The Peter Rabbit Room ♥

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

This isn’t in England,  it’s the guest bedroom above the kitchen in our house on Martha’s Vineyard that we call the Peter Rabbit room.  Here it is as you come to it, at the top of the back stairs.  It started as a normal guest room, but has, over the years, organically transitioned into a mini ode to Beatrix Potter.

It’s small, only 11′ x 12′, tucked up under the eves at the back of the house; everything in it is old. 

We think it was the “maid’s quarters” at one time (the house was built in 1849, when they had such things) but it would have made a wonderful room for the eleven-year-old I used to be.  See those two tiny windows above the dresser?  Note where your head would be on the bed? From your pillow you could see the sky, up through trees, leaves flitting in the sun, turning color in autumn, then snow falling in winter; smelling pancakes cooking downstairs in the kitchen, it is a perfect spot for dreaming.  So here we go, on a little tour as I tell you the story how it came to be called the Peter Rabbit Room . . .

  Let’s have some music to go with us!  Just click and come back, the boys can serenade us as we go.

The old things in this room begin with my Laura Ashley hat, here on one of the bedposts, which I got back in the 1980’s.  She belongs in the Peter Rabbit room don’t you think?  And see the heart book shelf above the bed?  It’s filled with travel books, like a shelf of dreams.  Years ago, I drew a design for this shelf on a piece of paper (which I’m sure you can tell from the hearts); a carpenter friend (Carleton) built it for me; it was over my bed in my first little house on the island, and morning exercises-in-bed were taped to the underside of it.

The two larger windows (on each side of the room) are only waist-high, so when you’re in the bed, which is elevated, it feels like you’re in a tree house. The wind comes through the wisteria arbor just outside that window, flutters the curtains, blows across the four-poster bed (and you), to the huge maple tree outside the window on the other side; you can hear the leaves rubbing together, go shhhhh, and you feel the 160 years of history in this room  in its DNA.

Why is it called the Peter Rabbit Room?  Years ago, a girlfriend came to visit and one day she came down the stairs saying, “I love your Peter Rabbit Room.”  She called it that because of the Peter Rabbit figurine perched on a stack of  Beatrix Potter books on the dresser (of course, nowadays there are even more Peters, once I figured out it was the Peter Rabbit room).  Now when my friends come to stay, they ask if they can have the Peter Rabbit room, even though it’s the smallest of all the bedrooms.  Everyone feels like a child waking up in a tree house in this room.

. . . another Peter, so miniature it’s almost invisible, is on the narrow sill over the window (mixed in with beach glass we find on our morning walk). I wallpapered the room in pink with rosebuds when we first moved into the house back in 1989.

But the heart of the room is in the details . . .

Heart-shaped rocks on the window sill . . . Girl Kitty on the floor . . .

. . . old quilts in Beatrix Potter colors . . .

. . . And these linens. I love to find old embroidered pillowcases, and I have a trick when buying new sheets . . . I love the really expensive ones, but sometimes they are just too outrageously priced . . . so I just get the pillow cases!  It makes all the difference in the details of a room and doesn’t cost much at all.  Your face gets to touch the softest part, and you can buy nice white or colored sheets to go with them, and you don’t have to take out a loan at the bank to afford them!

I made this pillow out of an old piece of embroidery (can you see the to-die-for French knots?) I found it in an antique store for $14 and leaped upon it immediately.  Life is good. 

And then there is just your basic fan-girl worship of Beatrix herself.  I have that.  What I love the most is the total simplicity, of her story, her art, her colors, and even, to a certain extent, her life.She did what she loved, she gave to the world, she made happiness. I can’t think of a better example of a woman who followed her heart her whole life, that’s why she is my hero, because she was brave. (Come back and read more about her HERE.)

Perfection on a page.

I have lots of old books about her.  This one had black and white line drawings, so I watercolored them, and put in some dried flowers.

I started collecting  Beatrix Potter figurines when I first moved away from home (see them on that shelf back there? And the dishtowel!).   From the time I managed to scrape together thirty dollars that didn’t have to pay the electric bill, I was indulging. (They don’t make them anymore, so it’s very hard to find them for $30.  But when I find them in antique stores, I buy them for the Vintage part of our web store, just in cases you want to start a collection of your own!).  There was a little shop next to the record store where I worked that sold them.  I would go there and think, “which one will I get next?”  It was a huge decision.  It was the first place I would take my paycheck.  My value system has always been in the right place. 🙂

My husband at the time had a different value system; he didn’t really understand this fascination of mine, so I would hide Mrs. Tiggy Winkle in my purse until I could make her blend into our household. Since my first kitchen, I’ve always had these guys grouped on a shelf watching over me. Aren’t they wonderful? Do they not remind you of watercolor?  I collected these long before I painted my first picture, before I even knew I could paint.  I’ve always felt these colors, and the ones on old quilts must have sunk into me for inspiration.

Sitting here, right now, next to my computer, is Fancy Whiskered Gentleman, Aunt Pettitoes, and Mrs. Rabbit.

Sometimes in the natural course of living at our house, a bunny ear will get chipped —  poor Jemima Puddleduck jumps into the sink sometimes, has tiny chips, all hard-earned nicks, out of her bill — so I just take my little paint brush, watercolor the chip, and make her whole again.

I think Beatrix Potter, forever content and walking the country roads in heaven’s edition of her beloved Lake District, looks down and likes it when I’m painting on a duck bill taking good care of her baby. 

Speaking of Beatrix Potter, there are many wonderful biographies you can read about her life. She is much more than her books, she made a life at a time when women weren’t supposed to do that. You will love her, she’s total inspiration!

Also, you can join the Beatrix Potter Society!

P.S. One more thing. . . would you like to see the Peter Rabbit Room decorated for Christmas?

