I’m Just One Person . . .

If you’re like me, you might be asking yourself, what can I do?  I’m just one person.

In the aftermath of the tragedy in Connecticut, I’ve been burrowed in, connecting with my family and my friends, wrapping presents, baking cookies, driving around the island with Joe looking at the lights and decorations, working on my book and watching old movies, but always with sadness and a kind of sick feeling that won’t go away; the worst of it has been how helpless I’ve felt.

Gabby Giffords broke my heart, that young good woman. The Colorado movie theater was a senseless nightmare; twelve people died, fifty-eight people were wounded by a mentally ill man with an assault weapon.  Now they are burying innocent children and young teachers.

These terrible deaths and all this heartbreak cannot be for nothing, it just has to mean something.

The only thing I know; to write letters.  And now, there seem to be so many of us moms, grandmas, sisters, aunties, daddies, brothers, and best friends, thinking alike; I thought I’d gather together some links to make it easy for you to let your feelings be known in case you feel like I do, like you want to do something.

Here’s the way you can find out who your congressperson is in the House of Representatives. When you get his name, Google him, there will be a contact for him, a phone number or email address you can write to.

This is a Petition to the House of Representatives and the Senate you can sign . . . Right now, at gun shows, where 40% of guns are purchased, no background checks are required.  We, the people, have to take off our shoes in airports, but anyone, including terrorists (and criminals and mentally ill) can legally buy assault weapons in this country.  A sensible woman does not agree with this.

You can sign a White House petition for better mental health care.

Here’s one to Ban Assault Weapons.  Also, Diane Feinstein, Senator from California has a bill ready to go to Ban Assault Weapons and those big clips with hundreds of bullets in them.  She says we should “get weapons of war off the street.” Supporting this woman in her quest is the sensible thing.

Wal-mart, you will be happy to learn, has just pulled the Bushmaster Assault Rifle off its shelves. This is a very good sign. (Wal-mart sells assault weapons? Really?)

Write or call the White House or your Representative to see what we can do to ban violent video games which our Supreme Court in its infinite wisdom has deemed “free speech.”

One of the good guys spoke out yesterday, and made me cry.  I detected a little Superman cape around this guy …. perhaps an “S” on his T-shirt. Proud of him. Proud of the way people are coming together to grieve, to pray, and to find answers.

After today, I am going back to real life and do a new post all about love, fun, happiness, joy, all the little things that make life sweet. I’m going to play happy music and show you what Jack has been doing.  My real job.    I love you, Girlfriends.  Wishing you a wonderful day. xoxo

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Feeding your Faithful Soul . . .

O my girlfriends, hasn’t it been a difficult time?   I am so sorry.  We need a wonderful old Christmas song.  We need to feed our souls.

 I burn a candle; sit in the dark with the Christmas tree lights, and say prayers. I let tears fall, and count my blessings.  Counting my blessings is what I do to honor those lost lives.  Loving the sky, the trees, the air that God gave us.  I bow to our humanity.  I watched the news for as long as I could stand it.  Then I did what feels right; I fought for my own child’s soul of innocence that still lives inside me; and turned the channel. Lincoln is playing at the movie theater in town, we are going today.  Last night we watched Miracle on 34th Street and after that White Christmas; affording me more sofa sobbing.  I made Cream of Rice this morning, with chopped apples and cinnamon  . . . I painted a little thatched-roof cottage in England; Jack never stops climbing into my lap with his ball; Girl Kitty wraps her warm self around my legs as I sleep.  I feel so very blessed, so very sad.  I wish I could do more.  But I won’t forget.

 Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

 Kahlil Gibran

“We are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself…”  

I watched THIS, and cried, was reminded what a very beautiful world it is, filled with wonderful caring people.

It’s another day.  How will you honor the life you have?  Think small.  XOXO

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