Here we are, leaving Nantucket Harbor . . .heading home to Martha’s Vineyard . . . MUSICA . . .

leaving Nantucket

Home sweet Home


It was a short trip, but oh so sweet, we really needed a little summer break, all work and no play makes us dull boys.  It’s just so amazing to me that this “other world” is only a one-hour-and-ten-minute boat ride away.  Must do more of this!  I promised you lots more pictures Girlfriends, and here they are . . .


This gate with the little pathway and trellis in Sconset . . .

One of Beatrix's lovely paintings

reminded me of one of my favorite paintings by Beatrix Potter . . .


I showed you some photos of the tiny village of Sconset at the eastern end of Nantucket in my last post, but I’m from the school of “there can never be enough” when it comes to this charming village . . . so here we are again . . .


With small closely-packed cottages, picket fences and porches, and streets made from clam shells . . .



And lovely flower gardens wherever there is a patch of dirt . . .


flower border


flower border


You can see the rose trellises they put on the roofs here . . . lots of houses have them.

flower border


Another trellis on this house . . .The oldest house in Sconset is called “Auld Lang Syne” and was built around 1670.

Time heals


Could you ever tire of this?  No, me either.

flower border


We went to dinner one night here at the Chanticleer Restaurant, just up the street from those little clam shell streets.  One of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen. If you ever get the chance to come here, I think you would love this.


There are several eating areas to choose from . . . this is one of the outdoor porches . . .



There is another outdoor porch on the left of this photo . . . the two porches go down both sides of this lawn . . . that’s the main dining room inside those windows, for those chilly nights when you need a crackling fire to have dinner by.



But not this perfectly mild evening . . . By the time we left, these tables were full of people eating outside under the stars.


We chose to have a table on the indoor porch overlooking the back garden . . . this is the table across from us.  Do you see the roses?  It was really just this beautiful . . . There’s also a bar where you can eat where they had live Jazz.  But in this room (our room), they played French music.

rose and hearts


We had Pink wine . . .


Our toast . . . Here’s to beauty! And Mas MUSICA . . .


The fresh island-grown tomatoes were so sweet, they tasted just like they look . . .


And what vacation would be complete without these?



The Chanticleer is almost covered in ivy . . .

And then, off we go the next morning to Nantucket Town . . . this is the main town on the island . . .


The crosswalks are brick, the original roads are still cobblestone . . . the island is very much protected by the Nantucket Conservation Foundation.  There are many rules about what can and cannot happen here. I’m not a person who loves rules, but I’m glad they have them on Nantucket.


Because it never changes.  The cobblestone streets were built one stone at a time many years ago, not many towns in America have these! They aren’t that good for stiletto heels (if you thought you might be wearing them, I would suggest you think again . . . ) and they are bumpy to drive on, but they will be staying despite all of that.



There are lots of interesting one-of-a-kind shops too, it’s truly a browser’s paradise.




This three story brick building was built in 1772 complete with widow’s walk to get a good view of the ships coming back from sea . . . you can read about Historic Nantucket here ~ Nantucket was the home port for the ships that took part in the Boston Tea Party. How about that!


Downtown Nantucket just after alighting from the way-back machine. Of course I love color, but there is something about these wonderful old black and white photos.


All roads lead to Nantucket!


For lunch this day we went over to Galley Beach Restaurant . . . Could it get any better?  No, really, this is just about as good as it gets.  That is our table right there on the left, the first one. If I lived here I would bring my book and come here every day!



If we looked out to the right, we saw the beach, if we looked to the left, we saw this . . .

The galley menu

If we looked down, we saw the menu . . .


And then this . . . under all these crisp-cooked island vegetables is fresh melt-in-your-mouth codfish surrounded in Lemon Beurre Blanc Sauce . . .


Then back to the house for a nap on the porch amongst a yard full of bunnies who seem to trust us (except the look in that eye says, “Yes, I trust you, but don’t try anything.”)



This is where we were staying . . . I think the original part of the house was built in around 1860.

beautiful old photo

This is just part of the reason I think that . . . the house is filled with photos like this . . .


You can just see the widow’s walk behind the white chimney in the photo of the house above, and here, we’ve climbed the attic stairs and gone through a door in the roof for a bird’s eye view  of the bay. . .


More view from the top . . .


And I took a few more photos inside . . . this is one of the cozy guest bedrooms . . . Every room has books in it, good ones too.


It’s a house of memories . . .


Another peaceful bedroom . . .