 I think bunnies prefer a woodland Christmas, especially when it’s snowing outside, so I changed the bedspread to a woodsy green and I asked Joe to make a garland out of the boxwood in our garden so I could fashion a little woodland shrine for the Peters above the dresser.

and I included 11-year-old me, to watch over the Peters (or vice versa).

 ‘Course we needed some carrots and birds for the hedgerow garland, and snow, in the form of white pom-poms and a white feather tree with boxwood sprigs tucked in that sits between the bunnies and snowy trees, next to the small collection of Beatrix Potter’s “little bunny books” Joe got for me in England.

And last but not least, looking for more woodland views, I exchanged the watercolor that was hanging here originally for an oil I did of our garden, thinking Peter might like to forage under the fence in the midnight hours. 

Later that night, I thought I heard some squeaking.  I came back into the room to find the Peter’s celebrating with a bonfire, wrapped in blankets, eating carrots!  They liked it!  I was so proud.  See the clay mushroom on top of the book on the right?  I got that at the Armitt Museum in Ambleside,  up in the Lake District when we went to Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top Farm ~ the card too, that’s a print of her actual painting of the mushrooms ~ they are my treasures.  (You can see how lovely her woodland paintings are by clicking on the link above to the Armitt. I have included many links, i.e. “Rabbit Holes” for you to dive into in this post!)

I think this is the part about women that most men don’t quite understand. We love to play house. Love it to the point of no end.  It’s relaxing and makes us happy.  I brought Joe in to see the bonfire and he looked at me with the most quizzical look on his face, and never said a word, just a slight shake of the head and a one-sided smile which I took to mean that he wished he could be me.  Next life, my honeyman, next life. 

So that’s the Peter Rabbit Room in all its glory, “a treasure of home.”  I hope you liked your tour! One more thing, this room often has something in it that makes it even better, is all any room needs . . . the perfect prop, the detail that excels above all others . . .

This comes from a higher level of decorator intuition, at least that’s what I think . . . A decorative kitty is good in any room.  Perfect for all occasions especially good for napping.

Have a wonderful day girlfriends.  So long from me and my little friends! xoxo

P.S. Check out the wonderful movie, Miss Potter! One of my favorite parts is when her Peter Rabbit drawing “goes live.”


329 Responses to The Peter Rabbit Room ♥

  1. Anita Page says:

    Just precious. Just like everything on your web site. Anita

  2. Louise Fern says:

    Susan, I can’t wait for your gorgeous book to come out! I’ve been to London and the surrounding tourist areas but long to visit the Lake District. So the coincidence of your new book with my longing to travel will inspire me to hasten my plans.
    I have three of your cookbooks and display during the respective holidays in my kitchen. Thanks for the “Williard” every month.
    With great admiration,
    Louise Fern

    • meredith mcclung says:

      Hi, Louise…you might also enjoy, if you haven’t read it yet, BEATRIX POTTER’S GARDEN by Marta McDowell. The author, a gardener by nature and profession, Marta covers every season and all the plants therein. The photos are beautiful–I could picture her garden in any season. I haven’t gotten there yet but it is on my bucket list!…Meredith McClung, Connecticut

  3. Lois Miller says:

    My husband and I have made a Peter Rabbit House for our grandsons. It started as a storage bin with a roof, cement floor & four corners. After finding an adorable white rabbit chandelier I knew exactly what I wanted to do. ( I had previously thought of it as a chicken coop). I filled it with all kinds of activities. Table with tree trunk seats. Play house & barn. Easel & rolls of paper. Since I do puppet shows with the boys, I had Peter tell them about his new house last Christmas. I am still planting vines & herbs around the building. When they get older I will bring in the Peter things & create a bedroom. Thanks for all the ideas!

  4. Fiona Goodyear says:

    I absolutely love this room Susan! I can just imagine myself there with the breeze blowing the curtains, curled up with a good book, a cup of tea and of course, a kitty to warm the feet. My family is from England and Australia and I was brought up reading Beatrix Potter. I still have several figurines of my own and a delightful little wooden bookshelf the hold the whole series of her books even with their little lovingly worn dust jackets. This brings back such memories and thank you for sharing and bringing some pleasures back into our lives!

  5. Fiona Goodyear says:

    I absolutely love this room Susan! I can just imagine myself there with the breeze blowing the curtains, curled up with a good book, a cup of tea and of course, a kitty to warm the feet. My family is from England and Australia and I was brought up reading Beatrix Potter. I still have several figurines of my own and a delightful little wooden bookshelf that holds the whole series of her books even with their little lovingly worn dust jackets. This brings back such memories and thank you for sharing and bringing some pleasures back into our lives!

  6. Debbie D.D. says:

    I just wanted to mention to you Susan that the Nick Jr. television channel now has the most delightful show called “Peter Rabbit”. It is an animated program for children with the most enchanting artwork of Peter and Benjamin Bunny and many of the darling characters of Beatrix Potter. Miss Tiggywinkle is absolutely adorable with her prickles and delightful British accent. I just watched the premiere of this show this morning (11 a.m. central time) and I thought of your love for all things Peter Rabbit. If you do not have the opportunity to watch this darling new show on tv~~ you can also find information about it on I think that you would enjoy the sweet animal characters in this new children’s show. As a brand new Grandmama~ I am always looking for sweet things to introduce my new Grandson to as he grows. The characters, colors and the voices in this show are just precious! ~Debbie

  7. Leigh Ann says:

    Years ago I bought your girlfirends forever book because I used to have the exact same car that was on the cover. I still have the book along with a few Beatrix Potter books. I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time. I even found a Beatrix Potter Matryoshka that I display with her books! She is an inspiration to me as I have written two children’s books, yet to be published. I’m working on getting one ready for self-publishing this year. Checking in with your website helps get the creative juices flowing. If you want to see a picture of the BP Matryoshka, let me know and I’ll email it to you.


