Good Bye Queen Mary II

Our last day was so beautiful!  We started off by walking around the deck six times —  which equals two glorious miles of very nice view and clean ocean air!  The sun was shining, there were seagulls flying along with us, Irish seagulls, because that’s the closest coastline!  We’ve never been so happy!  We’re almost there!

We’re packing now and putting our twelve (12) bags, yes, embarrassing (and that’s not even counting your bags!!!), outside our room for collection right now.  We’re probably going to take up the whole hallway.  While I’m typing, Joe is putting the bags out. Then we go to sleep (or we try) and then we dock at 6:30 am tomorrow, May 11, and disembark at 9:30!  It’s hard to leave because it’s been such an awesome trip (awesome really is the correct word!) but wonderful to know we get to do it again in about seven weeks!

Here we are, earlier tonight, in Lowely’s charming Uncle Michael’s (he’s between me and Joe) beautiful two-story stateroom for a Bon Voyage to the Queen Mary cocktail party!  They (Michael and Ken) are off to Rome tomorrow, and we are off to Beatrix Potter’s House via lots and lots of gardens!  That’s my new haircut, which actually, despite the fact that to you it probably looks just the same as it always does, is a really good haircut!  I will have to travel on ships every two months for the rest of my life because I always get my best haircuts on ocean liners!  Too bad, but it must be done!

I can’t believe whoever is in charge of the internet on this boat just let me put up these  photos; I will not push my luck and just live to believe that in England I will have more of everything a person needs to do a blog in less than three hours per post!  But tomorrow girlfriends, we are going to pick up our car, then all pile in (I know, difficult for us all to fit after what they’ve been feeding us, but we’ll work it off soon, by walking around wonderful gardens!) for the trip east to Tenterden in Kent, where we have an apartment (don’t know exactly what it will be like!  It’s an adventure!) on the High Street!  We will be stopping for lunch at the same exact place we stopped the very first time Joe and I came to England together.  The restaurant is perched on a cliff over the water.  You’ll like it!  I may not get the computer hooked-up tomorrow; we have driving, map-reading, unpacking, and grocery shopping to do, but I’ll try!  Depends on the internet-powers-that-be!  We stay in our Tenterden apartment for two glorious weeks.  Get ready because we’re going to take you to some wonderful places!  My dad and his wife Jeanie got this dream necklace for us just before we left. ♥ XOXO

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Go See Twitter!

Hi Girls, I was able to send lots of photos to Twitter this morning . . . much easier than sending here to the blog!  I got out the Spy Cam last night in the Chart Room and also showed you the Captain’s Table, we are truly having a wonderful time on this amazingly romantic ship . . . Go see!

Tomorrow is our last full day at sea!  We arrive in Southampton at 6:30 am on May 11; pick up our rental car, and we’re on our way, off onto the wrong side of the road; please, Watch out England, here we come!
 It’s 7:30 am and we have gale force 8 winds!  Blowing up out there!  Heavy clouds flying across the sky; the sea is dark; rolling swells with whitecaps; scawy (this needs to be pronounced phonetically) but beautiful in the way of Nature.  There are hard little thuds when the ship hits the sea, or when waves slam into the side of the boat; you can hear the wind trying to get into the crack of the door, there’s a tiny howling; I’m feeling aware that we’re separated from the surreal scene outside only by a nice thick, extremely substantial, glass door.  Good!

It’s cozy and warm in the rocking, sometimes creaking, cocoon, stateroom.  Even though it looks like it’s raining, it’s not!  Room service brought us delicious crunchy potato pancakes, watermelon and pineapple slices, English muffins and orange marmalade, coffee and cream.  The TV plays soft classical music, violins and cellos to start the day; and I can see the sun is trying to break through.  Another day . . . I get my haircut at 11, but now, I think it’s time for a nap!

“Sing Ho! for the life of a bear!”
Loved this from Dorothy Ann!
“My soul is full of longing
For the secret of the sea,
And the heart of the great ocean
Sends a thrilling pulse through me”.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow –
Luv from * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
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