This recipe was on the wall in the kitchen, Cousin Hattie’s Apple Pie, a family recipe I’m sure . . . It must be delicious!  It has cinnamon, apples, nutmeg and bourbon in it!  Worth framing!

Family faces


A house with kitty feet on the stairs.

nantucketA house of history.


Old photos, paintings, quilts, pillows, books and rugs, nothing matching, everything old and homey and real . . .


A whole wall of family height measurements, initials and dates . . . you see 1928, 1957, 1971, and so many more . . . amazing . . .


And lots of paintings of the house . . .

my paintbrush, doing what comes naturally


 I worked on my book in the early mornings, with this as my view as the sun rose. Oh Girls, I’m loving writing this book.  

world view


 Time marches on, our last sunset, so quiet and peaceful, and time to go home . . .

leaving nantucket

Here we are, in Nantucket Harbor, on board the Hyline, getting ready to depart . . .


This is what it looks like on the inside of our boat . . . quite comfy, there’s a snack bar, and we have a table.


Here’s the view out the front of the boat . . .


And, we’re off! The view from my window . . .

IMG_6297 Leaving the harbor, past the lighthouse, and this big boat just coming in . . .lucky them!


I took this from the window, that’s the same big boat curling around the harbor . . .


And off we go . . . Our little getaway is over.  But we learned one thing for sure . . . we should not wait ten years before we do this again! Deep breath, ocean air, sparkling day, cry of seagulls overhead, good memories . . . so lucky. ♥  Now back to reality . . .

island view


Love you Hope you liked that! See you soon! XOXO

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How do you feel about a trip to Nantucket?  You’ll have to leave him . . . can you do it? Perhaps a little MUSICA will help.


I tell you it is not easy . . .

Girl Kitty wave Bye Bye

How about Girl Kitty?  It’s hard saying goodbye, but they have darling people, Jessica and Bob, staying with them, so it will be OK.  They have been trained in the fine art of rubber-band shooting.

island hopping

So here we go.  Dropped off by Joe’s sister in Oak Bluffs, that’s our boat straight ahead, coming to get us.



We’re going island hopping . . . My kind of travel, no car and this is the view out the window from our table on the fast ferry as we’re leaving the harbor.

island hopping

from the beach

Passing all the summer frolickers . . . not the clearest of pictures because the windows on the boat were a wee bit salty!


One hour and ten minutes of smooth ocean travel wearing lovely sea bands just in case, and voila, we pull into downtown Nantucket where we are met by our dear friend and whisked away to his August hideaway . . .


. . . he rented this most glorious house and invited us to come over for a visit and thank goodness we did not foolishly come up with some sort of thing like Oh no, we can’t go, we have to work!  (For a change.)  You know how “house crazy” I am . . . well Nantucket is the place to indulge. Cutest places here, I just stared out the window as we were driving along, and then . . . this!  Can you imagine a more comfortable place to sit, talk, hangout?  No, me either. Get ready, there’s more . . .


Go out that door in the previous photo, you have your choice of THREE of these lovely seating areas on different parts of the deck. You can knit, you can read, you can write letters, you can nap, you can drink wine, you can stare blindly at the ocean.


island hoping

With the quietest most lovely view, and the ocean breeze bobbing the lanterns around.


And rather a nice front row seat for the sunset . . .


The view, along with the light wind, makes all the little hairs on your arms stand right up; you pull your shawl a little closer.  Now watch what these lanterns do . . .

island hopping

Ahhhhh!!!!  They’re solar powered; they come on all by themselves.  Aren’t they wonderful?

Nantucket view

I’ve never seen them before but they were very close to magic as far as I’m concerned.  I got right on it . . . if you want these,  here’s where you go to get them . . .

our room And soon, it was bedtime, we had a room with a view . . . and slept with the ocean outside our windows.

dining room

Thought you would like to see the dining room where we had our tea this morning.  Is this not a little bit of heaven? These wooden walls smell sooooo good! (I love traveling with you, we like so many of the same things!)

pictures like this

This house is old and has been in the same family for generations . . . the rooms are filled with photos like these. They are so lucky someone held on to these precious memories.


But this is my favorite, a shelf-desk just like the one Louisa May Alcott had in her bedroom. And the house is filled with books.


It’s kind of like a rambling old camp . . . seven or eight bedrooms in different wings, and there’s one wall where family members have been measuring themselves with dated pencil marks and initials since 1910.


This morning we went for walk in Sconset, which is on the other side of the island from where we came in on the boat, and very peaceful and quiet, especially during the week.  Especially at 7 am.