  8. Nedra says:

    Just found your website through Country Register, Florida edition, as we are now snowbirds. Loved the Peter Rabbit room. I am a retired kg. teacher and used the Peter Rabbit theme at the beginning of school to help the children understand the behavior standards set for our school. We would read Peter Rabbit, discuss whether he was a bad bunny or just didn’t obey his mother’s safe rules. Then we would make carrot muffins, drink camomile tea, eat blackberries, and plant our Peter Rabbit garden. After that, the children made rules that they could follow. Always had the best behaved room of students in our school.

  9. Amy says:

    Oh, I love your Peter Rabbit room. Gives me all sorts of ideas for my little guest room as my son’s nursery had a Peter Rabbit theme and I still have all the stuff as I love it so much. He’s 18 now. Lol. I think I will go up to the attic and start unpacking some treasures.

  10. Carrie says:

    Hi Susan,

    Just checked the England page as I thought you might have added to it in light of the impending book release and the indexes with corresponding links you mentioned and voila, I found some fun changes. Great tunes. I love when you say “the boys”…as you have indeed earned that familiarity after the wonderful hijinx you and your girlfriend got up to sneaking into the backyard where “the boys” were and earned their autographs. (LOVE that story!!!)

    BTW, haven’t seen a recent picture of your Potter People on the window sill in the kitchen…was the village disseminated? Say it ain’t so! That inspired my wee little village, all collected from your webstore for a grand total of x17! And I’m eyeing Aunt Pettitoes who has just popped up out of obscurity and just seems to be calling my name.

    Simply can’t wait until “A Fine Romance” comes out. If you haven’t seen the vintage brit-com by the same name starring none other than one Dame Judi Dench and her husband, Michael Williams, since passed away, well, it’s not to be missed. Given that you’ve just penned “A Fine Romance” it seems only right that you have full knowledge of all the forms of artistry given said title, right?

    Aren’t you glad you stayed with the pretty light blue in the kitchen and not brown?

    Carrie who went to Charleston and saw the roses in bloom on the facade just weeks after you…

    • sbranch says:

      My Potter People have been in my kitchen since I was in my 20’s — even new kitties have not deterred me from the precarious display! Some people have kitchen witches, these little figurines are my kitchen blessings. I’ll be putting more things up in I Love England and all over, now that I have some time to do it! Keep watching Carrie!

      • Carrie says:

        Always loved the pictures of the Potter peeps on the sill and happy to know there they will always remain! Kitchen witches, yikes. I’ve never been keen on anything witches, not even at Halloween.

        Will keep an eye out for more updates, thank you!

  11. EsSuzy (from South Carolina) says:

    Sue, I just dropped by to see the Peter Rabbit room once more because as you heard, my fabulous daughter, Stephanie D, gave birth to Alice, who you saw all snuggly in her carseat as she prepared to leave the hospital. BUT you might not know that Alice has a lovely Beatrix Potter nursery & she also has 2 kitties who were waiting for her appearance!! Just had to share a bit this morning! Susan L. XO

  12. Karen says:

    Where did you get the beautiful rug?!

    I bet it’s one of a kind 🙂

  13. Debby Suovanen says:

    Oh Susan! What a lovely room! I am reading A Fine Romance and loving it soooo much. I’m on page 157, reading about your visit to Hill Top Farm. Your descriptions are so scrumptious and detailed. They make me feel like I’m there with you. Then when I got to the star by your Peter Rabbit Room, I had to come here and look at your room. I fell in love. The wallpaper, the linens, the quilts, the books, the figurines…the kitty! It’s just so nice and inviting. It truly inspires me. I got the book yesterday and I’ll finish it today! It’s so lovely, I don’t want the experience to end. But as they say – All good things must…
    Thank you so much!!

  14. Lisa Belcastro says:

    My youngest daughter would love this room. When she was ten months old she grabbed a stuffed Peter Rabbit and, at 16, has yet to let go. When she was young, and had worn Peter threadbare, I would order the “replacement” on eBay secretly. When he arrived safely and I confirmed he was an exact match, I would take my daughter shopping at the local fabric store to pick out “new clothes”. That night she would surrender Peter for a few hours so I could “sew” on new clothes and then run him through the wash to make him soft again. Little did she know I stashed the worn out Peter into my cedar hope chest, washed the new one, and then “returned” Peter to her bed late at night. She woke in the morning believing it was the same Peter she’d had from year one. This went on until she discovered my secret when she was thirteen. She still sleeps with Peter, and that is a beautiful thing. When she returns from working in OB, I’ve got to show her this room. Simply lovely!

    • sbranch says:

      I think your daughter would love to see Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top Farm someday! A perfect mother/daughter trip!

    • Katy Welty says:

      I have to ask…what happened to the retired bunnies?

      Lovely post, thanks to both of you! I feel like we are sisters under the skin.

  15. Linda says:

    So many have already expressed my feelings about this enchanting room, but I must tell you ….I have searched high and low for this exact wallpaper for my dream bedroom and I’ve had no luck. Would you be willing to share your source ? Thanks so much for the inspiration

    • sbranch says:

      I would Linda, but I got it when we first bought the house in 1989 and I have no idea who I got it from. There just has to be something like it out there. Take a photo of it to a decorator and see if she can find it for you.

  16. pat reimers says:

    I just read “A Fine Romance” and shall be rereading it often. It led me to this website, this room is out of a box of chocolates! I just bought Pigling Bland and can’t wait to get him. It has been a long time since I just enjoyed such a reading experience and indulged myself because of it. Thank you Susan.

