day. Enjoying a cup of tea in the “Jack” mug as I write this. Happy Valentine’s day ❤️
I totally agree… common sense is ageless. One of my favorite things about her writings. Thank you so much Marsha, lovely to hear from you!💖
Greetings, Dear Susan!
Thank you for posting this hug of a Willard. I opened it Wednesday morning but decided to wait till Saturday morning to finish so I could savor each scroll on my laptop. What a lovely surprise to see our Christmas tree twinkling at me as I did! I took a few shots that Zoom-y day, and chose *that* one because your smile was just as twinkly as the tree lights. Thank you for the shout-out.
This past week has been difficult navigating, yet again, 2 mass shootings in CA (and the fall out from the 6 year old shooting his teacher in VA) and helping my 6th graders contextualize it all. I decided to stop my regularly scheduled lesson plan Wednesday, the day I saw your new blog. I am teaching argument writing but starting with youth activists around the world to help prepare them. So I introduced them to Fred Rogers through clips of the documentary film Won’t You Be My Neighbor. He obviously isn’t a youth activist like Greta or Malala or Campbell Remess (look him up, he’s spectacular), but Mr. Rogers was an activist on behalf of children.
Most had never heard of him, but they HAD watched the show Daniel Tiger on PBS Kids when they were younger, so they got really excited to see the original Daniel Striped Tiger puppet.
That documentary is so lovely, and the parts I showed them really captured how Mr. Rogers helped kids (and adults) not only cope with the emotions we all feel but acknowledge them.
I showed the part of the film that focused on how the show handled grief (the Bobby Kennedy assassination), and you could feel the kids getting it.
I think *I* must have made more sense to the kids after learning about Mr. Rogers because I greet the kids every morning with a puppet or stuffed animal.
Even tough, world-weary hardened 6th graders smile, giggle, ooh, and ahhh when they see a ratty old skunk puppet (I got as a very odd child in 1983) greet them at the door.
So, in times like these, which are far too often, I “Look for the helpers” as Mr. Rogers taught me.
You are one of those helpers, Susan.
You and Joe.
And so many of your Girlfriends on here.
I thank you so very much, and I send you all the love and encouragement that I can muster to help us not only survive these difficult times but to also find ways to thrive.
I don’t envy you trying to explain this total insanity to 12 year olds. Hurts my heart to think about it. Mr. Rogers, “Find the helpers” … and your kids found you. How lucky. I wish you ran the world! (HA HA, just got to the part of your comment that says the same thing!)… LOL and now you are calling ME a helper! Okay, I should read entire thing before beginning to write back. God bless you Susan, keep doing what you do … With all my love . . .💝💝💝
You make me happy and hopeful. I was feeling glum, dreary …. many days of gray clouds, frigid temperatures, January ‘blues’ …. thank you for the reminders of sunny thoughts and spring hope. You are a treasure.
I read this after a wonderful Saturday nap, with a kitty sprawling all over me, in my cozy attic sitting room where all of my Susan Branch books live. PERFECTION after a busy, exhausting week. ❤️
Love reading your words. I’m now in MN full time having lost almost everything in FL (including ALL of your books☹️) due to hurricane Ian! Life is still good. Nice to be close to family and the sun still rises. All the best to you dear one. judi
Oh my goodness Judi!!! What a terrible nightmare for you. I can’t even imagine. You sound amazingly good … what a story you must have to tell.❤️🩹 Blessings dear, I’m saying a little prayer for you. I’m glad you are safe. ❌⭕️❌⭕️
thank you SO much for the link to the gladys taber fan club. i’ve been reading her books for almost 50 years now and have loved every one. she grew up in a house that her father built in appleton, wisconsin. my husband is from nearby menasha so we once drove over to see the house that she grew up in. i paid silent homage to her dear, funny, thoughtful spirit!
So lovely we can see the homes that nurtured our heroes!❤️
To all fellow Anglophiles!!! Mary Churchill’s War, which is her diaries from just before WWII and through to the end, I just wonderful. Too many reasons to list here…but get on the list at your local library!! You get such insight into that family, and the Great Man himself. The forward is written by Eric Larson, The Splendid and the Vile. I’ve been dipping in and out of the book, while reading a “tome” on Samuel de Champlain, Champlain’s Dream. I’m a bit fan of the French Canadians, especially now that my lovely step daughter has a fabulous one in her life. OK, that’s it.
Mucho Love,
Debbie in sunny Tampa
Wonderful Debbie! She was quite a big/interesting part of The Splendid and the Vile … I’ll have to read that!
I saw your Willard in my inbox several days ago but didn’t have time to open it. I got home tonight – a very cold night with snow on the ground – made myself a cup of hot cocoa in your Little Things mug and remembered I hadn’t ready your Willard yet. What bliss! I loved every bit of it. I know you are so busy and I appreciate that you take the time to write such beautiful heart warming entries that bring so much joy to all of us. My 5 year old granddaughter came to stay and wanted hot cocoa. I served it to her in the Little Things mug and she very carefully examined every picture on the mug and then asked me what my favorite pictures were. I said I liked the teacup and diary and the little house. She liked the kitty and the girl doing a handstand. 🙂 Together we enjoyed your lovely mug. I listened to you on the Enchanted Bookclub and loved what you said about history and posterity. So very wise.
Thank you Marilyn! You and your granddaughter examining the cup reminded me why I designed that cup that way, with all the little art. Because of cereal boxes when I was a child. They had such interesting little bits and pieces on them then, jokes and silly stuff, gave us something to read while we ate. Voila, zee cup! There’s a nice bit of posterity for your granddaughter right there, that memory!❌⭕️
Hi there,
Rather curious of why you need to list all the discontinued cups on your shopping page. It makes me sad to see all the ones I can’t buy and honestly it makes the page very cluttered looking. Seems unnecessary to list all the ones that are unavailable. Would you consider removing them? Thanks! 🙂 ♥
I think Kellee does it so people can see. Every once in a while, if we get enough requests, we will reprint them. Maybe we should make a discontinued page?
Such a lovely way to start the day. Please come back soon Susan!!
I will!