Back in the whaling days, the whale blubber (and other whale parts) smelled so bad, that the families built themselves “summer houses” on the other side of the island to escape it. Hence we have the darling town of Siasconset or “Sconset.”


Worth the getting-up and getting-out for . . . the day is fresh and the window boxes are fluffed on all the darling old houses…


It reminds me of England . . .a chip off the olde blocke.


On one side of the street is that long walk along the ocean, and on the other side are houses facing the water. Here are a few we saw along the way.


From the name over the door, we are led to believe these people aren’t home much, but if this was mine I would change the name to Seldom Out.  It might not make as much sense, but it would definitely be closer to the truth.


Look how they continued the hedge in the back (left side of house) off the roof line and across the back.  Is that brilliant or what?  Then they took all the square lines and rounded them out with the smiling fence.

island hopping

You want to stop for tea in every one of them.  Knock-knock, can I please come in?  Just a quick cup of tea, a nap with your kitty and I’ll be on my way.


It’s all fences and hydrangeas.


Fences, roses and porches . . . and charm . . . (Musica? Same song, same place . . . One more time.  Happy Summer my dear friends!)


And more porches, the kind you dream about . . . and roses grow on trellises on roofs!


Porches with stripes and pillows and wicker and rocking chairs . . . and starfish in the windows.


bikes and porches

more hydrangea and bikes with baskets . . . love-love-love it.


And lots of driveways made from crushed clam and oyster shells . . .



Too early for a swim in the pool . . . but I’d say it looks like the perfect place for lunch. 


This used to be the town water pump a long, long time ago . . . see the plaque on the rock, below right?


Here it is up close:  “The well was dug in 1776.”  Out here on this bitty island, less than half the size of Martha’s Vineyard, even then, teeming with life and determination.


And adorable houses like this one right across the street from the well.


A couple of blocks over, this is the only business on this part of the island. They have fancy groceries.


And the basics . . .


You can see why it might be popular.

Island hopping

When we got back to where we’re staying . . . I walked right out the door to take us down the little path to the sea . . .


I knew you would want to see this lovely little beach . . . I wish I could send this breeze to you via Internet Express.


This is the view when you look to the right . . .

IMG_6136 And here it is when you look to the left.  You have it all to yourself.

The house

And this is the house as you walk back up to it from the water .  .  .  I have other pictures of the bedrooms ~ in case you’d like to see more.  We’ll be here for a couple of days.  I’ll take my camera everywhere!


But, in the meantime, I also wanted to update you on AUTUMN.  I’ve been getting letters asking for an update, so here you go.  Just before we left I got a sample of the finished product! I am thrilled with the way it looks.  There’s our long awaited ribbon, securely fastened in our new book.  Finally!  I love how it looks. What do you think of the color?  It’s like wine, brownish wine, fallish leafy color of New England.



This is such perfect timing, I am so ready for fall, I can’t help it, it’s my favorite season and we’re so on the verge right now — singing crickets and little cool breezes in the woods. The printer is saying he’s trying to have the rest of the books to us in two weeks. We are keeping our fingers crossed.  For sure, the second it comes in, out it will go, signed, to you and yours.


new logo

Autumn is the very first book from Spring Street Publishing so you’ll see this, our new logo, inside the book for the first time.  We are very excited in more ways than one.


Because being “in charge” means that our little bookie-book gets a new logo, a ribbon, a sticker and a new start on life for anyone who may have missed it ten years ago. And that makes me happy.

leaves  And, let’s see, I had something else I wanted to show you . . 


Ah yes, this darling Pig pitcher.  He looks especially cute right now in my pantry, and he matches my elephant creamer! (The elephant is vintage, you have to find him in antique stores ~ once in a while, when I’m out and about, if I find an extra, we put him in our vintage store, so keep an eye out there if you’re interested).



Anyway, we found this beautiful little pig brand new and actually got a few of them in stock in case anyone else needs a perfect creamer for a large tea party, or for the myriad of other uses for which pitchers are famous.



He looks like he’s singing!



I think he’s adorable . . . I just got him a couple of days before we left, so far he has put milk on our cereal and that’s all we’ve had time for.  But, he made Joe smile (indulgently).

pink border


There’s a little spoon/teabag holder that matches, and I think there are a couple other piggy things in our store.  I really needed the spoon holder!


And soon, coming to a neighborhood near you, Janie has made us a wonderful new fall banner!

fall leaves

 And now, back to our regularly scheduled programing!  Nap on porch anyone? XOXO 

sb border


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