  17. Candice OHIO says:

    Just had a lovely visit with your Peter Rabbit room, I am in love! I used Peter Rabbit for my daughter’s nursery when she was a baby. It was hard to find Peter Rabbit items in 1993, I made her curtains, crib ruffle and bumper pad and covered the pad on the changing table in a watercolor check fabric. My cousins in England sent me all sorts of lovely Peter Rabbit gifts when she was born, which I have kept. So maybe someday I can have another Peter Rabbit room!
    Warmest regards,
    Candice xo

    • sbranch says:

      Coziest room in our house. Something about a room with a name! 🙂 You probably still have more than you need!

    • Penny Rose says:

      I too did my daughter’s bedroom in Peter Rabbit and Friends, and how funny is this, she was born in 1993 too!! I’m English and found it hard to find bedding etc, but I did find a couple of duvet covers with pillowcases. I still have them 20 years old, in excellent condition. My eldest daughter is expecting my first grandchild in February 2014, and Peter Rabbit is the theme for her baby’s bedroom too, and according to the 20 week scan, it’s a girl. xx

    • Dolores Ashworth says:

      I used Beatrix Potter for my son’s room in 1975. It was hard to find things then. A friend in college shared Beatrix Potter with me (I know, it’s hard to believe I didn’t know about her!). She had some prints and gave them to me. I had two framed for the baby’s room. It was a soft blue with white trim and white curtains – I figured if it was a girl, I would just add eyelet lace to the edges of the curtains. I found a music box to hang on the baby bed, embroidered with Peter (it played “You are my sunshine”). Also some company – I can’t remember who now – had sheets with Peter and the Flopsy Bunnies on them. I bought a twin set and made a comforter for the baby bed. When my son moved up to a youth bed, I painted Peter and the Flopsy bunnies on the headboard of an antique youth bed. So sweet. All 3 of my children used it, some nieces and nephews and now grandchildren.

  18. Cathy V. says:

    Susan’s pictures of her ‘Peter Rabbit Room’ inspired me to take out my collection of Beatrice Potter rabbit figurines and display them in my living room. My dear Aunt Lois bought them for me for countless Easters and Birthdays while growing up and I had them shamefully packed away in the atic until I saw her blog post and now they are something I enjoy everyday!

  19. Ellie says:

    I LOVE your “Peter Rabbit room”…..I especially love the rug and wondered where you found it…..Is it “old” also?……..It is a lovely room and any little girl…or “big” girl would love to stay there…….Thanks for sharing with all of us!……

    • sbranch says:

      Not old, it was in a furniture store here on the island many years ago, and just “went” with everything. xo Thank you Ellie!

  20. Pixie says:

    What a lovely room, I’m sure Beatrix Potter would have loved it.
    Did you know you can visit her house if you are ever in the UK?
    here’s the link
    I have a few Beatrix Potter figures too, Peter Rabbit and Mrs Tiggy winkle and of course all the books.
    I found you while trying to search for some information on Pat Albeck and am pleased I happened by.

  21. Penny Rose says:

    I stumbled upon your blog. quite by accident, and am so glad that I did. I too love this kind of decor, as well as Peter Rabbit and Friends. I’m English and this room is quite sweet, but also very American. What do I mean, you may ask, well, the bedding mainly. As we don’t usually have such lovely throws, Americans seem to produce such wonderful patchwork quilted throws.
    My own version of your room would probably be simular, except dark furniture would be more appropriate to English furniture, large tallboy chests of drawers with a mirror on top, cotton lace trimming such as doyles adoring the furniture, dark wooden floorboards, and dark wooden bed or even black metal bed. White sheets and pillowcases.
    Anyway enough of an English persons point of view. I love this room, I want this room, but over here cannot get such beautiful rosebud wallpaper, unfortunately. I do have some lace trimmed curtains very simular to your wallpaper, which I have desperately been trying to find matching bedding, well a throw and wallpaper like yours, but not over here, sadly.
    You have inspired me so much with this room, you have lifted my spirit. I wish I’d been alive in Beatrix Potter’s day, I even love the clothes from that period.
    I shall bookmark your page and come back time and time again, as I just feel so relaxed looking at the pictures, so calming and tranquil. Love it.
    Well done!!! Oh and thanks so much for making my day. xxx

  22. chris consentino says:

    wow. I have been blessed by having found, and enjoyed, thru the last several years, the magic of the wall calendars that you have so lovingly fashioned, Susan. and, yes, I can truly tell that there is much love put into your work. I happened onto this site, quite by accident. I was @ Yankee magazine…and found the article about your Christmas-home. and, I just kept going and reading and smiling and I cannot thank you enough for what this has brought to me. my heart soars. your “story” is fascinating, and enchanting, and the only way I can sum it up is to say that Beatrix Potter would be proud to look down and smile upon you. she would’ve loved to know you in life as well. your Peter Rabbit room is a joy to behold. thank you, oh! thank you…for sharing and ..for being you. I could go on….and on….but, all for now. “laters” as they say. do take care, be well, have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!! bless you and yours.

    • sbranch says:

      How sweet that was Chris, thank you so much. An afternoon with Beatrix, now wouldn’t that be the cat’s meow, or the bunny’s whiskers. xoxo

  23. Meg Longley says:

    Hi Susan! How have I not heard about you before?? Just read the Yankee article and enjoyed it very much! I grew up spending part of my summers at my aunt’s house on Edgartown Great Pond. And I LOVE Beatrix Potter! I have Mrs. Floppsy Bunny on my dresser. So happy to find your wonderful blog and website! God bless you!

  24. jan staricha says:

    hi, love the room. darling.
    I have a carrot vase that is about 10″ tall.
    might go very well in the room
    you are welcome to have it, come get it !
    love jan

  25. Carolyn L Rains says:

    I gave my daughter your book at Thanksgiving because she wasn’t going to be here for Christmas. Their trip home was 10 hr. by car. When she got home she called to tell they were safe at home and she wasn’t going to bed until she finished your book. It is more than a book, it is journal of your thought that bring us into your life. Even my sweet husband of 46 years has since read it. It has touched our lives. Today it’s a rainy cloudy day in the south and I went to your blog and have been reading about Beatrix-Potter and your visit there.
    My daughter in love is getting her book at Christmas. Love, Carolyn

  26. Debby Conyers says:

    I love your Peter Rabbit Room! I have always loved Peter Rabbit, and when I was expecting our first child after fifteen years of waiting, the nursery became the Peter Rabbit Room. It was 1978, and fortunately I had bought some of the, rarely seen, at least at that time, Wedgewood Beatrix Potter design china–ostensibly for baby gifts, but it became MY first baby gift because, when we returned from our travels in Europe and England while my husband was writing his dissertation, we found that we were expecting! It was remarkable timing.

    Now I have grandchildren, my husband has passed away, and I live alone. One small compensation, however, is that I can make my house just as feminine, ruffely, lacy, etc. as I want. You make me want to have my own personal Peter Rabbit Room! At least it’s on my list.

  27. Karen says:

    I can see why your overnight guests request the Peter Rabbit room. It is absolutely charming, Susan.

  28. Mary S. says:

    Love, love, love this adorable room!! And the two built in closets on each side of the room are wonderful!! I LOVE old houses!!!
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  29. Marie says:

    I just love this room! I would very much want to sleep in that room if I were to come to visit you, which I would so love to do! Thank you for sharing, now since I really do love to “play house” as you say, I think I won’t be content until I can fix up my own little guest room with such wonderful coziness, 😀

  30. Gloria S. says:

    Oh what a beautiful room. I do declare you have been in my head! I’ve always loved playing house, and now at 62 it is even more fun! And Peter Rabbit has always been a favorite of mine, and you decorated your room just as I would have wanted! Bless you in all endeavors! 🙂

  31. Bernice Patterson says:

    Thank you Susan for your inspiration. We recently sold our family home to our daughter and her family and our wonderful son-in-law turned our double car garage into a beautiful granny flat for us. Suffice to say we had to downsize and our guest room where all my Peter Rabbit and Anne of Green Gables good stuff lived, had to go. This is where your lovely blog comes in, I may not be able to play with my stuff now but I can visit yours. Thank you so much for sharing your home with me and thanks for ” A Fine Romance”.
    Bless you.

    • sbranch says:

      One of the great things of small places is that they have only your very most beloved jewels. Plus wallpaper is so inexpensive for little rooms!

  32. KAREN RUTH from Charleston SC says:

    Would give most anything to be able to REALLY see your house. It warms me heart to see some of the same type pieces I love and have. I call my house “early attic” because everything I have either second hand or was inherited, and I LOVE it all. It’s so MUCH fun to mix whimsical with elegance and homeyness!!

    I also clicked on the Laura Ashley link, which warmed my heart to remember the wonderful contributions she gave to us! It was SOOOO disappointing when her stores closed here in the US. It was as if an era went away forever. Thanks for including this blog again!

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, early attic. Our house is really like that too. The sofas came with it for one thing … and we both like old things, Joe and I, almost everything came from yard sales, most of the dishes, or are things I bought in my 20’s which are now antiques :-), mixed with things from his great aunt when she passed. The beds are all old four-posters like the one in the Peter Rabbit Room ….

  33. Diane Jones says:

    I just finished your darling book, A Fine Romance and can’t wait to share it with friends. Ten years ago I spent a month in Kent, a few miles from Sissinghurst and Tenterden, with sidetrips to many of the places you mentioned in your book so they all came alive again. You’ve inspired me to return to England and enjoy the small villages again, there is nothing like those storybook places! Thank you for sharing your amazing talents, writing & drawing, a true gift!
    I began collecting BP figurines at age 18, first of course with Peter Rabbit and now at 74 still love them, but sadly am relinquishing them to my 3 granddaughters, one each for birthdays or Christmas. It truly pains me to give them up, but they too love them and have them displayed in their bedrooms.
    Hill Top Farm was “a pilgrimage” for me, too, truly wonderful!
    And now I’m off to the bookstore to find another of your lovely books!
    Diane Jones, Alamo, CA

    • sbranch says:

      Your granddaughters must be beside themselves to receive such wonderful gifts from you. I know you will keep just the ones you need for survival purposes. I’m so happy you liked A Fine Romance, I’m sure you can tell I loved writing it. Thanks for taking the time to write Diane. O’ to be in England . . . it’s lambing time again!

  34. Darlene Ferree says:

    I am a true Beatrix Potter fan! have watched the movie “Miss Potter” a thousand times over. She was a woman ahead of her time; so talented. I had a chance several years back to purchase some of her figurines, knowing they was no longer being made, but didn’t. How I have regretted it!

    • sbranch says:

      You can still find them and collect just one little guy at a time. Even one is wonderful. When I travel I try to pick them up (when I can find them at a decent price) so we can put them in our webstore, I think we have some there now. Keep an eye out when you go to antique stores or flea markets, there aren’t a lot of them, but there are some!

  35. MaryAnn Brougham says:

    Love, love your Beatrix Potter room!!!! When my babies (now 20 and 23) were little their bedroom was Peter Rabbit. Your room brought back memories and got my collection of figurines out. It was fun to unwrap them and display them. How many Beatrix Potter figurines do you have? Wonder how many there are? Thank you for sharing pictures of your lovely home, especially the kitties!!!

  36. Stephen says:

    When I was in my early twenties I used to buy various Beatrix Potter Beswick figurines whenever I found them and had a spare farthing or two, which wasn’t very often but then who needs to eat when you’re young? I always loved them and had forgotten how much. After discovering your blog I was reminded how precious they are; I also decided I wanted to add few more to my collection. Suffice to say, I spent the last few weeks buying several delightful figurines (we’ll say “several” since the actual number is many more than several but I don’t want to admit it). When they begin arriving I will simply tell my wife it’s all your fault! (smiley face)

    The first pie I have ever attempted is in the oven as I write. I hope it turns out but even if it doesn’t it was fun to make.

    Thanks for inspiring me!

    • sbranch says:

      Pretend to give them to her and she’ll never know! 😉 A pie is a wonderful thing!

      • Stephen says:

        Brilliant idea!

        The blueberry & blackberry pie just came out of the oven. I don’t know how it will taste but I must admit it looks fantastic.

        Thanks again and have a lovely evening!

  37. Stephen says:

    Good morning,

    Just wondering, have you ever heard of John S Goodall or seen his drawings & books? His pictures are marvelous and his wordless books divine (as are the stories he illustrated by “Miss Read”).

    This is probably silly of me to even ask but have you seen “The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends” series of cartoons based on Beatrix Potter’s books; the drawings are fun but my favourite parts are the various live-action introductions filmed at Hill Top. The director of Raymond Briggs’ “The Snowman” was involved and I think that was instrumental to the quality.

    Have a pleasant Wednesday!

    • sbranch says:

      I LOVE the colors on the The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends! And YES! John Goodall! (time, running to Gladys Taber’s today!)

  38. bernice patterson says:

    Hi there,I just have to, come visit this lovely room every so often to inspire me. When we downsized from 2000 sq. ft. to 650 sq.ft. I had to give up so much of my good old stuff that I seem to lose myself to space saving. Then I come visit here and be reminded of who I truly am, not who I was.
    Thanks again for your wonderful blog.
    Bernice from Victoria Harbour Ontario.

  39. Nancy says:

    It is getting very chilly here in Wisconsin for Peter and his friends. Could
    you tell me how you make a bonfire for them? Love all you do and thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      You need a wee teacup from a child’s tea set — it’s perfect for a votive candle. Cuddle the bunnies close, and leave it to the fairies.

  40. Sandi Skeels says:

    Aways ”comforting moments” when I visit your Peter Rabbit room…love the seasonal views tooooo !!

  41. Elisabeth Weakley says:

    I am having so very much fun checking out all your blog has to offer. It’s a new adventure for me every time I have a minute or two from classes to visit. I love the Peter Rabbit Room, ahhh, the stuff my dreams are made of.(A little paraphrase of Shakespeare.) I have a room called the Rose Room in my little house where I keep my treasures. I love your thinking about how men simply don’t quite get where Rose Rooms and Peter Rabbit Rooms are coming from in the feminine psyche. I am so grateful to my friend Susan for introducing me to your books and blog. Have a grand day!

  42. Diana Hartman says:

    Good Afternoon Susan. Let me start by saying I love your blogs, your books and
    everything you write. I would like to start reading Peter Rabbit to my 3 year old granddaughter and would like to know what book to start with. Since you have a large collection I thought you could help me with a beginners series. Thank you for your view of happy reading and also your outlook on living life to
    the fullest. Have the greatest day ever.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Diana! Beatrix Potter’s first book was Peter Rabbit . . . but each of her books truly stands alone. They’re different stories about different animals and so it really doesn’t matter where you go first. What a wonderful “project” you’ve got in store for yourself! xoxo

  43. I was looking at pinterest and came across a beautiful recipe from you, clicked on the link and it led me here, to your blog. I have seen your artwork before but have never looked anything up on the web. I have always loved it. Looking at the coco recipe and the marshmallow recipe, they were both so sweet and cheerful. Christmas is my favorite time of year! I look at a lot of Christmas/Scandinavian stuff on pinterest. Your illustrations are so very comforting. I have spent at least the past hour, possibly 2 just looking through your blog. I also subscribed! 🙂 My children are watching a movie so I have a bit of free time.. I just wanted to write and say how beautiful everything is you make. I too love Peter Rabbit and Beatrix Potter. I have bought a couple of my children Beatrix Potter themed baby stuff, baby books etc. I would love to some day have a room like yours. Right now I am pregnant with my 6th baby, I will have 3 girls and 3 boys when this little guy is born. I do plan on having lots of Peter Rabbit stuff for him as well. I’ve been embroidering things here and there for him and my other children. Well, this comment is long and I apologize! Thank you for the beautiful artwork you do! It’s a joy to look at. It is also nice to see glimpses into others lives who inspire! We live on the opposite side of the country but over here in the pnw I live on an Island in a coastal town as well.. Beautiful Anacortes, WA. someday I’d love to travel across the states to the other big ocean! Have a great night, and thank you! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      So nice to hear from you Erica . . . and congratulations on your new baby boy! I am the oldest of four girls and four boys, so I sort of lived your life for a while and know how busy, but fun, it can be. Thank you for taking time to say hello!

  44. Lois E. Miller says:

    Would you be interested in a beautiful all cream colored Peter Rabbit chandelier?
    The rabbit stands 18″. Will send picture if you are interested. Thanks.

    • sbranch says:

      I would, but I am already bedecked to the inth degree so I think I will say no, but thank you so much for the sweet thought!

  45. Jennifer says:

    Hi Susan,

    I bought A Fine Romance as a souvenir of the Lake District but I wish I had read it before. I will just have to go back! Wondering if you have ever found Judi Dench reading Peter rabbit as you talked about in the restaurant. I can not find it anywhere? Any ideas?

    Thanks a bunch,
    Jennifer on another island very far away from you (O’ahu)

  46. Kaye Wilson says:

    You have given me assurance and encouragement that dreams and fairy tales really do come true. I’m so glad you have shared your own life fairy tale, it gives readers like me “hope”, as well as pure enjoyment. I love entering your fairy tale world every time I open one of your books, calendars, cookbooks. Your experiences, your words, and your sweet simple illustrations all speak to me, in such a good way. I just found out you’ll be coming to the Tattered Cover in Denver in May, and my tears of joy are overflowing! I can hardly wait to meet you!

  47. Gee Gee Hanson says:

    Your Peter Rabbit room is a treasure… I have a similar room in my home.. Its
    housed in the casita attached to the house. I call it “the nursery”. When we moved to our California desert home, I recreated the nursery that housed our three grandchildren when they visited (they were there a lot). It has dolls, bears, a dolly Christmas tree (up all year) The room is in shades of pink (for Chantelle), lavender (for Amanda) and blue (for Sean). They still visit and love the room. They are now 26, 23 & 21. I couldn’t see letting all the love I put into that room go to waste. Adult visitors love the room, too.

    • sbranch says:

      You did the right thing, keeping it! Although my Peter Rabbit room is the smallest bedroom in the house, my visitors from other places fight for it! We are all kids inside, forever.

  48. Becky Ross says:

    We are kindred spirits. I have loved your books & artwork forever. I was born in 1946 so we are “vintage” together. When I read your Fine Romance I flipped out as I had planned my own trip to England with 9 of my best buddies: three of these ladies were my bridesmaids years ago… We were literally three days behind you during our Jubilee Queen’s trip. Everywhere you went, we were right behind you. Beatrix Potter’s Lakes District and staying in the Bed & Breakfast small hotel she purchased for her Mother (Lindeth Howe). I cried when we walked in that darling inn that looked out at the lake and gardens. Everything you LOVE, I LOVE… can we please sit down & have a cup of tea together? I have soooo much to share with you. I have all the Beatrix Potter figurines, have read all her stories to all my grandchildren for years: I love picket fences, gardens, antiques, my Mother’s beautiful items in my English Manor house in Kansas City, doll houses, blue & white dishes, bunnies, my high school boyfriend husband, Ray & our little white Westie, Cadillac Mac; you name it, I love it! In addition, I have had a Peter Rabbit bedroom for years. The furniture was my Great Aunt Emma’s from the 20’s with cobalt blue glass in the trim of the mirrors; so beautiful. When I went to Mark Twain’s home in Conn I was in awe, just like you. We have the same heroes. We are definitely on the same page, my dear girl. I have been a travel agent for the last 20 years and adore travel & I adore YOU! Thank you for inspiring me in so many ways…

  49. Kristie says:

    So, so, so happy I found your website! I stumbled upon it from another new favorite inspiration, The Cottage Nest. I have taken time almost each day to peruse a new page on your site and it delights me every time. This room is such a dream – so well thought out and contributed to. I just moved into my very first owned house and am so excited about making it the best home I can and to see it evolve over the years. I also have a slight obsession with England, went there for my honeymoon in summer 2014. It was all I had dreamed of and more. Ready for trip number 2 😉

    Well, thanks for sharing and inspiring and being a reminder of the good things in life!


    • sbranch says:

      Congratulations on your new home Kristie, that’s so exciting. Have fun! I thought I had a “slight” obsession after my first trip, but now, it’s full-blown!

  50. Kari says:

    This is such a perfect tour to inspire anyone to gather goodness and charm together in a soothing space. It feels like touring a special bed and breakfast and I am so glad you will be snuggled at home soon to welcome springtime on the Island. Thank you for the tour!

  51. Carol Kennedy says:

    What an absolutely wonderful room!! Warm, cozy, comforting, inspiring – just lovely!!

  52. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    I’m so very happy you save all the blogs. Makes my heart happy to revisit with a glass of lemonade in the shade of a tree after a busy morning. I love your room. So sweet and summery……

  53. Rose Ann Bacher-Giallombardo says:

    I just happened upon this older blog & I’m so happy that I did 🙂 My husband Joe & I are moving into a lovely townhouse in 2 weeks & I want it to feel like home from the moment we walk through the front door. Susan, after reading this blog, I feel inspired to make the spare bedroom of our new place to call home . . . A “Peter Rabbit Room”, w/ my old 4 poster, Cannonball bed & all.
    Of course there will be my collection of Beatrice Potter figurines!
    Thank you Susan for all your heart warming ideas.

  54. Anita says:

    Hi Susan! I just discovered your blog today and really love reading about your Beatrix Potter experiences. I notice you have a Peter Rabbit with a carrot in his mouth on top of a stack of books in your “Peter Rabbit Room.” Is that a Beswick figurine? I’ve never seen that one before. Can you tell me how it looks on the bottom? Where did you find it?

  55. Katie says:


    I loved reading this post, what a beautiful room! I have just come across your blog today and have loved reading all your Beatrix Potter posts. I sell vintage and antique nature books, including some lovely vintage Beatrix Potter books and love her work so much. I live in England, and have visited Hill Top several times. It is a beautiful place and I loved reading your experience of visiting.

    Katie xx

  56. Linda A Perras says:

    What a perfectly charming room! Makes me want to curl up with a favorite book and cup of tea! Tranquility at its best!

  57. Sheil says:

    The room and everything Beatrix is perfect! I painted my daughters room when she was a child a soft pretty yellow and added a Peter Rabbit wallpaper border held there with thumbtacks. The perfect environment for a sweet child who loves books and read to her brothers. I have rabbits that come every year from the woodlands behind our home to visit and seem to enjoy letting their bunnies stay and play under my potting shed. A favorite time of year.

  58. Sheila says:

    I am currently reading The Journal of Beatrix Potter 1881-1897. Of course Beatrix would be clever enough to write in a code of her own making for her private thoughts.

  59. Bunny says:

    I cried during the tour.This room is lovely to me in every way.Having been named Bunny,I have been gifted bunnies since childhood,and being a lover of books,I have collected bunny books for years! I am sure I would feel quite at home in your little room at the back…at the top of the stairs!! I enjoyed my visit!! Thank you for having me!

  60. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    My introduction to your world was a shared picture of the Peter Rabbit room shared by a friend several years ago. I’ve been hooked on your blog and books ever since. This past week I reread MV, Isle of Dreams and it was almost like reading it for the first time – with renewed appreciation of your ability to write about your life in such an engaging manner. Muy sympatico. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m glad you are not doing all the cooking! Save that arm for more painting and writing. I’m so looking forward to the next book.

  61. Julie Buck says:

    The movie “Tootsie” has a scene where Jessica Lange talks about the wallpaper in her childhood bedroom. It was tiny rosebuds, just about to open. She talked about her childhood dreams and wishes for so many years, with the roses on the walls just waiting to open, like she was. It’s a lovely little scene. That wallpaper you have in Peter’s room must be exactly the wallpaper she was talking about.

  62. Sylvia Shroades says:

    I used to have a Peter Rabbit room and it was also my guest room, I loved it. Since I am a widow and 82 years old, I sold my house and moved to a retirement center in a little cottage. I no longer have a Peter Rabbit room, but my bedroom still has many of my Peter Rabbit/Beatrix Potter collection. Till my dying day, Peter Rabbit and friends will be my friends. I live in central California.

  63. Tammy Stewart says:

    Every so often I find myself coming to this Peter Rabbit page. It brings me such comfort and warmth on the inside! Especially on a day like today, when it is rainy and grey outside. Thanks for sharing!

  64. I loved “A Fine Romance”. which led me to your web site. I so enjoyed everything I could click on. My husband passed away June 2019 and I am just coming out of the numbness of the first year. I hope you are well and happy. I am 84 and still have hope of traveling again after COVID subsides. I re-read A Fine Romance again and again. I am so glad you got to make that trip! I hope to stay well enough so that I can visit England. My step-daughter lives in Devon and my husband and I got to visit her in early 2011. Hope for another trip someday.

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds perfect for when we get past that light at the end of the tunnel. I can only imagine how hard this already-difficult year must have been for you, I’m so sorry, “numbness” describes it perfectly . . . but your looking to the future is such a good healthy sign. Having something to look forward to is so healing. Welcome to our neighborhood Dawn! Lots of kindred spirits here! ❌⭕️

  65. Ginny Atkinson says:

    I discovered my first Beatrix Potter figurine in a duty free shop in Heathrow airport before boarding for home in America. It was 1980 and I had been on a European trip with the art department of Memphis State University. I looked and looked before I finally chose Jemima Puddle Duck. I still love her and her watercolory bonnet and cloak.
    Now I have collected about 15 and my 3 year old granddaughter loves to carefully play with “the figurines”. Amazingly, only Peter has had an ear broken off, and that was when Rose, my corgi, walked over the area on the floor where they were playing.
    Thank you for your wonderful books and inspirations!

    • sbranch says:

      She was my first too, and my dear old friend at this point. Aren’t they just IMBUED with spirit and goodness? xoxoxo

  66. Alyce Martin says:

    Getting ready to visit Cape Cod in September.
    Are your studios open then?
    I love your work and your calendar proudly hangs
    on my kitchen wall every year since my retirement.
    Before that, it hung on my office wall.
    Thanks so much for all you do to brighten my world.
    Alyce Martin

    • sbranch says:

      My studio is at home in my house, so it’s not open, except to me!😂 It’s a mess! But think you for the sweet words. You will LOVE Cape Cod and the Islands if you get a chance to ferry over . . . a beautiful time of year! 💖

  67. Katy Welty says:


    Hi Sue, I wrote to you about framing “Reasons to Go On Living” and keeping it in the Crisis Room at the agency where I worked, and told you about bunny binkies when your Dad passed. I had a horrific accident and a broken neck and my sons donated my 3 bunnies to a wildlife sanctuary in No. AZ. I’m home now with a new bunny named Shugar. Your outlook on life matches mine and I’m so glad I found you 30 years ago! Love, Katy and Shugar in Prescott, AZ.

    • sbranch says:

      I love hearing from you Katy. Can’t believe what you’ve been through, but your spirit is still shining through! Blessings on you and Shugar! xoxoxo

  68. Dianne Carrol says:

    Hello Susan, I just finished enjoying all the wonderful pictures you included of Holly Oak. I loved seeing the deck your Dad made for you from that angle. It brought tears to my eyes because I always loved your Dad and how you wrote about him reading and giving his blessing over all your books before you printed them.
    A fellow Leo, I also liked how your Dad expressed his feelings of your “X”. I would have gladly joined your Dad in tracking that ego- brain “X”down to beat the beans out of him way back then. But he was a stepping stone in finding your true life wonderful mate JOE in Marthas Vineyard. So I guess we’ll let him live. I have all your books and reread them all the time especially the Christmas Book that made me cry. All The best! Dianne

    • sbranch says:

      Yup, he was my guardian angel … his job was to get me to Martha’s Vineyard, and he did it perfectly. I’ve thanked him many times!☺️ Thankyou Dianne!

  69. Pat says:

    I loved your Peter Rabbit room and love the movie Miss Potter! I like how you celebrate the first day of each month with “Rabbit, rabbit!” I have a nice collection of rabbits but have downsized and don’t know what to do with them. I hope to find a good home for them. I enjoy your blog every time it comes out! It brings back many of my own similar childhood memories. Blessings to you and your family and have a safe trip to your new old home in California 😊

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